. .. 1 erx .2 , :- - " ' i i.i. i SATISFIED "link Si Uiw" (FULL $ HARTS 2) CL.CL;;i of 4 Quarts for 4.00 by J Hfor il50, by FreigM rrepaia frfteoor nearest office and do RNOW QaaffT.TBor.a ale and Retail Of (iits, Furs, and Js Ed Gloves, all col- i in Dress Goods this B&, in all tne new coi- i,98c. a, all colors this week 7c barear, 50 doz. Vests, k; 5fl doz. Vests, 35c. mi floor. M fancy Suits Wool Black Cheviots, air pnce, $10.00. beet our line of Over- jaifkLSO to $10.00. j?ats, 25c. pair. I jS new shapes and col- fa's Sox in black and k I pair for 25c. at Overalls. 1 1.0. M t abilities'.' Sis'; Stkte Money to lend, bounty ami Cit-v 'Lident 'htR- Asst. cashi ier. y- oread. lathee 7 ity. ; - i -" 1 "TjI i 1 IK!aii1F.a-C;Clom cusTor.:sr.o enormous business vcould be ..built : up and nnrk did not have exceptional -value and merit? wreis1, " ,H hold the trade of half a million . people, if our E e rtlv what we say wasn't firmly established? r : TviflkU- ... - action of this country would -keen - on usinsr &en '-t wasn't all right? '- " , ' - -' SKE 'I would recommend it and hospitals use.it, if it "5 i0CtZd unadulterated? -'- - V.:-. &Pa!L over carefully and then send us a trial order. S?u?re not satisfied. Mm - unnea omu aenne. wifthinatAn n rr - . . kev exceptionally fine for table and medicinal purposes, WW , .v-. k : Wm. M. Stewarts .::-',-'?'i;(,..; j20 EJIP:.3G3 PREPAID mm :,i van in a plain sealed case, -with no -. '-PER .Jks to show contents. FOUR FULL QUART,, tv4TE STOCK RYE FOR &20. and we giTsfi Te ;t home and sample It, have your doctor Mgi J X rfsh. Then if you don't find it just as we 7ffJ gioSy0tt it back to us AT OUR EXPENSE and your ...m '. .M 1. . - - , I - . , 1 1 rnnin jut oner De zurarr . Yonuk Miho Mont.. Nev.. N. Mex.. Ore.; Utah, Wash., JIVATISTOCf J. lAYNER DISTILLING COnPANY . n. St. Louis. Me SL PaaLHina. ESTABliSHID 1868. Toys and Dolls, Wholesale and Retail. i' Children's, Misses ow ing " gtock and long exp erieice ; injthismes f eel s b jour aavaiii'ttsc u " -- eww - v lted and given our prompt and caxef ill atiition. Outings in all colors,' 10c. kind, this week, '3c. , :J-'r:xv;-T;ri Ladies ors, 75c. $1.00 Kid. Gloves, all col- ' Matting, special, values, this week, 10, 12, 15, 18. 22, ana Z5c . : Rugs, Portiers and Art -Squares spe cial this weefc'i' r Children's t Rocking Chairs," this week, 25, 50v 75c and, $1.25. ii and Overcoats --: . $7.00 l Boys' Suits, ages from 3 to 16 years? ' prices, 75c. to; $5.00. v " 1 - 1. Boys' Overcoats, all colors ;-fepecial this - week, $1.48. " ; ' Men's fancy vests, from 98c.' to $3.00 I Men's Dress " Shirts, all colors. : 25, 39, 48 and 98c. . ,x; ... . - .- . All-Wool Underwear in red, grey, and white, $2.00 a suiU v Men's Heavy . Cotton . Underwear, ?1.C0 value, 78c suit". . SL MAIL ORDERS PORMPTLY FILLED! immm STORES COMBINED 206, 208. 2W NORTH FRONT ST. Wright's Health Underwear., iUes Arc Best Values on tne Market. , retail price : N.. 15, $1.50; No. 19, $2.00; No. 23, rtto balers and roadv sellers. ' . .-Hi-t' and Hammer less Guns. Also, Bifles and latest proved Automatic Gnus. ' m stock and can give prompt sMpmenlKS:- Loaded Shells Best Made. icemontc t,. i a.. x-." - --- tocobi Hardware Co., Front street. Warehouse No. 9 Water street.. 'urchison NationaTBacit OF WILMINGTON, ' .".-"v-- $5300,000 .:v-:175,000 ; r . 300,000 .V;$T75,ooo; 1,800,0001 .; 2,600,000 Foreign Exchange' bought and soll:4 Repository. ;gS-it---:' J ;a5;-r ;:l-: " Ji V. GRAINGifTVIce" President. H. LACY HUNT, Asst. Cashier. Cape Fear I Durlner the ' nrftaent' veek ' we will remove o- the corner stored 601 N. Front street. Iwhete -we" will be -prepared to siye better service than heretofore. We- invite the public and. es-. . X - peclallw theladies ' to .call and; W."JL- HEWBLBY, PWt. . W. n. ,BARIEN, JVIce-Pre't t -J. B. TAYLOB, JSee. . Trea. 1 Uappenings amT jr ti 7 " BY G. - V- Miss Julia Parsley is vthe euesF of Mends. in Washington and Baltimore. Mrs. lWilliams' Mufchison has re turned, from a charming visitto Yela tives in Virginia: . - - - - . Mrs. "Jesse Kenan Wise has return. ed to Jhe city. after a pleasant visit to Pennsylvania Summer resorts.'