riao-- X Stcdfic ric. cii9cns!DTini nil liillilIT agar rs A tf - ... l-fts.,,"w" 4 " Utt OUTLINES. cia& wka waa la la ' fLfV" ""' -.7 . i--. a ii. ceo dollar aafe la atsmpfus, asbb. LL is scares ef the BL A, rederal grand jary it'Z- ladSetaeata U ' U pvj4 - Book Weaaisgtoa S.jarmw. The three seoaer were elrctro '. Zmriit la pf-o Danae- . I murder of ueir "iv.!cs wiises exam- srii t u TVUaaaa trial; ?T..'-,rt was taxes as wiia i,'"" .... I. Ik. o... J IT... n W". - - - - . .M ir.'if is liajejra x. C oa li ti w li.Vu.wsocpca.Uoa. Ma. r'....i mardtref a - Tlr 00. a MeCS.- oailaiioa for mayor l1. . m.kiiIm nf Naw MV Nt York auxkau: C, c-i aJpareaaL; ffj- .atrtJ urrallaa taa-ly; (Jci 3:ai: Saar it4lj wilH Pp' .... . . w.t aaav f-;sa. 0-9O qi t. No. IIATKER REPORT ff i to t cr AOUCrXTCEa, ) Whtsm Bcmtur. ar wa f. C Oct. L 1 I . diu for tha Iwaaty- at a P. at.: a ak - asri I A. kL, M darroaa ; i t r)ixra; maxlaaam, 73 do L a si, 55 if rr I . W rTv fj Li dar. .00: raiafaJl ef i aseaih to dair. 00 ra 1 r.ir h erf Tailed la tha Ml rasa, la Of waatara irem Ttxpralart. ara ailrhlJ j rr ii cr?a:r poctloa ol tk i r.axcxrr rom to-dat. Mia. Fa --fJ aad Batardai; Vt Alaaaa OataVar 1. LM&f. A. S.4I1. If. 11H.S0M. 157 A. M. .I7A. M. WtUsr h ;r : South ncrt - ihoel bar clawa to Tisi:iUij. bat only br La ni:.t here. Uit.:' cap. lit U loo bias iWtr t bail J a boat for kru ::-3p: to lift tba cup. m iti :ot i9a'5l; :xim of Norfolk bopo jui i ruty by nominal iV.c'iUjtT for lb Lrsitlatarm. a-a; aC of oone, b yery t.2c U alreaJj b- f i ;vt .i iht TiUaaa om to if!e:lAat of Bsrdcr la Hit Bat will "jtHk Uoax'a tie beartnj fall ? " nL:3Co; th. Cbicajro Vat P J rocam-lrata at hlM rtu- :B5.:ja with tba cnUa Mt.:t. "Wbat U Cblca- n.i i.tor ia ooa of tfce avuau" too, J i lTai; ia binf iijiow," rttaaxki a con- 1 1 h !. on ef tba 'Jtuii-k who caa aJTord to H,;: fy tibt for snarda to ion fr a ai4tij!ct. r:f of et Caabicr D.T0T. 1 ia Thi UoaXIXO ioabticia In tan JeJ 11 rrobablr wiahca to r ii.meot of tbota wboaa .-.u tuiior caua on oia aaat yv w w a i- mji 4 bU wife U Ir a he tamt baTt tba iba U alreadj ti tba poUiotbat ' la.' v .. .. . ''srti Cwouoa faaoaj. , "a-B report ofaecrT ,': eibt, including tj t exnit ia bii Wp : s r ja lt. IU ao!ms' ' hj .liMA. ttMfla la f . r. - - . barrel ol nonr 4 fw ,.: i - I 'ilo racanU.tbty v.U not th.deairr, - o: it. najrxxa, aa a - or maintaia aocul ? k . i.ii.. n J' Bi:. that tb pto- IsdivLiaalf, w try "prom 'promlsant a wbiU wo- VOL. LXXm. NO. 9. SEPTEMBER SHIPPJNQ . HEAVIEST ON RECUKD. Mtaajy SUuaicit at Catlea aii NitiI Slamthty Stetskatt Trafnc Otkey Malaa Uumrticr. . oppuc at lat local cort for a a . - 8ptaabar brtaka all record. fo Uai aoala ! ih. blalory of WUaoiactoa aceordlat to tba ra- port of tba barber matter eon plied ytaUrday. A total of Zi yeaaala wiua aa axxrexaU of. 41.137 tone, ar rived dariif tba taoala of wbich Bom ber 13 wera Amtrieaa and 11 wera foreixm. Tbttoaaua of tba Ameri ca craft wuSMCa and tba veeeeli coaaialad of aJ.e tteaaars, oaabarta aad U acbooaera, tba Utter bariaxa coablaad to a. axe of 7.539, or aa arer K of about COO ton each. No ee- ael f 90 toae aad aider la .Ukta Ulo xeoaat by tba barber tnaaUr. Tka fareira ablpplac ooaaiaUd of 13 bit couoa etetaera of aa a-tnje of a boot X,0OOXaae aad oat aaall acbooaer. Tba aaareet approach to tba record for I BepUaber UU year waa la 1K3 wbea SO Teaaala e a tared wllb a toaaara of 4L.CC3, Tba flxaraa for olber yean for tba month co verier a oeilodof rly 19 j tare la aa followe: 1901 T7.4&3 toaa;19CO-SS,930;lSn-S5.rS; I53S-JL.MS; 1SJ7-M,477; 1 S3 5-10,- KSl 1S3S-1SC3. Usttoa rtoelpta yeaterday wera 4,200 baJta, acaiaa ,US aama day laat year. Tba moatbly etatemeat of receipt, ex port aad etocka of cotloa aad naval atorrafor Brplamber will ba foaad la tba commercial colama of today ETut. It abowa tba receipt of cotton alaea&ept. let to bare bona S&.833 bale, acaiaal 8A.733, aama period last year. Tba aaral atore receipt for tba moalh abow a falliar off la all llama except rplriU aad era da, la whka lb ere 1 a allthtc-la. Allboocb tba ataia of water la tba Cape Fear rirar U below tha poial Cf Baviralloa, CapL W. A. Bsbeeoa maaared ta briax the "Hart" ta last aUbt at 7 oVlock from ap tba atream bare aba baa bea oa a eand bar. Tte a leaner "CSIt of FaTelUTlll.