PICTORIAL PUZZLE. - "ituiiiE ONES. J . , . . , i Dr.. . A- PIT A-T At.U .KICLi: Or JEW'F.IJtT 18 ia:rKEtLTKU? ,7 a ivy o, vvj 1 7 IM TV Kin.l Von flare Ahsrojs Bought, axnl which Las been f.r orrr 3ft jcnr, has bomo tho aljmstnre of 7 liA tx-ra &3(!o under his per- yj?Z77' onal orrtWon laco lu Innuay. ; xof . vHoxr oo ono todroHre yoa la thl. U i vi-ulrri'clb, ImlUtioa and. JusUa.-sxxxl" arc bot .;iKuti that trlflo with ant rndjujj;cr the health of t?.i it and CbDdren Kspcrieaco oalmt CxpcrtmenU What is CASTOR I A Cit. rU l a hannle suh.rtltat for Castor Oil. Par lrM. Itxp ami Soothing Sjrrai. It U IlnuanU It ructj n orilbrr Oplam. 3Iorpbtjo xor oilter N&rrotlo vi.tao-r. Iucb Its cuaimnt. It dotroy Worm U.J aIUj FerrrijduMwc. It cures DlarrtKCA and Wind Cu-. I rrllrc Tc thine Trooblr, cares Oocutl pation ial rutulrncy. It lmiltcs the Food, regulates tbo $Mua-h and ILawels, trlrtnjr healthy and natural alecp -n Clildrcns Panacea The Mother Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears tho Slgnatnro of S7 The KM You Have AIways Bought In Use For Over 30Year6. Oh PRINTING.I j J o BINDING R A il I I Mill I iMI-v K mus liuiiiiiu. o Y P RlrHE STiH J03 PR1XT1HS OFFICE. I Ron RiMnm imd mnJMS TBEJH iPPOIMTUEHTI O o o o o o o o g o EVERY YARIETY OF PRIHTIHB, RULING AND BINDING DONE $ NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY & 5 CHEAPLY. Mr" T I i; M ft PrrUr. WlUt ISOTOI. Jr. C. O :-dooooooooooooooooooo Standard Beef. 0 Cases ono pound Beoi; $1.00 Dozen Pounds Brolun Candy, 0 l-2c pound. "W". IB. Winter Lap Robes! H HAVE JUST OPENED UFA OTOBIB Winter lapbobes- dotouheed;one? CITY LIVERY CO. v W. D. MaeMlllan. Jr., Proft TH E NOKTn CAROLINA flT2 HOEJIAL AITD UTDUSTBIAL COliEQE. TwV www Mi - kafra earfnt!,- .1.; VT" " H ,-v iuc iracrure win not complete, for tbe two It be heM tACi: l.ww E"" wui be wood u fibrs ofth rT. 'I!i.th!QSh J0 nd them V 1 X ? acuie ingle, ow lay the bent match on the mouth of own accord, resume their On (nn nt ce a mckel com. What you have 0 do now it tn. 1, . . Te drop lnto the "JJ toucaiujf either it or the match An- rcrtlv thU will W hard to do, b5 jou can Uj find a way if yoa' paJ on your thmkinf cap' an recall bout the effect tfc.t ,.-4 . on wood. 3lu,D ,,as You catch the idea, of course all jou hate to do ia to let a few drops of water fall on the place where the match is broken and wait. Present ly you win see tUe two parts of the i.u xaoTe 01 tneir trying apparently to former straight form. This motion of the two part will keep tip until ther hare a wide enough space between them for the COUl to drOD throng itKati course, it wfil faU down into' the bottle. The secret of the trick is that the water makes the wood swell, and the more it swells the more the two parts tend to straighten themselves. You do not require a bottle to perform the trick, for the match will try to straighten itself on any thing that is mooth, like a pol ished table or a china plate. Of course, a smooth surface is ncccs ary to prevent friction. New York Press. FOR THE UTTLE ONES. and than WOMAN. Kn T..- A tr t a doien oShAfS9 fZ.ye? nuuTie life, Bnffering with painful menstruation bout hfttS Ed rear aWifeMl DOt able to be up more 1 strong. read. fandwUHnX8!i?tCrent TT"? Kfive "bort months, made me robust anc f ISKew -gSSS! to yZfor th,6,burden? 