jinn TOY At ML NEW FURS AT GAYLORD'S. cims' OPEHING ORB tfday, uecemoer orn. Lst Complete line of Dolls gnd Toys in the State. ,riv and Avoid the Rush. DOLLS, CARRIAGES, HORSES, TRAINS AUTOMOBILES, ELEPHANTS, DOGS, VELOCIPEDES, MONKEYS, GAMES, . - HORSES, ' BOOKS, r " GUNS, CRADLES, FIREWORKS. HORNS, PIANOS, BANKS, XMAS TREE ORNAMENTS, WORK BOXES, CANDLES, TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! fcks and toys Wholesale and Retail. Three Stores Combined. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Grand Secretary Drewry, of the Grand Lodge of Masons, says the growth of the order in North Carolina this year has been most remarkable and deeply gratifying. In all twelve new lodges have been organized this year and three revived. 'Raleigh News and Observer: In the case of Deputy Revenue Collectors Downing and Stancill against whom a Duplin county grand jury returned a true bill for the killing of Watson Jernigan, moonshiner, Judge Purnell of the United States District Court, orders theclerk of Duplin county to Certify the - record and enjoines the sheriff from arresting the deputies, who will be tried before Judge Pur nell. They will be defended by Dis trict Attorney Harry Skinner, assist ed by Messrs. Argo and Shaffer and Claud Dockery. " Charlotte Observer, Dec. 'r 13th: The usual order of things . was re versed last Sunday, when Miss Laura Percer, the 22-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Percer, who live on North Caldwell street extension, stole away with 17-year-old Ernest Tomberlin am! married the youth. The youthful husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. James Tomberlin, who are very wrathy over the matrimonial episode. It is an interesting story. It seems that Miss Percer and Tomberlin had been spoony for some time, but owing to the difference in their ages, their friends did not regard the spell seri ously. However, Sunday morning Miss Percer, who is the undisputed head of the family, took matters in her hand. She secured a turnout, drove by for him who was to become her younger half, and hied away to the South Carolina line. In the na tural eourse of events 'Squire Bailes received his fee and pronounced his blessing upon the couple. Upon their return the bride naturally took her husband to her parents' home, where they will reside- It is understood that the parents of the husband have not yet let their wrath cool and the young man has not yet dared visit his people. SALE OF LANDS, .FOR TAXES UNPAID FOR 1905. I have levied upon aad will sell at Public Auction, at the Court House door of New Hanover Couaty on Mon day, the first day of January, 1800, at 12 o'clock M., the following described Real Estate, to satisfy the Unpaid Taxes due the State eC North Carolina and the County of New Hanover for the year, 1905, together with the cost and expenses due thereon, unless the amounts so due and unpaid are settled before sale. FRANK H. STEDMAff, Nov. 30, 1905. Sheriff. WILMINGTON- TOWNSHIP. White. WORKS WONDERS. Name. I 1 n Lot Tax I and Costs Atlantic Shingle Cooperage and Veneer Co do do do do Est N C A Ahrensl do - do do do Bagg, Horace A. Bate, Mrs Susan F Bender, C E Kiddle, hrs. Julia. Boykin-. Mrs J A. Branch. C R. J M Bunting, agt for Phillips, G S, guard Bunting. Louis M. Burkhimer, Mrs LI w do do Best, R W Canaday, W A. Capps, Jno W . . . Carolina Copper works Chapman, L. do do do do Collins, H W . Corbett, Mrs Kate and others. . . do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 1 5 : pt3 15 all 16 all 306 w 1-2 323 w 1-2 346 all 1 183 w 2 162 e 1-2 3 92 e 4 5 6 78 w pt 1 2 159 e ra 1 2 489 e m 1 2 63 w 5 218 s e 1- 4 4 25w pt 1 256 s w 1 207 e 4 63 ptm 4 77 pt em do do do do do do ITgAYLORD'S " NEW SILKS AT GAYLORD'S. Dec. S-tf. r CHAS BLOMME market i HAL SALE ON BLANKETS. a broken lot of those special numbers, "we will close . " ji . i 3 OUt at COSl, US luus us iuej lttsi. All-ffool Scarlet Blankets, was $4.00, now $3.25 bite Blankets, sold for $3.00. now $2.50 mite Blankets, sold for $5.00, now .$3.75 Me Blankets, sold for $4.00, now ..: ..