l abuses' tTi-'fe. - - veaterdev - . . Ad airej uouaa i ..iaeilv At CaBO IVTIaciii: tieeaae wUl a T Wad a ti t m arm- f .rrarf al o BaJxaria r,t gso&miioa of saota he afMara wftfe !!-ti lia reatraaUoa el f n?7. aa.Joaei bean er CrUsecaa a Naw Orteaaa C' Zi4 t'-jrea at next oxt, m ta tWeea years. C wn caiacd taoaaeala of isMis. asaatte City. K.J. L ciitUoa la Pateraoe. -uaj eaaie assoar laa i ttyicuda o the Jeaa- -ar rte.i. uaaaara PiilaJalBOia bT the York BiAktU: Momr tot ai(M era u mw UTHER REPORT i:rrc Aaiwnrcmjt, ) xxyrcs. X. a. Oct 10. ) at.' for ta tvaatr mils UJr. I A. M.. U MTTM4 liar-: a&xlaiaasu IS Li !br t dtr. .U; raiafall U u aooaU to dala, .77 fcrr: u it )i BCtXXTTX. Witfr irvUt la all aactloaa Lttctaes EuUra riorta Cro- wt rtls eoaliaaHL Oool iwx:rtvJ la all 4latfeta TUCiJT rJB TO-OAT. przs, Oct. IX For Norta p-Tir ta Mir aorUoa.raia tjartoa 8aadi7 aa4 afoa k 0iar It. Hr- Wi:m:axtoa. CC3 A.K. 1.30 P. W. U1LX7M. 10LIOA.M. UOP.kf. m9 Vict Walatr ta a flaa k: k l too smart to dtnem tuc c! the Rtpablleaa bam! Uii- rl ctit so larpriaa U the put i'a oar rrtaiitaii li z:tisrj to hare thalr ar auit o! xtb!e iteeL 'i b & r4 J i j for North tit Soiih Carolina plaA :i vhiikej trad ahall k&cj j sp to !U old gaxae pU4p' eiothJnj," tajt a Aajbo, Tammaaj if : tk lion's akin oS Etke!:r and tTtral tZ:ocAfti baia rnddanlr fl ti: tit Adirondack! aa rtjcr: U aa complete a Pwf. Ucr:j aairahlp. -im of Mr. Davej to re- "ajt-j a:evtxrn U prohab "rtck oq tfca Sonthtrn aa l i: to aaiaa conno- "wa' GrtA, ad Oolda." 12j!t u j i tha fan art of '? lac to ome dafacU Wt all know that. ' ti ewfpapri had 1 Dack tcaUad of the "n'.i bar had plainer VOL. LXXIQ. NO. 17. LOCAL DOTS. WILMINGTON. :N. C, SUNDAY. OCTOBER U,. 1903. i WHOLE NO 11,272 rr r.t4 ut aa followt : 1 " ia.'ormaUon aa to uz lead ma monej to ! l ACO." We hate :ij ;?aUeojan; bat we t tha ehlaf of the Tj: aa wbo gnard the liP sharp lookoat a robort pra ia Georgia who 'i ipeciali to the f troth. The biai the "At r '"f tie rtaaon, prob-A-iU oririnaUe eTtry A.tiaothia IU pro- , V"'4 raFaitn la Naw . kl tiojj tha attention of r-. Th malt oaj 't4JJnrU:s: bearbf on the Mr-3, and the ronlt s fci7 U etai raort Ira- J". u DocrU xarrj . C1f a-.l SUU alactlosJ 7'st:jpectafkto. Cotton rtcaipu TMtrdT were ton bal-4 araiatt J. 177 taoa daj laat jaar. IUt. J. J. Adam will occodt the -ralalt at the Tint BapUat chareh to-daj at the tuaal honra. Walter Braach paid 13 and eoata ta &e aaaaldpal eoart jtatardaj. uo waa charrad mii k! .v Thenrnlar monthlT meetln of lae Oaaatv IW r..ti-- wlU be bald to-morrow afUraooa at a o'clock. Dtpnty Shrl5 HarTtT Cox W Ihal Bulay, colored, to the colored taaxae arjhasn at Qoliaboro ytalardaj. The dipblharia qnaranUne at the retldcaeea ot ilt, IL J. Grrr;a aad kt. Baaeh, 807 North Birth strati ware uiud yaatardaj. villa, ITa hare boafht the baakrapt lock of tha Baaed Coat pa ay, eoraar of 6eoni aad Uarkat atreata. The tonaral of lira. Sarah XBcka will be held at 9 JO o'clock lb la aaorvia from the raaldaaea of Cast. J T. Jacoba. 117 Oulla straet. HeporU from ill. IlnihlUc- Cae, woo maoarwaat an opcraUoa for appeadk!t! at Balltmore Thnradaj, ware that he waa rest! a rary com fortahty jaatardaj. Policeman Prank Georra yee- UrdAT halad to coort Wa Waatoa aad Caaa. Waabiartoa, both colored, aacheharrad -wilh oparaliat; aa aa ttoaaaed dray. ' EaT. P. ! Shamhnrjcar will eoadact (he -aeai raaaCac at the Y. 1C a A. this afUraooa at I o'clock. SQa naject will be "Soma Cbaraetar latkaol WeahaCaa. There waa nothlnf dolus In eptrtta tarpaatlae oa Ue local toarkat yaatarday. BoaU adraaoad to 1X10 par bam! foe rood atraiaad Uia bJxb eat prSoe which baa obUlaed la a loac time. The funeral of the late 8axanel C Taraar waa eondaatad from bla lata ratrtdaaee at S o'clock yaatarday after oa by Bar. CL W. Trawick, pastor of lastaaaaal Preabytartaa eh arch, aad the racaalaa ware laid to rest la Da 11a- raa. Jordan William i and WlHia WlUlaaaaoa, colored, ware arrested yaatarday af laraooa oa warraata awora oat by OapC W. A. Baadara, eharctaa! tbaaa with aaxarlar la a difflralty with Walla Darrt-a, oa theataaraar baadara.