3 -A M V m you Have Always Bought, and which has been Vr 0cr tv mv&uv uw catgut iiiurt? VI lul j 1 J . - ... ii.uu. iias W63u uuiiuts unuer 111s per sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive yon in this. ..us. imitations and " Jnst-as-srood' are but Cents that trifle with and endanger the health of god Cliuorcn JJixpenenco agamsv xpenmens 'Mat , What is CASTORIA . is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 6 Pleasant. It neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ce. Its ao is its guarantee. It destroys Worms itors Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind . itfj relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the $ h and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep dren's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. f 0DINB CASTORIA ALWAYS Bars the Signature of J i find You Have Always Bought In Use For Over "30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMMNV. Tf MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CfTY. WW Because Port nor 's HOFBKAU Export Beer is brewed from the finest hops and malt that can be procured, is bottled EXCLUSIVELY at the brewery, and is sold OMY in bottles. Blending the nutritive qualities of barley and the bitter tonic properties of hops, with a minimum of alcohol (3 1-2 1 per cent), it constitutes a fine tonic for the sick and a wholesome beverage for the well. The remarkable hop strength of HOFBRAU is of great medicinal value in its sedative effect upon nervous disorders. With meals, it aids digestion, and will produce refreshing sleep if used just before retir M Trv it ! - -.. . 8 Robe rt Portner Brewing Co., OTTO BANCK, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. jg PHONE 99. m Merry Christmas To one and all is our sincere wish. We are going to put our goodwishes into action by offer ing you the choice est and best gifts at prices that are fair. Carving Sets and Table Ware. Baker Hammer less Guns. Remington Ham merless Guns, Hopkins & Allen Hammerless Guns. Single B, L. Guns, Sporting Goods of all kinds. Air Rifles the best on the market. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., -J 129 WET- CHAS. BLOMME 129 MARKET SPECIAL SALE ON BLANKETS. It. . - .it'"- dV!n? a broken lot of these special numbers, we will close them out at cost, as long as they last- - 10 4 A11Wool Scarlet Blankets, was $4.00, now . . . . .$3.25 W-4Vhite Blankets, sold for $3.00. now ........$2.50 11 White Blankets, sold for $5,00, now ...$3.75 White Blankets, gold for $4.00, now ...'...'...$3.00 initial Handkerchiefs, all pure lines, worth $1.50 doz., "J g( at .... .$1.00 Chihli-en's All-Linen Handkerchiefs, per doz. A . . ani tor the C. rair vvar and Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. . -Clarkton Eypress: - The season of hog-killing, ; weddings, home-comines. good, eating drunkenness, -and many other things, is upon us. .- . ". , - Governor Glenn is to address the Mecklenburg farmers' - meeting In Charlotte, r. December 30th. On the Sunday while -there he will address the I. M. C; A. - The South and Western Railroad which Js being built from Johnson City, Tenn., to Spartanburg, S.tC, will run a branch line ta Marion, N. C. Rapid progress is being made on the main line which crosses the Southern Railway nearTtfarion. A charter has been ' granted the Gray Mining and Development Com pany, oi, stateville, capital stock 4 $100,000; J. H. Gray and others of that place; Mrs. R. H. Bennett, of Marion, and Mrs. R. L. Goodman, of Atlanta, being the stockholders. PenderChronicle: At the meet ing of the stockholders of the Bank last-Friday