gltc gloruhtg j?tar. WlUlUiOTOK, N. C Trujit Moajrar. Not. IT. TWO EMBEZZLERS INDICTED. Htmea Msjet al BfiXMTt t4 T1a ntf m t EjU! 8a lira Ttirsaia Aismux, ?. CUov. Xk-DiaW a CaalJa, tanas mrer el CUl mot u4 cvalr of U R!tiw uu.ud 0ol XL TitMst. aafatofora uat-kwifrntt Ui. vto t twikiai 7 lit rT4 Jary o tt ort rc m&nrln&aat etfaa4sfrom Gx XL YiadwfcilU Doth bm bv fetm8UJ uJ liaif wrboaU at aakaova. Ti C4:r ol ui ta4 jar? to laarartH Jaftailxa t&aa wait av cwa a4aeta for ta urt two BoaUa, Wtu taa ra boh ef rpoiUUoa of tta aUU aaora wrUrtA. a gjvaml daaUl wu avaia al ia Taa radiaa raiara of air. Yaa4artllt froaa laropa 4 taa tcaploiaiaal el axpaH ae coaauat ta txmla lha booaa, ra Miu4 U opa caarrM Uia tctlMi taa tvs wewl aaaa who war tfaUaM froaa Vaatettllls aaajlay for TtaUiLa lia rtolaikaj Taa ruur ol K-laoo aaada ao i Tjj t U aiuaaciita taa ffaadr. aai U Urn o la crtadaaJ coart m asoata rr4 Hall, aspart aceoaaW al aa4 C XL Ur.t ; 44 eafoto taa rraai Jar? ta toll aS Urr kta aboat Ua allarad tr racmlaUaa. Troaa tta tafooaaUaai Uaa rr rwaiwii yraaaclataaia wera riaaJtr Ua rra4 Jarr 4 Ui tTlaraooa a traa bill aa foaa4 Mnia Ua smb. It la anc4 Ual taa aamat ortftti fry taa aeeaaad rtacaaa aiao S1LCCQ, waka ran waa aacarad -fUlu lae say rolla. XJola CaaaaaUIa aa4 Taaaaat Uloac la ptooRJat fl.Saa. GOLD BCIC f l09Utl U. X. SaarvaM Caati txla4 la Oraal ta Ckf la aUa Urtitt la PtaiUaUary. Wuarrorro, Nor. 11 TaaUallad SiaUa 8ara OCrart t4ay rafaaad la graal nHt to taraa aaaa ao ara arriax loax aaalaacaa la taa 8UXa yraoa el Nerta OuoUaa ea taa caarra el trytax to mil a coi4 arte la OaUiert eoaaty U 14 at Bula. Tha a aa all froaa Cafcaxew aa4 ara J. U llatrart aa4 XL D. Xlavlay. wao r aa4r walaaca al Ua yaan aaea. aa4 Am I. IiT. aoaa aaateaa la mil ymra. Taay aaa4a apaJteaUoa to taa Tmiml district coart for a writ el aaaeaa cerpaa, aa4 tt vaa ra- Tar aroaaua4 to taa saia CoorL vaieh airmad tba acteioa el Ua lovar eoorL Tea Ktaun taaa aapaaled taa eaaa to taa Uaila4 8taUaSaBraoaaOoart. To4ara evtaJoa aa 4alirara4 fc? Jastka IktrarvlOMU that laara tmo TmUnl nxmOom laroirad. TaeaSad vaa to tSrai taa eelaloaa ol boia taa BUU gaamaa Obart aa4 taa F4t rai XXatrtct OooTt. CaL E. HBat Bajkla. a Uaalat Baakcff U tiaWca. L t. ay twkt5 Caxaxrrros, Not. It Cbloaal C Miliar Coykla, Uailed 8Ulaa aaanaal for thJj Biala aadar GrreJaaJ. aa4 a aaaktr el Caaadaa. kUkd alav ll aori4aaUy lo-day. Aflarraaea. lax aoasa ha elehad a hla raa.whiea aa4a ooo39lal4 rararaiaia aetloa, aa4 waateat to ahociahavfc. XIa vaa aUaeorartd aa hoar aAanrard ly lax 4aa4. valla hia raa waa fooa4 laaalax ea tha oppoalM alia ol taa faaea. Tha aaapoa!Uoa la that aa ha aurt4 to cllaah tha ftaca ha aat tha raa orar the faaea. aad at tha aaaaa Ua au4a a aactloa to rat orar hiao mir, vhaa thaxua vaa dlacharr4. Taaeoroaara jary rare a rardJet to aothia alaet, Cbloaal Doykla vaa rtaHaat ol tha DaKala eotloa aallL el tha raneara aa4 Marehaata Baak. aa4 oihar larra eorporaUoaa. XIa vaa a diiipli to tha aaUoaal Dtaceniic eoaraaUoa) vhlh) aoo9laala4 Cara Ua4ta US4. fUS AT CiEYELLHO, a TartaFlrtaMa KEUd aa4 Tva UJart4. Strut tu Sara Baraei. ay Traa u cw Mnrm t. CXZTtxjura, Nor. 1C Thrae fire- aaaa vara kill ad aa4 tvo lajarad aa tha rcaall ol the larraat fira thai thJa etly bMM nS arad la asoalha. aarly to 4a 7. Tba dead ara Robert Xra Sy, J aa. Sea vada aad Sobart XIaed. The fira vaa la tha laire atraat car arael tha CUrtlxad SUactria Rail vay Ooaaeaay. Tha acopioyaa el tha eoapeay haiiirra that tt vaa el laeea diary orlxla. Thara vara eaa haadrad aootora atortd vtthla tha boUdlax. vhelh cor. artd aa area el fov aerta. aad tha CaavM tpraad lika a vhlrtvla4. aaow atuax the caHUx eat el ail arallaala flra-fixhflax apparaiaa la tha dlf. The aaotora ara ralaad at U.00O aach. Tha ioaa oa tha eolidlarla placed al 130,000. T1D US LLRBEI fa lacarfaraUd al taklxh WBh UptUi flack kt(kaXarau Rulxxos. N.CL, Not. 1L Tha Tad kla Laasbar Ooaapaay, ol Leaolr, N. GL, vllh a capital atoaar ol foar haa drad thooaaad dollara. vaa lacorpora Udhara to-day. The coaapaay vlil deal la tlaber laada. tlabar aad Iaa tar Taa laadiax taeorporatara ol tha tvaatyeae aaaad ara J. Nawtoa n .' p.t A aria CL FaUaV. WaUrrlUa. N. IT.; O'ff - r. Daria. Proetor. Vl : D. A. Wichii, HkhaaoaMl, Va, aad iTdmaad Joaaa ol Laaotr, N. U. A alaaawar 9Uff Taraslaalad vilh aa o!y rat oa tfca lC efJ. R Oraar. ol rraaklla Grora, Til Tl ArrLrmmA A KiabbOTB nicer M- yteiilax to doctors aad raaadlaa for foor yaara. Xhra Uarilaa'a Aralea ealra cored, Ha jixi aa rood tot - Daraa, BemiiM, Bala