-e J - Wm Am bwbsb m 1 Cj aewe- risaUhed la jjjfiHonuitgtar. OUTLINES, .......riar rti It trial at RaJeigh. 5flca SaiSla, M 111. iC.ri.y; lit UU1 WlU U rV.Jjf Bormtar- J act cuw&rt VV wmmlllti 'Tr of KU4tdorf it rti'iax txUMlom of tlaa U sUi Ui two Li1 m u mm it nHMV wiff r . . . . . - fVii Uicoi: Nto- ? . r t rtpidly reoTriar. ta fraia diaUUarj t Pao rti fcJ d lajar4 It fV -TaraUo at 8l CZurtaa. Q n?td asaay otaaw. li3c: IMfWM iwa pnoM aa rpo W7. no. Kif: ttriatd coaaaaeai to C ijir.a tarvaatlaa Sna at fEATHER REPORT Z i. VtrT or AoucctTTti, ) arajus N. CL. Oct. 9L J iMBrucc data for tha Iwaalr- a 3rV.- "t I : I A. M-, IT aacrt ; i. n tx: Bxaxtama. O da hjj aix.ii oitmii una. 4 day. .C3; ralaiaJt U to 41. C3 1 . . arr; 3to icuxns. Brv.'f f!r Mlir haa yraraikd at ar t v-.ti a ft llxht loeaJ raiaa hmrf NorU Carollaa. Taaa- nur aoaaat aif ar la Laa urtvu4kart rtaaalaais asot ala M7 ta a elraJ aa4 vmUti dla- aa rOIUT r3 TO-DAT. f rfx.f Oct. I Tor North f saui; aaa momij: ISrt llaitu-OlUkr 4. I lt. ui .... ......... Ltifi ... 'i tue i Sua (Apart IS7M.A. UJP.M. ltU.aJM. &C7A.M. SX7A.M. lWjiUi.1 co C to a aooa paxL nixuaa Girl now aralka flio h :i i;i.'4lltc ajt aal daiatj Tkn u! ra A3 t Lrviert dov who " j'tttac for prafarrad t. X:o3 hirisr, been ootalnated Crm in Philadelphia, H j:-f n that ha U kept h2x tit coapaia. 'ii3 :if ccamitleaoa putoricaia FKaytly at AacapoliJ Iho ra?acoi cf tht co anil who la- ft :a w-:i ba 00f- ' :it.::ioa to aJlrtca ih 'Urc4 ttunzM of Alamaacw ;5'-. : r:fUartoa. October ?ta. ACiu papera aaaoaacw lit x-k.'. f the ftaioiaa half ' e2'; '-it Aataaa blaatf Ml la. thty were "oat o TiapU Grafca. Salor v.l I.LiVas Tnacar will r ? ! iiy pc4tpona tha da- ptna of t. ero nntH tha x "Xt Kd9nl way jat - ti ChtLii eitloa tlut a 5 ut a acav" It laraxBJ 4 -ii-Uijf Ci'Jtrun tha POPO 11.1 at it yesx. WtU, wbat r1 ti Ka ia tha PopoUjU 2uz ht jotatv! lha plalo- r1i cf moaty ha la aqatrslas tf ' .Vowtn Haj ho rrer n - u 5uc!ea a camel voali ... .. . r r. . " ?t 05 a ceoiia r U b padallj tnlet-"Poaram-Tlma !, p-ta. d rrtt ft fttt. The poarn baa J a, n tnt to natare. year. Aiirtta, Tha ,!ricxtoa, New York. Crsrao of latartat With til inajBmotll pot b!ea dealt la. j the pool, S.CCO.OOO; -ew. p. Brown, 2,000,000; 3F r4... I a at aaa AAA. aa-farts. X VOL. LXXni.-NO. LOCAL DOTS. Snlxbt'i txcanioa to Kawbm c-t-euac or Jteotthta learta to-da-r tt7J3.M. J To-ay txlra can will U ran 8abarba.a Ltaa, leattaf Froat aUrrUecaa att3 aid 10 p. IL, aadOeaaaVlawat 430 aad f 0P. if. Ia lha alatnc of tha paator, Bit. a a Joha will addraaa tha eoa- " oi uraot m. k. charea, at bota aaoraiaff aad araalac aarvlcaa to day. . Tht Unit! Chaxttj AsocU. Horn will bold Km oaartarfj maatlaa; Moadey el 0cloek at Chraaat 8lrat rradjlerlaa charta. .An membara ara rtqaealed to 'aUaad. Maun. A. J. Dixon, 1L Bie, aadj Wax ZXeeortay, adraac araaU for lha Boathtra VaadrrDla Bho w, ara la lha cUj, maklflx arraaxaaaU for a azbibltJoa bar aadar caaraa oa TaaatJar, Oetobar n la.' CItj Attoraey WUliaa J. Bal Umj aad U V. Oradj, Eaq rataraad -feaUrday from Ilaleib whara Ihey artatd cefora Lha Batxrtma Coarttha laaportaat back tax eult of (Sty of Wllmlaitoa tb. Bridat MtDoaald. " Fritadj otitr. aad lira. J. T. Browa. No. 439 Uladea alrwat, will aytapaihUa wila them la tha deafia of their IltUa daafhlar, UUia BaUa. vbkb oeeamd laat atfht at 9J50 o'clock. Tha faaeral arraacamaata will bo made later. EalarrlBj to a Tltit of Mr. W. J. taraijr. ftaeraJ paaaeacar axaatof tha AUaalk Obait Llaa to Waahlax to a. thaW aaya aim thla richly mer llad coaasllaaaat: 'Ha ta coaaidared oaa of lha brtxhteai yoaac aaa la kla Uaa of bwmiarta la lha eoaalry." A UletTam recciTad yetUrday from Bar. Dr. J. D. TJafaam asafad that bo tu eJck aad could aot fiU bla, apaolalmaat to preach at lha Unit Baplht eh area to-day. Ia eoaaaqaeaea of thla Bar. . J. Edwarda will praacb at 11 A. M. Taara will ba ao aarrko ataichL Tha little boy, KaHy Baxfiald, who wm ao badly cat ap by balac raa ortr by a frtJxht ear la tha aoathara part of lha city laat