a ft CaWaa Jf H? .. statsu : a. - - . OUTLINES. ,ret aassowa boa, foaed Vir a:au. Teas. WeJ ear. bedlv 7,v c ra Pott Boyei. & . i , . a ....... v tea Mttrt) sotl&j, ""Tort fsa "rected ?tC t baa am J la a. 4 4 .-j & welisnoay la the Ea!p- i13 !. rj. Tae rim ma. bh of Allegheny, ra., ess- fZi r4T. a result of the Ju rrdVrel National Baak. V" oae of the Oataollo Fjff eAerpbaaVa bcma Wbt-J-f1 V m seeue. gsjrged aa4 bir!er. supposed to p . Typhoid fim 14 w"?..,i .1 the Virrlai Itmury . Custosea oSttn at jit tU4 JtwaU valued at .Tat Asa Harveetar i ku failed. ;-Jhisnflrnra aadUro Jtorpea tfTiU coiitrsetioo al g.at6U Uc JLJ 6,r " ukt to the ES5- "! 5!fl2- "J ttv Tork sre Ured of their LT ". rta of the students at aad Lm Calrersliy r. til typaoia rUst Tork anarteta: Mossy oa tl weir. U : oUo Lf u l c: fioar wu steady wtifc I cft4cctib7 Ua wbtdaellaa; No. S Hit; oat l Na lilt: roala fimt !3r7aUaa alL WEATHER REPORT. CiPwtofiakwaiTii,) WiiTia Bmur. WnjKH3TO. N. CL, Oct. S3, j vwrc&rtAl data far tb twaatr- W iMTf tai:ar at 8 P. aCt Birw: I A. ltas oarr4a; I jV. f? Icr9a: aurtaaaaa, 71 da-r-a. atl.aia-aia, 17 dtl; maajk, 15 js':i for ih day. .00; raXaTaU lit of tba BMAla to data. X.1I ojTtos at 3t09 inxmi. Tr tlrr bM srtTmUad ta all Utrr- ttb :ibUy bibar Uasara- raaacJT roa to-oat. us:jT0. Oct. IL For Norta rir FrldaT aa4 Batarday. tjmar ;a t taUrior rrlday. Wlada !ia.."u i u fnu aorta vtu. rrt Aliaaaa QUWr 13. Vu HI A. IX. Tiaitu a.UP.M. ifi UaJ-b 11 II. 1 u. ar.-L . Vitv a. UP. af- frx Wr WUaaiajrtoa. 1X13 A. M. SLI bfiel clila ahooU Btrtr ..... . a t rrcrl.a.oil comoa la uair naxr. Ti lrsc of fira par caTiU la FuijcIi U do ioiocaaant to Lvj.i to ritni ihtir jiwelry from. ihopa. X.. Brraa uti he baa not "aban- iucl frea ailTer." No tir-rra. ETtry iu rooa aa roio. ii Ti toike eaUr asd hi booa jtarst33. is a Dcnpauuci( uwt jc eoa. lo me rroioana rrzre oi . a a AT I! h: Tebtcle of tranrporUiion ' ... . . ii isu ni ii!n7a ia rail uionu ui T: cewipaptri of the country, 5:r.i aj South, and of aTtry pax- . t 7 til c?fl, are pracucaiiy nnaju- Tt A:',3sq rirta ara harlsg a ror.o;i tiane thla weak. 'Xfity mruo j KC.s'.ii ea th boTi. who ruonu . . . . at:y to the ineritabta. orir to b "fit aa a fiddle," ?inj o! a linked bear tkia. She iwM !a the old aayiBC th Ut J soi alvaja to the atronf." rj-n'joro haa another claim to & modem city. Darin tho fi.r there wer tixty giiccett fxl performed by the pick TbU beat Charlotto all A-i r.ow Crtacauabaa broken the fi trotting record aalo. Time U:. So it ko; and It If palalal U:i that the laiaahlnc of tb i i rword wiU continue nntll l i: u left. Ti !fiof comblnae And trwU -o:ytnarabred. Mr.Oeorfett. if the oaral obeerTatory, now a j that the tpoU on the tan T '.ottolidataj. So, Old Sol U. 1 : hite a hot time. 5v.or T.nr bati the Demo- of Colorado would b tatilled .'.her Senator Oormaa er h! pixie, M s Preaidentialcan t l- And we beliere the I-iCdof the South. Aebe- s' Vori Bmocrai would hare e V'1 iaSoenca. The remit of : elecUon la Maryland, ncrw 'i: ta daji off, will probably de ti aettloa of 8enaior Qor .......... at. ss c4siUacy. w,. LJAAxii.-ftu. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1903. w LAYTON CARNIVAL SOLD 83 el Sale TraaaimUx Preeerty al C teay flew Eia&fllaf Bert Fftcd far Stcatl Ytrtrrtiy. AUQef aa2a waa recorded at the Ooart Iloaaa-yeaxarday traaairriBc from Main W. L. Lajtoa aad W. XL Bvaaaoa to J. T. WhJta, of Charlaatoe, W. Va fortt,CC5. the Ure lot of taeta, baxcaxe aad all other appurtasaacea or the Lajtoa Oaralral aad FTrtvorka ' Coaapaay, aowtxMUliif la thia dty aader the aaipleae cf the Jaalor Order of TJ ailed Amerieaa Mrchaalca. The tale waa eoarammatad Ikrouxh the law firm of Ueeare. Btereaa, Deaaley ft: Weeka, aad It la aaaoaaced that the sale la a boaa fiieoaeU erery respect. Mr. White bu beea couaected with the coapaay for aoase time aad will re tala Heaxra. Lajtoa and Bwanaon aa employed maaactra. The tm of tale laeladeaall theva- rioue attracUoae herewith the com pauy except th hohhy haraet"aad rami whL whtea are owned by ether cartlee aad operated la coaaco- Uoa with tho Laytoa Coaapaay. The altraeUona are eaameraled la the bill efaaie aathe "Holy City," Trip to the Moo a." 'Had Dome" "duiue Tarmlar to Life" aad 'Lunelle, the nyla Lady," -Old PI a station," XXooaa Upalde Dowt," aad all the teala, ceaaary aad eracloearea for the fireworks dltplay of "UL Pelee la Eraptloa. The aalr, of course, will aot later fere with the eoatlauaace of pieaeat car alraL The ehaare la owaership went la to affect yaaterday moral a jr. LOCAL DOTS. The "HoUj-ToUt" company tree at o'clock thla moralar for Charleatoa. 