8114 dnties carried life and to enjoy it. pleasures y Rooa ce&itu and am today blessed with a Jbaby wh0 jg the mde of our home and this is all due tp your medicine. You will not won der then that I am grateful to you. VlCB-PaniBBlfT, HOUBTOK HOTHIXS' CliUS 3 uvi n Wine of r T"1" f Crdur.brings bealth to sickromen. Wine of Cardui brings children to barren homes. u-usiorma bick wires into real women women who glow with health and are full of life. MrsMason was an invalid, a type of the thoroughly discouraged woman. By taiing Wine of Cardui she as secured perfect health. She has become a happy mother and now rejoices in the life which was once such a burden and a sorrow to her. A man can be almost an invalid and keep about, but the troubles which gen erally afflict women are so vital that as Mrs. Mason said of herself "I was a poor excuse for a wife". No woman should allow herself to remain in this condition. How can any refuse the health Mrs. Mason has . Wine of Cardui is freely offered to all. Any woman may seucre exactly the same relief if she will take Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui is not a strong medicine but it is a certain cure for menstrual irregularities. It will not do impossibilities but it does cure bearing down pains, makes motherhood possible for barren wives and relieves the pains at the monthly period. Secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui today. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. J A SCALP LOCK is something to get hold of. But here are soma other kinds of LOCKS tbat are far more useful. " m , , To name all the different kinds of looks we carry would take a lot or spaca. Perhaps It w enough to say that we have every sort that Is made tor outdoor and indoor use for trunks, crates, etc. ... " we dont handle the low grade, badly made and very cheap locks. Our prices are not high, but they secure excellent value. OS 27 tf Orton Building. "'a- Ih.knpcrc. "X wxt hesitate, to cut and slash and chaiiRe any play untij It suits me," saM Stuart Kobson to bis legal ad viser on one occasion. -I suppose you edit Shakespeare with a blue pencil?" replied the law-rer. "You can Just bet I do." Tben. I Imnjrlm you would plead guilty to an indictment for murderins the Hard of Avon." "No; 1 would uot. but diawcting bl trp." I would admit Hew Cost Mr. FroaoU Bheda Hla Once Each Year. Froga change their skins after the winter is well over and there is no more danger of (harp winds and nip ping frost. And this is the way they do it: A froggie whose skin is "ripe,, will go off all br himself and sit under a big; broad plantain or burdock leaf in the shade. Just blinking his eyes for an hour or mora. Sometimes he will shiver. and his ski a will seem to creep, and presently he will "bunch" his back and sit in the funniest round shoul dered fashion. Then a bur crack will appear in the thin, dry outer most covering or his skin, often from the middle of his flat head to the tip end of his broad body. As soon as he feels this he besins to wriggle, and the dry, husky skin sphts wider and wider and rolls back farther and farther until he can reach the ragged edge of tt with one of his feet. Then he begins to scratch and at last peels it off his legs and over his head just as little peeple peel off r their tight fitting tunnels sometime. And then dreadful to Telate, though Mr. Frog gie enjoys it hugely be rolls it all up in a little bunch and eats it ! NEW MILLINERY, Pome ot the ancient agreements be tween the HttW SwIm states were very actrworttsy. 