ST Newspaper in' X' : ' r" ' M : V.?. Mi-H 1 7 '.V. " fVTTTN 'TrT"T V -t Vcrr a v' ' -V ' -, ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTS. . Cation of an v- . Cv SJ . J- Ih II - V ; A I V I - - V MV ' L Six' Months, by Mall .2. i-a" rv; ; -r - V , - 'r-A: rT: "-- N v " . - -J-L X. -IX J-L VI o v J;- 4Two Month., by Mail 56.5j 3 l .. .... , r ' r I. of tor soeading ' ""..(Ha coast, taking a J fS his journeys kfrt enthusiastic re lSe last nigut; a son Is of the Confeder-rno-emr badge on 1aSel on behalf of the fee and delivered an elo- in his speech President 'seeo1' , .ho neoDle of the iV thP Panama Canal nnress and would be interview i" ' .Mont SDencer. of rreoiu - HaUway, gave out his Rooseveiia iaw fCesident's measure is J . ho Fscn-iowuseuu Uiaa v. if rnnsress -m- ...atatp Commission t0 make rates its action fopen to review by the j, Santiago, uuu. uu xx- tM persons and hundreds Ced- the rioting was renew- Policeman .''Leon George was be- tor -Justice JoDn J." Furlone - vester- cay anemoon charged witn slander. The charge leil perfectly Jlat and the omcer was- tuscnarged. ; A big" rallyt of "Carolina aerie of Eagles wia be held to-night in its nanasome , new- ball in the L - Shrier "building. 4 Business of importance will be transacted and a full . attendance is desired.' " - 4 Mr.:-: James " Walton " andr crew caught 8J!flL-bunches of, mullets at WrighUvlUe yesterday. The- bunches averaged -three each making a total of 24,000 fish. Wilmington. j monv more were Ka an" fVNew York yesterday the PLW of the schooner Ida stacked the ship's officers C Captain Bradley in two "T probably murdered the Jtards the cook held the (0dnst all comers and seri t a detective and night r York markets: ..all steady an jug bid 4, onereu i-a, j. m zc- flnnr steadv. iapei-i; ----- - wheat steaay, ao. U; corn steady, No. 2, 61 I eds firm, mixed 33 1-2 to 34; 1167 1-2 to .u; rosm bLeauj' WEATHtR REPORT. Department of AgiMc-ilturc. Weather Bureau, W N. C, Oct. 23, ios. data for the 24 U.. t X P. M- Monday, Uc- Ctare at 8 A. M., 45 degrees; Fg deegress; Maximum, 6G Cimimtim, 40 degrees ; mean, tor the day, .00; rainfall v month to date, 1.23. ol water in Capo Fear rivei Ute at 8 A. M., Sunday, 2.5 Jiff ALMANAC Oct. 24. .......6:15 A. M. 5:14 P. M. flk 11 hrs. 3 nun. Iff at Southport . . 4 : 25 P. M. lis at Wilmington. 6:55 P. M. Weather Forecast. Sorii Carolina Fair, wanner s Wednesday cloudy, probably i triable winds becoming afresh. i demoralized to demobil- weleome change that at to the Russian arfiy. Negro Problem the bad ik does things for which :k race is blamed. wxtiMmoToyryrc.; uesday,;octobeb 94; 1905. WHOLE .NUMBER 11,857 VkCV TATirtJ CfTTiTnr Tayettevine- Observer : - . : "Forty- 1 A 1 V- 1 ill; I VI UlVE seren crates of lettucerthe first of thn u, " - : ' - -' ' ' Fall crop, -were, shipped North io-day '-- ' y iiT.' j.Tomiinson." Merchants and Farmers' Steam boat Co. Reorganized in More r - Ambitious Undertaking ? v TO NAVIGATE THE CAPE FEAR Hayettevlile" and- Willi DeyeloD Transportation on Thr East CarolinVWater 'Courses' GREENFIELD MILL' POND WATERSUPPLYSOURCE n Engineers -Make Favorbaba" Report In Connection With Municipal Own-" . . rship Plant , , Prof.; J. JC Bandy, the Wnsultine en gineer of Greensborj i who spent -four days jnere,. the ' past" week, ' making I pre liminary. xaminatioa&-: qf the source of water BuppiyHder the- directipn of the Water C6mmts8lon;. which Js in- Yestlgating the, adTisabiUty. othe mu nicipal Ownership of a Dlant. returned r or tne purpose- or taking-orer the aome yesterday evenings In the biear teamer.pityf Fayettevjjlerent-I wPnrfBandrirlll make a written They wer marked in - - xr:rMWor-nis-andfor h-STSt A, handsome Elts'tooth, mounted 1 Purpose of developing the - steamboat I upon in definite share. ' ," -1 " . in gold, has been . selected as the first I business -on the Cane Fear" Northeast - It :ts -learned 'authoritativrfv th'at priln an Interesting pool tournament and Black rivers, the MerchaW ?roL Bandy's InvestigaUons were with umi wui Buui in uu) a. ir. -KJ. Hi. CIUD iuuiub tu-uiuiruw iukul ine LOurna-1 . -' - ' , , : , -. - lureenneid