W. D. Croom & Bro. were appointed to collect half of the sub-: scribed stock, and the proposition of of Mr. Mcintosh was accepted, there fore the Bank building will be "on the corner now occupied by the store of Mr. -George Highsmith, and will be two stories high. Fayetteville correspondence. Dec. 19th: -iiYesterday afternoon as Louis Hardin and wife, were cross ing the arm. of Hope Mills No. 2, the mule backed over " the em bankment into 20 feet of water. Hardin, in attempting to rescue his wife, lost his life. People on the bank set out in batteaus'and saved Hardin's wife, with much difficulty. Hardin was a doctor, well known in this city. Raleigh correspondence, Dec. 21: Attorney W. T. Miller, of Charleston, S. C, representing John . Skelton Williams -and others who recently bought the Carolina" & Northern Rail way for the bondholders, the sale hav ing been confirmed last evening, says it is the purpose of the buyers to ex tend the road from Marion S. C, to Charleston and from Lumberton, N. C, to Fayetteville, to which point the Ra leigh & Southport Railway is now be ing built. . ', Pender Chronicle: Geo. S. Stone, of Avonia, Pa., last Tuesday purchas ed the entire plant of the Burgaw Man ufacturing Co., including timber and all other belongings for the sum of $31,000, and sold it to The Garysburg Manufacturing Co., of Garysburg, N. C who will take possession January and start it up. The new owners are practical saw mill men and have a plant in operation at Garysburg now They have an abundance of capital and will remodel the mill and run it to its full capacity. We welcome these gentlemen to Burgaw. Salisbury correspondence, Dec. 20th: Walter Myrick, a young white man of this city, yesterday made his appetite win him $5. Two of his com panions bet him that he could not eat 24 raw eggs. One of them put up $5 and Mr. D. W- Julian, a merchant do nated the eggs. He drank No. 1 from the shell and then called for pepper and salt. After he had proceeded two fifths of the way, he was given a turn bier and in less than 10 minutes had devoured the entire two dozen. Fif teen minutes later he came back and offered to clean up another dozen for the eggs without pay. Charlotte Observer: Must inter est is being manifested In the coming meeting of the North Carolina branch of the Southern Cotton Association, which is to be held in Raleigh, January 3d. Capt. S. B. Alexander is Meck lenburg's representative, with Mr. C. C. Moore, alternate. The question of the day is "who will be next president of the State association succeeding Co. J. S. Cunningham, who, it is un derstood, will not stand for re-nomination?" . The Progressive Farmer, of Raleigh, the most prominent agricul tural paper in the Stater - . M, this week's issue, a list ol names oi those who have been suggested as pos ible candidates for this office. These are: Messrs- John P. Allison, of Ca barrus county; A. J. McKInnon, of obeson; Dr. R. H. Speight, of Edge combe; J. A. Brown, of Columbus; C. C. Moore, of Mecklenburg; A. C. Green, of Wake, and W. A- Graham, of Lin coln. - There- are several familiar names in this list. Mr. C. C. Moore is known to every man, woman and child in the county. -Major W. A. Graham, of Lincoln, is well known in the city as one of the best informed and most highly cultured farmers in the State. Messrs. J. P. Allison, of concord, A. J. McKinnon,. of Maxton, and J. A. Brown, of Cnadbourn, are all well known. It is needless to say that the selection of any of these will be a wise choice by the State assocation. The Delineator for January The Delineator begins the New Year with an attractive