V uudt. be. a )cat' system,' and make . material le who represent Interests ; of Wil- Wire section , as it now exists ft" that the -nom' j will be abolished I aa certain. This say;; will ; be open on the question "for both pilot Ae Sxab holds the pt. esteem. They are it . fellows. and - de Id receive fair treat Utters rpertalnihg to 'but they f should re tes change and 'men -y JThis is an age Immaterial f develop ington cannot af- f, zarci m tne race, g . competitors 7f or thtothe Northland to the of U8.3 This competition met ana it seems to be the as 01 ownion amonz her Wen that the first and most i step in this direction is .tlon of compulsory pilotage auction of fees and towage TUS 10OSEVELT-GARFIELD 1 : FLAB' ! - I . 1 ... . . .: , i& ntve rrom time to time given me views to show how the Boose- 't-flarfiolfi nlftn tn! . nlaia nni1 ;ieral control alL I corporations ing an inter-State business is 122 received throughout . . the untry. In discussing this matter "Mladelphia Becord calls aJen line lacs tnat. some surprise Sated when Mr.fPill, the legal .whose professional ability has i many of the trusts into the I expressed himself in favor of raposition of Commissioner 1 that only corporations pos teasrai license be permit let in the manufacture of Hold outside the State, je regarded the pfppo. sufficient and demanded more ; radical. There Is sdsin Justice Potter's state regarding Federal and State ition of corporations that per xplaini Mr. Dill's; attitnde. J claim 1 would j be made," said j Jnatleni ubfmt f nrnrtrA(iSni -nz an interstate business, and " " !?ed cxder Federal law, must lly free front any interference ieSpart of the States. Where; "Vjcsn reg- the companies complain V larfleld sent out word to tk Central,'" the New 'ySaven; and Hartford, on and Maine roadB, informations What he wanted to know, among was just what amount portion of its total ,road got during its last, .om its business in each J Union. That is, while ike bulk of the business a done In the New England say, inst how - much of the .ant ought to be allotted to each iiose States, and how much to far Jzj States like Texas or California, wnere some cnarzes migni oe coi- lected on the roads' business. To answer such a question would mean not merely setting clerks to handle all over again every item on the roads' books; but it meant that each of those millions upon millions of items.of ticket sales, freight charges, n : . ll.j '' L .5 fiSC, naa to oe oauaieu on aa euure- It new basis; - xne sue 01 a tictet for one trip, say, through lour States, meant that, the amount re ceived weuld have to be subdivided bn a mileage basis: .and tkat this process would have to be r. gone through with for every such sale outside the State limits of the point where a ticket was sold. It was cal culated that the - road, to couply with the "i request, night j have to double Its force ot detki.:-?j 'r y ; 'This,' however, is only one class of corporations. If such an order had been sent to every corporation doing interstate eonmerce, on could imagine how the protest would i T i. . .1.. .1 iL. ;i come ui. iu toe case ox tne rail roads it is understood tlat word will be sent to Garfield thatthe compa nies will go to the couts to fight the-order if - Commissioner' Garfield insists on it. Perhaps,ater thinking the matter over, he wil withdraw his circular. But the vary fact.that it was senVout without any confer ence with the roads befoBband gives a little side light on the possibilities of any such , law as ijr. Garfield wants." -l., THE C0TT0H MILLS AfiD THE Mr. E. O. Holt, president of the Delgado'Cotton Mills, in conversa tion with a member of the Stab Staff,' states that there is a general improvement in Southern . cotton manufacturing