XEbe flUomfng Star. WILLIAM H. BERNARD. WILMINGTON. N. C. Saturday Morning, April 22. JOHN PAUL JONES' REMAINS. n -m T Recently FredericksDurg, va., made claims for the reinterment of tU remains of John Paul Jones in on stated; yesterday, our resources are practically untouched. There, is a wde field in North Carolina for development and pro fitably enterprises on a large scale are offering on all sicles. Many of these jopportunijies pe neglected by our own capitalists or are left untouched for lack of capital, but strangers comin'g into our midst often ssee splendid chances for in vestment that kve entirely over look. .-. . - ! At present millions of capital into North Carolina 10 flrainncj . . in U " o that city because mat w .c for deveiopmeiit of our great y home which it is known that wate!DOwers arj new railroads en tU founder of the American navy nQ doubt acknowledged, r-miaueipm x that , gummarj; of this incoming making a strong claim, and m the w(mld our peopl editorial columns of the Philadel- p h hl th Neatest enterprise phU Record of Thursday it says: undeiJway in th( gtab at this time 1'For a movement which is but tne!develoDmLt 0f the immense six days old that in ing sepulture to the favor of giv- x ! ! V, .nnJi. rf tha body of Ad- Wiwsrr Powcl "1C - -r i nx,n tq11i .Tns within an Xadkin near aaiisDury. xi is sutr jii ix ai J jnxx uu.x CURRENT COMMENT. The former wife of Roland B. Moll neux arrives int vaudeville just two years behind time. Baltimore Sun. . It is an open question as to which can gather the most Indictments, Mrs. Chad wick or the Standard! 6u Com pany. Dallas News. j j Some of the American people fear the Japs will take the Philippines, and the rest of them are afraid they will not New York American. , It now developes that Russel Sage is worth but $25,000,000, although he has been attracting s much ttention as a rich man would. Washington Post. A j It is not believed that Secreta dy Taft would be severely censured if he should get oft the lid lonjj -enough to let Santo Domingo escape Wash ington Post. It is reported that Roje$tvensky is hunting for the Japaneses fleet. Isn't It strange that trouble has (men a fas cination for some people? Blrming ham Leader. j Mayor Dunne Is beginning that "immediately is a big to learn word in imei nntinnal monument to be ed that about $3,000,000 will be erected at Philadelphia has gath- expended there There are also the lexicon of furnishing daily trans- J, toMamTnPTitiiTn ' i! Dortation for 2.000,000 people St. viiuuvjuiup cwmv- r . . ,K.rm,.af rmiaaeipma nas "JTZ scale in the way of trolley lines, frt; BtW n r worthv memorial railroads, and manufacturing 1 rf Wh father nf thfi American naw dustries. in connection with which "i-H'MV w mf I f ' 1 - , A I ., ; -i is invariably me: State recently editorial in which Louis Globe-Democrat. Henry James' dislike for Prosi dent Roosevelt's literary style is per haps a mild emotion compared with the President's feeling about 'the style of MrJ James.Chicago News.. Castro is said to have offered Gen. Sherman Bell, of Colorado, a very large salary to take command of the Vene zuelan army. If any other induce ment is necessary, Colorado ought to because of historic associations of northern capita the past. Our nrst great navai tioned. commanuersuuiuuunu cp Columbia in tne locaiixy wnere tne aiuciou. -L tha inrtmnit- contained an uaijf w aa ujlil , niiw v. - - i j j j i tliot jictopmAn Ann ah I a pnnf pmnor- sion and first unfurled his flag, and arv ealls attention to the large waere raavcu a and varied and promising neiqs be Wming to offer it. wishington rUa the investment of capital o-nnH mndern reasons whv this is the Southern btates, ana argues is hardly worth whi e to say the