PICTORIAL PUZZLE. ',-3 r. CltAt in defiance of ancestry Df IL LOU13C CUMMEU f -Ceprrlsht, Mrs, by T. C. ilcdw There's he poured the saacer no thin Eiw rvr- w a t . . v wvuuvr -uuru 10 ner teacup as am fragrant Colil Into v. noimng o coafortlng .. a dxopcf something warm. There". MIm v!?".""" 0,rM" ,hn J crab rr.le h U be for. breakfaaL But 1.t Wrt th of tar or colec! Too can tb Packer going oot of her face with the Urn .up. and be the time she fill oot tbe second cap you'd think tu la a different World atves w. ii. m --r- MI" lag- It most be ald la defease of 111m Jsne Nomas that tsnn.n k. woman sollloquv was true, Omtlng la cold room, where spindle legged furniture, worth Its weight la joW. was Jostled and supplemented by cheap pin, was not conducive to cheerful- :M 1UIDEN WOMAN, SAUCER A7CD SfOOX. ,111.1, 1,,,, , p. TV Kinl Yoa ILo Ahroys Eoa?ht, and hUU has been ts u for over 30 year, lias borne the aljmatrur of ami has been raaJettnilrr 11 J TTf ' on-il superrWon sir'- tU Infancy. W-X 4.ccu Ilow no no to deed vo yoa In this, V.! Counterfeits, Imitations and Jukt-nA-grxxl are bat tlipcrttueuts that trifle trlth cumI endanger tbo health of laiict ami CblliLreE Kxrerletc nalrisft IlxperlmenU What is CASTORIA Ctri i a hannle. snbstltnto for Cntor OIL Paztv fr. In. ami Soothing Sjrap. It I I'leasant. It rMtat icUhr Opiasn, 3Iorpbto nor other Narcotic abotM. Ita ac la Its cnaraatew It destroys Worms sa4 alLija FeTerUhnesiC It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Ci-. relieves Teethlnr Trooules. cares Constipation aal IUtnleoey. It aaa Imitates the Food, rryalatcs tho &uurh and Ilowela. gUlnff healthy and natural sleep. The Children's ranaccaTho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean tho Signature of Also upon Mlas Jaoe for the part thirty, yeats had fallen the burden of nukta both ends meet oot of s rery slender toco me for herself and Mlas Penelope. Bot aa the walled throagb the tU le of rutmile MUe Nomw thin, SQoClae Doee held Itself as high aa when her family had represented the wealth of that select community. They were ami the Xorrtssea. That nas suf ficient Nerer by the flicker of an eyelid had Miss Norrtas acknowledged that abe was aware of the existence of their aelghDor. Mr. Jabls Baboon, yet for the past three years he had occupied the handsome old boose adjoining her own. it was undoubtedly one of the trials of Mtas Korrtss life that her arts- xocrsuc ungers were eoisDeuea noon the Sabbath day to drop their ten cent piece Into a contribution bos held by the plebeian hand of her obnoaloos neighbor. Upon such occasions her eyes were steadfastly fixed on the stained glass window opposite, a rift from her Grandfather Tettigtli. while erery spiral ornament In her bonnet quivered as If It were a sentinel defending the rettlgyi-NorTlJS family pride. Mlas rrnelope could hardly tell when he began to regard Mr. Babson with a uui n nnat m. a. - . . M--i'un. iw eyes nxed reso lutely on the stained glass window, aa If she wnkl propitiate tho Chost of the urineu i-ettism. Dyspepsia Cured The suburbia house expresses free dom i from restraint; It la tho home ot children; It means purer air; It means more room to more around la; It means "" aoa u implies a aodal life which years of city Urlng may never engender. These are matters of first "APortanee, and when to them is added the material advantage of tower rents the superiority of the suburban bouse over the city dwelling" is established. There are long rides by trolley or train; there is tho necessity of keeping