Pi; ; -':!sw-MmMM Star. -" TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Om Year, by Mall .v:. i . . ..$. .. SI MnlfkL fc. Mall --.W ! Three MBtb, by ; - Two MoBtks, by Matt i-60 WHOIiE mTMBEB 11,9 WILiMINGfTOK, N, CM THURSDAY FEBUARY 1, 1906. :vn no. 109 i - i - i I rnfne Star, Jtlines. rmmittee on Inter- i,westieating the Pan- ral Manager Schwenn that it was either or ignorance that Sec icised his company for tot freight on. the Isth- Schwerin blamed the ad management and ion of the road is grow- r government owuci that the Tuhuantepec June 1st and mat Tnrtint. n commence- iuu," turned in New ions st Charles Augustus les T. C. f . JOiniey !3 nno.000 of certificates .Western Railway stock ork yesterday, mouon a new trial for Albert sentence of death limine the discovery of Veterans of Wheel- till have a big memorial bnor of Gen. Wheeler's tlanta, Feb. 25th; veter- he and the Gray are m- iovenfent will be startea onument to the great ilrv leader Mrs. Unas Idow of the millionaire ator who died a few ks married in New, York R7ilson Mizner, aged 29, isco Judge Gilder kr York, has decided that : need not answer tne ttorney General Hadley,. Director North, of the feu, resents the charges Jordan of the soutnern fciation and hopes Con- Jlieve him of making cot- since his efforts are dis hose for whose benefit it the House of Represen- irday Bartlett, of Georgia; lroad rate legislation, and Lte, Patterson, uemocrat, Jesident Roosevelt's Santo Moroccan policies- biarkets: Money on call tet 4 per cent., lowest 3 1-2, 3 3-4, closing bid 3 1-2, spot cotton fifteen points fg quiet at 11.35; flour dull teady; -wheat easy, No fevator: corn irregular, No. lor: oats steady, mixed turpentine dull at 7 3 bsin steady, strained com 3.95. LOCAL DOTS. Messrs. J. H. Render & Co., have the thanks of the Star for a very hand some calendar for. the New York. The gentleman who borrowed vol ume 1, of the "Deerf oot Series" from the Star office will do the owner a favor by returning it at once. The regular "business meeting :of the North Carolina Sorpsls will be held at 4 P. M. to-day. All members are urged to be in attendance as busi ness of interest will be transacted. . The receipts of the- Wilmington postoflice for January were $7,591.36 against $6,899.69 m January .- iU5. This shows a gain of $691.67 in favor of the January just ended, the v per centage of gain being 10 per cent. . A property holder in the vicinity complained of f writes that-,hopes the recommendation as made by the Grand Jury, regarding the dumping of refuse matter in the botton near Fif teenth and Princess - streets, will re ceive favorable attention" at the hands of the authorities, and. that the evil will soon be abated. . . A telegram from Admiral P. H. Delano to Mr. Geo. N. Harriss an- 4nowiees'vihyyaieiipuslllne83 of STORY OF PROGRESS Fifty-Third Annual Banquet of Chamber of Commerce Last .Night at the brtonT ". PROSPERITY, DEVELOPMENT In Speech and . Conversation Last Night Narrative of Wonderful -Ascendency" of Wilmington Told . F- Happily and Pleasantly. The fifty-third annual banquet of the Chambertof Commerce at The Orton last night assemDiea possiDiy tne larg.- est and most distinguished . body ' of Wilmington business mteeWiettf a generauon. ssupriauves iare monplace and rarely in good t taste in speaking of any public occasion. But anything except extravagance of lan guage and flower ;of speech descrip pneumonia, of Mi riiillp TFTTtlffrT ' ' i .....i,, . ,t L wicw,tn r. n w TVoiin h night would do violence io lfl'"Uuiir been confined to his room since Xmaa eve with lagrippe, hnt was thought to be improving and wasito twiv-sieft Washington for Wilmington to recu perate to-night. , Mr. and Mrs. Har riss win leave this:morning for Wash ington. ;i -vT" ; V THE TURPENTINE TREE. night and the feelings of one. who jenjoyed the pleasure' of the event as gupst or participated In the ' magnificent tri umph as one of the hosts. The business year just closed has been one of remarkable progress aHd prosperity, for Wilmington and; her brilliant ascendency in the commercial minutes before he could proceed with his address,j; fMr. Patterson was ex ceedingly happy in his remarks and quoted statistics and figures of vital interest to North Carolina and North Carolinians. jkfr. Patterson was glv-. en the closest" and' most enthusiastic attention.