$3.00 j Initial Handkerchiefs, joat all pure linen, worth $1.50 doz., $1.00 iren's All-Linen Handkerchiefs, per doz. .... 60o lefor'the C. B. and Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets. lyranted. Every CO en ST 09 5T B9 CD 5a" HAS. B LOMME 129 MARKET L W. Polvogt Co's. "The Store That's Always Busy. a week an excellent opportunity for economical, satisfactory Pfli that nobody can afford to miss. sided to every department in our store suitable goods for prices that are aston ishingly low- We have the largest and sof really desirable presents for ail ages, and have provided pments. Whether you have in mind a gift for old or young, rich ai please you. Our stock is ready for inspection. We give tog Stamps with every purchase. p receive prortiDt atten tion. ' ' ' Ihc C. W. Polvogt Co., P-Opposite Postoffice. ' - - A Wonwerful Compound. Cures Piles, Eczema, Skin itching, Skin Erup tions, Cuts and Bruises. Doan's Ointment is the best skin treatment, and the cheapest, because so litle is required to cure. It cures piles after years of torture. It cures obstinate cases of eczema. It cures all skin itching. It cures skin eruptions. It heals cuts, bruises, scratches and abrasions without leaving a scar. It cures permanently. Wilmington testi mony proves it ' J. S. King, clerk on Market street, residing at 815 Orange street, says: "I used Doan's Ointment and found it to be a great remedy for itching hemorr hoids. It acted like a charm in my case. I tried all kinds of remedies, but until I used Doan's Ointment 1 could get nothing to give me positve relief. It is a splendid preparation and you are welcome to use my name as one who says so. I obtained it at R. R. Belamy's drug store." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCURSION RATES, 1905-6 TO All points east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers, Via. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Tickets for the public will, be sold at one and one-third fares plus twenty five cents for the round trip on De cember 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 30th and 31st, 1905, and January lst, 1906, final return limit January 4th. Tickets for Students and Teachers will be on sale from December 17th to 24th inclusive, with final return limit January 8th, 1906, upon presen tation and surrender of certificate signed by Superintendents, Principals or Presidents of the various colleges. For further information, call on your nearest ticket agent or write W. J. CRAIG, General Pasenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. de7 till ja2 Torture of a Preacher. The story of the torture of Rev. O D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church of Harpersville, N. Y., will interest you. He says: "I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, result ing from the grip. I had to sleep sit ting up in bed. I tried many reme dies, without relief, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my cough, and saved me from consumption." A grand cure for dis eased conditions of Throat and Lungs At R. R. Bellamy's, druggist; price 50c and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial hot tie free. 125 Bid & Mchy 338 w ra 2 348 w 2 35 e m 2 3 205 s w 1-4 2 313 w m 3 4 5 437 e 1 2 3 4 5 421 e 1 2 3 4 5 334 w m 1 2 3 333 e 1 2 3 442 all 446 all X pt 2 3 4 I 435 all I 2 3 4 5 1 2 pt 31 88,71 39.62 16.11 9.12 9.00 6.83 17.10 11.25 4.86 20.29 13.35 12.36 354 2L05 9.20 6.24 18.68 Name. I Lot Tax I and ICosta Brown. Jno H.5B2e 1-2 6 do hrs M E..lS2e m 1 2 Bryant David... 93 e m 1 2 Byrd, hrs Edwd.l 82 w 5 6 do Kenan .. 252n w 1-4 do Richard . .338e 12 Canady, May 213 e end 1 Crandall, Jerre ,.jl49n e 1-4 junion, nrs Jju- N. cretia Cochran, Josh Corbett, hrs twan Cowan, Hattie. do do Davis, Charlotte L Davis, Jos H Davis, Nancy. Devane, Rev WM228e 3 4 5 68 w 4 . 540 n e 1-4 223 e 1-2 3 146 e pt 6 Dixon, Sophia Dry, wm ....... Dove, hrs Owen. Durham, Jas..., Edward, Thos & wife do do Eskins Herbert, Henry Eskins, grd Everett Josephine Evans, hrs Julius do do Ferguson, hrs Sallie ........ Freeman, Jno T Freeman Virgil A Foster, Sam & . Noble Milton. Galley, Jas M... Gause, Edward. Gr;2n, iiucy v . Green, Jno Haggett, Grace. Hall, Lilly G... Hall, hr Jos D. Hall, hrs R L. . . do do Hall. Richard P. do ao do do Hammond, Caro line Harrington, hrs. Louise . . . Henderson hrs Hagan . . Hill. Allen Hill, hrs Edward Hill Louis Hill Wm J H... Hill, hrs Virgil. Holmes. Jno Holmes. Sarah Al Hooper, Johnson Howard, A 304 pt 4 327 w pt 4 5 211 n e 1 4 w m 4 540 n e 1-4 266 pt e m 350 w 2 3 482 W pt 2 3. 295 e 293 n 64 e 309 e 37 n 1 2 4 25 w end 636 s e pt end 6 m 2 w 1-4 5 2 212 w 284 e 5 4. 5 238 e pt 254 e J-2 162 e m 327 w 3 349 e m 3 4 265 W pt 2 224 n w l-4 3 241 W 1-2 3 5 350 m 3 4 1 187 m 4 5 479 w m 1 3 4 5 all 3 4 5 3 4 2 pt -4 2 1 2 1 e i 444 e 1 447 all 4 do do 438 all do do 439 all do do 45 all do do 434 e 1 2 do do 440 e 4 5 do do 441 el 2 4 5 do do 443 all do do 430 e 3 do do 331 e 1 2 do do 448 all 1 4 5 do do 44Sw 1 I Craig, W G......I293 n w 1 Culpepper Marv Ej 72 w m Daniel, C H I 77 e pt i 1 2 i3avis, C R il31 n w 5 DeRossett Mrs R.lll5 e m 1 DeVaney, Mrs Hi l 103 pi m 1 Dickinson, W P. 225 n e pt 2 Dixon. H W 307 m 4 5 Everitt, hrs Ann. 210 n e 4 Eagle M'fg Co... 267 e 3 4 Fleet, Mrs S C... 104-w 1 JTlanner, A J 178 w 3 Gaskill, J W 38 n e 1-4 3 Glavin, hrs P. 206 e pt 1 do do pi 4 Greer, Gussie 198 w 2 Guthrie, Mrs F... 74 e 6 Grady. L V 204 s e 1-4 2 Haar, G Henry... 103s e 1-4 2 Hall. Jas M . 126 n e 4 do Mrs Mary F im e i Haney,- W M Itfm pt 4 5 6 Harriss, Mrs M Mcl do do do do Howard, Benj W. Howard, Jno H.. Jackson, Jas E.. j'acobs Moses . . . - James, w n Jenkins, Jenkins. Johnson Johnson do Jones, Jones Birds. Gold Fish. iary Birds and Cages. Gold Fish and Aquariums. Sale by W. W. KING, Jr., Solomon's Shoe Store. 'lurchison National Bank OF WILMINGTON, Organized March, 1899. l'l. The 'Sr. Nr. cobi Springer Hardware Cnm- s j. i r. v t lb. xv. Grocer. Corbett Com PearsalT. of the $300,000 175,000 300,000 3,000,000 DIRECTORS. JNO. F. McNAIR, McNair & McQTJEEN, President, GRAINGER, Vlfce President. STEVENSON, Wholesale Grocer SHIRLEY CARTER, Baltimore, A. B. NICHOLS, Nichols, S. C. M. W. DIVINE, Paints and Oils, H. C. J. V. J. C. is 'fin in . :. uCW Duiidmg and industry in North Carolina "i a .. . - period in the State's history.. The North Caro- "ISUranr. - . .. . ""efth- company, of Raleigh, N- c, should receive us u rnsn,, , ..... , a.. - .... --rviijr as tomparea wnn xne percenwyc up" Bean the Signature ASTOllIA. Tha Kind You Hare Always Boagjil do do do Harriss, do do do Wm M. 19.52 7.23 5.45 6.44 10.39 18.68 15.13 8.41 7,62 4.07 40.80 15.52 100.05 2.88 15.72 16.70 6.04 21.84 12.36 36.26 7.23 4.74 Jackson. Mary A tiarkins, Sergeant gr Marv jr. Livingston, hrs H Lloyd, MiKe ... Loftin, I. Loftin, Major . . xjOftin. hrs W 1 Lovick, hrs T 1 & wife , Loftin. Green... Mallett, Wm P. Martin. CM... do do Moore. Betsy . . Merrick. Sri rah 1 do do do do Middleton, L. A MUUs, Jno ... vritrhpii Aiaria.. Moore. Jackson Moore, Robt -. . Mnnrp Sarah J. Moore, hrs Thos T Morgan, hrs a. Mnsclev. Jno r McBride, hrs Wm McFarlan. Joseph do ao 1 21 Hewlett, J H do Martha S Hurst, W M Jacobs, hrs W N. Johnson, E F. . . , do do - Jones, lark A.., do Recca A., do Sol. J. King, A S do B F do BR , do Rev, Jos P. do do do do Kea. Dr J E. . Lawton, Miss F V Lewis, J A Lathrop. E S Mason, E T Matthews, Jas R. do Jesse T. Merritt, L W Mills, Callie J.. Mintz, Wm S Moore, Jno Jas . . . do Miss L is. . Mayo. Mrs W E. Morris hrs Fr'ncisj do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 527 all 529 all 39 w 1- pt 3 525 pt 5 27 all 4 14 all 3 66 w l-4.6 117 e m 1 117 w pt 1 48m 1 2 181 w m a 172 w m 3 139 a m 1 2 m 3 4 347 e end 4 u 77 w m 6 132w 1 2 31 W pi O D 52 e m 5 6 52 m Pt 1 2 3 pt 4 W pt 3 50 w 1 2 52 W 4 5 52 n e pt 4 207 e m 1 2 114 w m 1 2 264 e 1-2 4 194 e s 3 74 e 1-2 5 s 1-4 6 19 w pt 4 5 3pt 1-2 296 pt e 2 81 w 1 2 25 all 3 3pt 1 : 488 w 1 2 305 w 3 4 4 all pt 5 all 6 all 4 5 3 5 1 1 2 pt 3 4 1 2 3 pt 2 3 6.25 7.82 8.81 11.57 9.20 19.08 34.67 7.30 2.48 17.30 6.00 6.24 16.44 10.79 14.34 17.10 9.00 23.62 18.20 3.95 5.64 2.80 6.44 4.34 7.26 16.31 19.47 4 5 "7 all 1 pt 5 6 Sail 1 2 5 6 10 all 3 pt 1 11 all 4 2 3 12 all 5 6 pt 3 4 13 all 5 6 pt 4 14 all 6 pt 5 17 pt 2 3 18 pt 3 4 5 19 pt 4 5 6 20 pt 5 6 530 pt 5 6 531 pt 6 546 afl 1 3 4 3 4 4 5 6 2 5 6 pt 6 pt 2 2 pt To Remove FRECKLES AND PIMPLES In 10 Days, Use NAD I NO LA The Complexion Beautifier. do do do do do do McCartney, J C -nrifa McCartney. Mrs M rJnnuerail. J H MnParland. Mrs M E McKinnon. hrs Mrs D E Nutt, J D O'Sullivan, Jno P. Penny, Mrs C G . . do nrs w j . . