vyiLMINGTON, ra. c. :Fbidai; MoRjrare jtotg. Dxc 31. JAPANESE C ; rro2iBiiTrATio3r. The governments; cotton bulletin (Sows that cotton ginnera -up: to December 13 exceeded that ginned last year to the same date by 3- 100,444' commercial bales. In hit , forthcoming "Cotton' -Pacta Colo nel Shepperson; the New York cot- ton statistician, mows inat, memo. Ing 'linters' and factors', samples, and allowing for difference In the - weight of bales, the Korernment es timate of the crop, issued December 3rd, ia equivalent to 12,860,933 ' bales of the weight of last jear. He . says: s zi zl- r ' " V,j 7 "In the previous years the stent's estimates of yield hare been cfuite uniformly below the final re- salt of ; the f "commercial crop J They were 1,485,000 bales below for the season of 19dl 3, and 2,013,000 far the season of 1897 8, and an an- nual overage of 1,114,000 less than the commercial crops for the fiTe seasons from 1897-8 to 1901-2. The Philadelphia Eecord giYea some interesting statistics and 1 of- ' f ers some words of defense for the ' cotton crop reports at Washington. , That paper sarar - - - "Cotton has dropped below seven cents In New York:; and the Jndigi nation of the South at the" crop fig ures siren out by the Department of Agriculture two or three weeks a?o is risinsr to white heat. - Con grewman LlTingston, of Georgtai has demanded a Congressional - in Testijration of the methods - of crop reportinz and the demand has come from the South that the publication of reports from ginneries -be aban- .. boned.,; &;:-tTZ-& i "In reply to the complaints of some - of the New York cotton ' men that the department's figures were habit ually too low. secretary wiison some time azo wrote a letter sayinz that the department was giving sat isfaction to the producers, and lntw ma tin or thai If tn middle 1T1 ATI WfllA not satisfied it was mot of much im nortance. f it was shown that ac cording to trade figures of consump tion the department had been con stantly estimating the crops too low. In the grain trade there is no dissent from the opinion that from 1830 to 1902 the department t estimated : the wheat crops too low, for the same reason; all its Information came from the producers. s: iz.ff "The department has recently been getting reports from the ginneries, which enabled it to check the esti mates of production by the actual statistics of cotton ginned. .The presumption, then, is that the ? de partment is now nearer the truth than it used to be, but Is still more likely to underestimate than to over state the ertm. Tha area nlanted - a - - was m oeptemoer esumasea as near ly 1ft Dflti tViti ara mAK-ilttn in mm AWBwwwawvw wfca ajaavwavaa Pllfil - a 1898, when the crop was 11,235,000 deteriorates from the early part of f saasAH Mas vwt f mtftAWftrf wiwAv1 1 midsummer or later. For exam- i pie, The - New York Journal ? of ucmmereo reporiea tee condi tion at the end of July to be 83.2 against 79. 8 at the end of June, and the condition September 26, as re ported by the Department of Agr fi51 at tia aama rlafn In IQnR anil "Tn nf fheaa finwi of in and condition; the-habit of the de partment to estimate crops too low (proved by the census as well as by trade estimates), and the fact that the amount of cotton' ginned is def Initely known, the presumption is Tery much against the Southern outcry, .x; The area and condition figures pointed-to- a crop much larger than thai which tha depart ment has announced, and the South ern propositions to burn a million bales, onto hold the crop back on the farms, look as if the Southern people themselves knew that they had a record-breaking crop. - '-v - If it is true that the lae increase, in acreage and the betar crop con ditions of 1903, hare resulted in a 13,000,000 bale crop, it yet ; appears that the decline in r price ; of from 17 cents last year to 6 cents now is not warranted. The crop is v net much more, if really it is any . more, than the mills of Europe and Amer- The cotton producers of -the. South may