pin THE Star TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year, by Mail . . v . . .f&JQ Six Months, by Mail .....50 Three Months, by Mail . . . Two Months, by Mail '....1.00 . WTL MIKGrTON, N". C, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1905. WHOLE NUMBER 11,874 NO i lffenty tec-, braids on crim-, p others the. ens- AT THE ACADEMY THIS WEEK Lemis Morrison in Faust "When We Were Twenty-One" and Pauline Hall Opera Company. was vtobe thrown tag revelations York addition- U been l- B;e charges of 'L.fPst ana r.v r-five Tamma- luff 811 ...-nnl dlS- T i-iiiic ..hor 01 "" J1 Lnofl for ma-J Lewis Morrison himself will posi tively appear at the Aacademy to morrow night, in the part of Me phisto supported by a strong com pany dawn from the best of the "legi timate" school. Lewis Morrison has appeared in this part over five thou sand times during the past twenty seasons and his performance is recog nized by the best critfciTto be a flaw less piece of acting which has gained him international fame. The beauty of the new scenery, the startling elec trical effects and the newly written HENRY SCOTT TO DIE Verdict of Guilty Returned and Sentence Pronounced In , Federal Court TO HANG ON JANUARY 26th Closing Incident of Notable Trials Place of Execution Continues Live Topic of Discussion Condemn ed Men Express Themselves. After what seemed for nearly 48 hours a hnrelre;t riivtsirtn nrw-in tho i Iricai eiictus uic ucniji milieu - - j choral and instrumental music will question of guilty carrying with it the ,.:j -v,;h- ! lip welcome features, but the omor-1 death rMAltv nr emittv withnnt Ain. (T i Hi- ' " 1 I I O J VIAV ? Z -minte 1 1 unity to witness Lewis Morrison's im- ital punishment, the only alternative iSsut nAor the personation of Satan will prove the , - . , . . . CDacer, oeai ur . in provided in the statute in such cases, VK, vi' ida I magnet which will draw strongest in " . jfcoiplb y ;ena-! Lhe new production of "Faust." the in the case of Henry Scott, 1:58 Ba' .. c p.. ; vat Goodwin's Great Success. At charged with mutiny and murder up- 1 t9 W J 1 TTT.t . I A. d . , - f35 tne bn ;fflpof ihose shipped jy ihf Louis iiue-- vestenui the Military AW- Jide Indians " .,nv at I I-" C0". , ,, civ sentencea .iriarv -ew il rnm- l0ans nnu . flour steau it easy. No. -2 red. fv 2. 60 1-2: oats '"turpentine steady t rftt quiet, strained Lift the Academy of Music next Welnes- on the high seas, at 1:25 o'clock yes day, matinee and night. Henry V. Es- terday afternoon returned a verdict mond's master-piece "When We Were of guilty in the first degree and the Twenty-One" is to be presented by ... . ... f th0 crnnraet ,.Q0ta r. .ir, uclcuuaul "1UBl Ule auuurumg 10 sen- ll" Ul HIV. Oil VUQVUb VU0k0 V kJVVU I in this piece. In all Mr. Goodwin's ience suDsequenuy passea oy judge career he has jiever attempted any-1 Purneh. on Friday, January 26th, the thing which has -met with such re nowned success as "When We Were Twenty-One." In looking over all the criticisms of Mr. Goodwin's recent pro- i auctions, in nearly every instance, re gret has been expressed that his new same date fixed for theleeal execu tion of Adorns and Sawyer, his ship mates, who were previously convicted this week. Tho verdict- had been reached half i, - t,,c.o r i0 mnoro -nrth I or three-ouarters of an hour before. m-u TTOQT,tw.rkT.a ' TMTwlbut some time was taken up in eet- that revivals of great plays seem to be ting the Prisoner, his counsel and the thine, surelv nc better Droduc- court officials into the court room as ... u v a i i.t lis required before the formal return lion luum ire uucicu wou uiis trr ci j mi.