4 jt4 8 trtrxlty w Of Aay Other Dally ftrw -fjmt fsiflilsd le WBatiagteav. . M . W I i -raa ititx. i W The itforniucj tnt. OUTUHES. Boyeaea, &a (jatearo vosiu Mcaatir wrot 1t acrascd of staallnr. hT ft WhUaPprlaga. N. CL XMf Ea arrested la PeUadelehla M riB;iui m am wui, is eaarred ettt saarder committed la inu (ouil?. N. CL Later uT U4i tae Kaaralaaaa first attacked uCbrtsCaaa la ia rtocag Band ay a fWirst. uaqauuag rumors raneat reeardiar the siixaroa la rf.a. chary treats rrocrtad at j toil la aomeru ork yse aWjy asoralag. The Turkic nrsssat uu wllhdrawal cf U. 4 ri!s from Beirut rJ"iy lioosaad Turkish troops are to (ooMelraie at AdrUaopI. Tha Tjrtaa eaabaaay la Loadoa daclaree tui u reporle of anase-acrea emaaa lif fi-oaa Baigerla are xXTrild. Prof. Lvaxlsy airsala waa - dtcela yaatarday. IlloCar ntuiH at Beirut; si; pa are eloaed mI street uautM ; sua oa board the r 4 warship ara uadar arm and iwir to disembark at a r!rssj from u L. a eoeaulata, A spectator tu uci as uiuou, auca by a ndMg aaloeBObua. The Da?o crre eeapeJga I Oi!a opened at lira a wtti rpiachee by Tom L. Joha muJoOvi -AnoUr of to bacco otrtkuu la nrw l ork ara eaid UM sx la tlildt treSa.la to- kta Bala Low la ta4orM4 aa is rjioa caadldat for Mayor of 5 York city. A mob la CVcao attempt to lynch a arra ka k4 murdered a white ma a. New York markets: Moaay oa ca:l at 13. par caat: eoUoa rUady at U3e;t oat tu alaadr.at tbacioaa; kai root troar, Ua. S rad ; jra-tpot taty; Nx S t?Ji: oata -o firaa, ftov S 83; roaia firat; ainta tarpaatlaa firai at 5t. WEATHER REPORT. U.aDaTrorAoaxctXTraa, ) Waurnxa DraxAC, WnjcjOTOs, N. CL, &pt t. ) MtieoroiocVal daU for tha tweaty tear bear eadla at 8 P. M. t raaratarea: 8 A. TJ dearreea: P. bU. Tt decree: aoazlaaaa. 0Jde t rn : aalalaa a aeTQ dearreea ; aaeaa, 7f dure ct water la tha Cape Tear at FayeUeTtlK N. Ct, at 8 A. M. LI feeL KeiefaU for tha day. .00; raiafall .- first of taa aaoala to date, .40 ea. roaeruer roat to-dat. -Waaaixtftoa. Bepf. t.Tor North CeraZlaa: Oeaerally fair Tbareday aad rrtday, llfbttofraaeaettoaoatb viada 8afMa... bVSSA.M, ftiiS(i CIS P.M. tHy-a Laacta UU.37af. Ui4k Wtur at BoaLhport. A. M, II i b Wfciar WUmfacVM . 11.061. bf. Tba rmc qautioo mrni to b eU U4 la Elvoo!, IaL, aa no negroes aia allovadia ihaiiOYa. II U nil tUt 75.000 canivk&et atj 500 km of baer . vara ucd at n of LLa CCI Drrery clcnic !a X York. Tha Coatoo natToaa ara oov caa lariax t&a Prcai!aat for hit approTal of Cookar Vaailsstoa. Conpli- Eon, X. Y.t arpriBc4 hex tnt 130V rtona ef tha iaaoa last Stariaj. MGoc4 o!i Eooarr t ttHl llajtrt with cj dovs thia hovarar. Tha Ekawni IXfpeSdL mji: Thy ara goicjc to try JU la Ed tacky for another ranrler. - If tlrf contkt hia they caa't basx Ha a 3 til b arrra oat klk Ufa term la :a xoiuotlary, ani the a ha win a-'t mia4 t&a ehoklaf. It u do aaii tLat more thaa tiO, 0m ao4 par hip 1100,000, U loat to Se. MkW a lYoUataat ZpUeopal Carcb ia Jftv York tliroa fofria aal xaijTroiriaUoBJ bj U. L F-boo, who a few dajt XO it.::. Mrs. Faaala raUea ani him A mm waa prtTtnUd from com ttloj ralciJa la Chicago rlrer tha 'hr dftj by a policeman eorexiffj kn with a raTolrer aa4 declxtizz km os4er arrrat. Tho fallow obej. i or jra aal iwam oat, bat ru aa a.i j a hornet brcaoja hit pU&J r ifiUrfertd with. . Mr. Utary L. Dohlmaa. of Ko koaio, lad-, charrea hie wife, who U aotf rainj for diTorc, with op riizg a aurii; treat, ha be lot ti t!hteenth maa ah haa avirrl! m auaj jears. He wye ihe ha f ar litorced hukbanJk la Iadlaaa, ik: ia Ohio a&i Cre In other Su:. bleaaad Toojl . ProUbly tha lujtft man la tha ofM Jie4 la Ohio tha other day. Joa" Crimea U hie carae. U J jeare oi.a;tt welrheJ T poaaJj, aaJ C feat 4 ixxhee Ia -ht- WhUa rUiaj la cab hi ri wiijjht broka throojeh the b3tuai aal oca of hi 1 wvi iiei. tha woaxi rafsalsf to leal. Aa aaraarrlei womaa la Cwvs waaty tha other day appUe! tha to a maa. a eoala of here, oa tie paUie klihwif, the 13 fwllf "-"'Utfin them UTlsr ema a:I from a law rait taw pesdlrx the coorte otit aa eatai to which hota dalatto Ve heirt. thil taatple of tha New Wcmaa? VOL. LXXIL-NO. 145. PERSONAL PARAQRAPHS. if. A-aaciy B!tht from Ban Ion. w Mil Marj "Whltaker haa ra- tara4 rroa a dai!hLfal .(! ia v.. x or t. HluHarjA. Yarboroah lef t Jurda for Ilkhmoad to lJt rnaada. lfri. E. K. Brraa.1 of Eaotf. "UJ, u taa raaat of her mother. Mm ueaneua Baepard. au. J. w. Jlorchlaoa. and eaidrea UTl ytaUrtiy for Chapel luu to epaad aoma Uma. Mr. Cha. T. Bennett ha re- taraad from a plaaaaat raeatloa epeat at aia oJ4 tome la Northaaptoa ccaaiy. if earn. J. A. and W. H. Stone. prooiiaeat Toanr bthIbm m rf . . UUIa mrar, a a, epeat yaatarday la toe city. Col. K. A. McLean, of Lam tertoa, tu hare jttterday, rttaralar rrota WbJUTie, where bo a Headed Oolambaa Baperior Cbori. rajetUtiUd OlMrvtr-. "Uxu joa c UaaUor. of WHmlartoa. 