have overcropped themselves but they can resxedV that the com - ing crop year. r : x-"f -. - It wfll be remembered in this con nection, and llr. D; North, director of the' Census Surean at Washington, calls attention to the . fact, that the provision'; for gather-. Ing cotton statistics was Inserted in the law at the instance of Southern Coogressaen, on the plea that it was necessary for the protection of 'eotton producers against the specu" Iators sad. others interested in de- pressing the price-cf -the staple for their own profit. lr. North is cor rect. - We remember when the South was urging V that tfie ; gOTernrrest should gather the statistics and that there was reiolcinz when the proti sion was incorporated in thebill. It was urged as a''rea8on that the gor nment should ; ffatter tiesa ttatfal tics, that enormous losaes reiultei frora the untrustworthy e:tiaites pa& forth - every yean by speo clitors andthejsgentriof the IjS and trustwcrtSj; JScial in? fcrration regarding the slza of -the crcp wcsld protect the fzzrsfc : aia- azxa the speculator and manipulator asd penaiit tha law cf supply and demand to regulate the price, as '- -.7 :'Ttri:zt; . fctticticf ;i:ur- ts- it : . . ti3 tyzizn adcptcd . ty it? I overnnezt. It cozis tha govern- ment more than$t25,CCO year; to rather and disseminate these sta tistics. -V" ',D03rTASB7BlL. The Washington - Post, ' which keeps weather eye out at the naU ional capital, is in a position to find out how thinzs take. : The Post on Thursday aays: : It President. Booserelt, in foans- Garfield's paper on' Federal control- 01 ail corporations engagea in inter state business, intended to use that document as a feeler, and if, since its trftnamiaoinn - tha President baa followed Abraham Lincoln's habit of 'keeplu? an ear to the rrond, we feel confident that : neither the Fifty eighth nor the. Fifty-ninth Conzress will receive an Executive communication recommending the adoption of the Garfield plan. If, as has been currentlyreport- 4, sne uaruem report naa cue xau MiunimiiM tit ThrdmU crnt RonajlYAlt. we think the reception accorded the aocumenx oy tne press ana paouo, and Mneeisllr bvthe Indicia! mind. must have convinced the President that another occasion for a change of Executive views has arisen. So radical a departure from ex istinz business methods and from thn Mixtion hitherto, exiatin? ba tween the general government and the governments oz tne several Statea mnat be billed for a distant future If it is ever to happen. If tnn.h mntml of Mimnereft between the States as the Constitution con fers o tha Federal anthoritv cannot ha had witnant tirtnallv.wininsr out nearly all State-charters, it will not . 1 m . do oaa as au ior a long urns o come This, at least, has been demonstrat ed by the country's reception of the Garfield 'document. : It iawelli therefore, that the President sent that paper to Congress. - Publicity is a great enlizhtener. - J JAUUASY ZXAGAZCnS. ST; Tha AtTaTtfiflr RfATitfilv fnr .TaTITT. arj Is on our desk. This popular magseise is a library within Itself. and readers always find it an, enter taining guest, t The table of contents contains numerous ably written and valuable contributions. : and there are poems, book notices and other features that make this publication always desirable. The subscription price is 4 a year: per copy 35 cents. Address, Houghton Uifiin & Co., 3 Park street,, Boston, Mass. The January number of The Cos mopolitan has tome to hand. The editorial department is as interesting and practical as usual, and the num erous writers on current subjects contribute a large list of articles that are timely and Instructive. One of the contributions Is ; on. the much talked of "Jefferson Bible.