? s r 6 - 1 THE MORNING STAR. Oldest Daily Newspaper - in -the State. Largest Circulation of any Wilmington Paper. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year, by Mail ...... 5UM 8Ix v Months, by Malt ... . .2X0 Three Months, by Mail ....125 Two. Months, by Mall ..... 1.00 -4 .---" W jkxvi : VOL. L2 NO. 64. WHOLE ISTUMBEB 11,734 tlbe nnornfng Stat outlines; Jury Feature of Closing : : s;: ' ! ; uay s ;. session bishop: and read cases Each Sentenced to Two Years on Roads Fine of $35 For Machin- ' j s ist Orr Instead of Imprisonment -' V'- ; Procedings in Detail. In Hampton Roads yesterday,: the people of Missouri presented the new battleship Missouri 'With a beautiful silver bell Papers In an action brought by Brodie L. Duke, of Durham, N. C for absolute divorce from -Alice Webb Duke, were filed In New LYork yesterday The cablegrams from To kld give an account of the capture of Vice Admiral Rojestvensky and state that he is rapidly recovering Read Ad miral Enquist arrived in Manila yesterr day with his flagship, the cruiser ' Au rora, and. the cruisers Oleg, andJemt chug, all damaged and " with many wounded men on board, th three crui sers having safely escaped from . the naval battle in the Korean Straits;-according to Washington -dispatches these ships probably will be disman - tied Gen. H. V. Boyn ton, famous war correspondent and president " of the Chicamaugua; Park Commission "died j yesterday in Atlantic City, N. J. ; King Edward and President Roosevelt who were invited to send messages taJ I the Confederate reunion at Louisville, ! June 14th, reply thai it is contrary to their custom to do' so4 r-At BiacJyne, Fla.. yesterday " five negro convicts fvears each own Mb RmJ mA - wei;.Iown 'upA a COURT IS ADJOURNED Aggressive Report - by Grind ''."The one-week term of 'New Han over Superior Court, which . was de voted almost exclusively to the trial of criminal causes, expired last mid night by limitation. Judge Allen, 'who presided, will probably go to his home in .Kinston to-day." ; Solicitor", Duffy will leave to-morrow. The next term of court convene: here June 26th. ' Features, of yesterday's sessions of the; court i were the -' sentences of : two pounds of Dynamite -The Duchess Cecelia, who ia to become i the .bride of the Crown "Prince of Germany, made her grand ante-nuptial autre into Ber lin yesterday, smiling" graciously on the people who -received their future queen with hearty acclaim In a fog off Dungeness, . Engv yesterday the British battleship Caesar sank ; the British bark -Afghanistan in collision and it is feared, that 2& of the bark'-Uf crew were arownea - -on; tne wilder ness battlefield - yesterday, a large party of Federal veterans were Joined by Confederate veterans in travelling a monument to General Hays, who lost his life there : New .York, nlarkets yesterday: Money on call nominal, no loans, time loans easy; cotton, spot quiet 8.50 ; flour dull : and unsettled; wheat nominal corn steady, No,-- z 58 1-2 elevator; oats, barely" "steady, mixed 35 ; turpentine '.. steady SO 1-8 to 81; rosin steady, -strained, common to good 4.15. : - - : v - - WEATHER REPOBT. (7. S. Department of Agriculture; ' Weather Bureau, V. . ':. Wilmington, N. C June 3, 1905. . : Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending 8 P. M. yesterdair. '. " ' , . Temperature at 8 A. M.r6i degrees; 8 P. M., 70 degrees; Maximum,. 83 de grees; Minimum, 62 degrees; Mean, 72. degrees. ' . " '. -. ' , . - : Rainfall for the day, 00; . rainfall since 1st of month to date, .03. ; . Stage of water- in Cape Pear river at Fayetteville, N. C at 8 A. M. yes terday ,tiday) 19.0 feet ' PORT ALMANAC June 4. San Rises .....i-.....4:42 A. M. Run Sets 7.12 P. M. Day's Length -V.". ..... ..14h., 30' m. High Water t Southport ..8:45 - . M. In'h Watt Wllmington.ll: 15 P. M, leather Forecast. - r . For North Carolina. Fair Sunday and Monday; light to fresh east: fo south winds. . . - . If you look at a woman's Sum mer. shirt waist there will .not be much of "thewaist to .be.seen. Some people are1 always telling us that there is room at .the. top, buf nine times out of ten they base the statemenfbri heresay evi dence without having taken , in the top themselves. r r; ; "Take things as they come," advises the philosopher, buif he had lived till this fast ge he would see people take a lot of thlnci that don't come on fast enougn to please them. Says the - Raleigh Post : ' ' There'll be fun, at least for a few ' months,' when : Greensboro gets two . Republican morning par pers going..'r When a" certain class of folks fall out honest men: get their dues.