,i -n.llv Efawi gf Any vuiu " - WUfflinrten. OUTLINES aii has iuued an order mK 0. R. B. case for the the. " . . Tnnm ana to bo .f-- t--v- and over a bun HfWV twenty-five Injured In a Md nd.i '.. oar trtini on the rtilww ner KnoxvUle, t,ailiWnJ- ifejjro who attempted 'bd kii oirl was Washed hv HrSrTnwood, SO. ' . 1S.000 sick and wounded To-. Athnr. There !lfl!, nth ia report of a general aa ,B0til' the Japs on Port Arthur. ' nLrtedthat cholera has broken k ' , n.ntflrbury arrived yester- ".Vhincrton. D. O. .TaiTiaa to Faropatkin yesterday CSS of the treasui by the acting treasury to we lean PSiM Interests on the queaUon nhanea in tne customa rC revolution In Uruguay has Georgia State authorities Wei n.v. offort to secure tne in- E-STaf the Statesbortf lynchers, mfw York markets: Money on doll and unsettled; wheat spot &;No.3 rea cprn-spo B, No. 2, 56c; rosin amet; pu turpentine steady at 55XS6c. 'WEATHER REPORT, 0, 8. Dkp'i of Agbioulttjbb, ruRB, ) yVBATHKtl UUUEAU, wir.wKQTON, N. O., Sept. Meteorological data for the twenty- Temperatures: o . in.., o ueirreeK, p v 73 deciees; maximum, 77 de- .teiimlsinium, 51 degrees; mean, 66 Staiwl ior me aj, ,w; nuuian trt fiat of the month to date, 1.75 COTTOS REGION BULLETIN. Rj!di have fallen In the New Or- Imu Oklahoma and vicksburg dts- jictund generally fair weather has grilled in other portions of the ieiL Temperatures have continued iiiriT stationary over the greater fcortton of the belt. F0BK0AST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, Sept. 2L For North ftrolioa: Fair Sunday; warmer In tne interior. . Monday fair; light sou to hindt '- Port Almanac September SS em Rises.. 5.50 A.M. 5.53 P.M. 12H.3M. 8.02 A.M. 10.32 A.M. Ban Sets.. . P;'s Length . . . . . . b .Water at gouthport. Hif rater Wilmington. The Wall Street Journal asks: "Is there an excess of money?" Ion can search ns for any excess of the filthy. General Corbin has brought on a tar between Mars and Cupid. Onr money is np on Cupe and his little bow and arrow. Don't ever ask a girl what time it i by her watch. A girl never winds er watch but she can always tell froa the time for the millinery open- Within five months there have been 200 murders in Mississippi. pat is evidence that the folks liown there do not carry concealed capons. ' ; A Massachusetts woman sold her "band to another for 30 cents. That mav be all he is worth, but the native born Southerner who votes Roosevelt ought to feel cheaper than that. - 1 : "I am done with booze," declared li. Sullivan. There are other "fata who feel confident that they wow what John has done with it.' President Roosevelt has sent his Picture to a PfmnRvlvanian who is the lather oi twenty-five children. ook8 like a bread factory would be more satisfying than a photograph. . It is announced that the catch of scales this year ia the largest on ord. If the Democrats land Eoose ' on the 8th of November he will pt to pose aa a big fish in the ce of the catch. Reread the ntii married a woman who had once enhima thrashing. Some may 1 vheia a foolj but the woman aIbe one of the kind that brings nne something Saturday nights. ' general Corbin says the army is u uiuiieu aim eyvur mar a officer, or privates who are able " !uPport a wife are detrimental military establishment. The ftticity of the human race Is Jwral and the desire of the men off showa "that war is not himan. presume that the Republican Winders will argue that the "Wanda of working men who have iauj,0ff all over the country i fn,v restby way of preparation h. i "iUBfcMi revival itamu weti0n 01 Roosevelt will bring rot n Th:it is about the kind of o a republican argument consists P'ices right, wai uniB. r ii irs mnn rnaiM rugs and mat- . . t waih goods at Pdlvogt'n, VOL. LXXVNO. 