She Slormtirj htx. WILMINGTON, N. a Mojrar. Not. 4. ELECTION ROWS IN KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA. fbtal DaeJ tt UcIrrO Dcn! IImI 17 tryeaScaa Jirrtt Twe EE.4 isJ Tr WmM. Ucm rwoceamd U ea eleettoa boot Al rairriew, U Scott eoaaty, Yrrgtale, t4ay. Tvo saaa were sUIed, ae olier f-ialty UJared aa4 eerie ly. Taa aseJ: Joha Oehorae ? Irakis Ukaala. Woaaaed: J. IL Cairo, ahot liwaii U 5j AJaxia-ler Key, I tt nal Ta troaUe ikm orer objeetloaa bat a -aa-e to Q P. B-Ur ,"rrl eUlwS, hu b eeleeted br ! enlffl eieeXJoa eoo-aUe2oaers t'.. Oa borne ui Nickel t, the two BO. D00ti j3fT aad were hro-x-t lata the quml oa aceoaat ot taetr ogrtal eoaaseUoa w'.ta lha :cCoa. II U belie red that Cairoa red the shot that killed rww-.a tad Nltkaia. The two Ba ka m killed shot Qalroa aa4 la UIird la Urt .trad U sAoe iiUZajr ia a1 tioa iaixt t-ia eaoralax, I rammad ed fcral frlaad u4 U defjia ar reaa, II U recardad daareroo cltaraeter aad snore bloodaied U ex yected. Tn ?ir KT-, Not. S. i mtt-ol tfaai ta la voUae alaoe of the aUreoia ward, tt Talrteeata tad Qrm ttrwt. Toa .uey. ua mil i-mt r V. al aMhaAlT fllallT WOadad by Jaeoo Kriatrr. the Htwabllcaa abartff. I WUSaai Biartaa. the ttepabljeaa I lajra. waa eroamfa tte etraea w aavar a a . . bva " AUa taeaollawbaa aulay epaa4 era oa aim. Jacob Krierr. ta BapabUeaa art5. who waa taaide Ue ToUar Biac. eaya km aaUavad tbat 8mi' lift raa aboat to a Ukaa aad be ewaaed Cra o Kitoy. KrWfar waa aabaaqaaaUy ralaaaed oa A ball. Gsxxxmxs, Kt Not. WbUe ta aa alactloa dlawaadom to-day Waa. Klddiatoak, ard . rowek rooatala 11. tlaety wtta taa Hit ct a ca. craahiac ala akalL Ilaaty wlU Aim. REJOICING Vi NEW YORK. Ni " Yoax, NaT. JL From lhafall ef darkaaaa tUl loaf aTtar milatcbt tha Traartfif waa the aeaao ol aoiay rerat, Tb ricrom kaa wkiea eoao- aa taafirat few baUetlaa aa- m arraw lato the aaoat tra bamaa daancajlraiioa of de Crteau Joy that tha Taadarlota, or tba coy tT t tat that mauar, baa probably tha rial Xroa boHiiax wtlh t twtaty atorted beak a tUre of eiaetna Cxht. to Lxc Acre Baara, a bamdrad laooaaad aacala aarrad back fea-ii fma aave bulla ia board to ii-iiw Oa Broad waT aad parU of rifll Btxla aad Bcrtalb aTaaata with mm ol ism taUraactiar atnaia, the aa tawBA aa ia eTsiaa? wort a .qb tAal aooadad ttka tba eraab ol uit baiiarlaa of artlllary. Tba eathaataaai waa aoi coaSaad to tha Ttadarlota alaaa. la lliih street 54.000 paopto tir to watch the retxrua aad tha fa a waa sarmaated by Ue praeacw ol haadrada ol OaiambU tl'Hta t la Tartoaa parta el Brooklya daaaa crowd foUowwd Ue reUraa with aotry bat rood aatarad RACE TROUBLE IN ARKANSAS. firai aVrwwt fiUtta aad BlacU at Lais I TE2 Walxa Baa drd aVrre Baaftd by a ItTC Om atartta Stat. Lixx Voxaob. Alt. Nor. S. tUary Johaaoa, a arrro. waa Ukaa frooa jail bare el aooa today by a to aad baaradlatbacwatreoltowa. Tha act faUowed a fixbt betwrea tba whe aad bucke early today, la waiea Freak Aadaraoa waa killed, aad r. Tlaaow. a lawyer from Uuie Uoek, aad ewraral elhara werewoaadadL Da rtac tha row. It la cuised. Ed. Cola- aaaa, a atrra, oecta ahootiar. which eaaaad a firmed a, ATlar U waa orer im daadl ead wwaadad ware coaetad. Coeoaa fiad wtih a poaae ta pwrrait. Joaaaow, waa locked ap. Exduaaeet raa aixh aad a maea aaaailac ol dU rraa waa ball, ai which obaarratloa ol Uw wae arrW. bat a Larre aamber ol ta a more exeiubla raibad to tba J til, battered do wa the doora.aacared Joan eoa aad haaxad him. TOtSCITUL tATfl. Irarty Btit tacbaa at frasAxaU, FU. AJ Tralae Dalayad. If TaWgaye to oa Ifantaa tar. rrrxaooc, rx-i Nor. a. Tha aaariast rala kaowa U thia city for a period af twemly-foxar years fall bare tanday. The erae'ptUUo waa aaarlr atcbt tacbaa. All traiaa are dalayed. waahouU hamx occurrea ax eerarw plaeaa. For a aamber el hours thla eaoraiat o eactaee coaid b mored Iroaa taa LooJt1I aad NaahrlUa ahope to carry out traiaa raiaa bartax waahad orer the tracks ta froat of tbe ahopetoa drpth ol twaira aad four toaa tacbaa. Liay ol tha riretti are lspaaaabla ea aeeouat of waehoaU aad ta oaa Isttaaca a flre-rocca eo ure was aadarmlaad aad baa toppled orer la a dch. A special dpalcb from Parts saya that at a moaUar. of lha eoaacUof aalaiatara Premier