- Hon. JiiA Brown, of Chadbourn, was the next speaker. He was given the pleasant duty of discussing the aims rind objects of the Southern Cot- ion Association. He was earnest, elo quent,, convincing in his argument. He spoke as a man speaking from the hon est convictions-of. his soul. He was listened - to with rapt attention : and was frequently given the unstinted ap plause ofhis hearers. ; -N - At the close of his-1 address, -Presi dent Taylor' proposed a rising vote in endorsement of the Southern Cotton Association .' 'the question ; was ; called and' every man at the banquet board stood up and cheered tne sentiment ex- hressed by - Mr.rrown; riUr - Hiierh MaeRae was next intro duced. - He was - exceelrigiy . DlJtiniis. lie- in .his.yiews. and discussed, from the standpoint ol. the moaern Dusiness man the: great possibilities! of the city and the- port. Mr, McRae is. aot a speakerof -ejyoQuencer. but Ms' remarks are pregnanKwith t'aougnt ana con ffllllM 1 iawftii HnWs JIUlEgga Charlotte Chronicle Interestingly DIs- world during the past twelve months cusses Question of Pine' Forests. The Charlotte Chronicle of yester day has the following of interest: TRIAL WEARING END Testimony in Lamb Case All in And Counsel Begin Their - Arguments ' MAY BE COMPLETED TO-DAY with Intense interest and' great profiC Mr; MacRa paid, high tribute to the press of Wilmington and laid down the broad - proposition ' that one ; does not cast hia bread" upon the waters . by aunoortlne the Press of the eity He believed that the press of Wilmington kaddone more in; the last yearto-help the town than any' 'other ' agency Jn Wilmington. He was not 'press agent tor anybodj'. but the facts 'are. such that should not be Ignored, He favor sd the appointment ot a committee on the whole on -prosperity by that Cham- n mates of Garrett House and-Officers Testify as to Tragedy Was There : ' Premeditation Synopsis of . 1 the Evidence. Quite unexpectedly yesterday -after noon the defence In the Lamb case on trial in the Superior Court announced that no evidence in behalf of . the pris- pher would be introduced and counsel went iff. the , jury with Cheir-aument, the defence by intro- oucing'no -testimony, gaining the ad vantage ; of haying both i the opening and closing. When court took a re cess for .the day at 6 o'clock three of the-five "speeches' hadT been made an4 7 tni"TipttflTtffc i flTT thatthe eas will go to the jury late this afternoon.' "a number of - character witnesses to and that he would kill her before he would give her up.- He was at tne house again Monday and on Tuesday. The cross-examination-was by Mr. McClammy. Witness said she had been in Wilmington about five years; came here from Newbern. She had lived in Nashville and in Richmond. It was sought to bring out by the cross examination that the woman was one nf mipsHonable character and had been living, a life of shame ipr many i years. Policeman Alex 'Wells was the next witness. He ran in and found the wo man lying on -the floor. Lamb was sit ting in a chair at her feet. Witness asked "What does this mean?" Lamb replied "Cap., I done It." Witness ask ed why he. did it and Lamh replied in an 'incoherent way, admitting the kill ing. Witness felt the woman's pulse. It was beating very feebly. On cross examination Officer Wells said that Lamb seemed to be under the influence oi liqudr. , ' Officer Leon George testified to .hav ing received-'word of the shooting from Fowler and having found Lamb sitting in a chair in the roomk his face buried in his hands. ' Witness , told him to consider himself under arrest and he asked for what. The officer replied, "Look at that" pointing to the wwnait Lamb said "Have I done it, or have I notr Witness had preriottsly seea UU1 KTHER REPORT. irtment of Agriculture eather Bureau. N. C, Jan. 31, 1906. Ical data for tne Z-i was more than .brilliantly, reflected in the snlendor of " the gathering '; and Wllnrlno'fnn'a MTltilinS of snrtnstrv attd their honored guests for Iberof Commerce. Mi-. MacRae concrad- Mr.-Keith, who is in charge of thethw flftv-tblrd annual banquet.. pd by ini reducing by permission, Mr. rastnm hmisp. at Wilmincton a few I o.!,!.