1 here oa a vblt to her father, Mr.-L XL Hawlty, oa Qreea atreeL ChaxlotU Vbtmr, 19: "Mia EeUa Thomaa, of WUaoiattoa, arrired la tha eUi laat alfbt aad U thereat Mra. Jordaa 8. Thoaaaa, oa EUza belh Helcbta." THE NEW STOIT IWEEPEJtJ Aa Latrertd Dcrke Tlat VQ Save the Utj Ufa ef lleeey. ' The Blreata aad Wharree Commit tee of the dij baa closed a contract for oae of tha celebrated street eweepere, maaafactared by Chaa. IlTTaca, of New York city, aad the maehlae will be here oa sail Taeaday e ateamer The Uit price of the aweeper la $150, bat tha eoeaaalttoo neeeeded la rtl- Uar It aa a Crtt order at S323. It baa aalroa frame, four wheel aad two 8feet broom of bamboo aad rattaa. Tha part of tha maehlaa ara jroaraa- teed for eae aad two year aad the mlUee firare that It win more thaa pay for Ueeil la oae year. Upoa IU arriral tha eireeie will be ewept three aJxU per week laatead of two. aa aow. Aldermaa Bweeaey who raw aoma of tha atew machlaae la opera- Uoa la Kew York city thte 8aat- aaye the ateel frame wtll aeeot model tea aaea aad epoa the firat trip of tha WUmlaxtoa aaachlae be hope to take tha Board of Aldermen for a rfde. Aldermaa W. EL Yopp, aaother member of the committer. ehrUteaed Ut machlae "Nancy Ueeka" fraaacrf a FayttlrrCI. The mall carrier deHrery aervice will co talo aJTect la tha dly of Fay eueellle Nor. let. Tha O&eaner of yaatarday afteraooa . aaya that Poet- oSoa Iaapector T. N. Derta, whole there maklar arraafemeata for the la aaxaraxloa of the ayttem, deem It eeramry to flad ealarged ejaartera for tha poatoiaea at oaee. Bemarklaf apoa that arid race of proeperily the OUerver coaeladee : "All thla brlara forcibly to eaiad the arrow la f Beeeealty for a Federal bulMlax for thla dty. bad rroepeetlr deralopmeat are fast pproaehlax the pclal where Fayatte- etlle will be able to deeaaad each a baUdiax. to-w1l: The rapid growth of the city; thebrUllaatlaamedUte f store by the caaallxaiba of the Cpa Fear belweetCbere aad Wllmlaxtoa, aad the traaimlerioa her by Jaaoary lat ot three thooaaad alec trie borae- power from Daekhora." Tratlaaealsl U Llftee, bfiror Bpriafw bee reeelred a letter from Breury C215ord Wayae Ilart rUrr. of New York, aekla aim to be come a member of a NeUoaa! Commit- tee reeeaUy cxalied with Gea. Joe. Wbeeler ae ebairaaaa aad the Wtatera Nstioeal Bak. of New York, a treeearer Jor Ike parpoee of ralalac by popalar nbecripiioa a read to be seed forth pvrpoee of preeeatlar to Sir TbrrtBAM LlDtoa a eUver eernce a a teeUsoalal of the eeleem la which be f. k.U trr the Am erica a people. The Uea le to bare each dty la the Ualted BuUe pertlcipaU la this Uatimoalal aad Mayor Bpriater la aeaea to re- mIti kd forward aay ataoaau taat that may be offered. tale Bla Nrw Start , ( CidL A. D. Browa, one of WU- aalattoaa leadlec d moat eaterprie- laa dry rood merenaaia, jamroij soored from hie temporary etaaooa Market atraet to but paaajome aew oae of tha pretleet la the dty aad the iaterlor. filled with aa entirely new stock of foods, preeeate a see a a beaal fat to behold. Capt Browa Ii lobe eoaxratalaled epoa "tetilajt noma erala alter the race at fire and opoa fiaelar each a beau tifal place la wowa lo locate whea be retaraed. Tlrk tKluUL The WUmlBftoa Black tttoekJar wm araia tasaa iaw Oe!ilboro GlaaU la a score of of 8 to 8 for a third time oa the mitoa CLamoaa ysaterday aJeeraooa. Tbe tme elod tha eeeoa for the WUmlaftoa team, as moat cf Its member are employee the eotura eompreea. new ADYnrrmsMZNTa. Ilall & rearsall Bait. j. W. XL Foehe-eperfal aata, a W.Y.Ve A Co.