- . ' YeaUrdaj'a WGaoa CTceat: rrleaa for tobaeoo ware not so rood today, thooxa there waa eoaald arable d aosae "C0,000paaaia. Thearar- are waa aboat B eaata, aad the rradee offarad oa the waraaoaee floors waa I ilte so rood aa It baa been re- caaUy.. Constable W. B. Barare laat aaUalxbt leaded la jill Jao. XL Tay lor, colorad, charred with aa aaaaalt with a deadly waapoa apoa his wlfr, Uartaa Taylor. Tae baabaad straek the wotaaa with a atkk laflktlara palafalcat oa lae aide of her race. Tfca Maa!l ooeamd early la the alrbt at Fifvn aad Qaeaa streela. E5QEX BOWSEt'J fWOlAL. NEW BEATING PLANT. I THE ACADEMY j tODRT NEXTWEEK." ooooooooooooooo ter:js of susscriptioij. ; Oae rr. by Kail. 6.00j I Sim ZXontba, v .0 ; 1 Threar Homtha, " ' Two Xtontaa, - 1.00 ; aUTra. to saaaariaan ta aaa I City as 4S Cants par Hoatau 0000OOOO PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ruouc Burning Committee ln Titcs Bids oa the System for the City Hall. rx4 calltor RtwulM Laid ie teat la nercacr, I. Tcatrraay Meralat FaacraL 1 Yratardaya riorrace Tvataff: Tha reaealte of Mr. OUrar Bowser wboee daata oecarred la useay atooat Taatardar, arrrred la the dty laat alrbt raearal aerrlcee ware bald at the home of Mr. Tnoa. KaaeU, Jr.. waare w bod recaalaad laat airai. i tr J!.dud br Bar. WUL B. OUrrr of lbs Flrat BapUat eharcb. Tae bMf waa aoet ai toe puwiw sUUoa laat artbl by a aambar ol tae iIiiimiiI oli frleada wbo aeoaapaBled It to the boaae of Mr. BlaaaU. Mra. Bowerae4 chUdrae, w.nr.jm aad OUle Bo wajr arrived la the elly laat alabt froaa WUmlajttoa to altaad the faaeraL" civktfo cesnre to begot. ta Ttmm (Um Craaa teearT trtaua mrt aiuiiealincatJaeaf Blat. p.Trrnn, ff. Q, Oct. 10. Ooraraor Aycock to-day craaua a rmvi Heary Ilolloeay, a aarro, io be baarad Uctoear aowu Beow- onv oreaae Vfi napItaUto uecemDar 'nrZ.:t ardar to allow ooaaee iot Brorethe elaira mat air. - ESakaa U IdaaUfyiar HoUoiray aa the maa who saUred bar boaae at Blcbt to maka Improper propoaala. The idmmUZciUom waa hy ueTovc. jedxe aad eoUdtor whoj triad Jfjf illiOf lot rwr - a EJVed to Wayae jail for aaf a fceeptar. Ceps Feat SUiJrtra. A. epaciet fro ElUabethlowa to tha CUkloa Exvm aajs: cm - v.na tnat toe w W w - mmi1m bare comaiaaa. lech taia aboat thare U patttor aaotaer aaa it i aow rw ataamar oa the rtjvfilTa ported thai the A. J. Johasoa baea laaaed to ply !U watara. Kailoe B3da waatad. Oeo. O. Oaylird Graad suocsas F. t Haaharaa Oo.-Beat paUaL CUy UraryCa-WUUr Uprobaa. t'tM.w CiBTj'ni Naw suka. W. a Ooopar Pars Oeorfla syrup. Locuxa. Ixat Oold F1-3- WaaUd Trartlltr. -Waatad-Ballable eltrk. Waa tad bay rtaliaoce. Harper & Co,Axeata waalad. AUY INCLUDE THE ACADEMY. nass ass saccincatlass New as Exkisk tlea sal Prtptaals Wn be Kccerrel UstH Oct 21ttklk4tlpkla Esilam Sabalu tks liss. a? . aa aaouar colama ChalrmAa Z K. IforralJ, of the Public BalUiarOom- muiee, oSdally calls for bids for the taatallatloa of a steam baatiaxplaat rortheaty Hall buildiaf aeeordlar to plaaa aad specUeatloas whkh may be seaa at the offiee of the City Clark aa Treararvr. The plaaa, pre pared la' rluI2pbla aa optodate system !a erery partlo- alar. Thsy are so drawa that blda saaybemadaoa tha taatallatloa of a syatam for oaly