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Priase. James... Phillips. Lizzie 547 all 4 548 all 4 549 all 4 550 all pt 5 6 51 all 12 3 545 all 1 Pt 544 do pt 1 2 3 pt 2 3 pt 3 4 117 n e 1-4 5 J'ven K ft build low to it on th periods of less industrial activity. Give e desirahia nt nmn.rfiM mt hsv tn fitter. I Vpi. I J W" . . w UP cur horn Uat anH nntinue the areat enjoyed era it It of by our people. WALKER TAYLOR, Agent., Wilmington, N. C. iii i fa i THE NAD1N0LA GIRL Nadinola is a new discoverer guaran teed, and money will be refunded in M-orv -n'se where it fails to remove ffirips nimnlea. liver-spots, collar Mak-heads. disflgur ing eruptions, etc. The worst cases in en oirc T.oavea the skin clear, soft. hooittiir nnri restores the beauty of Trio kws and 11.00. Sold in each cit-v bv all leading druggists, . or by moii- Mrs. Etta Brown writes: xvasnviue, Tinn . Sent. 8. 1905: "I have been us Nadinola. Egyptian Cream, Soap and Nadine Face Powder and like them all Arery much. This Is the first summer since childhood that I have been without freckles. I am 34 years nirt .and have a better complexion now than when a girl." Prepared only by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Term Sold in Wilmington by Robert R. Bel lamy and all leading druggists. agt F E H 52 w pt !06 e m 218 w 2 235 w 1-2 2 19SS e 7 206 e 5 17 m 6 pt m 5 132 w m 1 2 105 pt 6 146 W 1 158 w pt 4 5 307 w pt 2 3 224 e 3 188 w m 4 5 161 w m 3 4 308 w pt 5 263 W 1 326 e m 35 n w 1-4 4 Lu-I 128 w 1 117 s e 1-4 2 54 pt e m l 146 e 3 78m 1 2 94 W pt 323 s w 1 100 W 1-: 51 n e 52 n e 1-4 3 4 4 2 4 4 S Ramsey, i j o Rellly, Poisson, Mrs Register, W Reville, D S Rowell. nrs cilia - Saunders, H G.. do qo j Sellers, J F. ... Sneed. Mrs Ida E Stokes, B C itn . ao Schonwald, Mrs Carrie a -if XX "i Simmons Mrs MF 166 w 4 ao ov? -" ' do 1200 s e 4 Wm D..I234 e ml wans I 76 n e 1-4 2 W H, hrs. Mrs. S W. ' do do do do Tnrrentine, Jno! Ti. .ir & wiie Thome. W ti trustee VnnAmrlnee, C S 29.01 11.57 3.87 12.36 28.95 38.2 24.80 4.46 11.57 do do Sumlin, Swann, Sharp, Smith, do do do do - do do do do Warren, E D . Whitlock, C M Williams. H C. Wil. Sewerage Co 62 pt w m 165 w m 1 2 179 w 1 2 192 e 1-2 2 158 e 1 2 3 105 e 5 6 208 s w 1-4 1 158 w m 1 2 80 all 4 5 e 6 131 w m 1 3 4 3-4 1-2 49.7 10.39 2.4 4.46 26.97 9.99 4.97 4.27 12 14.34 28.95 23.03 36.57 15.91 6.04 6.63 111.91 21.45 21.05 350 e 518 w pt 3 2 5 Jas C...J s Benj 1 228 e 4 5 31 w pt 1 211 e 1-2 2 347 e m 4 161 w 4 . 3 n .e 1-4 4. 269 e m 5 97 n e 1-4 4 349 e pt 1 2 293 e pt 1 118 w m 1-4 4 19 n w 1-4 4 ! w 2 3 52 n e 1-4 3 34 n e pt 1 209 e in 4 5 536 n c 1-4 2 37 e pt , Name. iBlk I 1 Lot iTax j and Costs Alex. - Chas. . . do Moses, Jr. Pallis. 213 e 3 55 w 1 540S e 1- 45 m 2 do do If.Ctn .Inn Zt.Yn McFarlan, MorrsJJ' " McMillan, Jas grd McNeill. Jno McRae, Jno C. . . Nelson, Stephen.. Tewkirk. Thos . . Nixon, Nick Nixon, hrs Pimy. do do Nixon. Edward... Onslow, Rex J St wife Parker, Benj J Patterson. Ed.. Reilly Jas O agt for Clark, ttai- tie Broadhurst, Ed. est Reed Anna do do Reese, hrs Sam. Richardson, Mar- earet E Repley, hrs Wm. . Rivera. Thos Jr. Robinson, hrs Ag nes J do do I Robinson, W. H.. Sampson, Alex. . . I Sanders, Hampton Sloan. Joshua m. Stanford, Geo. . . Stanley, Chas . . . Stanley, Wright.. Swann, lAicy Shepard, Jos Sheridan. W B . . Simmons, Alice. . Simmons, Jos E. Simmons, Jose phine Smith, Amy C... Smith, hrs Lucy. Smith, hrs Maria. Smith, hrs Susan Smith, wm ti... Sullivan. Abbie. Scurlock. Mary j. Taylor, Edwd R 148 em.' I 304 w 1-2 3 w m 3 4 58 w m - 97 n w 1-4 4 98 4 148 s e 6 6 1-2 208 e m 3 254 e pt w end 5 S!7e m 3 213 e m 1 2 294 S w 2 4.92 e m 1 2 486 W'l 2 3 92 w m 1 2 3 70 W pt 2 27 n e 1-4 2 240 e 1 161 e end 2 3 