-Td Kefitr." Tse fcstal yronU House la town,rs t Nona Hi -a; TAX RATE REDDCED. Commissioners Made Voluntary Redaction of IS Per Cent, for County Purposes. - THE BOARD MET YESTERDAY. Ury Beeka UmtUUi Yuttsltj Skew atrrlal lacreaae la Vela ra The ScheeJe ef New BaaeTtr WQl Bare Aaipfe Paaaa-flotra. At a pedal meeUar. of the Coaaty rjommlatkmere yesterday afteraooa aomethlag of aa agreeable surprise was sprung epoa the pabllobyth adop- Uoa of a resolution reducing by IS per ceaU all real and personal property tad poll tax levied for coaaty par for the current fiscal year and directing the sheriff to make such de duction a po a the tax book as turned orer to him Monday for collection. The preamble aad order taking the commendable actloa referred to, were unanimously adopted aa followa VYBXXXAJ: The amount oftaxe to be collected oa basis of the total tax !ery.cf8 cents aa made June 1st will be la execea of the financial needs of the coaaty,., "It is hereby ordered that the Sheriff of the coaaty dedaet from the coaaty taxea as computed aader the "abore lery IS per cent, of the amoaat of taxea charged against each tax payer for coaaty parpoaea. "It 1 farther ordered that the clerk of this Board add the foregoing order a aa amendment to the order hereto fore mad by him directing tha aheriff of this coaaty to collect the taxea charged apoa tax book Tor 1903 aad araed orer to Bail aheriff by thla BoardV- . " . . The Brut la an re that the redaetioa by the Oommlnioaere will be heartily appreciated by the public Chairman MeEechera aad members of the Board welxbed the matter carefully end foe ad that the redaetioa could be made without Impairing the efficiency of aay department of the public work aad naturally Ihry felt inclined to re lieve the bardea apoa all dtixene aa much as poedbla. The amoaat levied for coaaty parpoeee waa SSI caata oa the f 100 TalaaUoa of real aad personal property la the coaaty aad was dla tribated among the several faadea follows: Geaeral fund, S3a Hoe pltaJ, 7a. ; Court House boads, aa.aad road boada 4a. The redaetioa of IS per cent bringa the rate to 83.87 cent oa the 1100 TalaaUoa instead of SSe. as before. The poll tax levied for ty parpoeee waa 8L.lt aad Chat, too. le reduced by II per cent, ur course, the State end school tax re mains unchanged at aSe. oa real aad personal property, making the total rata oa those subjects 73.87. The total poll tax will be 8X23. .Tha school tax will mot be diminished aad by the arreagemeata with the Commissioners as to the liquor tax, eta.. It maybe stated that neither the dty nor the coaatry lnatltatloaa will euffer lor lack of f aad. . Tha redaetioa of If per ceat la the taxee for coaaty parpoeee means that 84.eit.17 will remain la the pocket of individual thi year aad the Commissioners ara satisfied that the reduced rate will famish ample fund to meet the estimated expeadl- tares of 843, "3 for the current naeal year. i Before tha redaetioa waa made try the Cbmmleaioaar $183 bad been paid to the aheriff at the original rate. Those tax payer will receive back $13.66, a a result of the redaetioa. ' Chairmaa MaEachera aad Messrs. Alexander aad Babertaoa were ui member la attendance apoa yeeter- daya meeting of tha Commissioners. The only other business traaaaetea wa aa order that a duplicate be Issued to riaer A Back for warrant No. 9Ji of date Ang. 6th, 1803, the original warrant having -been lost, aad mat Joha Bobiaaoa, colored, ox jeaeraj Poiat township, be allowed $3 per month oa outdoor poor list. Ike 8Ity Tax Beeka. Capt. A. L. DeBoaeet Monday com pleted a compaUUoa oi tne ty w books .which ebow a big Increase la vaJaaiioa a will be seen from the fol lowing comparative table for the part three fiscal years: ; 1 sevracr. J90J. 19V .... j tai ajsaa Toux tx.7M aoato B,US,it There are atlll about $135,000 la Tal- ua lions lo be sent down oy me MMtfn rvminlsakm to be added to the 1W3 figure above, xne lax raie, however, ba beea reduced thi year aad there will be only a alight increase l tha revenue to be aenvea oy Tha amount apoa the Taluatloa ahowa above will be ii9. ana ett rr it on no lis. making a total of $181,633.43, agaiait $145,045.68 ahowa bv the books Lul9C3 aad U7,si.o u 1901. The number of poll thi year Is 1,873 white ana a,ii making a total of 3,105. yieiamg a revenue of $11,573.14 against a total aamber of 8,753 yielding a reyeaae oi $11,103.84 la 19C3 aad total aamoer of 8,828 poll to 1WL i.ne wvai.Bao ber of aamee oa the book thla year Is a aai. about 400 more thaa laat year. The books will probably r this week lato lbs baada of the City Uier ana Tteasurer for coUeettoa. h The Dreee-maklag Depemeat at A. r--Ma snl TwirT LBDU B W M ! itran.M lmCQBilderM the mort attractive of the etore. t Est ford: I hear thenar "vara storiee about 1L laraei: adou wu.. Brown's new store. t WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1903. I LINE 0F through steamers. Caatlette Shippers' Aaaedatlea May A vaatare luelf ef Wiur Tfjperttioi f resi New York Vie Wlhalaftotv The Charlotte Observer of yester day, la reporting a meeting of tha Corporation Commission to hear the complaint of certain ahlppers of that dty against the railroads