! 1 M .11 Star THE MORNING STAR. Oldest Daily Newspaper in the State. - . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year, by Mall ...... 3U 4Six Months, by Mall 250 Three Months, by Mail ....1.25 Two Months, by Mall 1.00 j Wilmington Paper. : voL.xxxvi-isro. 56. 1ST: C. HBIDAX, MAY 26, 1905. I WHOLE NUMBER 11,726 E Zbc morning Star. OUTLINES. News of a. battle on Wednesday be tween the Russian and Japanese fleets south of Formosa Is discredited at St Petersburg, where - it is believed that Admiral Rojestvensky was a thousand miles away steaming for Vladivostok; Russians .say Togo will have to fight if the Russians have to bombard a -Japanese city in order to make him join battle The proceed ings of the Southern Industrial Parlia ment at Washington were spirited and personal yesterday; ill feeling was dis played over several matters; Mr. W. A. Irwin, of Durham, -N. C.,-depends on President. Roosevelt to boost, the cotton mill industry, and the parlia- ment shouted for the flag and an a propriation ! Capt. Richmond Pear-1 son Hobson and Miss .Grizelda Hous- JSP" I2EY7 trace of Seiefred Roebline, th four- teen year old boy who" rahaway from Asheville; the New York boy who tried 1 to laKe tne runaway boy s. . grand- $1,000 for hearing Wednesday night near his !home in Edgefield coUn- ty, S. C, Senator Tillman was badly I hurt by being driven in a carriage over a fifteen foot embankment - The Southern Presbyterian. General Assembly, at 'Fort Worth, yesterday, could not see its way dear to under- take to establish a greater church, uni versity in Atlanta -The disorder in Jewish quater of Warsaw continued to last night, the mob visiting disreputa- - ble houses smashing the furniture, pianos and jewelry and killing eight people New :-York : makets yes day: Money' on call easy, 2 1-4 to 2 1-2 per cent., closing bid 2, offer ed at 2 1-4; cotton, spot quiet, 8.50; flour slow but strong; wheat firm,- No. 2 red, 110 1-2; Corn firm, No. 2, 59 1-2; oats steady, mixed 35 to 35 1-2; tur pentine firm 73 to 73 1-2; rosin firm. 1 r-' WEATHER REPORT. . U. S. Department of Agricultere, ; vy-j i Weather Bureau, k.y i Wilmington, N. C, May 25, 1905. Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending 8 P, M. yesterday. ; - Temperature at 8 A. M., 68 degrees; 8 P. M., 70 degrees; Maximum, 75 de-- greess Minimum, 56 degrees; Mean, 66 degrees. Rainfall for the day, 00; rainfall since 1st of month to date; 4.82. Stage of water in Cape-Fear river at FayettevIHe, N. C, at 8 A. M. yes terday (Wdenesday) 6.6 feet. port Almanac May 26. Sun Rises I J. ....i. ...... .4:47 A. M. Sun Sets , ........7:06 P. M. Day's Length 14 h. 13 m. Hight Waterat Southport . .2:40 P. M. High Water at Wilmington. 5: 10 P. M. Weather Forecast. For North Carolina. Showers - Fri- day and Saturday; fresh southeast to south winds, i V .. - "uuauu nwu-UBiuw..uuiv.iie is '.. . . , guilty ot murdering His wite but is perfectly willing to be hung, Johann knows that a man who is fool enough to get roped in by 40 wives is better off .under "the ground wbere no ore trouble of that kind is eoming to him. Even the rumored defeat of the Japanese fleet by Admiral Rojest- ensky eaused the price of cotton to drop some points in Liverpool and New York yesterday. A Rus- sian victory "on the sea simply means a prolongation of the war, and possible complications among --..- - - other powers in consequence. of it. I I A noin , nf le , , , : ..T , : ; j. woudn't let Noah's weather predic nons come, in - ineir no use aiiu laughed a him tor building an ark to weather a shower of rain that WmTjA Aavs arui 40 nfcrht.a. Noah ' . , j knew his business and proved that most of the people of the world didn't have sense enough to j et in out of the wet. Col. William J. Bryan will soon leave fori Europe to study ' the question of municipal and govern- ment owned and operated utilities and industries. Until American municipal and State officials learn hnw to pive us Governments .that are worth the name, it will be a shame-to burden them with mat ters of real business. It is stated that the Dutch gov ernment will give a subsidy of $290,000 towards the construction of the Palace of Peace for the court of ; international arbitration at The Hague. Ever since