- There are many things to interest and ben efit. Subscription price, tl per year; per eopy, 10 cents. : Address, The Cosmopolitan, Irvington, New. York : CURRENT CUMidriNT. Ur. La waon is Everybody's I friend. Boaton Globa: The President has C decided not to remove six Mormon post masters in Idaho who are known to be polygamists. lit Is claimed that they are not working at i It now. Washington Post. The official Hrkrea on tha re sult of the election, now being pub- a mm. . m u usuea, roo ine aaministration of all tha " credit for the ir.tnrv- wTtfoh seems to have been won by default. wasungcon rose ' Former Attornev General John W. Griggs says the Federal government has no right to ' usurp the functions of the States in deal- Ins: with corporations. Still there is a suspicion that the "corporations would rather- take their chances I with the Federal government - than with governor like Van Sani and lia FoUette. Washington Post. We cannot timidly admit that We are not altojrnther nlpocAd with Senator Platfs takine eharre oi oenator iepews nght for re elec tion. We trust that this does not oreaaffe a, radical ehansm in tfc a ."southern policy" of the latter gen- uemaa snouia j ne win one . we would like to know where he stands on the .Piatt reduction of repxesen union piu oexore we lend' him any more editorial assistance. Charleei ton jxews fir Uourier. - The legal authority of ; the the State board of dispensary direct ors to close a disoensarr ia now squarely before the Supreme Court. juie question comes np ior decision rbout the time the legislature meets. and , It would be to the interest - of the State should: the question be given an early solution by the court. Whatever it may be, it will no doubt nave-its umsuten imanr imrnfuud legislation in reference to the disk Penssrj. Oolnmbla Becord. rThe Portland Oregonian,one of the ablest Bepublican journals In the country, suggests that if thet President desires to accurately gauge the quality of public sentiment oa the race question he shall follow up his appointment of a negro Collector Of Customs at Charleston. Smith Carolina, by the appointment of a negro Postmaster at Boston. The Oreganian opines that; the roar ot protesB zrom aiassacttusetts would make the South Oarolina. dfmnnt a squeaki by .; comparison. PMIadel pma xecora. a X Wa s - .-.... -.. J ' o Baralauaai Saaaarjaaatu A anre aiani of trouota m your system is Bervonsneaa, sleeplessness or stomach ucsela. Electrin mm... i .t.i wtauiotue- - wonnieanma Mtnaae: it never raiia r. tnn. u reeuiate tha kidneys and bowel, stirn niate the liver and clarify tha blood. oon sown systems DC-E-t puUcular ly, and. all theP usual atlanilne aches vanish under its amarehfnar and thn. ouzh effectiveness. .. Electric El"srs is only KOc, and that ia returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction. s Guar anteed by H. 12. ' Rrrximr. :i!ni tt h wpertor to Copaiba, Cabe o? Ip W tSccu, and free trois lul tad anted ar ouaa IUBUUfOKIUXa - - "- uj h t , 1 1 Li -fcn ( (, wujk bar til. asm. ia tuct'.-Mi ee ? n 'f rr nri mm . : z- - TO nriY DUE PR0VIWG THAT THE F0LL0yiMS NOT BASED ON sTHE" PA3T YEAR". 'HS3i' THE THIRD VEAE IT17AS OFFERED TO CHE17ERS THAW THE USEES IN THE- UW TED STATES OF OF TOBACCO CLAIi-IED TO BE SUN CURED. dec23tf . th sa tu rWINKLINQS "Didn't von o to sleep-daring the classical programme?" asked Mrs. Cumrox, severely. "No," an swered her husband. "No such luck." Washington Star' Edna What made von marrv a man with such a homely name? llav Ton oueht to sea bow beanti fnl it looks when.it is . siorned to i check! Detroit Free Press.; ; ; "JlT sakes I How well vonr nusoana is trained, now did yon ever do ur- 1 didn't. He was a widower when I rat him " Tfc mim a lot of trouble." Chicago Becord HeralcL ,,5 r;'-iu titM-ii "If that man Liawann wanta tn denreaa the market thern's a. mivhtv fine way . for him . to- make himself popular, "now is tnatr'. Liet him. iamn on tha nreaent nriea- of eggs. uieveiana nam xreaier. "What von need." said the "That will be all rifht." answered the patient. "PU -probably begin walking 2 the floor ? when your bill comes in."