224 w 4 5 261 W 1-2 2 48 e 3 4 pt e 52 s w 1-4 2 1-2 4 101 e m c 119 w 1-8 3 187 s w 1-4 3 161 w 4 5 239 n e 1-4 2 2418 w 1-4 4 269 s w 5 187 e m 4 5 280 s e 1-4 187 w m 1 66 e 1-4 3 22 e 1-2 5 6 37 n e 1-4 2 336 e 1 1 1 2 327 e m 1 2 200 s w 1-4 4 52 e 5 262 e m 3 4 5 325 pt' end 23 s w 1-4 3 479 w 2 3 56 w 1-2 3 36 n e 4 pt 3 2 3 4 3 1.50 3.27 SUO 2.48 4.27 2.88 2.4S a.25 2.88 4.46 4.07 4.50 2.88 2.88 4.46 4.54 2.29 4.06 7.81 4.86 8.61 4.07 1.70 6.04 2.09 2.48 2.29 7.03 5.06 2.88 2.09 4.46 4.86 6.83 7.23 3.28 4.07 2.88 9.20 3,67 2.48 2.88 4.46 2.09 2.48 2.48 3.67 6.04 2.09 2.29 3.12 7.23 2.09 4.66 2.88 2.48 6.4 3.47 1.70 2.09 4.07 4.86 1.89 3.87 2.29 6.83 " 7.62 1.70 4.06 7.03 11.18 4.46 4.66 5.25 6.44 3.08 6.44 7.18 4.86 3.67 4.07 3.08 3.48 7.51 2.48 2.09 2.09 4.46 3.48 3.46 6.67 2.48 1.50 2.49 5.65 6.44 4.66 4.66 1.70 Sidbury, J D. . . Smith, Geo R. . Stokely, Mrs M A Tietgen, Mrs M Webb, W L Wilkerson, Frank Bass Cyrus Bryant David. . . . DeBernier,. Wm.. Hall Edward.... Hansley, Menus. . Hines Jones, Hyman... do John Loftin, hrs Mag gie Miller, Jos S Nixon, Jordan... do do do Mrs. M. J. do Bettie Sidbury, Sarah . . . Williams, Cy.... 150 Island crk place 12 Wrig h t s v 50 4Mlddle Sound 11 3-4adj C H Alexander Colored. I 9 nr Baymeadj 1-4 pt Nixonl land I l-"2 pt Allen land 2 12 E. Wil mington 1 pt Thos Gil lespie Bradey l'nd 5 pt Allen land 4 W. F. Alex ander 2 pt Bradly land 1 nr Baymead H3 adj J D Nixon 3 adj C H Alexander 65 adj C H Alexander 43 3-4 ad Dei Nixon '2 pt Al 1 e n land 124 1-8 pt E F l Willi a m s I land 4.38 8.41 16.43 4.59 1.70 4.70 2.35 2.48 I 5.00 6.52 4.14 -4.51 5.98 3.98 5.66 4.99 7.70 6.39 5.65 2.48 I 6.14 CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP. Whit?. Name. " V I Tax Acre Desc'p'tn laud " I " ICost phia 100 adj Potter Wilmington Park Co 11 Hilton West, M Oswald. 8 adj Quelch Colored. 77 Burgwine, Jacob. Bannerman. Nero. Blackwell, Wm.. Davis, Edward . May, Lovett. Mallett, Wm P. . Miller, hrs T C. , Peoples, Sam Spillman, Boston. adj W E worth 7 1-2 adj W E; Worth 10 adj W E Worth 11 Rock Hilt 36 R H Smith tract 25 adj Eliza Jones 61 J F Hines 10 adj W E Worth 12 1-2 adj W E Worth 2.88 15.52 3.19 13.46 2.48 248 2.88 2.48 4.46 8.27 2.88 3.27 FEDERAL. POINT. White. Name. ITax Acre Desc p tn and I (Cost. Heide A S Williams, Hosea. Southerland, J D Club Ho use C Beach 60 adj J Davis est 228 ad1 H South I eriand do . do (115 adj Bank! Brooks & Taylorl 25 adj T New I ton Colored. Futch, Jas . i . . . A 7 Banks Howe, hrs J W . lot C Beach 17.10 1.70 5.29 2.88 1.77 5.25 Name. I ITax Acre Desc'p'tn I and Cost. MASONBORO TOWNSHIP. White. Name. Casteen, Chas H' Casteen, Isaiah.. Chadwick, M G. Kerr. J W .... N H Shingle Mills Sellers, J Sidbury, S J. . Thomas & Grady Walker, est Mar tha Webb, W L , . . Wright, Wm do do do do 64 Stur crk 32 Stur crk 99 pt Potter! place 3 Mott place! Hilton 64 Rock Hill 37 1-2 adj A Jones 58 Rock Hill 5.S4 1.69 18.64 1.42 196.14 6.44 1.47 3.59 Acre ITax Desc'p'tn and Cost Borneman, hrs King Stanley. MHO adj C C .. Redd 4.46 Colored. ..1200 adj hrs Al ( Davis 5.25 W..1 I 5 adj. Worthl 2.09 25 adj W R Smith I 8.41 15Motfs pl'ce 35 is 1 a c k Swamp 8 A u b u r n West adj. Quelch Atlantic Coast Line Schedule la Effect, October 8, 1905. NORTHBOUND. 8.81 10.76 Yopp. J A 143 from J W I Kerr Colored. Boll. Ge.. I 25 adl J TI Kerr 2.91 Carr, est Barbara o adj Andrew Moore I 1.63 Grer Ohnrlotte .1 12 adj Smith 1 & Grady 2.09 Hill Amy 17 Rose Hill 2.88 Haywood, Dock- I 5 from J erv ! Garrell I 3.91- Jones. Hillerv...! 5 adj Mont- I gomery .! 2 Rock Hill 2.69 .16 1-4 Rock Hill .1.89 .1 20 Oakley I "3.35 7 adl F an- field 4.30 Smith. Arthur 18 adj Morgan 4.64 Snpnrs Rosa ....I lOfrom Dennis I Moore z.av V:ird. est Mur phy 5 Nest crk 1.70 Williams. Joseph. 5 Wild Cat 4:54 Watson. Isabella. 5 Wild Cat I 2.29 Lv. Ar. Ar. r. r. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. No. 48 Wilmington 9 25 a m uoiasboro 112 15 pm Wilson i 116pm Rocky Mount rsorroik Weldon Petersburg Richmond Washington . Baltimore Philadelphia New Tork . . 