the Dutch captured Holland they have been for peace and they show it now by going down into . their pockets for a laudably purpose. Says the Washington Post: In a couple ot weeks trom now we will have to pretend to be excited over thej finish of that ocean yacht louses had been made and assurances m - "without, rpallv rempmherin wlsiven 4n the cases of those who are the names of the starters or what lt is all about. Tne greatest in terest in the race is that lts pro- gress is being reported by the Mar- coni wireless telegraph. First time such a thing has been done in thei history of the world. K Mrs:- Katherine Poillon, who is, of course, " a woman of rare beau ty," is suing multi-millionaire Wil linm finnM RrolraW for 250.000 l. 't ;ou That i small amount to want to squeeze w.iciww ..,-v.--. millions but probably -sue aireaay had stacked the cards for several ttonths'in an effort to make it pos- sible for.Willie to "die poor." . dANT POLICE RAID Park Surrounded by Officers and Twenty-Three Arrest- t ; ed for Vagrancy. Only One Escaped But He DidSo at Risk of His Life Some -of the Ex-: , ''-v cuses-Morali Effect i Will BeGood. y- A Perhaps the largest haul ever made by the local police, numerically speak' ing; was made yesterday afternoon be- tweeu 3 an4 o'clock as a climax to a vigorous war against vagrancy lnsu- tuted by the new administration imme taiately. upon assuming the reigns of ine government, iwp weeics ago. rACone'tell sW60p,i tfetelr of eighteen men, headed by Chief " Williams, moved .upon Hilton Park and there, unier the moss-covered oaks and the inviting umbrage of river-side foliage, bagged no. less than 23 young negroes, raneInK m age from 12 to 25 years. " . . . ., w and Professing every occupation from snoo-snine" to steveaore. rne police had been so vigorous inside the . city limits lately; that the "gentlemen of liesure"; had hied themselves to the woods during the day, -returning to town at night and commingling with the labor classes so familiarly as to elude tfie-ptdfOfi. The clever. doBee of the idlers was soon discovered Dy the porrce, - and the raid on Hilton was planned in con sequence thereof. -. Eighteen of the "night shift" were ordered to report for spescial duty at 3 o'clock yester- day afternoon and they responded as follows: Chief Williams Sergeants C. W. Woolard and J. R. Hardee, Privates C. E. Wood W C; Moore, J. J. Moore, G. R. Holt, E. Skipper, ,W. R. Apple- berry, J. R. Minshew, M. C. Gray,, W. J. Howard. W. M. Harris, Alex. Wells, E. ' R. Chadwick, John Meier, R. , L. Truelove, M. A. Jones and M. P. New ton. All with the exception of Offl cer Wood were in citizen's clothing and with clubs concealed. One squad went down the. railroad ; track on the north side-of the Park; another came In from the east; another from the south, while the ' river shut off es cape on the west. At a given signal the men closed in and; pandemonium reigned among the loungers. - Those on the river bank pretended they were fishing; those inside the fence enclos ure claimed they were assembled for a baseball game, while others excused onlv nassine. throng." ' Hnw.wr ' o the police accepted no excuse and the motley throng was ordered to "form and march to the station house, which they did In Coxey army style, tne of ficers forming a hollow square around them to prevent escape. -.- Only one of the number in the park escaped the raiders. He was one of three , who" ran . out on a raft closely pursued by Sergeant Woolard and others. He tumbled, in the river a time or tWQ- recovered his footing . . , f'. . ' where ne sprang to the wharf and lost himself in the lumber piles, When the 23 were searched at the Police station the aggregate sum of tt.at til money was iouna on tne lot :.. . " flnn irinrA than nalc rT fkot a-mMv was Pressed by one individual. Arriv Ing at the police-station, three were able to g,ve bond furnl8hed satisfactory evidence i of having ployment. The remainder of them were locked up for trial before the Mayr at noon Pn the charge of vagrancy. Whether all are convict- ed or not me raid will hare a good morai effect and many idlers will pro- ceed to "get busy." : MAY LIQUOR TAX. Practically All Dealers Have Paid Test Case Next Week. Tho taot itaoo ao-ginct