- will clear at abarwS o'clock tbl afler aooa for polal aa far aa Tar Heal. All tba rirer boat are bow laadlar ai K. lioraa wharf, near foot or Oraara atreei. ' YeaUrdayw Booth port Siandard aaya: Xbe jroTtrnmcat aacuoa dndxe 'Cape Fear left yeatrrdaj afteraooa at I o'clock for Pbilaial- abla to work oa tba Delaware rirer. The 'Cape Fear, we learn, will be abeeat nnlil a boot tba Bret of next December, wbea la all probability aba will re tarn to resume work oa Gape Fear rirer aad bar. -The eatlre crew of the aleamer west oa her to Philadelphia." Bchoooer MaIUe Floyd," baylac completed diacbarrlar carroef etoae for the exteaaireeoaalmctloe work at Fort Quwell, paeaed oat at Bontbport yeeUrday, ILf ht, for Oeorretowv, BL a Bcaooeere 0ni,M Cipt. Baaker, from Boitoe, aad "Harold G. Beech er," from New York, arrlTtd y eater day, the Utter with carro of aalt for the D. I Gore Co. local ixrrs TV nannwav Annex ia Brook- I TteUanaeawajAnnexia-iiw. i lya wiu opea a-oasaj. . . ar war a w w- a Feeaeil will be the teacher la cberre. 'Jake WbitfleM, colored, was fiaed tS by the Mayor yeaierosy ror disorder at X bib aad Harnett streete. The police mJe 117 arreati darlnjc the pest mo sib, of which num ber 71 of the defendant were colored and 41 white. ' Hbert Jordan, a dlaorderlj bite maa, waa arrested at Front . p-k at street mariei ay roiic-nnaai a. . Evsss early yesterday after a ooa. The Brunswick county board of com mUaio acre has rejected 11 bids for the erection of the saw JaU at Booth port. The lowest bid for the complete jab was 5,871w Sonlbport S&ndard'. "J-lenu William Fiisburh Jonee, of Fort Caa- ,11, wUt be married to Mie Bailie AnaUi), of Florence, Ala., next .an- day e renter. Uetooer aw. ia rtaxe wU! Uke place at the home of the briie-aJcU" Southport Siaxdard: "A pertj of men arrived oa Baaiay last rrom Delaware, and are at work pledac the nb factory of the Cape Fear Fisheries Co., at Old Bmnawick, U readiaeee for operaUoa. which te expected to De gla la a week or two." Town Creek correrpondence, Booth port SrannJ: -Maay of oar people enjoyed the excellent i" end via we oa me - Cbiaa by Bar. Dr. Worth at Kaw ttL-i..i TTrUav aixbt Dr. Worth J Mrs. Worth retara to the work China next week." , SootiportirJl , laTlI ... I. OMlknftrt this Hose were reww - iek to the marrlaxe or Jti ju- Broola Adkiaa to Mr. Oscar A. vua- w WUmiar- ertoa. ci v"r! . . Z lo,, October 141b, at J & o uoc. -Adkiaala well kBowa la Bontbport, bavlac rial led relative here the past gammer. ; new ApygmagMgrra. Miss Orladall Modiste. a & B. soiomea avm. Loibersas-Coarret auons. Marc bison rslionaJ uann-iv.a- Baml Bsr. Er ona-jrocw-. WUmisftoa Esvisrt Trait Co. a af Oonveniesor, ateuniy. prv- trrrrr-e bOCaXa. Wanted-12' rZ'aL, Miss Leonora Caatwe'J Daadf f. ROADS FOR PORTER. Youni White Man Convicted of Seduction Sentenced Yester . day to Three Years. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. laiertsuat i-tta Fran Mayer's Jatfj. a eat Bel- Beard Several Seat ta the Keck Ptte Orler aad Jaa ' eat U Civil Salt Erneet Porter, tba ycraatj while mm acalBstwhom ajary lathe Superior uoart Wednesday nljtbt, after the djB eeeaioa waa done, returned a eerdict coarlctlac him of aedaeUon nader promise of innrriate, was broafbt Into eoart early yesterday ajieraooa aad aeaUnecd by Jadte rceel ta a term of three year a oa tba eoaaty roads. The maxlmnm penalty ia are jeara, bat the jary recommend ca me yonnc man to tba extreme mercy of the eoart and Jadre Neal split tba bee vie t penalty In about half. As before aUted yon or Porter U a f enteel looklnr fallow and im he came from near Goldtboro. Yeaterday aesaloa of the court was devoid of casea of nnnsnal Importance. When the boar for recess came at S JSO o'clock yeaterday afternoon the eoart wa just completing the trial ef an ap peal from tha mayor's court in which lienyaid Bordeaux, a ycraof white maa llvicr la Firth ward, bad beea fined 3 aad coat for diaorderiy conduct ca Castle, near Bixth elreet, about three months era. The arrest waa made by Policeman G. B. Holt, who employed Herbert McClammy, Eiq., ta assist Bollcltor Daffy la the proae eulioa. Brooke G. Em pie and Woodua Helium, Etqe., ere defending the ac tion. Younr Bordeaux elaime that be waa not disorderly aa contemplated In the ord 'nance and the proeecatloa claims that he waa. The boor waa a Utile after mldalxht and einrlna: oa theetrter, complained of by theoO eer. was declared by one witness for defendant to have been "Bock of A tea. All the testimony bad been beard