appropriate spot for the pro- that k would b6 more wise as well that Chicago went Democratic because posed memorial. It is at Philadel- as more patriotic for American " wen for Dunne- nor wu d u habe thia that the new navy of the Unit- Up wooiti. kn Jqao thva ed States was beeun. and the ' T ...T IH " ITT publican if it had gone for Harlan. greater part of the steel-clad battle neiasj raxner wn in ioru CWcago slmply went tomtoo and sne fleet was launched." these j fields rather than in foreign would have gone tomfool no matter Philadelphia proposes, if Ad- loans? or in mahy of the Ventures whom she elected Louisville Courier- miral Jones' remains are burid of Midred nature that seem to at- Journal. the're. to erect over them an im- tract them. ' -It is said that crews of British ves X Tii,00 maa civ sels in the east are refusing to g6 on ' ., j , A I CT.i . i, voyages and Chinese have tjo be sub- ate monument. However, the with j what Thei State said and stituted for tnem They tear they Washington Post of Thursday, makes this comimeni upon it: may come up with the Baltic squad says: "It is a matter-well worth dis- ron and they do not want; ti risk the ("The naval authorities are cussing, and the press of the South danger the English fishing fleet did. uLnimously of opinion that the a National as weil as a Rojestvensky can clear th4 seas of remains of John Paul Jones should ?ctl?l sHe . Pr!?m t? merchants thout flrlf s a shot- be buried in the cemetery at the F"5 lue LVrJ:T. -Cumbia Record- United States Naval Academy at e f-JHT tn-SThf -Under the auspices 1 Admlral aC k v,. ments. With the accumulation of A1,Aff th f.nmm1ttM. nf hJ. Par nut tihguished naval officer, and the w in thv rg!u e.entres .ere contlnuea tne work of eiabol-ating the hrtrial rounds at the academv are ""t r, . i . . It I administration of Manchuria. A school . 1 IT T It r T TTTi TkTll TIUf fl T II U Wt t I A cablegram from Paris on s th f i Tt is the natural COMMERCIAL WILMINGTON MARKET. (Quoted officially at the closing by the unamDer- ot commerce. ; ; STAR OFFICE, APRIL 21. No Quotations Holiday. Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine,: , firm at , 53c; rosin, notmng doing i tar, nrm, at 1.90; crude turpentine, steady at $3.2 WiiAb. ....; .I-..' ; KJSUEIPTS. Spirits turpentine 23 Rosin .... .... 106 Tar . ... J . ...U... I..... 49 Crude turpentine . . 53 Receipts same day last year 7 casks spirits turpentine, 151 barrels rosin, 116 barrels tar, 25 barrels crude turpentine. COTTON. Market, quiet at 7 1-2 for middlibig. Same day last yearl nothing doing, Receipts 704 bales: same day last year, 10 bales. COUNTRY PRODUCE. (Corrected Regularly by Wilmington rroauce commission mercnams. prices representaingi those paid for produce consigned j to Commission Merchants.) i I PEANUTS North i Carolina, firm. Prime, 90c; extra prime, 95c; fancy, 1.00, per bushel of twenty-eight pounds. Virginia Prime, 80c; extra prime, 85c; fancy, 90e. Spanish, 85 90C ;' I CORN Firm; 60 65 per bushel for white. N. C. BACON Steady, hams, new, 12(5)12 l-2c. per pound; shoulders, 9c; sides, dulU 9 to 10c. 1 EGGS Dull at 1314c. per dozen. CHICKENS Firm, f Springs, 20(g) 30c: Grown. 3040c i TURKEYS Dull at 13c. lor uve; 18 20c. for dressed. BEESWAX Firm, at 260270. TALLOW Firm at 5 1-2 6c. iper pound. ; ! PORK Firm at 67c net. PEAS White. $1.50$l-60; clay, $1.10 $1.15. I SWEET POTATOES Firm at 70 75c. Der busheL i BEEJF CATTLE Dull at 2 3 l-2c, per pound. j MARINE. I ARRIVED. Steamer Carib, McBeth,1 George town, S. C, H. u. Smallbones. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Naval Store and Cotton Yesterday. j Wilmington, N. C., April 21, 1905. C. C. Railroad 3 bales cotton!, 29 barrels crude turpentine. W. & W. Railroad rl05 bales cotton 5 casks spirits turpentine, 15 barrels rosin, 23 barrels tarj 6 barrels crude turpentine. W. C. & A. Railroad 443 bales; cot ton, i, casks spirits turpentine, 14 bar rels rosin. 