1 . ' 1 i- . . . . . . ' -. ... . - 1 PiVli-W Is f faisitaa. rf TWO - 1 'III 1 11 sm 1 . I I II II II II , w IV II T "V -TTv r-rr3- - - A w - ' I v in w k i . . in- J, m a u $ -u-uu XV' JJ V y II u 1 I! 1 vJ 1 II K -W nv 3 1 1 . jt --------- I I "A I W lit JWonting tar. OUTLINES. "t7rv ---, AAUU, NO. 30. TROUBLES OF CARNIVAL CO. la Naw York "..-.i-a sad half a.' to wee 0'' oa srrlvlag la Dm - jf rSSJSd 14 U0 Bllll ta ii bonier a at lywrpool dtd oo ot .N--ia married u wj. . , . " BM CT" it Lut Atlacat fra- WILMINGTON, N. 0., TUESDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1903. THE SUPERIOR CODRT 1 NEQR0 m(?uorb doctor WHOLE NO. 11,285 TCDV1C fiC CIIDCnDIDTinil Ou4 Tr. by Bail. Slz SXontas, . . " I Thre DloBtha, M 1 Two Xtoajkha BtUTni to sabMMooro la 95.00$ t.B0 1.00 Zltoa Carmirfti rvM.. waie vma dtlxjtd Lira aU daj Baa oa atcovat I Ua aUaehmtat pro bcoasblbj P.rey Walla u raoortr alktai apii mltry amoaat C to tin. jrTa bead Uraach !u W. H. 8aaJoa, al 7 JO o'clock Baa- ri2 wilJ ao kni ta I 'or Moawa. N. O, wbtra a lc L li Aiucbsaat vu I earalral will fc . ivt. v. Uaaaiicaaof lha TolaaUar fira daaartal ct Hut cllj. a a Wtaka, Eq , oa of Iba local allor 7 for tba eotnpaay, Vtcaaa salj for Ua aiaaaian ta Ua rtqairad toad f ttCOaadUacaravuwifor a bear- Second Week rf t c. e,pl Feu TwaJP Pitlc la Jiitlce icna CHlCrca I Ftwler'ataarl AatherCha rv Prr. I Upon Wllh No Vety Im- HELD FOR ABDUCTION BAD RUNAWAV ACCIDENNT- i taart Aaotber Ckirrt Pre. frrrci A Chaie. portant Cases. THE PROCEEDINGS YESTERDAY - Aa iucaaiai 2L !'' aad bon TL ri yUriAT. f0 db4 !f L- BtwlaUoaUU ia B Of 8aa n?- rlr of Ua JZ 'jlrtiioaa of Yala rtar. ' i j B al liATtford, irix-N cat w my a 15111,1 Ubtr Co. Satiaf far Orcrcharft I Frtl tttn Tva Dlrarcct Qraauala4araf Salta far Trial TaayOtbtr Natea, XUtbtr brtaf aaaaloas of Ua 3 a per I or Court wara bald ymUm). eaaaa of ImporUaoa wtra tried. Tha court opaaad la Uamoralacat 10 o'clock, Jadf Drova craaldlatr for tba aacoadwaak of tha tirm. which wui t la Joatlca Fowler'a eaart tuUh IbaaTldeaea waa Inenffldani tahnM DoetorwTalley" Ua nerro arratd In Cape Fear to wnihlp Satur dT alxbt by OoaaUbla 8aTaa apoa warrant a worn oat by bit landlady, wbo found It necessary to eject him from a bouaa upon wbleh ha would pay bo rent, bat ba waa Immediately ra-arretd upon a ebarca of practicing medicine without a llcenaa. Too latter charge waa preferred by Harriet K. Flaber, a colored woman of Acora Branch, who waa a witness la tba peaca-warraat proceedlnfi arainat tbe 'doctor. After Tallev hi hn found not anxUty ot Ureatenlnf Ua White Fakir With the Carnival Company Arrested as He Was Leaving Town, las Lola Shelley Thrown Oat of Phaeton by Hone Frightened Yesterday Af ternoon by Automobile. THE STORE THAT PATS YOUR, CAR FARE. UPON A SERIOUS CHARGE. Permied Thirteen Year-Ofd Child .to Leare Her Home la WUmlsxtoa-GJrl Reatored to Her Mather and Man Locked Up far Coarf. Uaaa earfoT.Jtu. Tbe eiahnaatU rrpra waud J Unbtrl McCUmmy, E.,.. sad bla boadsmaa la Ua sum of 1300 !a Mr. W. U Barkblmar. Tbaeoapa it el a! ai. it.i rMw.. i.. ima Toooeo fee- I of U caapaay owed tbe elalmaat 131 Z-3'' h?JViLl? or IM. but alaoa tbe vacant aalatoJ. firt s: ui Nay Departmaat r- Wkllr eoa tbe carnival m! t accept Ua prealdeaey I aopvtj eaaaot be attacked for debta 1 1 btt .rmj, . Bj om cooapaay. "Ji WtL ralWpa arrwtad oa aas- I "a PWpnaiore of Ua out- lVirir. Oae doalk aad I BS aaaouaccd Ualr raadlacaa to give gwM ot t..o iitr wvvrw. won aaxiy eavoted exelalI Ln un alia. Tba akeriff rataraadtha r.ni., I Uf of bl landladr and whllaJnilfA "Jirji liana on to" for tbe week bvrthn -z"ol-waajranArla Uauaonoad war? eoartwaa baadleappad laUe trial of I "Bl ,or 0 rrs the negro walked D.. Jy. eSartad wltk S-i-tst el ku Urt cblldrao, will tK-.ii4 ta AaaeUla, to-day. ...-a! is U Beaaett will caao mmixi yfturday; dtciaioa waa isrea iraia aaaa wsra w4to rauy tajaraaoyue ooaea locomotive boll ar a oar .jttu aitaacad pneae cr cu. 5 Tsrk ssarkaU: Mooay oa jwlra aiSiSt par caat; ooUoa tj ti lliie; Mr waa dall bat xyu i. set cpot audy. No. ii3:.o f-P4 oasr. No. J lie; 3oiiftiy.No.Sile;roala fires; r!acir?e3Us auady. EATHER REPORT. 1 1 Vxrt or AoEjctXTXaa, ) tvatraxn BraxAC, Wxjars rroa. N. CL. Oct. It. ) tcr:ioc-ni dau forUatweaty- or iiM- t-iia al S P. kL : x:rm..r- t A. kL, 44 dtwroa; H2:t. 41 itrrtaa ;. M laviv: fje ti day. .00; raiaraii ; ii 03O a U to U1 S.4 li..9fXitr la Uo Gap Frar jVi-.t'.:tl. N. C, at 3 A. M. tenf. 1 1 xtt: umtos actxms. kaiuf a-ritar. litkt, aavy to 'Hint er rvponad crvtr a jt jdrjci a tb eoli. kfoaday : tr rarlly oaa Lf&t fraai Saadar at C5ra. L-aibrtoa, Wal- (t. -a.ar-3- Utaty rroai ai rra rraacJT roa rooaT. n33iT0. Oct. tl For Nortk ntla Fa r Tared? aad Wedaee . 'tv. u fftai aorta vtada. Baaday afternoon, bat Major Bpriagtr laaaed an order that tba qaJel of tbe Babbaib afUraooa abould not be broken aad be would nxl permit aay ramoraL Howavar. be later agread to let tbe company more after I JO o'clock, but it waa two bourn after Uat Uma before Ua bond was girt a. Then tba teats came down In n harry and ware traaaf erred to tbe CaroUaa, Central station from which they left al 4 o'clock ytatarday mom 1st: on the accommodation freight train which waa bald for the effects. Two extra paaaaagar coaches aad six box cars ware required to more the aggre gation. The traJa arrived In Monroe lata yesterday afternoon aad Ua street fair will not gat well under way there before to-nlghL LOCAL DOTS. 5a . . . . 1n 5oaLhaort oao 17. 1. 17 A.M. a. IS P.M. 131I.UM. 11.C9A.M. A. M. i:rru zl BsIIioa ought iaarr.:i Dane's biacer. to British steaaer "aLag;daK" beae, arrlred jeatarday at Bremen. A xnaetifix of the Batail Gro era Aaaodallon will ba held at 8 JO o'clock to-night. A cev collection wagon has bean rrcelTtd and will be used by the nostogeo In Wilmington. 8c2iooaar "1L C. HaalaU" ax rlrod rroea New York jeatarday with cargo of eemcatfor the Goal, Cement &Brj Co. Tkt stoaxaar !. P. PUnt," Taeap to Baltimore, with cargo of paoapbtU.arrirtd Bunday for ooal and procredrd jrslcrday. Tie alarm of fire at 1133 A. M. jeatarday from box 11 waa oa ae eouetof a oaull blase at til Booth BerrnU etreat; damaga about f 10. Bj deed filed for record jes tardsy Edward Moan aad wlfr, of Floreoer. a C. traasferrad to Was. NUatlle far 1700, lot on wrat ide of BrreeU. f I feat souU of Bed Croos etrret, SSslU feat In aiat. ft f3 la New York la thaa the Eoropaa o!4 Ann is, to take her Police Ceart Tratrrday. In tha mayor's court yesterday, aside from the case of obductloe. Charlee FUbar, an AJbUo, waa rr taraed to Ue rock pile for 30 days oa n charge of barlac been drunk aad disorderly, aad Nathan Crawford, colored, was sent to jau ia caiauit w cxa hoad ln each of two me casts sat for the dsy by the inad vertence of not baring drawn any Uleemea for Ue dsy. The uaaal ousabar were ordered for to-day. The case of T. Donlan ts. the Amert esn Bandlag & Trust Company, In voltlsgthe fallara of a contractor to eoapleu a building for plalatlff, waa tbe first case on the docket aad It waa argaed la some of lu legal phases by ex-jadga E. K. Bryan for Er. Donlan aad Iredell Mearea, Eiq., for Ue bond leg company, bat Judge Brown decid ed to bold the matter over until to-day. Toe case or J. XL Holmes, a Sea board Air Line conductor, agalnat Drs. W. J. and L. IL Lorr, wse not reached. Iredell Mesres, Esq., Bp pears for Mr. Xlolmee aad Hours. Davis Jt Darls for Ue defendant. The oUer casta set for trial y eater day, none of which were reached. were R. T. 8andera ts. B. F. Keith Co.; W. a Cooper ts. Hsll Tie & Lumber Co., aad Pet Willis rs. the a P. Oowsa Llrery Co. Ia the Isst named action tha plalatlff, who Is a colored man of Brunswick county, sues