TUNES l-eoeia. with thetub " tel Aifat la u, Tsjrfoa ib lloeet Is kCerrtta. aeeere.U- Ml Pi.Ti Oite, N a. mini ire a . ee I ii 71 la s la 4. Will be :o aa TWO T waa tjs: UsUHES RFPORT N C. a, at a taw t stats- t.ei. r 4.-1 raw rain that Her- eJ La tot wo ;te a ays a . -i-r t f a for fer sank w,il botjta ta tbiaa iiaati . . . aa WWewswg- tkop.d.oftt- -Isoaa odeii otat rat too. ifthtegs l.ka laay aaoo baaa oeat s- V.low waa tttewat hae rwtaaxked t i tat tao imi s a to tte mwA eewai ta ww - i; ittasoojmsuHIt ia ta to is w-.ll esJBruke treaiT w wf it VOL. ULXIIL-NO. 63 ast,MBwgotsssssattM,,aIfJ LOCAL HOTS. Tba city attorney has an im portant tax notice tn another column. W. Lynch, of Wake at the First Bsptiat i 11 A M. and 7 30 P.M. Nck Wright, colored, was as4 rtqilrtd to paj the coals Ibe Mayor's court veatsswalAw t a sagais him for aa affray Ian kgSw restaurant at Watar and Oraea reea DuhM HrmU: "The enthor laa of Wi miogtoa have started a alee, whaeh saeaaa will bo me oat and w ... come la to take their Tba new aa Urn o bile for Dr. B. Bsrrtae waa until! by the OsraU Aatoaaaailo aod Bicycle Co. Br. B ta trail DlC at of Richmond, Va., have stated a popular subscription for the ttrklar Wtstara Uatoa me. softi aoye la tawt ottw. Taw Potent wya are akaa "vhacklBg-Be" their awaro of lemwseed loooipta by tbe atrtko with their ken fortaaaU fe! Jos. Deri, colored, waa at 8tath end Badea eteoote early atght. ban il with omplodlar rests to taw oHy. Ho woo oop steak aaiultkiae la oaw of too abasia of too ssosw tor of Wilssington said to have bwao ess rttrbt atwe of too cotton markat 1U dny flight of the tuple on em. checks of froon 111" to W,a00 are said to bare eoeae ta t of ta. e. coipeaE5i;E. Suits s Tt day of the anneal A ML of twatara Carollns. ta aaaatoa with Be Btepbea't of dalrsTal yeaterday after fetwnew in bw baaa la Colwstjo. 111., oa May lot ltOd oadaa aaatewreary towel lea of taw adatalloaaJ aad literary scxHsiiae ktwt aktbt. Taa daiewwata afcaabafto the rwarsi TZtlZ Bae. a- mrowd aatt Bow. .W. B Oatwetrt. oliwrwataa. Bew. J. B Jtwhaaw. Bow. W. B. Btaoioa and Bow. B B Htokwht. Lay Dleataa J. W. Boal eat J R eaardsoa. uassl tsd htarary eoeiathet waa ad aswturt John B Haw Una. of the Board o of tbe .4 KiuretU rt a Tea rtwwral faad eolleeUont of the Mrerwwtwehowedrewttptao'tl 774 78 raoB all oaawaea as aaaiast H MaMV OMlawted fof taa tawt pjrpobf the WT?Zeromort at 10 SO oelcxca Bteooa B W. Lea, of Oalo who ke pre- daw orer ferooo. win . Of elders ill taka aaaoa, at 7 awaaafc Bww. 0enlk of Boab villa. Teaa.. a School Boerd. cretary or me oaou-j ill piaaob Vaaii anil Metaaalet aolotta to the city oa Booday Mi 'ctyp laid P IfeerM at Thtta aad Beaoeer eteeoto lael alwa. okerfwd with be.3f the istiar't elab aeroao oalp haelaa kwra lad alms a gold watoh .i relator a too at of the lows of the polios station I tied prof osaiy aatl lie bcwpital la taa ess "Mr. How Waehiegtoe. B E et the r.yettevtlle Jfc. af haseaarge e sSB Wiimlagtoo. N- -M Mr- L B Bswsb, of of k. is ssu sted by Wil alas, isa foTVae aaatttaaU to eta y haew oomplstww y oa IS. river, h-sl. ' .borf. go! eg dost aieg Z. They win -j;o;a; joaiowwa tao rtewr to-day a - tbe booae- APVEHTWEMENTS. Ball m - - - - -- -Osl raaoiuB Swiky at Oa.