25 barrels tar, 16 barrels crude turpentine. 1 A. & Y. Railroad ilOO bales cotton 14 casks spirits turpentine, 73 carrels tar, ovorAhm af Pp Arf Knr hoc tiicf- hiUin oi investment laeprecaiea oy perfected (on paper of rse) and oouinern inenas. j.i is tne natural . , v .vj TTT J J ,i . . , . . .. UlttCCU 111 lilt: UU1UCI Ul IUC mmisici Ul Wednesday announces that the outgrowth l of the increasing inti- ucatioQ. The Russiai UsorsnIp State Department at Washington maey of foreign relations m the reaiiy ought to permit the bureaucracy has advised Ambassador Porter nnanciai wunu auu sucn mvcsi that an American squadron will be mts serve a (purpose that could i . . , , , t. i not we servea oy otners m me en- sent to take the body of Paul terDrises of our own land. Thev Jones to the United States, prob- invite capital, the) possessors or ablv in June. It is exDected that managers of which are not fitted the d rench government will .par- mcuueu io couuuerciai ur ideals?" Harris "I used ticiDate in an imDosins funeral industrial concerns;, but require not Bince x saw FeSsenden'i wife. "He 3 barrels crude -53 bales cotton rosin, 1 , barrel turpentine. W. & N Railroad 2 casks spirits turpentine, 4 barrels rosin, 9 barrels crude turpentine. iotal 704 bales cotton, 23 casks spirits turpentine, 10C Darrels rosin, to occasionally read an : uncensored newspaper Philadelphia Record. 49 barrels pentine. TWINKLINGS. Grimes "Are you believer in tlo be, but de- of It ! . , , j i , then securities m forms more ... j mute, if not safer, to the course Pans. Detailed . plans have not wMch thev are accustomed. yt been; made, but it probably remiins true, Wwever, that there will occur shortlv before the is an enormous amount of unde- PVon'oii national niiia i veloped resources in the South rl n v.' ' which will ultimately yield to en- Tf. care, and intelligence very QTiri onilAWI Will -F-Mm 4-V -v sin s r-v-w4- I n. m -m t m-m A recent editorial m the Kich-lthat has been 'made m the past mond Times-Dispatch calls forth fortjr years is but proof of the far wanted to marry wou for ydur money. persuaa said she was his ideal, you remember. Boston Transcript. Charitable Lady But a man last week told me exactly the same story Tramp Yes, lady. Yer seei I made a fatal mistake in not havin' the history of me life copyrighted. Chicago Jour nal.. ! j i -He "So your father List of Vessels Now in Port : mington,; N. C. thought I I I . - I nrv x j: j . . ah rii this intprestino- mmnr.,-p.tinn greater progress tnat can De ana r1"1 uu ou oue will be made. If we try to meas- ed him that you didn't, arid then he from a North Carolinian: ure Ithe actual contrast between said that was the case Vou hadn't "Editor of the Times-Dispatch. the Bouth of 1865 and the South any sense." Detroit Journal. "Sir. I notice. in your editorial of to-day we can understand "I understand that a Way has at of the 18th, on John Paul Jones, Whiy at leist hat the future last been discovered to catck and hold you state that it is not known how holds store- :T is one o the the elusive beams of tne Bfn- What--he acquired the surname of Jones, wonders of commercial history, on a cold and gloomy nighd would be I would like to call vour attention andi the material (resources com- so charming as the uncorking of a to the following PTtraot frnm 1 A bined with the moral forces of the bottle of sunshine?" "The uncorking Steamers. Bona (Br), L567 tons, Dawson, Alex ander Sprunt & Son. Schooners. Carrie A. Norton, 467 tons, Hammet, C D. Maffltt j Wm. Neely, 792 tons, Wells, C D. Maffltt i Chas. J. Dumas, 605 tons, Hudgins, C. D. Maffltt. I I Helen Montague, 348 tons, Adams, D. Maffltt. 