the defendant for damages sas tslaed by a ruaawsy pair of horses at tached to a car riara wbleh ran Into and demolished a baggy of plalatlff at foot of Market street oa a Bandsy af ternoon n month or two sgo. Yeaterdsy afternoon when a recess for lbs dsy was taken at I o'clock, Ue court was In the mldat of the trial of a cause entitled HUlda Lumber Co. Its. A. OL L. Rail road Company. The case was originally est for last Satur day, but was not reached oa Uat dsy. Messrs. Boas tree Sc Csrr appear for for the plalatlff and Messrs. Dsvla 6t Davis for tba railroad coapaay. It la an action to recover about (3,100 allrcetf errercbars-s aw eoa sifs meats of logs from Istsrior do! si to plaintiff's lamber mill In this dly. Tbe case will be resumed to-day. Tbe evldeaeeiia the case Is belag Ukea by Miss Eatelle Bbrier, court stsaogrsphsr. Yesterday mornisg, while no other ease bad the right of way, divorce was grsated la rails of J. T. Lowe ts. Hsrrlet Lowe aad Taos. BL Ealgbt ts. Marion Knight. Ia the Isttsr Tom Miller, a well known negro character la his dsy, was named as co-respoadenL Csora oa the calendar for trial to day are Owen Martladale ts. Jos. Albro sL al; Louisa a Smith ts. 8assa a Moore, Ex'x.; Tbe Oorbelt Co. vr. S. A. L. Ballroad Company, aad F. T. Mills ts. J. W. U. mens. BUSQUtS LI A EESIDESCE. oat of Ue office and bsd gone as far as Third aad Princess streets, when the paper waa hurriedly completed and placed la the hands of Constable Bar age. The officer went at once after Talley," bat as soon as Ue latter spied Mr. Sarsge be rsn like a fox bat was finally overtaken at Third and Grace streets. Qaeatloned as to why he ran.be aald there was a fellow whom ba caaght eight or up street and ha wanted to overtake him. Talley was remanded to jail and will be given preliminary trial upon the seeocd charge at S o'clock this afternoon. The Flaher woman who makes the affidavit ssys Uat Talley treated her mother for some time a year or two ago and be charged as feee about all the poor woman could rake and scrape together and all Uat she could get out of a sick f and in her church. The prac titioner then told bis patient that If he stopped treating bcr abe would die and Uat be would not treat her longer un leaa he waa given the band of her daughter to him In marriage. The woman who awore oat the warrant yeaterday was the daughter and al though the moUer seceded to Talley 'a demands, Ue girl would not marry him. whereupon. It is said, he gave Ue mother aooUer dose of medicine and she died. The case is one which will bear the closest lnreatlgatlon and the County Medical 8ociety would do well to posh IL Bid STURAQB WAREHOUSE. kll FaaiDy Wai al Cksrcb Ihkvcs Es trrrd PraUlig Elirrs Hsar. BaadsT slrhL while Bar. a B. Seaboard Air Uas Will Add te Alresdy Lsrf e BsIIdlsra la WHalertos. A Richmond apeclal to Bundsy's Charlotte Oberver ssys: "Richmond con trac tore have at present plans for a mammoth warshooae, or possibly more properly, store sad office, to be erected for tbe Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, at Wilmington, N. CL Tbe structure is to cost in the neighborhood of 140,000 and will be leased as soon ss completed to Ar mour & Company. At the Besbosrd Air Line offices In this city It wss learned yeaterday that owing to increased demand for storsge room tbst anoUer large wart house would be built here, bat the cost will be only between $15,000 and 130.000. Tbe warehouse will be located be tween the freight depot of the com pany at Natl aad Brnnswlok streets and north of one or the two present Urge wsrehoases on the water front It will be aaed largely by the Ar mour Fertiliser Works, which already does a big storsge business with the Seaboard. Work will begin upon the new building at an early dste. Her youthful ambition lnfiuenced so naturally by the glint and tinsel of the