- s.:; Sarah" S.; James" will. hiaVa a visit of several weeks duration to re- lauves-m different parts of the State : The." engagement ot. Miss Minnie : P. Perdew to Mr. Levi McMillan"' was announced during the past week,-V - Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy Harriss will spend the Winter in the Norwood CoV cage on . wngntsvIUe Sound. 7' -' " -,"N ' , i -.?-'-' " - Mrs.- O. - C. - Sasser and daughter Miss Bessie, were guest of friends In Raleigh during Pair week. . ,.- - - -.- --. Miss" Jeannette'PrankV a very popu lar young ladyin Jewish -circles, has gone on an extended visit :to friends in Atlanta, 1 . x . - - MrsrErne6t V." Baltzer,"who is -on a visit to her father Hon. . O. P. Meares, -will -return to. her home in Savannah, Ga next-week.. . : . v . . r'Mrs. Annie Northrop and her moth er, Mrs.- Bridges, have, j-eturned : to the city: and are at their cozy home on DocK street." - ry": - i - - ' - Miss -FaH" Williams, a popular young woman ol - FayettevIIle, is on a visit to ; Masonboro - Sound. - the guest of Miss Martha Williams ' " - .iMrs. - E. H. : Sneed chaperoned' a pleasant "Box party" of merry young people at the i Academy; last - Thurs day; evening. - ' . .. - - . . .- ' : Mrs. P. Hopkinson Smith is expected to arrive this week, on a: visit to her parents. : There . are many who will be pleased to weleomo- MrsJ Smith homo. -'Yi.--yy, .'", ' y' "- . Mrs. thila Calder Nye is on a visit to Mr; and Mrs.-Wm. Calder.' It has beeit several years since Mrs.; Nye has given her - relatives and friends the pleasure of a visit. - : .r. - . : -: y . v. . :' : - '." ,. Miss: Jeannie" Murchison leaves to morrow --for Fayetteville .where - she will be Joined by her cousin. Miss Jean Pemberton, and hey will . then go to New York for. a month's visit ;. , ' . "iiKr ' ; "" s;'K -;The opening dance of L'Arioso Club will be, given on the night of tne i.st, and will be in honor of the Armstrong Crow wedding party. - The germari will e led by Mr. Clayton Giles, Jr. . , " " .Mr. and Mrs. R." A. Brand are'eom fortahly settled In the old Nixon house on Chesnut; street. Since purchasing Fine, property, it has been greatly im proved by Mr. Brand, and is now one of the handsomest houses in the city. - The home of Mr. and " Mrs. "Horace M' Enerson , on Red Cross street, is to be remodelled anof . enlarged. Dur ing the -time of improving- their home Mr, and Mrs.' Enerson will occupy the cozy cottage, -408 "Second, street, r Arrangements havebeen . perfected forbeautifying the grounds- and sur roundings of "The. Castle' on Marketr; street,": the- home ' of Mr, ' and Mrs. Hugh McRae". - The McRae resideace is one of the handsomest of the many elegant -homes of this city.-- 0 .;'"-- " -. - r yyy : ' While' in the midst of pledsnre, and prepartion for the seasons gaities, the ladies of all the-church congregations are not neglecting 'duties devolving on them,. by. the various Societies and Guilds for the amelioration of the poor of the city. " . 