- -"We guess those two Q;iioj will have laundries for washing a whole lot of dirty linen ar We refuse to dispute :the gument for bigger navy in order to " guarantee peace" unless we begin again to mind our own busi ness and abandon those .. foreign pti tan elements' against which fieorsre Washington- admonished us "in the young days of the Re public. - ' local dots: EXCITING ENCOUNTER The Ladies Aid Society of Fifth Street church -will run- an excursion, Thursday, June - '8th, . to Carolina Beach.' -2$ 2y,k: The closing exercises of . Cape Fear Academy, after a "very success ful.; year,: will close with appropriate exercises next Tuesday. . - . .' A cow .was struck by a suburban car on the beach line, near - Nolan. Friday afternoon and was so badly Chafed With , Highway Robbery and Two Young White; Mea Captured on bast Wilmington Koad j J . This Morning ; r 30E SANDlTJESSmMASON injured that she had to be killed. ; , It is reported that the Cape Fear and Atlantic menhaden fisheries ' at Old. Brunswiek have been merged and will be operated under one- manage ment during;, the coming season. , , Bell telephone service has been inaugurated at Wrightsvllle Beach. Substantial ; improvements have been Believed to Be Responsible . For. Numerous Hold-Upe--Had Pis- ; ; tola and Liquor Locked Up. We picked this out of a bunch f:'of similar observations m one of the columns of the Norfolk Vir- iian-Pilot:."Why, a bunch , o Volets or a knot of bright ribbon where it adds the most to "'the wife's charms almost -makes a man forget that he is hungry.".. How ever he coudn't be' expected to return to work without .: taking a few bites. " - - Wiley, Kelly; the.impositlontof a; fine of S5 and "costs upon Mri"B6bertC; Orr, the machinist who was sentenced to Jwo months la Jail,' without alter native,' thef tay before for; an 'assault upon Mr. A. P. Yopp, and the report of the grand Jury, which was a very agressive one, carrying with it a num- of s important recommendations, especially-witt -regard to city affairs. The report is published in full below. Court met at 10 o'clock as usual and of the-talesmen ordered summoned for the day , the sheriff returned nine as summoned and as not - found: C. W. Bishop, T. H. Hawkins, J. T. Canady, G. B. R." Holt. F. A. Monteomerv and J. Jones. - - JT 22 '2-'2 The case of Tom Brown, colored, proprietor of a restaurant, charged with keeping a disorderly house by in dictment of the grand Jury at the last term, was continued until next term. In the case of David Jamison, charged with carrying a concealed weapon, there was a motion, for judg ment. The motion was continued. ; The case of Mr. R. C. Orr, the ma chinist charged with an assault upon Mr. A. P. Yopp from which a sensa tion sprung in the Superior 3ourt the day before, came up at the morning session and the defendant submitted. A fine of $35 and costs was imposed. Case of T. F. Bell, charged with the killing of John Roderick, was contin ued until next term. ' It is not thought that the defendant will be able to give bond. ' .--..a , Case of John McKoy, colored, charged with larceny, was continued Lunti' next term. z George Clay, colored, charged with carrying a. concealed weapon, was found guilty and -sentenced to pay the costs John Read and John Bishop, charged with the killing- of Wiley Kelly, were each sentenced To two yerstSST tEe public roads of the county. Read sub mitted the day before to manslaughter and Bishop was found guilty of assault and battery with a deadly weapon af ter a trial lasting all day Friday. To the judgment in the case of Bishop, George L. Peschau, Esq., the defen dant's counsel, appealed to the Su preme Court. Bond for costs was fix ad at $25 and for his appearance a jus tified bond of $500 ; was required. Neither bond was given and the de fendant, was remanded to jail, pending a decision of the case by the Supreme Court.