-s tasm swaw-- The A LODGE OF SORROW. Memorial Exercises bv tbe Mks in the Academy of Music To-morrow. A SPLENDID PROGRAMME. . B. Olett, ol Wlasttt. Will 0c Hear lot tidrtee Waskal Peataret WIN be OUtliaitke lap Otliccn tad CeaaltUct. laeeery city la the United Btatee wboro there ta a lodce of tbe Bene to leat aad Proteettre Order of E ks ap propriato aaoea oriel reioai will be bold tomorrow, aeeordlac to the beeatifal rttutl of tbe order, tbe exer- rt bsinr In honor of tbote members taa bare been clelmad bv death dnr- 'aaiUyakf. la Wilminrlon theawtleaa aa ataal will be observed la the Academy of sialic end will be of en elaborate aad highly appropriate an are. Tbe tr rtirtmiou for tbe occasion here bsen ta the htndt of an enthusiastic com an. I lee ooaapoasd of Mantra. H. McL dree a (obalrmaa). Isaac Bear, J. D. Bdwarda. OapC Champ MeO. D:a aad Dr. T. B Oar roll, aad they hare prepared e moat excellent protrramme. Members of the Wilmlnlon Lotlgo of K it aad elsiiinr membersof the order will assemble et tbeir handsome temple oa N'jrlb front a treat at 1:30 o'clock aad will atta ad too ee re loot la a body Tbe pab ts will also bo weleoma. Tao followie eorpe of polite and clever ushers have been named b? the com mtttee to seat the bvsw aamborof per so -1 who are expected to attend and j ata revereatly la the ex er ol eat. eta: Meeare. B M Oroewell, F. K Tom imaoa.B B Jasaaaa, W. K. Fitter, F. P. TarrwaUaw, Adolph Ooodmao, J. F. Maaaaar aad J. J. Blair. The mas -i '-staree of the will be farelehed by Hollo Academy Orehnetre, Mlaa Mettle Lea Home, aoloist, aad a asleet male eoartotta oomaoeed of Br. C. H Cooper, flret tenor , Mr. Obae. Mc Mlllee, eeooad tenor; Mr. U M Bcbiaeoo. first beta, aad Mr. B. K tioidaa. second bee. Mr E IL Mee eoa will bo the eooompaoUt. Tao pro oramme aa completed yeaterday la aa followe: Pre lode Mallow bush a Urchaetra. Bemarba by Exalted Baler. Byann - Bleat be the tie thel Biada." Aathem "Hoavaaly Father Wilt Tooa Lsai at" Deveaport. Lodce Ceremonlee. Opeslof OJo "Greet Baler of tbe Uelveree.rt Prayer Bee. & Maadeteoba. Sata "Faso to Tom" Herbert Johnson M as Mettle Lee Home. ItVfieon by Boo, B B Olsas, of W I at too. N C. Overtare Hollowbwab'a Orebetlrt. OaUfoOoa for Poor. atheta, "OelheciaaT Home"- Perkins. rjsg Qat moo las Bytaa "Oar Fether'a God! Ta Thee" Tane of America. Benediction. Orebeelre. All offlcsr Of tao lodfe will lake pert lo tao ritoalletlo portion of the m IW1 faw offiaere are as followe: Exalted Baler the W. Solomon. E.ieemed Leediac Kaiwht-O W. PolTcai. Esteemed Loyal Kelrht-Jobn B. K csttasaod Lastoria Kaiht W. H. rttokely. Jr. Esqalre Cnaolaln-Bev Jos. Carmlebatl Seeretary Warren 8. Johaeoa. Tiosoorm F W. Disk. Inner Gaard-Joo. B MeEaehern. P Taylor. tela. J. F. Woolvla and L M Bear. Boa. B B Gtaao. who will deliver the aeaoal addreaa. It one of the fleeel . - Aa-a stkBBkjl as n in the entire Dvaie " . j devotion la uoq j?suooo. m J I I ml arrive thla eveaier W,M tof IbeElka at Tbe Urwo. t a. quni coaiNO. is Pylbiaa tie Mall re-alfii-Otl"' Sseeckes. All members of labor uatont esd the pawUo at lsrge-lbe lan.ei SlrT- sordlaily b") Z addr of Hoo. B B Gle.a. of WaeteTl. 2, mud ftooroftao Borohmoo National Bank balldlag. to-nigbt. Capt. Oloaa will arrive un. aad will be mat by a delegate Ceauwl LOo-mlu-e, -bleb Kin LO TOt Kjrwu win w." . . w will . i..t.iBsd i moiiT wj tbe v at n A and labor noloos. E ka. .iu ! the eitv To-morrow Willi- ... . n w Cpi OltBO will tpea. ' " . . r- aaaoeiatlon ana ..... i 'hr.ivn Aatociai.oi men "w w- afternoon ho will ds- l tbe Kits' .UflO ojOilEOUSNESS." Flea Sotakrr at Y. w c a. Ii Tarrow aner "ONte R,hteouaneae, id bv Bsv. Dr. ao laterw. w v, .nasl sermon . ....... w A. D. Wan are iu - - , . n his s C. A- si a- to toe JT. v. - jndaT eTrn Preebytortea cd- R L bath. f ilana s address to yooag UlssBisa .fLemoon Tta n A to morrow " - U ,rdialiT Invl . , - an mta are corcianj FreabytTtea eburen g tbe atf vlted aioea. All men sr. e S AerifQ me A f-Vrt 01 "ak,.nh.rd of UU W WI" ..... " hv a ladls qm" . n D. Week rot sopraa o ; nf Mrs. L airs. J.D. Kdwsrdt. woo" Wilder. ifOtso-traJto, and ... r In the m. mortal lawwtso. II F Morning W II .MTNftTON "M n RATTTPnAV mnuTtrTiT?!? k ions AT THE "0L0 H0SS" SALe- oQihera bxpress Cosspasy tftors'ei'i Sea s 'o of Serarlaca sad Bergelu to la rioes Seekers fer Treesare. Tbe "Old Hots" tale by the South er o Express Company at Van Am -rioce'a auction rooms, on Second etreet. attracted a large crowd yeater day. Tbs novelty of bating on tbe prlnetpleof ' pir-in-the btjc" whieh obtains at oil such aalss, appealed strongly to the gambling Inatinctin hu man nature generally and eonaeqaent It everybody was there an expectant, c astaaa crowd. Borne of tbe pqrehatea from tbe g 11b ongaed crier, who was debarred la the nature of the case from dilating upon the merits of bit ares, were highly tatiafactory to the suoneeefal b ddert, while others were not. One orer-tnxlout purchaser elbowed bit wsy out of the crowd with a snug package thai He bad leaded for PT coots and waa disconcerted a moment later when he opened op a package of laet year's Parana almaaaca la the midst of a mocking, jeering multitude. A big, fat, bald-headed man good-naturedly carried off a neatly wrapped bundle of merchandise for 68 eeate aad waa tbe brant of a good joke when hit friend t peered over hit thoulder aad found the contents to bo O trial treatment of "Dr. Fake'a" World's fair preparation for removing aperfloua hair. A prominent saloon keeper it mid to have captured for $110 a handsomely bound volume of dam JOB OS work on the "Evils of I a emperaaoa," while a clergyman is eaid to have sneaked out ben be drew a pocket edition of "Hoyt on Draw Polka." Mr. A Silverman, for something over a dollar bought a big strong-box which he refused to open up until the crowd anted up 80 cents to aaliefy their cariosity. Mr. Bi leer mans torood the tablet on the crowd by un j n folding a photographer's outSt aad a tsat worth several tlmee tbe amount paid for tbe bos to aay nothing of tbe fi'ty" be received for the gratifica tion of morbid curiosity, ine aaia coded et S JO o'clock. fine aasker ball otmes. larfe Crawl Witssseed Cleee CeeteiU at Y. B 6. A Last Mint. la two Of tbe moot exciting games of basket bell eeaa here thla year, tbe Blaea ia bath the Junior aad Men's teams scored aignal victories. The Boy 's team wae new and eomposed of pleyere that had not played (tome of tbem) before this eeaton, but by dint of bard work and persistent enort laey aeaeaged to defeat tba Bade by tbe cloee score of S to A Tbe Mens game resulted in a score of 14 to 8 la favor of the Blues, or Little's team. This game was marked by much rough oeea and many foule on tab pert of the Beds, and the care fol aad eteady playing of the Littles. They aeemed to be everywhere. Their pausing aad cool bead work did much to win their game. DaPre, of the Bluer, distinguished himself in bis BBS throwing for the goal from the foal Hoe. He succeeded in caging the ball oa almost swery other throw. By wiaalag this game the Littles sad Lough Una ate again tie for first place lo the cbampioaabip race. The next game will be played Fri day night. Tbs atteadaace lsst night wae tbe largest thla season. Mr. R. B L Boat aad Mr. Dushaa acted aa nmptree. Time keeper eod scorer, Mr. D. W. Davis. THE MABKCrS AMD SHIPPING. Sceooacrs Arrived aad leered Ceites ad Nsval elects. Schooner Voaas," havisg com pleted discharging cargo of fertiHswo ot tao Carolina Central warehouses. cleared yesterday, light, for treorge- to wo, BO. Scboooer "Adele Tbaekara" arrived yesterday from New York with cargo of crashed etone for Roger Moore'e Sans & Co.. to be discharged at Port OsaeeU. Ibe local cotton market was quotea yeaterday eteady at IS cents for mid dling; receipts, 8,0 bales against 9 lsO balet tame dey leat yeer. Spirits lurpenlina was Inactive and rosin was steady at M 10 per barrel, w.