1 1 r"- p,.f reiihd is ftaiait. ; VOL. LXIIL NO. 56. jjf Planting fcir. "0RED . (TiAKKSOiYIHQ DAY. dUTl MS. r j;Ai. n hi- traek Miau w . . nil who rokwd Xh ft u - f Sal b!ar aiti. . fur" w . 1 . . la Nav Tetk Bla. f Lc 1r a MJaaiaaiaal coaUaaa taj 2" -a A. UratDv aM ta- L.. ui traaaactad oaly roauaa w YrtVd.ja N.a York Lrtj Konret call tcrrcaaL; v.. ao4 swatfy, Nat 3 rad IT.. ..-ao aaav. Na.li3Xe.x WEATHER REPORT. Wunn BrtiiC, rn miToj. fi. CL Mot. S3L i mmaeMl data for Ifca aaaty Icara ta4ia a S P. U. w J7 4xr asAZuaav. II a too.:'iav. 4aajTa i3 7. far lb 4ay. .M: raiafalt i- of tba aoau to Aaia, .t. r;CJJT ro to-oat. 'su rroJ, Not. li. Tor North , ir i& eMt: rrttar rair. wiia d b- t aortb ia4a. -Jf Taioar tt. itSt 4.47 1. kt . io .om. 1 .Yn SwlArt 1XI0A.K. (1 (ir Win ft. 2.49 oU. H iloo TTrap baa a loo :ri oo "Uaja ia Gaorr,;." aVitii ka tbrr ax alao a ia 4 .fitr U i-i;cr Mor aa coma at aaa uai.tf op aa4 aiitiof down. It & 4 httla jooorar ha'd bo oo ay ! r'l ia a heap. ra to nako iha rtaark m tut Stoat Taemlaj 3j Uorgaa liurallj "t oa tUt caaal deal of Booaw- zl Uaj. tiey art a!ur tayinflhatai Nt York LofM ahowMiuAlka aabbad Harry Ubx. 8bt a; to Uach bar papa boar to a an .'si at to aoma of bi acqaaiflt- jk dintr. xotliog to lb Chicago atr- wt, "tt araraj bm - It w fa. . w nn la a poaiUoo to Uf that- antil aataa fallow baa com to tb front to paat a U ,-jhibit any oo aaaa from poa st mora tbaa a mlllloa dollars. ri Cbicajo Ckronub ha vork- atlf as to aaca a pitch thai i iiia tb ra!atioa of Eo Marked copie of tb QronUU kaot oat of reach of tb S!int, aoh woat raablj com baiaf tbt parch bafor b pu a nc aad toofo eisch ,oo fn'.. WaJfroaz E. Drejfoa, eblaf tl ol If apanaaaji w tat of New York, elalai to ut lat.oud a paat that wUl tak aa U.V c2 ftlloV faco wjuioh aa of a razor. EJlur Haorj of tkLoaItil Covrwr- atill rll oo hU pa a?ba u au-u to uk tb hid 2 a Ba- jan caa. 1 aiaiar of Cbloaoiaa la Char aa are itirrrd ap oepa aa 4tr Cataamaa aoid IV K. WQ ka4 j trjiojr, to black mall tbaa. 2 a ::ap(iof to ak tb fj fir tb pritila of lirlof la Tb Btpabllcaa Fr7 -.:sd to L. K- f" wwpief, ?.iUf Bj tb way, IK as.: a mtabtr of WHanaTca Mhaw" eitinrant. i ccact of bad blth, Mr. hM E. OaUav, aJociaU ditor of OratiHo FajUcitr, haJ Tf-,n-t tit poaitioo to "tlr I t lit o'd bom at Hertford. D. J. Wbkbard, tb odiwr. :b bU mjocIaU wi reff -t sra jol&a Mr. OoUawt 5-6.i4 ia w.bies him aa early f 7 kia btaith aad rtatoratioa lt ir of cm falsa 'Ut is Saat vUl aot tot oa e C-a riororitT bill at th . ,-.. Wa tho aajy cald to eoadder thai wwtir or v It callad ta oratr w a Ca.ti VaaJt for any -iJ lb Uthatjr Yoa ara "j a Kibty laifcJeat jtttloa. Miliar tit povtrfaSj icf73a tia;-cM waH axesu I :.. - V N - TV Tr I .- fS . It a i rr 11 - x v. - . - - - - . -. - -i v a I ill ITT TT i -.ill. '.- ...: . . JY V , I e - It H4 ... r-T- -PX .fHi- i Cv If e' S t I "'- II S ... Ml - 1 , W " Vi . w 1 - 1 ' IrfW I Y 2 I ; : - ' ' t i- ' ' - - - ' - - - . - i. I - . . - . ...... ..... . . . i s FUf tii llk! Prtat atai! Ij Jtf! DitU saatcn, Jr. 0. C A. H, Uit K!tkt. Wtatkr Strtaasty laUrfml. Tba waaUitr vaa daddtdlj aaftTor U fot Iba flax tad Ub! praaaaUUoa azardtca by Jaff Davta OoaadJ No. 3,Jr. O.U. A.VLat Xel(td3 laat aUblbalwhal vaaloatla aambcrot Ikoao La alUBdanoo apoa iba iara aaoala waa mad a ap la tka atthuaiam ot tba pa trio Ua Joaora' aad lba!r frtada, bo wara prtaaaL Tbrta paclal caxa ltft tba dty orer tba aakarbaa lla'a at lalarrala of twaaty niaaiaa ina 7:4 J ia SJU i. u., bat Ua crowd vera . a mall, tba lanctat aaabar of paraoaa prraant baTlax baam papUa aad palro&a of tba Daicado patUo aebool to wblebtba takaaa wata praaaatad. Ttia tzartiaaa opaaad promptly at i:30 o'clock. Tba pulpit of tba cbarab ta wblcfe tba procTaaamo vaa obwrr td waa bakad mllh cat flowtta aad mi a a la ra firt wara dlaplaytd aad ora by tbacbUdraaJ Yka'OoaacUar J. T. Barka vaa maxter of cartmoalta aadparformad tba faaetioaa of tbat axaliad poalUoa wilh bia cbaractar tatlo taaa aad ability. Da mada tba epaatac aidrraa aad praaaatad Uapaty 8uU OoaaeUor A. J. Hawlttt, wbo raapoaded la a plcaaiaa; apaacb