for dlscriml nation la freight ratea to that point, aaya: . . - - - "The ahlppers com plained that they were forced to pay higher ratea thaa weregreniea to weir com Deu tore in other points, and that the rate be tween Charlotte end Yarioas pointa were not equitable. ; uomparlaoea were made of the ratea on freight betweea Charlotte aad Wll- mtegtoe, Norfolk-, Lynchburg and Iilchmond. . Flrurea were civea to show that the railroad charge higher ratea per mile betweea Wilmiartoa and Charlotte thaa betweea Charlotte aad either of the other poiat men tioeea. "A petition, ukinr that the rate be equalized aad lowered, waa filed with the commissioner. The derk will Immediately eerre thla petition oa the railroads aad ask for aa an swer within the aext tea dayav If the petition la not granted, day will be act for n hearing, which will prob ably be held la Charlotte. - "If the Charlotte shippers succeed la baring the ratea betweea thla dty aad WUxolnrtoa lowered. It ia quite probable tbat a line oz throagn steamers will be established betweea the latter place and New York. Thla would result la not only giving Char lotte business men more favorable freight rate, but would Improve the aerrtce greatly." NtViatTlOa 0P THE 8 APE PEAK. Prellailaary Sarvey WQl be eeauneacea' Very Soei by Captala Bitbaak.. j Capt. 8. F. Bar bank, who la tempo rarily la charge of the TJ. 8. Engineer ing Department of the Wilmington District, le la Fayetteville for the par- pose of inaugurating a surrey of the Cape Fear river between that dly and Wilmington, with the ultimate view of making the stream navigable all the year round by mean of the sys tem of locks and dams so often spoken of la connection with the project. , ! CapL Barbank will at oaee begin the construction of a large house boat at FayetlevUl, aad It will be used by himself, and aaaudanta la making prellsBlaary sarvey of the river aad locating the locks and dame. There will be three locks and each will coat $450,000. ' The amoaat of money available for the preliminary work 1 $50,000. TAB L08AI. MARKETS ASD SmPPlHO. Cettee Secelpte Ceatlsas kitkt Scheeaer Arrrrei a4 Astker SaHti. i Bebooner "Lillian Woodruff," hence for Port-eu-Prince with cargo of lum ber, pasaed out at Boulhport yeater- day. 8chooner "Victor. CL Records,1 CapL Griffith, arrived yesterday from Philadelphia with cargo of fertiliser materia), which la being discharged at the Carolina Central wbarvea. j Cotton receipts yesterday were 865 bale, moat of which came over the W., CL ct A. railroad from the South. The market remains steady at Ue for middling. Tar advanced yester day to $1.75 per barrel oa the local market. The Champion Compress be gan operations In a email way yester day. Blaee BepL 1st the receipts have b jea only a little more thaa 800 bale. Beraeauaa'a Ceart Te-day. ! A Jewish difficulty of some propor tions win be Investigated fa a Germaa court to-day with (he assistance of three ail-American lawyer. The par- tie to the controversy are J. Lo wen- stein, M. Kaminsky and several mem bers of their respective families who live on Beeoad near Market street, aad who engaged la a free-for-all fight oa Labor Day. They will be called to account for their actio na la Justice Bornemnaaa court at 11 o'clock thla morning. The Iowenstein faction will be represented by Maradea Bel lamy, Eiqv while Kaminsky et aJL will have their cause pleaded by tier. bert MoOlammy aad A. J. Marshall, Esq.- :' " :" - ' " ;:, IsiBrevel Telegraph Service, It la said that the rislt of the Wet- Urn Union omdale.lo wumingion last week will result la Improving the company's service In this dty. It ha been, decided to string a new copper wire from New York to Wilmington, aad also to put up a direct copper wire from Wllmiagtoa to Atlaata.- The latter service will be la operatloa at aa early data.. The copper wire from New York ha already beea ballt aa far as Richmond and It will be brought on without delay. New York and At-1 lanta are the largest relay offieee la the United 8tateaand with direct wire to both places Wilmington can reach nearly every dty of Importance la the country either direct or wiia one relay. - - ' , . Waste a Lctlo ad Partaer X i Secretary Kyle, of the Chamber of Commerce, ba a letter from a gentle man la Peldmoat North Carolina who contemplates removing to Wilming ton In the early Spring and desires to correspond with parties who may be Interested In going lato a corporation to sell and manufacture furniture, deal la musical Instruments, sewing machine, eta. upon