- Mm British tramp steamer ' Aa- clo Saxon" dida't sail yeaterday as she axp-cted. She fsllsd to get out of the Hrv-K at the compress la time for yes terday morolsg's Uds aad eoDse queaily bs bad to wait aaUl daylight this moralBg. stjtnV CeWtCB ENTElTAlNBENr. ay Circle at Ladtca' AM Ssekty el St. adrsw'i akyterlas ssorcb. Oaswf tsjoetrclesof tos Indies' Am Society of St. Aadrew's rreaaryssw del.ahtful enterUlB- c&uroh gave Igbt at tba borne of Mrs. J. meat lest n H Tnoma. ,-.-.. 308 Norm rroo street A lsrr number of younjr B charmingly enterlainen neoDle were wtlb a prof ram me of dtllghifui musi- lncluded violin ..i uiecuoos. wnien and whlaUiag solos by Mr. D. Amati Mia. Bchardson. soprano Nor. Soott, eotoo by Mr. H. R O-K-J ondMr. CarlB Rehder and readlBg. by bliss Florence rearseui. Durlag aad after the exerela refreehm.nU were served to . . rt a Kit sum wsa i dainty the de- lixed tor wasa it wat a6 Dvhos. IlZJd: "The WU-m.H-rer who tecured a mrtThis TxacUyaaf In hi. double plea of Insanity aad stlf-defencf. " I.. 1 BACK TAX LITIGATION Full Text of Supreme Court De cision io Case of the City Against McDonald. RECEIVED HERE YESTERDAY. Meelclpellty May Uo Bsck Indefinitely After Revenue Lssg Delayed Case Is foist Involves Period Slice 1872 Jadge Connor. City Attorney William J. Bellamy has juet received from Raleigh a copy of the full text of the opinion of the Supreme Court in the Important back ts x suit of the City of Wilming ton againit Bridget McDonald and others, involving the right of the mu nicipality to collect arrearages of team indefinitely, the suit having been decided Iff fa? Hi' iff Ifc decision ia, in effect, thtt the city can collect back taxes indefinitely, the eaae in point covering s period from 1872 until the present. The decision ti sn important one to tbs city end bringe within the range of possible collection, perhaps, morethso $50,000. Tbe oaee went up on appeal of the de fendents from the decision in favor of tbe city by Judge Peebles of the Superior Court here, and waa argued before the Supreme Court by Olty Attorney Bel lamy aad ex Judge Jamee E. Shep herd, of Raleigh, for tbe plaintiff, and L. V. Grady, Esq. for the defendant. The judgment ot the lower court was affirmed. The opinion is as follows: Tbe Olty of Wilmington vs. Bridget McDonald et als , appellants. Conaor, J. This action Is prosecut ed by the plaintiff, The Oity of Wil mington, for the purpose of collecting certain taxea assessed againtt the pro perty of tbe defendantt tpeclflcally de scribed in tbe complaint. Tbe plain tiff allegee that tbe land waa lawfully sssaasad for taxation bv said city at the valuation and the rate set forth for years enumerated, amounting to $534.88. Tbe complaint also allegee that cer tain taxes were levied upon the "per aoDal property and poll of the defend ers Hugh McDonald and Bridget Mc Donald, amounting to $18.35. Hugh McDonald is not a party to this action. Tbe complaint aliegea "That under tbe laws providing for the collection cf taxea by tbe Oity of Wilmington for each and every year became due and payable on or before the Slat, day of December of each aod every year for which said taxes were levied and assessed. Tbe judgment demanded It thet tbe plaintiff recover tbe amount or eaid