BrapUoaa aad iniaaT Price tS camta at XL XL Btx- Iajct drax atora. t CASTOR I A r Tfl'iiLi aid CliLlrta. . TIj Khi Yea Han Ahrajs E::.M IWara tha ZlS-frV Bat? n CCatVV I ' a HOUSE CONSIDERS. TAB CUBAN TREATY An Efforts o! Democratic Mem bers to Offer Amendments Were Defeated. VOTE TO BE TAKEN THURSDAY Delate e Ua BO Dcawcrata Dcaki That They DcaJrtito KC1 Treaty. Scaatt PratLtrt PtUlUaa Halut SaaaUff SaiaaL WaaaxruTOX, Nor. II. tiararal pa Utloaa axalaat BaaatorSaaoot ralalalaf hia aaal vara praaaatad la tha Baaate today aad rafarrad to the Coaamtttae oa IM rliaxaa aad Qactloaa. Afiara brUI tzantlra aaaaloa. the 8naU ad- 3oratd. fiNtt al EfprcaeaUtlTra. Taa Hooae ol RapraaaaUUraa baxaa tha eoaatdaralioa of lha baa ra proctty bill to-day. Mr. DaltatL Ra pabiteaa. reaaaylraala. raporUd a rWajatloa prorkllar that tha bUl re ported from lha Waya aad hlaaaa CoaaaalUae ahoold be eoaaJdarad to tha axtlaaJoa of all othar boalaaaa uaUl 4 o'clock Taoraday, vhaa a vote will be Ukra vHhoat laiarraalax nioUo n. Mr. WUllaaaa, DaaaocTut. aUaala afppt. apaaklax for Ua aJaorlty, la e?poalUo to Ua rala. aaJd It vaa ahoot Ua aaoat draalio rala arar tatro dacadtaUaXIooaa. aajlaxJLa& off froaa the Xlooaa all rtiht to parted lha bill. XIa aald Ua aalaortty had d acid ad la e?ar aa am aad aaaa I which pro posed to atrlke oat Ue "doable-bar reUtd pladra- eoatalaad la Ua bUL AppUaaa froaa lha DamocraUe alda rraalad Ua aUlaaaaal that the bill taaradova oaa-fiflh ol ueachadelaa baiit ap by Ua Ripabllcaaa. Ht. DaliaU. rapiylaxto Ua chart a that Ua rala vaa a eaoat draalia maaa ara. rererud toUa Uma wbiiUi WUaoa bill waa peadiax. af r. Crlao Ulax apaakar. aaytax Ual ha cobb aaaadad Ua folaorily to a alady ol Uatr ova perllaeaaatarr hlalory. Tha rala vaa adopted, 17 to 1U. The calaortty rolad aaaalmoauy axalaat Ua rala. Kx RapabUcaaa rolad axalaat It. W1U Ua aaaoaaccajaat el tha rot. Mr. WUliaau. Mlaaiaalppl. aakad aaae taoaa coaaaat to propoae aa aaaaad aaaat to Ue rale tor e yaa aad eay roteoaUe aaaaadaaat propoaad by Ua aalaorlty viU tvaaty mlaalaa dla caaaloa ea aaca laid, a role Uaa to beukaa eaua btlL Mr. Xajae ob iaclad. The Qooae vast tato commlUte ol Ue vhole aad Mr. Payaa opaaad Ua dabalr. XIa aald ao haras wo Id be vroetbt to lha aaxar ladaalry by Ua Utialalloa aow propoaad. Tobacco vaa dealt wtu la Ua aarna way. Mr. Tayaa alallax that Ua ladaalry coald aotbe aarasadbr Ue propoaad aaw arraaxaaaaaL Ila addad thai ao la daalry woo Id be affected by Ue per f actios ol the treaty. Ua aald. la ra plj to aa laqalry, mat he did apt ex pect aaw tadaatriee to be eaUbllahad while Uia q-aaalloa vaa beiaf ax Utad. Mr. WllliaaBa. ol Mlaalaaippf, daalad that tha DcsDOcrala deairad to area ad Ue bill for Ue parpoae ol klUlac ue treaty. XIa bald Ue RapabUcaaa re apoaaihle for Ua fact that Ua treaty la not la force txley. Rafarrlac to Mr. Xafae. Mr. Wllliaaaa aald: "Aa to Ual part of hla a peach which advocalea Uia bill a poo ila merit. It la aljBoat aa aaddea a eoararaioa aa that of 8L real oa hla vay to XHaaaaeaa; It la alaioat aa aaddaa aa occarreaeo aa waa Uia raoeat blrU ol Ue aaw re pa bile of raaaau." Mr. Bwaaaoe. Daeaoerat, ol Vlr rUla. dlacaaatd the pertla which be aaid Uraataa oar foreixa cotnmaroa by Ue aav tariff a paaaed la oUer eoaalriea ta ratallalloa for the D lar ky act. XIa laetattd Ual ual eaa coa Haalnna are aoade from Ue praaaat tariff, all ol Eorope would be combined U eoaaflaercUl varfare axalaat Uta coo a try. lie dlacaaatd Chaaiberlalaa policy, eay tat that M par ee a U of oar foreixa trade vaa with Ue Ual tad XClaxdom aad bar coloalae, all of vbVch ha aald waa jeopardlxad by Uia policy. Mr. Svaaaoa Uaa diaeoaaed Ue arlla which he aald raaoltad from Ue fail ara of Uia coaalry to aexotlale a treaty wUh Caaada. He aald Ua axeloalve policy of Ua Dlai ley act voelddeatroy oar foreixa eommarce, aad raaarkad Ual Ua Repablieaa party would aarar modify 1U Mr. Bwaaaoaiaaid Ue Ureataaed daartra to Ue foreixa commerce ol Uia coaa lry woald max a tariff reform aad re dactkaUe lire aad baralax laaaala polSlica. Mr. Roblaaoa, ladUaa, Uklax ea hla taxt a treaaary auuaaaat. arraad axalaat Ue RapahUcaa poUey vbleb, ha aald. waa Uat ol txeeaaire Uxalloa. XIa rare flxaree ahowlax eabllo moaaya bald by baaka UroacboatUe eeaalry, chart lac uat It la wruax from Ue people by Ue praaaat ayalam of Uxalloa. At 4:4 P. M. the coaimUUa aroar, aad Ue 8peakar aaaooaced Ua fol lowlaxBBaaberaolUaOommiltae oa EaroUadRUla: Maaara. Watcher, ol Marylaad: Barka. of Xaaaaylreaia; Wllaoa, ol IlUaoij; r. Xv. LABdla, ol