aoeeaceo00acC Seava Hda , B f Oe y aa Tmm mn. The Morning Star VOL. ULXHI.-NO. 72. Porutag LOCAL DOTS I Cotton receipta yesterday nn t . -, .. - tfs V. Tr.ta I f Breeteo. laa Attest & Nona Caaea- I Wight Mow.,. J, ...rv eat etaa "Gedtby." erriTed at lale of THE FERRY QUESTION Should the Commissioners Adopt Joint Committee's Plan for Blossom Purchase ? WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1903. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. WHOLE NO. 11,327 i . . . TERMS Of SUBSCHiPTIUi On Tear, or B11' ao.uoo Six Month, " Three Moathav Two Month., tllwt to saBeerlbere aa Y CUT sjessae pr mwb. 4 3OOOOOOOOOPOPPPOPQ W. B- Qvlu NMM Safe of ',JJ2(( Vo I h4nnwit it-I'm. Qiailar off IM IH pggyiMk a Hew He. Ooe. "2? TTTtT- ' .Zu ta tea iaa lJT TTtm rmtal f ree , i srheau easts eeay. Wo. 1 a muI wt eaetafT Bt 1 U (LImI qeatt. 9a S 4I: feel. - lt ; sestrltB laraeaUee eteady P ATM F REPORT Ii M SSuJT The Britiaa bere.aeo . It. OU Dot It. J sada. which cum iato atn late for the Urea it "v" L r. a0 P M reported to Msaare. Alai. 8 A. M.. t7 aeareea: Seas, tad ta atlll receleta, aaanaaew. i d 0a coat of temporary repair c.aoa '"ijat S'thimam anaer' 4 j j fiiaaa T.Oe a. M. A party firaa. taa U. 8. Bogl. 1 oafaee wtl l go Ao. oa lb. gov- i iiantr "Mercer" this morn- ag to satrvey ihe Cape Fear bar acbooner "J no. Baaed!." ew York to Beaufort wbleh dji la leak log. ! rrwMMMil lo U. D. Eusa tad arlll go railway at owner, on Market ate ad r oca u eg a removal of ibe thorougbfere between street, aad paving with Blftaa blocks. nt or U Borieeu. km of Mr. L tale Bjr. aw, of OaaHotte. aa4 Mlea Jeila T. Bead, deaghtar at Mn. Laura & of Wtlaaiagtoa. St. JaaW laaUj seat last night aad tiaotad QaaL T. D. Meeree, eaolor J. V. Orelagtr. i tator wardea. Toe reelry of 8s. Jeaae Bateooaai aartak waa alecud last atsat aad will oewaalae later. Owio to the expected roth of aapreaa aaipaneaU Oartof the holiday aa extra ear eke baa bee a pot oa train 10 aad !, tefeaa Wtlalafftoo and Heretofore exprrea baa oot baed.ed oa tboee Iraiae between a tine"Hill- MUCH DISCUSSED YESTERDAY (1st ot tbe Pewrri Meld la tbe Freecaaw Tee Ballelef el tit c Dccacd laerecilceblr ffaari el tt(litrelci. WILMINQTON POST0FFICB. STOP EVIL PRACTICE. w.. rr.. 4 t I reaatetac cetimie repair, ear j ct to ia Nora Judge Ftrgnaon, who will hold taa west urea of court here ta Jan u -err. ta bow arwMdtag wee taa 8a parlor Oaart la Wlbwa aad yeeterdey re daeal MM beal of Ibe four aseo cbarred ipMoMy ta taa aiardefofaa aceal there from H.uw to Seaatar Haaoa batiawat la anwina w v.i JatLriaw fraaa taa ml ae.rei wit bafafa taa utteae. MUitarw alaiva taoy C hmttnaa bopping public kaaaktd aot to force! that tbe aanaal o'doi.t and faacr foode by Si. Jasea pariah will at II -JO o'eioct ia by R u - - a " by aaa aa waa oarryiac a aith P. are bopieK aopa till -tt S Pf will the eoteie will rrd Broncho B. aiaf mt ere fit to io tbe Jwiaf to a a 4 Matlaaa t of and eatinf the Vhao that ere P of eoppliaa MMfl ckptnra. few wo- tne i-read aa They re Conet.bie Baraae a m. a mm. m. ftt BMbaa btUl aad piaeed la jai io await trtaJ before JaaUae fowler at eooa to-day epoa a ebaree of eedoe t oa preferred by Mat Larkiae, 101S North ftfta attaaL The Ponltry Show continued io drea the eroad. yeeterdey aad all vara aeU pleated with the esbtbtu. Tbe jet tec 1 completed to-day aad la the a.go of the fakir. "Now e ibe laat ebaaaa la pay a hdt to tbe cbkkea fair." V on open at 10 A. M. and cloee at 1 P.M. Io another coloaao of to-day aaaar. Chalraaaa P. Q- Maort, of the fire Coaa wilier, adrertieee for bide on feet of boee for the fire Depart ta aoaireet in the beoce oi w Obty Gnrk aaa t 4ri ( offlcial errr la