Ib BlcrntinQ QEN' LEE'S birthday. WILMINGTON IN 1903. OUTLINES. i Editor H. A. London, of PittsBoro, to De lifer the Address at the Celtbntioo -, Here oo January 19ih. N. C. CORPORATION COMMISSION'S REPORT. S L L. SITUATION. "'abroad. The total number of dead In the Chicago theatre fire has been estab lished at 687. Violent break in prices of sioeks in New York is ascribed to the war situation in the Far East. , An investigation of the accounts of the Interstate Com merce Oommlsiion- is being made by Treasury experts. Rutsla has . decided not to accept Japan's precise proposals. Every theatre in the city of Chicago is closed, and will not be opened until every aeciion of tbe ordinances regulating p'ay noues ii complied with. Gen. J.mes LOAgUreet, O. 8. A., died yesterday at Gainesville, Ga. A Pekin dispatch lays among the best in formed , diplomats there war is re- ' garded as inevitable. Miss Mary Martin was shot at a dance- near May oden, N. C, by John Gana and died JMterday. .Tbe Countess of laterhtsey is the defendant in a damage salt for $10,000 by Mrs. I ura Delane, of WaabloRtOD, J). O. rTne New 'England coast war B'orm swept last night.. - In New Yirk city a severe storm prevailed, with heavy fall of snow. - F re . at Wilaon, N. O., early ibir morning caused a loss estimated at $185,000. Panic in tbe Thalia theatre in New York city last nubt; a stampede was narrowly averted .by the police. WEATHER REPORT. Preparations are now under way by Cape Fear Camp, No. 254, ,U. O. V., Cape Fear Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, and George Davis Camp, 8ons of Confederate Veterans, for the celebration of Gen. Robert E. Lee's birthday, in Wilmington, ; January 19th. . AH three organizations have appointed committees and they are now preparing the programme. Captain T. D. Meares is the chair man of the Veterans: committee, and he Informs us that Hon. H. A. London, prominent lawyer and editor of the Chatham Record, Plttsboro, N. O, has accepted tbe invitation to deliver the address on the occasion. . ' Co John D. Taylor hai accepted thrinVitatlon4f the ladles to present the Crosses of Honor-to the old Large Increase ia the Commerce, . T rade and Banking Bust- : ness of the City.. BANK CLEARINGS $10,000,000. Deposits in the Five Banks Afirezate $4,727,498. lBc!odlBt$I,754,C82 la tie - luree Saviors Baoks -A Big Lumber Business. The celebration is to he made a par ticularly interesting event. . LOCAL DOTS. U. 8. DlP'T Or A.GRJOOT.TURB, ) Wbathcb Btjbbao, , WnjunaroB, N. C Jan. 3. ) Meteorological .data for tbe twenty four hours ending at S P. M. : Temperatures: 8 A. M., 43 degrees: 3 P. M., 59. degree: maxim un, 66 d reea; minimum, 46 degrees; mean, 56 degrees. Rainfall for the day, .00; rainfall since first of the montn to date, .00 inches. Stage of water in the Cape Fear river at Fevetteville. N. C at 8 A. M. Fri day 3.8 jeet , . STORK WABBINQ. i Soathesst storm signals were, dis played at J0 A. M. to-day. .The storm waa then central over tbe Ohio val . ley, moving northeast. ' - FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. . wASHlHaTOH, Jan. 1. For North Carolina: Clearing and much colder Sunday; cold wave. Monday fair; cold and brisk to high northwest winds. It there is war between Japan and Russia China , will ' aid Japan by furnishing the tom toms and the stink-pots. ; i The boll-wee vjl has inflicted much damage orJ&wijosi but the bull weevil ! has proved a terror to the speculators known as 'shorts." v Panama has had an election and will proceed how . to organize a 'na tional government, we are told. 'An ounce of civet, good apothe cary?" ; . We don't understand how Edward can "recognizb" so small a speck on the map as the "infant" republic It is a good long jump from England to Panama. . The Morning Stab congratu lates tbe Charlotte Observer on the splendid exhibit it makes of its business, in all departments, during the year 1903.: A woman U reported in Iowa whose, spleen has been removed and yet is alive and well. Make her mad and she will be mighty apt to show some spleen.' "Who would be free himself must strike the blow." Let the people of Wilmington keep this always in mind while demanding. jastice at the hands of the Seaboard Air Line. A telegram from