la. which b oalUaad tba aurtlac priaei alaaoftha order aadlta dtrolloato God, tba coaalry aad lia poblle cboola. Ilia addraaa vaa followad by a epLrtt draediUoa of 8lr Bpaalad Baa aar" by tba ebJldraa, led by Prof. B. d. Laoaard, rocal laatroetor la tba aobila acboola. Cbalrmaa Bark cz ariatta rrgra that tb abaaaea of aa ral aaambara from tha tLLUc mada U laaoaalbla for lb Daltado baad to baprraaataad aaalat la tb azardaca aa bad baa hoped. Mr. Barka aiao mad fav ramarka . to tb ebll raa alaap; adoeatloaal llaaa which vtr maeh appradatad. Tba formal praaaaUUoa of tba blbla ad fl vaa tbaa mada by Dpoty 8tat Ooaacilor DtwltU aad aacat litlla tprccb la rtapoaa la tab air or tb aabool vaa mada by Mtaa If aoda Jardaa, oaa of Uabrtfht paplla of tb Dlrado acbooL -BW, WhlU aad Blaa" vaa thaa aaac 7 tb child ra a. lad hy fror. laoaard. aad by rqatat. Prof. Wah tafto Cailatl, coaaty aaparlataadaat of acboola. aad Bar. EL J. Edwarda, ptaior of Dalfado charck, mada ap croprlaia ramarka la rtcard to adaca iia aad tb aobl work of tb Jr. O. U. A. M. Amricavaj aasz la coaelailoo 0y tbachlldraaaad tba aaaoaaecmeat vaa mad that ovist; ta tb roaib waalb'. tba boUtlac of tha fl voald bar to b diapaad vltb. Tha aa aamblac vaa dlamlaaad wtlhaUat dktloa by tb Bar- Mr. Edwarda. Ta eommlU which arraajctd tba raat coaaUud of Maeara. Jao. E. Wood (cbalrmaa). O. J. Boaay. J. II 8wlaaoo.a W.UraJaaaw. n- local txrrs. Slt Upa to fall la WUmloR to tbia aacraiax all:l o'clock. CapL HoUtttm, of tb ttaam ahla Talcae," trtd bJ t arawaU aalaU Z bla aaip p d da.a th. lirtr yratarday moralac Taxktyt wer nTr ao hlfh la prka oa ThaakatiTUf. " edTrd all tba way from to J4 oaau (or cboka dreaaad maax ytaUrday. STtrl oar of aa incoming frUtl trala jam aad tb traek at a ..tic at Marto. a O. jettarday moralAC.alocklaf traCo for n?a aoar Honowbozh OrchMtrawillleaT today for FayaiurUl to uk part ta ia mlaaual paxad aad parformaaea to b ftfta by Ua rolaauer firamta WnAMj aad Baiareay BJtsia. A cew tprlo-taiprlnK for aac wa. eoa.pI.Ud at U. to Iroa Work j eaierday aad Mr. & P Ballay chriauad tt at I o'clock by i;T.o,.urroa.ttotb..mpJ- otthawotta. Mr. and Mr. W. 0. Prldfn, IU Ilraa4 airaw b.T th of maaj fria.da U th daaib of thalr ZZ io.thH child, who dlad all Ti. .-rday? Ta. raa... w uid to raat La Bllra. oameury I- lrdayaiirooa. rkiTi ba lutttd for tK.mruta of foivUK joaaf TlQ a Bobdaa. of Bewick ...a t Raaawtck eooaiy. - n.... of Bantaw, n.a,to 4 Stmt Car Strik t 4 o. tb ilr Tara wtr- - - bdf u lrr- -fVji. a p. oo. .inker war -04 a w ,a0at- iwallUic cat of tore . td to tb wiw-a . ... ...thar oa .Kaeompaay. J. ..aadccadaciora. ADTXimsEMErra WaaUd-IUllroadtlae- L-J .TT, aad Baakl.g Co.- eomeibUgofUtaraaL itvoOAW. W.T.C.-0-JW",I il , V . -7T-.TV: Ti K TTif A H n IS , H 11 lA I V i K Hi t V. N Al K - 3 How'the Great National HoUday Will b Obscrrcd This Year ia Wilmington. AN OUTINQ ON THE SOUND. Ccltbrttl ky Uktr Orftaiiitlaai aad Aiinu I Y. at. C. a. Ta-a'uktScr- ' elctt 1 Ckarckra PaaiktU Qtat at Kkkaaad. waavaavaawa Weather ForeeutFor North Carolina, fair Thursday, preceded by rain sear the coast. Friday fair, with frth to brisk north winds. AecordlBK to u loc eatablUbed ctaatoro, which bad it lseepelloa far back la 1U1 vbaa tb bardy Naw S&fiaad aaiUara aftar ibalr Brathar eat. jraibarwd oa day la daroat tbaaka to Qod for tb blaariof a of a tvalva-moath prariooa, to-day ia aat apart by tb 8ut asd Ualled Btaiea a a rrtat National Tbaakiilrlor Day. Tb holiday baa com to oa tbroazb Tarioat aToIaUoaa of aearly 300 year dariar which It baa beta rallfloaaly obeerred.aanaally all over lb a co a a try. Th first proalamatloa for lta aatloaal obaarraooa vaa laaaed by Prealdeat Lis col a la 1843 aad tinea tbat time, bis ezampla baa beea fol lowed by aacceedlaic preridenti until It cornea atJa to-day oa tb latt Tharaday of NoTtmbar of oaa of tha moat proaperooa yeara In the Nalloa'a blatory. Tb obaarraBC la Wllmincton vlll not b a alike that or preeedlar yeart. Thar vlll b a ran oral aatpaaaloa of boalataa, aarrlcca vlll b bald la many of tba charche aad It vlll be a day of family aad friendly