1 I Isaac T. Campbell, 494 tons, Walde- mar, C. D. Maffitf. BANK CLEARINGS. strated, give solid advancement j still able." LESLIE'S MONTHLY ZINE. Cadwallader Jones : I "'General Allen Jones resided at Mt. Gallant, in Northampton county, at the head of Roanoke Falls. Willie jones lived at the grove near Halifax. These old mansions, grand in their propor tions, were the homes of abound ing hospitality. In this connec tion, 1 may mention that when usual it is a brreat entertainer in i nttuidi, the great vane STSSS This magazii moonshine. Houston people, both so anrolv demon- of a bottle of security lor an i u. more remarK- --So thev- smashed vonr laundrv and looted your cash drawer?" said ine nonce mage. "Tnev aia." answer- MAGA- ed the intelligent Chinaman. "And what, did you do?" "Nothjng. They iouowea tne usual nimrnnt nrtri c. LesUe s Monthly Magazine or Uinced me that it was to my interest to May is on our round table and as remain neutral" Washington Star. .i r in I A Modern Tnstanp MrllhAr- "Yoo John Paul Jones visited Halifax, the I great variety 'of its contents. 1 know yu andi George are jvery devo then a young sailor and straneer. m.A . . A , .A ed now. hut nr vn nro that ftor 1 -1 . - . ' I I HIM II HITH? Tld 1 TlHTMl Tfir 1TB rf I ne maae tne acquaintance of those , i "1 7 , , marriage you won't tire of each other? mud niri natm Aiia wii sDienaia uterarv ieature ana tne .. f. - i7"""'"! ""vu , l i . uaugniei' wen, it we do I we can go iic uue xxe was a young man, ay numoer is a gem m mat rer mto society.- and I can jbin all the ' vviu, iiauii, spect. ine taDie oi contents em- chariUble association and women's sauor-beanng, that attracted their braces so much of excellence that clubs, and then we'll neveV see each aneiinon. jtie Decame a ireauent if . i .- , . tw r vJi, titi.i visitor at their hnmp, who ha we jeannot specuy Dut among tne r -7- tto. im,rn tt. articles that will attract. wiVI t. Said She t"He who cin and will u0 it u o rv rri i ,1 f 1 1 1 . I if kiiiiiii . - - i not wed should pay a tax in court in stead." Said He "Full many a man's grew fond of them, and as a mark tension are "Does it Pay to be a of his PSt.ePTTi onrl arlmi nnt - ZZTJZ rCi.: " "J - a bachelor made by the sirigle bliss of ha XZ T"S' "S" " L- Fllbert- Tne Japanese Death of the bachelor mald."-Boston Globe. proud of it.1 Thus, John Paul be- SPfit'" by Adachi Kinnosuki ; and "How did De Guy happen to give came John Paul Jones it w.s his "Our New Ambassador," by Laura an engagement ring so. sudden- fancy. He named his ship thi Bon Frnk Birchall.l The magazine is l17') "Why, they were out walking and Homme! Richard, in coimoliment attractive! v iiwtp,i Qn1 f ha she called his attention to a ring of Franklin,! he named himself klv i: - Jones m compliment to Allen and Aa v t Her?ad V mm J Ones, wnen tha first tiotool r "Justice Tlaviri J Prowor calH of war sounded he obtained letters a yiear for ior 10 cents per copy, a Philadelphian, "made an address not from these brothers to Joseph Address The Frank Leslie Publish- long ago at Haverford. After the ad- Hewes, a member of Congress from ing House, lil-147 Fifth Avenue, dress there was an informal little re North Carolina, and trirnnwri Viia XT.i -rrr I . - i Icention and vorv InrorooHnir 1 woo iu TZ'i rr . iew lots.. xuiiuciiue receiveq ms nrst commis sion in the navy, i-am now the old est living aescendent of General I firming fha mrwrkn ' P)i1naan that Tjio4 i Record f: FOR UNION WITH GREECE. cepuun ana very interesting it was to hear the justice talk. "A Haverford boy said to the learned man during Allen Jones. Mrs. Willie her husband I remember