1 - . BERNARD. ... - y WILMINGTON. N. C. ..Wednesday Morning, Oct. 25. TREMENDOUS BUSINESS AG TIVJLTY. WILLIAM H. - v -J The. tremendous productive ca pacity of this country was f of ci - bly brought to notice in the inter view given out by President Sam uel Spencer of the Southern Rail- . way, at Washington, on Monday. Mr.- Spencer was defining ,Presi - -'- dent Eoosevelt 's rate regulation - ' . speech at Raleigh, and stating the " ease from the standpoint of the 4 railroads and. those who have their capital invested in these great enterprises he said : S "The importance of this consid - 'I ; eration. not onlv to the railways, but the . shippers as well, can be appreciated at this' time when - there is a car shortage all over ous place in the prosperity proces : the country, with freight conges- sion: The Tow.ces o the. .Tar non ai many points, esjuuj me ftu that t.hft railwavs have been :? invextintr larcfllv in extension and . incurring enormous obligationsf or "the purpose, their facilitiesare not equal for the traffic demands upon These increased expendi- .- - lucicoscu ccxivu- '" tures still continue, and from the 'present outlook must continue for xa Inner timo " . wu o..,. a pated Mr, Spencer in noting Presi dentRoosevelt'sehangeolplansfor regulating freight rates, but we do not call attention to this mat ter to refer- to the rate question v: x. 4. i - 4. e i wuicu suuu 10 ue put. lorwaru more in detail and more intelligi- bly when Congress meets and the actual tmrrjort of the President's railroad measure is laid beforP raiiroaa measure is laia Deiore XT XT 1 X 1 a. . T-w me iMauonai uegisiature, xiow ever, our purpose in this artiele is v supplement President Spencer's remarks with a marvelous state ment going to show the inconceiv- senator Simmon seat, the leading as abl activity and evident prosper- Pirant being ex-Governor Aycock, with ity of the United States at .thi. xime. we reier to tne iollowing j - . tit - . i jk special dispatch sent from Chica go: "The car situation on the western railroads has , shown no material improvement during tne past week, and nearly all class- es ot freight are moving subject to delay. The great movement of grain is mostly responsible for the 1 j " present state of affairs, and up to tne present writing there appears to be absolutely no relief in sight, All of the various trunk lines al cars if they: were available, but omcials say it is not at all prob- able that enough cars can be pro- cured between now and the time the cold weather sets in to make SIc011 -n .tTdous quantities of grain which will seek shipment a between now and that time. The situation is quite with- out precedent. It is pointed out 1uuuaus tui iuey possess as many cars and as much motive towpt aa ot fco rxo i. x- r- ficos"4 mc y are unable to handle the traffic ii -. lrLeUp0n-i. - , orvenu .years ago, iair compar- isons could be made with nre- ceding years, because then there t oo u..:,r weranot as many ear builders nor as much business m-the tmint.rv . -. . - . . J - na tne railroads did not resnond -i-i: .-. 11 i. n -, . uucrauv 1,0 me uemands ot shippers as at present, and the or- aenng of a few thousand cars at a time wassomething quite out of tne ordinary, it took as lone to o-ot o -Fo-nr v,, , 3 . - muso sos imues a lew xnnusana nowr It was the same way con- ceming tne purchase Of " lopomn- ti.es, Wf : of "tg Tut an average of more than one loco- sidered - . t a w cca was?on- loeo a itf7 . ioyv mat wiLuiii xne last few years there has been an extra- j ordinary expansion in the ou r. a building industry, it does not ap- -pear 10 nave grown fast enough to -meet me demand of the railroads. And regardless of the fact that the expansion of the. rail ways within Bttiuc icngin or time nas been almost beyond comprehension, f they axe unable : to prouwtiy fill the mission they were intended to. It is no fault of the railroads eitner, - It -is a- well known 1W that the managements and the of- -: - nciais of every large road have ex V erted every effort to meet exigen cies like the present. - . yOfficials say that when it is eC tajten mio consideration what a ,; .