TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year, by Mall .".00 RNING TAR. Six Months, by Mail 2J5 Three Months, by Mall L2."5 Two Months, by Mail 1.0O -lotion of any WH- WHOLE NUMBER 11,899 WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMB. 1 HE r-rfl I 3W ?er be LOCAL DOTS. ..,r?C nrn Trust at Lirn up by masked vesterui.' the plant ,ved, as the re- tobacco ay ... Hpstro ;v dark W00".; of the trust t&e ro nrnn. K.V.. Was at a few nights am .,p rommit- 1oS vesterday, Thos. F in tne t"--" . 1 . TTnm R00t. ir. nam- him into al io, State .-.;mi(iatO f the JiiQUliauic Korth caronua W . .,, nrntestS IO U bar J eui tlie passage vi "kl and urging mat c . u . . a Sn To n -At business- vpsterdav morn 3 urnbl oo,i line ;t-Prd ways ity for miss. ase. lvog cotton snsetUe nr1v A .it Ui wn 1T1 -were oaau i""ucu " j attempts to save them dor Court at ureeu- four prominent young nf 1 - M an agBiesoi a poker in 11UU1U& iai in the case against ;eriwether on account of t with Miasm yuitt" lt he is no1 6U"1-' "l tut: guiu w--- order and discipline idemy; he was sen- f A iement one year witn- 0f the Academy m Hnn of the Senate yes- Mon developed to the treaty and there is a mnuire into President ..;ir rut flip Hon m canjis it is ratified f Atror odv has instructed the ited States District At- enforce the rebates and disenm- nilroads New iorK , on call firm at b to jMlng Md, 10. offered at mpt at 11.80; flour ,u lv vheat easy, no. v evator; corn ea&j, aw al elevator; oats firm 1-2; turpentine dull rosin steady, strained 3.30. MIR REPORT. ent of Agriculture fiber Bureau. X. C, Dec. 12, 1905- data for the 24 S P. M Tuesday. Dec ;t S A. M., 3 1 degrees es; Maximum, 62 de desrees: mean he dav. .00; rainfall h to date. 2.31. in Cape Fear river 8 A. M., Tuesday g. Sr Forecast. prolina Cloudy "Wed- by rain. Thursday flight to fresh south ing to North. StANAC-Dec- 13 7:02 A. X 4:46 P. M. .9 hrs. 47 min.' ISouthport .S:30 A. M. Wilmington 11:00 A. M. Other Local on Fourth Page A farlTlPra InsHtuo no rf tt In nlioKm oi ur. i ait Butler will be in New Han over on Friday, January 19th. Spirits' turpentine was firm at 61 cents on the local market yesterday. Rosin was-Urm at $2.95 per barrel. Services First Church of Christ, Scientist, this evening at 8 o'clock; Odd Fellows building, second floor. All are invited. If your job is growing "shaky," and the fault's not yours, get in the market for a "steady position" through a Star Business Local. The Baraca Union of all the churches will ,hold a reception in Grace M. E. church on Thursday even ing from 8 to 10:30 o'clock. All Bar acas of the city are invited to be present and bring their lady friends. Justice Bornemann yesterday committed to the common jail of the county Josephine Pigford a familiar figure in the police and magistrates' courts. She wil be tried for disorder- conduct before the "judge" to-day at noon. Mrs. Serena Smith, mother of Mr. T. Smith, who conducts a grocery store at Second and Castle streets suf fered a stroke of paralysis early yes terday morning at her home on Third, between Queen and Castle streets. Mrs. Smith is in a critical condition. The regular L'Ariso Christmas German will be given Wednesday night, Dec. 27th, at the Masonic Tern pie. Owing to the large number of TRUCK MOVEMENT Important Conference of Growers and Transportation People in This City Yesterday THE WATER WORKS QUESTION. Desire City All the STRONG ASSURANCES GIVEN Two Thousand Cars Promised Con cessions as to Car-load Minimum- Express Service Wanted on Northbound Night Train An important conference between the Executive Committee of the East Carolina Truck and Fruit Growers' As sociation, President T. M. Emerson and Traffic Manager H. M. Emerson, of the Atlantic Coast Line, Vice Presi dent and General Manager T. W. Ellis and another representative of the Ar mour Car Lines, was held here yes ter.day morning at the office of Presi dent Emerson, in the A. C. L. build ing, tne subiect under consideration