-r Washington Star. Do yen mean to tell me that when Muntoburn's daughter started avav on bar . veddlncr tonr tTiAT threw Inmps of coal at the carriage?" - xes; eyeryooay saia rice was too cheap and common.1 Chicago Tri- Aunt Jane No, Clara. tou aren't nrettv. Bat I snniMsa the young man who calls upon yon tells M . a - a m yon yon are cne moss eeanuzui wo man in all the world. " Clara Tea. but it Is after I have lowered the gas light. Boston Transcript. Whv do' So manv aetora iniiat on plavinz ShakesDeare ?" I ana. pect," answered Mr. Stormington Barnes, "that it's because they can and blame the public's lack of lit erary taste if thev falL" Washinir- ton Star. - - . Miss Johnson: Tra. aha did say something about you but I don't know whether it was meant to be complimentary -or not. Mr. Kellow: Oh, I fancy 1 1 impressed her. Miss Jenkins: Well, she ' onlv commented on : - vonr hloomin ir cheek.? Philadelphia .Public uedger.; ; 'jzr. Ascnm Ta it trna th&i von ar engaged to Miss Oldenrieh? Kraft vt n a wea a . no. one Bays iu nave to give up my club if I marrv her. Aacnm WeU? KrafP-WelL mv onlv idea in marrvine her was to avoid the necessity of giving up my club. I am behind In my dues. Philadel- phia Press. SUlPHUa'S TIIIEIY USE PEE- VEHTS DISORDERS. IItU Salfku aj ChKb taw PracraM afnaayllla. The - use of this sterllne remadv serves to reader the skin soft and healthful, and-confers a clear and beautiful eomnlexion that moat vain. able charm. an adjunct to tha bath: Has- I cook's Liquid Sulphur is at oaeea luxury and a tonic of laatiofr value. Hi"ynr't T.fftrm httisitttd r TTatare'a 'greateat germicide rectifies, raTB ana cures acne, Darns and scalds, canker, catarrh, diphtheria, herpes, itch, pimples, prickly heat, ringworm aaa ulcerated condition, whether of tUe scalp, eyelldr, noe, i mouth or throat. . c Bold bv leadlnv dravrtabL ' Tain. tjTa booklet mailed upon request by Hancock Uqald Salpbar Co., Balt more, MdV: v t - ,.swaririniynf.:;? - Mrs. Wlntlow Ronthlair Rvrant haa - been used for over 60 years by mll 1 lions of ' mothers for their children; While taethior. with nerfmt nmitn III soothes the child, softens the gums, araysau pain, cures wina eoiic, and is i uw nan remeay ior uiarrnees. It will relleva tha nntvr littla inffiMr Immi. ately. Sold by Draggista in , every part of the world. Twenty five cents bottle. .Be aura and aak Inr HVi. Winsuww 8oothlaa S-rran." ami t.Vo no other kind. . .. , . . . IaETltE SAT IhlTCHwitRlTnfiMm Balm for catarrh and can thoroughly recommend it for whstit claims. Very truly, tttev.j LL v. Maths wsj, ELu beth. N. J.S T"'W'.;..3.i -t :i 1Z -- i I Tsm Elv's Cream Balm and ta all appearances sm cured of catarrh. The terrible hrrdaehea from .which 1 long - suffered are. gone. : "W.' mushceck, Iste llsjor TJ. 8. YoK and A. A.- Gen., Buff !o, N.!Y. i h The Baini does not trrltata or rann sneezing.: Sold br druggists at sa ctsU or rnsued by Ely Brothers, S8 Warren CASTOR I A ' ror Infants and ChOiren. -- - Tl3 KLJ Yrf 1I2T3 A:.vzt3 C:rtt -Bears tha Z3&tureof . - - - or w - MO mm . STATEMENT IS ACTUAL FACTSs. AMOUWT AWV BRAND qMMEHciAi:: -Ml LMINOTON MAKKST (Quoted officially at the eloshu - -. ? ot Commerce. by Ouuaber STAR OFFICE, December SU SPIBIT8 TURPENTINE Nothing dolor. - ROSIN Market steady at 83.40 per barrel for rood atraJnad. - TAR Market firm at tL60 per bar rel 01 zaupounas. - - firm at $3.80 per barrel for hard, 13.70 ior aip. t ; : - ; -,, Wtoiaaons same day last year Spirits turpentine firaa at 55e; roam nrm at axio- tar firm at 81.60; eruae turpentine arm at f3.25G3.80. Spirits turpentine. ...... . 51 j -a a -- -9-m w--y a a-aia a '. 88 Xjala sa a a a- -a a- -o-a a a a- a a s a a a a a a a ' " 1 6(1 Crude turpentine. . . . . 124 Receipts same day last year S3 casks spirits turpentine. 295 barrels roatn, 78 barrela tar, 55 barrels erode turpentine. " O0TTOK. liarkel nominal. , Same day last year,' market firm at ior mMoungi Beceipta-aoi: bales; same day last (Oorreeted Rarolarlr br WHmlmrton Prruinm Uwmtaaioo Marcfiants. prtoea repreaanttng iJii0?1 eonatgnea to CJommia- - oansTBr aanmw PEANUTS North Carolina, firm. Prime, 90c: extra prime, 95e: faaev. LOO, per bushel of . twenty-eight pounds. Virginia Prime, 80e; extra prime, 85c; fancy, 90c Spaniab, 85 90S. -v-v,, -,-;:..:'- ' . . CORN Blrm; 6065c per bushel ror white. - . - . , N. CL BACON Steady; hams 14Q 15e per pound; shoulders, 11c; sides, - EGGS Dull at 25c per dozen. UHICKENa fPirm flmara S5c: rorinn. 