8outliport Standard: All the fiah factoriea are roaalar fallblaat. aad fiah ara balac eautht la treat abaadaaec South port Standard; "twlnr to the expected low prka of peaaula, a food aaaay acre hare beea left for fattealac pork." The xaenladen fuheriea down therlrcrara beciaalac operatloaa for the eeaeos. which fiahermea eay promlaea to be qalta aaeeeeaf al A boy la wanted at the Six Ofioe to work la the Job DepartmeaL Oae wbo haa eome experience) in raa- alax lob prima praierred. Mast oe a realdaat of Wllatlactoa. The contract for buHding the aawBraaswick coaatyjiU haa beea awarded to Mr. A. J. Bobbins, of Boa th port, orer threo bidden from the Norla. Tbo prtee le $4,738. Work wQl becta after Nor. 1st. By deed filed for record jester- diL a Bordaaax aad wife trans ferred to J. a Baeadea - for 1X7. to kaoM aad lot aa Dawaoa etreet.131 feet from eoalSeaut eoraacof Beooad aad Dawaoa, Mx feel lafaiia. South port Standard: "Mr. and Mr. XL B. More arrlred last week from New Tork, and will make Booth- port their fatare home, Mr. Mono barlac accepted a poeiUoa ae aaciaeer of the tux 'Alexander Jocea. " New rood are arriTlnx daily at Vaaa'k Clear EaDporluaa, No. 10 North froat etreet. -Mare yoa tried the aewbraadsrie a pertlaeat queatloa the peoprktore ask U aa adTertise iui AlMwhare. They claim to haa- die the beat llae of elxare la the dty. Ear. Dr. 8. Mandela oha, who weat to Philadelphia to aitead the fa- meral of the late dbUacauneo ut. Jsalrow, lelerapha that he win reech the city to-day aad conduct eerrieea as aaaal la the Temple of Israel aou o'clock this e renin c- South port Standard: "We leara thM the Wda ror vxm m.ii t Wort Caewall were forwarded la WasblaxtoathU week, aad that the contracts will likely be let a ex. wwmm. It le etated ihat our eatarpruinx wwr maa. A. J. Eobbiar, waa uo ww. bidder aad will aooat probably be awarded tbo contract." Supply correspondence of Bouthport Standard: -Mr. JL W. MCTT,tt baa sold his store ana eun to Mr. mchmoad Galloway. The trade will r tato full affect January 1904. Mr. MaKettbaa naa oeea eeaafarmerchaat for more thaa jearr. eat says he will retire now a boJinea life to a farmer's." Th riandaome piece of lUtn- ary baloalar to the choral aaaoda- Uoa of the Temple ox xsrae wa w ..httiitiAa atBolomoa's shoe store for cirpoeal for the beaeflt of the orraaUatioa to wbieA It oeioaxew, beeawoaby Mrs. IL A-Tortmana. II was transferred to lie aew owner yesterday. Pepalsr WCaiirxleslse Te Wed. Frleads la the city yesterday re- celred 1 haadeomaiy -wbiehreadaa follows:. Mrs. av. Uoas M. Parle laritee JO to oe P- the marrtsce of her ,-- . f rt.nlAl. Rarrett. to Mf. wsmea . . i.- Oct. 13 Ih. St 8 Wedaeadsy turn j w . . j 133, at Us Msthodlst church. o'clock. Boho run a a- nr. Daniel will be al nome wtv at us: North Third stress u-- toe. N. a - NEW ADVEBTISIMZNTa Notke-I bankruptcy. David Co. Correct clotblof. WaaUd Younx msa. Vasa's Clrsr Em pxa-N CARNIYAL A SDCCESS. Crowds I bronzed the Midway Agtla Yesf crday Afternoon Md Last Nlht. THE FIREWORKS TO-NIOHT. MsMrtfff-3 PabUeDIsefsy WD1 TwUcs at Klatb sai Cxi Crees S treats A Barkte.ee Persia aad Ceresatlee. Namerkally apeaklnx, theearnlral erowda were eome what diminished yeeUrday afternoon and last rdxht, but what waa loet la proportions was Rained la comfort aadcooTenleaea for the thousands who whiled away a time oa the midway or xrouped Inside the teats to see the attractions. Wed aeedsy aixht the shows were orerrua and the teste were not larxe enoafh to hold the people, reeultlox la an eroldsble discomfort ror the ladles and children. Tuesday nlxht there waa plenty of room ; the people were experimenting and there was hardly crowd eaoufh to make the midway In teresttnx. But last nlxht a hsppy medium between the two waxslruek asd everybody had a xood time. The ehowa xrow better with ate and the morality of them has been accepted by the masses. The "Juniors" bid fair to make a tremendous auecees of the affair, despite all the objection which they had to encounter at the outset. Confetti throw Inr Is still the race end bushels of the earl-colored com modity are belnx dished out by the eajollnx fakirs, the winsome youax ladles at the confetti tootha and the pereuaalre. youngster la the streets. The rubber ball nuiaaaee has not yet mads its appearance and the carnival cans objection by which the ha Iter profit are aot so Xeaerally used as at former carnivals. Ia spite of the argument that 'It's all town people," many folks from the coustry are here, but whether trade picks up to any appreciable extent by their presence "on pleasure bent" la a question for the shop-keepers. The hotel re latere end the testimony of trala conductors Is sufficient evidence that eome people from elsewhere are belnx attracted here by the fair. Bemainlnx days of thla week, if the weather Is fair, promise to be just aa saeceeeful as those xone by. To-night the management promises the public a brilliant fireworks display at Ninth aad Bed Cross streets. There Is al ways so much naecrtalnty about af fairs of the fireworks kind that the carnival com mi ties waa sought out last alght aad asked for a candid ex- pveasioa upon the affair. The com mittee assures the public of the posi tive xaarantae of the Layton Com pany that the