the CStr Hall proper or propoaala may be submit ted for laatalllar a ptaat whkh will aleo taclada the Opera Hooar, or Academy oiMaale. The committee Is rary hopeful that tha appropriation arallable for the perpoee will be sufficient to allow the laatalla Uoa of a plant whkh will extend orarthe entire buDdiar aad the pab Ue la aoae the leas aazloas for that aame ead. The preaeat baatiar facill tlee for the Qty nail bulldlar U !U allraty are far from adequate and are ary ei penal re la the way of fuel, re pair, ate. With the system the com mlttee has la riew all o Aloes aad apartmaals la the hi bulldlar may be kept at aa area, comfortable tempera tare la the oold sat weather aad the co it of keeplaf tha furaaees rolax will be redaeed to a mlalmum. If the Improvement U made to ez lead to the Academy wiar of tha build lar It will laare rreatly to the com fort of theatre patroaa aad will very materially add to tha laaaiar ralae of the house. The . Board of Audit aad Flaaaee, wo left must paae apoa a rary ap propriation aad the awarding of coalracta, has already eonaeated to aa approprlaUoa for the City Hall Ilealf, bat rary properly Instructed tha committee to aeecrtala what the cost ofszteadlar the system to the Acad amy wlar of the bulldlar would be. Whaa the separate propoaala are all la. the Board will ihea dedde what It will do la the matter of extension. Blda for the work will be received a a til Oct. Slat aad. If the coatract la awarded, work oa tha new system will will berla at oaee aad be flalahad wlthla IS or SO data. BiaaVAYMAJf 02 INSOLVENT. Mrrre Wka WaaUd to Berrsw Qssrter sad Ctld Up a Maa. The eazlaty of Bobert NorrU, color ed, to aerotlate the loaa of a quartar. rot blm lato serious I rouble last nlrht asul bla laeolrener will bare to be made rrry plala to lbs mayor at aooa to-morrow, alee he will be held for b!ahwar robbery. Mr. W. B. Dske a wall kaowa dUxea of the Flrt ward. waa the victim of NorrU avarice. Z,! laat nlrht Mr. Dake started to rial I a friend aad whaa alone the dark section of fifth street, between Bladea aad HaraeU, ha was baled several Umeeby a nerro. who 'called him to bold oa, "stop," aad whaa be did at stop the nerro hurried after him. Mr. Dake anaaarad to fat away aad at tha bouse of his friend be borrowed n..tn) rmriar the hold-un would be raoeeted whaa be return ea Bare eaourh It was aad the time Mr. Duka stopped and tha arrro with the piatoL The aerro went to explalnlef in t-tu-nitk time that be bad mls- Uksa Mr. Duka for another maa from whom he desired to borrow the small anmofSSa. The aerro'e actions were, however, too suspicious aad Mr. Duke led him away to a policeman, who Bl.id Mm aadar arrest apoa char re preferred by Hr. Duka. Norria aaa locked at the police elation, but later rave bond for bis appearance be fore Mayor Bprinra to-morrow. home. seeoad covered TUB WEATflE TESTETO1Y. Kc Us steal Dliirrmble for Call aad Oasts ef Wtae. Wllmlactoaa touch of the storm which paaaed north of ua Friday, apent Itaelf last nlrht but mads a rary dlaarreeable Balurdayorit before do la r so. The thermomeler went down ee low as S3, makinr a IltUe fire moat acceptable, and the wind continued to blow In dlaarreeable rui- The British ataamers "Baron Bal four" and "Baron Dalmsay," loaded with eottoa, remaiaed la port yester day waltiar tot the weather to settle a UUla before rolar to - wtU nil to-day. ' . The Clyde liner "Navahoe' arrived Friday nlrht from Oeorrelown. Capt Joheeoaeeidthe weather outalde waa rtormy. but whaa be came -JJ bertha wind was not so hlrn. The "avahoe will sail this mornlar. tjtUt Sarper Tatliay KlX--. An sojoyable oystar supper and fes tival of merriment