cover and a display of all that is new in the fashion world, to say nothing ol the many features of literary excellence. Of particular interest is an article by Postmaster- General Cortelyou, describing woman's place and share of work In the postal service. The article in tne aie Food" series is devoted to a discussion of the real value of glucose as a food Droduct. Cecilia Loftug gives her im Dressions of "Ophelia" a character which she has acted with success, and N. Hudson Moore writes of "Old Fashioned Beds." The various depart ments are filled with matter of Inter est and value to the woman of the home. A GUARANTEE turns jru. "'f- itoYiine Blind. Bleeding, Protruding fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure In 6 to 14 aaya. ouc Seaboard Air LIn Railway passen ger Department. Commencing Monday, November 29th. the Seaboard will operate uaie cars on trains 31 and 34 between Washington i and Richmond and on trains 43 and 66 between Hamiet ana Washineton. First car, soutnDouna train No. 43, Tuesday, November, zstn; first oar. north-bound train, no. fob Wednesday. -November 29th. In addi tion to this on the 5th of December thev will establish Parlor Car service between Washington and Pinehurst on trains Nos. 43 and 66, and on Decern her 18th. tri-weekly sleeping car ser vice on trains No. 31 and 34 between Washington and! Pinehurst. del2-12t Raieign, n. u. "Lot fra - V 200,000.00 7,500.00 4,738.14 Report of the Condition of The South ern National Bank, at Wilmington, In the State of North Carolina, at the . close of business, November 9, 1905: - - Resources. - : " Loans and Discounts .....$255,340.67 U. S. Bonds 'to secure cir culation . ... . . r. .... Premiums on 17. S. Bonds. Banking house, furniture, and fixtures Due from Nation al Banks (not reserve agents) $53,497. 24" Due from State r Banks and Bankers . . 42,329 . 63 Due from approv ed reserve agts . 47,130 . 03 Checks and other cash items 3,191.52 Notes of other National Banks. 52,644. 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents . . 288 . 11 199,080 . 53 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz.: Specie $17,425 Legal-tender notes.. 6,000 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of -circulation) FOR DIVERS REASONS you should use GOLD DUST. When it comes to cleaning, it has no rival and the home that knows it is always spick and span. If you are not letting the GOLD DUST TWINS do your work, you are not having it done in the shortest and most economical manner. Why not turn over a new leaf? There is not a nook or comer of the house where the use of (B dD L IU) WQDS-TT does not come into play. About the bath room, up stairs, down stairs, and in my lady's chamber, GOLD DUST will clean everything that needs cleaning. It doubles your pleasure and halves your trouble. What GOLD DUST will do for you Wash Clothes, Blankets, Linens Etc. Semb Floors, Woodwork, Counter Shelving and Mantels. Clean Oil Cloth. Clean and Remove Stains from Carpets. Clean Windows. Clean Picture Frames and Glass. Wash Brushes and Combs. Clean Straw Hats. Wash Dress Shields. Glean Feather Pillows. Wash Dishes Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Chimneys. Clean Pots and Pans. Clean Silverware, Zinc. Metal Work, Bronze and Bric-a-brac Wash and Sterilize Milk Cans and dairy utensils. Make Hard Water Soft. Make the Finest Soft Soap. Wash Brooms. Clean Bathroom, Tubs, Pipes, Eto Remove Fruit Stains. Make an Emulsion for Plants and Trees. No soap, borax, soda, ammonia, naphtha, kerosene or foreign ingredient needed with GOLD DUST. It will do all the work without assistance. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago-Makers of FAIRY SOAP Florida Oranges 50 Boxes Nice Florida Oranges. 50 Bags Cocoanuts. 100 Boxes Mixed Nuts. 300 Boxes New Crop Raisins. ALSO 10,000 Dags Salt. 700 Bags Rice. 2,000 Kegs Nails. v and Solid train load of other Groceries. We Buy to Sell and Want Your Trade ALWAYS BUSY Get Our Prices D.LG0REC0., .Wholesale Grocers and Importers . STATEMENT.' 23,425.00 6,250.00 Total -. .$696,334.24 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $200,000.00 Surplus fund t. 24,110.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 2,204.87 Natipnal Bank notes out standing 200,000.00 Due to other National Banks.$56,322.07 Due to State Banks and. Bankers 92,257.36 Due to Trust Companies and Savings Banks. 22,712.99 Due to approved reserve agents. 270.37 Individual depos its subject to check 98,174.84 Cashier's checks outstanding .. 281.74 270,019 37 Atlantic Coast Line Schedule ia Effect, October 8, 1905. - WORTHBOUWD. Wilmington No. 48 ' . No. 43 , . 9 25 am 6 60pm Goldsboro . . ... (1 2 .15 p ml ..... . I i i Ax. Wilson Kt. Rocky Mount r. Norfolk . Ar. ; Weldcm . . . . Ar. Petersburg Ar. Richmond . Ar. Washington Ar. Baltimore ... Ar. Philadelphia Ar. New York, . 6pm 1 5d p mi : at) p m 4 is p nt. 0 ;& p ill T 45 p m 1150pm 1 43 a m 4 25am 7 SO a m 9 33 Dm 10 2a p m 11 10 p m . . 1 4 a m 3 23 am 107am ' 54 a in 9 09 am 1122am . 2 00 p m - SOUTHBOUND. Lv. NewOfork '. . t. Philadelphia . Ar. Baltimore . Ar. Washington . . Ar. Norfolk Lv. Richmond . . . Ar. Petersburg . . Ar. WeldoD Ar. . Rocky Mount Ar. Wilson Ar. GoldsborO Ar. Wilmington . No. 41 9 85 a m 1 1 55 a m - 2 07 p m 3 zi p m "25pm 8 05 p ml 9 51 p m 11 00 p m 11 32 p m 6 58 am 10 05 am' Ho. 4 - 25 D ro 12 01 am 2 32am- 3 46 a m 8 40 a m S 05 am 9 45 am 11 44 a nr. 1 10 pm 2 05 p m 3 10 p m 6 00pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON ANT THE SOUTH SOUTHBOUND. Dally. Lv Wiluiiiigl nS DO a in ! A; am 1 20 pm 6 45 pm Ar Florence. Ar Charleft'n . Ar Savan'ai.. Ar iJack'ville . Ar Tampa Daily. 3 4o pin 7 40 pm 11 40 pm 2 50 am 8 40 am 6 65 pm Dally. via -Wflson 6 5v pm 3 55 am 6 50 am 9 95 am 1 45 pm 11 00 pm NORTHBOUND. Lv. Tampa Ar. Jacksonville Ar. Savannah . . Lv Charleston . Ar. Florence . . . Ar. Wilmington Lv. Wilmington Ar. Fayettesvllle Ar. Sanford N. Bound South -Dallv ex Sun. Bound. Lv. Wllmlnrton . .12 25 n mlAr. 12 SO n in Ar. Newbem . . .5 0 p mLv. 9 10 a in iraina nos. 4Z ana 41 carry punman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and washing-ton connecting with Pennsyl vania R. R. for ail points east. W. J. CRAIO. Gen'l Passenger Agent H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager, dec 3 cf Total $696,334.24 State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover, ss.: I "C. N. Evans, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the 1 est of my knowledge and belief. . C. N. EVANS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1905. C. E. TAYLOR, JR., Notary Public. Correct Attest : ' MATT J. HEYER. D. L. GORE, TNO. A. ARRINGDALE, nol5-tf Directors. nov 12-tf. Wilmington. N. C. Now is the Time FOR Georgia Cane Syrup The best Flour on the market Colonial Best Patent Silver Coin Half Patent. Cuban Blossom Cigars are sold at a., stores. H. L. VOLLERS, A Moke From Land! Wholesale Grocer. oc tf "" "At X , 7sXz .-j -l - -. -n- 1 l2q " i . ... ELJ CHAS. BLOMME MARKET i With ft yon can mt - - f two quarts of Deiic. I I - f : iou Ice Cream in Mil -i mlnntea Everything yf f bat the ice- - W 'I. 3 packajjea 23 da - The New Year and Good Resolu tion& come iust after the holidays. It's not too early now to Resolve to make your purchases of drugs and Sundries here. - Our stock is large, fresh and: the assortment is hardly equalled elsewhere. ADOLPH G. AHRENS, Druggist. Phone 844. 