THE MORNING STAR; Oldest Dally Newspaper in . the State. I Largest . Circulation : of any Wilmington Paper. J TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year, by Mail ..... .$5.00 Six Months, by Mail .....2.50 Three Months, by Mail ....1.25 Two Months, by Mail .....1.00 RNING TAR III VOL LXXVI NO. 19. WILMTNGTOK, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1905. WHOLE NUMBER 11,739 E MO XLhc flllorrtfng Star. OUTLINES. It is reported that a battle was in progress yesterday between the Rus sian and Japanese squadron, but it. lacks confirmation;' it is confirmed that Rojestvensky with all his squad ron got through into the China sea; he has seven battleships to the .tap's five; there are frequent skirmishes be tween the land forces The Ameri can Mercantile Association at Kansas City and St Joseph has collapsed, swindling working, men out of thou sands of dollars Sheriff J. M. Poag, of Tate county. Miss., was assassinat ed by a mob which entered the jail to recue a murderer At Coffeyville, Kan., yesterday a "racewar was nar rowly averted between ! white j and w.acks, the latter of whom armed to protect a negro who assaulted a white lady -Among the ! biddes to supply the navy with tobacco was the Lippert Scales Company, of Winston-Salem, N,. C Justice Warren B. Hooker, of the New .York Supreme Court, will ba .bring the bench into contempt and dis grace A mysterious missincr trunk is wanted in the beef trust investiga tion at "Chicago, and also several wit nesses who have skipped out to Can ada -President Roosevelt is in Okla homa chasing wolves and running iwi i aires ovurctaijr Ul Witt IdlL win not send President Castro's reply to President Roosevelt; the reply is pro nounced Insolent towards the . State Department New York Markets: Money on call steady 3 to 3 1-- per cent.;' closing bid 3, offered 3 1-4 ; flour dull and unchanged; wheat, spot firm. No. 2 red 1.08 1-4; corn,, spot firm 57 elevator;- oats, spot quiet, mixed 35 to 35 1-4 ; spirits turpentine steady; ros in steady;, cotton, spot dull 8.05. WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Department of "Agriculture. Weather Bureau, Wilmington, N. .C, April 12, 1905. ; Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending 8 P. M. " yesterday. j. Temperature 'at 8 A. M., 66 degrees; 8 P. M., 67 degrees; maximum, 75 de grees r minimum, 64 degrees; mean, 70 'degrees. ; "Y." : Rainfall for the day, trace; rainfall since 1st of month to date, 1.19. 1 .Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. C, at 8 A. yes terday (Tuesday), 9.2. ! PORT ALMANAC April 13. Sun Rises 'I-.... 5.30 ;A. M. Sun Sets ....... .6:32 P. M. Day's Length . .12 hours 54 min. T-flP-h Wfltftr fit WitmlnirtAn A.fC A TL - v.v . . h.ujuiuu tl.vajO. iU. Weather Forecast. j For North - Carolina Glearing Thursday; Friday fair, warmer,! brisk northwest winds. ! LOCAL DOTS. , . i Other local on fourth; page, The quarantine at the residence of CapL R. M. Mclntyre, on Market street, has been lifted, f - Schooner' Chas. C. Lister cleared yesterday4or New York with cargo of 310,000 feet of lumber f rom ! the Cape Fear Lumber Co. ; The. Board of Directors of the Merchants' Association will hold its regular monthly meeting this after noon at 3 :30 o'clock. -, s'-h" ' : -" -Tewenty-flve words in the Busi ness Locals department of j the Star will cost 25. cents; ''- biit no ;advertise ment, however small, 'taken for less than that amount. -v- ,s j , --7 7 , ' ' All next week, opening Monday night, the Academy will offer the Crescent Stocky Company,' which is considered one of the best; organiza tions of its class on the road. The company is playing this weekat Dur ham. v :.T-0 -rHenry Middleton, an Insane color ed man, escaped from the County Home yesterday A telephone mes sage was sent to Wilmington to look out for the man and he will doubtless be .captured and returned before morning. The man. is harmless. -Tbere was nothing doing in spirits turpentine on the local market yester day but other items ' of j naval stores were strong. Rosin was steady at $2.80; tar firm at $1.80 and! crude tur pentine firm at $2.30425. The cot ton marKet locally was a met on a basis of 7 1-2 for middling. I' There was no police court yes terday, al cases having been contin ued until to-day on account of the ab sorbing interest In the primary. Jane Kelley, a colored woman r serving a term in the