festive carnival life aad the yeara ing in her bosom to become a fairy like "show girl" behind Ue gay foot lights of a carnival tent, fanned into an Irresistible flame by a scheming vinain,. led ' pretty thirteen-year-old Marirstsl MeOsaeto- roieake s sow forteble home In ' the southern part of the city and attempt to follow the Lay ten Carnival Company on the show train at 3:S0 o'clock yesterday morning to Monroe, N. O , where the organisation famishes the stlrsctlona for a street fslr ln thst city this week. It ahould be aald, however, in the be ginning that the act of the man at whose behest the child left home wss not countenanced by the managers of the Layton Company and It wss through their efforts thst the villain's plans were thwarted, his arreat accom plished and tbe girl restored to her mother. The carnival train did not leave over tbe Besbosrd Air Line until 4 o'clock yesterdsy morning snd It was shortly before the departure of the train tbst the showmsn's attempt upon tbe blight of the young life was discovered. Last week tbe girl was attracted by the man's kindlinets on the midway at8econd sndr Market streets, where be was engsged ss a confetti render. 8he held a brief con Yeraatlon with him in company with several other children of about her own age and she, child like, asked the man if he wouldn't like to hire her to help him to sell confetti. Then there were subsequent meetings and at last the man's influ ence over the child was spresd in such seductive msnner and became so powerful thst tbe suggested runaway to became s "show girl" developed into a reality and the man promised to employ the girl to aasiat blm in sell ing confetti, if she would accompany him to the next town. Details of the runaway were dlscutaed and a meet ing at Fifth and Church strsets wss srrangedr- Pretending to her mother that she was going to church the child slipped away from her home at Fourth and Wooater streets and joined the man who bad so Ingeniously planned what Inevitably m.ant ber rain. Tbe child followed tbe man to the Carolina Centrsl station and there he asaisted her ln a box car where a lot of Ue tents and show paraphernalia had been loaded, promising that as soon ss A" frightful runaway accident oc curred on CSecond, near Princess street, yeaterdsy afternoon, shortly before 4 o'clock. MIsi Lula A. Shel ly, a step-daughter of Mr. Thomas P. Sykes, No. 1518 Market street, waa driving near Second and Chesnut in a phaeton to which was attscned a rather fiery horse. Nesr the point mention ed tbe animal took fright at an auto mobile and dashed down Second, to ward Princess street. When almost in front of the stables of the City Livery Co., . the horse ran the phssron into a wagon heavily load ed with lumber, and the young lady was1 thrown violently to the ground. The borss then broke away from the pbseAow-aBd eoaUaued rtavmt-- Dr. O. T. Harp:r was hastily summoned to administer relief to tbe lady and an emergency call was sent to the James Walker Memo rial Hospital for the ambulance. It arrived shortly in charge of Hospital Surgeon, Dr. Joseph Akerman, and Miss Shelley was removed at once t) the Institution. 8he was badly abocked and has a slight gssh over each eyebrow with several contusions about the fsce, but otherwise she does not appear to be injured seriously. She -was resting very well at the hospital last night. It is not believed by the physicians in attendance that she sustained internal injury. Tim nnnT ai nn i uninn inc m j i.uu mm I EM. "Clementina. ' To say this is the best 11 Glove is saving a great deal, but we know it to be a fact. If you have worn them you will agree with us. If not try one pair and if you are not satisfied your money will be re turned to yon. We are now showing them in all the popular shades. Two Special ifombers in Ladies' Umbrellas. 