having been the matter of transpOr tation for the approaching strawberry and other truck crops. While, of course, every detail of the conference was not given out, the truckers ap peared very well satisfied with the gen eral result and are of the opinion that the movement this season will be much more satisfactory to all concern spectators that are expected, the club I ed than ever before. will issue cards of admission to the Members of the truckers committee balcony. Any member or friends of I first met in the office of the Associa te club may secure same by applying tion in the Masonic Temple, those pre- to any member of the Governing 1 sent having been Chairman Wm Board. Mr. Kinon Carroll, aged 86 years, died about noon yesterday- at the James Walker Memorial Hospital. Mr. Carroll leaves several children. For some time past he had lived with his son, Mr. Henry Lee Carroll, at No. 611 Taylor street," from whose residence the funeral will be conducted this af ternoon at 3 o'clock. The interment will be in Bellevue. ATANTIC NATIONAL BANK. Favorable Notice of Wilmington I nsti tution in Prominent Trp&e Paper The Chicago Banker, a high-class financial publication of the West, in its issue of this -week prints an excel lent half-tone likeness of President John S. Armstrong, of the Atlantic National Bank, of this city, with the following brief sketch of the institu tion and its executive officer: "The Atlantic National, of Wilming ton, N. C, now has deposits in excess of $1,000,000 and is expanding rapid ly. Under date of November 9th, the bank makes the following excellent statement: Capital, .$126,000; surplus and undivided profits, $213,666; depos its, $1,041,161; loans and discounts, $S13,310; U.. S. bonds and other secu rities, $196,500; cash and due from banks, $474,112; total resources, $1, 504,838. Since its organization, the Atlantic National has paid $191,250 in dividends to shareholders E. Springer, Secretary and Business Agent H. T. Bauman, of Wilmington; Messrs. J. A. Brown, of Chadbourn; W. L. Hill, of Warsaw; J. S. Westbrook, of Wallace, and J. A. Westbrook, of Mount Olive. Without transacting any business, the committee proceeded in a body and by appointment to the office of Mr. Emerson, where the conference was in progress from 11:30 to 1 o'clock. Representatives of the Ar mour Car Lines met the truckers and railroad officials promptly and the bus iness was gone into immediately. The committee was given absolute assurance from the refrigerator car people that 2,000 cars would be fur nished to handle the crop to be de livered upon requisition of the busi ness agent of the Association through the Atlantic Coast Line. In the mat ter of loading, the truckers were en abled to secure some concessions as to the minimum car loads. The com mittee also was given postive guaran tee that special efforts would be put forth to increase the efficiency of the service in every way. At least 80 per cent, of the equipment to be furnished will be the large 40-foot cars instead of the 36-foot cars of which a majority have been furnished in the past and which the Car Line people are now dis placing as fast as possible with the heavier equipment The overloading of the cars and the resultant delivery of the fruit in poor condition will be People Do Not Ownership. (Communicated.) Just a word in reply to the unwar ranted assumption of yesterday even- ng's Dispatch, that all the citizens of Wilmington demand city ownership of water works. We may all want bet ter water, but do we wish to bind our already heavily burdened tax-payers by putting ourselves several hundred thousand dollars in debt to run a water works plant in competition with one already fully supplying our needs In jvery particular but one and having i-acently made a contract that will completely wipe out the one objec tion? Do we wish to buy a stagnant pond, outside the city limits, variable in the supply and nature of its water, which by -the most expert testimony, is