week aad who lost bola Ur by Ua aeddaat, la delac Ttry wail at laa Jaeaaa Walker Memo rial Uorpllal aad will rat wall. Uraed; Meaie Uakaewa. A yoaac aerro who waa tllhtr too addled by the blow or for reeeoaa beat kaowa to blmealf, raf aaed to diralxe kU aajoa. le al lha Jamea Walker U a aoorUl XXoapllal for Iraalmeat of wowada reeelted la a fitbt with aa eiber axro cm the yarde of the. JEl toa Lamber Oo. yeaterday aftaraooa. Tb aefroac qaarrelled aboat aoma tririal affair aad the a a kaowa charact er received a tertre blow orer the bead with a billet of Uthlwood. Ul aetallaat eeeaped aooa alter lha blow wae dealt. Later the aamee of Ike aecroea war aeeertalaad to be 01 Selly aad Joe Moore, trackara at the lambtr mill. Kelly carted Moore aad the latter a locked bUa off a alalform, ate fret hi a. lie wee aacoaadoaa for aome time afterwerda. auyera Ceert Teatcrday. A aaaaber of aalaportaat were beerd by Mayor Epriflrer la the eaaaldpai coart yeaterday. Walter Jjae, the aefro charged wilh the alxbway robbery of Mr. N. M. Daat aad Ike aame who ao alreaaoaaly ra aljUd Police 84 rt teat a B. Baraett, waa held for lha Bapcrlor Coart aader aa addlxloaal jaatlfled bond of $100 for a!a appeeraaoa at the aext term. Mr. Haat poeiUTaly Ideatlfiad tha yoaac derperado aad Ike resalader of the u.i!nflar wae rery eoaelaalra. The Chlaeaaaa. who related to relara laaadry eatraated to blm by ex Cklef of Police B. B. Clowr, arreated mat tre wlib the owaer of Ite property esd wae dLemlatod. The Orleatal la eateabtr of Ortee M. E. Baaday Bebool aad bla teacher aad a aamoer of othera from that orraahaUoa were preeeattortpreeeat blm. It a re tee ca e a Jeaat. The trepreeeatallree of tbm Metro ,tUua Ltfe Iaaaraaca Company la Wllealartoa eejjyed aa oaUaf at WrUhUtlU jeeierday. The party Udaded Baperlateadeat JceepbJa coee aad ble aeaUtaal, Mr. J. E. Bkb rda. Ajreate Cbae. T. 8haw. B-B. Drew, J. H. UQ ale, Joha near. B. xi tM. md BoL J. woat three medical advlaora, OarrlecB. E. Zeekary BIlamy. Dre. A. H. ad HarHee ti EW AD VEBT13EH ENTB. K. F. Parker Noli:. Clyde Llae 8elllardeye. . Jf. O. V. A. U.-SoOce. Oto. a Oeylord-rell opealer. F. E. Haanagea Co. Experlaaee. A.DstU Co-Oreat eale clothier. J. D. Bahder JC Ca-Fall opealer. Paria MUUaery Emp'm SaceeeafaL CaroEaa Machlaery Oo-Com'r power Q W. Tate Jk dx-Bchool book a Wllmlaa'a Grocery Co-l"reeh rood a. cTooaL 11. Waa Ud Boarder. Waatad Trereller. Wanted BUBOcrapber. For Sale Old aewspeper. Joha II. While maa Wood yard. .BBtBBaaawe4awaBjawBB Tns Isrrest aaaortmeat of Mill la try aad DryUda wUI be shown oa Taee 5Iy a7d Wedaeeday at the PolTOft 00. opoalegc. " 1 The greatest atiradloa thla week will be Bahder'a Fail Onlar. Visit lUUdcHaar, 114 Market t in ; w r kiiw r i . .' - - - I tl . 1 PLANS FOR CARNIVAL. Spcctacnlar Parade ol Exquisite Floats and Alffitary WiU be One ol Features. ARRANGEMENTS IN PR0QRESS Ujlaa Caaiyaiy at ESuaeth City TIU Week sal at Nrwbtra Neil Soaia al ike Paid aid Free Attxtctleae Vkkh WDI le Seea. t To-morrow two weeka the bla atreet falraadcaralralby lha Jaalor Order of United American Mechaaka will be teaaxaraled.la Wllaiartoa and the Tarloaa anb commltteee of arranre meaUbaTe their work wall lohaad Tha fair promoter of lha Laytoo Com pany, which will. furaUh the aUrae Uaaa.UrUllla thedty, loalajt sola mlaale, aad la enthaalaetle over the proepeeta for e blx aacceaa. Thla week Mr. Joha W. Blomme. roeri&l adrartlelBr axeaf, will make a trip ap lha earloua rallwaya radlatlaf from WUmlaxtoa aad will make the coast ryiblate with a Uracil re lithograph mat ter celUac alleaUoa to lha attracUoea here daring "Fair week." Tha terri tory bctweea Wilmington and New bera, Goldaboro, rajetUtllla, Flor eaee aad Boathport wUl be perelateat ly worked. Oaeofthe mala featarea of the week will be a grand parade oa Wedaeaday alzhttlat, which la being arranged by the Parade Committee coniUtlng of A. Watklna (chairman), Jao. L Qrlffltb, W. L. Barkhlmer. W. P. Me OIeagboa. II. O.Thomaa. Joaepb tlor toa aad E. P. Dudley. The committee met latt night