107 Princess St. del4-tf PIN EHURSfr NORTH QAROUNA. The Leadina Health and RecreaUon Resort of the South. ;" - : HOLLY INN NOW OPEN. TWO GOLF COURSES, one of 18 and one of 9 holes,,? -HOLIDAY WEEK TOURNAMENT. Dec 28, 29; 30. ' SHOOTING PRESERVE: 35,000 Acres Quail never more plentl- fuL ';-""'","-' ; "' : Tennis Courts, etc. Consumptives : absolutely . excluded a 44roao A'NDRTCW I. - CREAMER There is really only one complete stock of toys and dolls in the City of Wilmington, and Gaylord's big store is the place to find that. - Here can be found everything that the child's mind will conceive of, or the minds of man can produce. In fact, there is nothing in the way of a Toy or a novelty for your child that we have-not though of and brought here for your inspection. This we ask, and 1 am sureth&t, we wl11 set your business. . v Bring the little ones to our store and let them see the many "beautiful things. We feel over confident that their childish dreams can be realiz ed here and furthermore we have m,ade our prices so low that it will really take so little to make them happy, that we are sure you can supply their every want and then save money for their savings banks. Come early before the stock is picked over, and you will be more than pleased ; also, remember that the Big Store keeps other things besides Toys. No home in Wilmington is complete unless you have some of our Mer chandise. This is the store that caters to your every want. We can please your child, and we will please you, come and bring the little ones with you. KBBBI II' I F 4W ! L M'UI TL If II ' IF YOU ARE "ON THE FENCE." as to the smoke question dissatisfied with the cigars you've been buying, or with their price if their quality suited you make just one move: Invest just one nickel in a MARTI NEZ and, your mind will be made up in less than five minutes that that is the cigar for you and your "daily ex pense ($2.25) account." You can buy the MARTINEZ by the box of fifty for $2.25. A few puffs will make you want more. J. D.VANN, 'PHONE 90 Daily. S 40 p m ? 55 a m 12 55 p m J 4 15pm 7 35 pm 11 45 p m Dally. 9 00 a m 7 00 p m 1 15 am 6 15 a m 9 25 a m 1 40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND SAN FORD. West Bound Daily. 9 10am 12 20 p m l 55 p'm East Bound Dally. Ar. 8 00 p m -Ar. 4 55pm Lv. 3 40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEW. BERN. THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP GIF New York, Wilmington. N. C. and Georgetown. S. C. Lines J3 From New York for Wilmington. S. S. Navahoe ...... Friday, Dec. 15 ' S. S. New York Friday. Dec. 22 . From Wllmlngrton tor New YorIC S. S. New York Saturday, Dec. 16 S. S. Navahoe Saturday. Dec. 23 From WHiuiunrtou (or Georgetown. S. Navahoe .....Monday, Dec. 1J? S, S. New York Monday, Dec. 25 Both steamers hpve good passenger accommodation. Through Bills L ading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. For "freight and passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Supt., Wilmington, NC. CLIDfi MILNE, Gen'l Freight gt. THEO. G. EGER, Gen'l Manager. WM..P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agts. 12 State street, New York. del2-tt Geo. Op GayDoGdl9! Three Stores Combined. North -JJarolina, Pender County. In the SUTCiQr court, Pender County, O. P. JoimsCTI, WuliUiof him self and all other stockholStTrand creditors who come in and make themselves parties plaintiff vs. The Burgaw