-- j 1 The jury filed into the room, weary popular uumeujf. me pai is iu u ..... . presented in the most lavish style and fnd th every appearance of with the exceptionally good cast h&ZlS.Z K l should indeed prove the most notable ttfy ?ad two nigts cided upon. This balloting was kept up every hour during the night until 4 A. M., many of the jurors bem? aroused from sleep to deposit a slip in the hat passed around, but there were no results and all hands went to sleep until yesterday morning. The argument in the jury room was at times heated and the agreement yes terday afternoon was really a sur prise to many of the jurors them selves. Prisoners in the Jail. Now that" all three of the men have been condemned to die, extra precau tions are being taken to safe guard them in the county jail. The cell cor ridors are. kept iighted as usual all night with electric lights and Jailor Capps exercises a constant, personal supervision over the men. They are allowed to see or talk to no one ex cept "upon a written permit from the sheriff and everything given them to eat or drink is first carefully ex amined. They are allowed to receive nothing by mail until it has passed through' the jailor's hands. When seen in prison after the death sentence had been passed upon him, Scott said yesterday ne was indeed grateful for the great defence that Mr. Bellamy made for him, but his talk indicated that he was not satis fied with the trial and the verdict Adams and Sawyer have been given a cell further removed from Scott and they have absolutely nothing to say to him. Sawyer sent for one of the colored pastors in town to see him yesterday. He came to the jail but went away to get permission from the Sheriff t6 see the prisoners and never returned. Adams and Sawyer have no criticism to offer, but still protest their innocence and lay the blame to Scott. His Record Before An old sailing master, whose name the District Attorney did not remem BETTER FACILITIES Union Depot Arrangement Be tween Seaboard and Coast Line Again Being Urged A PROBABILITY OF SUCCESS Understood That Renewed Efforts by Chamber of Commerce Is About to Accomplish Desired Result Front Street Station. PYTHIAN NIGHT OBSERVANCE Four Wilmington Lodges Have Ai- ranged for Elaborate Celebration of Anniversary Event. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. son. W. T. Mercer, acting as foreman of . . .. I the jury, stood and in reply Kb the Famine Mail upa mpany-Ai- formal - lfc,d hough the date of Pauline Hall Opera ft . wag d tR REPORT. Tof Agrlc.ilf.iie. , Bureau. v p Nov. 11. 19'"'5. LA. - " tot3 for the 24 I tant, the' coming of the great prima . t. ir Coriirnav. nnna is nlronfiv pron tin fr mnro than Company in "Dorcas" at the Academy next Saturday is still somewhat dis Ls, -11 degrees Maximum, o4 39 degrees; mean. Ait. .24: rainfall i to date, .OS. r in Cape Fear river i S A- Saturday, JANAC-Nov. 12. C:33 A. M. ....10 hrs. 22 min. I kthport. .7:51 A. M. fcTitaington. 1:21 A. M. few Forecast. I Carolina-Fair Sunday I warmer Sunday: light , mostly North. Guilty." Then the jury was polled and each of the twelve men for him self, answered the same. The Dis trict Attorney then prayed the judg ment of the court and Mr. Bellamy, counsel for the defence, with a con sciousness of duty well performed, arose and said that he knew no reas- - I UU W tiy JUUgUiCUl ouuuiu ivt fv in which Miss Hall hecame nounced; that his client had in all re dol of New York theatre-goers spects a fair and impartial trial and (passing comment among music lovers and admirers of comic opera in its highest forms. "Dorcas" is by Harry and Edward Paulfon, authors of "Er ininie, the idol of New York theatre-goe It may be announced with a reas onable degree of certainty that ar rangements are About concluded by which union depot facilities will be provided the Wilmington public by the Atlantic Coast Line and the Sea- i board Air Line in this city. In other words, it has about been arranged so tha the. Seaboard Air Line passenger trains