1 0 Bern and Frt boorf made a covenant which lasted for more than 200 years by which they agreed that even a war. between then should not destroy tbHr agreement, that no war between them should be entered on wltboct a previous attempt at conciliation and that within four teen days el tbe end of any feod all terrttarr cmxroered and spoils of wsr Bust b rvfuroed to their owners. Ctt Ire which 030 years ago could agree to such terms tocm to live In history. &(. Scbaernaasra and Appensell a few years later were wise and far slghud eooagn to agree "to alt still and serk coadUaUon" In case or oilier eoc between them. Just over 600 years ago the Swtaa ctmfederatloa was founded by the three tiny mountain state rrt Hcbwye and -NldwaJden. which, remaining small and unimpor tant thma!v. have by the force of th Idea of onion drawn to themselves from tune to Uxae larger stales, and Bowevfttl dtiea tin today the Swiss aa- tkm ran In proportSoa to Its else and popeJatloti boast f a prooder history and greater benefits to mankind than any other naUoo La Europe, lJt4o wu One of the eld governors of the Caro ptxM ra s man. who ssd lived a fann er life most of the Urns until be waa elected, and hi wife, baring never sees a steamboat or a railroad and having so wtsb to teat either osa, re fBsod to accompany her husband to the capital. When the governor reached his desti nation be found that almost all the other cfiiciftta were secern panied by thetr wives, and he sent an Ulcerative n,i,iijT to his brother to -fetch Me- Uads stesg " Tbe brother telegraphed. -She's afrsJJ even to look at the engine." The governor read the message sod pondered over It for a few moments. At the end of that time be sent off the foUowtng command: -IRU. yon bundzeld lleilada and back her on to the train.- UeCnds arrived at the capital with the vtctorlooa BUI twenty-four hours later. SUosrteJJ The rtaglall soonkry. 00 of the most valuable and eipeneJve f the smaller antxaals. I rsoght la as Interesting way. a coroanut Is spUt In two and a bsssss with s piMt of wood running throogh It placed lengthwise throogb the aot. the two halves of which are drawn together by wires. Then a hole Is cut Urge eooogh ror me mouc7 . paw to enter. The mooky sple the trtopOog sot from hie tree. He bops down, looks It over, sees the bole snd Mnena the bans as InsJde. H f bsssoss. rutting his pew la. bo crssM It. but the wood prevests it from coming est. Tbes the cstcbers Wsn and the tnookey run- foe s tre. But k cannot climb because of the cocoa t ooti od ho will not let go of that, so be is captured, pawing wild ly at the tree trunk. Mla4 Her Cseokr. T SSTstory of bis early expert ise e PoaSl work good many M ini s London branch ?Z .S . cSontr came is nd eJ5c. n3 c"r!L. winter to the tended a letter over O trrJtag Toong woman who w" .TT. .d. mf.mv sod who. after resuioaM Tint 2 T said it would be 't- fsTTver rskl taere tsn twopence jluriwwr" k-. tho cos- crerweUt, saidth. et ts Chins were flvepenc. Vaodres to;Dre "Bn Ctrl' Haklt. Why." asked her anxious nnd ed mother, "do you think be U comlnc w iue point at last?" ieij. me inaiuen replied, looking uemureiy nown at the rue. -when he took me Jn