work house, escaped yes terday and was arrested last night by Policeman E. R. Chadwick at Fourth and Bladen streets. i A. O. L. SCHEDULES. HIS NAME WADDEIX Ex-Mayor Nominated for ; An other Term as Wilmington's Chief Executive. THE MAJORITY WAS 46 VOTES 1, Storm-Warning. The following message was received yerday. t . fehington, D. C, AprU 12, 1905. to.tneast storm warning 8 Pi M. Samnnah, Charleston. : Wilmineton. Morehed, Washington; Columbia, Nor- ioik., f,wpon ,.wews, fort Monroe. Storm central near Pensacola will move northeast, ' : causing Increasing aad high south to east shiftine to west and nothwest wtadsbn tH&TSonthfA. M ana iwiaaie Ayanuc coasts. GARRIOT If we did not get the test farm, we will r congratulate ' ' Proud Pender'' on her success. Wilming ton does not "want the earth," anyway. " . : : ' ' ; - v Our Virginia friends wiq now find evidence, on the historic grounds at Appomattox that North Carolina was . there Monday.1. . '' ' ' last We - pressume that among the people over here who think Ad miral Rojestvensky has j a darn queer name 'are the clever folks who make their home in Penasoff- kee, Florida. - v1 We still hear, of an occasional engagement- between the nobility of Europe and the nobility? , of America. The impecunious barons are still after the wealthy daugh ters of our robber barons, motion prevailed, Messrs. Jas. H. Bur- riss and B. M. Wilson; alone voting in the negative. Mr. Burriss entered a protest in the matter and it is pos sible that a second primary may be de manded between Messrs. Gafford and King, each of whom claims a majority. Members of the committee present, other than those ! mentioned, above, when the vote was taken were D. C. Love, chairman; Louis H. Skinner, i secretary; B. G. Emple, Col. T. C. I James and Jas. D. Mote, Receiving the News. The Mayoralty boxes were counted first at the several polling places and before 7:30. o clock the actual count By k majority of 46! Colonel Alfred for that office was available and the Moor Waddell wa on; yesterday nom- maloritv fleured out to a nicetv. inatedj in the city Democratic primar- Friends of Col. Waddell were jubilant ies lot tne office oi Mayor, oi wummg- and cheer after cheer down town and ton for a term or two years ensuing af the City-Hall, where the official re- June 1st, while the Aldermen nominat- turns were being ' received, rent the ed from tne several wards as aeciarea air. Before the official count had be- by the Democratic ExecuUye Commit- friends of Col. Waddell gathered tee are as follows:. . A i r i in a body and led'bv The Havmakers' First Ward J. A. Karr and M. Rath- Ban4 called upon their' nommeeiat tla en. -I Slight Changes in Arrival and De partures at Wilmington. The Atlantic Coast Line announces the following changes in the arrival and departure of trains at .Wilming ton, effective April 16th, next Sunday. No. 50 arrives from the South, 11:45 P. M.. daily, instead of. daily except Sunday. . . :: - No." 51 leaves for the South, 6:00 A. M. daily instead of dally except Sun day. " . ', ,:V -; No. 55 leaves for the South, 3:45 P. M. instead of 3:30 P. M. as hereto fore. ' ' - i -i . ' No. 53 leaves for Fayetteville and Sanford, 8:50 instead ot 9:15 A. M. No. 48 leaves for Rocky Mount and paints North at 9:00 instead of 9:15 There is death on the gallows for a man who takes life bui envy for the man who takes life1, easy. This might appear strange to a Chinaman but we suppose he can take his funny language and make it say alL kinds of things too. The daughters of Weightman, the late PhiladefphiA quinine manufacturer, in squabbling oyer his $66,000,000, threaten to kir the secret that :the old man : tried for years to marry his son's widow. Looks like it would be just as bit ter a pill for the girls to swallow as for the balance of the family. A Washington young man eloped with a girl and after he had married her, he telegraphed his mother-in-law: "I am married j1 ii a. 1.1. : aim an uiy iruuuies are uvcr. Married men are postively forbid den to laugh, in their sleeve at a young fellow who thinks matri mony will make an exception in his caBer'-p.