aad couniel for defence bad C one to the jary when a recess for tha day waa Uken. Dariar the day two civil suits were beard. Ia the matter of the Cape Fear Lumber Co. va. Acme Machine Works, Bonntree A: Carr, counsel for plaintiff, submitted to a non salt. In the fore closure proceedlara entitled Knicker bocker Trust Co. vs. American Wood Specialty Co., aa order waa made ehscrinr conditions of pablicalion. Court met at 9 JO o'clock and the sheriff returned the II Uleemen or dered summoned for the day with the exception of J. F. Jordan. J. A. Kelly, a L. Bchalken, J. A. Bfrre, Lee Grier aad D. J. Iforran, who could not be found. J. A. Brother, U. J. Oorbett, J. U. Car tie end bf. Usrsbbura were excused. Criminal esaea were disposed of as follows: ley McClammy and Boaa Thomp son, f. and a. t verdict rollty. Bachel Bavals, assault with deadly weapon: rullty of simple astault and required to pay eosta. lisnry Davis, larceny; plead rullty and waa required to pey costs. Mamie Garfield, assault with dead ly weapon and carry la r eonoeaiea weapon; 1J month la jail with prlvl- 10 com mission en to hire out. j.- Minor unwholesome nMl! wnllt not aruiitT. . w . II-orv Thomceos. assault with deadly weapon and forcible trespass; B vaanLhs oa roads. Tha larr which baa the Bordeaux in haarior Is comBoeed of the foilowlnr: A. J. Hewlett, E. F. Lawlr, Freeman E, Wood, Geo. E. rrtith it- Q. Ilolme. B. F. n.ii W. Olraaon. TL A. Biddle, J II MtDoanlJ. J. H. Pickett, H Gerdee and Fred Grlfflth. vomits KissioaiRY usno.t Davef Prayer at Bartaw Pmsjteriia . Charca Fsrtwtn ServUe. The Executive Committee of the Woman's Missionary Union of WU- mlnrton Presbytery ha appoint ed to-morrow for a day of pray er for mission, to be observed by the whole Union, and baa ordered a programme arranged for a devotional m tUar. The Foreign Missionary So ciety of Bargaw ba Invited the Union to meet there. In the chorea, ana tav erommmi baa been announced. In the morning, devotional exercise will be conducted by Bar. T. v. John son, of Bargaw, with an addreee by Dr. Geo. C. Worth. In the afteraoon devotional exercises will be conducted by Mrs- Jackson Johnson and Mrs. George a Worth will make aa ad dress. A popular meeting will be held at 4 P. M-, wblca will be In the nature of a farewell eerriee of prayer, sympathy aad good wishes for Dr. aad Mrs. Worth, who expect to re tara next week to tba mission field la Chlaa. m mu Castweiri Disclsr Icaooi. Miss Leonora Cantwell'a acbool of daedag will open la Hibernian Hall for thee venlagelas to-night at 8:30 o'clock and for the afternoon class , Monday night at the aama hour. Prl wale lessons, however, will be glrn at any hour. All tbe;Uleet round and aq.er. danctf. fency d.nd g and bnfaiag.wUl be UugbU Mr. M.B. Waver aad Miss Sadie Booker will be Mies Cantweira assistanU; Miss Mala GalfWay, musician. A complimen tary soiree to the children will be givers3turdsy afternoon at 4 o'clock. -I oulhpcrt Standard: "an- Jama) Btoae wa In Bouthport oa Friday of last week oa hi way to raiUaxore, where be will Uke n med ical coarse la tba University of Mary-IsaX" WILMINGTON, N. 0., I br,luant reception a 1 Y. M. g. ASSOCIATION. Veaer Mea el the "city Welcomed Ust NFht Deilrhifsl Preiramme Ike New Year's Outlook. Tha annual public reception of the Y. M. a A. last night wa n brilliant affair and was attended by fully 400 people, who were moat hoepiUbiy re ceived. The Interior of the handsome building waa profusely decorated aad upon every band there were evidencee ot intense Interest and enthusiasm. The ladlee of the .Woman's Auxiliary aciea graciously as a receiving party, and after the formal exercises a social aesaloa waa enjoyed in the reception room, during the progress of which dainty refreehmeata were served by the Jadiea under the direction of Mrs. Mill Moore. Tha Social Committee, composed of Messrs. JT. King, chair man; H. E. 0Eeaf. W. L. Wllllford, yy. A. Utile sad J. A. McGeachy.' bad general charge of the affair and eer- taialy acquitted themselves moat ex cell e nil j. Tba formal exercise wereobejrved In the Urge main auditorium of the building and a most pleasing pro gramme wss carried out. It wa ss follows, several of the participants bavlsgbeen obliged to respond ( en thutlastio encores: 'Silent the Night" by the Aetocia lion Male Quartette, composed of Mr. W. L. Wllllford, 1st tennor: Mr. Chaa. Dashan, Sad tenor; Mr. H. E. O'Kecf, lat