- - . - -j. S. P. Taylor,, charged with carrying a concealed weapon, t was : found not guilty. An order; was made condemning the $250 cash bond of Paul W. Young, the defendant not having been found upon scifa issued at the last term; - i The Grand; Jury's Report. The grand - jury at . the presnt term was composed of C. C. Brown, fore man; S. D. Bryant, W. D. Hall, A. M. Hall, H. W. Konig, A. A. Avery, J. P. Taylor, Neil . McEachern, W. H. Roth- well, J. H. Johnson, E. A. Kerr, John J. WiUiams, S. T. Ashe, W. G; Pulliam. W. J. Klrkham, H. W. Howell, T G. B Myers and J. S. King. The jury made report to the court in the afternoon and . were discharged with thanks. A copy of the report was ordered by Judge Allen transmitted to the Board of County Commissioners and also to the Mayor of the city, inasmuch as a number of municipal affairs were touched upon In the - paper. " These latter lncmae a recommendation : as to the disposition of city garbage and the purchase of a crematory; regula (ion "of automobile ... trafllc;-, enforce ment ot the ordinance as to passage of vehicles In congested districts; un lawful ' congregation of disorderly bands of youngsters about church en trances, "and the bean shooting " evil The full text of the report is as fol lows Out on the Scotts Hill road, be tween the National cemetery : bridge and the residence of Mr. , Frank T. Mills, in East -Wilmington, about 1:30 o'clock . this morning, the capture of made to the lines and exchange and two-young white : men, charged; with a mucn Better service that ever be htehwav robberv: was effected -thrbneh The young man Joyfler,. charged 1 the- police. The young men" are .Joe pvlth a nuisance tax the steamer Wil- Masohlg'years bid,; and his brother. mington ? Thursday v jiight; returning f Jessie Mason,; 27 years old.- sons of eaclis was found -nCtiMR ATom utMn, vhBv:hitd guilty In Justice Boraemaimeo1lrU yesterdayand was discharged- jmen are believed, to be responsible for Four 'Tiandsome ew pullman for- coaches were received by the Atlantic carts,; . returning from market,' r : that Coast Line ' yesterday to be used on nave occurred nearly every .j Saturday its - train between here and Norfolk. nght .durmg the . past- six or eight The old Pullmans will be returned to weeks.j'The prisoners are IcKsfcedip the company. ' ' ' , ' ' lln b police station and will' probably stwnn itm be turned over to a magistrate Mon- Pythias; . Will enjoy a .social session day ,or Preliminary trial to-morrow - night after the regular Last night- from 11 to 12 o'clock a semi-annual election of ofllcers. There I series- of ; robberies .occurred on the will ?be several- addresses by nromi- road leading through East Wilmington v PilESONAI PARAGRAPHS. ?-'--Mr, J.-. Mi Black, of Red Springs, Is a guest' at The Orton. t . Messrs-.M. C: Guthrie, R. C. Hood amw. H, Pyke, of Southport, were here yesterday. ; Miss Mat Griffin, of Salisbury, ar rived last evening and is the guest of Miss Katharine Lamar-Maflltt :' -; -'Miss' Ida May Butcher, of Peters burg, Va, is . visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Monroe Culbreth, No. -21 South Third '. Btreetriy-i-s '-(MipMP---"Mrs.. H. C. Irwin and sbn, Mr. G. W. Irwin, have arrived at Wrightsvllle Beach and taken up their residence in the Irwin cottage. ' ' ' Mrs.'Augusta-J. Heide, Miss Sat .lie: skinner ; and Miss Emily WeSt- brook expect to leave to-morrow to spen4 some time tn Suffolk," Va. . Mr.; W. IL Redfern, the popular young travelling representative of the , CharlottNews And Times-Democrat, was-Jiere yesterday ,oa business, -Among last night' arrivals were Hi,; M, Brady yBulinpnUfleniy iins;'Mrion,.S.' a. '; .'.':' rMrs. M. 'E.-Brunson, of Savannah, nent Pythians and a spread of refresh ments. " ' .. 