a large scale. . He suggests the formation of a stock com pany of about $10,000. capital and aaya ho la well posted opoa the possibilities of a small manufacturing plant along the llnee mentioned. Farther la for mation may be bad by applying to Secretary Kyle at the Chamber of Commerce. . ; ' Have you eeeaA. D. Browa' new Dry Qooda 8 tore t board QF ALDERMEN. Postponed Regolar Monthly : Meeting Held Usi Night ' at the City HalL NO BUSINESS OF IMPORTANCE Hospital Ambaleace . ad Police Patrol Ware Waal Elrkt of Way Over Otter Vehicle Departmental ' " ad Ceounlttee Beporfa. ' . The Board of .Aldermaa waa la aea aioa only about aa hour aad a half lst nlrht and transacted no business of very general Importance.' An ordl asace waa proposed, giving the Jamea Walker Memorial Hospital and the police patrol wagon the right of way over . all vehicles la responding to emerge icy calls, bat objection upon the part of Aldermaa Haahagen to the clause indadlng the patrol wagon, pre vented unanimous eonaent and accord- leg to law the ordinance- went over as a whole until next meeting. The usual report of committee and department were read and approved and a vast amount of other routine business waa gone through' with. V 1 . V 7 The Board was called to order by Mayor Bpringer at 8:15 P. M. and all members except Mr. . Karr were In at tendance, via: Messrs. Murrell, Moore,' B weeney W. EL Yopp, 8. . Behrends, Haahagen, W. E. Yopp, Gafford and Tieneken. Minute of previous meet- logs were read and approved. Commit tee re porta were called.- - - Chairman W. H. Yopp, of the Fi ns ace Committee, presented a bill of $305 from the county for one-half car riage hire for Board of Assessors In making lax assessments for the car- rent fiscal year. The Faanee Commit tee reported adversely on the bill, Mr. Yopp stating that he had Information that the Board of Audit aad Finance would not approve the aame, evea If recommended for payment ' by the Bard ot Aldermen.. Adverse report waa also made oa tne application xi Mra. BsdeDffe for ref and of back taxee. Both re porta of the committee were aaanlmoualy adopted. ' Chairman Sweeney, of the Sanitary Committee, reported a healthful con dition of affairs ia the city end every thing moving on nicely. Chairmen Tieneken, of the Market Committee, aaked for aa appropriation of $100, or ao much thereof as la neces sary, for the purchase of ahad benches at Front street market, which are bad ly needed. The eppropriatioa was carried. Mr. Tieneken reported the paving of the "fish ' alley" at the mar ket. Mr- Murrell said that the ahad benches should be covered with metal The whole matter waa ' referred to Chairmaa Tieneken. , Chairman Haahagen, of. the Light Committee, read from the police re ports of lights out daring the month and said that he would recommend, according to the agreement with the CL R, L. dc P. Co., that aa amoaat be deducted from the bill to make up for the deficiency. The report wa adopted. Mr. Sweeney," of the Streets and Wharves Committee, reported progress a to the work at the dty rock quarry, bat some delay by tha contractor la getting the machinery ready. The contractor complained of being unable to get material aad aaked Indulgence. Mr. Bweeaey . also reported the par- chase of the street sweeper at a cost of $385, aad Invited the Board to take a ride apoa the same whea It arrives. Mayor Springer, chairman of the com mittee, reported that Mr. Dock wa at work removing the overbardea from the rock at the quarry aad woald be ready to pat the machinery la opera tloa juet aa soon as the repair are com pleted. The mayor reported that bids had beea called for the Market street paving aad for the drainage outlined at lengh In theae columns a few days ago. . The bids will be opened aext Taeeday at ' 11 A. M. ' aad Mayor Bpringer ald he would be glad to have p recent aay member of the Board who desired to come. Mr. W. EL Yopp alio poke of the work being done la that department, - Chairman P. Q. Moore, of the Police Committee, reported the resignation of Policeman J. G. Carney. Mr. Car ney, who was present, Interrupted, aaying he wished to withdraw the res ignation aad aaked for a board inves tigation of certain charge preferred against him. The Mayor then aaked Aldermaa Gafford to read the report upon charge preferred against Officer Carney of derelictloa la duty, aome time ago. Mr. GTafford outlined the chargee and recited the deliberation of the- committee, which recommended the dismissal of the officer aad the