Iadlaaa; Uoyd, of Mlaaoart; Johaaoa. of t3oalh OaroUaa; Uraraaah. of Calif or ala. The Uat three are Daaaocrala. A lauar from Mr. Ball, of Taxea, aaaoaadax bla realraaUoe waa read. Taa lloaae Uea edjoaraed. IUpreeeaUUre Uadarvood, of Ala baaa, latroduced reaolalloa amaadlax Ue coaatiiaiioa by rapealiax ue Ai- teaaih aaieadmeat. . Repreaeaullre Cram pacta r. Ol ia dlaaa, latrodaced a bill maklnr It a crime paaiahable by daalh to partlcl- peie la taa uracaiax oi aa ansa. SENSATIONAL SUIC1D0. E. Z. Zraif, Caahkr el the Faraura ail Barcaaata Baak. Caailea, S. 8 IkatniaiMli. ay Tatocna to ! Xanlm Stw. Cmit.rrroai. B. CI, Not. 18. The auldda of F. Z. Ztmp, caablar of the Farmtra aad MarcbaaU Baak of Camdaa. ahoekad Ua people of fh towa to-alaht. a raw hour axtarUa accidaaUl alf-daatracUoa of Coloaal EL Miller Boykla. president of Ua baak.iShorUy af Ur reccirtag Ua aawa of Ua death of Colonel Boykla, Mr. Zamp left bla borne oaleaaibly to co orar to Mr. Boykla'a. a ear by. bat la ataad west to bla bara aad committed ralelie. ahootlac blmaair wlih a platol throaxa Ue moula. Fav mea vara bald ta hither eeteam la Camdaa Uaa Mr. Zamp. A d It patch to the and Courier from Camdaa aaya: -If Uare ta eay ahorUxa la Ua baaka aeeoaat It U not known, but a meatlax of tha-dlrectora will beheld la Ue moralBX aad a thorough laTee tixailoa will iollow. Ia yiaw of Ue daaiaef Ua praaideat aadcaahlarue kk will aecaaaarlly be doaed for a day or ao, wbea It U iboaxht Ila buat aeaa will be reauaaad aa aaaaL" A dyaamile azploaloa cccurrad yea- llartaaa, aar Oolombue, O., kliiiag four mea oatrixht. ' 1 : " ' .... i, DSOCRATS CAN r AQREE -. ON CANAL LEGISLATION. Baay rraeaaUleaa Sabsltul al tha faa caa al aeaitara,- Bat Be efrtcauat Ceeld la Stacked. aaaaaamwaBB B1NajBl to Ua htotatat tut. Wasxoxcitos, Nor. 16V-DamocraUe mambara ol the Baaate eaaeoaaed to day from 1:50 vatU S o'clock, bat were anabla to xat" toxeihar oa a pro xrammr aa to canal lacialattoa. Four dUiioet propoalUoaa ware aabmltlad la the form of rtaalatloaa, aad maay other ao rreatioaa ware made inform ally, bat ao axreamaat could be reach ed aad the eaueaa adjourned to meat arala oa call of Beaator Gorman, chalrmaa. Barer al Benaiora la lear lax the eaacua, bitterly eomplalaad or tha leek of harmony which pre railed aad compared Ua Xamocraile poaiiioa vllh Ua aUltade of Ua Repahlicaoa, who, Uay aald, with twice aa maay mambara, bad aota alraxrler, while hardly two DemocraU ware of Ue aamt oplaloa. Benalor Qormaa aald of Ue caacue : "It waa oar flrat pow wow, at which we all talked, aad wa will do oar Ulaktnx afterward." The reeolatloawbleh waa dlaeuaaed at xraateat laaf U waa offered by Ben a tor Cannae k, of Tenneaaee. It declar ed UeeaaUmaat of Ua DemocraU to be Uat Ue preeeat canal law ahoald be pat lato operalioa by Ua PrealdaaL The raaolaUoa declared tha 8pooaar act to be Ue preeeat law J roraraln tha aathoriUUraccaraeof tha U oiled Butee la retard to Ua bolldinx of a caaal aad bald that aader Uat act the prttldaat ahoald proceed to Ue build tax ol the caaal oa Ue Nlcaraxaa aad CbtU Rica route. lUaaaartad Uat Ua raaaoaahla time for acqalrlax Ue Panama roaU Itpaed at Ua death of the Hay-IIerrea treaty aad that Ua Praaideat eoaeeqaeatly waa left with ao alleraatiee but to build tha caaal oa tha more northerly UthmUa route. Ia rapport of thia reaolalloa epeecbeewere made by Benaiora Car mack. Taller, BJackbara. Pattaraoa aad othare. The apeeehae were tn ter ra pled by ae a alora differ lag wtlh Ue pro pod lion, Ue priaelpal argameau baiax made by Beealora Baeoe, CUy aadOockreU. It waa appareet at the oataet Uat a molloa of aaca radical character could sot harmoalaa Ue minority. .... 1. Ceaaare for Ue Preaideal for bla aUegcd aaaiaUaoe of Ue Panama re TOlt, bat sledxlax aapport If a caaal treaty ware made with Ue aew ra public, waa Ue purport of a reaolalloa offered by Beaator Da cca aa a aabaUlaU for Ua Carmaek piaa. Tela ocpoelie extreme met lm mediate rajaetioa. It waa at thU point Uat aome ol Ue aeaatora withdrew from the eaaeaa. Two compromise plane ware aag gaatcd. The flrat waa offered by Ben alor New laada, whopropoeed Uat the ateerlag commiUee be eaUorlaed to bold a coaferaace with a com mittee of Demoeratle mambara of Ue Xloaae to be appointed by RapraeeaUUra WlllUma, of Ue Hooae minority, for ue parpoae of praparlax aome party policy. ThU raaolaUoa waa aaUxoaned oa Ue rrooad Uat the Demoerata of the Xloaae already bare adopted Uelr pro grammela ralailoa toUeOabaa re ciprocity eaabUax act aad Uat aay oplaloa the Xlouae may bare