1 -. ; r :- William Samuel, " the colored preacher arrested late Friday night for maltreating his wife, made all ' due apologies 'in ; Justice ; Bornemann's court yesterday and the "reverend" de parted in peace with his better hall. A" safe In the A.. C. LT freight of- and Mr. F. T. Mills telephoned from his residence to. the police station to send some- officers out that way as the highwaymen were evidently re turning to the city. T Sergeant J. R. Hardee got together his squad under orders from Police Captain Smith and put out the Market street road. On their' way they met Mr. Geo. R. Smith and a party returning to the city with Ga., sister of Mr. . J. E. Wingate, has moved to Wilmington,, and will matte, herfutureomejwith- her " brother; on Dock. : street, ' between Fourth and Fifth streets.-. V' I j''-, Mr. George N.'Harriss left yester day afternoon for; tincolnton, N. C, to spend two weeks at Lincoln Lithia Springs.': Enroute' he will spend a few I M. 8. G. ' days In Charlotte with his brother. Mr. W- W. W. Harrlss. " . W -" Lacey. L." Branch . . Croom ... ! Gerken . . fice at BennettsviUe. S. C, was robbed Jesgie Ma8on the older of broth luurauay mgm ana aooui ?suu m ers. A little later Policeman M. C. moneyand ; checks stolen.; Special Gray and 1L P. Merrltt had arrested Agent Scarborough of ihe railroad de- Jo Mason, the younger. They found tectlve bureau is investigating the rob- h-im at seventeenth and Market street Seifert Gore, C. Friends of, Lieut B. ' M. -Chiswell Keen ... will be deltsrhted to know that-he la Hewlett fast recovering from his recent attack of typhoid fever. He was able to be up some yesterday for the first time since Ills illness. ' Miss Josephine Harris, a niece of Gerken Mr; Vi2 H. Cox,, of this city, passed yV, ,J" through Wilmington yesterday on her Keen wa& to her home at "Verona," Onslow I Hewlett county, from Durham, where she has euert been attending school. - bery. f ! very much agitated and exhausted as An excellent opportunity to spend if after a chase.. Officei Gray at once a delightful day at Carolina Beach will laid hands on the young man -while be- afforded in the excursion by the Ladies' Aid Society, of Brooklyn Bap tist church, Tuesday. There will be two - boats during the day; v fare 25 cents. - " Justice Furlong yesterday sent up Officer Merrltt pulled a Tang revolver out of the excited young man's inside pocket. Mr. Geo. Smith gives a thrilling ac count of the attempt of three young men . to hold him up just beyond the to Clarkton, N. C, and had brought National Cemetery and recognized the back to Wilmington a negro named Ma8oa perpetrators oZ-,the auurew jacKSOn Hiwvoy, cnargea wiin dfeed. tMr.' Smith works at Mr. J. N. seduction. He has - employed Hon. shepard'bar at Eleventh and Market Jno. D.-Bellamy to defend him and streeta Uttle Son, James wUl be given preliminary hearing in Luther .15 years old started to 'his uuttuce r arums, court lOHuty. home on Middle Sound m a buggy, af- Mr. Samuel G. Hall has in full Iter closing up, between 12 i and Dioom at his residence, No. 714 Grace o'clock. Just beyond the - cemetery street, a beautiful .hydrangea," which Ibridge. Mr. Smith got out of the buggy is attracting much' attention. " Mr. and on the right side of the road for a mo- HrsTHall would gia4 for all their tment.1. H heard som&ojae coming In friends to see the plant as it is now a slow trot dow the road and as two in full bloom and they believe it is others followed, no recognized .the one of the prettiest in North Caro- voice of Jessie Mason as. he 'said, Iina.. r- - 'r J "Bovs. now look out - for me." Mr. Schooner Flora A. Kimball ar- Smith's little boy was in the buggy rived yesterday from New York with land also recognized the voice. Mr, cargo of cement' for interior points. I Smith had heard of the repeated hold- Schooner Massachusetts cleared fromjups on the road and when he alighted Brooklyn, N. Y., with cargo of lumber from the buggy held his pistol in his from the Angola and Cape Fear mills. I band. Mason came on and went on Clyde Liner . Carib arrived from I the left side of the buggy to the rear. Georgetown, S. C., and will not leave As he came in sight of Mr. Smith from for her . New York trip before this J the rear he threw up his ; pistol and evening or to-morrow. Conductor Tom Croom,' of Consoiidat- ed Company, Held Upon Charge. Conductor C.