will run into and depart from the Front street station of the Atlantic Coast Line instead of the Seaboard denot. further removed from the bus iness section of the city and very in convenient to reach from any point of travel in Wilmington It will be remembered that some time ago it was one of the demands of the Chamber of Commerce when the Question of better service on the S. A. L. was up before that body, that union depot facilities with the Coast Line be provided, but subsequently the more important demands were granted and the matter of the union deDot facilities was deferred Some weeks ago, it is learned from railroad sources, the Chamber of Com nierce Executive Committee renewed the District Attorney am not remem- demands in this respect and ap ber, approached that official yesterday committee composed of Mr and said that he had just come into port and entered the court room for the first time yesterday. He said he recoenized Scott as a negro .sailor once. on his ship, when some negro sailors were made way with in a man- ums pver exDlained. If All arrangements have been made for an elaborate and fitting joint ob servance of "Pythian Night" by the four enthusiastic K. of P. lodges of Wilmington on Tuesday evening of this week. The celebration will be in Castle Hall, on the third floor of the Murchison National Bank build ing, and the event will be especially significant in this city because it not only marks the establishment of the order in the State butjn Wilmington also, being the 35th anniversary of the founding of Stonewall Lodge No. 1, of this city. As previously noted Whitehead Kluttz, Esq., a leading young attorney of Salisbury, N. C, and a Pythian who stands high in the councils of the or der, will be the speaker and a most interesting and eloquent address is as sured. He will be introduced by State Deputy Grand. Chancellor J. D. Nutt Aside from the address by Mr. Kluttz, Capt. T. D. Meares, of this city, Su preme Master of Exchequer of the or der in the United States, will give an The C. W. Polvogt Co., "The Store That's Always Busy." The past week was the busiest week in our new store. Crowds have attended our Bargain Sale during the past week. We adver tise what we have and when a bargain is advertised, it's a bargain no fake. SPECIAL HALF HOUR SALES EACH DAY. We will sell our 15c to 25c assort- vj ii .bot). r.f cfnno. ment of stock Collars for 10c wall Lodge. Deputy Grand Chancellor J. D. Nutt and Past Chancellor W. O. Page, composing the music committee, have pointed a committee composed of Mr. Martin S. Willard, chairman; Mr. L.. a Rogers and Mr. H. W. Malloy, to press the Question with the railroad peo pie. It is learned that the Atlantic Coast Line upon a very reasonable basis, has consented for the Seaboard Her that was never explained, ii k uge Us property to tne extent need Scott is the same man, the captain . facilitie8 and said he was a desperate negro and once had threatened the life of his son aboard a ship. v. - - o 3pci.lo HUU l"-..". ...... v. when the opera had its long and mem- he had made no exceptions. orable run at the Casino. Mr. J. Rob- When asked if he had anything to ertson Smiley, business manager of say why judgment should not be pass- tne company, arnvea in me euy yes- ea upon mm, scon, uervuus, ms ejea terday to get everything in readiness J dancing everywhere here and there or tne coming or tne attraction. i over tne court room, sam ue wa uui guilty: that he had had a fair trial, LOCAL DOTS. but the public had notbeen fair to him. Marv Alice Johnson, of Brooks .Tudft Purnell prefaced .the sen- CLEARING HOUSE ORGANIZED. adent Roosevelt is : was scheduled binstead of this year. alley, was sent out to the hospital last tence with a beautiful expression of night for the treatment of severe scalp sentiment in regard to the