' - - ' 1 " 1 1 - i . - : . - - ... -... . ' . --zm Zhc flllomfng Stat, WILLIAM H. BERNARD. WILMINGTON. N. C. Sunday Morning, Nov. 5. -THE ROYAL ARCANUM'S TROUBLES. The Star is in full sympathy with Cornelius Harnett Council, Royal Arcanum, of Wilmington, in its controversy with the Su preme Council. Laying aside the real cause of the dissatisfaction in the subordinate councils about the action , of the Supreme Council in practically freezing out the old and faithful members who have stood by the order and kept it alive, we do not hesitate to say that the action of the Supreme Council in suspending the Wil mington council is extremely ar bitrary. It will present more than one pretty point of law if the matter goes into the courts. The Supreme Council may have the right under its charter to do certain things but the charter it self in a good many respects may be contrary to the law and in that respect would be of no effect. Some of the courts have decided that under the charter, the Supreme Council has a right to suspend a subordinate Council, but when it comes to a matter of insurance or benefit obligations to members of the lodge, that is in the nature of a contract with such individuals and we do not believe there is a court in the land that will recog nize any action of the Supreme Council in abrogating such con tracts. The Raleigh Times speaking of the Arcanum troubles says this, and it will be appreciated by the members of the Wilmington Coun cil: "Undoubtedly the courts should interfere and prevent the effort of the supreme regent of the Royal Arcanum to increase the assess ments of older members and to protect the local councils of North Carolina which have been sus pended for a righteous protest against a most grievous wrong . The proceeding is worse than out rageous. There is no justice in it, and those members of the order who have paid their dues, who have been paying them for years, and who are growing old are en titled to some consideration. It is not right to increase the dues of those who have kerjt the faith and paid their hard-earned money in to the treasury. They have reach ed that age when they can secure no more insurance. They are near- mg the end or their existence, and few will endorse the action, wheth er members or not, which is in tended to work, greater hardships on the men who have made the as sociation prosperous through all these years. The increase of itself was bad enough, but the suspen sion of the Wilmington and Salis bury councils was- a damnable outrage that calls for prompt and vigorous handling. It is no less than a high crime to say that the moneys paid by the subscribers shall be swept away because they had the manhood and the daring to protest when a protest was jus tified by the facts and the con ditions. Are the premiums run ning over a period of twenty-five years to be lost simply because the Wilmington Council would not submit when submission would have been an evidence of cowar dice? "The courts must use their good offices to save these members from distress and financial ruin. The younger members are oposed to the new rules, and thev rtp nr- posed to it for the reason that tney will become old m time and for the further reason that they do not, and cannot, believe in a system which is cruel and out rageous. There is a remedy at law and the Supreme Council and its supreme regent are not above it" THE SITUATION IN EUSSIA. The Associated Press dispatches from Russia indicate that the Czar's empire is a veritable hell on earth. It is no doubt the re sult of absolutism in government and certainly it is an unhappy con templation in the light of the twen tieth century. In the rtriclst of one of the oldest civilizations of the world it appears incredible that there should exist in Europe such a condition of anarchy and, shock ing barbarity. It clearly shows that the work of civilization is by no means yet complete among a large portion of the white race in this world. One of the interesting situa tions in the midst, nf the hlnnd. k shed and t.nrmnil in T? a. AVM-UtJAUf statement of the Associated Press , rii us fin n ti r a tt i- r what "the rebellion of Finland x amounts to .ana wnat aDinty tne jnauueneuueuuic. c tu maiii- ain armed revolution is not stat- fid. hnt the action of the Finnish ; people iS;:". .Viri,Ual;,UCCwouviv.vi independence