a ;rh glarninci jHat. Damiu 11. FlRfi AT SANWflNOflA. i;LJ TaTai eeae- tt a i la TrtHWJ 1 ftA . Dm. - lata IMM eatr eJ ore MMatQ 10 Taybw. oflbw hjtaBWr. haft by law O-fMbl. wf II III Srw Tc nj ib Jm 0 ia-1 a ex. kabia aaira bnWr. CASTOR I A Tit IM Tm hn Ahitrs B"l" sjs an uxtay a 212X0 BaatvB BBBBs B BBBrBBBases? BBBBBae seVB sao j'SSy a nmiJ hw U JSZLmmi ni laser la iee eay a jaataMaStflW im mm art lb r THE SITUATION ON THE ISTHMUS. No Uffiv.nl Information Concern- cment of Colombian Trots Received. ADVICES PACIFIC IN TENOR. m. Dm. 10. Nothing of aralr coac-relsg lb re- MMMMtof Colombian Iroop bas bM MM vrdal t aiOB la M- rom Vbbb- aa aorta laalealing tbat snob a oacrf x.l was on foot nor na lbs ajjaMM ffM Pannm my laforma- tiu oa liU point AllaaNavr IPrtaaal U wm in couaeed laai iba marin ;onUnfat oatniBtkaMtMkirt lnforeed by i"rs headr aen now on inn Prel oia-a havlag ban wot 10 Ad- sUleaUC oaidroa now nt Gnaoia mmo to l apsteb inn Prnlrln lo inn ktMti 8 Will lV UVMMTO a.d mm react Coloa bv Monday MBt, r.ata non on inn iBibanaa will o tally oobb p a 1 10 ordtr od 3J today by Om. Kafati RVa. IB oabiaa aainjntnr, lbs OOnMBMM) by Dr. J of arc pac-.Qc ta of laeUoio srs obBflBg of Onn. Beysa. L who bafora an crcer waa M M made or Panama af bin aeJansoe. na cfc.nat Ibn Bonrw- forfi vary aa i!00 bar. Ha n 1 aJT.ca to Un fnetUnt IMM In no boo of UnJhMOtMM 10 ra Id IS wtib law m T0B4CC0 MAMJFACTVRERS. WUnllOOIOal Dm. 10.' mail 1 wf Ibn on to of Ibw Virginal aanwafartar nro in Inallnwn to ibiak mat 11 la BiiinMllnffcMnl and wtbara nm of ocTnrtnf to re of f WIOP to mmMQOIwm. Mr. of Virwlnin. and Mitnavna. of ooJy o tMHon of half o onwaa of tbn nnxina 10 iwaw anytac tbay did not t wtih nronalaM of nwnnnvw- Iho obajortty thwy ran urn FAVORABLK REPORT ORDERED of n nod Faf ibjoof an . flarteroa, ft t. today d! 00 tao hill f. KoUnof Boa 10 o lbjhihowin aad n la on tba nt Ubm Bol- nl iba a. dm. lo.-nr Injarad hoonUo ftycr Na s nt OooihnrianU J a nciMab BaowMaatlir. Uka omnia. Xia wmatb won enaaad by na opna do faMlaa awiteO Thw iywr aJaanad a roaaacUaajr iraea 10 iaa wmn- in 10 a iraaajait ia lb a car. Oaly loa WMd aaWJl ear asaa asd tba faanaMnxllli laj jrad bwnManl f nflnlta, HaaalOl ha Frank L rII'm IW Prairie seal E. - . r u -. , mbd'. - A tfcM bj VMMnjnM Irnrraa mntlr t X fenfcccQ j, fcci tt ry' Vatn0BiB" IbM to bntnc ba d barav Praaidawt Joba aTa?faMn""bt" mmM tatn Bnwan ot Baarnaawlnlirao Laat ywar. II m anbi. inwnanab lb aaantnaowa nop nwwoniin IbM tOO ity wbm wUBoc to blcfe any ,ra wblcb won BiinliOMlj 4 ad to thair anaJn baJ obodLn' ' BtM"wUh lbo Vfi' ySSni 7J1 ihn oportpy Um war EaJlo MaJl ho toJaf faWLOOO, oadl M taw ooal of two ywan tm,ltf anfnfaV Taiwnbla lapuaaa wwm nadnaM oa nOhwr hntba no foUwata TO aonly to fan nana aaaawaa iba Uwa wbdwh aow GJnTfawS lonoaaatrwnt awd alaaa n tbyhuhlp off Ihtoanvbw of BVanwarta. Oo. Ml Mtaf ayanwaiticy oaAU PAST TloaTt ! tawwd ol baa Man 1 Ma. Oona. Tao awnoaad naoU oar dOOJ Taw tajarad wwm tha front aad or tot war broonbt lo whoa too oabtl oar iokreopad ind wan latently ail knd. THE CASE OF SENATOR SMOOT OF UTAH. ikat a lad ifalait MH Beialaiaf Mia Saai la tba 1 callam at tba WhIU Uouaa ara maalfeaiiaff iacraaalaaT latart at la iao caao laroinnar tbn nanl of Sana tor j moot. Of Utah, oad tbn indlenllona ara thai tba ooatont whleb it In ananft Oi la eeruin to raaalt fiorn tba praaent aarmtloo will rirnl In looporUnee and "arBeatneaa tba cana of BrUrbaoQ- H. Bobarta baora Iba Hooan of Bnpre aaoUttTta a faw ynnra npo. wolie 10a PraaidkBi ia