1 11 - - . PICTORIAL riSD UIDDKX mXaK mat. AXD OA. ,1 0 ASTORIA I rroc: rKcirrtty- ill Not Xabcotic. v rwxi raK for Coanjjpa 2 wo Sow StowKtLDMnlMxa I t i i frama anil fill I ill I MMLoatorSun J-aenC SksfeaWflssiB-rw W Ml A 0 Bwawflewawaaw W.-A VsHBjM Jgp Guns, gawds aod If Vo kmoa in Sboci KemingtM ha automatic JsotSS. Baltimore i -ana Wkkohistsr nasal lig stzswoi, and oosspiota lino of Belglnm s. Hosting; Coava Leggina, Una Ohm and lUrofTar of all WndTa. WM. E SPRINGER & CO., Puroll Building. nmm lav. SOMETHING OF 1NTBREST. rmjnUr lotarswt, qaartM Oar depoattOd who us on or umm - -- e thrM naontba in tares t on tbs fint day of IfaM. Wo pay at tbs Atlantic Trust and lift J. HBVI i aasas g. a as, i rlgafa. Jofca B KnA. B. n w Yaiaa. R- K. vErim O'Brism, J. 0. l Otoacbsn. L M. Boar JQJJJrJr' iswlksw bsswJgsm 1M ?mr ease them write W O. THOMAS OO., onfnctMM for this uarittfry. i Wilmington Sayings & Trnst Co. : - frlnc-M SW.. Capital and turpteo - S ... - a V m s-i lover; UM, J. W. ni mnA atro' i' PUZZLE. CASTORIA For InlknU BBj Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over AW Thirty Years CASTORIA Guns. at fair prions yon will find Wilmington, H. O. DOT 24 tf bogins Tsdar I.bar 1st. rasa of 4 par oaou par anna. Banking Company. D. Mclaobsrn, B. H. J. Beilaaay. M. J. kleyer, kit Your Dealer For Prices. If he does not handle Cronly, N. C. no 2$ tf nSW - . $80,000 00 00 MJML'IOM: Vatas D. O'Connor. J. V. Gralntar, J. W. J -1 ALL OVER iHt H0USE ..tiiion of Idea, of rn " -icneo. ton. .t Z.Vf- ft-, w wS SSS ha M.mi : sxtisi olacs ." J""1" fire- rT. Jt pktca on the nun tJMf This old time firsplscsb .c rnecruv burn- SS m. "'rior haag, . big bUck P Thl DOt l. faalkL. I co in half and tttached to the Strci '.fi-p u . tu,y ? onrneq matches. I IOC mrmnnnJ a. - bar. floor . . Z:J2 hoin I . . . - - p i rag car Mi laid nfnr tk t Bin i. pmitu to l-octnal whco the irarelrr asks JJC n,. Mil ,b laodlord pk,a.n,lr "be kjj baod, ,orber aad an9mm, W biiuw yoor eaeeileocy piesse to To wW not da. for to traveler to enr to otfer too Utile or too nnch and mul ettner a spendthrift or a ho haa t . k. - tbaoa (ha lnHlnl ... - . sad beg for a detailed atatetneiit. Then tbe landlord. politely deprecat ing anything of tbe kind, to alow It per y anger or Ola band, wttb a Jn nrsjauient before eacb soccesair " nana wito aod doubled down "What doe It come tor aaka tbe tractor, taking oat bto puree at toat li .w Wa W a . . . no ine account are -bat. did bto not add Ilto -irlirn-T barlna- bwn of tbto act of -mental arithm.fi. tk. addition to gooe over inln. from tho backward, wttb a ftnger or tuureaeotinx forsottpn brooabt Into account from th otaer Oand Too cam total to cladtr oald. and hoat re mutnaltr content, tbe knowing tbat bo baa not been or than nernana a thumb and two Sngora a1lt a4Uwork. inn of tbe oldeat needlework extant found In Egyptian and EaTpto- tomba rough eort of flaxen like tbe bath towel in of our daj It baa loop of wool worked kind of needle, ratoed on M Of tbe staff only, and a kind