i s&G . . 5' rr-1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TfE MORNING STAR. ; .'.5.00 dest Dally Wewapnpf r l ' foat ClrcIatI'oC y wl- Six Montha, "rj"'Man . . . - 4.B " I 'Tkrr Moataa, hy Mall C IXi - j Tw MoBlha, by JUir . . 100 -j WHOiQE NUMBEB 11,930 : fr Txxvn-KO. 106 ": susujay, janijabx 281906. I - - - i ' . 1. ' l . ... - . " I c flnorningStat, OUTi-INES. f,.npral of Gen. Wheeler will nlace in Washington to-morrow pid.l-c ,tll tote ) ji ana vne uiuku - r in Arlington (National) ceme- -.v. miitrT honors: Presiaeni i WILLI XAiv i ' . x Lvelt will attend the services at ohn's KPiscopiii Lpn D. Lee, CQmmanuei-iu-cmv. United uonieuei a: r"It , ssned general orders eulogizing a combany of Cavalry"' (Confederate)) will go Georgia to attend xne iimciai President Roosevelt and many hguished men as guesis, ron Club entertamea m in last night In the ormona- .MAVtiA vao0 vaster- ma, n ia auiuuiuuiic ..vo the hundred ' mile recqra wo n by Clifford Earp with a 90-horse r English gasonne car, ms f 1 hour. 15 minutes, 40 2-55 sec- an Italian car also beat the xec- C In the argent deficiency appro ion bill passed by the House yes Ly, is a provision that the eight I law shall not apply to aliens Ling on the Panama canal- The iiien and Gaynor trial proceeded kvannah yesterday, with. the sick better but attended By a aoc- I Col. W. a). Mann, eauor 01 In Tonics, was arrested in new c yesterday for perjury in falsely iring that he did not put his als and "0. K." on a letter intro- d in the libel suit last ween a hotel fire in Lowell, Mass., fr vesterday morning three lives fe lost and several guests escaped feaoine into nets held by firemen L a gala union at the Czar's Win- nalace yesterday, he onerea a k in honor of the German Emper- birthday and uttered words indi- lig an alliance with Germany and Bdiating France In Chicago yes- lay representatives of Armour & Nelson Morris & Co., and Swift & meat packers, denied as baseless thev ever attempted to mislead public in the government's case fnst them The Inter-State and feign Commerce Committee of .the hse yesterday reported unanimously railroad rate bill and it will, come or consideration this week Mrs. A. Canfield, wife of a millionaire, shot and killed at Los Angeles erday by a discharged coachman lie North Carolina Republican fac ial fight is engaging the attention he "powers that be" at .the Na Capital New York markets: ley on call nominal, no loans, time Is steady; spot cotton quiet at P; flour dull and unchanged; wheat fcular, No. 2 red, 90 1-8; corn easy, 2, 56 elevator; oats barely steady, fed, 36 to 37; turpentine quiet at fro 68 1-2; turpentine quiet at 68 t 1-2; rosin quiet, strained com ib good, 3.855 to 3.90. WEATHER REPORT. S. Department of Agriculture -Weather "Bureau. . " ' rilmington, N. C, Jan. 27, 1906. eterological data for the 24 i s ending at P. M., Saturday, Jan. i, ! eraperature at 8 A. M., 39 degrees; M., 41 degrees; Maximum, 51 de cs; Minimum, 39 degrees; mean, .45 tees. ! linfall for the day, -10; rainfall e 1st of month to date, 3.23. age of water in Cape Tear river 'ayetteville at 8 A. M., Friday, 14.4 and falling. Weather Forecast. pr North Carolina Clearing Sun- Monday fair; fresh northwest i PORT ALMANAC Jan. 28. Rises 7:03 A- M. Sets 5:23 P. M. s Length 10 hrs. 20 min. Ii Water at Southport. .11.18 P. M. h Water at Wilmington. .1:48 A. M p, the poor Indian, is bound to go n to eternity as a hunter. The bill ting the States of Arizona and phoma provides that their consti- bns must prohibit the sale of in- pants to Indians. This will com- the Indians to hunt blind tigers. pys the Baltimore Sun: "The Lib- landslide in England ought to e the American Democrats take t. It just shows what the 'outs do when the people get tired of 'ins.' First thing you know, the will go out, anything to beat the ublicans. Congressman who used his frank send a book-case loaded with Mmcnts, had to pay $72 postage' on is the Postoffice Department would stand for it. That Congressman p't been exposed like Senator Bur but he ought to feel like standing the outside to be seen when he s to draw his mileage. Ine of the most useful men to the Be at large, and to the insurance ppanies and the insurers as well, is pmissioner of Insurance James R. pg. His splendid work has added gely to the State revenues and ma ally reduced the number of incen f y fires. Moreover, he is a verlta. terror to the "wild-cat" compa re Washington Post remarks py time Mr. Cannon tirf f Ma be can doubtless get a eon nlatre 1 the Czar -ai-hn , i. 1 " "V 0 1UUMU XVI .41 Jy man to deal with his insur- M." Looks like Uncle .Tw would f etter qualified to sub for the Czar show him bow to do things and taak'e the people take a humorous r of it. artotte, Creensboro, Durham. Ral "ia other central Cardinalities Den in the grasD of si fv aml freeze for two &ys. 1 puona and ti ...'