f -. HE MORNING STAR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION fdest Daily Newspaper ln One sYearbyail 4.5 ; J tiiK s Six Months; by. Mail . : ; . .Z0 Jirgest Circulation of .any , Three Months, by Mall ,...1.25 : Two Months,' by Mall .....1.00 fnington rapcr. LXXVI-KO.100. (looming Star. OUTLINES. interview yesterday with the P(i Press M. Witte, Russia 3 foeace plenipotentiary stated. and the uzar are iu.bw- t Russia is not crushed, add Filing to consider peace prop not make peace at any La. female employe, in the Ag- I . . Tit T.1 kl Department at wabiuuB t investigation for selling ques Lr civil service examinations ct Attorney Beacn, ox wau voo cnnft to New York, in bf evidence in connection with' on leak scandal non. taxian hn has been the counsel .of Weaver,, of Philadelphia takes. the mayor but advises mm to Ld with the criminal prosecu- the corruptionists and cnm- l-A sergeant and two privates tma State troops in camp near fciery, are charged with. ; hold- and robbing a negro mer- I Five negroes wno wer b te lynched-Jiandaytmght at L 'Ala., "have been sent to An fmder guard of State troops Federal and State authorities in k are contending over possess- two negro witnesses in some cases In Philadelphia, yes- Im elevator dropped six stories Easement, injuring District At- fjohn C. Bell and two others of a bullish revision of the cot eage report, sent cotton up $2 yesterday Frederics iu. 'is in jail in New York under n of having murdered Ms two or insurance on their-lives York, Berthe Claich, the girl, who shot her lover July ll be tred for murder In an w King Oscar of Sweden ae- Ihat the sudden secession of was wrong but that a ford- Ion would be like hanging a ie around Sweden's neck D. Graham, of Niagara Falls, Lnd William J. Glover, of Balti- uccessfully swam four miles ower Niagara rapids yesterday bn Mew rorK marceiM on call steady 2 to 2 1-4 per losing bid 2, offered at 2; cot it quiet, 10.75, futures advanced . tie over Saturday's closing; ill and lower; wheat easy. No. Id, 98 in store; corn firm. No. 2 elevator; oats steady, mixed to 36; turpentine steady 61 to rosin steady, strained common 3.60. FIREMEN RESIST Members of 1 Old Volunteer De- ofJuryExemptidnf ASSOCIATION AN FORMED Test Case Will Be Carried to Supreme "Cou rt Executive Committee 4 f , .Named and Fund Being Rais- V Wfop.titigationlglH Between fiftyl and. seventy-five for-. mer members of the old volunteer fire WEATHER REPORT. 'Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, Jgjgton, in. Juiy a, xsua. Qgical data for the "24 lours I M. yesterday. tt-ature'at-8 A M., 77 degrees; M., 79 degrees; Maximum, 88 Minimum, 72 degrees; Mean, rees. ... all for the day, .00; rainfall st of month to date, 3.63. of water in Cape Fear river tteville, N. C, at 8 A. M., yes- (Sunday) 29.4 feet. DRT ALMANAC July 18. .4:56 A M. 7:15 P. M. 14 hrs 21 min Vater at Southport. .9:21 A. M. Fater at Wilmington. 11: 51 A M. Weather Forecast. North Carolina Fair Tuesday Wednesday, light southwest to winds. tees . . . ength LOCAL ;DOTS.T--:;.:t ? dher- local on fourth, page. ? Two newsboys wanted. Good pay. apply at the Star office. ; . : : The county- ta assessors began their rounds ; yesterday fixing value's f or; taxation J on property ,' improved since the last assessment was made. t. -W. J.: Burn,ey, white, was'arrested j yesterday ; afternoon! for.. disorderly conduct to Sanders store, -; on Fourth, between Bladen and Harnett . streets. It is nnderstood that work wilt be commenced this . week on the hand some new depot which the Seaboard Air Line - will c ; ouild at - Lumberton, 1 If you wish an A. D. T' messen ger to call lat your: residence or . place of bnsinesa fnr an ndvBrtlxditiBiit fn. our . Business , Locals; department, call departmeilt met last night, in the May- the Star office, 'ptone 61 t oVs office at the City Hall and unajiii- Mr. B. H. J. Ahrens returned San- paously decided -to strenuously . resist day,; evening, from a six .week's- tour the repeal of . their exembtlon from abroad, during which, he visited .old- Jury , duty by an act of the last Legis- Seised ad medt bv. h lature, f oiacriminately: striking out trip. fS:;; JusTc4mamVwas-w If rom his slumbers about : 10 o'clock Bpecial acts. f A. mutual protective as- last; nignt by Frank-Qufnce and' Mary sociation 'was formed and an TAnn. Hay.. 8 colored couple1 on matrimony rtivt, iitk rxrm.0L ircui . juukc uukiuj uresHtsu ana 1. .- - . . 1 - - performed the ceremony in his usual e,: as cnaIrPan T8 appointed to rais happy manner. ; , . . - ; d-;: -ii a fund from jthose; Benefitted and pro- -r-The alarm of fire from box 28 at I secute a test :- case " to ; the Supreme 9:01 o'clock last night was ;on account Uourt, if necessary, for-final adjudica- of a small : blaze at the residence of tlon- ; The ex-rolunteers . claim the Presiding Elder M. Bradsnaw, No. 408 1 state nas no moral or. legal right to Grace street. A maccress in : a bed-1 violate a, contractjentered into with room caught fire from a 1 lamp. The tnem--under the -terms. of the act In- damage was about $10."