WILm:v'TON. n c. Fuoai MoaataVS. DaSCaUaaaa IS. UffUQAf COSFMUOV iamumTZcmc JmT otter day. i r - tao aartf is eaawfr oaadslt of too Disaglaj urtff saw thai fitootTT Homo boo giToa It oat t-u too RoFoWiooo party will of i p,M Hi pjioil Hilff, oroo if II is isfra saseaaaasof U f pesessje of too DtssjVey WU If too frtessde of the esrt-esVdats tnf mo ooigoioff t rsvaatjtths) 1 1 siasasgs estd ootLo poor jgr o oallod "fres trade" est, nor - it b istriseeeiel to ooj Aseori oo ledestry taat ooodo pi ill .-lTss7i i the iebotJ ;a the oJhoj isr. ths lia Dsss 1 ocretJe pol.cy u for tariff for pMWfltioa, or la- ay Haorinoa ooo bo withou: prsjedice to tbo iot the baads of ssocratk party. It is safs if tboDaaoooaaUeporty isgiveo tbo opfortodty it will pat tbo peon is fcaUb tela tbo tariff abort it will bart the trusts aad oaoo ap tbo bor of ths over -taxed dsokms wba Mod by art.tosJJy srs a la .vainc to Tbo Ropabttaa ary to too of tea tariff amat bo loft to tea 'nasi i of protection. The SU of agbt to pfteji STOCK by tea Wbito on of tea United Statoa. zewrpnpar, wbicb io a good tr.i iut- aaodfaor rsvstfcoa at to roitotobo, however. "eattaa ownteataran far May yworo botfo bad tbotr clover tisss, bwt aaw tbo coitoa giowero are getting taetr 111 ill I deee. Tbo trwota bava friod tbo fat owtof tbo tao people trU have a good abonoo teat roria- tbo pooodo, boa -.is: the eooteMi M It the :riato sagtBTBLT aum jokbiko Tbo Pbiiodolpbio Prtss contoino a aTaobiagtoa apaatol aaaaaactaa teat Proardact Boaaaralt, Ihiaaffi to tbo ooajabantoa to W up on the noaataol otaat whtoa ba boo boon aataaj at tbo Wbito Howoa. Tbo Too ST a boo aaworol ttaaoa oUadwd to tea n il 1 patttoal otoeb 1 BBBb . A SBBk SUL a oMao s5pt" 'aad Ube be wow Id na- To tats absard stafamiol, the J sa rills, V. . Rewister makse tail wat ssan of taaaw will do to toU awaswoO y js"1raoTsJKTa 1 r JI'VlLJfr.l wbsa hs was being raited dowa aad eat with s satis at'rlanna'a baaaast as rofawaa. Several otaar TBI IIOHT OF 7111 MITD- Betasrw waits Rssssbllcaas did ths dines tbe Est. J. C. Masses, a the "lUd - "w'sassseVmll right, baasjt ills ul nrnVVeJfij'biSi. - -STZ . ' L-i-i. Baa dowa systssas IB lift aarticwlar- aDow sase wao has be sgalnst ,y iio ssaad alswadlat aches it to sseit a howl ta tao offset that Tsaaak suttfsr ass minalis sad taor- aaa toatBSBsaaswd artiest Itghll'l ho way asTssMjesssm PeotrteBttaars ts oofaly taoattsaitism hf matls wWai sat ssflaar aat to deal with i,,ilsm!lj mm ; owrssTwid j9Lsi aow oasl Issaa, wa wwald go dawn aad is to asat rssassty for dlsvaat .a taw awssaawa am aj eosors fly- JJjJjJjJ 2tsr5awT5 uaa Maw, jlsssaj oV sgs tao svwry ssatoMaoworil wwatj Are wtth tao nght of free apasch vmmi. tir?9 v COaTTLICATIOaTe OBOWIIO At loo banquet of the Qoill Clob, koMottfco Hose Moo hot ton, Nov Wday sight. Assistant of Stoio F. B. Loosais plausible things In Js.'en of the sctlon of tbo with to the ropoblic oad tbo oa- mI policy ot Roeeevelt. Asaong j notify in r prompt ae tion by tbo Rooeevslt regiase. Mr. Loosen said, roforriof to tbo ioton- of Colo bio to wait two yaort by ozptro' too oaaal oioosssisci to the Fraorb Caaal Cowpoay it taot to Par: I that lbs WMtmWOm Of tbe rrenco a rraaoa Fwabfibafo ba lotbnoo md at CoJoa and teo habau to ro 11m of lb easel to its aad papas If of TOfre WOog jPJ all tat ttosabta, or foltboraalf Fras to hold tbo kaaaaos for a I. Thii woaldhTajrroobt if Moaroc JcctriD?. and Mdoabt bava found our- ao W.th anoojlor Froaob warsaips mem followed by laad and llollaod . aad tbo Balkan rJlalss. m!ht Mba waU bare xpertad to bare rar to aat belf tbo world Kor aoa-what like the um a tbot Mr. Loaoaia foon teat wonli bare poo need down oa tea toteojojo, tea latatt develop Batata are that Groat Britain aad Holland will complicate tblago far on the ittbmna, now it io hie. A correspondent Hofwo aaya it la reported there hn botb Holland and Great Britain that the BopabMc of Panama liability for !