-),. an nht nf frosted Albert S. Root, an expert on soils, month ago tried to interest the peo- caarideiiers, a wealth of decorations at formerly in the service of the United nle of the lonsr leal pine aisinci m a i nii.t r vantaefi. immaculate at- xaces. ,.iur. uoui respuuu m new method of tapping tne trees Dy ble linens and an atmosphere of pros- siwecn, wmcn provwiea qmie a great which even young trees couia oe hisub neritv everywhere, cohtented, prosper- iai oi. apyuK. to DrOQUCe . a UUW ML rvaiu, auu ujr i OT1j nmprARSiVA. DUSineSS men I iu irairviuoc iu lus ui Wl which the turpentine forests. could be eMtlll, t thA nnitlveT Gf more than a MacRae, the president appointed as a restored and preserved If anybody k- taM arranged in "U" Committee on Prosperity: Messrs 1 . j : . I rr . -T- TI71I1! ft Jl .1 Ii paid any attention to. mm we ao noi BaDe the scene was one to inspire coji- nus" Jc auu wuuam uuairaL know it. Now the government is . lfl nt the, town and a He introduced Mr. Jas. Hs Cowan, who trying to interest the turpentine farm- f rM,K,otinn nf what, the Dort at made the response in behalf of the ers. The Agriculture Department re- . . press. Mr. Cowan told an interesting norts that recent experiments of the ' mtnil nf The Orton. is a anecdote and made a brief addressl Forest Service in prolonging the life Drince o a botelist and the triumphant which provoked the greatest applause, of the turpentine tree and at the same f manv elaborate public func-lThe relation of the press to the busI-; time increasing its yield have proven-a I.. . f t . erlast-iness development of a city or commu- success. The cup-and-gutting system . But he has hot before hadlnity wasdiscussed with fluency and uuiug "e" i the ambitious undertaking oi me Dau-r-"""-- uv--'"" meiBOQ OI sappiug lueueen wiu uc wc jagt njght an(j m tne latter I iresiuug auu picaBiuB. means of saving thousands of dollars 1 v fcJ an Muipri himself, Mr. Chas.'N. Evans, president of the of pine forests and their output in ros-S.1... plPance Df cuisine and J North Carolina Barikers' Association, of the past season, the first object was . ha(i of lone table sat Bank, this city, was the'next speaker, to show that at least an equal flow oil - - . T T!1T,ini. the r.ham-lwhom the toastmaster introduced as rosin could be secured from shallower . ..r.Imeiw, who made a most one who knows more about linking and shorter, faces. By reducing the'l... . (MOt..( an the honored than he had time to tell'them. His depth and the superficial extent of the . . .M,t,. Wnn w m. aim- discussion of the hanking interests of raintj tV.a Arair, nr. fha TritalHw nf tV I 6uca' """ vf.w., I otr.t i-r. rrr,nrr,l on1 Wllmltl OiMI , ' i ,- TTnitPd states senator, iroiu 1 1-" owic u 6'"- trea wa made withoutdiscounting the Nort? Carolina; Hon. G. B. Patterson, in particular was very gratifying and product:-v Under the old system the annual yield gradually falls off, due to Congressman from the Sixth District Indicated a -financial condition that M.tk r.no- MftTi .Tnsenh - A. was entirely satisfactory. Mr. Evans o.i ahuv lis the twentieth century business man DrOWU. Ul tilt? duuuicau. wt.t.v t - . 11 W TT 11, v " .. . 1 J 1.1. WAA ttntlTtOttt VQ V. Hatlon- Mr C C. Moore, president, i mm a"v t rA1 J t ' rJnrdAnt Ucal. pointed. He di(L not speak at tate-aow-that-with the .diminution of u - nr Aviation, length but was given the closest at- .ho. uvcii4ir rxt iV.ta ntvorirlnn fha nf. ouulu,i,u " I . 7, j 1.1 t I m..lf9. Hon. James R. Youag, Insurance. com- tenuon ami iuc " r tjI missioner of the State of North Caro- Hons of approval by all V nt He g at 8 P. M, . ET - NJa1; pre ai a A. m., u uegicca, ftlnnB1j t ja rpsrnrrlf.il an oer- degrees; Maximum, C6 de- L wli, thoiminnHrm nf Inum, 44 degrees; mear55 Yetity ot tnis operation, the or I flinarvterm ' of three or four years I . L J nn;nfa11 I - fur iuc uciy. ticujc, ifliuiou month to date, 3.26. water In Cape Fear rive ille at 8 A. M., Tuesday, hd falling. feather Forecast. MRS BAILEY FENNELL DEAD. afternoon urrea at ociock. jeoici uoj m v"""""" " " : " i- i.i. u snoke as a at the home of Mrs. Alder- largement of the postoffice and Cus- exceeding jood W 10 20 min. man, No. 7 SoutH Fourtn street . torn ouSe iu d Taat down in the midst of enthus r at Southport 5:27 A. M. Fennell had been in very poor .jwuu , JTrr":" 7 annianse. Ir at Wilmington. .1:35 A. M for some time ana wnue ner ueaui was " TnS,iranre Commissioner J. R. Young was not unexpected, it came asa saa upon ms apprua. J Trt the lateness or rather the Mr. Simmons was very uayyj I" , " . , . -,aoofl en paid their long green ence in "Fads and Fancies" d out that they got a cheap notoriety. Carolina Fair Thursday light west winds. during- which a forest is now worked Vio f $5nth- did not worry along with dry statistics can be greatly increased. '.i' "7l" I but auoted iust enough figures to show l rn.., ' v- Kfl an nprti- that North Carolina has made wonder- aently at the opening of the banquet, ful strides in its bank resources and givine statistics oi tne wonaenui ue- uepuauo. , J . . . W KTaHltl .T TnO TSnilT H . I 11 I . 