liable to have impurities from causes that cannot exist in the tremendous and rapid flow of the powerful stream from which our water now comes? Do we wish our streets torn up and an other system of pipes run through our already complicated system of gas sewerage, and water work's pipes? Do we wish to run the risk of tremendous indebtedness at the start and large losses for years in competition with a company backed by some of our best and most useful citizens? Do we wish o put ourselves in the ridiculous light or rusnmg into tnis coiiossai venture on one single ground of complaint, which is to be rectified by the mod ern and complete filtration Dlant al ready contracted for by the Clarendon Water Works Company? Would not the interest of the citizens they repre sent, as well as the dictates of com mon business sense, demand that the Aldermen and the Board of Audit and Finance examine this contract of the Clarendon Works Company, and prepare themselves to show the tax payers whether it is satisfactory or not? Our citizens have a right to RE4DY FOR THE RUSH Christmas Holidays Impose Es pecial Hardships Upon Post office and Express Folks PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. PUBLIC TO BE CONSIDERATE Signs of Approaching Festive Oc casion Everywhere Apparent Packages Should Be Forward ed Early, Plainly Marked. Throngs of holiday purchasers in the retail shopping district; here and there a suggestion of holly and mistle toe. These with other evidences ad monish one that the Christmas season is near. It is a period oi joy and glad ness for the little folks, a season of good cheer for the grown-ups, but how many people, large or small, pause to think what a burden the glad ness and the joy of ourselves imposes upon many people in different lines of endeavor from that in which we are engaged. At no season of the year are the facilities for the prompt hand ling of mail, registry parcels and express packages so severly tested as during the Christmas holidays. The preparation for handling the mail and the registry and express business ex peditiously and safely involves con siderable forethought and the postof- fice and express people have had this- fact in mind for several weeks. Just now tney are beginning to reei tne swell of traffic which will roll on and on threatening to overwhelm them until the tide begins to recede a day or two before the actual holiday. It is the season when father or mother or son or brother, or some one else Mr. S. G. Worth, of Beaufort, was I here yesterday. i -r-H. L. Lyon, Esq., of Whiteville, I arrived last night. j Mr. Bruce Pierce, of Hallsboro, was here yesterday, i Mrs. W. C Galloway has gone to Suffolk, Va., to visit friends. Dr. J. Gerald Murphy, of Kenans- ! ville, N. C, is at The Orton. Mr. C. S. Kerr, of Sampson coun ty, is registered at The Orton. Capt. A. J. Johnson, of Clear Run, .3 in the city on a business trip. Mr. E. C. Nalle, of Washington, was a guest at The Orton yesterday. Judge T. A. McNeill, of Lumber ton, was a guest at The Orton yesterday. Capt. J. T. Borden, of Charleston, arrived last night and is a guest at The Orton. Mr. W. J. Rosenthal is here call ing on the trade and is being cordial ly greeted by his numerous friends. Miss Sallie Alston Turner, of Greensboro, arrived last evening and is the guest of Miss Lucy Baldwin, on South Fourth street. Atlantic Coast Line District Su perintendents G. D. Pugh, of Charles ton; J. P. Russell, of Richmond, and Owen H. Page, of Rocky Mount, were here yesterday on official business. CBotiDne It's the text of all the sermons we preach. Just now we're thinking of your wants for the coming Holiday. We take it that about your first re quirment will be a new Suit or Over coat perhaps both. .We hope so. Now we are going to ask you for a few" moments of your time just enough of it to enable you to step in to see the finest Fall Suits and Over coats. Your Eyes Ever Rested Upon. Every new kink in Cut, Style and Fabric has gone in these excellent garments. If you give us the few moments for which we ask you, we'll at once con vince you hat we have Clothes worth preaching about, and in the Entire house you'll not find a price to offend you. Our next discourse will be on th same text Clothes. 