display will take place. If It doeeat, after Its extensive adver tiaemeat, a xeasrous but not to-be-lmposed-apoa public will want to know the reason why. The dls pisy is promised st Ninth and Bed Cross streets, Isalds sa enclosure. A small admittance fee will be charg ed. Baperinteadeat of Transportation Merrell, of the Q B., L. ds P. Ux, eeys he will hsvs plenty or ears to take the people out there at any hour. They will leave Front aad Princess streets end there will be no occasion for crowding. A feature of the carnival merry maklar. not on the programme and therefore wltneased by only a email crowd, was a burlesque oa 'Crown lax the lnx of the Cam!? al" which - . err a look place aaortiy auer nsaawmj midnight. The Idea was conceived by the young men of the Coast Line ahops. A parade from Front street to the muaie of "gtxookJ," moved to Just la front of the Bonltx House, where Mr. Chs. B. Krlner was crowned with lmposinx ceremonies, Wilbur Do her having delivered aa oration. The King, clad ia overalls, bearinx a placard; : proclaiming his atatlon, was sealed In a box oa two wheels, drawn by his Inferior Subjects. Tbs parade of His Majesty wss com manded by Lieutenant Jno. McAllister. The artUlerled guard to the King was composed of J. W. OrreU. Geo. King, W. Brand and "Inky" Davis. The band was mads up of Green, Murphy, Davis, Kennedy, Babell. Bhepard. piaeBaajBBawHBawawaw""-" DEATH OP 0000 WOJIAH. Mrs, AaseHa Ichstls Panes Away Rslher Ssiiesly Traterlsj FaaetaL v.i jm !.. Htv will leant with sincere regret of the death of Mrs. a . SY ifkak fasten Amelia Bcbutie, wwow i Heary Behutle, which occurred rather raddenly at lOIo'eloek yeelerday af Urnooa at the home of her nephew, Mr Victor E.ZaelIer, No. 618 Cbesaut treeL ' Mrs. Bchutte wss bora in v. j M...1 the advanced age of 71 years. Bhs came to Wilmington In - . V.J V. m Mai. the early sixues 1 deat here erer since. Bhs la survived by ons brother and oae sister, the last named residing la Jersey Oily. Messrs. Victor E. and Augaat H. Zoeller, of thU city, are nephewt of the deceased. Bhe also has relaUres la Tarboro, N. o The -fuaersl wlU be conducted from the Isle residence this afternoon o'clock; thenee to BLPsuTs Lutheran church and Oakdale cem etery. m t .... Sa RltL" Mr. J. A. Dew. of Berts. Pender cca.ty. was la the dly JM' H' ssys the Black Blrer Btesmboat Co. is thlnklBf or leaslnx the steamer A. Hswes". until the company can build a stesmer of lie own later. Ur. Dew is an officer and larxe atccx holder la Ihe Black Blrer Co. RAISED ONE DOLLAR NOTE. Coastry Nerre Chirred With Taaperlii ts llrtalixs Will Cirrescy of Ike Keala-Is tas Federal Cesrt ! ' Ubsrged with the serious off e see sgalaat the Federal laws of having raised a oae dollar bank note to the denomination of a twenty, Oscar Lam bertsoD, a negro rlvermsa from Osae tuck, Pender county, wss arrested by Policeman E. J. Grlmsley yesterday sad turned over to United B tales Com. missiener a P. Collier. Lambertaon has been coming to Wilmington sev eral years oa wood flats snd yeaterday hs apent the day here. Bam Marshall, another young negro, asked him for the loan of a dollar and Lambertaon gare the raised bill to his friend snd told him If he would xt It changed he ouid lend him the amount asked. Marshall took the money to a Mr. Borne, of Long Creek, Pender coun ty, snd a ecu red the change, giving Lembertson the silver except the dollar he borrowed. Mr. Home, In nocent of the fact that he was csrryf og a bogus twenty,"" gare" It to a clerk la Solomons store In pay ment of eome goods. The clerk at once detected the crude work of the artist and Informed Mr. Borne that the note was raised. Mr. Home then sous ht out Msrshsll and in turn ths latter found Borne and turned him over to Policeman Grlmsley. At the police station Chief Furlong remanded the case to Commissioner Collier snd la the afternoon Mr. Collier gave Lambertaon a preliminary hearing. Bon. Joha D. Bellamy appeared for the defence and hla client teatlfled that he had found the bill the nlxht pre vious on Second street. The negro gsve the required bond of $100 In cash and waa bound over to the next term or the U. a Diatrict Court in Wil mington. With the negro'a characteristic utter disregard of the "eternal fitness of things," ths figure "30" from a Con federate bill had been pasted over the "1" on the original paper and the portrait of Alexander II.Btephena oa a Confederate bill bad been pasted alongeidelthe likenesses of Abraham Lincoln and Grant on the United Btatee note. -HOITY-TOITY" A Bid SUCCESS. Weber ft Fleltfa' Olaet ProdscUoa f csrel Or eat Hit st ths Tkestrs. Weber & Fields greatest of musical comedy Buccessee,MHolty-Tolty," with a combination or all star leads and a well-trained, abapely chorus, rich in magnificent costumes and gorgeous scenery, was seen last night at the Academy by an audience which waa large and bubbling over wilhlaugha and a miles from beginning to end of the big