famtllnr with tbn da re opananu lhaa far la tba Smoot caar no effort la batoff made by elthar alda'to draw htm into the eontroaeray. the rMlitktioo hoinf canerai that it InTolana a qoaaUon which tbn Bnnnte moat determine itaalf. That a thorootb InrnaUfntlon of the anbjaet will M made by the Senate committee on priallef" d nloclioca now appenra to ha beyond doubt. By fioee who are preeamr. the loaaatlfa t on It la aaid It will ba mora compre benairn and aanrchiof than nay Inquiry arar ban Maa. an affort will be mada to onoarllio accurately the aultude of tba Mormon church toward tba roaarnmaat of tha United Stale. io j to laarn whathar or not a member o" that orwaatkataoa la boa ad by any nndaw or oath, tbn takiof of which U mooDtible with hit oath aa anaator of tba Uoilad Stalaa. Il la Mllarad by aoana nt taaat ur inoaa abo araoppoaloa; Saaalor Smoot that aay effort mada to orora ba la a polyoaaalai would raaall in fnilurn.nod Ohlla that point cauoot ba aaid .0 hare bean abandoned abailutely. it ia quite oarinin tba oppoa Uoa will eaoeaauate Ita aadearora to ptOM thnv the poal uon be bolda In ihe Mormoa ch ircb la tacrlmianbla with too oath of lanca ba hM taken to tte United S:ntea Tbnt proof moat M ampin. In tae jpinloa of a-aaiora. before he can hoaaoMtad. Aa totlba ability of tha oppoauion to Senator Smoot lo natabliab aaeb n propotlilon. ibora la a wlda direr ceaM of opinion nmoaf aanatora, but thaM M a protty aaaral 1 WMJini iki if 11 .ho ild h aatabliahad tta ra- ault woald M tha unanatlaff of U STRIKE RIOT IN CHICA00. Ooaoaoo, Doa. 10. -Ia 0 riot today r ro wiat oat of too rroaat aui ke 00 iM Chlenco eUy ptiaat railway, a oar - hi a anob of ualoa aym patbtnnra who fariowaly nitacaad tha -oa antoa oondartor aad Borin-mio, badly lajanaar boib Tba craw of laaaj A,p2rpair la by of aaaa aad boya 1 oread 10 iba aar tho two aow union aaork ad oaT thair foal aad Bammaiiad Stxuarritna up flad In dlffaraat dl by law aooav Too faiitnc 10 ra eaptara tao fucturaa. 10a oar wnicn nan nawa at HeJaMOd Mi Ml aad araauw. nanl wraabMj ran npem too aoanwynawi Baairer lo bit fare lo d actor, woo Waaa tha atahooi that the car would atop an At thin btt ami or tba awaaaara la Iba car atM blaa, wblla Mhara pioaoarlari lo tba frost platform aad ordered Iba motor- 10 atari tba ear. at arei me mo- hat whan one of tba aibihttad a revolver coa bad la tha fo.di of hla overcoat ba atarted tba car and did ao atop until Aieber aveaue waa raacbad. Than be tba onav ba n crowd of waa than attacked. Both of the tt to aaid, ware afMplOfwS 00 darinr tba reeeat BALTIMORE BANK FAILURE. Mo.. Doa. 10. -Tba too Baltimore C leer- ion late thia after to ndvanee any taoahapajnf 1MB, lO to ilda of taw Una a I the Baab oharwe of the baab aa Hw nf tha " B Uo. and the raaacaauoe or L.awreaee B llama, president of the beak. BM Maa aeadaawd. Tba report af tba Cleartaa; ilouae wbo have examined iba Of ta Oeak. WUJ probably pra- vaat a "raa" oa tba bank lo morrow, and It ta Ihouahl Ita affalra would be nMJajabad aallafaidnail j lo all now oar a ed. laabUlty 10 realton upoa paper bead by thw beak la believed lo M tae eauee laatetaiemeat aabmlltd to the ot te 'currency, oa Sap lib. abowad aaeet Of W,1U. I la oil I ilea (aecarM). of a aa. Tha baab will open to TSjjni m sToev. BU. Pa., DOB. ia Dr. J. & W obis, father of at L. Weatx, aaid to-day that bn bad ao knowledge Of the) rewortad reaeae of bis eon from aa published in tba mornlna; Dr. Wanli enameterlsed lb that have from lima to lima bora pa nils bed ataM tao attaaaaaaarsnoa