wrni ivmi bahima ment wUl be followed by sodal ses-P.1512 here yesterday under-the supply and that his observationa along sion ana a great, outpouring of -the J ok ine tpe uear steamboat andjtnat line - were very -favorable at a antiered nerd is expected,r -1 ., - Inland Waterway .Comoanv.' Tha nr-lmeethig of the Commission Saturday An oil stove on fire caused a slight 1 sonnel of the BtorkhoWera f rmAc. niSDX wnen a verbal report was made, blaze at the residence of Mrs; P. H. stood to include some of th lare-of " Was Pro- Bandy's opinion that the Hayden. on South - Ninth street, Sun- j snippers in the "cities of - Fayette day evening r about 6a o'clock, The ville, Wilmington 7 and along the pro- Diaze was exnnguisned without calling I posed routes of transportation. The on tne department for assistance. The i capital of i the former comoanv was residence is owned v. by Capt. R. M. I substantially increased and the fol jucinure. ine damage was trifling. I lowmg- officers were elected at , the T Hfirrin? a waII Vnnum ani I meetine yesterdav: " - President Z. W. Whitehead, of Wil-luwu mm pona,-ne is supported by an mington. i v . . .- i : ptner examination -by an expert of Vice President Mr. Oliver Evans, I AVnlcn. he knew nothing until he had of.Fayettevffle-'--f : ry I report. tub report Is by ninvaA fnr manv ao t hA I ? Secretary and .Treaaiirpr an d noil or. iur- voieman. an expert of Nor- lumber mUls and always oyed the I al MaM mad written rport to - v - t -' 1- ' , I Chairman .inrtnoAn imny ioTA. f a' w- mw. wuurui,vvA.WW ODTRAfiE IN DUPLIN Negro Brute' Attempted Criminal Assault on Six-Year t)Id Daugh . ter of His Emplover ; AT - WALLACE ON SUNDAY His Capture: and Confession Quickty ; ' Followed and He Was" Harrfed -" Away from'County Jail tojfre- - - vnt Violence fh Community." - ' supply there is ample and : that the l quality is good. Yesterday he spent in I measuring the l"intaker" or feed supply of the pond and will make written re- port upon the whole soon after he' re l turna home. - - -In his views with reference to Green- respected colored man of the city,' died Friday at his home, No. 1311 Brown's alley. ; He was buried m Pine Forest cemetery - on. Saturday. - He was em confidence and. esteen of ' his employ ers. r.y A handsome new blackboard, ex tending the "entire length' of the wall, has been installed at the Chamber of Commerce -for the market' and stock reports. The new board puts the quo tations and stock before one at a mo ment's notice and isla decided.1 im provement to the interior of the Cham ber. ' v v-rr ?iW'- " Treasurer j- James F. Post ' 'gives notice of a -two per cent. Interest, on the new four per cent certificates of indebtedness ' of :he Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. due and payable, at the office of the treasurerto an hold ers of record as of Oct. 13, 1905. The transfer hooks will stand closed until Nov. 1, 1905, both inclusive. Mrs, Alma Jenkins; 26 ' years : of age, - died yesterday morning at 6 o'clock at 7 the family home, Second and Meares streets. She leaves a mington... Superintendent- Mr. -iTank - Glover, orFayetteville. ? v- o V ; ; . The new charter will give the com pany "the "right to operate steamers on the three rivers named and the' pro posed inland water route front Norfolk and freight and also to conduct a gen eral towage business. ; j . ? Agricultural and horticultural devel ODment in this territorv has increased husband an an infant child, two weeks i go rapidly tf late, years that farming. irth.'He ays in his judgment Mem- benny's pond will afford an ampler supf- ply of water to the city for many years to come. In. this, body of? water, he says, the city could get about 40 acres with a depth of about six . feet .when lowest1 He 'made a personal examina tion of the supply when , there had been no rain of consequence in six WfiAks. . -Tho dam KniiM ha -nl 3r jr enough to increase the defpth to ten feetjwith perfect safety, if at any time it should be necessary' to do so. He finds that the water in the pond is of excellent quality for all domestic uses. The vegetable-matter,- he says, could be easily