MY rThna.' X Gore to decide the validity of the May increase in liquor license by the for- mere Board of Aldermen was not call: ed In the Mayor's, court yesterday, Mr. Gore having previously paid the $50 license under protest. Brooke O. Empie, Esq.," representing the contes tants in the license matter, said yes terday that the matter would probably be settled on an agreed case which he and "City Attorney.; Marsden Bellamy, Jr., would submit to.. Judge - Allen in the Superior Court, next week. If, the ordinance is declared null and void on account of, irregularity.' he thought there was no doubt but that" the city would refund the excess paid by the dealers and that on tne other,hand, if the increase is declared legal, the city will have nothing to lose as practically all of the dealers have now paid any- . aftepn lt- Rtato 'n . cept four or five of the 60-odd dealers had paid and that "satisfactory ex ptm dellnqaent' I He Found the Gas Leak, One of the! employes of the Consoli J datel Company was in the basement of Mrs, Phillip Christ's residence - on Second, between Market and Dock streets - Wednesday : --morning ; about 10:30 o'clock,' looking for a gas leak He struck a match to make his search more thorough and the . Fire Depart ment had to be called, out to extln guish the flames.' which rewarded the gas man's search. .The damage was only about NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; g w. sandersAt The Siwasa . - Business Locals. r s. P-. Craig Groceries. . Empire Sample Distributors. M. C. Darby & Co Real Estate. LOCAL DOTS. . -Other local on fourth, page. . The Gun Club will have its regu lar weekly shoot at the lodge this af ternoon at 3:30 o'clock.. All partici pants are requester to report prompt ly." v ' ' ' ' i J'-v V " ,r The Register of Deeds is making a transcript of the names ."of. free holders on the tax books from which the County Commissioners will make their biennial jevision, of the Jury list on tne first Monday m June as re quired by law." .- ---A little daughte of ex-Alderman Z. E. Murrell came near being killed by being run over by a buggy Wednes day afternoon - on Fourth? street be yond the bridge, v She -"was- knocked down and painfully" bruised, as. well as badly frightened. , - Col." jtMsiddete ngagfr ments to deliver , a commencement ad- dress at Newberry College, S: C, in June, and to be the orator of the day at the unveiling of the Nash and David son monuments on Guilford Battle Ground, July 4th.- Duplin Journal: "Right Rev. Bishop Robert Strange will preach at the Episcopal church at Faison on the 3rd Sunday in June. Bishop Strange is an eloquent and learned minister and a treat is in store'for all who will go out and hear him." -r-The police by threes are now en joying their annual Summer vacations of a week each. Last week Officers "ci -'E.--:WoodK A. D. Smith and J. B. Farrow nloyed a" well-earned rest; this week,. Onlcers-AD. Woolard, J. F." Smith andiW. M. Harris are Jjpt an swering roll call. , . ! " Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock at the links of the Cape Fear Golf Club there will be an interesting event, per haps the last of the season, when a golf approaching tournament will be given on the links. There will be a cup for ladies and one for gentlemen offered by a lady member of the club. Pender county veterans and Daughters of the Confederacy will ap propriately celebrate the birthday of Jefferson Davis on June 3rd. In the morning General Julian S. Carr will make an address in the Court House there, and at noon there will be a bas ket spread to which all veterans are in vited. , . Burgaw Chronicle: "Another gret- na-green . affair occurred . here . last Friday when Mr. Tom Moore, in a most impressive manner, united in the bonds of matrimony, Mr. Fred. J. H. Steljes and Miss Katie Dennis, both of Wilmington. They left for Wil mington on the afternoon train to re ceive - congratulations -and parental blessings. We wish them a ; merry wedded life. Friends out of the city have re ceived invitations which announce the forthcoming marriage of Miss Kath- rine Lamar Maffitt, daughter of Mrs. Eugene Anderson Maffitt, to Mr. Harry Woollcott, on Wednesday afternoon, 5:30 o'clock, June 7th, in Saint James EDiscooal