t r" 1 - - : 7 r- . , , ?Ws Panacea-" it At ATGAYLORD'S r is TrGAY LORD'S .... Friday Esss, Candies Swiss Cheese. fEOPLES' M Front Street. saperic 'n.j. "uuncj iiuui i !C5W wim- v- r-in n to I! fc! nr oiii- . mil W" ' 77 ,i---.MMw.;i.;-.iiiM via gwuudra HCCDURI Ot UnriSt- . 'fmm9,mmmm9mmWri '- A p PS Always Bought and -which ha3 been. flwr go years, has borne the signature of W u and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one xo deceive you in this. r ,.:fi!iTi9 null ' Tns'f.aSU3nivuwl ' - with and endansrer the healtl. P drcu-Experienco against -fesperiment, lat is CASTORIA ' ; barnilcss substitute for" Castor OA, Pare-Y- :La snnthins Syrms It is Pleasant. Tfc rtier Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Fererisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind 1 " tt assimilates the Food. rriilnt i The Mother's Friend, CASTORIA always Bars the Signature of You Have Always Bought Use For Over 30 Years. tHCWUB C0PN. TT MURRAY STRCET. NEW YORK CITV, NEW FURS AT GAY LORD'S. OPENING , December 8th. lost iuiiip&;& joint; ui uuuus and Toys in the State. iarly and Avoid the Rush. ! DOLLS, CARRIAGES, HORSES, r Ithains, AUTOMOBILES, ELEPHANTS, i DOGS, ' VELOCIPEDES, : MONKEYS, mWS, 1 GAMES, 77 " SAW HORSES, ! . BOOKS, GUNS, ' CRADLES, I FIREWORKS. I ? Ihorns pianos,; banks, Sterns, I xmas tree ornaments, WORK BOXES, j CANDLES, i TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! forks and Toys Wholesale and Retail. 0. 0a Gaylbiridl's;. Three Stores Combined. NEW SILKS AT GAYLORD'S. 5-tf. ' Dec. Ready lor Thanksgiving ! F Cranberries Camenbert. Cheese. Chickens. Fruits. Mun- "theplac to BUY at LOW PRICES. e without a-doubt the CLEANEST GROCERY in the city. Tours for Orders, ' '" SUPPLY CO. Phone 420. n in new builriinr. oh inrinetrv in North Carolina Is P than at anv nrin i- ik. c9.c hictnrv ' The North Caro- Insurance r.,n,w D,i,h isi. C.. should receive its 1, 01 this prosperity as compared with the percentage of new 5lven to it in periods of less industrial activity. Give it an9eon the dpciri. nmnerties vou have to offer. It rebuild un ,n u continue the areat era of r "0W pnmj i - "jcu , our people. WALKER TAYLOR, Agent., Wilmington, N. C. i Black Valentine Beans, bush. $6.00 vau8wah8Apr;aon Cucumber, lb. SI .00 Davis Wax Beans, bush. - 56.00 Rust Proof Beans, bush. f .00 Haud S. Peas, hush. - - 53.50 ial Southern Trackers 'tlst a if you mention uu VAUGHAH'S SEED STORE, 14 BARCLAY ST. Hen lusa MEN &ND WOMEN :..h.ruftii.inflamniationB, ' irritation or ulceration m ta .tritor. r or mucuu" . - ul. ; Painless, ana not iTHEEVMISCHEHICilCO. gent or poinonoos. MuntuulTI II r I -j Mia t ' .1 JOO, or S bottle W.7 Circular nt jeaoert - The trolley line at Winston-Salem is to be extended at once. The gain in taxable property In For syth county during the past year has been about $1,000,000. - 7Tne leaf tobacco sales in the Winston market last week aggregated 1,001,53G pounds. It sold for $91 -198.39, --. ?. r' - i . In a fornlght Raleigh will have another fire insurance company, the Atlantic, with $125,000 paid-up capital stock, Charles E. Johnson, J. J. Thom as and" other well known business men being large stockholders. Jim Stevenson, colored, was ar raigned in the mayor's court at Greens boro Saturday afternoon to answer the charge of selling cocaine to other ne groes. He was bound over to Superior Court"- in a $50 bond, in default of which he was locked-up, A prominent member of the Row an county Republican executive com Imittee, who resides in Spencer,' is aur uionty tor the statement that the committee will not accept the resig nation of -its chairman, Mr. Thos. H. Stewart,, of Spencer, who announced