.v.. '--n;5l a; una Sreatly crinnlPrt imn&h r.a ring wn of polesJ.aH of which ds Queer in Wilmineton where the disagreeable feature ' of the ier has been rain. - LOCAL DOTS. r. H. Northrop has been granted nermit to build a one-story dwelling for rent on corner, of Anderson- and Green streets. No court and no arrests during the day was the response that the po lice court reporter received at the City Hall yesterday. ' : -The schooner John. I. Snow, ivoxa New York, arrived at anchor at South port at 6 P. M. yesterday. She is in ward bound with cargo. -Concord Chapter, No. 1, R. A. will hold a special convocation Monday evening at 8 o'clock to confer the Mark and Past Master's degrees. A special meeting of the Haymak: ers will be held Monday night for the transaction of important business. See official call elsewhere in to-day's pa per. . - . ' ' ' -Raleigh News in d Observer: "Gov? ernor Glenn has accepted an invita tion, to address the Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union of Wilmington on February 19th." TTha.firstlinstalment of the 27th, series of the North Carolina Home Building Association is payable next Saturday at "the office of Secretary and Treasurer FJ H. Stedman. " The Charlotte Observer of to-day begins the publication of a new serial story by Mr. Andrew J. Howell, Jr., of s Wilmington. It, is entitled- "Alda, a Romance of the Confederacy." -A final discharge in bankruptcy in the case of P. O. Hall was received from JudgePurnell by U. - S. Court Clerk Collier yesterday. The affairs of the estate have' been wound upsat isfactorily to all concerned. Rev. W. A. Snyder, the -popular minister of St. Paul's Lutheran church, will be the speaker at the Men's meet ing at the Boys' Brigade Armory this afternoon from 5 to 6 o'clock. Ml. Herbert O'Keefe will be the soloist and a pleasant hour is assured for all who attend the meeting. A gaudily dressed daughter of Ham, as black as the asaspades, switched into the police station yes terday and haughtily made known the object of her visit in this Wise: "I'd like to get a 'submit' to -hold a Dime Party" at Thirteenth and Dogfennel street or some place equally as remote. The permit was given. STATE PYTHIAN DEPUTY. Official Visitation to Several Points On the Charlotte Brethren. Deputy State Grand Chancellor J. D. Nutt. of the Knights of Pythias, is at home from several points in North Carolina to spend Sunday.' He reports the Pythian work to the domain In ex cellent shape. A new lodge has just been instituted at Mt Airy with . membership of 26 while the. order has been greatly built un in other Darts of the State visited by the Deputy Grand Chancellor. A friendof the versatile, the irre pressible State Deputy told a good story at his expense, or rather at the expense of a party of Pythian friends with wMm he sawus- conversion at :he hotel in Charlotte a . day or two ago. jJoekr as we all know him In this part of the State, was the centre as usHal of a group of interested listen ers in the lobby. The "crowd was In clined to make sport of Charlotte and the way in which an over-conscientious recorder is wont to v"keep the lid down" in that good cradle of-Amerl- an independence. One thine after another that the sovereign voter could not buy in Charlotte were being enum erated by one and another when the Mecklenburg portion of the coterie of a sudden switched off In defence of their town. The "dock" was then in his element The crowd was thirstv and. the Wilmington man challenged them to know just what was the best thing that could be bought in Char lotte. The inference was Plain. Vis ions of Manhattans, Scotch high balls and sparkling Budweisec loomed up in the mental realm. The inference was that the "dock" was just up from the coast and, was about to-go Charlotte! one better and say "Whatcherave?" ! Members of . the party fell over one another in. an effort to say justwhat was the best .thing one could " hjiy" in Charlotte, but they all gave it up. The best thing the very best thing you can buy in Charlotte," quoth the dock" "is a ticket to Wilmington!" And "the Charlotte brethren mobbed him. . LHOW HE ADDRESSED THE COURT. 1 - i :' nnocent Darkey Gives Judge New Ap pellation of "Cap'n." Criminals -as a class are very well versed in the proper manner of ad dressing "the court" or "His Honor," as may be the impersonal chosen for the judge presiding, but every now and then an "Old-fashianed, country darkey finds his way in the prisoner's box and it is interesting to see how they acquit themselves when they innocent ly have no .lawyer to speak for them. Last week one of the latter class had been tried . and convicted in the Su perior . Court here and was told to stand up by Judge Webb. 