&,- 000.000 of the jlomb'.an debt. if Paaaata refuses to ac ta tbai demon d, aad Groat Briteln and Holland, acting jointly and becked by other to- start ta land la aaanal tooni deaaanJ. mode ta aad Holland copi a bo are interested in Colom- All this boainsso bos a very eeri- aspoet for tbc Utaatfait eaaajn- letrotioo. bat doubtless itwawid got rid of a little moasmeo like tbat by tratopartoa: into tbo oor of Pan ama ta agree to pay tea 116,000,000 wfl foot tha bill LTKBLT TO I BAT A aTMBO COB lantxlsr, wbo is in Washington eon- tesUng Mr. Lover's swat. The Washington Pott reports that daring the hearing of evidoaoo in tat oootost a few days ago before House ootamlttoo on privileges elections, DanUlsr was nodding s-. '. ro ir. sj:p dnrinr the portent part of the This stirs up tbo Columbia Record to rttaark: "If the cosamrttoo re ports in fovor of such a coatoaiant then we may as well gist np all hope of justice ever being done by the Republican party to far ot tbs Sooth is ecncerne-1. It Is just such infamous ingsao last party tbat might win support from toast good wbo are aat ia accord with the party but wbo r to twos sit a tao standard and assure decent and Intelligent government In the South ern States. CAPBBJ MlfalD HI! BAI8II0- Jean 6. Capers, the Swath Caro lina mttabar of tbs Vat tonal Committee, la the son of the late Bishop Kllteon Cspers, who t Confederate era! and a port, good and true We wonder "whar waa John at" ? Says the Colombia Record: 'Jssars W. d. O B. Robinson ;s lbs York, oo 1 ooM ooooo very aeostee with this aasjatwA EsojUah Tito Otinmbla, S. C, Record tz protBtt tosao apprehension that the Bopnblicas congress is bent on un seating Oootissttttn Ltvor, of Swath Carolina, tad swatfng ta We ttoad a ajsomy bawdod negro named social I BBaaaOaWaW Pure and Unmixed I H Delicate Aroma. I Really Cheapest In Usa. V SPIRITS TURPENTINE Tarboro SotKrrur : One of the largeet pore hoses of cotton by one buyer was effected bore Saturday by A. W. Hart, bit aggregate parcbaaee being t4 1.000. John Carter, aged 8, who wot killed in a railroad wreck Sunday morning near Cumberland, Md.,wna from Kinaton, N. C. He wot a member of St. Toba't Lodge of Ma sons. - erenue officers on the night of December 12te, oaptnrod a huge illicit distillery near Little Hirer church in Orange county, where so many stOla bare been captured of late. Red Springs Citum: Tbs ma chinery has boon put in motion and Bod Springs can boast of another todaaiiy. Tbo college laaodry it aaw turnine ont largo qoaotities of work In the moot approved style. Greece boro TeJsprwm It looka at if the two parties are roinc to bare a hot race to see whioh can boat tbo other to it with a atroog tariff reform plank. Bat tariff ro form (a Dmocratic doctrine, and Republicans should leare it alone or become Democrats. Salisbury .Sam: Salisbury is to hare an other ice factory, and it ia to have a capitsi stock of $25,000 "sals' aft1 .frtt sr bribers being Mr. N. B. McCanless aad Own. C. L. Welch. The plant of the now company will be ready for operation before next rum a Lamberton ft ode toman; "The steel and iron-work for the new jail has am red. The building will bo constructed alsaost entirely of steel, cement and brick, rendering it ab eolutely fire proof and as nearly TTOO'. oe no ine. rhere win ceiling or other its bnming Durham 3um: Daraatt it to bars a new enterprise io the abape of a naadj maanfactonng plant. Tat parties will do a general whole sale aad retail business. Oor W. 8. O'B. Robinson, sx-judge. is o daisy, lie oartainly has the cour- ago of his ooovicUona. With all of his eccentricities ho stay now bo called "Gentleman Williaxt." Greensboro Record: The South ern and the Norfolk A Western do not gee boos any more at Walnnt Cove. A drummer yesterdaj came in oa tao Norfolk aad Western to take the Southern, baft was told if hs wanted his trunk rocbeoked he would have to pay for bringing it only few feet to the Southern, and he had to do it or leave his luggage behind. May bo tbe corporation commission will stand for this, bnt we don't believe it. CURRENT COMMENT it would take tbe ravens a long time to make ap Dowie'a short age, bnt they anil be neiped oy toe jtyt. Montgomery Advertiser. The way for a girl to have a a a t rZ. st t . nice, rosy rompisxion is ior ner to try to climb a fasseo send gat caught with half her on one aide and half on the other.