-:; : f fcorporating the.Jthree companies of the nhairmATi w Tn ' Ynn'n m . nttv old department and that their position fintmarv ex - aM mm. t Ms Perfectly tenable-in the courts. - auction in front of the Oitv Hall res-1 meeting was organized bf caU- trrtav tb s.nimor hfivfr.? wn i-Ani9w ing Mr." WiUiam Calder to. the chair ed by another in the street cleaning de-j4?3 P-Hrd,,a 88 secretary. rartrnpnt H Tho mnlo 9 YAA in hv VVU luouou; 01 MT.l m. U. JUUnSOn Mr w w Mr.TBtaPhAm fnr 170 1 4 representatives of the press were ex- ; w i'n, ii 'i. i ; . . wuuea uie' uriesy ol. anenaance. caught robbing the cash drawer of I7 . " ?. - - Zt?C . t object of the meeting.' . Under what Mr.; X A. Montgomery at Ninth and Lim rtlu T ,i-. Market streets ; Saturday afternoon, Wr6": bound over to the Superi Court ujr. jusuw Durueuiauu j-TOLruitj. m f firemen after ;fl fait.fnt At the home of Mr; O. P. Skipper state Senator Emnie. of this district. Saturday night Miss Margaret McCabe, on therquestion and he -was of the daugnter or Mr. ana Mrs. Kicnard mo- opinion that ( the repealing act must Cabe, of this Jty,; and Mr. Augusto C have been railroaded through the Gen Camacho, whose parents reside in Por- eral Assembly during the . closing tugai, were marriea Dy ttev. jno. (hours of Jhe session, when Vail was King. They; will live in this city. confusion and onlv -the caDtions were Mamie GasMU and Minnie Merritt, I read with no-reference to the subject degraded white women- who; persisted I matter of , the bills.' Representative in inhabiting Dross Necki contrary to I BOney was ill during the close of the warnings by Justice Borneinann, were I Legislature and - the bill no doubt es- sent to the county, work house lor 30" I caped him for the reason it was nbtl days each by the same justice' yester- (noticed by Mr. Empie. Mr.': Calder day In default of fines for vagrancy. I went on tosay he Interviewed. Chair- The following building permits J man McEachern on a construction of have been granted: Win. Tfeck; three-j the repealing law and was told It was room frame residence on east side of 1 obligatory,, taereiore tne Commission Fourth, between i Nixon and " Taylor j era had no alternative to putting all street. Jno. - H. Williams, annex, to l names in tnes dox; - xne speaker, cnar- two-story, shingle-roof :W residence . on acterized the. Tepeal of the law aslhe Front, between -uTi,- Xastle violation of a contract by the State, streets. -" ' ;' . ' ;' . the firemen by faithful performance ThPrfi wer onlV two cases beJ f duty, having filled their part of the fore the yw yesterdajv Frank Ons: obligation. He admitted the State had low an nlA nfTpnrtPr v nmt to the ns repuaiaus am current, weuiy "rook nil a- for 2fi davn for , beine Oons and those not' In the nature of drunk and down. For the same offence, j a contract, but it had no right to re- n,a fialWavl another old 4 timer, peat m tne case or ine wiimingion named in the act: j Mr; R. C. Cantwell movedthatxthe' chairman,: be ; one aof the cmniitteer provided" fo; -Jn.-Mx. Stevens6ns.r6solutioh; VvThequeoti was then 'put on' Mr. Stevenson's mor Cion and the amendment by .Mr.; Cant wellboth having carried unanimously. Mr.. Calder;- suggested the question of -expense of. the litigation and Mr. Cantwell suggested that all present be requested to ? sign "a ? paper ; pledging their- support' to the' committee - In whatever ; amount, is .necessary and tna.t all: other "jrblunteer firemen' be given - opportunity -to join , the move- electric fan is very useful mess men. It not only gives rt to their customers, but SS.them to "raise the wind" the bill collectors call. We b the C. R., L. & P. Co. aoth- r this advertisement. prth Carolina should do hing to secure immiera- says an exchange. North ln should also do something vent emigration. Toa many produced young men are al to go to other States. s the Winston Journal: "A months ago a well connected n in New York, made it n that she wanted a compan- kho was a lady born;. under years of age; who had 'had training and who owned a wardrobe." Lots of men's are just the same as those at New York woman. -- r ' pes agriculture pay?" asks change. We positively re :o answer any such absurd on in face of the fact that late Statistician Holmes great wads of it by raising in the Agricultural Depart- lent by signing later, as all "-'would hare In the benefit in any event and should - help . bear - the . expense. Mr. I.'. G, .Walsh faroredTnaking a fiat as sessment of-Jl each.'