-T. Croom, until within J-Wia 'hv nt nrr mitb fm the last few days with the Consolidat ed Railways, Light and Power Com- '-:' Time 1 was,!' remarks, : some writer, ' when one half the world did hot know anything about the other half , but strange to say that time has passed." We deny, ab solutely, without- the fear. of suc cessful refutation, hat . there - is anything strange about it- j "When people away back yonder could- not find out anything about each other they; didn't- have the ; wo men's societies and clubs, that we have today. - - - Bisbop Leo Haid Here. '" - Rev. Father C. Dennen returned yes Way- from Charlotte where he ; at teudUl the funeral of the late lament ed Father Francis. . Father fDennen was accompanied home , by . Bishop Haid. The Rt Rev. Bishop will preach in St. Thomas' church to-day at High Mass. 10:30 o'clock f also at the even ing service at 7:45 o'clock., To Honorable Oliver H. Allen, Judge of the Superior Court of New Han over County, May Term, 1905. . We, the members of the grand jury. respectfully report that we have found 33 true bills and none not a true bill and that "we have made two present ments.' - ?r We inspected the county Jail, court house, county home and work-house and' the two convict camps. All of these places were found to be in ex cellent condition and under good man agement. , , "Good Roads Commenaed. It Is with gratification that we note the improved condition of : the public roads of the county and the good work done on them. We feel It. our duty to congratulate the people of this county on the faithful and efficient manner in '. which the. affairs , of the county, are - conducted - by those in charge and, especially, by the County Commissioners. - -i. : Two i: s complaints, charging public nuisances were made to us. - .Both of these were looked into as thoroughly as was possible. A to City Garbage. . One of these complaints was in ref erence to n the -dumping by the city (Continued on Third Page.) EMBEZZLEMENT IS CHARGED. shouted to Mr. Smith,. ."Hold up your I hands!"" Mr. Smith swung round and I exchanged I shots with the highway man, who stepped hack behind the top of the .buggy. " Meantime the two others came up and one of them fired Season fw- Live City Organiza- ' tion Opened With Double , Headers .Yesterday M0NARCHS WON TWO GAMES Y.- MrC A. and 8. S, R. Teams Split . Even Results Augur Well for Re- . - mainder of Series -Pitching - -2:22 i2'2 of Duls a Feature. f-Mv -' Standing -of the Clubs. :'2':- 'K":?;.;; - Won Lost P.: C. Monarchs V. ; -r2 ';k 0 ' w 1,000 Yi M. C. A. .1 v V 1 600 8. . S, R. iv. ...:. . . . . .1 .- 1 aP ' 500 m. s. g. .....t.:.....o 2 - T 000 . The Junior- City Baseball 'League opened the season ' yesterday with doubleheaders .by -.the . four teams at the,old -Seaside -Park-and at -Seven- teenth and Market streets.- The Mon archa-.taefe boththei gamw frb and S. x B. R's split ieveo at Seaside Park!. The amer;Were wlthessed' by an unusually large number. bfspecta fera "anditheclas noti ball played by all the teams augurs well for tKeTsuc cess of the league season. - .; ; r:' The Monarchs won the doublehead er from the Giants by scores of .10 to 8 and' 11 to JU The line up in the two' games was as follows:' "; . ".; :: :2 '2 First Game. -. 2'. 22 - Monarchs. : , pitcher ' . . Brittain. . catcher . . . .Brinkley.O. 4 . i . first-base . Hlnes. : . second-base . . . ..Nash. . . third-base , . . Gore, M. ... short stop . . , .Myers. . left fielder "... Jackson, reenter, fielder . .: , .Gore, right fielder Brinkley," J. Second Game. - . . pitcher . . ; .Brinkley, O. catcher . . i :. . Moore. . . . first-base ... . . Hlnes , . second-base' i . . ; ... Nash . third-base Gore, M. . .short stop Myers. left-fielder . . . . Nash Branch : Croom:-,C.-center-flfiMftr l. -tTanlranTt --Dr. J, A; Stone was here, yester- The game was umnlrd hv - T,n uajr ur. aione naa ueciuea io locaiei Polsson. : The all-round playing atrhis: home at ShaUotte for tiie prac- both teams '.wsii very creditable. hot. n. uio iwcmuuu. - xx e is a yuung i The : V . TJf f i A man of exceptional talent and 'will I o of was defeated by S. R. S. in the first tram o at make a successful practitioner in any Seaside Park by a score of 7 to 5 but field he may choose. In the second iramn thA uv.iHnn Grand Chancellor Wm.' F. Robert-(team with Dills, in the box, took the son wentt to Newbern yesterday. The j honors in a score of 8 to 2. The line Grand Chancellor will deliver the me-1 up in the first game was as follows nioriai aauress at ine rrtnian ooservrY. M. C. A. - -ance there - to-day, the event ' taking I Lacy . . J . right-fielder place a week earlier than with the Schulken ;r. . . . pitcher other lodges of the State. - -r " SJ; .