PICTORIAL PUZZLE. -: y.-TiT.y v. H AT H5II IS nCTRESILVTnOl fSTOF fc-fc Trr pJf aticarjf As - jixJ r CVataim noirr aji.Vi rT-f norfiatxal ictSahcotic. a. is toMtmtoxM fammiim mmf . 4 1 111 GAST For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of cur rf zf wuAsar In Use For Over Thirty Years FlfilPI iiyiiiui 7 ffl. E. SPRINGER & CO., Purcell Building: WilmlnKton, N. O. We are now receiving our Fall and Winter stocfc of Double Breech Loading tons. Single Breech Loading Quns.KIfles, ammunition of all kinds. aj tats, Legglns; Gdd Casts and Reiol- C i) f all kinds. it tuntatnt of Sportta Goodi U coapleU. n ti-.: rl MTTtcbU roodJ and ai ttlr prica yotx will fiad them oct 25 if EPOSITS MADE WITH Atlantic Trnst and Baniing Company Sm-aUt 26.1, will draw Interest from Xorember lit, 1903. h- ntH. r,i. AM. TW rra .n tTCHttL r. AUn. CMkw. riatcTOU: Wot. J9 It. Kask. B. Solomon, "V.?' SCwvn 0Bria. J. O. L. OIia, I. IV J Downfall of China. AT BISSIN6EFTS CHINA PAH LOBS. cf ChiaA hx. Ua rlact4 to low tnat iU la reach of h -Cat GUii, OUwwart, Lr. WUU Crocker, etc ? ' U'M pUcioj yoar order.. Wbole aad BeUU, a F. A. BISSIfJCER'S, 119 Market Btrww Winter Lap Robes! HA.VB JUST OPEHBD UP A NIOB LI HTER LAP ROBES. D O YOU NEEDIONB? CITY LIVERY GO. W. P. MacMIHan, Jr., PQ, L THE NORTH CABOIA .T r fEHAL ADD 1HDUSTBIAL C0LLEQI. rV - w .-7. cu ..1t.. iriwai. riMt ajMBan r - u. S.H DECLINED WITH THANKS y C. J. BUBKt ftae Cll 'i n nun fZS.H . .. .... A uToieni UxllTUual Intro- wm Tea and Teaca club, bacj cf f.,e- Dot tben b. w" vuou roa and o rcn-oibW for either hi. remark, or hi ryrsijfhL 1 . caw of lot. at flrt sbt-on tb part of faoouers. Wbco U look dam, iato tb dark er rmld , frmnkly to hU mn, h. gir, If .1'. n uotlooaU7. In aU ,T JLlrtT-flT yr. oothlog had cnt lb blood raahlng o rtotooaly tbrooeh relna aa th Cna. warm cla.p of bcr band. But b traa a qult. tit controUed , . .vuiwar Dorn ox rears . u nocenain uterarr udder. So be did not tK itf.i. o he Old Dot bold the Utile ten .. - - "mm uv usee vi rm- Sra la hi. manser aa be aat down .-w u ui not dc4U the little band a twoiui iin. i ... - umu iouiexiesa demarvAjal T,. . wBS do irace or - - - mm um Ml UOWD on the dlran beside her and began to tatt a. few men and fewer womra hi beard him taUt-brmiantlj, with flaah ee of wit aiwi . iruciiuj ue UD- derljtog earneatoeaa of tboagbt iiiim w. quite nnoaoscioae - vmm un m mm j)rtHlUO tag- She only thought that thl. big. mm uvi ucariy aa nnap- its waa rvn j- lj charming. And. what waa the more kuuiuuk, oe oia not talk about blnv aelf. The girl found thla an nonftui tt. rlewe. Aa reader for one of the maga alnea and writer of abort etorlea, the bad met many men of many mloda. Tet.- be aald pathetlcaUy to ber- " mj m kuu iu lorn lnwanl. How can they write about the vtM uvuwi uca wnen uey are ao abeorbed la aelf r Iler wonder grew when ahe discov ered that be, too, waa an author. She - " iu, umxuxf algned to aeTeral ciercr sketchee. He V a . a. bu ocirr inea any with the Sympo alum. Aa he talked th i1m!m aooM of his etories became OTermas- Why don't roa atMl vnthin tn me at the Symposlumf she asked at lenrth frank tr. He flushed up to the roots of bis bslr aa be said hesitatingly. "I have been ouy about something else, but I will some time. It wss bis first trace of awkward- Ml rW41 mil LI not kiwrw that f Via "aomethioff elae" waa the norel whlfh was the work of many months and which wss eten then seeking a pub lisher. Not (tM to he laml h trnt himself to speak of this child of bis hopes. If the world gare It a welcome. ah. then! His thoughts were busy wee,Ting a beautiful day dream, and Its central figure was this dark eyed Ctrl who was almost a atrsnrrr to him. He awoke to realities with a .tart. Vf L Triw bntilfd at hla alleDce. had rUcn and waa holding out ber band la goodhy. "Too will come to see me some time, will yoa not. Mr. Saunders 