P0HI it-r:xiy 'H-tPr T'f, t!W TEBOS OF SUBSCHlPTIOai : One Tsuwv Bailr f 6.00J ioarantead Bena-FIds, fiTsrybsy tflrsaiatien Larger Tbta Thai 1 Of Any Othsr Daily Bsws Six Months. t.60 t atoit rnbllshsd la 1 ;Tfcrat Months ' 1.15; Wilmington. Twt Months, M i.oo; ;OLBIT DAILY HBWIFAPBk )BUrai te Sabearlbenla tkeO I CUyM4SCetaBr . 2 IK TBI niTB, 2 VOL. LXXV.-NO; 134 i ! WILMINGTON, N. a. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 1905; I WHOLE NO. 11,701 t learning Jto. OUTLINES. The international 'Commission sitting at Paris yesterday, annoaheed a findlng that while Rojo tvensky committed j an error in firingon the British trawlers in the North Sea, it was not discreditable to the Russian n wy. - The Senate will take a vote on the Swayne-im-pe :chment to-morrow. The House Congress yesterday received from Texas marble Btataes of Houston and Austin. At a Chicago theatre last, night a young- man applauded a song, arose and shot himself dead, i A- Chicago judge yesterday refused to release Chas. F.Taylor, Mrs. Brodie L. Duke's part ner, and heU him for the Texas author ities., . The riots between Mussle mans and Armenians at Baku, Russian Caucasiavresulted in lbs klling f 150 people, white the bo .ses of the wealthy were plundered and burned. : Trains are ajain running toy Warsaw, bat the street car men went oa strike yes erd y. Rev. Benj. W. Ashley is in jail at Newport, Tenn., charged ' with Tierl'nrv nnd nruhahlv ho-mtr a he married a North Carolina girl and has a w.fe in Tennessee. At Hot Springs, ,'Ark , last night occurred the most awful ' co Sanation in th historv of the State '300 buildings and property valued at $1,5000,000 to $2,0',00j being destroyed and three lives losti The cable irrams in licatf that a sanguinary battle has been fought aiound Mukden and that the Japanese were .; victo rious; severe fighting stilhrages. New York .markets: i Money - on call was nominal, no loans; cotton was steady at 7,7. ; flour was steady; wheat, spot steady, No. 2 red $1.23 f. o. b. afloat; corn, spot steady, JNo.3 57ic. at elevator; oats, spot -clull, mixed -26J$2 pounds, 3738co; rosin steady, strained common to good $2,874; spirits tarpeu tineeasy at 62 to 58c. J ! WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Dkp't of Aqbictjlttjek, W KATHBE UUBEAO, Wilmington. N. C Feb. 25. Meteorolojrical data for the twentv four hours ending at 8 P.M.: i iTemperature at 8 A. M.,42; 8 P. M., 58 degrees; maximum, 58 degrees; mini mum 39 degrees; mean 43 degrees. Rainfall f or the day, Tv rainfall since first of the smooth to date, 5.44 inches. -- ; ; Stage- of water in Cape Pear river at Fayetteville at 8 A.M. to-day (Sat urday) 34.4 feet. j FOKEC A ST FOB TO-DAY. fw ASHDiGTON.Febraary 25. For North Carolina. Fair Sunday and Monday; light west winds. !i Port Almsvnavc-February 26, . .. Sun Rises....;............. 6.88 A. M. Sun Sets .i 5.50 P. M. Day's Length 11 H. 12 M. High Water at Southport... 1.40 P. M. High Water at Wilmington. 4.10 P. M. It is a lnckj Senator that can get up in the morning without that in dicted feeline. j The man who stands on his dig nity is apt to sit down on anybody thatrtflects on bis standing. A New York man, was fined $25 for giving his horse a pint of whis key. HeM know better next time not to waste any of it on a horse. The Standard Oil Company srya it courts investigation.- We have known all along that the company was - willing to j nave the light nrned on.. . "Why not raise the President's salary?" ask a the Norfolk Land mark. Well, we wouldn't mind giving him a raise if we conld get in the game with him. . . Lots of slick paragraphs are .being fired, about the investigation of the Standard Oil Company but just so long as the flings are of a light char acter the trust can stand it. - People who build castles in the air are ' nevei i disturbed by the thought that the plRniber will ever have a chance to . get up that bigh with his kit of tools i j , As long as the lamp holds out to born,' No Oil Trust will ever give a darn; "Tarn on the light," the sage magnates say, " W e ' are ; simply turning nieht to day." ' 9" A New York'pftysician .advocates the drowning of jail weak minded people . and. idiots. The idea is monstrous but of course nobody is going to protest against it on the ground that they - are liable to be drowned. " -r 7 " ? An heiress worth $1,350,000 is ad vertisng for an honest man for a husband. We are honest, and if pur shape and physiognomy suit the heiress,, a matrimonial alliance be tween ns would make our combined wealth $1,250,00030. j; George F. Bowder, of Waterloo, Iowa, who was jilted by - Miss Effla Curtis, of that city, has sued her for $10,000 for breach of promise. If some men could get that amount for every time they have been given the mitten they would be in a posi tion to endow a university. The