LXXVII-NO. 103 WTLM3HG-TON, N. C, SUNDAY FEBUARY 4, 1906. WHOLE NUMBER 11,936 hnornino Star. LOCAL DOTS. OUTLINES. iioccaa conference has oom- . minor details ana is eu tn reconcile France and Ger- berning their differences ;ow krm in France, the Garman ht has announced that there war, even if tne coniereuue tn. normanv The Agricul- Jartment has put into effect kl quarantine against cattle from tne souiu, mtiumut, hs of the eastern part of .. 111 .ni-SY frolic: tne appamng aiait- kade that Texas lever is re- for an annual loss 01 w, tho cattle industry of this Lit is cabled from London Countess DeCastellane (for s Anna Gould) is suing the divorce In the Greene br trial in Savannah yester- Sneer reminded the Jury" to C remembering that when the robbed it is tneir amy iu Justice is done to the govern- the accused The Demo- ie Senate yesterday enterert hpact to defeat the Santo Do tty and compel a strict party bther questions in uie Representatives, nine speecn- ade on the freight rate regu among those in favor of enresentative Page, of North I -It is proposed by the Unit I'orkers to raise a strike fund 100, and it is said that there ibilitv that 620,000 miners te April 1st, though both the d operators hope lor tne Dest liicngo yesterday 20 indict- re found against John A. k of the circuit court, m- hbezzlenient, forgery and lar- e amount of $50,000 Ice on s River, near La Salle, yes- ke through and a pnest and ents were drowned New ets: Money on call nominal, time loans easy; spot cot at 11:45; wheat firm; No. 4 elevjr; corn steady, No. ator; oats steady; mixed, 36 1-2; turpentine steady, I asked; rosin steady, strain- h to good, 3.90 to 3.95. Fayetteville rr Observer: "The I steamer C. .W. Lyon will be brought up from Ellzabethtown next Tuesday." Hollowbush's Orchestra returned yesterday ' morning ' from Wallaee where they played for a big entertain ment Friday night : . There will be a special convoca tion of Concord Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M., to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock to confer the Most Excellent Master's degree. "Science Falsely So-called" is the text which Pastor Fred D. Dale has chosen for his sermon at the -First Baptist church to-night, in presenting the subject, "Christian Science Un masked." License was issued yesterday for the marraige of Miss-Berta Lamb,1 ciaugnter ox tax. ana Mrs. J. B. Lamb, of South- Washington, N. C; and Mr. William Clark, a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clark, of Wilmington TERM ;ISf CONTINUED Indications That Jury in Lamb Case Will Be Kept Together Until Tuesday . ... 1 : -- s , - . ORDER MADE LAST NIGHT Bishop Strange will visit t ino nearer an approach to a verdict in Mark's P. E. church (colored) this morning at 11 o'clock; . speak at the meeting of the Boys' Brigade armory at 5 o'clock and visit the Chapel of the Good Shepherd at 7:30 o'clock this evening. District Deputy Grand Chancellor John F. Littleton is mailing to every Pythian in the State a copy of a cir cular announcing the Pythian District meeting at Chadbourn" on 'February 21st. Tne programme will be announc ed later. The Star has with the compli ment of Mr. r. H. Thompson a very handsome souvenir in the form of a paper weight, advertising the famous raw hide" paper and paper bags' sold Stilt There is No Verdict and Appar ently No Likelihood of An Agree ment Incident of Day's Pro ceedings in the Trial. -Although it was noised about last night that there had been a change in the division of the jury from nine to three to ten to two In favor of acquit tal, the general belief Is (hat there is than there was on the day the trial was completed. The jury-Is still out and Uie indication is that the judge will keep the twelve Hten together until Monday morning or Tuesday noon be fore discharging them unless an agree ment is reached in the meantime. The only thing officially new in the case was an order by Judge Webb at 10:45 o'clock last night continuing the term oi court until Tuesday at noon. At the hour named His Honor summoned the attorneys in the case and court was formally opened and the order dictated EATHER REPORT. k-partment of Agriculture Weather Bureau. ngton, X. C, Feb. 3. 