2;hc gjlonriug JFfec WILMCfGTON. a WjnoaT As Ue titre maion of Coop ass. nut Monday, ui Lave only four wteis before the be rianioxot tha rtjruUr session, on the first MonJsj la December, and M It un j takes Coures mJ to t down to routine work. It I not tUt th.r. consUsratloa of ceaeral matter, outside ol tit specifio object of th Meeiou. Partisan sparring, for posi tion may lead to tht introduction bUl 11 diaoorsred that Brit- Uh toliiert titt been gtlting dnuak on powder, not the- MitorfetflJ romantic drank of the powder (ubm la Utile, each uone reeds of in book, bat tho regulation wt& hotue tort, caused by eatln cordite. . This pleasant pastime was jt Tommy Atkins while i. o iv a Mm. and cordite first in- a-.!... vtm and then makes him SPIRITS TURPENTINE. - A tweet potato nonndt was raised dj w Bell, of Wake oounty. will be FALL COLDS. LIST OP LETTERS. . n.T,t1 charred witn the murder of Will Harwell, will be mLaSt hli life at tbti week tern ofDuplln court at Kenantyilia. Daring the session of court In Gaston county last week Judge 7,T .ntA four men to the I mm I Ai'ea:c"'I7T7u v. Watts law I fund your money, me nmeuj u vtn I roads for violating the Wat u law ."r1 hare heard inch won ufog I r" v. Tnnfcture and tale of 1 Vlaou nfL,7? .L tTTt advisi like vermicelli and 1 tald to taste Tii u r I 77 . iv .hni nuion week It hat requirea bto to handle to express going nr.. 4 TMa la attributable tO nfMTMMDi fishing season at DANGEROUS BECAUSE HARD TO CURE- eBssBBBsaai i An Offer to the People of Wilmington from Our Well Known Druggist, Robt RV Bellamy. i Remtlnlflf Uncalled For In the wninlflf ton Postofflce, Not. itl, 1WJ. o wall known drarrlst. Robt. B. BlUmy, elalmi be ba a care for colde If It ftllehe will re- BV m . "". woimfa list. inia TtrVurn. Mabt DaTle. A B Gor- Viola aWXaMM IlaHi AW at rr rick. Cordite Ioom - ,Bat mtnnfacture ana taie oi v ---,V7 from !t that w, adTUe " J ... . . I 1 4 . t.ft. . A fWCIIl.. . . . A farmer from Buckeye, Arlxona, hat writUn a letter toEutern dU .ena laying that he can -place eej. i era! car load of women If they are forwarded to the Territory a ob BythieitaUment he it naw" to mean that he can proride hut- bndiforajblotof laaiee . vi. 4w axB not particular, of many meamrta. oa I T twfr lookt or their itwt. tv.t tv... wm rtcetTtconua-icinj., -- J I vt,v u u llkriT that Con- 111 U I the ilore- ewy per-on In Wilmington who 1 raff erlac from a cold or cough to try It on his ruarantee. . A hard cold and hackinc coujh msy be the meant of undermining jour con Utatlonand terminate In cpniump ffiil Owtb Syrup, while they tem porarily allij the gpaims of eoufhlnr. owing to ut op. T Z vT U not lead rSJUMf othtreattte, but Vto-Md do'not jnjji the ncr t u. .ntiM I ... AM.f..)i atim) end llTBr oil ana ward with rapid ttridet. "vinol U delicious to take, and con- Btatetrille Landmark', un i uln all gcUye curatlre pnncip Wednetday Mrs. U. u. DJunu,.. coughs, donVHattle G ma, 8 P Haren. viow tv,-. .tmm R Janet. Annie MclNeei, VinU McMillan, tiaty .NlraJ . .XJ. DtoiBMenthel, Anna Efimith, An nie Turner (2)..Jlnie Washington, Lacy Washington. m'B LIST. Fleming Allen, John Blackwlg, J W Bowden, B B Bryant, George Bul lock, Albert Chase, Ohtrley nner, Jess DaTlss, W A DaTls, W B Darls, iSest O Fllklnt, Ed B freeman, M L Goewin, Manuel Grwn, Bob Grlffln, W M Btt, AuguiU Hayes, Henry Htyea, Alexander Hodges, Col Alex :f.v?I- rrw.i.n inirrftm. Frank r"r-n Jh.l Alex Judg, William Ancrum McKoy. W B Mlllen Klney Mrton, Letle Murphy, U V Murphy, umanue. tJ- TVLz. SSaS O Sft": Wlilism Bt' Te-rr Faddell, J P Waldrip.AEene ' v HEALTHS DON'TB. Bow K.ip w.n a Voai Contpln' Don't eat when yerytlred If : yon oect to get any good from your rood your beauty, say., the St T.ouiB Globe-Democrat. . TA-n't .at more ma" . .iflv. .This Is the COMMERCIAL. of good a secret Ton would not eat an egg, shell and . . v. t . .u) in 1 oTtt heary oratorical gun. Into wii rota for the confirmation of the KUon against the rpwdty totaty betwten the projt at the extra teasion of Con- Solute, and Cuba. This JJ,, which meet; NoTember 9. treaty which was ratiZedby the Sen- f or purpose of considering the aU moatht ago tat to bo pasted qnetionef reciprocity with Cuha. upon by the Houso becauf of 1U And the old genUeman cet wme LvJL. future-. It will be ra- UfwsmmuiUon and knows how ..fw.d that the treaty, In return I to aim. . v,. .J.lMiVn Into uot V CURRENT COMMENT. country, admitt cuoaa i " i?r f I vr-a rranlled by the datita, . I iBMniu la the North and West than t. armfliiLloa to the measura it i . t-nlv. M Dowie is adriaea w . . . ,ml doz. Th. Mm. dog hjd " 7 T jou rtould thu fit. Those wno bitten, fearing the dog may were hate 2 1 bydroThobV Twent to Charlotte yesUrday to hare a mad stone ap- Warrenton tpocial to BleJ8n j n.MWM Oftorre Curut and Robert Bullock, two negroes of Smith Creek township, returning from a hunt, stopped at the home of Edgar Burnett, and whUe there in the presence of two girls, a gun in the Eandt of Curtis