- Mr. Stevenson didsome; figuring rand thought ith the military 200 could be ; Interested. Mr. Lord thought ?200 would be nec; e8sary,ito. successfully ; carry the case nit and. expressed, the opinion that; not over 100 could be financially inter ested." The" moti on , the pledge was then submitted and. carried by Mtt.J. Evefitfe Jr.,- to.lhose In jthe- tdom foT; sligaature'sStlie- paper.; was 4raTt ed by Mr, Stevenson and Mr. Lord.as . "We, the . undersigned hereby ;form ourselves Into a Mutual Protective As sociation of the' ex-volunteer firemen of the city bf Wilmington for the pur pose of protecting; ourselves ' against all adverse legislation, and. that each and every member pledges himself to bear his equal proportion' of the "ex penses for this purpose."" ; v Mr.. Stephen Jewett favored mak ing the assessment 2 and paying the residue, if any, back to. subscriber s af ter the suit . Mr. Lord favored leavine the residue in- the treasury and mak ing the organization a permanent one. Mr.- Jewett7 agreed, Tipon objectloit-b withdraw . his motion to return 1 any residue, and . later his - entire motion was laid on the table, leaving the ques tion of assessment to the committe to pro Tate when the. number of fire men who will join, the movement is as certained. Upon motion of Mr.' H. Fishblate the committee was made the executive committee of the associa tion with full power to act. Capt. Bel- qen thought the military might want to join the fight but It waV explained by Mr. Lord and Mr. Calder that the military were not on the same foot; ing. Mr. Calder explaining that the DickTlBill eliminated the ; reserve corps..;.."..:;. .;";. ' V i i-i .-;; -3 : STA? It was announced that 46 signers had been secured to' the paper circu lated bjr Mr. Everitt. Notices to at tend the meeting. were sent to lBO.vol- unteer firemen by "maiL iThe paper was placed in the hands of Mr. Calder and further .signatures may be" added at his office by all who desire .to .par ticipate in the 'benefit. ;- After ; the meeting the . committee to further the movement was named as, follows: ' Mr. William Calder, chair man ' ex-officio, Messrs. J. r G." L. Gies chen. of the Howard Relief; -J. C Stevenson, of. tha W. S. P-E.-Con and F. A. Lord.- of the Wilminetob W. St Co. ' ; As several of . the ex-firemen was - fined $10 and Costs ort 30 days on the roads. Ls ' -i volunteer firemen; He" cited the case bf Wlllard, which went to the Supreme " - ' , 'vt I Court, and was decided favorable to TlTV ; TrT tutionality. and In the light of that pen at the footof ChesnuL street The . .otnrl .avaA tha Mtwftl Vltn1l uogs are uciu uieii; wi : w... I t.w 1nl1 tmnA Wo nuiil h aAt fore the "death sentence is to be carried out In order that their own ers may have an: pportunlty to pay the penalty necessary . for their ; re lease. y:'iy'i.i :r , i ;- By the light- of a twisted, rope thrust through 7 the ' neck ; of - a pint bottle filled with . kerosene oIL De- Incorporating the Wilmington ; Steam Fire Engtfie Co., ' providing exemption from jury " and military; duty for-. all time- all firemen who served five con secutive years iri the company and said that similar acts were in full force and effect as to the Hook and Ladder Co.. and the Howard Relief : Fire En puty Sheriff 31 MJ Wade Sunday night J gine Co. The cry had been raised that found a gang of negroes In the middle j the exemption was too sweeping. Mr. of , the Castle , Haynes road, near Calder said. He answered the argu Smith's: Creek bridge, gambling. They ment by saying the exemption of ran when the officer hailed them, eau the volunteer firemen amount- changing" several -shots. . to less than 200 ' out of a. jury TTinH honrtwiiv - TnTnhp" nf the list of 3.000. Later he. quoted riiM rr havo nnnnHed thA familv I figures : to snow mat wnen MB WU of their comrade. Officer W. A. Smith, mington Steam Fire Engine Company who; , with his wife, is in the hospi- msDanaeo, qeruuiiB tal with typhoid fever. A feast of au torn, naa " to the children remaining at home, have removed from the city, leaving T ,fii nr the nownta nrhn ftffi I OtUY bJ Mempuuiu. ; iue ui now 111, died this Spring with typhoid pames were anoui: un ui r ' Idered vauant service, ne saiu. ; . mere "United States Deputy Marshal C. pn wore him who had been O. Knox went up to Lumberton yester- wounded and broken in health in thd day, taxing to tne noDeson; ja a Sprvi ce. and he would be bold enough k investigation by the United s District Attorney "into the p leak case has begun with a to securing evidence Irf or nal indictments. The inves- on will be held in a private specially set apart in the De ment of A eriftultnrfc . Jow O ' v the newspapers doing s to bring about a leak in the nee to be taken. ' " Federal Court prisoner,-sentenced . at the lat term here to 30 days. Tho fact that he was serving the time in to say the old volunteer department lost' more men and received more wounds than the North Carolina troops Marshal after the commitments were examined. 