3 BUSY SHOPS. The Atlantic Coast; Line Rush ing Work at Wilmington ' These Days. BUILDINQ HANDSOME CARS; Three Hasdred Hen kept ea the Hustle ud the PaH fiptdty of the Shops : : 0TertixedPa8aeBxei Coachea, " . Postal Cars aid OtSers. i The ahopa of the Atlantic Coast Line In Wilmington present 'the bnaieat eene eter wftnessed there.' Three i . Un- I uuure, en are employed, and the r tt nreTalli ai to wnemer uen. i -y.unjr ot uio saaps u taxea to tne Kiln will accept or refute battle I utmost in bttlldlng ; new panenger . AAMA.a .m ii. ti m ... the Japanese. ueariaK coachea, postal para and freight - care. Beyera! handsome new first clasa day.passenger coaches are being built, and yesterday a Stab "representative l inspected one whldirlll be rdlled but ror aervlca m a few days. In work manship, finish and upholstery this car equals .any of the same class turned out In the , Pullman shops or by the celebrated car builders at Wilming ton, Delaware. It Is palated in Pull man aiandard colors, a beautiful bot tle green, which is also the standard color of the Atlantic Coast Line. The Interior finish is elegant, the inside material being antique oak, the win dow aaah andframes and all mould ings are mahogany. The windows are plate glass and Instead of blinds the latest wrinkle In roller curtains is used. The outside finish Includes ftothic gloss ornaments, and the paint ing Is a specimen of the best art At one end of the car Is a laratory, the ear is steam heated, and Is equipped wttn every appliance necessary, in a car completely up-to-date. ' Every available space In the ahops is taken up with a new coach, or one being made as good as new,- the old colors giving way to the pretty new Coaat Line standard. About sixty new freight cars are on the yards fin ished, and to walk over into the yards certainly impresses one with the busy scene that Is witnessed. local"dots. Other local, fourth page. The past week six marriage licenses were issued, two to white couples and four to colored. There will be no services at Brooklyn Baptist church to-day or to night. Sunday school at 3:30 P. M. St. Paul's ; Lutheran chnroh, corner of Sixth and Market streets, BtvW. A Snyder, pastor: German service, 41 A. M. Vesper serrlcf1, 8 P. M. Sunday school, 9 :45 A. M. Meeting of the Christian Association, 4:30 P. M. The public is cordially lnvitedv Seats free. It must be gratifying to the farmers to be able again to buy the old-fashioned, genuine Peruvian Guano, and at reasonable price. The Smith Davis Co., of this city, deal ex tensively not only in that, but in Muriate of Potash, Sulphate and Ni trate of Potash, Nitrate ; of Soda and other fertilizing materials. The reoeipts of cotton at the port of Wilmington yesterday were 3,742 bales against 2,322 balei.the cor responding day in September last year. The receipts here for the week ending . Friday were 17,210 bales agamat 11,185 bales the corresponding week last year. The Wilmington mar ket closed -steady at 10 5-16 cents for middling. -Dan Smith, a colored deck hand aboard the steamer "Wilming ton," was arraigned in Justice Fowler's court yesterday, charged with assault ing another negro, Ed. Williams, with a chair, Labor Day, while aboard the steamer. The defendant, through bis counsel, .Herbert McCIammy, Esq., waived an examination and the case was sent over to the Superior Court The Superior Court of Bruns wick' county convenes at Southport to-morrow, His Honor Judge Geo. H. Brown presiding. Judge Brown ar rived In the city yesterday and Is the guest of J. O. Carr, Esq. On account of court at Southport, the steamer "Wilmington" will run a special schedule which is to be found In the ad vertisxjg columns of the Stab this morning. v- THIRD OP THE SEASON. Another Steamer Loaded With Cotton ; Cleared Yesterday by the Sprnnts. -The third cotton steamer of the sea son was cleared yesterday by Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son. It waa the British, ship "Rods," 1,587 tons, and "she cleared for Bremen. Her cargo numbered 8,528 bales, weighing 4,- 343,323 pounds. and valued at $399.