will be rirsn at the residence of Mr. J. A. Dean, at Dtl r ado. Tueeday nlrht for the benefit of tbeDalrado Band. There will be an latereatlnr votlat contest and aeverel a a I at. tM t Trsa other faata res 01 wwwu' comtnlttae of arra8rrnts U com- ncted of Messrs. - CoUj ad IL L. Godbold. The pub- lle Is iavited. "Reeplsf tls rUmst list Nlxht Book- Isp fsr Kcaalae'tr sf October, r . , MaktlPafnCeailsr. The productjoa-'of "Reaptnr the Qerveet" at tha Academy of Mario laat Blht was only mediocre. Mr. Tom Fltcb, tha author, la the leadlar role of "Donald Btewart" waa ezeeptloa ally cleveri as waa also the adventareee with whom the hero of the llnee sowed, and sowed wildly, but the re mainder of the support was ordinary However, there'e no dleeouatlnr tha play Itaelf, aad all la all, the small au dience whkh aaw the production laat nlfbthaa aothlnr strenuous comlnr la tha way of a kick. Except for the appearance of Black: Pattl Monday nlrhi, the theatre will be dark thia week, bat -berianlne- lbs followlnr Tueeday nlrht, SOtb. with Isrie WaUwrlffht In the Shakee- pweaaaliT.'TTfSinh Wlrht," there Will be a aoUble ralaxy of blrh daas productions la quick saccearioa. Weber St Flalda rreat suocees. "Hollv Tolty, will be eeea Thursday nlrht, ad; a blr revival of' "Two Old Cronies," Friday nifht, SSrd, and "bweet Blzteen" by a metropoiitaa company on Saturday nlrht, 24th. Oa the followlnr Monday nlrht Bos- coe 3t Holland's Georrla Mlnatrels will be tha offerinr, followed qukkly by the "Mammy and Hammlar Blrd"onWedneeday evenlnr. SSth, by Paul Gilmore, who la moat pleasantly remembered from laat season In "Tyr anny of Tears.' Oa Thursday nlrht. S9lh. the attractions for October will cloee with a one-nlxht special eorare- meat by the Hoyt Comedy Co. No vember will open on Monday nlrht, 2nd, with a week of hlrh class reper toire by the aver popular Mabel Pal re Company. Black PaltL Thursday nlrht Soars of tha Bouthlaad by the aweetest alnr- srs from Dixie, faaeinatlnr fun by the smarteat vaudevllllata under the'eun, end the most rraeeful dancers end cake walkers that ever appeared bs fore the footlirbte will be la evidence when the Black JratU Troubadours ap pear at the Academy ox atusie Thurs day nlrht of this week. Tha blr new acta include e hUarloue aklt called "Darktowa'a Circus Day, second edi tion, the btrreet first pert bit ever scored by this company, "rnis Trou badour Comedy Four, aa act that mads the smart set la New York, New port, Baratora aad all points enroute rave with eathuaiasm ana laurnier. Accord lar to custom one-half of the lower floor will belreeerved for whites and the prleee for that portion of the theatre will be 75 centa and SL. Ia order to leaaea the rush the advance sale of seeta will commence at Plum mere to-morrow mornlar at 6:50 o'clock. raTaTaTBTaTaTMiararaaaeTaaTaBBBaB CAESIYAL FARED VESY BADLY. lit flresier Portion of Term 7 j T Civil Causes. -UU : . ": THE. CALENDAR OF ' CASES. Will be to the Trial of it' Starai Straek tks Laytoa Caapssy Bsri ia EUxasctk City Friisy. In the account of Friday 'a atorm at Elisabeth Qty, the rerular correrpond- eat of the Norfolk Virmnian ruot sijs: "At the carnival rrounds the acens la one of utter devaatatlon aad ruin. No one la eeen except a few of tbe ear- nival people, and the place is ueeeri as well as ruined. The flimsy canvas teataare mere pirmlesln tha fiant baada of the atorm, aad aa a result they are blown down and in many ee badly anreddea. xne people cornier down town early thle morn lar saw a coarueed maaa 01 canvas. polee, etc., peruauy covenar aaaiai atreet. Tae storm naa aaauaisierea qaietua to the carnival and now the squeaks of the merry-f o-round orran aad the lneeaaant dash and crash of the carnival bead have eeaaed and the ear-drums of the locals are experleno- laf a much-needed rest end relief. Joet wbea tbe climax was to have beea reached ia the course of the ear- nival events, the etoam came on, and now It haa proven a failure, both financially aad as aa attraction. 