- Kvau. me ranroaas are f mi Art . w .. . , - "J"" i-u penorm it is no s5&&sekts They noint to the fact Will CTOtC -Tnafo tlio-v, J that cror,H xtnfi .1. they can movp i.nw. .r.hj3!,.- Of the COTmtrv nan T,na.fehjfe ?rori& Prescript ontput of the mir,;s W.: can Be pTOmp fared fOTr ask, Stndenti; ,;,:;-:::?oderrit:me - - - --- - JWPpp W Wtput'of a larffet2.l1S - ,-v-t C . ."- Vul just one. Liuiy ue will nna that any one of the large mills .wiU use hnndreds and htuidreds;.6f ears : dtuly,- and as these mills are scatter oil over the country; it can be readily sit: i: a inere is a tremendotis gnand foivalimds f MerchaiE- ;tt poTflTH '1 ihginlmany hundreds of tons Qf freight upon our railroads, and our exporters are sending a vast ton nage 'of our manufactures and the products of our soil to other "Na tions.' "While . this ...explanation goes a long way-toward showing why the railroads -are j short of cars, it really does not hardly be gin to show the- extraordinary de mand for rolling stock.' j. The Chicago dispatch goes on to -J say that traffic men and others say it is almost inconceivable what de mand there is for goods. Special reference is made to aetivityv in the West but all '-of us knov that this tremendous" business move ment also prevails throughout the South. The fact is that there was never a time in the history; of the United States when there was such great achievements in. railroad, financial, commercial and agricul tural activities. It all goes to im press ; us with the enormous pro ductivity pfthe farms and: indus tries of our great country.; It is not out of place ot say that North J Carolina occupies a very conspicu- . . , , , , Heel State respond to the -great development with the best of them. CUBBENT COMMENT. We heard of a farmer the other day who brought his cotton to town and was offered 10.05 cents for it He refused because he said he could not be a traitor to his association and sell for less- than eleven cents. That's the spirit. If all farmers will display the spirit f this man they can get their at)Dearances the suicide i of Cashier Clark of the Enterprise Na- ITJf " rUeg5!fr . If? I near catemne the noliHral punc that . . . .. . o oas Deen in tne naDit or using the oiaie s mney "eeiy, -snort."' The for fear of a scandalous exposure, The possibilities for political corrup- m .PerlTJla seem to have no umit and are not confined, as some - i11lvc weeii eu to oeueve, xo nuaaei - I - t ji a i ii X? ?? 3 ! ing out Democratic campaign talk as - Republicans have it The News I DQIMi 1AtA oVtrfll Vis-k m Al JSRk t..j Tir.ii ii . . ' - Plans to capture senator Overman's seat, although Overman's term does not expire until March, 1909. His re cent declaration for absolute prohlbf-1 tlon in the State, is regarded as his nrst gun in the campaign for the Sen- atorship. He is certainly looking far aneaa -charlotte Chronicle. The President is not quite consis- teut lu defending the dismissal-on- tne" spot ordei" he argues that no man 5? t0 ln e cabinet would abuse the power conferred. But on the very next day he issues an order forbidS the cabinet officers to give news to newspaper correspondents, or to be Bfeu consorting th wiem; hereafter looks as if the President felt that hi could not trust iiis cabinet officers to We should think the President's mMdfJould chafe some of the faces S5 es Strapped-New No pnbUc utterance h7PTeslaent Roosevelt on his present trip through the South has attracted more atten- tlon than , that part of . his , Raleigh Sch Jf10 Federal SMK ente? 2 cause widespread Interest,! but this l?teest was heightened by the fact that the sublect was nn ww-ii-: 4 . t . . ZZfFP beforer . i uUllm.cu us oj. ereai unDortanr. hut I his enemies nad both ea ana nopea, without however be- that the President had drop- ff6!2, nt to handle.' But " anything is too hot for Theodore Jl.T2. "I,IOJ '1eoaor5 I eloven ntr- wo IT I " 1 "-..ooutJU UU16U JAJ Q13- I it. Greensboro Industrial Newa. I I : - - Dont Borrow Trouble It is a bad habit to borrow "any thing, but the worst thing you can vaa-. bowwis-; troablei.svmeii 7:LT::J,'' a-.ut 1. 