world is now looking on to see how Kansas j will come out In her fight with the Standard Oil Company. "Bleeding Kansas" can kick against being bled, bnt she will evidently have to get a supply of new banda?esv j . ' i- Berlin has a " sensation because Count von Bandissin is guilty of shoplifting. He stole a pretty shop girl and ran away with her. The Count visited America with Prince Henry, of Prnssia, and is quite prominent figure among the nobles. LOCAL DOTS. The Revenue Cutter ' "Semi nole was expected at Southport last night. ' j Meeting of Piano Club Monday night at 8 o'clock at Elks' temple. All i members requested to attend. v Members of Endowment Bank, K. of P. are requested to attend an ur ! Kent meeting Monday night at 8 O'clock. ly (-" -J Cotton was a trifle, off (again yesterday, though, the spot markets re mained unchanged. Local recaipta yesterday were 804 bales against only 16 same day last year. . : r It is annonnced that the in spection of the North Carolina Nation al Guard will commence March 7tb at Wilmington. General Woodruff, U. d. A., will represent the roTernment and General Bain the State. C i V Soma miBcreant threw, a ! stone into ft moving trolley car la-charge of uond actor Moore, on Uastle street,' Friday- night,: shattering a. - pane of glass and narrowly missing the head of a colored passenger. j. . The father of the Kev. ! 0. H. Udey of this city died at bis home near Apex, N. C, on Feb. 16 ih. :- Ber. Mr. Ukley hss bsen with his people two week and will not return to this city for ten days, being kept there by sick ness of other members of the family. If the weather is pleasant to- ! day, in addition to the usual; very complete schedule oa the suburban trolley line, extra cars wilt leave at 3 and 8:30 P. M., first making around the belt in order - to g! a trip ve all a trip who desire the convenience of to the beach without transfer. All six passenger coaches and the freight car of the O. R, L. & P. Co., subuibm lihe equipment, are be ing fitted with air brakes, the work having commenced yesterday ( morn ing. Heretofore only two of the cars have had the air-brake equipment. The hand brakes will be continued on the oars as auxiliary equipment. The Ward-bill editor of the SlAB is under obligations to Mr. Otto Bnck for a crate of very fine old German Bock Beer, the first j car Of which has just been received by the Bobt. Portner Brewing- Co., in this city. Itis now ready fcr delivery and may be found In bottles or on draught by all dealers. Contractor Jas.- II,' Bnrriss came In yesterday from Verona, Cn slow county, where he has a force of carpenters at work upon some exten sive construction and repairs at Mcln. tyre'a Wiw. -- Me. Ifelntvre and. party are expected at the plaee the Utter part of March. i "St. Paul's Lutheran Pariah Paper" la the title of a neat little four pace publication Issued by ; St.! Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, of this city. In tha current number the Len ten calendar is. given, together with much other useful information to members of the congregation and the general public as weiL . i - ; " The electric sign of the South ern Eitciric Company at the old Court House has been studded with bylo, self-flashing incandeicents in red, white' and blue, instead of the contiouous white lights heretofore used. The effect of the automatic flash lights la j colors is very pretty and the sign attracted considerable at tention on Princess street last nighf. Svere Boe, the Norwegian en gineer who was in the naptha launch from which the late Wm. B. j Ellis, of Freehold, N. .J. waa drowned off Top sail Sound two weeks ago and . who made sueh heroic efforts to save -his employer on that occasion, risking his own life, and suffering terribly in the aitempt,wsa here yesterday tin his re turn North. He has entirely recov ered from his exposure on that event ful day in bis life. - ' - The N. N. S. Society, of Fifth 8lreet M. E. church, has in prospect for next Wednesday- evening some thing novel and unique in the form of a "Funny Picture Party,"; which will b given at the i residence of Mr. E. V. Leonard, 8econd and Church streets. Members will attend In fantastic cos tutne.representing some of the favor ite caricatures in the comic . supple ments of the metropolitan papers, a special feature being Mr. James S. Williams and Mr. B. O. Piatt in an impersonation of "Alphonse" and "Gaston." t 'Y Messrs. Bnlluck & Cowan, the "yours-for-basioMs" druggists, an nounce that for the convenience of their patrons and friends they have opened at their store, No. 313 North Front street, an agency for the Wil mington Steam, Laundry, land .that packages will be received and return ed there when laundered. The Wil mington Steam Laundry in well estab lished with the people; uses j the latest and best equipment