'Mr. Harry C. James, oTBolozi, Miss., is the guest of relatlves"in this city. His daughters, Misses Ruth, Leila and Hettle, who have been charming vis itors of relatives, for the past two months, will return to their home this pweek, much to the regret of a circle oi acquam utnees. . -. . .'',' . : - Miss Edna Keniy is in Baltimore1 to be with her father. Mr. Jno..R : Kenly; who has been a patient Jn the Johns Hopkins hospital.', -f Mr.Kenly's friends f-will be gratified to learn of his com plete recovery and .that - he ,wlu re turn to Wilmington about ithe middle of November. --. : ?rr -A i. :' Mrs. W. Harriss Northrop, Jr., will leave for Oviedo,; Fli, on Tuesday next. tdi-Join -her httsband who nas lo cated in that thriving little town. The best wishes of friends go with Mr. and Mrs. Northrop to their Floridian home, which is within a mile of . beau tiful LaketCharm, a favorite'Wiater resorL'-7 J-'-- ' I- wr ' jl --'- .".'i' The Colonial Dames will -TuAd their annual meeting next month. ;-when plans for active work for: the. coming year will be decided on. The Dames deserve much' praise . for"' their untir ing 'efforts,': and unsevering:. devotion to the cause : ot erecting -monuments to the -memory ipf our Revolutionary, heroes, ' who - made history- for - the world. -" .f . '-' Conventional Invitations -have been issued by Mr. and' Mrs. Eugene Hogan, of Sumter. South Carolina, to-tne mar? riage of the : daughter, Lillie,; to, Mr, Luther J. Tucker, of this ctty, in tne First Brvotist - churcW ' of Sumterr on Moniav evening. November .TBtttV'MIs? Wocan has ' many : acquaintances m this city and Mr. Tucker . numbers-his Of the many';sweet and 'pretty girls whn "attended schools and coueges of this State last year, out - who did not - return this season ' are: Misses Marguerite Walker; - Jeannle Murcni- son.- Ella Jacobs, Alice tieurana, sa- m ft "4 Williams.?: HefettriClark, ? Lottie Pleasants, Florrie Grants Mellie Cotchi ettsand MayElla Tkloore, au oi wnom are popular members - of . the-younger set.'; " 7. '.--. - v mixj 'AnnR DeR. Harris. Mrs.; Chas: w.-r Bidgood,' Miss Margaret jNash, onnMnftwsMrK Oreea Fenley.' Miss TTa rt- nnA Miss Belle Anderson,- alto; Mwsro: Green'" lle'JnbYanB. Matt w rkRnulan Hamilton, tenors; AlexJl'a.Holden;' Wr Gv W.;Kraff1irF, Parley ,Westand Darden, Bass, are tha hhnir tit SL:" JameschurcH as now constituted. The selections rendered by the chdir as a whole, as well as the solos; ! and"quartette&; rare of . such sweetness,-, and !hre received with so much pleasure as to war rant, mention in this columns- f. .. . - Miss Olive Armstrong wllKbe. quiet- rv Jinited In marriage to Mr. George D. Crow at the residence of ber parents in this- city. on ; Halloween evening, 4' v:;:J.VVi11 Pc Open Mofsfiay, October 22nt!.? -The.(adies afe especially Invited to call an"d :eirnine-ur stock, which consists of-all kinds of .Japanese and Chinese TCantung'ahd Satsuma China " Ware. . z , - ; - -Fancy S0d8 of-every description, p Including :the famous' Florentine; Duchess, Neapolitan and CluneyrLaces, and Mexicarf Drawn Work: Antique ' Brasses Bohemian Glass and Cemeo Ware.'. Persian -aodwTurklsh Rhos a . Specialty. -,, -; r: ;w ; : gorra tmaloof, - 305 N. Front Street : l Y; Mi X. AeBulidina. oc22-lw. October 31sl. J FormaF invitations,'- In shaded rold -English, r to the wedding reception-, are - as follows r "Mr.' attd IMrs. John S.' Armstrong request the pleasure of your -company at the wed- iins.recepnon oi tr.eir daughter, Olive and Mr. Geqrgeft)avl8 Ctow on Tues-Und day ?yenldg tle thlrty-flrsr of October. from six until ei?rht o'clock. One hun dreds and seventeen : South' Fourth Street, - Wilmington,. North Carolina; MD.C;C;:CL'C:V.-?"; 't L'Agile CotUlon -Clubtnas-been re organized. ,The. Governing Board, will meet-, to-morrow - night - when it is thought the chaprones' fdtthe season will be named. It ' is .'practically- de cided the membership will be limited and the first' dance wiir be given 'in November. ' OfBcers of the Club are: President, Mr. Emmett Crow; vice president,. Mr. . J ulian R.-Clements-; secretary! and treasurerMri. Clarence Myers; Ieaden'Mr. Paul CantwelL-The governing board consists of the above officers together with Messrs. .Marion -ames, Wnlie Walker and Strudwick Nash. ' ' : . - -'.' SPIRITS TTJEPENTINE." - The Durham Sun says President J.