Com baa aaaouacad that be wUl raatca lmmeduialy after taa bad rat la roud. A RiMwir auarele Tarmlaatad with aa azly cat oa lha ta of J. XL Oraer. ol IVajiklla Grora, IU. It da-reloped a stabbora alear at yuUlax: to doctors aad remedlea for four yeara. Thau Kacklca's Aralca Falra cared. I fa J wt aa rood for Duraa, Pealda. Bala Krapttoaa aad PUaa. Prto U oaaU at IL IL Ett xujrru drox; store. t CASTOR1A For Izuls aad Clildrta. m Kbi Yci Bits Atojs E::.M Ta TeadarWa Scsaa at fWry Krrd A TrtawwaWwa Doaatratia el Baity Jay. orttaa su. Bra th jfffi- ' DEMOCRATS WIN IN GREATER NEW YORK McUcllaa Elected Mayor by Plurality ol 70,000 Over Low, Foslonlst. . ...nnv TAMMANY'S GREAT VICTORY. rwid C9ttraQf aai Nrau rmUnt af Baart ! iUerawa-Ct-Ut Ikftat ! PtJMlU TrK aepi far Harf ly. Ifrw Toax, Not. a, IfUr a ra MBDi!n la wblea tbara ... axaloat him atari allot Ua aawrpapara aad practically atrtry .i.i.tif at rallrfoa la tba city, uao. B, VeOallaa, aoa of tbi dfll ratral. waa to-dar alactad of OraaUr Nw York, war third OTtr n,s Low- ruaVoaUt. tba prtaaat mayor, by tba larta plarallty or FJ.- 000L . . 4 if HmjI waa alactad eoma- trolltr aad Cbwlaa V Foraaa prtai j... tm hnftrd of aUJmoaa. Tbaaa rll ... arlrtaallr oa tbt ratio a Uckt aaa warr - t..t. wbarrapca tba rooaUta iiaiBMji " . riv.T K.iiAta I w k.T.mmilf ikllttlUll Oofb .t tha vaLtraa leader or Dtmocracy to bolt. a.j daelar that be will not rapport ra sot DacDoerata. in pluof thla def actio, bowerer. Me- ri.n.. rimut ad Foraae carried allata eoaety. The manaftmaat of iM.MnM!ri lhara waa tka ortr 1. pi.i- 5Imior Patrick IL MeCar- . -fcaa HrLtarhUa refaaed a na rarwtaa waa the email Tote . WLUlam tT DaTary.formar chief of ir. mho nm Da ea ladapeadaal - W . . a KA ABa tw-k.t whlea baa pracucaaij Tala raaalt a&owa a mmiuauvi - . - k..m ta eahllo atatlmaat eiaea w.fl Tv'a alactloa two yaaa aro. vkaa Ka wos bT SLC31. At that time v. iA all Lha boroaaba but Qaeaat, with a plaraMy la ataabaltaa aad The Broax ol a,S3. la Drooklya 1.S47. aad liuiebmoad TO. Ia Qaaana, 8hep nMumL had a Blarallty ol tZ. BTernallaA carrUd alaabaUaa Ta Umax bT about S&00Q. a rata ol 1X000; Brooklya b about f.OOO, tela ol Slooo, aad Qaeeaa by about nti nl. at mora tbaa 4.00CL This a total sat rala for MeGallaa .Knnt ltooa. aa compared with dv. mu Af ia Tim ua Loi camadoalyoae boroara-Uiebmoad v aiioai aoo ToLaa. Tbe raault waa k-... aarlv aad at 8:11 Mayor low i iairrm of eoarrataLatloa to rviiaaal kLeCUUaa. CkUosal klcCJeUea, whoU St pra aaat a mam bar ol Ooacreaa, madabe foilowlax sutamaat: xf .M rfMlt a-ratafol to BT fallow tilLmm for their eon fid eaea ta me. X reaewthe proanlaa which I aaada be fara Lbe alactloa. X hare o Uueraeee el f aaUar for any oaa. I abail ro at t WaiMAf toa to prepare for is. avtrtwdiaarr aaaaloa ol Coar .4 aa ams aa tha a a rati oa of Oabaa radarocity ta dlrpoaad of, I ahalltara my altaaUoa to tba affaire ol the dir. "X expect the co oparaUoa el every wkKa ha naoorted me or T7 MhranllcBa ol hi POUUcat tawaja tha adTaactmeat ol the eltya rTn!a Ttetorr ahouM eaeoarar aad aaltaall Damoerata f or the prealdea- 4.1 Mtaal ta 1904 " r.riM r. MarDhr. the laadar of Th ftraraaaaaak for thameelTee aad the people hare rpoksa. Of eourae m a ii nn ai ue reauiu i w Mi tsm tmai we rare. If tha alee- tioa had bean a weak farther off. the t..MaaM ihalDeTvrT would bare Mttat a ir Tola tbaa Low." i.TirtArt. wraataa tt la for Mo- rsaiiaB. ta or mora eiral&caace to Mr. umkT. who made up the Democrat- t Uekat aad who maaared tbe cam- in. Dafaat todar wouia nare t far him deooalLloa from bia -kmi aa laadar. with all tta powers aad mnHaiiuia. aaa ue iiwrniyn m coatrol of aaoiher ractloa. xedeeo, ! had ktu made by crrtala lade- paadeat DemocraU. baaed oa the ba ll tf tat Lott would be re-elected, to MTvii'ii tha Democracy of the city with Tarn maa r left out. To Mr. Mo Carrea. alao. tbe raaalt maaat much. fMini hteClallaa toat. McLaarblla wanld bare brea axaia la coatrol aad UcOarrea aad bis friends would hare haJ l'tila La ho ob for. ThM earrriar ol Urooklya for Ma- Qallaa caaaed aatoalahmeat, aa It waa beilrrrd the cry el "no red LrnU la UrooklTa" would causa aa taereaacd ted for Low la that boroarh. The caapalra waa oaa ol lha moat (iMiiir La tha blatorT ol New York dty. From tba day Mayor Low wa raatomlaaUd bla aapporUre urrad cue reraleciloa oa tha rrouad that no par tiana qaeatloa waa larolred, but that m-mrm Bia ahoald TtU to UDhOld the exlatiaff admlaUtrailoa beeaaaa It had I airea the dty a buelaaee-hke conduct I of affaire, aad beeaaee It had doae mms m liifflB eat the "red Ilrbt' arrtl of the XCaat aide. It waa axrued by Fusiomltt orators that the reiarn of Tammaay maa to office would aoeaa a wVda opea tows," uare atrtctad lawlaaaaeaa aad Ue reaewed Urrore ol Ue Ufamoua cadat eye- Urn." by which lraoraat Jttrla were forced Lato liree of ahamr, uetr eara lars ruler to mea whom they sup- T.-aal ia ha Lhair hoi bead. To Lheee autamrnu Ue DemocraU raraoadad with Ue charre thai Low'a Bcca-aartlaaa daima maaked aa aUampt to eacura coatrol ol Ue dty la Ue laUraml of G9T. Odall: Uat all el Ua credit for Ue rood trails ear ad mlaittraUoa aadar Low belonrad to OraaL. who waa oa Ua DemoeraUa ticket, aad that ererr Democrat ahould mi hia hallot for VlcClallaa ta new ol Ua Important bearlnr Ula dty'e toU would bare oa tba Preeldentul . w-i'ns saxt rear. Scarcely second la la Ureal to Ua de faai af Law. waa Ua effect of Ue ra aalt ol Ua rota oa Ue fortuaeeofUe octortaarUn, Ilarh McLaaxhlla, who fotnoraUaaa oaarurof a century bad beea undisputed leadsr of tha trior eoaatT Democracy, aad who n ad. thai hU-former lleauaaat, Me- Carrea, waa able to so matter Ma Clallaa's caaraaa that a Demoeratia plarality reaulUd la rpiu of McLanfh- lia s oppoatuoa. Catuma from Ua BUU Indicate th alectioa of Xlapablicaa mayora la 8y raeuar, ltome, ruiuoarr,itocQeur, Albany, Bl at bam ton, WaUrtown, Oaaida and XUmirs. Ia Orwaro, UU fVhaaadadT and AmsUrdam. De- aaeralia mayors were eleeted. Be- the aaaembly diatrida up B:aU iadicaU a fsw ralna byUelta- BabUeaaa. U rstuma up to U t. J&, ajaamblymea la die trfeu (armaTtr repreeented by Demo craU. From many or me ag-oiaui aaaamVJ iitrleu. howarer. is re- oru had haa raealTad. Ia New York eoaaty Ue Bepablleaaa bad rained oaaaaaamblTmaa. aarea ciattfeu ba- tK aarrporUd. ' The fiepublicacs rlaada Bute eeaator la the tweaty Uird dutrkl, where a Xlapablicaa auo cwaaa VAartta hteClallaad, Democrat, whe rtslraed lo accept a Federal ap S5nSat Tbe Beneta hold over The tow oa in cuu -.---- waa la aimot every loiune rtporttd r.V.n. ..init it. bat from rl ooxrn- Vd OrttUf Ntw Totk no rtport T . J..UII Kw Jcr7. . b V Tfn X. A. 1KB II. v toU wu cut la all pirU or mt with tb tzerpUoa of Jertey Uiy itIkv.h Ptttnoa and a faw other .him la mhteh miron wra TOUd for. . I. . tr.mmmnn Maelllftlaa tbt tb lUtrablleaas ooaUaa to control both fjS?oitb iruutum irld la U 8iaU, alw belnr distrib uted la eaea eoaaty. Tb7 aU appear to bar worked taUAiaMoruj. Hctmia. rvwttri Nm.. Not. a. Twaaiy-oae (Omaba) Vra Baraea, Bapabllcan, for aaprama laa, a.J. cau,"" alos. ,00L Tbi flrtt roorweu prs daeta aaowad a sat Rtpabllcaa tala t Th. RAimhlleaB-faaioa la- I eraaaa tbrouiboat tbaButa will prob- Via .lul .l.MII n ... . lit Hmm nMtfdaela OUt .. nnf iiimaitr (Omaha) naoai w - i .k,M Mi .ia Maim eomomwo a MWH ' . -A I.. .1 tka HUM UIDBUUMB iv.i ht not ieaa inan w ioouubu niMriiiT. Thla claim la considered I ...H ami BawsnaDcr reiuraa f .. In minm IL. 1U Tuli mr m lit predncU la the Bute taTe Barnet, ILUJ. Theaame preciacia wo y ao rave the Jiapuoiican woi"" is. tit will rMalre a faaloa laadeltda an miiMcud auariar to H"r coma Ue Us pa oilcan plarallty or 000 of to yean ago. MlnltaJfpU Jacxaoa. Mxsa . Nor. a. The rote i. is. nt.iaiH tAdaT'a eiecuon waa lihL The Democraue ucaai, oeaaou k. v virumin ior raiirour, w fcetad. there belnr ao oppoaiuoa in tba race, ror cierx ox am iapri ta which mere are ore ciaur daiaa. l la doubt. Tbe tKet la lone aad returae are cornier in aiowij. Vlrxtala. Rtmninrn Vi . Not. a. The net ..altar th ataeUoa la virriaia to day oeemeto be aa tncreaae oi o- .itDifflaertiu airearui ia m ua- eral Aaaembly by a few rotee, maklnx it ahAat xs 1b tha two boutee. Tbe Ala araa Tirt Ifrht UrOUCnOUl am Ri.lm nMst where ebarp local con- uau b roar ol out ui unMrn Todd, Indepeadeal LHmoerat, waa .iii iMunrtr af Ileartoo county am. tha aBdaraataeat or tne oaw fMmiitiUM. The