of tapeatry partly woven and partly owtttaod In neadit wuck. Tbe mammies which an Insatiable model u curtonlty baa dtotnrbed are wrapped in linen, aa teas liable than woolen sloth to the raeagsu of moth, and tbe art of wear ing the flax tbat grew so plentifully on of tbe Nile was probably by tbe Israelite during their In Egypt. tasks of "floe linen with tejsjtnsii il work from Egypt" Linen seems taw natural ground and founda ttea of all embroidery. It often tests teogor than tbe work itself, can bo eJeaand sad wfll not fray or wesr out. ss do more costly silks and Spectator. To teas a both st Tlflto Is to court fal expetlroce. Abondant water, atroogly Impregnated ted hydrogen, auppiy toe in Its rsulted chambers. tbe etreet. there to no aouod of tbe fountain and the of one't own rolee. Henry S n rlTF a description of tbs Bssaasur who presides orer tbe both and makes Its most eccentric feature. -He to a Perstea. who speaks bot s word or two of Ensslan His bend to absTed. a rag to twisted round bto waist, sad his feet ore dyed orange - first be rubs you. sod then sudden ly, as you Us face downward on tbs marble stab, be Is upon your bark, bto feat steg Into your eplne. bto bands graapiog your abo alder, to Increase lowly, with aauirui ap of erery muscle, bto feet grind up sad down your bock. They encircle year nock. They sre on your bead -Then be tsuIU lightly off. and tn a from a linen bag niieo wun be baa aoueeasd cloud of per- hnhhlM and you Ire hidden in t!-oi from hd to foot co:r.p!etery as tf you bad fallen into a snowdrift. Toa are not absolutely bruised, but you are clean " gwta Tkait tf rail. tmrlng n slaapless night tbe Vixler Mnjjeduddln Kumljs dtopstcbed his atere. Bedruddln Etas, to bring him aweets. Tbe ! procured n copper kettle be sped with many kinds of fruits sad sweets, sod Majjeduddln be gan toast. -You reltoh them, my msstorr ssked tbe ate re. Tbe Tteler shrugged his shoulder. This fruits sre sweet for tbe mo ment." he snU "but show me s fruit the sweetness of which Will endure eren unto tbe judgment day." Ban h fruits there sre. my mseter. crtod tbe stern and hastened toward tbe Mescbed Hubs, where be awoke tbs starring orphans In tbe bouse of Alrwia end led them forth and into tbe room of bto master. Orerjoyed. tbe Ismtohri children deroured tbe fruit. Look. oh. my master," ssW tbs store. Hers yon see fruits tbe sweet ness of which endures unto tbs Judg ment day "New Tork Press. Tbs ScandlnuYten bridegroom pre sents to bis betrothed s prayer book sad many other gifts, which usually In clude s goose. She to tarn sire him. specially to Sweden, a ahlrt. and tbto be laeartably wesr on his wedding day. Afterword be puts'" sway, and under no circumstance will be wesr It again white alire. But be wears It In his grsee. sad there sre Swede whowirnesOy be lie re not only in tbe artlnn (be body, but In tbe Stable resurrcctloo of the betrothal thirls of such husbands ss Usee never broken anv of their marriage vow. The Swedish widower mast destroy on tbe oea e of bis