- C.- Kilgo. of ' Trinity College, has purchased the - chair "- and desk used by-President RoosevasL at Durham on Thursday; 7als67 all the chairs ' and other furniture on the - reception stand. They are in the College Mem orial Hall and will bekept as a mem orial of the President's visit., . 1 The distance to which the benefits of s the ..Whitney' Power Company's plant on the Yadkin will extend is evidenced by the paragraph in The uatawba County News;"The Whit ney Power Company, in a? recent com munication . to " the Newton Hosiery Mill, : state that the nower on -the Yadkin river will be completed and in position to transmit about 40.000 horse power by July 1 1907. This com pany is contemplating constructing a transmission v like r to ' Newton, the amount, of power needed here by mills and factories determining the decis ion." The installation of this big plant is one of the greatest things hat has ever . been : done forthe industrial de velopment : of this J section of North Carolina. . , - . At Spencer dispatch. Friday "night says: Charles Leonhardt, of New Jer sey to-night defeated Sam JHurbarger, of Indianapolis, here In a three-round bout,, winning, the r best vtwo out of three : falls. The match took place under canvas in Spencer Park, and was ? witnessed by .several hundred people, Including- quite a number ot sports from Charlotte, Asheville and nearby towns. A high gale just about night blew - down the . canvas, but it was raised again before, time . forA the match. Both contestants had been In training and 'were In good trim for the V contest. - The match ... was clean throughout, there" being-no semblance of brutality. Leonhardt is.a-wofes- sional Graeco-Roman wrestler, and has afine record. He is 44 years old, and Weighs 164 pounds. Murbarger's style is catch-as-catch-can. He is 28 years old, weighs. 168 pounds, and also has a fine record as a wrestler.- A: Salisbury dispatcu on Friday says:;; J. C. Beard,. a white man, was found dead this morning near Salis bury "His face was crushed and mash ed into a pulp,-supposedly with a club found near him. - His pockets were turned out a nd robbery was evidently the" motive- of . his .slayer. His letter seems to "show: that he was from Pitts burg and was once councilor of the Jun or Order in that city.' The man was found lying on his face which was so badly stained that recognition of him is impossible. A message was sent to' his supposed home, - but no answer has been received. ? The. coroner and officers are investigating the case, which is one of the . worst in the his tory of - this " county Sheriff Julian thinks he has a clue to the murder. The man showed no signs of having been drinking. -.Ofilcers ' Cauble and Pool .this .afternoon arrested J. E. Waddell, a white man about 40 years of age, and placed him. in jail. Wad' dell, has been seen frequently within the last week, riding in a buggy with Beard and was" noticed with him last nightr -' He was taken; before Justice Miller for a preliminary hearing and Epalled for-counsel: - 'Messrs.- Klutz and Klutz appeared and -held a consulta tion but did not take the case. Wad dell was -too drunk to take care of himself and upon Mr. Theo. Kluttz's recommendation, the case was con tinued. ' ' : -- . v- HAPPKlRESULTS. Have" Made Many Wilmington Rest- r;." . dents . Enthusiastic " ;No wonder scores of Wilmington cit izens grow enthusiastic. . It is enough izens grow enthusiastic. It is enough to make' anyone happy to find relief after like the following are but truthful rep resentations of the daily .work done in Wilmington oy jjoan s Jtuuney run. J. -E.