Vat d'tcharged. blowing off nearly half of Bullock t headT killing him instantly and wounding one of the Burnett girls. A Raleigh corretpondent tayt: Sheriff Jonet, of ftworo wu has brought to the penitentiary 5lellT oil in a highly co-ncentr.t. iffljEEa, MWlhion, W'A Wood. ted lorm. ana u u, vr ; -r,- I Matthews, w eexs ' BKTTJBnsa irnum ublojj - Minnie DaTls, J B Edwards, Pealla Hill, J T Boogglna. One cent due is charged on letters advertised. ' . Letters to nrangera ur liitors to a town or wy, peclal address may. bo unknown, Sould bo marted In the lower left ha5dwcorner with the word "Tran- Persons cauing.ior rS-,, rutaUre eiemenis wmsu m; - The Vlnol manufacturers separate ihS for you, throw away the useless whst glTes yinoi hs, wo---. ffi pieaae "7-" XZZZtZ ihe .W1UVUC" it ih I in niteen uaya "t"Trr" ia from the acting lathe InUrtat of the beet urar Industry la the United States, and no doobt they will hate the en acting la good faith with Cuba, and thara Is little reason to doubt faTor ahla action by the extra eeasion. It la said that Prtaidsnt Eoos-iTtlt will r . r vii. I j.. vr lantence. Ktat Gorman t caaaioacj 1 :"w . . - m.nA was she them, killed him. He was cangn u and conTicted and sentenced in one hour from the time the case went to the grand jury. -Durham special to Raleigh .Vnri and Observer: Mr . Milton Klnr went away from her home on Satiday and spent tthwr or so . tn hr neighbor, wnen the zeuna nex ofbetrarand the Amsri- ,at P-rou e. he would Ur. r - "o t. tVlnrl wipwTlr.T?:'. T-'..v;. I vj- TT- caught that can i oaru vfrj i Tajfg The liepuoucaa :r no raxt In the opposition. The con- attribuUng to aeteland the faU- imalloa of the treaty will only t ore laa Ma ptcw 7 ond admlnlsiraUon. - LauuriUs So far at the country it con cerned the extra session was not ne- eeeaary. -una aione v;. n tSa nnarallm.. aLvr nnr rro ii thrown afairseftha country and just at. he growers will not ra- .aUred the thief.. who was iinw 1 Monday la Dtcamber, and hit mte- t-j. to that extra session wvi a comparaUraly brlsl document de- exelaaiTstr to the WWerV aa-ea-i'- Cuban traaly. noa. Strana E. Payne, of New York, 3 continue at the head of lha Ways Wears CommitUe in tha caw Cccgrtaa, and it Is aa aoBscad that Hon. Jaaea A. Ilsm nway, of Indiana, wQ be ap poiaUJ fv.Htii of the Committee a Appropriatioat In pUca of Hon. Jcecph O. Cainoa, of niiaoia, who win be elecUd speaker. It I EksJy thai with a trial Taca tion daring the Christmas holidays mm bn Coarrtaa for steady aoleaa the reciprocity treaty niv.nnr rrowert win ceire the benaiU which It granta theaa, which would be a serious loss. 11 the regular seaslon was de- Ended on much of the crop must old and tent U thit country under our present oppreadTa tarta rtatrkUona. To arold thit an e x tra tvs been caueu aaa K rallfiad ai once- eaaion . ' a A . a. f at the house, raiaea aim -shoulder, with the murxle of the gun not more than eighteen inches from her face, and threatened her life 11 she gate the alarm. She tcreamed and he ran out of the door and made hit escape. It afterwards dexelopedthat the gun her was one tnai waa bwu w wfV?JrX3iZ and makes it tonlo rnttr-ctor known to i'lI.Tr. nht. R. Bsllamy, Drug- gUU T nw Ollrer TwUI" Wm Create. ETen the highest genlua must aome timM borrow, or at least appropriate, the hints of other. Few, however, could make eo fine use of a hint as Dlctena could- The true story of the origin of -Oliver Twist" is not generally known. It Is this: Alter the amaxlng success of the Tlckwlck Tapers" Dickens was thinking of following it up by a story of London life, with which he was more familiar than with English coun try life. , Just about that time be happened to visit the studio of George Crulkshank and was shown some drawings the tet ter had made Illustrating tne career 01 a London thief. Th was a sketch of Fagln's den. with the Artful Dodger and Master Charley Bate, pictures of BUI 81kcs and hi dog and Nancy SIkes and last ly Fagln In the condemned cell. Dick ens was much struck by the power of these character sketches, and the re sult was that be changed the whole plot of "Oliver Twist" Instead of taking bini through spiritless adven tures In the country he Introduced him Into the thieves den in London, showed op their life of sin, but brought hi bero through pure and undeflled. Thus It will be seen that George rrulkahank. not Charles Dickens, was the originator of the leading characters that appear in "Oliver Twist" dead letter office. ALO. Dabby, Postmaster. NAVIVE PLATINUM. X.t.r mm Art I Crc Stata. Archjoologlsts have observe! inai in TWINKUNUS Mr. Roxa This portfaH doesnt look like my lf at tJL Artist "I know It doesnt, batlt looks as she thinks she looks. JJj- ... f..t. rami. JTV t fa the dii- company froa tow unO next Jana I fmac ulTMn character and repu tation, pa? renaxacr -lumry, my son. whUe repntation I a naeaeaity. caKwywrw. or July, when It win adjourn to aHow the members to go home ana work In the presidential campaign. Salisbury