1 : s -7 ' 3S ULrui Kind. You Eavo Always Bought and whicli has been .... in-uso for over 30 years, lias borne tlis signatnre . of and has been iiia&e under his per- " ffl?yPas Sonal supervision since its infancy. y-Aii f Allow xiobrio to deeeive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and c: Jusi-asgood' are bufe ilxperiment3 that trifle with and endanger the health "off Infants and Children-33xperience agarns Experiment. What CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. ' It is Pleasant. It . contains keither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates thef Food, regulates the : Stomach and Bowel3, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. j. GENUINE CASltORI A ALWA Bears tiie Signature of r 1 nwiinr The Culture of the h Scnppernong Grape Wilmington, N. 0., January 8. . So many requests have come to us a to the best method! of cultlvatine the 8cuppernong grape, that we Rive a few of the more important detain in a circular letter. We wish to state, ia the begranlngr, that we are better post cd as to wine making - than grape gruwing, and did - not suppose there were any land owners in eastern ortu Carolina wo did not know; as much about grape-'gro wing as we did. j as there does not seem to be a full know ledge, however, we give that we ktaow for wnal it is wortn. The Bcuppernong wui grow and pro duce grapes on any of-the sandy lands ! Bouth of Norfolk, Va. While cer ain sections are better suited man otners, we think we may safely say that any land which grows cotton or corn nicely will produce Bcuppernong grapes. i They do not seem to bear well West of Middle North Carolina, "rue borne or this grape is in the Eastern part of the State." - : . - - I'- - Cuttings may be secured in great quantity by taking any icouppernong vine and letting it ran on tne ground in June, and throwing a few shovels' full of dirt on it at from two to inree feet from the outer ends of the limbs. Tfcese take root quickly in ihe fresh earth, and can be taken up and cut off any time from November 1st to marc a 1st, and set out. care snoura oe usea In selecting thrifty vines with nice grapes, as the vine reproduces j the kind. Seedlings (vines irom me s; eu are not worth planting, as you do not they The KM Toil flaye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 lYears. I win THE CCMTkUII COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. Truckers Apply now a 100 pound bag of NITRATE OF POTASH on an acre as a top-dresser, and see what it will do. j . One hundred pounds of NITKATE OP POTASH used now will have more effect than a ton of fertilizer. Guaranteed Chemical j Soluble Ammonia 16 per cent J Analysis. ( Actual Potash 44 " For sale only by I SMITH-DAVIS CO., Importers. Wilmington, N. C. ! Y. M. C. A. Building. Peruvian Guano and high grade materlilc of all kinds ' deo 13 tf ; ' -.; L ; - Jr. .: ' them.. Acta ns a Bar NEW HATS Four hundred and fifty new ready to wear Hats just arrived. Also a big lot Cloaks, Waists, Skirts aad Petticoats Our line is now jnplete and everything is rip to date in style and prices. Our f r stock la much larger than before; and am' sure we can make it to ' your advantage if you call on us before buying. PARIS MILLINERY EMPORIUM, A by4 " the 129 Market Street, Wilmington, N. 0. Nasal CATARRH UDRCUIS01I 11ATI011AL BA11K, . . . t of Wilmington, N. C. j . anized March, 1899. j ; - j Capital and surplus-. ............. 1 Deposits - " ; -Total Assets......... .... large capital and assets enable us to offer custom era and facilities. - L000 to lend on approved paper. UcQUEEN. President, 450,000 x 1,880,000 2,570,000 exceptional J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier. .CER MOOR E'S SOF1S OO I 103,104 and 105 North Water street. i-Brick Manufacturers -. ' : . and dealers in j . ; gome "Flintkote" Roofing Paper that we will sell cheap. iples, Apples, Apples. i& fresh 5 packed fancy N'ew York Baldwin's just received. lie best isaiawma we cau ouj. j-ubjt moa trial order will convince s you of the fact that the best cheapest. : j fiv. .