1 J. M. SOLKY & CO., ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING. WILMINGTON, N. C. nov 11-tf. THE STATE HOSPITALS. In- eaually as near and dear, sends some know which of two things is behind J gift to remind the recipient that the old friendship the present agitation; whether it is the real welfare of the tax-payers or a spirit of agitation for individual note riety or gain. Our officials must give an answer that will satisfy not merely themselves and their friends, but an intelligent and interested public opin ion of the people who must pay for what they undertake. A TAX-PAYER A PRETTY EVENING WEDDING. Miss Minnie Parker Perdew the Bride of Mr, Levi McMillan. At a quarter past 6 o'clock yester day evening at the home of the bride's brother, No. 310 North Seventh street, the Rev. N. M. Watson, pastor of Grace M, E. church, joined in marriage iu a beautiful ceremony Miss Minnie Parker Perdew and Mrs. Levi McMil lan, both popular young people of thisr city, the bride being a daughter of the late J. w. Perdew, and the groom being a well known young shoe mer chant of Wilmington. The parlors of the home were attractively decor- is still cherished, or that the affection of other years has not died with the pasasge of the years, or that the troth plighted has not been broken. The postoffice people during the rush of the holidays would be very grate ful to the public to have their pack ages firmly bound, legibly addressed with both the name of the sender and receiver and, where it is possible, they would be glad if the stamps were pur chased in advance and affixed in cor rect amounts. In a few days the an nual instructions 'will be published and in the meantime the public should bear in mind that anything to facili tate the work of the busy clerk would be greatly appreciated. The Southern Express people as well as the postoffice folks have their troubles about Christmas times and if the public "will only bo considerate they, too, will feel grateful. In this connection the following instructions have been issued by the Wilmington office Parties intending to ship Christmas largely eliminated per se by tne use oMo of the larger rolling stock. 1UC UVAW I - . - M - - . i r i ,11 i ii (ill r mo flaui o.vv managemeni uuiibaoi-s v. iuo " I i-efQ-nt -Prion rlc fnr delivery atPd with nalrns. forns. Southern cmi- leacul - - ' Murine the holiday season are request lax and cut flowers and softly lighted, d""ng J, . aBihlP. in , , .. ... , m I RQ LO UU aa con; no ' giving tne wending scene a cnarm oi in nandling and Koq Ti tv colrlmnn if cvtroi cnmocaarl A " Governor Conducting Searching quiry Into Affairs of Each. sweial Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. Governor Glenn had a conference this afternoon with the directors of the Raleigh State Hospital for the insane regarding changes in policy necessary to rid the institution of the burden of support of patients as indigent, who should be required to pay, and left on the even ing train for Morganton to hold a similar conference with the directors of the hospital there. A report from Superintendent McKee, of the Raleigh hospital, presented to the Governor, shows 447 patients of whom 151 were admitted during the year. The report claimed only one patient in the hos pital was able to pay for treatment in a sanitarium. A list of patients, giving the residence of each was sub mitted to the Governor and he divid ed them among the directors ac cording to sections represented with instructions to make-person- al investigation as to whether the patients or their people are really indigent or could pay part or all of their expenses in the hospital. He told them if any found difficulty in as certaining the