taken out by filtration. The water is declared absolutely free from fTl t n TTlin H firm a tl-ioia la n tn-vrii cm to WUmlngton and Georgetown, S. C. mltWerl with e e-t8Paon of passengers gupply The ha8 about elgM square miles of water shed, which Is The "City of Fayetteville." old. The .. funeral - will be conducted from tie residence at 10 o'clock this mercantile and naval stores develop- principally white sand and acts as a good filter, giving pure clean and cold water as ond can readily see by going to the head of the pond. ' Mr. Cgleman ijsays he finds in tie trom tue residence at 10 o'clock thiaimenton thet toterlor and gemote; from 7"JZ Fayetteville- Observer: . "On . ac-1 ful impetus. . The new line will there-1 count of the 'extremely low .Water . in I fore glye added strength to this move-! the Cape Fear navigation is at a stand still. The- work of overhauling and re- fitting-the City of Fayette ville, which was recently purchased by Mr.1T. D. Live of the Farmers and Merchants Steamboat Company, is progressing rapidly at her wharf in Canrpbellton. THE ACADEMY LAST NIGHT, . ment and with an increased means of transportation, such as the company will. offer, future; development along this ; line c will . even be greater : than ever."-: 'Between .Wilmington and Fayettfe- i ville he head -of navigation on the Cape Fear river, there are 86 landings feed 'springs and afford a larger por tion of the supply therein. In conclud ing his report, the engineer says that the water is far superior to that used by many othert cities and far better than that used by Norfolk and Ports- aiouth at the present time. . It is Prof. -Bandy's rough estimate that the Greenfield supply could be uuiizeo at a cost or sioU,uuu tor a nlnnf and Vkat- 1viif (AA AAA aj4j?itsa1 or-depots for the receipt and deUvery rT "?Sir .- L :uLwtt inctade. the sewerage system. p Charlotte is manufae- imdkerehiefs it has set 3uriotte man to blowmir. atkuaastic things which m Republican leaders dol boTit President Roosevelt England, has just w new cotton factories. Pinerease the demand for Eton by PYork a million more your cotton for the ministers have de- Rich-That's M n f uauncev Dptt- o rim, sv th VCispatch. gets for considering loke. ana Gibson is going lt x- T ell L timore Sun ttJ' c A - O . e- He 0Urbt, to onmo Ca and help us fr6- Mature is havri t wat she has done so artful North Car- Browning Stock Company Good in Every Way. One ot the largest and, mast fash ionable - audiences assembled to . wit ness an attraction at tlre Academy of Music in some time, greeted ' the first performance of the Woods-Brown ing Stock Company last evening. The company, is one. ot the strongest that ever playedTo popular prices in Wil mington: Every member, of .the cast is aii accomplished player and a fin The pond is to the South of the city- are-regarded as favorable. The plan for a system of tubular wells is . not regarded as practicable though the Commission has- decided on nothing as yet, AFTERMATH , OF "THE . CARNIVAL of freightand , passengers, while be- Makes ""TT "CTZSZ": about one mile and all the conditions uie xxoruieasi, nvr, ur tor bringtog. the unply ta the city equal number of stops, with something n n! ZZl like half the number on Black river. The'Caty of Fayetteville" everywhere acknowledged to be the finest passen ger and freight boat in the two Caro- linas, is 125 feet long, with double decks, saloons, and all other necessary equipment, a cut of the new steamer The new company proposes to give snows Kroceeaea to Maxton nta mm tne nver route peoples superior i ; oquanng up nccounu. ished artist The bill offered was "Be- Tlce anyuung iney iiaje ,ewr iu carnival aggregation .departed cause, He Loved Her," one of the ad- confidently expects In. return a ioT Maxtoa on a gpeelal train over the sweetest little heart stories ever writ- generous patronage whlchbas been as- q Mrr une. te Sunday, af- ten, and only the full strength of suredby - the shippers aU along the tenK)OTr arrlving at Maxton without Alto Vnia will V a A AAA DO - ' which can be appreciated when it is ruuiev-uU1,yu.u, accident about 8 o'clock Sunday