11 ia claimed that the L O. O. F. realized just aboat enouf h eaah from It to pay expeneea, end tbe locals are rratiflad that they did not suffer lose. The carnival people have loat, whkh In pablk opinion Is a matter of utter Indifference. PEANUT CROP IS SHORT. Report Frsai Ssffslk, Vs. PrscUcaUy HeOUStockJa Baal. Bcttolx, Va., Oct. 9. Tha first b of new peaauta .to-oay waa brourht to the Baffolk market. J.ne Baffolk Peanut Company bourht one bar from J. J. Griffin, whoae home Is la Naaaemoid eouniy, wree bum from Baffolk. Tney were oanca yomr nun. eared, welrhed elrhty-two pounds and were sold for Zi centa a pound. There Is not yet aa eetabJIah ed market for new roods. . Acoordloa: to rreaiaeat joau jubk, of the Suffolk Peanut uompany. tua yield ihla year will not be enythlar T(w 1. mm u that of laat veer. Mr. Klnjr eatlmates that tha yield will be 60perccnL.o(lait year's and 75 per cent of aa avtraecrop. tTb,,c!e; ts about SO or 15 per cent, lees than the averare. . . , The chief reasons lor tno mufiuw. of the yield were the epoi. wet j una end the dry September. Tbe principal cause for tha reduced acres re la the In ereaeed acre are la cotton la some sec tions. Theqaamy 01 m zw be fine, provided they can be well cured. . . There now . is pracucauj -elock In tha hands of the farmers, and t.. rimiM tr fast rlddlnr them- eelvec of their eleaned roods, for the demand la taod. There will probably be noaa left when tne new wommm falrlv lauached. The prospeeUseem good for fair prices. - -BIx BUT Icket ck's TreaMes. . winum Bchenck. the ex-wuaunf - ton netro whoae place was raided In Kawhara laat Buaday wnue a numw of colored excuraionlsU from this dty were present, was tried m Y?T'n"?l perior Court this weekrand fined $100 end cosU for selllnr. liquor on Ban- diy A case arainat nun ior rei i liquor without Hoeua was conUnued, I defendant to rive $100 bond. Bchenck's attorneys appealed to lao.ov Court In the ease U which he was eon-1 dieted and bona 01 s w laperUst Salts bvabTsx a Forelf a . -CorpersUets Three Psys Wfll M f be Qfrea to Srfaalsal Metiers. j j Meek vs. Clly Wllmlsrtos. New Hanover Superior Court, Judge Georre H. Brown, Jr., presldlnr, will convene here to-morrow week aad win continue In aesalon two weeks. The first three days will be devoted to the trial of criminal eases but tha bal aace of the term will be riven over to the trial oJ civil causes of whkh there ere arIare.nnmber ,jon - Aha dt The criminal docket win be -eompara- lively rUht aa practically all of the term eaded'yeeterdaya week ago was devoted to business of that character. The attorneys of the Wilmington bar. met yesterday - morning at the office of Col. Jno. D. Taylor, derk of the court, and arranged the calendar or dvil suits, beginning Thursday of tbe first week. Mr. Eugene 8. Martin presided and a goodly number of law yers were la attendance. Perhaps the most Important eaaea of the term from a public view-point are those of the SUte of North Carolina and the county of New Hanover arainat The Armour Packinr Co., 8 wlf t & Co r aad tbe Standard Oil Co., foreign cor porations which are resisting, aa un constitutional, certain lieenae taxes Imposed by the last Legislature. Meeara. Bonntree &Carr represent the State and couaty while Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy appears for the defendants. Upon the adjudication' of .these cases depends a large amount of revenue from all over. North Carolina.. The eaaea era set for Friday of the first week. There are also for trial daring tbe second week the case of Monk vs. City of Wilmington,' Involving tha tills to tha rock quarry and two or three small damage suite. ' The calen dar of eaaea for trial aa arranged by. the attorneys Is aa follows: i rmsTwxxK. .