1,1 . -J. " 111 IV. n - . of North CaroUna and 'of the city of as the Mayor- of the finest har bor to XTo inllllcrorl in OITlft I tne UniieQ BLaLCS. oil. uuuiitt opv-" "Good Woman Entered Into Rest Yes- TAUMANAC Feb. 1. 7:01 A. M. 5:27 P.M. terday Funeral To-day, Friends wiU regret to learn ottne vvnuimStuu. o f m. and the wonderful possi- death of Mrs. Josephine Dobson.Fen- pleasantries me p "JL"?rr: kT,, f n, Rtaon at South- nell, wife of Mr. Bailey. M. FennelVj Simmons ana n" n. nnrt His remarks were cordial and in which occurred at 4 o'clock yesteraay in connecuou nu r"""' tncfe He SDOke as a htc, tnm Hnnao and nresentea Hon. v. ai. I uiaii ui - . Mnnr A AcTTrtOti Vfllin? Till fill all 1 Uiv Vf IU WA v- wv j ; . j and hundreds of friends, here and else- introductory remarns mu emu where. Mrs. Fennell was a daughter of Mr. Thos. G. Dobson, of Kenansviiie, in. C and was in the 25th year of her age. She was a bride of three years i ago ana was a woman uniyersaiiy that earliness of the hour and expressed Mc drug trust has been or- ith a capital of $10,000,000 loved and esteemed by all In the circle druggists ?re greatly exer- of 'her acquaintance. She Is survived l t tna oistar OTlii six it. It is to be inferred that jnTat rust people propose to have Kenansvllle: Cant. Thos. J. Dobson, s m meir uusinesa. I f wilmlnafnn- Mr Jno. Dobson. OI w. T iiafcuw - Huntington, W. Va., Mr. Julian , dod- 23 $20,000,000 for the Philip- son. of Kenansvllle: Edward W. Dob- SSSft OftO OOO for trouhle uo son, of Charleston, S. u., Mr. - i . . . Heze- r" i ktt tho trtnt. nleasure at being present Upon an irom me uguiea 6" T; M z mnmant tn tnft nrn master, they would justify, a jrery casiou ui u V 17 the large addition to the Wilmington post- ress and prosperity of the city, the See Swrfher pubUc building to Stateand :h. Nation Heant co the city. In this presence he wouia iaae occasiuu l" T i Sfke a proposition his friend, Con- !SSJSSR. gressman Patterson. If Patterson as mucu i 1 " hvr would gefr4 bill-through the House for and the State as any other factor ISala enumerated during the evening. - mmgW he wovdS get it thlough the Mr. C. C. Moorer president of the mingiou, ue wuuiu s flx,t ant.arT1 Pnttnn Association, was in- J i fnttria wtiie haik 1 troduced as a ' brother of the eminent J and Lamn (was Degging: jviu iuc, Liton Dr?Sreaf me Union Theolpgicad CT prove the character of Lamb andto Impeach . the testimony ot Fowler, the main ' witness forthe State, had been summoned by the defence, but they wer-not put on the stand.". The court room was packed "yesterday to hear the evidence of the witnesses and the addresses to the jiiry by the learned counsel interested. Lamu was in court all day but his sisters were absent from the court room. His countenance still bespeaks a feint hope though his general appearance remains of the de pressed order. Court met promptly t 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning and the first wit ness introduced was Louise Massey, one of the inmates of the house who was in the room at the time" of the killing. She corroborated Fowler as to locations in the, room and as to the flask of whiskey, the contents of which Alice Owens poured into the slop jar. She saw no pistol in the hands of any one. Witness ran for the doctor. Prior to the shooting everybody was appar ently in the best of humor. She had known LambM'orifour .of: five years; Lamb had been acquainted with Alice Owens five or six years; Alice Owens went to Richmond- for a year and' a half but witness did not know whether Lamb was there or not. On the morn ing before the shooting at night Lamb came to the house of Sadie Garrett about 9 o'cloclc at breakfast and tried to get Alice- to go in the;woods with him to practice -target shooting. '. She refused because she. said she did not feel-Hke it. Lamb told her she w ould have to go, and she. replied that she was a little bit bigger than Lamb and If "she went, he would have to carry her. Witnes left the house at 5:30 o'clock- itoat evening and Lamb lay down across the bed and went to sleep. He was not there when witness re turned with Sadie Garrett about 8 o'clocK. ' The cross-examination was by Mars- den Bellamy, Esq., and the opening ef fort was to fasten an intimate ac quaintance of Fowler with the half- world of the city. She had known Fowler only six or seven months, prior to the killing. The night of the homi cide Fowler remained at the house un til 3 or 4 o'clock. She had Sadie Gar rett keDt the house together. She was questioned closely e,bout any con versations she had had with Fowler since the tragedy. Witness admitted that Fowler had been