-. .;' :: . . & CO., Wholesale Frrilt and Produce, , 108 North Water street, Wilmington, N car ehoice solid head Danish res. C. Cabbage which we will j J. S. F. & Co. MAN w&ose debts aro pail and who has $10.00 in s a CAPITALIST. Put aside something; eacn weeK nth-SOMETHlJSli-il oniyaaouar. . Imade with us on or Deiore January xbk uoai ate at the rate of 4 per cent, per auuum. , , . place in the world to Keep your muuejr . ui . 'ulngton Savings & Trust Co , 108 Princess C. B. TAYI.OK. Jr. -Street. If. WllYKRt, , cnhur. VlcePftdnt. dessu i your opportunity and in takinc1 a DAY'or NIGHT course in Short- jr Telegraphy at ine OH ISIIE CDLLEbE. know what kind of grapes nroduce. 1 Tne land snouio ne iaia on nicejy, in rows of twenty feet apart, and vines being set out ten feet apart in the rows, and planted true and square. A good poit standing out of toe ground not less than seven feet should be set to each vine. These should be, where practicable, of cedar, oak, or Ugh t wood, as the setting of new potts cuts the roots oft the vines. A good cutting will reach almost to the top of the post when set out, or grow to 1 the top In one year, If properly csred for. The best method ia to wire the vinet. When thirls done, rows of posts, well braced, have to be set out around the edge of the vineyard, to which are at tached the larger wires. Down each row a No. 10 galvanized wire is run as a governor wine, and stapled to the top of each post Across tbete governor wires, you stretch at first, one No. 14 wire. If well braced at the ends, this gives all the posts secure bracing. ;- As the vines grow and spread out, you add on each side cf the No. 14 wire, other wires, always keeping good ar bors for the vines to run on. If you let the branches fall down and have to support their own weight, they do not grow so rapidly. The vine should not be allowed to bunch up in knots,: but be kept spread out and growing uni formly in all directions. It takes about 110 vines to set an acre properly laid off. Theie can be bought through us at 5c. each, if you can not get them from a nearby vine. I The land should be cultivated with crops that do noi grow too. high, and the vines keDt free from trash around the roots, which grow close 10 me top ct tae ground. Do not cultivate; un der the branches, the roots extend and draw sustenance as far af the branches run. Hence if you plow close to the vines you tear up the roots. : The best method we know is to keep the roots, all around the body of the vine, and as fas is the branches extend, mulch ed with a heavy coat of wood mold and straw. The home, of the vine ia the piney woods, where, i in the rich virgin soil, it spreads hundreds of feet. The best vines we have ever seen were in old garden plots where they were never plowed, but the weeds kept down.1 A good plan is, perhaps, to have sheep graza under the vines; but the best plan Is to keep in cultivation the land not shaded, and to keep the weeds down on the rest by having a heavy mulch. While fertilizer may proauce unusually heavy vcrops, we - advite using coarse barn manure ia connec tion with heavv coatings of woods- mold and straw, so as to keep the soil light and productive. While the vine will grow and produce on light sandy land that will hardly grow cow peas, yetlt should not be expected to get good crops from poor land. The soil should be fertilized as directed above. Arbors can be made of wood, as are frequently seen, on a small scale, but the expense of wooden arbors on a large scale Is considerable. Galvan ized wire on good posts is cheapest In the long run, and makes much leas work once the vineyard-is well wired It means only a few posts each year, and a little wiring to- take- up -the Urt. and the hauling in of -coarse manure. We do net believe in plow' ing close to the vines. It breaks the mnu and inevitably - damages the vines. ' vi ' :'; . . 