- - ..... ! .- '. . . ' ' - . . - 3-. 2 flrsalatlaa Lr;:iTtia Teat $ OIAkyC:f Ciyrjw $ ptftr - TlL Ui .fa :1 ! tfiLr:a. Ii c. h a... 1 - vmxiSi cmwMM. ou DAILY HBVraP Arm. IN TI1B,. ITAT& :-' i i lV.t-iiOi 851 i 2 r t. ; ij 7JLMHfGTOli, N.WC 'iSATRDAY. DEGEMBBR 31.;l904i-. lf lit 44. LOCAL J)OTS. ; outlu::o,- -1 1 Goyernor Aycock was present, at the first sesa on yest rdayA of the" Southe n Educational A-ociationv Brad street reports thev;bu3iesa a sitaation quiet. The Census Bureau reports tbe total number .of 7 bales of cotton ginued ap to December 13th 11,971,47" oales. Labor- unions'at FalFRiter voted to continue the -strike against ' re- duc ion of wages' in cottons mills. Wm. K. Achley, a planter, near Colum bus, Ga., was shot-by his wife while he was attempting-- to strike her with' a chair. 'Russians; av Port A'rth'nr ti- nort that the lort ess cannot resist aft pV December; the "Sevastopol is completely' disabled. J 'Admiral Togo and ' Yice Admira Kamimnra arrired.in Tokio and were received with an oration; they will remain about a .week perfecting. plans for future operations. There, Is ?reat activity at Vladivostok in prepara tion for the" arrival of tbe. Russian Pa cific squadron. . The president nd cashier of the First National ' tank of H-'ToTIP'-j "niltl ' UL ftl iM-eifcretPrf or violation or the -can King laws. - President Taylor of l the National Gin ne s' Association, says the government report of the cotton' crop is totally in correct. . May Irwin, the actiesst has offered to furnish: bail- for thei re lease of Nan Patterson. 7 Several pe Bons reported killed; in a riot at In diana Harbor, Ind. Car. shops tthe Union Traction Co.,- .Chicago burned; los3 large. 1 -Fierce galo on the coas off JSngwna; a.ttnmijer of marine disasters are reportea. 21. Y. markets; Money oa. call was quoted higher - t S5 per cent; flour was quiet, but steady; wheat spot ir regular, No. 2 red nominal; corn spot steadv, No. 2 55$c oats spot quiet, mixed. 2632 pounds, 35i3⁣ cotton was quiet at 6 95; rosin stead retrained cooimon to good $2.82; spirits turpen tine quiet at 52ioJ. , A Fortune Party willrbo T given to-nlht in Clbefclan Hall to , a um ber of V iiuDiogton joanjf p:z jla. . EevTMr. Bjra, cf 8outh. Car- ollna, will preach at Eladsn. Street U E. church Sunday morning and night. -The.:5Comlclra?8; Elocal colored military orsasixatlon of bj sane diji; hat,, reprsanized' and will take par,t in an tmanclpatlotti celebra tion on Mondar. : sensational rmolodrasra ct Western life by Lincoln ' J. Carter, entitled "The Flaming Arrow' will be teen at the Academy of Unit? Mon day night January 9th. - v - r r- (He of th9 'prettiest Tcalendarai of the aaaton ironi in arlii ileal atand point, It that one being lent out by Mr, J.-WrPlnjnrnerr 'or a copy of which tbe Stab returns thanks. -I - - - i f est record : yes terday, QoMtd n.iijiJrlfa f erred to W. B. McClellan .and wife, for $150, ten acres o( land In Harnett tbwnsbip "adjoining lands of ' Oacar Pearsali and others. , H i ' ; Thaiew: pastor .of Soathside, BsptlsC Church; the Rev. W.BLDv1i, of Fayettetille. was expected to hive arrived laithdjwiljf oecupyj his pulpit to-morrow morniag and eVen- icgatthe usual hour, iTQE SALOON llCEtlSB. COUNTY Q3ANTS LICENSE. Action of, Board "of Alderraen - Thursday Night. Was Much Discussed Yesterday. . SOME POSSIBLE EEQISLATION. i ABtl'Salaon Leader, Palate Out Some BIDs i Tbst Will be itked by Bota .SUetV; . Dealers, lavslTcd la mciicsm- r pllcaUoar, la a Qstndary. - The increase of the city liquor license by the Board of - Aldermen Thursday nl2ht from "XSZi to tSOO per yearj effec tive Uay lit of tbe new year; was a Application 0! Llqaar Dealers Very DSU ; ceatly Exsmlned at Specfsl Beet- lof Yesterday if terasi.v The Board of County Commissioners In special session yesterday afternoon made a very thorough examination or I tbe applications for renewal of Hquof licenses for the sir months ensuing Jan. lit, 1905, and granted all of themt with two addiUonul. ones,: at tbe Wrlghtsville Sound Summer retort, as protided in thev Watts Law. Two of ! those in the city N. t'B. Bankln, 110 North ; Front; street and ,Thos.; J Gore, 23 South Wafer