irum atuooxa,. :. tt n..nii 4- v.a r Ail mTrmean T.n rrp ITUUJ.U UUk VC f BU Poland join the revolution also, for they are two peoples who have always chafed under the despotic yoke of the Czar's autocratic em pire. The New York Times speaking of the Finnish, revolt says : "The Grand Duchy of Finland is inhabited by an excellent, in dustrious, and peaceable people, of the same kind, ethnically, as their Scandinavian neighbors whom we have found such highly eligible marterial for our own citizenship. The Finns look down upon their neighbors the Russians, &s a less civilized people than themselves, and, by any generally accepted standard of civilization, they are entitled to do so. But, nevertheless, so impressive and formidable has been the brute mass of the Russian empire that, for nearly a century Finland has been content to accept the posi tion of an appanage of that em pire, provided only its own domes tic institutions were preserved and respected. The covenant ot Alexander I. that this should be done, made in 1809, has been main tained until it was DroKen uy or under Nicholas II. The fanatical crusade- for a Procrustean Kus sification' of all the outlying pro- riUO W-U xUUUj w ' ' . - - Plehve and the surviving Pobie donostseff have declared them selves, has had the effect of alien ating this most kindly and most valuable people from friendship to the Russian 'institution' into bitter enmity against it." CURRENT COMMENT. In nine months the American To bacco Company has paid twenty per cent, dividend on the common stock. The New York Commercial says the earnings for some time pasft have been at the rate of forty per eent. And yet it keeps down the price of tobacco at a price that will not permit the farmers to earn iour per cent Raleigh News and Observer. The Industrial News approaches the subject cautiously but ttnany lanas fiat-footed with the President on his rH1wnv rate Tvrnerflm'mp. An editorial in yesterday's News closed with the sincere nope tnat soutnern represen tatives in congress will "be big enough to put aside any question of party ana give to tne tresiaent tneir loyai support" It is a safe guess that had the President held to an opposite view the News would have said me too with more alacrity than it now says it Raleigh Post. What the people of Raleigh want is for the Supreme Court to construe that, rlrmhtfnl nation of thft Watts law providing the method of calling an election, mere are tnree views When Mr. Battle and Mr. Jones ves terday before the Supreme Court cut away from the technical contention and ask the Supreme Court to con sider the whole record and interpret the section, not in any interest or from any agreement but for the guid ance of all towns that may need to have the law made plain. Raleigh News and Observer. TWINKLINGS. A rantakerous husband in Nor ioiK. Va.. nas been sentenced bv a judge to kiss Ms wife twice a day. LiOok out ior a biting story later on Mexican Herald. Lillian Russel looks so well- in vaudeville incased in Queen Wilhel mina's $2,000 eown that Peter Dunne would never think of again asking pen sively: "Why do Deonle marrv Lillian Kussell? Chicago Post. Those of the officials: "Think nf leavine somethine behind." ureed the insurance agent, "to provide comforts and even luxuries for the little ones Yes," responded the sarcastic citi zen, "Whose little ones?" Chicago Sun. Fun in Hades First Fiend HI. Sulfurino, come over here. Lots of fun. We're torturing a coal baron Second Fiend Aw. ero on. We've eot tne real thing. We're torturing a life insurance grafter. Louisville Courier Journal. "And so thev were married?" The day after the parson had collected his fee the newly elected freight payer said: Darling, you certainly have lovely teeth." "I'm so elad vou like them, dear." rejoined her bridelets. "They were a Christmas present from grandma three years ago." Chieaen XNews. Col. John H. Georee. of Concord N. H., was an aggressive Democrat and a popular speaker. Once while waiting at a railroad station he met a farmer who was an old acquaintance The farmer said "How is it that you re tain your youthful appearance?" to which Colonel George replied, face tiously, "I drink New England rum and vote tne Democratic ticket." "Yes, see; one pizen neutralizes the other,': sau the farmer." Christian Register JP? J?