1906. jgical data for the 24 ling p- M- Saturday, irer- F &e at Maximum, 35 de- 14 de&1 -0 deegress, mean, 28 r . the day, .00; rainfall I v month to date, .00. Jr water in Cape Fear rivor k'ille at 8 A. M., Friday, 14.0 Weather Forecast. th Carolina Fair and warm- Monday fair, colder; fresh buth winds becoming north- lay. W ALMANAC Feb. 4. C:59 A. M. 5:29 P. M. th 10 hrs. 30 min. r at Southport..4:07 A. M. fc- at Wilmington. .6:37 A. M- and pin, n3edles and n a man marries he has the p, it i3 on the 17th of Feb- n the Nation's sweetheart ed. road people are keeping piet for fear the Hepburn bt be passed by Congress. piighty sorry, but in the past American statesmen have ire notoriety than they have Pess we used to have Repub- hiocrats and Populists. Now feation consists of Republi- pocrats and flunkeys. Secretary of War Taf t thinks Bigelow. Kjicnt twenty-eight he isthmus and several days kr Chief Engineer Wallace in et data for his article knock- nal. op!e are good knockers but Pi's, when you think ahout to knock, trade It off for o push. Push; don't knock. by him for the Eaele Paoer Comnanv. I . " . or- Pirhmnnrt il u&Puy Clerk W. N. Harriss as fol lows: . "It appearing to tlie court that the regular term of this court expires at 12 o ciock to-night, it now Deing 10:45 P. M. Saturday night, Feb. 3rd. 1906. and a trial for felony having been in ;irogress in this court since last Mon day morning and the jury having failed as yet to return a "Verdictthere in and no judgment having been given tnerein, and it appearing to the court ;hat it is necessary for this court to bs continued into next week, it is, therefore, ordered by the court that this court shall continue until -next Tuesday, Feb. 6th, 1906, at 12 o'clock for the purpose of the case now in con sideration." The court was then adjourned until S o'clock to-morrow morning. The jury was not brougt out of the room at all when the order was made and it -is doubtful if they know of the continuance of the term until yeL The wording of the' order is construed to mean that, the judge will bring members of the jury before him at 8 o'clock Monday morning and they will be polled. If. there then appears no likelihood of an agreement, a mistrial will be ordered. -However, if the out look is favorable it Is tnought Judge Webb will remain with them until Tuesday noon if necessary, postpon ing the opening of Sampson court at Clinton until Wednesday morning. The attorneys for the defence appear anxious that the jury shall remain to gether as long as possible and appear to be bringing every influence to bear to that end. They argue that another trial would be .expensive to the county and would involve much labor and trou ble. , TfeeIase8aaenJeM,-4il& Jury indicate as much as ever a hopeless division. They remained in the Court House all day yesterday and last night and to all outward appearances seem ed to be making the best of an un pleasant situation. They were taken to their meals regularly at tha Roun tree House, on Market street, and were given short walks morning and after noon for exercise. They are very for tunate in having as one of their num ber a barber and so far as unkempt beards and mustaches are concerned, those who have hirsute appendages, may appear to-day as neat as if they were attending church services at any. house of worship in town. Mr. William Tienckeh is the barber of. the twelve and he was permitted to send for his kit of tools yesterday and treat his fellows to as good a shave as they could have gotten anywhere in town. The all absorbing topic of general comment on the streets yesterday was the Lamb case and there was frequent inquiry as to whether the- jury had come out. Telephone bells in news paper offices last night were kept ajin gle and from far and near were ex pressions upon the' case and the prob able result of the hearing. There was a suggestion on the streets "yesterday that Judge Webb might take the jury with him to Samp son court as "was the custom with the judges riding the State circuits in the long ago, but there is little likelihood that such -a thing will be necessary. Solicitor Duffy will remain in the city until the case is disposed of. Then he will go with Judge Webb to Clinton the two weess term oi me court, there being for the trial of both civil "and criminal causes. Richmond. Mr. Bphriam J. Dale, who is em ployed in the river and harbor service of the government, is laid up for a few-days with a severe bone felon. He will likely be able to go to work again this week, though he still has a very bad hand. Bishop Strange will address the meeting at the Boys' Brigade Armory this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The" meet ing will be open to both ladies and gentlemen.