church, this city. The bride and emnm elect are amone the most c. j,, 3 ana tne announcement oi me luauiago is received with much Interest , ,' Mr. T. S. McManus, local manager of the Bell Telephone exchange here, is in Charlotte attending a conference : wllu - - Spier oi ail tne managers oiuie itrB- er oftlces of the company in the tnira district, ; embracing all of this State and the Piedmont section of South Carolina.. At the meeting the various phases of work are discussed in full. with especial attention given to me methods by which the efficiency of the service may be increased. Duplin Journal: "The sad accident to Miss Annie Kenan which took place near Wilmington last week, has touch ed the hearts pf many persons Jn all the walks of life. It is hard to realize such a terrible happening to her, and with all" the feelings of awe that nat urally came when the sad news was heard.- We still have hope for her; to recover as much strength and health as can possiDiy oe regameu unur .... . . j j.. cirCumuuic , ,-.r yet will fie spared her to enjoy the presence oi ui " to bestow upon tnein uewus oi uu- ness WI1ICU una uccu acierisuc tnrougn m. ORPHANS COME TO-DAY. Concert by Children in the Academy of Music River Trip. - . The Singing Class from.the Oxford .... Urpnanage wiu urnve uruaj ,- while in the city will be entertained as follows: L Maud Harris and Mary Holden' with ' Capt.- W. P. Oldham Mary PoweU and Dallas Templeton with Mr. R. H. Pickett: Kathleen Black and Lydia Abee with Mr. H. G. Smallbones. ; Eloise ;Willlams and Lu e-Gy '' Z Kamson ana JVatuiceu onS"V wxv "- H. W. Collins. James Swarsengen anas jasper - o.w.. . , Monroe. William uuriee anu f oweii witn mr. vy. ... , Miss White, . teacher, ana Mr, Hlghsmitn, manager, win u tainea at Mrs. vuuei t uu x . m Street - - . . The concert will take place at the Acaueuiy oi mu o.uv v ennaren gave a cuuuei l "s"- at Whiteville and came irom tnere here. Those who are to care for the children while here, will please meet them at the station. That big-hearted gentleman, Captain- J. W, Harper, of the steamer Wilmington, has offered his boat to take the orphans down the river this afternoon in order that the little ones may Bee something of the lower Cape Fear and enjoy the sea- breeze, at Carolina Beach. SCHOOLS WAi;T PART Board of ' Education Asks One- JWrd of City Liquor Li? CT , cense Revepue. AS TO;; THE - C0MMITEEE Special Meeting.Yesterday ocnin at Which Two important Resolutions were Adopted Before Al dermen at Next Meeting. . The County -Board of Education at a special meeting held yesterday morn ing decided -to institute at once a vig-i orous effort to secure for the" main-11. tenanco and further equipment of t&e4 c4$y pUSJMtiTiwfaol8v a part of the rer lenue uenvea by tne municipality irom the sale of liquor licenses, the rate for which has recently been lu'c- than doubled, or . to be exact, advanced from $22 to $50 per month.- Hereto fore the city "has contributed nothing to the city schools, the appropria tions for their maintenance coming exclusively from the county, s Lately the increased demand for funds - to maintain ; the schools has become -; so very pressing that the Board of Edu cation has decided to turn to the city for relief. It is not known with what measure of : favor the ' proposition will be received at the hands of the newly elected Board of Aldermen, but any lukewarmness will in no wise de ter the county board, which has decld ed upon a vigorous fight for what i,ts members deem proper and Imperative. It Is "bh&thini of the total revenue re ceived from liquor licenses Chat -the Board now- asks and the request upon the ci authorities is embodied in the following .resolution passed " at - the meeting yesterday morning: Resolved, That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen-of the City of Wilming ton be earnestly requested to appropri ate -to' the Public School Fund one- third of the taxes derived from liquor licenses in the City of Wilmington from and after the. first djiy of May, A. D., 1905, as authorized by the Act of the General Assembly of 1905. Resolved further. That the secretary of this Board be instructed to trans mit a copy of this resolution forthwith to His Honor, the Mayor; with the re quest that he lay it before the Board of Aldermen at his earliest conven ience, i -;; ' :'-.". r .