-.V. Y. Press. Already the papsus up North Panama bow she shall spend bar tlO.000,000. This is tbe kind of bossing any fool republlquita baa to stand wbsn abe gets under a atwtoctorate. Mexican Herald. We have been waiting to some of the prominent ad ro of the Cuban reciprocity bill tbat tbe rise and fall of sugar according to tbe status of tbe said bill In Uwawress, is a mere co incidence. .VorreV Landmark. Latest market rtportt Nebraska : Post masters hips, bid, 1500 asked; nostoffioe jobs hoary, no sales; land rights aotivs and higher; last sale, 28 per oent ; closing bid, 264 par oent. sf fhsafai Aooordlng to the Turkish rersion of tbe affair. Consul Davis sod his American escort assaulted tbe police force of Alexaadretta. Tbe survival of tbe Alexandretla po- Uot force saakat this vtrtion an ab- aardity on its face. Kansas City a CMir Blu vary sx- OsessioasllT life itself it the price of a mistake, bat you will usssj it you take Dr. Kiss's New Llfs Pills res Pis wis, Disal- Ltvor or Bowel trou pe goo Us, yet thorough. st R R. BaiXAWT'a drag store. t Foe ths Chrlstmss Holidays the Al lan Uo Coast Llns announce a rate of owe aad oas third oneway f area plus fee for the round trio bstwiaa all po4bU south of tbe Poteesee aad Ohio Rivers sad east of the Mlaaaaafasjl River Ttsawts on aast Deoesaber fsrd. 94 in, fotai also twts). fist and Jaaaarr 1st. 1904. with Baal limit Jsn a ary 4ih, lf04 fas tao aosommoriitlon of stud en u snd teachers of aebools sad oolle lbs Atlas tie Ooast Lias has tawesged trip rasas as shove, lltb to a ad, vrtth laal limit January of tao Atlaatle Use ts aaoxoeilod. For tickets fall lalssasslion apply to Ticket W. J. Caaio, I I Wllasisf ion Lsxva IERCES FAVORITE RIPT10N latock1, mm IBESC ; am row wxaat rWINKLINOS America's meaaage to a certain South American Republic- "Wail, Colombia!" Punch. Capitalization hat proved to be asomswhat unsatisfactory snbttitate for capital. Puck. Ha - Wat that yon I kissed in tbo conservatory laat night? "About what time wot it?" Life. First Bostonian Did yon meet any Americans aboard ? Second Bostonian No, nothing bnt New Yorkers. Life. "She hat money," they said. "Seme of nt," retorted the spiteful one, "can get married without It." Chicaqo Eveninq Pott. Kitty I believe yon think just at much of Minnie Htwha as you ao or me. ueorge wny, i actually abominate her! Kitty yon are such a dear. fie OS- pt. "Everybody aaya the baby looka like yon. Doesn't that please yon?" "I don't know," replied Poploy, "but I toll yaa what; I'm glad nobody thinks of saying I look like the baby." Philadelphia Ledger. Miss Saintly Now, children, I will girt a silrer dollar ot Cnriatmas to every boy wbo has a perfect mark in conduct: 'Billy" McGinnis-Say, teacher, IH take a quarter now, V - Hloks I suppose yon heard that our house was robbed? Wicks Tot, I understand the way the thievea rsntaokod the place simply beggared description. Hicks Not only that, bat it very nearly beg gared me. Phil. Ledger. Proprietor Why is it tbat there is so much kicking in the oar pot department? Jfloorwalker Because that department is oper ated according to rug bug rules. Baltimore American, Mr. Stonefront What I Ask me to servo on a jorv ? Me? On a Caller But this is for a jury at a poodle show. Mr. 8 tone front Ob, ah ? Of course. That's another ttttttr ! I'll serve with pleasure. Chi coco Daily News, Tbt tminent surgeon who had officiated ia the oar grafting case was explaining the process to an in .airing friend. "Of course,'" be ssid, "I bod to remove the ear with a knife. I could have found plenty of saaa who would gladly bava talk ed ana tar off, but the method I used involved lees suffering." Chicago Tribune. "Finished experimenting on your new breakfast food yet ?" asked tbs inquisitive party. "Yet," re plied tao inventor, "and white it is a trait success, the hard eat part ia yet to come.' 'What's tbat queried the inquisitive party. "In venting a name for it, answered the modest genius. Chicago JVsws. MARINE WKtLlUKV . usssrwi Deroaahire, (Br) 3,84 tons. Couli. Alexander Sssunt dt Boa. Mawal DarUog, (Br) 111 tons, Sweet- Ins;. J A Bpringer Ac Co. Adele Tnackars. BIB tons, McKses, C D Maffltt. Damloua aad Joan a 274 tons, York, O D Maffltt Robt H StevsntoD, 1,018 tons, His bee, C D Maffltt. BRIGS. 