Catherine, mark ad by feat Liar, aad remlalacence; ex chaac of tba eeaaoa'e creellnc aad a faalinr cf Inward aad oatward lhanka for tb cood tblaca of tba year. With mtay it vlll be a day of tport aad tb ntldavtllb lined vlth bantert and pareona oa outdoor pleaaar bent. csxzsaATioa at tec soctd. Tbvmoat aoUbla pablle calberioc la honor of tb day vlll be at Wrifhia tUl Boaad where tb allied tradea naloaaof tbadty vUl Join the Bro tberbood of Ballway Oarmea la a calabratloaof 1U firtt birthday. All mambere of aaioaa aad frleada of labor are reapeclfally Urtud to b preaenl aad partldpat la Ibeezerdte. Tbe ImAUm r.r alao laalied to b preeeat. Tb Ooaaolldalcd Ballway, Light and Power Oo. will operal ao hourly ached ale on tbe aabarbea ctr Ilea from 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. darinr tbe day aad tbe roa ad-trip rale -baaboan vdaeed to Mo. 'for th trip. At Biokley'a tber vlll b ao old faahioa cd barbacae end oytler roaat and tbe procramme of tporU vlll embrace a craat Tarlaty. Thar wUlbs a tarkey aboot. bicyde race, araaay pi ehae. pole cilmblac. TaalUac, etc Good marab ha abooUa;Irom the read way it promleed. Meaara. G. T. Qaiaa and J. Edgar Lewla will bcfmaalara of ctre. rooaUi TATS tSJtASTEXa ACT. The labor ealabraUoo vlll aad eae pVdoualy vilb aa add rate la tbe Y. M. a A., la the dty. at 8 o'clock to-aUbt by Boa. a a Lacy, North Oarolla jiutimmHhiA But Treaaurer aad a laadiac member ot tbe Brotherhood cf LoeoaMtlreaEtfleeer. Oaly rec al ly Mr. Lacy vaa epokea of ery prominently aa prealdeat of tb aa tlonal ortanlxaUon of o(tlneera. He arrlrad latt evealar 'rom Balelfb and labelac eaUrtaiaed by tbe Oeatral Labor Oommllta at Tb Ortoa. Mr. Looywlll b a meet of the Carmea on th 8ound today aad vill U beard vilb a rraat deal of plaaaure 1. tbe dty to-eUbL He vUl be latro- daoad by Mr. O. r. tpMchwUlbanpoa Uboraad todos trUl topic. Tha public la cordially lariled to aUaad. OOLS IOCKXAKXST. Tber will ba an alWay tournament oatt Cap rear Golf Club link, to Sty. It wUl b a baadlcap maUb for m,a aad tb pUy will b orer 17 bolet, tbreUmearoud tb courae. Two IVj- m k. mAm la tbe moraine oadonel-tbeafurnoon. There wUl bo.pwarda of or man will carry la-eh wbkh wllie M,red at noon In tb. club bout Tb. day pronaUea to b a fl. on for tbe tt.mbar.of the dob. ezanczs a th rarzxrirzs. t Mrtlon ot to-dys Tbanktrirlni obaerrane wUl b tba eerrioe 1. tb. Tariou. cburd AJ th. Mttboditt paator. v BAUly out of tb. dty .UandinA! Oon ?!butPr.ofaUotb.rcon, rrtttUoat wUl eondoct special td prorrUU.z.rd. Th.anaounc. LVnTreedTed at thi. offlc ar m TrTtPreabylarUa Church :Tbank- Cirinc Day Urricee at U du 1L daeted by the paalor la the leciare Andrew'. PreabyUrian Cburob: Tkiriat aerrii thl. moral-I n o'dock by p"1"' AJX D. McClare D- D- b eoa Thaakaiitinc M.le?,Wt7l Church dadedAtln.8 tbia avealBg a " BcienUst, ta .renin i ' rirlag wrneea a - .nrhM there At nel7 bv lb-Teral wlllb special muala by ttdrt. -twtm ptACxa. ntoca Hon a,' Chamber of CoJ.rc, Pcatoflo. WU1 ob-rr. boT hoa wtU u ,ump vlndows to?p ta 10A.M. WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER M. Carrlera vlll make oaedellrery, and two eollreMoDv. Money order acd rtjristry drpartmeot cloard all dsyi j TBS 8CBOOL8 BT8rzan. j The public acboola of the dty and coaaty tatpaad d ezerdtee yealerday af leraooa and will not reeume I heir etelone until Moaday. All tbe prl Tate tcboolaot tbe dty will obaerre tbe tame aurpaaaloa. 1 8TODAY BCHCJOL OUTKia. I Tbe Sunday ichoo! claia of Mrt. 8. B. Bnrtt, of the Firat BapUtt cbureb, will enj'jy a Tbankaclrlna; online oa the beach to-day. A chartered car for tbe parly and all frienda vbo deeire to jiln them, vlll leave Froet and Prln ceta atraett at S o'clock and make a toar of tbe belt line for tbe conre aieaee of paieeafter vho may dedre to get aboard from any part of tbe dty. Tbe atart for the beach vlll be at tJSO o'clock from Front and Prtn ceeeilreeta. TUB CmCAOO UDY ENIESTAtNCSS. - - - : Sccead Lamacr la Y. M. S. i. Stir Cearte Prenltes to ks BrDllast Oae. ! Th Chicago Lady Eatartalnera vbo come to tbe Y. M. O. A. audito rium aader tbe autpicet ot the Bouta era Lyceum Bareau nezt Tuetday ertnlng, Dec. lt, aa the aecond sum bar ia tbe Btar Courte, bare the high eat endorsement from the preea and public. 