1SA1&. TUBKEY8 DaU at 12tfe for uTe 4S. m a AOTjc ior aressea. BEESWAX Firni at Maffe. TAliIiOW Btrm at Btftii m SWEET POTATDTCa IR aft SO a 60c nar bnahal. BEEF OATTIaE Dull at SAite nev FlNAnClAL fJAFiKETS v TeteTaBt ta UMKoratnc Star. Naif YOKX-Dae. SO Iffonaa nn ali was quoted strong and higher at SOS per cent.; closing Did a per cent: onerea at x per cent.: time loans were easy and dull: alxto dava S DCr naL: nlnatv dim a m six monthsJ5X3X per eW Prime mer cantue paper oa per cent. (Sterling exchange closed steady, actual bust ta haafcera btlia aT lOAiST ft r demand and :S1.80O3.85 for sixty eay oui. rosted rates were 4&S)6 and 488. Commercial billa oantful at 485- Bar aUrer 61. : lfexiean dollars f-- 48. TJ. 8. ,v refundins; S resdv : 104Jtf ; do. coupon, 1043a; U. 8. ra. reciatered. 10434 : Atr. coupon, 104: U. S. 4. new. registered, lSOVi TJ. 8. at new. eoupon, ISO; TJ. & aX old, reeiatered, 105; do. eoupon, 108W; Atlantic Ooast Line V 10lJ; Loutsrtlle & Nashville, unified 4V104K: Norfolk Jk Waatera ana. sol 4's Seaboard : Air Lino 4 . 85; - Southern Bailway i'a. 120. ritocxs: Baltimore ft Ohio prefd 9S$i ; wneaapeaxe cc UhlO 48; ; alanhat tan . h AUXi New York Central 143V Riadln. Wlt.. t rn.ru 91; do. and nref d 84: Bon th era Bailway S5):da. nreTd StAmaiM. mated Copper 71: Peoola'a Oaa 107K; Tennessee Ooal and Iron 71U; D. a. Leather 13; TJ. Br Leather pVa ferred. 101; Western Union 92lf: U. S. Steel SOr da Dref erred 93- r- r - .anii ww 11 na OhemleaL r nl do. nreferrecL closed . hares. Standard Oil 625. - Nsrw York. TW. sn flHii Air Line, common. 180184; do. pre ferred. S7l4g&38tf do. hnnda fmm Atlantic Coast Line, common . H AVAL STORES d ARK ETS. jrc bv Taiegrapii to the: HwalncBtar. Narw Yoax. Dm an -rm o trained common ta rood ta sst Dpinw turpenune quiet at 03.HU&3C. uaAsuBTgs, ut. SU.H3pinu tur pentine and rosin nolhin dotBr. BavurxAH, Dec SO. Spirits turpen tine was quiet at 49Xe; receipts 345 CMS 403 exports 44 fas 11 -Roam waa firm txi.t. ia. parreis; sales 3,201 bbls; exports 584 ! ooia.a, o, u. u sxa 55; D, 2 57X : f, w, ... w a oa; w w j j5 . COTTOri DAnXliTtJ. : ' ! as taiazranfe to the starmnz etu New York. De- sn Th market was much less active but while very irregular was steadier on the whole, elosina: today with a moderate reCQTerv Of recant Inaaa. fK- ing was firm at an advance of twelve to twenty points which wss hardly a full resnonsa to thn r, Ma. - . - wiaajj ail advasea of twelve to thirtean points for futures and ortoarteen points for spot - cctton " la the English market while r. private csbles reported small ELathera n ?..,. and fresh buiiar ss a canaanr ih. strength. After the call here there was, a gradual renewal of bear press ure and by midday prices had strzed oa to about cr a littia usi!:r the eiot la taral nf cti !k. - . " - J ..j . uig b&U in ' tt?;ment J lhe dinners report w at Iiirrrciatiss t eca cf tha esaHer Bhcrts &ho &&d reckonln.T on the ill . . . .ill ii en report snowiss- eiisnuy tesr x, 000,000 ; bales ,nA - may. have bean responsible for some covering. Ia a general - way it had no effect, however, although the market during the afternoon ruled generally steadier on & demand that- waa credited to Wall street shorts and was finally very steady net ten to fourteen points higher. Sales were estimated at 250, 000 bales. The Into eight ; figures for the week came to only bales against 434.278 bales last year and the oatloos :i for- "receipts "j for the Im mediate - future seems to be tight, but this does- not seem to be bavin the effeet of discred- Itlag the the siaaers report, although that document Is meetins with some criticism. ' ' . 