1 . , . , , ,. , . " ..'-'," : j PUZZLE EEOITOEIBI. PICTORIAL PUZZLE. VYV i 'A "IP"""WW " 1 ' ii ill mi in iy.fr' i 1 ."b Illml Tea IIato Altraj Boa-bt. nod trfckls jia ln U B orer HO jw, tuM borno tho aJfnatnrvi of " ana ha brnt made under ble pes XJyZ&Jfl aaperrtskm wJjte I U iafiwir. r-jrA 4cctc, Allow no one to dacel s joti la t hi. , All tOBtcrfcitJi, laaJtalkxia u4 Jojrt-a-jjoolaro bat tlip, vXnaeuts that trtis with suwl endaajjer tho health ot Intux t atuhI C3UdxciSr-Up4arlrfco acalnat HspcrUaent. What is .CASTORIA CtMtoria, 1 a Iromlea aabataatj for Castor Oil Pare trrtr, I sum! BootliLvr Sjropa. - It la Pleasant. It contain neither Op lam, Marphlao i5ar other. Xarcotio aUbtirw IU actf U It guarantee. . It 4troj "Worm ami allays FeaerlaJusessw Jt ettrea DlatThosa and Wind Colic. It relieves Tethlnr Trooutea, cure Co tlpwtlon mml rutcOency It aaaimlhaea the Food rrulUm tho ' Stomach aad I towels, crtnc healthy awI kataral aleep The ChH4xeaa Panacoa The 2Xother FrlenL ... GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS , , The lind You Have Always Bought Jn Uso For 0ver30 Years. ' i M. E. SPRINGER & CO., Purcell BulldlnfiTt Wilmlnjcton, N. G. Wo aro now recoivlnfir our Fall and Winter stock of Doublo Breech Loading QunB, Single Breech leading Gnns.Blfles, j Ammunition of all kinds. r. Hunting Coats, Leggtas, Gnn Cases and . RotoI Yers of all kinds.. , Oar atiortatat of Sporting OoMj Ij coapliU. If j 35 at rood scTTlceaUa food and at fair prieo joa will find them t: c if tiUMklintaL oct 25 tf DEPOSITS (HADE. WITH Atlantic Trnst and Banling Company w: . "'' ut, SoitmUx 2odf win draw inUxtrt from Xoritabor ltt, 1903. iff t. MifKa. rwi 3 DrxicTOTts: ' L P. Ragw,. Joho Sack, B. 8o!oaoa. 0. B tt J Aartaa. a W. YaU. B. B. Bellamy. M. J. Ujer. Kartla O'Briaa, J. O. I. Olaacaan, I M. Boar. e-st 1 tf - " The Downfall' of Chini AT BISSIMBEB'S CHIMA PARLORS. 1U prtca of rood China bai bwa radocad to low tnat IU la wach o tfji , pana. Cal Ol, 0!arrt, Iunpt, WWU Crockerj, ayUaUrortpiadaffI0tfetaan. Wnolaaala and BtUQ, F. A. BiSSirJGER'S, j., ti .: , ' ... .. 119 ket Btnu . Winter Lap Robes! WE HAVJB JUST OPENED UP A NICE INE Op WINTER LAFBOBES. DO YOUNEEUIONE? CITY LIVERY CO. W. Da MaciYIlUan, Jr., Prop.f .. . STATE HOEIIAL AUD HTBUSTBIAL COLLEGE. . COUBSE3I - . aiair.ri-r,rtto',,-;- - oaao4ooooaoo I GABRfELLE'S I a o WOOING " I . - e lzola roaaxsTta Ainmjxr viau o When Pat MaaJcgo came down the trmtta from Clikro way, erery girl from- Jlacktoflc to ..Moose lUnd mt out her Lcart to crert tllrty gray Milt Of Li ScllOOlHT. Not to greet Put; no. lnlceL For rif tcea years Lu LaJ pdseU tLrough the fctralU ooct tvect tfoa May to No TeUiUx. hdU Txt a girl 14 waved Jjer Mod to tint rxcojvt Joe Nevajre Ga UtVile. She Lad watcbed for bid from fti fcit jrar wLen be bad ctrabCX lbt(xktet tire Jka Ami. and now the lat Jitar be rcfontvd brr master. stcr. tug br jib captain and owner both. The -word Jbad gone before him lke a Urcr toiiawJ hcralJ that with tbe acbooncr bad rio come to him aa an whirl ta nee from Scott Mandego. bia father, the little Jiouae down on Uandr&0 point and a footer of S2.0OO orXOwx Ro Put ultfd aa4 conqueror, xnd of all tbe bright eye aLtng tbe shore ifajt gtaiicrd lm greet hUa tbe only onea which lured Mm on belonged fo Gay ralr and were tae only pair that 4 do welcome for him. M wa the first Ume In all the fifteeif yeara. .As boy tte bad rowed oTer to th UDuxi U chat with Joe and watch hint mend .the rreat sails that wn-a ient to