taxeeand interest; that tbe amounts ao due be declared a lien upon eaid property and that a aale thereof bo ordered, etc The com plaint waa duly verified. Th mis nn anneal states that on the c i l of tbe motion docket tbe plaintiff eekod for judgment against tbe fol lowing of said defendants, Bridget McDonald. William Bheohaa aad wife; William Bmlthton and wife. The eaid defendants through coun lei appeared aad asked leeve to file an answer to said complaint. The Court rerused the said defendants tbe right to file an answer for the reason that ibe same was not filed within the time prescribed by law or by tne rate aaopv rd by the members oi me Bar of aaid County. Thereupon tbe Court ren dered judgment al demanded in the complaint Tbe defendants moved ms minor m set aside tbe judgment upon the ground that the same is void in law and contrary to the statutes and the charter of said Oity and upon the fur ther ground that His Honor had no authority in law to reader the same. Hie Hoaor declined to allow said mo u. .h r!fndanta annealed. They assiarn as error His Honor's refusal to asta rrl l, flssM. permit them to me answer Tbe find ing of r.t that the time ror niing aoawer bad expired la conclusive and too well settled to require or jwetuj discussion that the extension of time is a matter within the discretion of the Court Boddie v. Woodard, 88, N. O. 8; Boose v. Jooea, 84 N. O. 587. 'The Court erred In rendering said judgment." The exception ii too general. There U no suggestion in the assignment as to the respect In which the Court erred. Tbe defend ant's counsel relied in this Court upon the bar of the Statute of Limitation, especially of tbe provision In the Charter of tbe City, 1868- 9, Chapter 198 The 8tstute of Limitation can only be raised by aBswer, but It would seem that this Court has held In Wil mington v. Cronly, 1 N. O. 888, that If pleaded the atatote would not bave availed tbe defendant. Aa BO answer was filed sad we find no error on tbe record we affirm the judgment with out deciding several questions argued before us. We find however that the iudgment includea the poll tax of Hugh McDonald who is not a party to the action and it ia not alleged that he owned tbe property sought to be sold. This amount should be stricken out. We see no reaaon why the amount due aa taxea ahoum not near micro... Tbe aaaeesment has tbe force and effect of a judgment and carriea inter est under tne Statute. Affirmed. THE STANDARD OIL MATTER. Fire Coaalsslss is Seiilos With City Esglsecr -Psrmslstlsg Report isewA. Borinaer. Chief of Police J no. J. Forloag. Chief Ohsrles Bchnib ben, of tho Fire Department, compos ing the Fire Commlmlon, and Oity Engineer a P. Adamt met yesterdsy afternoon at 4 o'clock at the City Hall and formulated their report for pre sentation to the Board of Aldermen Monday oiaht iB regard to coodltions at tbe Standard Oil Company'! plaBt The report will not be made public fnrm v tubmiuea wun oiuo printi to the Board of Aldermen, which has been assured that whatever action is deemed necessary to prevent a recurrence of the recent accident at the plaat will be cheerfully ccmpiieu with Tbe Boaid on tne oioer nana baa manifeated no disposition to im pose a hardship npoo the company. Faaeral of Mr. srleger. Tha remains of the late Mr. Augus tus W. Rieger were carried toSouth ,.t on tba steamer "WllmingtOB" yeaterday morning aod the funeral service aad interment took place there in the afternoon. The relative! ano s few friends aceompaa'ed tbe remains to Sou 'ip't Star. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. O. W. Scott, of Hallsville, Duplin, county, was here yesterday. Mr. R. M. Wescott went to Portsmouth, Va.. yesterday on a busi ness trip. Mr. and MrB. L. J. Carter and Miss Lee, of Atkinsoo, N. C, are guests at The Orton. Maj. C. P. Bollee, of Wash ington, D. C . is in the oity to spend the r.onth with his family. Mis3 Reaves, who has been the guest of the Misses Emerson, left yes terday for Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Car michael are in New York, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Jones. Miss Maddie Porter left yester day for her home at Emerson, N. C , after a pleasant visit to friends in the city. Mr. E. J. Fuller, ot wasniug- O.. gsatrsl counsel for tne American Tobacco Co. , was here y es terday. Mrs. John Hnske Andersen and daughter, Lucy London, will meet Mr. Anderson at The Orton to-dsy to pend a few days in the city. dtajMiBS Mary Warren Cameron, of BJhaville, after a delightful visit to Miss MarTwMeares, left yesterday morning to visit Jn Raleigh. Miss Maud liofland left yester day for Roanoke. Va.7 toyisit her father for a short while. Bhe then goes to Chicago, 111., for the Winter. William J. Bellamy, Esq., will leave this evening for Durham, where on to-morrow he will deliver the an nual memorial address for the Dur ham Lodge of Elks. Mr. T. H. Thompson, the pop ular salesman for the Eagle Paper Co., Richmond, Va., returned to the city last night from a ten day's trip to At lanta, Savannah and Charleston, S. C. While in Atlanta he was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. O. Castle berry. STREETS AND WHARVES WORK. Second Street to be Macadamized Prom Red f 8 to castle. The street force has now about com pleted the macadam of Sacond street, between Grace and Red Cross, and yesterday work was begun on Second, between Dock and Orange. It is the purpose of the Btreets and Wharves Committee to complete a macadam thoroughfare on Second, from Castle tn Red Drosta streets, before there is any let up in the work. The charac ter of the material now baing received from the quarry is first claas. In ad dition to the permanent work much repairing is also now being done. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds which Appear Prom tbe Record as Filed Yesterdsy. Thomas H. Wright to Benj. R. Rus sell, for $600, lot on east side of St. James street, 133 feet south of Dock street, 88x75 feet iu sise. E. H. Kidder et al. trustees, to Jao. H. Hlldreth and wife, for $100, lot west side of Fourteenth street. 316 feet .north of Nun street, 155x330 feet, more or less. Richard G. Litgen and John J. 8heeban to Mrs. Mary K. JUttgen, ior $1,400, house and lot on west aide of Fourth street, 165 feet south cf Nun atraet. .83x65 feet in size. Iredell Meares, commissioner, to Matt J. Heyer, for $15,100, buildings and lot at southwest corner of Front and Ohesnut streets, 66 feet on Front street and running into the block 118 feet. FIRST MET IMPOSTER HERE. Swindler Arrested is Sivsomb Once Op erated Is Wilmington The Case. Special to Augusta Chronicle. Savannah, Ga , Dec. 3. Rev. O. A. HamiltOB, a Metbodiat evangelist from Martinsville, Vs., arrived hereto night and confronted an imposter,who, ,,r,Har tho oarhpnf the miuisier. had been seeking and receiving contribution! to a fund that he was raising to restore a gospel tent that was blown down in Augusta, Oa., last spring. Harris confessed that he had no right to wear the garb of a minister but insisted thai ne naa never ihicu to anyone that he was a licensed preacher. His meeting with tbe real sir. Hamilton was not me nrah uuc. Last April, In Wilmington, N. O., he Mind