of hia now m too work of mom "avoek & rain ad fallow lo Ditotol, Teen." "I wish,' aa:d Dr. Wenli,, that tba aewapaaora woald refrala froan pwb iisblnf Lhasa reporU. They OM eery aaaoylas; aad eleturbinp; lo my fam ily. I know nothlnc more lhaa I did oa OetoMr lltb. end If I bear aaythlnp; definite I Will fteo It to too paperv " BaiaTou, Tana.. Dee. 10. Jno. L. Wenia. brother of the anHaBf maa, aaid to-day there wm uothi a in tha atory of a rascue. BLd bo development of nay kiad ia the A dispatch from Monte Carlo aa- sea tba death ibere ypatarday or Baron Arthur da laraottav lllfli I hybMwb o tared -aar Vracaai by MM aOaodajOOa laa iba wood OObOWaSjUfor aao. aalJ wana 1 ba'uoa aia" oaeurrad owuut totlba lb eon Maa SaeaMoMea. oartlfl affalra CommardaJ aad Parmara' Na baak of tbka city, a bar of ObaariaaT Hoona aaaoclatlon. Praaatatr W. a. Maeoa Is In a repreaaau That t. L Wants. tM MawJag airr. HM 0a atoaraii I raa Baadlt HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS. House Adopted Resolution to In quire Into Otficiil Conduct of Judge Swayoe. OF THE U. S. DISTRICT COURT Reaseastot OHeroi by SspfesMtntlM to aaar, ot Ptorida. Waa SaM He De aired to Impeach Jadce Sway nr. Tha Day la ths Scaats. to the Mornln Star. Wabhihqtoh, Dae. 10. The Houee today adopted a reeolulion directioa; the Judiciary Committee to inquire Into too official conduct of Charles Swnyae, judfe of the United States dlslrtet oourt for the northern distr ct of Florida, and to "report whether the action of the Hoom to rcqatoHa," Mr Lamar, Democrat, of Florida, offered tha resolution, announcing that ha desired to impeach Judge Bwayne. A lively debate waa had be fore the rMolatioa wm adopted. A number of the members oa the ma i jrtty side aour ht to hsve the resolu tion referred to tho Judiciary Com mittee thnt a recommendation anight be bad from that committee before votlnc on ita adoption. The minority eohdiy aupported Mr. Lamar In hia opposition to thn motion to refer, and several Kepuoncana toiou ThaM were but few defeat ins: rotes on tbn motion to adopt the reeolatioo. Tbn Qrst of tho appropriation bill k ..n.inn Mil was ren rted to the 111. " " m w ,. bud notice was elve tbet it wilt be called up to morrow for conatdersllon. as. 1 .m.r rVnmnrrsl. risina to , ..tinn ot naraonal nririleee after announcinf that be woald offer a re solution in which would be embodied n joint reeolulion of tba Florid Leg's lalura,aald: i. ni.ftmnM of that iolnt reaolu Hon, I deal re to Impeach Char lea Swayne, Judge of the United Ststea dlatrlct court for the Northern diatrict of Florida with high crime and mta- HtmMBflia." Tbe resolution, after reciting io lbs hie the reaolauon or me r lonoa are. MTb: RMnlMrf Tnat the Committee on Judiciary M directed to inquire and report whether the action of the Uoa Is requisite concerning the official mis coaducl of Charles Swnyae, Jadge o tha United States district oourt ror tbi northern district of Florida, and My whathar be too aaid judge, hM held t... nf mart ss reaulred bv la B hatha be, bM coatlnuouaJy aad MHiiKBilt absented himself from . mmA Hiao. and whether his ata aad osBtaaloaa ia hia office of judsa have been auch as la any degree .t.nrivs the naoDle of that diatrict nt ik hnflta of the court therein, mnuat to a denial of j aatlce; whether ik.aU taaVsa ban baa a aulllT of cor na rural am la office, and whether hi. mialstratlon of hia office hM ro- salted la lajsry aad wroag lo litigant of bin court," Tbe resolution farther eulborlia the 1 ..hiupw (Vim ant tie to send