1 . , ' As to the gathering, the preferable plan Is to gather by hand, and hi small vineyards this can be done. We pay special prices for selected, hand-gathered grapes. But In a large vineyard th'a is not practicable. Poles are at tached to strong sheets made of canvas, Ah ahmit ten feet sauare. and with leather handles and a man to each side of the sbeet. N ! eMlly carried around between the posts, which are set in even rows. Another matt or boy, wltft forked stick, shakes the vine gently just above the sheet, and the ripe grapes r fall and are caught. Children pick up I vj the few grapes which ran ouisiae me sheet. The vines should not he beaten hard, ss not only tbur do you get green fruit, but damage the vines by break in tho tender new crowth which pro duces the crop next year, or most of it The leaves can be fanned out by a fan mill or picked out by hand; a fan mill is best, and can be moved along as you go over the vines. The vines should be gone over as often as the grapes ripen, as you can not gamer an the grapes at one time without getting green or overripe grapes, either of which lowers the fgrade of grapes. What we desire particularly is) the White Bcuppernog grape. If we are as successful in building up a trade on the Red Bcuppernong as we have been on the white, we shall be willing to pay as much for Mish and James Grapes as lor the White Grapes; and the James Grapes produce a heavier yield, as a rule, and require a heavier character of soil, more stiffness though not too stiff. - Good soil will produce better re sults than poor soil, though any sandy soil in Eastern North Carolina can be made very profitable in Bcuppernong Grapesr. A word as to me prom, amwo niu set 110 vines. At three years old,' with proper care, they should produce from a peck to a half bushel each. At four years old they should produce not less than one to two bushels each. At this time you can still cultivate one-half the land. . At seven years old lyou should be getting from four hundred to eight hundred bushels per acre. Tak ing the lowest estimate, say four hun dred bushels, at 86c per bushel, which we propose to pay for choice grapes, you have an income of $300 per acre, ai a low estimate for each year. Vines live to be over a hundred years old. The old mother vine -is still living on Roanoke Island, and is over three hun dred vears old. and bore fruit last year, though utterly neglected, and its roots are bare. No crop you can grow will give auch sure retur as.: Ten acrei in grapes will insure ny man a steady income after seven years, which beats any lire insurance policy. While it produces some times larger crops than others, It nearer fails utterly. i ; To lanf owners who will set out v rses we propose to give cotracts guiranteeh a market at aregu-and fair scale of pries, for dve V ear, they, to guarantee to sell ut the 'crop each year, we to take all the cup that is gathered and offered properly at the nearest - railroad station, or at our winery. "- : North Oarollna has, in the Eastern part of the State, more than a million acres of land adapted to the growth of this grape. Granting that only one acre in each one hundred was planted, and that the minimum crop of 400 bushels per acre was produced, and that each bushel produced three gal Ions of wine, we have twelve million gallons of the finest wine In the world when properly made. This Is not half as much as California makes. France which is not so very much larger than our state, produces over a billion gal lons of wine. North Carolina COULD, if her people only WOULD, be in this respect, the SOUTHERN FRANCE OF AMERICA, and could make as much wine as France, the greatest wine producing country in the world. We hope to see the work started. If the farmers will make the grapes, we will try to make the wine and sell It. ' -i. - .. - . . .. . There is no published treatise on grape-growing that Is worth a cent as applied to the Bcuppernong. Plant it paoperiy, give it half a chance, and it will make you rich In spite of your selfindependent; at least. It takes a little time. Do not prune it ever; ex cept when necessary to keep it in