7 she a.ked with ih frank smile that was ber es- pecUl cna nn. "I hare enjoyed ay talk with yoa so very mscb that I would like to repeat It. I am alwaya at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays." Her tooe waa ao cordial that ne blushed and stammered over bis thanks. He called himself a fool a znLnuta afterward when he found him self landing stupidly staring st the doorway through whtca soe oau ui- MiMmL Bat that did not present bis going home la a strangely excited and exhilarated mood. The glamour of his day dream seemed stiu around Mm And the. the lady of his dream- be lored ber. Jim hlnrmt It tO himself SS be Hft. aeroea the rark. half fearful that the flickering lamps and the sway log branches might guesa his secret, but In the silence of bis room he said It boldly and the confident ring or ue words seemed to echo the mad beating of bis heart. It was loerltsble that the neit Thurs day nlgbt should find him In the parlor of Miss TraTers flat It waa equally laerlUhie that be should bend all hla energies to bide bis lore from the mll Ug eyes of this girl, who treated him with an air of Don camsraaene to sentiment. in. .locLtful whether even encour agement would bare wrung tbe secret from bis Up. The nrsi joy i wss past and In Its place had come a flood of self distrust, of self depreda- t t.t tnrtnrel mind an un bridgeable gulf of training and tradi tions seemed to sweep oexweeo ... v. n t netted child of rich parents, on whom had been IsTlshed rT- -in. nt a eollexe educstlon and years of forebrn trareL This attempt at Lodcpenueoce ana - treated aa ber latest whim and v ..nnitnclr. He bad scram bled from a common school education Into the pitfalls that beset tbe path of a newspaper reporter. , tep sad been bought st the price of . .V- it hot i abort time nan ww , sloe the problem of meeting bis board bill bad been an all Important one. That waa the first or many rtrengthened bis lore. STe no courage for Its deciarauoo. .. i... ia hi dmeratlon a pUa dawned upon bim by which b naif M lro his fata and yet spare bcr the Sa of refusal. She bad asked him to submit a swy Vi. it would 9d bar oa mbodyla hla fere and Its bopeiessnesa ffJ wo sequels for th cnoice 01 7- .w. k. inrff should boldly act said, the barrier, of Uoa .and woo and wla h aaj-. " w" w.k-,u r-tntlr bow to the Su. and deeot. biaUT. totha arMwrtaia bapPneaswi ; '"STbt blmsclf fererisbly to tbe ..li ror acreral weeks be bad not ' . . i,im.ir ta call npoo her. at a f gal ICtf UUi a i - - - . st, would onderstaod the reason why tJbVread the story bo addre-sed tlh a tremUlnff nana. . . - . another, a wees. again and reaamg ' AMengtB. wbea tea day. badp. a Xn bad becoma almost o- ssd suspense oa 2 . bulky . vi- f va no t man Jen a enr.lope la hU J Dnfo,dfd It was bis stoer. and sa heuw It typewritten sup jr floor. H picked It OP.0"0' it waa the usual rejecuon , lit tfuatneeaUke. without an dded lino to soften tno blow. it mtsht hare Deen - at ho scrap Ol pai- if to aoui oui " . .M w.i r.llea down about hbt iand b sat amon tb.rolna. r . Mir. when ha roao la- a as la "No More inches aid F&ins No. 826 Ptzrdido Street, Nbw Orlkaks, La., March 27, 1903. I For orer nine years I had been troubled with leuoorrhoea. The discharge was yellowish at times but after the menstrual period it would become reddish, acrid and excoriating. This exhausted my system.-- -I was con tinually tired while my appetite was poor, my digestion very bad and my slticp fitful and feverish. . .