8ul lives. 39B tons, McNeil, J T BUsy ot Uo. BABQUaB. TalefoB, (Nor) 711 tons, Olson, Helde at us. V KivtR AMD RafL. Stselpti st flaral f tares sad cottos Tssaawtwy. W. At W. Railroad fff bales cot ton. If barrels tar, 6 barrels crude turpentine. W , C. 4 4. Rellroed-406 bales dtOB, 84 barrels rosin, 81 barrels tar, 78 barroleerudo turpentine.; a. ft Y. Bail road 5 bales cotton, I casks spirits turpentine. 87 barrels reels, 84 barrels tar. City of Fayotteville ft cotton, 8 casks spirits turpen tine, f barrets tar. Total 698 bales cotton, 27 casks sinis turpentine, 71 barrels rosin, Tf barrels tar, 71 barrels crude tur ps tine. Bsllalrt, Gen. Wood's press goat, would bo a valuable com modity before the Senate's Investi gating committee at the present time. Ine man wbo was able to displace two army officers aad to place one must ho too big a man to effectually hide himself from Sena tor Banna's tempting calls. Boston Old Friends Are tbe Best. Sometime ago I took what it known as a Summer cold. I tried several remedies, bnt without muoh relief. Finally, I retorted to my old standby, Cheney's Expectorant, and waa cured by a few doses I have groat confidence in this mem- tdy. sJOB HOWARD. Macon, Miss. For tals by J. C. Shtpard. , n. c, winssia it is. BTKAJfXRra COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARK XT Qnouxi officially at t&a closing try t be Chamber ot Commerce. STAB OFFICE, December 17. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nothing doiog. ROSIN Market firm ot $3.10 per barrel for good strained. TAR Market firm at $1.70 per bar rel of 880 pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market arm at $3.25 per barrel for hard, $3.80 for dip, $3.80 for virgin. Quotations same day laat year Sptrito turpentine firm at S0c; rosin ateady at $1.801.35; tar firm at $1.40 ; crude turpentine firm at $1.75, 3.80O$.80. BBOB7JPT8. Spirits turpentine 37 Roein !7r. 78 Tar. 78 Crude turpentine 79 Receipts mmmm day last year 33 casks spirits turpentine, 113 barrels rosin, 68$ barrels tar, 59 barrels crude turpentine. OOTTOO. Market ateady at 13 He per pound for middling. Same day lost year, market firm at 7Kc tat middling. Receipts 699 bales; same day laat year, 1,474. f Corrected Rarj nnmmlMlnn 1 j by Wilmington Produce lants. prices representing Sam PaW for produce ooasttBSO to Commis sion bswomsoj i OOUNTBY PRODTJOB. PEANUTS North Carolina, firm. Prime, 70c; extra prime, 76c; fancy, 77c, per buahel of twenty-eight pounds. Virginia Prime, 60c; extra prim, 66c; fancy, 70c Spanish 86c CORN Firm; 6570c per buahel for white. N. a BACON Steady ; hams 16A l$e nor pound; shoulders, 12 c; tides, 13Xc. BOOS Firm at 3323c per dozen. CHICKENS Firm. Grown, 35 40c ; springs, 1535c. TURKEYS Firm at 12 13c for lire, BEESWAX Firm at 35Q34c. TALLOW Firm at 5c per pound. SWEET POTATOES Dull at 40$) 46c per bushel - BEEF CATTLE Firm at 23c per pound. FINANCIALMARKETS ov taianasa to tern moroias star snw Yoax. Dee. 17. Money on call was steady at ttBoJi per cent , closing bid 4 par cent., and offered at per cent; time loans were easy; sixty dsys,6 per cent ;ainelj.dsys 5Q 6 per cent. ; six montao tsaJM per neat. Prime mercantile paper 6 per cent Sterling exchange was strong, with actual business in bankers' bills at 482.40484.75 for demand and 481.10 481 40 for sixty day bills The post ed rates were 431 K482 aad 485 483 X. Commercial bills 4800481. Bar sUrer 55. Mexican dollars 43. O. 8. refunding 3 registered, lutM; U. 8. refunding fa. coupon, 106; U. & S't, reg'd, 107; do. cou pon, 107M; O.8. Anew, rog'd. If S; do. coupons 188 ; U.S. 4a, old, rog'd, 109; U. a 4's, old coupon. 110; U. a registered, 101 V; do. coupon, 101M; Southern Railway, fa, 114. rJtooaa: Baltimore A Ohio pref 'd 87)4 ; Chesapeake 4 Ohio 3S ; Manhat tan L 140 H: How York Central 118; Reading 43S; do. 1st preferred 76 h ; do. fnd preferred 58 ; St. Paul 141; do. prefd, 172; Southern Rail way 80S; da prefd 77; Amaira mated Copper 47; People's dot 97 H; Tennessee Coal and Iron S3; (7. a Leather 7U; U. a Leather, preferred, 76 ; Western Union 87; O. a Stool 10; do. preferred 58; Virginia Carolina Chemical. 