7... iouuB ui ayspeDsia, I uuuuuoness, ungnrsj disease. - and miernai disorders, dont nit down brood oyer your symptoms, tt -C4 lu Me uiuers. ITSle, bles, and your body wffl not be bur- v r t "oo .. 1 Price ouc- uaranteeov . . SVC B tL ThB Kind Yoi Haw Always BosgM I enjoyed good health nntfl about two vcaia when I noticed my back bmTcXr Duenuv. ir fuv . . . u r . r lamtand headache j SSS.-? SOOn sddd tn mim, .i. 5sgs became thin and - fcu (RoxburrW Boston. Ma i Augustas Brnwy, 2tt:Z-f& ? J sd.so highiT. I fcu 25 ?G7 'W. the Mlnmzl nigher during the-first ifietaiiare of the reneial health . a 1 W entire bete u centered iW.! nf aniy nature. When the Au.t--Z i , oryaaiMa i. attacked by; dSSse; T whei '"erihvrity or a dWeeable drato; tt,. r . . . ... Hicera enaw i at iS-w"i "fleet the progress - 2K?Ja. hedcbenoira e: xZAiZZt . l w tn world's Digt Ltof' Zril w Uvraadbmla. r i In womeritse trouble, brought oh by "Carelessness in are even more important to wbrhefi tfen vthe: jfclftffi is no stoppage, still, a gentle, cleans jng menstrual draught be taken now and then every doctor will tell you sq O wilf decayinside youf and will be absorbed into your system, causing such pain and suffering as will make ;yoti' lose To.'cure yourself, ta woman's best safest remedy i mehstrm and pain reliever, is the oldfel time-tested j medicine which, for oyer 70 years; has been a household word in America, viz: 'r-: f - WRITE US FRANKLY In fult cOnfideqfe, telling us all your troufltos, "whatever tJiey may be, and stating your age. We will send you' rateable Free Advice, In plain sealed envelope. Address: ' Ladies! Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medidno Co.," Chattanooga, Tenn. . - , - . -. .. B ,.ul,u u i, I nil - ' - . . . WU UU Ul TWINKLINGS. He They say that peoDle who "uwry soon grow to look alike: She xaen you; must consider my refusal as finaLChlcago News. - -"Wh6 gave the bride awav?" Ho little brother.; He stood up right In the mlddla of the ceremony and yell ed: Hurrah. Fanny. vou'v ent Mm at laftt!' " PhtADOn TJ- J TT 3 vrawiora "jjoes your wife al ways consult you? Crabshaw "After a iasnion. Whenever she wants any thing she orders it first and then asks me ii sue can have It." Smart Set jsona lady," remarked the weary wayfarer, "can you oblige me with uomeuimg to eat?" ?'Go to the wnnrt j - - . ; D"cu uua uixe a rew chops" replied oy. i-nuaaeiphia Record stamp that you've carried in T your pocket too lone." "As hnw? JL - badly stuck. on himself that he isn't worth 2 cents for anv nwAni I rti . w x-- M.ai 1 uieveiana Jueader. "All Of mv dnMlAir nro " na.ro. onoDson wew ricu nauenuiv. -"Really?" oMenr her rival, arching her eyebrows. "I didn't know that you felt it necessary vwuuumc: ietroK Jjree Press. I x i lauiier I mnrooo t Prison n. iim rii nrnF rt. . . 1 7. ,' " - "u on more in , " uiou X CUCU JUdfiTt years!"- Translated Figaro."- for "Tales" from Le - Mike," said Plodding Pete, as he climbed into a freight car "I'm glad su.cjjuueai aoesnt own de rail-roads.'-' Why? -Became, when we takes, a free ride now de worst dat happens is to be put off. But u.a government .was runnin' de lines we'd ?Jlrre2ted tor gratftinTsure. Wash- COMMERCIAL WILMINGTON MARKET. (Quoted official at the closlnsr bv th oamoer of Commerce.) STAR OFFICE, Oct. 24, 1905. TraPENTTNEMarket ROSIN Market firm, $3.70, h,iTSM nna.at-.$L80 per bar- cm vu. pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market r m Darrel Ior hard, $4.75 A ior virgin. SpWtTturpenitoe Sar 1 7ear I J'-VSTr1 8teady 61-1-4; ros- Muuiaaons same day m ium, a&a Dia: tar rm at i . 