SPIRITS.TURPElITIinir i ri ta w 1111 ':n I "A 1 1 5 tnve Always Bought, and which has been. Porfitier. 'Congressman u John" G. ! Shaw, - of Fayetteville, is agitating a I Scotch Colonial: Society, whose object I snail oe to- secure colonists from Scot land to settle in-his section. - - -Joe Forquerean. colored, has been arrested at South Boston, n4ar Reidsi ville, on the charge of haying assisted in wrecking passenger train No. -1 1 . two "miles south of that-place August Lumber ton -Argus j - Red ; Springs Zr 30 years, has borne the signature of, 18 making a record tor the hospitality C for over and has been made under his p- j- of its citizens .- The meeting-, or . the P .- . . . - ..?'-.; Synod-thftrA tVila woalrlo Ann' sonal supervision since its infancy' Allow no one to deceive you in this. ! -ts imitations and" Just-as-good '? are hut! Bter.,!t trifle with and endanger the health of , " ieB5T Children Experience against Experiment , p is CASTQRIA Jess substitute f & and Soothing Syrups. tfS to Morphine Vhat snbsUtnte for' Castor Oil. PawC a njjiiuivww - - ior other , Narcotic -7 Sins is a-e is its guarantee It destroys "Worms - CunrtS J , T Mima Ttlavrlina'aiul Wlnil . .i neithe W . es Teething Troubles, cares Constipation flTisnwrfs. giving healthy and natural sleep i' ALWAYS SINE . - wr iMm .i - Always Bought CASTORIA Bars the Signatiurerpf li You Haw Use For Over 30 Years -. n Resale and Retail. Toys and Dolls,: Wholesale and Retail. ChDdren's,-Misses' Synod there this week; Is one' of. many occasions on wnica- the- hosputality of mat good town is exercised.- tiumberton Argus: It is freelv asserted that Sheriff Mcleod" was the most Handsome, the - most efficient. and the-gayest, marshal at the State u-air, also-that- he rode the" finest horse. It- is predicted- that he will be tne next chief marshal -If he will be. E. C. Bowman & Co.. of Rirm. inghame Ala., were ion Monday award- ea tne contract to build a $100 00ft hn. tel. at Winston-Salem There were five' otner bidders. .The buildine commit tee decided' to add twenty bed rooms to rtne original plan, making 128 in .-rtJSi'irv "vf''j." "-';'.-T--.-:"iS5;i',vi Ulyde correspondence.' AshRvilln Citizen: v Last Week J. M. Osborne & bon shipped from this blace 15 car loads of picked . cattle. ; estimated r' at S15.000, to the Virginia market where! tney wiu be .stalled for awhile and ex ported." Local commission.' merchants ship on - an average of two cars -per day. of potatoes,. apples, etc.. besides the-sjhickens,, eggs, butter, etd; that are snipped. 5: A Greensboro dispatch, on Monday says : - it is learned : that negotiations are pending for a settlement of i the noted twenty-thousand-dollar libel suit or Uol. W..H.C Osborne vs. CoL M. T. Leach and the Raleigh News: and Ob server, and the matter will probably be adjusted by to-morrow. It is said, that the terms of the settlement will be-the withdrawal .of rthe. judgment of four tnousand ; dollars, the - amount award ed" the plaintiff by .a Guilford county jury, recently, from which the defense appealed, and the payment of the costs by tne defendants Near Friendship, nine miles west of wmston-Salem, i on the s- Winston branch line of . the Southern Railway, D LJ LJL1U liV' z n I li I1VUI- - rfC ii l.il ' For Logo rJlorioy -r:-.- AT J. V. H. FUCHS, 128 to 132 Front St. oc22-tl TRAGE DY.,1 Nr WASHINGTON. - " .- - - - V Man Shoots, Wife of Another and Kills ; Himself. - ' - By Wlretto'The Mornlne Stan"" "Washington, October - 23. 