91.3. Other maximum readings in tne district were Charlotte, 82; Cheraw, 89 : " Florence, .93: - Goldsboro,? 92; Greensboro, 91 ; ; Lumberton, 93 New- hern 92'; Raleigh, 92 and Weldon, 93. New Hanover jail Instead of the Lum-, -oiipd iota Suanlsh-Amerlcah oenon prison was. xuscoveieu ujr ura Mr.; J. C. Stevenson moved; that. a committee of - three be ; appointed to Wilmington was again the coolest! employ. a. competent attorney In.sym- niarp in the district for the 24 hours nathy with the movement to present ended at 8 o'clock yesterday morning the matter in the courts and explaln- the mavtmum .reading having been on-j ed how', that, might be done in .tne iv eft vipm-iws -wfn th average vasl waV' of one "test ease ttr -decide the whole: matter.- uapt. ioms ueiaeu was in full accord , with Mr.. Steven son's motion: but he benevea tne; en tire; bar of Wilmington was inimical to the interests of the firemen In this regard, and he i favored employing' an sttnmpv outside the city. The chair Lumina Last Night. "." -,",iJ' y i ATnia!ned that Mr. Stevenson's motion The largest Monday night crowd of as worded ?'in sympathy" without the season .was at Lumina last night I reeard -to location and the committee to enjoy the dancing on the splendid l could employ - whom they chose, h Mr. floor there, t The Consolidated has "de-1 Stevenson said attorneys didn't air elded to offer another.; bowling" prise j ways represent' clients . with ; whom of $5.00 to the one making the highest they" ;are in sympathy and sometimes score., . The . contest will close Friday j quite as . well without regard to ; per night. and: the five" highest- scores to sonal feeling. ; Capt. A. L." DeRosset that time will bowl"Sittn?day night at seconded Mr, . Stevenson's motion I as 9 o'clock and the oneZmkklhg the high-1 oririnallv made.. Mr. H." Pickett est score will receive the' $5.00. "Up thought a mutual protective organiza- to last night the highest score was 184 tion should be effected and only those by Mr. J. fe. Potts. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,; 1 . uave heretofore neglected y that it was hard lines for to have two wars on her s aJ.iie time. Strange to re- n nssia won't come: 'out 1' "Neither war. Roumania t( send a few police down to Knias PotemTrino anA . , . uuu ub to one of the wars, while Eos- ad tied up her other ships to irom risking all she had left. -: Masonic Lodge. Meeting.'. -l '; : iL - Adolph G. Ahrens DrugsN' .-; : ' ; Walker Taylor,; Agt-lnsurance. ii, Wilmington Savings Trust 7 Co. moval; . :-' ' 'T-tv'?- Htnr -iTimtiaLxlrar' Wantiut '-. ; Mrs. W. il Harger Money Lost. .Bonitz Hotel Commodious Store. wgfejA? Cool i Spotfiv r& Ltumma s .spacious .verandas. r jyl5-lwV. .-.;V ''". who manifested an Interest by their attendance npon -thes ;meetlng"share. In the benefits.-? Mr.; E. Hi Freeman sug gested that the committee -employ . an attorney who -was an 'ex-fireman. ' Mr. tC 3. Jacobs v. thought- the committee should not wait, for" an opportunity to Re- test the question but should make the opportunity. Capt DeRosset suggest ed that court met next week and It would be a mere mattefof . submitting the .question to the judge presiding. Others Baid ;. ; a ; Supreme Court "ruling was wanted, to - settle the matter- for r 4.. K there . was already . a test , case:, that Capt, John L. -Boatwright had " been summoned to. appear1 next week and he was , one ' . of the' incorporators GOVERNOR'S COMING Reception and Banquet Will Be Distinguishing Features of ; Public Entertainment .AC AT JHE SEASHORE HOTEL The One on Friday and the Other on j;Mbiday ight--Members tof Stafffi 'V and ;: Distinguished Military 1 y't Among Gueste fHonor; " An informal are .Summoned for Jury dutv next week. It la probable that a ; test case will be made up at .that time. ARRESTED AFTER f7 YEARS Negro Captured Here Wanted In Sum ter, 8. 8ince 1888 for Highway ? I Robbery and Assault. - .7; Sam, alias Sampson, Cooper, the ne gro arrested here Saturday morning by Policeman C.E. .Wood," as noted In Sunday's paper, at the instance of Sheriff T. S. Burch, of Florence, S. C , was yesterday fully Identified by Sheriff J. E. GalUard. of Sumter, S. C, as a negro wanted there for. 17 years for highway robbery, and an assault with Intent to kill. Sheriff Gatllard came upon receipt -of a telegram from WUmlngton, stating that ihehegro had been arrested here,; and he returned with the prisoner to Sumter yesterday afternoon. - -' : , l . ' Sheriff Burch, who keeps In close touch with fugitives from justice back and . forth between Wilmington - and Florence, and ; has found in ' Officer Wood a valuable ally, was recently here and compared notes -with the Wilmington; officer, ;who intuitively thought Cooper was wahtedT ;in S.outh Carolina " for something. Sheriff Burch . returned ' home, .looked " up . the records and found that, he had once arrested Sam .Cooper for the Sumter authorities, but , that . the . negro , had broken jail about 16 . years , ago and had since been at large. He conferred with Sheriff Galllard, of Sumter, and the .'