-:';.v- '.- The resolution was transmitted, to Mayor Waddell immediately after the meeting yesterday morning, and it is presumed that, the matter will come up before the Aldermen "at their regu lar monthly meeting Monday night week. ; ;';; "- .-' '- At the meeting yesterday the '"fol lowing preamble and resolution were also'adopted, the law referred to hav ing been overlooked in the past and the committees in the city school districts, having held over : without formal re-election: Whereas, the Public School " Law of the State of North Carolina requires the Board of Education of each county to elect school committees for " all school districts in the county, in cluding those in the cities and towns. I on the first Monday in July, 1905, for Ing all public schools of the counties for tne next two yearg -.. J Resolved, That at the next regular meeting of this Board a full list of tne names gentlemen, who are 1 friends of the public schools and quail- Ified to serve as committeemen be pre- I tQiAr1 onrl '1olf fitf 'awa Oaa4 Im iffder to ald lt to the election of corn- mitteemen for - all schood districts. both in the .city and county. MISSIONARY CONFERENCE Second Days Sessions of Interesting Convention Now Being Held at Grace M. E. Church, This City The second day's sessions of the Home Missions Society of the North Carolina Conference at Grace church, this city, yesterday, were largely de voted to routine business, the hearing i of reports, etc., all of which were very interesting and indicated a most sat isfactory year's work. The business session continued from 1 1ft o'clnlr until nrvtn veterlv mhm- " ----- j iQg aQd &t atter a Bpecfal Bible study wa8 conducted by Rev. N M. Watson, pastor of Grace M. E. churchy where the sessions are being .,- . Tlo le,fllpo wna nn iha .a. torlnnl Hrnt f tho Olrl Ttcmt The period covered was 4.000 years. and the lecturer made use of the blackboard, in explaining the various Dlaces- of th historv ' of thno pn.r'lv Umeff m e ;begiririings of Jewish history. Similar services will be con- daily at the noon hour during i.i i i.iiii i ti nil .rr. , Last night . the : church was fllie'd for one of the prettiest features of the conference in the form of special ex erclses hy the Florine McEachern Bri gade of Grace church. Mrs. W.. H. Shaw had general charge of the enter tainment and the little folks acquitted of the Missionary Conference occupi Ud W .rrv ym In - - o . . . , whlch waa speclaliy decorated for the occasion last night The several depart- mfintB of thft innrine MAi,on, RH. I gade were in the charge of Mrs. L. A. m Mr8 p M Mp M Aen and Miss LUra Wheeler, Mrs. M. IT SttoVAr. "third vlpo-nreeMont nt tho , a, Miaslon Rnftiv nf thfi congregation received the contribu- ttnna of tha iiftl foil Real Estate Transfers. - Jfrom deeds filed yesterday the fol lowing real 'estate transfers appear Wi M. dimming and- wife" to W. M, Dixon, for $550, property on south side of Church, , 108,. feet west of " Sixth street, "29x90 feet in' size. Susan E. Moore :o W. ..M. Cumming and wife, for $500, property described above. - 1 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS ; -Mrs. .L, : B. rSasser- left yesterday morning to ' visit relatives in IMoore county. : - - - - . - i ' Mr. Chas. C. Loughlin, a popular young Wilmingtonian, is at homejrom the University to spend the holidays.. y--Col. Walker Taylor and Capt; J. vanB. Metts are attending a meeting of the Southeastern Tariff- Association in Virginia. - -t-Dr,' George G. Thomas, of this city. is-in Greensboro, attending the annual meeting of the North Carolina ; Medi cal Society. f . - ' Mr. . L." Walker, of Town Creek, and rMr. 'Archie Toon,' of Whiteville, were pleasant callers at the Star of fice yesterday. -, " fC Dp. and "Mrs. F. H. Russell re- f fcurned td"(h'e eity yesterday evening i?r:v jtu8seu nas been aue&dmg th Sc&te Medical Society in Greensboro. --Miss Margaret Gulley, who has been on an extended visit to the fami ly of Dr, -M.' H. P. Clark, in this city, has- returned to her home at Wake Forest, N- C. ; - - ..'