'i ! Oa critic baa aald tbat eaee of man ner, culture and Tertatlllty, backed by an altractlT stage pretence and excep tionally good taata la thdr eelectiont, make them unlTeraally favoritea on all public oocaalont, vbUe their natu rally pleaaant, lady like deportment aecurea the frlendahlp of the beet people wherever they appear. Clot to ISO entertalnmenU in four teen different Slatee la a great record for tbe aeaaon jaat cloaed, and in ricw of their pronounced aucceae and great popularity It la not to be wondered tbat their entire time for 1903-4 ia told to the leading bureaua. The box theet opent Balurday morn lag at DeBoaaet'a bookttore, where members of the Star Courae may ob it! reaarved teatr. There also remain a few avaaold aeaaon tleketa which can be bad for fx, ! ! MAJ. J0HI1 NEWTO.N DEAD. Araiy Officer VYhe Made Recent I a spec ilea af H. C Natioaal Oaar. The Aaaoclated Preaa dltpatchea yea lerday carried tbe news of the death of Major John Newton, 16th Infan try, U. B. A., which occurred of Br If b 11 diteaa In tbe general boapital at Washington. Maj9r New ton waa (3 yeara ot age. Ha bad been ata tloaadat Fort McPhaaa, Ga, and waa oa leavr, ilslUor bia eon, a etu deal at tbe TJniveralty of Vlrgiala, when alrleken vilb the diaeaae. .Be vent to tbe hospital at one, where bia decline bad be rapid. Be leavea a widow and several children. Major Newton waa a native of New York aad waa appointed to the military ac ademy from Kansas. Ialereet la tbia Bute attache to bia death from tba fact that be made tbe recent inspection of tbe North Caro lina National Gaard. and bia remarka a pen eeveral of the companlee In bia official report or their condition were Tory eauetlc aad created quite a atlr. He la remembered la Wilmington Tory pleasantly. ! TUB POLKE COURT YESlERDAY.j Majar Pre Ten. Yeep Prcalded Yeattrssy. Two far Beads. ; Mayor Pro Tern. W. H. Yopp pre aidtd over tbe police court yealerday and exhibited tbe aame aaUnatby for vagraaey that la each a marked ehar tctarUtlo of Mayor Bprlnger. Fred Hall, a negro, came to tbe ball aad applied for lodgiag. H could fir no eallafaetory account of bit wbere abouta aad exhibited no foadneta for work, whereupon be waa aent to the rock pile for 80 day. ! Caroline Jonee, a colored dame vbo raited a dlatarbene In Pete Evans restaurant at Water and Grace etreeU, vas given 30 daya In tbe unbroken quietude of Cattle Haynef, vhere It . Vna tha atmoenhere of peAceful- neta will bare good effect upon her temperament, . i Winnie Holme, colored, waa fined $10 and coat for diaorderly oonduet at Fourth and Qaatle ttreett. . j THREE FIRES YE3IER0AY EVEN1IJ0. Lsaia ExMedel at BetMescs ef Dr. Car- talcktel Deck street oust. j The depertmeat reaponded to two .i ...i'if. The one at ore ar"" j 4:16 P. af. from boz 84. vaa on o- a a aaMaad nfj coo at of a amau dim, aparka from tbe eblmaey, l thT'1J dencf J. Evant, o ttreet. The damage vaa iiu. i ! At 6:50 o'dock the eecond alarm came from boz 16. end was on account of a fire at tha raaidene w mt; J.me. Carmlchael. No. 311 Bed Oroaa, Alampeztloded andeauaed damtg of about tW. . ' Tb aUrm from boz tl:S0 o'clock tula moralna: was of a tmall Wait under tb taireJ I laadlnc to tbe second floor In the Brnlth buUdlng, on rrmce.. damag waa "ii UozaUbed by meant of the chemical engine. i.j i. w. w Yark. UICS . . . ..4... ftf Un. Ed. rnnoa aa . -IU rerrat to learn .d..tbofMr.Wilrvinc. lodr brother. .waico -f-10 w.- York Tuetday. j Mrs. bom . vi-.i.tfc ...... had ba wwj Priae naa t.i--- ant to Nw York laat alhtto aooompany hr troms- ! 