Roanoke, Va., says: "The Anti-Saloon League met its Waterloo here to day, Roanoke going wet by 982 majority." Looks moMke they met their Whiskey - VHon. U. a. nm nas oeen seiecc- e i as orator for the annual banquet of the Albany Undertakers' Associa; tion' His acceptance of that ' in vitation shows that ; the pungent paragrapbers have no terrors for , David B. - 'k:'- v 1 Emperor Menelik will present President Roosevelt with two lions and a' pair of elephant tusks. We don't know what Teddy will do with the tusks, but? the lions will be mightj handy when he is pestered too much with cffieesetkers. Commenting on the Seaboard Air Line changes that are now matters of history, the Norfolk VirqinianrPilot remarks, as a conclusion of the - whole matterr "In passing, however, it may be worthy of note that the forecast of the change in the presidency- made by the newspapers weeks ago was 'authoritatively' denied, and each reiteration met with similar denial. We throw the suggestion out for what it is worth, but it would really seem that the newspapers get aj as close to the truth and stick'aboJa close to it , as anybody else." , . Special sale for tbe n-xt tin 4ays, beginning December 29 ib to January! lOih. SO ner cent, discount onallfaocv grades left; 10 percent, discount on all Dinner Sets. Toilet Bets, Lamps and Out Glasa. , Don't mlas ibis aie. F. A. Bisslager, The China Man, 118 lfarket street The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermea will be held to-morrow night tt 8 o'clock. The Board of County Commis aione,rrwill meet in regular monthly esiiaS) to-morrow afternoon at 2:80 o'clock . v At 12:38 o'clock this morning an alarm of fire was sent in from box 25. There waa a slight blsze on Water street, but no damage was done. There will be a special convo cation of Concord Chapter No. 1, B. A. M., to-morrow night at 8 o'clock for work. In the Pastmaater's Degree. Mr. W. E. Glenn, contractor for laying tbe drain pipe on Market street, from Fourth to Second, has a large force of hands at work and ia making rapid progress. - - Mr. W.. J. Reaves has pur chased a $10,000 Interest in the Wil mington Iron Works and becomes ice president and manager. Mr. E. P. Bailey is still the president. The British steamer "Caprera" on her way to sea yesterday morning ran aground just Inside the bar. She floated at high tide and proceeded on her voyage, having received no in jury. ; if There will be services at the Seamen's Bethel this afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. N. M. Wataon, pastor of Grace M. E. Church. The public is invited to af tend. ' f -: f Mr. M. A. Bnie, manufacturer of lumber, Bed Springs, N. C, sends the Btab a lovely calendar for 1904. That grl with the chryaanthemums in her hair ; is a "beaut," Brother Buie. Thatkt. Yesterday evening at 6 o'clock one of the suburban cars ran into a' trolley car ; at . Third and Princeas streets. The trolley was denteoa little and one of the conductors was slightly hurt. . The schooner "Helen G. Mose iey," Captain Gray, cleared yesterday for New York with a cargo of 895,849 feet of lumber. The cargo was by the Angola Lumber Co., and the vesssel byC. D. Maffitt. ' jV The new quartered- oak circu lar seats have been placed in Brook lyn Bapiitt Church and will be used for tbe first time at the services to day. They add greatly to the appear ance of the church. ! - ; The Christmas tree entertain ment of the 8ecood Advent Church will be given at the church next Wednesday night There will be a ntee programme of recitatlona and dialogue, and the affair will close with an interesting . stereopilcon ex hibition. r :. During the, year just ended Wil mington has enjoyed the greatest prosperity in Its history. The com merce of the port has increased fully 25 per cent, the shipping interest maintains Its increase of the past few years, and the wholesale and retail mercantile business ; haa increased fully 83.per cent The industries of the city have shared ia the prosperity of the city, and -during, the year at least $200,000: has been invested in business, new industries and new cor porations. The banks have done the largest business In the history of tbe city, tbe clearings for the year having been $10,000,000. or more.' A promi nent