$ih111 never 1Iked work but he J1 his !9uaw get well as soon as possible so that she could do the work and let him vyX hunt, therefore . rif ue papoose iwvjut ner, ior mai was tneir freat remedy for em ale v weak nesses. Dr. Pierce uses the same root called Blue Co hosh m hiswFa vorite Prescrip tion skillfully combined with other agents that make it more effective and protect the , . . Bbumacn irom luuuuuai uisLtxroance. Pierck Favorite Pbksceittiok is not nor ever was a "patent medicine -but it is the carefully brought out Ind thoroughly tested real prescription of a rcJ Physician in a real practice. thuVinl!!?56'8 nnParalleled success with to LI i? 1 was 8Uch tha more wanted to use it than anyone doctor could attend, hU t o,Va,te Practice- This induced libera? SnMtoe lon sufficiently Rv Vuale to meet tfae demand, traot, rS n specj! processes, he ex tracts, combines and preserves tfie mZi deringit absolutely safe KhM ren of any age and inany condit?7nman freely. tL names of tLTnSnte a?l Lady's Slipper root, Black cXshS Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh rZ Golden Seal root. - and Miss May Rohrback, No. 73 AmstrHpr.. WompVoBTin th 1 had headache, backache, and was vnr nervous; scarcely able to sleep more thai two hours at a time. I was adVisedl L4 more than Ised to try iLiJzyjm "d w4 v. niui U1Q irsmb TT 1 ithln a week I was sleeulne snlendtdlv. rvmH the Favorite PrescrfDtlon ' for eight week P then stopped, for I was verftetlya. tacTlthenrou medicine has beni ,F?'orlt PrescripUon.' too. I recommend IX to every one.", - . . . ' Constipation although a' Uttle ill, 'ha-. fets big ones .if neglected: f Dr. Plerce'i 'feasant Peilata cure constipation. 1 n U1 Periodical pains ... -u t-x ; yOU Old, UClUl C UlllC. UWU ixwiwv w your functions made as regular, easy and painless, as nature meant planned all our functions, like digestion, breathing, etc., to be. When you suiter periodical pains, HKe t ons, pain m legs, arms, side, etc., it is oecause your weaK lemaic poi ... .1 v , , that will give tnem tne i thPTTi thP ij ; the genuine, old, reme Uccll 111 CUiioLaiiL uoc, 111 .- .... has been of wonderful YOUNG AND OLD are earnestly urged to write us at once for Free Advice. Make us your confidant, describing all your troubles, stat ing age, and we will send you valuables instructions and advice, in plain, sealed envelope. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. COMMERCIAL WILMINGTON MARKET. (Quoted officially at the closing1 by the Chamber of Commerce.) STAR OFFICE, Nov. 4, 1905. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Markei firm, 69 1-2. ROSIN Market firm, $3.80 Jid. TAR Market firm at $1.80 per bar rel of 280 pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Markei firm at $3.35 barrel for hard; $4.75 for dip and $4.75 for Virgin. Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine, nothing doing; rosin, steady. S2.50: tar firm at S1.60: crude turpentine firm at $2.25, $3,80. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine 32 Rosin 156 Tar 40 Crude '. 194 Receipts same day last year 38 casks spirits turpentine, 235 barrels rosin, 53 barrels tar, 79 barrels crude turpentine. COTTON. Market Steady, 10 l-2c. for mid dling. Same day last year Steady at 9 l-2c for middling. Receipts 2,149 bales; same day last year, 3,605 bales. COUNTRY PRODUCE. (Corrected Regularly by Wilmington Produce Commission Merchants, prices representing those paid for produce consigned to Commission Merchants.) PEANUTS North Carolina, (new) Prime, 80c; extra prime 85c; fancy iJOc, per bushel of twenty-eight pounds. Virginia Prime, 50c; extra prime, 55c; fancy, 60c; Spanish (new), 8590c CORN Firm; 70 75c. per bushel for white. N. C. BACON Steady, hams, 15 to 16c. per pound; shoulders, 11 to 12; sides dull, 11 to 12. 2GGS Dull, 22 cents per dozen. CHICKENS Dull, Springs, 15c. to 28c; Grown, 30 to 35. BEESWAX Firm, at 2627c. TALLOW Firm at 4 1-2 5c. per pound. PEAS White, No sales; clay, $1.15 1.20. SWEET POTATOES Firm at 50c 55c. per bushel. BEEF CATTLE Dull at 2 to 2 3-4c, pound. TURKEYS Firm 15a tor live dressed, 2022c. THE COTTON MARKETS. New York. Nov. 4. The market' opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 2 points and in spite ol reactionary Liverpool feat- - I ures and week-end realizing ruled ac- UTe. ana v.efF nrm during the early , : '"""s uei flrnnn n 11 ill fri TQntm.v ttv . I . . . , acUve covering of shorts and contin- trfl. .7 "r uea mil I Riinnon- nrnmntod h-u- hs ki nt oT,onT, u " mvaw UVIIIX MU ItvUUl LUlf liUlll V I II IUI . uuviut, opuL jjiitco, me rams 111 the western and central belt, the fore cast for continued showers over Sun day in western sections, and nrivate reports of very firm holders. Futures opened steady. November. 