- A double quartette and Miss Nellie King, solosit, will contrib- i xite to the musical numbers. Oapt. Wm. F. Robertson will 'speak to the boys at the Y. M. C. A. !at 10 o'clock this morning and Mr. Chas. C. McNeil will speak to the men at 5 P. M. Both gentlemen are most interesting speakers' and should be i heard by large congregations. There was no municipal court yes terday and no arrests during the day. A. Pollock and his son, Isaac Pollock, colored, charged .with an assault with a deadly weapon upon Mitchell Wil liamson, also colored, were arrested Friday night, but were not tried in the absence of witnesses. Carolina Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, is arranging for a big minis trel fete or burlesque circus the last of the month. The committee in charge is composed of Messrs. Julius P. Taylor, Nathan J. Hoyt and C. W. Hollowbush. Definite announcement more in detail will be given later. A dispatch front Mexico City Jast night states that the United . States Mining and Smelting Company, of Bos ton, had purchased the Rio Del Monte mine at Pachuca, Mexico, paying for it $4,900,000. The company will expend $3,000,000 in improvemsafak Thmia was owned principally by Minister of Finance Limantour. A very successful meeting of the New Hanover Teachers Association was held yesterday morning. The features of the meeting were an ad dress by Mr.. Eugene S. Martin in which he gave some personal reminis cences of the battle of Benton ville; a paper by Mr. Robert F. Lewis; on the best methods of teaching geography and a general talk by Prof. Catlett, A chimney burning out at 512 North Third street, owned and occu pied by William Cunningham, called the fire department out in response to an alarm from box 26 at 8:45 A. M. yesterday.. At 10:20 A. M. the alarm from box 49 was on account of a fire from a defective flue at 315 South Fifth street owned by Mrs. Runge and occupied by L. W. Moore; damage about $150. DR. tycCLURE WILL REMAIN. His Jgton Post: "The Sultan of is said to have an innrdi- t for money. He ought to he life Insurance business." he have smoother sailing in Oil? lhange says "there are a lot pans in this country who laid on the shelf." The trou- the politicians, however, is won't stay on the shelf but lo crawl out and get into a issman Siblev. of Ponnsvi. publican now. fomerlv a in opposing the freight rate bill, says he sees in it an pead if the government goes railrpaa rates. That's the part of him , that p that so far ahead. .ic f"sees nominal." This is the offi- non given from day to day. thout exception, by the Cham- pmintice of this city. We Gratifying AnnourvcemerA to Congregation Thus .crning. The religious community in general and the congregation of Saint An drew's Presbyterian church in partic ular will rejoice in the news that Rev. Dr. A. D. McClure, D. D-, has decided after prayerful consideration, to re main in this city and not accept the call "recently extended to him to be come pastor of an influential church in ShelbyvHle, Tenn. Dr.: McClure vis ited the Shelbyville church last Sun day and was much impressed with the field there, but very strong pressure was brought to bear upon him after ! his return to remain with Saints An- j drew's, the work there being in very prosperous and promising condition. This- pressure brought to bear .upon him was not only by his "own church, but by the - Christian men; and wo men of Wilmington at large, for Dr. McClure is not essentially a sectarian, but a man of the whole people. It is indeed gratifying to the people of this city, the Presbytery of Wil mington and the Presbyterians of North Carolina that Dr. McClure will remain in their midst Dr. McClure will officiallymake the announcement