his intention of resigning on account of the -dissatisfaction growing out of the appointment of Mr. J. D. rJorsett as postmaster at Spencer. The commit tee is still very much aggrieved at the action of Congressman Blackburn in naming a postmaster over the protest of the party organization. Fayetteville correspondence: The contract for building the operating rooms of the Highsmith Hospital, wholly separate from the main build ing, and the Cochran Annex for col ored people, has been awarded to "W. A. Chesterman, who has had the work of remodeling the capltol in Richmond, Va. The operating rooms will cost $10,000, and will be superbly equipped. The Otis Elevator Company, of New York, will install the hydraulic ele vators. This costly work will make tie Highsmith Hospital one of the most complete in the Soutja. -The Southern Railway Company now has a large force of employes en gaged in -widening a very dangerous cut-seven ntiles up the Western Branch from Salisbury. The place is known as Rock Cut aitcFfs one of the deepest on the Western roai. Several fatal accidents have occurred at this point in the p.st few years and it has been found necessary to keep a watchman in the cut constantly; It is learned that enough excavation will be made on each side to prevent landslides up on the track, thus insuring the safety of the passengers and property of the company. ' Salisbury correspondence: As an evidence of the good condition of Row an county farmers, ' a conservative man yesterday told your correspond ent that Western meat would not find its way to country people In his neigh' ne says ne can draw a xadiui0j . mile and in this swath he wirX 20,000 pounds of pork He sayf , office kill a pig next week that wionference GOO pounds. This is a retur?: to 1 ark of thecovenant to the ' the Ar the fathers, when hogs weighickers and 500 to 850 were not considd the bus anomaly. . .iately. Raleigh correspondence, u absolute Observer The coming seasorrator car nurst promises to become aj(j De ur begin until after the holidays A, . , ter in the shape of a man1 trough over 150 rare specimens of tfle mat- mals and beautiful birds, twere en bracing the combined collecticssions as last summer were shown at The corn ton and Norembega parks, iie guaran chusetts. This collection is a h. f charge of John T. Benson, J f"1 trainer of animals, who owns number of these and who hi 80 per nlshed a number of wild ani-fi!ni3nea' President Roosevelt. Pinehs instead come to have a national re majority But few North Carolinians jast and and this is unfortunate as now dis valuable object-lessons are the in the way of buildings, he-, dl I T-Q n cram on f c Konf Tiil best of alL the lesson of how u"e a town perfectly clean. The" wm really a wonderful one, aif ttle use Jillson of The Pinehurst Out it "The Land of Sunshine." Tiedule of there this winter are going tjas agreed erons and vprv vnriAri ! inaturally that the Furious Fighting. ic Coast "For seven years," writes Proved Hoffman, of Harper, "Wash )n a bitter battle, with chroniaith the and liver trouble,, but at laCxecutive and cured my diseases, by ifclock in Electric Bitters. I unhesitai in thp ommend them to all, ana flOhent and in the future to be' witntrotller Horfnl TTKirlirJnA- tn havA cur bad case as mine." Sold, ui discuss antee to do the same for ygeration. R, Bellamy, druggist, at 50f ery sat- Try them to-day met in nt Wal- A Fearful Fate. of the It is a fearful fate to hi the or dure the terrible torture ofJExpress can truthfully say," writes c. L., son, of Masonville, la., "thafh't, not tsieeamg, iicning auu rjpg in 1 Piles, Bucklen's Arnica Sal A1, "IS Tlf best cure made." Also best for cuts, burns and injuries, 25c at R. R. Bella my's druggist. To Remove FRECKLES AND PIMPLES In 10 Days, Use N A DIN O LA The Complexion Beautifier. THE NAD!N0l:A CL Nadinola is a new discoverer guaran teed and money will be refunded in SD where it fails to remove f V C 1 J wwww ., . i,loa nlmnl(S. HVCT-suuis, - uuiiar V,;X"'t,Zra hi nek -heads, disflgur ancww"" n ins eruptions, etc. uo wwi. ... toos the skin clear, soft, healthy " and restores the beauty of yr.?