atreet-4wftre de- nutiE.eorriES OmDay PEj$ONAL PARAGRAPHS. K0 4i! is a mi 6 CO I- B W 1'1- State Jir1icultsr;stWUl.Lc:; Around rSSsstori for Tracfc f Test Fcrm Lccatica. - -'::wx:a':.Poivogt'Co. .: ! ; The Store Thife Alwaya Bsy. i STRONCTTSID C2INO F.tAOE Conaty Commlaslonera C!scc&si , Pf opDf . altloo to Oiler Part sffonaty ome Tract as sue tor czponmui ,t . Acrts Others IflterwtetfJ: - Leadlcs business men here who are l!AAeta In the location of the . prof ferred on account of Hwo of theitn-1 posed trucking test farm, at or near doraements being by persons ;nbt ;fr I Wilmington are advised that State Jh!!? "ed anAha tmlmav by. a I theJartment or Agriculture, wlU w. S iSI?"f ihi adnntlon I hority Of the Board granted nt Jha j be here Monday of next week and will Was the manner of the adoption t f. .1 v j i..li.j1i .f E Txrn-,--'- .uim tn tha a iv. ... .hl k I they , were passed. :- kttu i w -.wvuv jiw-i-- 1 ..... v. .l :f-"?(-S: J (Will U VUtWUl.JP Wl M! I .. . . " i J - 9 - . ' tax Qooxe wereconauttea as to wnewer or not the endorsements were by pet-: sons who are free-holders. The com- fRav.,,Ge6rffs:-Bri WebBter and wife are Tisltmg friends and relatlvea r in Bed Springs, w. ... . ,k . t i,r TTWnTnmVTfri r.HT?nT?T l Ll'Col. T. C. James, and Mr, f ? f'. r1"1! , il,r.w'". , . tw .1 "3 Charles W. Worth, of this city, spenrt " J la snccess, achieved t JS ahuttingroff. between seasons nere,r yesterday.ln FayetteTllle. v. J The public are always ready to buy 41 .prices are right, r - N0.0." fb&l 5 v-.? January. Koteheoepringator,nt -week-andrprove by;invetIs:aUotf. guest,Mr.;paTlsFishbaclr; of Ken- wtata'facts. V' TJ '"i fucky, left yesterday afternoon for a WB im9 j s, - . deer hunt around Laxe Waccamaw; OlOlUttFltf OjlIUCta aUO UOmiOrtOrB ; K s., - Mr. and Mrs.; C; Br Borden ; ; r Ha'ye been TedhSd trf priceHn farder. to clean -up .our entire stpos: have returned to uicnmono, auer nv-1 ' before movinsr." -'a I 1I ; .4 11 f . . -J ,j ing spent the holidays In Wilmington I 0 cj with Mrs.rBordenVparenti Col. and I TkS ' ars. JonniA ijwr. : , iHSnUIDB VSIUS3 , . ' 1 r.:?- rs K-t The friends in j Wilmington of t . fc . ,w V fin'Mf. North Carolina.' - Over I3.00d Air. jjeeu pain? wwigto . worth 01 new emoroiaeriea wiuaae awpiaveuxiufiuK vu nuw vvu. .." WEATHER BEP0RiVr-- 1 BB.1. 80. ) U. S. Dep't of Aoricxxi,tue.e, Weather tsr&BAtr WiLMiSQTON, N. C- Dec. Meteorological data for the twenty- four hours ending at 8 P. M.: - Temperature nt 8 A. Mi; 80; 8 P. M., 43 degrees; maximum, 53 degrees; , mini muin 39 degrees; mean 43 degrees. Rainfall for: the day7, .00; rainfall since tirst of thtA month to date,' 1.74 inches. " . .FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. WASHrseTov, . D. . C . Dec. SO. For No. th ' C.ira.!ina: vP.ir. and ; some hat warmer Saturday; Sunday -increasing cloudiness; li.ht winds, mostly est. '. Port Almue0eabflr 81, Bu Rises........ ,..t.... 711 A. M. - un Sets 4 55 P. M ay Length.. . . .... . -'. . . 9 H. 48 1VI. iiish Water at S.tuthport'..,H 3-21 P. M. Water at Wilmington. " 5 51 P. M. The leap year girls ase notified that the open seasonTr buds closes to-da No woman la ever persuaded that her husband's chum Ja any better than he ia :V-" For throwing stones at other boys in the vicinity , of , Eighth , and Uarket streets Thursday- afternoon, Luther Williams, colored, 13 years old, was fined $5 and costtby -the Uajor yesterday. The boy was ar rested by OScer VL P. Newtom , U -! Eev.'J: Maryln Culbreth; ;the talented young pastor ol j. Market StresVlL E;- eburcb. last night de livered the first of a series of lectures to be given under the anspieea of Grace Ed worth Leagued The address wis in the lecture room of Grace "M." E. church. Z-.