-HO- p r I: o o o o: W W W W W W W W W w- w W W W W W W W W W ( J I i a;i n r jstak a OUR To our many patrons Icr their favors during H the past season are respectfully; tendered. : r Our business has been larger than our force could possibly handle and we beg that any short " coming in service, be pardone4.i f - ? -With a greater stock, increased and improved facilities, you are assured of prompt, correct J attention to your orders. - rj': Wedding Presents in a complete assortment. GEORGE HQWWETi r -:-V.::-. dec28tf Joweier ana Suvorsmltn, i f 12 North Frbntstreet O We now have a full stock of Breeck-loadins? Guns of 1 several stand ara mniifaotaree Loaded Shells of all kinds, Gun Oases, Leggings, -Shooting Coats, Eats; in fact a full assortment ot season goods in the above line. - We san make attractive prices. , -We are Agents for Hazard Powder and Tashan's Shot.- r . ...... L WM. E' SPR1GER fi CO., PnrcflU Baildln?. Truckers Apply now a 100 pound bag of NITRATE. OF POTASH on an acre as a top-dresser, anl see what it will do. Oue hundred pounds of NITRATE OF POTASH used now will have more effect than a ton of fertilizer. - Guaranteed Chemical j Soluble Ammonia 16 per cent.. Analysts, j ( Actual Potash 44 " , For sale only by . ! ' i " - ' SIVIITH-DAVIS CO.j Importerd, Wilmington, N. 0. " , Y. M. C. A. Building. Peruvian Guano and high &rade materials of all kinds. dec 13 tf v - .- - 1 m&N HATS 1-:-- Four hundred and fifty new ready to wear Hats just arrived.- Also a big lot Cloaks, Waists, Skirts aaA Petticoats' Our line is now Our complete and everything is up to date in style and prices " stock is much larger than before, and am sure we can make it to your advantage if you call on us before buying. . ' . PARIS mLLIMERI BHPORIDH, 129 Market Street. Wilmington, N. 0. f ; Raleigh :News5idiObrerver: The proposed; compulsory education law hbs many obstacles to overcome ne inipmet of iniihutured. tobacco from Winston-Salem during December : footed p : ; 3,213,070 pounds. .. This la an InQrease of j!3Ii 76 i pounds "over; Decembeirill9w3 The shipments thafmonth amount ed to,031,310 pounds.?; j " 4 j Three' suits have already i been instituted asainst the city of- rwin ston as a result of the reservoir dis aster on Wednesday morning, jSTovi 2. The complaints have not j been filed, hence the amount of damages claimed is not yet.kndwn. " " jrCSarlotte Obsemr;th? Greenville,- S, O.;- News says the South Carolina' dispensary is: run ning dangerously near the 'rocks of destruction, and it Is of the opinion that the high-license lifeboat; may save it. Another instance in -which the theory was beautiful, but. the practice most abominable. f i . Charlotte Observer : After a conference with his cabinet, the President has decided' that no ad ministration measure In . regard , to railroad fre:ght . rates will be urged on Congrees. : That body will be ex pected to prepare its own measure, font will be based on the views the President is known to entertain; -i At High Point on Friday morn ing at 1 o'clock, the mutilated re mains of Jeff Beasley, of Randleman, aged 17 years, - was found on the track of the Southern : Railway.- A passing train had ran over his; body; The conductor and train crew - did not see the young man on the train and it is ofisourse inferred that he was. beating his way at the time of the accident. , '- , : , r Charlotter Chronicle: Another ship, this time a big steamer, has been caught on the treacherous shoals of Hatteras. , Ships will con tinue to meet their fate there until the government has solved the light house problem. A 1'ght Bouse that will resist the terrible -force of the waves at that: point has sol far baf fled the skill of modern engineer ing. ' ' - :!".. : A dispatch front Greensboro on Friday says: Articles of incorpora tion of the Franklin Kaolin Mining Company have been forwarded the Secretary of State. The capital stock is $35,000, subscribed by New York parties and J. E. Sinclair and 8. J. Fisher, of AsheviUe. The com pany will mine and refine kaolin and other clays in Macon countyi The lands Were , purchased