f MlrtnM lUea-iue, mrrtjz Of iiy Oibe? DeJy lew, rnalliaed b " x 0UTUME8. i-HATj Shaw dapoeJUd about jToa daliare wit natloaal fM ls Tartoua parta oT thecowatry. Kvllo,,rT beads la llace r". are decided to adopt trae- -tirtc- Eattaeere chargad fZL work bra rabmiiied a report 7 Vr Depertmaat oa Ua lalaad 2 w,y betweea Norfolk, Ya., aa4 uiaerof U. a Senator F. at. Swuabol Bad kiid oa his Iusata Joaea eoa air. N.OLt a a Daaiaia ha baaaerraatad. TLd tta the mardee. The fanrrl frKk Tampa, Fla, Batorday TJ-x tt I- deeoyad aeverel small iLt.r asd wrecked a large ansa bar T atjrt; lis property carnage ta !7 Rriiataaaaar Iacaalva Z Friday aighl ea lha Flo- 1! cou; alaa of the m weea Schooner kQrtha T. rcked aear Japtiar lalel; V,i.i aJ Weal Florida ara eallrel y ,i froon coauaaakeUoa by the ta the eeclioa. Japaa aa4 Br.uia bav decided to promt nCaa r,,,t Baaia'a propoaiUoa -rtnCat eraeaaiioa of hLaacharU. -S-a aad aow Lathe North wastara ia, Btv desugad crop to the nval ef aaliiloea ol doilara. uv jfe3ifcaa aad Jo Haatiagtoa, nati ta eoaeectioa with freade ea MraxeaLaarreadered yeaterday nr9 blL The oreag crop la rafji w" badly damaged by Lha I. The St atioaai Fldallxy aToa Ox baa baa cbartarad at KcsaoaJ, Va., to aaUbUaa wara I.mhm kt aoiaU la lha ttoala f or Ua fc.TW of eouoa aad oibar aaarcbaa tat N York aaarkata: Moatr H a rJ j al C3 parcaaLt roata ira; ir!u tarpaaUao firai al UO Ul couoa ataady al 13c for miaf aalaad: flsv mora aetira ura-?o ana. rtow s &; WEATHER REPORT. C. a Dart o AoaKUxnrra, ) Wunn OrajKAC, Wajra orox. N. GU 8pt 14, ) ItttoroiocfcaJ data far lha twaaly bur loan tadia al 8 P. aC; reaprtara: 8 A. bL, 7S darraaa ; I P 7$ iter: aoaxUaam, 83 a t ftM ; aiataasa, 73 iacrtaa ; aiaaa, 73 ka.'aU for lha day. -CJ; ralalaU met irt of tba aaoala to daia, .U roaCAT roa to-dat. vtuaxsoreos, Btpt 14. For Korta LVr a Taaaday, eooiar la taUrlor; ara b k'b aaat wtada; Wadaaaday, Part ilaiin 8p1aaibr If. R LUX.. su tea p.m. ixr . I.ut UH.M. H 4Ttr al Boa port. 1.041. bf . H vvar WUaUaxtoa. CM P.M. Why U It iUl Axkssaaj Dtmo eru ara not reuirad to wear Iotm ea xxal la their pofQirtlc con "All thiara cosaath to him who IV.U.' It aaaau IM U not appll to DatU B. HCIm rtjaxdi tha pmi-leacy. 1 -utJ of joiaf to look for tat North pot. It ia aoonjb txcltcmat Ur noat men to itay at noma aaJ p iy IhbaU to tba coal trait. A Weetera aatliority now aji tlu milk coatalaj a good prcnta f .Vo!kL Probablj that U why so ai.:i of it U coajamoi la WnaUng no. " - ' ' ! Ta AtUaU Jral iayt: Thaak thera ara do cow looea la ta town to chaaa n$ it a cbooat u ar oar ttraw halaallttla oTtr ta. ; IfitU tha eatota of the Tarki - li-xil aoaaebody to kbov ;bov rt thtyfeal. thayhad Wtiar to cvrcfa! to make their Tktlau other t43 Aaericaaa. suu Senator Halaaa, of Ntv Vor t, iot A pocket book conUInin :,i:o tha othrr day. Too bad, MpcLiIIj oa lha eta of a rpiritod p-n.!icl caatpaifa. Tie Soath bow baa 8,000,000 cot fcm ijkb1!, raprtaeatiac aa lateat at of 1 1W, 000, 000, and tha nam f ia rapidly lacreaaiar. Who taji titSoath it not prcfreaaiTe? A icile4 aJraaca U announced tit pnea of, tobacco la eereral of nxrkeU of tha SUU witbla tbt paas few day, which fTeatfj a coarift gToweti of tha weed. Both ia Bogota aa4 raaaata. Col the Iilamlia canal treaty la r.Jel ae dead beyond rrrlral, t n ia declared tha Uaitad 8tUa fat m well tarn aarioaaly to Klo ra. The eaiira SUta will deeply fya Piise with Senator Simmon J la lot hie atd father, Mr. 7. '' Sletaaoea, who waa braUUy mar An.J Uit Satarday afUroooo la Jte coaotr. Toe Ca!elr!i Xret mnd OUfTXtr "Ia deliTtriaj tha thars at J. B. Booaa adriacd tha ytmar PM:hr to aroid 'rpolUd Teata aad e.1 breachea. Of all thini tie world, tha Tc?l tare lea fcrrUea fat a preacher who aecta VOL. LXXiX-NO. 149. LOCAL DOTS. "awaaaBBBBaaaaa) 8pirta tarpcatint tu iteady oalha local xaarket yeatanlay at Wtfc Crada vaa firm at t3, $170 aad M.70. Ik. J. O. Daxdea, who died yaatarday la BaJaltb, waa tha mother-la-law of CaplXXawklnj, of lha etaamar LDllaa.w Cotton receipt yestrday wera MT4 baJea aalaat 4,435 aama day laat 7ar. Tha local market adraaeed from xaiotoiOLtai Cae Fear Academy opened yaeterday with a fine aUendaaee. Tha oallook la for a much tartar aaroll meat wlihla tha aaxt weak or two. The Weather Bareaa here bai ba equipped with a eat of aew i!U laalerma. They wCl U Uchtad