banker said yesterday that tbe clearances greatly exceed those of the previous year, a palpable evidence of the great increase of Wilmington's buaineaaln 19C3 The preaent capital of tbe banks fa, including surplus, $914,008. and their total footings are $5,988,917. . - ;: Tbe deposits at the present time are $4,727,498 and their loans and dis counts aggregate $3,857,783. The sav ings banks of the elty contain deposits of $1,754,082, which fact indicates the the , thrift of the working people or Wilmington in a most marked degree, Tne cotton mills have done as satia factory a business as the depressed conditio a of that branch of the manu facturing interest warrant but in; no period of the history of Wilmington have the lumber Interests been on so, large a scale and in such a prosperous condition. The lumber manufactur ers have done a business of $1,000,000 and telegraph and telephone poles to tbe value of $100,000 and cross-ties to tbe value of $150,000 have been shipped from this port r: a During the year the seaside resorts here have been visited by 150,000 peo ple and the street car line in the city has handled 1,250,000 passengers. AH railroads entering Wilmington, have largely Increased their freight and passenger traffic which Is a conspicu ous evidence of Wilmington's growth and progress- . i Wilmington has become the fifth cotton port In the United States, the receipts here since September 1st hav ing een; 271,570 balear---Tfee4;ex-ports of cotton, naval stores and lum ber during the year just ended have exceeded In value $20,000,000, the spec fie value of these items being $19,671,909 for cotton exported; $117, -094 for naval stores, and $168,606 for lumber. During the year the exports of cotton were 343.983 bales. Daring the year the arrival of ship ping has been 305 vessels, Including 151 steamships, and 164 ships of all other classes. The population of Wilmington has steadily increased, and one gratifying reflex of improved conditions may be emphaaifed. That Is that five years ago the colored population composed two-thirds of the inhabitants, while now there Is a majority of whites. Thus we observe that the negro handi cap of "non-producers but consumers" has given way to the more intelligent, enterpriaing, provident and thrifty white man, and altogether the future of Wilmington has a wide horizon of opportunity aed glowing promise. Showloi tbe Acresfe sod Value of Taxs ble Lssds aad Other Properties ia -StateOther Important Hatter s Special Stat Correspondence. : Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 3. The North Carolina Corporation Commission issue their annual report as a State tax commission, which shows among numerous other important items that 27,783,894 acres of land are valued at $4.85 per acre; 'Gaston leading at $13.43 valuation per acre and Dare lowest with only 93 cents. Tbe towns showing largest real and personal pronerty valuation are Art-, ville, $5,186,313; Charlotte, $8,348 660; Sal'sbary, $2,169,708; Greenaboro, $3, 885,597; Durham, $9,882,642: Balelgb, $5,818,59; Wilmington; $3,171,190. . Solvent credita in the State amount to $28,456,156, Forsyth .leading with $1,356,658 j Dare least-Wltb " $5,807. : lUounues snowing largest ioaotfar. s are Mecklenburg. $354,506;' - Cflptaia Jctn H. Sharp, the Ef ficient Treasurer, Dropped After Loos; Service. BUSINESS POLICY UNCHANGED Ryu Interests Wasted a Mas ef Their ypwa Choice teTake fsptsia Shsrp's PIlCe---M Barr Pleased at Be- - M ' - lag Chosea Prealdeat. r . -3fc.-i l IRiehmond Times-Dispatch; ... . Iobfolk; Va., Dee. 3L Mr, James 11 j Barr, the new president of the Sea board, is naturally greatly pleased at : the vote of confidence accorded btmby the directors of the system, and during the morning he received many callers. Another Mao Wss Knocked Ia tbe Head Last Nlfbt Asdrew walker Bobbed v- of $287 34 Friday Night. - Ex-Alderman Andrew Walker, colored, was able to come down town yesterday and tell of his thrilling ex perience with the two highway men who robbed him-Friday night at Sixth and Nun streets. T He states that the robbers got - from him a roll of bills amounting to $287.