bast; Mr. R. H. Grant, Sad bsis. Prayer by Bev. Dr. A. D. McClure, Vocal Solo, "Absent, by Mist Nora BoolL Annual Report by Dr. W. a Gal loway, the president. Piano Bolo, Mr. James Charlee Craft. Value of Association Work," by Dr. MeClure. "Dreams of the Olden Time" by tha Association Mee Q atrial le. Dr. McClure' address noon the Value of Association Work was one of the beet delivered at tba Y. M. G. A. la eome time, tie traced la a measure the history of the Association and drew therefrom practical illustrations of the benefit the organization has been to the young men of the city. The annual report read by President Galloway waa replete with Interesting statistical Information regarding Asso ciation work. In the religious de partment forty-eight men's and bay meetings were held, during the year with an attendance of 1834. The men's bible elasa met 63 times, atlendanoe 60S; boy's elsss, 89 meetings, attend- nece 3ol. There were S3 protested conversion; 145 were personally dealt with ; IS united with the church and 19 requested prayer. Ia the physlcsl depsrtmeat S57 gymnasium daises were Instructed; attendance at gymnaiium waa 6,113; 14 public games sad exhibitions were git ea and 16,733 bathe were enjoyed. Ten social evenle were given attend ed by 1785 persons. Ia the edacsllonsl depsrtmeat 2,283 persons visited tne reading room anu 540 volamea were draws from tha library. Iavltationa were 'issued during the year to the number of 33,700; 14 visits were made to the sick; 9 were per sonally assiated; 37 committee meet ing were held, with 193 attendance; 46 persons were directed to boarding bouses; 33.367 visits were made to the building; 4 letters of introduction were given. The present membership la 336 aad all bills are paid, with a balance of $31 In the treasury. In September, 1903, there waa a gala of 36 la membership; September, 1903, a gala of 43. Renewals have been very prompt and solicitation ba beea needed in only n few cases. The AsaoctsUon's Winter work al- a . a. ! ways begins in eernest niter toe an nual reception and Secretary Duahan, the obliging and-competent secretary, baa everything in readiness for the best season, perhaps, in the history of the organisation. The Junior gym nasium class begins work tbia after noon at 4 o'clock; the business men at 6:3) P. M. and the young men e . uiday night at 8:30 o'clock. Mon day night the class la stenography will organise. Ten etudenU have al ready entered. Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock the first of a series of afternoon meetioga .... "wa a a for men will be addressed oy me scbolsrly Dr. J. A. B. 8cherer, of Ch.riettoo, 8. O. He is a young man of commsndlog appearance and a fine speaker. He ehould be beard by a large audience. Braatwlck fapctier .tart Jodre Henry B, Bryan, of New- K.,- .nrl RoII-ItOr U. U. 14VOD, Ol Elixa'betbtown. were here yesterday on their way home from Bouthport where ihev held Brunswick Superior uouri. The term adjourned late wean-auaj m VTV . 3 afternoon after having been in session only two days. No Important cases were tried though nnes oi ate ana defendants for carrying concealed .Mmm and assaalt with a deadly weapon. All the civil matters were eMtlnued except two divorce suits. " . .. Uf. J. O. Ersns. of Town Greek, wss foreman of the grand jury. fkiete af City Ticket A -eats. ic TT W.: Nesb. Atlantic Coast Line city ticket agent at Wilmington, v.. Hn transferred to a clerical posi tion In the treasurer' office and will be succeeded by Mr. B. w. AJnngw. r Tit-hmond. "For five year Mr. a - . -ton wa tlekt agent at Jlof ence and Ulex oocupled 4 alinilar pod Uoa In the Hotel : Jefferson at Bich mond.' The trantfer of the offlce will be made tbl week. . . FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2, . 1 , - . FOUGHT TO A FINISH. Police Sergeant Burnett Had Strenuous Encounter With Desperate Negro. LASTED FORTY-FIVE MINUTES Crlmlial's Arrest Accomplished Vbea ON fleer Was About Exhssited-Lass ef an Ear Timely Asslstsace. HJxhway Robbery Char-e. 8urrounded by a horde of unfriend ly negroes, the lone and eolitarv bite man present In the rear of a ehsaty in the disrepuUble locality known aa "Bull Neck, near Tenth nod Mulberry streets, Police Sergeant G. 8. Burnett for ikree-quarter of an hour yeaterday afternoon . about . 