mv! aunt. So Jones, who survived many years. boy I heard these of in both families. and facts of declared the Chamber ties of Crete. By Cable to The Morning Star. Canea, Island of Crete, April 20 The Cretan Chamber of Deputies was tnej lull in the conversation: "Will Depu- you please ten me, sir, what is the extreme penalty for bigamy?" "Jus when a spoken This Mr. Cyrus Townsend HrnHv nno high commissioner of the powers, who of the biographers of Paul Jones Ws.spblamed ue revolutionists T...J. . i " vvixkb, and declared ihls readiness to mnH tice Brewer smiled and 'Two mothers-in-laws!' answered: statement is accepted by opene- to-day(by Prince George,! the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. but reiecte V.V Mr Tt110ll "tvIIM8?? aeciareaima readiness to t . , ; ' ftUUUl", every reasonaDie reform properly pro- It IS nara JO See how thlS Statement DOSed. On the withdrawal nt tha of Colonel Cadwallader Jones can Prince, the Chamber of Deputies unan- SJJ8 De rejected without impeaching J " T5 . SS. 'armor or tne un- i wew wim ureese ana aepuues proceeded to the palace to so inform the Prince. ! First Excursion to Wilmington. his great ability. i Yours truly, I S. S. ALSOP. unneld, N. C Klc CAPITAL FOR THE SOUTH. We ever a Cheated Death. dney trouble often ends f ntaiiv but by choosing the right medicine, E. Hi Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheat art no V. UH irw. An ' 4. i i "u. ne tsaya. iwo years ago ao not suppose there was I ihad Kidney Trouble, which caused ever a; time the history of North ! f SJ! fS Carolina when n mnnh w but I took Electric Bitters, which ef- uua wnen so much Northern fected a complete cure. I have also capital is being invested in this S111,.01 great benefit in general State of wonderful rn, debility and nerve trouble, and keep on,, . resources- The tnem constantly on hand, since, as I opportunities for invest, find they have no eaual." R. p. rh. inexhaustible, and, as The Star 50c' drugglst; grantees themat The Seaboard Air Line railway an tneir nrst excursion - from Hamlet to Wilmington and return Saturday April 22nd, account of the Haymakers' Carnival: rate from Ham- let to Maxton, inclusive, $1.25; Alma ana points to isiKton, inclusive, $1.00 irain leaves Hamlet at 7:00 A. M. returning, leave ; Wilmineton. 7:30 1 P. M.i ! See advertising matter for Ome at intermediate points. For informa- uon apply to. CHAS H. GATTIS, T. P. A., 5t ' - it. ftaieiern. Frank Gough, Manager. I r Lumberton, N. C. apr 14 till apr 22 N. q BmhOs i of i i rTM Kind w Haw Alwys W tar, 53 barrels crude MARINE DIRECTORY. of tur- Wil Bradstreet's Report of Transactions i Principal ! Cities. By Wire to The Mornine Star. New York, April 21. The following table compiled by Brakstreet shows the bank clearings at a number of the principal cities for the week ended Thursday 13th, withthe percentage of increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year. Sixty two other cities are included in the totals. ' i New York $2,189;&46,235, increase 97.3; Chicago $196,121,694, increase 14.2; Boston $145,565,412, increase 27.6; Philadelphia j $142,832,498, in crease 28.8; St. Louis '$61,075,374, in crease 21.1; Pittsburg $48,739,134, in crease 23.7; San Francisco $43,323, 569, increase 54.8; Cincinnati $26,567,- 400, increase 17.7; Baltimore $24,672, 483, increase 15.7; Kansas Cityi $23, 521,968, increase 19.2; New Orleans $16,865,848, decrease 6.1; Louisville $11,970,253, increase! 