'Mary Frances 'Scheitlin, aged35,- the wife of Rudolph B. Scheitlin, an electrician at the navy yard, and William A.'Boto my, aged 38, were found'dead late this afternoon . by the husband, in the front room of the Scheitlin home. A revolver fromwhTc5three shots had been' -fired was on- the floor. Two shots hit the woman and the -third the man. The disco very was made when the husband returned from work. :The police be lieve that Botoiny, first shot the, woman and then; himselt- Botomy had visited tlie housa:several times ; recently" but naa Deen 'warnet Dy ,tne husband ; to stay 'away; KScheitlln Bays he sayr his wife last; six days ago" when she left him.after a visit from Botomy. ."" -, ; . HAPPY RESULTS. Resi- Coats, Furs, OWING . . -W .1 .'.1 . .1- lrtTin- otti ennrp m hits , nnsmess. ; wp tppi Lb tout advantage to see onr goods before placing your. elicited and given our prompt and careful attention, i Have Made Many Wilmington 'a As 'f" dents" Enthusiastic '. ' :'S ". Ho wpnder scores of Wilmington cit izens grow enthusiastic. - It is enough Izens grow enthusiastic. It is enough to make anyone happy to find relief, after like the following are but truthful rep resentations of the daily work done in Wilmington by Dean's Kidney Pillar J. - 55. . Bloodworth, residing at 30 South- Front stret- and employed at 123 Princess street, says: "I used Doan's -Kidney Pills and they have proven to be a very valuable: remedy and I believe I am safe in recommend- the passenger train leaving Winston eii?romZ iZltiiCl L2' Greece Sunday hSm'Tna uiuiuuis, loui uiw uierear gi a ireignt train standing on the. track. None of the ' passengers were; hurt. : A great many of the cars of the freight train were thrown from the track and smashed, ajidT merchandise jwas scat tered'all around, i It was a miracle that-no one was killed, since the on coming passenger train in the dark ness jLS Kid Gloves, all col- nines in Dress Goods this to wide, in .11 tne new coi- M, 98c. yu,all colors this week 7c imlenrear, 50 doz. Vests, St; 50 doz. Vests, 35c. Second floor. Outings, in all colors, 10c kiat, this ween, ou. . . - . . through my back- and sides -which often made me yell right out If I stood, sat or lay down or- kept in any one position for any length of "time it was almost impossible for me to move on account of the great pain. -1 heard some one speak of Doan's Kidney Pills. and I : sentdown to Bellamy drug ran at eood , soeed into the I . j k . m. AtZYtZ - v y. a doubt, a-valuable, remedy for back wiw uj, uic iiicviLau uiuv ueu up I ache.' i.w"fc w .wvuuuuBneai : yor sale bv, -i, dealers. . Price K0 Zt w.iaai me nagman oi cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, uj uwgut wuu utm ueen seui jorwara i New York, sole agents Tor the United iu uomj me passenger train sat aown i states. ana ieu so sound asleep he failed; even I Remember the name DOAN'S to hear it as It thundered bv headed I and take no Oier- tor the doomed freight train. SecQurWindow Some of the" "Swell" styles are there, Large-4ot of DOUGLAS and ; FLORS HEIM SHOES for Men and Boys;; and KRIPPENDORF:DITTMAN'S For La dies' just received. , - . - If it's SCHOOL SHOES you want SEE OURS and you will buy them. No. advance' in prices as' yet, except on a few kinds. - O .it, CO I- :z. ui O -I, O Remember Our "C O. A.1 system which - enables ; us.- to maintain our mottoi", - "'tv''S-. NOT f5HEAP SHOES. BUT GOOD : . SHOES CHEAP!" - At the same oldplaCe, . - . M a : t : t But fixed up like new. Respectfully,, MERCER& EVANS CO. oe7-tf Let Us Furnish Your Office gaammingtoV Typewriters, Globe ... - v - : ' ' ' Wernieke Filing Cases,. Card Index Cabinets, Typewriter Desks, Carbon Paper, Elastic Book Cases .-. , Ladies' ors, 75c $1.00 Kid Gloves, all col- ;' A dispatch from Lurham on Mon- day says: A negro , woman ; by X the name of Delia Jenkins, aged about 50 Matting, special values, this week; I years, .met a ; horrible death in the 10. 12&, 15, 18. 