report that wounds she had received on Nixon gCott had denied the existence of a street earlier in the evening. The God The negro in. a subdued voice wounds are not dangerous. I answered in the negative while His The crate factory of the Inlepen- Honor, continuing, commended the dent M'fg Co., at Castle Haynes, has prisoner to the Great Judge and ad- in I monished him to look to that God for fii tw rcisewhere in to-dav's forgiveness. The Judge then reviewed istar the management advertises for the crime, spoke 01 me nem i . .. . . of it and Scott was visibly affected. nas some ueinu- i"n erait; wuikis jl cicij iuuu. ..... . M11 i ... I He Protested his Innocence of the kill- it ?n to ffroominsr I Announcement is mane or tne OTnt. Coaklev c : . ., . . l nH.l ..p th rPP I lortncoming marri6 ims evCs . -uuiiiui mv. , . T tt n.n Jl -mr .urs. Laura van x-at-ieu auu M. i Q0,-rVit hnth nf thin citv. The mar- i riage will be solemnized at the home bal bosses are in a t of the bride on North Fourth street. '10 ed for the union depot facilities and that the S. A. L. officials have received the proposition favorably. It is ex pected that a definite announcement will be made in a week or ten days. Until marls nnw use the same tracks over Hilton bridge and a part of the wav around Hilton park, so that to extend this co-operation on into tne Wilmington Banks Take Progressive Steo The Officers Elected the banks of the city took a pro- city would be a very small matter . i.j-.. j The phaneo would De msmy picasm6 eressive step yesieruay m i"c . ,. r . . T. . tt .nnio. tr. the travelling public and would as have made tnem necessary iu me - m as udve iuuc iinrterstood that the Chamber of Com banking mterestsn , -.b- - ' ls industriously at nanciai centres 01 me u"u" iv qh that no Wal hankers was held in wore upon uic the offices of Messrs. Hugh MacRae & compromise will be accepted Company, and the organization was perfected by the election of the fol lowing officers: President William Calder. Vice President H. C. McQueen. Sec. and Treas. J. V. Grainger, finvpmine Board C. N. Evans, C E. Taylor, Jr.. Milton Calder and J. W. Yates. SUNDAY AT LUMINA. MONDAY, NOV .13th. From 10.00 to 10.30 One Hundred pieces of Long Cloth our regular $1.50 quality, 10 yards to piece. Sale price $1.00 a piece. Limit 2 pieces to one customer. a MONDAY AFTERNOON SPE CIAL. From 3.00 to S.30. We will sell our 12 1-2c PeVcales and Challie left from last week's sell ing at 6c "per yard. TUESDAY, NOV. 14th. From 10.00 to 10.30 SPE Wednesday, Nov. 15th, From 3.00 to 3.S0. We will sell 100 Hassocks, worth 50c and 75c each, for 25c. Only two' will be sold to one customer. ' . . WEDNESDAY MORNING SPE CIAL.' From 10.00 to 10.SO We wil sell our $1.00 and $1.25 American Beauty Corsets at 75c a pair. Only two pairs to one customer. THURSDAY, NOV. 16th. i - From 3.00 to 3.30. 15c and 18c Flannelette Waisting will be sold for 10c per yard. Thursday Morning Special, From 10.00 to 10.30 We will sell our 12 1-2 and 15c Dark Madras at 7 1-2c a yard; limit of 10 yds to a customer. nov 12-tf. The C. W. Polvogt Co., TUESDAY AFTERNOON CIAL. From 3.00 to 3.30. arranged for Hollowbush's Academy Ch.ldren's Ribbed School Hose; Dou- . .-i xi x n i uic rv i ice i icwi etiiu awca v wi Orcnestra to piay ana ibsi waiuic ui - - Selection Woodland" L.uuers Tn.mnrrow fMondav double tradinsr StamDS AU Otner Reverie "Falling Star" ...Richmond , stamxs onlv. Morcean "The Chirpers" I " . . ... Chas. Prank X OUT more uays oi uargaiu oeiimg. Valse Lento "La France"... B. tiartz Brignt Eyes Good Bye (new) van Aistyne Mr. Kluttz will arrive in the city Tuesday afternoon and will be enter tained royally by the Wilmington Knights. Wednesday a trolley party to the beach and an oyster roast at Lumina is included in the complimen tary affairs Jn honor of the