early hours; there are difficulties with limited grocery, butcher and bakery service; there are other practical draw backs. Bot over and. beyond these Is the abiding space of freedom of move ment, of ample air and sunlight; of s place to live in. " " j And that la exactly what a house Is for. It is neither to look at nor to serve as an ornament to a highway. That It should be ornamental and ahould be viewed with Interest are matters of course that are extremely desirable, but after all It Is the house within that counts; that makes sub urban Ufa bearable, adds to Its Joys, increases Its advantagea, cements Its superiority to every other sort qf liv ing unless It be the country life pure and undeflled. House Beautiful. 1 17ITED!: 10 CE1IIIE CASES DYSPEPSIA Free! A IfarveloM M eatery. Cardinal Mezxofantl was possessed of a very wonderful memory, which be applied to the learning of a. great num ber of languages. Lord Byron de scribed him as "a walking polyglot, a monster of languages and a Brlareua of parts of speech." He could learn, a new language in the course of throe weeks on occasion so as to be able to talk fluently with those whose tongue It was. At the age of fifty-four Mezxo fantl knew fifty languages. Before bis death he la said to hare known seven ty or eighty. More of these were Eu ropean, than most people would Imag ine-to Be the case. For lnataja.ee. Wal la ohlan. IUyrlan. the Romanl of the Alp, IttUb and Lappish figured axnacx the twenties In Ms list; for the retnauder-of which be went to other continents. MexxofantTs system bf learning languages was simple enough where books were available. He read the grammar through, after which he was Its master, for be never forgot whst he had read. Many of bis lan guages were learned from prisoners whom be visited In their affliction. 1 Wfiq Will-Each Receive, Pree of Charge, aRegn- lar Bottlejf The S. GROYER GRAHAM REMEDY for DYSPEPSIA. The G rover Graham Dyspepsia Remedy is sold under s positive guarantee that it will core Dyspepsia. Heartburn, Gastritis or any form of stomach dis order, no matter how chronic or aerere. The very first dose removes all dis tress, tones the weak stomach, prevents fermentation and restores digestion. Every nerve and fibre of the body depends upon the stomach for its support. When digestion eeases a slow form of starvation begins, and the vital organs, deprived of their subsistence, become debilitated. Good digestion is essential to health ; proper assimilation of nournishment means pure, rich blood, strong nerves, sound sleep and makes life worth living. The most chronic case of stomach disorder is Immediately corrected by our remedy. . Writs for Lecture) sa Dysyepala. free. S. Grover Graham Co., New burgh, N. 7. Remember ! The Grover Graham Dyspepsia Eemedy is Guaranteed to cure, and in evidence of the desire of the proprietors to convince the public of the wonderful remedial properties possessed by this preparation, they have made arrangements to distribute, FREE OF CHARGE, 500 of the regular bottles to genuine cases. Cut out this advertisement and present at the druggist mentioned below. JOHN H. HARDIN, Druggist, oct 27 2 w tu th sa 126 South Front St., Wilmington, N. C. LET OS LOOS AFTER Y ,1, OUR FAI AliD WINTER ORDERS. At our Big Store on Front Street our Stock of Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes and Hats is complete in every detail Cuban Blosso; AND- REHOWH CIGARS. These Cigars are better than eve "SILVER COIN" Y FLOUR. It is the BEST ever ground; guaran teed. ' H. L Vollers. A. C. L Crossing. 