election, of J. E. Farrow in his stead. - Mr. Tieneken spoke . of the long continued service of Mr. Car ney, and said. any policeman had a right to appeal to the boardr There wa some quibbling . about the regular order of things aad Mr, Sweeney finally moved that the report of the committee be accepted aad coa- flrsocdj aecoaded by Mr. Moore. The question waa pat and , the following votetgto confirm the report ot the com mittee: Messrs. Gafford, W. EL Yopp, Sweeney, Moore aad Murrell. Mr. Yopp explained hia rote and spoke complimentary of Mr. "Carney aad hi character. He had beea guilty-of nothing criminal. It waa almply a matter of qaalificaliona. By permission of the Board, Mr. Carney spoke and said he was not 55 nor 60 years old, either; there were older member of the force aow oa duty. This In reply to something Mr. Yopp raid about age. " Chairman Moore, - of the Fire Com mittee, reported" the resignation of Firemen J. V. Eermon and E, Harris aad the death, of Mr. J. E. Jeffries. Messrs. D. A.. Rowan, L. Burruss and R. a Smith : were elected In : their atead. .. ' - . . ' Chairman JMarre D, - of the Publ ic Building Committee, reported the pa pering of the amoklng room in the theatre at a cost of $11,70, and said that he I had hoped to have the p?ais for the newheating ayatemof the City Hall building present, but had been disappointed. However, he hoped to have them la a few day. '' Chairman Murrell suggested the moving to the present aite of VFifth ward, market hoose the Fifth ward hook and ladd r hall, and the use of the latter building aa a market hoaae..; Mr. TIeackea apoke of the great need of a market house on Castle street aad the very poor condition' of the present . one. Upon motioa . of Mr." W. E. Yopp the house waa ordered moved aad im proved at a cost of aot over $350 for repairs, etc. v. -.-t::1' -4 i Aldermaa W. H. Yopp, of the Ordi nance Committee,, said the Directors and ' Superintendent - of the .James Walker Memorial Hospital T desired that their ambulance be glvea exclu sive right of way in answering emer gency calls.- He cited the recent case of Lineman Schwartz, whose life was probably due to the fact of his quick removal to the hospital. Aa ordinance covering the case," and also Including the police patrol wagon, wa proposed, bat upon the objection of "Alderman Haahagen the aame went over, until next meeting. y. , An ordinance waa adopted requiring that ao further wooden iballdlaga . be erected la the block bounded by Front, Second, Dock and Orange streets, ex cepting those fronting on Second and on Orange streets. -, .-. -v : ' I In the absence of . Mr. B. F. King, Maj. a H. White, the assistant city clerk and treasurer, - kept a record of the proceedings of the meeting and upon conclusion of the call of commit' tees, department reports were received and ordered on fibv 'f : C . City Attorney Bellamy reported the collection of $1,057.33 inback taxes daring the month. : -t:r Cattle Weigher S. L. Yopp reporUd having paid into the treasury $37.75 a amount of fees arising from his office dariag August. : Chief Chaf SchnibbeD, of the Fire Department," reported .that 11 alarms were responded to during the month from the following causes : Spar ka from chimney 4, defective flues 3, un known 3 and defective chimney L The amount of loss will not exceed 8300. : ; : .Chief of Police Jno. J. Furlong re ported 113 arrests during the month, 40 of the defendants having been white and 73 . colored. Of the number 28 were sent to the county roads1 for an aggregate of 825 days and 16 were bound over to the Superior Court un der aggregate bonds of $1,000. - -. Dr. C. , T. Harper, city aaperlnten dent of health, reported 53 deaths dur ing August 23 white and' 30 colored; 58 birtbs24 white and 34 colored. Health officers made 4,243 inspecUons; did two fumigatlonsvisatied 751 lime and add order and quarantined one case of scarlet fever and one of diphthe ria. Trash carta removed 1,204 load and scavenger reported 1,975 premises cleaned. All weeds are being ordered cat aad the department hope to have them removed daring the moath. -- Liquor license of The Orton Bar wa transferred ; to Messrs '. Quarle Bros. J. D. Dennis we granted privilege to remove hia saloon . from present loca tion to 1,213 North Fourth street. : - : Petition of Mra. Mitt Moore, and Mis Eliza William, through their counsel, H. McClammy, Esq., asking for com promise of back taxes npoa a basis of 50 per cent, waa referred - to the Finance Committee.;'? li-.'.