1 5o p m 5 55 p m 4 58 p m 6 55 pm 7 45 pm 11 50 p m 143am 4 25 am 7 30 am No. 42 650pm 9 32 pm 10 25 p m 11 10 p m THE CLYDE STEAOSHIP, CO New York, Wilmington, H. C. and Georgetown. S. C. Lines. From New York for Wilmington. S. Navahoe Friday, Dec. 15 S. New York Friday, Dec. 22 From Wilmington for New Tork. S. New York Saturday, Dec. 16 S. Navahoe Saturday, Dec. 23 From Wilmington for Georgetown. o.,S. Navahoe Monday, Dec. 18 S. S. New York Monday, Dec 25 Both steamers hsve good passenger accommodation. Through Bills L ading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For freight and passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Supt.. Wilmington, N. C. CLIDE MILNE, Gen'l Freight Agt. THEO. G. EGER, Gen'l Manager. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agts. 12 State street. New Tork. del2-tt STATEMENT. 1 47 a in 3 23 a tn 1 07 a m 54am 9 09 a m 11 22 a m 2 00pm SOUTHBOUND. 106 n w 1-4 5 148 e 1-2 6 1 132 e end 5 6 148 e 4 5 326 w 1 2 81 e-end 6 224 s e 1-4 3 39 pt 5 81 e end 1 2 27 s e 1-4 5 81 w m 1 2 58 e 4 5 309 W e 3 541 s w 1-2 2 27 s w 1-4 2 33 e m 1 2 3.39 w 4 27 n e 1-4 3 SO e m 1 493 e m 2 pt 3 540 n w 1-4 4 I t 7.23 2! Torrence, Amelia Thurber, hrs W H Turner. Jas ti.. Turner. Mary K .. Waddell, hrs Lucy A Wallace, wm Walker. Chas E. Walker, Margaret Ann Walker. Sarah Walker, Sarah 7 s w 1-4 196 w 1-2 2 326 s e m 4 278 w 5 242 s w 3 53 s e 1-8 294 w 1 80 s w 1-4 55 s w 1 n w 336 e m 51 e 5 134 e a 6 254 w 1-2 1 6 I 4 3 1-4 4 4 5 255 s 360 e 31 e e pt r 1-2 : Walker. Sam 1 . Ward. Wm J . . Washington, P. .. Washington, S..J Watson Wesley . . Willis, Godfrey . . Williams, Amelia., Williams, Elisha. Williams. Henry. Williams, Richard! & wif I William. R McN. . Winfield, hrs Fer- diand White Sylvester. Whitfield. Jas H Whiteman, Jno H Yarboro. Annie E 337 w pt 4 I 345 W 1 2 240 e end m 1 . 255 s w 1-4 46 e m : b 255 n w 1-4 1.48 n 3 27 s w 1-4 60 w end 541 pt 4 451 pt 2.52 n e & e 5 198 w 254 w m o m 6 212 w 148 w 228 pt 3 4 224 s w 1 88 e & e 7.82 2.88 6.04 3.21 7.03 3.87 3.87 3.27 8.41 4.86 4.46 3.87 4.46 1.89 3.87 6.86 1.70 4.86 1.50 16.31 2.48 2.48 2.09 2.43 3.46 3.67 6.91 2.09 6.44 4.58 9.20- 3.6 5.65 4.46 2.88 2.88 3.4S 5.65 2.29 3.87 2.48 1.50 7.62 1.46 4.46 4.46 4.86 0.62 2.i 8 6.05 1.70 12.28 7.42 Miller, Adams to Rachel Mclntire Sam .... I Nelson Stephen...! Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. No. 41 New York 9 35 am Philadelphia Baltimore Washington . . Norfolk Richmond . . . . Petersburg . . Weldon Rocky Mount Wilson Goldsboro Wilmington 11 55 a m 2 07 pm 3 21pm 7 25 p m 8 05 p m 9 51pm 11 00 p m 11 32 pm 6 58 am 10 05 a m No. 41 S 26 p m 12 01 a m 2 32 am S 45 a m 8 40 a m 9 05 am 9 45 am 11 44 a rr. 1 10 p m 2 05 pm 3 B p m i 6 00pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH SOUTHBOUND. FEDERAL POINT. White. Dally. Daily. Name. I I Tax Acre Desc'p'tn land I ICost. Mrs M R. 1100 Cape Fear I river OI1715 adj AHar 1 ris o n & others 1 lot Carolina Beach Colored. Fdtch, Jas 06 adj Dosierj Bender Craig. Harrison, Julia ltobbins O A, . . 2.48 8.02 Lv Ar Florence Ar Charlest'n Ar Savannah. Ar Jack'ville Ar Tampa . Wllnilngfn)6 00 ami a 36 am 1 20 pm 6 4i pm 46 pm 7 40 pm 11 40 pm 2 50 am 8 40 am 6 55 pm Daily. via Wilson 6 50 pm 3 55 am 6 50 am 9 05 am 1 45 pm 11 00 pn. NORTHBOUND. 1.50 5.33 Lv. Tampa Ar. Jacksonville .. Ar. Savannah . Lv. Charleston . . . Ar. Florence Ar. Wilmington Dally. 8 40 pm 7 56 am! 12 55 p m 4 15 pm 7 35 p m 11 45 p m Dally. 3 00am 7 00pm 115am 6 15am 9 25 am 140pm MASONBORO TOWNSHIP. White. BETWEEN WILMINGTON FORD. AND SAN- Name. 1 ITax Acre Desc'p'tn (and cost Leazer, Augustus McKelthan, A E. Bate. G R. Jr & w E zuKeaa piace Call, AG I 37Spooner tr't Herring, J P I 95 adj Mont ford 32 pt Fowler! place 114 adj Chasf I jraig Scott, hrs J I 18 Elder pl'ce Seiter,- G F 44A C Mohr I place Colored. Burnett, G W 1 100 Rodder i c k I place Smith, Maggie - -I 5 adj G e ol Rhodes 2.29 2.48 12.44 2.88 9.69 5.25 6.04 2.88 1.5Q West Bound Dallv. Lv. Wilmington 9 10 am! Ar. Fayettesville -12 20 pm Ar. Sanford I 165pm East Bound Daily. Ar. 8 00 p m Ar. 4 55 pm Lv. 3 40 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEW-BERN. N. Bound South