26-inch Cotton Umbrellas, plain handles, steel rod, worth 50c, special at 39 cents. - $1 Umbrella 75 cents, 26 and 28 inch, fancy pearl and imitation sil ver handles, mercerized satine, cr. oct 24 tf . BBHB13R & CO, r 615, 617, 619 North Fourth St., Wilmington, N. C. fir lose F t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y . Too Busy to Write My Promised Ad; LOOK OUT FOR XT LATER. oct 27 tf IE1. FARKBB, 206 North FrontgStreet. BIG VALUES PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Ccj.! oca cases i or i j0Ba was la Ue country to nu mu op- carry lag a eoaeealad weapon and ra- I polntment as presiding elder of Ue toUIoqat: Alaskan Ug an arrest by Policemen Frea I Wlllagton District au vurc.. nere oa tba show grouses snaay ud whUe ousr mem w w nirhL Two carnival negrow uy war at - J ! vWs for SO dsy each, gave b esd overcome ns iiar cloai?" i tow, ba: he willU Demo te Uelr names as wiihuwkmi Willisana CraadalL CU : !ai aiod it. Shell b tliu: cf Uccle Sam afUr -. 1 !rlt m.n w,T1 trmt -,:3 ?ropcal to spend 110,- - f ft j W vvawff a w -i'-:r ipenj that ssa w r i supplement baa become .' the Kif he Asheville Glut. jcllow or not baa not Hrw LrgbtlsoM Cowaiasa'rr. . Orders baro boon lasoed dstacblng Ooaneaade X O. Bowmsn from daty Ucbsrge of ibe alxth lighthouse de psrtmeat aad ortferiag Lleutensat Commaader A. O. Hodgson to Charlea lon to Uke charge of Ue office. Com mender Bowman will go to the nary yard at LW "P! aat Commander Hodgson UexpecUd ocaj I .. .November 10th, coming from we iy.....vs. .-t.4!.s- lie will bo aa- i!ateat to Commandsr Bowman nnlU about November JOtbvwben thepree .niemma.der will go to bis nsw sta tion. aai- "ojooey makes tba t Silt it is time that makes ix P. S. A fallow at Htu, however, that kfU Ann? Mary U 24 -y ts twice aa old as Mary waa twice) as " cow. How old U Aca's figures and in- tea i it tatj five per eenL tai-- - t t t .'- mi. V-.V t TS mm old man she eooia 'V tit . .:.' asisneo or i&ai ine ija waa toaueo. li P.- . ..w ... a . -rxx -now cua oe ' Li4 Dome at dt earnlral otaaaturn to tear N ttis-n. toli Ur ha i bar to bwccmi OrrrcsaU far Pelka. The contract for Ue x ecals rtaulred by mbers of Ue po- LroachofWIalsr. was drJ': 5!dLd7rs WTFacb7at and Llvisg sabesl a aamp J.M tt loth from whicn arr"7 bo msda. Tbe "7. . ofisrsooa and are utsn jw"' , Ueeoata will bo mads at one. NI;W ADVa3m3CCrr& Q W. Yalaa & Co.-Oa' rW.K-rcbIso.OP It. F. rarkjor Bcuth Allaatlo Transit 0-eu lay. Academy of Cos pas y. WaaUJ-TraTailar. WaaUd-Touaf man. Notloo-Xf yo are UrvL. rraldeaee at No. 408 Grsoa strset was eatered by burglars, wbo ransacked Ue bouse from "cellar to garret." Tbe Ulevee were evidently looking for money aad jewelry, but before the search waa completed Ue family returned from church aad Ue in truders made good Uelr escape from Ue rear. Only a few valuables were stolen. As Mrs. John waa approaching the bouse upon ber return from church, she noticed that a lamp, left burning la the bouse, was being carried up and down Ue stair step. Her sus picion was at once of burglary, and several neighbors were summoned, but It wss Uen too Isle to accomplish anything. A detail of policemen also fc-.rf fmm Ue station, but It was -tueut avail. Mr. John's residence v.. trarrlartsed a number tlmee before within Ue psst three years. of two or Ssectfea Rcteras to wn-lfflaa. a (Viahlnrtoa correspondent Bundsy's Charlotte John XL Baeeden, of Otferver says: of Wilmington, mimA ft f tha who waa yeeierusy Railroad Dsasge Salt. The Stab learns Uat the dsmsge suit brought by L N. Alderman, de eeaaed, by bla next friend, bis wife, Mrs. Lola B. Alderman, agalnat Ue A. OL L. IL IL Co. will be relnatated on tbe Superior Court calendar and that the action will be pushed. De ceased was ln Jane, 1901, a painter in the employ of the eompsny on Ue yards in this city and while engsged ia painting a box car an engine and foar