shape .while young. If cut it bleeds and dies, or does not thrive. Give it ar borage, and nice rich soil protected from the sun and rains by rich loan, or woods mold, and it will crow so fast you forget you planted it five ! years be fore. Don't be deterred by the five years you have the Use of nearly all your land while it Is growing, and once in full bearing, you don't want, at most, over fifty acres to take care of a large family in , comfort In afflu ence. Even if it netted you on ly f 100 per acre, and you had only 25 acres, it beats cotton or tobacco as a money crop. Don't go in too big at first: plant five to ten acres each year; then the posting and wlrlngdon't come all at once and break you, and you begin to get some income by the time the expense of wiring becomes heavy. We advise. If you purpose to have a vine yard of twenty-five acres, to set out rive acres each year. If you want fifty acres, set out ten acres each year. In five yean you will be On easy street; in tea years you will be per fectly independent. To any man who will set out vineyards we will give a contract to lake his entire product. Get near a shipping point, i so you won't have so far to haul your grapes. They are heavy and .mutt ba shipped promptly after being gathered. We have and will have facilities to handle them as fast as the farmers can ship Yours very truly,! , Sot Bear & Co. Before Selecting -YourXmas Gifts please and see our call ! ATLANTIC J J . UUA8T LIUfc. t OFF TO ANY ONE PROVING THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS NOT BASEDOW ACTUAL! FACTS MOftE REN0l!ljMUN CURED WAS SOLD IN THE THE Brass Andirons, Brass Shovel and Tong Sett, Carving Sets, Pock8t Knives, Razors, Leggings, . Hunting Boots, Vests. We have a large assortment, all of which make very acceptable gif ts. SM41 In BJIHt Pw. 1, 1904. .. ' XOBTHBOUND. ; Lv Wilmington... Ar Golds bo ro Ar Wilson Ar Rocky Mount AT Norfolk... AX WoKLODa - Ar Petersburg Ar Blchmond.. ...... ........ Ar Washington..,,.....,.... Ar Baltimore.,, Ar Philadelphia.............. Ar New Tori ... N0 48- 9 IS a mi is (8 p m 1 10 p m 165 p m 555 p m 4 58 p m 665 p m 7 43 D m 1150 p m 143 a m 4 25 a m 7 80 a m HO 4 i 8.50 X tii 9 88 l id 10 26 pb ll iu p n 1 47 a IB J 23 a D; 4 07 a u -7 64 anr 9 09 a Ui 1129 2 00 p xe SOUTHBOUND. PAST YEARiie03, THIRD YEAR IT WAS OFFERED TO CH EWERS. THAN THE AMOUNT : USED IK! THE UNiT! STATES OF ANY OF T do 22 tf TO ED ;CC0' CLASHED SUH CURED. Orton Building, Special Agents L. & R. Powder, Peninsular; Shovels and Howe Scales, dec 11 tf SPECIAL EXCURSION TO HAVANA CUBA. uvnsw iurs.,i ......,.,... Ar Philadelphia.............. Ar Baltimore., ,...... at Washington ..,,,,,. Ar Norfolk................... Ar Blchmona....... Ar Petersti org Ar Weldon Ar Bockv Mount ............ Ar Wilson..,.....,.,... AT U01O8D0r0.. .............. Ar Wilmington........ ...... NO 41 ! N0 4ii 9 25 a mi' 9 85 I lb 11 66 a mis 01 at a 07 p ml 2 82 a S 21 p mi 3 45 a ia 7 is p m 8 05 p m 9 oi p m 10 61 p m U 82 p m 0 48 a m 10 10 a m 9 00 a ' 8 88 a. 9 45 am 1150 am 1 65 p uj 2 00 p in 810 p li! 8 00 p. BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE BOUTI; -N SOUTHBOUND' ' i " - th sa tn The C. W. Polvogt Co. The Store That's Always Buay, BY PERSISTENT EFFORT i Ia success achieved. No shutting oS between seasons here. The public are always ready to buy if prices are right. No month in- the round year holds as many bargain surprises for you as this month of January. Note the offerings for next week and prove by investigation that we state facts. ; , -j , Cloaks Furs, Blankets and Comforters Rave been reduged in price in order to clean hp our entire stock before, moving. j 1 ! I i The Breat White Sale Entors this Weekith More) Genuine Values : , - Than you will find in North Carolina. Over $3,000 worth of new embroideries will be displayed during the white goods ale. i See our assortment before purchasing elsewhere. India Linens 10, 12. 