special to nawgn rcti: A passenger train yesterday morning ran Into a funeral procee- Sonat Olata, Uab?taTl terenteen mile south of thit city. .. im. fnn TMtraana. The oaaa are John Key; Benjamin Tippet, Daniel Wearer and Mist Lou Town aend, all of whom er Jnmatea of the Cabarrut county home. Tne party waa traTelling In a wagon with Wearer at a dmtr and were conTey- 11. lira. Kate Lewis, another Inmate of the home who had iv. day before, to a burying WTLL PEinOII DXC11XX t According to the eeUmatee just submlUad by tha Seexttary ol tha InUrior a amaHer appropriation wQ be mulrtd for pentionj tha next iaral r. beginning July 1st, 1904. Comssisaioner Ware ealculatee that JO, 0O0 naaea wiU U lost to the pen ion rolls by death or otherwise, caus ing a redaction In the expenses of the bureau of 1.623,000. No doubt Com missioner Ware la sincere In thit estimate, but it It by no meant cer tain that hit axpectatlont will be realised. The O. A. B. It still clam oroua for an Increase) In pension. There are thousands of claims yet be adjudicated, and It la confl- danUy expected that Congrttt will I tn men. iirw. mhv anrbtar tlT Mo- artr Inquirtd the young man with "JJ h 'rt dlaUnct) away. Two gold glaaW 'I think the does, gSS hitched to the wagon answered Mrs. Cumrox tfaMy.l" the whlsUe of the fast rtnt I think she preisn whist. WmJitn Star. 'I am very sorry, Victor, to think yon were euch a glutton. Are yon not terry yourself that yon ate w much tuikeyr "Yet, mother, 'cause I hadnt any other room left for the mince pie." Umrper Bauxr. Mr. Blirginr aeemt to be a wonderfully bright young man. -He Is." answered MisaCayenne; In a certain way. xie elect topics of conTersatlon so co tnue that yon bare to take eTenr thlng he eayi for granted. Wash- incten Star. "Why must a jury consist of just twelTj menr -Becanae that t th. lit." "But the law might bo bridge 1 - , .mmAA th animals became T. VI- mnA ran UDOn the croasing and refuted to more beyond nnUl the engine plowed througn an. warn. killing til 01 me owa . a it l changed. There ought to oe . iivv thlrtaenr ie plow all Of and tearing to placet the coffin con- tainlng the corpse. A special from Durham w i Raleigh rosftayt: A suit that is Important because of the promi- .... uium(ai. naa nence 01 ne P '"7; f r been begun Jy Mr. B. U Dka gainst his wife, Mrs. W' Dake. Summont against Mrs. pake hat been issued, but as the it not in the state it hat been return ed by the therewith the 1 endorse--T-nt that ahe "cannot be found In When an attor- for er a Cattencd surface, and, referring to accounts by tle kler anatomists wo nave adnncd such a difference to ex lt tbey have seen In this a fresh proof of the exact observation of nature by th ancient Oiwk. The rule 1 not without excvrtlo'. for lb cornoa ,n the Zu of Olrlcoll has quite a flat form. Herr Greef recenUy set himself to Inquire whether such a sexual dif ference actually exists, and from indi vidual measurement of the radios of tb cornea In the bortsontal meridian be gets an average of 7JS3 milli meters for men and 7.S2 millimeters for women (Dewier give 7.&V3 and 7.790). so the difference Is so snisll to be imperceptible to the naked eye. Measurement of other dimen sion gave but minute differences also. The author conclude that the Greeks from artistic motives did not In this ease follow nature. London Nature. CARE OF MIRRORS. Tfcia Peculi " r.aUaianee. On tho slopes oi liie Ural mountains and la Braall, California, AustralU, Canada and many other countries a pe culiar substance known as native plati num la found. This la an alloy of the metal platinum, palladium, Iridium, osmium, rhodium and ruthenium, to-a-ether with a little gold and Iron. All or these except the last mentioned are the "noble" metals. They do not tar nish In the air and are not soluble la any single acid. The most plentiful metal occurring In native platinum I that from which It takes Its name. This metal Is of a grayish color and with one exception is the heaviest sub 'stance known. Its fusing roint Is ex tremely high, and this property, to gether with Its freedom from tarnish ing, causes It to be largely used for the manufacture of cruciojes auu .vessels required by scientists to stand a very high temperature. It Is also oraetimes twod as a substitute for go d in photography, and when deposited in a thin film on the interior of the tubes .Mnci It forms a dead black surface, which prevents the light from being reflected by the polUhed sides Palladium Is of a lustrous white color. It is the most easily fused of the metals found In platinum ore, and can even be volatilised. A curious quality which this metal possesses Is that when heated to redness it is porous to hydrogen gas, allowing It to pass through somewhat in the same manner that blotting paper permits the nassage of water. The silvery white color of palladium and its' freedom from tarnishing render Mt useful for making scales and division mark on dentine instruments. A mixture , ot .... ... -.ith