distinguish ed voung visitor. The celebration will be public, and Pvthian is invited to bring a iriCUU, VYU11C itll JUUU6 uicu,mi.i.ivuv . in fraternal lift will be welcomed. Tne 9jfi committee of arrangements is com posed of the following from the sever al Wilmington lodges: Stonewall No. 1. Past Grand Chan cellor William F. Robertson and Messrs. J. D. Kelly and Eugene Fhil- vaw. Clarendon lo. 2. Col. Walker Tay- inr rorntv firand Chancellor J. D. Nutt and Mr. J. T. King. Jefferson No. 61 Messrs. L B. Pnrcrc w o Pagp. and Thos. L. Vines. Germania Lodge The regular En- tprtalnment Committee. Mr. John, Haar, chairman. days Concert To-Day At Lumina. THE BAZAAR CLOSED. in of anv of the crew except Coakley I and as he went on and on, his voice rose almost to a shout and as he concluded he brought down his hand on the railing with a slap tnat was iioorH aii nvpr the court room. It ap- I VI M.A V . " lafe wonder whv the i Rev. J. A. McKaughan, pastor of peared to be half in anger, hair in , , tl , Brooklj-n Baptist church, will address desperation almost nystencai. me -Me(l on them ne-. , . ti ot T1Q t,-, th. I ma rnnnimced in a firm. L 1-1 V- U. a V VQ OVMfcV-MVW X V&l- i cade armorv at 5 o'clock this after- Inoon. Mrs. Fairchild and Miss Smith l no announcement j will sing. Mr. Yopp, pianist. All men in nf tl,a .wl. mvited. . , e . , I A movement Is on toot ior anotaer ikhveen President the Republican Declared a Success Both Artistically and Financially Elevator. I seen i calm manner by Judge Purnell and was exactly the same as that pro Adams and Sawyer earlier in the week Music This Afternoon by the Orches tra Car Schedule. As usual Lumina will be the attrac tion for many this afternoon and the cars will be operated on a -half-hour schedule to accommodate the crowds. The fni owing Drogramme will be ren dered by the orchestra, beginning at 4 o'clock: Part 1. March "New England s Finest .... .CiarKe The Masonic Bazaar cioseu ier' 0vertur:0rphans Offenbach day afternoon. It was pronounced an "7"" ",Jnd.. Horlman artistic success by all who attended ..Moonbeams Keiser and a financial success by those in The Rats" Pryor charge of the management. The la- Part . dies responded most nobly to the re- 0peratic selection "The Telephone quests for assistance by the Execu- Girl Luder mv Pnmmittpp. and without their co- M'Triane "A Love Song". .Jos Europe operation and support, it would have Descriptive "Caloway Charge about 4.000 women's United States." says magazine. That's Bdnbs Mean knock a man without a club. XtwYork s.-m t(. a Prince is iust I1, because nf ';tbf Mialty with wh,-h Louis receives his l-tianQ 0V f .-irrr.t.r. imer lu luc "cciv- .. . Tr cooa was. L.uders A movement Is on foot for another S SS KTS B 1U Apple ' reunion of Fort Fisher veterans on the Paid a Jynign m CorporaUon returns its March-"On Duty Rosey cene of the memorable engagement J , ' . aWllt. ffl.f. Llnnara thanirs to the ladies for their at the month of the Cape Fear river aa ' : displayed kindly assistance. The proceeds of Mr. Kellum to Dunn, N. C. icroT,o nf tho onn flirt North and ulv,t ' , i n I :n ka o0ii t lof mvine I -rho niinn Weekly Guide says. ...uuo w. ' , t lanital cases, wnetner cuuusn tne win j , . , South, are being interested in the ln defendant or appoint- the expenses of the installation of an "Mr. Woodus i Kellum a. movement which has every prospect eleyator in the buUding. which is JbU e peo- harpies u. "mces are expected I"-!' toicinr. II United States re elphia was Pfte mt :tlCal freebooters that Of a Citv Tl,n Ptthowth 5 a covev r,f Vs.., r Peaces so h.m, lwatenvay project ev of takim, ... i. "n .