-::C;'f'l'::;:xM; ;.;.y 1 ; . With its- characteristic enter prise, the Clarendon Water Works Company Is distributing to patrons a fetching little calendar for the new year. On the back of the calendar; is tven tbe location of the fire alarm ooxer, engine houses and the namet of mnniftlnl&aTiiharitIes t havine to do with the Fire Department. The cotton market developed a little strength yesterday, based on the fact that the full glnnera' report was noi as bearish as early synopses seemed to indicate. Futures were up a little and New Yerk spot gained ten point doiin oaiet at .95. ' The local mark et waa only nominal with receipts of 431 bale against 428 same day, last year..' " ' :f -l ': iAiamUiarc h..m iinnn tha liiTor f rom . the prf- ln business nndef tbe Increase whit amount of additional revenue will be derived by the citj t ' j ; 5 Those were the questlona oft pro posed and answered on tbe streets In various ways durinsrthe day. A A-1 riety: of opinions were xpressed As to the legality of the "passage of the resolution some doubt was ex pressed among lawyers but invariably an opinion upon that subject was fol lowed with an: inquiry suggesting an answer. "What'e the difference any way ! Z The Board of Aldermen has plenty of time to meet again and reit erate its action half a dozen times and wipe all the technicalities out of the location of the farm. It wlli.be point ed out to Mr; Hame that with the five nnes of railway from all parts of the kl WtgSStlrt5 here, this is I states to uonatanuaopie, s mot aSblT pofbre-ent KneaKike Jorcs mMl time from an attack! of Inflammatory rheumatism at bis borne- boror Hon. John E. A Envovfixtraordlnary an! Plenipotentiary r itom States to Constantinople, is a guest of Asanrfcrnfint bafora uuienaslnff elsewhere J r India Xiinens iu, uw inaci t'wov If the drop in cotton had only been a "drop in the bneket". all would be well. Ol all acrobatic stunts the South would rather witness any other than &e tumble of cotton. . --c 5 President Harper of ; the Chicago -University, says not - enough young 'men are entering the ministry. onert dock in the police court to-day . - rw dafendant will be Hen derson Hayes, habitual Inebriate, who was picked up early last night at Sixth and Castle streets by policeman o. Uoore. Henderson haa been before the present and past mayors more times than he baa fingers and toea, and takes tothe coanty roada like a dnck to watery -- y -' y - :: : - DSUiaS KEKEV&EKED P00K. .At least a dozen were interviewed as to what they thought of the Increase. 8ome Said they had no kick coming; thev could live at the business if any body else could. . Others were vot the opinion that tbe number of dealers would not be cut down in the least and tbe $600 license would make It a cut-throat business for all with no profit for anybody. A few of that class said they: would prefer a $1,000 rate, for then the number of dealers would be considerably reduced and those who paid the" $1000 license would get something In return by In cressed sales.; Sdll others preferred not to exprtsi an opinion afad there were those yetwho said it all depend ed upon what the Legislature was go ing to do. If the Legislature preferred to still further enrich: Virginia dealers et the expense of North Carolina con sumers by the iniquitous anti-jug law; which 'was passed by accldent.it would matter little what Increase of the li cense the city made, there were many who could not stand any increase. As to the number ol ceaiera wno will continue in business" after the mlsalonera also gave consideration to the matter of whether or not the en. dorsemeots were by persons of respan sibllityr In nearly all cases the signa tures were those of a very representa tive class of citizens. The applications granted at Wrlghtsvllle were W. H4 Stokley and J. , F. Mason, both re newals of present licenses. t ! Those present at the meeting y ester-; day were Chairman D. McEschern, Commissioners Wm. F. Bobertson. W, F. Alexander and B. L; Vollers and Deputy Beglster of Deeds T. O. Bttnt log, ex-ofSclo clerk of 4he Board. , ? SECOND ADVENT eHXIITMAI. If reports are tra'eronr diplomatic J ssbitastlal Olfta aad Delicacies ef leasen corps has ; reason to believe tnaz President Roosevelt intends to make it a diplomatic corpse. : , " Sumter, S. C, has two dailies, the Evening News and the Daily.Itero. If the two were consolidated we would have a News Item enre. on sed r:; A Saern Maas woman ia aning her husband for a "divorce because he kicked her with his wooden: leg, Thiswill beherooden : divorce, .won't it ? : 14 v c increase goes into effect May 1st, there ! a difference of opinion. Some say