- 500., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J. D. Vann Cigars. , Notice Money to lend. -BrunsWIck Court Notice. Casino Special conqertt. W. B. Gooper:-Ooarse salt Geo. O. Gaylord Good news. :i Aaademy "The Village Parson." Thorpe k Applegate Coal, wood. Atlantic NaUonal Bank Your at tention. :. '" - ' j y. i- 8USMBMB LOCALS. Miss Henderson Vocal teacher. ' Notice Responsible man wanted. Notice Annual sermon of L.nnd O. s Notice Regiatered druggist wanted. If you need a stamp or postal card after hours call at the Orescent cigar , store. . -z---'tZ'A kfi' DOUBLE BEREAVEMENT. Two Deaths ia Mn. f?f!aiih n.n. ' Family Within the Pait Week Mr. Moack Qreeo Died Yesterday. Yeaterday afternoon a sad V tele graphic message was received bv the family announcing the death of Mr. Hack G. Green. 12:40 P. M. at his home in Edenton. He had been ill with consumption for quite a while, and while his death was not unexpected, the summons came as a sudden ahock to his family. - The deceased was the eldest son of Mrs. Elizabeth Green, who resides at 809 Walnut atreet, this city. He spent a part of the Bummer here but later went to a hospital in Ashevllie for treatment and to get the benefit of the mountain climate. Confident. that his days were few, he desired to be taken home to end his days, and on Monday last, accompanied by his brother, Mr. Ernest Green, he returned to Eden- The deceased was about S5 years Of j age and married Miss ? Irma Hope Brinkley, of Edenton, who, with two little daughters, survive him. There i also survives him his mother and two brothers and two sisters Messrs. Ernest L. and Richard B. Green. Mrs-, W. E. Powell and Miss Ellen J. Green, all of this city. Mrs. Green left Wilmington at 9 o'clock yester day morning for Edenton, and while ahe was on the way the dread tele gram was received. This Is the'second bereavement In the family this week, Mr. and Mrs. W." E. Powell having lost their little daughter on Wednes day. The family have . the deepest sympathy In their sadness.' .. j Mr. Green's funeral and Interment will take place at Edenton this after noon. -V- . DOUBLE DAILY MAIL. A Postal Car How Attached to the Morn loj and Night Trains on the Eei board Air Line Railroad. Through the efforts of our efficient and zealous postmaster, Mr. T. E. Wal lace, a mail car has at last been at. tachedto the Seaboard Air Line train leaving Wilmington at 5 A. M. and on the train arriving here at 11.80 o'clock at night This will elve Wil mington double mail service daily to points between here and Hamlet This mail facility has long been desired by the business men of Wilmington and all will rejoice that it has been secured. Westbound train No. 45, leaving Wilmington at 5 A. M., will exchange mails daily except Sunday with Coun cils, Clarkton, AUenton, Lumberton, Pembroke, Pates, Bed Banks, Maxton, Laurinburg.EUmore and Lsurel HUL Pouches will be made up on No. 45 for the following lines: Fayetteville and Bennettsville, Washington and Charleston,Newbern and Wilmington, Norfolk and Wilmington, Mount Airy and Wilmington and all points on Wilmington and Charleston through the Wilmington office. r Eastbound train No. 44, arriving here at 11:30 P. M will exchange with Laurinburg, Maxton, Bed Banks,Pem broke, Lumberton and Clarkton, and will pouch on the same lines as No.45. The new service will begin to-morrow morning. . ! "THE VILLAGE PARSON." I Dellthtfal Rnral PIsy That Will be at the academy Wednesday NIiBt. Ihe Village Parson," anew drama, will be presented at the Academy Wednesday night and a well bal anced company presents It. The play has not only a well constructed plot, but is of Intense , human Interest throughout. There are a great many powerful situations In the piece. In the first act, where a husband and wife ; separate, the scene becomes one of heartfelt Interest and brings copious tears to the auditors. The situation In act two Is another - strong scene, in which little Myrtle, the blind child, does some very clever and earnest work, and holds the audience with close attention. The play represents a number of exciting climaxes which enthrall all present " "The Villsge Parson" will be given with complete stage settings, the scenery being brought by , the manage ment The company includes actors of recognized ability. : The sale of seats, will commence at Plummer's Tuesday morning. DISQBDERLY OS THB TROLLEY. Women Refused to Pay Pare and Was Arrested and Locked Up. For being disorderly on a trolley car, one