10.70 bid: December. 10.82! .Ta nnarv 10.96; February, 11.06; March, 11.16;' April, n.zz; May, 11.16; July, 11.30 Futures closed firm. JNovember, 11.00; December. ll.lO : .Tannarv 11.23; February, 11.32; March, 11.42; April, 11.48; May, 11.52; June, 11.54; July, 11.57. Spot Closed QUiet. 25 DOints hlfrhpr- middling uplands, 11.40; middling gulf, 11.65; sales none. Receipts of cotton at th nnrtq to day were 48,459 bales against 42,750 bales last week and 46.G71 last vpar For the week estimated 325.000 hiB against 345,230 last week and 386,869 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 7,997 bales against 13,590 last year, and at Houston 15.22s hnin against 13,541 last year. Port Movement Gaveston-Firm. 11 1-8 13,344 bales. New Orleans Strom?. 11 1.R- not ro- CeiptS, 7,997 bales. -Mobile steady. 10 15-lfi: net re ceipts, 1,942 bales. Savannah. Steady, 10 13-16: net re ceipts 16,800 bales. Charleston Firm. 10 K-s- not re ceipts, 1,000 bales. Wilmineton Stead v. 11 i.9- not re ceipts 2,149 bales. Norfolk Firm. 11: net. rooeinta 6,170 bales. Baltimore Nominal, 11 1-8. New York Quiet, 11.40. Boston Quiet, 11.40. Philadelphia Quiet. 11.65: net re. ceipts 57 bales. Port Town send Nt rooointn onn bales. Total to-day. at all norts Net. 48- to Daies; ureat Britain, 36,400 bales; Continent, 20 bales; Japan, 200 bales; Mexico, 180 bales; Stock, 1,004,030 bales. Consolidated, at. all nnrtn Mot ah . 459 bales: Grpn Tlritnin 5ft Ann kli..'. Continent. 20 bales: Janan 'snn hioa' Mexico, 180 bales. Total since Sent. 1 nt Net. 2.625.731 hnlea- 657,371 bales; France, 214,870 bales; continent, 699,323 bales; Japan, 5,662 uai; jnexico, 2S0 bales. Interior Movement. iiouston Steadv 11 1.4- net re- cipis, i&,230 bales. Augusta Firm, 11 1-16; ceipts, 3,198 bales. Memphis Firm, n s-16-ceipts, 4,020 bales. St Louis Finn, 11 3-8- CeiDtS- SKft Tvo ' . net net re- re- net re- - - -wV ICQ. finS-N?! riPts. 561 bales .u,illo nrm, n 1-4 -v ... jt v. -rr v. . -v., .; . . ,. . . . , V7 lar 1 will certainly make you lose all your good looks, and quickly make '- rvx ouar 1 , :i i arms, siae, etc., it. is uecaube yum wears, lciuan. pcuw ' - 7 .... . . . i , ,i. i. . l iu.. winimiiMri natural srrencth whicn tnev laCK. 1 nis you win j j - x ;ay ana specnic, iui lcinaic uiceioco, wmn, uiuuomiuo ji icunniw benefit to over a million Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Nov. 4. Cotton. Spot quiet; prices 4 points higher. Ameri can fair, 6.39d.; good middling, G.lld. ; middling, 5.95d.; low middling, 5.79d.; good ordinary, 5.61d.; ordinary, 5.45d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales of which 500 were for specula tion and export and included 6,600 American. Receipts 3,000 bales in cluding 100 American. Futures opened steady and closed quiet. American middling G. O. C: November, 5.81d.; November and De cember, 5.81d. ; December and Jan uary, 5.85d.; January and February, 5.89d.; February and March, 5.91d.; March and April, 5.94d.; April and May, 5.95d.; May and June, 5.$7d.; June and July, 5.98d.; July and Au gust, 5.99d. THE FINANCIAL MARKETS. New York, Nov. 4. Money on call nominal. Time loans steady; sixty and ninety days, 4 3-4 5 per cent Six months, 4 1-2 5. Mercantile pa per, 55 1-4 per cent. Sterling ex change firm with actual business In bankers bills at 486.65486.75 for de mand and at 483.15483.25 for sixty day bills. Posted rates 484 and'487 1-2. Commercial bills, 482 l-2482 3-4. Bar silver, 63; Mexican dollars, 48 1-4. N. Y. Bonds. U. S. refunding 2s, reg 102 7-8 U. S. refunding 2s, cou 102 7-8 O. S. 3s, reg 103 1-2 U. S. 3s cou 103 1-2 O. S. old, 4s, reg 104 3-4 U. S. old 4s, cou 104 3-4 U. S. new 4s, reg . . . 133 3-8 U. S. new 4s cou 133 3-8 American Tobacco, 4s cert 80 1-4 American Tobacco, 6s cert ..115 1-2 Atlantic Coast Line, 4s 101 5-8 Baltimore & Ohio 103 3-8 L. &. N. Unified. 