production. There waa plenty or sasp and breeslneaa all the way through and a brightness about the whols affair which csptivsted every body under the roof of the theatre. Even the players themselves must bsve found it difficult to anppress a laugh or repress a smile at the various altaationa which developed during the action of the play. Miss Lillian Durham, as "Lady Grafter:" E.F. Gallagher, as "General Steele," an American Billionaire, and the trio of Da tea comedians were superb, while the llnee and songs sli the wsy through fell Into moat compe tent bands. The audlsnee wss one Of the largest of the season and "Holly- Toity" was a brilliant success from every point of view. OFFENDERS IU POLICE COURT. Nsmber el f sacs Disposed of by Mayor Sprleger Yeaierday EftTblef. i In thanoliee court yeaterday Guy Ztller. a vonnr white man who waa charged with gathering confetti from the ground and throwing It amonx the carnival merry-makers Wednesday night, wss fined $10 and coats.! Jim Waddell, a negro vagrant. Was sent to the roada for SO days. Blley Smith and a E. Parker, two young white men who engsged In s fisticuff on the carnival midway, were let off : with ibe coats. Ben Carroll, tne negro car .. .mniATi arrested for the larceny of a auit of clothes, was discharged aa no one put In an appearance to wenu- fy the property. ' Jim Whltled. colored, charged with the larceny by trick or two doxea eggs hlch he secured from me ununr ton Grocery Co. upon prepense ot having been eent there for them by Mr. Cayton Gller. waa bound over to Baperlor Court. The nexro attempted to sell the eggs to Isaao Boufsrran, a Byrlsn. Serg'snlU. B.uarneu prw eurred a warrant and arrested tne negro. ; ! LOCAL MARKETS ABO SHIPPING. British Steamer Cleared With Cettoi. Big Csrre el Crsas TUa for New York. Rnirlti lomentlne declined oa ! the local market yeaterday. Oaly 58 to. ws bid. UOlton remain - ; receipts, J,C3lbalee; aame day Clo. last yesr, I.etS. " . . n-j.t.w -.... "Hub" ciearea yaterdayor Bremen withcargejof 10,- 878 bales of cotton, Taiueo n f".-" ssd conalgnedby Messrs. opruntu. Boa, n.u- .. T?nhrl IL. HLeVenSUB, one of the largest which ever Tltlted the port, cleared yeaterday forlNew York with cargo of 28,003 cypress and oak cross-ties, consigned by the Hail Tie & Lumber Co., of Wilmington, to the Mall Tlo dc Lumber Oa, of New York.' : " - - :' rfn,. -pwftrtri Leaxue of Grace church will hold literary and aodal meeting this eyening. beglnnlnx at 8 o'clock.' . - -".). r . TERRY CASE ARGUED. No Decision Yet as to the , De fendant's Motion for Change of Venue. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. NeS'SsIl Is Csss si Robblaa Ataisat the CaroIIas Cestral Damixea Aaked for lajary of Shade Tree-Other Proceedlata Yeaterday. Upon further argument and addi tional affidavits heard yeaterday. Judge Brown will probably announce in the Superior Court to-day whether be will grant a change of venue or allow a continuance or the case of S. Hill Terry, charged with the murder of his son In-law, Bland, fifteen days ago. From hia decision either In the mat ter of removal or continuance, there la no anneal and nalurallv much Interest lafelt lathe outcome. Popular opinion la .well-informed clrclsjr Is that SI Judge Brown does notxrant .a change of venue, he will continue threase until the term beglnnlnx " Novem ber 80th; moat probably . he will do the latter. His Honor intimated as much yesterday when he aaked Mr. Maraden Bellamy, of coun- eel ror defence, if the caae were con tinued until November, would that be satisfactory. Mr. Bellamy answered la the negative. Attornera for the State think that In caae of removal, Judge Brown would favor Duplin aa the county ror trial. It la also learned that Terry's relatlvea would prefer that the trial of the cause would go to Brunswick or Pender county, as that would obviate heavy expenses In the way of travelling, etc. When court met yeaterday morning st 10 o'clock, the case was called up and counsel for the State aaked a little more time to prepare aa answer to de fendant's affidavits or the afternoon before. Judge Brown granted until noon and the case was again called ap at 1 o'clock, the argument continuing until after P. M. David J. Lewis, Esq., oi Whiteviile, joined the prose cation snd all other attorneya were preeeat. Solicitor Daffy said the prose cution had a few affidavlta tending to ahow that there was absolutely no cause for chsnge of venue and that he felt confident Terry could get aa fair a trial In New Hanover aa would be gif en anywhere In the State. He had alwaya found thla to be a law-abiding com munity. The affidavlta were flrat read as follows : s to txtrbt's resovrcks. North Carolina, New Hanover County. Bute ) v. V Affidavit a H. Terrry. ) W. N. Harris. D. D. Cameron and T. F." Carpenter, each belnx duly sworn, aay a: That he Is a resident or New Hanover county and has known the defendsat a H. Terry for about 10 vears. That the