'Can .you pay a fine?" His Honor rather sternly demanded. - 'How much is de fine, Cap'n?" promptly returned the-"old - negro. And Judge Webb could not resist a smile with the- others in 'the court room at his new ampliation Cap'n." . ; : ' . Anoth sr Owner Arrives. Mr. . F. S. P.endleton, of Pendleton Bro3.,'New York, owners-juf the dis tressed schooner General Adelbert Ames, arrived yesterday-to join Mr. o. jo. Pendleton,, another of the own ers ; of the . vessel, who came a few days after the wreck. ' The Ames Is still in the hands of the United States Court and a hearing of the libel case will beheld Wednesday of this week. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. B. Hashagen Co. Cigars. . t Solomon's Shoe Store Shoes. Steamer Wilmington Schedule. . Haymakers Notice of Meeting. C. W. Yates & Co. Wall Paper. C. W. Polvogt - Company Ribbon Sale. -. '- : Concord Chapter, R. A. M. Convo cation. BUSINESS LOCALS. 1. Joseph A. Price Dogs for Sale. I. Shrler--Truck Land for Sale..; Geo. G. Clows Lady or Gentleman. Home Building Ass'n-!-Seventh Se ries. -r ?r - -" R. T. Windley, Agt Cross-tie, .Con tracts. : W. V.- Oldham - Co. Florida Oranges. LAMB TRIAL MONDAY End of First .Week in Superior Court Finds Docket in Good Shape IMPORTANT CASES NOW ON Seventy-five of One Hundred Venire men Are Summoned Matters Disposed of Yesterday Rhoe Goes to Brunswick County. : Seventy-five of the one- hundred men, j.'good and true," drawn as a spe cial venire from which to select a jury for the trial of the Lamb -murder case, beginning in the , Superior.- Court , to morrow morning at 9:30 o'clock, have been summoned by Sheriff Stedman and his ; deputies and indications are that the : hearing will begin . without d4ay.' Messrs.' Marsden Bellamytand Herbert McClammy and , CoL Alfred M. Waddell will appear for .the prison er and it is understood that the line of defense will be that the fatal shot - . .. was fired, not by the accused, but by another. Solicitor Duffy nas been careful in the preparation of his case for v the State and - the trial prom ises to rbe as vigorously prosecuted as Is consistent with the ends of jus- kice. The trial Will likely not be com pleted before the middle of the week and will be immediately followed by a trial of the Shockley case. Col. Wad dell has only been recently associated in the case of Lamb. It is stated that not one"of the coun sel receives a penny for his services in defence of the prisoner, having been touched by a recent visit of the prisoner's little sister from Florence, S. C, who offered from scant earnings $2.50 per week until the necessary fees were paid. Lamb is of a good family and wag formerly an employe in the tinning force of the Atlantic Coast Line. He became infatuated with a woman of questionable charac ter in this city and one night early last Fall, while drinking with compan ions in her room in the northern part of this city, she was shot and instant ly killed-- The trial promises to be quite interesting. Lamb is the picture of despair and excites the pity of all who have seen him since this shadow came over his life. Practically all of the cases on the docket with the exceptions noted were disposed of-by the close of the first week of the. term early yesterday af ternoon. Very rapid progress has been made by Judge Webb and Solicitor Duffy and a docket that seemed well nigh impossible on - Monday . has dwindled down to the proportions in dicated. Coqrt met at 9: 15 A. M. and the sheriff returned as jurors summoned for the day: P. A. Pounds, H. W. Konig, Jos. H Watters,; W. G. Brink ley, -T;s.McMao,-Ar'P. Yopp, W. Cox, Robin N, Jobe Jno. H. Beery, W. L. Beery, Jno. S. Chapman, T. E. Heath, J. H. Hewlett, Herbert B. Mar tin, T. R. Orrell, Henry Burkheimer. C. R. Davis. Not found, S. E. Sellers, Wm. A. Royal. Excused, A. P. Yopp" W. H. Cox, W. L. Beery, Jas. P. Chap man, J. H. Hewlett, H. B. Martin, T. R. OrrelL Henry Burkheimer. ' Wm. McLeod, larceny; called and failed; judgment ni si sci fa and capias. v - - Maggie Allen, keeping bawdy house; defendant offered no evidence and a judgment of guilty was Tendered by the court; defendant sentenced to six months in jail to be worked on county farm. Louis ".Williams, seduction; contin ued for defendant. Johif -Toler, diserderly conduct; ap peal; continued. J. D. Sidbnry and Forest Padrlck, as sault with deadly weapon; continued. C. T. Croom, embezzlement; con tinued by consent. ..Tom Brown, nuisance; not guilty; defendant discharged. Mary Brown,, nuisance; continued; bond to be given for appearance at nexfterm of court Minnie