- 54. sue! wbleb was lodge money ex cept $8 38 which belonged individually to him. The money belonged to Free Love Lodge, of which Walker Is treasurer. He says he took a trolley car at 8econd and Princeas streetsaed got off at Saventb and Nun streets to go to Second ana Nun -streets to at tend a: meeting of the trustees .and financial board of Free Love Lodge. The meeting was to be held In Rath who desired to extend congratulations. Tekgramf and telenhohe messages of i HalL and when Walker atarted on BOi inr accinifuuib cuvi.vv, -n- i - - m r . . . --. ----- therford, tUftr Cumberland-$133,1 coagratoiattos 'wer: alsa showered I Nu&. street' In 'thats direction,7 he am Towns showing latest indebtedness are Asbevilie, $i,ow.ow .unanotte, $605,000; Oreenaboro, $152,749; Wil mington, $683,000. ' J Tax rates, hfcladmg municipal, Bute, county; school and special taxes. a Id town, are Asbeville, $2 50; Wilmington, 42 48; Greensborn, $2.09; Baleigb, $2.3; Qalisbttrj, $L86. .-- The total amount of taxes levied In North Carolina for 1902. State, coun ty, school and manicipalwas $723,-' 445.74. This was on total proo-rty valuations, etc., amounting to $348, 878.023. - ; - - Tbe report as Corporation Commis sion shows that during- the year only 68 93 miles of railroad were construct ed and put into operation, the total at the end of the year being 8,750.88 miles in operation. Net earnings were greater than ever before. - Gross earninra amounted to $18,610,815. and operating expenses $12,136,977. There are 14,653 men employed against 11, 401 for tne previous year. ' . ' -: During the yar 121 persona were killed and 1657 injured; against 87 killed and" 1,069 injured during the year previous. Of those killed this year five were passengers,43 employes, 61 trespassers and 13 not trespassers. - There were 389 complaints made to the commission during 1903 the greater part being aettled by correspondence satisfactorily to all parties. .Tbe commission reports , that there are now 155 banks In the 8tate,against 120 last year, tbe present total re sources being $26,188,282. There are 36. building: and loan associations operating In tbe State with assets ag gregating $2,231,507. s 6 &PTA4N JP.nQI.fi . SHARP. Arrested 08 1 barf e of stesllnj a Hone, Jim Judge, who was In j il up to a few days' ago under a peace bond, was again arrested -last night about 9 o'clock. This time he was taken In on HKpicIdn of stealing a hone. Mr. Joe Bodderick, who is a watch man on the wharf and Is a special po liceman, saw Judge go into Mr. 8. 3eigle'a stable, near Bobinson & King's office, and watched him come out with a borse which bad been bridled. Ur. Bodderick" thereupon arrested Judge!. " Judge denies that he was stealing the horse and says It was following him. m'mm' ' ' Cold Wave. - '- The Weather Bureau yesterday afternoon sent out the following bul letin: Cold wave; temperature will fall twenty to thirty degrees by Sun day night. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - Yarburough & Murray Card. Geo. O Gay lord Stock, taking. Stone & Co. How 1904 finds us. -Sam'l Bear, Sr. , & Sons For sale. ' Masonic Meetiog Concord Chapter.' Stockholders National Bank Meet'g a W:PoIvogt Co. Leading storev; Tobacco- Warehouse Co. Meeting! J. W;Mnrchisop fc Co. An invitat'n Furnished Boma Forrenjfcv , O. B.t L & P. Co. Extra cars. v Sister! in Despair Speedy relief, f iaaXeonbra Cantwell DancingVfe WanieA Mansger for branch cface. The Mount Qlive New tioteJ, (Hotel Olivetu) will open Jan. J ad, . Wi.'. Hotel strictly modern. Bates $2.t0 ter day, social rata by 4h wetx, - : U, A, troAKSttsai in.i rtw. f-i- Deslb of a Qood vyomss. We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. Virginia D. Davis, widow of the late George W. W. Davis. She died yesterday morning at 9 o'clock at her home, 520 Castle street She had been I an Invalid for years. - Tbe deceased was aged 59 years, 8 months and 19 days, and In her death a patient, good woman has gone to her reward. She leavea two children, Mrs. J. F. Oasteen and Mr. John H. Davis. She was a member of Fifth Street M. E. church. Mrs. Elizabeth Savage was her .sister.:" t The funeral . will take place this afternoon at 8 :30 o'clock at Fifth Street M. E.. church. The, interment will be in Oakdale cemetery Psncy Ball on Tspis. " . Mlaa Leonora Cantwell will soon give her dancing school a' fancy ball, anckit