- Bloodworth,-residing -at 30 South Front stret ? and . employed at 123 Princess street ; says : f T used Doan's -Kidney Pills "and they have proven to "be a very valuable remedy and I belleve-I am safe In recommena lngthem."kMy back and kidneys have given me great trouble. tliought I had rheumatism. . I nad suooting pains througn - my oaca ana ;;siueB wuiuu often made -met yell right , out. y u i stood. saU or lay down or kept in any one position for any length of time it was almost impossible Tor me to move on account of the great patois I heard some one speak of-Doan's Kidney , Pius. and I. sent - down' to Bellamy's - drug store and got a box.; They completely removed the pains They are without dflubt; a ; valuable remedy for bacfr acbej:1::-;! For sale by all dealers.; price ftu cents:- Foster-Mllburn Co.," Buffalo, New York, .sole agents for: the United States. ':' -'' '':''':"-y; ''--''" " r Remember .'."the . ."name--DOAN'S and take no, oUiet, . '. :J. - yy.yy":' y ::. ': '' W&zL Ful( of-Tragic-"Meihtng.. are these lines' from 3 J. Hv?Siminons, of Casey la.. Think what might have resulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken-the medicine : 'about which, he' writes: T had a fearful cough," that disturbed my night's rest.- retried everything. DUt notnmg worn a relieye it, until I took "DrJ King's New Discovery for Consumption, : Coughs and -Colds, , Which ; completely;:: cured me."! .J Instantly relieves and perma nently" cures alLthroaf and Jung dis eases; prevents "grip .and 'pneumonia. At R, R. Bellamy, druggist; fguaTan teed; 50c and $1.00. .Trial bottle free. . ' - , THE REAL-.TEST . Of Uerplclde la la-Giving It t THor onsh Trial. r TThere 13 only one test by -which to - that 4a by Its ability to do, that which ; it : Is Intended to do. Many- hair vigors " may look nice and smell nice, jut the point is do they eradicate Dan druff and 6top -falKngr . hair? ' - Ko, they . do . not, , but ' Herplcide does, because it goes to the root of the evil and kills the germ that - attacks -,the oHplHa. from -whence - the hair gets - its :Ji"e. -V". - J :z y0 -XiOtters fromi prominent people every-i-hzn are-aily provingr that Newbro's Icrpicide stands the "test of use.", !'.-' ; It : Is a delightful dreseingr. clear, pure and' free- from oil or grease. - -' Sold by leading" druggists."' Send 10c. : in stamps for sample-to The Herplcide Co., Detroit. -Mich. .f - HARDIN'S PHARMACY, Special Ageut. Reduced Rates to' Fayetteville, N. " C, (f Account Cumberland County Fair. : J'.Tne Atlantic Coast' Line announces rate' "of one ' fare plus fifty' cents to Fayetteyille, N. C, for the round trip account 'v Cumberland County rFair, October 25 27th. : 19D5,. " " V TICKETS ON' SALE October . 25th and 26th, and the trains scheduled to arrive-at Fayetteville before noon of the 27th, rwith final limit for - return passage October ,29th, 1905. All tickets include admission to the Fair Grounds. For further information "communi cate with W.- J. CRAIG, General Pas senger TAgent. s oc6 ti!127 . Plans to Get Rich are often- frustrated by sudden break down, due to dyspepsia or constipa tion, i Brace up and-take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start Cure headacl e and dizziness too. At R. R. Bellamnv's drug store; 25a, guaranteed. . - - - t n New Cure for. Cancer. All surface cancers are now known to be curable, by TJucklen's ArnicaJ Salve. Jas. Walters, of Duffleld, Va., writes: "I had a cancer on my lip for years, that" seemed Incurable,, till Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it, and now It is perfectly-well." Guaran teed cure-for cuts and burns. 25a ata RTR. Bellamy's drug store.; -Special Rates via Seaboard. Chicago. Ill National Baptist Con vention (Colored), October. 25th-31st Tickets on bale October. 23rd-24th. Final limit November 5th. For further-information apply' to nearest Agent, or Address, C H. GAT TIS, -Traveling Passenger Agent, Ra leigh, N. C. oc6-tf. ASTORIA. 