for thoroughly sanitary work and asks a continuance of the large patronage It has always enjoyed. - " . i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Gas Bange Get one. N. B. Bankin Notice. ; I To day Cars to Bescb. ; j N. B. Bankin Announcement Boiluck & Cowan For patrons. Jas. M. Hall & Bro. Feel good. nUSTKEBS LOCAIB Wanted Boarders. . For 8a!e Groceries. , At Ooce Make reservations. Wanted Lady or-entleman. Wanted Travelling salesman. Wanted Information Soger Hazel. EadoWment Baukf &, of P. Meet'g. IN THE LEGISLATURE. Large Number of Local Bills In - troduced and Passed in 3 j Both Houses. REVENUE & MACHINERY ACT. Sectleas Taken Up at Sight Sessloa of Honae Bncke Shop Law Qoes Now to Seoste Hall af Records Ap- i proprlatioo Faiied-Notes. . BawhIgh, N. O. IFeb. 25.-Both houses of the General Assembly were chock-a-block ; with business to-day. House continuing Its session : until 11 :i&0 o'clock to-night. . The substi tute for the Wilmington pilotage bill passed both houses during the day and wlU become law when ratified within theLnezt day r i twaith Woodard1 bill preventing the operation of bucket shops in the Stat passed final reading In the House; the Senate killed, the bill providing a hall or records for State documents ; the House passed the bill abolishing three days of grscs on negotiable paper.and some progress was made during the afternoon and evening on the Bevenue and.Machin ery Act. f. A'-' -' : Senator Empla introduced during the day a bill "for tbe revision of liquor license law la New Hanover.'! It was at the request of ' the County Board or Education and provides that after December 1905, half of the liquor license funds coming in the county treasury shall ?e devoted to the school fund, this not to affect at all the city licenses. ; ir- In the House Mr. Boney Introduced a bill to legalize primary elections la New Hanover. It Is modelled after the Charlotte and Mecklenburg county law and is to take effect as to Wil mtngton on Jane 1st, so as not to affect the coming May election and will apply to city and county prima ries, which must be held not more than 60 or less than so days nerore me regular electron and 30 cays' notice must be given -of a primary which is called by the chairman of the party desiring it. This will pass all read ings to-night in the House and will bs sent to the Senate. L. w I ' : Mr. Boney also introduced to-day a bill to exempt Pullman car conduc tors from jury duty. i I Retnlar Procstdlais. The Senate opened with prayer by Dr. Moment. Among bills Introduced were: By Arendell, by request, to amend charter of Newborn; by Scales, to prevent fire Insurance companies from limiting commission which agents receive from other-companies; by McCalloch, to establish free ferry serosa Cape Fear river; regarding time for holding Superior Courts in Bla den; by Williams, to abolish pilotage laws, later passing final readings; by Eller, appropriating $50,000 for ex hibit at Jamestown Exposition. ! She anti-jug law was made the sps orderf for Monday, MithA bill taking $10,000 from the A. and M. Colleffe was set f or Tuesday. t The bill increasing the salary of the brigadier-general was made the spe cial order for Tuesday. Among bills which passed third reading were: To permit. Tarboro to issue bonds; to Improve roads in Pitt county; to form certain school nistrict In Cumberland; to amend charter of Dunn;-appropriating $150 for Moore's Creek Monumental Association; relat ing to school districts In Cumberland and Bobeson; to. amend charter of Fayetteville ; regarding cotton weigher at Dunn; to amend school law of Scotland; to amend prohibition Jaw of Cumberland; to prevent manufac ture and sale of liquor wlihln five miles I of White Oak Academy; to amend law regulating veterinary practice in the State; regulating build ing and loan associations in State; to pay school claim In Bladen : regulat ing courts in Eighth Judicial District; to est blish line between Cumberland and Bladen; to allow - Hickory to donate $10,000 for schools; to amend the general election law so thet sheriff shall post in May the names of those who have paid poll tax; -"':' " i The House was opened with prayer by Bev. G. B. Starling. Among bills introduced were: By Koonce, of Onslow, to amend Section 1005, of the Code, making .carrying a concealed weapon a felony ; by Britt, for relief of P. A. Fore and Alma Lumber Co.; by Branch, to allow C. E. Linton, ex Confederate, to exhibit magic lantern and phonograph show; by Austin, to regulate pay of commissioners in Nash and to amend stock law; by Fisher, for appointment of justices of the peace In Bobeson; by Lockbart, to amend charter of Lilesvilie; by Mc Queen, to change town limits of i Ban lord ; by McGll), to submit to the voters of Cross Creek township. In Cumberland, the question of stock law; by Hjlloweli, to amend charter of Goldsboro;by Little, to incorporate Morphine, in Put county; by Olive, to authorize Wake to issue bonds for roads; ty Murphy, to provide for In spectlon of water and electric light metres; by Winborne, to add peanuts to iaW; regulating i sale of cotton at night.': i ... -.