ratio a Liamoerau in Norfolk eoaaty are alao reponea w hare triamphed oyer Ue atralrboota, who had Ue bull committee toaonr meaL Praasytrsata. PwiLADixr&iA. Nor. 3. All Ue ciolHHtr oa tbe uepabueaa uciei. rblch laeladed dUtrict attorney anu other office, but not mayor, were alactad to-dar by Ue usuat larxe w aublkaa plurality. Aiuoura ue roie sailed was aot beery. Ue offldal firarea will abow a plarallty for Ue aaTBral caadidatee of probably more thaa 100.O3QL The election waa one or u qaieteat had here fa years. There were ao facUoaal difference la Ue Republican rika.batua DemocraU were dlrld ed, Ua bottinr f actio a atyllnc Itself Ue ladepeadeaea party.- xn rote cf Ue ladeoeadeaea party was not larre. CeUrsse. Dxarrrav Cou. Nor. 8. Both He- publicaae aad DesoocraU ar elalmlnr tha eieeuoa or jaauea oi we cuprum OoarL Ue oalr offleo to be ailed at Ula eleetloa, out au a tree uei iwrr suit will be doe. Ceaecrratire ue fmhllaaa eoaeede U nlaralily of Wllaon, Democrat, orer Campbell, Republican, at about 1,000. Dzrrxx. Nor. JL Chalrmaa Fowl ar. !2Bablleaa. chairman of Ua sUU eoaamluea, daima Ua election of Campbell for Justice or ua Bupreme Qaart br S.000. At Demoeratia bead naanara It la claimed Uat Wllaon, Democrat, will hare a small plurality la the But. Craiacky. TrmrtTf KT NOT. 8. tO. Re tarns reoairad from the BUU Indl- eau Ua re-aleetloa of Ooreraor J. O. W. Beckham. Democrat .by a majority eoaaarratiTelT eatimalad at l,wu. Tbe rota cast waa nausually beary aad Ue retaraj are Tery alow. Out of 111 eouatlea la U BUta returne hara rreelTedfrom oalr twenty-two Tbeaa ctre Beckham 84.443; Belkaap 13,033. seikaap camea nre 01 tneae twenty-two eouatlea, aixteea of which are momlaally Democratic LoranUA K.T.. wot. a. xne re election of Qorernor John Q W. Beck- a. a a. - - - - Aaajlllala M D aVSla) t.aJ lSWUlXm4B MwHItialirt wvva Ooloaal Morris B. Beikaap.Jie Bepab- Ucan, by a majority of rally is,ow msaasured. The uepuwicana con cede Ue election ol Qorernor tuck ham. Tha daT la IVoulavllle waa aa exetlr lar oaa, aad Ua eleetloa waa bltUrly fanrht The el a Tenth district, compoaea ot remote mountain counties, last year "7 faralahed 19.000 ReDUbllean majority. Ill probably duplicate it uu year, ueturae rrom mat ainrtci wiu not be compietea oeiore anureaay. Beckham' majority outalda U eler- enU district Is eatlmated at 85,000. Non ot the eounllec la Ue district has beea heard from. Clods Ulead. PaOTTDXXCX, R. L, Nor. 8. At mldnlrat Ue returne indicate the re aiaeiiaa of Qorernor Garrin. Demo- mL bT a rreallT reduced plurality. Tha rota la Ttrr eloae, howerer. and tha raamlt will nrobablT be In doubt until Ua laat district ia heard from. Tba Republican Bute central com mittee claimed Uat later returns would overcome Garrlna lead at mldalrht orer Colonel Colt, Bepub- 1!1B. I a Prorldenee, Mayor Miller, Dem ocrat, waa re-aleeUd. . MartuaiDcaiecritlc BiXTTJiOar, Nor. A. At 1 o'clock thl. morula r Ua returns from Balti more dtr and Ue Maryland ecu n tie are wimmsj; owlnf to Ue lenrth of the haiidt. aad therefore It U lmpoatible to accurately ecUmala Ue result. Th ladlcatlona, bowerer, point to lha election or Edwin Warfleld, Demo- rfi aa Gareraor OTtr BUrensoa A. nmiifflL Tteoublioao. and Uat tbe T1alatara which will elect a United Rtataa aaaator will aUO be DsmO eraUa. Up to ihls hour returns hare beea reeelred from only thirty of Ue ftaanradneu In Baltimore city and ami eealUrinr returns from th MAnatrT. At 83 A. M. oalr 85 of the 808 YOU or predaeU of Baltlmor dty had hM raaorted to tha election super-'a offlar. Thea. if Ue ratio of Demoeratia ralna la mainUlned, lndl cated Uat Edwin Warfleld. Ue Demo CTatl nominee for Irorernor. baa car ried the dty br 7.000 or 8,000 plu rality. Returne from tbe counties are eoearrf, but It le not thought Uat U Renablieaa roe ta theae eaa OTer- eem tbeDemceratle plurality la Bal I:boh eltr. As ferae known here at Uls hour Ue decUoa of Taeaday ptssed oa! peaceably Urouibout the Bttu. ex cept la one lnauaee. Ia ilurlock. DorchaaUr county, there la aald to hare beea a dlipute oetweea www and blaeki la which It la le ported thai twalTS mea wero wounded. Owing to constated talerraph aervica to-Blbt ... t-i tba report cansoi