by electricity aad will ale a Terr mack atroartr fx hi thaa the old oaaa. AbaUdlar permit waa Tester- day teamed to Mr. W. J. Keradilh for tha artcUoa ol a raaidaaca om tha weal aida of Bacon d, batweaa Grace aad Walaat atrlf. Policemaa W. 1L Tlarrin re- eaatly loat ea fSoalk Froet atreat a rold waick charm which ha prlita hixhly aa a fin aad will payallberal reward for 1U ratara. Tha charm la la the ahape of a ball with heart de !ru oa 1L Hitch Broe. expect to brlni In a larxe excaraioa to-morrow orer the Bee. board Air Llaa from Waxhaw. N.CL aad polaU Ub aide ae far aa Carktoa. Tha trala will arrlra at 11:40 A. M. aad ratara at 8:30 P. M. Jamee Jadra aaka. La riew of ao maeh aaplaaaaat motorlaty be baa bad for aome lima, that It be aUled to bia eredlt that la tha recast Brow a a bLaekaaalth aaap fire, ba aaTad a boraa baloarfax to Mr. C. F. Johaaoa from the boxalaf buUdlac. Tha back of bla aklrt, ba taya, waa rary badly aoorehed la bia altampi to aaea tha aalaaal. PV8U3 SCHOCl. KEAt ROCK BILL. Beard ef Eiacaflaa 1T3 144 Aaetacr ta list at Stlre414 LtaiHaDeea. Prof. Waahlnfloa CalleU, raperia- laadaat of pabUe laatraeUaa, baa re- eatred aathorUy from the Oooaty. Board of EdaealSoa to proceed at oaee wilk tha eatahUahmaat of a pabUo echoed for while ekUdrea la Diatrkt Ko. U, aaar Bock miLoa iha.Caal'e Hayaee road. Heretofore there baa beea oaly a colored eehool la that dla trklaad the eatibllahineat of the white 1artetV?a la Urraly dee to Mr. W. A. Llaaker, who receaUy remofed lalo the commaaity from the Wat She roa ad a rood field la the ae!h bor hood for a wbila acboolaad at oaee took the aaatur a a wlU the Ooaaty Board with the retail that bar appeal waa raoceaafaL . For the prceeat a a eat room will bd f araJahad la Johaaoma - caaaiac factory batWia aad a teacher win be placed la charfe of the children at the rearalar time for the opeaiac of all the achoola la October. UUT. EDWIN A. AKDEX10H. U. S. K Tusti exaaUaatlaa tar PreeMdM t Office ef Lkwiraaal Caamaaf rr. There la latareat aad pleaaare for meay WUaalaitoalaaa la tha aa Boaecemeat that LI rat. Edwta Alder maa Aadereoa. U. akNary, aoaof lha late Dr. We, Aaderaoa, of thla eUy. baa reerally paaaad a blxaXJ eredUable ezamlaaUoa for promotloa . m ta tha rrade of lroaUaaat eomTninawr aad thai bla appolalaaeat to the blxber oSee will follow at aa early eaxa, Ut. -Aadareoat dartar the paat three yaare baa beea eUlloaed lathe Caet aad la bow la Cblaeee watara. Ia Utter to hlaeUter. Mra. M. Y. Me Koy. ef Ihla dty, LleeUeaet Aader eoa wrlteaUal be' expect to be re Beted of foreixa aerrlcela October aatf will relara to the Btalec He ex. pacta to vleit WUmlaftoa before Cbrlatmaa. ' laaaalKi a W Peter OriSe, a colored flremaaoa the ateemer WUmlaftoa, waa boaad over to 8aperior Ooart by Jaetlce Fowler j eaterday. charred Iwltb aa aaaaall apoa Prlaeina BUhop at Froat aad Market etreete. The firemaahad preeloaaly bad worda with the womaa aad la a crowd be eaeieaed a eaae from a bjaUader aad whacked bar orer the bead. Grlffla bad prerloa y aabmtttad before another Jastlee bat Jaetice Towlrr bald that laaemaeh aa the ffeaee wae com aa! tied la a crowd, eceordiai to a meal dedaioa, lha defeadaat would bare to ro to the bifher eoarl. r.FrtiklrrUf te Wc4. Hear Mead will be laUreated la larttatloae which will be laraertoday. aaaoaaciaa- tha forthcomlac marriare Of Ulaa Eihra Saaadera, the attractlTe yoaaf daahUrofMra. AadeBaaad UofUladiy.toMr. Freak Doaald Xrrier. e popolar yoaa mat of WII Urto, "bo U employed aa abJaplaf clerk by BwifL Oa, of thla dty. The eereatoey will be performed at the borne of the bridea mother, Iio. XJ8 naraeU atreel, oa Wedaeaday, n!f ht. Best, rd,et 8 JO o'clock. Aa ale- gMi wtddiar reeepuoa wiu xouow . oeeeeaeay. EW ADVcmaiMXJrra Manale-MaeU Wllmlar'a Lodre. Parle MUHeary gmpaa Bibboa aale LOCUXA Baborbaa Car Llae-Bchedala. Maetiaf-Daa0" of Oeafederecy Ore l Bibboa aala at The Parle TharSar d Friday. Bead our ad. oa firrt pete- 1 The1 iliEfiH& : StBo ilORDER IN JONES. eBwaaaBawaajBsaBaBBBaama Vcncfable Father o! Senator Simmons Fonlly Dealt With 1 on His Farm. THE FINDINQ OF HIS BODY. Allrr Tweai7.fear Cirrt ipl Maa Wae Feea4 Sket aal Clakbei te Death ' by Tmpitaera ea Bla Lead. FccUax U Ceaaaiaalty nifkx Mr. Faralfold O. Blxamoaa, of Joaee eoaaty, theTaaerable father of Hoa. Faralfold M. Blmmoaa, Ualted