promises to be a most charming and interesting event. Many new, novel and fancy features will be in troduced, and practice for the ball is now going on. The occasion Will be anticipated with the keenest pleasure. The mid-winter session of Miss Cant- well's dancing clasaes will open to morrow afternoon at 8:30 o'clock for the afternoon class and at 8:30 P. M. for the night class. Killed Deer aed Turkeys, On Wednesday morning Messrs. George Scbnlbben and J. F. Christian went up to Morrison's Creek on a bunting expedition Hind killed four fine deer and a lot of birds while In the country. They stayed, at the house of Mr. Bill Futeh and returned home Friday morning. .Two. of the deer were sold on the market and the other two were given to-friends in the clty.." " v7 ." ;; i; :r -i; Mr. Av H. Holmes returned on Fri day from a hunting expedition. He hilled two wild turkeys and several '-- The British steame?;; .VArme nla" passed over the bar and oa to sea yesterday at iMQ A. Ur This Cspsble Qestlemsn Reilred from the Tressarersblp of Sesboard Air Line. Elsewhere in Thb Stab this morn ing we publish a Norfolk apclal to the Biehmond Times Dispatch, ' in which it will be aeen that Captain John H. Sharp, formerly of Wilming ton, has been retired as treasurer of the Seaboard Air Line. Everybody in this and other South ern States who know Mr. Sharp will regret that the recent evolution in the Seaboard management has brought about a situation that makes it neces sary for him to be retired from the treasurersbip. Captain Sharp is well known and highly esteemed through out North Carolina, and his eminent ability, thoroughgoing . Integrity and lofty character are recognized by men In every State through which the Sea board Air Line system extends. It Is particularly gratifying to Cap tain Sharp's friends to observe that Mr. Barr, the able president of the system, has paid a high and pre-eminently deserved tribute to the retiring treasurer for his efficiency, fidelity, and uprightness in the discharge of his duties. '.' Knowing Captain Sharp as we do we can aay that no man in the service was more capable in the discharge of his duties or more loyal to the Sea-, board Air Line. B1Q ATTRACTION. unon the official. ; Mr. tarr, neverthefesi . remained at bis desk all dar. attending to therou tine business- ttf his office. He said that he ; had w statement whatsoever to make: regarding the -policy, of the railway -daring hia administration as its president He has been In charge of tbe policy of the road for almost three years now, anyway, and It is scarcely probable that there will be any cbange therein. In fact, the president elect aUted this fact definitely. -- Regarding the change in treasurers, Mr. Barr said that certainly no reflec tion could possibly be intended upon tbe faithful and upright retiring treas urer, Mr. John H. Sharp,; who has efficiently- handled the funds of the company for the past 'twenty-three years. He desired to make public ac knowledgement, be said, of tbe abili ty and fidelity of this gentleman. "Itiaqaite natural said the new president, "that the people who have recently, put their- millions Into this property should desire a man of their o wn selection as treasurer. Tbe elec tion of Mr. M. 8. Meldnm as vice pres ident and treasurer waa the logical outcome of the recent change in the property. Mr. Bharp, the retiring treasurer, has been a resident of this city for the past ten years or more. He started In the railway buaineaa with the old Car olina .Central -Railway, one ' of the most Important constituent proper ties of the Seaboard, as a book-keeper. This was in April, 1893. In 1893. when tbe Georgia Carolina and Northern Bail way was completed to Atlanta, he was made treasurer of the consolidated lines, with headquar ters here. Later on.