- - . 1 i C , J . . Mr. Robert Gibson Grady left yes-1 Duls -.". .i terda for ' OoHlefsvllle. Tenn'. where f Beldett . . on .Wednesday at 8 : 15 o'clock in the 5?", ' first-base .; second-base : .. third-base . short .stop S. S. R. Gore, W. .Sailings; Bulluck, . - Thees. ..Taylor. Kendall .'.Alderman. 4P -ar IxrM . vEGCORSETS ' . Women who prefer tolbejin the J '2 front rank of fashion; are buying 2 the R & 6 corset this Spring, as - - it is the only ready-to-wear corset . , -that- gives the defined waist line ; --,:--" J.r r ........ ...-. - - demanded by Fashion. We 'carry; : .. ? a full; line of styles and sizes in . . high, and lowl busts. ' V - Every E.& 6. Corset is guaranteed, lecialOfferinqs Jhis&deek White is and 12 cents: gooda at 10 cents :-;,; Aopew; lot of BuCainfeer -nollpijbf ,4pdren s Lace ' Socklijn; Wbiteland? V-Tan at 15 cents.' ' . ' . . - ' ; , v, 4 2.2 ' lnfl" mi2::-;.2i2 2'2.'i'- -iKSS i16Manrket Street. je4-tt. PiWmontSiinp Mm Open June 1; Follow the crowd to PIEDMONT. Get right in the heart : of the Blue Eidge-Mountains where r nnrivalled scenery and pure air, coupled with all sorts of receration and ' the best of mineral .water,, will make your vacation hap : py Hotel Accommodations the best. ,"- RATES REASONABLE. Apply to J. SPOT TAYLOR, ;,tDanburyrStokesCo., N. C. The WaterTs the Best". - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. n x i ii ii 3 I . .... .tfiuij, rrebonau caurcn mere ne wiu wea Ring. TJtley , . center-fielder Merrltt young daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Ben- Newktrk right-fielder . . -King. Jamm Moss Cowan. rMr. ;. Grady will J In the second game Duls went In the return toje city wlih his bride about box for the T. M. C. A.-and Schulken June 2Utn and taer win-te-ao Mltoob ntef pUcftat secowi AWerman. No. 104 Nun street.' - -. , 1 took the slab for S. 8. R. and SalHnea ' ' - . wehttorshortDul'a INTERESTING DAMAGE . SUIT. willow work was the feature of both games. He held the opposing team Attorneys Made Motion For Judgment down to not a'slngle run In the second The Motion Continued. .. . game until the . last Inning when his In the interesting damage suit of S. support weakened a "little, at a crlU- H. Fishblate against the Fidelity" and cal moment, and two men crossed the Casualty Co., of New York, in which pan. . He is a ; young southpaw .with the plaintiff is suing 'upon an accident Plenty speed and good control. He policy for the recovery of $1,700 for 4180 has with his pitching the rare the loss of an eye, Messrs. .Wnv J. Bel- combination of being a heavy hitter, lamy, John D. Bellamy and George He got three two-base hits in the first Rountree; attorneys for Mr. Fishblate, game and another in the second game yesterday in the Superior Court made yesterday." -'. a motion for ; judgment for ' the full! The teams play doubleheaders again amount claimed. The motion was up-lnexl Saturday afternoon. onthe "ground of the defendant com pany's having failed to file an answer g Pavilion MUSIC AT THE BEACH. the left side. The third stood at the head of the horse. 2 Four shots ,were pany, was arrested yesterday morning exchanged in all; when the boy put oy ueputy ssnenn w. ti. uox, . ana wnip to the horse and Mr. Smith jump- j mntu me tiuic ui cvu-jea in. toe Duggy. - lBey drove as last bezzlement from the company. The in- as their horse could carry them until dictment was procured . tnrougn - the fhev met a crowd of colored nroduce grand jury ' . at 'last week's term of cart drivers who besought Mr. Smith court, Mr. JV? McRee Hatch, superin-to go -pjth them In search of the tendent of transportation of the com- j hlehwavmen. A ' dozen - shots - were pany, peing marnea . as prosecuting fired at the third man whom they witness. The amount of the embez- overhauled, but he took to the woods ziement namea in me diii is oniy r jeSsie Mason later came 1 