1 ' r A SPLENDID SUCCESS. Donation Day at James Walker Memorial Hospital Largely Attended Yesterday. OVER $650 WAS RECEIVED. Weather Did (tot Serloetly Itterftre With tke Eierclata Mora Tba SOS Vial tors Deliikted With lutltatlet. Scfreihatests sad Maalc. All honor ia due tbe ladles and Mrt. M. 8.Wlllard, their enlhuslaatia chair man, Dr. Joe. Akermao, surgeon In charge of the lnelllutlon, tbe eorpa of gentle aad obliging ourtetv tb Board ot Masagera . and IU - public tpirited orealdent. and all 'Other Who con- Uiha led aa, maehta 1b masmtfiesat iacceaaof the firat annual Donation Day at the Jamea Walker- Memorial Hospital yealerday afternoon In spite of the cold, bleak afternoon and gen erally threatening ' weather, tbe tea and reception given there from 2 to 6 o'dock waa well attended by a coa mopolitao aatemblage of gueate, num bering more than five hundred and Including both ladiea and gentlemen. Tha responses to the aplrit of the oc casion were liberal. i Tha offerinra were entirely volun tary and while the cause merited tbe contribution of a larger turn. It Is a compliment to the generodty or a fair-minded people that during the boura Indicated 1650.25 waa given. Tbe contrlbutiona ranged from fraetlona of a dollar to $100 eacb, and there wer more than one of the latter data. It la hoped that others will ba inspired by tbe splendid ezample of those vbo gave yesterday and will make further donationa ere the Thanksgiving aeaaon baa patted. Any who dedre to do ao would con tribute, to a moat worthy cauae by leaving any amount with Dr. Aker man or any member of the Board ot Macagerv. The ladle hoped ever ao much to repeat the reception tbia afternoon, but owing to the admitaion yesterday evening of a patient very 111 vlth ferer it vaa deemed inadvis able to do ao. In the reception yeaterday after noon the ladle under the capable leadership of Mra. Willard and th chairmen of all tub-committee a, acored a charming aoclal as veil at a finan cial uecetf. The corridors, officer, drawing and reception room, atalr caeee and all other place of ran tag ia the fine building were attractively decorated with palmt, fern, bamboo acd other . evergreenr, while in the aewmW rooffl, " where dainty re freshment! vera aerred, there vaa a wealth of beautiful cut flo were, orna mental piece, etc. Tbe ladiea of every one of the committee vlth Dr. Aker man and member of the Board of Managere composed the receiving parly and were moat cnarming in their hoepItAllty. Then, too, the oorpa of efficient nurtea nnder tbe dlrsctlon of their accomplished tuperintendent, Mlaa Clark, were moat attentive to thdr gueata and took great pleasure In thoving all vhodealred to make an impaction, through the vatIoui depart ment of the excellently equipped in tlitutlon. Every part of the fine building from cellar to the magnificent operating room In tbe eupol. vaa tnrovn open to the public and many people mar Tellei at tbe eompleteneea of the plendld hospital and the evidence! upoa every bend of the ezeeptionally fine management and euperlntenden ey. To write comprehenrively. of it voald require column after column, bnt It should be add tbat th people of Wilmington fall to reaHxe the mag nanlmlty of tbe donation of tbe late Mr. Walker and tbe public-spirited service of thoae now In control. Mrs. Willard, chairman of tbe gene ral Donation Day Committee, dedre in lMhftlf of herself and ataoclatea, to thank every one vbo contributed in tbe least to the sueeee of tbe occasion ; eapecially to the merchant and others vbo so generously gave refreshment end those ivbo helped to serve it. Tbe musical programme was superin tended by Mra. E. O. Holt and a num ber of the leading mutldana la tbe dty contributed a rartety of electIon for tbe entertdnment cf the vial tort dur ing the hours of the reception. -Thou who were so unfortunate a to bve neglected to' order carriage suf fered to some extent by the curUil ment of the street car schedule as promised.' Many vbo left the building before 6:30 o'clock were forced to tramp their vay In a disagreeable rdn to tbe neareet point on the regular car line. That Inconvenience, however,, detracted not one lot from tbe luecesa of Donation Day and may hare been unavoidable on the part of the trans portation company.' Real Estate Traisfers. . R dAm filed for record yesterday. W. M. Cummlng and wife transferred to" Charlea Burgwln for t5, lot on south aide of Dawson street. 