5 o clock, engaged a desperate; colored criminal in a hand to-hand "struggle for life or death. The negro was Wal ter J. Lucas, an ex-convict, about 31 years of age aad the officer' euperior physically, who waa wanted for snatching Mr. N U. Hunt's watch Saturday night at Tenth and Princess street, an account of which appeared la the STAB Sunday morning. Tbanka la the indomitable pluck of the offi cer and tha timely arrival of Theo. Sann and two or three other white men when Sergeant Burnett wae about exhaualed, the desperate negre was fi nally conquered and now liee In a cell at the police station, repenUnt but un- forgiven. One of hie ears Is gone, strange to ssy, and Sergeant Burnett pleada guilty to having bitten it off aad to having aplt it oat oa the ground where the hand to hand en counter took place. The officer re ceived a slight cub on the bridge of hi cote and his left eye wae nearly goug ei out by the elawa of the negro fiend. Dr. Harper attended him and the in juries will likely not prove serious. The negro will be arraigned In the Mayor's court to-day at noon and will probably be sent immedistly over to the- Superior. - Court, where Judge Nesl's proclivity for Inspiring greater respect for officers of the law will doubtless assure the criminal cub- stsntlal punishment. ' Ever since Mr. Hunt reported hit robbery at the police station Sslurdsy at midnight. Sergeant Burnett baa bsen quietly at work on the case and Wednesday tne atolen watch was found at the atore of William Warren, colored. Tenth and Mulberry atreets. where Lueaa had pawned It for gro ceriea to the value cf $L50. Yester day Sergeant Burnett for obvious rea sons put on dtlxen's clothes and went out ia sesrch of the negro. He carried no club, for that would betray hi mission, and he slipped in on Lucas ben the latter waa least expecting it. Lucas jumped up and demanded to aee the officer's badge. It was shown and fighting for time the negro asked to see the warrant. Before Sergeant Burnett could produce it, the negro tried to evade arrest and the elash came. The officer attempted to put hi nippers on Lucss but the negro engaged kirn too strenuoutly for that. It waa n fight to the finish. One negro sum moned oat of the crowd of about fifty who had congregated about the scene jumped In ostensibly to assist the offi cer, but Sergeant Burnett wa led to believe he wss giving aid to Lueaa. Ooce the sergeant had the negro's head under his arm and his pistol upon bis forehead. He conld have killed bim by pulling the trigger, but, despite the provocation. Sergeant Burnett said the pity of It overcame him. His judg ment as an officer upon that occasion did him credit Finally Mr. Swana and other assistance arrived and the police officer, ss bloody as n beef, came down to the sUtlon house In the patrol wagon with a youthful but des perate criminal. Wbea - searched at the police station the negro bad an open knife in hia pocket which no doubt prompted the boast to the officer during the encounter, that he would "die before he would be arrested." He admirably suited hia actioneto bis words. PEETIY WEDDliNO AT WHITEVILLE. Mr. Patrick H. Sears Claims a Fair Bride Proa Colambas. Mr. and Mr. Patrick H. Bears, of Whiteville, arrived In the city Wed nesday night and left yesterday morn ing on an extended bridal tour to' Philadelphia and olber Northern cities. Mr. and - Mrs. Sears, nee Misa Maggie Smith, the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 8mitb, of White ville, were married at the pretty home of the bride by the Bev. G. H. Barnes Wedneeday evening at 8:30 o'clock in the presence of n large and fashionable assemblsge of guests. An elaborate reception at the home of the bride's siater. Mrs. J. B. Scbuiken, followed the ceremony and the bride and groom received many happy congratulation noon their union for life. A wealth of beautiful presents were received. Among those from oat of-town who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sesrs and Misa Bessie Bears and Miss Lydia Yates, of Wil mington; Mrs. A. W. Dally, of Con necticut; Mrs. J. M. Carroll and Mrs. E. T. Williams, of Lake -Waccamaw. Pistol la Her Bosom. Health Officer D. W. Willis, who la a sneeial colieeman by virtue of hi position In the health department, yesterday afternoon arrested Tom William and Kate Smith, both color ed, for diaorderiy conduct at Eighth and Castle street When searched at the police station a pistol waa found la the woman's bosom and she will be held today at noon npon the ad ditional charge of carrying concealed weapon. 