secoca ujw aklrt which bto first wife gars I',r wife sad W nays s trseebng m.l -were once In s hotel where we zlZtn t set any boiling water. Aftrr !llacted the sUnsUon my lit. ssked me If I had sa envelope In my ecnel- I got oa. -t, wM-jbj It orer tbe gas Jet. tD0 Busily did It sad MMCM JjMi "ITilfSii blsse ap every mste. ui !?T!I-Vbtasa. Tbe envelope took on s MflltbS that wa. all. Tbe water LXnS me and the envelop, was STseveTwhen lb. linjlMMt WM 1 don't know tbs eaomwiry - r?-" ass If t will not work- fsr betew' Pollllrla. .. .. "Maw. what's de difference between T P0Utlci3 i and ee tiiuiii.i.i -WoU. Looey, a muahro .m'a good MM IIII "Vcs, "arr - ( "And a t. d toi Is plxen. r I n't it?" Tc. 'um. "And dcy bof look ollkeV "Ye, 'urn." "Ds same difference from a ststes- io n politician. Exchange, i ..ii i i.-.i Ptoywrigbt-Tbat villa. n Id my play ISSB'I act bi pnrt .ID to the llnaa Urn m.u., wenr s look of worry and desper- -"Kvr -ud. don t get excited. I U x that. John, go up on tbe stage and rumor tust l bare skipped with Ibe liox o3ce recelpta. Baltimore Aetv V. hm Mr lil.l. tVt)-! did U, d . h, Of so fmouT" asked tbe Inquirer, guxing curiously at an individual who ornwsj nie central of a eocial group. To the best of niy knowledge." rs- fc idc cynic, "be did the public." Rohr Ik. R...I.. "Do yoa drink pale beer. Miss Mll- No. lodeed; papa buy our beer la -. Loruuio Kegtoter. Tbe fixed capital In agriculture in the wuu owiw u roar times that in wnuajicturec. rill li Those who will nsrstat Is closing their esrs sgalost tbe continual ree-o-nmendttion of Dr. Kings New Dte- rovery tor tjoDiumpilon will hare a loog and bitter fight with tboir trou ble, if nol ended earlier by fatal ter mination. Bead what T. B. Basil, of "a i., mi., has to say: ''Last fall my wife had ererv avmntnm nf mn. au motion. 8be took Dr. Eiog'a New Diacorery after everything else bad raiieo. improvement came st once. ana roar Dome entirely cared her." Guaranteed by R. K. Bellamy, drug rtat. Pries 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tles free. f THAT TO BE CORRECT WE MUST WEAR THE COR R ECT SHOES A-d to good drearer. goumn or ladr. ihlQk iwc brir gotsg agat tt fashion's dictates oa rind sli the rcqaKsments or FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR In owMoek. and not harem mat inos foot com fort ltar. a sewll aa aoaaeriBc of b-mt. ' goa tor nengia eaoes aau anppea- imusD" oo v-mcinnaii wnca LArge of bote lost rveeirsd Hesldes, ail kluds boo cneap ror CRCER & EVANS CO., do a xi iu Pnbns, Itching, Scabby Skin Diseases. , C.rhiinrlM, Ptaaples. Scrotal w,srnjnwiiiii swe sstia. n taaa. tar and lotnu, ItctUac bsanotariaia; SwoUra r.Uoda. a da Skim. Haeaa Furbw tn or offramT crartiosst oa Rk;n. all rurnle.n. rVaan oa ur part of la body. Hair or Blood Balm, guaranteed worra talL Bral. far as rich, eonpletalr cbaarn ita b :.:. r oool.tion. n. p. i:. of caera of Blood i by aa awful iiubioBii 001II1I1111 ot tb a a a aara Cakarrb. atoaa Bswkaw aod tans sassaacbBB, wub Acbaa and Paioa; mil