oe Tenuecu MatatchiKtls. j Prwro. Kim . Not. S. John 1 n.i.. Mkiftd ,oTrnor of Maa aacbaaetu tolay by a pmrauiy 01 S5.M9 OTar Col. Wm. A. Qaatoa, the Damocratlo canoiaaie. With ratarna complete rrom WJJ n-fi anil !tv In th HtatB IDO lOll rota for a-OTarnor waa: Bate a, Rspab- llcaa, 192,893; Qaaton, Democrat; 163,- Tba Let lalatore remama practicauy nnxhanrfvd m far aa the Damooraia and BepabUcani are concerned, but the Bodallrt party, which ' had three meoabera laatyear. will oe reprewnie tinnlniii number from lifOCXtOfl. The 8oclallat toU fell oft considerably from laat year. Uhlo. i Or,i.rrmm. O.. Not. 8. The Demo- n.tlA Rt.ta rVtmmlttM 18 BlTlUZ Oul noaUtemeaU to nlaht. xna.tsepa.a- hab Fltita Gommlttee at 10 0 F. aL. throarh Chairman Dick, announced that the plurality ror uemci; or Jahnaon for GoTernor would exceea BlnraJltr eTer airen a wiTernor - r : r.. ... jamyoa -7 "SlilVr. I tare ror the re-eieciion Ilaana would be oyer liw. EXCITEMENT AT PITTSBURG. Pallra Had DeiMrate Flfht With a Mob Try-"! I JiCB ' Shot a Whits Maa. By Tktoaraph to tta Jforainc r-i PrrrsBrrBa. Nor. s. mtBiara- afead. a'nerro. narrowly escaped lynch- I., this renin r for U proUbl fatal ahootina of Patrick Butler, a watcher I at the polle in ue lau TOtins; pro- oiaL. Tha ahooUnr had no connec tion with polltlca. Butiere aocount of U aflalr is that ; he. ! w th aareral companions, were playfully oABtaaUa fa the Doaaeaalon or a cane whlflh balonred to uuuer. ana ib iub scuCle Armstead waa struck by to cane as he waa pasaiar. Without nib. nmTfvailnn Armiieta a raw a reTOlrar and fired. I . After Ue ahooUsr Armaieaa ran .IA. VtrmM atract. Fifth areaU SOU BmiUfield street to the Mononrabeia Hv.v followed bT an exdted crowa oi fly hundred or more men who kept up a continual cry of "Lynch him. When U nerro wa nnaiiy capture tha nollaa had a deanerate flrht with Ue crowd to protect Uelr priaoaer. FIRE AT TROY H. Y. TkrtaUaef t be a Cesflarritloi ot Enor mous Prepertleaj. j ByTaiecraphtoUaXonlax Bur. Trot. N. Y Not. 3.- Fire which t.riaH m Lha Hltlxaa' use pier to night at 10 -.SO ignited the greater por- ttnn nP tha ttfliinMi block on lna eaat aad at 11 0 Ureatened to be a con na rration of enormous proportions. Bsreral of Ue largest burin eaa hou ta Twit .m la fllfflM. By mldalght hair a miiuon oon worth of property waa In flames. The Are swept up Rlrer street aaaacroaa Unnam.flt Roaare. Ureatenlnr ue in ii. it. irrnai inn it ran The fire was finally gotten under control by the fall of the wall of the aoatharamoat bnildiar. The loss will ttiatd tLOOO.OOO. NO loan or me or lajarlea to persons are reported. PLANT SHUT DOWN. Orer 4JM Afea DUcksrrtd by the U. S. faal aad Ceks Ca Is W. Ya. By Tatecrapk to tba Moralaf BUT. Roaxoxx, Ya,, Nor. 8. A special from Welch. W. Va,. say Uat from 4 000 La 1. 000 men hare been dls- harrd bT Ue UoIUd BUtea Coalaad rviW GafflMBT. The time Uat the ten will be Idle U not aenniieiy The United BUtea uoai anu uoxe CVvnnaaT hare a slant at Welch uat ta natlmatad to be worth 88.000.000 and Uelr action In closing Ue plant down aad dleehaxring all Uelr employe naa created wideapread consternation all .inn tha Una of the Norfolk and Wratera liaiiway in ma ooai neia. no information will be rirn out aa to . . a . 1 avr . when Ue men will resume worx. FATAL ACtlDEST. Ta UtiL Albert M. Berktr. Orf asice Of ficer ea the Bankable Malse. By Tatacraph to tha Xoratnx jBtar. NrwrORT. B. L, Nor. 8. Lieuten ant Albert M. Berber, ordnance officer of Ue batlleehlp Maine, fell from Ue forward turret to Ue handling room, a dUUBca of fortT feet, to-night, and waa fatally Injured. Ue died an hour laUr without regalnlor consciousness. At Ue time or Ue accident the bat- tleahln waa oS Gar Head en route for lienemaba LUgni to engage in target nraetlee. Lieutenant Berber wa - ex- aminlnr artidea of ordnance when he loat hie balance and pitched head fore- moat through Ue turret to ue hand ling room. HI akull waa fractured aad he was unconsdous when j picked up. j WARM WI RELETS 1 The only expression which Preal dent Booaerelt would make regard lag Ue election laat night was Uat he waa rerr mucn rrauneo wun tne re- aulU from Ohio. - I i Mrs. EL'sa O. Hendricks, widow of Vice