-"' " No. 41 arrives from Rocky Mount and points North at 10:00 A. M. In stead of 10:10 A. M. as heretofore. Residence' Burglarized, j While members of the family were away from home last night between 7 and 10:45 o'clock, a burglar entered the residence of Mr. C. W. Hollow- bush, No. 701 Dock street, and stole $18 or $20 in money and a fine revol ver from a bureau drawer in a bed room of the house. - Entrance was gained by breaking into the side of the house with an axe or other heavy instrument - under . a window in the rear. A large trunk had to be pushed out of the way of, the opening and the wonder is tjiat the burglar was not detected. Luckily for him; the thief took nothing that could be identified A lot of silverware and jewelry belong ing to Mrs. Hollowbush was left In the same room from which the other articles were taken. 1 j i : Train and Wagon Collided. Mr. Norman Cordes,! clerk In the grocery store of Mr. W. A. Vollers, and George Jackson, a colored driver for the same house, had a narrow es cape from serious injury yesterday af ternoon about 3 o'clock, saving them selves Dy jumping. Mr. Coraes ana the colored man were driving in Mr. Vollers delivery wagon; to the A. C. L. for some freight and had just turn ed the corner at Nutt jand Mulberry , This paragraph is from The Hendersonville Hustler: "Blue back spellers have been in de mand this week; Mr. Pless has exhausted his supply and the nooks and corners of. many resi dences have been searched for the dear bid book." To the above Ahe Charlotte Observer saysi "We & pleased to learn irom tms that the "children" of the moun tains are fixing to get educated: There is no true educatianapart from, the blueback," My!j What terrible risks some" editors run to .give their age away." f IRVING Superior Court Engaged All Day Yesterday in Hearing Un interesting Case. BRAND JURY MADE REPORT Five Aldermen Nominated Favorable to the One Candidate Md Five to Other Contest May Develop " -j in Fifth Figures. j Second Ward P. Q. Moore and Mar tin O'Brien. I ! Third JWard W. H. i Yopp and E. F. Johnson. : .. . - i i - Fourth Ward R. W. Price and W. E. Yopp. ! Fifth Ward J. O. Brown and W. W. King. I . I Of the ten Aldermen, five of j them, Messrs.. Karr, Rathjen, O'Brien, Brown and King, were supporters of Col. Waddell in the primary and the remaining five Messrs. Moore, W. H. Yoppi Johnson, Price and W. E.j Yopp, supported Mayor Springer in the prim- took their defeat eracef ullv and eood ary. The composition of the Board for naturedly. that reason is interesting. f home on Fifth street! Col. Waddell gracefully accepted an invitation to come to the Opera 'House and "make a jbrief address, which he did amid the wildest enthusiasm. He expressed his appreciation of the support of his friends and said that! he had unkind words for no one. He pledged his ut most endeavor to the welfare of the entire city. The band played both be fore and after the speaking and the Waddell suporters assumed their vic tory becomingly. The Springer men were naturally disappointed at the fail ure, to nominate their candidate but A very, large vote was polled- 2,400, the number being approximately five hundred more than were polled in the dispensary election last July.) That the: contest was close is evident from Mr. O'Brien (Entertained. Mr. Martin O'Brien; the genial nominee for Alderman in the Second Ward to succeed Alderman Jno. H. Sweeney, received a large surprise noWv nf lila Manila rt f Itta huinlfanla I lioma TTi-,W-Vi l-rrktilf- .ofroat 1irfma11. the nominee.' Mayor Springer's friends atel after the ovatioh to Col. Waddell I Mm AnAitn ITMini I'll. Vvn-M frntrn Ward, where It was; confidently pre- MittH h wnnlri rccAlvA a. mainritv of from 1 100 to 150 votes, but when the " '7 " actual count was made the - figures were reduced to 81, giving yoi. waa- dell the victory. 1 j The vote for Mayor, members ot the Board of Aldermen, members of the executive committee and the yote nec essary to choice as declared by the Executive Committee, which received the returns in the Board of Audit and Finance room at th City Hall, are as follows: . 1 ' For Mayor. Waddell. Springer. 288 233 209 190 196 1277 184 211 346 266 Mr. O'Brien a hearty serenade and the host most elaborately returned the things, not only to the musicians but to several hundred of his Warm admir ers wto with the process;ion to his hOTlO. . - V ' - !: it pleasedTharleston. i First Fifth Total Ward . Second Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward Ward . 1,223 1,177 . 333 ...i.. 304 ..J.. 192 ...j. L. P. An .. 24: .. 238 ..172 VanB. First Ward. J. A4 Karr M. Mathjen .... J. D.iMote .... Z. E, Murrell . . . ; . J Necessary to choice, 263. Executive Committee S. derscin. 