Seakar'SaUaa. BrapUoas. W alary BUatcra, wSb ricblac and Serairhln of Erarma. by slvtnf s baaMby Mood aoiply to arrr-rud part. Cancer Cured of an gjadA. Ttanora. oly tnrrra. Il kUU iba Cancrr rolaoo and baala Oi Sorr. partboUy. If yoa bare s peraasesl iltlnar Snoortraj. SUnglnc ralna. aS Okry wUl dlaappaar bafora tbry ac Maayappararsly bopabasi by ol'sx act at a ax. Tat i hbetmaiBrUakrP)a5iraBJJi tab!, iad -baa tb. rtgW qantfty B bkaa b RlrwMl Harm : a( in taka. Tborooa or -ar rvo.ani-7 is Bbaar. !! i Saw SVya l r-.r i am mm w. . Atlanta, ua. uncnm i aancv, 10 tan OS SI DOW ly a tb Dr. Bio. . Huckleberry Cordial The Grrat Soumen rtcmcjij Core a 8t o.narh and Bowel Trenbie. BOWai Bwaw . sit waiter A. Taylor. Atlanta. Oa Or h?t'V hsvi iir oMJn m. te Jfca SM "11 but I tsk plsaaur In ;WnXn9 b. .losyr.- "STEZR OfMtmmmmm Zmvtmmiiy roe tnat i , Troublet. 50c In- Stomach and Bovrel Trumlcln, t0 prompt v"?1 " ky In Druaglit. B) 3 CrHINRVW. GRADY. Atlanta. Ga. 'ceasanIon. "Price rfcndti bottle MEU AMD WOMEB. Vm BI 'S:""1," mm 1 1 or Hal la slala bV .ywavljsald. fa. Ha, or barbea rb. Ore alar M riawj- to Ul SS I ss iy ST awfc-T- awMM awtewtwS-5S2SE3iw HJM tntnn tm.... c: --..-tv an 1 1 utn body ibio baa and I m ..und. nana Waak lira sTf STmSlem. W3f BBSWJ t.lk i CMICMlBTtn S KNOLISM 4 arlagfSiSSMS wM aWO Mnf dMM MnTwB Bk. swEw&wawE WT&pttOU AMM SrB MnwV MM BfcalWmi fB & nnM Lnnf M M afepXMlv' rjawMaB nT wfl dbawaam haaBwSBraT JawSsm aawawam jjSaKam B 1 will convince yon of it nnusnal quality and fragrance. Tht first hundred will prove their uniformity. bLV Tht first thousand will snbstantiate the fact that it is a cigar you never tire of 5C I Largest Seller in the World. Tht Zand is the Smoker's Protection. Han Scha finer & Marx HindTi.lorcd mm mist CwyitgfcJ 1 T Hart S'.aTatr U Mm nam a Bxaskasw la. ii fffT : r THE A. DAVID CO. dec 6 tf Closing Out Ladies' Hats! I will begin this week to close out my Ready-to-wear-Hats. $2.76 Hatofor $150; $4.00 Velvet Hato for $ 1.48; Misses' $1.87 Hato $1.25; $ I 50 Trimmed Hat 65c. Jut received a new lot fine 69c Large Loos Collars 50c, SI, $1.75, $2.50; they are one third less than yon can get them elsewhere. A big lot Facinatori. Shawls at all prices. Fine lot long Silk Coats. Sweaters $1 98. Furs at half price. Silk Mufflers for Holidays. All styles of Silk, Flannel and uonon Waists. The largest stock Skirts in the city, over 600 to select from, in Silks, Flannel, Serge and Broadcloth. PARIS MILLINERY EHPORIOM, 129 nor 24 tf Consignment Five hundred pairs of Kid Gloves consigned to TAYLOB'S Any vise or color to be sold at 98 cents a pair, regular value $1.50. Come early to make your selection. A New and Select Stock of Dress Skirts and Shirt Waists in Silks and Different Textures of Cloth. Also a new line of ladies' and Children's Coats, an excellent line to select from. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, noT 25 tf CITY LIVERY CO. BAGGAGE BRASS POLISH, HARNESS OIL, CHAH0IS, SPONGES, SOAP, dec6tf 108, IBtstement ot tbe condition of tbe ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK, Wilmington, N. VII At close of business November 17th, 1903. Organized 1892. R SOURCES. Loan, and discount ...MMim 06 Oasb.ta Vault.. S'S In otaer nasaa . v,.. v vi Sl.r79.4S3 14 I we aim to be W offer very facility t nown to modem banking. f a ia?iTh"l 'jaTslalatfslair mmtttmt'i'mm'h'S rTBBTaaaSllt f lala 'c - i ' -x-,. vc ' &ja$8gifr ' a-kjtaatAav tt We'll Fix You Right For The WINTER I We'll fit you out in an "H. S. M " Suit and one of our ouperb OVERCOATS that you'll be proud to wear ! And it won't coot you any more than it ought to. 88c Imitation Beaver Hat 48c; Kid Gloves, worth 11, $1.25, SI 50 for and Cloaks for Children and Ladies Market St., Wilmington, N. C, Next to Bonitz Hotel. BAZAAE. The Leading Millinery House, 118 Market street. TRY OUR SHOES! If you want best values for the least money. Our School Shoes and Dress Shoeo for Boys and Girlo are the best yet. So try them and we know you will come again. Geo. R. French & Sons. SStftt TRANSFER. RIDING BRIDLES. SADDLES, BLANKETS, ROBES, WHIPS. 110, 112 North Second Street. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Iias.ooo oo Burplna, etc 183 138 85 Circnlatlon 1S6 000 00 Deposit 1,846,866 29 Total $1,779,403 14 liberal, est safe. nor s tr Why Not Take a Trip Thio Winter Through Florida to Goto. This beautiful State and Island has been brought within easy reach by the splendid through train service of the ATLANTIC COAST LINE, the greot thoroughfare to the tropics. Winter Tourists Tickets are now on sale to all points in Florida and to Havana. For rates, schedules, maps, sleeping car and steamship accommodations write to W. J. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. "What to say in Spanish and how to say it" sent to any address upon receipt of a two cent stamp, dec 4 tf Cuban Blossoi AND RENOWN CIGARS. These Cigars are better than ever "SILVER COIN" FLOUR. It is the BEST ever ground; guaran teed. H. L. Vollers. A. C. L. Crossing, jy 26 tf FOR COPLEY PRINTS. We have them. Also the Cosmos Pictures, large list of subjects. Small size, 12 for 25 cents; large size 4 for 25 cents. 1,000 Unframed Pictures, Plain And in p.nlnrs. 10ft each. Frames of all sizes made to order Latest styles in Mats and Mould ings. G. W. TATES & CO., nov 29 tf Wilmington, N. C. South Atlantic Transit Co. steamer a for Vayei tortile N. C. 8TE4.MEB CITY OF FAYETTE VILLE : Leaves 2 P.M., November 35th; Kovember 38 m. 8TEAMEB HIGHLANDEB : November soth, 4:30 p. M.; December 3rd, 1 r. m. All steamers take freight and passengers. or ranner inrormaiion appiy T. D. LOVE, Agent, Bnpt. Transportation, Wilmington, N O. W. rt. cook, Gen'l Freight ana Paeaensi Agent, FayetterUle. N. c . nor 35 tf SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. Effective October 8 1st, 1908. LEAVE, wtimineton. f 7.00 A. M. 10 00 A. M. 3 OOP M. 6 10 P. M, 10 OOP. M. WrlgbteviUe for Wll. o sa a aa Beach. 