4M0; crude turpentine li S3 sn - . T.v " - Rnirf - o. turpentine ............ 64 288 raP r- Crude- .... .." '''r"' X oame day last year 59 rastn ent fo - . . " T'r,- . ' oarreis rosin, 49 wiiws.ur, os Darrein rrnHa . tine.r COTTON. , Market Steady at 10c - 3am6 day last year, nothing doln' ,oo"T"r. Bam day ""vm, osoo utiles. nrnTxr-re-ir M0" Resuiariy by Wiimineton . prices rPT.rAVIt. ercnants, 'Sl SnSUSj .PEANUTS North Carolina -V 111UI owe; extra prime 85e - fanv per Duahel of pounds. : -yirginlaPr7n KnT. prime, (newy, 85090c. for wr-'" T75c- P bushel N?T?tea 15 to uuiui snouiaera. 11 to 12 "- Ul - - :i .,- - ' 3GGS Dull. 22 enta "w, ??T2ftFIrm' at 2627C-.. TALLOW Firm at 4.9sika"" pound. - - m; i --i i - PESWhlte; No sales- clay, $1.15 PS! ?LEal1 at ? 3 tc TURKEYS Firm, dressed. 2022c 15c. t for live; - ; TE CTTOM MAttKETfe 1 New York. Oe 9i 1Itt, " as very active Tand excited with ?es' estimated at nearly a'iffi SSSh11'? Strms early adduce on Preaictions for a bullish censna r ZTJJtT Wtoter. to inorrW out.eased off later strong Ztn?? by the ex- cited: advaiir 9hj ? " , " .r' -u report . uumerr . Association. tfP00 continued very firm afterthtf 0PenK ;and -closed at practical- vir ui a net gain- OI 20 tn vvt English points: , but -- the W - realizing and-while Urttowii la,7 8ld at 10.49-agamsf 10 foVtte U. - neia, rvne leather report at pected and seemed- to have no special influence jsn the market. - " Receipts of cotton at the ports were 62,962 bales against 65,845 last week and 96,138 last -year. For the week estimated 320,000 bales against 319, 685 last week and 399,287 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 10, 621 bales against 26,648 last year and at Houston 27,463 bales against-30, 911 last year. : : Spot cotton closed quiet 15 points higher; middling uplands, 10.65; mid dling gulf, 10.90; sales none. Futures opened -very, strong. Octo ber,;. 10.20; November, 10.35; Decem ber, 10.50; January, 10.70; February, 10.78; March, 10.86; April, 10.91; May, 10.96; July offered, 11.05. Futures closed barely steady. Octo ber, 10.22; November, 10.27; Decem ber. 10.41; January. 10.52; February, 10.59; March. 10.68; April, 10.73; May, 10.80. Port Movement. Galveston Firm, 10 9-16c.; net re ceipts,' 28,434 bales. , New Orleans Firm, 10 9-16c; net receipts, 10,621 bales. . Mobile Steady, 10 3-8c; net re ceipts, 2,718 bales. -. Savannah Steady 10 l-4c; net receipts, 11,388 bales.; Charleston Firm, io l-8c; net re ceipts, 828 bales. Wilmington Steady, 10c; net re ceipts, 3,025 bales. . Norfolk Steady, 10 5-8c; net re ceipts, 5431 bales. . Baltimore -Nominal, 10 l-2c. - New YorkQuiet, 1065. Boston Quiet, 10.65. Philadelphia Steady, 10.90. Total to-day, at all ports Net, 62 962 bales; Great Britain, 12469 bales; France, 8,875 bales; Continent. 500 bales; Stock, 973,237 bales. ' Consolidated, at all ports Net, 149 -843 bales; Great Britain. 38.494 bales: France, 1,000 bales; Continent, 27,639 oaies; Japan, 500 bales. , Total since September 1st, at all ports Net, 2,088,365 bales; Great Britain. 465,351 bales; France, 161, 040 bales; Continent, B33.210 bales; Mexico, 100 ales. - Interior Movement. J Houston Steady, 10 9-6c.; net re- ceipis, z ,463 bales. Aueuaui rirm, xu Y-iec; net re ceipts, z,zi3 bales. iKwsmpms uirm, 10 5-8c; 4,474 bales. . - St Louis Steady, 10 3-4c.; net re ceipts, 3uu bales. - Cincinnati Net receipts, 343 bales. xjuuisviue iiirm, io 3-4a Liverpool Cotton Market uverpooi, October 24. Cotton. Spot in fair demand, nrinm ii; niKt. vi.i . . ' - iu&uki:. American middling fair, 6.17d.' good middling. 5.93d.midiliin? rt7a:' lZ middling, 5.61cL; good ordinary' 5.43L; ordinary, 5.27d. ' The sales of the dav voro 1 A AAA bales of which 1,000 were for specula tion and export and ' inrfniMi & onn American. Receipts 15,000 bales. In cluding 3,700 American. Futures open ed firm and closed excited; American middling .G. O. "C: Octobr. k iaa October and November. 5.74d.; Novem ber and December! 