'it v For Infanta and Children. ; z Kind You Hate Always Bough! STOniA. X'md Yon Han Aiwars Efiti Bgoatar - THIS IS YOUR NEAREST DRUG STORE. ;No Matter Where You Live. Our Compound Bicycle De livery makes this so. We send to any part of city for your prescription, , nil it and return, to you with out extra charge.;: Every Prescription- Sent us is TVled by 7 a Registered Druggist. " J JAMES M. HALL, , ' - - : Druggist " Cor.- 5th. and Castle. . Phone "192. . sep26-tf The. 'Cape-Bear Paving . jand Contracting Co. 11 1 Princess Street,; Wilmingto,N C Granolithic Si'iewalUs.Cenient - . Side . walK-. Street ; Pa viusr. -CemtHli . BlotUsrCemeut rcncestlniaiiieii tal . fcni nt Work. - - CONTRACT" WORK OF ALL KINui -' Telephone ,"Kp ? " - ' - je 25-tV ' -1 " Our Improved ; , liver PcUcts :YifrrevivE h that ' "SluggTsh ;:Lwer' :C v "PBlCE'10c PERIBOX. - -j - Phone 66,;'Fourth. and Harnett 1 . . P. O. HALL. V" V A . ins- s the y x. j -tire cf C&u&ftyYJ i'l -. . ROVVDttR-1 1 I With it yoacanmake . M -two Quart ot Delic-;: W -"loos Ice Cream to 10 ff . minutes Everything - ' f - bat the See - 1 f 3 pckads 2 eta ?"S-BOY--"-X-r :;!'suits&c " .i - ... . . - WHEN SOHOOL BEGINS every - youngster wants to look his best and c every-mother- encourages him " to -do, so. We have thY clothes that make: yonr boy 'look best ' - as- well as . save you money. - t. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS. Norfolk, Double Breasted, Sail or and Eton Suits, all choice fabrics, the' wearing qualities are of the best .v,. . $l.gQ, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5. SCHOOL TROUSERS. -" Boys' . School Knee Trousers, made from strong well wearing materials. Sizes 5 to -16-years 50c, 75c, $1.00. YOUTHS' SUITS. Youths" Double Breasted Suits, handsome Worsteds and Chev iots ; the suits are all cut.Ih the new lengths and exceptionally well made, sixes 14 to 17 years: $7.50, $10,00, $12.50. BOYS' BLOUSES. 9 Boys' School Blouses, in white and neat patterns; all sizes. 50c, 75c., $1.00. J. M..S0LKY & CO.; One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. ' Masonic Temple Building. -Wilmington, N. C. Boilers and Pipes Cover your boilers and pipes with our Asbestos Cement estimate given free 20 to 50 ner rpnt snvoA in Equip Your Plant Properly. We can furnish you with the best Gauges. Whistles. Vaivoa Packings, Belts, Saws, etc. ' Yours for supplies of all kinds. T. D. Love Comp'y Wholesale Dealers, 204-206 North Water street " Wilmington, N. C. oc5-tf . See Our Window Some of the "Swell" etvles arAihn Large lot of DOUGLAS and FLORS HMftt SHOES for Men and Bovsi and KRIPPENDORF-DITTMAN'S For La- uies ' Just received. If it's SCHOOL SHOES'you want SEE OURS, and you will huv them. No advance In prices as yet except on a few kinds. DC O U. co I- : Z u (9 X o PI C . , Remember Our, "C. O. A." system! which enables us to maintain - our motto: 7 - . . ; NOT CHEAP SHOES, BUT. GOOD . SHOES CHEAP! 'V f At the same old place, - But fixed . up like new. Respectfully, . : MERCER & EVANS CO. 6c7-tf Genuine Liverpool Orders Given Us Will Have Our Immediate At- tention. -J -; H ALL & PEARS ALL, Wholesale Grocers and' Commission I Merchants. - - - Deposits made with us' nit n hof nro' Cfihr' 9nf wiil draw interest horn Oct tober 2nd at H per cent per Sept 29-tf.- ... VilTHDnXAt OF-DEAL : Dear.' Sir:-The : free-box offer -on Lenox Soap now InJ effect in Virginia, Nortrr Carolina, South Cafol'ma, Flori da! -and Georgia, will be ' - '" v Withdrawn Qctobef 14 th, LWithout" further notice, . after which date no orders on a free-box basis can be 'taken; : ' : ij. Please send your orders at" once. ' D, l. GORE CO: f 1 .Wholesale Grocers "and Importers . '- Wilmington, N: C. - , ocg-tf In drugs and family medicines is best supplied at our modern pharmacy. Your money back if you are not. satis fied Js the standing offer we make. We are prepared to stick to it but are never asked to refund. This seems to indicate that our., goods give emi nent satisfaction. ADOLPH G. AHRENS, Druggist, Phone 644. . 