22," and 23c."" . Western part of the city late yester- ' --. - - " day afternoon. - She was burned m a Rugs, Portiere and Art Squares, spe-J fearful manner at 1 oxiock In the af- leniwn, . auu . oeua . resouea - at o : i.o A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY cial this, week... - Children's . Hocking is Chairs, week, 25, 50, 75c, and $1.25. -. ... ... . - - this liny and Overcoats : Agent for McCall's. Patterns. o'eleck last night; Her burns were ' such, that a great deal of the skin on her. body slipped , off before death. The woman , was using gasoline in: a stove when there was a, loud explos- All. Kinds of Filing Devices. Office Stationery,- Blank . Books, ; Etcu, at Factory Prices. CW.Vates&Co. SCHOOL V: v. "SUITS -- WHEN SCHOOJi BEGINS every . youngster wants to -look his" best" and : every 5 mother f encourages : him- to do. so. 5- we have the clothes that make your.; boy "look best -V as well as saveyou money.' - y r. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS. " r Norfolk, Double Breasted, Sail or and. Eton Suits, all choice fabrics, the. wearing- qualities are of the best: $150, $2.00, .oq'KOO,, $5. ' 1 SCHOOL TE0USERS.? - Boys School - Knee-: Trousers, ' made from strong well-wearing -materials, Sizes 5 tq'l6;yearg i - 60c, 75C, $1.00. H ; YOUTHS' SUITS. Youths' Double Breasted Suits, handsome. Worsteds and Jhev-; lots; the suits are all cot in the new . lengths' and exceptionally . well made, sixes 14 to 17 years. - 1 $7.50, $10,00 " $12.50. BOYS' BLOUSES. ' Boys' School. Blouses, in white and. neat patterns; all sizes. 50c, 75c., $1.00. J. W: SOLKY & CO., ; One Price " : Cfothiers and Furnishers, i Masonic Tewple Building. Wilmington,. N. C. - ?) t Railway, e l-. ; Direct line to Principzl Cities 'North, West and-Souih.y l Effective October 17, 1905." - - -' DrtTvcex .WlUalartsB -nd ;Ke -: York. Read , Down - - -, 12 25 p ml Lv. i 10 p ml Lv. 6 25 n ml Lv. 10 00 p mj Lv, y 25 a mLv. -5 88 & mLv 40amLv. 12 46 p mAr. 8 60 D ml 1 49 am Bet wei WUbIucIob, Sirnauk, Moat- -Kranrri JaeluoaTUIa and Tainpa. OC tf Oct. 15-tf. Modi fancy Suits, $7.00 ffl-Wool Black Cheviots, m our price, ?lo.oo. Mhspect our line of Over rates, .50 to $10.00. MPaats, 25c. pair. ats, all new shapes and col- tla's Sox in black and nek, I pair for 25c. Boys Suitsages from 3rio 16 years; prices, 75c. to. S5.00..; r .-; . . ' Boys' Overcoats, all colors; special this week, $L4S. - , 25,1 grey. Men's Dress Shirts, an colors, 39 48 and 98c , - - All-Wool : Underwear - inred;4 and white, ;a.;suit Men's Heavy Cotton - Underwear, $1.00 value, 78c suit. fu?cv osc Hava Ixnriaat and Olowrr Hair, Ifa Matter Waat Colar. The finest contour of a female face, the sweetest smile of a female mouth, loses omethlng- if the head Is crowned with cant hair,. Scant and falling- hair, it Is now known, la caused hy a parasite that burrows into the scalp to the root of the hair,' where it saps the vitality.. The lit tle white scales, the germ , throws up In burrowing are called dandruff. To cure ion 1 andX the l woman - was. covered in dandruff permanently, then, and to stop flairies She r&a t Tieit. inmnH tin I raiUng- hair, that germ must be killed. on it and covered np.;.The-bed cloth- inrcaught fire, this fired the Ded and 1' r, rr.ri; ' T mo uuuw wu ptcvx , wilu uuuuio. i the faUIngr hair, and prevents baldness. ine ciotning on tne ted made tne l gold by leading draggists. - Send 10c in fire such, that the woman was simply I stamps tor sample to The Herpiclde Co., roasted before she could be saved, i Detroit. . Mich. rf l i It seems that there had been fire in i jnCiitDtBr's pharmacy, special Ageat. the -stove earlier j that day; but that - Plans to Get Rich are of ten -frustrated by sudden break down, due to dyspepsia or corrsupa- J tion. Brace up and ; take Dr.