conditions. . It is his opinion that thl mills certainly ought to make pn its at the pres I It is true ent price of raw co that earlier in the ason prices lor i raw cotton were gher, but pur- chases made at the . . . . wer prices will even up things. Holt states that there is increased foreign de- mana .lor contnem manniactnrea cottons, and that eVen the trade in China is picking ni. Last year the mils in the United States were hit hard by the high price of raw cotton although many Southern mills managed to make profits on a short margin. It would be too bad, however, if the recent tumble In the price of raw cotton is to again result disastrously to manu facturers. The Stab's press dis patch8s from New York have al ready noted a decline in the price of manufactured cottons, . and the Philadelphia Becord, in taking edi torial notice of the decline in prices, says . j -.; . - . "Of course, the drop in the staple has ; paralyzed - the goods market. Cloths now on the market were made from cotton at 8 cents and above, and much of the manufacture stocks cost ten cents With etween six and seven cents Q9 are pourlnz in on the era No SUNDAY SERVICES. 8t. Thomas' -church: First .mass, 7 A; II.; last mass sctuob, 10:80 M.;-Ves-pers, 7:45 P. M.. - r - t , Regular service at" South Side Baptist church to-day, conducted by- the pastor, Rev. W. H. DaylsV - C ;- jrirai vinurcnvoi A;u'i3tBcienust, m Odd Felloes'. ? building,? second floor: Services a', 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sub ject of lesson sermon: , "Life." All are invited. " . . ' . St. Paul's Lutheran church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, Ber. W. A.' S&yder, pastor; English New T.Year Ser vice, 11 A; M :. Vesper service, 7:30 P M. Sonday School, 8:30 P. M, A cor dial Invitation to all. St. ilatthe w'sEnglishLutheralphurch, N. Fourth street., Rev. C. "W. Kegley, pastor. Sunday School at 10 A. II.; preaching at 11 A.M.! New Year's ser. mon and appropriate muBic at 7:80P. M. Y.P. society Wednesday at 8 P. M. Every person welcome. '...- St. John's church, corner of Third and Red Cross streets New Year's Day her. vices: Morning Prayer, Sermon and Holy Communion' at 11 A. H. Bishop Strange will ' preach at this service. Sunday School, 3.30 P. M. Seats free; the public is cordially invited. v ' 8t. Paul's Episcopal church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. A. W. Seabrease, recton Horning Prayer,! Ser mon and Holy Communion at 11 4 Evening Prayer and Sermon by Rt. Rev. Bishop Strange at 8 P.M. Sunday School, 3:30 P. M. Seats free; strangers are cor dially invited. , . Grace M. E. church, Rev. N. M. Wat soi, pastor: Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. by Rev. M. Bradshaw, preside in g elder of the Wilmington District. Sunday School, 3 30 P. M.; Prayer Meet ing Wednesday,8 P. Mi; Epworth League Friday, 7:30 P. M. The invitation is "Come let us Worship the Lord our God Together.', ? - " ... CURRENT COMMENT. . The Hartford Times remarks that "Colorado appears to be the most lawless State in the Union," and then it adds that it is ((a State j where, strange to say,, women have 1 voted ever since its admission to the Union; eighteen years ago." But I is not that both irrevelant and un kind? Charleston News and Cov frier .-r;.; r , .