.negro's. arrest here i by ".Officer Wood followed.. The robe.was com mitted on the railroad . track, near Sumter; September 28th, 1888, the vic tim having been another -negro whb was assaulted with brass knucks and a knife, ; Cooper - having been accom panled by his brother In making the robbery: 'He was-arrested anL-placed In jaU,; but managed to escape some time later. "Sherjff, Galllard brought with him yesterday the original mag istrate's warrant as issued-nearly 17 years , ago. ;. Cooper. ; was T surly . and talked none. He said If he was wanted for anythipg; It was for something he' had done more than 16 years ago, for he had been : living a quiet life since that ,time Hehad been here: several years working j;at 4 the " steamship wharves as. a. stevedore, i His family arrived here about a year ago to join him ' and : their coming . attracted : at tention to him.: He is about 50 years old -and has "a wife and several child ren,- most of. whom have been. raised since his escape f rem jaltr-afe.? Seaboard'Pjificlalti ;Hra;i!) 'Mr. C, B.". .Ryan, ; general passenger agent of the Seaboard Air line; with headquarters in. Portsmouth, Va, and Mr. W.v R. Hudson, superintendent of the third .division : of" the" Seaboard with- headquarters in Raleigh, arrived yesterday, on Mr, Ryan's private car attached, to the tram arriving at hobn. They "came on raUorad-business and were' the guests for a; partof the day of Mr. Geo. : A.. Croff at. the Cape Pear Club. Later, the party .went,' down to Wrightsville Beach : and - sound on a but .'nevertheless- "a splendid-, reception on Friday . ; night from '8:30 to" 3.0:30' o'clock' and - an tilaborate.Vbanquet on iMondayJ night fojlowiiig," both functionff take place at the delightfully appointed Seashore Hoteljbnj WrhsvUleaejdwUI be Uie flisttagulshmg iet fl&Srtainmjt to : Governor ; dienn, members ?of hii sfafttid IsiUng; military officers up m the occasion of the comjng of -the chief fiieeutive here thla ;. week- to Te vlew the Second and IThU'dreetments of the North Carolina National Guard, m encampment on. the" (Bound. It is proposed to. make both events in full keeping: with the traditional hospi; ai lty of the Cape Fear section. The ovement .is spontaneous npon tko- - part of the local miUtary and. business men, acting at tne suggestion' of and under the auspices" of the Merchants' Association. " . T . T ;.' f : ' ; .. ;- .-".:" I President Cooper, Of the Association, last week called 'a' meeting' of the dl rctors of jthat body and4' the , 'sentiment of the community was : voiced in. the appointment of a': committee- of ; five BMMnbers of the local military and fivA business men to arrange, ways and means for some' form of public enter tainment In honor of the visit of the chief executivei'members of his staff and other 'distinguished military. The committee appointed at that time met yesterday morning at 11 o'clock In the Chamber i of j. Commerce rooms ' and agreed upon the; principal features of entertainment as f-set " forth - :abbvel Therewere present at the committee meting:. President W. B. Cooper, Secretary JameB Kyle, Col. C, James, CoL Walker Taylor, CaplL. Wm. F. Robertson, Messrs J. H. Rehder, L. B. Rogers, M. W.- Jacob! andZ. W. Whitehead, the last named - having been substituted in place of Mr. Wm. H. Sprunt, who found it impossible to serve. Mr. Cooper announced the pur pose pf the meeting and the committee enthusiastically decided to give both hf reception, and . banquet: as stated above the hours for the reception be ing 8:30 to 10:3ft Friday night and the banquet from 1-9; 30- to-ll. 30 . o'clock. To arrange all detaUs for therecep- tlon, Messrs.' W. " B. Cooper. tM;;W.- Jacob! and James Kyle-were-named as the. committee and for the banquet. Messrs.-Z. W. Whitehead, L. B. Rogers and John H. Rehder. Admission will be by card or ticket and a large num ber of representative ladies and gentle men are expected. The chairman-was authorized to appoint a general public entertainment committee of $100. ' I Wilmington proposes - to ; receive Governor Glenn, and staff and the visit ing military with open, arms and in a manner befitting the occasion- and creditable to-the city.- To that end the following' committee on entertainment has been appointed : i W. B. -Cooper, PERSONAL v PARAGRAPHS. .rrCol"-Walker "Taylor' has returned from a business trip to New York! - . Mr. W. X Clemmons, the popular travelling man, spent Sunday in the city. ," ''; : -.1 '--;"- ' ; ', ' .-.. -7C0L H. M. Drane, of Armoury N". C., was here , yesterday, on a. business trip. ",,.:."" ; . 