blm (rooi the twin shores and we3.T and knut JUa fish net. Joe's deft fingers were aa noted along the strait aa the black and red lipa o bia Ore daagbtcr. And Gay waa the youngewt be was etgbtwa bow. aUm and dark eyeI. with the poise and step of a demolscUe of Gascoay and a wondrooa trick of the ejea. a sidelong look between narrowed Uda, with long enrred Uahes to cast a ahad. All of eraJsea girls bad It, bet little Cabriea ba4 U worst, and It took the heart out of a man. Only a mile ia the eootbeast of Uaoae Island lies Uaadcgo point From bia abore on a sonny day Pot could catch the ftaah of a pink petticoat here and there around the old weather txejea cabin, bnt the courage never came to him to seek her and tell ber what bad been la bis heart all the way from Chicago "Xoa forget eld frienda .when the Hrood lockr Alea yow way. la it sot so. Pntr laagbed oW Keralre when they tO0f at tba half breed prUt Jean'a pbica a tbe mainland. Is Jt Karl? Fancboot lUbettet Eliaef Ne? Moo Dlea. ft 4a tna little one, tbenr "It la Gabrlilk." said Pnt atolldly. However fa might fear bia lore, be bad no fear for Xrralre himself nor tea like him. "But aha baa no smiles tar mm this year," be added moodily. Joe laogbed more. Did tbe wild dock flatter pear on til aha beard tbe decoy 7 Waa Cay a gtrl to lay ber heart bars betan sbeeaa wooed - rut listened and amBed. aa be awak nd a KU talf. i J ara .voo ber." be.aald, and be k4t bbt .arnrd. He sent Danay Der mot. hi insccfsise to tbe dock swab bing qorstioo a tha JSpa AmL Danny waa Ua0rd. the 0st dancer along thtf aboraad atXJl a wtn- tera length from twenty. Iia tlatened to Pot'a IatractJon U whit be abooJd teU bia lore awd atralgbtway. forgot Pot and all else aa be leaned, across tha open window alii at NerahVa chat-tine- with Cabrtelia and catching the trick mi ber long dark eyes. The Oreamy golden dayp of summer passed, awl the sumac flaunted scarlet banners oa every hillside that dipped ta meet the straits, and still tbe Boa Aaal swung Idly n ber ropes at the old half sunk landing at llandego point. Put'a pulsea leaped every time be looked from hereto tha broad aweep of blue water that called ta him to come back, but every breeie that cir cled around tha point bora tha lore of bis heart to tisbrieile aa It danced oa down to the Island, so be stayed aa and trusted bia fata to Danny-a soft tongue. Under the rose tine OabrMle would listen, a rose stem betweea ber teeth, while Danny spoke of Handego point -lie's too old for you. Gay. darMng. It's thirty-two be ta If be'a a day. and the old devil thioka you'll fly like a bird to him If ba only whistle. And ITa lonesome down there on the point Toa cant sea tbe Mackinac lights dancing a Jig with themselves la tbe water tbe way you can here. And tt Isn't a thousand at all. Gay. darling, ira only a hundred or so, and tbe old man will soon drink that up over at Petit Jean'a So you see It won't be riches at ail that Mrs. Mandego will be getting, but okl Put himself. Do you mind me. Gay. darling 7" Gabrielle'a white teeth closed over tha heart of tha rose, and aha ate Ita sweet petals In silence, but ber eyes looked aldeloog at Danny. -And tbe Tidy Adly of Petoakey sails oo Tuesday. Gsy." Danoy reached up and plucked a roae that touched the gtrra bowed bead. -I've the promise of a berth on ber at the wheel. It Is bet ter than the deck oa tbe Bon Ami. Gay. and If you say the word you can klaa your sweet band to Chicago aa Mrs. Dernx In a week. Could you ba ready by