15, 18 and 30c, worth Another 25c Ribbon Sale, the greatest bargains miogtonfor 25c a yard. ' ;. Sale begins Tuesday, January dta. j APPEARING OLD dec 31 tf o 5c a yard more. ever shown in Wil- THE G. W. POLYOGT CO. to Profitable Bmploy- nient. You cannot - afford to "grow old. In these days of strenuous competition :t i3neeessary to maintain,' as long as possible ones youthful appearance. It 13 Impossible toie this: "Without re-. uiir.Ing a Iujl wi'iTaag!bwth Of hair. The presence of Dandruff indicates the presence of a burrowing germ which Ives and thrives on the roots of the iair until: lt-auses total ibaldness. . Kewbro's Herplclde is the only known destroyer of this pest, and.it Is as effec tive as it Is delightful to use Herpicide mates an elegant hair dress-' lng as well as Dandruff cure. . Accept no substitute there is none: Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co.. Detroit, Mich. . j HARDIN'S PflARXAOT. Bpeclal Asent. - Coal, Wood Goal Da not miss thin onnortnnltv to visit this beautllul and attractive island, as it wilt afford net only opportunity for yon to make a delight ful triD bat to the manufacturers of the South, will offer the additional opportunity to lnvestl- za-e me posuDuiuesoiuuDawitnine view ox EUveioping their business in that country. A Dersonallv conducted. Bnecial excursion to i Havana, Cuba, January 4tn, 1805, from wash- lntron, D. O.. Blchmona and Norfolk, va.. and intermediate points in tne states ot v trginia, North and Bouth Carolina, will connect with i the Peninsular and Occidental steamship Oom- pany's steamer leaving Port Tampa, Fla.,on, m nig ntoi January Din, iwj. The party will Delimited to ISO persons .there fore reservations should be made promptly, in order to secure nroner accommodations on the I steamship "Olivette," ths most commodious I ship of the Peninsular and Occidental Steam- saip company, wnicn wiu convey tne party 10 Havana. - - Tickets win be limited for return passage on any steamer leaving Havana until January 19, 1905, with privilege ot stop overs at any point In the Btate ot Florida, south of Jacksonville, within the final limit of ticket, which will ba Jannarv 21st. 1905. ' ... The rate, $14.70 from Wilmington, N. C , for the round trip inolndes meals and staterooms on ins steamempj Mr. A. W. Frltot will meet the party la Jack sonville and accompany then to Havana. Mr. Frltot speaks Bpinlsh fluently and will place himself at the disposal ot the party, furntehiog any information desired. Trains lor which tickets for this excursion will be sold will leave Wilmington, N. C, 8:30 P. M., Jan. 4th, 1905. i jhuku up your party auu go ana snouia yoa desire any otter information, books, pamphlets, etc., on Ouba. or "What to Bay in Spanish and how to say it," address - , i H. H. Emerson. Traffic Manacrer. iTuiuiuKMai, a. j. w.j. urai?, uen'i rass. agent. WISHING Everybody ! A Very Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year Dally. Dally. Dally Lv Wllmlneton... e 00 a m 8 so p m 8 so p :l Ar Florence..... j. 985am 780pm 8 65 ax; Ar Charleston.... 1 10 p m II 85 p m 843 am Ar Bavannah..... 645 pm 8 50 am oca am Ar Jacksonville. 8 40 am 145pr Ar Tampa. 1 89 p m 10 85 p i ITOBTHBOTJND.' - " Dally. Daily : Lv Tampa .8 49 pm 9 00 ant Ar Jacksonville.............. 7 55 a m .V(0 p is Ar Bavannah. 1 10 p m 1 15 a ia Ar Charleston 6 14 p m 6 65 a n- Ar Florence. ................ 759 pm tssaia Ar wumiBKtoa... 11 65 p m 1 40 p u- BETWEEN WIUHNQTOX ARD BAHFOH1 Lv Wilmington.... .... Ar Fay ettevllle Aroanioro.. ........... West Bound East Bonn-. t'Dally DaO; - .1 910 a m.Ar 9 40 t 18 SO p mlAr, ' 4 65 p ha 1 55 P mw 8 40 P W BSTWXXH WILMINGTOH AND SEWB1R ' Lv Wilmington..... ., Ar Nowbern Except Sunday. North Bound South Dally ex Sunday Bound -....j8 25 pmAr lasop .a : 5 40 p miuv v w a ra Trams Nos. 43 and 41 carry Pullman Bleepta Oars between Wilmington and Washington, - connecting with Psnna B. B. for all points east W. J. CBAlO, - Qen'l Passenger AgesL H. M. Emerson. Traffic Manager. dtc 8tL . 