to the house several times since August. Sadie Garrett was the second wit ness. She did not go into the room the night of the tragedy until after the killing. At the time she was rolling a cigarette. She ran. Immediately to the room andL opening the door, Louise Massey said om Lamb had shot Alice. The room' was dark. She strucK match and picked up the pistol with one hand, lighting, the lamp with , the other. Fowler had Lamb by the wrists Kill me, later on their way to the house. Lamb was drnnk" and Fowler-appeared to be holding him up as' they went, up--tne street. Officers W; J. Howaro, jonn r; Sneeden'and Police Sergeant ,C, S. Burnett testified to about the same effect. Sheriff Stedman, Jailor Ed. Capps and Office- Deputy Jas. H. Tay lor, Jr., were introduced to identify the pistol as the one taken; irom me house. 'if '"':. , At 3:15 the State announced that it would rest Judge wcdd men in structed counseLf to go to the jury THE GuuEIXI Of most fastidious tastes, as well as men of all physiques, can make satisfactory selection of their Spriug and Summer needs, frbm- the weli known asosrtment of Made-to-Measur Materials, shown " by Strouse & Bros., makers of the Celebrated "High Art Clothing. Their expert cutter will be at our store .' On Monday and Tuesday. FEB. 5TH AND 6TH, , . i ' .v - and will be glad to receive your order. . Faultless Fit, Superior Work manship and Up-to-Date Styles. - : . J. M. SOLKY & CO 9 ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS AND . FURNISHERS. - - - . , '- -: -:.s-'i-' - '.?"v ' T' '. ' '''""; ' p. s.-Wh5not have youit-'ctothesJiHade by us and get our guarantee of satsifaction. Our record for merit can be found in hundreds of wearers of our clothes In Wilmington. Tou have but to ask their. names --and we will give them, thereby convincing you of our claim. - J. M. SOLKY & CO. 1 Peh 1-tl. WMTEBl Compositors, Stone Hands, and Make-Up Men, Linotype and Monotype Keyboard Operators and mytro? positions in a book and fob office in New York City. concisely the line of defence so far as policy would admit. He was very clear in his address and was iistenea to with striet attention as the line of defence has all along been a subject of speculation.- Mr. Bellamy was fol lowed by Col. A. M Waddell, who spoke for about 30 minutes in a mas terly presentation of the, only, two theories which he could conceive from the testimony adduced at the trial. These were either that Lamb did not do the shooting and if he did it .was without malice. Solicitor Rodolph Jmffy, addressed the jury last before adjournment for I the day. He spoke for an hour ana forty minutes and a great, speecn it was- that he made. During his address the large crowd in the. court room bent forward vo catch every word, it was indeed a fine presentation of me State's side of the case. UDon the convening of . court mis morning at 9 : 30 : dclock Herbert - Mc Clammy, Esq, will first', address the ury. Then there will be one more speech by the Solicitor and Mr. Mars- den BeHamywill close for the defence. Then , will follow His Honor's cnarge to the jury and the case will go to the twelve men to whose hands is the. life "or death of the .'prisoner at the bar. Unless something unforeseen de velops the,Shockley case will doubt less be taken up Friday, if to me opinion of the counsel, the trial can be concluded .before the end of the week;- - ' - ' li!r.k ristViastn - nt TTenatiovlHe and Mr. horts. We don't know what ZTZZZZZZ,- w -ft out of the Philippines as the Tne fnnerarwlll be eonducted from p administration is not much the residence at 3:30" o'clock this af- Senate. He had always oeen lausui, ouu.u nerh'ans speUtog book, that wumingiou w- , amnfi He'said thatl nushed Lamb to one side and witness .HbVnr slow;of handed the pistol to Fowler. I mb "" "-" - - . . - . .1 V. A It a onuanll W9 9 ViUlten j i -k nhomKir nf commerce, ne i sireecu ouu " " - nlVnoT sie why it should not , be "thou should'st send for mine brother the largest in the South, wnoever usppw" tiing balance sheets when a ling is made. ternoon and the remains will be laid to rest in Oakdale. ian Shonts insists that his year presidency of that west- load does not interfere with 00 job as chairman of the icanal commission. It is T7on- rhat capacity some men they have. pry Taft declares that there is in the Philippines. First in know Taft wilf be suspect- it knowing any more than Sec- Wilson when he stuck to it with rick innocence that there was crooked in .the cotton statis- his Department. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Transfers Which Appear From Deeds Filed For Record -Yesterday, . Mr. Moore looked at his j . . j.v. nKoom,a1 that the hour was a has been once so fortunate as to par u, ": r-'7.--, " aid "Sadie, come here." Witness re plied that she would touch a ratue snake sooner tnan sne wouia miu "Trfnk what vou have done," she said. S2I.00 to $23.00 per Week and Ex penses Paid to competent men willing to work in open snops Call on or address, MARTIN L. KILLIAN, Orton Hotel, Wilmington, N. C. ja 30-lm. GRACEFULLY SAID, THIS. H ave- '-' a A 11 your . ...'fcA I inimeits, mixturesV IjtA L otions jand other S upplies put up at Hall's. -' D rug store. : ESv R eliabillty and accuracy guaranteed. , U se. our Comp. Bicycle Delivery and you'll , G et your drug needs in a hurry. . , VZk5 SL . S tart in to day and give us a v . T rail; we will serve you welL O ur drugs are pure, and a ,. . R egistered pharmacist compounds. E ve'ry prescription sent to this store. '"PHONE NO. 192." Charlotte ChronicleHas Nice Things to Say of Wilmington. This from the Charlotte Chronicle is -6o neatly put that our hat is of! to Editor Wade Harriss: Speaking of the freight business oi North Carolina, towns, The Wilming ton Star very properly calls attention to the shipping business of. that town. Jt says- that for the three months in question 'about 9,420 cars, oi cotton were dispatched by ocean steamers to foreign markets instead of being mere ly compressed here" and re-shipped for exportation later. In addition some thing like 1,500 cars of peanuts, lum ber. naval stores, manufactured cot ton goods and miscellaneous cotton products were shipped, by the Clyde steamship line' during the period named to New York and Providence with corresponding incoming freights! Still again should be added -tremen1 dous receipts by river .rafts and flats and reshipments of lumber coastwise by sailing vessels, to say nothing of a tonnage of about00 cars a month by the Fayetteville ISortheast river. Black River, New river, and Brunswick coua Embroidery Arrivals. WC've received notice that our SPRING importation has-arriVed at- tbe-New York Custom House. They will come here on the next steamer-wait and see them' Our importing direct from Switzer land saves you about one-fourth from the regular price. ? S & B. SOLOMON. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tamh reDlied. "I loved her, I did notity and South-Carolina steamer ana mean to do it." After leaving the sailing lines. ..The official figures are xt w. mnitmentarilv h nn b e the afternoon or evening of the obtainable;- we wish we had" tliem up. ne ayv I . , t nmK name hnolr nhout 10 I i.nnr- hut at anv rate we' can sav back . i . . . i . nrn.. m n ri nvrnin tiih im ihii i - itiiiin iiie. . uoiuu v.. . . . . w vwv.. uu j . mi. j -" .. - - that he mav once again ana mm oi uuimsu -bX- vr """ITT-T a Kt M-mtant.pa. U- W WeVe P-ot the aeain imbibe Irom mat iountaan ui . wr niiarrelins " ,"Z1 n miarter to three and facetiously re- StSlty and good cheei of twl city marked that the "farmers were waking mean pitality ana gooQ rawr i uu ; TI orir.t- mTnnllmentarily I house and its people, will ever aiier wiu uy. a r.nnPear From the La the "hiest watermelon grower in I Alice told him tnaiu ne a""- fc hospitality aoom.Q to banks of the old Cape Fear. From the as the "biggest watermelon grower ON THE SPOT! Car low In Of Fine Seed Potatoes The figures which we gave so manl-1 EARLY OH IO-RED AND WHITE TONE and GLASS festly applied, to . railroad freights . 1 . i -V Vi a ttraa vnln? I v. tv.nt- me AtA nnf thlnlr It IMUIS. -itaTnnr. Senator Simmons launch- North Carolina." He ww-not prepared sooer ana ZiZZZ '"""CJ T.T " na. ne wasui """" '7" " ..,., 4ct after 1 ti, or,n whlh Prom deeds filed for record Tester-Ua mto. a discussion of the Panama to sneak bri watermelons, but respona, to quil uu-, n ZZ i v . - i - . . m x. mi mmnnF . .am n wmm 3 t. iiik uuudci J ed la a nne aaa m iJr aiwn, together and Ali BLISS, BOVEE. day the following real estate trana-- Canal, a committee for the investlga fers appear: - tion of which he recently had the hon- t, r a.s n ii it! -Ron- or of beloneins. After discussing, this itz and F. W. Bonitz, for $3,50, pro- question at length he concluded by perty on east side of Ninth, ee leet saymg mat ne "&"- f v"..p i xtjh, ,.t cc-rQQ feet in Ua the result -. of that investigation, suutu ui ii"-" ... . , j v. .i . . itnat tne canal uas uasaeu m bi6 t?" k Reville and wife to A. L. I doubt and experiment and thfere ii no f' lJanoa- were talking together and Alice was Raffle - by water measured into . box