of the dusky, weather-beaten soubrettes of this city, Emellne Brown, was arreated yesterday af te? noon and now safely reposes at the tation house. : Emellne was drunk proper, and wnen anoara one oi tne trolleys the jolting made this deplora ble fact very manifest.; She was also In an ugly mood, and when Conductor Hbbbs asked her for her fare she not - . - m at. 1. only refused to pay It, but-became highly Indignant; She likewise be came abusive. . -'. ; " ' .The carat the time was In Brook lvn. and when-it reached Fourth and Nixon streets ? the conductor hailed Policeman Myers and had the disor derly passenger arreated. J Then she aoon got a free trip,' but this time it was aboard the Black Maria.1-. -v; m m m -s-;,: -v.. Let the Polvogt Co. make your new window shades. Ttey have a large slock to select from. :-. - -1,7 Meef me at the Crescent cigar ; atore and we will get a good amoae, ana we will play a few games 01 pooi w enjoy ourselves. 'frkKl WILMINGTON,: N;: CW SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, COURT THIS WEEK. Nearly a Hundred Criminal Cases for the One Week Term of -' the Superior Court. COMMENCES ON TO-MORROW. New Hanover's Hither. Cenrt Starts To - morrow Mernlflr-NotUni Btrt Crimi 5 y jaai Matters WHf baJfceV- N " EUers to be Tried. ; i :t There are ninety-two. cases on the criminal docket of the term; of the Superior Court which - convenes JtchS morrow morning, and the term is only for one week. The chances are that number of these cases will not be called, although each ' and every one may be, as there will, no doubt, be many submissions, and some of the. cases are simply for "cost.nThenf too, there are no cases of great mpj ment Probahly the meat interestlnc: cases are the ones against' two white men, Christopher v Ellers . and I Joe 8 wain one a young white man and the other an old one. , The Ellers case is well known to the public and the defendant is now in . jalj. He Is charged with attempting to kill his wife t Carolina Beach. Joe Swain is charged with highway robbery, which it Is alleged, was committed some time ago. At the time a warrant was sworn out for Swain.s arrest,' but the b!rd had flown. He was captured a abort time ago in this city, while he was here on an excursion trip. ? The large- criminal docket makes the hearing of civil matters at this term an impossibility, so, no calendar was made up. Civil salts will have to wait until the next term, which will be for two weeks and which will con vene Monday, October 17th. This term of court will be presided over by Judge Fred Moore, of Ashe vllle, who returns here for the. first time In many months. Last week he held court in Klnston and from there he and Solicitor Rodolph Duffy come to this court Judge Moore Is an able jurist anda clever, courteous gentle man. He has presided at a number of well known criminal cases, notable among which was the trial of the Reg isters at Whlteville. , The jurors drawn for the present court are as follows: James D. Fales, Marshall Shrier, E. W. Penny, Chas. F. Bell, L. M. Le Gwin, James Taylor, James M. Hol land, A. L. Winstead, John L. Bingle tary, J. W. Hardwlck, Daniel A. Bo wan, D. D. Barber, J. W. Woody, Jr., D. W. Mason, Geo. H. Davis, 8. L. Smith, H. T. Fergus, James B. Huggins, A. M. Woodard, Alva Ward, O. H. Alexander, A. B. Cook, G. B.. Parker, John A. Farrow, J. A. Hop loman, E. EL Lundy. Alex. 8. Heide, J. W. Cumber, A. E. Blair, Benj. J. Kuelkan, 8. B. Watson, W. Q. Bunt ing, W. A. Vollers, C. E. Taylor, Jr., F. M. Brown and C. L. Schulken. The jail is crowded with prisoners both white and black, t tough the lat ter is in the great majority. There are about forty three prisoners In jail. - mm ' - OOT SEVEN SEAMEN. Grew of Steamer Rods Recralted from Norfolk and Hen Bronght Here. Mr. a D. Maffitt and Capt Swanaon, the latter of the British steamer Rods, returned yesterday morning from Nor folk, where they went to sign a par tial crew, for the Roda. When this ship first arrived In port seven of her crew deserted and it was found Impos sible to capture these deserters or fill their places here the captain