-.i.. - i Tbe substitute bill repealing all laws relative1 to. pilotage at the port of Wilmington passed its second and third reading. - Mr. Taylor said he wanted to go on record as opposing the bill at this time, as he thought the bill was being passed too precipitately. ! Murphy's bill regulating the sale of stocks of goods in bulk and to prevent fraud In the sale of the same, came up on its second reading. Mr. Winborne Offered an amendment excepting tbe county of Hertford, which was passed. Several other amendments excepting their counties were offerd, but these amendments were lost. The bill passed second reading, and went over. 1 ;The bill allowing newspapers to make their own contracts with railroads In" regard to transportation, passed its second and third reading. i - ! Toe bill preventing the Operation of bucket shops in. Nonh Carolina came up oa Its second reading. Mr. Hutch iioo, of Gaston, i sent - forward an amendment that the act should not debar dealers in spot cotton or grain In executing orders' of actual dealers : who are their customers. This amend ment failed ' to ' pass. The bill then pasted its second and third reading. The bill amending the law abolish ing days of grace came on Its second reading. Mr. Woodard asked that the , bill go over until Tuesday. Mr. Biggs, opposed postponement, saying he bad postponed the bill once for the gentlemen of Wilson, and it was time, to consider the - bill, i The motion to postpone was lost' and the bill passed its second reading. ; Mr. .Woodard, of Wilson, sent for ward an amendment "excepting sight drafts, U which was accepted by j Mr. Biggs, and the bill passed third read ing and was sent to the Senate for con currence in House amendment. , The bill to require the payment of arrears of taxes by telephone and tele graph companies for the years of 1903 and 1904 passed its third reading. : ; Graham's, of Lincoln, bill to pro. mote the publishing and use of school books relating to North Carolina his tory also passed in the House, i : THE NI3HT SESSION. The House was In session to night until 11:30, passing many local bills, and in committee of - the wbole con sidered those sections of tbe Bevenue and Machinery bills which had been chsnged from the acts now In force. About the. only change of note that the House made to-night in the Beve nue act is to mske the license tax on peddlers of medicines $100.. The com mittee had fired It at $85 for travellers on foot and $50 k hen In vehicles. l it is expected that there will be night teutons throughout next week.) The Bevenue and Machinery . bills would have been passed on second reading to night but for the fact that no quo rum was present when the committee arose. -r--' . ;-f ''::-:-i CAPT. ABNER C. PENT0N DEAD. Veserabfe Cilfzea of WlimlBftod Gatered i lotoKestYesterdsyHsraletPaaeffaJ I VIII be HeM This Afternoon. ' i Capt. Abner C. Penton, one of .Wil mington's most venerable and highly esteemed citizens, passed away at his home. No. Ill North Seventh street; at 10 o'clock yesterday morning after an Illaeis extending over, a period al several months. ; While' Capt. Ten ton's death was not entirely unexpect ed the announcemesMrlll bring regret to many friends who knew him well when be led a more active life. The funeral will be 'conducted at 4 o'clock this afternoon from the residence : by Bev. FredD. Hale, D. D., pastor of tbe First Baptist church, and the re mains wilt be laid to rest In Oakdale cemetery. :' !- ' :i 'e. i Capt Abner GL Penton was born in Brldgeton, N. J., on March 4tb, 1838, and he was, therefore, In the 72nd year of his age. - Daring his earlier life he was a seafaring man and was master of a number of veuels along the coast During the civil war he ran on one of the blockade fleet between Wilming ton and Nassau and later, in 1875, moved to - Wilmington to make this city his borne. When fifty-six years of- age, Capt. Penton aban doned bis career as ship master and for a term of years was United 8lates shipping commissioner at the port of Wilmington. After that time he was unfitted for the 'more active callings, by reason of his age and fall ing health, and he led a retired life until bis death. He was a man - of splendid traits of character and was held in highest esteem by all who knew him. He was married early In to Mnu Emily F. Blew, wha.pre- ceded him to the grave -on the Ctb of last October. There are left surviving three sons, Messrs. Daniel H. Penton, of Wilmington; Baron D. Penton, of Lyons, Ga., and Harry S. Penton, of