end the chairman ap pelated Mr. Dudley aa lecretary, with laatraetlone to extend a cordial laeita Uoa to the W. L. L, Naral Beterree and Boya Brlrade to form a part of the proceeeioa. A detail will alr be aaked from thoae orgaalxalloaa to act aa gaard of boaor for the Qua a of the Oarelral, who will be aelected by pop alar rote, beglaalaa to-morrow, aad who will ride with ber melde of boaor la aa'exqaUlie float. Meaara. Jaa IL OrlSlhv end IL O. Thomaa were ap pelated to make all arraagementa for the loet, ale, aad to aolldt at leeit foar additional floata from baalneaa mea. A com ml lite waa alto appointed to la rite Goreraor Aycock, Mayor Bpringer aad 8ute Jr. O. UVA. M. Coaaelllor Geo. E. nood,of Qoldiboro. to ride at the bead of lha prootardoa. A oalqae aad what promleee to be a pleatlac feature of the parade will be a body of aallormed Mechanlca repreeeatlac the U. B. flag," which Ia a coaccptloa of Mr. Watklna, lb en terprtalaffchalrmaa. Maa will repre eeat the IS stare la white, while tha atrlpee will be represented by eeparale colamae of mea la red, white and blae. It le at time ted that 150 mea will be required for thla dlaplay. CaJ dam UghU will be aaed, and It la proposed to make the effect eery pretty. Uade Bam will eeoort the flax la a derer lm person a tioa by aome tall member of the order, and Mica Colombia will be elegantly eoe tamed aa aa eecort from the rear. The Laytoa CaralraJ Company la at Elisabeth City thla week, aader the aaepieee of the Odd Fallow, aad will exhibit la Newbera aext week, under the auspice of the Tolanteer Are de partment aad other organlxatlona of that dty. There are fir free and IS paid attractions. The free attractions embrace Balxer, the famous high wire walker; Perdao, who doee aerobe lie feete oa alngle aad doable trapese; McIaJb, who doee acrobatic- work oa Bpealab rings, aad McFarland, who will dire from a ninety-foot ladder U to a basin of water four feet deep, fir feet wide by tea feet long. Amos the paid attractions are the Bed Dome," Mlsa Alice Fisher la Illustrated eoage aad 8waueoa'a f uany motiaf pictures; "Trip to the Moon," LaatUe," the Plaatalloa Show; Coachlta, the Spanish Dance-,' the 'Houee Taming Upside Down;" Ony," the snake eaUr; the 'Palaee of Art;" the "Edea Show;" the Bla Ferrla Wheel aad the '3talue Turning to Ufa." Beard ef Health. The regular monthly meeUer of the Board of Health wae held yester day morning at 11 o'clock at the City Hall, those p reseat baring been Mayor W. E. 8s linger (chairman;, w.ui. Harper (secretary). City Eaglaeer B. P. Adams aad Mr. IL W. JaeohL The At Ar an ordlnane eslabUshlng a eaaltary plamblar system la the dty waa c resented by the commute to which the matter waa referred, bat fieel acUoa waa deferred until a tub aeqaeat special meeting to be called by the chairman. The other buslaeea of the Board yesterday was of a routine character. MHt Qere'a Daadsi CUaa. Compllmeatary to quite a larfa Bomber of children composing ber day daseee ia daaclnr yetUrday afUraooa al ocioea 1 Qermaala Hall gave e delightful aolre which waa freaUy enjoyed by partict M.i. .relators alike. Mlsa Gore baiaabercharmlsr aaaistaaU forth ... n r. m a mnA Hlse season ansa iwn s - - - all ber daaaea saT opeeed wilh a remarkable fine attead aae. Tks raalktr Betaeitd By that hospitality PcalUr to the Cape Fear aeeUoa, will always fee welcome la WUmlagtoa. Yoa will h.r thla same fseilnr after your la- lUal Tlslt to Piatt dc liaar a, ui ajar- ket alreci. More MllliBtry will be ownen f-.A.. A Wadaeadsr at PdTOgVe ODenlar taaa at all the other openlara combined. - - WILMINGTON, N; .0., I n,Na T-M0RR0W Nia; - Whea Her Seal Sp ak," With Mln Era Meaitford la Leadler fio!e-Cea ' cert by the Orcbetlra. I ! f r Whea Her Boul Bpeaka" will be it le eeea at tha Academy to-morrow night aeid to be a new plar br . Mr: Elmer Qrandln, and ie depicted as a powerful psychological story the story of a woman'e aouL A beautiful lora romance rune through It and the maay altuauoaa are . aoral aad la- tensely dramatic. ' The leading