11.17 A. M. 11.00 A. M, 5.17 P.M. 5.00 P.M. 709 P. M. 10 so P. M. Saturday only Daily except Sunday. twin not run beyond Wrlghtsvllle unless mere are passengers ror tne ueacn. FREIGHT. Small freight shipments will be carried on all oatsenirer can Boecial arrangements for transportation of large shipments or bulky trergnt can no maae oy applying at tne omoe. ocizi u To Excursionists. The first thing you shonld do on your arrival in Wllm'ngton is to have a clean, easy shave, or a Biyiisu nair-cnt, or a cxxii ana rerrssning snam poo. Possibly, yon may need all of these com forts. 'The Favorite" Barber r-hop i the place. GUlON & DAVIS, aal6tf No. 7 South Front onset. Seaboard Air Line Railroad, Schedule in Effect An. 80. i908- TBAIN Leaves Wim mgton 3:15 p. m, arrive 89 Lnmberton 6:85 p m. Max ton 6:45 D m., remorose o:w p m, Maxton 6:45 p m, d runlet 7:86 p m arrive Charlotte 10; u:o pm. TRAIN Leaves Wilmington 9:00 p m. arrives Lnmberton 2:15 a m, Pembroke 2. 55 a m, Maxton 4 05 a m, Hamlet 6:co a m. Leaves Charlotte 5:01 a m, Hamlet 8:40 a tn, arrives MaxtoD 9:25 a m, Pem broke 10:08 a m, Lnmberton 10:27 am, Wilmington 12:45 pm. Leaves Hamlet 1 0:45 p m, arrives Max ton 13:85 a m, Pembroke 1:80 a m, Lnm- 15 TRAIN 40 TRAIN 14 Denons:isam, Wilmington rnwirt. WESTBOUND FBOM HAMLET. Oamlet.. 7 80 aml040 pn. Ar Monro9 905 am 1215 am Ar Charlotte 1006 a m Ar Chester.. 1088 a a- 135 a. t Greenwood ....1283 pm 8 48 am ax Athens 850po- 6 05 ai. at Atlanta 8 60pm 7 60 m SOUTHBOUND FBOM HAMLET. L.V banner... 725 am 10 40 pm Ar Coin -bla.... 1055 a m lsosna Ar 8a vs uah 820pm 505am Ar Jacks6nvllle 650pm 9i5am Ar Tampa 646 am 6 00 pm NORTHBOUND FBOM n AM LET. Lv Hamlet 10 30 p mi 8 65 am . ... . . . . n rt . Ar Raleigh Ar Norllna... 350 a m 1 45 p m Ar vortsmouth. Ar Norfolk f 800 a m 5 86 p to. Lv Hamlet Ar Raleigh..., at Norllna..... , 10 80 p m 7 50 am 11 18 a bi l 45 pm 4 o m 388 p m il 25 pm 618 pm 15am 8 so a m 6 38 a tr Ar Richmond , ax Washluarton 10 10 a m 11 85 p m at Baltimore.,... axNew York u p m Throush Pullman aleeners from Hamlet to au points Norm, Sonthand Son th west. DA Habata Unil m n n aAAAvt. a 4 nw n a a m bbmIbbi v wvooio, s uiiuuui asanas voijuud, owa enpiMj CO Thomas D. Mearea. General Atrent. Wflmlntr- ton, N. C, 86P 4 tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. SofcaOmle In BaTeat Ang. 8. 1008. KORTHBOUND. No 48 0 80 a NO 48 7 00 pm 938 pm 10 86 Dm Lv Wllmintrton Ar Goldsboro m 18 81 p m &r yv iisuu . . 118 p 156 p 5 5" p 4 68 p m Ar Rocky Monnt. Ar Norfolk m 11 SS p m. m Ar Waidnn. Aim Ar Petersburg. oo am AT Richmond. 74 D 8 48 am 7 80 am 918 am at wasnifgton Ar Baltimore 1140 p l as a 4 05 a 715 a Ar Philadelphia tl 88 am Ar New York 800 pm SOUTHBOUND. No 41 n 85 a m NO 49 0 nn Lv New York Ar Philadelphia Ar Baltimore u 55 a m :2 0i a m 2 12pm S87 am 845 am 9 00 aru 880 am 948 am Ar wasbineton 8 21 p m Ar Norfolk Ar Richmond Ar Petershure 7 15 p m 8 05 p m 9 43 p m 10 87 D m Ar weldon H46 am Ar kockv Mount . l oo p m 169 pm 8 10 pm 600 pm Ar Wilson Ar Goldsboro Ar Wilmington... il 18 p m 7 1G a m 1010 a m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH. SOUTHBOUND Daily Ex. Sunday. Dally, Daily. 