- rn ti no. Sold In each pit" by 11 leadinrdruffgistsvor by mtl-r tt. RrAVn writes: Nashville, TennT Sent 8" 1905: "I have been us Tenntoepi. .o, Cream ins yuui uciumvi", i " " j til.. e aliery muc' Thisxne i. summer since; childhood that I have been without jrecies. j. " old; and have a better complexion now than when a SJ". ,,j -Pfsnared only Dy ..nv.i: irAn.!T CO. Paris. Tenn. 11A'; w.wnTtnn hv Robert R. Bel- Iamy and leading druggists. de2-TuesTh&Sun - - - Rates via Seaboard Accouht of Christ- , , jnas Holidays.- -j The Seaboard begs to announce that during the Christmas holidays they will participate In the sale " ot tickets at reduced rates under the following rules and regulations. - i - FOR THE PUBLIC. Rate of one and one-third first-class fares, plus. twenty-five" (25) cents. (minimum rate fifty (50) cents) to all points east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers. uiuuumg w asmngion, ) u. v., and to St. Louis, Mo., and intermediate points on the Frisco System, Louisville and Nashville R. R,, Illinois Central R. R.; Mobile and Ohio R. IL and the South- ern railway. - Dates of sale December 22nd, 23rdT 24th, 25th, 30th and 31st, 1905, and January 1st, 1906.: Final limit Continuous passage in each direction final limit January 4th. 1905. FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS. For teachers and students of schools and colleges, same rate will apply as shown above, to points in the territory of the Southeastern Passenger Asso ciation, on presentation and surren der of certificates signed by the Super intendent, Principal or President of the school or college. For teachers and students, rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip will also apply to points in the territory of the Southwestern Excur sion Bureau and Western Passenger Association (i. e., all points in Texas, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma Territory, Kansas and Colorado, east of and including Denver, Col., and CheyenneWyo., up to Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, Mo., and to all points in the territory of the Central Passenger Association, (i. e., all points north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers between a line drawn from St. Louis to Chicago on the west, and from Buffalo through Salamanca, N. Y., Pittsburg, Pa. Wheeling and Parkersburg, W. Va. on the east). Rates to these points will not apply to teachers or students of preparatory, public or high schools. Date of sale December 17th to 24th inclusive. , Final limit Continuous passage in each direction, final limit January 8th, 1905. C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., Raleigh, N- C. WORKS WONDERS. A Wonwerful Compound. Cures Piles, Eczema, Skin Itching, Skin Erup tions, Cuts and Bruises. Doan's Ointment is the best skin treatment, and the cheapest, because so litle is required to cure. It cures piles after years of torture. It cures obstinate cases of eczema. It cures all skin itching. It cures skin eruptions. the present agitation; whethon testi real welfare of the tax-pa ' . . spirit of agitation for indiv 8tTeei or gain. Our officials Vt an answer that will satisfy nltJ themselves and their r,;LJ1fmoIr' jntentent and ,.erestM ion of the people who muatment I what they undertake. 