oa Ue caaal treaty coald aot affect Ue poai Uoa ol Ue Baaate. A proposal to aalhorUe Beaator Oormaa to appoiat a eommlUee of flretoderiaea procrammeoa which there woald be at leaat a fif hilar, chaaee of Baited aciloo waa madr, aad for a time tt appeared that a eolatioa of Ue dlffereaeee had bee a reached. Bcreral aeaatora left Ue eaaeaa aader the tmpraarioa Uat UU eoaree woald be adopted, bat objeetloa waa ralard by Uoee Demoerata who had aapport ed Beaator Carmacke rcaolatioa aad Ue eaaeaa Uea adjoaraed. It waa aald toalght by a leading member ol Ue Beaale Democratie Blearing committee that Ue minority party la all probability will meet the qoeatloa ol caaal legtalalloa without orgaaixaUoa or aay klad aad will act According to ladlrklaal opinloar. A SAVINGS BANK'S CASHIER IS M1SSINQ. Fraa ParUaiaalk, Va. led Wltb Rlai Writ Sereral Tfeaeaxad Delia ra el Ua Baax'e Meaty. By Ttbcraph to Oa Kora! Star. Nobtolt, Va-, Not. IS. J Oka EL Dowalag, eaahler of the Porta mouth Dtme Barlaga Baak, la mlaalsg aad with him waat eeeeral Uouaaad dol lara ol the benke money. He left the city Batarday aifht, November 7ih, UlUag Mr. A. J. Phlllipa, prealdeat of the baak. that he waa got nr. to apead Baaday with frleada la Baffolk. Fall lag to pat la aa appearaaee at hla deak Ue followlag Monday, laqalrlee were made aad It dareloped Uat he waa aot la Baffolk. Fearing a defalcation, la Yeetlgalloa of hla booka waa made with iha Mult that avdaflcUaeref aararal Uouaaad dollara waa dlaoortred. Tola morning wbea the baak'a doore were opeaad Ue followlag aUte meat waa poatad: 'J oh a XL Downier, late caahUr of 1Mb baak, baa defaulted aad left Ue city. 81ace hla eborUxe waa diaeov a red a Uorough examlaatloa baa been aaade of Ue books and aaairs or taia baak by Maaara. Freak Won y colt, Qaorge Woayeolt aad A. XC Owaa, Jr., aad a report maaa ey team to toe DOaaNeQia "Th imAntt fif tha dafldancT aa ahowa by aaid report baa been paid or ahA)nUiV eennd to be Bald, aad the dcpoaltora of the baak: aeeared from aay or all loae by reeaoa of bla defal- eauoa." Dowalag waa bonded for $15,000 la a thoroughly reliable company. There are about one Uouaaad de port Ion of Ue PortamoaU Dime Bar- laga Baak, aad Uelr depoaiir-raege la amoaaU from one dollar a p. A panic waa thMiUBMl UU m oral nr. Boom of eredltore raahad to Ue baak with feara Uat they bad loet erery canL At the baak they were asrared that ail vaa uf. MiBT of them vera dubioaa, howerer, aad drew their de- poaiU aad carried them tuaewoere. Aa Ue morning adranoed the aneaai na laMdfd. Tha larre daootitore came forward with their atual Mon day morning depoaiU aad did much to allay lean. 19 THE FAS EAST. Beatnilks Bctveaa BbuU aad Chlaa Ap- - pear ta be lamlacsL By Cable is Um atocalac Bur. Moeoaw, Not. 18. The BaaxUa military re-occapalloa of Mukden, Uaaeharia, baa eaaied teniloa aad haa arouaed aaeh aa eggreaalre attitude oa tha part or Chlaa Uat Ue -continued dirpatch or troops to the Far XCaat la aow aald to be directed agaiaat Chlaa, deeplte the padflo tura or the Raaao Japaaeae dlapote. Troope totalling 1W.000 were ordered to the Far XCaat when boalllltlea appeared imminent aad they ara being continually draft ed from Ue goverament of Moeoow and tha nine rurroundlng prorlnoea. With the troope already la Ue Far eaat Uay will give Raaala aa orer whalmlng force vlth which to orer awa Chlaa. COLOMBIA MAKES : EARNEST PROTEST- t awaBwaaawaaawHBWBwaBaawava - Against the Action ot the United States "In the Secession : of Colombia. j ADDRESSED TO THE SENATE. : r i I Clilma That tha Mais Ceapoaalblllry for Ike Seceialea ef Psaaaa Uea With j tBsUelted Statet A Petltloa tor Jaitlce J I Br TaUsfru to tba KonilM ISUr. fj LoHDOJr, Nor. 10. The Colombian aaUorltlee bare cabled to London a leagUy proUat agaloat the United Blatee' action toward Panama, In which they claim that "the main re spooalblllty for the eeeeaaloa of Pan ama Ilea with the United Btatea gor arameat; flratly, by fomenting "tie separatlet aplrlt, of Which there aeema to be clear evidence; aecondJy, by firereotlBg the Colombian government rom nalag proper meaoa to repreaaUe rebellion." i I The cable meaaage goee oa to aay that Prealdeat Marroquln haa"errer getlcalJy proteated to the United Btatea aod Uat his proteat ahoald be known tbroaghoatthe civilised world. The prealdeat contends that the United Btatea baa Infringed Article 35 or the treaty of 1845, which be aeaerta lm- Sllae Ue doty oa Ue part of the United latecto help Colombia la maintain ing her eorerelgoty orer Ue lathmna, ead adda that