1 ? Seaboard Air Line Railway. X Direct line to principal cities Nortt, West and South. EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER B7TH. HnmnAm thnaa nrlftea with those of other dealers and see how it will pay you to buy your fael irom us: Cut Wood, Oak?x3t. Black Jack or Pine, Chestnut Coal, Anthracite, Stove Coal, Egg Coal, Grate Coal, Stove or Grate, Bituminous, Va. Lnmp, Stove or Grate, Bituminous, Tenn. Lump, In all its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes andheals the diseased membrane. It enrcs catarrh and drives way a cold in the head cinickly. ; Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. . Relief is im mediate and a cure follows.' It is not drying-Hloes : not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drng- gist3 or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY-BKOTHEBS. 6S Warren Street, New York. ELY BBOTHEHS. so.warren street. New York sep24tt tuth sa We respectfu Wm. jan 1 tf $1.35 per load 6 50 peKion 6,50 6 50 6.50 6.00 5.50 We sincerely Thank cur many friends and patrons for .THE BIGGEST HOLIDAY TRADE we ever had and beg to solicit your valued Foot wear trade for 1905. SOLE AGENTS . FOB i. - -- - Between Wilmington aid Hew York. NORTHBOUND. N0.t66t NO. 84 Leave Wilmington., 4 35am 8 00pm Leave Hamlet. 8 50 a m 10 10 p m Southern Pines 9 45 a m 11 80 p m Raleigh U46am 130am Norllna 135pm 827am Arrive Portsmouth i 5 3Qp mt 8 38 am Leave Richmond............ 4 55pm 6 85am " Washington.... 8 38pm 10 10 am f" Baltimore 11 25 pm 11 30 am Philadelphia. 2 85 a m 1 45 p m ArrlveNew York 6 30an 415pm (SOUTHBOUND. NO. 31 No. 15 Leave New York 13 25 p m 985pm " Philadelphia 3 65 p m 1 121a m . " Baltimore 510pm 887am Washington 6 25pm 480am Richmond 10 00 p m 910am Leave Porte month. 9 Pop mi fl 85 am. ii ll it ti duf dcally Yours ly solicit Tonr orders and guarantee prompt delivery. Worth Ltercer & Evans Co. deSTtf & Co. A Tabard Inn Library Exchango Station. Leave Norllna.., Raleigh v. " Southern rites, " Hamlet..:....,. Anive Wilmington.... Between Wilmington Atlanta SOUTHBOND. Leave Wilmington.... Leave Hamlet Athens ArrfVA ArJantA - NOBTHBOUNJi Leave Atlanta Athens Hamlet Arrive Wilmington Between Wilmington Tampa SOUTHBOUND Leave Wilmington Leave Hamlet " Columbia v Savannah " . J acisonvllie. Arrive Tampa. . .. ....... BOKIHBOUSU Leave Tampa. -v j acsson vine Savannah ........ " Columbia Hamlet Airlve WlimlnirtoD. end and 135am 3 35 am 5 63am 6 40 am 12 45 rm No. 38 BCOpm 11 23 p m 8 40 a n 12 45 P m I 40pm 4 oo p'm 0 16 p'm 7 30 p Di II BOpm NO. 41 sioo p m 10 l5Km o is am -8 40 a Hi NO. 68 eeoam 7 RO n in. laioamL 0 80 am 8 40 am 12 45 p m NO. 101 48 oo p m to 10pm l2S0am : 44oam 94oam 5 45pm I 0DR THANKS 9 9 9 iWiian 1 tf DRUGS, CHEMICALS. Hall's Emulsion. U. S. Snh. Post Office. - s. Comp. Bicycle Delivery. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - t-. , To oar many patrons for their favors daring the past season are respectfully tendered. Our business has been larger than onr force could - possibly handle, and we beg that anyj short j coming in servicer be pardoned. -j With a greater stock, increased and improved j facilities, you are assured of . prompt, correct attention to your orders. j Wedding Presents in a complete assortment. GEORGE HON NET, Jeweler and Silversmith, 9 9 9 9 l whiMinoton, n. g. Has Been Opened ia the Store of j 1). W YATES & COMPANY, Booksellers and Stationers. Throneh Pullman Bleene'rs on all trains: no. s or aaaress tor any iniormauon, 1 e. b. wiiujIambun, Asent. Jy26"tfs wilmlDston, N. O. Call dec 28 tf 12 North Front street. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 999999999999 HEW GROCERY STORE -. 14 MARKET STREET, I Between 'Front and Water. Dill PicBesMSi eetPicMesiiiBiilt. J North Ccrolina Hams. Breakfast Bacon. Mackerel, Water Ground meal, freah from the mill. . r ? Fresh Prunes and f vaporated Applet. ORANGES. i J; HARGROVE TATLOB. i "Prompt Delivery. Telephone 1052. de 29 tf Useful and Practical ! In selecting gifts for your family be practical. After Amas we still need shoes- A handsome ahoe for your j wife or daughter, good warm shoes for your children slippers o shoes for your hug band or son will give just as much pleasure .to the' recipient as some "fancy thing" and be a joy or comfort after the day is. past. Try it and your wisdom will be commended. thing nice at our store. , CEO- R; FRCTJCH l SOUS, i ':. 