President Thorns A. Hendricks, died at her horn In Indianapolis yes- terdaT. Bha wae atrlcken with paraly sis three weeks ago and death had been expected Bereral days. ; A fsst through freight train on Ue Georrin railroad ran Into an open switch, killing Ue fireman and a train hand and seriously injuring tne engi neer and two train banda. It Is be llered the switch wai thrown to wreck the train. . ' - t - 1 - Four sailor "runners." conrlcted of receirlnr ad ranee money from sailor shipped by them, were sentencea in the united rJUtee uoun at feneacou. Fla.. to eighteen montha imprison ment. - i T weirs ahoU were fired atCapUln Ewes, tbe star witness la the feud caaea recently tried in Breathitt coun- tr. Kr.. as ha nassed alone wamui street, Lexington, last night xne ahou were fired rrom a ouna aney. Oae went through his hat and another through the lspel of his coat, but none touched him. ; . - Col. J. C. Steele of Mecklen burg, is here. "While looking around for gubernatorial material," obieryed Col. 8teele yesterday, "North Caro lina could not place her hands on a greed er man Uan Chaa. 11. Stedmtn. North Carolina know him to be a man proud and noble.' The same I say of Franklin L Osborne." 1 .... : : , .. . t "i " ; - " " . : . V i ;. . - PANAMA PROCLAIllIS- ITS INDEPENDENCE. eaaaammaBaaaBaam - - - m Generals " Commandiflg uovern- ment Troops Seized and Im .prisoned by Populace. STARTLINQ DEVELOPMENTS Officials ! Waihlsxtoi Expect Sooethlaf Like a General Centiar American Warto Rcsnlt from the Praa eat Condltlois. By Telecrapb to Uui XomliK BUr. COLOJT, COLOMBIAi Not. 3 It Is rumored that aUrtllnj: deTelopmenia pointing to the Independence of the Iathmua are on foot. Every thing Is quiet bare. m , , . . Tne uniMu d rubwm " here Teaterday. The ColomDian un boat Cartagena arrlred at Colon to- dred trooos on beard. WABHTBTGTOIf, NOT. 8. Th fOHOW- Inx cablegram has Deen receiTea a the BUU teparimrn . irom uuik Btatea Consul Mamros, at voiow. There Is rery appearance or a reTo- lutlon here." COLOW, COLOMBXa; Nor. 8. The United Blatea run boat wasnruie ar rlred her lata last erenmjf. t The streeU ox colon to-oay prracn somewhat the eame appearance - aa durinr the daya of the laat,reTolU; Hon. ... t Bereral hundred troops wno amTou here to-day from 8navanilla on the omoun f rininmhlan aninboat Uarurena wun Th battalion eonalata of 450 soldiers, well supplied wun ammuni tion, under ue command ui uvueiax Torar. Gen. Torar leit ior r-anama twlav. but the troODS auu remain here. Indepeadeoce Proclelmed. Paham CoiiOXBia, Nor. 8. The Independence of tbe isthmus waa pro claimed at 6 P. M. tOKlayr A large mrA anthnalaatla crowd Of all Political nartiaa assembled and marched to the headquarters oi tne joTwumeui wwy . where ueneraia xovar ana hu arviviwl thla morale?, were im ertaoned In the name of the republic r Panama. The enthusiasm was im- manaa and at least Uree tuouiana oi Ue men In Ue gaUerinr were armed. Waaklrrtoa Adrlces. WaBHnraTOH. Nor. S.--The Nary Department reeelred word to-day oi r - . a 1 ill. . a a. I am Uearnrai or ue naanruio wua lastnlxht throufha cablegram from her eantaln. Commander Hubbard. Tha deoartment found It neceaaary to conceal Its purpoee in dispatching, the NaahriUe from junraton io juo Isthmus, and It was supposed that she waa prerented from going to Ban Domingo because some of her machinery waa out of order. As a matter of fact, adrlces reeelred from the United BUtes rice consul at Panama more than a week aro deter mined the 8ute Department to hare some Teasel of Ue United BUtea nary in lsUmlan waters. Indeed, it is probable Uat beginning with Ue ter mination of Ue ceremonies at Guan tanamo connected with the turning orer of Ue new eoalrnr station, Ad miral Ooghlan will be required steadily to maintain a naral force on Ue At lantic side of Ue lsumua. There are other reasons Uan Ue Panama situa tion for Uls, as Ue reports coming to Ue 8Ute Department from tbe Cen tral American countries north of Co lombia rereal Ue existence of turbu lent and dangerou conditions. Oaly this morning a cablegram came from one of UeiUalted BUtea consula In Honduras sUtlng Uat Ue people Uere were In a state of excitement orer Ue reported Intention