Ue Colombian govern ment repudiate the aaaamptlon that Uay have barred the way lo carrying out the canal," The proteat asserts that the delay la the aerotlatloae bad aot affected the ultimate laaae of the canal project, aad concludes: "The haallnesa la recog alxtag the aew government which sprung up under these circumstances la all Ue more surprising to Ue Colom bian goverament, aa Uey recollect the nergetio oppoaiUon of Waablngtoa to the acknowledgment of tha bellig erency of Ue Confederates by the powers daring Ue civil war. Text ef Preuit Nrw Yobx.Nov. 18. The New York Evening Post haa received Ue text ot iha rviWnhtan nrfltMi It ia addreued to the Ualted Btatea Senate, aad lav algaed by Prealdeat Marraqaia. ine Evening Poat'a dispatch Is aa follows: "The Prealdeat or Colombia baa to day addressed Ue American Senate ia Ue followlag terms; " 'To UU Excellency, the President of the Senate, Wash mat on: Excellency: The government and people of Colombia have been pain fully surprised at Ue notification given by the mlalater of Ue Ualted Blatee to the effect that the govern ment at Washington bad hastened to recogaixe Ue government consequent apoa a barracke coop la the depart ment of Panama. The bonds of aiaeere and uninter rupted frleadahlp which ualte the two govemmeaU aad the two peoples, the eolema obligation undertaken by the American union In a public treaty to guarantee the aoverelgaty aad prop erty of Colombia la the Isthmus of Panama, the protectloa which the clt lxeae of Uat country enjoy and will continue to ea joy among us, Ue tra ditional prlaclplee of Ue American government la oppoaiUon to aeceaaion movements; Ue good falih which haa characterised Uat great people la lta International relations ; the manner la which the revolution was brought about aad the precipitancy of its recognition, make Ue government aad people of Colombia hope Uat the Senate of Ue people of the Ualted Btatea will admit Uelr obligation to assist us In maintaining Ue Integrity of oar territory aad la repreasiag that laaarrectloa which la not area the re sult of a popular feellag. Ia Uus demanding justice. Co lombia appeale to Ue dignity j and honor of Ue American Senate , aad people. -. (Slgaed) MJLaJlBO.rnr., "It Is to be hoped that the petltloa for Justice which Colombia makee to the American people will be favorably re eel red by a sound public oplaloa among Ue aone of that country. . (Signed) "MorisTXK or GoTKRXatxarr. "EsTXBur JiBnrn.To.w Win Be LaiJ Briers Seaate. WasHigaTOir, Not. 18. The i pro teat of Ue Colombian government agaiaat Ua recognition by Ue United Btatea of Ue Independence of Panama was received to-day by Senator Frye, aa prealdeat pro. tern, of the Seaate. The document was aot laid before the Senate because ofUe diplomatic re quirement Uat It ahould be transmit ted through the Secretary of State, i It la la Spanish aad Beaator Frye had It trans La led with a view to transmitting It to Secretary Hay to-morrow. It will be sent to Ue secretary with the request that It be specially returned, wbea Senator Frye will lay It before Ue Seaate. - . CHAWED WITH BRIBERY. U. s, ieaater Deltrlch ef Ksbraska, la dktet ly the U. 8. tear! al Omasa. Br TaUcm to tha Xorai&x but. Obllha, NrB., Nor. 18. The Ualted Btatea grand jury to-night returned true bllle agaiaat Ualted Btatea Beaa tor Charles IX. Dietrich aad Postmas ter Jacob Fiaher. ot Hastings, Neb., charging them with bribery aad con spiracy. - .The Senator ia charged with accepting a bribe of fJ,&00 from Fisher, la coaslderatloo of which the latter waa recommended for the postmaster ahlp at Hastings. , J ' WARM WIRELETS i -The Nary Departmeot le la receipt or a cablegram from Colon announc ing the arrival there of the battleship Maine, j ! M. Banau-Varllla, Ue mlalater from Panama to the Ualted Btatea, an nounces that the banking houae of J. P. Morgan Sc Co. haa been appointed fiscal ageot la the Ualted 8tatea of the republic or Paaama, f i . In a fight between negroee at a merry-making on Saturday night near B lire report. La., Johaaoa Sbepard aad Took Harrla were Instantly killed and Alexander Thomaa and Jamea Terrell eerioualy wounded.- W. Y. Abraham, manager ot the BIchmond, Va , Typewriter Exchange, waa atrlcken with heart diteaae yeater day In a street car and died la a few minutes. 'He leavee a wife aad two daughters. -Hla age was about alxty. Marvin Hart and Joe Choynikl went air rounds to a draw at the Washington Sporting Club, Phila delphia, last night. - The bout was a fast one, both men taking severe pun ishment and both were bleeding free ly at the close. 