1903. DEFAULTING CASHIER DEWEY WILL RETURN. Present Sniferln- Qreater Than Law Can Ufllct, He Ssys In a Letter to the News and Observer. Below will be found in full a letter received by Mr. Josephus Daniels from .Thoi. W. Dewey, defaulting cashier of the Merchants and Farmers' Bans, of Newbern, which letter was published in yesterday's News and Observer. The letter wss addressed in a lady's handwriting aad bore the postmark "Golds, and Greens., Kept. SO, 1903,' indicating that it had been mailed on the train at or between Goldsboro and Greens boro and aUmped as above by the railway mail clerk. The letter is in Dewey's familiar handwriting, and is accompanied by the query, "Will you do me the kindness to publish thlif; Then follows the letter, which gives no bint of "the ex cashier's whereabouts, wben. how or where he will retut-l: - Josephus Daniels, Esq.t Editor, Ra- leiah.N. C. x ' ' My Dear Sir: There have inciden tally fallen into my hands some cf the reports published in both Raleigh and Charlotte papers concerning' my defalcations.' etc.. which I denounce as malicious lies one in particular, two columns long, witn scarcely a semblance of truth from the begiu nlng to the end. The facts are grav- enough, but I will swear by all past associations and by my hope of for giveness by the Great Judge of all hearts, that the true shortage will not and cannot be made by HONEST men to aggregate ONE HALF of amounts nublished. I have not aa yet attempted any de fence, and if 1 ever do there will be a few shattered panes in the Glass Houses of some of those "prominent families of Newbern," who seem to have "swallowed their consciences" (if they had any to swallow) and are now ao eagerly and narahly sitting In judg ment against me: and while 1 say this. I have not a word of reproach for any one who is trying to do me justice, whatever the penalty of that justice may be. This I consider the unpar donable sin to speak maliciously or disparagingly of human souls, hun gering for hope. When the man with out brains does it he can be pardoned for knowing no better. When the man ttn brains doea it,- he . ahould be asjiamed to look his fellow mortals in the eyes.- It is a sin ten times deeper dyed than giving a slone to those who ask for bread, or giv ing poison to those who ask for a cup of cold water. My heart has never been intentionally evil, nor am 1 tbe recipient or any iii-goiien gains. I realize to the fullest capa bilities of a proud and sensitive nature (for the pall has hung hourly before my eyes,) the turpitude and lasting ahame (in their every phase) of my er rors, and remorse muit be my eternal portion in this life. I have never had any other idea than that of returning voluntarily, if not otherwise, when I felt that I had the strength and cour age to do so, for my present sufferings are far greater than the Law of man can Inflict. I wish to live only for the Innocent ones dependent upon me. There is nothing we cannot live down and rite above, and overcome. I would rather learn sympathy and no bleness of hesrt through sin than never learn it at all. Truthfully, T. W. Dbwkt. "PANTHER" DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Qermaa Ship ot War Passed Out Yester day far British West ladies. Lines were cast off from the Custom House wbsrf, the harbor craft abrieked a farewell salute, people alone the water front waved their hands, handkerchiefs and. hats in adieu and the German gunboat "Panther" ith officers on deck bowing and lifting their caps to friends ashore, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning glided out into the stream and a few minutes later passed down the rirer after a pleasant visit of four days in port dur ing which they were royally enter tained by the whole people of Wil mington. At noon the distinguished war craft passed over tbe bar at South- port and by this time is well on her voyage to the British West Indies. As the boat drifted out from the Custom House wharf .the marine band aboard came on deck and played "Dixie," "America" and other na tional airs aa a compliment to those to whom the officers were indebted for a royal reception. Capt. T. M. Morse, navigating officer of the North Caro lina Naval Brigade, piloted the ship down the river and to him as the last Wilmingtonian aboard the officers expressed themselves as most highly honored