'i The market will ; be; cloned to-mor row (Saturday), aaa will not re-open aatil the Taesdsy after New f Year's. The Liverpool market as well as New Orleans will sleo"ie loeed on- these ssiw Yobs. Dec Sa Cotton The market was quiet at 6.95c; net receipts 222 bales; gross receipts li15 bales; stock bales.- -y'- A-3k'. s . : 8pot cotton closed unlet and 10 points higher; middling uplands 6.95e; ouKHUing gall 7.SWC; sales 835 bales. . Fatures closed very steady: Jan uary ff 59, February 6 70, March 6.75, April 6.84. May 6.89. June 6 93. July 7.t3, Aogast 7.04, September -, Osto Oer 7.Z0,-Jv; .; .... , K:t v;. v Total to-day, at au seaporta Net . re ceipts 80,061 bales; exports to Great urttalB 15.210 bales; exports to France bales ; exports to . the Continent 80,551 bales; exports to Japan bales; exports to " Mexico bales; stock 1,058,612 bmlAr:: Uonsondatad. at all r seaports ft et receipts 234,208 bales ; exports to Great Britain 41.199 bales: exports to France 28,194 balea;exporta to Ooatinaat 90,354 bales; exports to Japan 13.745 bales; exports to Mexico bales. Total since September 1st. at all sea- poru Net receipts 5,871,403 bales si- ports to Great Britain 2L075.005 bales: exports to France 455,468 bales exports to ihe lionunent 1,575,946 bales; ex ports to Japan 63,756 bales; exports to Mexico 13,893 bales. ; Dee 3a Galveston;; steady at 6fg, net receipts 6,134 bales; Norfolk, nominal ; net receipts 1,162 bales ; Bal timore, nominal at 7, let reeetpta 1,916 bales; Boston, steady at 6.95c. net re ceipts 344 bales; Wilmlggtonrnomi- naL net -receipts 481 - bales: Phil adelphia, stetdy at 720e, net receipts 203 bales: Savannah, quiet at 6Xe, net receipts 3,183 -1 bales;. 'New Urleans, steady at 6Jsg, net receipts 9,744 bales; Mobile, steady at 634. net re ceipts 183 bales; Memphis, quiet at 6Xe, net receipts 1,833 bales; Augusta, steady at 6 Me. net recelDts 628 bales: Charietton,qaiet at 6e, net receipts 86 bales. "- I PRODUCE GARRETS. h tiuzniulo (a ttti. ; : Narw ; Your. Dec. SO. Flour was quiet but steady. . Bye flour steady. Wheat Spot irregular: NoJred nom- lnaL Options market jCc net lower, except-Lfecember, which was lc net higher :Mav closed 81 141. : July closed $1 02 -.December eiosed $1 23& Corn Spot steady; NowS 55c, nominal. Options partly X net lower; May closed SIX: December closed 54tte. Oats Snot aaiet:mixed.28aS2 noonds. S5H38Jc Pork quiet. " Cheese was nrm: Bute, small, colored, a&d white, 10O120. Eggs steady: nearbv. selected S5538e; Western selected 28c; Southern 2027c Potatoes Market steady ; Long Island, in bulk,per 180 Jb tl 7502 00; Bute and Western $1 25 1 50; Jersey sweets S3 00Q3 - 60. Batter firm: .creamery, eommoo to extra 18028c: State dairv 16A26& Cabbages steady; flat Dutch, per 1U0.S2 03 00. Freights to Liverpool Cotton, 1SC20& Peanuts steady; fancy hand- Picaed BM&SX : other doaaaatU aradaa SXOSXe. Molasses firm. Tallow quiet. eager raw steady ; refined steady. Lard easy; Western steam 87 19; re ned easy; continent 87 15: compound SJiOSXe. Cotton seed oil was weak bat active at prices: Prime crude, f. o. b. mills 16Q15e; prime summer yellow 22Q22XcioB summer yellow nominal; prime white 28e27e;prime winter yeilow 28XC27c. ; Cmoaox). December 33.-Haa i:quMauoa by a prominent holder to day entirely wiped out a sharp ad vance la wheat prices. - The market eiosed weak with May down 5-8e & 3 4c. Corn, data and provisions were practically unchanged. z? U UBloano,' Dec. : 80. Cash t nrleaa- Flour Tha market to-dar was onntnd steady. ; Wheat No. 2 spring $1 10 CU 160i&3 spring 98eA21 12: No.9 rd $1 15XQ1 18. Corn-No. 243Xe44er No. 3 yellow 43J,044e. Oats No. 3 39X; No. 3 white. ; No. 3 white 31 S3 Rye No. 3 75c Mess pork, ner bbJ.,SU 05O1141S. Lard: per 100 ft. abort rib sides; loose. 88 13Un 6 S7X- Dry salted shouJders, boxed. no msrsei report, snort dear sides. bOxed,U6ZX&675. Whisker Raala of high wines, $1 24. t'X:- :Xv The leading fatures rural u fnl lows openlne. hlrhest. ; laweat an,-. closinsr. Wheafc-No.3 December $1 13 , I 14J 1 13. 