of his decision at the morning ser vice at Saint Andrew's to-day. Sale of Suburban Lots. There is interest in an auction sale of suburban lots by Mr. W. A. Dick, commissioner; which will take place today at noon in front of the Court House door. A plat of the . property has been made and will be exhibited to all bidders at the sale. The property is situated at the Intersection of Seven- teenth ' and Market - streets and ex tends along the turnpike or Market street road- The-sale. is. to close up an estate and some bargains 'in the property are said to be offered. THE COTTON SITUATION. Condition interestingly Discussed With -r Trade by Wilmington Merchant - In line with the suggestion' of Vice President A. J. McKinnon, of the Southern Cotton Association, at the annual banquet of vthe Chamber of commerce Wednesday night Mr. J. A. Taylor, of this city , has addressed the following letter to his connections in the country with regard i to the cot ton situation: Wilmington,. N. O, Feb. 1st, 1906. Cptton Acreage 10,000,000 bales r of cotton are worth to the South In money vaiuo ?iuu,uuu,ikh more tnan , 14,000, 000 bales. But for the .fact that the bumper crop of 1904-'05 followed a 10, 000,000 bale crop, the price would have probably gone to 5 cents and the up ward move in Southern ; prosperity turned back for five years. Cotton oc cupies a distinct position in farm pro ducts, and. the Southern farmers have' it .In their own. hands to name the pricei .When an increase in acreage etemcCTPW,' te 1 WaH Btieefwai1 speculators begin at once to depress the price of the new crop, and at the same time to lower the price of the unsold portion of the old crop. -In order, therefore, for the farmers to realize the best results for the crop already grown and unmarketed the acreage for the new crop must be only sufficient to meet . the world's demands for the twelve months ensu ing. Reduction in acreage is the only means of insuring a profitable price to the farraors for their product The spinners of the worldjwill read ily operate on full time with cotton at 12Vc., but the spinner, being human. will not pay 12 c. if the farmers pro duce more than the world needs. It is simply up to the farmers to grow rich or poor, and they have no right to complain,- if, after they have plant ed for or proddced a bumper crop, the bear operators depress the price be low the cost of production. The un sold portion of last year's crop can be marketed at much higher than present prices if the farmers of the South will determine to reduce acreage and live up to the agreement. The bear opera tors are now discounting the farmers' Intelligence and loyalty. Teach them a lesson. It is to the interest of every busi ness man in the South to use his influ ence to induce the farmers to reduce acreage 10 per cent, from that of last year. Yours truly. J. A. TAYLOR. THE PLUMBING ORDINANCE. TRDCKINGJNTEREST East Carolina Delegation to Op- . pose Railroad Measure in Virginia Returned HEARING WAS SATISFACTORY Question ot Perishables and Necessity of Operation of Trains -to Be Left Largely With Corporation Com mission The Proceedings. Alderman Will Consider New Measure at Meeting Monday Night. One of the most important matters for consideration at the regular month ly meeting of the Board of Aldermen to-morrow night is The ordinance re commended by the Board of Health, advised by the County Medical Society and endorsed by the Journeyman Plumbers, providing a system of gani tary plumbing inspection in Wilming-J ton. The ordinance has been up some time, but lately has been in the hands of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of .Aldermen which will make favorable report on the same at the meeting to-morrow night By resolu tion of the Board at the last meeting, copies of the proposed ordinance have been furnished to all members of thp council and all are expected to be able to vote on the question intelligi bly at the time indicated. , Section 1 of the ordinance provisos thmtalpiUmfcers Jbefore engaging JJaJHBe4cat was-jiffered. . tne rraae or a pinmoer musE oe ucenst of Examiners composed of the Super intendent of Health, the City Engineer and one competent plumber, to be named by the Board of Health and