King, larceny; capias to Is sue In ten days if balance of costs is not paid. Jackson Harrison, assault with deadly weapon; judgment suspended, defendant having been in jail two months. ' . . Wm. Ashe, carrying concealed weap on and assault with a deadly weapon; sentenced to fine of $10 and costs or four months on roads. - Jas. Richards, assault with deadly weapon; fined $55 and costs. Jas. E. Jackson, selling liquor on Sunday and without license; fined $50 and costs and to give bond for $25 i for appearance at April term. Tom Brown, disorderly nouse; case dismissed. W. Blake, assault with deadly weap on; nolo contendere; judgment sus- nended on Davment of costs. J. H. Rhoe. abortion: piea oi aDaie- ment filed by defendant that the act chareed in bill of indictment was com' mitted in "Brunswick county; ordered that the case be transferred to Bruns wick county; Clerk of New Hanover Court to transmit to clerk of Bruns wick county copy- of Indictment and such other papers filed in New Han over court; defendant to give hona for $200 for his abearance at next term of Superior " Court of BrunswicK county; E, D. Smith, --larceny - and .house breaking; case left open. J D. Jones, alias A. b . Thompson, larceny; -left open. - , . In addition to the special venire summoned for to-morrow the following the regular jury for the .second week of the term: E O. Toomer, E. T. Mason,- D. P. McLean,; Henry .L. Car roll, M. W. Jacob!, Wm. Gregerson, A, B. Darden, R. L, Piver, D. B. ' Branch Benj. R. King, G. F. G. Tienken, Rod erick MacRae, D. E.-' Jones, H. De- Leon Sou theriand, F. W OrtmanJr, P. L. Knight, Addison E. Boswell, S. G. HalL , . Would you leave your money in a sayings bank which paid you but 2 per cent, interest, when one equally re liable offered you 4 per cent? If 2 per cent difference in the earning pow er, of your savings is important, why is not two, or even sir per cent, dii- ference In-" the . buying power: of the money you spend also . important? Reading the ads. will increase the hnvlnv nnvor Tit vtmr mmiAV ' ... A" new lot of Embroideries at 10 cents at J. Weil's, 116 Market St . v Warranty deeds for sale at the Star office ' -. - itf - COUNTY MEDICAL' -SOCIETY Regular Monthly and Annual Meeting i Friday fWght Officers Elected and Important Recommendation. An important' meeting of the New Hanover Medical Society was held Fri day night, Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy pre siding in the absence of Dr. McMillan, the president, .and Dr. S. E. Koonce at, his post as secretary. Officers 'for the ensuing year were elected and two important resolutions , were adopted, one recoVnmending the passage of tie sanitary plumbing ordinance, and t the other recommending compulsory - vaccination.- The physicians present were Drs. Jno. C. Wessell, J. B. CranmerF. H. Russell, Pride Jones Thomas, Geo. C-. Thbmas, R. H. Bellamy, W. K. An ders, Wright Hall, JH Honnet, Thos. M. Green, C. T. Harper, and John T. Schonwald. Drs. Joseph Akerman and J. B. Cran mer were elected to membership in the Society . . s Tb-foHowinig. officers were elected ior the ensuiBg yri J ; . : President Dr. Pride J. Thomas.' Vlco President Dr. S. E- Koonce.' -; Sec; and Treas. Dr. R. H. Bellamy. Dental Surgeon Dr. JJ. M. Culbreth. Opthalmic and - Aural Surgeon--Dr? i. Harry Honnet. Hospital : Visiting Surgeons Drs. M. Green, F.-H. Russell and J: B. Cran mer. r , ; j . The resolution recommending com pulsory vaccination was not passed for the purpose of alarming the people, hut merely as a means to the end of once for all stamping out the disease of smallpox. The 'resolution is as fol lows : . The New Hanover Countv Society respectfully requests the Board of Health of this city to consider the aavisabmty of ordering comDUlsorv vaccination." The -resolutionWith respect to the sanitary plumbing ordinance is as fol lows: The New Hanover County Medical Society respectfully petitions the Hon orable Board of Aldermen of theu-city to Instruct the committee to whom was referred the plumbing ordinance re commended by the Board of Health, to make a report on said recommenda tion, and this Society hereby desires to give this recommendation its ap-: provaL , . "HONEST CONFESSION," ETC. Relative Freight Transportation of Wilmington and Charlotte Again. The article in yesterday's Star rela tive to the volume of freight handled by Wilmington and Charlotte in which was refuted an unjust comparison of figures in favor of the latter city, had not reached the Charlotte Observer be fore that paper with its characteris tic spirit of fairness, hastened-to exr plain that the. .figures quoted dealt only with railroad shipments. The Ob server goes on to say: i To deal with the. subject in per fect -candor