4s 105 3-8 Seaboard Air Line, 4s 89 1-4 Southern Railway, 5s 120 1-2 U. S. Steel, 2d 5s ex inst 97 1-8 Closing Stock List Amalgamated Copper 82 1-2 American Suear Refinine 141 l-!? American Tobacco, pfd., cert. .105 7-8 Atlantic coast Line ...161 Baltimore & Ohio Ill 3-4 Baltimore & Ohio. Did 97 Chesapeake & Ohio 55 1-8 Louisville & Nashville 150 7-8 Manhattan L 165 1-2 New York Central 150 1-2 Norfolk & Western . . 86 7-8 Norfolk & Western, rifd 91 People's Gas 104 1-8 Reading 134 5-8 Reading, 1st pfd 93 1-4 Reading, 2d pfd 99 7-8 Southern Pacific 69 Southern Pacific Dfd .120 Southern Railway 35 3-8 oomnera itaiiway, pia 99 A 11. u. S. Tenn., Coal & Iron 90 1-2 steel 37 5-8 u. S. Steel. Dfd 104 1-2 va.-uar Chemical 34 3-8 o. a. aj., uuui s. A. L. com Dfd ' - Standard Oil 690 TTT a tt - western union 93 CHICAGO MARKET. Chicago, Nov. 4. Lower prices for wneat at .Liverpool had a weakening effect todav on the market here At - ... j the close wheat for May delivery was oil s-bc iirn. ra inn nrvc-icirmci are practically unchanged. Open High Low Close. Wheat, No. 2. Dec ;88 88 May 89 89 July 84 84 Corn, No. 2. Dec, old .464& Dec, new .45 46 May 46 46 July 88 88 89 89 84 84 46 46 45 46 46 46 46 30 30 32 32 31 31 Oats, No. 2. Dec. 30 30 May 32 32 July 31 31 Mess Pork, per bbl. Jan. .12.47 12.50 12.42 12.50 May .12.62 12.67 12.67 12.67 Lard, per 100" lbs. Nev ..6.95 6.95 6.92 6.95 Dec .682 6.82 6.82 6.82 Jan. ..b.su e.SO 6.77 6.80 May ..6.95 6.95 6.85 6.95 Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. Jan. ..6.47 6.50 6.47 6.50 May . .6.72 6.72 6.72 6.72 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, steady; Winter patents, 4.00 (Q.i5u; siraignts, 3.754.00; Spring paienta 4.oo4.35; Straights, 3.60 4.00; Bakers, 2.20 3.30; No. 2 spring wneat, sy; No. 3 spring wheat, 00 x-it&nt; up. z red, 88 l-288 7-8; JeII-0 Ice Cream Powdigr 2 Packages ' make a Gallon Cost 25 Cents Can be made in 10 minutes, saving time ana money, and it's always good. No cook ing, heatini? orfnssincr. Four kinds: Van- I ilia, Chocolate, Straw-, berrv and TTnfla.-mrul If fmlnMjuw t. u . . .1 fisi tCVT. o-.v.-.rT ll ena nii name and 7 T "Kl'iZKSSfl; an,9 wuiHstrated TheCenttctPm-e Fm Ca, U Koy, H. Y. Read fhis m and -- i Ponca tft Haa virttm. neaaacne, DacKacne, rarrto anortc Arr,Ko xirWtrYy 4iuwu8nww j . ' i". women, iry No. 2 corn, 50; No. 2 yellow, 53 1-2; No. 2 oats, 31 1-8; No. 2 white, 3132; No. 2 white, 29 3-431 1-4; No. 2 rye, 72; Mess pork, per bbl., 13.87 1-2 14.00; Lard, per 100 lbs., 6.97 1-2 7.00; Short ribs sides (loose), 7.12 1-2 7.25; Short clear sides (boxed), 7.12 l-27.25; Whiskey, basis of high wines, 1.30. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. New York, Nov. 4. Flour firm, un changed. RYE FLOUR Firm. WHEAT Spot easy; No. 2 red, 94 3-8. Options closed 1-4 to 5-8 net lower. December 94 3-4; May, 93 3-8. CORN Spot firm; No. 2, 62 1-4 ele vator. Options net unchanged; De cember, 56; January, 52 1-2. OATS Spot firm; mixed, 35. LARD Barely steady; western steamed, 7.357.45; refined quiet; con tinent, 7.70; compound, 5 1-2 5 3-4. PORK Barely steady; family 17.50 18.00; shorts clear, 14.15; mess, 15.7516.00. TALLOW Dull; city 4 1-2; country, 4 5-8 4 7-8. RICE Steady; domestic, 3 3-4 6. MOLASSES Firm, New Orleans, 2938. COFFEE Spot Rio steady-; No. 7 invoice, 8 1-4 8 3-4; mild quiet; Cor dova, 9 3-4 12 3-4. Futures steady, unchanged to 5 points higher. SUGAR Raw quiet; fair refining, 2 7-8; centrifugal 96 test, 3 1-2; molas ses sugar, 2 5-8; refined quiet; con fectioners A., 4.45; mould A., 4.95; cut loaf and crushed, 5.30; powdered, 4.70; granulated, 4.60; cubes, 4.85. BUTTER Quiet, unchanged. CHEESE Firm, unchanged. EGu Firm, unchanged. COTTON SEED OIL Firmer but dull; prime crude f. o. b. mills, 29 3-8; prime summer yellow. 27 3-428; prime white, 29 l-230; prime winter yellow, 29 1-2 30. CABBAGES Firm, unchanged. POTATOES Firm, unchanged. freights Quiet, unchanged. PEANUTS Quiet, unchanged. NAVAL STORES. New York. Nov. 4. Turnentine steady at 72 to 72 1-2; rosin steady, strained common to good, 4.10 to 4.15. bavannah. Nov. 4. Tumentine firm. 69 3-4 bid; sales, 445; receipts, 596; shipments, 330. Rosin firm: sales 2.557: receints 2 - 296; shipments 1.903: Quote: A. R. C... 4.25; D., 4.30; E., 4.454.50; F., 4.70; li., 4.75; H., 4.80: I.. 4.85:: K.. 5.05: M., 5.20; N.. 5.30: W. G.. 5.45: W W 5.55. Charleston. Nov 4. Tumentine snd rosin nothing doing. "HE DRY GOODS MARKET. New York. Nov. 4. Some lines of dry goods are being held at value ow ing to lack of supplies on hand. Buy ers are not operating as liberallv in certain quarters, but are in need of much merhandise. MARINE. ARRIVED. Schr. UV.AU. 11CU1T Philadelphia, C Harry A. Berwind, Barrett, D. Maffltt. MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Vessl8 Now in Port of Wil mington, N. C. Steamers. HiUglen (Br.), 2,498 tons, Davies, A exander Sprunt & Son. Wilhelmlna (Br.), 1,682 tons, Bonsfleld Heme & Co. Barques. Bntaania (Nor.), 625 tons Olson. iieiae & co. Arlington (Am.) 493 tons, FIckett, C . . ... u. Maffltt. Gerds (Nor.). 