Btatee Baaator from North OaroUaa, waa foal! j murdered oa bla plan tali oa a boat elcbl mllee from Pollocksrllle, oa the Wilminjttoa aad Newborn railroad, Balarday m orator. The marder waa aot dlaeorered until Sunday moralaf , aad treat excitement preralia la that eeeUoa orer the cowardly act of the Mr. Blmmoaa waa 7t yeare of atra aad 11 red at the old homeatead la Joaee eoaaty, derollef bimaalf to larje farmlat latereaie be bad there. Borne time aro he poeted bla laada araiatt baatere, the place aboandlnr la reme of all aorta. Friday aftaraooa be beard the report of rnna near bla boaae aad weatoal to flad who the treapaaaer waa. II waa sear nightfall aad, beloc aa old maa, be waa aaable to tell whether the treapaaaer waa while or colored. Bataxday moralat the ahoot lat waa eoatiaaed aad Mr. Blmmoaa weal oat arala to look for the tree paaaar. Uadldat relara, aad alibi eomlar oa the family became alarmed.! 8eareh for the aolaaiBcmaa waa at oaee laatllated aad Hoa. F. M. Blm moaa waa taletraphad at Balelfh aad waat at once to the acear. lie waa joined by a rrandeoa, Mr. Jamee EL Blmmoaa, a marehaat ofNewbera. Baaday morning the dead body of the ated farmer waa foaad 'about 100 yarda from a plantation road, a ear the baaka of the Treat rlrer. The ladlea tioaa were that be bad llred veereral boare after heist wounded. Ha waa ahotlathe etoaiaeh, cheat aad throat with No. 4 ahot. He waa beard calllat at laterrale ef three quartere of aa boar, bat It waa thoaxht be waa after the trecpaaaerr and ao atUatioa waa paid to aim. There werealeo erldaa ceeofthemaa barlat beea dabbed orer the bead. Mr. Waller M. Thorn paba, of Bleh- laada, aear the aceae of the tratedy. waa here yeatarday aad told of the oat- rareowa affair. A aecro, aamed Daa tela, who la reported to hare aald Uit ba woald kill eqalrrala oa Mr. Blm aaoaa lead or kill Mr. Blmmoaa, baa beea arreated at Pollockarllle. Feel Int la raaalat rery blfh atainit the Berro aad farther trouble la expected. Mr. Blmmoaa waa oae of the moat prominent aad bJthly aetaemed dll teaaof the eoaaty. Hie reaialand kindly temperament made blm Bled by all with whom be came la con tact The old teallemaa took eepeclel pride la the political career of bla eoa, who aa a yoaar maa waa elected to Ooarreea ae a Democrat from the Becoad North Carolina diatHct, which waa BOrasallyRspabllcaa; the a be came Collector of Internal Bareaae, aad three yeare ago wae elected United Btatee Beaator. The Beantor aad bla en lire family wae derated to the ated father, aad were frequent 11 tore at lha old bomectead. While bla eoa waa Collector, Mr. Blmmoaa llred la Ualeixh aad wae eaahler la the office. TOE F1KST C0TT09 6AKOO. SUamer Axmlaater WQ Clear Te-4iy for BrcaraIeceH ef Other Tears. The BrlUah ateamer "Axmlnater," Capf. Bptaka, will clear to-day for Bremea with the firat earto of cotton of the aeaaoa for fortixn export. The Axmlnater" will aot carry a rery Larre earro, bat aha will lead the ran of some thirty-fl ra or forty other Bteamera that will cross the Allan lie with bearler eartoea of the fleecy euple withla the next few moalha. . As before elated the aeaaoa la rery mach behind laat year. The first reesel to dear last Fall waa the "Taakar," which eaUed BepL lib. Ia 1901 the first ateamer didn't ret away until Sept. Wad, bat la 1900 the first carro waa cleared BepL 11th. Other years were aa follows: 1893, BepL 19lh; lSTT, BepL 17th, aad la 1894, BepL 14lh. Three firemea of the Axmlaater," who were arreated by the polios upon aaxplcloa of barlat beea about to de eerL will be pat aboard their ship this morals. plie Trial Trfp. The slaamer "Boaa," the aew boat recently built here for the frelf ht aad paseeater serrlce by CapL Charles Weeeell, waa rlraa her trial trip yaa tarday. OapL Weeeell bad oa board a larre party of bla frleada aad the handsome new steamer behaved herself Bieely. Frleads ef the owaer of the boat ware eharmed with bla borpitail ty apoa the oeeaaloa of the trial trip y eaterday. - " - . Beach Seaaee Cleelaj. Betlaaiat aaxt Tharsday the care oa the subarbaa line will laare Front aad Prlaceaa streeU every hoar from 8 A. M. to 10 P. 1L. aad leave Oceaa View every -boar from 7 a.m. to u. P. M. The publlo la BOllned that the delivery of mail oa WrltbUvUle Beach will be dleeoaUaaed to-day. Great Bibboa aale Thursday aad Friday, oa first