mrcury to sometimes i r- niiine teeth. Osmium liau v v secret . L..ih onn ii ii i u u&v. 1O0KS, ueai --T, It would TonTeat hot or. fresh bread I you want to be healthy and beautifuL Tn't eat cold, starchy foods, like potato salad Tnd cold porridunles JoTtaTa strong dlgestiye organs Don't -at ice cream too fast. Eaten BlowTy and allowed to melt tottj mouth, it can do no harm to either stomach or complexion. - non't drink iced, water. It kills mo?e persons than strychnine does. S water quenches thirst much bet- ter than ice cold fluid. ia IWt drink much water at meals, buf?akeTglassful the first ttdng the morning and e totJWng night if you want peach blow eks. Don't drink too much coffee or tea unless you want a couiyic leather In color and texture. " ,A nrirllne waters unsweetened lemonade If you want to L flesh. They act directiy on fatty Don't eat potatoes, peas, macaroni cream, olive oil, pastry and bonbons If 4-r 1CUa flpsh. - you w . Don't go to bed hungry. A glass of m?k or a cup of chocolate will refresh yDon't think you can eat too much .,h lPttuee. water cress, dandeUon and carrots. They are splendid com plexion beautlflers. , . Don't stuff a cold lest you be obUged to starve a fever. Don't eat merely to save food. Over eating will give you a red nose and.a sallow complexion. WILMINGTON MARKET.- r Quoted officially at the closing by the Chamber l of commerosj ; ; STAB OFFICE, Norember 8. VaPIBITS TTJBPENTINB Market firm at 56c per gallon. M r BOSnr Market firm at $2.15 per barrel for good strained. " . TAB Market firm at f 1.80 per bar rel of 280 pounds. " -- rrRTTniC ; TTTRPEINTTNK Market firm at $2.25 per barrel for hard, $3.80 for dip, $3.80 for Tirgln. X ' Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine nothing, doing; roain firm at $L251.30; tar firm at $1.40; crude turpentine firm at $1.78, 2.803.80. EKOKIPTS. Spirits turpentine. . .... Rosin............... 11 AA1 MARINE DIRECtoryT WsorVe.seuiniPoMofttti on, H. c, ifovemb,, I m 8TEAMEES. Stsg, (Br) 1,308 tonS, Mouat ander Bprunt & Bod at' Alex. Auchenblae, (Br) 3,597 ton, t Alexander Sprunt &8on ' Brc, Elton, (Br) 1,596 ,to?f, k ' ander Sprunt & Bon d' t- , SCHOONERS. Edith H Symington, 881 tn. O D Maffitt. ' Btii,, Cox and Green, 501 tons' ti, CD Maffitt. ThcinPoi,. EM.ffit?ribner' 357 t0"'McD LUlie. CRr S11 tnno n.-i. Crude turpentine. . i Receipts same day. last year 10 casks spirits turpentine, 2U barrels rosin, oi DarreiB ir, mio. turpentine. ooriua. . - dull at 10c per pound for CC UO. I EiP M Haywood, 529 tons. t. BKIQB. market dull at like and Market middling. Same day xasi year, 8c for middling. . . . . Receipts 4,115 bales; same uy year, 1,454. . , 'Corrected Regularly by Wflmlngtonroduce 'Sffionkercnanfa. prtce repreeentlnj? BY RIVER AND RA1L. Receipts sf Naval Streg m Yeiterday, C. O. Bailroad-150 bales cott , cask spirits turpentine. 3 Ci,1 rosin, 9 barrels tar, 70 bgrreli i2? vtmmA to Deatau Betty, the Infant Roscius. when at the zenith of his Juvenile fame was on one occasion walking with some laole.s when another bevy of female admirers bore down upon him and. pulling him away from his companions, commenced to lavish upon him endearments and kisses. The others promptly rushed to their idol's rescue, who between the contending parties, each determined to possess the boy actor, was thrown to the ground and so much bruised an injured as to be unable to appea for a couple of nights. Insignificant, however, was this mis chance to the fate that befell M. de Lansy. a courtier of the time.of Douls XV whose supreme conceit so Irritat ed certain ladies of the court that they resolved to Inflict upon him a novel .punishment. Feigning one day to be overcome by the beauty of his face and 'person, they fell upon him en masse, hugging and kissing the wretched dan dy till he cried for mercy. Deaf to his entreaties, the ladles continued their merciless caresses until the object of their mock love, who Indeed was but a sorry weakling, in endeavoring to break away from their clutches broke a blood vessel and died a rew aays uiict. those paid tor proa ace consignor - slon uercnanis 1 OOUHTEY PRODUCE. - PEANUTS North Carolina, firm. Prime, 70c; extra prime, 76c; fancy, ScT per buahel of twenty-eight pouTds.irgiiiia-Prime, 60c ; extra prime, 6Sc; fancy, 70c. Spanish 85c. CON Firm, 6570c per feushel for white. ' , t .. N. C. BACOW tJVeauy ; v" 15c per pound; shoulders, 1012Hc; 111 eSgI-DuII at 1718c per dozen. CHICKENS Firm. Grown, 85 4(TUB?si5Fm'at 12Wc for liv BEESWAX Firm at 25c. TALLOW Firm at S6c per SWEET POTATOES Firm at 60c per bushel. . pound. turpentine W. & W. Railroad-1,929 bUw ton, 6 barrels crude turDenti.. w "W., C. & A. Railroad-2,728 y cottoc, 8 casks spirits turnentia. 