107 Princess St oc21-tf lnJood!-Coal! -TLtME, v ' " PLASTER, -V - HAIR, ' CEMENT,' - MARBLE DUST, --7 BRICK, SHINGLES, 5" LATHS, FIRE BRICK, X FIRE CLAY r. r FLUE PIPE, .I"-:'. TAR PAPER, WE RESPECTFULLY SOLI- - CIT YOUR PATRONAGE. THORPE 8 APPLEGATE Sept 30-tf. Carnival Visitors will find at - The Ohly Restaurant Everything Good to Eat New River Oysters, Rice Birds, Coots and other game in season. Quick Lunches on short notice. . Open All Night A Good Meal for 25 cents. Oct 13-tf. . OYSTERS! We are. Now serving the finest and fattest New" River Oysters: to be' found. . - . , The ' best stock of Wlrres, Liquors . and Beer. We Cater especially to the traveling Men. ATLANTIC CAFEi GIESCHEN BROS, Proprietors. Phone 111..' Opposite A. C. L. Depot ocl9-tf To the Public! We ask your Indulgence for a few days as all our machinery has not yet arrived and ; we cannot ' give you as good ' Bread and Cake as we would like to, but in a few-days .we can give you the Best Bread you ever ate in Wilmington. . Warren & Davis. 'Phones 61 and 376. ocl7-tf Maple Syrupy Vanilla Syrup and Georgia Cane Syrup. North Carolina and - - r f , Heclcer's Buckwheat. Crow & Taylor, GROCERS.',' . -A' oct 19-tf ' ' 14 Market Street WANTED! 1,000 Dozen Fish Roe Highest Cash Paid. ; SAUl BfAR SR.; 7& SOiS t - ;18 and 20 Market Street-; " - Wilmington,' NT C. ' "iZ OCl8-ti- r.'' -t- .-' . HUGLl MacRAE & CO. ---- - , 25 Korth Freat Street ; ; 7 ;tlBTktmet Seevrluea. j- - - We offer - for sale - -TWO 11.000 FIVE PER CENT. BONDS Of the - CONSOLIDATED RAII.WAYS, LIGHT ; POWER : COM PAST ' at par and accrued .interest. -7 We "can use" ten shares -HTJBCHISON NATIONAL BANK stock ' at 150 less our- commission.. . We'are prepared to buy outright at mantel- quoiauons, or nanaie on com' mission NORTH CAROLINA 4's amd Cm. - COTTON MILL STOCKS peclaltr. oc20-tf , inn S3 I .1 ?s 1 - lis I" ) To The Beach. - SUBTJRBAV SCHEDVLE ""i'X-.th effect' October 23, 1905." Leave ; . . Wilmington- .: Leave - v-: Lumina '6.30 A. it - Leave . . -Beaeb. " 8.15 A. IL - 6.00 A., M.; '7.00 A. AC ... 9.00 A. M. S.45.A. M. 10.00 A.. M.-. . .N... ..10.45 A. M.s 11.3ft A. ......., ..12.15P. M. -2.00 P. M. ....;....,... t.' 2.45 P: M." -3.00 P. M. . ... . i-.j - 3.45 P. M. , 4.30 P.' M. TO .15 P. M. - 6.00 P. M '.,..."..,., 6.45 P. M. 7.30 P. M. 8.15 P. M. -. 8.00 P, M. .,.v.fc. l;..,t. S.45 P.. M. " 9.00 P. 9.15 P. M.- . 10.00 PM..-f.,.. 10.45 P. M. ". - NOTE Extra, schedule will be oper-v -ated Sundays. - - FREIGHT SCHEDULE.' -v- " ' - Leave Wilmintou. 10.30 : A. M.; arwl ' " 4.00 P. M., , ..V -Freignt "Depot open -from" 9.00 A.m. to 10.00 A. M., and from 2.00 to--"--' " i 3.00 P. M, ; -s oc22-tf . - j Atlantic Coast Line Schedule la' Effect, October 8, 190&V -NORTHBOUND. No. 48 "'No 4t f 9 25 a m 6 50 p mrT; l 2 Jap mi. v 32 ftn .- '--.: ! mho Ji p m' -i. 1 r.r. p mil I.J ii-ro.i-- Lv. Wilmington Ar. Ooldsboro .'. Ar. Wilsou . .7 Ar. Rocky Mount Ar. Norfolk -. . . . . Ar. Weldon Ar.' Petersburg ....... I -to Kt4 i t in-nt w . -7. .r ! 111 3 23 a m Ar. Richmond Ar. Washington Ar. Baltimore . . . Ar Philadelphia, Ar. New York . T 15 lit H 1 jO'B.m: . .. I vlii in . .1.4 2:. a m t -.1 m j..: -4 .i in . -9 oa-a m-.-11 2u m.; ! T 80 jt ml 2 tin p m SOITHBOCND. : Na 41 Wo. 49 -J 9 35.a-mr i.25 pm, .11 saa mil 2 01am .! : OT irmt 2 32 a m ' Lv.New Vork . r. Philadelphia . Ar. Baltimore ... . Ar. Washing-ton . Ar. Norfolk Lv.- Richmond ' . Ar. -Petersburg . Ar.