1 15: Ma M 15t. llSl 18X. 113J4 98, 93Xc Corn December 4R 4R H. 5X; July 45i 46, 45X. 459.450. Oais-l)ecembe?T29M, 29X. 29ae29 23 Ke? Ma S1K , MJftOaiXi siMesiMc. less pork, ner bbi Jmnir eta as H ot.il May $127714; IS 8234. 12 75. 12 77U. Lard aar mnrxl TZ?!8, tTTX ; May m, w, iu, 1 w. t ujf - Short riba. ner 100 Ibs-Januarv rt5 0. sn as 6 S75.S My IS 87),. 6 70, 6 65, 6 Vt. NEW YOKK COFFER FUTTJBESL Nrm Yomt. TW BtO Steadv. Tha marant tnm MCL aiorea waa steso w and unchanged to poinu higher. tFOREiai. OABrtETS. - - -. BvGWtdetotlMMonilnaStar. Lrvmpoor. Dee. an rvitrn.. o. In fair demand, with prices 14 points higher; American middling f sir 4.11d: oodmlddllu S 87d; nilddliBg 3.77d; lomiddling 3 65d;i good ' ordinary 3.51d; ordinary S.S5d. The sales ot the day were 8,000 bales, of which ram bales were for speculation and export and Included 7.Km .faa?M a Becelpts 42,000 bales, tnclading 37,400 . Futures opened stead' en A 'inmmA steady; American middling (roc): January 3.60dr January and Febru-i ary 8.M4rFebrnary and Uarch S.65dt May 3.72d:i Mav art KtT. o iSi mw - a mmtmmmmm, -,. mmi VS aji - S BT afA Z' Jane andJaly 3.78i; July and An J:8"5 TAugMg and September I uBimuuogr ana uatoher SL85d October and November 3.83d. MARINE v Eimr A J Johnson. BlaeV Clear Dlyde steamer - Carib, Chlchesl Qeorsetown. 8C.no GmallS. . - - - CLSAKI3X ttinr A J Johnson, Clack, Clear Korwe-ian CAca ZTaTn Tew C-e-Cj- - Sosd T7it a. TTllcUtr- r You may hesliite to listen to the ad'vice of stransrers. but the tcstl mony of friends or residents cf minzton Is worth your most carezui attention. It Is an easy catter to investigate ah pi3ihis. The evidence must be conclusive. - Head tha following? I P. CL lie Ifovne. - contractor. , cf 223 North Seventh street, says: "I did not know that the trouble with my back was caused oy my kidneys not anting; properly, although I no ticed the 'secretions from those or gans were dark and very Irregular, sometimes free and at other times scanty. I saw Doan'e Kidney Pills aaverusea sua veot.Mi ueuauij drag store and got a box. I was sur prised at the result, for I have not had backache since I used them. I also cot s box of Doan's "Ointment. I have had itching hemorrhoids or piles for years, and. tried everything I knew of without-benent. Uoan's. Ointment save me instant relief. X heard about Doan'a Kidney Pills in England some yeara : tgo; and until now I was under the impres sion that thev were . made only in England." In addition to ray back ache being cured lhe kidney secre tions have all cleared up and become normal since using; the ruls. - For sale bv all dealers - Price 50 cents." Foster-Mil burn Co.; Buffalo, New aYorfcL sole ta2ent8ior the United -Statesvvv:" - X Bemember the . - name Doan'a and take no substitute. - ; BT KVtsTaND.R4ll. Bssslpis ef Jf aval :i Stares ?f Taslsraay. - tsi Tettoa J a a Ballroad 14 bales cotton. 20 casks spirits turpentine, 53 barrels tar. 21 barrels erode turpentine. W.4fc W. Bailrod-14 bales cotton. 10 ban els crude turpentine. :; W. a & A. Railroad 426 bales cot ton, 3 casks spirits turpentine. 24 bar reis rosin, 20 - barrels tar 14 barrela crude turpentine. A. & Y. Railroad 6 bales eoUonU casks sptrtta turpentine. 8 barrels tar. W. ct N. Bailroad 11 bales cotton. 85 barrela crude tuipeaUBC.'-" Steamer EL A. Hawes 10 bales cot ton. 6 eaaks spirits turpentine. 40 bar rels rosin, 63 barrels tsr, 32 barrela crude turpentine. : 4 ; Bteamer. A. . J. Johnson 3 casks soirlts turpentine, 150 barrela roais, 7 birrels tar. : :,. -: 7 - 8teamer Franslin-Pierce 9 barrels Ur. 12 barrels crude tarpenune. Raft 224 barrels rosla. - Total 481- bales cotton, ' SI ? casks spirits tarpenUne, 488 barrels rosin. 1BU barrels tar, 124 barrela crude tur pentine. ; - MARINE DIRECTORY. Llstjcf Vessels in Part f Wilaajjaw- tan, rJ.ODeeesabar 81. " STEAMERS. - Juantta North, (Br) 2.233 tons. Fox, : Ajexaeaer Bpruat cr; Son. -. SCHOONERS. - Young; Brothers, 852 tons, Qsbielsev, - O D liaffiift, : Mabel Darling, 112 tone, Saunders, to maat-r. An oe Lord, afafnit. 