from! State Corporation Commissioner Sogers and others. The corporation attorney is Judge H. B. Stephens, of Ashe viUe., r . . - m -:h Charlotte Chronicle: We are indebted' to Mr. Joe Klouse for a notice of the death of "Big John" which occurred at Lowesville, Lin coln county, a few days ago. The. deceased was 18 months old, and when dressed and thrown on the scales tipped the beam at -605 lbs.' He was a hoeone of : the four- legged kind,' with a leg on each com ner, also a snout and, jbristies. xne man who killed him la Mr. Julius McConnell, who is only ohejof the many prosperous Lincoln county men, well supplied with nog and hominy. . r - ' " A dispatch from Goldsboro on Friday says: fi.t a called meeting of the farmers of Wayne-: county yes ¬ terday afternoon It was decided to hold the cotton they nave on nand for better price? and greatly . reduce the acreaze durine the cominz year The meetin-?"L, largely attended ' A Tery'JTirge . number .of Burns, im cjortal : soTigs Vera -written to match" music that vyas s.'b-eady fsopniar. ftpeak Ing of suc:i coi : posltio:., h says hlm ; BeIfJ40sougli thej : tuni qverand; oyer la the readiest way to catch the inspiration and raise the bard Into that glorious enthusiasm so strongly On.another occasion be refused to vwritef or ani unfamiliar; alrjaayiU inat untu ne was master of a tune he neTer .could compose for It ; A recent writer has" shown that Burns was far more of a practical musician than :is generally supposed. He was famHfar - with hundreds of . Scottish national airs, and his letters to his publishers often contained precise instructions on . purely musical details. - V 1 r The names for .the camel are." vart-: bus, but .the: oldest seems to be 'gam al,ore:Deastifhe:iiliuin which has been thought to be. a loan ; word from Semitic speech,-but which? has no ; true Semitic derivation. . An other loan word, is the name ab, or hab, for; the elephant, which occurs In Tamil, Jn Sanskrit, to Egyptian and In Semitic speech,, but which was prob ably invented in or near India. The names for the" horse are all;yery vari- uus, ngieeuig uuy m lueir uenvuuuu from roots meaning "to run", or "to be speedy' The taming of the horse seems only to have occurred in a time of early civilization,- long after the separation of the various ' Asiatic, stocks. Scottish Review. " : " n V Th Sllstreu Was Wvmtriug. v -S: : A Boston man tells of a colored maid who came home about two hours later than she. ought and burst out to her mistress: - - . . "v ' ' -I "Oh, missus, I's got 'ligloii; I's got 'ligionr' i , . -; -. "Very well,", said the mistress; "I'U forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again." Boston Record. We arei ready for hoi and have made Jong and I careful iday trading jpreparatlons to do the biggest selling of Holiday Goodsver. : before done in this city- Thousands of dollarsworth of the world's best and choicest merchandise collected under one roof, embracing every. avenue of Art and Fashion, the useful as well as ornamental, the expensive as well as the in expensive, and things that will delight the little folks and the things th a will make their elders happyall here in profusion, not even attempted elsewhere, and all here at prices that will bring them' within reach of all. . Am OveraiKbt. "Why doea Mrs Clubwoman look so sad? : ; The world's injustice to womnn has Just struck her forcibly again." "How was that?" I "She happened to think that: Martha I Washington Isn't called the 'mother of her country.' "-Cincinnati Times-Star, i ' 8CIENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS, i rhe Fatal Germ and Its Remedy Now " h-- ': Facta of Science. -".; --. It the rarest thing In the world-for a. man ' to be necessarily bald. No" man whose hair is not dead at the roots, need be bald, if he will use Newbro's Herpl clde, the new scalp antiseptic. r. Herpi cide destroys the germ that cuts thejbair oft at the root;, and cleans the"sSp oI dandruff "and leaves it In a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. Mannett, in the Maryland Block. Butte, Mont., "was en tirely 'bald. In -less thana month Herpi cide had removed the enemies of hair growth, and nature did- its work by covering- bis head with thick hair an Inch leng, and In six weeks he had a normal i suit of hair. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co..: Detroit. Mich. v HAJaonrs .PaaBMAOT. Special Agent. WISHING ; i; Everybody - . - A Very Uerry .Christmas And a Happy New Year 7; Aprons ;ijadiesJhitetlawn aprons plain and - trimmed; some nth bibs for nnrses. good : qnality, now 25c. : ; :3'-'':T 1:4 Bags and Art Squares We have in a great variety of patterns and prices I handsome designs that are approprU ate or useful gifts to mothers, wives or sisters. - - - -j Ladies' Purses andShoppiug Bags An absolute necessity to every woman and a gift that would be greatly appreciated, rurses and card cases in all the popular colors, and each-grade the best that can be bought for the price, 25c to $2. 1 Dress Suit Cases and .Hand Bags -Big line. , p J ;rf .Ladies' Wraps andtifurs are here, ready for gift buyers and are priced very low for snchnquality as they are made of. To see Is to appreciate. - 35c. Fringe Linen Towels, this week 25c. . Umbrellas Another choice gift; and we have them for ! ladies and gentlemen in all crades, from 50c. to 12.50. ! - Men's fancy silk Handkerchiefs and Mrers, 50c to $1. Ne Jer - is always appreciated by t aen and we claim the swell- est line to be seen here. String, miOetj i club, four-in-hand and tecs, great variety of patterns, for 25c each. . " . Millinery Our line is complete. Ladies' fancy collars 25c to $1. : Handkerchief s-Our handkerchief stock has received special attention for the holiday trade and is the largest we have ever had -5, 10, 15 and 25c, . : ; ' , 1 h: Shoes And don't forget : our shoes for ladies, men and children. I Yon know what they are and they would be appreciated as a gift by man, woman and child. -i Boyal Cuticle Soap-Price 10 cents; sale price, 3 for 10 cents. See our window display. Fine hack towels, 18 by 36 inches, 15c i value, special price, 10c each. Don't fail to visit our new store for toys of all kinds, : . Furniture We are headquarters in style and low in price. GEO. Sole Agent for 0. 6ATL0RD. Crossett Shoes and IIcCall'8 Send us your mail orders. dec 11 tf The C.W. Polvogt Co. ShttStor Thai's Always Busy, We sincerely Thank ourmaoy friends : and pttrons for THE j: BIGGEST T HOLIDAY TRADE we ever had - andjee to solicit your valued Foot-wear trade for 1905. ' SOW AGENTS - V.; . 'J : - fob f THE C. :W. POLVOGT CO. CIU COE I Cocoanuts, BaisinsV i : llixed Nuts, Florida Oranges Prunes, " S : Dried Apples, - I and a full line of CAKDY. Write us for .. quotations before -to arrive.) J BY PERSISTENT EFFORT .-t Is success achieved. No shutting off between seasons here. The public are always ready to buy if prices are rieht- No month in the round year holds as many bargain surprises for you-as this month of. January. Note the offerings for next week and prove by investigation that we state facts. .- .. I i .- ' Cloaks. Furs. Blankets and Comforters ' - - - - - t- - - - r - - ' Have been reduced' in price in order to clean up our entire stock , J before moving. The Great White Sale Entors this Veek With Bore Genuine Values i .: 1 . " . Than yon will find- in North Carolina. Over 3000 worth of new embroideries will be displayed during the white goods ; sale. See our assortment before purcnasiog eisewnere.- - r - India Ldnens 10, lz, 15, 18 and 20c, wortn i to oc a yard more. - Another 25cRibbon Sale, the greatest bargains ever shown in Wil mington for 25c a yard. ! i -- v -.y Sale begins Tuesday, January Sr., - ; s . buying, elsewhere. y. S. P. HcHAIR, -de 6 tf Wilmington." NO.j Before Selecung" - - Your Xmas Gifts please. call ; - and see our ' "' Brass I Andirons, '. Brass Shovel and Tong Setfy Carving Sets, Pn'RlrAt Knivflft W v i Leggings, Hunting Boots, Vests. i We have alarge assortment, all i of which makevery acceptable gifts. J. ' fiiiin Orton Building. Special Agents L. & K. Powder, Peninsular S&ovels and Howe Scales. , dec 11 tf SPECIAL EXOURSIOlf TO HAVANA CUBA. t tv Wllmtngtos..... K0 4S B 1)1 a m IS 18 p m i ia p m I 63 p Hi sss d m 68 p Bii O DO D ID 1 4S n r 11 60 p B 7 to a mi so BOUTHBOUKD. .OW AUIK.... . ...... . rmiiftUHf imia. . . ( AA BaiUmore.r..,j.,.. avrp 81 Pf -WOO 983 trf 11 65 ft r "Si Pi to W1I; Ar Flore i Ar Bavaniv at jaccson Ar Tampa., ..X LTTamra ...... AniitTwuiUiiitn.i Ar cuur loaron. ...... Ar Ftorencsv.