of Nicara gua to stuck Honduras. The Guate malans alao are lna state of unrest, which la reflected in usually peaceful OoeU Rica, fand the offldale here would not be surprised to tee some thing like a general Central American war result from the present condi tions. It is posltlTely stated that Uese moremenu on Ue part of our nary are la no way connected with a canal project and that Uere will be no at tempt to negotiate farther with Co lombia on that subject unless Uat gOT ernment adraneea a reasonable pro position. NEQR0ES DRIYEN OUT. QJyea Fortyelxbt Hears te Leare aa II- Diols Tew. ' By Telegraph to tha Moralnf Star. Omoaoo, Not. 8. Excitement pre- rall to day amonc the colored citi zens of Morgan Para-, as the result of posting of placard throughout the town riring notice to all colored per son that they will be allowed forty- eight hour In which to leare the filaee. Bereral families bare already eft, taking with them whaterer goods they could eonrenlently earryr and it Is expected that others will follow their example. The order to leare la the outcome or the murder or uniex of Police Alrey Saturday night by Mack Wiley, who with sereral other of his colored friend wasont on a Halloween frolic. Tka Qaaker'i Retart In the early daya of the White House, when Dolly Madison waa Its presiding genius, the conversation was lively, and the bonmot, the repartee and even the retort gave seat to tbe talk. On one oc casion a Quaker from Philadelphia who waa dining , with the president paid beck the raillery of the gay hostess In her own coin. Aa Mra. Madison, look ing Tery handsome In an evening gown that displayed her plump shoulders to great advantage, took her seat at the table, she raised her wine glass to her 'Up and. bowing to her guests,' said gayly, "Here's to thy absent broad brim. Friend Hallowell, to which the Quaker, nothing daunted, said, return ing the bow to bis hostess, "And here'a to thy absent kerchief. Friend Doro thy." . - - . Wmat Bha Shoald Do. Bertie had been forbidden under ee rere penalties to play In the rain bar rel, but the other day, aad to relate, hia mamma and grandmother found' him splashing in It In high glee Hie mamma's face hardened, but the grandmother's kind heart led . her to make a plea for the offender. Bertie heard the plea, and when' bis mamma asked him sternly what she should do to a little boy who. did not mind what was told him he answered promptly:. ' "I fink you had better rnlnd your mamma." - :- A- ATlda-preaa Vamltr. '.- In these daya there seem to be as many writers aa there are readers. The spread of authorship and Its egregious pride Is-bit off In this dialogue from the Fllegende Blatter: , A gugjt at a hotel, table reading Jlie bill of fare-Bars, durbHl of fafeMa greatl" MI am glad to hear it," replieff- th": head waiter. "I am Its author." BU8IME83 LOCALS. - mrnnrmm War Bant OT Bala. IjOBt Or FOOnO, jm .h.. riinrt if iwMiiABMma AATaT Haements inaerted to tola DeiMurtnmt. to al4 nonparlal TTPe, lor 1 m per word each lMex KnTbrt iioTerttoeiaent token lor li than - - aaaV fla aXrValTlfiB to aamia. iernwi""" - For Ban Two vnnmli'.JIBlt&ble for Apply aVl05Do8tree, Hrnt doom Koepuis. tlura floor. The will be a bazaar at Hnrnlan Han -- - - BU Tf W - - u Book- m. a.wAiipanar. itibju : gStSV -Bow- wor HUa-TIie entire touslnesa of Behaer Brcs , florlflta. lormerly wnea dt dBfttn of neea ui uuumum. w l- - no 1 4C Broa, . . . -ImportawCanarleaMojiP.Japa Flan 6d no. write qtuo luVV i, SnTotetS Poatnta, Fanciers Co r 6" . Broad, HlViUUUUUt awa - ' - rvnt a naw eoUar on your OTercoat. wSSinrtbu Priaiing Club, 807 Maraet asrew. , ' . r. aala RAVAral thOU- TTraPPinaT - --,voW tar unl Did MeWflDaPerB. u cii.oo, --t wrapwng pjf. i.f, "inito abld at . e 4niir tna T.ninir iaj vuw .5J2SS, rVST atoVj at the 8Tfa KtniMj I office. oct4tf - Wf.WbHr-ntift KS" rnZlu the-thlng to put Mdercweta and matting. WIU pe bow 52r.27?iJi nricas. ADD.y at the star office. .. niiiniia T-iRh Potatoes. Wty, 2i "o"1 ,ftuymB vina r nmnrtm as a., o. nui- aepoti ' - - - .