-; KIngrs New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start Cure headache and dizziness too. At R. R. Bellamny'a drug store; . 25c, guaranteed. Mow is the Time there - was no fire when she- opened it and began to prepare for a fire. Us- Men s fancy vests. from 98c to 13.00 to tgQjte and the fearful results follow ALL MAIL ORDERS POBMPTLY JTLLED. o. o. GKmmm ,1EE STORES COMBINED 206, 208. 210 NORTH FRONT ST. Overalls. Wright's Health Underwear. Uurch X, EisjJABILITIES ison National Bank OF WILMINGTON. ' - " ":, " ""J" - , ; .-. . .--. 7. $ : 300,000 : - 175,000 ::. 30o,ooo -r Asheyille correspondence on Mon day: . If they, don't treat me well, III break Jail again," "quietly saidBob Duncan, who effected the jail delivery here - last ' Sunday, and who was re captured in . this city jresterday after noon, s iYou haven't a jail In. z your State that win hold me,'' he said. "I uave : been: through, five .'of them,- and can walk-- out .of another. The jailer was so good to me at Hendersonville that I really hated to leave him, but needed fresh air." Duncan talked with freedom and frankness of his escape and of bis movements since. He has been to; Hendersonvine,rFlat Rock. - Tyron : 'and South ; Carolina points, and returned here Saturday to see his little child. The officers were informed of his ; rettrrn : and a watch was stationed at the house where the child was" staying; Duncan's wife was acquitted of the charge of aidingtn the jail deHverybut she Is now in Jail on a: charge of perjury.. Walter Nel son, the white boy, who was charged with i aiding in the. escape, . has been convicted and sentenced to two years on the county chain gang for this crime, and is now serving the sentence. FOR Georgia Cane Syrup The best Flour on the market Colonial Best Patent. . Silver Coin Half Patent. ; Cuban Blossom Cigars are sold at stores. H. I. VOLLERS, fiatnthe Bgnatsra of :-. ItelM Yin Hara Atwan BctigW Wholesale Grocer. OC tf : ffclicited C3. state, ...$775,000 ; i,80o,ooo - -2,600,000 Money to lend. Foreign Exchange bought and sold. , laiiPtrT. 17 and Clty depository, I... "i resident. l-WNGER, J. V. GRAINGER, Vice President . Asst. Cashier. H. LACY HUNT, Asst Cashier, - RYour s Bread, P in the City. per Loan, Ddlcnv iARREN, Prop. j1? Full of -TraglV Meaning. . are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of 3asey,; la. Think what might have resulted from his terrible cough, if he had not taken the ' medicine about which he writes : '1 bad . a leanui cough,' that disturbed my night's rest I tried everything, butJothIng would relieve It until I took Dr. King's New Piscovefy for -Uonsumpuon, . uougns nd Cnidft. which completely cured m - instantly relieves and perma nently cures air throat and iung dis eases: prevents gnn. ana puemuww At'R. It- Bellamy, druggist; : guaran- tee4; 50c and f 1.00.. Trial bottle tree. DO YOU INT A girl for general iiouseworkT A sewina nlrl A woman to wash? man to attend to your furnace or help around the house? . -..' Or do you want a situation?. A room? . Board or boarders? To rent a house? 'Perhaps you have a house or lot for' sale or exr-hange? Per. haps you want to buy or sell a horse? - You maywant ta buy pr sell a piano, furniture, cameras, aishestlawn mower,, automobile, bath tub, parrot, dog, curtains, HUB i:HITl: IIIHIH III ' The famous South" American; Mosq uito Perfume for driving" away Mosquitoes, 10'and 25eV"a 5 fresh supply received". toHJay at 'Xi' J j;i2oB)Prontf S"ti?r- tlon, clock, buggy, shotgun, rifles stove,. tools7 I STAR BUSINESS LOCALS. Will aceornplih any of these ' - things for you s iEOST-flXE 1BIT A'ViOHDI. " Butno""advertlsement taken for less than 25 cents. , 1 -. t..lMl tMt "TIDAL- WAVE" ;HDAL WAVE" 'This brand is the best on the matket v'-.