21 barrels rosin, 28 barrels Ur 47V' rela crude turpentine. ' w A. & Y. Railroad 309 ball 25 caks spirits turpentine, lflh,? rosin, 2 barrels tar. ' "nn Total-4,116 bales cotton, 84 39 barrele tar, 123 bsrrels crude !tS COTTON MARKETS ay zeieeraiw to Uie normns: Btai Snw YORK. Nov. 3. Holiday no market. Nor 3. Gaiveaton, easy at 10 l-16c, net receipU 32,815 bales ;Norfolk,steady at mue. net receipts o.wi. Baltimore, holiday, nev Jchp bales; Boston, quiet at 10.60c, net receipts bales; Wilmington, quiet at 10.1254c. net receipts 4,116 bales; Philadelphia, noiiaay, net receipw bales; Savannab, quiet at lOHc, net receipts 12,644 bales: New Orleans, easy at 9, net receipts 26,485 bales; Mobile, easy at 9 1516c, net receipts 172 bales; Memphis, quiet at 10cj net receipts 5,419 bales; Augusta, nom inal at lOHc, net receipts 3,354 bales ; Charleston, quiet at 10c, Det ceipts 1,107 bales. NAVAL STORES MARKETS Br Telegraph to the Morning Btar. Chabxcstoh, wot. s.-ropmw tur- Rabbtta oa Aerobalt. The rat Is, as no one will doubt, a very fair climber. He can t about anywhere on the roof of the house wnU and make the lives of I M, $3 95; N, $3 40; W G, $3 70; W W nimn, in their cots anything but I 00. " .... 11. l.- ntina atailv at 56c: Sales CSSkS. scamper I Vin ,teady; sates barrels: A,B, C, I Dl jf t t a bam K 20. E, $2 25; F. $3 40; G, I applied it before I rows on g S, 3 50; I, $2 60; K, $2 80 am glad to let othe is a . ' a.V.A Afho happy ones. Tne raooiu ou v. hand, is not usually accounted a c" ib lnganimaL A writer in Field describes. the astonishment of His sisters at vi-.K mumm two remarkable I ,DS - -abbit Jump from the bough of a tree ana, picKJug muisf " .thI in his warren.' Wher- uu a a uvi nit la the most reir.-"j ofthe metals, resisting fusion at the most intense heat, and it is also the heaviest substance known, being twenty-two and a half times heavier than water. Together with Iridium. It oc cur, principally In a peculiar Tarietyof native platinum called oamMdlum. Tbls mineral differs from ordinary , in that It contains a .... . . .1 tM A Iwui .TMint ever a raDDii is iouuu " when he is carried there by flood or left there by a receding snowdrift. It will be found that a sloping bank or other easy method of approach has been made use of. He is, however, very; expert at climbing stone ..walls that tvmrul hi fields and even the wire net- larger proportion of osmium and lrid- I mg tttit Uie farmer vainly Imagines 1.Mnnm OamlrldlUm IS I t.l v.l,n fnnm thtt choicest CTOPS. lum inau yiuuiu wui b-ct; . - found In small particles, varying In I We have seen rabbits xun up the face t3aVASSAB, Nov. 3. Spirits turpen tine was firm at 56c; receipts 1,141 easka; sales 753 casks; exports 615 casks. Rosin was firm; receipts 4,143 barrels; sales 8,797 barrels; exports 220 barrels: Quote: A,B, O, 12 30; D, M30;E,$2 35;F,$2 60; G, $3 55 ; H, $2 60 I?$3 70; K. llM-A W ; N, $330; W G. $3 60: WW.I410. IT'S A STAYER. Comes Quickly, But it Comet U Stay. How a Wilmington Clu. en Got Rid of u. Comes early, stays late. vr -i v . . Bkittiagei uaii ue more ujt come. Makes life a misery all day Keeps you awake nights. Irritates you; spoils your temner 1 1.1. ' . . ' vo you kuow tms unweicomi cuestr Ever have it come and stay rit your Know what it is? Eczema. If you ever had any itchinea the skin You know how hard it is to sbak it off. You wculd like to know hor doit? Let a Wilmirjgton man tell yoi Bead his statement that folk C- H. Horton. printer on tie Mobbing Stab, residing at li Dock street, says: 'I had a w on my body which had been bother- Ing me for some time ana oiten most set me wild. 1 used lots medicine and remedies but withot relief until I procured Doan's Oto ment from Bellamy s drag store. found it to be most excellent, not believe it was ten minutea ami bad relief. ers Know 01 pfffttiv& nreDaration like Uoai Ointment proved to be in my case, ffnr Bain hv all deaJ".. Y Price,i rntM a box. Foster-Milbnra Cc Buffalo, N. Y., sole agentg for TTnitftd States. Remember the name-DoanV an A f aVA no substitute. DO 1 UPTON'S MEAT. Claaa m.mm K. - Ga CBltlOB. In the first place. It Is rell to know jood cleaner. This csn be made by adding to wbltlng enough cold tea to m.k a thin naite. Remove the fly IUUU m ' ... . eight from onexth to one-td of a train. These prucie m hard and are used for pointing non wearing pens. Metallic iridium possesses a white steel-like appearance. Jbejaufe edges f Acwtxm balances and other bearings which require extreme hardneiw are often made of it An alloy of. 10 per cent Iridium and 00 per cent platinum has been found to be very UtUe affected In volume by changes of temperature , 1. th nbstance of which tne ment that she .L. cut. " ... tnr Mr. Uu KB WM mmm.- led about the suit this morn. dsnuy expect! isas wbiw mmdb. 7T. ri.wntf , V ,v.t it was a, suit to ' . . v. ... U to either compel Mrs. Duke to I .oft pension uv oy wtuca who baa aerrtil aa much as tbrto saonUs In tba Fsdaral army In any capacity abaU U anUU4 to a pen- ms rr9 - 1 . SMAM s tv a .as. 'lucre wut aw vm 1 -r ; . .. - ... 