714 tons. Skramatnrt Helde & Co. Schooners. Benefit (Br.), 229 tons, Faulkner, C. D. XM.&UHI. uo. jtu. uuaiey, 387 tons, Chase, C. D. Manitt. airy uurus, sex tons, Morgan, C. D - Maffltt. ' Ralph M. Hayward. 529 tons, Green, BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Naval Stores and Cotton Yesterday. Wilmington, N. C, Nov: 4. 1905. C. C. Railroad 347 ho loo nnfAn . -i O ucuivis utr: 8x Darrein frnrta tine. . W. & W. Railroad 35! halaa .vtt . a casKs spirits turpentine; 2 barrels rosm; 35 barrels crude turpentine. W. C. & A. Railmai, 1 5Q n . ... ..- ' .Wil . , . . uaica uttuii, j. oarreis crude turpentine. - A. & Y. Railroad asi hai 25 Casks SPiritS tumentine- KA 1 il - j . n . . r ' ""icia oarreia tar; 1 barrel crude turpentine.. Stmr. Comnton casks splrlte turpentine. fctmr. Whltlock 2 barrels tar; 56 barrels crude turpentine. Schr. Gladvsa-inn 1 , . barrels tar. ' .Total 2.149 ha loo . A . . . on casKs Xv18 turDeD-tme; 156 barrels rosin; penttol tar; 194 barrels crude tm" Xind Yoo Have Always BougM me (PA Pi) In) of hbM) . " Death is no worse than the pains 1 suffered at my menthly periods," writes Mrs; Sarah G. Butts, of White Plains, Va. "I tried many medicines without relief, bufCarduf cured me. I am now better than ior is years.-?- You can be cured and them to be as nature uianig - uuwn aic m ncu V1 u ,vV1v, irp n nppn ( t h r . t " . f--- t Tif: . r r i fii - .r.in winpnn ,rnn imu 111 vv mc ui amui, icr mr 70 VPflrQ- hflc; v j r 7 o Woman's Relief SUNDAY SERVICES. Announcements by Wilmington Pa tors for City Pulpits To-day. First Church of Christ, Scientist, hi Odd Fellows' building, second floor: Services at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. bubject of Lesson sermon: "Mortals and Immortals." No evening service. ah are invited. St. Thomas church: First Mass, 7 A. M. High Mass, Sermon, 10.30 A. M. vespers, 7:45 P. M. tsrooKjyn Baptist church, corner Fourth and Brunswick streets T?ev 1 A. McKaughan. Dastor: Preachine hv the pastor at 11 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M Sunday School. 3:30 P. M. Wednesday night prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. Pub lic coraiany invited. bt. Johns church. Rev. .T Car. michaelD. D., rector: Twentieth Sun- ucty aj.ier innity; utany. Holy Com munion and sermon at 11 o'clock Sundal School at 4 P. M. Seats free; strangers especially invited. St. Matthew's English Lutheran church. North Fourth street. Rev. r. W. Kegley, pastor: Sunday School at iua. m.; vesper services at 7:30 P. m. Young People's Society Thursday at 8 p. m. Every person welcome Grace church, corner Fourth and Grace streets: Preaching at 11 A. M., ana 8 p. m., by Rev. N. M. Watson, preacher in charge. Preaching at 11 A. M. by the pastor; at 8 P. M., Dr. Edwin Mima orofessor of Enerlish Literature of Trinity College, will de liver an address. Sundav School at 3:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednes day, s r. m.; Epworth League Friday, a if. m. a cordial welcome is extend ed to all who attend. St. Paul's Lutheran church, corner 01 bixth and Market streets, Rev. W. A. Snyder, pastor; Twentieth Sunday alter Trinity. English Morning ser vice, 11 A. M. Vesper Service, 7:30 P. M. Sunday School, 3:30 P. M. A cordial welcome to all. St Paul's Episcopal church, corner fourth and Orange streets, Rev. A. W. aeaDrease, rector. Morning prayer, sermon and Holy communion, 11 A. M. Evening prayer and sermon at 8 P. M.; Sunday School at 3:30 P. M. Seats free; strangers are cordially in vitea. . A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Drneffiats a-ra anthnina rt . fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails " cure in t to 14 days. 50c. MR. ROBT. R. BELLAMY Tells Why