lor per OOOB OBd MP and to do other things Me. Lamar moved the adoption Of . ik. - - - Mr. Oroevenor suggaalad that there iiflu d ba ibk DC cnarcee: vnsi me limn, an oald m alwwlr aad M ex trwsMlv carefal. The Houe la not n ...mi it ba said. Mr i.srv. Bannblican. of Iowa, morad to refer tbe resolution lo tha Committee on Judiciary. Mr. Pavoe. Ueoubliean, New Yorb aaid iba Hons ahould nroooad with r m in an imMrtaat a matter aa Ibis Mr. Fuller. Republican, Illinois, aaid aba avaniatloa should BOl be IW ferred. but ahould be voted down. cnargtng that It did not eontntn n ain gla specification The bumbleat citl aa la aid. waa entitled tone fur niahad with aoeciflc charrea before ba ms Disced on trial. He dwolarod that U would M use 1 ess to refer the reaolu lion to the Judiciary Committee . aay log that that committee would ho obliged to report II back with n report w . a a 1. a - that there waa aointng in ti 10 war rant sstlon ate I.tmr said: "As I undsrsUnd. this objection made by tbe genUemaa f rom u a io. Mr. OroaTOoor. to that I do not charge Jadge Bwayne with soy ibmHb prims I do chsree him sen orally with high crimes aad misde- aiasaiws Wkv ahould I be fOtOSd tO Lata whan tha Droof ta lo be aubmilted to the Committee oa Judieiary, the apectfie mature upon which thnt gea swal sllassltrin Is t raa t "Every single crime that thia judge Is capable or commuting is coarcaa whan I ehsrae him of hlah orimes snd miadoaaaaaore. Bat if the gentle man desires that I shall make my fharaaa aarlstlm. I chsrse that iudsa flrst, with contlnaady pBratotBBt, aad if yoa pleaee, perntcioua aoasnieeiam from hia district; second, with corrupt official conduct baaed on aevaral mat Urs, third. I charge Judge Bwayne with mal-admlnlalrallon of judicial matters In hla courL ao much ao aa to embarrass bankrupts and annihilate the tweets of llligaata aad others np peartagwllbin hia jariadtottoo." Mr. Wllllama, the minority leader, contended for the ndoption of tbe reao lutioa. citing former caaea aad argu ing that the verbal alatement of Mr. Lamar ia auffieieat. Mr. Maaa, Republican, or Illinois, asked Mr. Lamar If It waa bis Idea that tbe Judiciary Committee should pro ceed with an Inquiry without apeeific Mr. Lamar replied that the commlt- tee had foil power. Mr. Clayton, Democrat, of Alabama, aaid Mr. Lamar had pursued a oourae aimilar to that followed In other cases. "Thaa to aaerely the Innugarailon of an indictment," be aaid. Tba motion to refer the resolution to tbe Judiciary Commit tae wm loot, whea tbe reeolulion, as offered by Mr. Ltmar, was adopted with a faw dis naotlng vote. Tha House adjourned unlil tomor row. la the Icastc. To day a aeaaion of tha Senate lasted only ihirty-eeren minute. After tbe completion of tbe routine business the Cuban Mil was told be fore Ihe Senate, hat BO one appeared read y to apeak oa it. Prerioua lo the adjournment Mr. Hoar gava notion thnt aa soon as prac ticable after the diapoalUon of the Cuban bill be woald call op hia reeo lulion Introduced yestsrdsy, request ing Information from the Preaident concerning tbn conditions under whleb the Independence of Panama wm recognised. Tba matter of the railway "princi- CI office" definition went down to da it ta too Virginia House of Dele gates by a rota of 41 to 18 Tha meas ure was dea goed, it to understood, to bring the Southern Rail wsy'a adminis trative offices from Washington to point in Vtrstnla. expression of negro votes and tbe J penalty therefor were the sabjeoto Of reeoluUona adopted by the Union League