down the but - It ' IS- said the prosecution lrrtAn7i1 waa hnlted Ho TiaiT nla, win attempt to prove, .a, larger toi on him and two watches, one of amount at the trial.; Other witnesses which .is thought to have been taken named on the bill are Messrs. Albert ofl . one . of coi0red drivers of Gore and Elmer Garrlsh. Conductor oart nfv!nuiv rnhhPrt Thfiv-nian had Croom .maintains that he is innocent several flasks ' of - liquor they are 01 tne cnarge ana IS Demg sympa- thmitrht tn have ' takoti v fiTrm th rart thized with by his friends. He was drivers. - One of 'the men during the married only a few -week and especial hold-up of Mr. Smith fired point blank. sympathy is expressed for his young at hIs son m tbe buggy, 4ut the little Wlie.r.. it ; ' Ifollnw hnrl prawlprt rtnwn in .tliA fnnt Mr. Croom has employed Brooke G. 0f tne buggy and was unharmed. Ua Empie and Herbert McClammy, Esqs,. egg the' third man; who escaped in the to delena nim and at tne proper time Ijjushes, was shot no one was Injured says he will be able to show his Inno- in tbe encounter cence. .He was held In jail in default a 9 A A Vvi r ti ntMAiinf li a-vrfn r I x. t i . , Purchased Handsome Residence, named by Judge Allen when the case . . - , ; - - was continued yesterday afternoon, ; Mr. and Mrs. W.' A: . lineker . have hut . last. . nis-ht nnmn nf . hia frienda Durchased; through tne real v estate ' - -. -o - ' . - - . - - .... . . came to his relief and srave cash bond I agency of M. C. Darby & Co., .the rest for the appearance, to the complaint within the time pre- Two Concerts at The Pavilion by Or scrlbed t ly , law ad aecordhig to the - chestra of 15 Piece..' . rule of ..the local bar: .- Judge Allen, . after hearing argument by Iredell e nanasome new pavilion of the Meares and Herbert McClammy, Consolidated Company at Wrightsvllle, Esqs., attorneys for the casualty com- Beach as thrown to 5 Pub" pany, said that he would continue the c yesterday. This afternoon and to matter until Monday or until the June Biht two; magnificent sacred concerts term if he is not able to hear It sooner. b eiven by-the special orchestra The complaint alleges that Mr. Fish- of 16 Pieces, which wIU furnish music blate carried an accident policy with at the MPular resort all Summer. Mr. the company and that while crossing S. A- .Schloss Is director, of the new the street near his residence on Mar- orchestra, and Prof. C. W. Hollowbush ket street, a passing vehicle splashed Principal musician. The foUowing mud and icicles from' the frozen are the programmes: - ground into his face, causing the loss ; .. - .. -Afternoon... of the eye.' ' -v- - . , - March "Consolidated". Pringle selection, "sergeant JUtty . . ijuaers The Encampment.,. - .. . I r. t . ..... '..u-.n.-'- : '-i. . ... r . , IIOIUIUV ........V. JUUUBli July 20th to 26th, inclusive, has been Intermezzo,. ."La Czarina". Luciengwell nfflnhiliv Tnrt,in ab th narirui H.V. araciensuc, ; in me uouon j eia- ring which the Second and Third - "Jjln, '-'Jame regiments of the North Carolina Na-1 Fantasie, "Tone Pictures of the North tional Guard win be In -camD at and South". .---- - - Wrlhtavlllo. r.tJ TT n .nriMw will mjuvvw,, , uuiwwu. .Vibuuuib NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P. O.- Hall Drugs. Clyde &. S.' Co. New Schedule. J. WeilSpecial Offerings.1. -1 . Jas. ,M. Hall Drugs on Beach. - J. Spot Taylor rPiedmont Springs.- H. L. Vollers Harris' Lithia Water, S. & B. Solomon- Special Shoe Sale. W: Bi Cooper Cooper This, Cooper That. ; r - - " . C. - R.; L. & P. Co. Concerts at Beach. ' ' '- , command the Second ' and CoL J. N. Craig, the Third regiment. ; Arrange ments are already; under . way,-f ot the coming of the soldier boys to Wrights vllle. . ' - - - - -. county dence of Mr. Sam F. Harmon; on west side, of Fourth street, between . Prin cess : and Chesnut' streets.