He Endorses Highly. Vinol So iirsi: vinol contains in a conn- trated form all of the medicinal cura tive elements of cod liver oil, actually uciKen irom iresh cods' livers, but without a drop of oil to nauseate and upset the stomach, and retard its work, therefore where old fafihinnerl cod liver oil or emulsions will do good vinoi win do far more good. octuuu. recause vinoi is not a patent or secret medicine; it contains no injurious drugs to react upon the system, and you know just what you are taking, as every thine it con tain a is printed on the back label of every Dome. Third: Because Vinnl on the stomach, creates a healf-hv nn. petite, tones up the digestive organs, y urines ana enriches the blood, and in a natural manner health is restored, ana sirengtn is created. Fourth: Since we first put Vinol on the market our admiration for it nas steadily increased, because it rareiy disappoints a customer- fn fQt we can truthfully eav we never oniH a medicine more satisfactnrv tn rooto strength for old people, weak, sickly "umcu cnuaren, nursing mothers and to build ud strength after a 0. vere sickness. - -w M UiJ- Again Vinol is enrtnrsoH hv pnysicians and guaranteed by over two thousand of the - msj XXiiil L gists of this country. These are some 01 tne reasons whv we hciara ITS . . " . liX Vinoi. KODert. R Rellnniv mnnt ) ui uggui TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. tke Omly Poaalble Way of Hivitur u uinective Cure. It you see a woman or a man -nHv. i, uriant glossy hair. tuer nas dandruff to ammmf a nearly every case whor-inAmAn men nave tnin brittlA imtv . j " ut; uno t. "urun. xnere are hundreds of prep- , ?? T bUt NwtoW Herplclde tells you that dandruff t ,.,i v. , . icamt ui a genu burrowing into the scalp, and that per- nvTl ;T,7 uanarun and Its conae- "i aJLd baldne. can only be naa by killine the, mrm. . the oanV "fr?lc!ae.. "Destroy Sold bv tartw 2""!ov tQ eect. HARDIN'S PHARMACY,' Special Agrent. CASTOR I A xor xniantB and Coildren. fbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous! rw . vi..n wueu you eI.h.e indigesuou " wf"Pttuon nave sapped it away .prompt relief ran hn -ha t New Life Pills. Thev nu7? gestive organs, and cute headache; diz ziness. COlIC. rmnt,rK.lvn ' b-. r . wrn u iiiint ri . tV-flVA nmriis n 1 Wi cdCn in. f - - w VV11 !.t I nr . The A. D. T. Messengers will -i. for the Western Uni t J call ft.. small packages to rVf No charge for the teWTHed-a Were wA for notes and small but a for notes and small nJr 1 Western Union, riJST But wavs rail as. .Jrul 0r cat ci 11 union. .Fnnne 9 n... . "us w ways call the Star Office,' 'Phone 151 STAR BRANCHES. For the benefit of those who may find it vertisemente may ho I-... .. " '"ore !.... ., ' dl e followinn , ",e ... v.,., receive as promot and , an51 01 left at the Star Office, ana with'no adr )' ! atte"tiJ JAS. M. HALL'S DRUG STOUE Corner 5th and Castle streets. Phone 102. W. C. M0NDS' DRUG STORE Corner 7tb and Oransre streets. Phone 554. WM. NIESTLIE, DRUGGIST S. W. Corner 7th and Red Cross reet.. Phone 216. V 4 tT A V V Wfn v-r. - . - ! U LOST LADY'S KM ATI r-w Watch with Initials "T. T street between Red Cross find Prinnooa or in opera house at matinee. A liberal reward if returned to 316 Red Cross street. nns.it WANTED L ADV OH r;T.-A. Tri c v- of lair education to travel for firm of 1250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year, payable weekly. Expenses ad vanced. Address Geo. G. Clows, Wil mington, N. C. noo-lt LOST LADY'S ftOf.n UJTrH with monoerram "M T tt " nn tnr. To-t of case; silk ribbon fob attached, oxidiz ed silver buckle. Reward if returned to No. 320 North Fifth street. no5-2t LOST GENTLEMAWS r.nm hi vt. ing watch 18 size, No. 3,875,328. Re ward upon returning same to Star Office. nrn-?,t BUY A SOU ARE PIANnFnnv m to $75 your own terms of navmnf good instruments, but take up floor snace: must ero at nnr Orcana oil makes and Drices. S3 and ss nor m'nntii ?ZZ lnm- .