pate. at The Parla Bead oar ad. t Wilmington; n. c; Tuesday. September CARNIVAL SURE TO COME f THIS FALL' OR WINTER. Rcsfeseatatlve of Laytoa Cempssy Ar rfvcl Yesterdsy e Coaler With ths Jr. 0. U. 4. M. aawawaawa ' The aaBonneement la the Btab Bua-i day moralat that the Junior Order of U ailed American Mechanics, of the dty with their characterlatlo enterprise, were eoaaideriar stronrly the advlaa bility of tlvlnt a street fair aad carni val la WllmlBjrtoa this Fall or Win ter, was the subject of much comment j eaterday. The opinion prevallethat publlo eentlmeat la atrontly atalnat such enterprlsea but after the la pee of a year. It developed yesterday that the carnival baa many frienda la certaia quartere aad that ehould the Juniors' dedded to enrineerone they woald have etroat eupport, even la the bual aeaa world. The talk of the fair waa revived by the arrival darlat the day of Mr. Jacob Edmonds representing the Lartoa Fireworks aad Carnival Go, sueceaaore thla year to the Cincinnati Carnival Oa, which travelled exten sively through thla Bute laat year. Mr. Edmoada rpent the day conferring with prominent 'Juniors' aad left yesterday evealat for Newbera. He will relara this week, however, whea the joint committee from the Jr. O. U. A. M. is completed by the appoint meale by Jeff Davia GounclL The Laytoa Company baa beea touring a a umber of Virginia eitiea, bat la thla week at Durham, N. OL Mr. Edmoada sayrbe has fifteen paid ehowa aad a number of free acts that make ap the stroageat aggregationever brought to North Carolina. He eays Wllminf toa is a good carnival town aad the Laytoa people will come here at all events. It's ap to the Junior Order first and then to any other lodgee that waat a caraivaL TflKEE EXCURSIONS YESTERDAY. feast Use Brssrkt Laft Nasser sf Seath CaroUaa asd aeerfta Visiters. The Atlaatle Coast Line handled three big excursions to the dty yester day. Oae came from Columbia, 8. Q, another from Augusta, Oa., aad the third from Conway, 8. C. All arrived early la the aftaraooa aad returned last Bight oa a trala of three sectlona, the first or which left at 11 o'clock. The viaitOTS spent the day la lha dty, though about 600 of them weat to WrlghtavlUe Beach. They were met at the a la lion by three suburban ears. A large Dumber of them also weat for a short trie oa tha ateamer "Wilming ton." Maayof them will remain In the dty an HI thla aftaraooa. By pay ing a fee of ZOe. they are permitted to ase their excursion tickets on the regular train, leaving at 8:45 this afternoon. Hatch Broe. excursion from Bpriag nope, ached aled to eleo arrive yeeter- day, wae cancelled several days ago. HOTEL GUESTS SOBBED. Kessrs. Skepard asd Miss, ef Tepssll Seead, Last Ptrsaaal Belesxisis. Ueaaera. J."A. Bhepard and T. K Nixon, of Topsail Boaad, who arrived Baaday aad apeat the night at the Bonlls Hotel ewoke yesterday moralat to flad that their - room had beea robbed. The clothing of the teatle men bid beea takea from the room by thlevee aad the troeser pockets rifled oftlO and other articlee. Mr. Bhep ard'a troutera and shirt were foaad about 6 o'dock yesterday moralat la the alley back of the hotel A told collar button bad beea taken from the ahlrL There la ao clae to the Identity of the thlevee St. Jebe'e Psrisa. - The vestry of BL John'e Episcopal pariah met yesterday afternoon aad elected Mr. EL- G. Bmallbonee Senior Warden, to succeed the late Mr. Ga briel Holmes: Prof. Washlagtoa Cat- lett. Junior Warden, to raooeed Mr. Bmallbonee, aad Mr. George o. Ls Grand Ireasurer. Messrs. EL G. Bmallbonee, J. Hicks Banting. Geo. B. LeGraad and CoL T. a James were elected delegates to the special Dioceaan Council la Goldaboro In Oc tober. Amoag the alternates were Messrs. Bertram Queleb, H. F. Wil der aad Thomas B. WUlard. , ' Qa ir a sUsea far Diphtheria. The Health Department yesterday established two quarantines for diph theria. The patlenta are Mat tie Beach, the little three-year-old daughter of Mr. Geo. J. Beach, 807 North Sixth streeL sad a eh lid at 818 North Third streeL The quarantine for scarlet fever at the residence of Mr. Haywood Creech, 708 South Second streeL was lifted yesterday. Mr. Creech's elevea-year-old son had tha disease. ' SwfciawBBaBWnSBBWaBBBBBB . Seal Estate Trsasfers. i By deeda filed .for record jesleiday K. EL Beery and wife traaaf erred to