that there will be a very material decrease in the number , of dealers at the $600 rate; others say all 01 mem will come up at the proper time. Ex clusive of purchase tax and running expenses, under the Increase to 1600, u dealers will have to pay a tax of $1,035 of which $600 will go to the city, $800 each to the State ana coanu and $25 to the Federal government. How many will be able to pay inn am ! That Is tbe line of reasoning most every 'one pursues when ,ap tha anbiect. As to In fl tavUM w m creaaed revenue for the city, it la stat ed that tbe municipality now receives little over $17,000 per year from 64 dealers. Should the number be re duced to B0, tbe Increase would be from $17,000 to $30,000, or nearly 100 per cent. . ; .' f-:V ' FrebiHe rjetlslatloa. State Chairman J. Wi Bailey, of the Anti-Saloon League In worm uarou- hu last issued a statement Yoasg Folks ol Ttasl DeBomlaatles De v lltbtf ally Eatertalaed Tbarsdsy '- f None of tbe .Wilmington . Sunday Schools gives a. more elaborate or a orettler holidav entertainment each year than the Becond Advent congre gations, Sixth and Church streets, and this season wsa no exception. ; The exercises teok place Thursday night in the church and the attendance was the capacity of the ' building, .which wsa beautifully decorated for the oc casion: Toe children entertained with a well rendered programme of soogt, dialogues, recitations, eta, a, feature of which - was . the singing by Mr. Woody King . of an original song, "The Coming of Christ," composed bv his father. Elder B. B. King, who directed the exercises, announcing the programme and tbe hundreds of gifts for tbe children. Miss Annie . Smith presided at the organ and played the ecompaetmeairfor . the aongs, - etc laving representations of Bible pic tures, very realistic and well given, formed a part of tbe exerciser, Rev. J. P. King, the pastor, giving an ex planatory talk upon the lessons to be Sion King made a tbe most accessible point terprise and that the greatest amount of good to: tbe greatest number of growers can. be" attained, only by selecting a Ue In r this Immediate vicinity. It will also be point ed but thst : in ' view of ' tfce establishment Z of" an' agricultural and industrial school In Wilmington, which Is now regarded as a certainty, it will be especially desirable to the managers of both institutions that they be located as near together as possible. MrHume upon his arrival here will have a conference with a nutfiber of leading business men and county and miinlclpal authorities, ' who are mov ing as a unit for the location of . tbe farm-here. Mr. Hume will probably Ka Tven a carriage drive Into some of the fine truck growingliirms Jnlhls immediate vicinity and he will J?e fur? nished with staUsticsl data that cannot be 4 ignored- However, tber points are just as alert and theydecjlpi to locate here will not come, without con tinned effort upon the tart of ievery body Interested. Newborn and Chad bourn are understood to have offered the Board of Agriculture a site for the farm free of charge and Mount Olive has offered - something H correspona- ingly. ' . y':-:- i At the special meeting of tbe New Hanover Board of County Commis sioners here yesterday afternoon, C&airman McEaehern brcught up lhe subiectof the test farm and 'said that be had been approached by several leadlse business men of WUmlngton, who wanted to know if the county would not donate or sell for a nominal amount a part of the County Home tract for the- proposed experlmeat farm: -The . county home tract eon- ahown?that 200 acres, which is tne amount desired by tbe State Board of Agriculture, could be very well spared. The location Is ideal, being on the line of the W. & W. railway and on the Castle Haynes turnpixe. Mr, Ashe left on the eountry place, Alrlie, on the sound.' ' 'MrVs. T; ABheeditor -bf-the Messenger was summoned 'to Wadcsr boro yesterda7 by'a- telegrsmV an nouncing that his sister, MrsJsmt a A. Lockhart, wire of exrConsaman Lookhart, was dymgMHfiJckbsrt has been 111 f with typhbldrfevef for averal.weeks. afternoon 8. A, Ii. train: mJ8.Temoroa.o dren bate returned Mrs; Johes1 parents, ton J. Greene, and Mrs Jones arid Monday for New for Europe about Infer abroad until go to Newport, Qt mlogton bet ore in 1 Greens-1 r 4 Another 25aRibbon 8ale,;Jie greatest bargains ever suowu iit r I mingtonloraoc a yarcu e . f v . IJeishman, I r fr?'" ?ZZT" - -Wt - ti if' I'.a - k -Miflsier i nTrrni w DnTTTniiTr. nn ; : , "dec Mil- Ui m f'KV ' -- - V - r j - a.