female role "Bulb" la assumed by Mlsa Era Mount ord, ao actreaa of great emo tional power and sympathetic methods. The author, Mr. Elmer Grading aa actor of splendid repute, will be aeea la the leading male role of "Darld Danger field," a dergyman or modern and human Ideas. The acenery aad eoctamee are said to be striking' and head tome. A featara of the erening will be the superb rendition of a epecial pro-' grsmme by the Academy Orchestra direded by Prof, a W. tlollowbaib, which will be at follows: aurcb ror tat rue nbtrx Ortrtart "ret aaC FMtsat'.M...3ipptw TneBttetaaa tnt Brook... Intttxlacaig tut .....Usx aoloe by D. ajuam KWittwiton, Crown of Diamonds... Ober. Meaty Ktrcfi Ft'.tL The sale of aeats for the production la now la progress at Plummer'a and regular pricea preralL CURQLAR IH HIS RESIDE5IIE. Case. A. L. DeKaasct nsd Uapleasaal Ex eerleece With launder Ust Nlf kf. Electric lights turned oa and shin ing aa brightly as day, Capt A. L. DeB3saet came face to face with a bur glsrjn one of the rooma of bla resi deaee. No. 113 Booth Beeoad atreet, ae be returned rather late laat night from the office of Messrs. Alexander Spruat dc Bon, where he la employed. All the other members of the family had retired earlier and tha hoase wsa left la tsrknets. Aa Capt DeBosset ap prosched bis home, returning from the office, he saw the lower floor of the residence ablase with light end be was naturally at a Iocs to know what to make of It He epproacbed rather cautiously, opened the front door, proceeded Into one of the rooma and there found a rather well-dressed stranger, who waa evi dently taken by complete surprise and wanted to talk. Capt. DeBosset waa unarmed and could do no better than to drlre from the premise the Intruder whom he aaya he could easily Identify ahould be see bim again. Capt DeBosset says he found no eridencee laat night of the meana of entraoee employed. INJURED 19 STEAMER'S HOLD. Catered Stevedore Hart Yesterday by Falllsf Bale of Compressed Cottoa Cato Waddell, a well known etere dore living at 724 Booth Second street, wae painfully, If not very seriously Injured aa the result of a bale- of compressed cottoa having fallen upon blm la tha bold of one of the British steamers loading at the eom prets yesterday afternoon. The flra bandred weight of cotton la said to nave dropped oa the negro a distance of felly do feet ead the wonder la that be waa not killed Instantly. He bad bo bones broken, but Buffered a aerere coneuuloa and baa a number of eevere sprains and bruises. There may also be a fracture of the base of the shall, bat the physicians were unable to tell aa to that last night Waddell la at the James Walker Memorial capital, where he wae getllng alone Tery nicely laat al bt Faaeral at Xr. sa. Reed. The funeral of the late Mr. William Beed, whoae death occurred at the Jamea Walker Memorial Hospital Friday, waa conducted from the lodge la Oakdale cemetery yeaterday arter aooa by the Bee. Jamea Carmlchael, D. D redor or Bt Joha'a Episcopal Church, In the presence of a number of frlende aad the entire etaff of areata and Buperinlendent Bradford, of the Virginia life Inaurance Com pany, la thla dty. Mr. Beeda fellow employea also laid a handsome floral tribute upou the freee aaa mark of the high esteem la which he wae held by them. ,' , i Scheela Opt a Te-aierrew. All former pupUa and all aew puplla t the Tarloua public ecboole of the dty are rtqueated to brlnr their nolo books and pencils oa Monday mora an .hvia firuB tjromptly at ma. 9 o'clock. V Bee Polrcgt'a MlUinery before yoa make your purchases. Taelr itylea are correct ' r T Do you need Carpels or Window Baadea f Uao, tisit the Polrogt Co. "" i - , ... SUNDAY. OCTOBER f CASES COMPBOfflSED. End of Beer and Sandwich Liti gation in the . Superior Court Yesterday, HILTON RESORT NO MORE. iodxe Nisi Reacked Happy Termlailloa af Tnableioae Flxhl la Comas' la dlclmeaU Other Froceedliis. ScreraJ for the Eeadr. 