Club Of New York olty tola THE STORE THAT PATS YOUB CAB FAME. ATTENTION! WHOLESALE CHRISTMAS BUYERS. Oar showing of Holiday Novelties il now complete. This season we hare gathered together the greatest line of Toys, Fancy China and Glassware, Fireworks, Candies and Noveltiea that we or any other store in this oity hM ever had. We are importers and of course this means a groat saviog to yon. A look through our Big Store means a pur chase. If yon can't come to see ns drop ns a Postal for prices. dec 6 tf A SDIT OR as E Merchant Tailor and Men's Furnisher, next door to Orton Hotel, rler, 1 tf a Pre W W MANY INDICTMENTS FOUND. By U. 8. QrsM Jery leveetifStisf Paat office Sawhcry Cases asd literal F e a c isf af Oevsraaacnt Lead Br TatTar to Om Morals Star. Omaha, Nib.. Dm. 10. The United Bute grand jery, which hM bean In aeaaion for some time ioveatigatlng po 1 to See bribery esses and the al leged Illegal fencing of government landa la weatei n Nebraska, today made a partial report to the court, re turning twenty-two indictments. One ia agalnat former Bute Senator Elliott Lowe, cSarging bribery la connection with tbe appointment of a postmaster at Alms, Neb. ; ten are agalnat reach man for Illegal fencing aad tbe others were. lad inn cases, mostly or a minor character. Those against ranchmen include true hllto agalnat Bartlett Richards, president of the Nebraska Land Fencing Company ; W. G. Con stock, vice preaident or tbe name com pany, and Secretary Ones. C. Jame son, all or Ei Is worths Neb., and former State Senator Frank at. Carrie, a large Individual cattle owner of Broken Bow, Neb. Tbe foreman of the grand jury stated to the oourt that tt would later have a supplementary report, and It to stated this rddltloa will include several more indictments. Tbe Indictment against former State Senator Low contatne two counts, and chargea conspiracy to violate section 1681 of tbe Revised 8utatea, by conspiring to bribe Sena tor Charles EL Dietrich by acting as intermediary la the payment of $VK), la conaiderstion of which J. B. Bil ling, who at tho time of the alleged t ranasc Hon WM postnasal r at Alma, Neb., wm to receive the recommenda tion by the eeaator for re-appointment. BOLL WEEVIL SITUATION. A Special Sesstoo of the Uftototore of Leatotoaa Cm iMf fJeveroer neuri t atosssgs. 1 lbsaaaab as tha btoratas Staj. NaTW OBXaUBB, Dee. 10. Governor Heard, la his meaaage to the spMla! aeaaion of the Legislature convened at Baton Bgue to-day for the purpoMor diaeuaslng the boll weevil ailustion aad passing necessary laws to ehrek tbe em, bsjo : ' 'Toe weevil, first coming from U..Im haa nnar anraarf aaWaBW tha SUtB 2 Tm.-rmm mil tht VMF haa iBlUIWd the cotton crop of that State, according to - . a aa a aaa rw a various estimate, 1 rom io,wu.uw vo 880.000,000. If a check to not found it ia only a question 01 time wnen L.ou- talsDs and tne enure coiton nan win become a prey to Its ravage. Aa to a iaw to he pasaed by the apecial session, a aeparate board of commissioners iik .i.mii BRsaMmav ba annointad. or tbe Bute Board of Agriculture may . . a a a - 1 .9 t - OS SUtnorisea vo carry ibw ouni muj awe that anay be paasM. My own minion is that the work may be done k w i...iimr a hnard of com mi salon era composed of the commissioner of agrl in,. riinwlnn nf experiment sts tlona. the State en tomologiat aad two . . . a as B a prominent ana practical odhbd pibbc va av A bill carrying these BUggcstioas nto effect waa ntroduced ana wnj probably be passed. One hundred and twenty-five girl operator