night, seen in such capable hands as It was the business grows -i and demands re- gome ot4he camtval's side attracUons last night - There was at no time re it; A number, of new warehouses went tathe Columbia and Fayetteville HnHno- tho ont norfnnnatiM n noHoo. are to be erected at several of the . , . t t . th attractions able weakness on the part of any. of more important points for the,axm- nt to the characters as they were portray-imooauon or tne puduc. j i : under the auspices of the Masonic ed, and in several instances the Inten- ne: yvuuuuBluB fraternity commenced there yesterday. sity of the - situations . "and , the - ease with, which they were handled,7 swayed 41. TW make a "Gib- P. ( decision tlit W. home." Of m. - 'ui me snentt 1UU ke that but -mi men are the liiri;,.:. SHJ iaiy would toenforee any SUch r Tar Hel home were e who stole exPress com- earlv 5(if i . J xu wis r "'"C io n 9V i - Mr. .T. D." Love, the general manager the audience. " - - - Ui LUC c..- That the Wcods-Browning ' Stock e hearts of the people of the city and that theywill all week" be. greeted by a -large . attendance was evidenced by; the enthusiasm -f and the -words"1 of praise from the'lips of all who witness ed the first effort. To-night the play will be "Hot. Old Time," a roaring farce comedy, with many bright and : new" musical . nam Messrs. . Jones & - Adams . failed to give bond for the three' tents and para phernalia attached Saturday night by the. foreigner operating the Oriental theatre show upon an alleged indebted ness of $2,400 rand the property ; re mains In ihe hands - of the sheriff. pending the . further ; orders of the court.' The tents include the Jones & Adams 2oo the Bold Bank Robbery to steamboats and river navigation as naturally as .a duck, does to water. At Fayetteville- Messrs.,, J. & 0Evans, long Identified with, river navigation, will be the general agents and the company's offices Will be in the Overl . " mohpine and the baugh House, recently purchased by j .'.il fhpntp -Wvm The attach- these genUemen. The warehouse and menfc of ua animals in the Zoo wharves are to De connected oy teie-1 T.p.W!5 ht sheriff stsdman uers. luere- wiu aiso d a comuwut i, r . ..i.,-, in i -x---- change of sepcialtles3The: to imu.iruo- --, . oni vun or me Deasts. - au uie outer aiong tne nver..-- I nronertvof the Zoo. hdwever, was The new. organization means added ,n xna la-stored In the commerce to wumingion ana new baaement of the Court House. inesslalong tne water courses center- Messrs. BellamviA Bellamy and ex- ing here. It is the purpose of the Cape Judge E Bryan, counsel for the Fear &. Inland Waterway Company to nTmara nt ta 9,n . vptprdv' made Inaugurate the new scneduie witn tne t -enticm to the bond of 8200 furnish- City of Fayetteville, on .or about W h nlaintiff for the malnten- November 1st. Assurances have .re-1 n . thA R11if ,nd Messrs. John ment of the theatre , wishes to - an nounce to the patrons,' that the steam will be turned on to-night and every effort will be made to make the house as comfortable . as possible. 1 an arlAr.4. "l me (.u he ruled s With iha He sravft it theft that 0 a montii t, ieh hp i, it ... , "uuieu : cvaen size. ates. for his $G5 10e that $65 Address N eg re Mass Meeting. Rev;' J,' N. C Coggin, of Atlanta, Ga. secretary of the Neero Youne People's Christian and Educational Congress. I cently been given the new; officers of . ann AnA William JBella which had its inception in Atlanta in the company- that the proposed addi-J my coungej f or the attacheernished Aueust 1 902. la hr in the Interest I tional locks in the river: will be locat- xxr n armtinni r- Additional of the work and will hold a mass meet: I ed and buUt in the near, future and J sur'ey- !a ne amount of the $200 ,re- Ing in St, Stephen's A. . M. B.: church 1 altogetner tne ouuook w qww mus- quired. The original bondsman , was tonight. ' The movement is lnter-de- factory. The City: ot ayetteviue joseph Berbary, aTSreek of 24 South nomlnatloQal, non-political and ' com-1 Was "built at; an driginal cost of 28r- J street. .. .The members of the passes all organizations and" agencies 000 and Is now undergoing repairs at 0rjental Theatre ! Co;, -are stlB In the at work for the moral and Christian Fayetteville.. Her advent on the caPecity, but the manager; Is arranging to P ovaMni. o i t ia nnaA that t Fear - aam ; Will mars m. ttew ?a;iu ha ",ixi.