and entertained here, espe cially at the oyster roast by the Howard Belief Co. TO CELEBRATE THEIR ANNIVERSARY. Railway Carmen PIsobIox Bit Ifaaokezlv 1st Eveat Labor Committee. The Brotherhood of Bailway Car men have decided to hold a celebra tion of the first anniversary of the founding of the local unioiu at Wrlghtsville sound on Thanksgiving afternoon. There will be an oyster roasts, basebsll and other sports. SUte Treafurer B. B. Lscy will be here on that day and address the people in either the opera house or some other suitable place. . . , The matter wsa quite enthusiasti cally discussed at a meeting of the General Labor Committee at Wrlghts ville Sound last night, after which a delightful oyster roast waa enjoyed. Those present were Cspt W. F. Cor- bett, Messrs. J. O. Powers,' G. F. Quinn. J. G. Smith, W. C. Wallace and J. Edgar Lewis. Resumed SocUl Sessions. ' : : The regular weekly social sessions of the Wilmington Lodge of Elk for the Winter season were resumed last night ' A -Urge , attendance marked the resumption last night and the "Best People" had a most enjoyable time. - - v . . - ' -. . . 'V - - - .-.1 WHOLE NO. 11,264 1 .:. NOTICE WE HAVE B0U6HT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF THE FISHBLATE CLOTHING (MPA'.IY. Look out for bargains. , S. & B. oct tf THE MDRGHISOK OF leililntXNOTONf N. G. The Directors of this Bank have declared a dividend of 3 per cent., payable October October 1st. - The Wilmington CONVENIENCE. . . . We are centrally located where you can "get your money any SECURITY With Capital PKOFIT Interest paid for rules. TV. NORWOOD, President. c ss. TA.xa.ujK. oct 8 tf PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. David J. Lewis,Esq., of White ville, was here yesterday. . Mr. J. D. Sesaoms, of Sted- man, N. G, was here yesterday. Mr. Samuel Meares, of Clark- ton, was at The Orton yesterday. Mr. Jno. R. Billings, Jr., . of Durham, was registered at The Orton yesterday. Mr. James Lee Duffy will leave this morning for New York and other Northern points: Mr. B. Ennette Phelps left Tuesday morning to visit this mother at Plymouth, N. p. Mr. A. G. Volgt and children left yesterday afternoon for their new home at Mount Pleasant, S. O. F. A. Crowell, of the Union Special Machine Co., Philadelphia, is one of the popular travelling men at The Orton. Mr. Jesse Rhodes, of Lake Butler, Fla., came yesterday to visit his brother, Mr. IkelB. Bhodes, whom he hsd not seen in 35 years. Prof. R. D. W. Connor, prin cipal of the High School, arrived Wed nesday night from his home at Wil son. Mrs. Uonnor will arrive later. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Bel- den and little son left Wednesday af ternoon for their home at Birming bam," Ala., after visiting relatives here. Mrs. A. D. McClure and chil dren returned yesterday from Spar tanburg, where they spent a part of the Summer delightfully with rela tives. Editor Peterson, of the Lum- berton Argus, was a welcome visitor to the Stab office yesterday. He had been visiting relatives and friends In Sampson county and was on his way home. The Argus is a neat and newsy weekly and is well supported by an intelligent constituency. South Washington correspon dence, Pender Chronicle: "Mrs. B. W. Blvenbarkand little daughter Misa Katie, left for Wilmington to-day where they expect to make their fu ture home. Mrs. Emma Powers and daughter Mrs. Moore, of Wilming ton, were among, the arrival this morning.' "WHEN HER SOUL SPEAKS. Capitsl Production of New York Success at Academy Monday Nljht The Academy of Music Monday night will offer a classical treat in the performance to be given of "When Her Soul Speaks," by the charming American act res?, Miss Eva Mount- ford and a metropolitan supporting company. The play is now one; of the most popular on the- American stage and is being accorded high words of praise by the prest. Wednes day Durham Sun aayr, under head of "A Strong Play:" "Wben Her Soul Speaks" waa pre sented at the New Academy of Music on Tuesday night by Miss Eva Mount- ford . and her company. While the audience was not ao large, it was an appreciative one. - The play was presented in lour acta and is a strong production. Miss Mountford played the title role in a most admirable manner and 'was well supported by the entire company. Mr. Elmer Grandin, the author of the pUy, was in the cast and played the charac ter of Rev. David