condition of a particu lar patient to report the case to him and he would investigate. There is to be a special sess'ion of the boards in January to receive these reports of directors. After the meeting His Ex cellency left for Morganton to meet with the directors of the State hospi tal there when a similar course will be pursued as to that institution. REMOVE TO U. S. COURT. Merry Christmas To one and all is our sincere wish. We are going to put our good wishes into action by offer ing you the choic est and best gifts at prices that are fair. Carving Sets and Table Ware. Baker Hammer, less Guns. Remington Ham merless Guns. Hopkins & Allen Hammerless Guns. Single B. L. Guns. Sporting Goods of all kinds. Air Rifles the best on the market. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., del2-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Christ masGoods From officers: John S. Armstrong, president; trains as operated last year was agreed ., n nninlra HlCnQ f fVl TlfltlirflliV j. . idira, ' - Lmc)ilj ucoif frnn. thA fact, that tne sistant cashier. Mr. Armstrong, the au" IV. -V T n-o. ily ever tells what does, if his wife is Mm a wireless look doubt about it. inalysls ich we drew McGri Water Volatile Fixed Ash.- executive head of the bank, is a Vir ginian, having been born at Culpep-I per. For several years he was suc cessfully interested In mercantile and banking houses in Arizona, in i he became connected with the Atlan ta rational, which has prospered from that time ,and now pays dividends of 1 per cent, per month. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Transfers Which Appear From Deeds isactory motive power of the Atlantic uoast Line has been very much improved and increased since last season. Following the conference with the transportation officials, the Executive Committee met again at 3 o'clock in the office of the Association in the Masonic Temple. Vice President and General Manager Ellis and other re presentatives of the Armour Lines were present by invitation to discuss exclusively matters of refrigeration. The conference is spoken as very sat- host of friends and members of the families concerned were present to witness the pretty ceremony and to ex tend heartiest congratulations. The bride entered from the left on the arm of her brother, Mr. William E, Perdew, and was entrance by the groom with his best man, his brother, Mr. G. J. McMillan. The wedding march was from Loheng rin and was skilfully played by Mrs Mattie L. Chasten. The bride and groom proceeded to a beautiful impro vised altar in the bay-window of the room, wnere tney stood and as tier, Case of Downing and Stancill Duplin County. vSpceial Star Telegram.) Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 12. An order was made m tne Jt eoerai vjoun iu- j dav for the removal of the cases ON DISPLAY AT promptness in delivery. Local agents of the Southern Express Co. are pre pared to furnish people with suitable labels for the address, sticKers date of delivery of packages, and use ful information as to proper manner ioined at the rTrlor of Packing and markiDg yoW CfiSt' ainst J" a StanciU and D" C" Down' TTlP Tittle StOFC 1 .iwfIS mas packages." ing, revenue officers charged with the 1 C UUUS IU . murder of a man name I. Jernigan, oi A TEMPESTUOUS VOYAGE. Clyde Liner Arrived Yesterday, Her Cargo Shifted Horses Killed. The Cvlde Liner New iorK, iapi. A D. Ineram. amvea in port Mr. Watson spoke the words that made dav morning at 4 o'oclock, twenty-four them man and wife, Mrs. Chasten hours late. She encountered the heavy played softly "Meditation," adding northeast storm off Cape Henry sai greatly to the beauty and impressive- Lrdav and had an exceedingly rough ness of the moment. vovaee. When she reached port it The bride wore a becoming travel- waa found that a part of her cargo r.f it damaeed. ""6 Ui Was SUULcu oiava " . I . .v, T7.QavQl Pnnrt and carried a "beautiful shower bou- but the staunch vessel weathered tne proaecme u