the confidence of tbe evange list and secured the subscription list that was taken from him when be was made a prisoner by Detective uurpoy Monday. The Wilmington Cotton Mills will resume operations next Monday. A number of repairs have been made at the mills, including the installation of additional heating apparatus. Chares Notices. First Presbyterian Church, corrr Third and Orange streets, Rev-John M. Wells, pn. D Dastor Divine services at 11 A. M. w'dTSOpfk. Preaching services by the Distor. Sunday - cnooi u r. i meeune on Wednesdays at 8 P. M. .Tne public are cordially Invited to sates services. rourthand CampbeU Vg a. ..n'ii TrahvTrian cnurcn. corner prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday at a v. u The nubile Invited. Beats free. Beligioua servlcss will be conducted t the Beaman a Betnei io-mornjw, voauu.; "" noonat 8 o'clock, by Rev. A. OJicO are, D D. nnamnn and rlvermen are especially invited. All are welcome. Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Sixth and cmeen streets. Morning prayer aaOaOSrm ii a M avenlng payerand sermon, .: 45 P. M. Sunday School, S.80 P. M. Bouthstde Baptist Church, corner Fifth and Wooster. Bervices Sunday awi e m. uuu 4 . r. avt xr a ej oa aaawv- I'clook. Young Men's I'CIOCK. Bladen Street Methodist Church, corner of ruth and Bladen streets, aev. aeo. a. wsrow, istor servicea ouuuy 11 a., a., puui.u... Sunday school, J B. Taylor, superiniena it, S MI; Mid-week prulse service Wednes .w 7-sn p.m. A cordial welcome to all. Brooklyn Baptist Church, corner Fourth and runswlck Sti. aev. J. L. Vlppennajjastor. Svtoie tb-morrow at 11 A. M. and 7.80 P. M. IV?? Rrhool at 3.80 P. M. Weekly prayer Brunswick Sunday school at SJ8P. M, Weekly prayer ind d raise meeting Wednesday at 8 P. M. Strangers and visitors are cordially Invited to au WHOLE NO. U318 A gooi article invites confidence from tbe start aod improves on acquaintance. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Masonic Temple Building. Sole Agents for Stronse Broa. and Knppenheimer's Fine Clothing, dec 5 tf THE STORE THAT PAYS YOUR CAR PARE ATTENTION ! WHOLESALE CHRISTMAS BUYERS. Our showing of Holiday Novelties is now complete, xms bsuu wo have gathered together the greatest line of Toys, Fancy China and Glassware, Fireworks, Candies and Novelties that we or any other store in this city has ever had. We are importers and of course this means a great saving to you. A look through our Big Store means a pur chase. If you can't come to see us a 1 m I I a.-MAM SWA drop us a rosiai ior pricea dec 5 tf Get a Fashion Sheet. PLATT The Peerless Fashion Sheet Ior January Is replete with hints for the world of fashion, and a more charming group than that shown on cover page can harffy he imagined. Two dainty waists for evening wear are represented on pages 8 and 5. and they Doth Introduce the popular drop-shoulder effect that Is such a pro nounced feature this season. The desirability of these waists for sheer dainty fabrics is a de. elded recommendation In their favor and many other new adjuncts are noted. Three-quarter coats continue to appear with fashionable modifications, and a handsome skirt displaying the stole man unique way may be seen by re ferring to page 3. A pretty set of berthas that will do much to freshen a partly worn waist Is represented on page This shest Is given away free at we sa & H4AR, AGENTS FOR PEERLESS PATTERNS. dec 5 tf Just Received A big line of Suits to retail at $10, neat designs and handsome patterns. Sole Agent for Fechheimer Fishel & Cos Line Tailor-made Suits From $ 1 2.50 to $20 Per .Suit. Pants to fit anybody, any size and length. You can save money by seeing our line before purchasing. Suits to order from $13.50 np, .T "W HI- FTJOHS. Head to Foot Outfitters. We sell for less. one 800' dc 1 tf - sugar cured hams. 1 ,050 Lbs.Sugar Cured Hams, I Oc 1,460 Lbs. Pic-Hie Hams, 7c. Q QQQ P Q Msjfg ua' 160 Boxes L L Raisins. 