to-dey e ppr km reaaabc of P - m- and U rel.ed in taa for tha awaaeaw r. " - rootrcioo. Taaoa wiU adopt i srowablf ratif "eatv. Itta ..eeainaliuas ia .rex.y appiaadad tha Jnato'k rat. , , a of the treaty. all tha aa hare . had idwa to tire that i i aa mo id rota w kie trooa. awaT to taa Pai tAt fail down on n.K.roaaoath aith a band ,ikof M ara llaaia aaoo ...aal xooa aadertbo there m ara faM f orr belie lb'. For per. Tbe joint purcbaee of the Bloaeooi ferry at Oaatla Hay or. by the eooatiea of New Haooeer and l'ender at a coal of IMSO aad tba ealabllabmeel of free fail lea. a oewr Narthaaat river at that point, waa eery generally dlecueaed oa tbe etreete yeeterdey, tbe naouBce- the cooamltteea woald ra tbat act on to their retp-c of f raaebwe title, ate. by ooatpataat, baeieg been made la tha mornine: p.pere. It waa elated yeeterdey that the matter aeed sot niceaaarilj be referred lo tha Board of Mactetralre, ta batter body h trlog on ly la 1 ta proriaoa tba raaoaamendation of a rale I b need of e parebaae of ooaoty property, tboagb tbe officials here eew oo objection to the matter's taklojr that eouree, if It was deemed adrleaole to hare tbe maaleiralee peae upjo the q i ration. I a fact, tbe lifting of the bjrdsn o? retponalbillty by that coarse appeared rather Inviting to tbe com miaa loners. ' Is tbe prioe of at.tJO for taa ferry aad fraacblee exeeaeire and what eoo eUlalea tha fraacblee aad what M tha proper ty laaladadr "Would it not be cheaper to balld a bridge or a new ferry out and outl" Thiae were a raw of tbe queeiiOBa aaked on tba etreete yesterday In connection with tbe par ebaae, all of which ware duly inveetlga ted and considered by the j Mnt commit tee before asking its recommendation. The no were of tbe franchise, subject IO ooaflrmaUoo from a legal ind point, ware foe ad by tbe committee to be these : Mr. Bloaaom baa tbe exclu area primage to operate a ferry orer taa riear for three gellea aeon way. So one alee would b permitted, ac cordlag to Itta charter, to build a bridge or coaetruct a ferry within three Bailee of tha areeeat one. Tha property loeludea a cable aad all aee- rliis for IransportlBg renieiee. tbe rlrer aad aceordiog lo of present purchase, would la- maAm lea acrre of land lo ew nan orar aad one In Pender county. vnnliiM alto found that. areeeat rerenae of the owner, the ferry aaw yields a par eat- latere! upon a hypothetical let eel meat of about $9,000. whareec It aaa he pu rebated far N MO end Baelntalaed at a coat of about (250 per yeer to each county. It U elated further that It would coat tba couoliea more than $a,SK to boltd roads to a aaw ferry the three mi lea aeeesaary to go oultide the HmlU cor h Mr. Bloteom'e charter, to tay aotblagof tbe eott It wouia uoan the trtrelllBg public in the additional dieunoe, A careful aaUmate from an undoubt l anthorlty aa to tbe coat bridge orer the abuimeolt, piers Ctelcrctct el Leaders la Washltftoa Moadey Coaproaise Stfceated la Parar ef Mra. D. L Rtaacll. aiBBBBSB ' The North Carolina ptpera regular ly represented by correepondenU at tbe Natioaal capital printed aa inter esting etory from Washington yester day la which It waa attted that ex Q i rem or Battel I, ex-Senator Marion Butler aad ex Judge Robinson had been In close conference there orer the Wilmington poetmattertbip aad that it ia aot unlikely that Mra, D. L. BaaaaU, wife of taa ex-governor, will land the office aa a compromise In the fight batweea friend of the present in cumbent and Aaaiatant Pottmatter T. B Wallace, both of whom are aspi rants for the place. State Republican Chairman Rollins ia aald to hare pointed to that way out of the difficul ty. Chairman Rollins found it lmpoa s.b.e to