7 :., -i t ' The Standard Oil Company, of New Jersey, hss declared a dividend of $13 Kr share, payable December 18th. tie is an increaae of 2 over the divi dend declared at thta time a year ago, and brings the total dividends for the year to 44 per cent, compared, with - Y0UNQ WOMAN MURDERED. Mntllatci Body Fonid Near Her Home Ia llUioIa By Telegraph to the atoning Btar. PsOBia, Iix , Nov. 18. The muti lated aad half-nude body of Ella Hen nlnger, daughter of a well-to-do farm er, llvlag near Blahop'a Hill, waa fouad t(Hlay half burled la an aban doned corn field near the girls home by a searching party that had been looking for her aince Sunday morn ing. Fred Strube, son of a neighbor ing farmer, le missing. Strube, Ella Henalnger and her alater Alice drove to a school house near Havana Saturday evening. Upon their arrival home shortly before midnight Alice alight ed from the carriage aad Strube whip ped up hla horses and drove away with the other Bister. That waa the last seen ot Ella Hennlnger until her dead body waa found to-day. The skull had been crushed aa it by a bloat instrument. Strube'a jealousy is glveo aa the cause of the crime.' It la koown that he was la love with the girl, had proposed marriage but was rejected. Sad D0MINQ0. Threat te Sink Clyde Steamer If Sbe Tries to Force Blockade. - By Telegraph to the Morning etar. New Yobx, November - 18. The ageota here of the Clyde Line eteamer Cherokee which had trouble with the Dominican government authorltlea on her laat trip to that laland, declared to day that the Cherokee will aall next Wednesday on her regular schedule and will pursue her regular Itinerary, stopping at Samana bay, Monte Ohriatl, Beaches, Puerto Plata and Macorlr. Manuel de J. Galvan, conaul general from San Domingo to New York, said to-day that the Cherokee will surely be sunk If she attempts to enter the harbors named. He eaya that the entire San Dominican navy, the gun boats El Presidents and Independence, are on guard to maintain the block ade of thoae porta, now In the handa of the rebele under Jimlnrs. "If the Cherokee attempta to enter any of theee porta the guoboata will not parley with her this time," said Mr. Calvan. "They will surely elnk her.1' NEW ENOUND MILLS. A Ceafereace Wllhont Resell oa the Tea Per Cest. RedactloB. By Telecraph to Ua atoning Star. Fall Bttkb, Mass., Not. 16. a conference without result favorable to the ope rati vee waa held to-day be tween delegatea from, the Textile Council aad repreeeatativea of the executive committee of the Manufac turers' Association over the coming 10 per cent, reduction in wages. The delegatea from Ue Textile Council made a vlgoroua proteat and offered aa a aubetltute a plea for a cur tailment by which all mllla ia New England would be operated oaly four days a week. The manufacture ra' committee refused absolutely to make any change In Uelr plana. The Yacht "Aroostoek." The handsome steam yacht "Aroos took," owned by Mr. Chae. A. Dean, of Boston, Maaa., arrived In port Sun day, from the North, for coal and elight repairs to her machinery. She is bound South aad will spend the Winter at Punta Gorde, Fie. The owaer of the yacht, Mr. Dean, and hie friend, Mr. Wear, are aboard. Capt. L A. Bennett, pilot, Chief En gineer Arthur A. Slocum aad a crew of six men are re quired to tnaa the craft, which Is a bread new one and of beautiful modeL She Is 80 feet long-, 18 feet beam and draws only 3 feet of water. She haa two Improved Sidbury triple expansion engines. Her boilers carry 300 horse power. The twia screws drive her along at 15 or 16 miles an hour uader forced draught. New HaBover-Feider Ferry. Next Thursday haa been decided apoa aa the date for ,the conference of the commissioners of New Hanover and Pender counties at Castle Haynes for the purpose of considering the prac ticability of establishing by purchase or lease a free ferry screes Northeast river, about which ao much haa been written lately. The conference will moat probably be held at noon. Burnett'a Vanilla Extract la the fixed atandard of excellence. It haa outlived eriUciam. It ia the finest aad pureat vanilla extract that ean be bought. " Corneliua Williams, the negro who ahot end killed Andrew U. Green in New York city on Friday laat. was In dicted, yesterday for murder In Ue first degree, aad wilt pieau to tne in dictment to-day. BUSINESS LOCALS. bbt Booms fee nans or Bale, tvost or Found, wants, and other abort BOsoauaneoaa Orer- tbMzaanti tnMrtad ta UDa Detaartnaent, la sona