the reader should be re minded that Wilmington does a large business in ocean freights and if these were included a somewhat different story would be told, but as to her ocean trade there are no statistics at hand." The Observer might have and doubtless would have 'said on second thought that the railway figures also do not include our tremendous coast- fwise shipments to Philadelphia, New i om, Kston, Baltimore ana otner places by Clyde Line and by sailing' craft of large capacity. Neither does it include freight transportation on the , river and along this immediate coast by the smaller sailing craft, all of which interests are now on their ascendency again. But these facts were spoken of yesterday. The Obser ver "admits the corn" and judgment is suspended. FELL FROM HILTON BRIDGE. Negro Employe at Almont Factory Drowned Saturday Night. Rivermen have been on the lookout the past week for the body of Paul Richardson, a negro employed as a mixer at the Almont guano-factory, who fell from Hilton- bridge last aSt urday night. Richardson was about 50 years old and was rather intoxicat ed. As he was on his way over from the city to the factory, the .A. & Y. train caught him on the bridge and he stepped on one of the abutments for the cars to pass. He fell over board and that was the last seen of him. Other factory employes in the vi cinity of the bridge ' heard the ' man cry out as he struck the water and heard him still shouting as the tide swept him down the river, but could render no assistance. , The body has not been recovered. TEACHERS' MEETING. ; Postponed. Yesterday, on Account, of Weather -Next Saturday. r The weather was so inclement yes terday that the meeting of the New Hanover County Teachers' Association had to be postponed until next Satur day. A very interesting programme had been"' arranged and it was much regretted that the postponement wagl necessary. Tne meeting will be held next Saturday at the same hour as ap pointed for.. yesterday and so far as possible the same" programme .will be observed. "This will include some "Personal Reminiscences of the Battle of .Bentonyille" by Mr. Eugene - S Martinr . Not only are the teachers of the rural and city schools invited 4a this meeting but all friends of edu cation will find a cordial welcome. 1 . SPEAKERS CANNOT COME. . Senator Simmons and Congressman Small Express Regrets. It is a keen disappointment to those in charge of the annual banquet tf the Chamber of Commerce at The w- ton Wednesday evening that it.will be impossible for Senator Simmons ana Hon. Jno. H. Small to be present on that occasion. They have each written expressing sincere regret that It will be impossible for them to come. How ever, other distinguished speakers are expected, one of whom is Hon. Harvie Jordan, president of the Southern Cot ton Growers! . .Association. . Replies from "several invitations extended last week are daily expected. The ban quet promises to be one of the most elaborate, affairs of its kind in ths commercials history of the port; 1 Large -assortments of Embroideries at . 10, 15 and 20 cents at J-. Well's, 116 Market street. . HAVEMIST HOTEl Movement Now on Foot For Splendid New Hostelry on Front Street SEABOARD AIR LINE SITE Mr. T. W. Wood and Associates Be hind Project That Augurs Success - Modern 200-Room Struc ture In Contemplation. A movement is on foot for the erec tion of another handsome hotel on Front street. Th& proposed site is the pliF'Seaboard Air. Line property, purchased ;pme time ago by Mr. T. W.Wood, and is most eligibly located. The proposed new structure would be modern in every respect and would be valuable addition' to" the - several handsome buildings that have been re mtly: located- on? thelclfy'pr!n&t horoughfare. :- " - ' ' "'' ' The existence of a movement: look ing to the erection of a .hotel on! the? site " mentioned was dearned dfll teo late last rnigfit to 'see Mr.. Wood, own er- of the property, in regard to the enterprise. Mr. Wood has been quite a successful operator in Wilmington real estate in late yearsand it Is learned that it is he who is behind the movement for the modern hostelry now in contemplation. It is said that he is interesting large capital in the enterprise and has met with marked success in this respect,: every one approached expressing abundant con fidence in the project and their willing ness to encourage the same in every way possible.