leave Asherllle at present, but he telegraphed the conference that Mn. Baeaall would not permit the cons deration of her name tare at tbe req j eat of Miaa Darby and it ia aald that Got. K jsaell eaten ted to that ex piaaetioa of tha altnation. Miaa Dar by, it la said, fa being strenuously op pseed on the ground that neither the or aay of ber relatives have ever eviaoad Republican proc Untie. Tbe eurgeetton haa been made that friends of Mrr. BaaaaU aright have trouble la eatabltabing tbe fact of her realdence la WUmington, aa the Rus sell hosaa la two miles from the city timlte, and departmental regulatlona era rigid la thle reepect On tbe other ntod It is tinted thtt Mra ttuaaeu ia neceeearlly a patron of the office, aa there la no breach office in the rlcln Ity. Tae oonteet will la all proba bility ha dttpooed of during tbe firtt weak ia January. Friends of Mr. T. B Walltce at tha otpitol eay they know nothing of the suggested com promise la favor of Mra. Russell. Chamber of Commerce Condemns and WiU Remedy Adultera tion of Spirits. THE MEETING YESTERDAY. Cammltlee Appointed ta Formulate Sys tem at Rigid leaecctlea aad Pat Same lata Effect Early aa Pos sibleLaw aa Sobject. The adulteration of tpirita of tur paatlne received In Wilmington and tha preecrlptlon of a remedy therefor, auhiecU which of late have been very generally discussed In the public prlata, were matters which engaged the attention of a special meeUng of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, a call for the matting having been promulgated aad tlgned by prominent aaeal store detlere at me port M follower Messrs. Hall fk Pearaall, Incorporated, Pater eon Downing dc Co.. D. McBachern, & P. MeNalr and McNalr at Pearatll. After aome discussion in which nnani- mout emphaaie waa laid upon tbe fact that step, should be Ukea to elimiotta the eaute for complaint whioh recent ly emanated from New York to the iega"ttnd BE CONSIDERATE OP EXPBESSHEN .on 1 acir Lakers are Aralaeea Derief the Mall da) s -Open Breach Ollice. Ia order to expedite the delirery or nhrlitmaa Declares the Southern Ex press Company will open office on Princess street, its branch in the rooms PoatalTele- Tbe bated on entail going formerlr occupied by the graph Co., at noon oa Saturday. Only t a ward buaiaata will be baadled there .-a ik. mw..m distributed from that point. Shipments from Wilming ton will go through the Chetnut ttreet a iffta aa usual. Ctpt. Jao. B. Wililama, the genial agent of the oom peny la Wilmington, advisee agalnat putting off aattl the laat minute what can be done aaw in the way of making Christmas shipments He also begt ih. nubile to bs considerate of the overworked Express people during the holidays; to mark metr pca plainlr ; tie their psckagee securely end oot delegate thoe thlngt to tbe ex- it 1 ifn- a . .H.nH pressman, tie uaa uu uwd to such matter, and personal attention guartnteee safe delivery. detriment of the trade here, a com mittee was appointed to formulate a plan for a rigid intpectlon of all spirits received, by a competent man and to cerise any other meant to put a stop to the adulteration that may be deem ed adriaable. The meeting waa called to order by Preeident J. A. Taylor and the follow ing representing very largely the aaval store interests of the port, were in atteadance: Meters. H. C. Mc Queen, of Murchlaon At Co.; H. K. Ntab, of Patereon, Downing At Co.; Malt J. Heyer, of the S. P. Shotter Co. ; B. F. Hall, of Hall 6t Peareall, Incornortted : W. L. Bmitb, of McNalr dc Pearaall; C. H. Robinton, of Bobin- At King; Jeise Wilder, or .me . . arsrw T t Geo. L. Morton Uo ; U. w. nonu, The Worth Company; D. McEtchern, .ipi..n McKiphern Co. : 8. P. Mc