Btootrie Type, fori mt par were aaehtaasr Oou bat ao advarOaeiBont taken for leaa than BO . Tarma Doatttvaiv eaah ta advaaee - tost Sunday afternoon on Third between OssU street and at, Jamea' Chorea a black Liberty sua Bo. Bnitabie reward for return to BIO Boota Third street. no 17 It Th Only Bestaorantt 108 Market street, la the only Utdlts' restaurant la the city. First class in every respect. Open day and ntobk Terms reasonable. novlvtf tie I will apply to tha Board ot Alder men and County Commissioners at tee next meeting to retail spirituous and malt liquor at llth Markatatreet. H. BteUea. inov 11 80t If otlee We are now serving first-class oys ter roasts to ladles and gentlemen lnl nrst-clasa style dayornlgbt at the Atlantic View Hotel, wrlghUTUie Sound. Call np later Btate Phone ss. call or M cell a. . nosim L,t waputanewooUar on your overcoat; Wiuniogton Pressing Club, 807 Market street. octSti Wrap-plus: rsvpor For aalajaeveral thou send Old Newspapers, all slieaasultable for wrapping paper, and lost the thing to put under carpets and matting. Will be sbld at greatly reduced pnoes. Apply at the Bias offloe. , octatf Wrapplea Paper For sale, several thou sand Ofdnewspapers, all sizes, suitable for wrapping paper, and Just the thing to put under carpets and matting. Will be sold at greatly reduced prices. - apply at the Braa offloe. . octatf Cabbac, Aptlgs, Onions, Irish Potatoes, Kggs and ail klnda of produce at A. 8. Wln atead'a to-day, SIS Market street. Both 'Phones. - sap etc , .v Bewlsig naeaiaee Typewriters, Organs repaired, cleaned and re Tarnished: Up holaterlns cone also. Address J. B. rarrar, ao. South Eighth street. jesotf Brews Lecborn Esrgs from high bred stock, tor sale at 60 cents per dose a. B. A. Montgomery, Eighth and Pnnoess streets. . apftt : , - Oflees tor rent in The Worth Building the most convenient business location in the city. Modern equipment Apply to The Worth do. . febiatc - . - ; leatr Name the Shoe You will get 120.00 for it, provided the name you give la accepted above ell others. For next choice $10.00 win be given and for third and fourth choices, ts.oo each will be paid by a eertaln re- , spenslbie manulacturer, of Boeton,MaS8. It Costs You flttthinfl toTryv But you will have to think and act auick- ly for this contest, bo get your wunv r mm nnt an tout "thinking cap and let us nave coupon to send in by October S8th not later, xou wuiuo . ' inrm thM avurv two weeks for some time to come. CaU and we win explain .- fully. ,v ' -. ' ltemaaaber. please. . that we Sell Shoee ' And more people are row wearing Bhoea . - vm Mian mr before. This fact shows the popularity of our lines . hW am a nnvAval anyatATfl. PERCER & EVANS CO., octl8tf - lis Princess street. d 53 O Pi o CM CD O fl eo 4 O W 09 d o O o o aa CO o N Q o ft 2 PT 0 0 pi CD CQ 5- -a O o o Pt a o 09 O ca e3 O O o o o NORTH CAROLINA Rust Proof Seed Oats. Excellent quality. Very low price. We have some extra fine Rough Rice, suitable for seed. BAGGING AND TIES. Fish, Cheese, Crackers. Grain and Hay. Salt and Molasses. Samples and prices on application. THE WORTH CO. 06J9U FRUITCAKE For jour Fruit Cake we have it cleaned and prepared ready for use: Raisins 15c per lb , 2 for 25c Currents 10c Per lb.. 3 for 25c Citron 20c per lb., 3 for 50c Orange Peel 20 per lb., 3 for 50c Lemon Peel 20 per lb,, 3 for 50c Fiks iboer Donna. Shelled Almonds 35c per pound. Shelled Walnuts 35c per pound. WILUINGTON BAKING CO., Phil. Christ's Old Stand, nol2tf 109 S. Front St. BOWLING ALLEYS For -Benefit of the Ladles. The KzcelElor Triple Bowling Alleys at 114 nonn stom sfieoi un imu vijwtoj. manasrameotdesireatoannoanoe that npon a raw hours notloe the entire set ot three alleys will be reserved exclusively for any party pf ladles wbo mar desire to use same. Absolutely no connection In any way with saloon oeipw, nor will admittance be given to outsiders when . ii . .h.HM will hA majlA to any party of ladles wbo may desire to nse 'Phone 4V aovatf (Juliets. Full weight packages new fish. ' Deed Rye and O&lo. BAGGING AND TIES. Cargo SALT just arrived. HALL & FEABSALL. sepistt : DO YOU WAWT AN IBON BED ! We are brboU for the celebrated Brrostein S piece -bed, the best in America. The springs are warranted five years. ' Bee oar stock of Furniture In cluding Hey wood Chairs. We v defy competition. . . GASTOII D. PHARES & CO., lio-iis Market St. oosstf . -Inter-State vs.. To Excursionists. The first thins yon should do on'yonr arrival la Wilmington is to have a clean, easy ahavet or a stylish hair-cat, or