--" - r "Tidal Wave ; - " "Tidal-Wave." . Has not its equaltry it ; "TIDAL WAVE" FLOUR! FLOUR , Costs no more i than - the ordinary brands but Is the best that money can milL sewing machine, watch, d a- i Th r r UQChafXOn Rfl I monds, jeweiry or any aescrip-f ug j , ii iiuviiugwn ww.( DISTRIBUTERS. Sept -tf ' . i Genuine Liverpool New York Ar; Philadelphia Lv. 'Baltimore - Lv. Washington L.V. ; Richmond . Lv. - Raleigh Lv. Suth'n Pines Lv. - Hamlet -:: Lv. Wilmington Lv. iflead... Up -4 15pm 1 4.1pm 11 30 a vn 10 10 h. in 6 35 a ra 1 30 am 1120 pm 10 10 p m - 3 00 p m Ue( ireea Wllmlaglen, , Xerfalk ; aad . T rortsmonth. Read -- Down 8 24 p ml Lv. 3 25 a mlLv, 8 40 ami 8 40 a m 12.45 p m Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Ar. Norfolk Ar. Portsmouth - Ar. . Henderson Lv. Raleigh - Lv. .Hamlet XiT. Hamlet -.rAr.i Wilmington Lv, Rtad . Up 8 20 a m 8 00am 2 57 a m 1 30 am 10 S5 am 7 35 p m 3.00 pm llvtwccH WUmtmgtoa, Atlaata - and Read -Down ' - -2 10 p mlLv. 1 4frpwAr. 9 00 p miLv.- 1123pmLv. 1 56 a ml Lv. : 4 06 a ml Lv. 7.10 a ml Arc 8 4QamILv. 12 45pmf Ar. . Bimingham - . Atlanta Atlanta -"'Athens- -: Greenwood ; :i Chester. -' Hamlet : - Hamlet Wilmington Ar. Lv. Ar, LvJ Lv Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Jlead . - Up 1 30 pm 8 00 am 7 40 am 08 a m t 35 a m 120am 10.15 p m 3 35 pm 3 00 p in Read ' - ; i' . Read Down . - f Up, 8 30 ami Lv ' ': - Tampa - Ar. I 635pm 1 53 p mlLv.' Tallabasse 1 - Ar.J S 10 p ra 5 21D ml Ar.: Jacksonville -Lv. 110 00 am 7 50 n mJLv Jacksonville . Ar.l & 55 am 12 10 a m Lv.. Savannah - Lv.l 4 50 am 5 30 am Lv. Columbia Lv.112.80 a m 8 24 a m Lv. . - Camden - Lv.12 24 am 8 35 am Ar. J v Hamlet . Lv.llO 15 pm 8 40 a m Lv.r Hamlet Ar.( 7 85 p m 12 45 p m Ar- Wilmington Lv. 3 00 p m Betwcca WUmUictan, Hamlet, Charlotte . and Ratherforatoa. Read'- '.;.. Down ; ' - .--- Ruthert'd'tn S 49 p Lv. Ar. Shelby 4 50 p Lv. Lv. -- -. Lincoln t'n 5 47p Lv. Lv. . - Charlotte 7 23 p Ar. Lv. Charlotte 5 01 a Lv. Ar. Monroe -. 5 45 a Lv. : Lv. Hamlet 7 20 a Ar. Lv. , Hamlet 4 40pt 8 40 afLy. - - Ar. " i . Maxion . 25 p( 9 25afLy Lv, Lumoerion loplio 15 aj Lv. Lv. 1 - i Clarkton fi5p1103aLv. Lv, i . t wumingioa 8 60 pfl 45 p( Ar. - Lv. Read. Up. 2 05 PI 12.45 p 11 43 a 10 08 a 10 45 pi 9 55p 7 65 V 1 35 p MPl 5 26p 4 40 p 3 00 pi 11 05 a 1018 a 9 31 a 8 42 a 7 00 a Through- Pullman sleepers and parlor n rs New Tnrk. Norfolk. Atlanta and Jacksonville. W. B. Rose, Ticket Agent, Wilmington, N. C. - Telephone no. o r. - C H. GATTIS. T. P. A. : Raleigh, N. a sept 7-tf - - -- - - ' To The Beach. '.l 'SUBlTRBArr SCHEDULE la effect October 23, 1905. ' Leave ." r. : .- ' "-."' - taava Wilmington "" r- Wrightsville s.oo a. m;;,.......; 6.30 a. m. - ' ,-. t Beach. -7.00 A, M.;.i. ., ,.. 8.15 A. VL 9.00. A. M. - 9.43 A. M.- 10.00 A. -M. .. ,,....,-...;,...lo.45 A. M.- 11.90- A. M. . J..-...'..-... ...12.15 P. M. , 2.00 Pi M- ......-..;.....; 2.45 Pi M. . 8.00 P. M. -....- 3.45 P. M. 4.30 V: M.- . . 5.15 P.-M. ' 6.00 P. M.: .;,;; . . 0.45 P... ii 7.3o m. 8-15 P. M. - 8.00 P.' M. ,-..v..t..... 9.15 P. M. 10.00 P. M. -.... . t. ; I ,,10.45, P. M. NOT& Extra schedule will be oper!. ated Sundays, 'V - - FREIGHT SCHKDIE. -Leave Wilminton 10.30 A. M and- P. ' r 4.00 P. M. . . Freight Depot open from 9.00.A. ;llo v 10.09 A. M., and from 2.00 to ' oc22-tf . Allanfie Coasflihe ? Sehedale la Effect October 8, 1805. ' . . N ORTHB OTJ7CD. - . -. ... '..No. 48 . NO-42 , -? Lv.Wilmington. 9 25amJ 6 50 p m -.. " Ar Goldsboro -.-. . A, 12 15 p m 9 82 p m - -Ar. Wilson ....... w I 16 pm 10 25 p m ' Ar.. Rocky Mount . .. 