Nalr; Capt. John T. Bankln; T. D. Love; Q. J. Boney; W. a Barktdale, of the Standard Oil Co.; Ghso. a French and Cant. W. P. Oldham. Secretary James Kyle read the call for the meetiog and Preeident Taylor as ied Mr. Naah to atate the object of tbe meeting which bo did very con cleely, later Introducing tbe following resolution : MR. NASH'S REMEDY. "Recognizing the fact that tome of the manufacturer of spirita turpen tine hare been using kerosene oil aa ". .....t and feeline that some Mtion Taboald ha Ukea by thlt Cham bar to atop aald practice, oa it, Resolrvd, That each receirer of spirits turpentine on taa. " IgrrVthat he will have each barrel , him eerefuUv examined, B)1LIU -- - - . . fh.t ;f o Hnn in nis uuiuiuu, - Mr. . P. Gatiing, of HalU boro, la at Tbe Orton. Mr. B. A. Stone, of Greens boro, is at The Orton. Mr. R. B. L. Brown, of Chad bourn, it at The Orton. Capt. E. G. Parmele returned last night from Charleston, O. Mr. H- P. Springer, of Wash ington, D. 0., it here on a brief visK Dr. J. P. Brown and little son, of Ashpole, are In the city on a busi ness trip. Mr. and and Mrs,. O. M. Fil 7aw went to Warsaw yesterday to apend a short time. Mr. J. W. Partridge, of tbe 8. A. L. at Charlotte, haa been trane- ferred to Wilmington Messrs. W n.roau. of Darlington ' S. C arrived last night from tbe Sontb. Mra. B. K. Proctor, Jr., and Mrs. Geo. B. McLsod, of Lumberton, were gueats at The Orton yttterday. Mr. Willie Betts has resigned hit position with the Wilmington Bak ing Co. and will return to Btleigh. Mr. J. Sam Wright and Mr. a B. Wright and wife, of Boardman, were guetla yesterday at The Orton. Mr. J. B. Farrar, who has been on a business trip to the eastern part of tbe State, has returned to tbe city. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Bolles and little daughter, Nellie, are ex pected thia morning to spend the Winter and will reside on Orange, between Fourth and Fifth streets. Mr. Bolles it the Standard Oil Co.'s representatives at Hong Kong, China, and has been granted leave of absence. XMAS-A. D. B80WH.--XMAS Imu Suggestions lor He Holidays. You cannot afford to spend days and hours in search of Christmas Present? You wilHook the city over and find no better assortment or bat Fer vaue thaS Tn SS Store, in all articles onr line is complete and yon get your money's worth and prices within the reach of all. Our Rugs, Carpets, Art Squares and Mattings are Fine. Attention is called to the assortments of Fancy Goods, Neckwear, Dress Patterns and trimmings to match. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas are the best. thiD&tcbTle Linen., Serf., Ty Cow. and P.noy Dojlio.; .11 ".?frSS!S' Ooren. Forties Plllo Top., Dargan and a. v. gofa pilloWB. too numerous to mentjon. We want to close out our Furs and Cleaks fertne season. We invite you all to sea them. We are Agents for A. Beker'a Perfumes and Toilet Requisites. We are Agents for Butterick's Patterns. W are Agents for the American Lady corset. Our goodfS all substantial for Presents and the best tha ; the .mar ket can alord. Make us a visit and judge for yourself. dec 16 tf Do Ynu Need a Toxeds Suit for tte If so, let ns nave your oruf We hare many things to offer our eA onrl natrons, which WQlUtr- not only make haudadina tut useful Xmas Presents. We are showing a swell line of Neckwear. .. Have yon seen onr Dress Suit Protectors, Gloves, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Umbrellae and Caaea. Ml. Hi Curran. Furnisher, next door to Orton Hotel. Mite ? a five-months THE LITTLE MINISTER" T0-SI0HT. Maude Adams' Great Sacceas Will be Pre seated at Academy This EveoiB. Th Harris-Parkinson Oomptny tgain delighted a large audience at