1 w " rv. t M.a a ihm rain. r"J . v . tif. .ti rTara. ivecenuT kou v . I tbinit. Us u ai wots, uu j 1 unrnm - racks with warm tea and dry the mlr- I 8Undard meter kept In the Interna tion- al metric bureau ai irar -Rhodium and ruthenium are metals of UtUe practical use. The former occurs in platinum ore to the extent of 5 to 6 per cent The latter is iouuu osmlridlum and averages about 6 per cent of that mineral. The metal which ranks next to platinum In price is slr conlum, which occurs In hyacinth and some other rare minerals. Uranium is remarkable for its high atomic weight, the heaviest known. Chambers' Journal. .Ha rm mi a Aft ror. Tnen smear wuiv v - the glass and rub with a dry cloth. A good way to polish the mirror; Is with a soft cloth and a few drops of aqua ammonia, says the Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Cleaning with pa per ! not effectual unless the best qual ity ol rag paper Is used. ; To scour mirrors make a paste of whiting and water. Smear the surface with it and let it dry on the glass. Then nh it with tissue psper or with a newspaper. Rub gently, ror-um II will U aa amabie rarprue w tie eonniry Iftbare U any redaction Lao." rXZaMpliA FruM. Artrj-I am roior to fife .v.mr la tiia annual expense for I .na Wk our'enrazement ring. I . . t-v- I ..... m.fT too: I love an nrcrocs in va ncx i.wjw . . At ' ' . vr. , Federal Tmsnry li rail 10 orrraaw- be Tb fortmasnt coHscU from tbe peopla more mo asy tban It knows what to do wUb, and the knowlcdt of this fact Is always a stimulus to the penaioa-fTabbers to make an tfcT raid on Unds Eaa's strooj box. So kmx aa tbsra U any money lyiar; around Jocae tha pension at torney may bo ralitd on to drum ep flfs tat additional compensa tloo to tho maa bo sayed the Union. Tha appropriation for pensions wQ form a larra lUm la the annual erprzaea of the coTtramrst lose after the last Union soldier has cone ttofeis grate. LipuXbtrj Vrt. - . other. Actor-UiTi ma ca and address. Actreai -Do yon want to kill him? Actor-No: I want to 5f to sell him the riof . 3w rcrt mil mud Eijvm. Alt IJae mmml mmtm TlA MWtft MtUwtf. Baielgb, N. a Msetlag Btale Aaeo cUUoa of Coasty BaperlaUadsuUof lartradlAa. 11IBVS on wm Nor. tin. 10th aad Utb; fiaal limit Not. 14U. Fare (or rowud trie from XhaanrN. a-5Ute BJ 1 ae. Can vvaUow. TUktts oa sale Nor, Id. M aadth; fiaal Umit Nor. 13 la. are from WUmlattoa for round trip, Wlastoa Sslern AaaaU Ooafar aca Msthodlst ProUsUat Church. TVksU oa tale Nor. Ilia, 7ia aaa lHhi fiaal limit Nor. Mia. farsfr roua4trta from Wllm'acton.f i.70. t aw xr aaM. ! was Ukta severs! y sick wtlh kid ty troahl. 1 triad all sorts of toii ctaxs, a aaa of wkka rallavad . One j- t saw aa aararlLsesDsast of row Hctrie CUiars aad dsUrsolaed to try . .1 ATiat Uklac a trw dosee 1 felt 11 mA aoca i&artaftav was ew ITTt eared, aad tare no aa a aVck IrrrNt'xhicre of mlaa have i TirX ntnTtroakle aad OtaanU XWsy. " 77 rralTlOeawU rr vtM enty Taa wM wrwiwBocrnnaorJTacr has Cla uaad for orar rlxty years by mll- Ilotu of molbare f ot Ualr ehiwrea LMOxi&f wtin Mrfsct suooasa. It aooihaa the child, aofUa the ruma, aad allays all paint wind eolie. It wtU raare the poor UUle suffsrar taamadiaWr. Bold py rrary part of the world. xwaair-nve eaata a boUla. Be rare aad ask for 'Mrs. VTlsaloWi Boothlar trrraa aad Uk aa otae kt 1 1 Us n bswm issI Duka wanted to sell tome property, and It la learned that bis wife re fxuod to siathe deeds. It is on account of this that she Is now sued by her husband. J. II. HajOanj cf Winnipeg Is thus quoted In tb r.ufTk Commercial. Wa have not cordially welcomed EnglUhmen. but the American we like to take In and make one of us. Tha . trtTitory Into which the American farmers are flocking Is as Urge as Austria. rric and Germany and practically la tha same latitude. Our winters are not severe, our rammers dVltgbtfuL We ralae magnificent po tatoes, tba beat wheat on earth, and .-rinwita with corn at Fargo indi cate that we may yet have that cereal. We can grow apple, wa have the best timber, as much I aa there la in Dorthrm Minnesota and soft coal of excrtlcnt quality. Our grazing lands are aUo ri b iffl we export caiue w England." A tiny plncb of carbooate of soda of salt pot Into tha milk aa soon as It ar- rlree will leir 10 prevent 11 irom um lag sour, and If it seems Inclined to turn and Is "Jowly heated to nearly boiling point and a plncb of carbonate of soda then stirred In the sourness will disappear. Soma people also add a tiny plncb of sogsr. A pMta'i Utt Old Ace. It's sbsmsfal wbta youth falls to show proper rtsceet for old are, bat J ait the contrary la the rea of D'. Klag's New Ufe Pdra. Tbsy cut off lrrespaailTa of old sre. Dyrprpsla. I Jaaadlecs Fsvar aad Oocstlpation all 1 yield to this pari set Pill. Price S50 I atB. B. Erixurr's drug store. t nartlcles of grit in tne paper bjb scratch the glass. ' The following Is a good wsy to flu in tha scratches that often appear 'on the Af mirmri- Scratch away the mercury for about a quarter of an inch around the scratch and wet the place with a clean rag dipped In alcohol. Take a broken piece of mirror and mark out a piece of slivering larger than tha place on the