-'; . ; , ; ' : 1 With a total attendance at the St, Louis Exposition of nearly 19,000,000 persons, the number of arrests for offenses of air sorts was only 1,439 in the whole period of seven months. That Is only one to 13,500 of the fairs transient .''popu lation." It is doubtful if any great assemblage of people ever left so clean a record. St. Paul Pioneer Press. ; T " - Desirable immigration is needed in the South, but we can well understand and sympathize with those who fear a flood or nn asslmilable barbarians from the worst districts of Europe. The thing to do is to guard the quality of the immigration. The snrest way and theeasiest way of doing this, how ever, is for the national government to provide and enforce certain re strictions. Norfolk Landmark. - An Associated Press dispatch front Washington indicates that un der pressure of the Tobacco Trust the "' Administration will not nrge the reduction of duties on Philip pine products below 50 per cent, of the Dingley rates, instead of the proposed 75 per cent, reduction. It is a question whether the Tobacco and Sugar Trusts will accept such terms without a struggle to retain the whole Dingley tariff - on Philip pine imports.-B-Philadelphla Becord. Italians are industrious and thrifty and are as a rule excellent farmers, market ' gardeners and tradesmen. In the parts of the South where the Italians have settled they have achieved a decided' success as trncklgrowerg and la other employ WILUINttTON (Quoted officially at the closing by ttfe Coamber ' t .. pi Oommerce.) r 'BTABjOFFfcE, December 31; " ; 8PIRITS TURPENTINE Nothlne dot n C. . - '? .BOSIN llarket steady at S3.40 ner barrel for good strained. ' TAR Markel firm at 11.60 per bar rel of 880 pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm at $2.30 per barrel for bard, $3.70 for dip. r ; - Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine firm at 65c; rosin firm at $3.10; tar firm at $1.60; crude turpentine firm at $2.253.80. - T f BSiOZIPTB.. . . . k : ; , . Spirits turpentine. . . . i I . . . . . j . 53 Rosin . . .... 299 Tar............. 61 Crude turpentine.....:......., . 14 1 Receipts same day but year 19 cask spirits turpentine, 481 barrels rosin; 320 barrels tar, 6 barrels crude turpentine. - , - i OOTTOS. - i Market nominal. 1 Same day last year, market firm at 13.20c for middling, i Receipts 239 bales; same day last year, 370. (Corrected Begnlarly by Wilmington Produce ;Uomml88lon Meronants. orioes reDresentlns those paid tor produce consigned to Commls slon Bfercnante4 I OOOTTBT PBODUOK. I PEANUTS North Carolina, firm. Prime, 90c; extra prime, 95c; fancy, $V0O, per bushel of : twenty-elRht bounds. Virginia Prime, 80c ; extra prime, 850; fancy, 90cr Spanish, 85s QORN Firm; C065c per bushel fori white. -( N. a BACON Steady; hams 14 15Q per pound; shoulders, He; sides, lid .: . - , r r-M i,-.-.. f EGGS Dull at 25c per dozen. I CHICKENS Firm. ; Grown, aoc; sprines, 1525c i TURKEYS Dull at 1254c for live: 16?c for dressed; BKnawai-Firm at 2527c TALLOW Firm at Sj4m654c per pound. ! SWEET POTATOES Firm at 60 60c! per bushel. J , - BEEF CATTLE Dull at 23c per pound. , . j ' :f.;,'; . FINANCIAL MARKETS By Xalesaraph to the Korama etar. ; Nsrvr YoBEDec SL Money on call was quoted nominal; no loans; time loans nominal; sixty days SQSif per cent; ninety dava SOSJf per cent; six months 3X3M per ct. Prime mer cantile paper 44 per cent. Sterling exchange closed stead v, actual busi ness In bankers' bills 487.10487.15 for demand and ;4818048185 for sixty day 1 1 bills, r-. Posted rates were 485 and 1488. Commercial-bills were 484M 485. Bar silver 61. Mexicai. dollars 48. U. 8. refunding 3's, reg'd. 104; do. coupon, 104; U. j & 8'a, registered, 104X ; do. coupon, 104X; U. S. 4's, new, registered lSO; U. B. 4'a,- new, coupon, 1305; U. & 4's, old, registered, 105; da coupon; 106K; American Tooacco 4'a,certifieatea,71X ; Atlantic Coast Line 4'a, i 101 ; Louisville & NaanTille. unified 4's. 104X; Norfolk & Western con sol Va ; Seaboard Air Line 4's 85; - Southern Railway B's, 120. Stocks: Atlantic uoast Lilne 123 ; Baltimore ft Ohio preferred 9&Xi Chesapeake ft Ohio 48t lljuinat tan i L iMji ; New York, Central 141IC; Reading 7iXl do. Ut prefd, d da 2nd pref d 84; Southern Rail way 34 ; da prerd 6 ; Amalga mated : Copper 71; People's Gas 106& ; Tennessee Coal and Iron 71H; U. SJ Leather 13K ; U. & Leather pre -ferred. 