bis arms and kUi.nl nie last night he an Id he d cot w twod to me be awn t believe Le could ever break' bliu- wr or the habit." - Chicago IUwrd- Hemld. DUoalross Wreaks. Csrelessneas Is respoBsible for msnv a railway wreck, and the tame causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat sad Lung trouble. Bat since tho advent of Dr. Kings Net Discovery for Contumpllon, Coughs a so uoid, eves the worst cases can bo cored, and hopeless resignation la bo longer BOcesrT. Mrs. Lois Crarr. or uorco fiter, atsss., ta one or many whoso life wss saved by Dr. Klnr'a New Discovery. This great remedy ia guaranteed foe all Throat and Lung; diseases by It. U. tixxiajrr. druggisi. Pries 60 oeaU sod SL00. Trial bottles free. t Guban Blossom S fn our Millinery Department we have just received a splendid line of new Hats. New Silk Beavers in the latest and newest shapes in Black and Colors we will offer this week at $1.98, former price $2.75. Some beautiful styles in Children's White Hats, a very pretty assortment, from 75c each to $2 each. ANt REHOWH CIGARS. These Ulffars are better than eye 'SILVER COIN" FLOUR It Is the BEST ever ground; guaran teed. H. L. Volte. A. C. L Crossing. jy 26 tf We are telling a very pretty line of children'i ready trimmed hata for 50o each. In Ladles' Beady to Wear we have aome very nice hata which we have been selling at $1; we are offering them this week for 50c; we will also offer thii week onr Not. 40 and 60 Taffeta Ribbons, regular price 20 and 25o a yard, for 15o a yard. Our Not. 5. 7 and 9 Ribbons we will tell at So a yard. Not. 12, 16 and 22 we will tell at 10c a yard. A nice line of colon in new Ping Pong veils at 25o a yard. Ladles Laca Collars. We received to-day a beantifnl assortment 'of these goods with prices from 75o to $4.50 To de scribe these collara would be impot tible on paper, but to thow them will be a pleasure. In Aphque Trimmings, all Oyer Yokingt and Valand Torchon laces,. nave them in all prices, new ea and new goods. In new Vai lacea and lntertings to matcn, we have tome very dainty styles, in prices from 25c to $1.25 a doz yards. Ladles' and Children's Un derwear. This line of goods it complete in all its departementa. In Chlldrent, Mlsset and Ladiet Union Snita, full ie, we have them for 25c a suit, 50c, 75e and $1 a tnit. In Boy'a heavy fleece Union mitt we have them at 50o a suit. In Children's underwear, shirts and pants, fleeced backs, aize 16 are lOo eacn and np to 34 are 30c each. Boy'a heavy fleeced back ahirtt and pants, all tixei are 25c each. Ladiet bleach- 1 ed Vests with taped necks from 5 to 9, full tize are 25c each. Long Black Plumes. Amazon plumes, 15 inches long, $1 50 each. Amazon plumes, 18 inchet long, $2 each. Clothing. Our clothing department hat all the latest style clothing, as well as shirts, underwear, men's and boys' hats, neckties and hosiery. To buy a nice suit at the lowest possible price, call on ns. We handle a line of Silverman's goods, and every suit fits as well as though tailor-made. Our $9, 10, 9iz.su and eld suits are equal in style and cut to the best tailor made garments. We have received this week 200 pair all-wool boys' pants, sizes from 6 to 14 years old, that we sell at 50c a pair. Ladies' Tailor Mads Suits. Oar ladies" suits are being made np in the latest styles, and we ex pect them in this week. The