-, y ine or varaui was tee one remeay wnicn neipea me in my umixeas. own iuuuu w v "- run and n was well. what relief, only those who hare had my ei um Talue of i in and imbued me with new ttreogth and after the nse of 22 bottles only those who hare had my erpem ! inch a fine medicine aa Wine of Cardui No more discharge. No more aches and pains and oh, y f? ence can appreciate ami; -s Vxca-Paasmsirr, Unitsd Dacqhtebs' Inocstkial Club. fJlti ' ' y Does not this letter convince the most skeptical sufferer that Wine of Carduj will bring her 'TftrVlT Ann. n M, health ? It is difficult to imagine a case -where there are pore discouraging features than this : " i Ua Ulna U nOOre. u-r iur w i Txr r-o: T,-V.q Jo a inflammafinn of the UCAUiC All Js aWaVVIw IvCgcUi MMl1 TViAA VI XUUW jvuwmjm - vagina. It is really decay in the vital organs of womanhood. This inflammation often drives women into the direst stages of nervous excitement. At the menstrual period the continual itching is accompanied by the utmost agony. The life of the woman who lets this trouble run on. as Mrs. Moore did is one of misery. But Mrs. Moore did not know what medicine to take to cure it. When she had Wine of Cardui brought to her attention she took it and continued the treatment until she was cured. The case was a chronic one and it took presistent effort to bring a permanent cure. This cure can be secured by any woman who takes Wine of Cardui. Mrs. Moore tried everything else and continued to suffer. She tried Wine of Cardui and. was cured. You can treat your case successfully in your own home and nobody need know anything about it. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today and begin the treatment. leal weariness might stifle his suffer ing. The coolness of night brought a dogged courage to blot out the past, with Ita day dreams, snd turn to the future. But It was weary work. The end of the week found him so worn snd hag gnrd his friends declared he waa over worked and advised rest and change. "Your novel la making such a success you can afford to do It," they urged, lie only smiled bitterly and shook his bead. It seemed such cruel mockery to think that tbe success of his cher ished novel should biiDsr blm no hnn- plness. He waa listlessly sorting his mall one morning when his eye fell upon a tiny blue envelope which bad been bidden by the others. His heart seemed to leap Into bis throat, for be recognised the band. He read: Dear Mr. Saunders It ta ao Ion alnca I hava mo you that I am pining for ona of our cbata. To ba aure. I hava Juat come back from my thrva weeka' vacation, but than you bad not bvn to ac ma for aver ao long- Wora that. Ia there anythtnc tbe matter T Coma up tonlht and per hapa I can explain. Your alncerely. CECIL T RAVERS. Agalh 5Ir. Saunders sat staring at a piece of paper, but thla time It waa the shock of sudden Joy. She bad nev er seen bis story. It had been turned down by her deputy render. He made most of the explanations that evening, but Miss TraTers did not seem to mind. Fa4 ot the Screech OnL Tbe little screech owl, well known In most parts of tbe country, is Indefati gable In Its work of destroying mice and 1 tweet. It may often be seen at dusk hovering about barns and out buildings, watching for mice or skim ming along the fields and along hedge rows In search of grasshoppers, crick ets snd beetles. Msny birds of this species have taken up a residence In tbe cities, baring learned to feed upon that most destructive nuisance the English sparrow. In winter rural resi dents often notice the tracks of mice, which form networks In the snow, crossing and recrossiDg. passlug in and out or walls and stacks, tending to show bow active these small rodents are when most of tbe world sleeps. Occasionally snch a trsck stops sbruptly. and while the observer Is try ing to read more of the history written In the snow his eyes catch tbe faint Impression of a pair of wing tips near where the trail ends, and Instantly be Is made aware that a tragedy bss been enacted. Screech owls also feed on chipmunks, shrews, moles and occa sionally bats. During warm spells In winter they forage extensively and store up in their homes quantities of food as a provision against inclement weather. Hew