.: . Dr. J. M. Dunlap, of Ansdnville, N.. C, is in the city-to be with Mrs. Dunlap, who underwent an operation at the James Walker Memorial Hos pital yesterday. , ' ' Mrs. "A. P. TyerK,formerly of Wil mington, has arrived from Elizabeth City to attend the Home Mission Con ference and is the guest of Mrs. W. E. ! Perdew, No. 310 North Seventh street - -s .:' ! -Mrs. R. H. Grant, MJ-s. . Haywood Clark,' Misses Daisy Burbank and Alice LeGrand; of Wilmington, are attend ing St. Mary's commencement in-Ra leigh this week. Miss Florence Law- ton Grant - of Wilmington is one -of the St. Marys'"grafuates..this year. . Mr.. B. H. J," Ahrens,' one of Wff mington's foremost German., citizens has engaged passage through Mr. A. Wessell, ; of the North German Lloyd Line, on the steamship Kron- prinz Wilhelm, and will leave Satur day for New York to take the steamer for a trip through Europe. .' n ... .-- . ...... Messrs. M. J. Corbett and R. R. Store, who are largely interested in the new fishery plant to be established at Little River, S. a, left for that place yesterday to attend the organization meeting of the company. The steam er "Sanders" has been purchased by tli e new fisheries company. ' .": ' -,- r Mr.. Graliamx McKinnon, of Row land, N. C, arrived, yesterday, to ac company home, Mrs. McKinnon who has been in the hospital here for the past six weeks. While here Mrs. Mc Kinnon underwent an operation;, from which she is now fully recovered and her health is much "improved. Dr. J. A. Stoite," who recently grad uated in medicine from the "University of Maryland, in Baltimore, and still more recently stood a fine examination for license before the State Board at Greensboro, arrived Wednesday after noon on his way to his home in Bruns- wicfc Dr. Stone has not "yet .decided! where he will locate. Miss Katharine Margaret-piescheri has returned home from Elizabeth Colj lege, .Charlotte,. where she was ;a stu dent the past session. At the com mencement this week Miss Giescheri received a certificate of proficiency, id the German lauguage; she also won distinction. In piano music with ad average of 92.8. Miss Gleschen wad accompanied ' home by Miss - Bertie Hanson, who attended Elizabeth com mencement - - Pastor Fred' D. Hale, D.D., is as: sisting the pastor, Rev. J.- Q. Adams, in a series or revival services at Pritch- ard Memorial Baptist church at Chai lotte. The Obserer of yesterday says: "Those, who heard Rev. Dr. Fred D. Hale preach at the Pritchard Memorial Baptist church last night on the sub ject' of ; "Repentance,." state that no finer, sermon has ever been heard in an evangelistic meeting in Charlotte. Drl Hale is well known throughout the State,- and if good preaching can ac complish anything the meeting at the Pritchard- Memorial church will be a success." -W. L. I. EXCURSION. Infantrymen Planning Jolly outing v. For Tuesday, Way 30th. : The Wilmington Light Infantry is planning another outing and . an all day excursion to Wrightsville Beach. The date is Tuesday, May 30th., and the committee In charge promises the public something great both in the nature of the entertainment furnish ed at the seashore and in the crowds that will attend. -The exceedingly low rate of 25 cents, the round trip from any part of. the city, has been secured, and the Consolidated Company gives every assurance - of - proper facilities to - handle the crowds comfortably. Headquarters will be at the new pa vilion and the best of order, of course, will obtain. Am?- thAfMriirfis will he a com- petitive shoot between the W. L. I rifle team which defended the medal with the Naval Reserves on May 20th, and the W. L. I. Reserve Corps team; a competitive shoot by the company with the Naval Reserves;' an exhibi tion of the Colt's rapid fire gun at a sea target; exhibition of fancy drill ing; a dead rise skiff race at aea; a bowling alley tournament open to tha general public; music and dancing in the pavilllon. The Daughter of the Con federacy will serve refreshments and their co-operation alone will ensure a success of the evenL. More of the excursion will be said, as the date ap proaches. I ' , -- - Do vou want to be cool and comfortable in the hot test weather. - An electric fan will do the trick. COUNTY TAX RATE Estimate of Expenses for New : Hanover for Fiscal Year . . Ending June 