Dally ex Sun. Bound. Lv. Wilmington. .12 25 D mlAc. 12 SO D in Ar. Newbern 15 40 p mlLv. 9 10am Trains Nos. 42 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and wasmngion connecting with Pennsyl vania P.. R. for ail points east. W. J. CRAIG, Gen'l Passenger Agent. H. M. Emerion, Traffic Manager. ieo 3 it DELINQUENT. WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP. White. Name. Bid! Lot I Tax I and ICosts J. M. & H. H. 3. Byrd. wife . Bierman, Blerman, guard Carr Sophia Cooker. Jno C... Daniel, C H Ennett, hrs W J. Hardwick, Jesse. Hewett. Monte. . Hurst, hrs Wil liamson Jones, Ed Knowles. J W. . McKoy. W. B do do do Mrs K B. Piatt, hrs Sam'l. . Skipper. F H 18 m 1 220 w 2 3 281 w e 2 229 p w m 1 50 s e 1-4 4 52 n e end 3 118 s w 1-4 2 172 r pt w m pt 2 65 w pt 1 2 HARNETT TOWNSHIP. White. Teachy, D W. Whitehead, Z do do Wood, hrs R S Amy, hrs Addie Ancrum, B & P Adams, S M . . Berry L P Burnett. Riley. Breeland, Henriet- 63 e 6 283 s e 41 pt w end 1 1186 pt 2 151 w m 2 101 e 1 73 s w 1-4 52 n w 5 end 490 w pt W.127pt a 164 m 3 179 w 2 Colored. 224 e 1 324 w m .36 m 6 238 e 3 4 148 e 6 6 1 2 1 . Tax Name. Acre Desc'p'tn and 1 ICost, Alf ord. Geo A . . Anders, Alice N Batson, S. G. Beach, Blake, Water A E. . . Co. 6.4 Blue, L. A. do do Bryan. Geo L I 6.04 17.73 9.20 9.40 6.21 do R. K. Canady, do do Carney, do W B do do T B hrs R. N 153 pt W 104 e 1 138 W 2 3 541 w m 1 iKant a A nines etc 633.30 I 57.40 7.82 55.93 1.46 Ellis, Mrs Martha I Woodard. G E Ex229 w 3 4 & Colored. Allen hrs Randall & Lizzie Anderson, H J Artls, V T . . . Austin, Julia. . Baker, Nlerva. Bell, Calvin... do Jane Swain . Ttnlden. hrs L . . Ttlackwell. h T 8 Betsey Bowen, J F Ttnirn. Martha Bowens, Stephen.flSS ' w 536 m 1 70 n e 1-4 4 338 W pt 2 134 e m 2 309 e m 1 149 w m 3 134 e m 1 end 541 n w 6 228 w 4 48 e 339 e 281 e 5 5 5 W 1-4. 2 2.48 4.07 4.26 2.09 2.48 2.09 4.46 7.03 4.06 3.2,7 4.07 1.89 8.41 4.46 4.70 do do Ennott. J -E . . - Flanner. Mrs A Jj Gorman. Jas K- Harriss. Geo agt do Highsmith, hrs do 17 Harper landl 46 from est Al V Horrell i 311 pt Nixon & Mosely l'nd Wrig-htsv'le! 5 1-4 Peanut Factory e Wil 17.86 1 3-4 store lot Wri'ht'v'le 1 lot Sum-I mers Rest I ! 12 1-2 pt Rlchl I B o n h a m! 1 land I 1300 near Scotts! Hill I 1121 Scotts Hill! !41 2-3 Shepar d I dowry 1103 Backwoods 1122 nr Bavmeadl I 6 adj T B j Carney 3 H & I, J cJreenville ( 10 adj C Wrl Worth . . .! 12.56 2" pt Nicholdsl (and lot Wrighsvi Beach 75 pt W H I Alexander I land I I 90 pt Sanders I land onl I 2m branch HOOpt adj G R 1 French H.1105 adj Foy Is Irwin. Jones, Jones, Moore, Mrs. H C, J F - Mrs M L W.. . J. 7.97 3.67 4fi 2.09 2. 88 6.06 5. 06 R. ta Bryant, David Byrd, Aciel .... Clark, Polly Haulsey, Elias.. Hutchins, R L. . Harriss, J W Kellog. hrs Wm Livingston, Bur- netta Lucas, Wm . . Mallett, hrs C McDonald, R Nixon, Bertha Nixon, Jno D Robinson, hrs Henry Roderick. Rachel! Rountree, Dennis Revis. D L Shepard, hrs M Simmons, L. Sterling, Selpio. Walker. Jas A.. Watters, Amy. . 136 n w 1-4 5 ! 105 w m 5 ( 47 e pt 6 309 w m 4 27 s e 1-4 1 j 153 bouse o n Bradley lotl 834 s e 1-4 4 82 w m 5 6 269 w m 5 55 n w 1-4 3 205 e pt 5 308 w m 4 175 w 1 309 w pt 4 200 n w 1 296 e m 4 337 e m 1 2 31 pt 3 m 1 38 w 1 135 w 1-2 5 6 105 w m 6 56 w 1-4 4 326 e 1 4.86 29.74 8.4: 3.67 4.46 3.67 17.10 9.20 7.62 7.62 2.83 1.92 14.14 56.60 6.04 3.66 3.66 141.24 32.90 i 4.46 i 2.57 I 5.25 4.46 4.46 7.62 3.67 7.62 3.67 1.70 6.83 2.88 1.62 2.88 2.09 25.00 5.25 13.15 5.25 2.88 3.67 2.88 4.46 3.67 2.49 3.67 1.70 5.25 To The Beach. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE la Effect Not. 37, 1905. (Daily.) Leave Leave Wilmington Wrightsville 6.00 A. M 6.30 A. M. Leave Beach. AM 8.15 A. M. A. M 10.45 A. M. A. M 12.15 P. M. P. M 2.15 P. M. p m 4.45p m 7.00 10.00 11.30 1.30 3.00 6.00 7.30 P. P. M. M. P. P. M M. 6.45 9.15 Saturdays Extra Cars. 4.30 p. m 3.45 p. m. 10.00 p. m i 5.15 p.m. 10.4o p. m. Sunday cars every half hour from to 7:30 P. M. 9, 57 oo' 00 14 Report of the Condition of The South ern National Bank, at Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business. November 1905: Resources. Loans and Discounts $255,340. U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 200,000. Premiums on U. S. Bonds. 