to be in no wise connected with the city government The Board of Examin ers is empowered to make all reason Inspector of plumbing is to be ap proved by the Board of Health. An inspector of plumbling to be ap pointed, who shall receive his com pensation from work inspected which is prescribed at $1 for each fixture new and 50 cents for old work. For. spe cial services extra compensation is allowed, all payable by the property, owners. NEW MILLINERY STORE. went to oppose pending legislation be fore the Virginia peneral Assembly looking to the prohibition of Sunday trains for the movement of' perish able freights through that State. They were joined in Richmond by prominent fruit growers from South Carolina, Georgia and from Norfolk, Va., -all aloud in their opposition to the bill, the enactment of wihcb would result disastrously to the trucking interests of the entire South. The bill seems to have been aimed at the Norfolk & Western, which sought to evade an existing law in Virginia prohibiting all trains axcept those used in the movement of live stock and perishables. It is said to have been a favorite evasion of that road to make up long trains of coal cars with a caif or a bull in a car in the middle of the train and operate the whole out of the State on the ground that the train was -to move perishable freight or live stock v President Wm. Springer, Busi ness Agent H. T. Bauman and other members of the East Carolina Fruit and Truck G rowers' Association Exe cutive Committee returned jresterday PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. F. M. Shelley, of Buffalo, N. Y., is at The Orton. . ; Mr. G. M. Serpell, of Norfolk, was at The Orton yesterday. Mrs. WT Hill, of Warsaw, was a guest at The Orton yesterday. Mr. C C. Hargrave, of Lexington, was a guest at The Orton last night. . Mr. E. Be Witt Smith, of Raleigh; was among last night's arrivals at The Orton. Miss Ethel Holden is visiting friends at "Cebu," near Allen's Sta tion, S. C. Mrs. M. M. McKinnon, of McCall, S. C, and Misa Anna Graham, of Lau rinburg, were guests at The Orton yesterday. The many friends v of .Mrs. XW. West wilx. regret to learn of her criti cal illness at . her - home,: 607 North Fifth street Friends -of Esquire- McEYana wfi his room after nearly, three weeks, of a severe attack of la grippe. Mr. Samuel F. Jones, of Boston, of the Boston Rescue Mission, who was expected here early in March is des perately ill and his coming will be de layed indefinitely. i REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. It was to breate-tp this evasion that a very drastic measure was drawn up for passage at this session of the As sembly, but th6 truckers and railroad people are of the opinion that they have succeeded in getting the proposed act so' amended as notrto work any in jury to the trucking interests which necessarily have a vital interest in the legislation. In its account of the; hearing before the comimttee- of the ' Aieembly the Richmond Times-Dispatch of yesterday says: "Those who spoke were President Johnson, of the Norfolk and Western; President Stevens, of the Chesapeake and Ohio; President Emerson, of the Atlantic Coast Line; President Spen cer, of the soutnern. Transfers Which Appear From Deeds . Filed For Record Yesterday. From deeds filed for record yester day the following . real estate trans fers appear: -F. A. Bissenger and wife to Harriet E. Winstead, for $200, property on North side of Dawson, 197 feet west of Seventh street, 33x66 feet in size. W. D. Pugh to W. G. James and J. M. James, for 1 and other considera tions, property on south side of Or ange, 71- feet west of Tentn street, 37x66 feet in size. Owen Martindale and wifeto Arthur W. Branch and wife, for jeoOproperty consisting of 22 acres of land in Ma sonboro township on south side of Fork branch. , , W. D. Sumlin, of Atlanta, Ga., to Mrs. W. L. Harlow, for $2,250, pro perty on south side of Campbell, 89 feet west of Fourth street, 66x76 feet ixx siz Virginia E. Bunting to H. R. Kuhl, quit claim to property on south side of Bladen, 82 feet east of Eighth street, 4114x66 feet in size. COST SOUTH $10,000,000 L Made In Syrweuae. N.Y. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSst President Taylor of Ginners' Associa tion Condemns North's Report. By Wire to The Morning Star. Washington, Feb. 3. President J. A. Taylor of the National dinners' As- "There was no cross-firing; no discus- pociation, in a signed statement to- sion; no interrogatories, but the presi dents were simply heard as to the friendly relations existing between the roads and the State, and the lack of disposition on the part of the former to infringe upon the rights of the people. The session was a most sat isfactory one, and resulted in at least a better understanding between our companies and- the law makers. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon tne uuiu bill to prevent the running of freight trains on- Sunday was considered at length. Strong speeches were made on both sides . and amendment after i:rh.Bv. JamW Cannon ed after due examination by a'Bovdajtepgthm that only one mixed train containing-cars 01 live stoctt or per-t ishable freight be allowed ever any one division of a road on any given Sun- fny inquiries as to the Producers and others ro is no market here for f there is, why no figures 1 Those who think this a 0 "importance are mistaken J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i Bromonia What is Itl T YO ,.Tas. M. Hall Medicines. . ,-Stieff Car Loads-Pianos. I. Shrier Spring Clothing. -r. P. E. Hashagen Co. Cigars. v C- W. Yates & Co-Valentines: uj: Geo. O. Gaylord-Cloaka, Furs. J. V. Murchlson & Co. Hardware. Pp- Property in nt eialra wfcon 5Lis on fire-" and yurl I m i may be tonefced by t ; - "i 10-aars paper. BUSINESS LOCAL8. Beard For Couple. - -. Mr. nd Mrs. J, J, Bowden. Notice Geo. XJ. Clows Lady or Gentleman REMAINS WILL ARRIVE TO-DAY. In Funeral of Late Phillip W. Delano, Wilmington, This Afternoon. ' The remains of the late Phillip W. Delano, accompanied by members of the bereaved . family, and mends win arrive from Washington, D. C, on the train from the North this morning, and will be taken'to the home of Mr. George N. Hawiss, on South; Fifth street. The funeral services will be conducted at 3:30 o'clock thjs after noon from Saint James' Episcopal' church by the Rev. R. W. Hogue, rec tor of the parish, and the interment will be in Oakdale cemetery. The remains will be accompanied to Wilmington by Admiral and Mrs. Delano, parents of the deceased;-Mr. Frederick Paine, of Newport R. L, an uncle; CaptTJF.. P. .Delano, - United State Marine Corps, a brother; - Mrs. Delano, the breaved young wife; . Mr. and Mrs. George N. Harriss, of Wil mington, ; parents ; of Mrs.' Delano; Lieutenant David F. Boyd, U. S. N. of Charleston, S. C., and , Mr, George P. James, of Washington, D. O., friends of young Mr. Delano. ' . Catherine Kennedy home. Contributions to the Catherine Ken nedy Home for January: ; Mr.. J. A. Montgomery, sausage;: Mrs. A. A. Wil lard, barrel i of 1 potatoes; Mrs.: B. F. Hall, sausage, liver, ribs; Mrs. H. F. Wilder, eees and milk; Mrs. Bridgers, coffee; -Mrs: antwell, fish and pota toes? Pole and Tie Co.;. wood; Mrs. J. C. Stevenson." magazines; - Mrs; Josh James.' printing; Mrs. Roger Moore; Consolidated Co., gas; Consumers Ice Co., icer Mr. R. R. Bellamy; drugs; Mr, 3."if Hicks Bunting, ; drugs. ? Monthly meeting - will ; be held at the 'Home Tuesday afternoon at 3: 30 o'clock.,; Misses Donnelly and King to Open-First-Class Establishment Wilmington is soon to have a new and up-to-date milinery and fancy dry goods establishment The location will be the store at southeast corner of Front and Grace streets, recently vacated by the Stieff Music House and the proprietors will, be Miss Ella v. Donnelly,- for six years with the C. W. Polvogt Company, and Miss Jennie T. King, formerly with the dry goods es tablishment of Mr. C. H. Fore, on Mar ket street The young ladies are thor oughly acquainted with the details of thenew business in which they "Will, engage and have special-talent for the millinery art. They will "leave in a few days to make purchases for their new stock and expect to open the mil linery store about the first of March. They have many friends among the la dies of Wilmington' who will welcome the announcement of their purpose , to open the new establishment -. SERIOUS CUTTING AFFRAY. Two- Cotton Mill Operatives in Fight at Lumberton. . ' (Special Star Telegram.) Lumberton, N. C., Fed. 2. A serious cutting affray occurred' at the Lum berton Cotton Mill this "morning, In which Frank -Pate was badly slashed. He was cut in several different places. 