Tuesday. Gay, beartr abrtclle looked off up the straits to where Maodego point y like an amethyst shadow at the curve of the Michigan ahora Una. and ber eyea were tender and dreamy. . . TH Pot Mandego to come for bis aoswrr himself like a man. Danay. aba said. -Tell blm that from ma to-. Bay. and If ba la li bera m the bdand by Monday night then I win sail on the TWy Adly m -It's at annrtaa III coma for you. Mrs. Dcrmot." laughed Danny, and Gabrtelle emited and waved Ut band ta bC.. b. pa-cd i.ontily down tAe clover bordered path to tha beach. But aha wM thinking of Fut-Put to bia strength Xtt l ba would coma that very night for wa ButCrtha tvrtCgbt patsed. mod tha Ja rose above -tha pines on the SaTundTand no boat pot out from Sludero point until daybreak, wbej m puSd over to the mnlandwith 1.1- t.irward Elanca at hevajrea lng to catclr the sound : of vjjcei oh the still night air, buWnatead f rom out the darkj:esa toward Mackinac came three lo:.s deep signal. (Gabrielle atarted to ber feet at the Bound. It wua the North Queen lxur;l for Baffa lo, and in her coursa lay t'.ia boat. Suddenly abe saw that Danny had! shipped bis oars and was I BtandlngT She knew bis slight form Instantly, but the man at the rudder never stirred. Danny bent over blm a mo-, tnent as If to reassure himself, then slipped overboard Into the water and made for tbe mainland with long, sure strokes. ; An Instant and Gabrielle i hesitated? Again the North Queen signaled, and ber port lights showed bright and clear as she swept past the great shad' owy Mackinac island and came on like a Phantom ship of tbe night -ci And. for the rest, they tell It at Petit. Jean's, and blind Louis ma do a song or It and of Gabrielle, who sailed a bride ta the Bon Ami, with Put Mandego captAln. They show the wreck of ber boat wfcc the $orth Queen crushed It like a crumbled autumn leaf, for out Into the waters of the straits went Gabrielle that nighC 1 only the hope of her love td give fcer, strength, and In tbe drifting boat the found Pat dead to the .world from Petit-JeanV brandy and leff Jo drift to bia death by Danny Derm of. JLeavlng her own boat In Ita place, sho had rowed the other out of the moonbeam path Just .aa te great steamer bore down upon ber .coarje.' j At dawn .next morning Put stood on the sand dunes gr Nevaire'a Island and watched the Tidy Adly put out for fjtke Michigan, but no farewell was waved from her decks hy Danoy. The North Queen caught blm airly aa abe' rounded Mandego point, and blind Loulaatumbled over what waa left when be walked tha shore below the point after the Bou Ami bad sailed on ber honeymoon trip. WORTH CARD! f WMh, extra fc ill- - Tfc n . x terjf f fis , ... Duplicates another Crcrno.,It never o - jlllibt ''" " V'iTaries" ality." afofna : or price. , -s.: lO ANTI rr Grain ai Salt and K'oasoe - Samples and priced OS &p THE WORtH c 00S9tf Crcmo ia a cirar of invarUbfo W tit sells It forjess does so with the andaavor to reflet n r5, The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World. The Band tm thm Sntafce fpotmc43om- Z,7' of 5 cents. Any cost ta pronv ATLANTIC COAStflllL War Vtawi Are AfnUd of BUe. In all ages women were supposed to be score prone to superstition than men. and who knows but that the dread of a sroman on tbe appearance of a rat or a mvso may not be due, in part at leasW to an aeclent superstition which has traveled down tbe ages from tbe time when our remote fore fathers believed that rata and mica, were the souls of the departed? Nu merous are uie stones wmcu mnue .iuyr BBdents beiieva that souls were rat and mice, and soma f these stories are very curious.