67 Boxes Mixed Nuts. 27 Bbls. Baldwin Apples. 96 Pails Violet Kisses. 47 Pails Chocolate Creams. W. B. COOPER, de 5 tf Wilmington, N. C. To Labor Unions. All members and ther-Tubllc ladles a . .mwf.Art tn attend the lecture Hon E. B. Glenn to night at 8 o'clock at Py thian Castle Hall, M urchlson Bank BuUdlng. By o -der of Central Committee. 8MrrHt dec 5 it ' 'President. Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice is hreby given that "ie Arm of W. J. Beaman A Company, doing business In Wil mington, N. C.,fe tt?s day dWlved by mutual consent of the partners of said firm, and Mr. Q. c. Ha r man Is authorized to cohect and receipt for all moneys due said firm. dec 5 St W. J. BEAMAN & CO. Notice to Delinquents. The Supreme Court has again decided that back taxes due the City of Wilmington are col lectable... . . The poncy or me preseni to vigorously enforce the law. OnMwOte mentsot t'xes (not in suit) maae beioretoe loth day of December, 1803. the customary coats win be charged: after that date . tototerest tfper cent.) ffifi3BES& decsit city Attorney. To Excursionists. The first thing you should do on your arrival In Wttemsgton' styllaB"1 I poo. Possibly, forta. O uavo a wwiii! voojr ni.iv, v. m , or a cool and refreshing sham you may need all ot these com The Favorite ' Barber shop Is the place. QUION & DAVIS, mo. 7 South Front Street, au 16 I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. n 5fs,r. by SB.OO $u Mcnthi. 8.60 4 Three Month. " 1 rr, Wnthl. LOO' X a ww we - B)eUver.S to suba.rlbars US r City a 41 cnti par Hosts, a J. M. Solky & Co.'s Clothing is Good Clothing. It isn't made np to sell at a price that simply looks lowfrthan what other clothing 11 soldfo. It's made to be the best that can be made to be thoroughly good. Then it's sold for as little aa can be asked for it. When you pay, for Instance, 16 or $10 for a Unit or Overcoat here you buy not only your money's worth in quality of fabric and mak ing, but a style, character and grace of cut that is distinctly Solky and inimitable. , We can well claim that Solky s Clothing represents more for its price than any other clothing you buy for every garment we Bell sub stantiates it. Our stook is being added to most every day. We're ordering goods to come just aa fast as they are ready. We need them with such a demand to meet. J. 1 HR1&TMA5 or- fei PRESENTS mi p SOLKY & tO., k . m BBS si: bkZi pi WHOLE IMfhily J. H. REHDERv tfc CO., 615, 617, 619 North Fourth St., Wilmington, N. C. PLATT & HAAR, AGENTS FOB PEERLESS PATTERNS. I Folding Bed! For sale a double Folding Bed of Finest auality, with Springs and Mattress. Every thing as good as new. Will be sold for half its value. For further information apply at the nrm Star Office. no 28 Iw Stctsqh Co Whtt Ada Moat to a. Gentl Dress ? All agree a nice STYLISH HAT! Then go to - HAMME, THE HATTER, Latest Styles and Lowest Prices, nov 28 tf et Front Street. SALT. We can fill your orders promptly as we are now . receiving another cargo. Raisins, Apples, Oranges, Cocoanuts, Candy, Mixed Nuts. Should he ordered now to avoid delay. HALL & PEARSALL, INCOBPOBATBD. dec 9 tt . !i Jr'atttfBiisw - ' '. . Jjf woefolly lauikod. F. A Mae. nd contraiMJ. White glflto wt nsabi

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