iSSSn; f5K I trymg to get him to go to work. It I ars; would mak. competition vith pian Shonts of the Panama ommission says his $12,000 presidency does not interfere i $30,000 canal duties. Looks is doing the railroad then, un- satisfies the directors thafhis canal job does not interfere $12,000 railroad duties. Kt-h oiio f -Moaroa At feet north of Idoubt as to the feasibility has been re Fifth street, 40x67 feet in size. moved and the last problem of con- r o vt lurohiai. onri urtfe to H r. I smicuon ana piacueaumt u Kuhl, for $300, property on South side met by Mr. Stephens to .whom he paid of Bladen, 82 feet east of Eighth a tnoute ior competency uu emucu- ctroot ai i.9i-r5R feet in aie cv. The canal was not oniy going to be omit DUtut is going to ue ouin u Dev. Will B. Oliver To-Night. - mucn less time uu """ "- -v- . x tt.ii I LUali auj CYCl CAVvU rne anniversary oi tne neipins I ,j va nm mufeo the nre- HtClas,s f thf !?r.St S?? Si:yWUd not ass wm ue uem w-isu iuc Deforg Ips will sail through the' ea- tonum oi me cnurcu ne exercises nal and pasff up and down. the Cape will consist of a short talk by the pas- - JLf n the Orient tor. Rev. Fred D. Hale, D. D., and an L . . . .-. 0Jf0. imnnrtimM The Star nptes, . Wilmington's freight x d and we want to duto't-iet sober and go to work, that towathe despair. perhaps, of any Is. vice president. Mr. cnnon was i .Aithnt, he would ault him. tWA t(1,M ombined to the State. : If T'-iSrS SSra Lamb replied that his sisters would Wilmington insists on giving us water- Capt iL P. JOhnStOn, in Cnajge i 1 " . . . ... Vor aomiint j j ,fr,o- f na. tn An the move them to make room for more. - OUR PRICESS ARE LOW. roansiuJ. "t; rot.rieak tohira then on her account ed BtoCk. there is nothing tor us to do U. S. VOrps oi nuziutti t " . - t .tn nn nrtl, on l1ver uul . viani - .uw w. wiimineron -uismcu- wa ucu mu- .. . . , T t- . . -a. m " -.5 "... x..-, r'" " . .. i -r i foanre Rear. Sam. Bear, e. i- pc". and ocean carrying- iraae vuanuiic Mlncy and wife, for $100, property on question ot its .eoiwiracnan duced ana spoKe ""T Ac. P. Bolles, L. Bluethehthal, W. far behind Wilmington and is not dis- SIS X"rnVmsTneech tnor- S. Bernard, T. P. Bagley, C. E. Taylor, posed to argue the, proposition. o,T:;iv dentlied the captain es a Wit Jr., W, B. Cooper,;!. H.cnaarurn, . - I r r"iiorthniirn it. l uuviukiuu, a. mingtonlan and anentnusias, v; y---- chase, J. E. Crowj J. M It " was : , when President Coin, Jas. H. Cowan, George Chesnut, Taylor Vin a brief address, dismissed B, S. Collins;- Y'TT'a themerry makers and they filed out aneorge R, t JJJJ S of the .banquet hall feeltog. that : "it. Reserve Corps Election. The Reserve Corps "of Wibntogton I Division. . North Carolina Naval Re serves; held its meeting last nlgnt.at the. armory of the Division. 'Quite a Send TJs Your Orders The Worth Co., WILMINGTON, J. C. feb 1-tf, We believe in sweet tone musical instruments and stand by first class goods. The factories we rep resent manufacture first, class goods and that's why we are meet ing with success. Our business is good. So will yours be if you , handle our goods. Call, 'Phone, Wire or Write. , . . , Interstate Machinery and Supply Co. 204, 206 N. Water St. . .. . Wilmington, N. C. - - . ja 31-tf. was " good, to have been there.',' st .'- ' , -! . s-j. I vrnco, , - - The menu iorne uaunuet Soi,tnnort. r, W. Gibson, Y. JS. was . Jl I .-n-wcAmalv MtthdSAMI leat- I . t-. r-t m TT. . hno-en l? C Harmon, ur, w i. Grainger, William Gilchrist, Clayton larg-e number of members attendee Giles, D. L. Gore, M. C. uthriev of The principal business was the ele elee- New Arrivals ! We "have just added to our. Iarfle iNew Orleans Picavune re- He jests at family jars that lad a mother-in-law." That is no- pore nor less than recklessly of- an opportunity to men with in-law to say that It is too se matter with them to joke anniversary address by Rev. -Will B. Oliver, of Florence, S. C, former pas tor of 'the congregation here. The musical numbers will be by the Acme Quartette; Miss Mattie Home, soloist. and Mr. and Mrs. Greene Fenley. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ice Commissioner Here. J. -R. Young, Insurance Corn ier of North Carolina, is here H of Mr. M. S. Willard. - To-day ms will accompany City Build pretbr H. E. Bonitz on a tour Icity and will : instruct. ; the pcial in his duties under" the ins of what is now commonly Ps the state "Fire Waste. Jaw." The work was of greater importance - to North Carolina, perhaps than to any other two States" with ' the possible. exception of Mississippi and Louisiana. The two harbors of Beaufort and .Wil mington "were referred to and their wonderful - development was predict ed." -.CUSrw'i- i i.i5-.S-k?