1 positve A TAX-3Paration . ny name A PRETTY EVENING WE !t &t M ie m: T Price 50 " ",c rKer Perdew Buffalo, of Mr. Levi McMillafe United aJJ? 6 o'docn's-and j -.uiug ai iae nome of t brother, No. 310 North Seveil . murca, joined ii m a beautiful ceremony M Parker Perdew and it t. lan, both popular yme .iippi and -".r, me oriae being a daugh-otomac late J. W. Perdew, and tl being a well known vnm. INE. cnant of Wilmington Thl be sold i mf I of the home were attrn.s twenty ated with palms, fema .Qrt-P on De- lax and cut flowers and soft 30th and saving the wedding scene a l906 final beauty seldmon. if pvor host of friends and memberTeacliers families concerned were prlber 17th witness the prettv cpromnnv return tend heartiest congratulation presen The bride entereri fmm certificate the arm of her brother Mr wMncipals Perdew, and was joined t th colleges entrance by the groom with on your mdU- nis brother. Mr. n t The wedding march was from kAIG' nn and was skilfullv ninn Agent, Mattie L. Chaton ti. jon. N. C. groom proceeded to a beautifu vised altar in the bay windov room, where they stood and IE8 Mr. Watson spoke the words th mem man and wife, Mrs. ol Played softly "Meditation." T nessor and Im NewbrC. ness of the moment. h4hst The j)ride wore a hnnmin rfe&nsliMr img suit or grev with w JTor lta x- and carried a -beautiful showP-i! quet of bride's roses and Lilian ZSZ vaney. After the ceremonv t6v cures Mrs. McMillan received the has"611 that cahiJUU Iff t'Ht'utiiiiu w - es hair to fall out. and later baldness; In killing It, Herpicide stops falling hair and prevents baldness. It is also an ideal hair aresS' ing, for it lends an aristocratic charm to the hair that Is quite distinctive. aoia by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for tamnl to The Herolclde Co., De troit. Mich. HARDIN'S PHAKMACT, Special Agent Torture of a Preacher. The storv of the torture of Rev. O. D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church of Harpers ville, N. Y will interest you. He says: "I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, result ing from the grip. I had to sleep su ting up in bed.-v I tried many reme dies, without relief, until I took ur. King's New Discovery for Consump-" tion, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my cough, and saved me from consumption." A grand cure lor ais eased conditions of Throat and Lungs At R. R. Bellamy's, druggist;, price 50c and $1.00. guaranteed. Trial bot tle free. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bough L AC Cl' In Med Chase. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddism to another, when if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25c- a tR. R, Bellamy's drug store; guaranteed. SVC The Kind Yoa Haw Alwars BoogW ,-- -SI (2 Sean the -'i 7 Pi iy Twelve Wafer Blades. Twenty-four Sharp The First Improve ment Made in Razor Blades in 400 Years. All men sound its praise, for it has solved the home-shaving problem, each blade giving from twenty to forty velvet shaves without the loss ofa moment in stropping or a penny in honing. Triple silver-plated st . . Extra blades, per dozen . We will deliver to any point at the above prices. Special prices to deal ers in quantity lots. II. Jacobi Hardware Co., Wilmington, N. C. ic o u. C9 H Z ui O X o m w or Thanksgiving Hunter SURVEYORS, LUMBERMEN AND OTHER MEN WHO TRAMP THROUGH WOODS AND BRUSH! We have just received another lot of those High Cut $5.00 Shoes. Tan and Black. Besides a lot of the cheaper kinds FOOT-WEAR FOR EVERYBODY1 NOT CHEAP SHOES, BUT GOOD SHOES CHEAP." New lot of Douglas Shoes for men and boys. Also Florsheims. All