248 tons, Bustell, O O Eliza J Pendleton, ODMaffitt. 672 toss, Dodrry BARQUES. Fram, (Nor) 699 tons, Andersen, Heida ccCo. Musselcrar, (Br) 1,871 tone, Robinson, oetae cc uo. - -.. . ----- Castjy niataaie. oiunaera are someumes verr ex are sometimes verv pensive. Occasionally life Itself is the price of a mistake, bat youll never be wronr If you Uke Dr. Klnr's New Lare ttUS for Dssnenaia. IKn'nm . -Headache, Urer ov Bowel troubles. xoey are sjeatie, yet thorough. Only a cents, at u. is. KaXLAStT S dru store. ' - The Sivasa opes EVENnros, ' Turkeys, Cranberries, Celery, .:..,:z Nuts; Baisins, Figs, Dates, . - - Candy, Oranges Beady for your Xmas orders. W.OANDBIIO. aeessu Ail. the latest Novels, Illustrated Sr',Ac.er .waterman" Ideal u"'" -eua, - uric Brae of every wHvrivuua, S MCy tX)Z f SDCr, Usln- n Uarda, and a beautiful mo 01 reamer goooa. . C. DeROSSET, -J" Bookseller and Stationer. dec 10 tf 33 North Front 8tT We Cordially Mte r -. - 1 eucTSf3SSl , -S3? ?. to ue inta-tS fecares an adtfltoaal aoMry. ttegia,Bttreer a call irom Ssalffi iwmancyoara resyeetratty, p. wmiowaigptty. , aee 1 tf Si IM6R0GBRY STORE f 14 riAi:x:T.cn:nr?, : Between. Front .andJT7atrfc fresh fre.mir.'.V B U'ai Mm,. ... . -f .1. a. - - ... . tea rruaes and - - :iA:;: ZJ. : - - 02ANQE3. 7-' ; '.xiAciiiicTari'An. - noiiB grou:: by, CZ---.J, TLr:3 Izzli tzr 17a sn Jta,aAAaaZ nil Crcra CLcc-c. Ealaon, Sardines, r I rnun TOIXATO , Only best quality, of fcoda handled. Living prices.' Mr i-fasriTf 1 'if I UU.VJfaVU k. war ' l WUmingtonl U. C. " , aeeSitf- - nou; Ilany Ticoa Have 4" - ' you asked has the " - Yes, and a portion oi the Orsses are at the Ladiea Store. ' Price jnst right' : v:. '7.- L 3 Lb. iizizi L Rcisfcs 2Es. Ccrrssts 9c p:ci::3. ; Big Cc::rials.T - - - :A fresh Tcd:.- i - .1 Carpsnter; Gfccofi. dec 24 tf : - - Announcement! We are now Agents for the Fa mous Atkins Saw and' can furnish you from the smallest Rip and Cut Off to tne largest - Clrcfllarand Band Saus from our stock at a moment's notice. with this and our other reliable i- " - . .... . . . ..... imes,we are prepared to serve " at . Jon. . T. D. LOVE COaPAWY, Machinery, Mill, Steamfitters, Yacht and Plumber's 8nppUes. ;204, S06 North Water St , de 28 tf ?- WUmlngton, N. C.- o s Q CD B cr W1 1 .0, 19 ... I-3 . - a TACC1IIATEI Ueflir. CRf aiMf MM Vaad. w . 6Iy csrinized T.yqeIi. . Glycsrifiizei lauPrfc&V: Gtyceri&izsd Ivsry Pdziz, Vci3aitis3 Stisljj. r; (adults aaacaiPflwwi.j i f'Ontar ha. ...... .... rttotSsradar:" by return lor rrtncesaatreec oeottu on Ti:ic::LYr;:oTr.u d8" lrlC31Iarktitrt; w..w...aa BTj -r r:3r""-i a ela v nr 5 f ;' s not p"'t I j do1-V cr 1 . . MoSes ale! Ced xzMk Horse' 1 GzzS cr Tlbn.resrj. -X, Crzztzt VArzzrz; fc, cafejslsifestore. 9 and 11 80, Fron t St. dee 18 1 Kczpteg Ut Stock ; wanEnowii cibars? They are as good as ever. Oilvor Coin Flour Oan'tiboboat Wholesale Grocer and Distributer dec 18 tf - SQggestiODS for Xm s ' . ' .u v " ' 'VZ' , A Dinner S8t -ATcItet Cot. ' A'CfcrccIata Set AFiihSftt A. lie?. r7 1 in Ucbrella StaBd. rf A Fancy Yata. " A Pisco cf Cat Glass. Saver Knives. Forka . nnitnm Ladles, etc. and mans other tmida on display, 'j 4. -" . F. A. BISSIKGER, de4tf 119 Market street. BEIJEUBER ! In , addition - to manniactvrio g Stffla for Turpentine and Spirltine ants, we do all kinds of repair wrk'smd Brasin in Copper. ' 'Also we do Plating In " . Bepalrfnar work of mn VimA in MetaUolicited . - . -Wo bay aU of your discarded - 811 er - Plated wara. Alan m Rmh Candlesticks, Brass Andirons and an Jdnda of old metal. dec 15 tf C!i Yea Ever Ore? la Tfcarz!::s!53Caf8? C;p3alta Postofloe, The ccitett atniBS S??"1 ot wnuunston. n. c. rrampt serrtce, cleaslineai aad attend-. rmt.m. I Tsil Xkrved for the Ladtes. OUT da&r Stemt ta nnrMani am. ar Dioaers serrea from is tot. 'aaona an. cectitf . - - Yc-rCrc!:r3 fsr ciyen our prompt attention - Xiet ns hare then. -s - Gufoari Blossom "rr" ay. it was u anylhiag a LiUa EAli'cre, CcJia & Co. ' , r. n aov ss tf ItxcosrOsUTKD.