- - Thursday W. B. Bobbins & Bro. vs. Carolina Central Bailroad Co.; I-V. Grady for plaintiff; Mearead: Baark for defendant.- Jos. S. Saeeden UQB.L& P. Co.,-Woodus Rel iant and 8. M. Emole for plala tiff; Da via dcTavla for defendant. Friday Ocean View Co. vs.' Mercer & Pbnres: E. K. Bryan for plaintiff. County Commisaloneri vs. Armour Packinr Co., Bountree -& Carr for plaintiff : Jno; D. Bellamy for defendant.- County Commissioners vs. Swift & Co., Bountree & Carr for plaintiff; Jao. D. Bellamy for defen dant County Commissioners vs. Standard Oil Co., Bountree A: Carr for plaintiff; Jno. D. Bellamy for defen dant. Saturday M. H. Bowden, trustee, vs. IredeU Meares et al,; J. D. Bel lamy and Bussell & Gore for plain tiff; Bountree & Carr for defendant till ton Liumber Uo. vs. A. U 1 a. it Co.; Bountree '& Carr for plaintiff; Davis & Davis for defendant Corbett A; Co. vs. I. J. Cooper; E. K. Bryan for plaintiff; B. O. Grady for defend ant J. CL Martin vs. J. T. Cowan; Herbert MeClammy for plaintiff; O. DWeeka for defeadant Flynn & Ox' "va. EoBleaton Lumber Co.; Bus sell Gore for plaintiff; B. G. Grady for defendant ,1 "i EXOOND WXZK. Monday Timothy Donlan vs. Amer ican Bonding & Trust Co. ; E. K. Bryan for plaintiff; Iredell Meares for defend ant J. W. Holmes vs. W. J. & L. H. Love; Meares & Buark for plaintiff; Davis 5c Davis for defeadant B. T. Banders vs. B. F. Keith Co.; Herbert MeClammy and J.D. Bellamy for plain tiff; L. V. Grady for defendant W. B. Cooper ts. Hall Tie and Lumber Co. ; Bussell & Gore for plaintiff ;E.K.Bryan for defendant. Pet Willis vs. a P. Cowan Livery Co.; J. D. Bellamy for dalntiff; Bellamy dc Bellanry for de eadaat - Tuesday Owen Martlndale vs. Jos. Albro et aL, J. D. Bellamy and A. J. Marshall for plaintiff: E. - a BatUe and Bobert Buark for defendant Louisa B. Smith vs. Suaan E. Moore, Ex., E. K. Bryan for plaintiff; Boun tree & Carr and Bellamy for defend ant The Corbett Co. vs. Seaboard Air Line Bailroad Co., E. K. Bryan for plaintiff; Meares & Buark for defeadant- F. T. Milk va. J. W. HI Fuohs, - J. ' D. Bellamy and H. Me Clammy for plaintiff. Wedaeeday T. G. Williams admr. vs. Inter-State Tel. and Tel. Co., Bus sell fc Gore and Meares dfc Buark for nlalntlfla Bountree & Carr. E. K. Bryan and Bellamy 8c Bellamy for de fendant- Uape it ear iumoer uo. vs. C JL Cooper, Bountree & Carr for SlalnUff. A. D. Wessell vs. L. Kleive . D, Bellamy for plaintiff; A. J. Mar shall and Herbert MeClammy .for de fendant' Martin L. Creech va. Wil mlartoa Cotton Mills, J. D. Bellamy and Herbert MeClammy for plaintiff; Iredell Mearee for defendant - Thursday D. Hanna vs. Fidelity dc Deposit Co., J. D. Bellamy for de fendant m. .J. uoroeit vs. j. ts. Bellars & Co., E. K. Bryan for plain tiff 1 J. H. Cook by special appearance for defendant -' Graham Murray va. a T. Harper et aL, L. V. Grady for plaintiff, . W. J. Bellamy and Me Clammy "for defendant MeNalr & Pearsall vs. Wsaley Thompson et aL, E. K. Bryaa for plaintiff. McNair Sc Pearsall va. J. B. Bellars & Co., E. K. Bryan for plaintiff; J. H. Cook for de fendant . Friday J W. Monk et aL vs. City of Wilmington, J. D. Bellamy and Bellamy dc Bellamy for plaintiff;, w. J. Bellamy aad H. MeClammy for de fendant J. A. Taylor