5.0; Memphis $5, 133,315, increase 6.6; Richmond $4, 819,458, increase 7; Washington $5,- 181,074, increase 23.5; : Savannah $3,- 406,598, increase 29.4; Fort Worth $5,- 182,097, increase 104.9; Atlanta $3,652, 777, increase 25.9; i Nashville $2,936, 161. Increase 10.1; Norfolk $1,804,038, increase 1.5;' Augusta $1,725,078, in crease 82.3; Birmingham $1,443,508, increase 12.0; Knoxyille $1,115,152, de- Truths (hat Strike Home Tout trrocer is honest and if he cares tq doso-rCan tellj L- iute v uw. nrr littlfiiabout the bulk coffee he i sells you. How con be know, where it onginaUy came from. or when roasted? If you buy your coffee loose by the 'pound, how can you expect purity and uniform quality 1 UON COFFEE, the LEADER OF ALL PACKAGE COFFEES, is oi necessity uniform in quality. strength and flavor. ! For OVER Aj QUARTER OF A CENTURY, LION COFFEE! has been the standard coffee In. millloiis ol homes. L LION COFFEE I orelnUy packed at our factories, and until opened in your home, has no chance jol being adul terated, or ol coming In contact with dustj dirt, oerms, or unclean handw. j t I I- ! In each package of UON ! COFFEE ybu get one full pOUfld of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting the .genuine! 5ion head on every package.) j I , j i fSave the Laon-neada for vaftiable premiums.; SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE . . j v - WQOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohitj, , , i . . . . . . j ' GAYLORb'S ! i I I . : j I Great Easter Clothing Sale I ! i I j Thursday, Friday and Saturday, i ; : :" i i ..i-'j kpHI 20, 211, 22 MEN'S. ! " $15.00 Men's Suits, $11.90; ; $12.50 Men's Suits, $9.89; $10.00 Men's Suits, Special i i - ! Now : $7.48 $7.00 Men's Suits, This Sale,! j $5.48 i t $6.00 Men's Suits, Now I $4.98 j ; $3.50 Men's Pants, $2.48 j $3.00 Men's Pants, $1.98. ! BOY'S. $3.50 Boy's Suits, $2.98. $3.00 Boy's Suits, $2.48.' $2.00 Boy's Suits, $1.48.. 50c. Boy's Pants, 38c? 65-. Boy's Pants, 48c. 35c. Boy's Shirts, 25e, 65c. Men's Dress Shirts,-48c. 50c. Men's Dress Shirts, 38c. 100 TWO PIECE SUITS FOB MEN TO BE SOLD SO LOW AS TO RESEMBLE GIFTS. I BUY YOUR EASTER HAT FROM GAYLORD'S AND YOU GET THE LATEST IN STYLE AND LOW EST IN PRICE. DON'T MISS IT -GAYLORD'S CLOTHING SALE. j ENORMOUS 3 DAYS. Price Iftlo ObjecftJ 0N TUESDAY MARCH 28, will begin the Sal of the Stock of Goods' at Paris Millinery Em porium, 129 Market Street, city. -i ', . The; stock of Skirts, Hats, Rib- Dons, Flowers, Feathers, Coats, Laces,; Rugs, Blankets and other goods will be sold very cheap. We want to close it out in two weeks. The best of the stock will be sold at cost and quantities of it at less than half the cost. i - The first customers will get the best bargains. The prices will range about one- half the Regular Retail Price. Lib eral discounts will be allowed to merchants. ' 1 - '. THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME FOR SMALL MERCHANTS. The stock consist of up-to-date goods Coats, Skirts, Waists. Rugs, Xiaces, Embroidery, Hats Ribbons, Velvet Silk, Flowers Feathers and Notions.' E. H. FREEMAN, Trustee. men 28 tf Geo. O. Glord, 206, 20J 210 NORTH FRONT ST. Bankrupt J .-:. . 'ale. f i Best made for heavy machine: all purposes. Good B. B. Band, 10c. lb. For light machinery and general pur poses, all put in 28-lb. boxes. We want your orders; best attention to all Inquiries. . T. D. LOVE CO., Manufacturers' Agents and Dealers in Mill and Plumbers' Supplies. 204-206 N. Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. apr 21 tf Seed Potatoes Various Kinds! WHITE BUSS, ROSE, BEAUTY, HOULTON ROSE, r - BOVEE Make your orders for ship- i. , ment when ready. j This will be genuine Maine grown Seed and prices will be low. We will be glad to quote. Jhe Worth Co l Wilmington N. C. Jan 10 tf. " crease 17.4;' Charleston $1,416,877, in crease S39.0; Little Rock $1,102,992, increase 23.0; Chattanooga $803,288, increase 13.1;, Jacksonville $1,079,117, increase 23.3 ; Macon $521,000, de crease 56.5; Houston $11,245,641, in crease 3.5; Galveston $10,953,000, in crease 55.1; Total United States $3, 154,591,220, increase 65.4; Outside New York. $964,944,985, increase 21.1; To tal Canada $60,042,127, increase 29.1. The Kind You Haw Always Bought Nofit Shoes Lead Them All BMntha ! A OF TO-KMOW.