5!7B(r: rwomw and January, 5.79d.; January and Feb ruary, 5.81d.; February and MarcbT 5.83d.; March and ADril. SJtRil inrii uxy o.ooa.; fliay ana June, 5.87d.; June and July, 5.88d.; July and Au gust 5.88d. .' - - - n-n Hf r- n . -. - " ' NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. New York, Oct. 24. Monev nn onll easier 3 l-24 1-2 per cent., closing Did il-B, Offered 3 3-4 ner rant Tlmo I loans easy; sixty and ninety days, 4 3-4 wo. yer cent., six months, 4 .1-2 4 3-4 per cent. Prima mornonfua (at per. 56 per cent Sterling exchange! uiuiwiui acmai Diisaes in hnnWa 1 Dins at 486.80486.85 for demand and at 483.15 483.20 .for sixty day bills. m. uoieu iait .484 J.-z48 and 487 101 vAjmerciai-duis 482 7-8 483 car . silver 62 58. Mexican dollars, j v N. Y. Bonds. U. S. refunding, 2s reg ,.103 1-8 U. S.-j-efunding, 2s cou '. . ..103 1-8 U. 8. 3s reg. ex. insW;:f?.V.X031-2 U. a cou. . . . . . r. ...... . ....104 1-4 U S. old 4s reg. . . ..r. . ini K"Sr otd 4s coff . . .104 "3-4 jj. . wew: 4sireg x inst . . . .133 '3-8 U. S. New "4s cou . lai a. American Tobacco, 4s cert . . . . 80 1-8 American Tobacco, 6s cert . . . .113 7-8 Atlantic CoastrLlUe, 4s . . , .ioi VA Raltlmnro j& ri V Ul AUU-.. . - . - . .103 1-4 T a . - V T " " - - " as; xn. unineov- 4s Seaboard Air Line, i 4a . jii'u Southern Railway. 5s .... . .,.120 1-2 U. S. Steel. 2d 5a ' Vi : ; - oa - .. Closing Stock List . ' ' Amalgamated Conner . .i - . " 7.b American - Sugar , Refining . , . . . 143 nencanTorjaocQ, pfd.,.cert ..102 1-4 Atlantic Cnnat TJno - . - Baltimore; &-Ohio ....... ;....H3 caiumore & t3hlo, pfd -.. 97 Chesapeake & Ohio .......... Y 57 i-4 uuisvme & wasnvine . ICO K O I -uuuuanan jj. ...... . . . ,.;.i6g T J eworKcentrali ;153 Nfolk & Western... ....... .. .87 Norfolk - Western, pfd 92 Peop e ;ks . U . . .v. . . , ,104 7-8 Kding..-y, . -; --.v . 24 .g Read ng, 1st :pfd;, ., 93 -? aS' Sdhpfd .V i :;v .T? 97 1-2 Southern Pacific, pfd . .i. v. 120 Southern Raflway-v.? ., 371-8 Southern Railway.- nr - V , Woo - Tenn, Coal,: IronW; -88 S-.SteeL pfd- ? -"i'-,f 2 S. .A. 14 com., bid - " ' tz r.. J rj.TJ V" , asta 1905. All tickets :.4rnr- . . ' u,u I include admiRstnn oc a u., pra.- Bia).t??vl-t Standard Oil - : - V;, Western Union ' - ---o . Tr" OF Ln i( U. CHICAGO MARKET. Chicago, Oct 24. Probable curtail ment of shipments of grain from Rus sia owing to spread of labor troubles was largely responsible for firmness today, in the wheat market here. At the close wheat for December delivery was up 3-8. "Corn is up l-25-8c. Oats show a gain of l-8l-4c. Provisions axe up a shade to 7 1-2. The leadlhg ( futures ranged as fol lows: ' Open High Low Close. Wheat No. 2. - Dec. .87 May ......87 87 8 .51 46 45' 45 87 87 51 45 45 44 87 88 Corn, No. 2. ; Oct'' ..51 Dec, old .45 Dec., new .45 May 44 Oats, No. 2. 4Oct. ......... . Dec. 29 May .....31 July ......30 51 46 45 45 29 29 29 32 29 31 30 32 30 Mess Pdrk, per bbl. Oct .16.10 16.10 16.10 Jan. .12.30 12.37 12.30 Lard, per, 100 lbs. 16.10 12.37 ,Oct ..7.02 7.02 7.02 Nov ..6.97 7.02 6.97 Jan. .,6.75 6.77 , 6.75 Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. .7.02 6.97 6.77 Oct. . .7.65 7.67 7.65 -7.67 Jan. ..6.45 6.47 6.45 6.47 May ..6.67 6.67 6.65 6.67 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, firm; No. 2 spring wheat 86 87 1-2; No.3 spring wheat 7787; No. 2 red. 87 87 -3-4; . -No. - 2 corn, 52 l-452 1-2; No. 2 yellow, 53 1-2 53. 3-4; No. 2 oats. 29 5-8: No. 2 white. 30 3-4; No. 2 whle, 28 3-4 fi) 30 1-2: No. 2 rye, 6770; Mess pork, per bbL, ao.uusspib.iu; Lard, per 100 lbsw 7.02; Shore ribs sides (loose), 7.607.65; Short clear sides (boxed), 8.008.25; Whiskey, basis of high wines, 1.30; Clover, contract grade, 13.25. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKEKT. . . . New York,. October 24. Flour firm but quiet - RYE FLOUR Firm. - WHEAT Spot firm. No. 2 red, 92 5-8 elevator. Options 1-2 5-8 high er. December 93 1-8; May, 92. ' CORN Firm; No. 2, 62 elevator. Options 3-4l i-4c net higher. Decem ber 56; January, 53 3-4; May, 51 1-4. OATS Firm; mixed, 33 1-2 34 1-2. LARD Steady; refined steady; com pound, 5 l-25 3-4. PORK Steady. TALLOW Steady. : RICE Firm. MOLASSES Steady. VU r isici ssDOt Rio oniet! mlM dull; Cordova, 1013. Futures steady o yumw aecime to 5 points advance. SUGAR Raw auiet: fair roflninv 2 15-16; centrifugal 96 test. 2 9-lfi- mn! lasses sugar, 2 11-16; refined auiet. - PTI'I'PW -cu i . v CHEESE--Firm ; State 1212 3-4. EGGS Firm, unchanged ' COTTON : SEED OIL-Lsoi- A firm with a fair business doing. Prime erude t o. b. mills, 18 1-2 to 19PrIme summer yellow. 25 3-4R)2fi- nrimo yhite, 28 ,129; prime winter yel- ww wuiter yeiiow, z l-229. POTATOES Irish firm; Maine, 2.10 2.25;-Jersey, 22.25; German 1.90 .vv, Bweew auu, uncnanged -CABBAGES Dull, unchanged. PEANUTS Steady, unchanged. FREIGHTS Steady, unchanged. . THE DRY GOODS MARKET. New York, Oct. 24. The volume of a me ary eooda market tnria first hands-was lieht and inKha f co.mplamea"of 1116 different business 1 wming iorwara. Tim af. r"luae or sellers 4was one of great uuu.3a ouui aa omy - could " :OCCUr luruuga unpucit confidence in the HAVAL STORES. -voiew xork, ,: Oct. 24-Turpentine T T a w rosin steady, wuucu uuuuuuu w good, 4.05i to 4.10 Savannah, Oct 24. Turpentine firm. C7; sales 1.189: receints X9.7 ' .5?OSS,: .SaIS i.502LreceiPts 5 rl- .ui; u.. 4.10; iu, '-4.Yo: H 4 80' ; CharlestonToct. 24 Turpentine and luom uummg aoing Yesterday in the Supreme Jourt of tnflTrjmted r States . leave -Wait trrnntCLit to the State ofjSeorgia to file-Its bill ui compiamt in the proceeding against tte Tennessee, and DUektown 5 Copper Companies by means of which the State hopes to secure for its citizens relief from the effect of the fumes urom xae rurnace smoke stacks of the companies, which are located in Duck- ci uie mrer-state line i a ia was also entered in theae iu nr . . H"- ""ipmeto snow cause why v vaunug ojraer requested should not vbe ' issued.;;? 'e5 -- - . 7 Reduced Rates to Fayettevilie." N. icl r Account ;CumberiandUCounty Fair! ' " tare plus fifty cents" to Fayettevffle.:creToSdS tecount;j Cumberland 1 County - Fair , : UIi 13UO. TICKETS i ONS AT.te f5 ftc gfthrana the trains scheduled to Fayetteville before noon 5 w. , .w --w urounds, :"OTtwa ecommunj. wxw .vv.: J. CRAIG, General Pa9. - ' A friend of mine suffered with backache, .headache 'and dizzy spells and seemed quit vorn out from menstrual troubles," writes Miss G. N. Garrett, of Mayersville, Miss.'"but she tookCardulby my advice andsnovvelL!', ' : ; Relief MARINE. c ARRIVED. Str Navahoe, Bunnell, New York, H. kx. smaiiDones. - CLEARED. Schr. Howell Leeds, Roope,' New YorK, u. u. Maffltt Barque Rose Innes, Rawlings, New York, c. D. MaffltL Exports Coastwise. New York Schr. J. Howell Leeds. i iiuuuer, cargo Dy Angola number Co.; vessel by C. D. Maffltt' .. New York Barque Rose Innes, 17,- oax cross-ues, cargo -by Ecclestou Lumber Co.; vessel by C. D. Mafifitt, MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Vessels Now in Porth of Wil mington, N. C. Steamers. Vera(Ei.), 154 tons, Abbott, Alexan der Sprunt & Son. . Langbank. (Br) 2,966 ions, Rout, Al- HiUglen (Br.), 2,498 tons. Davies, Al- ciauuer oyruni sc sou. - Barques. Britannia (Nor.),' C25 tons Olsen, Heide & Co. - Schooners. Geri. Adeibert Ames, 452 tons, Dodge, C. D. Maffitt Harry A. Berwind, 910 tons, , C. D. Maffitt (in distress). Benefit (Br.). 229 tons, Faulkner, C. D. Maffltt Venus, 194 tons. Foxwell. C. D. Maffitt Geo. E. Dudley,. 387 tons, Chase, C. D. Mamtt. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Naval Stores and Cotton - Yesterdayi Wilmington,. N. C, Oct. 24,- 1905. C. C. Railroad 27 bales cotton : 14 barrels crude turpentine. W. .