mirror, nace a mail drop of mercury on the center of this silvering, allowing it to remain a few minutes. Clean away the silver from around the patch and slip It from tha broken glass to the place to be mended, pressing It into place with a small piece of cotton betting. Hw rMi SlVa. ! In pressing sleeves, which Is the bane af the amateur's life, keep a wooden rolling pin for that purpose alone. In sert in tha aleeve, and the pressing of seams and wrists also Is as easily done a4ftough It ware a flat surface. Cover pin with flanneL Keep a heavy piece of flannel to lay over tha Ironing board when pressing wool goods. This pre vents the shiny spots so objectionable in a finished garment J ' Haw t rack a Traak. ; I Th ert of sood Decking is firm-' nesa and smoothness, and to attain theaa everything should be put in the trunk la layers. Bsfore purong m ui dresses have a firm layer of undergar ments and then proceed with the thick est and heaviest of your skirts. The skirts Should be folded as nearly, as possible in tha folds they take In wear. Eaa that yoo Isy tha skirts alternately In Olfferant directions, so mat 11 Waistband on one Is to the left side of tha trunk the waistband of the next Is at tha right side, for thus tha level will be preserved. Between light and dark dresses place a towel to prevent tha for mer soiling the Utter. 01a Doaices as far as can be In- the lines which they take upon the figure Put stiff, lightly crushed paper Into tha sleeves aad also Into bows and puffings to prevent their beta creased and then pack as tightly as coavtalsnt When taken out of the tfial they will be found uninjured. Tb Bed Cmmlr. The sedan chair Is named after Se dan, tho town where It was first used. The earliest mention of It In England occurs In 1581. Early In the following century the Duke of Buckingham caused much Indignation by Its use In London. Teople were exasperareu that nobleman employing his fellow men to take the place of horses to car ry him. Prince Charles brought from Spain in 1623 three curiously wrought sedans, two of which be gave to the Duke of Buckingham. A few weeks after their introduction Masslnger pro duced Ms play, "The Bondman," and in it ha thus adverts to the ladles: For their pomp and care being- borne In triumph on men's mouiaent. The reference is doubtless to Buck ingham's sedan, which was borne like a palanquln-"Bygono EngUnd." Favorably Straclc. "Papa, have have you Been Harold since you told him ho was too poor to trunk of of marrying me 7" -Yes. I ran across him at the club Ust evening.- we got into wu tlon. and he struck me er" "Struck you! Oh, papa: Struck me as quite an agreeable 'young man. I understand his uncle has left him $200.000." Kansas City Journal. What Tr Waatea. To expUln why his trip had proved to poor, a . commercial traveler once wrote a long account of how - the weather had affected business In the territory in which he had traveled." In due timo he received this reply from bia firm: "We get our weather reports from Washington. Don't send us any more. What we want a orders." Hot th Kind !! Wanted. - "If you're so hard up," said the easy mark, who was temporarily unable to extend the accommodation . asked, ' "why. don't you4 borrow some, modey. from Tltenstf " - - "Ilea vena, nor" exclaimed the, other.' -Why, he always .expects to be paid back." Chicago Post . . a a. t. of a quarry to their noies wwaru u top, a feat which we have not found it easy to Imitate. Claderella. aad Her Slipper. Yes; I know you are saying to your self, "That headline would have looked and' sounded better had it been 'Cinder rfln and the Glass Slipper," says a critic, but the writer has been making a close study of this mort Interesting nursery story and finds that the fa mous "glass" slipper properly has no place in it The "glass" slipper is real ly the "fur." "cloth" or "felt" slipper, the word "glass" having been substi tuted through a strange mistranslation of the story- In the original it was written pantoufle en valr, which, being translated, would be "the fur slipper." The translator, however, wrote it as if It had been pantoufle en verre, making the "little cinder girl's" fur foot cover ing one of glass, which, it must be ad mitted, would be one quite appropriate to a fairy. A Cinch. The editor of the Glasgow Echo avers he is not much of a sport; but, he says, "when we meet a cinch In the road we recognize it" He accepted a proposi tion the other day, made by a friend, through which he was to give his friend a dime for every time a woman nassed them and did not put her hand . . .. . n nil behind her to learn 41 ner tu.u.. woo right behind. On the other hand, the editor's friend agreed to give him a nickel for each time a woman felt of her belt behind, "we got sixiy-iwu nickels," the molder of opinion says, "and paid him one dime. A woman with both arms full of parcels came along." Wax From Tree. The wax palm of the. Andes is a veg etable wonder. It grows to a height of nearly 200 