37126 tf NORTH CAROLINA Rost Proof Seed Dats. Excellent quality. Very low price. J We have some extra fine Rough Rice, suitable for seed. ' - . BAGGING- AND TIES. Fish, Cheese; Crackers. Grain and Hay. Salt and Molasses. Samples and prices on application. THE WORTH CO. ATLANTIC COASTLIHE. SehsAsle la Kffset Ass. 8 108. LOCK But bere are some 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. vs. 11 1 k mm?' Tk M..MI. Habit. Tbe alngle eyeglass, or monocle, nev er found many admirers in this coun try, and only a few transplanted Eng lishmen cling to It. An oculist, dlscuts Injr tbe use of tbe monocle, said: "Dr. Kitchener back In 1824 thought It a good thing. lie advised Its alternate use, now In tbe rlgCt eye, now in tbe left one. lie said in bis book tbat be bad cultivated tbe habit of picking up tbe glass each time be wanted to use It with a different band. ' Of course picked up with the right band It bad to go Into tbe light eye, and vice versa. Aa a matter of fact, tbe single eye glass is Injurious. It throws all the work on one eye. It destroys tbe har mony of tbe optic muscles sod nerves. I know an Englishman who has worn for a myopic affection a monocle in bis left eye for twelve years. Tbe left eye la all right, but with tbe other tbe man can see practically nothing. Tbe habit of tbe monocle continues to lire among tbe English swells.- I. E. SPRINGER & CO., Purcell Bull din gr. Wilmington, N. O. Wo are now receiving our Fall and Winter stock of Double Brooch Loading: Quna, Single Breech Loading Qunfl.Binoa, Ammunition of all kinds. aliDg coats, Leggins, una uases ana fieyoi is of all kinds. . . Oar assortment of Sporting Goods U complsU. 7:1 fiat tood ssrriccsbls goods snJ at fair prkes yoa will find them :r ouy.ithmeat. oct 23 tf ?t)RTOr THE CO ditto or Al U fci.t j jirmtata.. CM MSI... h t. r.i ......... ant rm. The Unrcbison national Bani, wnmLnrton. N. C. y of luisliis Beptcaber t, 190dL t,tsau LlAMUJTtSS. waTCjnas roa tss xjowt waxes iid sot arrmjUL fselln' far different from aversion. It islgbt bavs been opoa a certain Sun day when, having mislaid ber small coin, she raised ber eyea la a flutter of ecabarsaasmest only to meet a look so iifHnr that the money was forever lost to the parish of PlattrUle. That titht Is ber own room alias Pa&eiooe took out ber terrible secret sad tbocfbt over It tremblingly. Sbe Lad seated herself at tbe window wltb twr eandleatlck on the wide aUL Sod- denry'abe became aware of a similar lumiaatJon In tbe adjoining bouse. finmlT knowtne what she. did. alias reo moved ber Ugbt along tbe window le&re, Tbe movement waa lmmedlate- ry; answered. With a heart Uatlag to suffocation abe raised It high above ber bead, bcr'cheeta Cashing like a girl's aaiabe saw tbe small Came opposite take. tbe same course. After that tbe dsys to this little colo nlal'datDe were something to be got ttrourtras beet she could. At night all Ibe.thoCgbts of ber heart were told In be:lxrtrrchanse of signal. ncftbre"eame an evening wbea dtlaaPeaslope watched through long. aUent?bonrs of agony for tbe light Vhwhidld not appear. A dull red glow .KwtSSMKirtr tbe lowered shade. At itndxdgt5' ' carruge drove up and -Babaon'a rate, xnen a any en- Eaessraalaa. Tom lias sbe given you eoaragemeiit? Dick I should say so. Sbe tells me sbe will bare all the old man's wealth when be dies, Judge. OtKaar. "Tie doted on Alice snd would have married ber bnt for ber mother." "Ah! Her mother "Yes. ber mother was still more at tractive." S .ji.wt.t as ,.. amstsss sso ss an.tust nrf-l SarMss s4 IM frsCss.. ioaa ss ML ss Lsxaaas (UBSJUSI stftCTfatiUr. in.Vr 'fVrre reeectxnent against her iilrt rj filled. kUas Pen's souL He was iU.;dying permape, and she was barred -waL It was near dawn wben tbe lamp s Jail glow disappeared and tne amau it of Came caused by a canoie iwc&sear the window. Miss Penel- ?pe;feUoa her knees, wita neavy rhsiteaiSag her tnroar, wnue ner Dlssatreas Wreaks. Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck, and tbe same causes are Baking human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lour trouble. But since the advent of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs sod Colds, even the worst esses can be cured, sod bopeiess resignation is bo longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Oragr. of Dorchester, Mass.. la one of many whoas life was saved by vt. juoga New Discovery. This great remedy ts guaranteed for all Throat and Lang diseases by B.R. BxxJLaJCT, druggist. Price BO cents snd SL0O. Trial bottles free. . t i In our Dress Goods Department we have the grandest assortment shown in the State. We have all the new weaves. In novelties and fancy wool lens our prices vary as to the quality and width from 2Se to $1.25 a yard. Tbe 60c varieties are 88 Inches wide aod strictly all wool, and are both stylish and pretty. For 98c, worth $L35, we are showing 64 inch wide goods, which make pretty tailor lulls and are this lesson's styles.' We also have a beautiful line of broadcloths that are 54 Inches wide and our price ts 88c a yard, regular price SL25. In fancy worsteds we are: showing a fall assortment of colors, including black, that are 43 inches wide, that we are selling at 20 and 25 cents a yard. We received to-day a line of double fold worsted, 'all colorr, ' regular 15c goods, that we will have on sale Mon day morning at 10c a yard. In Wool seln fleece waistlngt we have a great rasge of styles and patterns that are certainly very pretty at 10c a yard. In.t hie department we carry a full as sortment of lialngf. We sell- silk fin ish lining, 86 Inches wide, that will not stretch and holds Its luitre, at 10c a yard by far the best lining we have ever shown for the price. We have all grades of lining from 5 to 85 cents a yard. We also carry trimmings of kinds, laces, braids, medalllnes and silks and velvets. Also fancy button. In the Domestic Goods Depart ment In this department we are bowing a splendid line of sheets, pillow-case and counterpanes. For the first time in the history of our store we sre able to tell a full size hemmed sheet, 81x90 inches, st 45o each; pillow eases 88x42 Inches st lOo each. Better quality sheets are 50c, 6S0 and 75c each, snd pillow eases sre 12Xc and 15s each. Fall sise white bed-spreads we are selling at f 1, L25 and $1.60 each. Lace Curtains. In oar Curtain stock we feel sore oar prices are the very lowest We buy them direct from the manufac turer and save the middle man's profit, which we want to give to yoa. Oar 2tf-yard cortaioa we are selling at 50c a pair, and 3-yard curtains are 75c and tl a pair; SX yards long, In different widths and designs, all fall taped edges, are SL25 and up to $3 a pair. Portiorres for Your Halls. In these goods we have quite a se lection aod our prices are from $3 a pair up to $8 a pair. We have them in different colors, widths and colors and make pretty lounge covers. We have also curtain poles and cottage poles. Cottage oak poles at 10c; white enamelled poles at 15c The regular 654-foot poles for curtains, with brass trimmings