Soger Moore for 8450, one-balf acre oa north aide or Market street contln t ftrdlr 1.718 feet from the aaatera line of Thirteenth streeL aad Jao. A. WUaoB aad wife traaaferred to Hsary Bklpper, for $400, bouse aad lot oa west side of Sixth, 75 feet south of Nlxoa streeL 45x78 feet la aiie. eaaaaaaiawaeawaaaBBwaBaBBajaiwa - t sum Stedass Hers. MsJ. Ohaa. M. Sled man, whom bis frleads say Is easily the leading can didate for gubernatorial honors before the next Slate convention, arrived la the city yesterday aad la being warm ly greeted by his supporters here. Major Bledman came to attend lha marriage of his brother, Sheriff Frank H. Bledman, which will be celebrated to-morrow evealat. POLICE WERE BUSY. South Carolina Excursionists Gave Them Trouble and J- Confusion Last Night.' NINE ARRESTS WERE MADE. eaplala WUIIaais Had a Boat With a Scttnn Visitor Msyercs Ceart ' Yestereay asd a Crowded Docket Ed Brewer. The South -Carolina excursionlata who reached the dty vesterday, or at least that portion or them who came to North Cllay with too much of a burning thirst from long reeidenee In a diapeasary-ridden State, . gave the police a run for their money" last night. They were loo busy sight seeing during the day to be of much trouble, but when night came, the jug contingent got mellow. They commerced to gather at the Front atreet station for the departure of their 1 lata trains aa early aa 8 o'clock and the passenger shed In a short time wss jammed aad packed with oae eurging mass of humanity. Half aa hour later the police patrol wagon began to an ser calls and from that time until the laat aecllon of the train pulled put ahortly before midnight, the "black marla" waa deddedly the moat popular vehiele la town. In many .lnatancea where a friend woald appear and veuehaafe for the stranger aad the charge against him. waa trivia), the officer would permit bia maa to go and la that way, only nine were detaiaed for a eeaace with Mayor Springer at noon to-day. The balk of the arreeta were la eaaee where the defeadaata had Imbibed too deeply aad were passed the walking stage. 8everal of them were foaad with deadly weapons apoa their per eona and, of coarse, the grief of those will be trealeat whea they wake up la their cella aad call for Ice water this morning. The only exciting breach of the peace waa a fight,' faat aad furious, at Second, and Prloeeas streets, about 9 o'dock. The particlpaata were E. W. Branch, a Wilmington citizen, aad Kxeursionlat Oscar Brown, from some point unknown. Police Captain, N. J. Wtlliama was ia the vldnity at the time and made the arrest of Brown with great difficulty.the young atrang- er fighting to a finish. Several citizens aaalated the .officer and the gay aad festive young man from the South was finally; landed ta the atatlon boaae. The other party to the affray waa alao arrested. Cap. Willlama re ceived a bruise oa the face, but be yond that aad -the expenditure of a tood store of physical energy, he ea caped Injury. The crowd at the station la the main was very orderly. Chief of Police Furlong waa on duty there with CapL Green, and six men nnUl the train lefL ThvPolIce Coart Yesterday. Mayor Sprinter had a number of caaea before him yesterday at noon and as utual the roada got a number of recruits. Corn ell ns Toomer, color ed, was fined $5 for disorderly coa docL la default of which be will to to the roads. Geo. Jenkins, colored, was tried first for disorderly conduct aad seat to the roada for SO daya aad waa subsequently ordered bdd for the Su perior Ooart aader $100 bond to aa ewer the charge of haviagstolea a pair of shoes from Josh Simon, a Syrian merchant oa Bouth Froat streeL Af ter the trial the shoes were foaad where the negro had hidden them. Boselta Brown, colored,, for disor der In Latimer's alley Saturday night, waa given choice of 80 days on the roads or $10 fine and costs. Octave Bmith aad Hattie King, both colored aad Implicated la the same difficulty, were subsequently arrested aad will be tried to-day. , Jao. Toraer, colored, charged with elaahlat Mary Croniy, colored, in the aide with a knife, in Stream alley Saturday alghL was sent to jail for the Superior Ooart la default or $100 boad Ed Brewer, a youag white boy who bad promised to do better,. waa ar rested oa Prlacear, between Second aad Third streets, yesterday afternoon oa