and Mr. Maffitt went to Norfolk to sign them. They had a difficult time In overcoming the Obstacle, but finally were able to set three firemen and three seamen to take the places of the missing ones and brought them to this city. The men were at once taken aboard the Roda and were hard at work when the ship cleared yesterday for Bre men. - :'mm ,mm ' : - BENEFIT PERFORMANIE. West's Minstrels WUI Give a Jnbllee Here for the Elks. Next . month the Elks of this city are to have a big benefit performance In the shape of a minstrel jubilee given by the William H.. West Com pany. $ Arrangements have;' just been completsd by which the company will make ita performance ..lxere at the Academy a benefit for ihe antlered fraternity. ' The company is one of the recognized one a of the country and was founded by the late: William H. West who for over twenty-five yesrs was associated with Geo. Primrose in the minstrel business, the style of the firm being Primrose & West ' The present manager of the company Is an ardent Elk and hence the benefit per formancehere. ARRESTED' FOR PERJURY, i t Yonsr White Man Now la Jail Charted With This Serlons f rime. A young white man, Jim New, was arrested by Constable George yester day afternoon charged with ' perjury, which, it is alleged, was committed, during a trial early in the day in Jus r. Ice Fowler's court. New was charged with assault and battery, and it is claimed that he swore falsely about B.'- Of this offence he was adjudged guilty and fined.'.' ;. ; ".' ;.'' "' . The perjury case will be tried to morrow by Justice . Fowler New Is sow In jail, as he was unable to give the bond required. ; v . New fall Pplvogts. , , millinery is shown at JOHN i ROBINSON'S " SHOWS. This Mosstet EaUrtalelox earavaa to Qlre Two Exhilllleng la WHmiotton . ;.t onWedsesdsy, October 5tn. ? John Bobinson'a Shows, which have had years of unrivaled popularity In the South, will be in Wilmington on Wednesday, October 5tb. There , will be two exhibitions beginning at 2 P. M. and 8 P.. M. -JChe big circus will pitch its tents at the ne w show grounds on. the trolley. line between the city and the Delgado Cotton Mills, and the change will be welcome, for the Con solidated Railways Company will be better able to give transportation -to and from the city by its large, suburb an and trolleyLcarf. ' v The capacity of the big tents are al ways ;. tested ; during the Robinson engagement, and if Uncle Henry and Aunt Betsy desire much comfort and more apace of mind it would be best to allow the children to bring them to the afternoon exhibitions,, where the new menagerie can be seen to a muett batter advantage afia more timer given to absorb tne descriptive knowl edge so pleasantly unfolded by the gentlemanly lecturers. The white city Is a beautiful picture on tbe green, and thousands of sight seers will take advantage to inspect this ' monster moving caravan. The horse stables alone are worth visiting to all lovers of the gentle equine, for John Robinson's "horse show" Is the talk af all America: then the ponies.' they should be seen; also the culinary department, wnereover six Hundred people are served three times . dally. The blacksmith shops, the electric light plant and a hundred places will be found of Interest. '. Only work of an absolutely necessa ry character is done q& Sundays. If the weather is fine and the water Is not too cold, the elephants will be given a bath in a large pond near the grounds.'"'- : -, .- Every one will -see the vast im provement and enlargement of this, the oldest arid reputed to be beat of all the large tented aggregations. Each department is so completely filled with foreign and American feat ures as Is capable of being transported and handled in a satisfactory manner. The new menagerie Is a vast collec tion of the' earth's most interesting and marvelous wonders. . New cages, rolling stock equipment, all bright In gold and sliver, will be seen for tbe first time after a full win ter's embellishment by scores of expert artisans. ' - Many new and novel acts will attract attention In the big tent, where hun dreds of