- - The plan as presented is to form a stock company in which Mr. Wood would himself be interested in a large or small degree as would be accept able to others concerned. Ample capi tal would thereby be assured and a hotel of splendid proportions could be placed there with additional property to be acquired on the north. Messrs. J. H. Render & Co.., and J. W. Murchi son & -Co.?' own -the- property adjacent and it would be hoped to interest them in a probable sale of the addi tional frontage required. The present building on the site owned -by Mr. Wood and the Postal Telegraph office, also owned by Mr. Wood, would be removed to make way for the new structure. v . . The proposed, new hotel is to have 200 rooms and will be equipped essen tially as a tourist hotel, though the commercial patronage would , also' be catered to. Tne . railroad people have given every assurance that they will bring all the tourist hotel patronage to Wilmington that Wilmington "can take care of for at least six months in the year and this assurance in it self is indeed a valuable asset. Without prejudice to existing hotels which" already ' have about their ca pacity bHsfoestK -it- is hoped that the new enterprise-will become a certainty and that every . public spirited Wil- mingtonian will lend every encourage ment to the success of the movement. Good hotels are essential to the de velopment of any town or city and this onward movement by Wilming ton at the present should not be re tarded by the lack of abundant facil ities of every, kind for the "stranger that is withing our gates." If ad joining property can be acquired the proposition cf Mr. Wood is an invit ing one and one that means much for the city. This or some other like move ment is bound to materialize in the near future and if it can. successfully materialized by Wilmington people for thebenefit of Wilmington people, so much the better. s DEATH IN GLENN FAMILY. Brother of Governor's Wife in Missou ri Prohibition in Union. (Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 27. David Dead- erick, eldest brother of Mrs. Glenn, wife of the Governor, died to-day in Missouri. The remains . will be brought to Jonesboro, Tenn., for inter ment An order was made to-day by Gover nor Glenn, commuting the fine of $300 imposed on J. p. Parker, a well known druggist and superintendent of the Espiscopal Sunday School of Monroe, by Judge Ward, for selling drinks from his soda fountain which three witnesses testified intoxicated them. The Governor reduces, the fine to $50. Conviction was under the special act of the Legislature applying to Union county prohibiting the sale of any beverages that contained any alcohol. The change of sentence was asked for by a great number of citizens. Par ker says he did not know the beverage contained alcohol. -. PYTHIAN DISTRICT MEETING. Date Changed .to February 23rd An- T niversary of Order. On account of the fact that Grand Chancellor Alf S. Barnard, of Ashe- ville, .will be with the Supreme Chan cellor at Charlotte on Feb. 19th, the date for the Wilmington Pythian Dis trict Meeting at Chadbourn has been changed to the, night of Feb. 23rd. Grand Chancellor Barnard - will be present at the meeting with other prominent members of the order in the State. - s . . The district meeting will also serve the anniversary of the founding of the order in this country. The date falls on Feb. 18th, "hut the close proximity of the time for the district meeting will not detract from the significance of the anniversary celebration. Th3 programme -for the Chadbourn meet ing will be announced in due time. Candidate for Constable. " ' - Police Officer E. J. Grimsley an nounces Jtet he will make the race for constable in Wilmington township at the coming primary of .the Democratic party.' Officer Grimsley is a resident of the First Ward and la backed Jty a strong company of friends. .Thus far the race for constable is a triangular affair, the'1 candidates being : the pre sent ineumbent, Mr. W. B. Savage and former constable Wm. Sheehan, Sr. Y. M. C. A- Meetings. The men's meeting at the Y, M. C. A. this afternoon will he addressed by Rev. J. & Crowley, y Mr. D. L. Latta willspeak to the bdys at 10 o'clock this morning- A feature of the music at-the boys' meeting will be a solo by LMiss Katie Foard, y - - r PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J. B. Mason, of Durham, was among yesterday's arrivals. Mr. C. E. Day, of Pee Dee, S. C, was among last nighty arrivals. , Mr. Jno. H. Land, of Chadbourn, was here yesterday, a 'guest at The Orton. Mr. W. S. Partrickaad wife, of Clinton, N. C, arrived last night from the South and are guests at The Orton. Preston Cumming, Jr., Esq., who was recently admitted to the , bar of New York State, is expected home to day to visit friends and relatives. ; Mr. R. B. Corbin and wife, Mr. C. L. Corbin and Miss Helen Corbin, of Metuchen, N. J., were guests at The Orton yesterday. They are travel ling in the South for, the benefit "of their health." '. ' . '." j-HQapt. Thos. D. Meares- Supreme Master of Exchequer, has returned from a pleasant trip, to "Indianapolis where he attended a" meeting of the Supreme Tribunal of the Knights ' of Pythias In theUnited States. ; VRevAi McClure -returned yes tarday rtvornlng lepm atrirtohelby-vffle.