- - t "In Thuriagla, at Saalfeld," jtayr Barlng-Gouid. "a servant girl , tcV. asleep while ber companions wen,; sbelling nuts. They observed a Itti red mouse creep from ber mouth anu run out of the window. 6na pf tbe fel lows present shook the sleeper, but rould not wake ber. so be moved he? te another place. Presently the mouse' ran back to tbe former place and dash ed about seeking the girl. Not finding, ber. It vanished. At the same moment -tbe girl died." . J LET US LOOK AFTER YOUR FALL AND WUTEft ORDERS. At our Bia Store on Front Street our Stock of Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes and Hats is complete in every detail. -a.ejuo ijBttsa in Gabrieiie s -V. pointed chin vltt mgu toward Mandego point BMaara a nlbt of early autumn glory. Monday. The September moon g juano.gr colored flower above Uka a great cu'. . . h- tb9 tlxoe tha crest or " .11 .i.mr aha and of Its golden wltcnery. - -?ca of the water. Ilk. a magic nfL CabrieUa i and dunes. had where Put . ki. .tuiiJ-r to watcn u boats com. up tha trmlta. There w. no Uiht oo Mandego point but th. aiht was ckar and bright nd aha cauabt tha sr"U of dripping ax. n fbUt from the sMdow. if tbeaialand Into tbe broad path Z Ct STluSr th, str,- OUastroua Wrealce. -Careleonen is responsible for many a railway wreck, and tha same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung trouble.. Bat since the advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Ooldf, avert tbe worst casea can j ba eared, tod nope less resignation la no loorer necessary. Mrs. Iois Cragr. of Porch ester, Mass., Ia one of many wbosa Ufa waa aaved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and liang diseaaea brKB. BxxxAirr. araggiit Price to cents and SLOO. Trial boUlea free. t BoaaFr,ltchlng,8cabby 6Jn Diaeaaea. : - wUlcs. Carawoclos. Pimples, 8erotaIs tt tafctt). Botama Blood Balm, n ta TMon.'.bsca sad Jotou, ItclUn jVsbbrUa. Stood UNlSBOtariatBt BitdUb Glaada. aialsta uS BoBpS oa IDS Bkia. vacua gvtatM u Stoat. Bora Tatoat.rUiteaI at coia amptloo; C0Colorad Sptser ftaab oa Bkls. aU rasowa, v aanaaat Clears oa aar fart of taa body. Balr or Eiacaovs taUlac oat. Cartnada or BoUa. taka Botanic Blood Balm, guaranteed lnnnaiii iniinl " t tffHTw1 hHiIimi. nir-TT'-f--" Baal all aav aea aU aeaaa aad aalaa. radaoM all waUlnaa, aUai Wood sora aa4 ttca. aoatplMelf oaaBgtn. Uw atoa Wdr iaM sataaa. baaRav aaadJUoa,; B.B.B, aaa tn4 ! ttay esnd taoraiwH of aaaal Ot io4 attar iaacslas t&a laat ftasac Ota Bknautltm, Catsirb, Ecatms iM miiI ay aa avfal polaanwl canrtaioii of tba B. B. B. coma Oatatra. Most Baac aaa t amia mawaiiam. vaa aeboa aad rmlaat aS Boat. Boaloa, Sisptleaa. waiarr Juuun, ss Hcatac and 0sa(BtBS ot Eonaa. by Btrlaa a aeattar Uaod aapply to affaaMd porta. Cancar Cured 4 aiai cm cannan or an sjboi. kaaa. Kxtaa- Bono, Tttmor. ad? n kllU t Caar rotaoa aad baaia tao Bona r war Caaear araUy. U voa parsafat rtaiala. Wart. BvaUiofa, BbooUac. Btufl ratna, taka Blao4 Balai aa4 Ur vOl dloippaw Mors Umt AmtootDMCaaoar. aUoy appanaur nopaiaai of uih wiiaaiitTm. TU a Wr MJk f latialc Woai Saba OJJJ ts araaaaa4atafMfylltJtaa s ssrs a oa am a4 ketlH- W rt csnd yaw mmnm mnt te wWwt wfmL Bahaa (B.B.B.) S nataMu4anau iwwnijiiiM7i do at naw ly . sa thl - I ' - Hucktcberry Cordial fir Bin '. rue a az inronn- , , ia li uodr nu. iw Dr. Car Cholera Mor- alao children tMthlnr It tMoffl tans to mg IrnVnt cs ot all .tonjach ad bowel uiaaea.i " . lata. - -t a vvf W.lto A. Taylor. Atlanta, this ia n " .rr-Ufiri that I evor O v-n -':. ,,: or any mooicin, .t.