1st. THE MAGISTRATES TO MEET Pass Upon Levy as Recommended by . Commissioner Purchase. Road Material In Colum , bia, S.'C. The Board of Magistrates of New Hanover will be called within the next day or two to meet on the first Mon day in June for the purpose of pass ing upon the tax levy of the county forthe ensuing fiscal year as recom mended- by i-tha Board; ol- Commission ers.' The meeting wilt be - of more than the usual interest this year be cause of the fact that two days later, on June 7th, there will be submitted to the voters of the county the ques tion ot Ae Issuance of another ?50v 000 in bonds for" the continuance and maintenance of the permanent i road improvement, and upon the probable result of that ' election ; will depend largely whether the; tax rate will be reduced or will have to be slightly in creased. The Commissioners give It out that if the bond issue carries, they will make a recommendation of a two cents reduction in. the rate, but that otherwise a slight ' increase . In the rate will have to be made to raise the tax directly. The following cir cular letter showing the estimated ex penses to be provided for by the levy June, 1905, with remarks thereon, is being sent . odt- to the magistrates of the county: . - Estimated Expenses to be Provided for bvX3iLl.ey-" - Wilmington, N. C, May 23, 1905. Dear ; Sir:. You will note a: reduc tion in the total tax levy of two cents on the $100 and, though we lose both Merchants' Tax and . half the liquor tax, we think the increased revenue, derived from improved property, will provide sufficient funds to cover the reduction, and also pay the - interest and provide the. proportionate part of the sinking fund for the proposed bond issue, should it carry. Should the proposed bond issue fail. and it is deemed advisable to -continue the building of roads, it will be necessary to: raise an additional $10,- 00Q to carry on the work for a year and would cause us to advise an increase of nine cents on the $100 or a total of forty-five cents. . . ' Respectfully, . " D. McEACHERN, Chairman. The Permanent .Road Work. In connection with the tax levy and the approaching election upon the bond issue, It will be Of interest to know that the Commissioners are ne gotiating for the purchaseof material for a part of -the road building from quarries outside the city,- it -being shown-that the material can- be pur chased and delivered from elsewhere cheaper than it can be quarried from the Castle Haynes quarry"; on account of ' the large amount of everburden that has to be removed at the home plant. It Is proposed to buy the heav ier material from other quarries! and to use the output of the Castle Haynes plant only for r top dressing.; Chair man D McEachren and Captain Wm. F. Robertson, of the Board of County Commissioners, returned , on the be lated traia yesterday , morning from Columbia, S. C., where they closed a caidiUonal contract for 10,000 , tons t the class of material which it is proposed to buy outside of the coun ty, with the Morris Stone and lime Company, ofr America. , The 10,000 . tons were taken with the privilege of 50,000. tons provided the'' bond ' issue is carried and a satisfactory rate of transportation' Is obtained from - the railroad companies. The 10,000 tons will be needed to complete the Market street road regardless of the bond, is sue, and the purchase of that amount is contingent only upon the railroad freight rate. The purchase price of the material Is not made public at the request of the stone company to the Commissioners, but the price is regard ed as very' satisfactory provided an equitable freight rate can be obtain ed. - - . v. - RG CORSETS , They, have all the ; comfort, smooth fit and iron wear that dis tinguish the R. & 'G. make, and in addition they are the : ONLY ready-to-wear corsets that give the. graceful shapeliness of the -rWaW that Fashion now demands. -,-Aiioth.arIot of that fine Silk ..'