Kinds of Good Shoes for Ladies and child ren. At the same old place, but looks like new. MERCER & EVANS CO. no29-tf KANT HOOKS! Mill men, all. Purchasers ot Sup' plies: We have the large, medium and small sizes Hooks. Saw inserted tooth, Rips, Cross-Cut Hack and all kinds. Teeth Holders. Also, we carry full line of " Packy Valves, Beltings, Pipe, Oil Cups, Oils, Greases, Babbitt Metal, Solder, Rope, and full line of Mill Hardware. ous treatment toall. Call. Phone, Wire or Write. T. D. Love Gomp'y Wholesale Dealers, 204-206 North Water street, Wilmington, N. C. Local and Long-Distant Phonts, o. 439. novl-tf Wood !-Coal ! 'LIME, PLASTER, HAIR, CEMENT, MARBLE DUST, BRICK, .SHINGLES, LATHS, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY FLUE PIPE, TAR PAPER, WE RESPECTFULLY SOLI CIT YOUR PATRONAGE. THORPE 8 APPLEGATE Sept. 30-tf. North Carolina, Pender' County. In the Superior Court, Pender County. O. P. Johnson, on behalf of him self and all other stockholders and creditors who come in and make themselves parties plaintiff vs. The Burgaw. Mrfufacturing Com pany. Notice to creditors. "4 Pursant to an orderof the Superior Court issued herein, this is to notify all creditors of the Burgaw Manufac turing Company, a corporation, to file their respective claims, duly proven as the law provides, with the undersigned receivers of said corporation on or be fore Monday, the 8th day of January. 1906, or they will be denied the right to participate in the assets of said cor poration. This the 4tli day of December, iau;. W. t. CROOM, I,. V. GRADY, jeueeis of the Burgaw Manufactur ing Company. der,-till jan 9. ' Holiday Goods! Cocoanuls. large, medium, small L. L. Rasins. Cocoanut, Iced Caromels. ' Baldwin Apples. Mixed Nuts. - Stick Candy, Penny, Candy, Mixed Candy, fete., etc. Prices cheerfully given on : applica- tion. " ' - v.r. : ": -v STONE & COMPANY, no30-tf j !fS0 I RAZORS 5-oo m 1. 00 To The Beach. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE In Klteet Ifov. S7, 10O5." (Dally.) , : l.cave Wilmington 6.00 A. M. Wrightsville 6:30 A. M. Leave Beach. 8.15 A. M. 10.45 A. M. 12.15 P. M. . 2.15 P. M. 4.45p m 6.45 P. M -. 9.15 P. M Exrn Car. 7.00 A. M 10.00 A. M. : 11.30.A. M 1.30 P. M 3.00 p m 6.00 P. M. 7.3.T P. M Snnrlaj- 4.30 p. Til 10.0a p. m 3.45 p. m. 5.15 p.m. 10.45 p. m every hair honr from sunaay cars 1 to -7:30 P. M. FREIGHT SCHEIH l.t:. (Daily except Sunday.) Leave Nintlv and Orange. 4.00 P. M. Kreigh depot open from 2.30 to 3 ?.n T. M. nol2-tf On Our 50c. Book Counter This geek. Afrtjh supply th high etas copy rightf ic t to n that formerly sold for 1.50 a copy J "Beautiful "Bookj. amaxingly chmap. A.II handsomely bound in cloth. Wm Mention a fete TitUs Only : The Call of the Wild by Jack London The Wings of the Morning by Louia Tracy Soldieri of Fortnne.by Richard Harding Davis The Grey Cloak by Harold MacGrath Saraciaesca by Marion Crawford In the Palace of the King " " Cranstark by George Barr McCutcheon Castle Cranejcrow " " " The Rifrht of Way by Gilbert Parker Reg nrrection by Count Tolstoy If I Were Klag by Justin McCarthy The Hound of the Baskerrilles by Conan Doyle By Bight of Sword by A. W. Marchmont The Little Minister . by J. M. Barrie Janice Meredith by Paul Leicester Ford THESE ABE FIFTY OTHEBS, JUST AS GOOD 7 Wt' 1-mijj y our opportunity. us tho quantities arm limited Why not books for Christmas? Robt. C. DeRosset Bookseller and Siationer Phone 26. 32 N. Front St. Dec A-ti. Give Ear To Wise Counsel Have your prescriptions filled here where you may be sure that the Doctor's efforts will be helped along as far as good, fresh drugs will do it Making a change in a prescription because of a lack of ingredients to entirely unjustifiable and under no circumstances do we resort to such a practise. ADOLPH G. AHRENS, Druggist. 