to Beaaove Falat Freaa Glaea. Splashes of paint on glsss if left for any time will become bard. To re move them take boiling water and In it dissolve a tump of sods, a piece snout the six of an egg to a pint of water. Wet a cloth or piece of flannel In thla and rub the marks, when they will be found to come off quite easily. Dlaaatraaa Wreaks. Carelessness la responsible for many a rsiiway wrack, end the earne causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Laur troubles. Bat sine tbe advent of Dr. Kin' New Dlsoovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, oven the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless resignation la bo longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Crar sr, of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. Klsff e New Discovery. This greet remedy is ruiranteed for all Throat end Lunar diseases by R. B. Bixxamt, drog-gitt. Price M cents and ILOO. Trial bottles free, LA ROC HE (A VTNCCa EUXEL) IaHk Una Mftilr m n inrai i n-rt Hst a iT-trlnc , rcacdy ia .SLOW GOMVALtSOCMOC, t. rotcrt i co-2jo LwUii taat U Or. B Q3c.i' Huckleberry Cordial Care, all B.orh and J. Trou-. orh tiiruand alsb T children KwaT Xr-i Ue,Jn,orof the ami Dr. Dear Sin i n.a tha iWirlta that I V'Y" ,tur in romaodlno Dr. B 0aJ t rmady CortlUl. I c"f'df 'x jTVny family for iSiwae, M "I?!'.'? Huckleberry - sTHCNBV W. GRADY. ... Atlsnts. Oa. r -7 AhSaa Remedy ot Sweat . mm mtm mm a OS Set exicMtrri"a j'-". a f irjrjYRqyAkeiy-3 . - - ..i ll a." "ST X. U'SS. a?. ." UStuu - - siiisiSATa - . m J 1 al Li.-i.sk LET US LOOK AFTER YOUR c, FALL ADD lilt ORDERS. i At our Bia Store on Front Street our Stock of Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes and Hats Is complete in every detail. In our Dress Goods Department we baye the grandest assortment abown In the Bute. We have all the new weares. In novelties and fancy wool lens our prices yary as to the quality and width from 23c to $L25ayard. The 50c rsrietles are 38 Inches wide and i strictly all wool, and are both stylish and pretty. For 98c, worih $1.35, we are showing 54 Inch wide goods, which make pretty tailor suits and are this season's stylet. We also bare a beautiful line of broadcloths that are 54 inches wide and our price is 93c a yard, regular price IL25. In fancy worsteds we are showing a fall assortment of colors, including black, that are 42 inches wide, that we are telling at 20 and 25 cents a yard. We rt eel red to-day a line of double fold worsted, all colors, regular 15c roods, that we will hare on sale Mon day morning at 10c a yard. In Wool seln .fleece waistlngs we hare a great range of styles and pattern a that are certainly rery pretty at 10c a yard. In this department .we carry a full as sortment of Jinlngf. "We sell silk fin ish lining, 86 Inches wide, that will not stretch and holds ita lustre, at 10c a yardby far the best lining we hrre ever shown for the price. We hare all grades of lining from 5 to 35 cents a yard. We also carry trimmings of Unds,lacea, braids, medalllnea and silks and Telrets. AJso fancy buttons. In the Domestic GooSa Depart mentIn this department we are showing a splendid line of sheets, pillow-cases and counterpanes. For the first time In the history of our store wo are able to sell a foil size hemmed sheet. 