the Academy laat night, presenting a pity of Southern life entitled "In Sunny Tennessee.'' Special scenery of an elaborate nature was usou m the production. To-night Maude Adam's brilliant success, 'The Little Minister," will be oresented and the performance will, no doubt, ba witnessed by a laree audience. The Harrii-Parkinson Company is the only popular pneo attraction presenting this great suc cess. Seats for this performance are now on sale at Plummer's. WRECK AT SILER CITY. Merchant Tailor and Men's rW. 16 tf For Christmas Sale, 50 Dozen Trefonsse Kid Gloves $1.00 per pair. 200 Dozen Handkerchiefs, all kinds. 10 Dozen Lace Collars, 75 cents to $5.00. 35 Pieces Fur, reasonable. 10 Dozen Dolls, 25 cents to $3.50. 30 Dozen Umbrellas, $1.00 to $8.00. 45 Dozen Gent's Ties, Hose, Collars and Cuffs. Children, Pur... and Bag,, laeathw and Silk Belt,, e., so. Piatt & Haar. we sa J in H UCU x BBBBBSgSBSBBBBSBgBSgBSBSBHiW i ! jk MUU U - - Ml it has been tduiteraieo, no wi Bort tame to a committee sppolnteu Lr t hia meeting, and If this, committee Wilmliftoo Train Delayed In Conseqaence el Southern Wreck oa A. & Y. r-. omint nf a freieht wreck on the yards at 8iler City, on the South- a. . .d U A jfcV V . Rev J. B. Sbeltoa omlog. Rev. J. B. Shelton, of Chester, 8. 0., will arrive this morning and preach at the First Baptist church to night in the main auditorium at 8 n'ninna-. All members of the congre gation and othera are cordially in vited to be present reports same aa aSoUmg, the jaame conequent blocking of ofiaa tanaaar aw. "t"""TV, IT" ' w tn(!rBhv. the Fayetteville IMF DEMENTED REESE WOMAN eic. of aa iron with accessary is IU.990. lata RAN WTO CITY ENQINEER. Conmlssioa of Lanacy Will Intjalre Her Sanity To-dsy Justice Fowler deemed it Inexpe dient jeaterdty try CUT TO CLOSE IY. The pebtic m. aau - L thruiaaae Vacailea brfe. T. aty wc. A parar'1"" E rratay. ki. f tba dtr will SSr,UV v' bolidaya oa acd w -- . . . i ik Moaaay Mav of th. "North Oerolln. ST will be ohmrv- la tba -hool. of tbe remain s will be dtroted toeaaml kboo i bare eajoytd a A Ik. Fall term i. tnr SHU gre-mr holidays uaui Hctro Flatd by stayer ler Rechleat Orlv l.g-aiBSlclpal Ceart Yeateioay. Ia the saayor's court yeeterdey Bcb DtrU. colored, recsl-si drirlag City Kagineer lastrnments chtrged with Moadty afternoon art. ma had one of his I an on Market tree- Monday afternoon. eridently demented, the realdence of her nrnt3K maata after street ..a ... .ia-hilnr through the lease to get tbe grade for tbe pavlog. Welle "b. eoglaeer waa obllrioaa to hta 1b aadlata surroundings tad had ha mlnd concentrated on tbe line through the ieatrument, along eamathe negro In a mtothe surveyor's outfit bw aaa the Instrument to the ground The taa ,r DcetrjB. I pa -tod. Baa. av J. Bryaa waa la ea SatardeT aod oaliod on Jake Oreea ad a poo e charge j jstie Fowler a a-dloal Marry sW .-ery of State, aaaiaaaa, a taa Pofa. sir rdml lacafdiati by ft SaaaVay igbt -.rg. Mr. - attd taa Orrac. at tba v.. Her it Sit red. wbeearrtueu of aheedoomesi mmti yesterday, ad ( aaee bit wur, . J W a la s i aaoatba eeo e ,tie to tsao law toeeoiBa faarr, aa leterp e'.eo or . . mmmi ae Q , COecrptloB of tdel sepoort ureao . aril! o10' Tc defea t IO jail Or mm of H" negro etplalntdyterd.V that hi. ac waa enttrsiy uoin M let off with tbe ootta. druoken Tr." dey to again attempt to Mra. Mary Beear, who created a in h a court wnen iuo- ,.i.nd on acbarge of forcible an aad assault Tbe woman aad retterday at hutbaad a commission of lunacy wta ordered by the clerk of the Superior Court lo inquire into her cate at 8 o'clock tbit afternoon. She contlnuee to pray loudly and incetaantly and nothing ajema to quiet her except