a cool and refreshing sham wo. roeaimy, yon may need ail oi theee com The raTonte" Barber shop is the place. GTJlON & DAVIS. aaistt Ho. t Bontb Front Btreet. HartSdiaffncri G Mine Hand Tailored CopyxlfM ISO bj Hart Scho Mix - THE A. ndyl5 tf - ' j- " ISFEVV MILLINERY. In our Millinery Department line of new Hats. New Silk shapes in Black and Colors former price $2.75. Some Hats, a very pretty assortment, We are selling a very prettj line of children's ready trimmed hats for 50c each. In Ladies' Beady to Wear we have some very nice hats which we have been selling at $1; we are offering them this week for 50c; we will also offer this week onr Nos. 40 and 60 Taffeta Ribbons, regular price 20 and 25c a yard, for 15c a yard. Onr Nos. 5, 7 and 9 Eibbons we will sell at 5c a yard. Nos. 12, 16 and 22 we will sell at 10c a yard. A nice line of colors in new Ping Pong veils at 25c a yard. Ladles Lace Collars. We received to-day a beautiful assortment of these goods with prices from 75c to $4.50 To de scribe these collars would be impos sible on paper, but to show them will be a pleasure. In Aplique Trimmings, all Over Yokings and Val&nd Torchon laces, we have them in all prices, new styles and new goods. 'In new Val laces and insertings to match, we have some very dainty styles, in prices from 25c to $1.25 a doz yards. Ladies' and Children's Un derwear. This line of goods is complete in all its departements. In Childrens, Misses and Ladies Union Suits, full size, we have them for 25c a suit, 50c, 75c and tl a suit. In Boy's heavy fleece Union suits we have them at 50c a suit. In Children's underwear, shirts and pants, fleeced backs, size 16 are 10c each and up to 34 are 30c each. Boy's heavy fleeced back shirts and pants, all sizes are 25c each. Ladies bleach Remember in our Millinery department we Trim All Hats Free ll material is bouirht from us. and tickets with all cash purchases at THE BIG RACKET STOI Geo. O. nov 14 tf THE C. W. POLVOGT CO. NEW ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' CHILDREN'S DISPLAY. SPECIAL CARPET SALE THIS WEEK. A nice Brussel Carpet only 65c, made, laid and lined. Another new lot oTMillinery date goods will be found in this department. The O. W. Polvost C nov 15 tf FilsM I too Busy in Write i LOOK OUT "KT TP J oct27tf - - ' " " ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK Wilmington, OX. C. ; . Organized- Capital $125,000; T -i. .iaetnoai " - muLuivAa. afro! H. L. Vollers, N. A. Hunt, Wm. E. f Worth, J. S. Arm j vtnnlHUM( - A. Parsley, , J. G. L.Gieschen, William b I All sizes. ; Accessible at any hour NflTA n annair. nnxHX i tir xtautj iu uiid TO DRESS For Fall and Winter! - WEST AND LAST: I Dress Well! v; If you are in doubt we can post you carry big lines of and big lines of rich, conger vative styles of Soifs and Oyercoais. DAVID CO " Modern Clothiers. we have just received a splendi Beavers in the latest and newe we will offer this week at $1,9 beautiful styles in Children's 1 from 75c each to $2 each. ed Vests with taped necks from 5 9, lull size are 25c eacb. Long Black Plumes. Amazon plumes, 15 inches Ion $1 50 each. Amazon plumes, inches long, $2 each. Clothing. Our clothing department has the latest style clothing, as well shirts, underwear, men's and bo hats, neckties and hosiery. To a nice. suit at the lowest poss price, call on us. We handle a line of Silverma! goods, and every snit fits as well though tailor-made. Uar $9, $12.50 and $15 suits are equal style and cut to the best tai made garments. We have received this week pair all-wool boys' pants, sizes 6 to 14 vears old, that we sella! a pair. Ladies' Tailor Made Suit Our ladies' suits are being m ud in the latest styles, aral $ pect them in this week. The pa will run from $9 to $18 each. sitwi We will also have a new and ht some line of ladies' skirts in on, next steamer. Prices from U I Psrt each. iBi Ladies' waists, we have in It silk and wool. Prices from I $4.75 each. Sweaters. We have iust received two Of sweaters for ladies, which ftertainlv verv nice, and sonf them verv handsome, for $2.50( up to $4 and $5 each. do not forget that we are pun - Gaylord, PKOPM compl; prei Aious kot-he ared. Commj cope, 1 J which Jrth po ."Ned to lipGaut Tup. W )onr bui SWEATERS NOW just opened. All the new ana The Ct , prote Britis of 1 v'The tei From Ten In V Th Jof th Hy Promised J .Sis M1e lap J of , i crops ngt; FOR IT LATER. TO A T?."KIBj. 206 North Front. i92. '.y - v-;SarplU vft" vi wuv of the day. MIC B'S nil- 1 nth IB Ci per cent. lasi year. '1 '. ( . ' " - i 1