248: W. Q. Brinkley, 248; L. O. Smith. 141: H. W. Konlg, 138. Ander son and Brinkley declared elected. j Second Ward. P. Qi Moore ...... J M. O'Brien Jno. H. Sweeney ...I -.. Necessary to choice, 201. Executive Committee J. Metts, 98; Geo. W. Chesnut, 98 f ' Third Ward. W. H. Yopp ............. A. E. F. 1 Johnson ...... J S. Behrends Necessary to choice, 245. Executive Committee E. . Boushee, 158: R. S. Collins, 151; H. T. Bauman, 237; H. G. Fennell, 244. Bauman and Fennell were declared elected, 395 votes; having 'been cast for the com mittee ticket. r r t In the Aldermanic j box were three Springer and one Waddell ticket. In the Mayor's box there were three Johnson, two Yopp and one Behrends ticket. Those were thrown out. i Fourth Ward. t W. E. Yopp ....... R. W. Price .... . F. E. Hashagen" . . W. S, Bernard Necessary to choice, 196. ! Executive -Committee L. B. Rogers, streets, when a string of backed from Boney & IHarper's null. ran into the vehicle. It cars being 206; son, J- W. was pretty well demonllshed and.) the two men were sha'ken up to some: extent but not seriously hurt. - Wreck on Newbern Road A slight wreck of an A. C. L. ma terial train occurred at a crossing near Jacksonville, N. C on the Newbern road. ' Engineer Williams and Road master J O. Wiggs were the train, several cars of derailed, blocking traffic; until after 1 O'clock in the afternoon. bern passenger train was n charge of which were The New- about three hours late on account of the wreck. Order Was Good. Notwithstanding the! ''stremtosity' of the times yesterday, the day was remarkably quiet, so fair as open breaches of the law were concerned, One or two personal encounters oc curred around the polls in the Fifth Ward but no" serious Injury was done &nd the Dolice made fewer arrests than usual upon such occasions. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . W. A. Farris A Card. Co,-Wm. B. Worth & Co. S. A. Li Change of Schedule. C. R.. L. & P. Co-Cook With Gas. ; Announcement Independent Ice J. W. Harper Down the BJver Sun day: t-v- f.-. . , . : Business Locals.'"" ' B. H. J. Ahrens-Horse For Sale. H, E. Bonltz Carpenters Wanted. : S 1 1 i - ' vome, ouy ' your Ice Cream at Far ris' and get Trading Stamps. At Far ris. 'Phone 626. i - Jack C. W. Worth, 206; B. B. 110; U H. Skinner, 110. Fifth Ward. O. Brown 7 . . . . , W. King W. P. GafTord C. C. Parker .... Necessary to choice, . Executive Committee K. W.1 282;l Woodus Kellum, 282; J. C- Wal ton,! 208; J. H. Burriss, 208. When the Fifth Ward, which was the jlast to come in, was reached the question arose as to whether or not Mr. thai King had received a majority of vote cast for Aldermen, lit was Great Boer War Spectacle to be Seen Here Next Wednesday, The Charleston News and Courier of Tuesday is unstinted in its praise of The Great-Boer War . Spectacle' which exhibited there "this week and which will be seen under canvass at Hilton Park next Wednesday. April 19th. The News and; Courier, says Briton and Boer found a warm wel come in Charleston yesterday on the occasion of. the first day's- presentation of the - great spectacle, The 3oer War." Heralded by reports of past successes, tne gigantic undertaking, which delighted thousands atthe St. Louis Exposition, bad no prejudice, to overcome here. On the contrary, the , people, led by the Confederate Veter- W I ' 1 1 n 1 .3 tuts luiu uiuer Bwieucs, uou utujr prepared a fine reception lor tne com pany, and especially for the old lion of the land beyond the vaal. Gen. Piet Cronje. To describe the daring horseman ship exhibited out on the old Meeting street ball park," which has - for the time being taken on the appearance of a South African battlefield, and the thrilling battles of Colenso, Paars- berg, with De Wet's fight through cordon of British troops, would re quire many : times ' the space which it is possible to give. It may be said however, that the spectacle is like nothing which has ever been present ed Jn this country before. The introduction to the great show, affords Mr. Pieter Visser, a Boer, ah opportunity for -showing a magnificent physique mounted "on a superb horse, and his voice Is of great range and beautiful quality. Among the officers of either side introduced are Capt. Chapin, U. S. A. ; C&i-t. Franklin and Capt Dix, of the British contingent, and Surgeon