sh-cr exbauelloo and the natural de sire for sleep. Tbe stove tbe womtn remored in Blount t aney, iag the forcible tresptse, wtt hot at tbe Hone aad dlaner waa being pro pared for tbe family. How the re mored it to tba tldewalk it a myttery to tbe authoxitiea. bad troupe with her before ceirer, wu - u-mA adulterated epiriia ansut -back to the shipper end "e.J party adulterating shall baghraa the Northern commission merchants. THE M80VBBIOH EHBCE8. Mr. Robinson referred to an act by the laat Legislature which provides a heavy fine and imprisonment as a penalty for adulteration of arpirits, but be underetood that tbe act, while It bad been introduced, had not become Mr. McBachern nau lmonucu NEW ADVBETISBMBNTS. The husband haa lotber caaea otapoaw- M ri Vllir mtm m i . ead tlO and coals, Mclver. colored, diaorderly ta tad CAPE peR ool 6LUi- Might st -Irl Oa batarday et Coart Bpaeia by abOsaBtfaa .a Dl..k ftBBWataSu . . ha- m kail harta. betaaaa j" i. a alfsaaof Oarrie ItlC , f , ,0ftb. B,:- tbatf-r fr" "!!., formerly ptta- aa a JLJ Ml Si ! . T ill -- a - Flection el Officers lssi Tbe Ortea. . - a icliof Of th Vtraw-haFd laat night In v e ar triors of Tbe .- Bf 100 MUCH NOTORIETY. WIU Exaaaier f Craa SBfc'ect - Petple Ttlklai sain tha touoi negro driven to d.trtctlon'becauoof Imtglnttlon that people are ttlting tooui naTorer to tbe county author tie. law; him to. . Mr Wilder ttid, at the request of Col. A. H. Blocomb, of FayetteviUe, he drew a ;petition to the Legislature for the passage of each an act, and that the petition waa signed by 18 dis tillers. The law was printed in copies .k- .... nt tha Legislature, and is Ol MJW mn,wm - la force and effeeL Mr. O. W. Worth tald that Mr. Naah't reeolution pretumed that adul teration of tpirita could be eaally de tected, wbereaa the pretence of foreign aubattnee wtt exceedingly difficult to . aa. i u - .lulinra. find. Mr. Nttn repiiea n .u... lion wse eaaily detected. Many membera expressed their will in gnets to mtke a concerted effort to prosecute til riolatora of the law and Mr Robinson aald tbe law applied to receirer, at well aa to manufacturere-- anyone who offered the auuttoiawu product for tale. He tried to stop the practice in '98 when the Rulesof Trade were amended aa published, but deal era signed a request to repeal the changes. He waa of the opinion that .vt Mtf ner cent, of the spirits auuiteraien. train due here fat 7:40 o'clocx taat -h.i.4 At .mt arrive until near 1 lUgUt, - o'clock this morning. Several cars of the freight laden with coal and granite tumbled into a trestle on the 8iler City yards, necessitating the transfer nr mail and nassenrers. As the South era and Coast Line use the same train to Mt. Airy and only trtntfer crews at 8anford, tbe Wilmington scneouie waa interrupted to the extent named. MRS. J. F.RULFS, SR., DEAD. TO-NIGHT. ACADEMY OF MUSIC Harria-Parkinaon Co., IN MAUDE ADAM'S BIG SUCCESS, THE LITTLE MINISTER. PRICES : IO, 20, 30c. Beats on sale at Plummet's. Matines Saturday. Passed Away Early Ibis Morning After illness With Pneumonia -Funeral. Friends will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. J. F. Baits, Sr., who passed away at 1 o'clock this morning at the family residence at Fourth and Walnut streets, after an illnest with nnpnmonia. Mrs. Bulfs is survived by her husband, one son, Mr. J. F. Rnl fa. Jr.. of the firm of Peterson & Italia: and Mrs. B. F. Keitb, wife of Collector of Customs Keitb. funeral arrangements will be nounced later. de 16 It Tbe an- Now is a good time to ship live Turkeys to the UNLUCKY CORNER. We need them in our busi ness. S. W. SANDBBS. Both Phones 109. de 16 tf SEALED laDADAQM of ooHce Veaterd.y and the Clerk