Mrfufacturing Com pany. Notice to creditors. Pursant to an order of the Superior Court issued herein, this is to notify hffll creditors of the Burgaw Manufac turing Company, a corporation, to file their respective claims, duly proven as the law provides, with, the undersigned receivers of said corporation on or be fore Monday, the 8th day of January, 1906, or they will be denied thejight to participate in the assets of said corporation. This the 4th day of December, 1905. W. D. CROOM, L. V. GRADY, Receivers of the Burgaw Manufactur ing Company. de5-till jan 9. de!7-tf Anthracite Goal Comparison Analysis of best - Pennsylvania An- Analysis of best Virginia Anthracite, thracite made by Geological Survey. which we are selling, made hy Prof, Andrew McGreath. Water 2.270 Water j.. .620 Volatile Matter 8.830 Volatile Matter ...i.. 10.520 Fixed Carbon- 78.831 Fixed.-. .... 1 . . 82.029 Sulphur 676 Sulphur. I.. .626 Ash ..9.393 Ash .... 6.305 IOQ.QO0 . 1 100.000 . This comparison shows we are not selling a substitute for Anthracite: Coal, but a better Anthracite Coal than anything mixed in ennBylyania, We solicit your orders. Our price Is $6.50 per ton. ' - Respectfully, WM. E. WORTH & CO., . W respectfully Solicit your orders.; : 'Phone 94. -;nol9-tf 10.00 p. m. AT THE ATLANTIC CAFEi DRINK Or order the finest Wines and Liquors for our stock is unsurpassed. SLEEP In good, large and Airy Rooms. EAT The Best new River Oysters; Raw, Stewed or Fried, or the most delicious Steaks, etc. "THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY", at GIESCHEN BROS Proprietors. 'Phone 111.. Opposite A. C. L. Depot Dec 10-tf. For Christmas and Holiday Presents See Attractive Win dow Display at HARDIN'S PALACE PHARMACY 126 So. Front Bt. 'Phone 9. Black Valentino Csshs, tush. $0.00 Cucucr, lb. Sl.00 Davis Wax Beans, tu:h. - $6.00 Rust Proof Beans, bush. - S5.00 - Qpr Bpeclai. Soothers - TruckerV List - sent r reo u yoa menaun uiis vbv. 7 VAUGllfiirS SEED STORE. "MKffiffi; del3-tf Seeded Raioin c "Currents and Citron, -Fresh Spices. : All the necessaries for fruit and Smith- cake. Jones, Springfield field Hams. : ' --. - Grow Taylor, ael2-tf To The Beach. SUHUUBAX SCHEDULE Id EITeet Not. 27, 1005. (Daily.) .Leave - LieavO" Wilmington Wrightsville 6.00 A. M 6.30 A. M. Leave Beach. 7.00 A. M. 8.15 A. M.- 10.00 A. M. 10.45 A. M. 11.30 A. M. 12.15 P. M. 1.30 P. M 2.15 P. M. 3.00 'Ji m 4.45p m 6.00 P. Af Ml- P M. 7.30 P. M 9.1 5rPiM. Satardaya Extra Cara., CtrtS 4.30 p. m 3.45 p. m.?,- Sunday cars every to 7:30 P. M. half 5.15 o.m; IV.lil y. U4' hour from : FREIGHT SCHEDULE. (Daily except Sunday.) Leave Ninth and Orange, 4.00 P. M. . Freigh depot open from 2.30 to 3.30 P. M. nol2-tf CLEVER TOGS. If you seek garments, distin guished for style, better .look us up . . si j t J. VUA UVVIMV1UVU WtiUtVM JS mould enough "snap" in our r ments to separate them f" UUUbU. If you knew our tailoring as vr do, you'd certainlyshare our en thusiasm and you may be sure . the garments justify our ecstasy. Our creations for FALL are the gossip of the town. "Save the worry tney 11 nt.. . , 1 C CCITTCD 16 Princess St., Bld'g. formerly occupied by At lantic Trust & Banking Co. -Dec 9-tf. Wood!-Coal! LIME, PLASTER, HAIR, '. CEMENT, MARBLE DUST, BRICK, , 8HINGLE8, LATH 8, FIRE BRICK, 1 FIRE CLAY r . vaFLUE PIPE, ' L TAR PAPER, , - WE' RESPECTFULLY SOLI - XIT. YOU R PATRON AGE. - t Z THORPE SfiiPPLEGftTE Sept. 30-tL : Una, tnousaaa. old newspapers : lor sale." . Suitable for wrapping paper tr for placing- under carpets. ... - T tt ; Manage I Pinehurst, N. C. .1., ar

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