- sBWVSHBWmBSBSBBMawaflMaiBKmHSSBSWMHiHMHBMMHSSSIHSHBBMBaHM . . v . ' ' t-J tJ , .w fw i w w W w w w 'wi.-..y w fw To "enrmanr pattcniifbritheiraatdra.tduring-i trtft-nftat reason, are reBDectfullvNtendejed.? . i-A rr -iDtabttsitfe3JiaS'enlzrtlsan:fttir Jqrce could s.o 1 .. . n a o t ! n 1 IrcmTrJo Witn-ft f rVateritbcKscxidiand Improved -,Ui A ' .CbLand Mr43Vhr? )jt r. - f"sfacaities,yott are -assured of prompt, correct -1 J of Fayetteviiwmrui-r iattentlon to yourbrdeTf.r -J- rrt-tiit'' 1 ) - chUdren-Wfatleayei fjj .caV Wedding Presenta in a-complete jtwortment, iT"a--.. s - .YrkttdiSfJIli!all.lJtJ,.jif 1 . 'Jan.tlSlh.remainro , , VI., 4. v tt :i run- t uiyhentherwiit w arrrastrT upt fn s-y r : returning: tdWII-KV - JUW llUq L- y m mil.- 1 .r. 1 - - - - s . . . :' - IS ' t- '1 1 tJ,ii 1 - ,;v , x-.x r v PRETTY HOLlDif OERilAN dnn from each. 4titw uul nntm Hfana and . kerit the I mi.. rvmwUa1nnnra nreaent at the children deUghted alL the while he meetinK were very favorable to offer was on the scene. Mr W. J. Reaves jDJE eTery inducement possible ' to la saparinteapent of the school and the pepartment of Agriculture and exercised a general aupervwon 01 me 1 wne fallj gatisned that tne locauon affair. TUB DEADLY TOT PISTOL. The "Ambidextrous Society" has been organized in ljondon and no doubt branches will pe organized in th United States. ' The society en courages the use of doing any kind of work with both hands and it means lota to a married woman when she , makes up her mind.to -take, the old - DUtrlbated Ust Hlibt . ' dfnl of the noor in their midst and desirous of dohig someihlng in recompense for a year'a Diessmg prosperity showered upon tnemwivwi r T.indan Grove v No. 8, United Ancient Oder of Druids, Jast night Assembled 100 of the most de serving and less fortunate of the city and entertained them for a snort wm With Cbrlatmaa delicacies, later pre-1 - lMd a atatemenfc in aenUngJoJ each and everyone some - hb anticipates the fol- ching substantial In the way of cloto- wmcu n temperMC., ing. ahoea, and the necesaarle. of' lire. ne forth. it waaasDlendldactbyasplendldand w"c," . Af thaxetlslature.by charitable organization d the roTrt.: VH h 1 of the farm here would be a great ad vantage. However, it was not clear just what action the Commissioners would have the power to take. Any sale of the land would have to be con firmed by the Board of Magistrate of the eountv. but no one anticipates any appreciable opposition from snai waa BnffMaiea UU tuo L'Ai UeVAisnsr XmasDasce List filibt ItleasealcYcaple Ball Room.' I Thei annual ; .holiday germaa of L' Agile Cotillon Club waa danced J sat nleht In the Masonic Temple ball room. large number of couples haV lng participated.' The figures were led with his accustomed grace bf;MR Strud wick Nash and the dance was one nf the mattiest of Hhe?seaidn. The decoraUong were WfittlBglhellaay season: tiny 'Xmas bells In'brlght.and fed having been suspended from'gsr lands across the half and a floral jle slgn of "Xrnas German, 1904, L Agile CI ub,".baving adorned the south wall of the room facing; the dancers and spectators.;; The music was. lowhushQjfcheatraattd the were: :-":"7"V:- Mlss Mv-BeebeewithMr. J, enti: Miss Sarah Catlett, Mr.-O-My ers: Miss M. Walker, - Mr. Paul Cant well ; Miss ; Short; Mr:, Hay wood Falson; Miss .Rasselle, of Newborn Mr. J. M. James, Mln Meta LeGrande Mr. H. M. London, Of iPItUbororMlsa Charlotte Pleasants Mr Norwood Giles ; Miss Patteson.of Petersburg, Va. ;:Mr T. D. Meares, Jr.; Miss Bessie Bur russ, Mr. Preston Gumming, Jr. ; Miss Amy Harlowi Mr.r ;Walter. Storm ; Miss Jahle ;Wimams3 Mri Lqul. Hatch; Miss Julia Parsley; Mr. W.I Smitb Jr. ; Miss Lsara Clark Mr. Richard Meares Miss Reba Myers,iir. A," D. 