7,500. Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 4,738. Due from Nation al Banks (not reserve agents) $53,497. 24 ' Due from State Banksand Bankers 42,329.63 Due from approv ed reserve ag'ts. 47,130. 03 Checks and other cash items 3,191.52 , Notes of other National Banks. 52,644. 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents.. 288.11 199,080.63 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz.: Specie $17,425 Legal-tender notes.. 6,000 23,425.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent. of circulation) 6,250.00 Total $696,334.24 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $200,000.00 Surplus fund 24,110.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. . . 2,204.87 National Bank notes out standing 200,000.00 Due to other National Banks.$56,322.07 Due to State Banks and Bankers 92,257.36 Due to Trust Companies and Savings Banks. 22,712.99 Due to approved reserve agents. 270.37 . Individual depos- its subject to check 98,174.84 Cashier's checks outstanding .. 281.74 270,019 37 FREIGHT SCHEDULE. (Daily except Sunday.) Leave Ninth and Orange, 4.00 P. M. Freigh depot open from 2. SO to 3.30 P. M. nol2-tf HARNETT TOWNSHIP. Wklte. Name. I ITax Acre Desc'p'tn and I cost. Holiday Presents! We announce the exhibition of an interesting and complete line of Christmas Books, Pictures and Novelties for the HOLIDAY SEASON. An early inspection is advised in order to avoid the usual rush. G. W. Yates & Go. Total $696,334.24 State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover, ss.: I" C. N. Evans, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the 1 est of my knowledge and belief. C. N. EVANS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1905. C. E. TAYLOR, JR., Notary Public. Correct Attest: i MATT J. HEYER, D. L. GORE, TNO. A. ARRINGDALE, nol5-tf Directors. Biermann, J H. do do do do Bonhajn, B C. . . . Hankins. AD.. Miller, Thos . . McKoy, W B. . do do Mason, E T Nelson, A J. . . Pittsburg Lumber Co Price, W F . 215 on Gordon) road t zii xurungton loo e liuss i'nd 65 Home Pl'ce 35 t o r m e r 1 y Bradham Wrig htsv 50 Greenville 50 adl Wil liamson 4e Wilmington. lot nr First Toll House Market St. Finest Quality N. C. Red Rust Proof Oats. Full Cream Cheese. Flour, Sugar, Meat. Celebrated "Dunlop" Water Ground Meal. Corn, Crackers, Oats, Candy, Hay, Cakes. Canned Goods. Choice and Varied Stock of Molasses. The Worth Co. oc!7-tf i Piner, hrs W B- RIach, hrs do Mrs W A do Shepard, H B. do do land crk 20 pt O P Bat ton land H & LI Wright s. v Beach 11 Two - Mile Branch 84 Smiths crk 5 3-10Mon k land 27 adl B Bl Humphrey I 58 adj Bon-ham 42 adj Moore g Piner hrs 25 nt Nichol land 4.52 4.21 3.48 15.64 6.72 Sanders. W A. Snyder, Mrs M C Yann. Mrs M J. Davis, Nelson 1800 Foy l'nd 20 A Bat ton l'nd 1-2 Int lot Beach (Russell) H & Li Wrlgh tsv Beach 51.2 Bo nil a m land Colored. . .1190 Pt J A Sid- - bury 19.08 13.94 4.46 3.67 27.57 ! 6.04 3.67 11.58 1.70 9.99 4.46 4.62 del2-tf 7.62 - CAPE FEAR TOWJTSHIP. 5.25 Wklte. 2.59 II ! Tax 4 07 Name. 1 Acre Desc'p'tn I and Costs Croom, Wm . . Day, Julia . . Davis, Ann . Orr, Mary A. Olio, Douglass Mott, est E J. Thurston, hr Zee- 5 adj Suttons 3 adj Olio 10 Rock Hill I 37.2 pt Hermit age 7 adl Wood 140 adj Bellois 2.48 2.09 2.88 2.24 3.67 3.51 A CHRISTMAS BOXFUL OF JOY. for the smoker (and who among your male friends 1 not one?) is a box of fifty or a hundred Ruy Lopez of his favorite color. As soon as he sees the label he will settle himself for a com f ortable half -hour with the soothing weed in cigar shape. Most men know what a royal smoke the Ruy Lopez is M do once tnejrve wteo it. J. D. VANS, Phone 190. 1 If. Fromt St. de3-tf IF YOIT ARE PARTICULAR about vnra smoking TRY A "White Knight Cigar." Money cant fnrnlah a better Cigar.. It', .old It. merit.. Stand, for quality. We prore all We claim by m trial at oar ex pea.e. Sold loeallr by all reputable flealer. F. E. HASHAGEK CO. Agent, for Factory. deS-U 3M 9 Bradley, Jno b de2-Tuesi'nifcisun . 4 I1