26; sales snares ; da preferred, closed 94 bid; sales shares. Standard Oil 662 bid. BsxTTjiosa, Md , Doe. 17. Seaboard air Line. common, IS asked; do. pre ferred, ; da bonds, fours, 72 72 . allanlie Coast Line, common. 107 4)109; da preferred. NAVAL STORES MARKETS i to UMC Btorstas I if aw Yoax, Dec. 17. Rosin firm. Spirits turpentine quiet. CWABLBWTOB, Dec 17. Spirits tur oentlne steady at BBKc: sales casks Rosin ateady ; sales barrels: A, B, C, tf 10; D, S3 10. K, 93 10; F. tf 10; O, tf If; H, ft ft; L ft 46; K, $3 70; M. tf 80; N. S3 96; W Q. ffjlS; W W 43 40. Hav jlssab. Dee. 17. Spirits turpen tine was firm at 56 We; receipts 890 sales 189 casks; exports 91 Rosin was firm: receipts 1,378 barrels; sales 8,249 barrels; exports 6,9X4 barreJa Uuote: A, U, C. S3 30; U. S3 20; K, S3 30; F, S3 SO; Q, S3 25; B,S2 85; I, S3 66: K. S3 80; M, S3 90; N, S3 05; W O. ff 34: W W t3 SO COTTON MARKETS. SW Paissrasa so ass atoratas sou New Yoax, Dec. 17. Tbe cotton market waa strong at an advance of teventeen to twenty seven points on excited covering and bull support, fol lowing a sensational advaooe in Liv erpool. The market had boon expect ed to abow a trifling decline. It open ed uncharged but afterward shot ap tike a rocket with prices st about tbe time of the local opening some eighteen to nineteen English points net bisber. Private cables explained the advance on tbe ground of a scare of shorts in consequence of American, continental aad Egyptian buying, with tbe imprests oa snore or lorn prevalent that tbo New Orleans bull leader bad helped tbe upward course of prices. Whatever the cause, bow ever, the foreign gains started aotlve covering In the local market and for the first few minutes buying orders came pouring in from every side In harp contrast to tbt holiday at part of tbe recent times. Naturally, tbe advance, carrying tbe later months over the previous high record, at tracted heavy realising of outside ac counts, but all offerings were promptly absorbed and only un important set-backs occurred during tbe whole session, with tbe bull leaders supporting tbe market aggressively on every sign of weakness. Tbe high eat point was late ia the ssesJon, when Jsnusrv sold st 18,59; March at 18 80, May 13.90 aad July at 12.93; these being net gaina of thirty-five to forty- B a a as aa m i wo points, not nana or newa was circulated oa tbe advance. Mosaagns were received in great numbers from the South, elaimlag approaehlag ex haustion and a very bullish disposi tion smong holders, with some private advices alleging that Southern spot handlers had defaulted on their con tract to ship spot cotton abroad, thus contributing to tbo advance lo Liver pool, where It was claimed toot people were protecting themselves by pur cbasat of futures against those failures of expected supplies; while other messages were of difficulties smong spot cotton houses at Bremen and Havre and added to the general feveriahness of sentiment. Receipts for the day were liberal and tbt estimates for to morrow fall, but tbese fsetors had no Influence and tbe market closed at nearly the top figures or at p net gain of thirty-two to forty-one points on tbe general list, with the tone firm. The Southern spot markets were generally firm aad higher with New Orleans reporting aalea of over eleven thousand bales at an advance of one-fourth oent. Locally the spot market waa twenty-five points higher at 18.70 for middling uplands. 8alea of futurea in the local market were eatlmated at 1,000,000 bales. Maw vobk. Dec. 17. Cotton quiet at 13.70c: net receipts bales; gross receipts 676 bales; stock 68,731 bales. Cotton futures market closed firm: December 13.58. January 18.56, Febru ary 18.67, March 12.79, April 13.85,May 18.89, June 18.93, July 18.98, August 18 56. Spot cotton closed quiet and 25 points higher; middling uplands 13.70; middling rulf 18.95c; sales 1,085 bales. Total to-day, at ail seaports Net re ceipts 45,488 bales; exports to Great Britain 11,251 bales ; exports to France bales; exports to the Continent 15,353 bales: Mexico balm; stock 916,886 bales uonaolldated, at ail seaports Net receipts 80,145 bales; exports to Great Britain 88 631 bales; exports to France 18,105 bales ; exports to the Continent 76,888 bales. Total since September 1st, at all seaport- Net re elpts 4,581,730 bales; axporta to Great Britain 1,344,730 bales : exports to France 471,561 bales ;exports to h (Continent 1,356,698 bales. Dec 17. QaJToston, firm at 12Jc, net receipts 17,086 bales . Nor folk, st eady at 12 tfc, oet receipts 1 540 bales; Bal timore, nominal at 13.37c, net re ceipts bales; Boston, quiet at 13 45, net receipts 161 bales; Wilmington, ateady at 18Jfc, net receipt! 