'y;-.;y;;'-'.; .Mr. Berry Godwin, of Lumberton, spent a couple of hours here yester day on a businesstrip. ;; y:l. ' Col. Fred J. Coxe,'bf the law de partment of Messrs:, Hugh MacRae & Co', went to WadcSborp Sunday. ; ';:. S JJr.-an Mrs. a P. ; HUliard and ; Master Wiulam Clary, ' - of ', Rocky J Mount, are guests of the Hotel Tarry; moore at the beach' ; ' . " ' ; - ' Pr- Joseph .Akerman returned Sat urday from Cartersville, Ga,, where he went on account of ; the death' of a M .A. gtrl for general housework? ; A.sewing girl? ; A womanto wash? At man to attend to your furnace or help around the house?" ". ' ! ' ; Or do you want a situation? A room? Board or boarders?: To rent : a' house? :g:SJ?"i'W-i&''?; 4 Perhaps you have a house or lot for sale or exchange.? Perhaps ydu Z ; -; want ;to .buy;-or: sell ibdwajWli? -.; JiSii X - You inay rwant to buy or sell a piano,' furniture, - cameraes, dishes. Zlai tawn mower automobile, bath, tub,, parrot, dog, -curtams,' sewing ma- 'J. ' .'. T hne watch, diamonds. Jewelry of. any? description,.; clock, buggy, J Z shotgun, rifle stove,. stools? - - ,T ' "Will, accomplish any f these thesethinfls. fors you. Sr: One ; v cent v A ; Word ! t -V" But no advertisement taken for less than 25 cents. je 23 tf.. ..' v: all i time . to come. ; Mr. Calder saidlspecial car, tendered by the- Consoli dated Company.'; Mr., Ryan and Mr. Hudson jreturned last night, going; in the private car over the Atlantic Coast Line. ". Mr. jr. A.: Bozier, wlf e anic.bildren,. ot- LumberlrrspentjShft f'weekr ertd".r at. Wrightsville Beach, return ing home yesterday, - -y:":-. ' ;;;V;' ? Mr. T..O. Brownbf rlandojFla spent 1 a few hours in the city .yester day. on business and -was cordially greeted by his numerous friends. -r . Mr. and Mrs: James- F. Sears' have gone to Cleveland Springs, N. C. Mrs. Sears will remain there Jsome Itime Mr. Sears will return during the week. j--Revi" Geo. B.' Webster, of : Bladen Street M. E3. church, has gone to Beau fort, N. C for two or three weeks to attsnd. protracted meetings. He was accompanied by Mrs. Webster and lit tle daughter. " .''-' ; Col. F. H. Fries, of Winston-Salem, who is . behind the movement for a railroad from the coal fields of Vir ginia to deep water either here or at Charleston, spent yesterday in South- port,- returning last evenings on the steamer Marion. : v . . CapL G..W. Harrison, road mas ted oT'the Seaboard Air Line between Wilmington and Hamlet,' spent yester day in the city on railroad business. Mr. fx L. Gore went to.McColls, C Sunday to spend a part ot the week at the Marlboro Cotton . Mills of which he . was recently elected presi dent v - J. - : ;,.--.-.... Mr. .Albert ' Orth,' publisher "of Deutsche Zeltung, the well known Ger man newspaper,- of Charleston, S. C, is in the city in the Interest of his paper.. He is a . guest of : Mr. Paul Welsse, the former, editor of the Zel tung, : 17th and . Market streets. "The 'Zeitung" is the oldest German news paper In the South, and has a number Sf appreciative readers in this city. Chief Charles Schnibben, Super- tendent of Alarm Jno. T. Yates and all the other delegates from the Wilming ton Fire Department as published In these columns Sunday, left yesterday to attend the annual meeting of the State Firemen's Association MrrW. C. VonGlahn, secretary and treasurer of the. State .Association," Is also. In afc tendance npon the Winston meeting. This from j the Maxton Scottish Chief is about a popular. Seaboard "Air Line conductor who runs Into Wil mington; "Nothing on the whole trip to Asheville and the other, points Im pressed us more than the courtesies of the S. A.'- L. and Southern conduc- -tors. Capt. Bowen, on thla line. Is a Fishing? JF SO, CALL AND SEE OUR LARGE STOCK' OF HOOKS, LINES,', PdLESRE:ELWAIT'PAILSyAN PARAPHERNALlATHATiTCy MAKE FrSHRMEr HAPPV- : ; "I N ORTON BUILDING : . ; " ! . age. ,. . ; walker tayuok, An't.,- Wilmington, im, u. ewel Indeed, but the kindness and I f 3 1 tu Th&SaifT - ! T . w . .. . . .'. ? . - T TT Z. T v: 7 courtesy ot mi- were marKeu. CapL W. F. Robertson," M. W. Jacob!, M. F. H. Gouverneur, Capt. A. P. Ad rian D- ,l; Gbrei C. W. Worth, W. N. Royall, J. C Stevenson, Geo. O. Gay lord. E. 'Warren, W. A. Dickr Jos. C. Shepard, Oscar Pearsall,. George Roun- tree, Walter Buckner,; W. E. wortn, Adolph G. Ahrens, A. D. Brown, H. M. Emerson, Jas. H. Chadbourn, Mr. SU11- manWT. Mercer,) victor is. zoeuer,' Col. A; M-'WaddeU, W. H. BIddle. Geo. W.c Kidder, Capt. J. W.' Harper, W. B. MaUby, T. D. Love, E. Payson WiUard. Wm. H. Bernard, J. W. Jack son, R., F. McClammy, N. M. McEach ern, Dr. CP. Bolles, W. G. Whitehead, R. H- Pickett, Col. John W. AtMnson, M. J. Corbett, Col. Walker Taylor, Col. C. Jamea. l James Kyle James Sprunt, H. M. Chase, S.P. McNalr; H, G. Smallbones, J.-Allen Taylor, E. Springer, C. W. Tates, Geo. W. Hug- gins, C. L; Taylor, W, D. Hall, DeWitt Love, Iredeu Meares, A.; David, A. Williams, B.