'Phone 644. 107 Princess St. noli-tf CoPYRICHT A CHRISTMAS BOXFUL OF JOY. for the smoker (and who among your male friends is not one?) is a box of fifty or a hundred Ruy Lopez of his favorite color. As soon as he sees the label he will settle himself for a com fortable half-hour with the soothing weed in cigar shape. Most men know what a royal smoke the Ruy Lopez is all do once they've tried it. J. D. VANN, 'Phone 190. 10 N. Front St. de3-tf Christmas Attractions We have many beautiful and at tractive things in JEWELRY suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts. We carry a large stock of Diamonds,, Watches, Scarf Pins, Brooches, Rings, I Knives and Forks and Sterling Silver in Great Variety everything . usually found In a first class Jewelry House. ' To be absolutely sure that you are getting. the worth of your money you must be absolutely sure of the relia bility of the Jeweler. J. T. BURKE, THE JEWELER. . .27 80. FRONT ST. Dec 5tf. "THE SIWASA 99 We solicit good accounts payable monthly. If you prefer paying cash we will duplicate any order at prices named by any first class grocery and give you in addition cash rebate checks which allows you a good dis count. We are out for the business and cannot be undersold. Our long experience is worth much. Drop in and inquire; and save. money. S. W. Sanders. nov 11-tf. When She Saya "Number?" You say, "1013." Cape Fear Trading Co., will fill your order Try a can of our. Jewel Stone Cut Coffee. .' - ' ' L B. TAYLOR, Manager. Thone 1013. " 601 N 4th St Dec 5-tf. Swl Atlantic Coast Line Sche4Ier lm Effect October , 1905. WORTHBOtJTi'D. No. 48 No. 48 . .) 9 25 am (50pm , .112 15 p ml 9 32 pm . 1 I 16 p m 10 25 p m . j 1 5 p in 1 1 10 p ip . I 5 55 p m(. . . I 4 5S p ni; 147 a in .. 6 55 p m 123 a no . . 7 45 p m 07 a in . . jl 1 50 p nij ' .",4 a m . .j 1 43 : mj 9 09 a m . - I I 25 a m l I 32 a no . ! 7 30 a m! -Jonpm I. Wilmington . Ar. Qoidsboro . . . Kr. Wilson Xr. Rocky Mount r. Norfolk . . . . Ar. Weldon Ar. Petersburg . Ar. Richmond . . . Ar. Washington . i Baltimore Ar Philadelphia A r New York . . SOUTHBOUND. No. 4 1 :o. 4 . S 35 a in; J 25 p in . : i ;i in i i , in . . 07 m 1 a -n . ' i :n; I! 15 am .; S 10am T 25 . in ! 05 a ii . - I S 05 p mi 9 4 5 a ii. .-5 '. 51 p nil 1 1 1 a rr. . 1 1 00 p m 1 1 10 nm .ll 32 p m 2 05 p m .! :".S a in- S10p n. . -110 05 a m 6 0pra i.v. .New ork Vr. Philadelphia Ar. Baltimore A r. . Washington Ar. Norfolk . . Lv Kii-linioi.ii r. PetT8burg . . Ar. Weldon ..... Ar. Rocky Mount Ar. vv llson ...... Ar Goldsboro Ar. Wilmington: . nUTWKES WII..1IIIVGTOX AND TIIK SOUTH SOUTHBOUND. Daily. Daily Daily, via WllBAIt Lf Witmtngl ii6 00 nt 3 45 pin4 6 50 prr ACi l- lorenco. .. 3o am 7 40 Dm 2 5a an Ar Florenct 19 35 am 7 40 nm! Ail: Charlest'i) 1 20 pm 16 15 pm 1 1 40 pn- 6 50 am A?C"-Savaiir"!;i I-sOami Of. an 5 40 am 1 45 prr 6 55 pmll 1 00 pn. Ar' Jack'vlllA Ar Tampa . . . .1 NORTHBOUND. Daily, i -Pally." S.40 p rat's Oe a m Lv. Tampa Ar. Jacksonville Ar. Savannah . . 1 5a arm 12 55 p m 4 15 d m 1 99 p m Tift a m 6 15am Lv. -Charleston . Ar. Florence . . . 7 35 p m 9 25 am 140pm Ar. Wilmington 111 4o p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND SAN FORD. West Bound Kaat Bound Daily. Dall I.v. Wilmington Ar. Fayettesvllle Ar. San ford O'i a 10 a m Ar. 8 00 p m 12 20 p m Ar. 4 55 p m 1 Dp miL.v. s 40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEW. BERN. N. Bound ' South Daily ex Sun. Bound. Lv. Wilmington . .12 25 p ralAr. 