699 bales: Philadelphia, firm at 12.85 c, oet re ceipts 195 bales; Savannah, firm at 18 5-16, net receipts 9.581 bales: New Orleans, firm at 18 7-16c, net receipts 13,929 Tales; Mobile strong at 12c, net receipts 767 bales; Memphis, ateady at lSife, net receipts 8.444 bales; Au gusta, firm at 13Xc, net receipts 1,691 bales: Charleston, firm at 13&c, net receipts 330 bales. PR00UGE MARKETS Br TsiearaDb to tbe Morning eta; Now Yosx, Dec. 17. Flour was fairly active, closing ateady. Wheat Spot steady ; No. 3 red 90 Mc. Options opened steady and advanced for s time on bullish Argentine crop news snd small net receipts West. After a s-t back following heaviness is ousaide markets, prices recovered on export ru mors and closed partly He net bigber: May closed 85c ; July closed 81c; De cember elootd 90H- Cor n Spot steady ; No. 8 63c Options market advanced early on steady cables, light arrivals at Western points and covering. Later yielded under real zing, but closed steady with wheat: May closed 49fic; December sitfe. Oats Spot quiet; No. 2 4134c. Lard steady; refined firm. Butter, unsettled ; extra creamery 24c; Bute dairy 15421. Cheese quiet ; State, full cream fancy, small colored, Septem ber 13c; late made 10c;small white, Sep tsmber 12c; late made 10c Peanuts quoted steady; fancy hand-picked 4X ffSc; other domeetic 3j5c Pota toes firm; Long Islana S3 18&3 35; Jersejs S3 00f3 86; Jersey sweets SI S043 50; Btsie and Western sacks S3 102 25. Cabbage firm; domes tic, per too S20 00O 30 00; per 100 $600010 00. Freights to Liverpool Cotton by steam If. Pork steady. Eggs strong; State and Pennsylvania nearby average beat 35c Molasses firm. Rice quiet. Cotton seed oil was firmer snd active at advaeeieg prices: Prime crude, f. c b. mills, tdOtfK ; prims summer yellow S63c: off summer yellow nominal; prime white 88gt89e ; prime winter yellow S8O40c Chicago, Dec 17. Increased part business at the seaboard aad small receipts held wheat stesdy to-day in tbo face of dullness suggesting tbe holidays May wheat closed at pre cisely the final figures of yesterday. May corn closed iOt : lower. Oats are off is. Provisions were firm, tbe May products closing from five lo seven and a half cents higher. UBXOaoo, Dec 17. Cash prices : Flour dull and easy. Wheat No. 3 sprier 82; No. S spring 77080c ; No. 3 red 8 1 H 85 X e. Cor n No. 3 48c ; No. t yellow 46c Oats No 8 37c; Nc 3 white 3638c. Rye-No. 2 53c. Mess pork, per bbl, $11 37ll 50. Lard, per 100 fbs, $6 870640. Short rib aider, loose, $6 006 86. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, . Short clear sides, boxed $6 25 6 37. Whiskey-Basis of high wines, $1 87. Tbe leading futurea ranged as fol lows opening, highest, lowest an closing: Wheat No. t December, aow,78f,078M, 79X, 78. 790; May 81081M, 81X, 81381. bltf 81c. July 76jf76X. 75, 7676K, 78 76 He Corn-No. 9 December 48K48tf, 43. 41M041X, 4iaje; Ma? 43X43H. 43H. 43; July 4SX04SM, 43. 48, 43H4Stfc Oat 1 No. 8 December 36, 35S5H, 34, 54XC; Hay 36 37. 37. 36, B6MO86X0; July 34, 3434H, 33, S4Hc Mem pork, per bbl January $11 87. 11 4tM, 11 87. 1187; May $11 73. 11 80, 11 73, 11 80. Lard, per 100 fie January 66 87, 6 37, 6 88,6 87; May $6 67. 6 60, 6 65, 6 67. Short ribs, per 100 lbs Jan uary $6 10, 6 10, 6 07. 