-wiuc rc- 10-mnrrnw ' ni ne . m te the preliminary ''J the -rrmtn r.i it. . ; ayfromxorffl1i. u State.X0rth .uerest- "Dead. S8nf .v . lnem -bcu nve veara of success Constable Savage last night land ed in the county jail Hattie Jones, colored. Hattie had stabbed Geor gianna Suggs, another colored woman, in the jaw during a fight which had waxed warm on Brunswick, between Fifth and Sixth streets, earlier in the night The woman will be given trial by Justice Furlong at 4 P. M. Mon day. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lumina. Concert To-Day. Clyde S. S. Co. Schedule. Chief -of -Police Take Notice! I. Shrier Dutchess Trousers. Hamme the Hatter Duplicates. C. W. Yates & Co. Wall Paper Details of the Hanging. much needed. .-I x j:j . oiiimirn far the term I .111111 i 1 i ( I UUL JW , t. .oc nmniotPii ves- New Trash Ordinance. wnen me uusmrao . i .-j ii,Ara Phimeii berore The ordinance recently auupwu u; teruay aiieiuwu, v0 - - .... it.. hoirfnr nA that Uhp Rnard of Aldermen proviaiug a owing to the importance of the cases better system for the removal of i . mniati anA for reasons satis- irasn. etc.. iu me city yesterday and has formed a co partnership, for the practice oi law in Harnett and adjoining counties, with Hon. H. L. Godwin, under the name and style of Godwin & Kellum. Mr. Kellum was a very prominent member of the Wilmington bar and comes highly endorsed by the leading law- vako rr now Hanover uuuulv . iuc just comyiu " " ""Z "I i n,,hHshed offl factory to the court, oniy a rwe pariiuem ui - yers oi nauun would he taken It is understood that cially as an advertisement elsewhere wonderfui progress along industrial this action was in- order that II any m to-day s paper. iue t,uCOo nnes maoe Dy narutit details in connection with the hang- aew system depends largely upon the past few years has attracted the at- fng should arise it would not be too cooperation of the public and every tention of good citizens all over the ate to rmnge ftti same. Just where Housekeeper and landlord should read state, and we desire to congratulate 1 I H l tm aP nlace has not Lhe ordinance and suit their actions him on the wise step he has taken. As the hanging will take place nas not tne raance au rprtflin t thP renutatlon enjoyed by Mr. God- Dockery. The logical place for the law which most people would do well flrm in tnts commendation execution is regarded as the county to avoid. . , widely and favorably jail yard, but whether consent of the - A . rd Here. known in quite a large section and is county authorities for tne nangmg tu mi. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Maggie Williams, of Burgaw, arrived in the city yesterday. Mr. John A. Tate, the well known Charlotte travelling man, arrived yes terday to spend Sunday. Favetteville Observer: "Mr. John Bell, brother of our townsmen, Messrs. N. J. and Thomas Bell, and his fam ily have moved from Wilmington to Fayetteville, and will make their fu ture home on Haymount.' The many friends of Mr. A. C. Smith, who recently underwent an op eration at the James Walker Memorial Hospital, will be delighted to know that he is now on the road to rapid recovery and may be able to be out this week. Yesterday afternoon's Fayetteville Observer: "The steamer Tar Heel ar rived from Wilmington last night, and cleared on her return trip at 10 o'clock this morning. She towed the C. W. Lyon from Wilmington to Eliza- bethtown, where her upper deck will be built." Raleigh Post: "Mr. Gaston L. Myers, formerly of Wilmington, but for some time the representative of the Travelers here, left last night for Richmond, Va., where he will become the agency director of the Mutual Life. Mr. Myers has made a host of freinds here and they regret his departure from Raleigh." CARS Every Half Hour " 1 to 8 P. M. r. George a. ueiroru re ized among strongest mem-tv-tt. nore-e A Letford. representing ' taKe place lueic ua " - - - - . I DOTS OI oui uai. hn a made no 1 tr tt rtimVlpn Sr. Co.. of Chicago, ana i , I yet KnOWU a mc iiimoii"' in. xii. . i Lnnlfcation for the pflvilege. The DOPuJarly known in this city and ain Notice for SiWe Readers. W. Polvogt Co. Half ur I (a maAa that there would be nVer his extensive territory in the . interested in God's - , . 