'DauillsMUs IDilsr Bur bank," Mr: Eeene LeGr'and; lllss Carrie Hardwick,1 Mr. . ..George Gatlett: Miss Louise Bellamy, &Mr. McRee Jones; Miss Bessie. Gore, Mr. Sl 4 ' ' ' . j w W W W W W W - : ' i IS1 vT 1 hea-the-inhstbeginst -v iaalcVoBpTidgoods' the v Iwicea on Dress Goods, turs, -Sweat- r.. 1 erf, L:atrgfts-fctf,WW 1 5 - . . ! 4wr-r3i, k"?? - WaBWBBBaBBBBBBSJBSBSBBBBBSSBBaW v j. . a t. 1 4 V-'ftmiSaViioiitQ-flHafc one; ofbu "f-tomers fof their most likerdjpt?ant - -cQntlnuancedaame during tlje jearauus wxh V.-I J Wishing yon all a merry Xmasiandjinf itoaneodi LjJ0?- i h. ho contributed to tne anair wu. i 7 MMa1 (t,a Watta Act 7. k. ...mwed bv - those whose 1 Mif h aoMtv not the hearta were glaoaeneo nu munldpaiityuio vuuhb ;r-1 companion harm. xne aiayor Negro Bey that by Aaether Yesterdsy. Adatlalstercd Iwlfl Paslshmeaf. Mayor Springer : delivered- a brief discourse on the eviii 01 ww 1 t t toy pistol in connection with a case In I --nt m)ffht deed the land W the the police,' court jeslerday. David 1 i trith a provision that In the Pcrter, an eleven year-old colored hoy 1 eTent jne- experiment farm waa ever who works for J r. Wm.' Nlestlle, wss 1 VKflA-d or used for t other pur- charged wjth ahooticg a companion, -- the Unds should revert to ?l 'mLtfal9jwTMtoaW'Bti- George Lowmack,about the same age, i cottm'ty. a.t any rate aU the uom- j t M4Bur ttlM Baulah through the fleshy ; part of s the. right 1 appeared very favorable to I Aiim,tFrinr Mr? h.t Tooning. of jejj.-rnsBMs QB idea suggestea bj morning at Sixth and Red Cross atreeta e,,, tBd he was Authorized to and Lowmack had a' 23-callbre bullet f artner confer with the leadera In the picked out of his leg at the hospital, m0Temenk for the locaUon of the wbUe Porter waaUUdett in tne station i fum here Md to aiiure them that tne bouse; At the trial yesterday fit - waa j CoinmlgdolleM were ready and will not made plain whether the boys were I . t0 do anything reasonable to as- playing or rorwrmwiuKu . -i -tg. lnem n their enoris. ofc. it-r: -:v .Wholesale Jlroent and tmpbrters, j PKUCRl'OYrZEf?E Aaothef Week' si foputir xenenous ai ''acsdinifpf pTsata TbtfcSa 'u j Willie .iWalters1;? Miss QUveArm-1 ;jondayuttersobn the PjerucbJ Dyp-J strong, Mr. J- B. . Armstrong, i,zen uompanj wot Pf" f JTitW W. L. Walkert-Miss-Anna Farsiey, man in hand. kiiiated last'nighL M. , , a'i r Mrihall. chairman of the eWkniemehebmmlttee presided at the ....j..r nihf tnemcera w "w gainer.. rth.e. committee were: - W. W. King. - wm. """-V . l ?.1n and II. m. ueiuioj. SODTBERS ELE4TRI COMPAHY. roniiv TIDE. . ; well 'twere rie to think! ' notbelikeiyl i at the ei dr ou want, inl jins; satfyl , save tzczsf. jo mof3 ... Begin yenrj i - 1 in tbe r i, &c- & Coi. Bill Greene keeps on kicking about losing four -minion dollars in thocopper . uF;--- Jjawson. Bill ahouio; joneeae iacerfoiai. - t rackeV This Is the first timr we , oriaaizatlea Effected I Veswdsy. , - ver gare it away thate lost ten- southern EleVtrlc Company, of; million dollars ohceby. not having, ; recentlyleharteredttbe, Enough money to get ontne winning, 8eCret.r,of Stata, wlth apaidin caplj sldeof themarketf ri talstockofWOO.tq doaeB " A ,....u.iK.!Tiif.-organized -yester- Thf hnsiness of : . - . " . " ' i 'vt a.. I '-- - ; '. .Zi 4 M Jnhft CLail. K"" tha uawes w"""w."-i. - H H"-" "i ?r j l: PS) To make the townshlp-not the munidpality-the voting unit in local OP(l)nA bill will be Introduced ito re .nt antl-iue law: and a aewrmlurd effort will oe made tojear ir fr Thii present law was enacted by accident. But if it shall urvhre a Z fight, itmay no longer ,be re ethSySIch wlU be ureed by the Anii paiuuu . Oh.t?manJB.Uey ouUtoes as follow., in hA introduced to limit the number ol dispensaries in a county to one.' To honeycomb the common--wSS with dispenaarle. Pjoj acheme of temperance.. Any , Uttie. cross-roads that standsjn need of rev t nn a dlsDensary, and in TneehTwb shoild be in no better con, dlSon than in the .day of the bar room. pended judgment on account of the boy's age, provided: tne mower wouiu fjeV WlLWNQTOa ESTERPRISE. New York; Miss Heloise Beebee, Mr. a a Potts; Miss Annie Taylor, of. PitUboro. Mr. R. H. Bradley; Mia 8hoemate, of Maryland, Mr, R Al Williams; Miss Jennie vMurchison,; Mr.-Willie Peck,-- t s Blags Mr. ,. Graham Kenan, of Kenans vllle, and Mr. Burke H. Brid- gers.