-fTeJHa Dr MeClnre has given no- intimation iir;hla;decisIott as to; the calr.'.ref.ently:. extended-: to - mm to be come pastor, of the Presbyterian church there . S, .r - ";' ; .' .' --Mrs. Jv D.- Horftet.of Wadesboro-, 'fe, airrsDrHPFoley of Bak timore, - are .- guests, or , tneir parents, Capt. and Mrs. John F. Divine,: , on Grace street, having been called ' to Wilmington the past week on account of the serious illness of -Mrs. Divine wTio, her friehdswill be delighted to know, is now much hetter. - Mr. A. E. Campbell, of Richmond, Va., returned from his bridal tour last evening, having' married a popular young woman of Rowland, N. C, last week..-. They are at home at No. 418 Grace street Mr. Campbell has been for some time the trusted bookkeeper of the F. E. Hashagen Company. Both he and his attractive young bride are cordially welcomed to Wilmington. -; NEWS FROM RALEIGH. Teachers Assembly Meeting Number' of Charters Are Granted. " (Special Star Correspondence.) Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 27. There are Very strong indications now that the 1906 session of the North Carolina Teachers Assembly will be held in Raleigh June 13th, lh and 15th. There,, was a conference last night be tween the members of the executive committee -of the Assembly and the boarf of dirctors of the Raleigh Cham ber of Commerce, the result of which gives much promlse-of the State capi tal securing the' prize. Charters were issued this morning for fourhew. corporations the aggre gate capital being $1,080,000. They are the Brown and Williamson Tobac co Co., of Winston-Salem; capital, $1,000,000 for the manufacture of to--bacco, Geo. T. Brown, R. L. William son and W. R. Leake incorporators; The Post Publishing Co., of Salisbury, to publish the Evening Post there. capital $7,400 subscribed and $40,000 authorized, principal Incorporators, M. L. Jackson, J. B. Doub and others; The Dover Lumber Co., of Dover, N. C, capital $20,000, by Seth West and others; The Brown-Knox Mercantile Co., of Davidson, capital $40,000 by H. J. Brown and others..- v- REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Transfers Which Appear From Deeds : Filed For Record Yesterday." From deeds filed -for record yester day the following real estate trans fers appear: - Arthur F. Jonesr T. F. Floyd and Josie T. Floyd to Chas. L. Dickinson and wife, for $100 and other considera tions, property at northwest corner of Seventh and Dawsdn streets, 66x230 feet in size. Edward Alton Kjra to Amof3 S. King, of Robeson county, for $10 and other considerations, property on east- side of Ninth street, 60 feet south of Dock street; 30x150 feet In size. C. L. -Dickinson and wife and Thos. H. Wright to F. A. Btssenger for $100 and other considerations, property at northwest corner of Seventh and Daw son streets, 66x230 feet in size. Died at Cronly, N. C Mr. S. N. Formy-Duval, one; of Co lumbus county's most prominent and highly respected citizen passed quiet ly to rest Monday, January 22nd at 9:30 o'clock, after a lingering illness of three months. , While ..not altogeth er unexpected, his death came as a sad blow to his family and many friends. He will be greatly missed in his home and by a wide circle of friends and by the public generally, having lived a life that was both honorable and helpful to his fellowmen; always ready to serve them with his great store of knowledge and timely advice, he serv ed .his county politically for; many years, Holding different offices, hav ing served as county- commissioner several terms, a true Democrat, having remained true and faithful to the cause since he cast his first vote. During the Civil War, he entlisted as a private and was a prisoner at Pt. Lookout fourteen months, suffering many hard ships. He was a member of the Bap tist church. He leaves surviving him a: wife, one son, Ralph .Formy-Duval, and five daughters, Misses May and Inez; Mrs. A. W. McAlister and Mrs. D. D. Boylan, of Wilmington, and Mrs. C. Hines, of Augusta. Ga. His son. Edgar, died just two years ago and nis daughter, Mrs. S. D. Croom, died one year ago. 'RIBBON SALE AT POLVOGT'S." For several days the show windows of The C. W. Polvogt Co., have attract ed the attention of every one who pass ed by, and especially the Ribbon win dows in which is displayed 400 pieces of wide ribbon from 6 to 7 inches wide, and. worth from 36c. to $1 per yard. The entire lot; will go on sale to-morrow and during 'the entire week until all is sold at 19c. per yarl. No one should fail to attend this ribbon sale. The assortment containus Ribbons suitable for sash, millinery, hair and fancy work. All at one price, 10c. per yard." - - - ' - ' We invite the ladles to call and in spect, on- Monday and Tuesday, the latest novelty in hand embroideries shirt waist fronts In Silk and Batiste: At Piatt & Haar's.