skilled performers will vie in friendiy contests for supremacy. The children will be delighted with the miniature menagerie, with boy trainers, drivers and care takers. The entire institution is so complete in its immensity Only a generalization can be mentioned herewith. Nor has the cireus department been neglected, for more special feature acts will be offered than ever before, enlivened with new and amusing antics by over two score of funny clowns. WILL START THIS WEEK. Rehearsals to Commence for the Perform ance of the W. L. I.'s Clnb. Rehearsals will commence the pres ent week for the next presentation to be made by the dramatic club of the Wilmington Light Infantry.- This coming event has already been men tioned, and, as known, will take place In November. The play selected is a rattling good comedy, one of marked success, and will require a larger cast than hereto fore. The rehearsals for the presen will be held at the Light Infantry's armory. Death of Mr, John D. Biggs. The Stab chronicles with sincere re gret the death of Mr. John D. Biggs, a most estimable citizen of Wilmington. After an ' illness t)f six weeks from euremie poison he passed from life Into death last night at 11:30 o'clock at his home, 313 Harnett street Mr. Biggs was aged 51 years and for a long pe riod had been a saw filer for the Chad bourn Lumber Company. He bad been ill about six weeks. Mr. Biggs', wife preceded him to the grave some years ago, but there is sur viving him of his immediate family seven children. ; Mn. W. L..Holden, Miss Esther Biggs, Mr J. D. Biggs, Jr., Mr.: Walter Biggs . and Masters Earl and Lee Biggs, and little Miss Ruble Biggs. He also leaves his aged father, Mr, D.. Biggs, of Lumberton, with three brothers, Messrs. W.-H., J. C. and D. B. Biggs, and; two aisters, Mrs. J. O. Gibson and Mrs. H. W. McPfaane, of Robeson county. - The interment will be made at Lum berton and . the remains .will be sent there at 2 Oti' this afternoon by the Seaboard Air Line. Part of Wafl Pell. People In the vicinity of Third and Princess streets were startled yeater day morning about 9 o'clock by a loud crash. It was due to the falling of several feet of a single layer of bricks on top of the wall of the Odd Fellows, Temple, now id course of construction on the northwest corner of the streets mentioned. The bricks fell from the top of the third story of the building and made a very loud noise. The bricks which fell were some which had been placed on the outer7 ledge of the wall. .One Of the- bricklayers fell to the platform about five feet below and In his all threw out his arm to catch, knocking off the line of bricks on the outer edge of the walLs .-. i Back affalnT.oTdbov.n ,,WelI, where are you going In auchahurrytw "Down to the Crescent cigar store to get a good smoke. They always keep a iresn stock or gooas, ana are rawing good fellows. Come and go with me." wny sure." -When buying : carpets see the i Polvogt Go's large stock. All carpets sewed by machine. -fffc'-v;t- The Polvogt Co. have the best f L00 I kid glove In the city every pair, war- I f..?4 ranted:. z v, -yr to? 1904. the jj. s. court. This Tribunal Will Convene in Wilmington on Next Mon day, .October 3rd. JURORS DRAWN YESTERDAY. Salt Entered Afslast the f ommissleners I Onslow Sennty by Holders of the Bends Issued In Aid of the Y Wh 0. & E. 6. Railfiad. - The Fall term of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina will convene in Wilmington on Monday, October Slst Judge-Thomas R. Furnell, of Raleigh; wilipreaide. -. , - -y'y . '. Yesterday, ; Jurj y Commissioner Washington Catlett and Mr 8. P. Oollier, clerk of the court, drew - for this term the following jurors to serve for the! vjirlQus. counties of the dlstripV Bladen County John Newel), J. ,W. McMillan, Thos. N.- Maultsby, Edwin H. Andrews. , Brunswick , County F. ; M. Moore,' Peter Rourke,' J. H. Dosher, Jackson Johnson, J.'W. McRacken. ; Cumberland County H. S. Aver ette, F. D. Willlston, I. M. Martio, Miles Hair. . . : Columbus County E. W. , Fuhr, Napoleon Powell O.