J. Nuncie Casey, who served throughout the war with great credit, is also presented. Among the Boers are seen Lieut. Minnaar, Field Cornet Coetzen, Field Cornet Young, Commandant Van Dan and Comman dant Boshoff, who was with Gen. uq La Rey at the wounding and capture of Gen. Methuen. U j . - " Two African Cape carts, four-in- hand, are shown, driven at break-neck speed, by Boers. . It seems as though the rapid transit proposition had been solved down there In South Africa if the driving jwhich is done by those Boers in the Cape carts is a criterion. Next are seen the Basutos, mount ed on their native ponies, and mules and ox wagons, of j the kind without which there would have - been no Tfansvaal possible, for the great trek was accomplished in the rude wagons. Mr. Frank E. Fillis, organizer of the present undertaking, is next intro duced, with that wonderful animal. Povero." Finely ridden by Col. Fil lis, "Prayero" delighted the spectators last night with a series of dances to 283 260 220 269 211 194 1 LAND SUIT Recommend Enforcement of Vagrancy Law and Increase of Police Force Road School Facilities. Work Satisfactory- Superior Court was engaged practi cally all day again yesterday in the trial of the Irving land suit' Unless greater progress is made than expect ed another entire djay will be con sumed in its trial, j beginning this morningy ' Court met as usual at 10 A. M. yesterday and of , the 12 tales men . drawn, for the! day, the sheriff retarnfta nas masoned and three not .found. . S. A. Greelish. James Win- berg and H.i E. Boney were .excused by the court Case of Hilton Lumber Co. vs A. C. L. Railroad Company was continued for defendant until next term. In the Iryiig land suit-only two wit nesses were! examined yesterday and both of those, were j for the plaintiff, viz: Samuel: J. Snoeden and Daniel Hawkins, the latter! being an old ex slave. Mr. George Irving, one of the plaintiffs, went on the stand In the af ternoon but jln the: midst of his testi mony he was attacked by a fainting spell and had to be iremoved from the court room where he could be given attention. There are two other wit nesses for examination to-day , after which the case will go to the jury. -One of j the number, Peter Hankihs, was called out yesterday and failed. How ever, he Is expected to-day as a sub poena! has been issued for him. . : The grand jury yesterday-completed its work fori the term, making no pre sentments but returning true Dills m nearly all presentments : sent down from the former grand jury.' None-" of them, however, is important, as pre viously stated. The; reports returned yesterday is regarded as a remarkably Mr. Jeff D. Sessom, of Stedman, N. , arrived last nigbt Mr. J. W. Powell, of Fair Bluff, ar rived last night ' 1 -Mr. Emmet 5J. Levy, of Baltimore, is a guest at The Orton. v Mr. H. C. McNair, of Maxton, is a guest at The Orton. Mr. W. Lb Mims, of Greenville, S. , Is a guest at The Orton. Ulr. H. R. Wlllcox, the well known insurance man of Charlotte, is a guest at The Orton. , . -. f : s .-. Messrs. J. C. Thomas and Jesse Wilson, of Calabash, Brunswick coun ty, were here yesterday. ,i -Misses Alice Ormsby and : Lizzie Pinner left for Savannah and Florida on a visit yesterday morning.' . Mrs. M. E. keathley has returned from Washington, L C, where she has been on a. visit to j Miss Lilly Keath ley. ? : v !--t' ; -We: Bad the! pleasure. of a.caH yes; I terday from Mb. - G.t, W. . Myers; of , the firm of Myers, (Weil & Deutsch, fruit and produce commission' merchants, Cleveland, O. . - -, Mr. E. R." Clark, ofthe Coast Line, received the sad news Tuesday of the death In Louisville, Ky., of a nephew and the same night, accompanied by his wife, he left for the scene of sor- rowj ; ' ' I - . . - A '-:-- l 7 i - r-v : . Mr. C. H. Gattis, travelling passen ger agent of the Seaboard1 Air Line, and Mr. Frank! Gough, of Lumberton, the clever excursion manager for this division of tbelsystem, were here yes-1 terday. " Mr. Gough brings ' down his first excursion of the - season from Hamlet- and intermediate points Sat urday week. - ,.h ... a -. 