1 Upon Intimation of His Honor, Jadre Walter H. Neal, that from the testimony submitted by the State and isj the absence of anythinr In rebuttal thereto by the defendant be would virtu ally Instruct the jury to brlnr ia vtardictof guilty and that upon such Verdict .he1 would feel constrained to sentence the defendant to IS months oa the roads, attorneys for Mr. OL E. Collins ia the Superior Court yester day morning , adopted the suggestion from the bench by. which the defend ant was allowed to plead guilty and pay a fine of $25 and costs In the cats then on trial and the coat in four other similar catea againat him, for selling beer oa Bunday and without license. The aggregate of the fine and court coils waa about $86 and waa Bat tled by Mr. Collins la the afternoon. By the aame compromise Collins was required to eater into a rerbal agree ment and give 1250 justified bond to appear at succeeding terms pf the Supe rior Coart for 13 months to show that be hae deaittedrf rom further violation .of the law in the manner of which he bad pleeded guilty , and not to again eater' Into the sale of lquor with or without license. That settlement of the eases against Mr. Collins was reached when all the testimony was In after another trial yesterday and while the jury was out of the court room by direction of Judge "Neal, who desired to speak with Messrs. Herbert McClammy and Martden Bellamy, attorneys for Collins, relative to what he would charge the jury. The compromise by Jadge Neal waa readily accepted by eounael for defendant after a brief conference with their dient in the judge's room. Oaly a faalf-day'a aessloa of the court waa held yesterday, but the Col lins' ease occupied most of that It wae taken up first thing la -the morn ing and more thaa aa hoar end half waa consumed In selecting a jury. The special panel of 20 taleamen waa soon exhausted; Judge Neal sent out and had a dosea more summoned and about twice that number were pressed into-' service from spectators In the coart 100m before a jury had been secured. Solicitor Duffy and Iredell Mearee, Esq., Tery strenuous ly conducted ' the prosecution and erery point waa taken advan tage of. A number of ministers of the gospel were Interested spectator. The 8tate Introduced only four witness ea Policeman J. W. English, who made a purchase of the proverbial aandwiehea and got three bottles or beer "on the aide;' for a quarter,. Jamea G. Green, who ac companied Engliah and "knew the ropes;" .D. T. Turley, who testified that ha" frequently visited Collins' place and saw beer drinking there on Bunday, andU. 8. Commissioner 8. P. Collier, who testified that he had drawn ap the usual application for United Bute license for Collins. The latter evidence waa, howeTur, object ed to and exceptlona were noted. That was also true of much of the other evidence, the jary havinrbeen sent oat of the room two or three times while the Issues of law and fact were argued aa to competency. The defence offered no testimony, relying upon what had been brought out on cross-examination of the 8tatee' witnesses. Finally the case waa ready .for counsel to begin argument to the jury and it waa at that stage of the proceedings that the jury waa agaia sent out and the settlement waa proposed by Judge Walter Neal and accepted by defendant's counsel Judge Neal In pronouncing judgment aid that defendant had made aome coneeealona and he would do likewise. However, he wanted It understood that the"t8er garden" at Hilton must cease operations, and be advised Mr. Collins that he would order the house moved or destroyed. Mr. Collineex pretui a perfect willingness to aban don any Violation of the law, and aald he would move the bulldlnr or burn It up, If It waa ordered by the court Later it waa suggested that the house had been built by Mr. Colllna with the understanding that when he faceted the premises the eame waa to revert to the ownera of the land, and under those circumstances Jadge Neal didn't preaa the removal or the destruction. Eoutlne caaea were disposed of du ring the day as follows, and the court adjourned aine die until Oct 19th, Judge Neal