101 ; Western Union 82jf U. 8. Steel 29 da preferred 93 Uexlean Centra) 22; Virginia Caro lina Chemical, 39 ; salea shares ; da preferred, closed 110H; sales shares. - Standard Oil 625. x . Nsrw York, - Dea . 3L-Seaboard Air line, common,1919H da pre ferred, S74385: dabemds, fours, . MAVAL STORES RARKETS. 1 BTTolegtapa tothe:iiomUiBtar. . - fiiw YOBK, Dec. 3L Rosin steady. 8tralned .common to good $2 82 J. Spirits turpentine dull at 62j53c, :Cbablsstoh, Dec. SL Bplritt tur' nan tine and rosin nothing doincr. ? - 1 " .j r SatannAH, Dec. 81. Spirits turpen tine was firm at 49J4c;iree:- WOE IN KENTU:KV. c :t - Mai born in the wilds of Kentucky-ia er f edd days-And eaBy virtne. He fish-i eth; fi'idleth. casseth and fighteth all the days of his life. - . When. he desirfith to-; raisAlhAll 1ia planteth a-neighbor. and lo, he reapeth twenty-fold. 1 He riseth from the cradle to seek the scalp of his erandsire'a enemv and Dnngeth nome in his carcass the ammu nitiofftsf his neiakbor'a: wife's ' consin'a uncle s iataerIa-law, who avengeth the deed. j;;:::-. r.;-;. : j3i . :.. -.rz Y es verily, his life is uncertain and he may be jerked hence, i' :i - - He edeth forth on alournev half -shot and comets back on a shutter, shot. . " He j lseth in the nicht to let thn cat nnt: ana n laseta nine aoctors three days to pic ,iae oncKS ot irom his person. lie goetb forth m joy aad gladness and cometh back in scraps and fragments. a.e cauetn ms tellow man a liar and getteth himself filled " with scrap iron even to ti e fourth generation. - A cyclone bloweth him into bosom of his neighbor's wife and his neighbor's husband bloweth him into the bosom of Father Abraham before he hath time lo explain. , r r ; .- .. . He emptieth a demiiohn into himself and a shotgun into his enemy and his enemy's son lieth in wait on elec. tion day, and lo, the coroner ploweth up a lorty.tout held to bury that man. v Woewoe is Kentucky, for her eyes ase red with whiskey and her soil i siainea with the blood ot d ami its. Selah Exchange, ' MARINE. i CLEARED. Clyde steamer Carib, Chichester, New York, H G Smallbones. . FOREIGN MARKETS. Ry Cable to the Momln Star. : Liverpool, Deo. " 8L The changes were all closed to day account of holiday. : V MARINE DIRECTORY. ex- on List ef Vessels in Part ofWilming - ton, N, C( January 1. J " STEAMERS, r I Juanita North, (Br) 2,233 tons, Fox, Alexander Sprunt ft 800. SCHOONERS. Young Brothers, 852 tons, Gabielseo, ODMaffitt. Mabel Darling, 112 tons, Saunders, to master. Anne Lord, 246 tons, .Russell, O D MaffitL , Eliza J Pendleton, 672 tons, Dodge, O D Maffitt. BASQUES. Fram, (Nor) 899 tons, Andersen, Helde & Ca Muiselcrag, (Br) 1,871 tons, Robinson, Helde & Ca W tSY tiVEl AND R4IL. fissslpts et Isvsl Stsrss sad fetton Tsslsrday. O. a Railroad 78 bales cotton, 2 casks spirits turpentine, 6 barrels rosin. W. ft W. Railroad 9 bales cotton, 1 bariel crude turpentine. W. a ft A. Railroad 141 bales cot ton, 12 casks spirits turpentine, 125 bar rels rosin, 4 barrels tar, 13 barrels erude turpentine. - A. & Y. Railroad 3 bales cotton, 14 eaiks spirits turpentine. 18 barrels tar. Steamer Whitlock 4 casks spirits turpentine, 1 barrel crude turpentine. - Schooner O.T. Herman 8 bales cot ton, 9 casks spirits turpentine, 9Q bar rels rosin. - ! Schooner J. O. Allen-11 casks spirits turpentine 79 barrels rosin, 41 barrels tar. - - v Total' 239 bales .cotton,. 82 easks spirits turpentine, 299 barrels rosin, 61 barrels tar, 14 barrels crude tur pentlne. 