VisIa'o vasxa onrl T.tli'no r thQ I - i J AnTMM in unin ilir AfT. WO Car- I LI idl. qucL ui ui mc o iuoco cu.u. jAuf9 vi t. i ga,I till CI IJCLJUUC IU UUj v - Valley. After the ceremony Mr. and riage horses belonging to iapt. iJonuu Mrs. McMillan received the hasty con- MacRae and being shipped with nis graduations ul lneuus auu icn uu trap iroiu me jwim fiT . Allp--,e nf Bin evening train for a bridal tour includ- the Summer, fared uadly and T&Wthe Scenic Effects and Costumes of Big ing the cities of Baltimore, Philadel- number was so injured that it had to opera production. phia and New York. They will return be shot after it was landed on tne aoc The scenic effect3 and costumes, next week and be at home at the resi- hem vesterday morning. a tmru ft0M0 nf thp nntahlA cast, will be a dence of Mrs. J. H, Thomas, 'on North horse belonging to Mr. W. M. Martin, special feature The Aborn Produc Front street. In testimony of the Qf Fayetteville, died during the voyage tlQn Co,g new and magD.incent revival high esteem in which both the bride in consequence of being inrowu u, Qf Reginald De Koven's and Harry B. selling any I""" 16.50 per rntor from South ' a dull time in the oat seems to have -examining into the. . dispensary lit Ralpiah Trmnrl '.IL AV'llIlM 5 n lklUOrs.' novpr 1 cent. That nrn- - 1 est- The drinker freight. ord' ews of Mon-' es U. Woodward '3wl 0. Anderson cowardly liar" 31 of' charnr-tcr "' l'l dare v, -i-i v iuii WOUKl i coffee "for two Pry. j Filed for Record Yesterday. From deeds filed for record yester day the following real estate trans fers amoear: DanieJ O'Connor and wife to Sam- 111 Merrick for $550, property on south side of Princess, 198 feet east f tv. ctropt. 32x98 feet in size, mAro T" loco Joseph Todd and wiie to Thomas and wife, for $30, property on east side of Seventh, 198 feet souin of Wooster street, 33x99 feet in size. John Thomas and wife to Harry O. Thomas for $300, property on east side of Seventh, 198 feet south of Wooster street, 33x99 feet in size. Thos W. Davis, commissioner, to Swift M. Empie, for $1,900, property at northeast corner of Seventh and Howard streets, on Seventh street and at southwest corner of Anderson and Green streets. GTON. Mer rNTO. F v. c- HoPkins and Flnv. are twostena inters employ-' r Office at Wnci.. the world's 0 $30,000 words J Of SPVfm nA heat her er$ati ional orence reeord almost power ! David Jacobs Dead. David Jacobs a well known color ed undertaker and barber, died at 3:30 n'ctncir vesterdav morning at his home, No. 916 South Second street, after an illness of two weeks or more w was cm-oner of the county unui the revolution in the local government in irqr and was Drominent in the Re publican politics of New Hanover for manv vears However. &e was always respectful and . was not obnoxious in the ordinary acceptance of tnai leiiiA. He leaves a wife and two grown sons. The funeral will be conducted at J nviir nftomoTi from Mount Olive Church (colored) and the re mains will be laid to rest in, Pine For est cemetery. At 5 o'clock the committee met m conference with Superintendent Wal ter Buckner, of this district of the Southern Express Company, the ob ject being an effort to get an Express service on the northbound A. C. L. train from Wilmington at night, not only for the sake of the trucking in terest, but for the accommodation of the nublic at large. It was pointed out as a notorious fact that Wilmington has only one express north per day and that the public and truckers would be very responsive to the additional disnatch reauested. Mr. Buckner said the Southern Express peoples, he thought, were very willing to grant the request, the only obstacle being tnat the Atlantic Coast Line found it 1m- Dracticable to put on an extra car from the Wilmington end, hardening the already heavy trains witn wnicn the Wilmington train connects at South Rocky Mount Upon, motion Chairman Springer and Business Agent Bauman were appointed a spe- Duplin county, from the State to the United States Court. A writ of cer tiori was signed this afternoon. The -ntAnA n vl-vnlral cHll near Mount Olive and, on leaving the place, SPECIAL 1 1 1 W.