83 feet weat of Eleventh atreet, 83x65 feet In aiie; and N. F. Parker and wire trans ferred to C D. Bordeaux, for $350, two lota of land at southeast corner of Second and Dawson streets and on weat aide of Third, near Dawson street, ' Crtts-Tles Wssted. Mr. a T. Windley, aent for H. J. Bpooner, Jr., advertise In another column for railroad' cross-tie of all kinds aad alxes. Mr. Windley Is thor oughly experienced . Ia" tbe business aad guaraat the tugneai easn price. HI advertlaemeat appeara la another column. 26; 1903. METtl0DISTCOERENCE- Openlof Seialoss 1 Qoldsboro Yesterday. Math Routine Work PtstorB Who Have Died Other Notes, ISpecial Star Correaondetice. Goldsboro, N. C, Nor. 25.--Tk(e alxty aeventh annual session of the North Carolina Conference of the M. E. Church, South," convened is 81. PauTa M. E. church this mornlne at 9:30 o'clock, Biahop Warren A. Chandler presiding. ;. After religious tervlceii, conducted by the Bithop, the roll of clerical and lay delegates waa called. -Yery few abaenteet were noted. The conference elected W. L. Cun niDghlm, former paator of Fifth Street M. E. church, of Wilmington, as sec. retary of the conference. Mr. Cuo olngblm has been the faithful secre tary of thecoafereBce aiBcei 1893. The morning seaslon was largely taken up by the appointment or coaamuiee? una routine work. Question 20 was called, yiz: "Are all the preachers blameless 'In their life end official administration!" and Presiding Elders J. H. GIbbs, W. H. Moore, J. a Hurley, W. 8. Bone, a B. John, F. D. Swindell, N. A. Bish op, a A. Willis and J. a Underwood were called and their characters passed and they gave in their reports for the several district!. The Wilmington and Elizabeth City districts etch paid the Assessment in full for domestic And foreign mis aiona. This is a remarkably fine re port for the Wilmington district, which is one of the poorest in the Conference, and also in view of the fact that It was over $900 behind last year. Rays. B. R. HaTTT J. W. Wallace, B. B. Oulbrelb, L. Johnson and A. a Goodcbild having died during the year, the names were given to the Committee on Memoir. The litt of the supernumerary preachera was called And their name referred to the Committee on Confer ence Relationship. ' Rer. Dr. James Atkint, of Nash ville,' Tenn., preached at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. The oreliminarv exercises of confer ence toak place Tuetday night, when theMethodiat Historical Society met The annual oration was delivered by Bev. J. N. Cole, of Wilmington, who selected at hla subject: "The Lire and Labors of Rev. A. Norman," who died daring the last session of the con ference in Wilmington a year ago. Hla address was a literary and histo rical gem, and was listened to with rspt attention. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. John Frank is here to apend Thanktgivlng. Mr. K. H. Beery went up to Goldsboro yesterday to attend confer ence. - Mr. W. J. Moore, of Char lotte, ia here looking after business in terests. Miss Mary T. Oliver, of New born, is visiting her sitter Mr. M. S. Willard. Mr. Joe Mitchell left yester day afternoon for a trip to Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Geo. W. Brnn8on, Jr., left yesttrJay afternoon for Atlanta to attend the foot ball came In that city to-day. Mr. Louis Shrier and Miss Stella Shrier left yeaterday Afternoon to spend a week with friends in Wash ington, D. C. Mr. Ernest J. Bush has ar rived from Charlotte and taken the position of florist with the Wilming ton Floral Co. Miss Essie P. Wall, of Marion, 8. O., who hss been on an extended visit to Little Biver, waa in the city yesterday en route to her home. Herbert McClammy, E8q., and ez-Judge a K. Bryan returned yes terday from Raleigh, where they ar gued a point In bankruptcy in the matter of Flynn dc Co. Mrs. Cuthbert Martin, ' Miss Beade Gore and Mr. Benj. Bell, Jr., were among thoae who went to Rich mond yeaterday morning to attend the foot ball game there today. . Mr. S. B. Horton, the popular travelling representative of the Dixie Tobacco Co., Lynchburg, is in the city calling on the trade. He is accompa nied by