Mobile, Ala.; all prominent In the bus iness life of their respective communi ties. They have the sympathy of hun dreds of friends' in the bereavement which has fallen to them so soon after their mother was taken a few months ago. j ' " i ELECTRIC LIQUTS FOR STEAMER. "Wllolsgtoa" Will be Brilliantly Llthted :. DnrlsieenilBZ Excnrsloi Seaioo. The Southern Electric Company, of this city, yesterday, closed a contract with Capt John W. Harper for in stalling upon the steamer "Wilming ton" a complete electric llghtlngequip ment, which will be In readiness by the opening of the excursion season The machinery, consisting of a marine type of engine and direct connecting dynamo, has already been shipped and two ' experts will be put j to work Tuesday wiring the boat from stem to stern. Ail the wires will be invisible and the number of lights will be from 75 to 100 with a larger capacity, if at any time it shall be desirable to add more. Provision will also - be made for the Installation of a number of electric fans in case at. any time the breeze should not be aufficlent for. comfort during the Summer, a possl blllty which,' however, Is very remote. An electric search light will probably be added to the. equipment a little later. : ti ,'4;;.,!::, r' Reeovered Stolea Bicycle. ;! Daring last December a bicycle was stolen from .under., the residence of Mr. J- Splilman, 608 South Third street. - Since that time Mr. 8plllmsn, while' about the city attending to business bad been , on a still hunt for the machine until yesterday after noon, when ; he saw it In front of a colored undertaker's shop on . Second atreet, near the postofflce avenue. He applied to Justice Bornemann for possession of the property and a visit to the shop disclosed tbe fact that the wheel was then claimed bys L, B. Smith, a clerk in the abop. Smith said he got the wheel from a repair shop ' at the' grocery store of John Murpby, colored, aW: Seventh and Church streets. Murphy hss fur nished tbe name of the party from whom he secured the wheel and Jus Ues3ornemann Is continuing;, the In vestigation. In .the meantime Mr. Splilman has taken possession of the wheel ' I Site far New Pavillsa. By deed filed for record yesterday the Ocean View Company transferred I to tbe Consolidated Ballwayr, Light and Power Co., the site for the new pivilion - now - being erected on Wrights vilie Beach. The consideration named in the deed is $10. The proper ty is described as beginning at a atone On the eastern edge of the right of way of the railroad. 734.15 feet south of Sta tion No. 6, having frontage of 200 feet on the ocean. - . " " ' THE PILOTAGE BILL. pull Text of the Measure A s Passed Both Houses of Leg-, - islature Yesterday. It DELEGATIONS RETURNED. Effect of Genersl Kepeal o! ill Laws Ap pears Problematical sad Coatiagest (jBoa Actiso at cosiness MeB r to Fntare All Satisfied. rSpectdZ Star TeiegramA v Baleiqh, N, C, Feb. 25.--The sub- stltuta pilotage bill was. put through both the House and Senate this morn ing and is being enrolled for ratifica tion, to be. io full force; thereaf ten Here is the bill as passed r T . - Section l; That sections 3480 to 3508, inclusive: of Chapter 46, Volume 2, of the Code, and all acts amendatorv and supplementary thereof, are herebit jrepeakd. Section 2.. That Chanter 183. . of ' the? Pablic Laws of 1883; Chapter 95, of the Public Laws oi 1887; Chapter 46j of the Public Laws of 1889; Chapter 486, of the Public Laws of 1891; Chan terl2I,:of the Public Laws of 1897; Chapter 463; of the . Public Lws of 1901, are hereby repealed.; - . 4 ? ! . Section 3. That all other Jaws' or clauses of laws relating to nilots or I pilotage on the river or bar of the (Jape vear river are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this act ahail be -In force from and after its ratif action. ? The large delegation of Wilmington business: men who remained in Bs- lelgh nntil the substitute for the Wil. mington Pilotage bill passed its each and every reading In both bouses, re turned to the city on the late Seaboard Air Liine train last night. They were met at the station by one of the large suburban trolley ears and were given a triumphant entry so to speak, into the city.' All were jubilant over the turn the j fight had takeni Mem bers o'f the pilotage delegation who returned alio last night like- wUe expressed . satisfaction. The ef feet of the compromise, if so it mav be regarded, appears to , have left tbe general public- at sea aa to the ' result. However, the leaders among tbe business .mens' committee say the conditions will . be wonder fully improved and that nothing has happened before in a generation that will be as fruitful of so much good to Wilmington. On the other band it ia pointed out as was stated In these columns yesterday, that with all re strictions removed, the pilots