20 stitches, being required in dressing the wound. It seems that. Pate and Frank Braneh, both, employed in the mill, had some trouble while on duty last night, and decided to fight it out when they went off duty this morning. Branch was arrested and placed in jail to await results of Pate's injuries, Wanted in 8outh Carolina. - . Sheriff TV S. Burch.. of Florence, S. C, Is here and early tms morning m company wtih Officer. C. H. Woodrwent out and brought in one or -two negro fugitives wanted In the .. Palmetto State. Sheriff Burch says that it Is as natural for a negro who, has committed some offence in Florence to flee to Wil mington an$,vice versa, as it Is for the sparKs to ny upwara. Another Baraea Rally. : Bishop Robert? Strange and Mr Jamee F. Post, treasurer of. the Atlan tic Coast Line, will be the principal, speakers at another big Baraca Bible Class rally at the . Second r Advent church Thursday night of this weelc Mr; Alf. Yopp has been engaged s organist and both the Acme and Bara ca quartettes will sing The occasion promises to be most enjoyaoie maeea. day. Another amendment was offered, and finally adopted in lieu of all the-other propositions, reqidrlng the companies to refer the question of the necessity of operating freight trains on Sunday to the corporation commission. "The bill fixing the passenger fare rate in the State at two cents per mile was fixed for hearing next Tuesday afternoon at 3 -o'clock, when it will come-up as a special and continuing order." TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY, 1906. - Meets in Raleigh in June Arrange ments in Progress. - " (Special Star Telegram.) Raleieh. N. C Feb. 3. Official an nouncement was made this morning that the next session of the Nortn Carolina Teachers' Assembly will be held in Raleigh June 12th till 15th. This decision has just been reached by the executive committee, which is com posed of many of the leading educators throughout the State. The announce ment is made that, theentertainlng capacity of the city will be ample as several of the largest boarding schools have offered, to open their dormitories for the "entertainment of the visiting teachers--of whom probably not less than fifteen hundred will attend. The charge at these college dormitories will be $1.00 per day including tame ooara. The Raleigh Chamber ot Commerce offered the committee ample financial support in making the session one of the most successful in the history of tll6 ftBBQTflMy- The Secretary of State charters the "Living stream Enterprising Broth erhood,' an insurance order with prin cipal office in Rocky Mount. night asserted that he had "found out that Intentionally, I believe, the Jan uary 16 report of the census bureau in cluded from one to seven days more ginning than should have been Includ ed and this report will cost the South $10,000,000. The discrepancy was caus ed by the way the Instructions were given to the government agents ask ing them to get from ginners the amount of cotton ginned to date and the amount they expected to gin. The ginners believed that the cotton al ready ginned and yet to be ginned were to be added for a total report and in many instances gave the agents the cJiftmbers-pf balea ginned to, say on , the 17ta-jw 23rd of the month. There 'was also a loss of $700,000,000 In our trade balance with foreign coun tries as a result of this report" He quoted Mr. North' as saying a leak from his office had never been discovered and said he thought Mr. North "was mistaken." BASKET BALL LAST NIGHT. last ntghf King defeated the team ot Hunter by. a score of 15 to 7-and Newkirktwas-A'lctorloua over the team of WooDeott In a score ot 9 to 6. In the latter same. ' the score was a tie when the two 15mlnute halves were completed, each team having six points to its credit-, In the playoff NewkirK won Jb the score above': given. r. The teams of- Newklrk and Woolcott are now leading the league, eah. of them havinsr Won two games and lost one: Haynesand King have-each