-.i. . .. Cordial. I conioa- foi that I Mve .ov. " ' JSdW 1 So.rof thiaaiclr,. to t. in to biUmno of any -rtornaeh rZ,7Ki often aavo life wall ?. door'a bill. I .have Irlaad I whotjd arVylor-rVrl7. CO, Prop, -' " Atlanta. Oa. Tmyr , in r Courha Croup TconTampuon: Price &candil abottia. MENAMDWQMEJJ. Cw Bl( to PaTal-Z aadaoa artri-- iTBECiaa"CJtca. eoj k vacuum, .S.i nrs) ly w ta ta ;rtx un. TT-v - jri,; Al aa TLU 1 ' - In our Press (Jocds Department we hare tha grandest aswrtment shown In tbe SUte. We hare all the new weaves. In norellies and fancy wool lens our prices vary aa to the quality and width from 25c to $1.25 a yard. The BOo varieties are S3 Inches wide ad strictly all wool, and are both yllsh and pretty. For 98c worth SL3S, we are showing 54 inch wide goods, which make pretty tailor suits and aye this season's style. We also hare a beautiful line of broadcloths that are 54 inches wide and oar price is vse a yaro, regular price ILZ5. in fancy worsteds we are showing a fall assortment of colors. Including black, that are 43 inches Wide, that we are telling at 90 and 25 centa a yard. We received today a line of doable fold wonted,- all polor, regular 5e goodi, that we will hare on sale Mon day morning at lOo a yard. In Wool sain fleece wait tiara we bare a great range of styles and patterna that are certainlv rery pretty at 10c a yard. In this department we carry a fall as sortment of lining, We tell aiik fin ish lining, 8ft inches wide, that will not stretch and holds its lustre, at 10c a yard by far tbe best lining wa hare ever shown for tha price. We have all grades of lining from 5 to 35 cents a yard. Wa also carry trimmings of kinds,lacea, braids, medallinea and silks and velvets. Also fancy buttons. In tha Domestic Goods Depart ment In 'this department we are showing a splendid line of sheets, pillow-cases and eoanterpanea. For the first time in tbe history of oar store we are able to sell a fall size hemmed sheet, 81x90 inches, at 45c each; pillow eases 88x43 inebes at 10c each. Better quality sheets are 60c, 63e and 75c each, and pillow casea are HXo and 15a each. .Ifall'size white bed-spreads we are selling at $1, ft 25 and $1.60 reh. Lace Curtains. In our Curtain stock we feel sure our prices are the rery lowest We buy them direct from the manufac turer" and save tha middle man's profit, which wa want to give to you. Oar 3 tf-yard curtains we are selling at 50c a pair, and 3-yard curtains are 75c and $1 a pair; 8J4 yards long, in different widths and designs, all full taped edges, are $JL25 and up to $3 a pair. Portlerres for Your Halls. In these goods we hare quite a se lection and our prices are from S3 a pair up to $6 ; a. pair. We have them in different colors, widths and colors and make pretty lounge covers. We have also curtain poles and cottage poles. Cottage oak poles at 10c ; wfcife enamelled poles at 15c. The regular 5-foot poles for curtains, with rass trimmings complete, are 25o; 8 andlO feet hall poles are 25c and 30c each ; X 1 1- 2 1 . . w nil uxiures, xuc extra. New Mattings. We received by this week's steamer 50 rolls of matting direct from auction. We are showing a pretty Japanese matting with carpet matting which has bad a close price at 25c, which we now offer for 20c a yard ; we also have a few rolla of China matting at 10c