1C8 North Front Street. Note THE TABARD INN LIBRA RY" K&s about 2.000 jcxenanee Statioas. If youdoln at the Wll- mlDgioo Bttion you can exchange miK hnnk unvwhere and at any time for an exchange' fee of five cents. There are no other dues, fines or collections. .The mem bership Is for lire. Let us glveyou further-particulars. . , 3n 1 If :: We w Crop EXTRA EARLY PEAS Have teen received. Full stock of Beans and other seed expected in a few days. Prices are right for first . l - ------ - -- --- clais sleek. .;. J. H. Hardin, Druggist. TO THE Siibnrban In Effect Peeember JO, 1804. DcAUrl, IT-' Snhfldnlfi V UU11VUUIV) -1 Leave Wrightsviile. 8.15 ijesTe W. Beach. 'r Leave Wilmington. t7.0O A. M. 10UOA.M. 3.00 P.M. in v. .. .i.. .. p. il lo 00 P. K. (fiat'day) 10.o p. M. (Sat'aay o: W111 go to Beach oa reauest. toaily except Snnday. 12.30 P. M. ; s oo p.. FREIGHT. (Dally except Sunday ) 10.UU & . ML The Company is not responsible for operation ol this schedule. j, i GOLF GROUNDS. (Daily except Sunday) Leave Front and Princess fits 43:80 P. U. -CITY LINE. Leave Grounds 5:20 P. M. .-. j -s. -". 126 So. Front St -janttr " ' Yon can find ev ery OPEN AT NIGHT THIS WBBKi .dec si tf Haiifi the Hatter and - ClotMer. Comes to the front xmas week -with a rul? Stock ot Hats and Clothing. A beautiful as sortment of Neck Ties and Bilk Bandker chiefs, Boys and CMldrens' Suits. Perfect fit Guaranteed. Latest styles and lowest prices. I dec 18 tf f24 North Front St. THE! LIGHT OF THE ! NEW YEAR at the end of one of VANN'&special 5c. hand-made Havana filled cigars ia a guarantee? of a lone, sweet. happy smoke, and. if you resolve to smoke these only hereafter, 1905 will be the red letter year of your life. COPYRIGHT f dec 27 tf 29th Semi-Annual Dividend. j The Board of Directors of the i Carolina insurance i Company , j have declared a seml'nnual dividend of 3 peK cent., pay- . able on January 3id, 1905 ! M. S. VILLARD, ' de 29 at th su , Secretary. " Bananas, Bananas. . Our second car load of fresh, fat Jamaicas will arrive to-day. Dealers 'phone in your orders at once and avoldrdelav. We will have prices to suit the trae This car consists of large bunches and extra large fruit. ERNEST P. HINES COMPANY Car for 8. A. L. depot win leave Front And Princess streets dally at 2:30 P.M. de 10 tf The Clyde malsipW Hew York. ! : WW, a. li.. aDQ Georgetown, S. C, Atlantic TrusJtJBankiirg Oo- 1 CBES 1. 1 to i OomrintMd m, ia Krtetim. itHf EvinsChehicalCo 1 K Jl OTP. t S bo V Vmik Dlff G tot onnatnral discharges,innammation. . irritations or nlceration. of mncoUB memb.anes. -PkinleM, and not astrin- gent or poisono. .,-, said trr nranuw ' plain wrapi.. . .nMid. lor bottle S..7. WILMINGTON; N. 0., December 28, 1904. The Directors of Atlantic Trust and Banking Co. have declared a dividend of 3 per cent., payable January 1st, 1905, to stockholders m " T nrta.1. AA1 f ( r oi recora, iecemoer xom, i deo 29 tf s Cashier. ! ! (BtricUy Wholesale Dealers.) 100, 111 North Water street, Wilmington, n. i NoteMr. Keener Westbrook Is with ns and wttl look after the city trade. , - de a.tr A Deliahtful Pleasure. fcalnabnot only ln poliit of keen raaors, bat lstorcleanerwe use a clean towel "rh nSlaiana everything else Is thoroughly anasepUo. , euiON DAYIi. ( Uiimaa aruoi duw,) y f (tontb Front trree. 9 - vtom Mew orfc tor w'uii. nAnTR .Saturday. Jn-4J HivAHOK.V...... sawroay. Jan. li ..wn- ... Saturday, Jan. v Rf Jfff??::::::. . May. Jan. yjt i. n..c..f Al WIIBI1UIVI l" v 'm-r m Wro WAVAHcA...", Tneartay. .......Xaesday, Tents Jan. To.n 10 GABEB .... ; Both steamers have good passenger aceom 'Ami Bills llngawwem ; Wilmington, : nt.tDC SUTjNK. Oenl freim agent- ; r lani u' - , ' '

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