1 55 p m 11 10 D m . : Ar. Norfolk-.5 55 pm ......... . Ar. Weldon v. - 4 58 p-n 1 47 a m Ar. Petersburg ... . 655pm StSam Ar.. Richmond ..... . 7 45 p m 1 07 a m Ar. Washington 1 1 50 p m 1 54 a m . Ar. Baltimore ........ 1 4am 9 09 am --'.V.- Ar. Philadelphia ... 4 25 a m 11 82 a m ' . At. New York 7 80am 200pm-. . .. SOCTHBOPjrP. . - r " ' . " T" Na 41 Ho. 49 Lv. New York -t-; . .,1-9 35 a m I 25 p m Arfc Philadelphia 1 1 55 a m 12 01 a m -Ar. Baltimore ...... 2 07 pm 2 32am Ar. Washington .... -3 21pm S45am - Ar. Norfolk 8 40am. Lv. Richmond . . 7 25 p m 9 05 a m . Ar. Petersburg , . ... 8 05 pm 9 45 a m : f..- Ar. Weldon 9 51 p m 11 44 a m Ar. Rocky Mount . . 11 00 p m 1 10 pm s - Ar. Wilson -i . .. 11 32 p m 2-05 p m ; . Ar.t Goldsboro J.. ; i. 6 58 am S 10 p m ?. - -Ar. Wilmington . . .'.jlO 05 a m - 00 p m -. BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE t '' -SOUTH'; SOUTHBOUND. ' " ' Lv WUmlngfn Ar Florence. .. Ac Charleston. Ar Savannah.. Ar Jack'villo . Ar Tampa -. . . . Daily. Daily. .. Daily. . " : , . via ' - Wilson 3 .45 pmt 50 pm 6 00 ami 9 35 am k 20 pm 6 4a pm 7 40-Dm 1140 pm 2 50 am; .8 40 am 6 S5 pm 3 5am ' 6 60 am 9 05 ant 1 45 pm 11 00 pr NORTHBOUND. Lv. Tampa ..... Ar. Jacksonville Ar. Savannah . . Lv. Charleston .', Ar. ? Florence . . . Ar. Wilmington Daily. 8 p m 7 55 am 12 5f, r m 4 15 p mi .7 35 p m 11-45 p m Pally.. " 9 00 a.m 7 00 p m 115 a m 6 15 a m -9 25 a m- 1 40 pm- BETWEEN WILMINGTON - AND SAN FORD. - ' ' - West Bast Bound Bound - . Daily. Dally. Lv. Wllinhigton 9 10 a mAr.8 00 p ni Ari-Paycttesvllle i.112 20p m jAr. 4 65p m Ar. S.inford 1 1 55 p mlLv. 3 49 pm;, Special Trial Offer r:.::Trifer AR . . ... t .. At Reduced Rates ; To New"Sufiscribers? . For . the next sixty ' day will mail THE ' MORNING j STAR to subscribers outside i the dry at the following re- , : reduced rats: " FOR OMIfEAR J $4.00 t Positively AftosubscriDtion ' will be takenat the reduced rates, for ia perjo4 f ess than I six 'months. For one month ' the price will be, as hereto fore, for three months; v or, fifty ientsfor one .month. ; t -This offer, as will be noted, . 1 for alimltea -period only, and is made for the purpose of giving thybse who appreciate the valde of a daily newspa : per an j opportu nity to read -' the STAR Tor six months, or : Otore, at a cost of about one ' and a 'quarter cents per copy, " and the determine whether .or not they will continue their subscription at the reg lr pride. ..Nonane. wdl be entered : on our b ioks under this offer , unless ' t te order Is "accom panied v ith. the cash. -- While this - proposition is .made primarily to . secure new subsdribe.rs, old subscrib--ers outside the city may. avail ..themselves of its advantages - at the reduced rate provided they, pay alt arrearages and n for not less than six months in advance. -On account of. the . heavy . expense attached to our city circulation : department this - offer does not apply to city subscribers. Sample copies'mailed free to any address.- - . Note, the conditions of this offer carefully to avoid mistakes. LIME, PLASTER, . HAIR, '. . CEMENT, MARBLE DUST, ' ;' - BRICK, SHINGLES,' 0 LATHS, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY . . FLUE PIPE, TAR PAPER, WE RESPECTFULLY SO.LI : CIT YOUR PATRONAGE. THORPE SAPPLE6ATE BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND- NEW- '-. BERN.--;. - -" -'-' N. Bound South - -i .