-S. Case, Henry Lennon, John Register. Duplin County H. S. Faison, a B. Hines, J. O. Boone. New Hanover County Monso Hew lett, M. J. Hyer, W. P. Oldham, W. F. Kerr, O. W. Polvogt, J. O. Steven son, J. D. Nutt, O: W. Yates. Pender County A. O. Moore, L. W. McCoy, E. H. Hawes, A. W. Bell, G. W. Bonham. Richmond County Calvin Bobbins, W. O. Hicks, R. B. Terry, Robert Lv Grand. Robeson County John Leach, J. B. Weatherly, John W. McLean, R. M. Phillps.1 Scotland County A. D. Gibson, K. O. Cameron, D. A. Patterson, Carl McLean. Sampson County Bias Underwood, D. J. Robinson, T. G. A. Tart, C. H. Bronson. OHSLOW COUNTY SVED. About a year ago Onslow county undertook to repudiate tbe 110,000 In bonds issued by that county In aid of the construction of the Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad, now the Wilmington & Newborn branch of the Atlantic Coaat Line, ex tending from Wilmington to Newborn. This step was taken by the County Commissioners of Onslow in a suit in which they enjoined the County Treas urer from, paying the Interest coupons on tbe bonds. ' .' . This action of the Commissioners promises to Involve the county In no end of litigation. Yesterday, Messrs. Rountree & Carr, of this city, solicitors for D. H.-Talman, of Chicago, III, filed complaint in an action, against the Commissioners, and E. W. Som merill, County Treasurer of Onslow, to compel them as representatives of the county to pay the interest due on bonds held by Mr, Talman. The case will' come up-x in the United States Circuit Court, and probably United States Circuit Judge Jeter G. Prltchard will be here to hear It The complaint sets out that D. H. Talman is a broker and dealer in municipal securities, and that he bought In the open market a large amount of the bonds abovej al luded to. It Is also stated that the matter In dispute exceeds, exclusive of the interests and costs, $3,000, the suit being brought for the recovery from respondents of the sum)of 12,040 and interest, and to enjoin the respon dents from paying put or in any m an ner interfering with a sum of money, about $2,000, held by County Treasu rer Summersill and which amount Is due the holders, of interest coupons on bonds, the $3,040 sued for by Mr. Tal man being an obligation of Onslow county due to be paid out of said funds In the hands of the county treasurer. The complaint alleges that the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, by a vote ratified March 5, 1885, chartered the Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad Company, and au thorized the county of Onslow to vote upon the question of issuing $60,000 la bonds to the capital stock of said company; that such election was held and a majority voted in favor of the bond iatue ; that a suit had to be brought by the railroad company to compel the issue of the bonds, and as a result of the compromise the rail road company surrendered Its claim to $20,000 of bonds, and thereupon the county of Onalow issued $40,000 In bonds in accordance with the compro mise. It Is alleged that for seven or eight years, up to January 1st, 1904. the Interest Coupons being due on the 1st of every January, the Interest on said $40,000 of bonds was promptly and regularly paid. The complaint furthermore states as a mat ter of fact that although the $2,400 In the hands of the eounty treasurer was collected Xf rem the 2 taxpayers of the county to pay Interest on the bonds, the commissioners and eounty treas urer refuse to psy Interest on. the complaint and other ; stockholders their interest coupons. H is alleged in the complaint the county treasurer re fuses to pay the complainant the said $2,040, because the eommlsioners in an action in the Superior Court of Ons: law eountv ' enloined him from; mak ing auch payment The statement is made that the commissioners took that action on the ground that the Act Of March 5," 1885, Chapter ; 233, etc, of PrintoSLawtof V NorCaro WHOLE NO. 11,570 Muiitef BiHotash - Sulphate of Potash, Nitrate of Pota&h, V Hitrate of Qoda, GENUINE PERMIAN GUANO. When you are in need of any of the above material we will be most pleased, tr name you our lowest prices, v Smith Davis Co., Y. an 