of the Norfolk. Va., Btlb Company, went out on a strike yes terday and declare that they win not return to work unless ths preaent icale of wage Is advanced. Important Notice. Notice is hereby given to all par ties concerned that all pipe connec tions with water, gas or sewerage mains on Market street, between Second and Fourth streets, will have to be made at once before paving is done, as no permits for tearing up these streets will be given after said work is finished. WM. B. SPRINGER, no 25 6w we fr sn Mayor. HRI&TMAM a PRESENTS FORTHt Whole J. H. REHDER & CO., 615, 617, 619 North Fourth St. Wilmington, X. C. AN OVERCOAT Is just what you need. Give us your order now and we will have it ready for you by Xmas. We hare a swell lice ot UNDER WEAR in light, medium and heavy weights, all wool. Outing Night Shirts and Pajamas. Call on ns for anything in Men's wear. Gloves, Handkerchiefs Half Hose, Etc. H. Curran. TRY ODR SHOES! If you want best values for the least money. Our School Shees and Dress Shoes fsr Bsys and Girls are the best yet So try them and we know yon will come again. Geo. R. French & Sons. nolStt Hal. T. Lewi, nrominent through out the 8ute and formerly associate justice of the Georgia Supreme Oourt, died yesterday. As a delegate to tbe Chicago Democratic convention in 1896 be nominated Bryan ror tne pres.- dwey. BUSINESS LOCALS. or aaaa. Lost or : wants, and otter abort aTWeeUanaona Adver . IBiiaiila bsaartad in tnls DeaaitnMnt, in aoOd nonparte; Type, frr 1 aant per word eaca iBser tion; trot no aCeaiUnamant taken tor leas than OO aaa ta. Tanns poslUvalv oaan tn aSvanea Ifaw asaaraUas Hoass-For snnstaatlal home-iuts nvins in true mericaa siyie, bu k tha virtrinia Hooie, Market atreet. over Taylor's Baa aar. flee 10 it Take u chin off tM room with a gs radia tor. Bold at tadBcad rflce. dec 11 U sBaarailar ruonthv meeting or Caps rear a NO. 254. U V v., wui oe neia o-nisat at. 8 o'clock at w LI Armory. Fall attendance aastrad. By order of Commander W. J. Wood- ward. A 1. DeHoasst, aojbuuh. oec 11 n For Sale-Finest Berkshire s. Three brood rows, two or them bred to farrow In March, two 7 mouths gilts, two " months boars, Ave sucking boar Dtga, two boara 13 months old Bantams la aa -b lot ti 1 January 1st. L l eeiter, wn ntinctoo, N O. nee o s aoa. Tba only EoBtanrant, lis Market street. Is the only ladb s' reaxsnrant in the city. First- class in every respect. Open day ana nignu Terms ressonaoie. mr i " Notice I will apply to tba Board of Aider man ami rnnntv oommlsaionTS at the next Baaattag to retail sptrltuoas and malt Honors at lata aar aaa tract, a ieuee. aui n Lat as not a new saner on your overcoat. wuminstoo rreaalng Olnn, 977 Market street, oeaetr BmbmIbv wan.r-rnr Bala, several thou- norm .iii. i . all .rlf.hla fnr wraaptn paper, ana jast the thing to put BBdeT earpets and matting Win be sold at a Ta a ..- . aala f V.a a Tt m laalllj rVUlaCQU fcJt IW? aVV-J awa lativj oiaa utv v aa. Tlab has i An l-a, Onions, Irish Potatoes, ggs and all kinds of produce at .. 8. Win- to-aay, sib ataraea street, oou rnouoo. Tvte writers, organs J a a M JU Mil I I I 1 II ft TT T onaa aaaa. Address j. b. ramr. Mo. a SouU) Eighth atreet. jesou awnaalaar raatr-For sale, several thou aand Old Newspapers. sU elz-s. sulUble ror wrapotn paper, and Just the thing to put nnrtr fiaroats and mattlne. 