-".-.-7 -'.yy:: --:: nV.YearV dinner' shbuiaTe aervewitho5t(fyf,v ;::t)Vah , Vaar buy' these articles. and, be i pre 1o eat them., A full supply on h3. . 7Ur.Jn:tsa urcc?ry r admlnteter a aound .thruhing in the W. J. Reaves Mas0tactnrtaf Company la- presence of . the police. After court cerpsrated by Secretary ef Itater. i the boy as - led down into the station The w; j. T Reaves', Manufacturing house corridor, the woman was pro rjomptny, of Wilmington, has been, vided with a sibut leather strap and chart8red' by- the Secretary of State what she did for the boy wa A. tr. capital stock of 5,ow W oper- DAVID QARR1IK" TUB BILL Last mint ai tee acaoemy ; ?;.8ey la Specialty Work. la a play iuu oinniurja Interpreted by a capable company, ' It affords an1 unusuauy wmmibk talnment.' Tbe role ol Saatue gives .m..p.maM -3vmdToeTMrtunitvetO display his bUitfrd & ted by that plover and charmiag little comedienne.. Mabel Cypzene. . , -. , S.ge. "A vWetltn Blavet" ;The I Lyrit StCCk Caopy r my, ' A. xwwerj wtri, - I ; ju.illiiuww . z.r k specialties wlll acts or eann piny., ropt , ; i j tiw-Va-, i : - x.-, j, Wdnrintheweek wlth-specll matinee prieeoon Monday.Wednesttay. anaDatnraaym t lvV1-.iJ iev1 StHor Twice ioadef3 a;irliirtriii? aitliil found drunk r , . UUI .MJ1'V - .... t The ijyno owes; wompww . aown in the rear or me a.- - The supervising officer, had to make I ta aceneral wood-working plant, man I another large audience at the Academy I oQeebaiidiBg Thursday afternoonby I SUU Waters Ruj pPri rtPrlces K20 and. cepta 4l ' Tickets r-pr both,Ti f rfofmances on sate afc.ittmBp de31'lt the irate mother cease the severe chas tisemeot she was disposed to give the boy. 'j,;;;; -v- i;;;: "u';)' :r -"' V'":.: CHAPEL OP THE ClOOD SHEPHERD. nfacturlhg ssab; , doors, - blinds, etc The Incorporators are Messrs. W.s J. of Music last night, presenting the lbflcemaa a B. Wood.as -fined- $& j Uttie Polks Delltluf oily Eatertalaed There oa inarsaay cveniBg. all the buildings are up on tne yanw of the Coal Cement and Supply Ca,: South Front street, where a site t was recently ; purchased by Mr. W. f J.' Reaves. The enterprise Is a new one which gives much promise, as tne gen nJ.' , 9 1 I'flllCBIZlAB.M 1J- MMm. If Vt " ' i m M BV1 VI I favorites bill "Davioy uarricx .ne 1'. he Mayor yesterday. :nes sjlll J n ut Ramm and J. M. Bunt-1 lines were handled well by the com. I .artjr, ioadd f tio. ways when usiTm .- :T ... - , ... . .L t i . - .., . t' v- ' ? -i ing and business will begin as soon as i pMy and every reature m I brought In th M.t. i 4h Cartvnnn before. He on;wM en joyed; jThetJpecIaltiea nav and un-lo-date. One Of them I .11.uj - iW .t,tlnn hnnsa a stick of having been by r. r-awara wiiij.. Uoaieihlxi that very rnuca .rescuDieoi absolutely essential inea i m pyxie Teilet Creavi ' Tha annual Christmas tree and ex? nplarr in a connty--and I erc!seg0 the Chapel of the Good Shep-: jlemen T interested are practical bust i. .hiM Anndltions make It a I . . ejr,fc Onaan atrneti. WSS ! j Uhin Tlaavaa havi wiiTntnrtnn bov. who went on witn .i.t x..!itt Kimaaif Snd the cbmnM . .. nv. - He possesses a, strong wwiw voice, welhtralned,;imdi was dynamite was found; on ;hIsr person The hall officers handled thai man oaritone l (,...t. !th ' e.ra" i whens the heard at I in.rAtwdM$hrt'-tM that only where conditions make n a i n.rd, sixth and Queen streets, was t ne1 mea ftnd the Messrs- Reaves have desirable sumihui -iven Thursday evening, a large num. h.d exTjerience In the line or manu robibUOry aiure of the Watts bar of the children, their parents and f im In which they will engage,. - -- -a -a vt.m- a juil4m y . - .w .- n n - v l n m a . a - m m ni uvo - . nvnaiB ninniuera ua, suv , : -, heairisouao' - generalconst dea ana:m"j . v stalling electric, a --V2T. with tne principle of thevwasm - ..h.,,,,- nderi rrlaaa that 4re have ovewuv Bi.btac; The corporaim? n decl,red by the Democrauc P'f""- , any Indianland wormv I lor ye. ;$l6o i " Scarry on their hlkeand present, were distributed to DioCesvwlU preach atnes mof-a gOcentslicxeis, wiii. . work of that kind ocov .a. i . ..I'll. .u s www. . : ' .nw". . . t.rmiiT ... . . . h. . . - t i i . u.i.m..i i nnii rf" 11 u..t. .k.a m . t. t . Ok. uuuu - r a jfiuiiuuec M.w..a- deports for yeara;?