1 WILMINGTON PRESBYTERY. strong one and the mented upon it by ordered a copy of the same spread on jury was compli Judge Allen, who the records 'of the transmitted to the Commissioners lows: -' : J To.. Hon. Oliver H perior. Court New, N. C. April TermJ 1905. court and a copy Board of County The report is as fol- Allen, Judge, Su- Hanover County, 367 302 274 253 Jewell, shown that he had not received a ma- fae accompaniment of the band. "Pro- jority of the vote of 612 as was cast I vero ' executed a two-step last nlgnt for Mayor and the poll-holders! had no on being encored by the big attend way of ascertaining the number of votes cast for Aldermen. It was sug- Uque la equine, training. ' The naval gested that the ballots in the! box be 1 gun drill which followed gave an idea counted and the number arrived at in of what takes place yrheh the jackies that manner but it was explained that iTa blKeX " some voters nad ca&t two .separate ballots for the. two Aldermen they Our Committee at Winston were entitled to vote for and, there- A special from Winston-Salem saysi fnr thfl niitnW actiiallv cast couid "H. G. Smallbones, of Wilmington; j. " n,A rrv and Mr.! C. Ed. Taylor, of Southport, not; be so ascertained. The matter was le here toay 'hem confer- discussed at length and it was argued enee with Col. F. H. Fries, president that if the Mayoralty vote was taken of the Southbound Railway Company, o. K.oio i. na Ai4aman Tnese gentlemen came nere m tne in it should be taken In another in which 3 to obtain connections with the event there would jiaye to be a sec- proposed. Southbound road. " After dfs ond primary between Messrs. ' Beh- cussing the situation, ; CoL- Fries in- in tw tstq.! on 1 1 f on&6! til visitors tuftt no dennit ttc I waiiIiI falrnn nntfl afror fill tnA possibly Mr. Hashagen and Mr. Price, communities along the line vote on the in tne JTourtn ward. However, it was question of Issuing bonds. After tnis, shownhat the actual vote for Alder- all propositions coming from-.Wilming-, n lot war YaA Koon tonf ton, Southport and! Charleston, H. o, ..... i . . ..: f . will receive due consideration from separate and distinct and it ; wouio tne offlcera and directors of the roaid be manifestly an injustice to issue a ; Anil fn n nav nrlni o itr tta,& IMnollv o A CARD. V;ait lUl eft u c tt iuwi j wit si m: iumu m 1 ",uuuu T , 4 Mr. J.4D. Doscher, and famly here- uommiwee. secouuu u;diwm xx. Dy desire to express 'their gratitude Empie, Esq., prevailed to the effect to the many kind friends who so that In each of the wards the two can- ondly assisted them or proffered as- t v.vD -nt sistance; : also, to! those r who; sent didates receiving the highest vote for flowen durlng bereavement due Aldermen De aeciarea eiectea ana tne to tne decease of Mrs. Beta Doscher. We respectfully report the -: find ing of four true bills and one not a true bill, to-wit: One assault. and bat tery, one murder, two nuisances, etc. We have made no presentments; -one indictment held over for lack of wit nesses.' ; : i I rt."!!v; ",. Following as nearly as possible your plain and explicit charge, we have careruuy considered tne suojects touched upon therein nd such other matters as have come before us, and wish first of all to accentuate the most excellent report of the previous grand jury and to earnestly endorse the same, and all the I recommendations contained' tnerein. ! From-thef evidence adduced before us, we are Convinced that a vigorous enforcement;; of the! vagrant law will be the means of relieving the commu nity of some of the Ills complained of, and to that end we recommend that the police force be! increased, believ ing that thereby . the necessary evi dence can be obtained to convict those who foster and maintain disorderly places, and protection afforded every part of the city. ; s We recommend that Kellog's Alley and other places of like character. doubtless known to the police, receive determined attention from the police and the nuisance complained of there from; be broken Up. ! We respectfully report that we pro ceeded in a body to the convict camp on the Market street road and found the camp in f good condition and, with one exception, the convicts apparent ly in good , health,! their appearance indicating that, they are well fed and cared for; some of them when ques tioned so expressed . themselves, but some of them apparently were not properly ; clothed. : ' We investigated the road and found the work well done. We have also looked thoroughly Into the cost of the same and believe it is not excessive. The- County Commisisoners now have up the matter of its cost and are seek ing other, sources from which a supply of rock ran be obtained with the view of lessening the -cost . , : As idleness and ignorance tends to depravity, we urgently recommend that the school facilities be increased as early ;asl possible to an, extent that will accommodate all the children in the city. :., , -- :-..