coa,lng to Wilmington is t by the police y"' f .mlne ur McVtcbern wet one of Cspe e wanaasmfttOa OI hdaor j,ror.B: M'.niadttenttor trail or t mmalamd a a been Tae eatee WM" . lh school u Ortorj. A.rier saw rautlne business the - .laotad for tbe followlag omcare aw. ... IdlaT-aV. ft W.lllama. o vT, Vrl ideot-Dioald MBae. aieeV-o. W. Brunaon. Jr. S6 1 Frank L- Hurglua. V-l 15 TorW-J. J Blair. Ctsaala of Oreea Willltms. Ooftralni Boani - Brunaoo, VOD 'A HurT J. Blair. B. a d B. D. W. Connor. of the Superior Court will examine iato hlasaeitytr-dtT. .Tl ..JO BBpesaaaaa- r"Kif nf Pol ce rur The negro a It appears that because gar; aJVttTlBsTJlKNTB. aadtt tad Flaaect Botrd of Audit only rouUae P1" rr:. -ot the only nronertv offered for aale. lone and ur. m- V w. Z. . . -.- tn ,h- res one. who have been tnnoyeo ey sired througn me - - imply "415,, . raew." Iaittbe negro arer. th. white people and that b. i. a "aocd. bard-woaW hay, that thay accuse him of "a and it will can- trouble in tbe city If i doesn't ttop." v bile ia J. m !. took ia the inter- aWBJi the iaaahtdlBg a U 5Uaaata- hat ltTj---. . . a, Catalioe. w mmm aaa .- aafPAdl . V t " Am. 1 a atuaB D SBBB StV a. tAAar nerticalar rMataaaagf-UoB. A S oT a-te-LUe tor key. wee 8 W- !Jkll for th. holiday ! . riulia.ceBdiea of UttleMialstsar While cocaue . t.ror sale tks Board regulsr meellnr Yatee. anssaaaa aQd Finanoe bu tineas at lu l.atnlghC aai-sa ,1 except Mr. a W ... a a r n L a kJ la TCir Lii'"" Tn. usual , - were tudited tnd tppro.ed. B were JM to , .t coupons tmju-.-. W . i. I . Ottkers. a . i .l.rtinn of officer. id. a u u u.1 , w,m.iDa Light Inftntry took 1QO WW Bsaa aa, plmaa ttood.y night a. follows : u..nV,.,i. ice dent, jbw. ' .... -nA W I S W- a a Of Pread Preti . mi W a ...mbw a noiiuiiswvt Adrian, Meeere. Loula B. George Darin. Hall and Tn.r Will Church of Chris r.icee at tbe Firat H-lentiat, Murchl- Mr McKtobern wet obo ni 1 - ert who sigeed tbe petition to repee. the chtnge in '98, but he aald be did so the change connseta n Mr. W. Lb ' . . mi. Smith objected to tne reawtuw. Nssh because it would accomplish nothing and would resun m freight charges to the receiver. Cept. Oldhsm, Mr. Mctjaeea, Mr Boney and otnera aiacuaa. question. Mr. Barktdale taid kero ene oil was not tbe only adalterant .,-t and every petroleum pruuuw. should be Included In any prohibitory measure. The Standaru ii w . larre buyer of tpirita anu ii as given to selling oil at 18c and buying it back at mc. Mr. Worth advocateu a ayawu rigid inspection and the rtfereno Of the whole matter to a committee of three receivers of tplrltt ojmuLate a Dlan for putting the inspection into effecf Mrf Natb withdraw blsreao lutlon. and a motion aa suggeated by Mr Worth waa made and i onanl Soualy carried, awgjilllwt "T pointed on that committee Meaara.O. W. Worth, B. F. Hall and H. K. V . rannMted to act at r.rrt their Dlan in detail to An Aparofeching Wedding Announcement is made of tbe forthcoming marriage of Miss Oallie R,rmnn and Mr. Thomas A. Wortbam, both of thia city, on the morning of Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, at 8:80 o'clock at the residence of tbe bride's mother, 418 Grace street. The youcg couple expects to leave on the 9:30 a. m. train, same day, for a ten days' visit to Mr, Wortham's old home near Durham, N. C. Mr. Worlham is one nt t kp nnnnlar baggage masters of the Atlantic Coast Line, on the run be tween Wilmington and unarieston, and will receive many congratula tiens upon the announcement of his approaching marriage. To Receive Their Pastor. The N. N. S. Society of Fifth Street M. B. church will hold an important meeting in the lecture room to-night at 8 o'clock and a