- WTO Eff Eff Clothing and Six Months Guarantee Against Holes TOBACCO is the largest seller, cut out this advertisement and send, together with 2c stamp, to R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem,;!. C, and they will mail free a 5c sample of this tobacco. Write your name and address plainly, j a Sox with a --$ it mm Black, Tanf (light and dark) I l W?t tT Pearl, Navyl llll24 Blae.and Black I t r?Tlf Jfj legs with whits I ilv4nlsl? feet.' Fast I IIIhUIIII Two Grades; W Merino medium or heavy.) Sold in lots of 4 pairs for $2 job. A six months guaran tee ticket with each pair. (2) Cottop. Sold onlyi in lota of six pain for S1.50. A months guarantee ticket with each Put J. W. H. FUCHS, Head to Foot Ontfitters. Tryrpa Jpjjof Worth's Bunion Shoes New Roe Herring ! Just received a lot of New Roanoke Roe Her ring, Catch of 1905. j ; First of the season. Wilmington Grocery Co., Phoiie 14. John I. Boatwrlght, Hor. apr 18 tf i VILLA VIEW, Wrightsville Sound. Are! You Keeping In Stock Cuban Blossom '.; AND RENOWN CIGARS? 1 : They are as Good as Ever. Silver Coin Flour 1 Can't Be Beat. H. L V0LLERS, Wholesale GROCER AND DISRTIBUTOR. mch. 28 tf Magnolia, 25c lb. inery and Kosmic, 15c. metal for saw-mills bearings. and all The Up to Date Line of 4 Smokers' Articles. We have the largest and most se lect line ever shown by any dealer in the State. We guarantee every cigar we sell. Something new in almost every line. . D. VANN, 10 North Front St. Telephone 190. apr 16 tf Selected Flour 461 Barrels Best Patent 516 Barrels 1-2 Patent 183 Barrels Clear Net Cash, here, 1-8, 1-4 and 1-2 barrel bags. $5.75 5.25 5.00 W. B. COOPER, Wflmington, N. C. apr 16 Buy Your Easter Hats and Clothing OF The Very Best Shoes Sole Agents s H 0 E S That Money Can Buy We 'nave tnem In almost every Btvle. shanp 'and nimlHv anil nan the least wee foot to biggest man. n win pay any man to take a look at our tables of bargains. Some lots of Douglas and other staples are be ing closed out, below prime cost Come early and secure your size. Our Cash-on-Annrovftl grows to popularity. - Respectfully, Mercer& Evans Co feb 12 tf ' ng lo-Sixty On the Trolley Line, a charm cation; for a Summer Cottage. 8even (67) Lets now on sale.; several Lots on Queen Street anH other desirable City property fo sale. m iew more unices in the "South' em" for rent. i IV. A. DICK. I fteal Estate Agent, Notary Pjiblic. Phone 1067. - apr 12 tf Drugs at Night! VVhy Suffer all Nighr for the Want of Drugs? A competent man sleeps over thi store and all you have to do is ito push the button on Castle street door. James M. Hall, . DRUGGIST, ;Oor. Fifth and Catle strt 'Phone 192. HAMME, THE HATTER AND CLOTHIER. Gents' Furnishings. Latest Style and Lowest Prices. Fresh Every Week HEDLEY'S CHOCOLATES 25 and 40c per Pound. Gibson's Pure Fruit Tablets, All Flavors. S. W. SANDERS. apr 21 tf Easter Egg Dyes! A large assortment of Easter-Egg Dyes, White Rabbit, Fleck's New Com bination, Paas Union Package and Paas Picture Paper Dyes. 5 cents a package; If sent-by-mail.l cent extra. Hardin's Palace Pharmacy 12B So. Front St. Wilmington, N. C. apr 18 tf Ground Phosphate Lime Good for Corn, Peanuts, Potatoes, Truck and all other crops. ANALYSIS: 80 to 87 per cent,. CAR BONATE OF LIME. Results can be seen for years when once used. - S7.00 PER TON. Address B. F. KEITH. mar IS tf GO TO For Salmon, Lobsters, CodfTt and Mackerel. ' ' : - "PHONE 1052. Prompt Delivery, mar 22 tf No. 14 Market St