defendant Terry w. . a a a a a hss been a resiaeni oi sue saia county ror a period of about 10 years. That the assessed Yalue of the property listed for taxation In defendant's wife's name Is $3,975. xnat one or the lota or lead listed as aforesaid for t.T.Hnn anil v&lnd at 11.100 WSS sold a few weeks sgo by defendant and hla wire I or xnai tne De fendant Terry served as auperln uiwtmit nf th Donntv Home of said county for two terms; haa served on the police force or tne city oi Wil mington ; has served as janitor of the rtnt fTnu.M nf ald ffitv. and at tae time or the alleged homicide waa nlxht watchman ror tne Auanuc uoaat Line In aald dty. That the affiant: ... fMinantl. hArd cltizsiii and persons qualified' to act as jurors in said county aiscun me muu buuuuui and from what affiant has heard of mitt h hliavea the defendant a H. Terry can get a fair and Impar tial trial in New Hanover county. The county of New Hsnover hsa a population or su,uw-inuaBiianta. " the defendant a H. Terry ainee his residence In said county waa elect ed aa doorkeeper of the House of Rep- ..(tlfu anrl nhtftlned this DOSltlOn ss sffiant la Informed and believes through the influence or hla menaa who were citizens or said county of xr n.nnwar Tht the defendant Terry has also served aa deputy eheriff of aald county. D. D. Cakkroh, T. F. Garpkhteb. Rwnrn to and subscribed before me this 23od, Oct. 1903. n UIOEGX oARKIHa, J. tr. WOXTLD GET TUB ASD LM.TlS.TlXt, TRIXL. Ths. nndnpifraed belnar duly sworn ssy each ror himself that he has heard the metier or tne aiuin; wi vxcu. T. Bland by a H. Terry frequently iiMnHui h a, Iifm number or cltl- sena and jurors or the county of New Hsnoyer and irom wnai mcy u" ri lha mattar- thev -are or the opinion and, verily belief that the said a H. Terry can and If tried in said county .l New- uanover, win get fair and impartial " . r v vino- Jr.. F. S. Crawford. L R Rhodes, Oi E. Collins; W. P. Old bam, J. a Mercer, W. P. Woodcock. tt v rtan V j. Qoodinr. Z. E. Murrell, B, a Clowe, Lot M. LeGwln, J. O. Brown, D. H. WsUh, a W. Bandera and J. W. Holmes. ii .ffldavlt are sworn snd sub scribed to before Justices O. W. Bornemsnn, F. x. osipper w. w. Evans snd Jno. J. Fowler. .w ATTIPAVrr OF BROTHIRS Of DXOTASID. North Carolina, New Hanover County. BUte .' ts. V Affidavit. a H. Terry j L. L. Bland and J. Ll Bland belnx duly sworn aay each for himaelf : That he I a resident of the city of WUminx ton insald county. Thst sffisnts are brothers of the deceased Gtnaad. That they are well acquainted with the def endant a H. Terry and have known him for about tt years. That they are SSmed and tgU Ih. Wead ant la worth about $10,000. That tne defendanthaafor many y eara been a resident of the county of NewHsn over. and U well known by the citi es and persona qali&ed tosMTeas juroral therein, that the defendant lessened In several prominent pod. Sons 1n said county, and by this r w.. k.. kMvnht Into contact means u -. ... 4V "iTl-t f,fiid cs xena. That the II u "-wy affiants hsve frequently heard the kill ing of the said Geo. T. Bland by the defendant discussed, and from what they have heard they are of the opin ion and believe that the defendant can get a fair trial in aald county That the prejudice which, defendant alleges in his affidavit exists sgslnat him in said county is not such as to render sny honorable man or duly qualified iuror Incapable of giving the defend ant a fair and Impartial trial in said county and that auch prejudice does not exist to the extent the oeienn ant claims, aa affiants are inform ed and believe. That the statements and editorial, allegations and as sertions which defendant claims were in the newspspers of the city of Wllmlnetou were not such, aa affiants sre informed and believe, to render any duly qualified juror of aald county,-who may have read the aame, unfit to act as a juror, aad would not create in his heart and mind a prejudice that would prevent him from giving de fendant a fair and impartial trial after hearing the aworn testimony... Affiants further state that some of the friends of the deceased Bland have aided to some extent in the prosecution of the defendant, or rather in the trial of this cause, but that said aid was given not for the purpose of preventing defend ant from getting -a fair and impar tiat trial, but on the contrary to aid the honorable Solicitor in finding out the whole truth of this matter, that all the fasts might be brought before the court and jury and justice be meted out, and that the . State and defendant should have a fair and Impartial trial. "Affiants sre- informed and believe snd so allege that the friends of the deceased have made no threats against any person who may be a witness either for or against the defendant, to keep him from testifying in this case and that the friends of the de ceased have no desire to suppress any part of the truth in this matter, but on the contrary desire that the whole trnth