-ittT'i Petltloa of J. O. Brown, J. F. Lit tleton,' J. H. Holton, J. & Canady and others asking that ho more license for the operation of liquor dlgtllleries In Fifth ward be granted,, waa read and placed on file. Mr. Tieneken anggeat ed that the petition b-s borne In mind when any " further application came from that lection. - ? -'-c;A rThe Caps Fear Lumber Co.; was granted permission 1 to build a. apur track back of the Northrop mill, the same . being recommended ; by ; the Btreets and Wharves Committee. F Petition of Daniel J. Glavln, E.T. Wade, Jno. H. Beery, W. W. Baaka, James J. Allen and others, aaklng that Walhnt street from Front to Fifth street be macadamized waa ordered placed oa file as waa - also one Jrom Geo. P. Cotchett and other asking that Eighth from Princess to Orange street, be lmproved..:'V-U Pfyr Mr. Wat. E. Merrltt To Wed. ' Frieads ia Wilmington ' and ; else where have received invitation read ing aa follows: "Mrs. Florence Mearea Hall requeata the honour of your pre, enee at the marriage of her daughter Margaret to Mr. William Eraatus Mer rltt, - on Wednesday l'r morning, : the twenty-third of September, at the hoar of eleven, at home, Hallaboroi North Carolina." Mr. Merrltt Is a native of Wilmington and waa formerly a con- uctor of the A. 0. L. He ia now coa- dnctor for the 8. A. L. with headqaart era la Baldgh.- ''J' S!';V-SK Bicycle Read Rce. 'K"r'M;, Secretary: Dashaa, of the Y M. O. A., say In all probability: ajticyde race will be rua oa Thanksgiving Day from Castle Haynea to Wllmiagtoa.' He aee ao reasoa why the wheelmea of the dty should not be Interested la such a race.- The -road from Castle Haynea to Wilmington Is macadamiz ed and In fine condition. The distance I aboat nine miles. The finish line could be located at a convenient point ! in the dty. where tbe publie could witaeas the end of the race."- - Found : The place to get the latest Dry Good A. D. Brown'. . . t WHOLE NO. 11,245 Special Sale, Cosmopolitan $1.50 Shirts and Fancy Bosoms. A I have the biggest and best line of Gents' Furnishing in this eity. Lyon Brand Collars and Caff. - Lyon Brand Shirts for 75c and il -can't be' beaten. . ; . , - u; "v : ' Hvs'jsvii-ii-vs -i . ONE PBICB TO ALL. LOCAL DOTS. ; The fire alarm at 1:53 P. M. yesterday waa caused by a alight blaze at No. 512 North Ninth street.;Damage $15. lvv-.Jv.,J-v S The bnilding of Mr. I. : Shrier, at 217 North Front f itreet, ha beea rented by partie who expect to open a flrat-clasa restaurant therdn aome time thla weeK ... :; A' delightful lawn fete will be given at Fifth. Street M. E. church parsonage to-night from 8 to 11 o'clock by the N. N. S. Society. Refreshment will be served. The public Is Invited. BobertJBolden, colored,charged with carrying ;a concealed t weapon, was sent to jail by Jnstice Fowler yes terday in default of $25 bond for hia appearance at the next term - of Su perior Court CHARLEY OWENS NEEDS ATTENTION. Amaslog Reqaest : lo County for Pay for , Polllog Him Oot of the River. ,' -"Charley Owens" needs a guardian; at least this Charley! O wens, of whom we are about to speak, needs some-' body to care for him. Application has been made to the county commis sioners : for some relief, but' in the light of all clrcumatancea the com miss'oners can't see why hey are un der any particular obligations to look after "Charley." At the regular monthly meeting of the Board, Taee day, the following formal request wa handed in, and is printed here as near true to copy as the science of typo graphy will permit: . ; " aug the 3d 1903" - - Wilmington NO : to the hon Board of County Cosche- mers . I do - ask you to Pay me for Taking charley Owen out of the River as I have had to do sevel Times after which I thought it time to ask for something for my services. Dr Mc- Mlllon knows This to be True also Preton comings Dr Bell and Washing ton Xing, xou respt . . - i RE4L. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Property that Excbaaied Bead by DeeJs - - Filed for Record Yesferday. :. Joha H. Gore, Jr., and wife to Jno. W. Holmes and wife, for $850, houae and lot oa west aide of Eighth, 198 feet south of Wopster itreet, 66x165 feet In bje. . J: - D. L. Gore and wife to Samuel Bdgler for 84,000, building and lot on eaat side of Front street' 126 feet north of Ann street 73 feet on Front street and running back into the block 165 feet: icT Parallel. With New Hanover ese. Fayettteville Observer: The Coun ty Commissioners ' and Cross : Creek Stock Law Fence Commissioners were on .Monday served with a temporary injunction restraining tnem from levy-1 ing a apodal tax for the maintenance of the present fence aad tne extension of the said fence, to include a larger territory in 71st ; The in junction wa Issued at the instance or Messrs. u. s. McLean aad J. R. Carter, who allege that the levy will be unconstitutional, in that the act enlarging the fence law territory wa not read .m the Legisla ture oa three consecutive day aad the yea and nay, vote recorded; and further,- that the levy la. unconatitu- tionv ia that the people affected did not vote on the matter; and further. that It Is. contrary to the Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution. The matter will be heard before Judsre EL R. Bryan, atLumberton, on the 18tb."- Three Fire Alarms Yesterday. - -, . ' The fire laddies have had several runs for their money during the past few days. Early yesterday afternoon they had a call way . over the railroad and at 7:35 o'clock iaet night they re sponded to a false alarm from Water aad Cheaaut - About 11 o'clock laat night a amall blaze ia some lathes back of the furniture store of G. D. Pharos & Co., on Market street, called the de partment out In response to aa alarm from Water affdMarket streets. - Fire Eigiae Overtaraed. While responding to the alarm of fire from Nutt and Brunswick streets night before last, the big engine at Fourth and Princess street station was overturned at. Seeond and Brunawick. The big ateamer remained ia the ditch until yeaterday. "The damage to the engine by the accident will not exceed $5. Chief Schnibbea was oa the ap paratus at the time but escaped Injury, with others of the department Netr Unidentified. ; j. ' -r" A private autopsy performed by Dr. ' Akerman yeaterday morning disclosed the fact that the unknown negro who j died at the James Walker Memorial Hospital Monday - after being carried there unconsdous from near the Cape Fear mill, came to . his death from natural causes. Soon after the aatopsy the body of the negro, who ha never ; been Identified, was buried by the hos pital la the county burying ground. fBla Exearalon nomWszksw. . Hatch Bro. will run a bis ten-ear excursion from Waxhaw to Wilming ton and Ocean View beach on Wed nesday, : Sept 16th. Passenger will be received as far aa Clarkton. The fare la from Waxhaw to Rockingham 1 to . Wilmington :" and return, $Lz5. Hamlet to Clarkton to Wilmington and return $L Best of order.. Fifteen J year' exerieace. '; ,v. : -; . , i . : . oeooeooooooot TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Oi by EXaU. 6.C04 Six Hoatkt, 8.60 : ; Three) ' SXeatha, '.J' 1.85 1 Two Koataa, " - t.OO' BtUTUM to aabaerlban la tae ' C City at4f Ceata per BeaUu Z ogoooeooooeoeI for 79 cents, Plain, Pleated 1 9 sep 10 if "The Red 99 Don't Fail to Deaol "The Red -,-v-'' -t """" J f ; r" Keggers." Just published. C. W. YATES & CO., sep 4 tf Wilmington, N. 0. ,-,will put every; Ham and woman In tbe buying mood have -been pat upon our swelleet Low Outs, and Bummer Shoes tteneraUy. While yon have about two months in which to wear Inst theea kinds, wa most make room . for the heavier 8HOE9 for rail and Winter wear now arrrrtag- - ijowcntsorausioas ror uen, uoys, Laaies -and Children at prices which you can easily pay and cheaply finish out the season with , coolest, lightest ana most stylish Footwear. . . : lArge lots of Donglas Shoes on hand and ar riving. - . f - MERCER & EVANS CO ansau US Princess street. DDNLOP HEAL 18 MADE OF Best of Corn IN A Water Twlill and Every Bushel VeiQhs 46 . Pounds.;; As there will be . a big crop of Cotton made the .demand for ; bag ging and tie will put the price up, so bay NOW and buy of ' . "THE WORTH OO. is w tf - . - - . - 9,500 Lbs. Sept. Uullsts. 1,900 Bushels R. P. Oats. 280 Bushels Sesd Rye. 411 Llartin's Chesss. 1,840 Lbs. Martin's Butter. IV. B. COOPER, - , 308, 310 & 312 Nutt street, h WILMINGTON, N. O. aepetf 1903 GEAQON 1904 . . . STAB COURSE : Y. II. C. A. AUDITORlUn, . EIGHT (8) EIGHT HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENTS SEASON TICKETS ' Y. M. O. A. Member. . . ; . .. . ..$1.00 Non-Member ... . . . 1. . . 7LS.. 3.00 Subacrlptlon list at DeRosaet'a Book , Btore aad Y. M. a A. v - sepSBt .. sntn tb - 1 SALT, SALT, . SALT. (Fine and Coarse. Grain.r : 1 BAGGniG A1TD TIE3. and a fall line other seasonable good. , .. -',."- - - Ask for quotations. - . t HALL & PEMIOALL Incorporated, , . If u tt Keggers SEPTEMBER OULLBTS I H. . 1:1 'I " 1 r.i 4;

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