a yard; we hare a line of very fine mat tings, that are standard 40c values; our pries is a yard. We have something new in matting. It is made of grass with a linen warp. One side is a carpet pattern, the other side a matting. It is largely used by the government for halls and offices. It gives good service and looks well; we sell it for. 2fc a yard, New Cloaks and Furs. The goods are sold on the same floor with the millinery and is under the management of young ladies. We certainly have a very interesting and strong line in this department. Our cloaks for ladies in the Iateat styles in Melton cloth are $3.98 each, and in Beaver cloth, in nice and good mate rial, are from $5 to $15. In children's cloaka we feel that we can please you if yon give ns a chance. Oar prices run from 98c to $6.50 each. , IF YOU WANT A FUR we have the new fads in the new sty lea. They are now on sale from 98s to $3.50 and up to $10 each. For a f 5 bill we will sell you a beautiful collarette. In liices and Lace Collars, Kid Qloves and Ribbons, and in fact everything that is required to msfee your wearing apparel complete for any member of the family, you can find the size, the price, and last what you want with us. We have Invested many thousand dollars In this stock of goods and it is all subject to your want. We want your business. We punch cards with all cash purchases every day, and. we want to punch yours, lr you are not our customer, why not! If we serve you well, tell your neighbors; if we serve you ill, tell us, we will make it right We are at OUR SPECIALTIES. -v THBOUm;; 4. a, 1863. Remington Standard Typewriters. Globe-Wernicke Cases. Globe-Wernicke Cabinets. skeE Elastic" Book AnWIlon'."V'- l?i'::'!-"':': UM-weidon::..:;;:;.":::: : tax retersbnnr ArBichmond.,..,... ...... u XHUbunore : f"vr xurtk B.80 a, td is at p m i oo p m isspm twpn 8 M p ta 7 4J d ni 1140 p m i no a m 4 05 a m 715 ami teo d m tffintii 10 85 D m v 11.83 pm imam 8 oo Bin 8 la in 913 a m 11 89 a m wpm SOUTHBOUND. Filing Cases and Globe-Wernicke Office Supplies. 4 Minneographa Neostylea, etc. Up-fo-date Office Supplies and Stationery of aU kinds. G, I. YATfiS. & CO., ";J-V r " Wholesale and Betail Book Setters and Stationers. oct 27 tf y:.- , . - THEUliERSITY T.tf laTaMaa VM.b M v i w w iuia.im.il........ Ti VuolI'aui ............. AT Waahtntrtnn " at Norfoiir;.v..:..:;:."::: Ar Elchmond. ....... arrBwraoMg,,,, at Treiuon Arsocky; ArWUson IMllslHSd, Ar Goldsboro Ar Wilmington, NO 41 85 a mi n 65 a m 8-1 n m iilpm 7 15 p m "2PS -N0 4S- 25 Dm 1901 am 9 87 am 8 45 am 900am 880 am 0 am 9 43pmtrrwam 10 87 n ml ii ia p m 7 18 a m 1010 am 1 00 D m 159 pm 810 pm. 600 pm BETWEEN WILMINGgON AND TEE SOUTH. - BOUTOBOUND Lv WllmlnortoB.-.. Ar Florence.. Ar Charleston Arravsnnan Ar Jaeksoa villa.. . Ar Tampa... Daily Ex. Bunaay. eoo a m vs a m 1 10 p m 8 30 p m etetaaa Dally. 8 45 p ml you d m ii 10 p m sua a m 9 00 a m loss p m Dally. 70opm suam 616am 88o:am 1 is Dm 10 85 pm NORTHBOUND. of North Gfjarollna. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hjindred and eight scholar ships. JFreo tnition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 Students. 66 Instructors. 7 New Dormitories, Water Works, Central Heating System,idbrary 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and profes sional departments, begins Septem ber 7, 1903. Address I. F. P. VENABliB, President, je 26 tf , Chapel Hill, N. C. ' Pineapple. Chocolate and Vanilla CREAM FOR SUNDAY, Made of pure, cream. Don't forget I make the best cream in the cit. " - ' . J. W. Plummer, Jr., Bell 'Phone 680. au 22tf LvTampa.., ......nsospm 780 am ArJacksonvlUe.. 