-c --- .":5? J '-.U: ' From the Panama Canal, Mr.-;Sim- monn passed tothe ; subject of immi gration to which be was-, assigaea on the programme. - Mr. Simmons re ferred not only to the advantages, but sented in handsomely embossed leaf lets, the product or me wiimmgwu Stamp Works- as follows: . Blue Point . - Martiui, flelerv- - Olives. Salted Almonds, Broiled Spanish Mackerel Au Beurre, n . . Pommes Julienne,. TnmktoeR. OucumberS, KUaesueiiuei, Wanted Good Draughtsman. ' Hall's Drug Store Your Wants. The Worth Co. Fine Seed Potatoes. Orient Lodge, A." P. & a. M.--Meet- to the evils' ofe foreign influx of ing. immigrants to our snores ana -woseu a Bi Solomon-importea in-. with a beauaruiiriDUte; to wyauns hrninertes - - ton. to Norm uarouna ana to tne .t m soikv A CO. Made to Meas- southland Mr. Simmons remarKS ure Clothing. BUSINESS LOCALS. idies' plain black hose to-day. at Gaylord's. ' ' were' frequently v Interrupted by. ap plause.', His reception to. Wilmington amounted to little less man an ovauon, The toastmaster v next . Introdncea t T . rijll.. .11- SflHaMmi - inn4T0a)l. Lost Gold Chain. MTn th :etrit who su) aa- fxr ti nuvr.m a. rvnrnnereR. . - , vt jr. uiuiuuu . w r, n trvl.. f Tch OTi Fish- . . ... . Drlrrwir!lQf I EUCUCU rW Mo guujwir w . to Q.Qiett tnJiv at Gaviord's: '",, " 9c. See window, display. H U b . - --- ----- - ... - plauded upon rising and it was several tion of officers which resulted as fol- Utock of Clgara two new branny lows: President, M. L. Skipper; Vice r( President, H. u. nowaro; oecreuuj', J. W.. Freeman; Treasurer, J. m. .mur phy. - T -- per, B. F. Hall,'W. S. Hoggins, A. Hoff man, M, W. Jacobl, T. C. James, B. x tTnith Tamea Kvle K. .- W . vanu Lucas, T. D.. Love, J. M. Leasid, ,D C. Love. J. S. McEachern; L. MCHiacn. ern. N. M. McEachern, Geo. L. Morton, H. W. Malloy, T. S. MCManus, J- i Metts. J. VanB. Metis, Hugh MacRae, Chas. J. Mitchell, Malcolmn McKenzie, mei rrf Ten'derloto Aux Champignons C. C. Moore, R. P. McClammy, A. J. I banks, was $2,270,690 ior me mou Fillet of TenderlotoAna MeKInnon, J. W. MurcbJson, J. B. Mer- of January. , MOScomprising. twenty- ..,,. Tnnot Sanoe Hollantlalse, i cer,-H. K.. asn &. worneet,; wm. a. i uib,viuis uajo, ""s - " '. a. Asparagus On Toast sauce hoimiiuu., tt I aire x total; of sftft.827.60 through the wo Oiiall Maitre De Hotel, - G. B. Patterson, F. S. Pendleton,. L. B. . - - ... . ( . rt- YX TV.AHA. - X XT Dnh. Clearing ' House statement . The total clearings of the three na tional banks of Wilmington, exclusive of. any business - of rthe: four Savings banks, was $2,270,6900 for tne montn Ojtimo" and "Herman Cortez. "THE GEM, Phone 190. ' nu n.rn. WM. STRUTHERS, Manager. 'ia.tf - i- - - Head ' Lettuce - Peas, " Wilmington , Clear lng House Associa . tion. , V; . - - , Mumms, der'A. S. Root; J- A Springer, W H. Sprunt, H. G. Smallbones, J. C. Steven-J WAITED! Wanted at once a .good, draughts- D. Q. Care Star : otr .'tebX-lt,'. man.-'; Apply P fice. Neapolitan Cream, En SBitifc. DIED. Roquefort Cheese, .Toasted Crackers, Tnomp8on, W. P. M. Turner, H. L. street at 4 P. "M, Jan. 31st, Mrs. Jose . - - fxiffee. - ;. - i . . - ' .... -.c s mm.d Lt.. . .... . . . Cortez Cigars; Creme De Menthe -, - - .y:r rt Cigarettes. ORIENT LODGE NO 395 A. F. A A. M. rnmmnnlcatIon - t h I s lock, i Visiting breth- 8. JOSe- ar-'Tv fr work rollers. A. S. Williams. M. S. Willaro, nbine Dobson FennelL beloved wife of Thursday - r' - - - .. ttt - . 1 -w M4OT0P HHKiee.- O. H; "Wright, yra. K. ,wortn, . . w. Mr. uaiiey . m. Fennell, in the . z&ta " ,w 4,Jiteii i: f v. Those in Attendance. . . . Amone the guests inrited and in at tendance were Messrs.A. A. Aveilhe, j. A ..Brown, I. M. Bear, H. C Bear, whitehead., w.' J. . Woodwara, - a.-i.j year o her age. Waddelt, J- S. WilBains, D. H. Walsh,! - Funeral from ' residence at 5:29 P.' r. vj Yates. J. W.. Yates, ana j -i m. to-aay t inursuay); interment m Youne. Julian Chester- Smith, of Chic- Oakdale : cemetery Friends , and ac- oo- - " " - iaualntances Invited to attend. " - rHallv tnvited. By order of tne w. - . C.-,C BROWN, Secretary. Feb 1-1L' EL PROVEDO "PRINCESS" CIGARS High' Grade Small r ' Cigar ' Made for Particular ' People. The F,-E. Hashagen Co., AGENT. -Ja28-tf . Go to Gaylord's to-day for values ln White Lawn. S . --' '-.-. : , : Gaylord's, Hamburg salo. Saturday See window. . r

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