-iii ?iri. on - an. I Hvor - tiavisation between here . and thusiastic endorsement to tte -uiov iFattevie, . ment to-niebt. " : H attach lhe show to some other carni val or fair aggregation. ' The Red .Men;:.colnmitteea.Jwere" busy yesterday hv having the streets .clean ed up and repaired fat the carnival dis trict. ,-They have succeeded well .with SFeeial - Star Correspondence, f allace ,N". C., pr2gHThist oommunlty ha Teen in a ferment of Intense- excitement for a day and a night. Yesterday v when the . sanctity of an early Sabbath afternoon was up on the town and the family of Mr. Howard Jamesa respectable and ell- to-do farmer of Wallace, were at church attending a glorious revival meeting in progress at the tobacco warehouse not far distant, their house was invaded by the black hand, Will Carter, a 16-year-old negro hireling about the . place, having attempted a criminal 'assault upon his little six-year-old t daughter, whom the brute had lurea into the sitting room of the dwelling and closed the door;- T?e fiend was only hindered from accom plishing j.hls 'purpose by a suppressed cry from the ; child .which brought the colored Kkv who was preparing din ner in the .kilchen and in whose care the child had been left by its parents. The colored woman faintly detected the cry of the "little girl and hurrying through ; the passageway, . her i suspi cions were at once aroused by the closed door tee the sitting room. She threw tne door open and uttered a cry of horror as she saw the negro brute all but In the accomplishment of , his foul purpose, his black hand over the little.; mouth, pale with the dread of the horror that was upon "her. Realiz ing the terrible crime in which he had been discovered, the black fiend turned to the colored woman and im plored her to say nothing. - She indig nantly refused uttering imprecations upon his ead . and the negro then made off, returning, however, in a' few. minutes to again beg the cook to hide his crime. ' A dozen times she flatly refused and as soon as Mr., and Mss. James came home from church about half -an hour later she told them all. Mr. James at once notified his friends and as soon as possible about a hundred men in several posses; were' scouring the woods In every di rection .'.lor th brnt A Httie aifoifl o'clock, the, negro was" found calmly sea ted. on the depot platform a$ Wil- lard, evidently awaiting to board the evening train for Wilmington. " His captors were Mr. Sam Wesjbrook, Jr., Mr. H. K. Walton .-and Mr. Harold Parks. He confessed his Identity and the attempted crime and was hurried back to Wallace and a warrant sworn out for him before Justice of the Peace A. Lv McGowen. The male population of the town ' had not returned from the search and with no demonstration, the negro was. quickly taken across the: country to Kenansville. The "child of Mr. James is fortunate ly not hurt and the citizens of the community, A while greatly wrought up oyer, the affair Sunday and last night, appear, more , quiet to-day. However, they are determined in one opinion and that is fhathey will submit to tne. law Dut tney will aemana tnat tne law do its duty and do it quickly. j "The negro Carter moved here with his parents from Sampson county about a year ago" and has been In the employ of MrT. James on the P. Boney farm, near town, since that time. - He is about 5 feet, 3 inches, tall, weighs about "'.125 pounds and" Is of a ginger cake color. He offered no resistance when ' caught and " "confessed ': every thing. The home of MK" James, is not 600 feet from the railroad depot, in the -very heart of town. Two younger children of Mr. andvMrs. James were with them at church when the crime ivas committed. ' Arrivat-at Kenansville. Kenansville, N. C, October 23.W111 Carter, the ' negro who attempted the horrible criminal assault "tit Wallace yesterday afternoon, was brought to Jdie county 