Mrs. Horton, and bath are al ways welcome visitors here . Mr..Bay Kennedy the popular spedal repreeentative of S. S. Dor man, wholesale produce commission merchant, baa returned to Wilming ton for the Winter and will look after lettuce shipments from this territory. Dr. J. Arthur Dosher and bride, of Bouthport, who were married in Weat Point, Md., Monday afternoon, arrived In the city yesterday morning and were entertained at lunch by Mrs. N. F. Parker, 620 Market street They left In the afternoon on a government steamer for Bouthport. NORTH CAROLINA EN fERPRlSE. I Two Companies Chartered by Secretary f State Yesterdsy. - ISpedal Star Telecpranul Raldgh. N. C. Nov. 25. The Sec retary of SUte charters the Hursaw Live Stock Co., of Bockingham, with nf 25 ooo? incornorator. T. a Leak, W. O. Leak and other. A charter waa aiao grantea so no itiubbi Fisheries Uo., witn principal omco in T7.i.4h . Tt hu AuthoritT to buv and onerate fiebrr stnlbo wateraof Eaat Oarolma. si. u. r erauna, r. v. new i. mrkA W a .lannh. of New JeraeT. I are the Incorporator. Capital, $10,000. WHOLE NO 11311 Springs ? Yes, we temper them. JIM nov 27 It SOMETHING OF INTEREST. a Oar regular interest quarter . begins Tuesday, December 1st, and money deposited with us on or. before that date will re ceive credit for three months interest on the . first day of - March, 1904. We pay at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, , ' compounded quarterly. ! -.r t ' v . Atlantic Trust and Banking Company: MATT JT. BEYER, President. . H. J. AHaiIN,Vle Vreatdeat. MZTGBEI.il Ft All It UN. Cablr. DIBSCTOBS: 1 L. B. Rogers, John H. Knck, B. Solomon, 1). MoBaohern, B. H. J. Ahrens, C..W. Yates, B. -B. Bellamy, M J. Heyer, Martin O'Brien, J. G. L. Giesohen, I. M. Boar. nov 26 tf Oardof I desire to return my sincere thanks to the citlzena of Wilmington, and tba surrounding country, by whose patronge I have been enabled Jo ch period in my buelneae career, that enables me to offer thelargeat, fineat. meat artistic stock of Furniture, Crockery, Carpeta, Matting, Window Shade, and in fact everything needed to furnish a house from Top to Bottom, in the lar gest aid finest store north of Atlanta and south of Washington City:. V shall Suraue the same policy thet has led me thp far in business, wh ch la to con Sder quality firat in bSylng. and price aecond, and to asll hi 'fi made, and iaating furniture, at prices laa low aa la lg&0f& living, 1 condder my atore and atock a credit, not only to the BUte ol but to theentlre South, and whether you want to buy. or oU.5w. have everyone who reads this to come and see what honest methods, and satlt fled customers have brought me.' . Yours very truly, nov 22 tf EXAMINE OUR STOCK If you wish anything your needs. CITY LIVERY CO. W. D. MacMillan, Jr., Prea. nov 24 tf 108, 110, 112 North Second 8treet. Standard Beef. 1,000 Cases one pound Beef, $l;OO Dozen. 3,000 Pounds Broken Candy, 6 l-2c pound. nov 14 tf LOCAL MARKETS AND SHIPPING Cotton and Navsl Stores Arrivals asd Departures of Vessels Yesterday. British steamer "Huelva." 1,691 tons, Oapt. Harvey, is expected to ar rive to-day from Bdtlmore for cargo of cotton. -t . Schooner "Arthur McArdle" deared yesterday with cargo of cross-ties con signed by H. a Welkins & Co. to Philadelphia. The steamer "City of Fayettevllle" arrived yesterdsy afternoon at 8 o'clock and cleared for tbe return trip to Fayettevllle early last night. The little coasting schooner "Caro lyn," which plies between Wilming ton and New River point, came off the marine railway at Skinner's yes terday after being thoroughly over hauled, recaulked, painted, etc. She Is now ready to receive cargo for New Rtver points. . There was nothing doing in rosin on the local market yesterday and spirits was quoted firm at only 56c The cot ton market locally was uncnangea. Receipts were only 3,078 bales against 2,446 same day last year. TASCa and his BAND. Famoas Company of Italian Mnsiclsns Here Toesdsy Nlibt CrlUcIsin. Tasca's famous Italian band will be the attraction at the Academy of Ma de next Tuesday evening, Dee, 1st. By special arrangements there will be no advance in prices. Seat , may be reserved at Plummer's Monday morn ing at 8 o'clock. The Greensboro Tefearamof Tuesday says of; the en gagement of Tasca in that City Mon day night: "Tasca and his Italian Band gave a concert at the Grand last night which was pronounced the best ever given In Greensboro. Hla band is said to be far superior to that of Creatore and those who attended the concert last night "were delighted, beyond measure.