full attendance of members is urged, f reparation, wu. be made for a reception to naator of the congregation, pheus McCullan, of Oxford. Fruits and Candies. wm Vvc ronAlvp.rl at the office the City Clerk and Treasurer at the City Hall oi tne uuy oi ton until December 29th, at 11 A.. M., at which time all bias win oe opened. a1W)ve referred to - a a - TJU a a n shall be for lurnisnmg i partment of the city of Wilmington with one thousand feet of cotton Fire Hose; said hose shall he gum and wax treated and rubber lined, and shall be 24 inches, internal .ml in lenffth fifty feet Said hose shall be conpled com plete with Wilmington Fire Depart ment Standard Couplings, same thread as now used, pattern of which can be obtained by application to the Chief of the Fire Department of the city of Wilmington. Said hose shall be delivered F. 0. B. Wilmington, N. C. The hose shall be capable of withstanding the jiresaBre of four hundred pounds to tne square uwas when delivered and must be gnaraji- teed not to ian m tjmuicuuj five years after date of purchase. All bids snau oe aaureBaeu av v Chairman of the Fire Committee of the City of Wilmington, N. C, care of the City Clerk and Treasurer,and shall be endorsed tnereon wn-u name of the bidder and the address of same. . Bight reserved to reject any waa bids. P. tj. mUUKJi, Chairman of the Fire Committee of the Board of Aldermen or me -ij of Wilmington. dec 16 3t 1 ha.e the b,.t assortment in the CD 1 1 Pit PROPOSALS. ., klAJUHaia. Pineapples, Florida Oranges, California rearB, wrapc nMnM nf all kinds. Everything in Nuts, Figs, Dates and Raisins. Fruit. the new Rev. Al- They Came to Wllsaiaftoe. T.nmberton Robesontan night about 12 Monday o'clock, Mr. McLean and Miss Mollle Lee, both of Tar Heal, arrived at the J Hotel I Colum- license and they mag- were at their earliest conve- kj mwA aa anon aa a Ll i n HUM ... -.,ta Ka kp cured IS.raio T R Tn.n made man anu wue. j. -Lend wat rouad from bit alumbert to SST the ceremony. The happy awtvaan ... ... riifttna- morn- voung coupie ici. m .v... lag for Wilmington." J. W. Plummerf Jr. Beli 'Phone 680. dec 18 tf For sale a double Folding Bed of Finest duality, with Springs and Mattress. Every thing as good as new. Will he sold for half its value. Has a large mirror, and when folded is a handsome piece of fornitnre. information apply For further at the no 28 Iw Star Office. Will be received at the City Clerk and Treasurers oflice tn tne jvj Hall of the City of Wilmington mi; -til 11 A. M. December 29tb for the pnrpose of furnishing ana equipping a Fire Boat to be used by the City of Wilmington. All was must con form strictly to the terms ana con- .... 1 . . 1 Xl. AAlMAf an. ditiona sec iorm m t proved by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Wilmington on De cember 6tb, 1903; a copy of whioh may be seen by application iu City lerK anu iiomuiw. right is reserved to reject any or all bids. All bids must be address ed to the Chairman oi t mittee of the City of WUmington and deposited in the City Clerk and Treasurer's office before 11 A. M. December 29th, ana muainare en dorsed thereon the name oi wie .u der and the address of Mine. Chairman of the Fire Committee of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Wilmington, deoledt For Sale t Rent. . Af tapii at Bockv PoiDt.N. TIOS, containing "iiii boa ON ATUtNTlU WKi X' vaaalm, dee l7t or THOMAS W. Da e.-m.nniaa with - F10' . aca i-. w.-Paalioaw staaw--- The oar ng ana oc""- Sa,. .T8 o'clock tbit the Chamber nienoe. Baut aaa, Mr. Bryaa ftStSaTc aaaaaialaaa thaA tha atatnt Oi - . rma light- aiaalng a a. r W r. r. ' Mt.i.a. repaired. 7 grB-

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