-when Mr.' J. 8. Willisms combined the then Seaboard system with tbe Southbound, the Florida Central and Peninsular and the Georgia and 'Alabama, Mr. 8harp wss made treasurer of the consolidated properties. ben seen tbls morning . be was at his office, performing' bis duties as usual. He had no criticism whatever to make of the action of the Board of Directors, but quite to the contrary, be said that It was the mot natural, thing in the world thar the New York financiers, owning interest in the property, should desire a treasurer in New York. Regarding his future plans, he could not speak. It ia the belief of those close to the president-elect that Mr.. Sharp will be offered some position of responsibility with tbe system, as an Indication of tbe road's appreciation of his most efficient service. THE C. W. POLYOGT CO, N07 9 North Front Street. ) 1 It Is The Poller of This Store to Lead ! - To be the first in line with the new things on the very threshold of the season, t Until yon see the new styles shown tn this store yon are not sure of the really new. We inangxirate onr ' x'--. - "1 January E mbroidory Qalo, Beginning Monday, January 4th. when we will have on disnlav : our new Embroideries Besides our match sets, :we will show hundreds of pieces at 19, 2939, 49, 59 and 69 cents per yard,1 worth doable, consisting of Edging and Insertions, in Cambrio, Nainsook and Swiss. . - rCall earlv and secure tha best natterna. - ' . - - - The O. lBJ. Polvoot Co. jan 3 tf - ' "SBn The Annual Meeting . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Rue tsshlsa aid Her Strosg Cast to Ap- ' pear st Academy ibsrsdsy Might. Boss Coghlan will appear In this cltv at the Academy of Music on Thursday, Jan. 7tb, in "The Greatest Thing in the World," a delightfully wboleaom'e play, full of sentiment and heart interest,- which presents Rose Coghlan hi a congenial and lovable character, that of a widow In high so ciety, whose twosons have Inheritedia tendency for alcoholic dissipation, and whom she rescues by her loving Influ ence. When she has happily mated both her boys, she herself finds solace In the true affection of a life-long lover. Miss Coghlan is under the di rection 1 of Jules Marry, who has sur rounded her with a cast.of uncommon strength. - - . - . The prices of admission for this big attraction will will be $1.50 and $1.00 for reserved seats. General admission 50 cents. The box sheet opens at Plummet's Wednesday morning. SOUTH D4K0TA CASE. It Conies Up Id the Uolted Ststes Supreme court at Washington To-morrow. . The Hon. George BountreV, one of North Carolina's counsel in the esse of South Dakota against North Carolina, concerning some of the ; repudiated bonds of the reconstruction period In this State, left last night for Washing ton, D. C, whore the argument In this cause will : begin to-morrow in the United States ..Supreme CourL i. Kx Judge James fit Shepherd and others of. Norths Carolina's counsel went on from Raleigh. . " Former Governor D. L. Bnuell, of South Dakota counsel, Is already in Washington, having gone on several days ago lis connection with this case. ;z jjim Xi. toner, ui auvaj yu" tras onour aireets yesterday, ; 1 ; r Mr. E. F. Young, the banker, of Dunn, N. C, spent yesterday in the city. - - Miss Annie Hamme will return to-day from Oxford, where she spent a few days pleasantly with rela tives and friends. Mr. T. A. Wortham and bride returned last evening from Ox ford, and - Durham, where they have been visiting his relatives and friends. Hereafter no "Personals" sent through the mails, or direct to the office, will be printed In the Stab un less accompanied with a responsible name. -, . :: -T ': , ' Mr. B. N. Cronly, secretary to President Warren G. Elliott, of tbe Atlantic Coast Line, returned to Balti more last night. He came here Fri day and his friends were exceedingly glad to see him. . . ? Mr. J. Q. Herring, of Berta, called on us yesterday and says every thing is lovely around: . his country. The new bridge at Still Bluff on Black river has been completed and the neighborhood now has an outlet. . Editor Pat MoGowan of the Harbinger, a union labor paper which he publishes at the State capital, paid the Stab a'' pleasant call yesterday. After spending ' Christmas ith his nephew, Mr. W. H. MeGowan, he re turned Isst afternoon to Baleigb. Mabel Pslfe Closes Her Enzsf enent. . - Mabel Paige' and her capable com pany closed their week's engagement aC the Academy of Musio last night. There was another big audience and the bill was "AT Battle for Life," a fine melodrama that was presented In a most superior way. Miss Paige M Saip"did a happy piece of dramatic work, and elicited the most unbounded I applause. The