complete, are 25c; 8 and 10- f eet hall poles are 25c and 30c each ; with fixtures, 10c extra. New Mattings. We received by this week's steamer 50 rolls of matting direct from auction. We are showing a pretty Japanese matting wltn carpet matting whicb has had a cloie price at 25c, which we now offer for 20c a yard; we also have a few rolls of China matting at 10c a yard; we have a line of very fine mat tings, that are standard 40c values: our price is 29c a yard. We have something sew in matting. It is made of grass with a linen warp. One side is a carpet pattern, the' other side a matting. It is largely used by the government for halls and offices. It gives good service and looks well ; we sell it for 29c a yard. New Cloaks and Furs The goods are cold on the same floor with the millinery and is under the management of young ladies. We certainly have a very interesting and strong line in this department. Our cloaks for ladies in the latest styles in Melton cloth are $2.98 each, and in Beaver cloth, in nice and good mate rial, are from $5 to $15. In children's cloaks we feel that we can please you if you give us a chance. Oar prices run from 98c to $5.50 each. IF YOU WANT A FUR we have the new fads in the new styles. They are now on sale from 98s to $2.50 and up to $10 each. For a $5 bill we will sell yoa a beautiful collarette. In Lice and Lace Collars. Kid Gloves and Ribbons, and in fact everything that la required to make your wearing apparel complete for any member of the family, yoa can find the size, the price, and just what you want with us. We have invested many thousand dollars in this stock of goods and it is all subject to your wants. We want your business. We punch cards with all cash purchases every day, and we want to punch yours. If you are not oar customer, why notf If we serve you well, tell your neighbors; if we serve you ill, tell us, we will make it right. We are at A SOALP Is something to get hold of. otner kudos 01 LOOKS that are far more useful. To name all the different Una of locks we e.srrv would take a lot of space. Perhaps It la enoncS'ttrei? that we have every sort that la made for outdoor 52043000?. use-f or trunks, crates, etc. - - We don't handle the low grade, badly "tn&uS. and very cheap locks. Our prices are not high, bat they secure excellent value. KOBTHBOUND. TjV Wilmington.. Ar Golds bo ro Ar Wilson at Bocay MOD Ar Norfolk.... at weraon... Ar Petersburg Ar Richmond... ............. Ar Washington.............. at Baltimore Ar Philadelphia Ar Hew York NO 48 B.80 a m is si p m 1 10 p m 1 66 p m 6 65 p m do p m 6 63 p m 7 41 n m 1140 n m 4 05 a m 716 a m NO 42 700 pm 9 88 Dm toss p m 11.83 p m 123 am 8 00 a ui 8 48 am 7 80 am Bis ani 1123 am soo pm SOUTHBOUND. Lv New York Ar Philadelphia...... Ar Baltimore.. ....... ....... Ar Washington.. ...... ...... Ar Norfolk.. Ar Richmond. ............ Ar Petersburg Ar Weldon , at Kocay Mount Ar Wilson... Ar Solds bo ro Ar Wilmington NO 41 No 49 9 86am 9 28pm 1165 a m is 01 am S 19 p ml 8 87 am 88lpm845am 9 00 a m 7 15 p ml 8 80 a m 8 08 p ml 948am 9 48 d m il 40 a m 10 87pm loopm 11 18 p m 1 69 p m 716 a m sio pm 10 10 a m 6 00 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND TEX SOUTH. SOUTHBOUND IN.irclilsQiiiCo.. &v Wilmington, Ar Florence....... Ar Charleston.... at savannah..... Ar Jack son villa. . . Ar Tampa.. ....... Bnnaay. . Sa!& Dally. 