-Weldon Ar., Rocky . Mount Ar. Vilson- Art Ooldsboro . . . Ar. Wilmington ail p m 3 45 a ra.C. 8 40 a m - 805am; 45 a m :" 11 44 a nt. 7 2a p mi S 05 p m 0 51 p m' 11 00 p m 1 10 p m 2 05 p m vf 3 10pm :' 11 52 pm 6 a m 10 05 am 6 00 pm HFTTWEEN WILMINGTON ANI THR- soirrH sotrrHBOtrxo. . Dally.-. ..Daily..- Daily. -. via 'Wilson .6 60 pm 3 55 ara- 6 50 am ,.' H 05 am 141 pm njOppnv Lv Wiliniiigt'n Ar Florence. .. Ar -Charlest'n. Ar Savannaii. . Ar Jack'vflte- -Ar Tampa C 00 ami 3:45 pm - 7 40 pm 11 40 pm 2 50 am fi pm 9 3s am 10 pm b 4:i pm NORTHnOUND". Daily. 'Dally. 9 oo am 7 00 p m -1 15 a m 6 15 am 9 25 a m Lv.. Tampa . . . . At. Jacksonville : Ar. Savannah- . . Lv. Charleston . Ar. Florence . . . Arf Wllminfrton S 40 p ml i f& a. m 1 2 55 p m 4 15 p m i 3d t m 111 45 p ml 1 40 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND SAN- FORD. :- - - : -7v: : West Bound Bound .J t Dally. Lv. Wilinltiston 0 a mlAr. - 8 00 'n nt naii Ar. Fayettesvllle 12 20 p mAr. . 4 55 pm 1 55 pmlLv. -3 40 p m Ar-.-Sanford' ....... BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEW- BERN. - -r - N. Bound - South Daily ex Sun. Bound. ' Wilmington . .12 25 p mlAr. 12 30 p ia Newborn . 5"0 d mlLv.:- SlDnm Lv Ar Trains Nos. 42 and 41 rarrv PiilVmnrr .- - Sleeplng"Cars between Wilmington and . waanuiKion connecting- witn Pennsyi-. -vanla R. R. for all points east" . 77; W. J. CRAICJ.; ? Gen'l Passenger Agent.". : - H. M. Emerson. Traffic Manager. .--.S dec 3 tf :. - . ' ""-T!- HE CLYDE STEAtlSHIP CO : New York. Wilmington, N. C. and. eorgetown. S. C. Lines. Fruiu J(m Vork for WUuilDirlbu. S. Navahoe, . . . .Saturday Oct 21 . Saturday, Oct 28 S. S. New York .'. Krwni WUbiIucioh for New Vork.. S. S. New York S. S. Navahoe : .Saturday, Oct. 21 .Saturday, Oct 28 l-'min ilmlna(n fur !crjsrtitviit S. Navahoe . , . .Tuesday,. 6ct 24 S S. S. New .York . . . . iuesday, Oct' 31 Both Steamers have good passenger : ii oommodatlon. . . - ThrouRTh Bills Ladine and Lowest ' Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in worth ana south Carolina. Kor freight and passage applly to t-l. j. SMALdJJUWES, Hupt. . -v . - Wilmington,. N. a CL1DE MILNE. Gen'l Freirht Art. THE WM.: THEO. G. EGER, Gen'l Manager.- CLYDE Sc CO., Gen'l Agts 12 State stret. New York OClS-tf A PROBLEM 5j Y- In Piano Perfection. . 17..;. Add together: " - m A delicately refined I V , ' - tone.-..;.-y A light and responsive ' '- touobC- " AgrfecUy balanced - " ' .' ACTION.-..' An artistic 'V - 7 '. CASE.-'B77 The worlds' record for - - i.": DURABILITY. Sum total - - 7 STlEFFf 7 Warerooms. -Front and Grace streets, f. 'c, . - Wilmington, N. Cr W. SCOTT DECKER '.Manager, oc7-tf sz SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY UN- DEB' MECHANICS ' LIEN . c Notice is hereby Kiven . that: the un- r7' ;7 dersigned. Itaving a lien on, the possea- --?. s ton or one Delivery wagon repaired . for and at the instance of J. W.-Plum-5: mer, Jr., and there Is due and payable - - to me i or said worK aone ana material- .. . furnished the- sum-of $25.75,-- and the same- Deing aue sna unpaia-ior more r tnan tniriy aays,.A wui -proceea xo seiii. -v, at. public auction - at- my Blacksmith . a Shop, on the west side of Second street' 'C between: Dock and 'Orange, in the City?. . of Wilmington, N -C., on Saturday the .i-r. 28th day or October, 1905, at 12 o'clocK?5-?"; VLi for ;cash the - aforesaid Delivery Wagon to satisfy said, claim . and. lien. -7; - xne same can o seen ai any time oe- . tore or on the day-of -sale by apply-". ing to the undersigned. Signed this tbft - 7; 12th day or wctoDer. i9t)&. " "vi- OClZ-15t : . J. til. ti. BKOW I. -. . '" TOE: -. SIWASA s- Just .received ' a . complete . lme- of". :'.' Bishop's California 'jams and Pre- : , serves, '" Burnhams .Clam Bouillon, -. ' Fresh Cakes and Crackers- 7 " "'r" fVf iff good "to-eat, I Save IWT: 1 I . Oct '13-tf. -