- ; Large - assortment of Embroideries at lfr, IS and 20 cents at J. Weil's, 116 Market street." - A - new lot of ; Embroideries at -ID cents at J, Weil's, 116 Market St TBI C. W. POLVOGT COMPT, "The Store That's Always Busy." Our Ribbon Sale vlill be the attraction at Wilmington's up-to-date Store this week. . - , - j t We have placed our entire stock of 400jiecee Satin, Taffeta and Fancy Ribbon 5 to 7 inches wide and worth 25c. to $1 per yard at the uniform price of 19c. per yard. The assortment contains Ribbons suitable for Sash, ' Millinery and fancy work. Sale start Monday morning. New White Goods anl Wash Goods The C. W. ,.p. s- Ja28-tf . -Millinery -Still at One-Half WINTER LOW SHOES MEN-WOMEN Solomon's ja28-tf EMPTY POCKETS. - ' Money in the pocket is so" easy to spend." This leads to useless , extravagance. , : Make Your, Dollars Get Busy. A man is always poor who spends his dollar as soon as he makes It, or who lets his dollar go without working for him. Whyi don't YOU start to get rich? Open a savings account with us for: $13)0 or more, then periodically add to this amount; each ' dollar. will.be working for you, making interest. What these dollars earn? - for you, added to what you save each day will help to make.you rick. ..- The Wilmington Savings and Trust Co. J. W. NORWOOD, Pres't. H. WALTERS. Vlce-Pret't C. E. TAYLOR, JR., Cashier. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EL PROVEDO "PRINCESS" CIGARS High Grade Small Cigar Made tor Particular People. The F. E. Hashagen Co., AGENT. ja28-tf WALL PAPER! New Stock Now Coming In. Window Shades and Pic ture Framing. We make a specialty of the manufac ture of Window Shades and Picture Frames. Good work guaranteed. G. W. Yates & Co. ja2fi-tf ' ' Seed Potatoes! ' Boneht after the decline. Rest as sured we never stocked up on high priced potatoes. If you think so, ask us for Quotations. Hatton Early Rose, White Bliss, Red Bliss, Early Olives. Plenty other Groceries. STONE & CO t jall-tf Concord Chapter, No. .1, R. A. M. . nnmnanions: . There will be a Special Convocation Mondav eveniifg at 8 o'clock to con fer the Mark and Past Master's degree. By order of the High Priest. - W. A. MARTIN, ja2S-lt . Secretary. HAYMAKERS. Special Meeting Monday Night-Business of Importance. v - vr W. I WEST, , ja28-lt " - Collector of Straws'. , CHANGE OF STEAMER WII.MIWGTON SCHEDULE.' - ' Leave Wilmington every day except Saturday and" Sunday. 9.15 AM. Ieave Southport, 2 P. M. lav WJJmington Saturday, 4.45 A. M. and 2. P. M. Leave Southport, 7.45 A, M., and 4.30 P. M.,.-,;ja28-lt .': v. - arriving daily. s Polvogt Co. Price. -V.-Z- Shoe Store. Hall's Emulsion IS THE ONLY PAIATABLeJ ' Petroleum Emulsion IN THE MARKET. The Mont Delicate Stomncb dCtm , Retain It. IT IS GUARANTEED. To quickly relieve any case of Cough, Cold. Sore Throat, Bron- -chltis, or other respiratory trou-. bles. REMEMBER If it fails, we return your money. All you have to do to get your money back is this: Just bring back the empty bottle and give us your word that you have rer ceived no benefit, and we will re fund your fifty cents. PRICE 30c. PER . BOTTLE For Sale By ' i " - .--' JAMES M. HALL, 5th CaMle Sta. R. R. BELLAMY, Front and Market Sta. Guano Prices! 12 Per cent. Acid .". . ..$10.00 13 Per cent. Acid $10.50 Pure German Kanit $11.00 Nitrate Soda .....$50.00 Muriate Potash v. . . . .$45.00 8-2-2 C. S. Goods ... .$18.00 8-3-3 Fish Scrap . $22.00 8AA Goods ....$26.50 8-2-2 Goods j $19.50 Car-lot prices here. ' Everybody's dollar equal. . W. B. COOPER, WILMINGTON, N. C- ja23-tf . Seed Potatoes ! Just arrived A car-load Red Bliss, White Bliss and Early Rose. 500 TONS GUANO ALL- KINDS. A. large line of Groceries. Call or. write for quotations, we can give you close prices. Brooks & Taylor ja24-tf . . : ..- y Lecture on Christian : Science. ' By Bicknell Young, C. S. B., of Chic ago, member of the Board of Lecture-' . ship of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston, Mass., .will be ,t given at the Academy of Music, Mon- t day evening, Jan 29th, at half-past eight o'clock. ; '. a The public is invited. : i Admission free. -ja27-2tr- - CAKE AND BREAD We Make a Specialty of ; Washington Dread " - - 1 -1: - Phone 24ff. , ' ' - IVASREirS STEAM BAKERY, 22 North Front St F. VyARREN, proprietor; - R Ja27-tf - f , - J '

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