6 00 a ml 9 85 a m 1 10 d m 880 p m 7 80 D m II is p m s 00 a m 9 00 a m 10 86 p m 8&am J6am s&Cam nstf-I lo&5pnr 00 27 tf Orton Building. NORTHBOUND. . I j Users of genuine VVels bacb lights sro saving $250,000 a day In cost of gas. Aro you sharing to this? All Dealers. THE BIG RACKET STORE, Geo. O. Gaylord, THE UNIVERSITY of North Carolina. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholar ships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 Students. 66 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works, Central Heating System, Library 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and profes sional departments, begins Septem ber 7, 1903. Address F. P. VENABLE, President, je26tf Chapel Hill, N. C. Pineapple, Chocolate and Vanilla CREAM FOR SUNDAY. Made of pure cream. Don't forget I make the best cream in the cit. J. W. Plummer, Jr., Bell 'Phone 680. au 22 tf Seaboard Air Line Railroad, Schedule in Effect Aug;. -30, 1903. TRAIN Leaves wilir lngton 8:15 p. m, arrive 89 Lumberton 6:36 p. m., Pembroke 6:00 p m, Maxton 6:45 p m, damlet 7:85 P m. arrive unanotte iu;o pa, Leaves WilmlDgccn 9:00 p m. arrives Lomberton 2:15 a m, Pembroke 8:66 a m, Maxton 4.06 a m, Hamlet 6:00am. Leaves Charlotte 5:01 a m. Hamlet 8:40 a m. arrives Maxton 9:25 a m, Pem broke io:C2 a m, Lumberton 10:27 am, Wilmington i: pm. -Leaves Hamlet 10:46 n m. arrives Max ton 12:35 a m. Pembroke 1:20 a m, Lum berton 2:15 a m. Wilmington 7:00 a m. Bum yxx. day. Dally Lv Tampa 805pm 780 am Ar Jacksonville.............. 780am 680pm Ar Savannah......... 18 40 pm 115am Ar Charleston. 4 60 p m 8 86 a m Ar Florence 786pm 945am Ar Wilmington lieopm 140pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BANFORD West Bound East Bound , Dally Dally Lv Wilmington 9 20 a mi Ar 7 60 pm" Ar Fayettevllle lis 85 p m Ar 4 65 p m ArBanford. 1 1 66 p mLv S40pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBERN North Bound South Dally ex Sunday : Bound Lv Wilmington 19 85 p mlar 1215 p m Ar Newborn 15 40 p mLv 9 80 aim Trains Nos. 43 and 41 carry Pullman Bleeping Oars between Wilmington and Washington, connecting with Fenna R. B. for an points east, v - W. J.CRAIG, - Gem Passenger Agent. H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. my 24tr. .-. . - - Atlantic ani HortH CaroMRailroai TlmelTable No.:i6 To Take Effect Sands,?, Oct. 21, 1900. at 18.01 A. MY, GO TOG EAST. GOING WEST. 8 4- Passg'r Trains PassaT Trains : STATIONS. ; Arrive Leave Arrive Leave P. M. P. M, Z"m. X. "57 340 Goldsbora...... 1105 4 88 Kinston 10 18 6 40 5 50 Newborn 8 87 8 00 7 09 7 07 MoreheadOlty.. 7 88 7 87 P. M. P. M. A.M. A. M. TRAIN IS TRAIN SO TRAIN 14 norltf PBOPEIETOK. WESTBOUND FROM HAMLET. Train 4 connects with W. & w train bound North, lea vine Goldsboro at 11.85 A. M.. and with Southern Railway train West, leaving Goldsboro 2.00 p. M., and with w. N. at New bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Tram 8 connects with Southern Rail war train arriving st Goldsboro 8.00 p. M., and with W. A W. tram from the North at am P. M No. l tram also connects with W. A N. for Wilming ton and intermediate points. octsstf B. L. DILL, Bnpt. South Atlantic Transit Co. I OH! WHAT A RELIEF! Hamlet..... Ar Monroe................... Ar Charlotte.. Ar Chester Ar Greenwood ,. Ar Athens........... Ar Atlanta.. 