-7T ""." will be dealing In me the'division of Indian a w.n the division soon alter vum.r ;i ..ruction work antt m-i Act to towi . DUB ianuc ''-j.tmH: his best I eontenlaof the man's nocketa were - At the matinee, .this afternoon the T6ry gingerly deposited in; the1 locker "Iroublea of , the Kalzen jammer Klda ; prorlded f or that purpse at the sta wlU.be presented andif wlU doubtless "- ter the? dangerouarpackage prove a glorious fete for tbe cniwren i vt0yt& to be a' very . poisonous oy They wlUMsrowdnhe theatre ln all I - -mtlzaia-aiing Iron, steel," bronze; The prices will be 10 ana i t4. -the . gtlioi doing some They probability GO, r , av.--- i u3 A t)..fc .nil .Inhn I (..(! In ImanCienilJ buiiw "- I -..mh.,, inn nr me Giiirei, i MJTICB Ol A!9aono P.T.a a. ' --rsframnwaiw HAi Tr7mi n tbb congregation presented to the itt the r::,.. ont 2.0QMTe I The eap. -r- I ...J,&vi.m wfll : wipe Wtl 1 Tt JW.Hoiue. rector of Bt..Jamef I 11- -:"r;kraaniine-wMcK . .v: VrTT RamrdaThe stoczno.--- z, coririj blikey distilleries ana oarrTOm---- wh.MltalniE1lllder the jurisdiction oC moM by rrVthto help for theoo. - . . w"Jner "counS eaTrii sameV parish.. Mr.J.H. Boat- tine; ro morrow morning at II o'clock, and aninff at 8 o'clock at m Episcopal church, xne pupue ndiailv Invited to hear r both .ser- the gifted Wilmington .ai- ir 28, 1 re dec) stockt t . . . - ln.nfrtns perslm-, ns knocg aowu wo - ; j twnn. so to speaV. t . - - T omV.poSmer wTfe kind In Idaho e to the Post Office aoineof tbeormonstmaas m t;o - in . half a -aozen : advantage because ; Mormc o.tPra have ciGre assi:. -.3"; . . . 1 -- . . ; .i, J......J i ((T7.n.a.i " nart. Kasmussen -wuigu. Ia it a nice tie, ipn' the mission, wc vm... ----- v the Lobos Islands about alon of the Watts Act. i 1 i. r.. ::i..i-t- Orocerv-Happy ..we "r.V"o.,', M-nda tell, us they never saw a prettier ,. - kt---t..i two weeks ago with cargo of "Peruvian Year. ,ctt-rccif.'-; y7Ants2-3l-n- "" ' ' -f mm Ktnre. Gome eariy lVW -This I. the. place: -A.t tbe Sign cf ' the Golden Arm," L Shrler, nsrthsast comer of Front and Princess. V 1 ..... r.lit,.llm!ti.TtiTll CfL.' 'Of thlS on nieatant civs there is no Detier guano w y - -;::.r-. . nlace to spend an hour or two than 1 city, cleared yesteraav wr piaco w f . -tv ... I,,. 1 Mnmn1t A acharfflne. the beach. The io mtil over at the oeacn an. uuuc -nuarters. t Toe 8 o'clock car lays ovej an hour and one quarter, i t.r aha will complete discharging. The vessel was 1 consigned to.i Helde Hcw?cW:follMss Beetlnxs..; r Monday '-being JNew Year's and, therefore, legal holiday, the regular monthly meeting, of the countr ano city boards wlU be postponed until the regular hours for those meeua- -Tuesday. - The County Commissioners ad journed their special meeting ysa terday afteriooa untU Tuesday, efter- h. .t m o'clock anfl Mayor opnni5- i-rf iht authorized the atatement " . : - . ..:. 4Wat the Aldermen will not meet unm Tuesday evenlngat .n o'eiocx. ,xno Board of Audit and Finance wim mbbi the same evening. ship. : " .... i .. . ....JR KjLscyAlttie.Ketnras,; c- , ? Charlotte Observer? "uev. - anu - Uttle-lef t last ; night on tbeir return to .the mission fields of Chinas after spending .several months 1. KVntat with relatives and friends. 11 T.itti. ia 1 miniDairi tu vutM .'- . th fWkthara. . ,. Presbyterian Church, and be has oeenremarawij Xmfni in tha field. . During tbeir aoiourn In the States ahl time Mr J and Mra, little have made many new frisnds who wish .them a pleasant trip and a kappy and useful life In their foreign bome Ihey will go via Ban Francisco, Cat., and their trip will con sume a month.", - - ''.' We want your business. , 313 JNortn urons at. Phone 18o: 'ctoW-u r- j- " 'i '; . . 1 ir f t it - " ' - . hold davs. 1 s.t;? -Btate ofHottti CAoiiaa, H. trvoWerawbO'snea to tehalt wtSett5eiiar&People's6 W ..lr. nf a AVM Of thA BUDSnOr . . , . 1 tooatOompapy to present ana uuj i "v- .SSineelBdaV Iartleng -Uh ran. December t. 19M. aaaam Receiver. ITOTI033. r - - ahh lAaHiaci aai'Vtaa tmuit . . - . la ST i f ' . V handlingbe raalls.