780 am 690 pm Ar Bavannah. ., 1340 p m 1 15 am Ar Charleston.. ............. 460 pm 685 am Ar Florence... 7 85 pm 9 45 am Ar Wilmington.. ............ ii 20 p m 140pm BETWEEN WILHINQTON AND BANTOBD WestBouna East Bound ; ; 1)aIbT,: Daily I Lv Wilmington........ r 20 a miAr 7 M p m ArFayettevllle........ 18S5 p m Ar 4 65 p m ArBanford........w 1 55 p mLv 8 40 p m BETWEEN W1XMINQTON' AND NEWBEBN North Bound South 1 DanyezSunoay Bound " Lv Wilmington.. 19 28 p mlAr IS 15 p m ' Ar Newbarn........ ...... s 40 p mLv 9 00 aim Tralns Nob. 49 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping Oars between Wilmington and Washington, connecting with Penna B. B. tor an points east. W. J.UBAIO, -" ".; ; Genn Passenger Agent ' H. M. Emerson, Trafflo Manager. myS4tx. . Atlantic afltl Kortli CarolinalRailrdad TlmelTableiro.;ie; To Taka Effect Sunday, Oct. 81, -1900. at 12.01 A. M. . GOING EAST. GOING WEST. THE BIG RACKET STORE, Geo. O. Gavlord. aBBBr Seaboard Air Line Bailroad, Schedule in Effect Aug. 30, 1908. - 4 Passg'r Trains Passg'r Trains . STATIONS. - Arrive Leave Arrive Leave P. H. P. M ' aTmT T. 3 40 Goldsboro....... 1105 ......... ........ 4 S3 Kinston 10 IS : 5 40 6 60 Newbera . 8 87 s 00 7 02 7 07 Morebead Olty.. 7 7 87 P. M. P.M. A.M. A. M. nor 1 tf PEOPBIETOB. TBAIN 89 TBAIN 15 TBAIN 40 TBAIN 14 Leaves wumingtoa 8:15 p. m, arrive Lumberton 5:35 pi m, Pembroke 6:00 p m, Mazton 6:45 p m, camlet 7:854m. arrive Gharlotte 10:45 pm. . Leaves Wilmington 9:00 p m, arrives Lumberton 9:15 am, Pembroke 8:55 a m, Maxton 4 05 a m, Hamlet 6:00 a m. Leaves Charlotte 5:01 a m, Hamlet 8:40 a m, arrives Maxton 9:95 a m, Pem broke to:C3 am, Lumberton 10:97 am, Wliininston 19:45 pm. Train 4 connects with W. t W train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.J5 A. M., and -with Bonthern Batlwav train West, leavloar uoiasDoro tuur, m., ana witn w. sh.m new bern for Wilmington and intermediate points. OH 1 W. train from the North at Train 8 conneoi arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P, with Southern Ballway train M , and with W. &. train also connects with W ton and intermediate points, octsstf . B, S.K P. M NO. 1 a N. for Wllmlng- L. DILL, Bupt. Leaves Hamlet 10:45 p m, arrives Max ton 18:85 a m, Pembroke 1:90 a m, Lum- Derton i9 a m. wumington 7:00 a m. THE STORE THAT FAYS YOUJH CAR FARE. CRAWFORD SHOE! For Men and Women. I'xd.o S3. 5 O sujOLdi S4.00. Another lot of Fall styles just received. No better and more fash ionable Shoes are to be had for the price. When you buy the Crawford you get all the style, comfort and wear of shoes usually sold at 9a ana 0. J". .SI- BBHDBB & OO., oct 31" tf " " 615, 617, 619 North Fourth St., Wilmington, N. C. WESTBOUND FROM HAMLET. - OH! WHAT RELIEF! WHEN YOU CAN PUT YOUS FOOT FOOT FORM SELZ ROYAL BLUE $3.50 SHOE. They feel like your Old Shoe. Yet they look and wear like swell $5.00 Shoes. Kemember the name, BOYAL BLUE. " Sold under ' ATiaranteA rV ' - Geo. R. French & Sons. Hamlet..... 78oaml0 40pm at Monroe..... 9 os am 19 15 am Ar Charlotte...... 10 05 am .......... Ar Chester loss am 135 am Ar Greenwood... .......... .. 1293 p m 848 am Ar Athens................... 850pm 6 05 am Ar Atlanta.. 860pm 760am SOUTHBOUND FBOM HAMLET. Lv Eamlet......w... ........ 795ami040pm Ar Colombia................. 10 55am 160am Ar Savannah.. .. .......... 