-. The ; cotf- sideration was $6,000 and. the purchase includes the furnishings of the 'house complete. TheJot, Including half of a three-foot' driveway ' adjoining, fronts 33 feet on-Fourth stret and runs Into the block 125 feet , It Is "understood Mr. and Mrs. Lineker have purchased the property as a renting' investment. -The L Q. of G.: S. and' D., F. S a colored, organization of prominence in 8choor Superintendents. ; -:j--Prof7 Washington . CatlettT- sup"erintendent of New Hanover, is. ad vised by County 'Superintendent- E.. T. Atkinson, of Goldsboro, that the coun- XTnvfh riniwltwri - mill mnit tn itnnnol I - - . " .' . ... '. Confederacy, assembled yesterday noon J Evening Concert. - ' , Two step.-: 'TTammany" . . Edwards. "Star, of :My life? ...v." v. . . Corliss, "Good-bye" : Edwards Waltz, "Heart of My Heart". . OUara, Selection,-"Fahtana"; . HibbelL Intermezzo, -.Alfresco" ..v. . Herbert. A ' Prarie Episode, "Little "Fan" . . . ? Rosenbaum Characteristic piece, ; "Moonlight", s . Memorial Serviok. " In honor of the memory of the Con-: SlTo-pay Q at Two Concerts by - -Orchestra of 15 Pieces. See programme. , afternoon at 4:30 Evening" at 8:30. 1 Cars every half hour .To-Day. F.; E. Hashagett; Co. ; White Stone the city; heard thfe annual sermon at Mt Zion A. M. E. church last Sunday. An' excellent -programme was .render ed under- the .. direction ,,' of ' Gaston Hicks, master of ceremonies. Kev. 'W. B. Williams delivered - a fine address, Workers showing the origin and foundation of the" order; The welcome address was Detective - Agency Men by, LeonoTa'WnHams. collection of Lithia Water. Business Locals. W. H. Howerates. . Ladies' ' Aid Society Excursion, : Lost Government Request Book, " Cooperative , ; Ad, ' Co, Wanted. . v Webster Wanted.' $32.05 was taken. session at Wrightsvllle-Beach Just af-.l ter the Teachers' Assembly at Greens-. About 15 counties will be repre- bdro. sented. , at theW. L. I. armory and held ap propriate memorial services. . The' ex ercises were opened by., Mrs. M. . S. Wlllorrf nnnsliTent nf ("tana IToar T!han- First Monday Meetings , mtntt rcn.tx Monday, will be, a . busy day with upon the life of the honored man: Mrs. the county and city administrations, w. M. Parsleycjead with splendid ef At noon the magistrates of New Han- feet the magnificent ' tribute paid to over will meet "to pass upon the tax Mr. Davis in .a spech-by the : Hon; levy or the ensuing year and in the George Davis in the Opera House here afternoon ,' the ; Commissioners "wlll December 12th; 1889iXTae portrait of meet in regular monthly session. At Mr. Davis In the museum room of the night the Board of Aldermen will as-1 armory was affectionatelyjiraped with semble at the City Hall. . V a laurel wreath by TUra. T. E. Sprunt, while members of the -Chapter stood The, Bed-Room. - - , - - . l-rm. -tww(i ntnAa ; Thn norrrait ?? of - If you want to rest In comfort, get Mlss WiQnle Davis -'adjoining -was Mnlpj.lonn fana tnr thn rpaMmnxi ; adorned With . pretty, flOWerS Drugs on AVfheBeach ; Our ' Comp Bicycle Dejlvery makes It possible for us to give excellent service to" Beach resl-. dents.-- - " . ' ;. 2l - We can get goods off on every down going car. . T" ' lames M; Hall, .- - "tmUGGIST, ' c" . " tCoPr Ptftli and Castle Street. ' " ThoWm. " . - ; DRINK WHITE STONE LITHIA WATER Carbonated and plain in slits, pints, : quarters, and half -gallon. In competi- . tion with 118 other waters, It carried r; away the grand prize, and is recom mended by the best physicians in this , and other cities, for many ailments. . The F. E. Hashagen Co.,. - .. Sole. Agents ' je 4 tf Special Sale Tliis Week MftnillGS t.From the cheapest to the best fresh, goods new designs. -- MADRAS . V- Several thousand yards stripes and j)lain To clean up this lot we've made a tremendous-mark-down, cutting the " " . - - - ' price in half.- Ten cent qualities down Lko 5c a "yard. , , s. & b. soLormi. Je tf ; - . ,;-.-;; i ;: 3eTtrT 2 .'is valuable when one of the family is sick, and in meed of medicine. Why not save time and trouble by phoning na and having us send for -your pre-; scriptlons . and return : them in double quick time, and without , extra charge. . ' " : P.O.HALL, Day and Night Druggist, Fourth , and Harnett Streets. -'Phone 66. " Je4tf - DRINK - HARRIS' LITHIA " WATER It is Good for that Tired - Feeling ; Caban Blossom Cigars j Go WeU AH Know Silver Coin Flour Cant Be Beat . ;: J ; H L VOLLERS, f Sole Agent V 22--K .Jt5.. i. "V f i' v;"t 4 t-. . ... ; ' '--y; Si '; 'C - ''..- : 2?-fi 1 . - : V .- -' ."Hit