730 a m 9 05 a m 10 06 a m 10 85 a m 1823 p m 85U o m 8 60 p ml 1040 pm 18 15 a m 185 am 8 48 am 606 am 760 am : SOUTHBOUND FROM HAMLET. sen, rw. rusoai ac I V. GRAINGER, Caihler. he Downfall of Chin AT BISSINGEFTS CHINA PARLORS, pries of good Chins tu been reJaced to low that Its la reach of F?i pars. -Cnt Glaxs, Glassware, Lavmpt, Whits Crockery, etc ! m, Hat before piscine joar order. Wholesala and BfUO. F. A. BISSIMCER'S. m.m a STV a A kt is j 11 ALaiget pmh Winter Lap Robes! WKHAV12 JUST OPENIIDXJPA OTOEINB WINTER LAP BOBES. DO YOU NEED.ONEP CITY LIVERY CO. W, Ds MaciVllHan, Jr., Proy JM j iXUAiAXA OVAVA-4A-kVA. ate nob&l ahd iubdstbial college. coxmsTSt , . r.uMa..i.a.a..ttSa. SirruJ. s.ssJJ Pessss hmsm. I iTWf?MrtH aa kh4 km 1 . (Fetst Lhanxsfflvtag. -Xa the morning Ellen was full of the Oiest neltwrhood news while she !tAlon'the. ladles at bneakfasL OVcr,tras us tov died, Mr. vt.K-fe'ViA .in tba nlirhL ma'am.' abe Sralhlseat Ftter sicuia nying tor -doctor, when tcey-got oacs rwas In flat cf.Ms beck the master was. says, not knowing man nor mor i.L .'mi Mrs. afcOrath rubbing him km tn hands. And when he come sot o' that-'twas only raving Mtutu h waa and putting it - tain winder until to quiet him tn k'm-hm' voice interrupted her serving woman la quick alarm. Miss renelope had fallen forward In a Ump Kn with her head on tbe breakfast Half an boor abe lay whit and weak wt Miss Norris sat ,U INK stl besld her. -j think." Ml renelope said In s faint voice, "that I must have loved him from th very tlntr vmtIm' thin nose crew uown It mm 1 ml on th Bqmr t wnsot J - N Or. Blob . -.Huckleberry lrdUl Th c-tct seothern Rsrneer. T ! Wh n: Chronic Dyen terr. Cholra Mor bus, Dkwdy mtx. ss- sJss-toOdreU r4 irrTfanft cures of sll stotnseh snd swtesUmoBiai of the late . m ask. tiy. i. A W st wlrt.. SiT BT1U. IMi Th.V Is 'ths llrst' fsrjvj-. that I have evar piven aa n ' Uommenltna Dr. B00?f' 2?!;ZZ Cortllal. I conaioar i .f;" ."i that I have svaf u'". kXJ: IT. Stomach ee now" r"' TT. rSd thtlonlr.o e sjy trouble will ottan sava Hf i'! VVSTWV e "'r on. asved - ar ns looars' Hucklabsrry a. la Bv an imigowu. m WHEN YOU CAN PUT YOUR FOOT INTO A FOOT FORM SELZ ROYAL BLUE $3.50 SHOE. They feel like your Old Shoe. Yet they look and wear like swell ' t5.00 Shoes. Kemember the name, BO YAL BLUE. Sold under guarantee by .' J Geo. R. French & Sons. Lv Hamlet... 7 85 am 10 40 pm Ar Colombia.. ,,. 10 65 am 160am Ar Savannah. . . . - ssopm 5 06 am Ar Jacksonville.. 6 50 p m s is a m Ar Tampa 645 a m 6 00 p m NORTHBOUND FBOH HAMLET. Lv Hamlet 10 so p m 865am Ar Balelgh... .......... ...... 125 a m 11 50 am ArNorlina., 850am 145pm Ar Portsmouth. 1 9 n m Ar Norfolk T......if 8wm spm Xv Hamlet... losopm 760 am Ar Baleigh 1 85 a m 11 15 a m Ar Norllna. 8 60am 145pm Ar Richmond...... 685 am 455 pm Ar Washington low a m 888 pm Ar Baltimore.. 1185 p mil 85 pm AT New York 415pm 618pm Steamers for arayettevrile If. C. BTEAMEB A. P. HTTBT LEAVES Tneeday.. ................October 87 ; Friday............. October 80 BTEAMEB CITY OF FAYETTIVILLE : I Wednesday .October 88 BTEAMEB HIGHLANDEB : ' Thursday October 89 All steamers take freight and nassenffers. For further information apply T. D. LOVE. Affenu Bnpt. Transportation, Wilmington, N. O. w. b. uuuk. uen'i wreianz ana t Agent, rayetteviue, . c. Paeaeno-er . OCt 27 U not tf Mis showed white through I Urv oeter'a SHI- v Itfa Mt, In my oonon ..u. . rtr. Bloa ,J ( ftinad ) H E N R Y W. GRADY. Maltiwanaer i syiwr w( -rt t . atlants. Ga. ' ' 1 or 20 Per Cent. Discount Sale. - - s To Introduce my line of Tailor-made Clothing the famous Fech- helm Fishel & Co.'s line, I will sell: for ten days commencing Monday, November 2 to 12 at a discount of 20 to 25 per cent. Also big drives in Neckwear, Suspenders, Lyon Brand Shirts and Collars: 50 and 75 cent shirts . reduced to 42 cents, uive ug a call. Throneh Pullman sleeoers from Hamlet to an points North, Booth and Southwest. For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc- apply to Thomas D. Mearea, General Agent, wilnung ton,N.O, .