10 tf Tbe Atlantic National ' Respectfully calls your attention to its INDIVIDUAL DEPOSITS $729912,31. This does not include Government or Bank deposits. We pay no In terest on any form of deposit. . John S. Armstrong, President. sep 25 tf Coarse at headquarters. w sep 25 tf Una (which is the charter), was not passed in accordance with the require, ments of the constitution of North Carolina. The complainant contends that auch act was passed In strict com pliance with the requirements of the constitution, - and that In enjoining; the county treasurer from paying: the Interest on the bonds, the -commissioners are repudiating an honest debt tf Onslow county. The complaint makes other and . numerous, allega tions, but we only use a synopsis, In order to show the cause of this action. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Hearst, of .Brunswick, Ga., Ia in the city, visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Qulnlivan. :i Mr. Percy C. Hall arrived in the city yesterday from the University to spend the Sabbath home. .v " Mrs. J. J. Clemmons, of Flor ence, is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. A. 8. Holden, 215 South Front street. - Mr. Louis London, an employe of the Southern Railway, with head quarters ae Richmond, is here spend ing a short vacation." There la some thing about the climate of Wilmington that has a special charm for Mr. Lon don. :. Mr. T. H. Thompson, the pop ular travelling representative of the Eagle Paper Company, of Richmond, Ya.i returned home yesterday from his vacation. He spent about three weeks at Llibia Springs, Ga., and we are glad to note that he was much fan proved in health. Ladies' winter wraps are now on dis play at Polvogt'a. i Matting vogt's. 10c and upwards at Pol t DIED. " BIGGS in tbls cltv at 11:80 r. H., BatnrOay, JNO. D. BIGG8, aged 61 years Funeral service thts (Sunday) 'afternoon at S:30 o'clock tiom tbe resiaence. No. 813 Harnett street. Interment at Lumberton, N. O. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BRUNSWICK COURT. On account of couit which convenes at Bouthport, Tuesday at 10 o'clock," steamer Wilmington will leave here on Monday at a o'clock P.M., ana on Tuesday morning at o'clock., - . sept 89 U NOTICE. Col. AT M. Waddell will speak at Southport on the 27th of September, 8 o'clock at niebt. The nubile Is re- 8 pec (ally requested to attend. : . lmo 2t ' lib aam Honey to Lend 1 Those desiring to borrow money on easy terms can do so by subscrib- ine to the twenty second (22nd) aeries ol stock or tne jxortn Caro lina Home Building " Association. First instalment payable Saturday, October 1st. y '. yy -y C.;W YATBSi President. PRANK H. :STEDMAN, Secretary and Treasurer, -y ir:. -rT- Coarse Salt - 1,200 Bags TiOlOBDBSCRIPTION; , Om TMty by BUi ;Slx HobUm, ; Thraa ZXoathSr 'Two Santas, sUvre4 Smaswiears IB ts f Ottf at 4i CtBto fw BoMfe T M. O. A. BTJILDINO. Summer Shoes. , If youy want oomo thing light, corafort-; ablo and easy on both foot and the pocket book come in and look at our Oxfords. We are, closing them out at FIKST COST. GEO, Ri FRENCH & SONS. " sep 9 tf - Bant J. W. Yates, Cashier, Old Time Salt Importer and Wholesale Grocer. SPECIAL CONCERTS AT THE Casino BY DELGADO BAND 2 TO 6 P. n. Car every half hour from 2 to 6 P. H. sep 25 It WOOD, CO A L, ; - - 7. BUILDING SUPPLIES. We desire to announce that by October 1st we will be prepared to fill all orders Jor wood and Coal for domestic use. Patronage so licited,and satisfaction and efficient service guaranteed. . ' - " We have now on hand builders supplies of all kinds, and 100,000 Shingles at attractive figures. THORPE & APPLEGATE, Foot of Ann street. Phone 789. sep 25 tf Genuine Havana Smoking Tobacco. Norma, Martinez, Havana Cigars- . J. D. VANN, Wilmington, N. C. , Telephone 190.- sep 25 tf . ACADEMY OFMUSIO Wdedy Nlgjht Sept.SSth. ' it THE VILLAGE PARS0?l," ThrimngCTimaxr " Powerful In Action. . -Intense-Heart Interest.'-' J "All Special Scenery. A story as sweet as the fragrance of roses. sep2b3t f5.00 8.602 1.00 9 -I .1 T3J

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