will now be at liberty to fix their rates at what they choose and may form a combl nation ' or community of interest as strong as they like. ' To this It is an swereu mat the business men are fully' prepared to', hire competitive PitoU, tmecevaary, and to follow tbls- i. up oy iob purcaase oi one or more tugs in case an effort ahould be made to bar out competition by a comblna tlon of the present tug boats and any organization of the j old piloli that may be attempted - for other than strictly legitimate purposes. The gen eral opinion prevails that time only and the determination of the shippers will tell what tbe result of the gen eral repeal of all the laws will be. SALOON MAN ARRESTED, Proprietor Starkey lharied With Permit. tlof QanlBg la Excelsior Bar. M. :L. Starkey,. proprietor of the Excelsior Baloon, on Front street, op posite The Orton, was arrested last night upon a. warrant aworn out, on Information and believed bv Policeman Frank George, charging him with permitting gambling: In the pool ' and billiard ; rooms, con ducted in connection with the saloon. The warrant was" served t between 11 and 13 o'clock and Mr. Starkey furnished bond with Mr. M. u Brlen as surety- In the sum Of 1300, for his appearance in the Mayor's court at noon to-morrow. It is learn ed that the evidence' upon which the warrant was served; was secured by plain-clotheamen, who have been at work on the esse for some time. Nefro Held For Forgery. Jim Whit ted, tbe negro with a pen- Chant for forging orders on merchants and others1 of the' city for anything that he is able to turn ' to good ; ac count, was arraigned In the Mkyor's court yesterday upon a charge of forg ing the name of Mr. Clayton Giles, Jr., to an order npon i The Orton ' Bar for a bottle of "the besT 1 whiskey. ! The negro secured the bottle oMlquor from Mr J. T, Qaarlet, the bar-keep er, and converted It to his own use. , Subsequently it turned but -that the order was a forgery and Whltted was arrested. Chief Furlong also had a tnraeA nvAur thai hH tia.n 'Bw1r.iin the same day at the store of Mr. N. B. Bankin for two dozen eggs in the name of Mr. Giles, but that chance Was not pressed. .The negro was held for the April 23rd term of Superior Court and went to jail In default of $300 bond. Whltted has already serv ed time for forging the name of Mr. Clayton Giles for eggs on the Wil mington Grocery Co. and Mr. W. J. Meredith severs! months ago. The rimrrvn mmrom s nuitl. ttw rf -S,Tv Hit..' name because of Mr. Giles' responsi Lllll J L. . ...... . oiuiy ana oecause at one time a reia tlve of his was employed as a servant by Mr. Giles. Rev. Dr. Ivey Here. Bev. T. N. Ivey, D. DM- editor of the Baleigh Christian Advocrte ar I rived In the city yealerday afternoon I and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John F Garrell, on Third street. ; He 111 preach 'at the morning service to-day at Grace church, and this after noon he will conduct the men's meet ing at tbe Y. U. O. A. At the men's meeting special, music will be render ed by the Acme Male Qaarlet'e and by Miss Nora 8cottt one of Wilmisgton's 1 most talented young vocalists. PERSONAL! PARAGRAPHS. 1 - Geo. L. Peschan, Esq. .returned , last night from Balefgb. ' Among yesterday's arrivals was E. W. Boatwright. of Marlon. & O. MiH8 Maud Bullock has return ed from a pleasant visit to Wlnston 8alem. . - ' " j - .. ' Mr.r Joe Cronly and,, family . returned to Brooklyn. N. Y., yester- d as . after a pleasant visit -to Mr Cronly's mother in this dty.:' t ' Mrs-: H. ;C. Cox, of j Albany, l Ga., who ! has been the guest of her I daughter, Mrs. Wm. F, Bobertson, for several weeks, returned home yester day afternoon. . r' : Mr. D. H. Littlejohnj . who comes to Wilmington from the Char lotte News to become' city editor of the Evening Dispatch, arrived yester day and on Monday , will take jup the dutiea of hla new position. r . . I Nasb.'Mr. J ne; 8. Armstrong, Jr.,andv City Attorney y7td JV Bellamy re turned last .night front Chapel Hill, Where. :they attended: the. Gimghoul dance at the University, Friday even- lag.-.:- .v.;- . : .. The many friends in this city bf A. W. McLean, Esq.; of Lumberton, were delighted to see him here yester i day forihe first time since' nisi recent very severe and continued illness . He Is rapidly rt gaining bis atrengibTand is looking well.! : - Mr. B. H. Brady has been granted a permit to erect a handsome two-story residence of artificial stone on Third atreet, between Castle and Queen. - Mr. Brady and family will occupy the residence when completed. - Mrv M. F. H. Gouvernenr, of this ctty. 