other cars, it Is alleged, rsn Into ;H- ireau'e or bench upon which tbe. plslntlff wss standing at hla work, with Ue result thst he was thrown to the trouod and so Injured Uat he lost his reason. He wis later sent to tbe hospitsl for the Insane, where he died. Psislsg sf the Cold Wave. The weather which had been disa greeably cold since lset8aturday morn ing. moleratd to a great extent yes tsrdsy and it was a fine early Winter day. The thenar raster registered aa low as $7 decrees daring 8undsy night, which was one degree colder than Ue night previous and one degree lower Uan the average for Ue district. Tbe maximum for tbe day wss 60 degrees. Light froets were reported here, at Charlotte. Cheraw, Lumberton and Weld on, while Uere waa n heavy one at Newbern yesterdsy morning. On Bandsy morning there wss a light frost at Florence, 8. C. charge of embesxlement, was arraigned frV...- it!ao Justice Boott'e court .woof non support of bis Hoyt Csmeiy Cempsiy IhUdreo. bis wife being Ue prosecutor. ActdemJ Thursday night will r.-th. hearinrof the eaae,ao- atrieUy Tauderllle onenng, nii. Ue hearing 1 Sam.nl was arranged by which a. Lm. to pai3 Pe' week toward hi. to He was .Howed .,00 ball on hi- peraonalro- ..iiua. Baeeasa turn to WUmlagton iw"v"; CstUi al Raval Starts. bleb, by wsy of vsriety. will be glad ly received. Tbe company presents, the performance will be Ue well known Hoyt Comedy Company, -Mohio said to be a good one. The programme will consist of only up to .to acts, several of which are of a ,tlv nature. For tnw periunn- Matte Hoy Comedy ..titiin. . , tit tw. mil KO aad 7i t to sa sdvaaca o ' reserved som w - ..I??t!!tTm.rkst and abbot Lonta and Uey may be purchased at S poils U faturUe local ootton Plammer'a tomorrow morning ..V.t vMtardST aavancw. --- --- 1 o ww middllny. BeceipU were .iW at 8 ..... 7T7 balsa same day BplHU turpsauae of"" lie last year. steady at Boa Uoae "handsome Japanese Vasea ..TJtnMr'e China Parlor, lis Mar-, ket 1 treat. t i the coaches "came up" she would be given a place with the oUer carnival performers. The man wrapped himself In a blsnket snd also the girl in another and they had Iain down to sleep when some of the carnival people again opened the car to put in more freight and were surprised to find the child there. They helped tbe girl oat and carried ber Into Ue freight office where ahe was allowed to warm and tell ber story to Mr. Layton and Mr. Swanaon, managers or the company. The man, who gave his asme sa Ramoa Joee, was at ones spotted and turned over by the mansgers to Po licemen L F. Hoggins and C E. Wood. Jose was locked , up at the police ststion and the girl was re stored to her mother, Mrs. Richard McCabe; the father, a well known ahlp carpenter of the city, being at work In Booth Carolina for the present The mother was overjoyed at the re turn of tbe child and she appeared In the Mayor's coart with her daughter againat Jose at noon. The child told in a straightforward manner of how she wss besought to leave home and also told thst after reach! nr the ata tlon. ahe (told Joae abe wanted to go home to her mother, but the latter aald It would ba all right; come on and go to the next town. Mrs. McCabe testified that her child would be 14 years of sge tbe Slat of next Decem ber. Jose is a man of about 35 years of age and said, when asked if be wanted to make a statement, that be lived near Richmond and was employed to sell confetti on a commission; tbst the little girl spprosched him on the sub ject of running away and said she wanted to follow the carnival around until It reached Ue town in SouU Carolina where her father worked; Uat he advised the young girl against It and that he had no criminal Intentions whatever and had exercised none to ward the child. Jose told hla story in n clear manner and in good English, i Two negroes arrested In another