1 - .. I " ' . . D. L. Gore Co.-Florida Orangey - c&n be obtained is not Southern Bell Telephone Co.-No- P na thft Marshal haa made no tice. C. Sales. rt-n is maoe uiai over uis ciua"" -w - Are vou rea . . 1-1 I .1, wii4fi,m OI. I . . . . . l 1 such a clamor to see tne mwuuuu South as tne arumiuei u., word? Would you trmy use io kuuw that hundreds of dollars worth of rived ln the city last night and will his. plan? Next Sunday two services . 4... otsx.iIiI ho fleRtroved j a otto liortv Mr. Letford I n? r.oii in this oitv at old Odd COUniy prupci ijr nvuiu spenu bbkcim ""J rr 111 v, - in the crush-. It is believed that the haa vfn a number of readings in Fellows' Hall, opposite City Hall, at Federal authorities in this court are wllmington and the remarkable pow- 3:00 P. M. and 7:30 P. M. under the eeueia.1 a"" - a. vvl1 6 . . . ii..u i va Watrh Tower Bible awaiting further auvices num rg possessed oy mm as a synuuo.., ttUpn. - -- ; & ttt.uo1 states r y. ,t crwn I ATiH Tract Society, a society devoting - 9 aaU iiifw i .... I rL u-uu a t,i utu. -m. ' -v - Aft!.:r .:rVr rAom ves- t0 tWS C1Z- addressed by Pilgrim Walter H. Bun uarDy w-nu. """7 eiore ieaviu& l . " L,v of Boston. Mass., one of its travel C. W. Polvogt Co. Salesman want- terday the 12 men wno muurcu Royal Arnum - eontntJvps Subiects: "The ed. faithfully, to arrive at a proper vermct v telegram received yesterday ai- ope'' and "The Church's M. C. Darby & Co. Dwelling for as to the guilt and punishment of the temoon by ur. S. Mendelsohn, from subject8 of tal importance , ta tntn a solemn com- oarnt Howard C. Wiggins, nuJC . J A it . i-.u:i tt aaie. Independent iMfiemv nf Muslt! "When We Were Twenty-One." BUSINESS LOCALS. (On Second Page.) Jas. T. Howard Union Men. , Boarding First-Class Cuisine. M. H. Kelly Steamed Oysters. Stenographer Position Wanted. M. C. Darbv & Co. House Wanted. Sorosic Sale. The sale to be held by the North nnrniina Sorosis will be on a small scale compared with the bazaars just closed as it will only occupy the space of the library rooms in the Odd Fel lows' building. It will be largely a scale of fancy work and similar arti cles but with the usual accompani ments of ice cream, cake, candy, etc. There will be no taking of chances, and no charge for admission, and It will be well worth ' visiting by those who are in search of attractive articles for gifts at Christmas. The dates are November 23rd and 4th and all Dersons interested in see- iner the Drosress of library work in the city are asked to contribute to this good cause. I 1S r, ., - .I P V l&eir n"le Hon, , years e death n , &57M:30A ,t m Belle- M'h'fg Co. Help Wanted. Morris Wholesale House Manager Wanted. as to tuts & - , m teruuuu uj -- Hone subjects 01 vitai liuiionautc nrisoner. entered into a solemn com- g UDreme Regent Howard C. Wiggins, thinking Christians. It pact not to divulge to anyone their q Royal Arcanum, from Rome, w. be remembered that it is not the respective standing as to me vB.u.v y notifies the memoers ui violated j. JMAfr.tnntln Kilt tf . . . 1 uuo ' . . 1 aiiutuvi wvv w- - one of the men has violated tnat q tWs city that councU has Deen incite tQ greater zeal and faithfulness nledee There were all sorts 01 reinstated as heretofore, ine circum- those who have named tne name m y 0 ., qhH I . . . 1 . . n nntlnir tn thp mora on the streets jesiciua,, stance? oi tne suspeusiuu ui . i ennst, as wen iu .. TtiTr Tirore nrettv I .. . .. . n nmKnroi hv rMners 01 i,, cnnia to the livms wa 11 UL11-1116 ui." t-.T nwr1 at Gavi. 911 uced TO THE LAD I to. mors on tne bi'ccw uiances oi u 0- , Whenever you ee .