-; A leading musician of thla city, when asked what he thought of the perform ance replied that it was grand and that never before had such a band played in thiaclty. "A special feature of the programme ... . t- Ll.k waa the sextette irom ijucia, nmu was rendered remarkably well. This is a very fine, yet very difficult piece of music to render and there are few banda which can play it as It de- "If the people of this city had known. what was in store for them lasinigns there would have been a better house. If Tasca ever comet here again he can feel sure of a crowded bcusr." , Favetteville Observer, 25th: Mlaa Mary Warren Cameron left for Wilmington on a vlelt to Mits Mary Means." oooooooooooooooo : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. I Oaa Yar, by Btawll. B.( ' Sis Moatha, " , .60 , Tl.Ma Month. " la5! Two ItoBtaa, " LOO aUTra a aaerlera la saa I City 4S Oaata par naww. , ?OO000000000000CM TIl 206 North Front Street. OF HARHESS in that line. We can supply Wilmington, N. 0 FOOTBALL IN RICHMOND. Y Much Local Interest la To-day's Chsmpl piosBhlp Osme of the Sooth. More than a hundred Wilmlng tonlan, many of whom left last night for the scene of the conflict, will wit ness the football championship game In Richmond this afternoon between" the universities of Carolina and the Old Dominion. Enthusiasts wbo have elected to spend Thanksgiving at home will await with interest telegraph lc news of the result. Owing to the faet that the game will be called at 2 o'clock this afternoon, the details of tbe contest will not be taken by tele graph in the Y. M. O. A. as firtt ex pected as It is impossible to arrange for the special service In time. 1 Yesterday's Richmond Ttmes-Dis- patch says of the impencung oatuo: On the morrow tbe great root-oau teams of the Universities of Virginia and North Carolina will line-up at Broad-Street Park for what promlaes to be one of the most stubborn names ever fought by the Blue and White and the Orange and Blue. Certainly . that is the expectation. Neither team ia over-confident, u lnueea they may be add to be confi dent. , Virginia expects to win , experts say by from 6 to 16 but doe not anticipate a waixover, ana pre pared for what is really expected, a very hard, clean struggle. Carolina Is not making any ciaima ana uaxuiy expecta to win. "Tha Carolina team will arrive this evening and are expected to stop at Murphy's. The Virginia eleven ana substitute will be down this afternoon and will make thdr headquarters at Murphy's also. : ' "Uaroiina nas oeen experimenting with a view to strengthening lta line. . Fisher, a new man, hu been put at left end ; Jacock. at .quarter oaca, in stead of Engle; Mann and Newton are tha halve, and Bobertaon, the full hanV with TTABtft inhBtitut. a Mi wswwavv) i? ifM Captain Jones, formerly a tackle ana a powerful, heavy man, goes to guard. Donnelly and Fousf are veteran tackles and could hardly be Improv ed on" NEW ADVEBTISEMBNTS. GRAND MUSICALS At the Y. II. C A. on Monday Evening. " Mrs. Annie Dea Harris, assisted by Miss Bos Aubrey, pianist ; Miss Lizzie Otten, whistling soloist, and Mr. D. Amati Richardson, violinist Box sheet opens at DeRosset's book store Friday morning; no26 8t VANTED. - Railroad met of an Mnds na B.Umx leaf pine, cyprees and oa. eitner Mn or rlren bay ana py- nlgheat Hjaeh orloeo for any amount delivered on waart at Wil mlngbvt. n. c. Thoee naTtnsr tlea wul do well to boa me before celling. - For further lntorma Uon. prices, etc.. address Lock Box No 415 or come to see me at Mo. 105 North Water atreet, .Wilmington, N. O. H. J. POONZB, Ja , nor sc l sr B. T. Wlnlley, Acent. '.' i : -3C