-si"-:-- WM. E; WORTH, Foreman. A. Solomon Secretary.' Damage Suit vs. A. G L. .. Complaint was filed yesterday in the $25,000 damage suit recently brought by John M. Branch, administrator of ther estate of the.', tate - "Vhlliam H. Branch, deceased, against the Atlan tic Coast line Railroad Company, The complaint is by Empie & Empie and Herbert MeClammy,! Esq.,, . attorneys for the plaintiff and it I alleged that on March 'Srd, 1904, while a conductor for' the defendant company on one of its construction trains , in Florida, the intestate was killed through the negli gence of the company in not providing all necessary equipment and comple ment of train "crew to operate the . lo comotive ana cars in nis cnarge. care lessness and negligence on the part of the engineer in charge of the -toco-motive ; arel also alleged. The suit will come up at, the next term of court, . -- -- -:- :i I .; REAL ESTATE - TRANSACTIONS. personal; paragraphs. SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER THE O'RM I MG-: : STAR ' 7 - i . i' i ; .. '" '7- .:,'"''-. ' . -.:. " ;. AT REDUCED RATES For the next sixty days we will mail THE MORN ING STAR to subscribers outside' the city at the follow ing reduced rates: j - for One Year $4.00. - For Six Months . . . $2.00. Spring Session- Being - Held .Here i .i Proceedings Yesterday.; The 'first day's sessions of the Pres bytery of Wilmington were held in the First Presbyterian l Church, this city, yesterday. The attendance is rather larger than usual, the lay delegates being present in large numbers. The Presbytery is organized, with Rev. P. Mclntyre, of Faison, moderator; Rev. L. W. Curtis, lof Southport and' Mr. Jackson Johnson, of WInnabow, tern-1 porary clerks, while Rev. A. McFad- yen ls stated clerk, i f Yesterday morning s session . was devoted largely to hearing reports from all : churches in regard . to the work of the year, the reports having I been referred to the various commit tees for their consideration. A few of the committees reported on matters of I routine business. At 11 o'clock; Rev. T. D. Johnson, of Burgaw, one of the4new members of the Presbytery, preached an excellent 1 sermon upon .""Justification " - Last night a popular meeting was held in the interest of Foreign Missions, the feature being a highly encouraging re port from Rev J. S. Crowley,; of Wil mington, agents of the Presbytery. In cluded in Revl Mr. Crowley's report was that of Mrs. Jackson Johnson, of WInnabow, president of the Woman's Foreign Misisonary Union of the Pres bytery. It showed among mapy other gratifying things that $2,000 has been contributed to Dr. Worth's hospital in I China and the Lees-McRae Institute at Banner Elk, in Ashevllle Presbytery. Rev. L. W. Curtis and Rev. A. D. Mc- Clure, D. D., spoke with reference to Missions and were heard with much Interest. I Positively, no subscription will be taken at the reduced rates for a period less than six months.' For ; one month the price will be, as heretofore, $1.25 for three months; or, fifty cents for one month. - This offer, as will be noted, is for a limited period only, and is made, for the purpose of giving those who appreciate the value of a daily newspaper an opportu- : nity. to read the STAR; for six months, or more, at a cost of about one and a quarter cents per copy, and . then determine whether or not they wjll continue their -"subscription at the regular price. ; . t No name will be entered on our books under this offer unless, the order is accompanied with the cash. While this proposition is made primarily to secure new subscribers, old subscribers outside the city may avail themselves of its advantages at the reduced rate provided they pay all arrearages and for not less than six months in advance. ' ; . V On account of the heavy expense attached to our city circulation department this offer does not apply to city subscribers. . ' Sample copies mailed free to any address. Note the conditions of this offer carefully to avoid mistakes. ANNOUNCEMENT ' ! , : Notice is hereby given that the out Y . i put of the factories operated by The .; I i Independent Ice -Company and Wm. E. j I K i - Worth & Co., will be handled by the CONSUMERS' ICE Phone, 64. 