12 SO p tn Ar. Newborn 5 40 pjn Lv. 9 10am Trains Nos. 42 and 41 carry Pullman bleeping Cars between Wilmington and wasmngton connecting with Pennsvl van fa R. R. for all points east. W. J. CRAIO. Gen'l Passenger Agent. H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. lc 3 it Seaboard Air Line RAILWAY. Direct Line to Principal Cities North, West and South. Effective October 17, 1905. Between Wilmington and New York. Read Down 12 25 p m 2 55pm f. 10 p m 6 25 p nx 10 00 n m Read Up Lv. New York Ar. Lv. Philadelphia Lv. Lv. Baltimore Lv. Lv. Washington Lv. Lv. Riohmond Lv. 4 15pm 1 45 p m 11 30 a m 10 10 a m 6 35 am 3 25 am 5 38 am Lv. Raleigh Lv. Lv. Suth'n Pines Lv. 1 30 am 11 20 p m S.40 a m Lv. Hamlet Lv. 10 10 p m 12 45 p mAr, Wilmington Lv. 1 3 00 pm Bel w een Wilmington.- Norfolk sort PortHiuoutli. Kead Down a 24 p ml Lv. 8 50 p mLv. 149 a mLv. 3 25 a mtLv. 8 40 a mAr. 8 40 a mLv. 12.45 p mAr. Kead Up 8 20 a m 8 00 am 2 57 am 1 30 am Norfolk Portsmouth Henderson Raleigh Hamlet Hamlet Wilmington Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. 10 35 a m 7 35 p m 3.00 p m Jet ween Wllmlnlou, Atlanta and Blrminsuan. Head Down 2 10 p mLv. 7 40 p mlAr. 9 00 p miLv. 11 23 p mLv. 1 56 a ml Lv. 4 06 a ml iv. 7.10 a mAr. 8 40 a miLv. 12 45 p ml Ar. Read Up 1 30 pm 8 00 am 7 40 am 6 08 am 3 35 a m 120am Bimingham Atlanta Atlanta Athens Greenwood Chester Hamlet Hamlet Wilmington Ar, Lv Ar. Lv Lvl Lv. Lv. 10.15 p m Ar. 7 35pm Lv. I 3 00pm Between Wilmington, Savannah, Mont goniery, Jacksonville and Tampa. Read Dawrr 8 30 a m Lv Read Up Tampa Ar. 1 6 35 p m 1 ii p mLv, Tallahasse Ar. 3 10 pm 5 2V P mi Ar. Jacksonville Lv. 10 00 a m 7 50pm Lv. Jacksonville Ar. 8 55am 4 50 a m 12 30 am 12 24 a m 12 10 am Lv. Savannah Lv. 5 30 a m Lv. Columbia Lv. 6 24 a m Lv. Camden Lv. 8 35 a m Ar. Hamlet Lv. 10 15 p m 8 40 a m Lv. Hamlet Ar. ( ( 35 pm li 45 p m Ar. Wilmington Lv. 3 00 pm Between Wilmington, Hamlet, Charlotte and Rntherfordton. Read Down Read Up Rutherf'd'tn Lv. Ar. Shelby Lv. Lv. Lincolnt'n Lv. Lv. Chai totte Ar. Lv. Charlotte Lv. Ar. Monroe Lv. Lv. Hamlet Ar. Lv. Hamlet Lv. Ar. Maxton Lr Lv. Lumberton IiV. Lv. ii 40 I 2 05 p 12.45 p 11 43 a 10 08 a 10 45 p 4 50 5 47 7 23 5 01 5 45 7 20 8 40 9 55 p 7 55 I 40pj 7 35 pll 05 a 1 6 40 p'lO 18 a .5 2 pi 9 31a 4 40 p 8 42 a 3 00 pi 7 00 a I 2a p 9 2o lOpjlO 15 ht, pjll 03 50pjl2 45 Clarkton Lv. Lv. : Wilmington j Ar. Lv. ! Through Pullman sleepers and parlor cars. New York, Norfolk, Atlanta and Jacksonville. W. B. Rose, Ticket Agent, Wilmington, N. C. Telephone No. 3 C. H. GATTIS. T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. sept 7-tf Atlantic & Horth Carolina R. R LOCAL PASSENGER SCHEDULE. Effective, Dec. 10, 1905. EASTERN TIME. No. 1 No. 3. Daily Daily A. M. P. M. EASTBOUND Lv. Goldsboro 8.00 8.21 3.40 4.01 4.13 4.25 4.40 4.52 5.02 5.16 5.26 5.48 5.55 6.18 6.22 6.35 6.52 6.58 7.02 7.20 7.30 8.10 Best's LaGrange Falling Creek Kinston Caswell Dover Cove Tuscarora . . . 8.32 8.43 8.56 9.13 9.23 9.41 9.51 10.10 10.15 Ar. Newbern Lv. Newbern Riverdale Croatan 10.34 10.38 Havelock Newport Wildwood Mansfield 10.50 11.06 1L12 1L16 Ar. Morehead City 11.301 11.40 Morehead City Depot.. Beaufort (BMC&OSSCo); P.M. 12.20 No. 3 No.4 Daily Dally A.M. P.M. WESTBOUND Lv. Beaufort (BMC&OSSCo), 7.00 7.40 3.35 4.15 4.22 4.33 4.37 4.43 4.59 5.11 5.15 " Morehead City Depot . . " Morehead City " Mansfield " Wildwood " Newport -. " . Havelock " ..