Dangerfield. The costume worn by the ladies oi the company were from Lord & Tay lor, New xorr, and tne scenery oy the George Purvis Construction Com pany, New xork. Sale of seats will commence at Plummer's to-morrow morning. There will be no advance in prices. -iaawBBuVBBawBa " The Orton Changes. . Mr. Thomson Alexander Baxter, the popular chief clerk at The Orton, has tendered his resignation and will leave the city. Hia successor has not been named. - Mr. iKia' the steward, will Uke a position with the Yatborougb t Raleigh. - . , " Oaa by ZIa.il. $5.00$ Six Month.. ; 8.60 ;Thro UoBiaa. " 1.S5 ' Two tfoBths, " ' 1.00 llTr4 to Ssaaarlbar. la a.e J City at 4S Caata par noata. Z SOLOMON. NATIONAL BAIIE, 1 0th to stockholders of record, J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier. : Savings & Trust Co. ' business day. - and Surplus of $90,000 and Assets of over $1,000,000 absolute safety is assured. on deposits at rate of 4 per cent, per annum, compounded quarterly. Call, at the bank . H. WAIiTJERS Vie PresMaat - Jt-.t oaanian . - . All persons are hereby forbidden to hunt or fish on any -of our lands lying in Cape Fear, Harnett, Masonboro or Federal Point Townships, ' New Han over County, N. O., under the penal ties of law as prescribed by Section 2891 of the "Code," and amended by acts of General Assembly 1887 and 1895. This 29th day of September, 1903. GEORGE HAREISS, - A. J. MARSHALL, , 03CAR PEARS ALL, ESTATE ROGER MOORE, P. Q. MOORE, . FRANK BBA8LEY, ' W. F. ALEXANDER, GEO. B. FRENCH & SONjVy GEO. R. FRENCH, j - By W. A. FRENCH," Jtt.7 sep 30 3i . .Attorney, groceries: 50 Bbls Stlek Candy. f 200 Case Salmons. lOO Boxes Octagon! Soap, 800 Basra Green Coffee. . lOO Boxes Borax Soap "l 100 Boxes Ark Soap. 100 Cases Sardines. 100 Bbls Mullets. 100 Bags Peanuts. ? 25 Bbls Motts Vinegar. - 20 Bbls BXott's Cldor. Molasses, Syrups and a complete line of Oro cerlee ana Tobaccos for sale at lowest prl" ea. SAM1 BEAR, SR., & SONS., Wholesale Groceries, , - 18 Market street.. octatf NOTICE. Beginning October 1st the 10 oVlnr.ic freiorht will be discontinued on the suburban line. The freight -car will leave Ninth and Orange at 5 -o'clock P. M. daily except Sun- : day. There will be no freight trip on Sunday. - - Beginning October 1st the City cars will make first trip at 7.30 A. ,' M. instead of 7 A. M. as at present. CoMilateu Rail'FS, U;2lit& Powered sep 30 2t ACADEMY OF MUSIC Monday Night, October Silt Special engagement of V MISS BVA MOUNTFORD and her company in a powerful new ' modern play entitled Mr ir "WHEN HER SOUL SPEAKS." Seats on sale Saturday at i Plum- mer's. r Hv - - Prices 25c, 60c, 75c and$l. oct! 3t thfr su - C Executrix Notice. Having ob tbe 25th day of July; IMS, qualified before the Olerk or the euperior Court of Mew Hanover county as Executrix of tbe laat will : and testament of John Marvin Hardwlck, lata . of the county of New Hanover, deceased,-1 hereby notify aU persons bavins claims against the estate of my testator to present the same to me tor payment on or before the- 26th day of July, 1904, and request all persons Indebted to my said testator to make early payment. , , This third day ot eeptember. 1903. 1 " MAEY JANE HABDWICK, Executrix of tbe laat will and testament of John Marvin Hardwlck, deceased. , , , . . sep 4 6w - fr - " ' - - " UNLUCKY CORHER. We have built up the largest grocery business i the city, ana with our Increased force can meet all demands. Our specialties are hlKb class irooda and our prices are right. Head' an Chickens, Apples and Pears. , lUarters lor St. U. nanus ouusa uiu BHiaiusn iDDies ana rears. n-ancyuaKes ana Crackers, Chipped Beef. Lobster, ealmon. Tronfc. MaekereL KiDDeredHerrlnsv Preserves. Honey, Jam, Olives, Pickles. The most com- . plete stock of canned and - glass goods In tbe . city. Take a look at our Immense refrigerator . Both Phones 109. an 23 tf B Members of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church are notified that there will be acongre- Sat lonal meeting Friday nigbt at 8:15- o'clock . i the Luther Memorial Building. A toil at- wnaance is uesurea. octSK - H. L. TOLLERS, -Secretary. -'4 ZXI8S GBniDALL, .modiste, - ; 720 N. Howard street, Baltimore, Md. , wtu give prompt attention te out of town orders. . . . - -' Streets Costumes, visiting and Evening Gowns. Wedaing Trousseau a specialty , : 7

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