1 ! With headquarter at No. 10 Dock - - - - j- Street, where 'orders for lee will be. t- Y -- i received on and after April 13th. . .. THE INDEPENDENT ICC CO., - i WM. E. WORTH, & COMPANY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It was. decided to hold the Fall meet- ing of Presbytery Oct 11th, at Goshen I Grove! Church,! at Calypso, near Wal lace. I Young ' Mr. Farrior, of Kenansville, was received under the care of Pres bytery and will be educated for the ministry. o STILL ANOTHER HOMICIDE.! Wiley Kelley Died Last Night At Hos-I I pital An Inquest t. - I WITH Wiley Kelley, "the young negro shot by John Bishop, colored, at Sixth and Campbell streets, on Saturday night March 20th, a few hours before Sam Hooper was shot and killed by another negro at Sixth and Brunswick streets, died last night at 7 o'clock at -the James j Walker , Memorial Hospital. His slayer is in Jail, having been cap tured; through the efforts of the police the morning after the homicide, at Warsaw.'. !''" Yj;'j ' Dr. C. D. Bell, the coroner, was noti fied, of j the death last night and at once ! summoned ' a jury : of inquest, which will assemble this morning and investigate the. affair. . It will be re membered that Bishop was - fireman of the engine of a merry-go-round be longing to H. A, ,Kure & Son, near Sixth; andi Campbel) streets, and that Kelley persisted, in tooting the whis tle sA thei little steamer after having been forbidden o do by Bishop. A fight ensu.jd and Bishop said' Kelley struck him with a brick. ; He took up a "i pisto. at the merry-gb-round j and fired Ion Kelley, the ball penetrating the lung, i Kelley van to Sixth i and Red Cross and fell in the street i ; .!:: New Depot at Florence, i Noting the presence in that city of the South Carolina Railroad Commis AS Cracker Jack F . L FLOODS y Imperial and Tidal Wave THE F. E HASHAGEN CO., , Distributors for Mills, 210-212 North Water. Street, apr 9 tf - WANTED. I Every person to visit my store and inspect the most np-to-date stock of drugs and the : finest and most modern Soda j Fountain in the city. : f , BERNICE 0. MOORE. 715 N. Pourth St. . . Apl 8 tf . Deeds Filed For Record at the Court : fi House Yesterday. Marshali! Shrier to D." R. Foster, for $1,200, property at, southwest corner of Eleventh and Chesnut streets, 90x120 feet in size, more or less. . M. W. Divine to Thos. R. Mask and John E. Taylor.x for $325, property on east side of Fourteenth street, 63 1-2 feet southot,Nun street 330x396 feet in sizeF more or less. ftr: w.t-. '- - '" ' " ' v !The- only ' place in the city r giving Trading 'Stamps - on Ice Cream. At Farris V 'phone 26.' - - A CARD. You have tried . The New Ice-Cream, you have tried the Custard Cream, you sioners on their way to Chadbourn to have tried Condensed Cream. Come Inspect1 the Conway branch of the A. back to 016 ld riSinal Farris' Ice n t t ri 4 . . . ream -made from pure sweet cream C. U the Florence Times of yesterday and mllk. Ice has gone up, but our afternoon,: says: ! " BpeaKlng or Det- prices remain the same. : At Farris', ter depot facilities toFT6rence,i Col. 109 Htrth Front St., Wharton said he was told by the Coast We give. SouOiern Trading Stamps uviv- uva nccii. Seasonable Hardware! CAR LOAD COX COTTON PLANT- 1 ERS. CAR tO AD DOUGLASS PUMPS. CAR LOAD STANDARD NAILS, ALL SIZES. Also Plows, Castlnes. Shovels. Hoes, Rakes and all other agricultu ral implements. ' I. IV. Murchison & Co. Wholesale and' Retail. Orton Building, Spenclal Agents L. & R. Powder, Peninsular. Shovels and Howe Scales, mar 11 tf CHEST PROTECTORS be built would be one for Florence.: He 1 said that) owing to recent changes! W want '.orders. Will ship yon fine Fruit ma&e prices right - made with the-Coastnaneofflcials the tf P' 011 some choice N. matter was dropped, for a whilebntT,."'Vieo' naa uranges ana , - , . . - 4iBu viODage. a Affrntf- wAnlii arrw mail a hnirn I w It revived, as he though Florence .Vas sadly in need of better railroad 'facili ties." 1 f - - , - F. Hines Company l . Strictly Wholesale. ' Tri ANj onci HOT WATER BAGS. This is the kind of weather for Chest Protectors and Hot Water Bags, from 25c to $2 at - Ad Hardin's Palace Pharmacy :; 126 South Front Street feb tf . 77,i tf loi and 111 North Water St mal

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