-luiar Monaar. Beptember SlBt, in daT ana uiui. ".V, Sw. Ari tha u . D. Brena Cottar -Xaaoaew. who -wUlty w cln?tnlKlit, where be will be d .Te 1.1. r-4ni. tn en him. - - eep iv.u . . TrnownoiBL orsrana JS-v" cuSSd "and Twrarntehed: Up- vYV7 Aim alon. Addresa J. B. raiTST. uujcwiu.. ---- zi rr - n t.f ao. a Boatn lgma in- . Rrawi Leihorn Esca, from high bred btfk TAP .aiA ftl EMJ OGHLB IXOS UUBOU. M Monwomery, bpui apau , Offleaa for rent in The Worth Bamg the moBt coovenieni Duainew wchwb ""'-J' atoaarn eaoipmonv. awij w - ',v-"" feDiaU Old newspapers, aoltable for wrapping pa ftraaii at Tradnced prices, ta quantities. Apply at tba office of Th aoaraa btab tf Cuban -ATJD- RENOWN CIGARS. These Cigar, are better than eye 'SILVER COIN" It 1 the BEST ever ground; guaran teed. H. L. Vollers. A. C. jy.26 tf L Crossing. INVISIBLE. Men' 60 cent Ladies'. ... ......i..... ...50 " SOLOMON'S SHOE STORE. no 1 tf A S0ALP is something to get hold of LOOK , But here are some ouier am as oi .LOOKS? that are far more nsefnl. To name au the different kinds of locks we carry would take a lot of space. Perhaps it is enough to say that we have every sort that la made for outdoor ana Indoor use for trunks, crates, etc. Wa dont handle the low grade, badly made and very cheap locks. Oar prices are Hot high, but they secure exoeUent value. , - . oo 27 tf Orton Building. Blosso FLOUR RT."t"te3?s; J. V. filnrcmson & Co.. -;Muiitsj . Full weight packages new fish.? I Seed Rye and Oato. BAGGING AND TIES. " Cargo SALT just arrived; - " t ' HALL & PE ABB ALL. 1 aep is tl . . In Buying For O1 -t - THE BEST $15 SUIT EVER LET ME TELL YOU SDIIICIjf If you want goods that are new. novel and up-to-date, at prices that are always satisfac tory. If you want to see the new things as fast as they are put upon this market, trade with oct 31 tf sa we I NEW SKIRTS ADD New Silks and Broadcloth Skirts. A AISO WeW Fall Waists made Of Silk, White Flee! anu isniiianieens. These are very fine goods and are selling fast. Remember we lead in Millinery. Call and see our new liner work. Also a big line of CLOAKS AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL JACKETS PARIS MILLINERY EMPORIUM, 129 Market St., Wilmington, N.CL pTt 9 octlltf rt 11 tf Next to Bonitz Hola 1 DON'T SLIGHT hare thinned down until you can see through them anjij tt . v y-ir,A i,ot omit. nf Tonr bravine the bitter Hh of Winter without fear of discomfort. We sell the verj gwj you should hare. When you examine tnem you wm mm- k but when you get them you will be sure of it. THE O- W. POLVOGTCO,, Dry Goods, Carpets, Millinery, &c, oct 20 tf '. 9NorthJCrontSd 1 Your House Furnished From Ton lo Ii V o I Too Bnsy to Write My X oct27tf A 20 Per Cent. Discount rn - Wi1M.wnaAa CAftthinZ the t$ JLV IUUUUUVO HIT JI1UO Vi X(UlWl-utluv a .p, helm Fiahel & Co.' Une, I wUl sell for ten day n Monday, November 2 to 12 at a discount of 1B Alao big drive in Neckwear, Suspenders, u? d Collars; 50 and 75 cent Shirts reduced to or. "W. Bell 'Phone 800. no ltf Tbe WUmiMon Savings & Trnst Co. - ooiicica ine accounts oi tnose wno are uu" , ; Mercantile business and who have no need for uiuuauoa, out wno are aesirouB ui v- - Where they will receive a liberal rate oi mw- are payable on demand without notice. - VW JT. W-TOBWOOD, Praaldcnt. w C B. TAJ-OP. Jr., Casklr octlStf - Silver Salt, ' It's a pleasnre to" clean Silver, Gold, Cut Glass or "anything that shines with ,. : C . - SILVER SALt. . Makes water , do the" work. Guar anteed positively harmless; 25 cts at HARDIH'G Palscs Pharnacy, 126 Sonth Front Street; . 11 tutt rail season WAS OUR AIM TO HAVE OFFERED A T1 TTTfrVl nu. think weav I mis line the best anTuail beyond a doubt We hdft?N a nnmhor nt ITS h idAl o where you will dapped, ta.J. A TOLL Lm, . OTl hand W-U. . H ""be ana 8BA . are sole agents for Vw high art and B Kn guaranteed Cni WiW , I J.0.WII r r.- ,, . i viio a nee tjiotnierg i oc 31 tf PL ATT & HAAr! 11 Market Sir, WAi We have just received a big lot of lined.- Piaue, Mercerize. Flannels, Corder; M . . " I THE UNDER WE A will havfl to do. NO doubt t LOOK OUT FOR IT LATER. -rcr -p pa -R."K:BB 206 North Fronts Head to Foot PI Salt ;, " . ... , in com H. WAl" CRO 50 BbU ja1 200 Cases Sago 100 wiaCr 800 Bags eree" So 100 Boxes ork"sor 100 Boxes gStogt, ; , 100Bblsa&J,. 100 Bag P?;vif 80 BO" pKfJj. SAM'L BtW. V!WJtF octstf oo U ' , Both Tnones bo.