prices will run from $9 to $18 each. We will also have a new and hand some line of ladies' skirts in on the next steamer. Prices from $4 to $9 each. Ladles' waists, we have in linen, silk and wool. Prices from $1 to $4.75 each. Sweaters. We hare just received two lines of tweatert for ladies, which are certainly very nice, and some of them very handsome, for $2.50 and np to $4 and $5 each. Name the Shoe. You will get S30.00 for It, provided the name you give Is accepted above all others. For next choice 110 00 will be given and for third and fourth choices, ss.00 each will be paid by a certain re sponsible manufacturer, of Boston, Mass. It Costs You Nothing to Try. Bat yon win have to think and ast quick ly ror this contest, tip get your coupon or ns at once, pat on your "thinking cap" and let ns have coupon to send in by October S8th not later. Ton will have a chance like this evury two weeks for some time to come. Call and we will explain rally. Remamb. please. that we Sell Shoes And more people are tow wearing Shoes bougtt at onr store than ever before.. This fact shows the popularity of onr lines as well as our caah-on-Approyal system. MERCER & EVANS CO,, ATLANTIC COAST LINE SefceSSJe. In KB1 Ang. g, lSOa. . HOBTHBOUND. ' NO 48 S0 Lv Wilmington QSOam 7 oo p m at Goidsboro... lSMpm 9 88 pm Ar Wilson 118pm 10 85 pm Ar Rocky Mount.... ........ 165pm 11 88pm Ar Norfolk 5 65pm Arweidon. 4 58pm issam Ar Petersburg.. 668 pm SOOam Ar Richmond................ 74 pm 848 am Ar Washington..... 1140 p m 7 so am Ar Baltimore..... 138am sis am Ar Philadelphia.............. 4 05 a m 11 23 a m ArHewYork 715 am 800 p m SOUTHBOUND. NO 41 NO 49 Lv New York 85amlSS5pm Ar Philadelphia.............. 1155 a mis 01 am Ar Baltimore................ S 18 p ml 2 87 am Ar Washington....... 8 81 p ml 8 45 a m Ar Norfolk ..T SOO am Ar Richmond. 7 15 p ml 880 am Ar Petersburg 805pmB48am ArWeldon.. 9 48 pmil46am Ar Rocky Mount 10 87 pm 100 pm Ar Wilson nit P m 169 pm Ar Goidsboro 7 16 a m 8 10 p m Ar Wilmington. 1010 a ml 6 00 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THB SOUTH. SOUTHBOUND Z,v Wilmington... Ar Florence....... Ar Charleston.... Ar Savannah Ar Jackson vllle. . . Ar Tampa.... Dally Ex Sunday. 6 00 a ml 9 85 a m 1 10 n m 6 80 p m Dally. 8 45 p m 7BO d m Il 15 p m 8oo a m 9 00 a m 1085 p m Daay. 7 oo p m 8 85am 616am 88o:am 115pm 10 86 pm oct 18 tf 115 Princess street. NORTHBOUND. Remember tn onr Millinery department we Trim All Hats Free when all material It bought from ns, and do not forget that we are punching tickets with all cash purchases at THE BIG RACKET STORE. Geo. O. Gaylord, nor 14 tf PROPRIETOR. WM. E. SPRINGER & CO., Furcell Bulldingr, Wilmington, N. C. GLOBB-WBRW "ELASTIC BOOK CASES- GLOBE-WERNICKE "Elastic" Cabinet. No office or Library it com plete without them Manufacturers' prices. P, W YATES & CO., Hnntlug Coats, Leggins, Gnu Gases and Revol- - vers of all kinds. Wo are now receiving: our Fall and Winter stock of Double Breech Loading Guns, Single Breech Loading Guns.Bifles, Ammunition of all kinds. . nor 17 tf 8 OLE AGENTS, Wilmington, N. G. fuel. bo. Or. Big.,- Huckleberry Loroiai tftat ! evee 0T mCZttur In at any fnedlefcte. . - Cemtai. i for fit I nave evjr " tn- Stncn m -rZi .k rdletae to a til often v tttm Fee a. by aU OnBBt. ae Jr,-kjelailv W. GRADY. .nT.y.oTDrva