'and M. CL Gathrle, Esq., of Soathport, who were in Baleigh rep- presenting opposite ; factiona. in the pilotage fight,returned home yesterday morning, both expressing satisfaction as tbe result of the bearing before tbe Senate-Judiciary Committee, .,! .: - -Friends ot'Miss Mary White in this city will be interested in knowing that she underwent an operation for appendicitis, by Dr. A. H. Harrlss, of Wilmington, and Dr. Whitehead, of Bocky Mount, at the James Walker Memorial Hospital here : yesterday afternoon. At last accounts Miss White was doing very well.. . I Mr W. B. Cooper, of the bus-'I nets mens' pilotage committee, re turned from Baleigh yesterday even ing. Mr. Cooper talked Interestingly of the sensational climax In the hear ing Friday afternoon. He spoke es peeiallycompKmentarily of Senators Coxjy of Anson; Toms of Hender- aonvllle. and MeCulloch, of Bladen, ' who did ail In their power on the committee for the business inter ests of the city. Colics ft! arder Trial. Jagdu 'Garland S. Ferguson; who Is t now engaged in holding the courts of the Seventh Judicial District, arrived in the elty yesterday from Fayetteville on his way to Whltevitle to open Co lumbus Superior Court Monday. The Important case for trial in Columbus Is that of J. W. Collins, the well to-do farmer of the Armour section; 'charged with the murder of Jeff Davis, a 16 year-old white boy who was bound to him, the particulars of which are well remembered by readers of this paper. Messrs. Marsden Bellamy and Herbert McClammy, of this city, of counsel for Colihis, wUl go over to Whltevllle Monday afternoon, but It is not settled yet whether or not a continuance will be asked. Messrs. B. M. Wescott, W. J. Fiynn and G. T. Flyna and Ida Larkinv, colored, of Wilmington, were subrosaaed yesterday to attend the trial. It is presumed that the Messrs, it ynn ana wescott are wanted a coaracter witnesses. Editor Brnasoa Complimeoted. Mr: George W. Branson, Jr., leaves this afternoon for Charlotte to take up his new duties aa editor of the Evening News, of that city. As a testimonial of their esteem for Mr. Branson, when he took bis formal leave from the Die patch office yesterday afternoon, his fellow employes and associates on that paper presented to him a very hand some seal ring, suitably inscribed with his monogram and upon the; inside. "From the Evening Dispatch, 1905V The presentation waa made by Mz. J. Edgar Lewis, foreman of the office, and Mr.Brunson responded Ina feeling manner; ' expressing his regret at breaking the ties ' which had been so pleasant, thanking hla fellows for the very handsome manifestation of their good feeling.' Mrs. Brunsoniand little daughter will "not ioin ' Mr. Branson in Charlotte until lafer. I The Smailpix Iltastloe. Three patients were quarantined for smallpox, with a number of "con tacts," by the health authorities yes, terday. One was a colored porterem- ployed at night at the A. 0. L. 'offices. He was sent home by Custodian S. J. Ellis early yesterday morning with an eruption on his face and was sent out . to. the -pest house from 811' Harnett street. Tbe other eases ' were Nora Bunting, colored, 13 years old, 1318 North Sixth street; and a colored man named Hunter at 707 An street There ) are now 21 patients and suspects in the pest house and six or seven quaran ! tines are in effect In the city. The "Wgnt liouse" for an ovater roast t Every thlnsr new. Elretrie Hsht. Cheerful open Area. " Last ear leaves Wrlghtvllle at 100 P.M. ; heat- ea, closed cars. The s o'clock ear from town comet back as far-aa the -Light House at 4:30 P. M. to aive von an on portunity to get an oyster roast as well as visit the the ocean. - 1 . t To-day, Gars to Tbe Beach - EVERY HOUR . 9 A. M- to 6J00 P. U. : : -. Also cars at . 1 i . 7.80,19.00 a. m. iaoo p. m; 10. if Qeatber Is Pleasant Extra. Gars Will Leave at 3.00 VISIT THE LIGHT HOUSE FOB AN OYSTER BOAST, Well Heatod CAPTURE OF ARTHUR BEATTYl Cleverly laptared by Mlslsler, Was Olvea Trial by Mayor Yesterday. The negro Arthur Beat ty, captured yesterday; morning at 3 o'clock by the Bev. J. M. Wells, Ph. D., pastor of the! First Presbyterian church. In an evident attempt to break Into the Pres byterian manse, at Third and Orange streets, was arraigned la the police ' court at boon upon a charge of tres pass and an attempt to commit a ! felony. . The negro was sent to jail in default of $250 justified bond ts appear at the April term of New Hanover Su perior Court. The case proved to be one of the most Interesting that has developed In the! police conrt in some time. Dr. Wells told of having been awakened at the early hour by Mrs. Wells, who told him somebody was - on the back porch up stairs, near the room In which they were sleeping. Dr. Weils -.secured Jois pistol and went out on the porch to investigate. The negro was no where ' to be seen, but Dr. Wells extended his search to a closet in one corner of the piazza, and while groping his way around in the darkness of the rattier narrow confines of the small room, pistol in one hand, he put the