80 SOOTHING Its Xaflneaee Has Been Felt By So - EXany Wilmlnfften Seaders- The soothing influence of relief After snSering from Itching, Piles, From Eczema or - any itchiness of the skin ' Makes one feel grateful, to - the remedy." - - - -. - OIntn en ec Cut. Cut which determines the "hang" Is the tell-tale of beauty and gracer in an Over-. coat; the touchstone that tests the skill of the' maker. ' The least expensive Overcoat here shows accurate cut and - taste ful : tailoring. We've : won leadership deservedly. : OVERCOATS OVERCOATS OVfiRCOATS OVERCOATS OVERCOATS OVERCOATS $10 18 8)15 $18 $80 $2S.S0 One! Price Clothiers and Furnishers. .;-:- - dec 3 2t A CARD. To Onr Friends avnd Patrons: Another year has passed away, and we hope you . have made the best of It. We wish to thank you for business given us and we trust to be permitted to ; again serve your interests in the future as we have - faithfully tried to do in - the past. A CO HOUB GROWN HAl i .Comprefised bales. Baised In Pender county. Three car loads for sale. r - 6 We are bSeriog ovei stocked. being Small Cream Choose. : : Coffee, Flour,' Salt, Molasses, , Salmon, Sardines. FINE TOMATOES. Only best quality of goods - handled. Living prices. -;. THE WORTH CO., Wilmington. N. C. deo 8tt How Hany Times Have yon askedrhas the FRUIT VESSEL ARRIVED? Tes, and a portion of the Oranges are at the Ladles Store. Price just right. . 3 lb. London L. Raisins 25c. Seeded Raisins 10c package. Currants 9c package. Big Cocoannts. Fresh Tomatoes. Grocer. dec24 f - lent! We are now Agents for the Fa mous Atkins Saw and can furnish you from the smallest Rip and Out Off to the largest ) " . - Circnlarand BaDdSaws from our stock at a moment's notice. W ith fnTs and our other , reliable unes,. we are prepared to- serve you. t .'" 'j y: yy i i: iy LQYE COMPAMY, Machinery, Mill Steamfitters, Yacht and Plumber's Supplies. . 204, 20SNoWater St., de 28 tf : Wilmington, N. Ci Pi e . o 00 Carpenter Annonnce . o sm II - - " -1 : Have. You m svr.iPTons: There's Danger Ahead u you bar snarpe pins serosa tbCaall et Ute back. If there Is any Irregularity In de urne. If it Is scanty or profuae, or difficult to ntafn. then your kidneys are out of order and ahonld be itr prompt attention. There Is no disease so sordy fatal if neglected, . tlsctses of Xbm bladder, snch as nflammadon, mml or stone in the oUdder, dlabet s, and finally uremic poisoning, usually be gin in a Terr sllgat war at first, often causing to partlcolarincontenlenoe. stoart's Gin and "uota ' a reUabM remedy for anyformof kidney and bladder dtaeaaes IV has been given the aeverest testa for thirty years, and has never taQed to relieve the ymat Case' aaiu ey the fatal progress of the d seaae." i yon hare the slightest smyptoni of this disease, yon- ahoald lose no time in beginning the use of this remedy. ne botile will convince you of the great benefit t will -reader, t-tua-t's Jon per and' aoaa i 'ahieu ia. the same remedy in tablet form for tbose who pre fer ft in that shape. map Fri to IU Yon are Invited to send yonr name and ddresa atonoe for a free trial sample of this rre t rem edy, together with testimonials and full-informa lion, nil size bottles 1 at all drug res. d dwss mrt Drag 00., 68 Wall atrert, tlanUGa w.nsat aa gg yOD Ketp ng in Steele AND RENOWN CIBARS? They are as good as ever.' Silver Coin Flour Can't be beat H. L Vollers, Wholesale Grocer dec 18 tf and Distributor Suggestions for Xmi s A Dinner Set A Toilet Set. A Chocolate Set. A Fish Set. A Lamp. An Umbrella Stand A Jardineer. A Fancy Vase A Piece of Cut Guss. Silver Knives, Porks, Spoons, Ladles, etc., and many other grw ds oh display. F. A. BISSIKGER, de4tf 119 Market strut. REMEMBER ! In addition to m an u fact o ring. Stills for Turpentine a J Pianist Cuban Blossom It ! - r:. j 1 -- 7 .1 com-1 asksiiZs!