ahall be brought out out and the defendant have a fair and impartial trial. That if any person or persona have atated to defendant's counsel that they were afraid of the friends of the deceased and refused to answer quea- tlona for that reason, affiant avers that auch fear has no just grounds for its origin and affiant believes that such statements weie made by frlenda of the defendant who desire that' the whole truth of this matter ahall not be made known. Affiants further state the county of New Hanover is a large county in population, having some 30,000 inhabitants and many citizens qualified to act aa jurors and lhat they are to ba found tn said county and in all psrts thereof many persons who when properly question ed by the honorable court as to their competency to serve ss jurors in this matter will be found to be competent jurors and would give the defendant a fair and impartial trial and would not be biased by any rumor they may have heard or any newspaper statements they may have read. Affiants further state they, as brothers of the deceased, desire that the defendant ahall have a fair and Impartial trial In this matter where ever the aame be tried. J. L Blahd, L. L. Bland. Sworn and subscribed to before me this, 22nd dsy of October, 1903. JNO. V. TAYLOR, U. D. VJ. AFFIDAVIT FOR DEFENDANT. Another affidavit for defendant from ex-Mayor a H. Fishblate was Introduced ss follows: a H. Fishblate. belnx duly sworn, says that he is a resident of the city or Wilmington, N. O., and haa been ror four terms mayor of said city, and has been a resident of aaid city for more than SO vears: that he has heard numerous discussions of the murder of Geo. T. Bland by people of all classes in the community, and the oninion of each and every such per son has been to the effect that a EL Terry Is guilty of murder and should be hung, and that from the opinions so expressed in his hearing he does not believe that the said 8. EL Terry can obtain a fair and impartial trial In the county of New Hsnover. And further that the affiant haa no interest whatever in sild cause. P. ii. FISHBLATE. Subscribed and aworn to before me thla 21st day of October, 1903. JNO. L. BELLAMY, JR., Notary Public. . Other Court Proceedings. Aside from the Terry case very little of general interest took place in the Superior Court yesterday. Of the talesmen ordered summoned for the day the sheriff returned alessrs. R. O. Sloan, H. W. Bagg, Louia Bissenger, Leger Meyer, D. O. Love, A. W. Bivenbark and L. H. Peterson. Upon certified decision' from the Supreme Court, judgment accordingly was en tered In the case of Junius Davis, re ceiver of the Bank of New Hanover, against Butters' Lumber Co., and plaintiff was directed to recover the cost of the defendant to be taxed by the clerk. Order waa made for reference to Cameron F. MacBae, Esq., In case of Stephen Jewett, adm'r. of Chas. W. Bradley, vs. Alfred O. Bradley and others. , In the afternoon the case of W. H. Bobbins dc Bro. against the Carolina Central Railroad Company for the re covery of $3,750, penalty, upon delay or shipment of some timber by de fendant under Section 1984 of the Code, waa taken np. After hearing a number of witnesses for the plaintiff, Judge Brown ordered a non-suit on the grounds that, the Legislature of 1903 amended or. repealed the law upon which the suit was based. Notice of appeal to the Supreme Court waa given by Messrs. L. V. Grady and Stevens, Beaeley & Weeks, counsel for the plaintiffs, who claim that only a part of the act referred to waa re pealed. - The railroad was represented by Msj. Jno. D. Shaw, or Laurlnburg; Iredell Mearexand Herbert McClam my, Esq., of this city. When a recess for the dsy was taken at 5 o'clock In the afternoon.'the evi dence was all In for the plaintiff In a suit which Jos. 8. Sneeden brings against the O.IR,, L. &.P. Co. for the recovery of $50, alleged damage to a shade tree which was partially cut down by a lineman of. the defendant company in front of plaintiff's resi dence at Fourth and Queen - streets. Messrs. Brooke G. Em pie and Woodua Kellum appear .for plaintiff and Thos. W.Davis, Esq.; for the Consolidated Compsny. ' The case will be concluded this morning. ( ' ' S'fc.v To-day the Important case of , the State of North Carolina and county of . - " '. J WHOLE NO. 11,282 Correct Clothing for Men. Exactly the right styles for business men, for professional men, for even' ice wear, and for every occasion. The right cloths and the right trimmings. "Trifles make perfection" not even a trifle in fit or finish is neglected In this SiOCk. " A.:'-v The artists who design the Hart, Schaffner & Marx Ready-to-Wear Cloth ing and our other very fine makes have nothing to do but to atudy and to kuow every fashion demsnd and to work out all the new effects that promise comfort and good looks. , - . , f jS III m' : Marx jkJ 2 Hind Tailored ' P 4 - .af 1 Copjrifli bjr Hart HchtSaw A JUrx : , - THE A. DAVID oct 23 tf New Hanover against the Armour Packing Co., Swift & Co. and the Standard Oil Co., involving the legali ty of certain license tax Imposed upon by the last Legislature, will be tried. Messrs. Bountree & Carr will appear for the plaintiffs and Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy for the defendants. The only other case set for to day . is that i of Ocean View-Co. vs. Mercer & Phares, which will consume little time in trial. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. H. L. Lyon, of Elizabeth- town, arrived last night. Mr. 8. A. L. Johnson, of Ab bottaburg, arrived last night. City Attorney Bellamy ia out again after a brief indisposition. Mr. D. T. Cronly, of Colum bia, arrived last night and Is a guest atTheOrton. Mr. L. L. Brinson, the popu lar American Tobacco Co.'s travelling man, is in the city on a business trip. Mr. W. J. Webster, of Bed Springs, who has been visiting Rev. Geo. B. Webster, returned home yes terday. Mr. James Davis has returned from Georgia and resumed hia former clerkship at Warren's confectionery store. Mrs. J. W. Plummer has re turned from a delightful visit or sev eral weeks to her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Townsend, of Red Springs. Mr. F. Hoyle Kluttz, of Hen derson, an experienced pharmacist, has taken a position with the Crescent Pharmacy on Princess street. Grand Vice Chancellor Wm. F. Robertson and Deputy Grand Chancellor J. D. Nutt expect to make an official visitation to Lumberton Lodge No. 35, K. of P., to-night. Southport Standard: "Capt. John H. Sellers and family moved to Wilmington on Saturday laat and will make that place their home In the future. The grocery store conducted by Capt. Sellers has been discon tinued." Mr. Ernest N. Farrior Falls. Wilmington friends of Mr. Ernest N. Farrior, of Charlotte, will learn with sincere regret from yesterday's Charlotte Observer "that he has failed In busineas. Through his attorneys, Jones & Tillett, he filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. The liabili ties of the firm are said to be about $23,000; assets about $8,000. Under the proceedings; there will be no pre ferred creditors. Among the creditors are Mrs. Farrior in the sum of about $5,000; his uncleJohn Farrior, from whom he bought the jewelry and watchmaking business less than two years ago and several Northern creditors.- Speculation is said to be at the bottom of Mr. , Farrior's financial col lapse a fact which the Observer men tions as charitable to Mr. Farrior and aa a solemn lesson to all men and particularly to those young men who start a business on their own account PRESIDENT OP STATE FAIR. Ashley Home Elected Plan to Remedy ' Scsrcity ol Farm Labor. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 23. At a meet ing of the North Carolina Agricul tural Society to-night, Ashley Home, a well known and prosperous farmer and manufacturer, one of tbe wealth iest in this section, was elected presi dent of the SUte fair, to succeed J. A. Long, wbo declined to serve longer. All other officers were reelected. A committee was appointed to devise some plan to remedy the growing scarcity of farm labor. J. A. .Bryan was made chairman; otherstobe named later. Attendance at the fair today is estimated at 20,000. v ; - ' . DIED. , ,"; :'.t:Z:':-. ':i -.,- sjomuttjc Mrs. AMELIA - frOHUTTE, sud denly yesterday (Thursday atternoon i at her KBiaence, No. 619 Chesnat stroet, aged 76 years and 4 months. .-. - v v ; . mineral this (Friday) afternoon at 8:80 o'clock from the residence; thence to Et Paul's Luineran church nnd Oakdale cemetery. Frleads and scqaaibC&ces of, the family h vited to attend. - teoHHyoB :TERHS OF SUBSCRIPTION! ', Oa kTaarby Kail, $5.( ' Sis SXontha, : .: n 11.50 1 Three SXontha. - 1.85 ' Two Soaths, M 1.00 ; kBallrereA so sabserlaers la. ae , Cltr at At Ceats per IXoatBu ooooeoeoooooooooooe Bart, Seaasrner 4c Jntarx's Business Suttt$lSand$18. Made of English' Tweeds. Scotch Cheviots and fine Worsteds, in plain and fancy effects; sack coat In the English model, wtth three buttons, slightly conformed to figure ; hand made clinging collar, athletic should era; single or double breasted. The sort of auit thst would cost $25 at a Xood tailor's. finest Hart, Setaajrner e Marx Suite - at $SO and $22. SO. 7 Beautiful and exclusive effects In Worsted, Unfinished Worsteds, and various imported fabrics, mostly In styles tbat are confined to the Hart, Schaffner & Marx. Coats and Vests fashioned and made by man tailors: Suits such aa a good tailor woo id charge $35fto $40f or making. Bart, SenvaffiMr.SE Kfarx Astum Ow , , , coats at S1SY S18.