7 00pm 8 85am 615am 880am 1 15 P II! Lv Wilmington.. Ar Florence - Ar Charleston... at savannah...., Ar Jacksonville.., Ar Tampa. 6 00 a m 9 26 a m 3 45 p m 780 p m 1 10 D ID ii is p ro 800 a m 900 a m 6 80 p m 10 35 p m 10 35 pm NORTHBOUND. Daily Ex. Sunday. Daily 780 am 530 pm l is am 686 am 9 45 am 1 40 pm Lv Tampa 8 05 p m 7 so a m 13 40 p m Ar Jacksonville Ar Savannah... Ax Charleston 450 p m 7 85 n m at Florence. . Ar Wilmington , 1120 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND SAN FORD West Bound East Bound Daily Dally Lv Wilmington 9 20 amiAr 7 50 p hi at ffyeitevme liz xo p m Ar t to p in Ar Sanldrd. I 1 55 p mLv 8 40 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBERN North Bound South Daily sx Sunday Bound lv Wilmington a 25 p mlAr is 15 p m Ar Newbern 15 40 p m Lv 9 00 aim Trains Nos. 48 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping Oars between Wllmintrton and WashlDarton. connecting with Penna B. B. for all points east. W. J . UBA1U, Gen'l Passenger Agent. H. H. Emerson, Traffic Manager, my 94 tf. Tbe Clyde Steamship Co New York, Wilmington, N. C, and Georgetown, S. C, Lines From New Yorklfo Wilmington NAVAHOE , Saturday, Dec. 13 CABIB... Saturday Dec. 19 From Wilmington for New York. OABIB Saturday, Deo 19 NAVAHOE Saturday, Dec. 19 Froi Wilmington for Gsorgatoi CABIB NAVAHOE Tuesday, Dec. 8 .Tuesday, Dec. 15 Both Steamers have mod Passenger accom modation. 8JF Through Bills riyg and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from point tn North and South Carolina . For freight and passage apply to H. G, sEaLLBONES. BUPt. Wllmlnoton. n. O. CLIDE MILNE. Gen'l Freight Airent. THEO. G. EGEB, Gen'l Manager. "a. tr. uiiiuu s. uu., wen'i Agents, 19 State Street. New ork. dec 6 tf Atlantic ant North Carolina Railroad To Taka Effect Sunday, Oat, 81. 1900. at 18.01 A. M. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. I Tim I Tab I e No .; 1 6 3 4 Passg'r Trains PaasK'r Train 8TATION8. Arrive Leave Arrive Leave P. M. P. M AM A. mT 8 40 Goldsboro....... lies 4 S8 Klnston 10 IS 5 40 5 50 Newbern 8 87 a oo 7 02 7 07 Morehead City.. 7 28 7 27 P. M P. M. A M A. M. Train 4 connects with W. W train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at n.85 A. M., and with Southern Railway train West, leaving Goldsboro 9 00 P. M., and with W. AN at New bern for wnmingtoB and Intermediate points. Train 8 connects with southern Railway train arriving at Goldsboro 3.00 ff. m , and with w. & w. train rrom tne North at sre P. a no. i train also connects with w. a N. for Wilming ton &nd intermediate points. oca aa u a. u. viu. sua. NOTRE DAME OF MARYLAND CoU.se for Women and PreDaratorv School for DM.. Eegularand Elective Courte. EiteiwiveGronDds.Spa etoo. Bnlldlnea. Conducted by School Sisters of Notro Dame. Location ananrpassed, nibarbt of B 1 1 : mora. Cbariea Street AvtaiBe, BalHaten, MA le80 8m tktksa .

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