vs. Mrs, A. O. McKlanon, et aL, Meares & Buark for plaintiff. B. W. Hicks vs. W. W. Blair. EL K. Bryan for plaintiff, Boun tree ac Carr for defendant'. Mary F. Simmons vs. J. M. Bunting, Bountree & Carr for plaintiff, L. V. Grady for defendant Saturday Grace A. Nixon, et aL, v. Mary Wilson. L. V. Grady for nlalntlff. - - W. T. Mercer ts. A. Gold- berr. L. V." Grady for plaintiff. W." T. Mercer vs. T; H. Wright L. V. Grady Tor plaintiff. T," H. Maxted ts. Halea Maxted, L. V. Grady, for plain tiff, Bellamy dc Bellamy for defends ant - - - Mr. J. F. Brown, of Baleigh; Is at The.Orton. Mr. H. M. Ford left yesterday for Greensboro for a brief rlsit - Mr. J. W. Petty, of Winaton- Balem, was registered at The Orton yesterday.. Solicitor Bodolph Dnffy was here yealerday returning from Bamp. soDlSaperior Court. " Mai. J. A. Lundeen, of the army post at Fort Caswell,- arrived I laat night from the Nortb. The many friends of Jailor B. M. Ospps will regret to knowjjhat he is confined to his home by illness.. Capt. and Mrs. Donald Mac- I Bee and little daughter ; returned yes- 1 terday after apending . the Bummer North. 1 - ' .- ; ' : ' Mr. E.J 0. rBrooka.'wae inthe A "ITTITTT iHTTYT1Tfi I TATT TTT I inmn 4 m Iff Mi11 Ml) WMMb. i ' We have Just received a big lot of Hew SilKS and Broadclotn Skirts; 9 9 9 9 & Also New Fall Waists made of Silk, White Fleece & lined. Pique, Mercerize. Flannels, Corderoy and Brillianteens, - 9 Te 9 9 These are very fine goods and are selling fast. 0 , Remember we lead in Millinery. Call and see our new Mil liner's work. Also a big line of CLOAKS AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL JACKETS. PARIS MILLINERY BUPORIOLT 129 Market St., Wilmington, K. a AAAwX ft 9 9 9 euy yesteroay,vTeinBana;:rroarnw xbaii w xuuah muuw. Mrs. Charles E. Borden left yesterday for her home at Btehmond, after a visit to her parents, Col. and Mra. Jno. D. Taylor. Mrs. Bebecca J. Bunting and Mrs. Jos. E. Bantinr went to Fayette- Tille yesterday on a visit to the family of Mr. Nash E. Bunting. Mr. J. J. Holland, represent ing the celebrated Buscoeft Holland Georgia minstrels, which appear here Monday nlrht, S5th, spent yesterday in the city arranging for the coming of his popular organization. THE A. DAVID COMY. MaXTON GUARDS . WILL ENTERTAIN. Address by Boa. R. B. Qleaa Prorrsmme ef Mssic, Addresses, Etc. Special Star Correspondence. Maxton, N. CL, Oct ilO. The town and community' are looking forwa'd to tbe coming reception to be given by the Maxton Guarda in their armory on Thursday evening, October 15th, as being one of the social events of the aeaaon. The programme for the evening will be an addresa by Hon. B. B. Glenn ; solos by some of the charm ing young ladles of the city; music by the orchestra and Impromptu talks by those acquainted with military life. The public generally is invited, and such a programme, without charge for admission, ahould attract a large at tendance. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PORE Gfl. SYRUPT 100 Eair Barrels &sm5 30c. il Half-Bills. P. R. Mote 30c. 81 Barrels P. R. Motes 28c. 416 Dozen lOcCaiSynn 90c. 18 Barrels D.D.Syni) 28c. 11 Half Bills. D. D. Syrnp 30c. 1,000 Men's Fall Suits, all new goods, the latest fabrics and styles, staples and fancies, in cluding Black Unfinished Wor steds,Thibets and Cheviots, the best lot of goods ever offered to the Wilmington public. Prices. Better pick out your suit be fore the sizes are broken. " THE A. DAVID CO., oct4tf MEN AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. Winter Lap Robes! WE HAV.Bj JUST OPENED UP A NIOE LINE OF WINTER LAPKOBES. DO YOU NEED OOTii CITY LIVERY CO. 