leaving In the afternoon for hie home: ' - Robert Martin, abandonment; con tinued; new bond. Chaa. Badellffe, assault wth deadly weapon; $15 and coeta. Emanuel Williams, assault with deadly weapon; four months on roada. Kate - Smith, carryinr concealed weapons; pleaded guilty; 60 dayaln jait with, leave to hire out Ed Jonee,; asaault with deadly weapon ; three months oa roada. Jamea Bpeneer, assault with deadly weapon ; three months on roads. llarry Myers, assault wita aeaaiy weapon; four months on roada. Ernest McDonald, larceny; pleaded ruilty; judgment suspended. Bachel Revels, asaault with deadly weapon ; judgment suspended on pay meat of costs.- - - Archie Hawee, asaault with deadly weapon ; three montha on roada. Visit Poleogt 0.'s store Tuesday and.WtiInei.Udiy, tLt.r vpe&inr days. 4, 1903 . CLOSE OF SUPERIOR COURr. Oread Jary Made Brief Bat , Poiated Re port Term Jnst Ended Another . Beglsa Two Weeks Heace. The oneweek term of New Han over Superior Court, Judge Waller H. Neal , presiding by exchange of terms with Judge George H. Brown, Jr., came to a doie yesterday after noon wilh the presentation of the re port of the grand jury, which was dis charged with thanks by Judge Neal. The docket waa pretty well cleared with the exception of five or six casea which came over from the mayor du ring the closing hours of the term, among the number of defendants be ing Walter J. Lucas,, the negro who so violently resisted Police Sergeant Bur nett last week, and Robert Bpicer, col bred, charged with aiding and abetting, their colored belligerent. i Tlie cases will be called at the two' weeks! term of court to be convened twd weeka hence. Judge Brown presiding. Da ring the term just ended Solictor Duffy and Judge Neal cleared :he docket of 129 cases, an accumulation of x nearly three months. ) The feext term will not be ao crowded with crim inal matters and several important civil suits will likely be adjudicated. The. grand juxy'a report yesterday waa aa follows: Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 3rd Hon. Walter EL Neal, Judge Superior Court: The grand jury begs to report as fol lows: We have examined 77 bills of Indictment and returned 67 true bills and ten not true bills. We hare visit ed and examined the county j ail which we found in good sanitary con dition, but Tery much crowded with prisoners. We would recommead that the cells used for negro prisoners be enlarged by removing the gallo fa and the space thus secured utilized for this purpose. The couaty convict camp at Castle Haynes was found to be in excell- nt sanitary condition and the prisoners supplied with an abundance of whole aomefood. We recommend that the roof on the female department be re paired. The County Home was found to be in good sanitary condition and the in m a tea well cared . for. We recommend that some repairs be made and walls be whitewashed in the kitchen and that pumps and walks be repaired. The convict camp on Wrightsville road waa also found in good condition and the food supplied ample and of good quality. The Court House was found to be in good condition, except that aome of the braces supporting the main roof are out of place and should be put in order. The clock and tower we found In excellent order. The electric lighta were found burning in the day time and we recommend that they be properly attended to and cut out at the proper time each morning. - - Wm. p. Toon, Foreman. ' W. D. MaoMuaajt, Jr., Secretary. LOCAL MARKETS AND SHIPPING. Day's Big Cotton Receipts Two Steam ers Cleared Arrival of Barqne. Bplrita turpentine waa firm yester day at 561c German steamer "Erica" and Clyde Liner "Carib" passed out at Soutbport at 6 P. M. yeaterday. American barque "Hancock" ar rived yesterday from Philadelphia with cargo of fertilizers which will be discharged at the Carolina Central Warehouse. With the single exception of Oct. Slat, 1898, yesterday's cotton receipts were the heaviest on record for any one day In the history of the Chamber of Commerce. The number of bales waa 7.128J