-F. Keith, E. F. John son. J. v. urainger, j.: micks ttunung. W. L. Parsley. J.-H. Hardin, A. S. Wlnstead. C. L. Taylor. Col. John D Taylor, B. C. Moore, Col.- George L. Morton, J. .W. Bagley 4. W. btooks, W. L.. DeRosset. J. H. Watters, W. C Peterson, r J. VanB. rJttetts Benjamin Bell. J. F. Garrell. E.- B. Williamson, Wm.Calder,iSamuel .Nortnrop,- Wil liam Gilchrist, F. E. Hashagen, Mars- den Bellamy. J.H. . Rehder,' La B. Rog ers, Z..W. Whitehead, Hugn jiacnae, WH. Sprunt; Matt-J. Heyer, T. M. Emerson. C. Ci Covington; C. W. Pol voet. D. McEachern, Geo. K. UTrencn, F. W! Dick, Sam.. Bear Jrs-John D. Bellamy, J, O; Carr, ' Philander Pear- sail.. Ben. Solomon. K. K. ueuamy,-j. R. Mercer.:. John S. Armstrong. G. :. J- Bonev. JoKn,A.-ArringdMe, J. A Sprin ger, George HonnetWTom Wright, T4 H. Stedman, W, H. Green, R. W. Hicks B. O. Stone, J. H. Hinton, K. A. rars leyt Wv E. Perdew, Clayton Giles, William Latimer, M., S. Wlllard, E. C, Holt, W. J. Craig, C. J. Mitchell, Roger Moore.. W. H. YODD. H. U .VOliers. J. G. Thompson,- S. T. Ashe.'! . - FUNERAL- OF MISS BU FORD. ''Cr-? . . ' ,. Splendid location. Health' resor t. Over 200 boarding pupils last year, High grade of work. : High standard O f culture and social : lif e- Conservatory ; . advantages in Music. .' Advanced courses' in Art and Elocution. " Hot water.; . " J , heatA Electric; lights ;and other -inod e"rn improvements. " ' . -r.;.".!- ; Remarkable health record; only one death among pupils in 23' yearsv'-: -. Dlose personal attention 'to the health and social development of . every ;"i pupU. High standard of scholarship. All pupils dress alike on all public " occasions. - CHARGES VERY LOW. ' - ".' ; - ; ..,; :y;'- ; 24th Annual . Session will begin Sept. 13th, 1905." For catalogue address,. ; 'yy.:iVh-:y-: REV. J. M. RHODES, a.:; -V-'viv "i .1 : jy4-2mo . vj.-V-'-r:.- y..::c-z-& R E PJ OVA L NOTICE! r.: . ON OR -ABOUT JU LYj 25th OUR - . - . . B.ANKING OFFICE WILL BE ' . MOVED TO NO." 110 N. - FRONT ' . ' -: STREET m STORE: FORMERLYr ; OCCUPIED BY N. B: RANKIN. Wilmington Savings and Trust Comp'y. I. W. NORWOOD, President. 1' H. WALTERS, Vice President.' , C E. TAYLOR, JRi Cashier. , - "- jyii-tt Read Rour Fire Insurance Policy! , r "Setter know" Its conditionsbefore a fire than to- know it afterwards to . v.v-ir.8Qrrow. Merchants should see to It that they comply with the "Lncl SAFE CLAUSE attached to the contract. No insurance com pany "will knowingly Insure a merchant who does not comply with : thfe clause.. . " ' - '"..''' ' :;;-- -; ' , - - INSURE YOUR .PROPERTY IN . ;: ;: The North Carolina Home Insurance : Co. : :.' ' :' ? : r . . ; . OFRALEIGH, N..C.r p ' North Carolina's Oldest Insurance Company. It-has been successful In business over 37 years.1 A home: company seeking home patron . , Charlotte Observer: "Miss Bessie Burkheimer, accompanied by her father Mr H. Dudley Burkheimer, left yesieraay morning ior a visit 10 Wil mington and Newbern. MIsb Burk heimer, after visiting for several weeks in Eastern North Carolina, will go to Asbury. Park, N. J,.; to spend some time with her -uncle, Mr.' E." Clayton Burkheimer. " She will" return to Char lotte in the Fall." ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ml, HIT BY SUBURBAN CAR. Early Trusty Convict Hit by Extra y' Sunday Morning. An extra suburban car on its way from the city, carrying some workmen and appartus to do some work at the j WE ARE FISHING FOR BUSINESS: sub-station at Wrightsville, ran into a ii fft8l9202li2 'sAj negro just at - the further end of . the ' However, we don't' hold out ;.tb you Delgado switch at 4' o'clock Sunday LhM v to-morrow: hut offer vou our morning. ,iae negro , was seaieo on 1 peeufar all vear round Values in Drugff. tne ena 01 a cross ue asieep wiin a 1 Family Medicines: , Toilet Prepara trunk by. his side. He was caught by 1 tlors, Tooth Brushes, and otLcrToiiet rmet end of thn fender and tossed with I Al tides. tho ; trnnir ' anme fliatonm in tho Air I Wrightsville Sound and Beach resi- tnao nn tho .r woro nnnfidont tho dentsfind our Express Service conve nient, prompt, safe and satisfactory in every way. Maximum" charge' 15c Leave" packages at-store. ; : ;: 1 ADOLPH G. AH RENS, Druggist ": . 107 Prfncess. ' -i: 'Phone 644. ;jy18:f-;j-'i-:e: Hew Fertilizer s Prices Impressive Service Sunday- Afternoon f Interment in Oakdale" Cemetery, :"The funeral of ; Miss Lizzie Buford whose 4eath was announced ' In . Sun day morning's paper, was. conducted Sunday afternoon at-5" o'clock from the residence of her sister, Mrs.M. E," McGirt 'Fourth' and Nun streets. ..The services,; were by Rev. A,". McCulIen, pastorof-iFifth Street M. E... church, of which the deceased was - a conse crated member. A large; number "of friends . were in attendance and f the floraf - tributes wereJbeautIfuIThe musicvwas by a quarette composed of Misa "Mcintosh;"; Mrs,. Hattle Cardner, Mr.1: J; W. Fleet and Mr.; Willie Muse, the. accompaniment ' being- .