-- sep4tt SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COHPANY. Effective October 2 1st, 1903. KEAVE, Tbe Clyde Steamsblp Go New Yorl, Wilmington, H. C, and Georgetown, S.G., Lines s . uai . as saw a araavaasas a - a . atawrv aa vsi aw w as s- a - t Vbsstsb snjasr-j ssl. POssro. WT'ftsC a. sv. MavJ t- sw.ta sm m m. - - - rasar saaSssVsBaasassl-U SM am wmm - j a-saorafl ,.. ! -- . r m Lara urjM . I 1 U atlas aw m. fi i i niiai 1 1 'wrtaaajrs. sessiMrMSaaaia------ ,a. CIULSLZJ D. HsIVUB. flB05lBBAi ustil the bone the skin. , . Xwr-Mls renelope stretched oot oo slender band-lf be Uvea I think I ought to bav th rlght-to take car of him.- " . In silence Miss Norrls rose and left Us room. But Ellen bore a not to th boo next door that afternoon. Pter Mc CQ1 brought th answer within At minutes, with s huge bunch of roses, a spedal pale pink rarletjrof Mr. Bb aoo' own cul U ration, which be had named the Colonial Dame. Mr. Babson still passe th contribu tion box In church, but h now returns to s ct besld s lad in allver gra allkT whose face bold the blootn and happlAves of youth. Mis Norrls sit vary straight at tbeotber shlef. Ve Bell 'Phone 800. no 1 tf Head to Foot Outfitter. ConsumpUoa. limiNDWOMCIl. .... i a tnr mB.twrl Umm. - T.,4. Diaaw. i aatxla. tCkfaarjCa. mt or I .mrk I irrMatiaaa ar alot r- Paaa. aa a I ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK, Wllaaing-ton, "IT. O. Wilmington. r 7.00 A. M. 10.00 A. M. . 800 P. M. t6.10 P. M. lo.oo P. m: Wrlgbtsvnie for Wfl. 8.10 A. M. 11.17 A. M. 6.17 P. M. t c. jn. 10.80 P. M. Saturday only Dally except Bnnaay. twill not ran bevond Wrtektsvllle there are passengers lor the Beacn. Beach. u'ooaVm. 5.00 P.M. unless Vrom Hsw York for WUaatsctoau CABIB. .................... ...RAtnnlu NAVAHOE ......BAtardTv' NOV. NOV. 7 14 tmiMc ttHuuun.1 j s-s. v i . n " ia tat at umkf sal as rnU if StMkl Organized 1892. j FREIGHT. - Small freight shipments wul be carried on an cars. Bpe niter wnon of al arrangements for , smpments or onisy arte ly tath sa srsMAS ISSrflst CHICWITn . m -a-. P--JJI.M MWIWM 4 iTZ u . .a at akvaa T U r asi as 0 srssf Capital $125,000 .:. ...Surplus, etc, $182,000 i JBackUVUS anw wiu j.vji"".ivv . . DIRECTORS: . ' " . tt r. w. A. Hunt. Wm. . Worth," J. S. .Armstrong,: O. W. Yate? .D. McEachern, J. H. Chadbourn, H. B; Short, B. A. Parsley, J.' Q. L. Gleschen; William-Calder, im Mnmland. M. J. Hever, Geo- B. French. -." c.fl art rwnes for rent in one of the best vaults South. All prices. ""r" r-r . , a it- - J.w . ' AU sixes. Accessible at aay nour w w uaj. . ' nov 1 tf ansnori freight can be made by applying at the omee. OCt21tf ' :,r---.:,:?.. To Excursionists. ' The first tbJns; von should do ontour arrival m Wlimtnsrton Is to have a clean, easy shave, or a stylish hair-cot, or a cool and refreshing sham poo. jroBBUMj jw uj unu au oi utese com forts. . :. - - ,.3i Tne ravorno-usroer .nop is tna place. ,: ' - GUION A DAVIS. aalStf . No. 7 Bontb Front BiMet. - Tom WIlSSlMgtOM fx Hw Ymk. Sf If?0'""2-""" ..V.6iturday, Nov. 7 -Tress rUamlagtosi' tor cieorgetewn. I7AKIB...M....... Tuesday, Nov. 10 Bomeamers have good Passenger sooom- jar Throuft-b Bins Lading snd - Lowest ThrongrhBatea gnaramteea to i and from ipotnts vva. vu sjuu wvuiu vcas vaAaasSa wot freigbt and paassee apply to jr. a i.i.i h. a. 8nti .a BO NTS GLIDE KILNE. 8nn mirt THSO. e. EOEB, eenl VanVser . ' 1 tt - 8taieBaew,New. .ork. "