-" MlUOIiaS Uiai shot and killed Jernigan said to nave been the owner of the land. The offi cers claim Jernigan was in the act of firing at them when Downing kill ed him. In this removal it will be necessary for the United States Dis trict Attorney to defend-the officers and the Superior Court solicitor to were $1.25 now 50c. Bills Payable? Pay Cash! Pay your own bills; Don't pay the other Fellow's. We are bad people; sell so low. Come See Us. Peoples' Supply Go del2-tf PLATT & HAAR. Dec. 6-lt. "ROBIN HOOD" TO-NIGHT. r Special Star Telegram.) Raleterh. N. C Dec 12. Among til"' rpniarKablv well "to"-""- i , r . i nave bluuia v..- clal committee to call upon the proper 0pinions of the Supreme oun aeuver- he morning train for C. L. officials and ascertain if tne ed this evening was one from uruns- aott1empnt of the Trucking Devel- . -UJ.l 1 I . . . , j Tn1nr AlTftT- luc added service cannot now oe ouwmcu. wick: atanaianu va. aa. t company, in Pender county ... t.. oafl. i - 11.. n AhAi- siacaa vorp t nun i The committee cuutiuucu i tracucaii an vovo - sions after an arduous day's wont, duc the extreme west. rme court expecis Weds To-Morrow Evening one, the transactions of whicn, tney to diSpose of the remainder ox iuC marriage of Miss Mary Thomp- hope and believe wil result in mucn cases pending and adjourn ior me Dr A D McDonald, of eood to the trucking interests oi n,ast- term by Friday or ssaiuraay. i . M a p Southerland, Notice h: as decided NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. will bP intend cntains tf. on of t " at.s St ue ..L1 U V' eel the .....: , . t" merits ir ,.u,'.. 11'll'"4 p'ttsburr. raising" 0f IS in 1. . . le citv. ere- Stieff Pianos. . Jas. M. Hall Prescriptions. Warren & Davis Fruit Cake. Cane Fear Trading Co. Groceries PflltJ ph a rmncv Christmas Pre sents. IK and groom are held, a large number an(i forth, and the body of it was of handsome wedding gifts were re ceived. SUPREME COURT OPINIONS. One From Brunswick Power of Cor poration Commission. - i. V. - VTA CJ 3 a v,nm nvorhnarn Deioro icoo reached nort. Capt. Ingram, nis or fleers and crew worked manfully to save the ship and speak of the ex : o no nf the rouenest in yeiiCAA car, - their careers Smith's famous comic opera KODin Hood" which comes to the Academy of Music to-night. The management wHh their accustomed liberality in operatic productions which they con trol, have spared no expense as re guards all details connected with the A party of twelve or fifteen Italian Q anization. The opera is in three Immigrants, spone oi m jeaiu., " paper, arrived safely and appearea iu acts and the three act sets are pro nounced marvels of the scene paint ers' art. Local theatre-goers can anticipate a gala musical event when "Robin wnnd" comes to this city. Seats are now on sale. Either You Op Your Neighbor Has A Telephone We Have a Compound Bicycle Delivery When in Need of Drugs. Phone 192. JAMES M. HALL, Druggist. 5th and Castle 'Phone 192. del3-tf Fruit Cake! Try Ours and You Will Buy No Other. Warren & Davis, Phone 61. del3-tf ACADEMY OF MUSIC, WEDNESDAY NIGHT, Dec 13th. . THE ABORN PRODUCTION CO. Presents America's Greatest of all Comic Operas "ROBIN HOOD" By SMITH and DeKOVEN 50 COMPANY 50 Seats on Sale Tuesday. Dec 10-3t. ern North Carolina. i- .4-1. a, am r in auuLuci aoc va A."