'Jail here last night -about 9:30 o'clock, upon commitment of the Mayor of Wallace." He was taken in charge by Deputy Sheriff C. S. Kenne dy and J. S. Herring, Sheriff Middle- con. living some distance In the coun- ry. Probable violence by the outraged people" of Wallace was suggested -to Sheriff MiddTeton over the 'phone a&d he immedfatelSr ordered the transfer 6: ihe prisoner by a : circuitous Toute .to the Jail at Goldsboro for Safe keeping. fhe. neero was ndt placed In jail, but was Immediately started back tbward theTailroad by Deputies Kennedy and Herring. Sheriff- Middleton met them an the road and directed that the ne gro be carried for the night to the house of Deputy Sheriff S. P. Hurst six miles ; from - Kenansville. There urfder the guard of the three officers, the .prisoner remained until morning "when he was taken to a point beyond Wallace on the railroad and hurried on to Goldsboro this morning where he will be kept, for. safe keeping until the next . term . of " court here. ; Reports reached here. that, a crowd was being made -up at -Warhfce to take the negro fromthe jail- here but the prisoner was spirited away before ;the trouble developed. " " ; '" - Dr. D. C. Mclntyre: of Lumberton. was here' yesterday. ' ' " " - . Mr. P. H. Kornegay, of Kenans-1 ville, arrived last night. ""..? Mr. C P. Parker, of Parkersburg, N. C., was. here yesterday. Mr.'H. B. Gibbons, of HamleLiwas here yesterday on a' periodical busi ness trip. -Vi- 1 .Mt and Mrs. M. -P. JI. Gouverneur and child returned yesterday morning from Baltimore . . i : -Sheriff W. C. Milhf and Mr. M. M. Cappa, of Jacksonville, Onslow coun- r ty, arrived yesterday. .... : cCapt. J-JL Stephens, the popular v A.- L. conductor, xjame do day lor-lBbrlefvIsitl: the dty.; - Blaster Joe Nathan returned Sun day -from New- -.York,; where hef spent several , weeks with his uncle, Mr. Joe Schlose. ? . --.r . - .:.: -I. The ... ,1; Polvogf Co., Front Street oc22-tf " Opposite; Postofficer TPflTAH-Ck-ir11lA Ahoanrar " a7a va gret to learn that Mr. W. N. WilUams PrfCCS AlWOyS IUflhl. Is seriously ill at his residence on Gil lespie street.". . : - -c Mr. Morton Riddle, superintendent of the Second Division of the A. C. L., with headquarters in Savannah, spent yesterday at headquarters here. - Mr. J. Thos. " i". Cowan, the " well known young druggist of this city, is now with . King Brothers, In . Raleigh. He is spending a few days in the city with his family this week.- r J. G. McCormick, Esq. 'of Lumber- ton, and' Judge Fred Moore, of Ashe- ville. day, : returning ; from where they had been at Bladen court Mrs. W. A. Rourk returned yesterr day - from Bladenboro, where she . vis ited her sister,- Mrs. R. L. Bridger. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bridger has, been : critically ill and Mrs. Rourk went to be with the fami ly in their trouble. " . " t Mr. Thomas Duncan and family of Beaufort, N. C, passed . through the city yesterday on their way to Char leston, S. C, their future home, Mr.' Dunean has f an Important position hi fi!!:8111"1 f - Charles- No 10 and 12 Soiith oWreet. Warehouse No. 9 WaW 'street.'- ton Canning Company: THE COMING MASONIC BAZAAR. Donation' Committee On-lts Rounds Children's Day a Feature. . The Donation Committee for the forthcoming Masonic bazaar is now on ts . rounds and everybody ' is asked j and expected to contribute something. Thos who win give are asked to noti fy the ladies' in charge, Fancy work, cake, cream, candy, salad, sandwiches and coffee, either, or:, all ,wIU -:be apM JOHN S. ARMSTRON G President. irweiii a A "nolo tvirf h ft-r of Mr. ,5MB", - E. J. Dale, ar-well Imown citizen, died I the fair . have carried" out every1 prom Atii- w',: "v ruH Sundayr afternoon about.,2 o'clock at l8e aa(i so far as they are concerned T-rl the home of her.'son, o. 4 Wooster have nothing td regret-Thenet pro- ""-rf w- . . t . ml m -acta nnt I .J- tVVAWk- arflK K :Art -S tTTtt y l-BLretJL. ; OUe.Wtt I jrco o y. ew ' i c5UO :. uiv .- wto mix .. ais jam - v w had ,beeiiin xeeme. , neaitn ior kouw j neignoornooa ? or .-i.suu. v xar, .w... Jas, F. Post treasurer : A. C. L.