the bulk of which came over the W. C, dc A. railroad. On the record-breaking day In October, 1898, the receipta were 7,305 bales. The lo cal market remained yesterday firm and unchanged at 9.37fC. for mid dling. Two cotton steamera cleared yester day with cargoes for foreign export, aggregating 16,335 bales valued at nearly a million dollars. The British tramp "Magdala" cleared in the morn ing with 11,426 bales for Bremen and passed out at Soutbport at 10:39 A. M. In the afternoon the German steamer "Erica" cleared from the upper com press with 4,900 bales of the staple for Liverpool, Eng., the first Teasel con signed to that busy mart thia season. Both Ttasels are by Messrs. Alexan der Bprunt doSon. Four of the largest steamera are atill awaiting cargoes at the compresses here. saaawaaassa, RAILROAD COMPANY ENJOINED. Farther Echoes front the Now Famoas Holly Shelter Litigation ia Pender. The petition of Messrs. Rountree & Carr, eounael for the plaintiff in the case of H. B. Newton and W. L. Pars ley tb. Holly Shelter Railroad Co., et aL, in which a temporary restraining order was sought to prevent the de fendants from felling timber and pro- greasing further with the constractn of a railroad on the landa of the pi tiff In Pender county, waa gratteoy Judge Neal In the Superior Uourt yea terday and the work of building the lne of railway will atop immediately upon service of the process. The de fendants are cited to appear before Judge Geo. H. Brown, Jr., holding Bam peon Superior Court at Clinton, Monday Oct. 19th, to show cause why the order should not be made perma nent Iredell Meares, Esq., represented the defendanta at the hearing here and J. O. Carr, Esq , represented the plain tiffs in securing the In junction. The . handsomest - assemblage of . French Hata and Bonnet?, - Ostrich Feathers, velvet Foliage and Flowers. Dress Goods, Silks jind Dress Trimmings will be at Rehder'a Fall Opening. Next social erent will be the open ing of the Polrogt Co. next Tueaday ana weanetaay. , v ' t . WHOLE NO. 11,266 RENDER'S. THE STORE THAT m- 1 reat Wednesday, October 7, 1 0 A. M. to 6 P. M. and 7.45 to 10 P. M. -Thursday, October 8, 1 0 A. M. to 7 P. M. . Special Exhibit of Imported. Pattern Hats. -, Liilliiiery, Novelties, Dress Poodo . ,- V and Sillts. . The Store has teen handsomely decorated in honor of. the occasion. Splendid concert Wednesday eTening by the Hollowbush Orchestra. Yon are invited to attend. : ; CT. JBE, ETTITT oct 4 tf . - - . in i i f n THE A THE A. DAVID CO , MEN AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. oct4tf ... REV. J. A B. SCHEREP, D. 0. Eloquent Speaker at Y. Y. M. 6. A. This Afternoon Labor Organizations. The Rev. J. A. B. Scherer, D. D., the talented young Lutheran divine of Charleston, S. C, who will address the men's meeting at . the' Y. M. O. at 5 o'clock this afternoon, arrived last night and is a guest of Mr. Louis Hanson. All men are , cordially ,ln Tlted to hear Dr. Scherer thla afternoon TheTarlous labor organization haTe been called to assemble in Pythian Castle Hall at 4:30 o'clock thia after noon for the purpose of attending the services in a body as a compliment to Capt. W. F. Corbett, a personal friend and admirer of the eloquent visiting apeaker. A special programme has been arranged. Dr. Scherer will occupy the pulpit of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church at 11 o'clock this morning. ASS0SIATED CHARITIES. Report of the Treasurer for Months of Aofast and September. Receipts New Hanover county, $250; a "friend, $50; cash, $10; Mr. W. B. Cooper, $10; St. Andrew's Presby terian church, $10; Bishop A. A. Wat son, $25; Mr. John McLaurln $3; Mr. Wm. Latimer, $7.50; Mrs. Elizabeth Latimer, $7.50; cash, 25c; Mrs. R. W. Price, $1; Mrs. J. 8. King, $1; Mrs. J. S. King, $1; Mrs. Joseph Price, $1; Mr. H. C. McQueen, $5. Disbursements Secretary's salary, $50; Catharine Kennedy Home, $25; groceries, 155: rent ror those in need. $2S; cash help. $6; janitor, $2.60; work done at office, 50c; wood, 50c; postage, sue; railroad rare, $2.08. Children Entertained. A delight fnl soiree was given at o'closk yesterday afternoon in Hiber nian Hall complimentary to the child renof Miss Leonora Cantwell's danc ing school. A number of pretty fancy dances were executed by the children In costume and the affair was a delightful success. Mr. S. M. Werer and Miss Sadie Booker are Miss Cant well's assistants this year and the Fall season in dancing haa opened Tery successfully for them. Miss Male Galloway la the accomplished musi clan.' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. S. A. Schloss returned from Charlotte yesterday. Mr. and Mrs W.- YanDyke, of Oronly, were guests at The Orton yes terday. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, the well known optician. Is at The Orton. V Mrs. A. M. Gilbert, of .Nor folk, on a Tisit here to her sons, Messrs. Chaa. R. and U. M. Gilbert, has returned home, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. J. M. Barnes. M. Wm. P. Emerson, of Wil mington, has been elected captain of Company B at ; Horner's Military School. John Murchisdn, son of Mr. J. W. Murchison, of this, city, Is a a corporal In the aame company. . Bey. D. P. Mctteachy, , Bey. Dr. A. D. McClure, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Worth, Mrs. Jackson Johnson, of Brunswick county, Mra. W. H. Chad bourn, Mrs. B. F. Hall, Mies ;Sue Hall and Mrs.- J. M.j.Wells were among those' who attended the Missionary Union and farewell service tcDr. and Mrs. Worth al Burgewf yesterday. " EverythiLg cwt Watt&Haar'a. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , Oat Ymmri' by Hail, 96.004 ! Six ISoatha. ; ; Tare Moat, -h 8.60 : t.S6; 1.00 Two Koatha, " BalfTrea Co Smaearlban la city mt 4t Otnta pt)T IXOBtfe. T ooooooooooe RENDER'S. PAYS TOUR CAR FARE. Fall Opening, . - ' - niE Ss GO, 615, 617, 619-North Fourth St. nil ni da comm. - sit 1,000 Men's Fall Suits, all new goods, the latest fabrics and styles, staples and - fancies, in cluding Black Unfinished Wor steds,Thibets and Cheviots, tho best lot of goods ever offered to the Wilmington public. Prices; Better pick out your suit be fore the sizes are broken. School School Supplies AT C. W. YATfiS & CO. oct 4 tf . THE "FOOS" GASOLINE ENGINE THE COMING POWER. Economy Safety, Lena; Life, Blade Wiping:, Electric Ignitor, Automatic Fnal Sarlnc; Gorernor. ONE WEEK'S SALES. Jacob Christ, - Furniture, States Tille, N. C, 18H.P. Hon. Walter Clark, Plantation, Ra leigh, Iff. C, 13 H. P. Geo. T. Whitley, Ginnery and Flour Hill, Princeton, N. C, 30 H. P. Nash Bros., Printing, Goldaboro, N. C, 5 H. P. Chas. Stanback, Ginnery and Shred der, Mt. Gilead, N. 0., 9 H. P. Burlington Pub. Co., Printing, Burlington, N. C, 3 H. P. Alex. McDougle, Ginnery, etc., Cameron, N. C, 11 H. P. Write these gentlemen why they bought the "FOOB." ana get further information Irom CAROLINA 00 4 4t SU MACHINERY CO Greensboro N. c. ACADEMY OFMUSIO - SXonday Night, October 6th, ' Special engagement of BIISS HVA MOTJNTFORD . and her company in a powerful new modem play entitled "WHEN HER SOUL SPEAKS." Seats on sale Saturday at Plum mer'a. . Prices -25c, 50c, 75o and $1. oct!3t thfrstf FRESH -COODO. WHOLE CODFISH. CODFISrPWAFrLEpi; The nicest Butter and1 Cheese to be found in this market. Fresh new honed Buckwheat, first of the season. Loose and In Packages. , Freeh Maple Syrup. we receive fresh goods every week aad would he glad to have you examine oar stock. WILMINGTON GROCERY CO., - jno. It. BOATWBIQOT, Manager, ' oet4tr UIQQ . OBII7D ALL, MODISTE, 720 X. Howard street, Baltimore, Kd., will give prompt attention to out of town orders. - street Costumes, Tudtlng and evening Gowns. ' wedding Tronsoean a specialty. - ootsst- riotIct Jr. 0. U. A.U. -. Both " Jeff Davis and Oearttm WsahtnirtAn ConncllaJr. O. U. A. M an requested to as semble Thursday night, Oct. 8th, at 8 o'clock for eonptrteratton of buslDee or the ntmost tra- DOrtanCela COUnsctlan Uh lha fnrt.hnnmlnir carnival. , v. - . jao. K wood. oot 4 st su ta - Ohai'n oamlval Oojai,- Books II i!