stage and r electric effects were very pleasing to the au dience; Negotiations are already on foot to get this charming actress to return for another engagement this season. : At the Academy last night the Elks were Miss Paige's guests, and after the show she and members of her com I pany were royally entertained by the Elks at their beautiful temple, fim: r- The Bev. W, I. Herbert, an eloquent and prominent Methodist minister of Columbia, 8. O., has ar rived In1 the city, and at U o'clock this morning wiUUpreach at Grace M. E. Church. This afternoon at S o'clock he will address the men's meeting at states I that he saw two men stand ing alongside . the pavement As be passed them, one seized him by the arnvand tore' his overcoat, and the other knocked him senseless with a club. He aays he remembers about having received two licks, hut after ward he was unconscious and didn't know whether they struck him while he was down or not." Hispants pock et, was torn; while the robbers hur riedly took his roll of money out. It was In a handkerchief and was wrapped around with paper. He was taking the money to the meeting to make a showing to the- finance com mittee. ' Walker says his assailants were ne groes,' one being a brown-colored, tall man. of heavy; build, and the other a short black man of heavy build. Af ter they robbed him one went over to .the southwest corner of Sixth and Nun streets and disappeared while the other went over to the northeast corner- of Nun and. Fourth ; streets -and disappeared. Policeman EL W. How ell, who was at Sixth and Ann streets heard the lick which felled Walker and heard him hollow for help. He ran in that direction bnt did not see either of the robbers. He found Walker unconscious. aWalker says when - he came to himself Officer Howell was helping him up' off the pavement. - Walker does not know who his as sailants were but thinks it is somebody who knew he was to take the : money to the meeting at Buth Halt j He re ceived two severe licks, one, on the shoulder and one on the left i side of the head, the latter causing blood to come from his ears and nose. y- ANOTHER MAN KNOCKED IN THE BEAD. Last night about 9 ' o'clock, in Strauss' Alky, between Fourth and Fifth and Harnett stTeetsTHehry 1 Bur ton, colored, 19 years old, was found insensible from having been clubbed on the head. 1 He wis taken ' to the James Walker Memorial Hospital, where Dr. Akerman dressed a bad wound in his head over the left ear. It is not likely that the skull is frac tured, but the wound la a serious one. Burton is suffering from concussion of the brain. " Who struck Burton or how or under wbat manner ne was bums a mys tery. He was so addled at the hos pital that no sense could be gotten out of anything be said. It is quite pro bable that he was knocked down and robbed. He works at the Armour fer tilizer works, near the Seaboard Air Line depot, and wss on his way home. He was In a semi-conscious condition when heard from after midnight last night When Burton was picked up in the alley he was covered with blood, sand and dirt There is no clue to the deed. OF THE. 8T0CKU3LDERi OF THE Atlantic National Bah CI, of .Wilmington. N. C, will be held ; at' their Banking House Tuesday' Jantiary 12th, at 12 o'clock noon' . . - jan 8 tf TO OUR TRADE We thank each and every one for. their liberal : Patronage during this year. 1 903. and we earnestly solicit a largershare of your trada w during 1904. i Our facilities are unequalled, and onr capital ample to serve you, large or small. .-.r-c.-r ' : - M Wishing each and every one a merry Xmas and a very prosperoos nine teen hundred and four. Yonrs, trnly, 3D. Xj- G-OEE CO., " Wholesale Grocers and Importers, 118, 120, 121, 122, 133, 124, 125 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. KEEP YOUR FEET DRY ! g Rubbers. Ton ought to see onr latest with the thick extension heel; they wear twice as long as the ordinary kind. -;. - ' sold at -f :s : .-. Solomon's Shoe Store. dec 13 tf v : M Invitation For Sale One fifteen barrel Turpentine Still, Cap, Arm and Vcrra complete, in good order SAM'L BEAR, SR., & SOUS., JanSD&wtf Wholesale .Grocers, Wumlngton, N.O., 18 tivket street. 