-5"el1 s- cc;rier Front and i Works Co. PTnmh 3 , , .. EJ" l 1 l-lll.'N h n flftn viac, nimuugiua, m. . noo-lw have mow1 t IP YOIT WANT " Tft TT!T vnr n House or a Sign Painted, 'Phone No. ooo, or can ai 13 iNortn second street. D. P. McLean. no5-lt -uin. 6uaiiUiJ,; CARD I WISH TO ATVlvniTivr-iT'. t ! zi 1-2 North Liiy iuo.iiy irnieus una inp mih in that i-iiu same work as done last vMr f,,T,ih. ! , A AllN TELLGRiFJl a. oyctiaiLj. ui uur bix SC1100 S the ia! cases for Charlotte and Troa i.Tr- -n- ;..., ,h i,, . H. Northrop. Call up 'Phone 178. j for catalogue. Mora 1 nOO-lW SraDhv. Cinpinnati n J NOTICE XO MORR FBBICHT n il I be taken on board Rtfamor Whittr.nL- unless same is prepaid at Wilmington. FOR RENT nrn nivr. nnrrvTi i- Vacated bv "Sonthprn Nfltinnnt TiuTib--" "Bachelor" apartments up-staiis in same building; also, offices and scorage quarters. Apply to M. C. Darby & Co., 114 1-2 Princess street. no5-tf WANTED a nn A. c.mewt-KrL rooms, unfurnished rintrallv in9toH prefer the whole of' either up or down siairs. Address .Box 174 oitv no5-lt WANTED A POSITinv nv a t inv etenogTapher. of six years experience. Can help on books also if desired. Ad dress "R." care Star. nni.?f MARRIED COUPLE OR TWO youner men can secure lnm-o fmnt room and board in private family. Lo- rauun cenirai. Address E. C, care Star. nnJ.U ONE HCNDREn fTTTSTflM IT!T S w 4 X T ed for the Best Butter and C.hpese money will buv. Trv Sunhoam r-m-n and Peaches. Fresh Pmnlrora anrl Cakes just received. New Buckwheat in DacKa.eres and innsn mtx. -r. maple svruD. Oiv 11 59 Vfilir trlol nr der. Phone 547: Craig, 605 North Fourth street.' oc26-tf S125 WII.T, BiTY nivpv tn twpt biggest bargains ever offered in this city, consisting of Hambletonian trottine and road mar rRoss years old: 15 1-2 hanrta Viio-v,. fr'oo prompt roadster; can beat 2:25; has gone a trial in 2:17 1-4; positively safe and reliable under any circumstances for ladies or most timiH and for a perfect family mare she has no superior; sne is large enough for any use; also falling-top buggy and harness, in first-class nor- on complete turnout for $125. orNvill sepa rate; also, $100 will buy pair of heavy draught horses, 6 and 7 years old weighing 2,800 pounds; perfectly sound in every way; will suit farm, as they are used to all kinds of farm work; I bought them 18 months aero T-itrht nff a farm: larsre pn rm try, tnr- v,o..,- hauling; will Sell SAnaratolTr fw a -piece; will allow 10 days' trial; posi tively no horse dealers need apply. Res idence 2818 Oxford St., Philadelphia; Bell telephone Poplar 1042 A. iioa-oi WITHDRAWAL OF DEAL. Dear Sir: The free-box offer on Lenox Soap now in effect in Virginia. North Carolina, South Carolina, Flori da, and Georgia, will be Withdrawn October 14th, Without further notice, after which date no orders on a free-box basis can be taken. Please send your orders at once. D. L. GORE CO., .Wholesale Grocers and Importers Wilmington, N. C. oc8-tf WANTED! 1,000 Dozen Fish Roe. Highest Cash Paid. SAMI BEAR SR., & Wore -"'WJl, I., n c . . p'ine 133. M "bt j Phone 2ts ront us iM QUAIL OY Tftit. also, ovstPr. a half mi,PTl5!ar.ToWJ ..fOR.REvr-Ajtr. luora nouse, just ",i Xinth and Dork Star f?ffirn hn4n FRESH ABBirn P'es, Onions, 0mm A- g- instead. A BOY ABOrr 14 wanted at tho o... . broom and a watwtaS wise mnke himself ..J vhoe xo. eoaZaiTl ,31 t i.ve Street. TT. E. King. SOFT. Tii'p TrT cleaned, blocked and red mo. ana straw hate cieasJ ed. All work euarantd Atlanta, Ga., La Croat nana, iex., san Francis T O BOYS WHO AB accurate in feeaing Jot I secure employment by d star unue. tiltOlXD PH0SPHTE 1 I" Feuniits. Pntatws i Truck, Wheat, Oats and siderable high grade otp in the carbonate of sis SO to 85 Der cent, iiu lime. For prices wittl w llmington, N. C. SEW ARRIVAIiS.-d Simp Prnrinip. Annl.( ! ana Lmions. t uustocs i I 1 .PTrtnnt; ( hilif.tnim nriii attention. V. E. Wonki irinsiT mrrninnt i son; also KalanmooCfcl and retail at the Delia 1VAXTED AT ON'C1 1 class non-union Job eo: be sober and well etaJ accurate. We also warJ ter. who can assist on! the bindery. PernffliJ good men. Address, s nectfd. Comnrercial 250. Lynchburg, Va. oclS-eo& lOt Liri'TER - HEADS,! Stntt-mc-nts and . ...... t., nut diously at The Morula? I :ipr i tf tt i ' t."" vnr I nCT I thing? Do you want I furnished rooms, or rooms to let.' " column or tne aur Home 1 Brca The kindy mother used Try it. Warren 4 Phone oc :s tf. Finest Quality Rust Pro4 Full Cream PI nn r. SuffI Celebrated Water Gro Corn, Cra Candy j a Cannea j ChoiccandVi ot The W ocl 7-tf nf anlC Sn Syrup and CvrUD Nortt 05 Hcchefsj & Croiv ; ' 18 and 20 Markei Street, .. '. V . - - ....... , ' Wilmington, N. C. oel8-tf IWlllaUlrl M fjm J d 25 cento. - Behmr' oct 19-tf t 7