11 be Sbld at greatly reduced pneea. Apply at tba Bta ror rent in The Worm Building the convenient business location in tne city. Modern equipment. Apply to The Worth Co. fabtstr Old newspapers suitable for wrapping pa per, ror aa e at reduced prices. In quantities. Apply a tn omoo 01 xara oaarav dtaj Jtttf T FOR COPLEY PRINTS. We have them. Also the Cosmos Pictures, large list of subjects. Small sine, IS for 25 cents: large size 4 for 25 cents. 1,000 Unffamed Pictures, Plain and in colors. 10c each. Frames of all sizes made to order Latest styles in Mats and Mould ings. G. W. YATES & CO., nov 29 tf Wilmington, N. 0. SUGAR CURED HAMS. 1 ,050 Lbs . Sugar Cured Hams, I Oc 1,460 Lbs. Pig-NIC Hams, 7c. 3,000 C. C. Nuts. 160 Boxes LL Raisins. 67 Boxes Mixed Nuts. 27 Bbls- Baldwin Apples. 9 Pails Violet Kisses. 47 Pails Chocolate Creams W. ta. COOPER. de 5 tf Wilmington, N. C. W 0 BOSTON Considering the list of presents and toys we carry, we would like to im press the people with the fact that we carry something to please all. Mothers making out their list of holiday gifts would do well to remember that Santa Claus makes his headquarters with as. We bare been working hard this week to make room in our big store to show our goods. We have succeeded and now we hare them on exhibition. As to the line of dolls we carry, we feel sure we will save you money and give you a chance to select from tbe largest stock in tbe city. To describe our dolls we hare not the room, but will My that we can please even the most fastidious. Our prices for handsome dolls sre from SOe. up to $6 each. Our $1, $1.50, and $2 dolls sre hand made and of the very best work. We also hare a very large line for tbe wholesale trade ss well as tbe retail trade in the cheap line. Strong numbers from 10c up, snd our 25c dolls are extra values. Our 50c line is the rery best we have ever bad. We hare about 200 dolls on band that were left from last year which we will Mil at just half price a 50c doll for 25c, a 25c tot 18c, a 10c doll for So. In toys we bare every clan of goods children's go-csrts from 25c to $2 98 and carriages from 25s to 8, wagons from 10c up to 14.50. velocipedes from $1.50 to $3.50. Books. In this line of goods we have just received 150 new novel, all cloth boand and splendid print; all repre senting standard works. We will tell on Monday our 25c books for 9c eacb, only one to a customer. In toy boobs, Christmas cards and ca endars, we are baddling Raphael Tucks line known the world over ss the best there is in it. We sell children's books from 5c to $1 25. Christmas cards from lc up to 25c; cslendsra from 5c up to ?5c eacb. Our books sre all on display snd we will be glsd to have you look them over. We hare a full supply of bones, mechanical toys, guns and toys of all kinds for the boys. Fireworks. In this line of goods we will be glad to Mil you for Christmas display, and will give you special prices on quanti ties. If you sre thinking of buying fireworks of any kind, we will like to My that we will hare lots of them to Mil, and we will aell them cheap. Ladies' Cloaks. We are expecting in Mondsy a big shipment of new cloaks. Our trade in this department ha been phenomenal, never half so good before. We bare lots of them on band now tbst we sre selling from $2 75 up to $12.50 eacb. Our $4, $5, $6 and $7 cloaks sre new and stylish and tbe prices dec 6 tf A good article invites coDflteace from the stai and improves on acquaintance. tj k y ' TraaBamBTaBB Ky QsyM Sak. ti - 'saaBassaaaa iaa Sole Agents for Strouse Bros, and Kuppenheimer's Fine C lothing. dec 5 tf THE C. W. POLVOGT CO, No, 9 North Front Street. From now till Christmas, it's only a few days, but each one of them worth any