980 pm 505 am Ar Jacksonville... .......... 6 50pm 915 am Ar Tampa 645 am 600 pm NOBTHBOUND FBOM aAMLST. Lv Hamlet... .....110 SO p m 855 am Ar Balelgh. .....1 195amll60am -Ar Norllna.,. 8 60 am 145pm Ar Portsmouth............ 1 K M - Ar Norfolk f 1. 00 m 5 P m Lv Hamlet....... 1080 p m 760 am Ar Baieigh.... 1 95 a m il 16 a m Ar Norlina.. ...... ........... ssoam 145pm Ar Blchmond... ,..... I 6 85 a ml 4 65 pm Ar Washington.............. loio a m 886 pm Ar Baltimore................ 11 85 p m U 85 pm Ar New Yorx... J 4 15 p m 618 pm South Atlantic; Transit Co. Steamers for VayettevtUe, IT O. JSTEAMKB CITY OF FAYETTZYILU: aves 8 P. M., November 6th; November nth. BTEAMXB HIGHLANDER: November 5th, '4:30 p. M.; November 9th, l BTEAMXB A, P. HUBT: November 6th. 4:30 p. M.i November 10th. . :I0 P.M., ' All steamers take frelsbt and naaaanmrs. i avr inruiw lutormauon appiy t . T. D. LOVE, Ageni eup. xransponation, Wilmington W. 8. COOK. Gen'l Freiaht ana Pi Agent, Fayettevnie, N. C. , novs and Passenger tf Throngh Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to all points North, South and Southwest. ; For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc- apply to Thomas D. Meares, General Agent, Wllmlng ton,N.O. , sep 4 tf - SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, Tbe Clyde Steamship Co New Yort, ; Wilmington, 11 C.,ani usht & power coapAriYa i Georgetown, SC., Lines Effective Oetaber 21 at. IE AVE, Beach. nol tf ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK, Wilaalatrten. If. C. - ""V." Organized 1892; . - Capital i25,000..V..;.i:...;..v:...i.v..Snrp - . ....r ... - nLBhiaUU. MID Jfv .i.j .:- '- . DIBJBCTOKSlSa . .. H..L. VoUers,N. A. Munvwm. Yates, D. McJfiacnern, r j. a. Z'ia ? " ; - ' R. A. Parsley, J. G; L. Glesohen, William Calder, Andrew Moreland, M. J. Heyer, Geo. B. French. . Safe deposit boxes for rent in one of the best faults South. ; All ; priceg. AU sizes. Accessible at any hour or tne aay. r ; ... - . Wilmington. Wrlghtsvllle for WO. r i.uia. a. b.iu A. a. 10.00 A. M. 11.17 A. M. 800P. M. - - 6.17P. M. - tBlOP.M. 7 03 P. M". 10.00 P. M; 10.80 P. M. Batnrday only h'ooaVm. 5.00 P.M. ., Dany except Sunday. ' twill not run beyond WrigatavOle there are passengers for the Beach. ; . From NtWlorklfor wilaaMictoau unless nARTTt.. ...................... Saturday NAVAHOE...... Saturday, , Nov. T NOV. 14 - - - FREIGHT, ' . : Small freight shipments will be carried on an passenger cars. Special - arrangements for transportation or targe snipments or traixy freight can be made by applying at the offloe. OCt21tf - . - - To Excursionists. The first thing you should do onyour arrival in Wilmington is to have a clean, easy shave, or a atyiuin nair-cat, or a cool ana reireBiuuK buwu poo. j Possibly, yon may need all of these com forts. The Favorite' Barber shop is the place. : aalfttf No. 7 Booth Front Btreeti trom XVimington for Hew York. NAVAHOE., .... Basaraay, - Nov. 7 OABIB.7. .Saturday, Nov. 14 Vroaa wilaauaataa for Qeorcetown. NAVAHOE MV. ..i.Tuesday. Nov.- 8 : Oabib Tuesday, Nov. w Both Steamers halve srood FaaBenmr umn. ' modation. aar" Throush Bills - Ladtnff and rwna Through Bates guaranteed to and trom points in North and south Carolina. - rorrxeignt and passage apply to H. G. BdUaLLBONES, SUPt. Wilmington, N. O. CLIDE MILNE. Gent Freight Agent . THE3. G. EGEB, Genl Manager. WM. P. CLYDE A OO., Gen'l Arnts, 19 State Sirem, New. org. no 1 if . - : : All y I. if

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