a charge of being drunk and disor derly, preferred by e citizen, who had atarted 'with the boy to the guard house but who met a stubborn resist ance upon a aear approach to the dty Hail. Youat Brewer will be tried by the Mayor to-day at noon. Visiters to the City. " Amont yesterday's arrivals at The OrtOBwere: J. K. Morrlsey, Clinton ; CL aHargrave, Lexington; W. F. English and J. A. Westbrook, Mount Olive: J. A. Patterson.' Newborn; W. E. Thigpea, Chadboara; J. F. Wood ward, Warsaw; A. V. Smith, Ralelgn; J. E. Mills, Camden, S. a; L. a and EL E. Montgomery, Kings tree, S. O. ; Jno. A. Sheets aad Jake Edwards, Ra leigh; W. D. Oarmlehael aad T. O.: Usher, Marlon, 8. OL, and B, L. Rrmm. Whftevllle. - : eMBwawaBBeBawPBBwawawawnwjwaB Uwesxtcta-Kimtakl Affair. The Loweaatela-Kamlaskl fracas on Becoad streeL Labor Day, was In Mstlratad br Jastlee BoraemaaB at boob yesterday. Marsdea Bellamy,' Eaq., :appeared for the Lowenstem. faction aad Messrs. Herbert -uo-Clammy and A. J. Marshall looked after thb iaterests of the Ksminskis. All haada were satisfied with dismis sal upon payment of costs aad that deposition waa agreeable to 'Squire Boraemaaa. - Great Ribbon . sale at" The Pari Thnredav ana jrnasr. eaa our u. -on first pge. 15, 1903. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. W. D. Carmichael, of Ma rion, 8. 0., was in the eity yesterday oa a bualneas trip. Frienda will regret to learn that Mr. W. RTaylor la confined to his home by illness. Miss Rosa Meredith left yes terday - morning to eater the State Normal at Greensboro. Mr. J. C. Reid,formerly of this city, now of Columbia, 8. 0., arrived yesterday on the excursion. Mr.' John. W. McEachern, a prominent young business man of Marlon, 8. Q., was in the city yester day. Miss Mitt DnRant, of Sumter, 8. C, is the charming guest of Miss Kate Bholar, No. 509 South Front streeL s Miss Mattie Taylor, of Winna bow, N. C, passed through the city yeaterday en route for the Normal at Greensboro. , Mr. W. R. Gothard, ' of Con? cord, Ga., haa accepted a position as operator with the Postal Telegraph Cable Company. : Mr. Zach Bell left yesterday morning for Oak Ridge Institute, where he will take a collegiate and business course. - Mr. Clarence Baker, who has been in the A. C. L. ahopa here, has been transferred to Savannah and he left for his new post of duty yester day. Mr. A. B. Skelding has re turned from a trip North. While away he attended the National Con vention of Street Railway Managers at Saratoga. Charlotte Observer-. "Miss Mag gie Brown, of Wilmington, arrived In the city from Saluda last night and Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. D, Alexander." Mr. Ira J. Cox and wife, of Durham, who have been on a very pleasant visit to Mr. Cox's brother, Mr. W. Harvey Cox, returned home yes terday afternoon. Mr. M. Braddy, of the Paris Millinery Emporium, has returned from New York where he purchased his Fall stock, which will be newer and more complete this year than ever before. Prof. M. C. S. Noble, who re cently underwent a minor operation at the James Walker Memorial Hos pital, left yesterday to resume his duties aa a member of the University fsculty. . ; Mrs. J. -0. Castleberry, of At lanta, Is in tha dty on a visit to her brother, Mr. T. H. Thompson, No. 330 North Seventh streeL Mrs. Castle berry came to attend the celebration of the!5th anniversary of her brother's wedding this evening. Misses Caroline Hardwick, Ella Jacobs and Nellie Fowler, of Wil mington, and Miss Brown, of White ville, left yesterday morning for Greensboro to enter the State Normal College. - Miss Fowler was accom panied to Greensboro by her mother, Mrs. Jno. J. Fowler. Mr. Joseph A Rice, private secretary to Hon. Jamea Wilson, Sec retary of Agriculture, Washington, D. Q, is in the city for a vacation of two weeks, having joined Mrs. Rice aad child, who are here on a 'visit to Mrs. Rice's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William 8truthers, No. 418 Market street. ' AN EXf HINGE OF COURTS. Judge Walter H. Neal Will Hold September - Term for Hew Haaover. CoL John D. Taylor, Clerk of the Superior Court, yesterday received an official document from the . State De partment by which Governor Aycock duly appro vea and authorizes an ex chang i of courts . between Judge Geo. H. Brown, Jr., and Judge Walter EL NeaL who