81x90 Inches, at 45c each ; pillow cases 38x42 Inches at 30c each. Better quality .aheela are 50c, 63c and 75c each and pillow cases are 12 Kc and 153 each. Full size white bed-spreads we are selling at $1. $1 25 and $1.50 each. Lace Curtains. In our Curtain stock we feel sure our prices are the rery lowest We bay them direct from the manufac turer and aare the middle man's profit, which we want to giro to you. Oar 2-ysrd curtains we ere selling at 50c a pair, and 3-yard curtains are 75c end $1 a pair; Stf yards long, in different widths and designs, all full taped edges, are $L25 and up to $3 a pair. Portierres for Your Halls. In these goods we hare quite a se lection and our prices ere from $3 a pair up to 6 a pair. We hare them in different colors, widths and colors and make pretty lounge covers. We have also curtain poles and cottage poles. Cottage oak poles at 10c; white enamelled poles at 15c The regular 5X-foot poles for curtains, with brass trimmings complete, are 25c; 8 and 10 feet ball poles are 25c and 30c each; with fixtures, 10c extra. New Mattings. . We received by this week's steamer 50 rolls of matting direct from auction. We are showing a pretty Japanese matting with carpet matting which has had a close price at 25c, which we now offer for 20c a yard; we also have a few rolls of China matting at 10c a yard; we have a line of rery fine mat tings, that are standard 40c values; our price is 29c a yard. We have something new in matting. It is made of grass with a linen warp. One side Is a carpet pattern, th? other side a matting. It ia largely used by the government for balls and offices. . It gives good service and looks well ; we sell It for 29c a yard. - New Cloaks and Furs The goods are sold on the same floor with the millinery and is under the management of young ladies. We certainly have a very interesting and strong line in this department. Our cloaka for ladies in the latest styles in Melton cloth are $2.98 each, and in Beaver cloth. In nice and good mate rial, are from $5 to $15. In children's cloaka we feel that we can please you if you give us a chance. Our prices run from 98c to $6.50 each. IF YOU WANT A FUR we have the new fada in the new styles. They are now on sale from 98c to $2.50 and up to $10 each. For a $5 bill we will sell you a beautiful collarette. In Laces and Lace Collars, Kid Qloves and Ribbons, and in fact everything that Is required to make your wearing apparel complete for any member of the family, you can find the also, the price, and just what you want with us. We have Invested many thousand dollars in this stock of goods and it is all subject to your want?. We want your business. We punch cards with all cash purchases every day, and we want to punch yours. If you are not our customer, why nott If we serve you well, tell your neighbors; if we serve you ill, tell us, we will make it right. We are at THE BIG RACKET STORE, I Geo, O. Gaylord, norltf PROPRIETOR. THE STORE THAT PAYS TOUR CAR FARE. CRAWFORD SHOE! For Men and Women. Price $3,50 aaLc3- $4,00. Another lot of Fall etylee just receired. No better and more fash ionabte Shoee are to be had for the price. When you buy the Crawford you get all the style, comfort and wear of shoes usually sold at $5 and $6. j J". JBI- IRZEIBDIEjIR 3c OO.s oct 31 tf 615, 617, 619 North Fourth St., Wilmington, N. C. OH! WHAT A RELIEF! WHEN YOU CAN PUT YOUR FOOT INTO A FOOT FORM SBLZ ROYAL BLUE $3.50 SHOE. They feel like your Old Shoe. Yet they look and wear like swell " i$5.00.Shoes. Remember the name, ROYAL BLUE. Sold under guarantee by Geo. R. French & Sons. not U ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK, a WIlasJasrtOB, XT. C. Capital $125,000. OMiMalt, Organized 1892. ...... ...Surplus, etc., $182,000 Methods' safe and progressive. dx&xctobs: jt La iVollers, N. A. Hunt, Wo. E. Worth, J. S. Armstrong, 0. W. ' latei, JJ. MC-CiaCiierii, u j-l. wuauwuiuj u. wuvm, ; t R. A. Parsley, -J. G. L. Gleschen, William Calder, - I Andrew Moreland, M. J. Heyer, Geo. French. ; ; ' Safe deposit boxes for rent In one of the best vaults South. . All prices. Alleges, Accessible at any hour of the day. nov 1 tf OUR SPECIALTIES. Remington Standard Typewriters- Globe-Wernicke "Elastic" Book Cases. Globe-Wernicke Filing Cases and Cabinets. ' GlobeVernicke Office Supplies. Minneographs Neostyles, etc. Up-to-date Office Supplies and Stationery of all kinds. C. W. YATES & CO., Wholesale and Retail Book Sellers and Stationers. oct27tf THE UNIVERSITY of North Carolina. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholar ships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 Students. 66 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works,11 Central Heating System, Library 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and profes sional departments, begins Septem ber 7, 1903. Address F. P. VENABLE, President, je 26 tf Chapel Hill, N. C. Pineapple. Chocolate and Vanilla CREAM FOB SUNDAY, Made of pure cream. Don't forget I make the best cream in the cit. J. W. Plummer, Jr., Bell 'Phone 680. au 22 tf Seaboard Air Line Railroad, Schedule In Effect Ana;, 80.1903. TRAIN 89 TBAIN IS TBAIN 40 TBAIN 14 Leaves Wilmington 8: IS p. m, arrive Lumberton 5:35 p. m., Pembroke 6:00 p m, Mai ton 6:45 p m, Jamlet 7:36 pm. arrive Gharlotte 10:45 pm. Leaves Wilmington 9 00 p m, arrives Lnmberton 2:15 a m, Pembroke 8:55 a m, uaxton 4.05 a m, Hamlet 6:00 a m. Leaves Charlotte 5:01 a m, Hamlet 8:40 a m, arrives Maxton 9:25 a m, Pem broke io:C2 a m, Lnmberton 10:27 am, Wilmington I2:i5 pm. Leaves Hamlet 10:45 p m, arrives Max ton 18:85 a m, Pembroke 1 :20 a m, Lom berton 8:15 a m, Wllmlnston 7:00 a m. WXSTBOTJHD FBOX HAMLET. Hamlet Ar Monroe Ar Charlotte.., Ar Chester Ar Greenwood Ar Athens Ar Atlanta 7 80 a ml 9 05 a m io 05 a m loss a w 1823 p n 850 o m 8 60 p m 10 40 pm 1215 am 185 am 8 43 am 60S am 760 am BOUTHBOUND FBOX HAMLET. Lv Hamlet Ar Colombia Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville... Ar Tampa 725 a m 10 55 a m 8 20 p m 660 p m 645 a m 10 40 p m i mj am 5 06 am 915 am 6 00 pm NORTHBOUND FBOU nAHLKT. Lv Hamlet. Ar Balelgh A Vm.1I.. U JU&UUC..,, ...... Ar Portsmouth. i Ar Norfolk i io so p mi 8 55 a m i a mm warn 8 50am 146pm 800am5S6pm Lv Hamlet... Ar Baieigh Ar Norllna Ar Richmond........ ........ Ar Washington.. Ar Baltimore.,. at New York.. 1080 p ml i a m 8 50 a m 6 85 a m 10 io a ml li 25 p m io p m 750 am 1115 am 145 pm 455 pm 886 d m U26 pm du pm Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to ail points North, Bouth and Southwest. - For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc- apply to Thomas D. Meares, General Agent, Wilming ton, N. o, sep4tf SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. Effective October 81 st, 1903. Wilmington, f 7.00 A. M. 10.00 A. M. 8 00 P. M. 6.10 P. M. 10.00 p. m: IEAVE, . Wrightsvnie for Wll, 8.10 A. M. 11.17 A. M. 5.17 P. M. 7 00 P. M. 10.80 P. M. Beaoh. . ii!66aVm. 6.00 Pt X. Batnraay'only Dally except Sunday. twin not run beyond Wrfghtaville unless there are paesengers for the Beach. FREIGHT. Small freight shipments will be carried on all passenger can. Special arrangements if or transportation of large shipments or bulky freight can be made by applying at the office. oet21tf - - - To Excursionists. - The first thing you should do on'your arrival In Wilmington is to have a clean, easy shave, or a stylish hair-cut, or a cool and refreshing sham poo. Possibly, you may need all of these com forts. - - . -..-i.. The Favorite" Barber shop Is tha place. GUfON & DAVIS, - aul6tt No. 7 South Front Street. U NORTH. CAROLINA f. . Rust Proof Seed Oats. Excellent quality. Very low price: We have some extra fine . . Rough Rice, suitable for seed. . BAGGING AND TIES. Fish, Cheese, Crackers. Grain and Hay. - -Salt and Molasses. Samples and prices on application. THE WORTH CO. OC 89 tf ATLANTIC COAST HUE Schedule In Effect Aug-. 2, 1903. NORTHBOUND. NO 48 NO 48 Lv Wilmington.......,,...., o.soam 700 pm Ar Goldsboro..... lsaipm 9 88 pm Ar Wilson , 1 18 p m loss pm Ar Rocky Mount 159pn 11,88 p m Ar Norfolk.... 5 55 pm..... ArWeldon.. 468pm 123am Ar Petersburg. 653 pm 800 a in Ar Richmond................ 745 pm 843 am Ar Washington 11 40 p m 7 80 a m Ar Baltimore 128am 918 am Ar Philadelphia 4 05 a m 11 23 a m Ar New York 7 16 am 800pm SOUTHBOUND. NO 41 Lv New Tork ............... 