- ' " " Dally ex Sun. .Bound. Lv. Wilmine-toii. .12 25 D mlAr. 12 80 B m Af. Newborn . .. . .15 40 p mlLv. 9 10 a in i- Trains Nos. 42 and 41 carry Pullman ' Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and . -Washington connecting with Pennsyl vania R. R. for all points east. W. J. CRAIG. . - Genl Passenger Agent. - - H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. - --dec 3 tf - , 1 THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP GOV Hew York, : Vilmjngton, C C. and Georgetown. S. C. Lines.; ; Sept 30-tf. Carnival Visitors will find at : From ew Vorlc for "Wllniluyton. The Only Restaurant S. S. Navahoe, S. S. New York . , .Saturday,: Oct- 21 . . , . .Saturday, Oct. 28 Everything Good to Eat New River- : Oysters, Rice Birds, Coots and other game in season. Quick Lunches on short notice., , Open All Night - ., A Good Meal for 25 cents. Oct. 13-tf. . From VlluilnKlu for Sews-York. S. S. New York S. S. Navahoe . . . .Saturday,-Oct' 21 -. . . Saturday, . Oct 28 Kntiii lliiiliijri.'u for GcoriretotYa.-- S. S. Navahoe S. S. New York .Tuesday,- Oct : 24 -c - , .Tuesday, Oct 31 1 - - OYSTERS! We are -Now serving the finest and fattest New River Oysters tV - - be found. The -best stock of Wines, Liquors v and Beer. We Cater especially to the traveling " y Men. ATLANTIC CAFE: GIE8CHEN BROS Proprietors. Both Steamers have good passenger s accommodation. - Through Bills Lading ' and- Lowesrr Through Rates guaranteed to and -froti? ?!t. points In North and South -Carolina: For freight and passage applly to ":.,: HXS SMALLBONES. Supt. Wilmington. N. C. CLlDli Mil JtE. Gen'l Freight-Agt. ;- THEO. G. EGER, Gen'l Manager . Wit P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen'l Agte l'J State atret. New York oci9-tf - f. " ; Atlantic & fiorth GaralihaR.R Sehedale Elf eetive Sept. 17, 1905. . -: No. 1 No. 3 Daily. Daily. NoV 2 No. 4 Dally. Pally 'Eastern Time.-- iDtiAn. 111. rtnnnslt A. C I . Dannt. I A. M. -rr -- -i l a nn ANNOUNCEMENT. 8 21 8 31 8 43 8 56 9 13 9 23 9 41 10 10 10 15 P. M.j . 3 45 Lv Goldsboro Ar SLTS ; Boilers and Pipes The Cape Pear Trading Co. wish to announce to one and all they have moved in , their new ..: store -.- corner I io 84 Fourth and Camrbell streets with al 10- 88 well selected line of fancy groceries. J? It One thousands- pounds North. Caro-1 n 12 14vkn Uamn-hinf Amitvojl . 1da - Una rtf 111 30 ... ...". . 1 i . I.. .VI " iancy- piciaes ana an otner tmiucu auu i canned goods. Quick delivery on all orders. - . I ; J..B. TAYLOR, " , Sec. and Treas Phone 1013. oc 24-tf : ' 4 06 4 18 4- 30 4 55 4 67 6 07 5 21 5 62 5 67 6 20 6 241 6 38j 6 64 7 00 7 20 A. M.P. M; 11 20 Lv Best's ArjlO 68 Lv LaGranee Ar 10 47 Lv Pali's Crk Ar 10 351 Lv - Kinston Ariiu zz Lv .-Caswell -, Ar 10 03 Lv Dover Ar 9 i8 Lv 1 Cove - Ar 9 41 IAr Newborn ;Lvt 9 10 Lv ' Newbern Ar 05 Lv Rlverdale Art 8. 03 Lv Croatan Arl 8 3 Lv Havelock JV.r 8 27 Lv Newport Ar 8 11 Lv Wildwood Art 8 05j Ar M'r'h'd Cv Lv 1 60 Ar M.- ITty JLrpt I I 40 7 60 7 29 - Hi.. t 05 . 6 52 6 38- 28 ... 6 02 f 5 40 5 85 -5 12 -5 09 4 67 V 41 v -4 35 4 20 4 10 - Prnmnt nttAnflon and I - Trains Nos. 1 ana 4 connect, ai uoum rTompt auenoon ana lK. Atiantin rnnt Line train as lor Infants and Children. . ' fh8 Kind You Have Always Bssght - Bears the r iiguature of Sept 1-tf. nf t improved Pellets il, Sluggish W..and Harnett HALL. posAdeWi on br hr Ocloher2nd rriij a run -jutKjcat uyu ww- Jobef 2nd at 4 per cent per HTU!iTICTE03TaE'.::!(i::3.0, ; RATit.- 29-tf . - Crown -the Feast with this dessert made from - , " Chocolate WaInntJIl-0. ' Te one package of Choeo. t late JeU-6; addT slowly one pint of boUlngwater andi iet , way to cool. Vhen it begin to harden, add one-balf cap - . ZZ ,r Z Tj-.i-- mum nan : juigusa ,tuii " . hfadoien figs cut op fine. - ' gerve with whlppea tain. - JC11" 'eomeo.", ' fruit -flavors : . L e at o . - 0rage,Ksplerry, : ; Strawberry.Cliocolate and Cherry. v ' -J.-10c per package. -; i Enough for 6 people.-, rrmJtu.