are regularly assigned to bold New Hanover and Mecklenburg Superior Courts, respectively, for the week beginning BepL 28th. The doc ument Is as folio wa: " nrnmiti thATTnn. fl-Aft. FT. Rrnwn. Jr., assigned' by law to hold the Supe- rlor court or. tne jjiim j uaicuu vumct, fn ihA WJ1 tnrm. 1903. end the Hon. Walter H. Neal, assigned by law to hold the superior uouri or tne Twelfth Judicial DistricL for said Fall term, 1903, have agreed to exchange the court of the particular county - -. w a . a a hereinafter namea in tneir saia respec tive Districts for said Fall term, 1903. Nn th.MfnMi T nha.pTna B. Ar- cock, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue or autnoniy vest ed in me by law, do hereby consent tn a.M -rf.ha.TKTA. IftBd do herfibT authorise the said Qj H. Brown, Jr., to hold the said court 01 tne county 01 Mecklenburg, beginning SepL 28th, 1903, for one week for criminal busi ness In the Twelfth Judicial District In lieu of the said .Hon. Walter H. f aafil Wall tnrm 1903. and the said Hon. Walter H. Neal Is here by authorized to hold the said court of the county of New Hanover, begin-: nlng SepL 88tb, 1903, for one week for OTlmtnaT hntrfnaan In thm Fifth District in lieu of said Hon. G. EL Brown for said Fall term 1903. . ' i. I In witness whereof I have hereunto: set my hand and caused the great seal of the Bute ta be affixed, thla 12th day of September, in tne year oi our Jjoru, nna thnnnnd n'nn . hundred and three ml in thai nit hundred and twentv- penaence.,.. ymmiiin jl. niwvv espLEJIIs Shermsa Bereaved.. ; ;, Glen Sherman, infant son of CapL Ellis Sherman, died yesterday at the family home, No. 1023 North FourthfJ BtreeL The remains will be taken to Long Bluff. Pender' county, at 7 o'clock this morning and the Inter; meat at noon will be in the Pridgen traTeyard. WHOLE NO. 11,249 'aA afiliRuAafiU&aSlaaWAaa I TQ THE i I o I am pleased to say that I am again at my "Old Stand," and cordially Invite your inspection. In my Handsome Mew Store, with the most complete line of ' niiiiiinu I'mini'iL' nun iiiiv I'liiiiii1 . . an ava aawaar w wsw aBas . asse am waa. aw. aaassaBa awe asa wswwaa. aw, saav ww : affaw SWa awa awa. awa in .unrn a u iiii i i m a I ' 9 llVllUIIUi Ullltl U1U 11111 llftl UWUUUj It has ever been my privilege to show the trade, and having the most competent salesmen I have ever had to show them, I feel that if you once come yon will come again. ' A. D. BROWN, 29 North Front Street. sep 9 tf Great Ribbon Sale. Thursday and Friday from 9 to 1 1 A. El., and from 3 to 5 P. M., we will sell all Silk Ribbon in all widths and all shades at less than half the regular price. All Silk Baby Ribbon 10 yards for 5c, 1 Inch wide 2c, 2 inch 4c, 3 inch 8c, 4 inch 10c, 8 inch Sash 19c. They are ' the best goods. Will not sell over 5 yards of one kind to one customer ana will not sell any at the bargain pxices after the hoars mentioned; I have 1,000 pieces in this sale. v Before and after the hours mentioned above it will be double the price. ' "' . - . Our CLOAKS are open for inspection. PARIS IY1ILLITJERY EmPORIUM, - sepl5tf 129 NOTES FROM THE UNIVERSITY. Earollmeot Very Larie Changes la the Facelty Athletic Outlook Fiae. Special Star Correspondence. Chapki. Hill, N. C, Sept. 14. The one hundred and fourteenth annual session of the University of North Caro lina was opened on Thursday morn. ing, BepL 10th, under -very flattering conditions. The registration books at the close of the week showed a regis tration of about 525. During the next ten days, it is confidently expected that this number will be increased to 650. The law class 1b smaller this yeas 4haa It has been for some years, but the. fall ing off here ia fully balanced by the Increased attendance In the other pro fessional schools of medicine and phar macy. The Freshman class numbers some two hundred this year. This is the largest enrollment of any class which haa ever entered the Univer sity, and Is due in a measure to the abolishment of hszing by the upper elass men. Several changes have been made In the personnel of the Faculty, viz: Dr. Geo. Howe, Ph. D., has succeeded the late Dr.Linscott as head of the Latin Department; Dr. .Thomas Buffin haa been made a full professor of Law; Dr. Archibald Henderson, associate pro fessor of Mathematics; and Mr. E. K. Graham, associate professor of