- anot3S. ' These approach perfection as to style and fabric: neat coverts, rich Oxford. Grays, the new brownish ground with stripe effective that are so popular this year; short box sack styles, and all other proper lengths. Hart, Seaaffner & BEarx Dress Clotbes Comprising the newest Prince Al bert Coats and Yeats, Dinner Coats and Vests, Full Dress Suits and Cor rest Rain Coats. If one cares to know the newest and beat see this moat in teresting display to-morrow. ACADEMY OF MUSIC 'WILL'S COMEDY COMPANY. ' Friday NightAOetober 23rd. "SWEET SIXTEEN." SATURDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 84TH.' "IN ATLANTIC. CITY." (Bargain Matinee BStoraay afternoon. "TWO OLD CRONIES." POPULAR PRICES : Nlgnt-S5, 35 and 50 cents Matinee 15 and 85-cents. - Seats on sale at Plummet's Thursaay jmorn tng. oot 38 3C UNLUCKY CORNER. ,.1 We have built no tbe largest grocery business In the city, ana with oar: Increased foroe pan meet all demands. Our specialties are nlun class goods and oar prices are right.. Head quarters lor N. O. Hams, Sides and Shoulders. Chickens, Apples and Pears. Fancy Cakes and Crackers, Chipped Beet Lobster. Balmon, TRrnt, Mackerel, Kippered Herring, Preserves, Honey, Jam. Olives, Pickles. Tbe most com plete stock or canned andr glass goods In tbe city . Take a look at oar immense refrigerator and yoa are oar customer. ; S. W. SANDERS. Both Phones 109. '.an 23 tt We Offer This Week; Freeh Clam Chowder, Mustard Sardines, ' Bromaogelan, - Pickling spices. Moornlng Starch. Nuts in Marlachlno, Cherries In Crem, de Malt. -Any many otner articles to tempt the appe tite. All fresh and of the finest quality. WILMINGTON GROCERY fc JNO. L. BOATWRIOHT, Manager, octistf Rates for Sewer Service; Water Closets - 50 cts per quarter, each ; Kitchen Sinks - - 50 cts per quarter, each'; Bath Tubs 50 cts per quarter, each Fixed Wash Basins 25 cts per quarter each Fixed Laundry Tubs 50c per quarter, per set We carry our pipes tot your prop erty line without charge, and rates do not go into effect until service la rendered. ; t. : t '. : , The Wilmington Sewerage Co. - jy :?:'?'' ' DO YOU WANT; a AN IRON BED ? We are agents for the celebrated Bernstein 3 piece bed, the. best in America. The springs are warranted five years. See our stock of Furniture In cluding Hey wood - Chairs. We defy competition. GASTON D. PHARES & CO., , lio-iis Market St OQSStf : inter-Stan 78. TTM1TED STATES OF AMERICA, EASTERN U District of North Carolina, ss: In tbe United States District Court, in and for said district. Fourth division. In the matter of N. f. McMUlan, voluntary bankrupt. No. 99. in Bankruptcy. Petition for dis charge. - To the '.Honorable Thomas R. FornelL Judge of the District Court or the United- States for t the1 East ern District of North Carolina: N. F. . McMillan, ot Lumberton, in tne oonnty of Robeson and state of North Carolina, In said District, respectfully represents that on tbe 5th day of I September last past be was duly adjudged bankrupt under tbe sots of Con Kress relating to- bankruptcy ; that be has duly surrendered all his property and rights ot pro-, perty, and has fully "compiled with all tbe re quirements ot said acts and of tbe orders of tbe court touchlflgihlr bankruptcy. Wherefore be , gray s tnat he may be decreed by the court to aveafuQ discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said bankrupt acts, except such debts as are exempted by law from such discharge. Dated this utb day of October, A. D. woa. . N. F. McMillan, Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON, v - Eastern District of North Carolina, County of New Hanover, ss.: On this tod day of Oot. A. . D. 1903, ton reading tbe foregoing petition. It is ordered by tbe Court, that a bearing be had upon tbe same on the Snd day ot Nov. A. D. -1903, before f8. P. Collier, leq., referee of said court, at Wilmington, N. C, in said district at S o'clock in the afternoon; and that notice tbereor be published In Ths Mornino Star, a newspaper printed in said district, and that all known creditors and other persons in Interest may appear at the said time and place, and snow cause, if any they have, why the prayer of tne said petitioner sbould not be granted. And ltiafurtner ordered by tbe Oourt,that the Clerk shall send by mall to all known creditors copies ot said petition and this order, addressed to them at their places ot residence as stated. . Witness tbe Honorable Thomas R. Purneil, Judge of tbe said court, and tbe seal thereof, at WUmlngton, N. O, In said district, on the S3 aay oi uctooer, a. v. wa. OC33 It 'WM. H. SHAW, Clerk. Bell Telephone Subscribers. . A sabecrlbers new directory will go to press on Nosember 1st, 1909; and It will be necessary, that all Information as to changes and addi tions be In my office by October ssth, 1908. Sub scribers whose cntxarti expire Jtherby ad vanoe oajmeet or primary wnn on November ls&lWMLand ThiiTe not already -signed new oon t Ss it wtfil be neoesaary that new contracts lcuteSberej October SJ. 1908. or thSU nameT wlU not appear lo our next directory. Kindly notify me, either in person or by let terTof any cbaDges you may desire In our next Otteotory and oblige, vv.'r,,;:;.-. OCt 86 s'::v tnger:: CO

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