- r i . -rrnlrnlnp-tnn Commission vs Seaboard Air Line, the of Wilmington pmipt nnstains sub-section fifteen of the act creating the Corporation Com mission, which empowers the Commis sion to reouire a railroad to put in a aide-track where it appears freight LOCAL PORT PARAGRAPHS. Norwegian.' Barque From Martinque Steamer With Veneering Timber. TMJAmo1r. The Norwegian oarque from Is enough to pay for it- cos tons Cant. Hasse. arnvcu - JUIU, a-- ,f j nve years vesterday to Messrs. neioe uu., i tA cargo of naval stores. The barque comes from Fort de irrance, mas que, at which port she was last re ported October 28th. -ttio -RHtish steamer Armenia, Capt. C. B Mackness; cleared yesterday for His Body Recovered. George Washington, the young col- jored man drowned about two weeks or ten day3 ago from the steamer Clifford, off The Oaks plantation, down will be celebrated at ,-?0 o clock to-merrow aneiuwu . . . T a I 1 nirp the residence ui ,r the river, was found yesterday morn- . pasor o, ------- :,r:Jing near where the man disappeared. bytenan cnurcn. it - - ra" t nflviR of the Clifford, went down home T-JA" lnt i the river after the body and saw that .rfeySdUltig-it was given a decent burial in the mate friends. Mr. Southerland is ot0r,r h. Wasninsrton employed oy tne auwuc - i q cmn1nVAr1 hv Davis on the The Commission I!" a aaa hoard tn hut in a track empioyeu u VVV was emnloyed by Capt. for The ROTnd 0- J- 0,0 ocU - - J at ivieirj' vaiAO, aao iKftnnd A C. L. train, going soum frr.tr. Wilson. They will return Thurs Sale of Christmas Novelties. . d wiU be at nome at the A ran? oportunity to purchase dolls residence 0f Dr. McDonald, 313 North boat when he was drowned. mother in Burgaw was notified of the finding of the body. For Christmas and Holiday Presents See Attractive Win dow Display at HARDIN'S PALACE PHARMACY 126 So. Front St. AT THE ATLANTIC CAFE: DRINK Or order the finest Wines and Liquors for our stock is unsurpassed. SLEEP In good, large and Airy Rooms. EAT The Best new River Oysters; Raw, Stewed or Fried, or the most delicious Steaks, etc. "THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY" at GTESCHEN BROS.. Proprietors. 'Phone 111.. Opposite A. C. L. Depot. Dec 10-tf. del3-tf I -in i aMaai1 tr I X " nf 630.000 feet and Christmas novemea i8 Fourth street. vjieeiAYYiv-AA -aaa o- : . . I ,, i Mi hv st Aenes uuua . a i nl rt ma veneering, timber ana w UM;m; t00- church, in the parish oeidr Water Works, it $36,000 and consigneu u oi - tn - - - .. . n i fmm 1 II Mil IU1S luoiuius .v Cabt Will L. Miller to. tne Acme x buwb - " i tnio pvf mc.. w Before choosing your Xmas gifts call at Oriental Bazaar, rfua worm Front Street. Dec 8 e o d if. I Cape Fear Trading Co., 5 this erywhe re. BUSINESS LOCALS. Found Spotted Cow. D. C Clerk Wanted. D. C Cashier Wanted. Wanted Intelligent Girl. F. J. Dempsey Christmas Holly. Great reduction in prices on all goods at Oriental Bazaar. in, valued at $36,000 and const capu wm . oiod J wir this evening. Chest Company, or uiB, " eTnhrace an attractive line The Armenia is chartered for another year will embrace an she. has just cleared. attend. . . a, v r.riontNfiW Wnnd Baskets Tne must . just arnvea iruiii . - rnmt ,n Wilmington. Elegant 1,0.0.1, ivw . v r j Deo. 8 e o 43t The Board of Audit and Finance will uitu. mPpt at 530 O ClOCK ID13 aitemuou mwdo a. mo aiwaaa, : nass upon the proposed purchase of Second street, Tuesdaj', uecemoer convinced. - t av. A. o . A n'1rlr I 1 A 7 1 I 1 I IIIIKS I Greenfield Mill iono as a possiuie sup- iu, ai o.ou - nlv for a municipally owned water in the 5n year oi nis age. works plant. It will be rememDerea Funeral tnis i.weanesuay; aii.ciuuuai that at a special meeting of the Board at 3 o'clock from Mt. Olive church of Aldermen last Saturday evening It (colored) by Rev. J. A. Bonner; In- was unanimously resolved to purchase terment in Pine Forest Friends and acquaintances invited to attend. the property for $4,71 1 We are in the vBusiness to Please our customers. Give us a trial and be 'Phone 1013 or can. Fourth 'anf. Campbell streets. J. B. TAYLOR, Manager. Phone 1013. 601 N 4th St TO THE LiaVOR DEALERS OP THE CITY. Take notice that all applications for liquor licenses must be filed with the City Clerk and Treasurer at City Hall on or before Thursday, December 14 th inst., at 12 o'clock M. P. Q. MOORE. Chairman Special Committer. de9,10,14-3t NOTICE. del3-tt Stop at the Sellers House when at Ivanhoe. A. SELLERS, Proprietor, Ivanhoe, N. C. .