ear for vagrancy testified to having seen Ue girl and Jose in Ue car, after which Msyor Springer held the latter In a bond of 1300, which he couldn't give, and went to jail to anawer Ue charge of abduction at the next term cf Su perior Court. The two negroes charged with vagrancy were given 80 days each on the roads and one of them was rec ognized as a witness to testify against Joae In Ue Superior Court The ne groes had followed the carnival since it bad left Newport News several weekaago. I , ss . I Messrs. lu F. Bryan and Luther Wilson, or Little River, & a, who spent last week at Ue carnival here, returned home Sunday night ! Now lot 0 . Out Glass and Fancy China jo "Dene! Kissinger's China farlO., Ji -nk. ices. T Mr. Nathan O'Berry, of Golds bero, arrived last evening. Mr C. H. Denny, of Norfolk, was among last evening's arrivals. Mrs. Lillian Hofimaa, of Balti more, is the guest or Mrr. B. F. Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Taylor, Jr., returned yesterday from Wake Forest . Dr. W. D. McMillan and Mr. William Bheehan returned yesterdsy from Baltimore. Mr. W. J. Edwards, the well known banker of Ssnford, N. C, is a guest at The Orton. Dr. M. H. P. Clark has ra mmed from a visit of a few days to his old home near Kittrell, N. O. Col. R. D. Potts and Mr. L. G. BurrIsi,.U. S. A., arrived last even ing on their way to Fort Caswell. Mr. R.L. Nntt, of Portsmouth, assistant treasurer of the Beaboard Air Line, spent' yesterday lu the cit Mr. Engene Forshee, soliciting agent of Ue 8. A. L., returned yeater day from a busineaa trip to Lumber ton. Miss Eatelle Ebert, of Bur gaw, returned home Sunday after a very pleasant visit to friends and re latives in the city. The genial Mr. Adam Latta, of New York, Is here at his former home, visiting hia sister, Miss Helen Litts, No. S13 North Seventh street. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacRae and child and Miss Williams, of Fay etteville, srriyed Sunday on the steamer "City of Fayettevllle." Mrs. G. H. Brown, Jr., of Wsshington, N. 0., arrived Sunday and joined her husband, Judge Brownt who is holding Superior Court here. They will be gueats at The Orton dar ing the week. In Cravanette Rain-proof Coats, Men and Boys' Clothing, Neck wear, Shirts, Collars and Cnfia. A complete line of everything that belongs in an up-to-date Clothing store. ,' SCHOOL SIbLOIES- A good assortment of Shoes that will give good wear and at the right price. Suits to order from $10.00 up. Bell 'Phone oc 18 tf cr. w. 800. Head to Foot Outfitter. Winter Lap Robes! WB HAVE JUST OPENED UP A NICE LINE OF WINTER LAP ROBES. DO YOU NEED ONE P CITY LIVERY CO. 'Phones 15. W. D.' MacMillan, Jr., Pres. oct 11 tf PAUL QILM0SB T0-M0KR0W NIGHT. Retoro of Favorite Yooog Actor la Saccess of Two Continents. The sale of seats for Paul Gllmore in "The , Mummy and tbe Humming Bird," which will ba seen at the Aca demy here Wednesday evening, com mences at Plummer's this morning at 82o'clock. The favorite young actor will no doubt be greeted by an im mense audience, numbering many of the leading society people of the city. The Patterson (NT. J.) Morning Call ot Bept 25th, says or the production : "That Patterson theatre goers ap preciate a management that gives them first-class attractions waa shown by the fashionable audience which gathered at the Opera House last night to see that popular young American actor, Paul Gilmore, In "The Mummy and the Humming Bird," the play which had such a long run in New York, and in which both John Drew and Mr. Gllmore atarred. Mr. Gilmore has shown his ability as one of the fore most actors of the American stsge in "The Muakeeters" and "Under the Red Robe," and when 4e succeeded John Drew in the interpretation of Lord Lumly in "The Mummy and Ue Hamming Bird" many theatre goers considered that the play did not suffer from the