two days of merchandizing. All the great nouaay scockj muse oo aispoaou i. . , Dolls, the Toys, the Games, all the great hoat of fancy arti-des are to n t- 3;i fkA .Iafs SHU arraafcar crowds Will iouo There's reason for it, and there's reason in it. Every counter and sni m laJaM ItMA . fi .1 .A n (1 IB loucu ami tusn IHMVU.I Make thn store the base of your holiday supplies and see how satisiacs torily yon will be served. The C. W. Polvogt Co. dec 5 tf . REPORT OP THE CON DITION or Loans and Dutoonnts .11,181.98 44 capital.. ...... ioj.sos I n s Rnmia it mri S'O oo no ' Bnrnlna ana net pronos Bank Ballota? 89,500 00 j Circulation , 62T li3 Oaan on band ana la Bank Tie 1 6 n Deposits " H. C. McQUEEN, President. nov 81 afj Just Received patterns. Sole Agent for Fecbheimer Flshel & Co.'s Line Taiier-ma Suits From $ 1 2.50 to $20 Per .Suit Pants to fit anybody, any size and length. You can save money by seeing our line before purchasing. Suits to order from $13.50 up, T- "W- We sell for less, dec 1 tf SANTA GLAUS IS GOOD TO THE LiTTLl Onn and Mr Fathers and Hotter!. 0-a- - - aa el eevia son a are right, ir you give them look you will bi sure to buy In ol line or Hilitarv Ol nabs va Ka nn . J to make three additional orders by e ori8 this week. Th . j a. ... yj-. U the ladies want, aa thpv nan .;!. ..I ognizs the style and value. The dHc are rrom fY.ou, f, fio and $12 each. Children's Cloaks. We sre selling Iota of childrei Cloaks. In buvir.tr thin Fall . very liberal and bought a great maJ and we must sell them, and for tj next tnree weeks we will make sp-ci prices snd offer a rebate of 10 per cen on children's and infant's small .. long Cloaks; ages from one to fij years oia. Furs. For a Christmas hardly anvtbin nicer than a V- r. larette and tbey are sure to p eaae i ladies. We have them at! vrcf from il to tlS each. Our 12 tn Furs sre beauties and Jsd -s appreciate a good Fur. w have great many to snow and can suit j M to nrice and ccialitv. We look well after your wants aj will do all In our power to please j We will nuneh vrmr rarri nlik j - au rjurcnaae exeunt tnvs and enva t. present free at tbe Big Backet Store, Geo. O. Gaylord, PROPRIETOR. 208 aDd 210 North Front Street. J. M. Solky & Co.'s Clothine Good Clothirjg. It isn't made up sell at a price th& simply loos low'r than what other clothing sold for. It's made to be the bej tbat can be made to be tboroDchj good. Then it's eold for as little can be asked for it. When you pay, for instance, $1 or $ i0 for a Snit or Overcoat hti you buy not only your moneyl worth in quality of fabric &r'.d ml me. but a Btrle. character and at of cut that ia distinctly Solky-at inimitable. We can well claim tbat Solki Clothing represents mrre for price than any other clothing yc hnv for everv earment we sell sal j stantiates it. Our stock is being added to m( every day. We're ordering goods ftome inst aa fast as tbev are read We need them with such a demai to meet. J. I. SOLKY i COj ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS Masonic Temple building. The HnrcMson National Ban) Wilmington, N. 0. At doe of business Nov. 17, 190S (Began BuslnesslMarch lat, 18'9 ) RESOURCES : 1 MiABIUlB ,f 3CO.O00 I in' 508 ! . ...... n , .ni. I t2 229.658 SS 829.668 98 I ' Comparative statement ot deposltB. NOV.Lmn, 1901, 1672,808 88. aov. iTtn. 1908, W4HBaa,1TBii 1WS 83. J. V. 6RAIN6ER, Cashier. A bit? line of Suits to retail at $10, neat designB and basdsoi Head to Foot Outfitters. 'Phone 800

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