-.Grbatan " t Riverdale Ar. Newbern .' Lv. Newbern " Tuscarora . . . " Cove Dover v Caswell " Kinston " Falling Creek ; LaGrange " -Best's , Ar, Goldsboro 7.50 8.01 8.05 8.11 8.27 8.39' 8.43 V 9.051 6.40 9.10 5.48 6.10 6.20 6.36 6.46 1.00 7.13 7.26 9.31 9.41 9.58 10.08 10.22 10.35 10.47 10.58 7.7 1L20 7.55 Trains Nos. 1 and 4 connect at Golds boro. with Atlantic Coast Line trains as follows: No. 41. southbound: No. 42, northbound, and with Southern Rail way trains Nos. Ill, westbound, and No. 136. eastbound. Trains Nos. 2 and S connect at Golds boro . with-Southern Railway trains -as follows: No. .108. eastbound: No. 135 westbound," and r with "Atlantic Coast Line trams' as itollowsf No. 49, sounth bound, and No. 48. nortnoennd. . ; Pullman Sleeping Car and Parlor Car service has been discontinued for the season. ,. ... ... R. B. I BUNCH. del2-tf Traffic Manager. THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO Hew York. " Wilmington, N. C. and Georgetown. S. C. Lines. From New Vnrk. for Wilmington. S. Navahoe . S. New York Friday, Dec. IB .Friday, Dec. 22 From Wilmington for New York. ' S. S. New York Saturday, Dec- lfr S. S. Navahoe . .Saturday. Dec. 23 From Wilmington (or Georgetown. . S. Navahoe Monday, Dec. 18 S. S. New York Monday. Dec 25 Both steamers h?ve eood nassencrer accommodation. Through Bills L adine and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. tor freight and passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Supt.. Wilmington, N. C. CLIDE MILNE, Gen'l Freight Agt THEO. G. EGER. Gen'l Manager. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen'l Agts. 12 State street, New York. del2-tf STATEMENT. Report of the Condition of The South-' ern National Bank, at Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, November 9, 1905: Resources. Loans and Discounts S255.340.57 U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 200,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds. 7,500.00 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 4,738.14 Due from Nation al Banks (not reserve agents) $53,497. 24 Due from State B anks and Bankers 42,329.63 Due from approv- ed reserve ag'ts . 47,130 . 03 Checks and other .3 cash items 3,191.52 4 Notes of other National Banks. 52,644.00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents.. 288.11 199,080.53 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz.: Specie $17,425 Legal-tender notes.. 6,000 23.425.00 Redemption fund with TJ. S. Treasurer (5 per cent. of circulation) . 6.250.00 .$696,334.24 Total Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $200,000.00 Surplus fund 24,110.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. . . 2,204.87 National Bank notes out standing 200,000.00 Due to other National Banks.$56.322. 07 Due to State Banks and Bankers Due to Trust Companies and Savings Banks. Due to approved reserve agents. Individual depos its subject to check Cashier's checks outstanding . . 92,257.36 22,712.99 270.37 98,174.84 281.74 270,019 37 Total $696,334.24 State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover, ss.: I' C. N. Evans, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the I est of my knowledge and belief. C. N. EVANS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1905? C. E. TAYLOR, JR., Notary Public. Correct Attest: MATT J. HEYER. D. L. GORE, TNO. A. ARRINGDALE, nol5-tf Directors. Finest Quality N. C Red Rust Proof Oats. Full Cream Cheese. Flour, Sugar, Meat. Celebrated "Dunlop" Water Ground Meal. Corn, Crackers, Oats, Candy,- Hay, Cakes. Canned Goods. Choice and Varied Stock of Molasses. The Worth Co. ocl7-tf IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOFT YOUR SMOKING TRY A "White Knight Cigar." Money can't f urnish a better Cigar.. It'a told on lta merits. Stands for quality. We prove all We elalni by a trial ateur ex 'penae. , Sold locally by all reputable Dealers. F. E. HASHAGEII CO. . v ,, ' Agenta tor . factory. ? cieT TT

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