& W. Railroad 299 bales cot ton; 5 casks spirits turDenMn: IS barrels crude turpentine. ! W. C. & a. Railroad 2.477 halea cotton; "8 casks spirits turpentine; 96 barrels rosin; 28 barrels tar; 8 barrels crude turpentine. A. & Y. Railroad 75 bales cotton: 34 casks spirits turpentine: 91 barrels 1 rosin;- 6 barrels tar. Htmr mui,lro v 1- barrels crude turpentinel " ,uirreis iar; ix 1 Stmr. Duplin 147 -bales cotton- a barrels crude turpentine. Schr. C. T. Herman 17 casks spir its turpentine; 101 barrels rosin. - Total 3,025 bales cotton; 64 casks spirits turpentine; 288 barrels rosin; 66 barrels tar; 95 barrels crude tur pentine. - New Cure, for Cancer. All surface cancers are now known to be curable, by Bucklen'ft Arnica I Salve. Jas. Walters, of Duffleld. Va.. - - - 1 writes: "I had a cancer on my lin for years, thatseemed incurable, till Bucklen's Arniea Sklye healed it. and now it 1s perfectly- well. ; Guaran teed cure for cuts and burns. 25c ata R. R. Bellamy's drug store. Special Rates via Ssaooard. Chicago, HI National 'Bantist rn. vention. (CJolpred), - October 25th-31st licseis on- Bale October V.ZrA.VAfh Final limit November 5th. uor lurtner lniormatlon . annlv tn nearest Agent, or Address. C. w. fj at. 7?: Traveling Passenger Agent, Ra- . v. .. - ocb-rx Warranty Deeds for sale at th ata- i Direct I rem Our Distillery to YOU - aavss Dealers' Profits , :': h: Prevents AduIteraHon ' n F0LtlpuaRT52$q!2d WE PAY EXPRESS UHAR6ES O We will send you, la a 'otiinsiaUia - tMe, with no marts to Show contents, FOUH FULL-QUART r BOTTLES of HAYNER PRIVATE STnr.K rvc $3.20. and we will biv ha imm': I Chaises.-' .Try IL haw wour wwr J - way.jroa like,- H o wfl-inna n aii nsmt and the purest Itasted, ship u back to as at aim wsi wmsxev vnu oor expense-and -your $3.20 wUI be promptty refunded. , .- ' At our uUstderv. in n the largest and best I equipped in the.-nrnrl v. distm an sveraee f 9,580 aanons;of PUrb WH1S- day: - When you KKY, it eoea Urect to yoefHSrn from our dlstnienr. w hS1" assuring yoa i ot: perfect purity and savise you thtf dealers' big Profita. HAY NER .WHISKEY. scribed ; by - doctors ; used In bosoitala nrH 1 " "ffBOT OTO HXABKST Omo W"- f Sa ciSTiiusa m ST louis.' stA-r S?1!? - v 3C3 cabttd 'm r.t00 '. :PpBVSINESS I.nr, It - The Star will send, without v. ' - cm 'Union). MesserTS YLf 5 j :tC "ence: for advertisements for :dirtnmt - sm,A-. . -a Aor Our U i nRiuumiimt -DhMi. . at . vur -v "Trr-n" star OfRn. AttMKi i wenw-nve nenf. ao. si - Jty-fivev words, or less. Admom hi 4 ; - twenty-five, one cent per word P IS 1 . . .vance. - v- -. - 1 J ; The A. D. T. MessengersviKF5 i'fnr ttiB- WeHm, TT-i-f m , m 0 call r small-packages to be delivered an':orfk No charge rfor the tu ..hen CX for: notes and small packages tp Western UnioiL ThoneT Bum ways;call tjie Star Office, 'Phone STAR BRANCHES, For the benefit of those who may find if vertisemenU may be left at the foul. 0re' wnere they will receive as prompt and , Br lett at the Star Office. an ,it, "e,ul at vertisec. - JAS. M. HALL'S DRUG STOllK , Corner Sth and Castle streets. Phone i2. W. C MXTPTDS' DRUG STORE Corner 7th and Oranee streets Phone 554. WM-WIESTLD3, DRUGGIST 8. W. Corner 7th and Red Cross Greets.. Phone 218. P. O. HALIS DRUG STORK ! streets. Phone 88. s WIST SILK WATCH FOB WITH OLD fashioned sold pendant with initials "R N. N. Finder will be rewarded if re turned to Star Office. oc25-lt THE SECOND SERIES OP THE Rai BudtoS and Loan Association willj)e opened Saturday November 4th ""-f-- -" viixmv vi as. uwen Keillv I "ncess street. Leave subscriptions there or hand -to Mr. v tt President. R. W. Price, Sct'y & Treas! J. O. Carr, Attorney. oc25-tlll nov4 WE HAVE FOR (iAI.R ' xmyn-v sirable residence property on Orange f E1"6,6, 1e?Teen Second and Third; lot 66x110 with 15Teet allv apply, to M. C. Darby & Co. 144 1-2 Princess street. oc22-tf FRESH ARRIVALS raw aw c . r. pies,. Onions, Oranges. Cabbaee.' nr, V" -5 Potatoes. Two-cars just .arrived A. S. Wlnstead. nnoo.tf WASTED A TRAVELING sti.pc. man, ADDly to Harria a- -d . . - - ' -, xl UO. city- ' Oc22-3t thinV goTtoTat at the DixieCe ki 2 .V1"- "ron Raisin and Mar- J me 