'Phones 15. W. D. aVlacaVlillan Jr., Pres., oct 11 tf 29 7 Gal. Un F. B. Ill) Bosk. Seel Bye 920 Mels E. P. Oats 240 Boies Ke? Herrimr W. B. COOPER, 308, 310 & 312 Nntt street. WILMINGTON, N. C. 35C. 90c. 57 1-2C. 20c. Bargains! Bargains!! -AT THE- FISH BL ATE STORE oct 11 tf BIDS WANTED FOB HEATING The entire stock of clothing must be sold, Wholesale or Retail. S. Ct B. SOLOWOW. oct 7 tf CITY HALL BUILDING THE "FOOS" GASOLINE ENGIN Plane and specifications can be seen at City Clerk and Treasurer's office. All bids mnst be in by October 21st Z. E. MURRELL, Chairman Pnblic Building Committee. THE COMING POWER. Economy, Safety Long Iiife, Blade Wiping;, Eleetrie Ifc-nitor, Aatoauttie Pnel Saving; Go vernor. oct U 4t Bututhaa BIDS wanted: Bids are wanted for laving and constructing on Orange and Ninth, streets nine hundred and forty-nine (949) feet of six-inch cast iron water mains', with hydrants, increasers, valves and other appurtenances as required by plans and specifications which may be seen at the City Clerk and Treasurer's office. Bids close 12 M., October 17th. . Eight reserved to reject any or all bids. Bids may be handed to City Clerk and Treasurer or to ONE WEEK'S SALES. Jacob Christ, Furniture, States ville, N. C, 18 H. P. Hon. Walter Clark, Plantation, Ra , leigh, N. .C, 13 H. P. Geo. T. Whitley, Ginnery and Flour Mill, Princeton, N. C, 30 H. P. Nash Bros., Printing, Goldsboro, N. C, 5 H. P. Chas. Stanbaok, Ginnery and Shred der, Mt. Gilead, N. O., 9 H. P. Burlington Pub. Co., Printing, Burlington, N. C, 3 H. P. Alex. McDougle, Ginnery, etc. Cameron, N. C, 11 H. P. Write these gentlemen wbir tliey twusnt tee 'FOOB." and get further Information from . CAROLINA MACHINERY CO., oc44t su " ' Greensboro. N. c. E l I h lat I oct 8 9t S. , BBHBJENDS, -Chairman. Folding Bed Mr. Geo. Hackney, of Wilson, wu an Ortrn a sat) Mfrdsj. - f For sale a double Folding Bed of Finest Quality, with Springs and Mattress. Every thing' as good as new." Will be sold for half its valued For further information - apply at the f . -: r:-';';; " 1 ;;v- StarOffico. GROCERIES. 50 Bble Stick Candjr. BOO Caaea Salntoaa 100 Boxee Oetavgron'Soap, 200 Bagre Green Coffee. too uoxee asorax soap. - , 100 Boxee Ark Soap 100 Caaea Sardines. 100 Bble MaUeta. 100 Bag;e Peaaate. 25 BbU Mott'e Viaegrr. 20 Bble Mott'e Cidor. Kolaaeea, Brruce and a complete line of 8ro cetlea andTobacoos for sale at lowest prlree. SAU L BEAR, SR., & SONS., wholesale Orocerlea, oetStt. IS Market Street. i?v GO 'TO - ? T i HAMME, THE HATTER, ? FO R LATEST STYLES A ND lowest prices. " : ;; act w tt V?P:riSfc4 Ttovt Btreet. We are after your trade and will catch it if you will only come in -and look at our Pillsbury - Best Im perial Patent. We make It our business to please you and are only satisfied when we do so. THE F. E. HASHAGEfi CO., Wholesale Distributors, Provisions and Tobaccos, , 210 to 220 North Water street. ' i . Wilmington, N. C. oct n tr ' - 300 FRESH CAUGHT Mullets MM Per Barrel. ST0ITE & C0IIPAITY, ' 5 and 7 South Waterstreet. octStf - - ,.- - - ... . Diccese of East Carolina. By order ol tbe Blsnov and tne standteg pqnu -mlttee ol tbe Diocese, a special council of tne Diocese of East Caroline la nereby called to meet In - ' - - BT. STEPHXIT8 OHUBOH, OOLDBBOBO, N. O., Wednesday, octobw 7tn, 19M, at-10 O'clock, a. M. , "for tne purpose of electing e Bishop Co-, adiator" tor tne Diocese, "and for the consider ation of questions germane to tne same, under the provialoas of Article III. Section a of the Constitution of the-Diocese." i - FBXDEBICK H 8KXNRXS, t Clinton, H, O. . Secretary ol toe Council. - t,.8epi84W.g;?.SU 5 t" --

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