-.. wtft some of !S?""rbM-" your presence, there is always a Deam wen suuituw-, -- - llua of magneUc sunshine that enthuse we the persons ' "rnTfrom nubllsh- Flre Yesterday Morning. men to deeds, and so It nas Deen uur- tioneo, tne dw. - , . . ,T . ' h( at ing our Bazaar. To th.e success of Ing any of these reports It w Heat from a stove bed-room at our Masonic Bazaar, we owe It all to made no secret, though, that at first e residence of Dr. S. Mendelsohu you, who have so diligently worked the jury stood 8 to 4 for conviction in No B11 orange street, at 8 olock . . . f a r.a . 1,0 nn lfrldav Antr mnrntaft caused a Diaze ior out one end, - success, auu the first degree a" " " jwiu, . . it has been. Words fall us and our tbere was a change to 7 to 5 for hang- whlcb brought the Department out, ) n tongue refuses to answer to the feel- . yesterday morning three of the response to an alarm from box , anu men nr our near is wnen me comes to thank you. Our fraternity as one man, thank you most sincerely for your kindly interest and hearty: co operation. And " with ; thanks to you one and all and censure to none, we beg to remain, ' Sincerely, I p. Yesterday imi"ie v " - rcsuvnov ... rag. lco' ,jt -rtth noLvi.i. ommreii the house furnishings five came over iui wiuwi o . . . live " ... - n 1 I .. . x Vimi 1 Kft n1 the niiaHflcation and between 4 i to tne extent w T"- , -7 rfdoSTTSertUyt afternoon, the two building ab0ut ?200. The loss is folly lTway and made the verdict possi- covered by ihsurance with the agency gave wa,"" .- . .' 1 Vollnt . , tit1i, ToTlnr" ble, --Friday nlgni tne juijy ujr OI joj. of T to 5 agreed to remain m me . anrits word. As usual It is ex ntoi that theso services will be well oHnnHcH hv manv of the religiously initna and thinkine class. All are welcome. No collection. Seats free Better sit to-day; that pleasant ex- nMccinn mav nass away, visit me tt n Ellis Sudio. Southern Building Santa Clause wants a thousand sty Hfsh Photos, for his friends this Xmas. He will visit The TJ. C. Ellis Studio. Southern Building. Where others give up is just where we get our second wind. This week values at Gaylord's will be wonoenui. MO A Button. Ever think how much time you spend in your clothes ? You might as well have a comfortable fit, feel and look. You will get all in DUTCHESS TROUSERS , SHRIER, The Reliable Clothier and Furnisher, (Sign of the Golden Arm.) -" S?J W. E CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS. nov 12-tf. DIED. SYKES Died of pneumonia, Charles Taze Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sykes, of No. 19 Delgado, aged 5 years and eleven months. The funeral services will be con ducted by Pilgrim Walter H. Bundy, of Boston, Mass., this morning at 10:30 A. M. Interment In Bellevue cemetery. Beautify Your Home See our new and artistic designs In . WALL PAPER. Fine line of Pictures and Frames just f received. , C. W. Yates & Co. NOTICE. room all night and to take a MASONIC TflSnS CORPORATION, every our until something was ballot de- xrto nrices at Gaylord's Monday. One more week Big Sale. . Monday Big Values at Gaylord's. Nnf sed. . ' : Gaylord's store will not open Monday until 10 o'clock. Subscribers will please add to tlelr lists: Jno. R. Turrentine iirSon, Mds'e. Brokers and Mffs., Agt's. Phone No 18. Southern Bell Telegraph & Tele phone Co. -jl nov, 12-lt. nov 12-tf. Market street. WAV LADIES! Have you visited the new store? .If not, why not? .We have the most up-to-date stock of GROCERIES in the city. Our terms are cash. Our Stock the besti Our prices the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteedA at PEOPLES' SUPPLY CO. 206 North Front Street, rnone u nov 11-tf. ? i i I: .ft v t . i - k - ' ! "IT i. .'J P s4 f - x. & ' '-Is i f- '4 W - i i, ii? i. ? ' i K i 1 - I : sr if' p. JT y