- teresL'-HSH' s-yJ:ijiSM Cape Fear Trading Cor Annbunce- time.rThe funeral was from tne resi-f v-egchainnantw-the; central om- uvuu I j,-" i. ift 'A'lw1r matontfiv TTinrtl- t fonnooia Alt'. Mild lurn In t their ...ewoev, , i . w-J M tntnmatf. T I sented ;to him for payment at once U. C." Ellis for up-to-date photos and portrait frames. Southern 3nildlng ,;- ""-;' '-'-"' - Oct 22-2t; V? C. Ellis for. your photos onPost Cards. Southern Building. 5A-V ;. ;. .. - Oct .22-2t - V..U..C. Ellis, for your photos on -Post Cards, i; Southern Building.-; o - .V;,:Tv i..;.-. v -'v. . : Oct. 22-2t PilESONAL PAKAGEAPHS The C. W. Polvcgi Co., "The Store Thafs Always Busy." ' ' t x- New Arrivals On :SaIe Tfts IVeer: LADIES' TAILORED- SUITS AND S PA RATE SKIRTS; J-'J -r - -f, " - A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FURS LADIES', MISSESV AND CHILDREN 'S WRAPS(v; "' ; -L .V" KNIT UNDERWEAR FOR- MENWO MEN AND CHILDREN; NEW SHAPES IN FASHIONABLE Ml LLINERY; - w" r- THE LATEST-MILLINERY OR- LADfED. " - THE FAMOUS "NONPERIEL COSTUME VELVETS, " NEW CARPES, NEW MATTINGS, NEW RUGS; ' ' " r -" - MaU Orders PrompUy Attended To. 1 ? v " Values Guaranteed. lJZSJSZ: Hamttton Rlttes Are Best Values on the MarlceV r Three sizes, retail price : No. " 15, $1.50 j No. 19, $2.00 ; No". 23, $3.00: " - - . - : . .-, , . " . . Good, profit to dealers and ready sellers. s ' . - r , Remington, Hajniner and Hammer less Guns. Also, Rifles and latest v : .improved Automatic Guns.- . ; We carry full stock and can give . prompt shipment. - 1 ' Peter's Loaded Shells Best Made. :sr Special Inducements to merchants. Glad to quote.. , ' .2 - N. Jacobi Hardware Co.i : Oct 14-tf. REPUTATION. The Atlantic National Bank's reputation has been -years fn buHding and we feel that the community as well as ourselves are proud 6f Its success. ' "' ...-" -""""' ."' : ' .. ' ' - ' ' The Atlantic has made Wilmington fa mous as a banking poInVand we will spare no effort to maintain our reputation as conservative' safe and ac commodating Bankers. . '' : ' J predated.' The' cake, and cream is in charge of Mrs. Richard Grant candy, f Mrer: W" A Fresielt, Jr r sandwiches. salad and-eoffee, Mrst Richard W. Price, - fancy articles, Mrs. D. He Eachern; flowers, Mrs. R. C. Cantwell; country store, Mrs. Martin Willard.' One of the big features of the ba zaar and one that will; be altogether pleasing In many respects will be Children's Day,'- on Nov. 9th. . Miss Mamie- Alderman is chairman, A baby show, dancing and donkey party will be given for the little folks. All the children in the city are invited and expected to attend on that day. Candy and cream will be served for the little ones. A prize for the hand somest baby over three years of age will be given. ". WINTER PARK GARDENS. J. YATESrCashler. Reorganization of Development Com pany Yesterday. The Winter Park Gardens Company met yesterday in the offices of Messrs, Hugh MacBae & Co, on the fifth floor of tiie Southern building.' Owing to a press of other business, Mr. P.- Mat thew tendered his resignation as presi dent and Dr. C. P. Bolles was elected to succeed him. Mr. J. A. McGeachy was electedjcretary and treasurer to succeed Dr. - Bolles. ,The directorate of the company remains ; the . same- Messrs. Hugh MacRae, Iredell Meares and P. Matthew. . It is understood that under the reorganization, plans for the development of ; the property on : the suburban car line will go forward -at once and that at no distant date a residential village of no small propor tions will adorn the' site already laid out and drained . at the second toll house. A number of lots have been sold already and other purchasers are in immediate prospect - PORT PARAGRAPHS. . The gain in new building and Industry in North Carolina greater than at any period in the State's history.. TJie North Caro lina Home Insurance Company, of Raleigh, N. C, should receive Its proposition of this prosperity as compared with the percentage of new -business given to it In periods of less industrial activity. -Give It the irisurange on the desirable new properties you have to offer. -It; will help to build up our home State and continue the great era of nMsiiAitu haw MtAVArl hv AUF DAOQlft. 