Co, Pp, - Atlanta. Ql. ' -T ilMMdy f IMI Our assortment of Sporting Goods It complete. Ifjjou want good lerrioeable goods and at fair prices yon will find them at our establishment. oct 25 tf MO Cfeek T!T- win cure Coorha. CToop TRY ODR SHOES! If you want best values for the least money. Our School Shoes and Dress Shoes for Boys and Girls are the best yet. So try them and we know you will come again. Geo.R. French & Sons. nol tf llsBUOl UEMU3V0UI3. - r t sa r w The ; Wilmington Savings & Trust Company j I Will Be Pleased to Have You Examine Their SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES aussir tatt ea in tKa Tke nf SQ nn onrl TTfiTrro yH a ...I tmtm I r III UdilU U Ii UMlVV WVWTMAMW ' rcriNVRtWAL PILLS Vwr in Avarit of lost nanera beinir returned to tou, the expense TTZ w-TU I , , . nMV.M. mnnnt n aoYOTAl vaara TfiTltftl of one of Clueuk uiexaMf wviuu tvi.auij j these boxes. J. W.' IfOKITOODt rrealeTemt. H.WA1TBBS, Tie FntMut O. TATI.OB J.t Oeaklar. aorttt : If Mart rvwTli?Uri THE UNIVERSITY of North Csvrolinav. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholar ships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 Students, 66 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works, Central Heating System, Library 40,000 TOlumes. Fall termt academic and profes sional departments, begins Septem ber 7, 1903.' Address F. P. VENABLE, President, je 26 tf Chapel Hill, N. C. tr Tampa Ar Jacksonville. . I Ar Savannah.... Ar Charleston Ar Florence.. Ar WilmlBgton, Dally Ex. Bncaay. 8 05 p ml 7 80 a ml 13 40 p m 4 so j m 7 85 D m upm Dally 7 80 am 6 so pm lis am 685 am 945 am 1 40 pm BHTWXEN WILMINGTON AND SANFOBD West Bound East Bound Dally Dally Lt Wllmlncrton. I 0 20 a miAr 7 60 6 m Ar Fayettevllle 18 35 p m Ar 4 65 pm ATBanforO. 155pmLr 8 40 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND, NEWBEBN Nortn Bonnd Bontb Dally ex Sunday Donna Lt Wilmington ...12 25 p mAr 13 15 p m Ar Newbern IS 40 p mLv 00 aim - Trains Noa. 42 and 41 carrr raitman Bleeplna Oars between Wilmington and Washington, connecting with penna B. B. forallpolntt 'east. Oenl Passenger Agent, . H. u. Emerson, Trafflo Manager. my84tf. . J AtlantiG and Kortli CarolinalRailroad TInaelTa1IeNo.:ie: n Seaboard Air Line Railroad. I To Take Effeet Snndavy, Oct. 81, 1900, svt 18.01 A. BE. Schedule in Effect Aue 30. 1908. Leaves wurington8:15 p. m, arrive Lnmberton 5:85 p. mu, Pembroke 6:00 p m, Haxton6:45p m, camlet 7:85 pm. ainve unanowe vno pm. Leaves Wilmington 9:00 pm. arrives Lnmberton 8:15 a m.Pembroke 3:55 a m, Maxton 4.05 a m, Hamlet 6.-00 a m. Leaves Charlotte 5X1 a m, Hamlet 8:40 a m. arrives Maxton 9:25 a m, Pem broke 10KI3 am, Lomberton 10:37 am. wumlngton ix:o pm. TBAIN Leaves Hamlet 10:45 pm, arrives Max 14 ton 18:85 am, Pembroke 1:30 am, Lnm berton 3:15 a m. Wilmington 7:00 a m. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. TBAIN 89 TBAIN IS TBAIN 40 8 4 Passg'r Trains PaasgT Trains . STATIONS. r- Amve Leave Arrive Leave p. k. p. x a7m a. UT 8 40 Goidsboro.. 11 05 4 83 Elnston... 10 13 5 40 5 60 Newbern 8 87 2 00 7 os 7 07 Morehead City.. 7 et 7 87 P. M P. M. A.M A. M. WESTBOUND FBOH HAMLET Hamlet 730aml0 40pm Ar Monroe 90S am 1315 am Ar Charlotte..... 10 05 a m at Chester... 1085 am 185am at Greenwood is 88 p m 848 am Ar Athena 850pm 605am Ar Atlanta 850pm 760am SOUTHBOUND FBOM HAMLET. Lv Eamlet Ar Columbia Ar Savannah.. at Jacksonville..... at Tampa........ 