Eng lish, ....... - Never before in the history of the college haa the Athletic outlook been ao bright. The Athletic Association considers itself very fortunate in hav ing secured the services of Mr. Olcott. laat year's coach, to coach the foot ball team again this year. Practically ail or last year's players are back, and in addition to these, there are many new candidates trying for positions on the team. All in all, the prospects for this year seem to be brighter in every department than ever before. Li. T. M. ORGANIZED AT POINT GAS WELL, N. 6. Black River Steamboat Co. Elects Officers. ' -Mr. McQaeea Treasarer, ; .Special Star Correspondence. -Ponrr Oaswsll, . Sept. 14. The stockholders of the Wilmington and Black River Steamboat Transportation Co. met at Point Caswell today and elected CapL Herbert Ward, D. J. CorbetL Jr., W.-C. Keith, J.,A. Dew andlCapt. R. P. Paddison as the Board of Directors. Subsequently the Di rectors met and elected J. A. Dew president ; H. CL McQaeen treasurer, and D. J. Corbett, Jr., secretary. The Fire This Mpralsg, V'-;-:;.-.-.--;-At 2:10 o'clock this-: morning an alarm from box 22 called the Fire De partment is a shed at the rear of W. E. Springer :& Ooa store, on Front streeL used aa an ice cream manufac tory by Ferris, the baker. One end or. the shed was burned off, causing a loss or 150 or $100, The back door or the place was round open. The origin of the fire ia unknown. The front , door of Messrs. Springer , & Co.'s store wss broken open to permit the 'fire being fought from the rear of that building. A Rip i Van Winkle Flad. . Large quantities or wreckage from the schooner which went to pieces off the i North Carolina coast aome time ago, continue to be washed ashore on Carolina and Wrlghtsville : beachee.' Saturday nlghL while ; OapL : Bob Lewis and MrH. P. 8. Keller were drum-fishing up Wrlghtsville Beach, they found partly Imbedded In the sand a five gallon keg of fine claret wine , thrown up on the beach- from the wrecked vessel. I ' - - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' StASONIO TKMPLB, Bept 15, 1908. j WilMjtoilLc Ho. 319, A, F. & A.M. R EOXTLAB MONTHLY COJEMtrNICATIOS Oils (Tuesday) evening at 8 oxiocs. Visiting Bretbren are cordially lavlted. sep 15 It secretary. ooooeoeeoeoeooooeoeoeoe TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , Oa aTaavr, by XZaiL SIz Boatka, . .JT ; Thrae Beatka, 1 Twe.Keatba J , aYeUvere-l a Sabaer-laer la aaiee r ' city as 4S oeata per Ileatau X eooooooooooooooeee PUBLIC 1 1 '9 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Market Street, Wilmington, N. O. II II 9,500 Lbs. Sept. Pullets. 1,900 Bushels R. P. Oats. 280 Bushels Seed Rye. 41 1 Martin's Cheese. ' . 1,840 Lbs. Martin's Butter w. b. cooper; 308, 310 & 312 Nutt street. WILMINGTON, N. O. sep Stf City Taxes ! The City Tax Book for 1903 has been placed in my hands with instructions to proceed to collect taxes charged therein. All per :; sons liable for City Taxes are given a cordial invitation to come i up to the City Hall , and settle. : Office honts from 9 A. M. to 5 P.M. - Respectfully,- V "Treasurer and Collector. ..sep 12 lw ' " Car Loads of Goods. 3 car loads Flour Straight, Half Patent, Patent, Fancy Patent. 2 car loads Mixed Corn. 1 car load White Corn. .. , ... 1 car load Pure Wheat Bran. , v 1 car load No. 1 Timothy Hay; ' 1 car load Tio. 2 Timothy Hay. 1 car load Prairie Hay. 3 car loads Va. Water Gro'd MeaL 1 car loadi Good Luck B; Powder, r car load Meat, Ribs,Platea,Bntta U 1 car load Canned Goods. ? ; : Ask us for quotations or send orders along and shall have our per sonal attention.. . , 8T027E & GOUPiilTT. .5 and 7 South Water street. ; . , " !f SOP 13 tf , , r . Ten Dollars, r Ours is the only estab lishment In your City-that makes Suits to . measure fcr Ten Dollars. C. E. GORDON PANTS CO., 25 South Font Streetr v j Rates for Sewer SerYlco : Si 1 "AC;- Water Closets - - 50 cts per quarter, each Kitchen Sinks - - 50 cts per quarter, each Bath Tubs - - - 50 cts per quarter, each Fixed Wash Basins 25 cts per quarter,, each -Fixed Laundry Tubs 50c per quarter, per set . We carry our pipes to your prop erty line without charge, and rates do not go Into effect until service Is rendered. -'. ' Tha Witaisw SewsrEga Co. ' jyw tt - $5.00j 8.50 1.00 ifi SEPTEMBER riULLETS - ap tha imart tat la areaa.