.v. -. . ... . Goods at 25c. Organdies.. A full A. beautiful selection of Ladies' and Children's Hose in Plain and Lace effects. may 23 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Eff Clothing and . R. FIT SHOES LEAD THEM ALL Sox with a ft tTH TwoGfadessM iSlx Months Guarantee E II Merino medium er heavy.) Sold (in lots of 4 pairsj forfaxo. Aibd month! guaraivl Slack. Tan 4w ticket intb I I light and dark) each pair. W Cottcm. Sold only in lots rtsal,- Ma vy and Black with white ot aix pair for ti.50. Jk feet. Fast olors. air monthi W. H. FUCHS, Head to Foot Outfitters. "V a Pair of Worth's Bunion Shoes kipr 20 tf - - - Moth Balls! The season for Moth Balls is n earing its end. , We have one barrel left and If you haven't bought your Spring supply we can give you a real bargain. James AT. Ha, - DRUGGIST, 1 Cor. Finh and Castle Streets. Phone 192. Comp Bicycle Delivery. . ' may 25 tf. 235 ORDERS. - Over Two Hundred and Thirty-five customers ate our Ice Cream Sunday. We ask you, "What do you think of it?" It anybody doubts the fact that we did sell this amount Sunday,' our books are open for inspection. ' Come and see for yourself. Every name is registered. - We don't make anything but the best" Customers, don't you think so? .The place is AT FARMS', 109 North Front Street. Telephone 626. - -may 19 t NOTICE! The contract for the building of the LLevee to protect the lands, of White Oak Swamp In French's Creek Town ship from overflow ' by the river, will be let out on Thursday the 1st day of June, 1905, at Centerville. N. C. Anyone wishing to inspect , the locality will call on W. J. Keith, Cen terville, N. C.; Bladen tJounty. All bids to be sealed, with the right reserved-to the Building Committee to reject any and all bids. C. W. LYON, E. H. ANDERS. V W. J. KEITH, 1 -Building Committee. Elizabeth town, Ni C. May 13, 1905. V may 16 till June 1st At The Siwasa! A RAISIN BARGAIN.- 6 cents per pound while they last Phone 109, 223 Market St ' S. W. SANDERS. TTTf -IBIIS SALE BY X. Mercerized White Waist .. . line of Figured Lawns and- J. WEIL, 116 Market Street. Special Trial Offer THE '.', STAR At Reduced Rates To' Ksw Subscribers -; -Foir Wre- next-Jtty dayir wiirjmail THE KtORNiW-4- STAR to subscribers outside the. city' at the following re reduced rates: FOR ONE YEAR $4.00 FOR SIX MONTHS $2.00 -Positively, no subscription.' will be taken at the reduced rates for a period less than six months. For one month the price will be, as hereto " fore, $T.25 for three'months; or, fifty cents for one month. - This offer, as will be noted, -Is for a limited period only, and is made for the purpose of giving those who appreciate the value of a daily newspa per an opportunity to read the STAR for six months, or ' tnorer at a cost of about one and a quarter cents per copy, " . and then determine whether or . not they will continue their subscription at the reg- ular price. No n'ame will be entered on our books under this offer unless the order is accom panied with the cash. While this proposition is made primarily . to secure new subscribers, old subscrib ers outside the city may avail themselves of its advantages at the reduced rate provided they, pay all arrearages and for not less than six months in advance. . - - "On account of the heavy v. expense attached to our city circulation .: department this offer does not apply to city ' subscribers. . Sample copies mailed free to any address. Note the conditions of this offer carefully to avoid mis takes. ., ..-'.- " ' . DETROIT Special Prices on Detroit Light Feed Lubricators, Atkins Silver Steel Saws, Merchants' Old Method Tin, Fairbanks-Morse Steam Pumps, Jenkins "96" Packing, Mexican Graphite, , - Fairbanks Valves", Tower Rubber Belt, Sawyer , Canvas Belt, : : Oak Tanned Leather Belt. Always read our ad. and never fail to come and see for your selves the ; goods and prices we have. . ' " Yours for Supplies, . T. D. LOVE COMPANY. Manuf actors' Agents and Whole sale Dealers. BananasI Bananas! We have en route a car of Bananas. Stock i fine and prices will benight. Save your orders for us. " E. F. times Company ' Strictly "Wholesale. Ja B'tf 109 and 111 North Water SL ADelightiul Pleasure Nothing pleases a man more than a good, clean shave. We give the clean est shave obtainable, not only In point -of keen razors,, but as to real cleanli ness. "We use a clean towel for each man and everything else Is thoroughly . antiseptic . GUION & DAVIS. . Climax Barber Shop, , ' 7 South Front street. .. I s -

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