'Z". - V.- WALKER TAYLOR, Agent., Wilmington, NC.,? For Leoo Money : : : : . . at . r- y J. V. H. FUCHS, 128 to 132 Front St, oc22-tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, One Week, . - COMMENCING i MONDAY. OCTOBER 23D. the WOODS-BROWNING STOCK CO. The Peer of Popular Priced Attractions TO-NIGHT'S BILL. ' ."Hot Old Time." c Change of specialties nightly. Seats now on 'sale at Pliunmer's. Popular Prices. r r oc 24-lt. V Three Schooners Arrived and Fourth Departed- Waod for Philadelphia. The schooner Geo. B3. Dudley, from New York, arrived Sunday,; : several days overdue. She has cargo of cement for . the Seaboard Air Line. ; 7 V - The schooner Tenus, Capt - FalukH WUmlngton; N. Oct 23rd, 1905. ner, arrived yesterday 'from Baltimore J Office ,of the . Treasurer, NOTICE. Maypr's Monday Seance. ; r " i There were six penitents before the Mayor yesterday buiieary all of the cases 'were pi : trifling Importance: Zach ' Lumley, tne "young white man charged with ; resisting , Officer : M. ; P. Newton in the confusion attending The attachment of ' the jcarnival show at Front and tMarketr '.'streets Js Saturday night?: was exonerated - of. ny blatpe and discharged He was represented by - Thos. . D. Meares, . Jr , Bsq who conducted 1anexcellentefencef or his iM?Mr0i0u. with cargo of fertilizers " for the Sea board ( Air Line.v British : schooner Benefit - also arrived yesterday, light, froni New .; York. '" - ' '. ' . - :.The schooner Kate B. Ogden cleared yesterday for Philadelphia -with cargo. of 450. cords of poplar " wood, consigned by Messrs. Floyd & Jones to the! Wood Pulp Co. ; vessel by C- D. Maffitt - In Memory of ; Dr. Wilson. ; i?;;"; -. - The . unveiling 'r. of : ' the Q handsome bronze, tablet to the memory of ; the late lamented Rev. 'Joseph R. Wilson, D. D at the First Presbyterian church Sunday morhmg, fere attended by ap propriate and most befitting ceremo nies:. -The dedicatory sermon was preached '. by the Rev, SpruntD. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Com-. - '-nany. ' ' - There will be due and payable on November 1st 1905. two per cent, m terest on the New Four Per Cent. Cer tificates: of Indebtedness of 'Atlantic Coast Line Railroad company, and they Treasurer of that Company nas been ? directed to pay. to all holders of record as of -October 13th, 1905, this interest The transfer books were clos ed; on October 14th,, 1905,.. and ' will staad closed .until the 1st day of No vember, 1905, both, inclusive. - r ' JAMES F POST, Treasurer. ' Oct 24 till Not 2. - - I . ill' - . Men ...-'' swimerians New Lot Just In . 53.50, 04 and 05. Solomon's Shoe; Store - oc22-tf - 1 t ANNOUNCEMENT. The Cape S'ear. Tradings Co. wish to Alexander announce to one and. all they have D.. t of Charleston, & C moved in their new r store ; corner and It was remarked UDon as an' espe-J Fourthvand Campbell streets' with a dally able one. Special musie, 3 was well selected line of fancy groceries. iAA Airinv n o-rorotsAa tho tin i One -thousands pounds North Caro- tveiling having been by Senior Elder lina Hams just arrived; alsoline of ?f"5 ... . I rincv nlrfeloa and all nthfir bottled and 8. Q.Worth, so loag a personal mend i -, Prompt attention and u nw y. '"' 'tauick denvery on an orders. wuson. Jtiev. j. in. wens, u. u , pastor of, the First church,- ami Rev. Alea D.lcClttTe,' d. D., pastor of Saint Andrew's Presbyterian church, too& pSrt nt the fervlce adding to the beauty and, Impresslveness of the un veiling . , ", 'Phone 1013. J. . B. TAYLOR, Sec and Treas. Masonic ii Temple -t" .October " 24,-1905, , Witaimgton V Lodge ' " A. F and. A. M. -Convenes ba . Emer gent Communication ; This ' C : (Tuesday) Evening at 8:00 o'clock for work in F. C. degree. ' 71 ; Visiting; -Brethren t' cordially wel come, j -. 'X - . ' -By order of W. M. -.j - " . - - - E. NdRFLEET . L be 24-lt . , .Secretary. ,One thousaud old newspapers fori sale; Suitable for wrapping paper or for placing under; carpets. : . tf - INSURANCE - OFFICE.' 4; Phone',162. : OfficNo. 109 Princess St - ' ' J-VAN BMETTS: v , Sept-29-tt rr; r , ,J u -