10. zoc. OC22-tf I HAVE If OH manrai A -mrrrai vnn, at i22-60: o at $25.00; one at $27.50 and one at $30.00 per month. W. M. Cummine. Nnturr Pi,hn Real Estate Agent. ocl3-tf BRICK YARJ1 T?nn sai fmivn plant on best bed of clay near Wil mington. Demand exceeds output of plant. For Information apply to C Van Leuven, Cronly, N. C. oc22-6t . . SOFT, STIFK AND SILK HATS cleaned, blocked and retrimmed. Pana ma and straw hate cleaned and bleach, ed. All .work guaranteed. Acme Hat- msib, iii -z isoutn second street. oc!9-lm WANTED TYPEWRITERS ,'Y make for cash'. Ianfl's t change. . -Typewriters bouerht. soin rented and renalred. niH fice Building-. Phone 870. snwisi in. stiaictlons in book-keeping, shorthand an typewriting. npig.ir LA JOJfSa HUSUTESS MAN AND Wife desire three or four furnished 1,A Ior "ent nouae-keeping with privilege of bath. Address Box 487 Llty- ocl5-tf -A - BOT ABOUT 14 TEARS OLD IS wanted at the Star nffioo t v.irii o broom and a water bucket and to other wise m&jte mmseir generally useful. cltf JfEW SERIES OF. CO-OPE3RATIVE r.'iifx ne and J08-11 Association (the 14tn. opens Saturdav. Tfrwe-mKoT- ity, - Subscribe now for stock at office MoAfTiET: l01 lV'.V: """""" " - vvorui, i-aem; xnos. 11. Wright, Secre- tary. ocl5 to no4 WITHDRAWAL OF DEAL. Dear Sir: The free-box offer on Lenox Soap now in effect in Virginia North Carolina: fiCr.U r,..i:. ei: - - wwm mi wet wi ii ici nui 1 da, and Georgia, will be Withdrawn October I4th, WUiout further notice, after which Sate no orders on a free-box basis can be1 taken, Please send, your orders at once. D. l. GORE CO., . Wholesale- Grocers and Importers . - . Wlimington, N. C. -oc8-tf NOTICE. Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 23rd, 1905. Office of the! Treasurer, Atlantie Coast Line Railroad Com- e pany. - ..There will be due and payable on November 1st, 1905, two per cent, in terest on the New Four Per Cent. Cer tificated ; of Indebtedness of Atlantic iCoast line Railroad Company, and the Treasurer; of .that Company has been directed to pay to all holders of record as of October 13th, 1905, this interest. The. transfer books were clos ed on October- 14th. 19ft5 ani will stand closed until the 1st day of No vember, 1905V both inclusive. " - JAMES f., POST, Treasurer. Oct 24 till Nov 2. - . liSVVANTEDr 1000 Dozen' Fish Roc. Highest Cash Paid. 18 and 20 Market Street, Wilmington N. C. o.jl8-tf . and : Dn.P!ERCES i3iia.rii)ER3 nno n n A a VS. i no adr 150. !V'tth phone 135, Phone 2T8. "Cs? U furnished rooms to let' rt J! column of h,. or-".! om, l'HOXE NO. have moved tn Street. W.rVEJ FOH THE BEST 1 ew urop Dried Pn'i staple and famihTM roauce. call h Southern TradiJM" Hi LEARN TF.r.Pr.D accounting. 50 ti Our six schonl. i-a find indorsed bTafi for catalogue. wLT3 eraphy, Cincinnati 0.1 quanta, ua., La Cm ca ,ian tTaiw TWO, BOYS WBfli accurate in feeainn secure employment btl IF Yor HATE tei me know f can sell it. W. M. Cd GllOl.ND PROSPBuj iui re;uuns, hotitw uur.. neat, uatta! biaeraDie High grade; in '.lie carbonatf t sis SO to S5 per cent kJ nme. ror prices- limington. N. C. SEW ARRIYUA-ll ."state Produce. Appls nan unions. Mm SUw Jjemons. Out-of-tows attention. W. E.fforUi PIAXO aOVI56-I!i rienced draymen whoiiSi any wnere in tne cltyik you. sstien s, tor.nsB t-none iiis. FIRST RICEBffiDi son; also KalamamcQl and retail at the dm : se9-tf WATED AT (MS class non-union Job be sober and well etel accurate. We also nl ter, who can assist 1 the bindery. Permsf g-ood men. Address, a pected, Commercial Pi 250, Lynchburg, Ta. ocl8-eod lOt r LETTER - HEADil Statements and m Lrintinsr turned out diously at The Monia - DO YOU WISH W I or have you a houie vertise In this coluni' jy28-tf in fcri I Finest Rust M Fee Full Cream Flour, Celebrated! Water Gr 3 IF Corn. Crai lea Candy, Canned 1 4 QnaM ProC I Choice anoK ocl7-tf Men's New"? 3.50, H Solomon'5 oc22-tf and V&V" . JlnP - 1 - ....iv.nvu rani in ruiL FOR Tur ni.ooD.uvEn.nj ng$. . i