feet and thrives not only on the plains, but the mountains. The wood Is tough and durable and is em ployed In carpentry. , The wax comes from the pits between the trunk and fronds. It Is yellow or grayish white. Is as pure as beeswax and Is used for making candles. A peon climbing the trees can gather from twenty to thirty pounds from each. Xha Heaanro of Success. It is one of the appointed conditions of the labor of men that In propor tion to the time between the seed sow ing and the harvest Is the fullness of the fruit and that generally, therefore. the farther off we place our aim ana the less we desire to be ourselves the witnesses of what we have labored for, the more wide and rich will be the measure of our success. John Buskin.. ; Did as He Promised. During the civil war there waa one conscription fakir who made thousands, of dollars before the authorities re-. strained him. This rascal would send tetters, broadcast wherein he said he would , communicate.. for $2 a sure means of escaping the conscription.. Letters Inclosing two dollar notes pour ed In on him, and in reply to each let ter be would send a printed slip read ing, ."Join the nearest volunteer. regK ment" PRODUCE MARKETS By TeleaTaDb to tne nomine stai Chicago, Nov. 3. Lower cables, favorable weather and bearish rot ernment crop bulletins were itfluences that caused weakness in wheat to-day, and with little support December closed He lower. December corn closed VMc lower, oats were off He and provisions were about unchanged. OHICAOO, Nov. 3 Cash prs: Flour Market steady. Wheat No 2. spring 82c; No. 8 sprina; ,7881c; No. 2 red ol82. vorn im 44c; No. 2 yellow 4444c Oats No. 2 35c; No. 2 white c; No. 3 white -c Bye No. 2 84tf37Kc. Mosa rk- ner bbL til 50ail Lard, per 100 lbs, $6 706 75. Shoit rib aides, looae,$725775. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, not quoted. Bhort clear sldet.boxed, $ 7 257 50. Whiskey -Basis of high wines, 1 25. The leadine' futures ranged as fol Ao wb opening, highest, . lowest an- closing: Wheat ko. a lecemoer, new, 80K, fc0j79tf, 793e; May 79 79. 79X,78X78$,, 78$,78&. Corn No. 2 December 4444. 4K, &43X, 48c;May43X43X, s 43, 43, 43c. Oats No. 2 Decem ber 35 , S5M, 34X, 35c; May 8636tf, 36Hi 35,,3536c. Mess pork, per hbl!ljanarv 112 30. 12 40, 12 27, $12 SO ; May $12 40, 12 47t 12 85, 12 85. Lard, per 100 lbs December $6 75; January t6 8757 6 92K, 6 88, 6 87; May $6 95, 6 95, 6 85, 6 87. Bhort ribs, per 100 lbs January $6 40, 0 45, 6 87, 37 ; May $6 50, 6 55, 6 47, 3,100 Lbs, Pic-Nics 7c. 2,860 Lbs. Butts 5 I -2c 2,910 Lbls.-Backs 6 l-2c 7,800 Lbs. Fa'y Plates 7 9,200 Lbs. Nice Ribs 8c, We keep posted and take m of you. W. B. COOPER, 308, 310 & 312 Nutt street. WILMINGTON, N. 0 OCt 80 tt Rates for Sew . ..tf MC Water Closets 50 cts per V'" J Kitchen Sinks- - 50 cts per quan -t'..u. Rn rc ner ouarteri": r...-j ui-.l o.ri.c 9Srts ner awrw'iH . . . . T..L.-Gr. nor nuarter, We carry our pipes to jffi 0r,HnA without charge, WW do not go into eff ect until rendered. The Wilmington Sewerage w- yis ti FOREIGN HAHKE! qq YQU WANT By Cable to the Morning BUr. Liverpool, Nov. 3. Cotton : Spot, moderate business; prices 2 to 4 points lower; American middling fair 6.02d; good middling 6.841; middling 5.74d; low middling fi.coo; good ordinary 5.58d; ordinary 5.88d. The sales of the day were e.uuu naiea, or wnicn 600 bales were for speculation and ex port and Included 5,000 bales Amer ican. Receipts 50,000 bales, including 41.000 bales American. sutures opened easier ana ciosea steady ; American middling (g o c) : November 5.63d; November and De cember 5.47d; December and January 5.455.46d; . January and February 5.44d; : February and March 5.43 5.44d ; March and April 5.43d ; April and May 5.425.43d;. May aid June 5.415.42d; June and July 5.40 5.43d; July and Aueust 6.895.40d. nun d We ire IP for tne ceieoraicu . , . . AmericJ. See our stock of ' . cludiPg Hey wood , defy competition. picTnii n PH1RES & 110-111 SlaTKBv Bi. OCSStl 1 CORP MARINE. ARRIVED. ' Steamer Sanders, Sanders, Little River, 8 O, Stone, & Co. Clyde steamer Navahoe, Johnson, New York, H G Smallbones. CLEARED. Clyde steamer Navahoe, Johnson, Georgetown, S C, H G Smallbones. UNLUCKY inaddlttoaJtoonrcomPle we have crasier -jj erries, w Oranges, OgSPhST 2SM rionr, Buckwheat, Ku BoqnefortBj : choice Mackerel, Mnliew. delivery & 9 When you want amc (tt,8 preo'Jil Bmlthfleia, Bpringu-"-J N. C. Hams. -h.nBPl S tJita week for H" I Give us your oraer -Turkey. ifl. s.w.sak;( Both Phones NEW GOODS TV W - f riRILl V - able gooaa, mv CATOMSVILLE, MARYLAND- - . MOUNT DE SAXES, AOADXMT OF THS VlSITaTION. Bulldlnffs and erounas extensive and attrac- lve. 81tuaUon healtbrul; and view ot BaitH more, hUls, river, and bay beautiful. Aooesal- English, Science, Music, Art, and Languages. Illustrated catalogues sent, on application to e so sw rr su we x the dimctbebb. Bouquets. BhelledPew, ,nii- Celery KewFlourotJtrar ByeandWhoie""- -y pn O.WIIU1MGT0N Ei TT octsstt JNO. U BOAT