1 he Uaited Charities to Meet. WiLBONOTOir, N. O., Dec. 1903. ' The United Charity Association will hold its annual meeting Wednesday, Jan. 6ib, 1904, at 3 o'clock at Cbeanut Street Presbyterian church. -All members are requested to attend. , u. ju. jjavis, oec i. DIED. ONE BIGHT OP PUlf.; ACADEMY OF MUSIC Wednesday Night, Jan. 6, 1904. Big benefit for Wilmington Light Infantry. The Four Act Society Comedy, L AXI0DERN SHAKESPEARE. Befined Vaudeville between acts. Tickets now on sale at B. DeBoa et's Book Store. ' Junes Hog Jowl and Peas. Is herewith extended to onr friends . to call at our store and examine onr line of useful household ware. The celebrated 1 'f Excerpta Drip Coffeepot.' j Fnll lineof " Cpffe Pots, Ta Pots andattUs . ia Spun Cepncrl Nickel Platad. ANYTHING YOU NEED IN Tin ware and Stoves. Howes Scales, L & B. Powder and Peninsular Stoves m Bicli a Co.. jan 3 tf Orton Building. Folding Bed ! For calo a doublo FoldlnsBod of Finost duality, with Gpringo and llattrcso. Every thing: as good aa now. be sold for half ts value. Has a lartre Pirrcr, and whsn fclisd is a handsome piece of furniture. For further informatloh apply )' at the Mrs B.id. ibeSlst rear or her age. rnnenu wul take plaee to-day at bl. An drew's Chnrcli at 3 SO P.M. Interment at Oak oale cemetery. Fi lands and acquaintances In vited to attend. aVM-Saturdw at 0:S0A.M .Mrs. VIBGIH1A- l. u azea so years, a wmihh wuuwi Widow o: late Geo. w. .ua.js. - - - -Funeral at 8 so Bandar afternoon, at rest. oasce. No. 530 OaSUe street, tnencs to Oakdale. Friends and acqoalntascee Invited. x. NEW ADVEETISEMBNTS. Concori Cbapter Bo. 1 R. A. M.; COMPANIONS There win he a special eon- ocatlon Monday evening, 8 o'clock, for work In ibe Paet Master's desTM.. r - j ny oraer oi arrw MABTIH. : jan 8 it '. Becretary. ' To My Friend and Patrons: s ; . i uuce vat meuioa OiaiwuuiK juu, una ww all for your llburl pitronage in the past end sttod lor a conthininoe oc the 8m In the tntareandboulng'onsncoees in all oranchea. of life. , B-pectfn'ly. . - . ftiiiiiigioa Tobacco , WarehouseiCoanjfSlSf - Theannnal meetlnapf the stockholders i - of theWiln-lBwn Tobacoo -Wanhoose iwnnunMII bx held at tha rooms of the : Ch.mberof Oomnn ceon Wednesday 18 in January, 190, at nisooxiooa r, si. jan 8 it j-- ,A'- , We will eupply you with tne above for your New Year's dinner. Send yonr orders! ' WiLUINGTON GROCERY CO., jno. I BOATWBISHT. Manager, AT THE DliLUGKY G0R1IER. The follOBt and nicest line of BsXTBA F18H ever shown m the city. Mackerel from SMofis to 85 cents ech and obi those 85 centers are hitch priced ont so good, try one. . Pickled Salmon, Bloater Berrlogr, Mullets and Mullet Boe Kippered Herrina, nook Trout Bammes, s to 49 cents a doz, Deviled Bardlnee, Smoked Barflinea. sardines fa OIL Anchow Paste Shrimps, Clams, sr&i 'H ;de27tf Both Phones 109. Important llotlce. Adniinistratcr's Notice. Notice ia hereby riven to all par ties concerned that all pipe connec tions with water, gas or sewerage mains ' on: Market streetj between Hsvinathuday quaiiiied as administrator of i Second and Fonrtu streets wiunave MSti to be made at once before paying done, as no permus xor tearuiz np these streets will be given after said id Z& 6w 7 we frsn Major, nranna Indt-huu) medUte payment to me, and all pe. sons to whom he was indebted to present their claims to me d? or Deiore tne is aayxu -ueroniuw 1904 Or his notice wul be plead In bar of reooy - Administrator of Albert wrobel. fleoeased. : A, u ifSKBftaliri, Attorney. f ne et ku. no 28 Iw Star Office 1904 Finds Us With a complete line of Gro ceries at prices below competitors. Of course we appreciate your tratir ness In the past and we will impress yon with that fact for more than words can u you wui send us yonr orders or ask for quotations when needing erocerieB. We are not forced to buy goods in 100 car load lota and carry them with storage insuranceiand interest on money for, yon to pay, but we secure every ad-. vantage possible in . mncn less quantity Yours, jan 8 tf 5 aad 7 SouUX Water Street.- BY SPECIAL ARRJiriGEraiTS with no concern we . are able to ofierthei publio High Grade " &iyptZ:-!.'t'Vv'' Yi:iTd:Tcil3l and t5aSyiSsr5IS H atlOo peirbox 8 for55. cents. vA V: We deliver to any part of the city Phone ns your l)rug wants, p- . - N. S ocrser Rfth and Castle, fit.