ether hand on the negro. Twice he com manded the Intruder to come out un der threat to shoot, but the negro made no answer until a third time, when the threat was made more Insis tent. The negro then made reply, and while Dr. Wells held him at bay with the pistol, afterwards closing the door and locking ttr upon him, Mrs. Wells telephoned to Mr. N. B. Rankin's resi dence nearby and had the message i sent to j the police station, to which Sergeant! George Smith responded, taking the negro to the police station. At the trial vesterday Beatty told a j very lmprobb.c s'ory of being at the Carolina Central station when the late train came la ; of having been met on the street by a colored woman named Mary Johnson, who said she waa scared to go home and asked him . to accompany her; of having complied with the woman's request and' of being asked in at Dr. Wella's that upon ar riving there, the woman who had a bunch of keys In her hand, went In a room and told him to have a seat in the room in which be waa found ; that he supposed Mary Johnson cooked at the " white folks'" house there. As a matter or ract, ur. wens', coon, was nbt named: Mary. Johnson and the! cook . lived elsewhere in the city, sergeant Smith, who made the arrest, said the negro was either half lntoxlca ted or .feigned that condition; Though the back portion - of the piazza was enclosed. It was not locked and a case! of burglary could hot be made out against Beatty. Ho Is the same negro who was recently picked up one morning in the southeastern section of the city, more dead than alive, from having lain out in the snow the, night before. He bad been employed by Stone & Co., on the wharf, and his employers had given bond for him pending his trial for be lng drunk and down upon that occa sion. When the graver charge was! brought against , him yeaterday, the' "drunk- and down" charge was, of coarse, abandoned. . Bf. fs. B. Raokio Retires. , . . i : - i ! - . " - - " j Elsewhere In to day's paper will be found cfficlalannouncement of the fact that on March - 1st Mr. N. B, Bankia, wholesale and retail grocer, No. 10 North Front street, will retire from business, after a successful career of more than 20 years. Mr. Bankin has sold hla stock of wines and liquors to Mr. W. Van Hardin,who will remove the name to , his place of buslnea at No. 119 Princess street, r The sale to Mr. Hardin Includes the sole aarency In Wilmington of the famous B. A. Stuart's Bockbridge Bye and other brands. Mr.- Bankin will leave the grocery business on the evening of Feb. 28th and on March 1st will offer for sale, for cash, at cost, tbe stock of gro ceries either as whole or at retail. auaua.' neMToar At his home in tUa ettr Ratnriia ran. setn, capt. abnkjs a pxntok, 7 years U ! I Toneral from nla late reddancs Mo. Ml Kortb 7tb street at P. K. this CBoaday ) afternoon. neaos ana acqaalntancas layltatt to attsa. To-day. and WrigMsv tile and 3.30 P. EL o 1 i k o Woll Llghtod. .00 A Range A COOK WITH GAD! A RED CROSS KIDNEY PLASTER MAKES THE BACK Feel Good. PRICE 25 CENTS PHONE JAS. b. HALL & BRO., f eb 26 tf . : NOTICE iregpectroily notify my friends and patrons: that I care turned over to air. W. Vanjtaram, J $4 Rents for Year 119 Princess atreet, my stock , : or Win and - : Ltqnors and be win lathe lntarS efferfor sals aU the brands formerly sold by me, which In cludes tbe BOLE AOs ROT oi the B.A. BtnartM . Boekbndge .Rye. :Thankl&e , theme tor ibe liberal patronage to me I respsettnUi aHch a continuance ot tbe saavs for him . . i . i .Bespeotrolly. " ' - " ' " N. B. B.kaXXB.'J ACADEMY OF MUSIC ComsaeneiBe Uonday, Feb HOt, Palfle Comedy Ccapa-ny , ' In repertoire of late - New York r ' - . .sncceeass. . 10 Big Vaudeville Acta 10. " '' OpeDlag Monday night In the funny farce comedy, - "THE RAUBLERS" . Price 10. 20 and SO cents. Seats on sale Saturday, feh 24 3t IlercMnts & TrocKers e havelgennine Aristook county. (Maine) Seed Potatoes. North Car olina Bust Proof Oats, and Genuine Peruvian Guano to grow them. Also four good, farm mules for sale. I HALL & PEABSALi; 1 a oonroBATzn. ton 4 tr The oonvenieDce of enr patrons' and rrunda. we bave takes as agency tor tne- t : Wilmington Steatn laiini if Tbevnse tfee latest jmonrnA maehlnerr; AUwvhlpgdone aeeordug to Banitary rnlesr tit tne lMznescio- noisaf 000a -leokv. neuer. linen laita -toDerr -aioM HnUh ttmi lr aa recnestea. .;" Tonrs for nealtty Unndry work, BUUiTJOE Cs CO7AIJ : 313 North' Front Street. P. S. Leave TanrnankftM wltli no anil have returned here wnen laundered. tesstt - M Annsuncensnt; I respectfany notify my friends and patrons taatllntenato quit tne groocry naatnessen tbe evening of Feb. tmb and tnank tbem tor their past r&tronage. On March let I will of fer for sale FOB CASH my stock ot groceries AT COST timer as a Whole at retail. N. a. RANKIir, tebssst . i! n