725 a mi loss a m 2 20 p m 6 50 d m 6 45 a ml 10 40 pm 160 am 60S am 915 am 600 pm Train 4 connects with W. & W train bound North, leaving Goidsboro at 11JKI A. M., and with Southern Ball way train West, leaving Goidsboro soo P; M and with W. ft N. at New bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train 8 connects with Bouthern Hallway train arriving at Goidsboro 8.00 p. M , and with W. & W. train from the North at 8.05 P. M No. 1 train also connects wltb w. ft N. for Wilming ton and Intermediate points . OCt88tf 8. L. DILL. Bnpt. South Atlantic Transit Co. NOBTHBOUND FBOM nAMLST. Lv Hamlet Ar Balelnh at Norllna Ar Portsmouth............ I Ar Norfolk..... f 8 55 am 125 a mill 60 am 145 pm 585 pm 10 so p mi 125 a ml 8 50 a mi 800 am Sfe'" LT Hamlet Ar Baleigb Ar Norllna Ar Blchmond Ar Washington...... Ar Baltimore..... at New York. ..... .... 10 80 p m i s a m 8 60 a m 685 a m 10 10 a m n 25 p m 10 p m 750 am 11 15 a m 145 pm 4 56 pm 886 pm 11 ss p m o ia p m Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to all points North, South and Southwest. For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc- apply to Thomas D. Mearea, General Agent, Wilming ton, . U. BCD U SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, Cteasasra ror FayetteTtlle, N. C. STEAMEB CITY OF FATXTTtVILLE: Leaves 2 P. M., November 5th; November 11th. STEAMEB HIOHLANDEB: . November 5th, 4:30 P. M ; November 9th, 1 P..M. ....... BTEAMEB A. P. HUBT: November oth, 4:80 PSM.; November loth, 4:80 P, M. v All steamers take frelsht and Daasengers. For further Information apply t. u. luvg, Agent. Bnpt. Transportation, Wilmington, N O. W. a. COOK. Gen'l Frelsht ana Paeeanger Agent. Fayettevllle, N. C. - ; sot 5 tf LIGHT & POWER C0KIPANY. EffectiTo October Slat, 1903. LEAVE, WUm'naton. t 7.00 A. M. 10 oo A. M. 8 00 P. M. tfl 10 P. M. 10.00 P. M: Beach. WrightsvHle for WU. S.10 A. HI. 11.17 A. M. 11.00 A.M. 5.17 P.M. 5.00 P.M. 7 00 P M .......... 10.80 P." M.' Saturday only Dally except Sunday. twill not run bevond Wrlgstsvllla unless there are passengers for the Beach. The Clyde Steamship Co New YorK, G., and Georgetown, S. C, Lines WlIlMOl FREIGHT. Small freight shipments will be carried on all pa? se tiger can. Special arrangements for transportation ef large shipments or bulky freight can be made by applying at the omoe. neapple. Chocolate and Vanilla CREAM FOB SUNDAY. Made of pure cream. Don forget I make tbe best cream in tt cit. J. W. Plummer, Jf Bell 'Phone 6S0. an 82 1 From Newlnker Wllaalnatoau NAVAHOK... ..v.... ...... ..Saturday, Nor. 14 UAttiii...... ....oHwaraay stov. xi Froaa Wtlaalngtosi for New Torse.' CABIB... .................... ..Saturday, Nor. 14 navahoe......... .....Satnxaay, Not. si aTroBB WUaaiBctesi toCMorsetowau CABIB............ ......... ....Tnesday. Nor. 10 NAYAHOE.... .......Tnesday. Not. 17 Both Steamers have crood Paaaensrer aocom-' modatton. sar Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from potnta m North and South Carolina. , Forrreight and paaeace appiy to . . H. . SMAXLbONEB. Bnpt. " Wilmington, K. O. . glide MILNE. Sem Freight Agent : . fTTurv a cam Ouni . wm. P. CLYDE ft CO.. Gen'l Agents, -- 19 State BtreetTNew. . ort. v; no 8 u . - v - - c V

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