- by t MIsa Mattle, ,;Chasten. :.A" beautiful sola by Miss Mcintosh was rendered.:? The in terment was InOakdale cemetery.TTne paU-bearerswere-;Messrs.;-:Tho. Rowell, BenJ. ; Motte,-Jno.' H. Hanby, W. ' J. Klrkham, .' J; "-S.. Funchess- and Capt E.; D Williams ; 'HvK - A Boofc And a comfortable chair on the 'veran- negrd had been- killed,, but he- landed on the ground and later It has develop ed that his injuries are not serious. r. The car was : In charge of . Capt Dooley, of the construction, force of the Consolidated Company, and the ne gro; was picked up and hurried back to the hospital. It was found that he had several" bruises about the body and; gashes f m the head His-name is Henry Reynods, a trusty at the con vict camp on the roaa being built I g60 Bags, 13 per cent? Add, $10.60" ;; from ' Wrightsville tothe 'encampment 1 720 Bags,-14 per cent- Acid,-' $11.00." grounds.. He came up to the city early 680 Bags;! percent' Acid, $13,00.- Saturday night and was on. -his way 920 Bags, 822 Guhanb, $17.75 : : back to" the convict camp.with sonyTof 740 BagsV8--3-3 Guano, $22.45-1 his ' clothing . and other ' purchases in 620 Bags, 82 4 Guano, $21.50S a small, hand trunk."; He sat down to 510 Bags, 825 Guano, $20.75. rest and fell asleep.liis tdrowsy : jaiood 960 Baga, 8 310 Guano, $29.00. ' being superinduced; by liquor,' three 680 Bags, 8 2-10 Guano, $25.75 5 KnttloB f. "arh1hworo ' tAtrpn .off . his MB Raga -R 4 f " GnanO. $26.25.S.i-:-. person, tie was sent up ior two or i sby uags, - & viuauo, n6-oy,. - ; three years by Judge TImberlake fof460. Bags Muriate Potash. , . - " be cheeriuuy the larceny of Jelly from Farrisa' bak ery. .He has nearly completed his sen tence and Is now a. trusty at the camp." He is still at the hospital and will be sent back from there to. the gang. ; Special prices, -will given in car lots., da at Lumina.- -Jy,15.:lw i'.:'.i-'?''-"-1-; Campbel I E ncampment . ;At last night's regular .meeting of Campbell Encampment Nol i 1,-1 L 0. O. District Deputy- Grand Patrlach C. :W..' Stewart, assisted I in the work by Past - Chief Patriarchs f E. : r. Johnson, W. G. T Keen,vE. D Craig, A: W;AlleiC:p H. Murphy and H. O. Craig "installed the following officers: C.P Jas.; A Jordan ;E;?.(- C?W, Craigr H. S. McGirt; MWsD. K. LeGwln; ' Scribe, Jna E( Wood; Treasurer, N. . Jacob! ; r Guide, :M, ,G Raynor; 1st W., P.- H. Murplfy; tod. W, H O, Craig Sri-WE'F; John son ; 4thW ;W T-Topp; Isfc Gf E. D. Craig? 2nd; G. T., A. T.: Parker; L S., A. W. Aliens O. 8., W. G. T. Keen. The Camp will confer the Patrlarchial B. . COOPER, : " . ' WiLMTNGTON, n! C. FANCY 7-, :i-'-i-'J-'-ivi."'0's- SOFTf :ri:-;"-l"W-"5.-- EWARRENa SON Degree on 12 candiates .next meeting I esssSSSSSaSS Special Trial Offer THE STAR At Reduced Rates To New Subscribers V' For - the next sixty days win mail.. THE MORNING : STAR to subscribers outside 4 the city at the following re reduced rates: :':'S;? FOR ONE YEAR ; $4.00 FOR SIX MONTHS 1$2.00 ; '- Positively, no subscription , will bo taken at the reduced rates for a period' less than.; : six months.. For; one month r the price will' be, as hereto-.;' ' fore, $15 for three months; Tor fifty- cents for one month. - ' This offer, as-will be noted, . is for' a limited period only, . and is made for the purpose; ' of giving those who appreciate ;' the value of a daily newspa--' per an' opportunity to read : r the STAR -for six months, or vinore,- at a cost of about one i and a quarter cents per copy, and then determine whether . or." not they will continue t, their- subscription at the reg-; - ular price. ' .. V- ' .:. - " : 11 ,;;.- No name will be" entered -; on our books under this' offer ; ; unless' the .-order- is acconv panted fwltK the cash, ftfi y - While this proposition - is--, ' . made . primarily ', to secure - new subscribers, old subscrib- era outside tne city may avail . themselves oJF Its advantages at the reduced rate provided 7: they; pay; all arrearagesland Tor not less tnan six monxns , In advance. On ' account "of the - heavy I expense attached to our city circulation 'department this . offer does not apply - to city -: subscribers. ' '.-.- -- Sample copies mailed "free ? J o any address. ' : zyy . Note the conditions of this ' "offer carefully to-avbitf mis-..takes.-' y.ii, Vi'-:.;".:, ': NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS Z Masonic y TcmpIe P .. r..V' J uiy io, i-.- ,v a i , . Wilmington ' Lodge, . -No- 319 A:iF..& S Regular . monthly. communication ::; this - ! - :Tuesday) evening at 5: 8'olock.?:yi'ifc:-v?S'i f I ;v Visiting brethren cordially Invited. : S 'EUSTACE NORFLEET, , -jy 18-lt-.. Secretary w -; .-. - '. - ; ' .. . ' - . - " -". ' ft ''.-i'--i-':-.-':;;.S::ri'i ' '