-0 . - All grocers eii o" v.. r Rpnirtlfnllv Qostratea Recipe Book free. - The Geneseo Pure Food Co., 4J?f'Jh.V.t . .. , hiVit wrd Gold-Medal fti Z- : --. St.Lonia Bipoeitioa, 1904. - Approved by Pare Food CkwunuMsioners., StoviTalk ' i That old stove you have won't lastv the Winter -through., BeV. ter call 1n nowUnd settle the i stove question before the rush ; begins.? We have a' most com plete stock to select fronv . Any thing from - the j smallest ; Oil, Stove to the largest steel range. A full line of "hardware always. J:Vi.niirchison &Co. Orton Building. : Orders Given Us Will Have Our Immediate At tention. - Vj , . Cover your boilers and pipes with out-Asbestos' Cement estimate given i free 20 to SO per ;ent saved in JueL ; MapIeSynip,aiiilla Sy rup and Georgia Cane Syrup.' : V- - North Carolina . and Becker's Buckwheat. tquip.Your:Plant; rill n- ninnAhl I Properly. We can iurmsn you -w nllLL'ttTLHllollLU best GaugesT WhisUes; Valves COW'V.fiTaylOP, Wholesale Grocers and Commission , Merchants. . hoc tf y i -. Packings, Belts,'- Saws, etc oct 19-tf GROCERS; 14 Market Street SALE OF PERSONAL PROPKBTT VTX- ' .-t DEB MECHANICS - LIEN. - J follows:. No. 41, southbound: xo. 42, -northbound, and with Southern Rail-;-, way trains Nos. Ill,- westbound, - and ; v No. 136r eastbound. - - ' - Trains Nos. 2 and s connect at Golds- . boro with Southern Bailway trains as i follows: No. 108. eastboundi No. 135,.; ; , westbound; and with Atlantic Coast , -. Line trains- as-follows i ' Noi 49, Sounthf ; r bound, and No. 48, northbound. - Pullman Sleeping Car and Parlor Car . - service has been discontinued ton the .? . season. , . R. E. L. BUNCH. -sep!7-tf : - - - Traffic Manager. - . - -p-fi - the' :y: -. . .- 4isiwAs;, y Just received a ; complete line y of -; Bishop's i California JamaT, and Pre- - -serves' iBurnham's ,Clam - BotdllorL - r Fresh Cakes' and Crackers SS(nfafSaiWbror u tit's good to aat, I have It- . Ofet 13-tf. " - HUGH RlacItAE & CO Tmirfl fnr nimrvUfia nf all kinds t ,r T. 0. Love Comp'y ' Wholesale Dealers, .1 204-206 North-Water street f Wflmington; N, C. -rj . ' oc5-tf - - - - uusuLtiwa . r ilbetween dock ana urange, m ine Lityi .'irv" r bank stock at 150 less . . - , of Wilmlngrton. N. C on Saturday-thejNATNAL BA. oca . " . :-- .-. b- -r mV sfithlav of October. 1905 at 12 o'clock 1 rconuoissioiu- . v.V- .-'rss ti rm -m .ri ri ti I w. I aw - - r . : . 1 . - . i . fl.v dissolved bv mutual eonsent. J. L. ?C, for cash, ..the aforesaid Delivery vweare prepared to buy outngni-at ?25 North Freat street.' jtaveetsaeat Seeatltlea, . . We offer" for sale Notice is hereby irtven . that the nn dersiamAd. havinar a lien on the posses sion of one. Delivery wagon repairea for and at the instance of J. W. Plum- mr Jr and there is due and payable a T . js 1 3 a .... .4 Mn,.nl I J - - a tic ;c : mA v I vdnsrA ana KTVB PER CENT. BONDS same, being due, and unpaid ior. more of the CONSOLIDATED - RAIL WAYS, than thirty days, I wUi proceed t sell 1 LIGHT! POWER COMPANY .at par at public auction at; my Blacksmith J and r accrued interest.-v . : . - BOOp, on ine weai me us bwouu eireet 1 ; w " Van use ten Shares MTJKCHISON ; . Go-To EAtir:E, The - HstteF-znd r Gicr, Forw your tall and-: Wlnteh Suits. ; Jordan retiring from the business.Said WatosaUsfr said ttf lto market quotations, r handle on com HaW- Caps anL. Underwear; latest ness in the tutur. wl ' , -.- XWVtSvi'nl efTOot. . 00 - ' . . - I ocll-lm - P. CB.OOM & CO. SH.Z.ta.L . r V.-'- . A.:. . --.. t ;-o .. ....... S?- J?I -ftihWM.Slil bUU ing to; the undersigned.; - Signed, this the rapayable to the undersigned.- - UOrgg ; of; October noHTH CAROLINA 47 and- Ca. i-. : COTTON MILL STOCKS rtpeelalty. :-oc2q.tt; :.. . - v- I

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