9 85 a Ar Philadelphia..;. 11 55 a Ar Baltimore 8 12 p Ar Washington 8 81 p AT NOITOlk Ar Richmond....... 7 15 p Ar Petersburg.. 8 05 p ArWeldon 9 48 p Ar Rocky Mount............ 10 87 p Ar Wilson 11 18 p Ar Goldsboro 716 a Ar Wilmington 1010 a ; - No49 ml 985 pm m 12 01 a m ml 8 87 a m 846 am 900 am 880 am 948 am 1146 am loo pm 169 pm 810 pm 6 00 p ni BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE BOUTH. BOUTHBOUND Lv Wilmington. .. Ar Florence....... Ar Charleston.... Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville... Ar Tampa.... Dally Ex Sunday. 6 00 a m 9 25 a m l io n m 6 30 p ml Dally. 3 45 p m 7 80 n m ii ia p m s oo a m 9 00 a m 10 86 p m Dally. 700pm 8 85am 616am 8 so m 1 15 om 10 86 pm NORTHBOUND. r.w Tomm .... Ar Jacksonville ax eavannan...... .......... Ar Charleston A r ITInrAncA Ar Wilmington Dally Ex. Sunday. 8 06 p mi 7 so a mi 19 40 P ml 4 50 p m )8tnm: 111 so p m Dally 780 am 5 20 pm l is am 625 am 945 am 140 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BANFOBD West Bound East Bound Dally Dally Lv Wilmington 9 20 a mi&r 7 60 p m Ar Fayette ville 12 35 p m Ar 4 65 p m Ar Banlord. l66pmLv 8 40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBERN - North Bound South Daliv ex Sunday Bound Lv Wilmington 12 85 p mAr 18 15 p m Ar Newborn 6 40 p mLv 0 00 aim Tralna Una. 49 and 41 earrv Pullman Sleeping nun hntwAnn wiiminsrton and Washington. connecting with Penna R. B. for aU points east. Gen'l Passenger Agent, i H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. my84tf. Atlantic anil Kortli CarolinalRailroai TlmelTable No.:i6. To Take Effect Sunday Oct. ill. 1900, at 1S.01 A. H. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Passg'r Trains Passg'r Trains STATIONS. Arrive Leave Arrive Leave . P. M. P. X A. M. A.M. 8 40 Goldsboro, 1106. 4 88 Kinston ....10 18 6 40 6 60 Newborn 8 87 8 00 7 08 7 07 atorehead City.. 7 2 7 87 P. X. P. X. A.M. A. X. Train nnnnnRta with W. A W train bound North, leaving Goldsboro s 11.88 A.. M., and wlthSouthern BaUway train West leaving Goldsboro 8.00 P. M ana with st N. at New bern for Wilmington and intermediate points. Train 8 connects with Southern Railway train arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. X., and with W. & W. tram from the North at 8.K P. X No. 1 train also connects with W. ft N. for Wilming ton ana intermediate points. South Atlantic Transit Co. Tiie Clyde Steamship Co Hew Yori, Wilmington, .N. C, and Georgetown, SC., lines S'-imiiM,, IMHIIMIHIII From New Torklfor Wllmlncteav. - OARIB... .................... .Saturday . Nov. 7 NAVAHOE...... .... ........Saturday, Nov. , 14 j - sTrosu isiisalngtosi MRtwTuk. , NAVAHOE.... ........ .,.;;.Satnraay," nov.'t OABIB....... .,,tM....BaAurday, Nov. 14 aTresu" Wllssdsurtox" for CMorsjetewm, NAVAHOE... .. ........Tuesday, Nov. 8 Oarib..... ...Tuesday, Nov. 10 Both steamers nave good Passenger accom-' modatlon. - , iar Through Bins Lading, and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to. and from points in North and South Carolina. - - ? . -. For freight and passage apply to - H. g7&XALONES. Sunt. " ' Wilmington. N. C , GLIDE MILNE, Gem Freight Agent ; ' THEO. G. EGEB, Sen! Manager. s.wa. p. Clyde CO.. Gonn As-nta, . ' I State Brvoif jnw. -ork. . UU m m i ' Steamers tor FSyeitevflle, N. C. STEAMER A. P. HURT LEAVES ' V Tuesday.... ............October 87 Friday...... October 80 STEAMER CITY OF FATETTEVILLE : Wednesday....... October 88 STEAMER HIGHLANDER : Thursday.................... ..October 29 All steamers take freight and passengers. For further information apply T, D. LOVE, Agent, Supt. Transportation, Wilmington, N. O. W. B. COOK, Gen'l Freight, and passenger Agent, Fayettevule, N. C. oct27tf I! v. i ..... '.). i V : r walk n4 wux.wiJix:-'.r-

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