6 10; May $6 ff, 6 80, 6 33, 6 80. NEW YORK COFFEE FUTURES. Naw Yoax, Doe. 17. Coffee Spot Bio area; refined steady. Toe market for coffee futures opened ateady at an advance of 5 to 10 points and after wards sold up to a level net 20 to 30 points higher, oa bovine by Wsll street interests aad covering of shorts. Toward the close there was afatr reac tion under realising, but the market was finally steady at net 10 to 90 points higher. H A RIN t- CLEARED. Scbr Wm P Hood, Philpot, C D Maffltt. Boston, Bohr Ob as C Lister, Moore, York, O D Maffltt. British steamer Scar 1 hoe. Hall, New Bre- bjsd, AJexanuer onrunt or Son. Norwegian barque Kampfjord, Ohriatensen, Bristol, Heide & Co. COASrWISE. Boston Scbr Wm P Hood, 560,000 feet lumber; cargo by Cape Fear Lum ber UO; vessel by U U Maffitt. Naw Yoax Scbr Cbas C Lister, 300,000 feet lumber; cargo by Cape Fear Lumber Ob; vessel by O D Maf fltt. FOREIGN. v Bremen British steamer Seartboe, 13,95a bales cotton, 6,815,744 pounds valued at $870,000; vessel and cargo by Alexander Spruot & Co. Bristol Norwegian barque Kamf- iord, 7,686 barrels rosin, valued at 17,885.64; cargo by Paterson, Down log ox Co; vessel by Heide ox Ob. FOREIGN MARKET Br Cable to the Morning Star. Liverpool, Dec 17. Cotton : Spot, in limited demand; prices 16 points higbor; American middling fair 7.18d: good middling 7.09d; middling 6.93d; low middling 6.86d; good ordinary 6.76d; ordinary 6.56d. The sales of the day were 5,000 bales, of which 500 bales wore for speculation aad ex port and Included 4.500 bales Amer ican. Receipts 7,000 bales, including 6,700 bales American. Futures opened steady and closed Irregular and unsettled; American middling (g o c): December 6.78 6.7dd; December and January 6.74 6.76d; January aad February 6.70ta EXPORTS 6 71d; February and March 6.69d; March and April 6.67d; April and May 6.66d; May and June 6.65d; June and July 6.68d; July and Au gust 6.60d; August and September 6.47d. D, H BARKER, 8HEBIFF OF CHATTANOOGA, TENNE38EE. Another Prominent Man Finds in Vino) the Only Cure for Stomach Troubles. Hon. D. H. Bsrker, Deputy Sheriff of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes: "As I have suffered for years with dvapepaia and stomach troubles, and Vinol has driven that dreaded disease from my system, lam only too pleased to state my experience for the benefit of others. My sy stem became ao enfeebled by indigeation that I waa unable to work hlf the time. Msny remedies were given a trial, but Y doI waa the only mediciae tbat benefited, and finally cured me completely. I am ao grateful to be rid of this trouble tbat I trust this testimonial will come to the eyes or other suff -rers wbo may ba bene fited as I have been by Vinol." What Vinol did for Mr. Barker, our druggist, Mr. Robt. B. Bellamy.of this city, guarantees it will do for every parson in Wilmington suffering from a tired, over taxed, or worn oat stomach which cannot properly digest food. HON. D. H. BARKER. Through tbe digestive organa tbe blood receives Its body building ma terial, and strength and vigor is riven to every organ in the body. Vinol strengthens and tones up the weskened nervea of tbe stomach, and soon en ables tbe sufferer to digest with esse tbe very foods that once caused dis tress. Vinol containa bo drugs, and no nauseating oil, but it does contain tbe vital principles of cod liver oil wbicb will heal snd tone up irritated, worn tired stomachs. If any person in Wilmington tries Vinol for stomach troubles, for a run down, debilitated condition, to give strength to tbe wesk, to gain flesh, to invigorate old people, to make rich, red blood and build up tbe convales cent, to cure bard colds, stubborn coughs or bronchitis, snd it fails o give satisfaction, I will refund l&e money paid for it. Robt. R Seliamy, Drueeist. SEALED PROPOSALS Will be received at the office of the City Clerk and Treasurer at the City Hall of the City of Wilming ton until December 29th, at 11 A. M , at which time all bids will be opened. Tbe proposals above referred to shall be for furnishing the Fire De partment of tbe city of Wilmington with one thousand feet of cotton Fire Hose; said hose shall be gum and wax treated and rubber lined, and shall ba 2i inches, internal diameter and ia length fifty feet Said hose shall be coupled com- plete with Wilmington Fire Depart- ment Standard Couplings, same thread as now nsed, pattern of which can be obtained by application to the Chief of the Fire Department of tbe city of Wilmington. Said hose shall be delivered F. 0. B. Wilmington, N. C. The hose shall be capable of withstand i g the pressure of fonr hundred pounds to the square inch when delivered and must be guaran teed not to fail in efficiency within five years after date of purchase All bids shall be addressed to the Chairman of the Fire Committee of the City of Wilmington, N. C, care of the City Clerk and Treasurer,and shall be endorsed thereon with tbe name of the bidder and the address of same. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. P. Q. MOO BE, Chairman of the Fire Committee of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Wilmington. dec 16 3t SEALED PROPOSALS. Will be received at tbe City Clerk and Treasurer's office in the City Hall of the City of Wilmington nn til 11 A. M. December 29tb, for the purpose of furnishing and equipping a JTire Boat to be used by the City of Wilmington. All bids must con form strictly to the terms and con ditions set forth in tbe contract ap proved by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Wilmington on De cember 6tb, 1903; a copy of which may be seen by application to the City lerk and Treasurer. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. All bids must be address ed to the Chairman of the Fire Com mittee of tbe City of Wilmington and deposited in the City Clerk and Treasurer's office before 11 A. M. December 29th, and must have en- dorsed thereon the name of tbe bid der and the address of same. P. Q MOoRE, Chairman of the Fire Committee of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Wilmington, dec 16 3t SHIPPERS NOTICE. The Steamer Highlander will leave Mondays and Thursdays, and the Steamer City of Fayetteville Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 P. M. for Fayetteville. Gate will close at 3:30 P. M., and no freight will be re ceived for steamer leaving at 4 after 3:30. T. D. LOVE, Agent, JtyQfi Atlantic Transit Co. napontad Peach s AND APPLES. 100 Bxs New CropEvap Peaches 40Bxs New CropEvap. Apples 500 Bags Rice, rare bargains 1,000 Boxes Tobacco. We have some excellent job lota at Rock Bottom prices. 2,000 Cases Canned Goods Prices are right. Our line covera over fire hundred articles. We are in abape to take care of your buni ucoo, uittLLurs not how small. or Send us jour orders. D. L. GORE CO., Wholesale Grocer and Importers de 13 tf Wilmington, N. C. ' FOB XMAS GOODS we are In position to offer lowest p-lces ana bestqu Hry. Fair dealing aid fa"larni au-n tlon 10 your Interest Is onr -mbtt;on. Tn our ' WHITE KNIGHT" BRAND CIGARS By rar tba verv best cooda oiva aboxXmas., THE F. E. HASHAGEN CO., de 6 tf Distributors. SEEP YOUR FEET DRY ! WEAR Rubbers. You ought to see our latest w th the thick extension het-I; they mar twice as long as the ordinary kind. Sold at Solomon's Sbte Store. dec 13 tf and Novelties Holiday Gifts in great variety. I NPW Flf HA 1 lUUVil j Latest styles in Stationery in Fancy Boxes. Juvenile Books, Games, Toys, Etc Fancy Calendars. Christmaas Cards. An endless variety of pretty things for Christmas Presents at C. W. YATES & CO, dec 12 tf WilmingtoV N. C. GROCERIES SO Bbls Sti k Candy. 200 Catet Salmons. IOO Boxes Oetgon Soap, 200 Bag Green Coffee 1 00 Boxes Borax Soap. IOO Boxes A k Soap. IOO Cases Sardines. IOO Bbls Mnlteta. IOO Bstsrs Peanut 85 Bbls Host's Vinegar, 80 Bbta Mott's Cidor. HnlaanMt. flvrntm n.nd a nomnlete line of -ro oertea a ,d Tobaccos for sie at lowest prl es. SAM'L BEAR. SR., & SONS., Wholesale Gr cer'e , 18 M iet dtteet. oct8tr Silver Salt It's a pleasure to clean Silver, Goid. Cut Glass or anvthini; that shines with SILVER SLT Makes water do the work. Guar anteed positively harmless; 25 cts at HARDIN'S Palace Pharmacv. 136 South Front Street. cc 14 Botb 'Phone? 55 j w What Ads Moat to a. Gentleman's Prose All agree a nice STYLISH HAT! Then go to HAMME, THE HAFTER, Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. nov 28 tf. 24 Front Street. Proposals Invited. is will be received nnll noon. D-C. 1Mb. IDS 'ce James ot turner mo- rial Rrimttal dnrlntf the ensuing year who . lUilUOUlU. T . . . Jorm or proposals may oeirom. eUJ. Ullia. - -.- r Tbs .ore at office 01 v. n , 1 ao,' 1 rSerVed to reject any or all wds, 0 13 St. aJaaaaaaaaassas saJmBBawaasaaCasasa SMS BOOKS