-.........: Ar wumimKtoa........ Birwnar. wixjdckqto WB8tc - I em a A i f.w WIlmlnnrtAn Arrayettellle..,...j. 18E0 p mK ArBanforfl....... 1 65 p mi BETWKZN WIUI INQTOK AHJ - North Bonnd oanyezsnnaail to Wilmington....', v.i. IS 85 p mtAr l. Ar newoern.. .......... ..is u p ihiliT- Except Bnnday. ' Trains Hob. 2 ana 41 carry Pullman Cars between Wilmington ana W conseotlng wltb Fenna B. B. toraU' SenT Paajeiiger A dtc its. SeaboaK Air Lino Ballwi Do not mlsa this ODDortnnlts to visit this beanUf ul and attractive Island, M It wilt afford nrt ouiy opp inanity ror yon to naae a aeitg nt fal trio bnt to the mannfactnres of tne South, will offar the additional opportunity to lnvestl-' rare tne possrouiueaoc unDa wi urine view oi ieveloplDg their busmess In mt cou itry. A DnraonaliT condnosed. Boeelal excnrslon to Havana, Cuba, January 4th, 1605, from waeh ! ln?t on. D. CBlchmoid and Norfolk, va.. and lotennedUte points inthe States of Virginia, North and sonth Carolina, will connect with the Peninsular and Occidental Steamship Com pany's steamer leaviig Port Tampa Fla.,on i th- olehtof January ah, 1905. The party win De lirated co 150 persons .tcere- iur reaorvafi' ns enuuu ma msoa prompuy. in order to secure proper accommodations on the steamship "Olivette,' the most commodlons ship ot the Fenlosalarard Occidental Steam- "hip :ompany, which viu convey t&e party to EUvana. . - . Tlcketa will te Umltei lor retnrn passage on any steamer leaving: Hivana notll Jan nary 19, 1905, with privl ege ot scop overs at any point in the 8tHte ot Florida, south of Jacksonville, within th final limit ot Uctet, whlclj wlU be January 31st, 1905. ; The rate, 344.70 from, Wilmington,. K. C , for the round tn , tnclndes meals and staterooms on the 8fam nip. . Mr A. w. Fritot will meet the party In Jack sonville and acoompaoy (beat to Havana. Mr. Frlto speaks 8p nlsh JHuently and will place himself at the disposal ot the party, fornlEhlDg any Information desired. - - Trains for which tickets for this excursion will be sold wllLteave Wllmlnaton. N. O.. 3:80 P. M , Jan. 4th, 1905. - - - - - Makeup your party and go and. should yon desire any otter information, books, pamphlet, etc, on Cuba or "What to Bay In Spanish and how to say it," address i a. u . smerson. xnuno manager, , . t wumington,i.C. W. J. Craig. Gen'l Pass. Agent." ; . v GHRISTniSl HO UDIIT RITESi 1904-5. ; .-"v. Direct line to principal cities West and South. EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER! Between Wilmington aid . New York. NORTHBOUND. Leave Wilmington.. Leave Hamlet ; . Southern Pines ...... ' j. Raleigh.......... ..... - Korltoa.......... .... Arrive Portsmouth Leave Bichmond. ........... - Washington. ......... ! Baltimore ... ........ - " 'Philadelphia. Arrive New York SOUTHBOUND. Leave new York... " rniiaaeipnia " ?. Baltimore. . . ...... j-., TT aouiHlgwu.. ......... Kicamona..; NO.' 4 8 a 8 66ai 9 45 a U 46 a B i 1 M. LR :5 80 p 4 55 DDI 8 86PE1 11 83 DDI S So ft Hi 6 80 a ni NO. 81 ia espnj aosp 5 w p S5P Leave Portsmouth.. ij Leave Norilna......... " ..Balelgh Southern Pities..-, - Hamlet. ..... ... Arrive Wilmington..... ... Between Wilmington anl v Atlanta SOUTHBOND. . Leave Wilmington. . .': . . . Leave Hamlet. , ....., " Athens.,. y, .... Arrive auidui . . . .y. Leave Atia - A H Arrive Wff.mlneton Between ( Wilmington and nmpa Leav wilmisgioc. . Leave Hamlet.,.,...: " Columbia " . SAvunnati JcfcsonvlUe,-....'.,.. Arrive Tamp. . c.. NOKTJU.BOUH1J ; T Leave Tampa.....; " - Jacksonvlllf tto I SS0 12S U 10 J 147 1 S 23 I 1 07 I I'll 9h a r oc 14 tf y f " dec 31 tf r - Announce Tsp-bf Dinuau ............ coumma.... Hamlet....... Arrive Wilmington. irst Class Fares MORCHISOM-HATIOHAL insb Pullman Bleecer ; any mi one M