change. tU. AilmnM laat nforTit -ana aim. ! . UUtUWIW .WW. ...ft.. " ported by an exceptionally fine com pany, and this added n great deal to Ue success of the evening. Usually when a star starts out on a tour of Ue smaller cities, expenses are cut down to such an extent Uat the caat suffers a great deal, but Uat ia not the case with his supporters in this case. Lady Lumley Is played by Miss Margaret Drew, a young woman who haa al ready made her mark in the metrop olis. Her interpretation or the part of the young wife, vtho is thought lessly neglected by a husband, who is devoted to scientific studies, and near ly falls Ue victim or an Italian liter ary man who haa become the lion or Ue London fashionable world, is artis tically carried out "Neil Florence, who plays the part of SIgnora D'OrelU, gives a good rep resentation of a passionate ion of sun ny Italy or Ue better class,;- whose whole aim in life appears to be the breaking up of happy homes. "Tbe plot throughout, while com plicated, works out to an Interesting climax, In which Ue villain meets his just doom, and the husband and wife j ran aiatjrraTisMlalfl aSTl r"l nam a Th n rf m fn Th snnT " an 1 Tf a irvifini a-arsi snaa yi w iimj mm ss aawa f Jfm Notice to Mariners, Uiieler-hrteOefe- S3eV the. Lighthouse Board at Washington issued official notice to mariners that on or about Nov. 29th, 190S, the char acteristic of the light at Bald Head, the northwesterly end of Bmlth Island, easterly side of tha mouth of the Cape Fear river, will be changed from flashing white every thirty seconds to fixed white. No other change will be made. Three Diphtheria Quarantines. The Health Department yesterday established quarantines for diphtheria at the residence or Mr. B M. Wilson, 630 Bouth Second street, the patient being Mrs. W. M. Wilson; at 518 Queen street, tbe patient being Harry E. Fales, four years old, and at 324 South Fourth street, the patient being Jesjie Sykes, the little son of Mr. John E. Sykes. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SOCIETY EVERT. ACADEMY OFMUSIC Wednesday Niarht, October 28th. my I I lt TMfe ILtf MUMMYV'THt HUMMING BIRD A SCALP LOOK is something to get hold of. Bat here are some other kin 0s of LOOKS that are far more useful. To name all tbe different kinds of locks wo carry would take a lot of Bpaca. Perhaps It is enough to say that we have every sort that is made for outdoor and Indoor oae for trunks, crates, ete. We don't handle the low grade, badly made and very cheap locks. Our prices are not high, but they secure excellent value. I I III M I II V MU 1,(1 Ivs lis iiiui vail v was a vwij 00 27 tf Orton Building. RABArvpd aaata SI and S1.S0. Sale opens at Plummer's Tuesday morning at 8 0'CIOCK. 00 OS ACADEMY OF MUSIC Thursday Night, Oetober 89th. The well known "Hoyt Comedy Company." Presenting a programme of UP-TO-DATE VAUDEVILLE. Reserved seats SO and 75 cents. Bale opens at Plammer'a Wednesday morn ing at 8 o'clock. oc87St Mullets. Pull weight packages new fish. Seed Rye and Oats. BAGGING AND TIES. Cargo SALT just arrived. HALL & PEABSALL. sep 18 tf " DO YOU WANT AN IEON BED I We are agents for the celebrated Bernstein S plece bed, the best in America. The springs are warranted five yean. See our stock of Furniture in cluding Hey wood Chairs. We defy competition. GASTON D FKAHES & CO.- 110-111 Karket su ooastf lntKr-Staso78. OUR SPECIALTIES. Remington Standard Typewriters- Globe-Wernicke 3 Cases. Globe-Wernicke Cabinets. 'Elastic" Book Filing Cases and Globe-Wernicke Office Supplies. Minneographs Neostyles, etc. Up-to-date Office Supplies and Stationery of all kinds. , C. W. YATES & CO., Wholesale and Retail Book-Sellers and Stationers. oct27tf Cuban Blossoi -AND- RE1I0WII CIGARS. . These Cigars are better than eye "silver coirr FLOUR. It is the BEST ever ground; guaran teed, ; - - H. L. Mers A. C L. Crossing.