lost and won a : g?rme.' i Hunter has lost two games but thus far has been able to take nothing to. Ms credit in the per centage . column. : r- Negro Died Suddenly., - The police last night ' investigated the sudden death, of L. Fleming, a col ored bricklayer employed by Contrac tor It .H. Brady.' Fleming went to a house where he boarded, back of Ruth Hall, lay : down on a bed and suddenly died. Police Sergeant Woolard, who made the investigation, found no us piclon of foul play and It was not thought necessary to summons the coroner-fa The - negro's . death , appears tr have been caused by heart disease. SPRING and SUMMER ANNOUNCEMENT Clothes to Measure by I. Shrier's Swell Tailors. It is not necessary to wait for so-called expert cutters at my establish ment, as I have my expert always on the spot with New and Progressive Styles, Modern Methods, Dependable Fabrics and Exclusiveldeas. Being the recognized leader of merchant tailoring In the State and carrying only Ex clusive Made-to-Measure Lines In my tailoring department, I take pleasure in naming the following lines that I represent: B. STERN & SON, THE F. B. Q. TAILORING, THE INTERNATIONAL ' TAILORING CO., AND THE SPENCER-TRACY CO., ALL OF NEW YORK CITY. ,.i ' - The above firms represent over a mllilon dollars of goods, therefore. 1' have over 3,000 samples for you toselect from which Is the largest and most up-to-date assortment of tailoring in the State. My prices are scarcely more than you are asked for "Fine Ready-Made Clothing," and the difference in my favor in the STYLE, FIT AND TAIL-7'' ORING is immeasurably great SUITS TO ORDERFROM $12.50 TO $40.00. COAT AND TROUSERS TO ORDER FROM $10.50 TO $30.00. TROUSERS TO ORDER FROM $3.35 TO $10.00. For the New Styles and prices see Show Window of I. SHRIER, The Reliable Clothier and Furnisher, (Sfgn of the Golden Arm.) N. . CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS. A. W. RIVENBARK DEAD. Passed Away Friday Night. at James Walker Memorial Hospital. Mr. Amy W. Rlvenbark died Friday night at 10 o'clock at the James Walk er Memorial Hospital where he han been a patient for three months. The cause of his death was malarial gan grene with which he had suffered much before his death. Mr. Riven- bark was 46 years of age, and had J ieen in poor nealtn for , several years. The funeral services were conducted at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the lodge in Oakdale cemetery, Rev. A. D. McClure, D. D., and Rev. Fred: D. Hale, D. D., officiating. The pall bearers were Messrs. D. H. Penton, J. D. Nutt. B. F. Scott, J. R. Turren tine, Jr., George loan, Sam Bear and Sol. Sternberger. Among-the floral tributes was a very handsome design sent by Clarendon Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of which the deceased Was a member. ' . - TO PROTECT THE FISH. Governor Glenn Will Have All Existing Evils Corrected. (Special Star Telegram.) ' Raleigh, N. C, Feb." 3. Governor Glenn announces that pursuant to a resolution passed by the State Geologi cal Board, he will at once take -steps to do all he can to have the laws pass! ed by the last Legislature for the pro tection, of the fish Industry enforced. The trouble is the serious Injury to the industry .by the. obstruction of water ways leading "- from the sea to the spawning ground. of shad and herring. Cutter Seminole Sailed. , In response to a telegram, from the Department, the United States Reven ue Cutter Seminole sailed yesterday Two Games In Y. M. C. A. League SeriesThe Winners. : Two good games of basket ball were played: tn the Y. M . C. A. league serleaJafternopn for Southport and-expected in the gymnasium or me Association m, proceed immediately north to Cape Henry to lender assistance -to the schooner Maggie S. Hart, reported in, the telegraphis dispatches of the Star yesterday morning as ashore near Hat- teras Inlet. OOOO YGET THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG ON DRY POND" IF YOU DON'T IT IN FROM 5 TO 1Q MINUTES vvTOfcwrjpCHipboa-tt for -any- article and it doesn't reach you in " frnm K fr IK mi n nfoc inof 'n ri in c aomn nnt Orf-wo-nf 'o "Co for there's sure to be some-thing when it fails to reach in above M stated time. NO SUCH THING AS LINE BUSY We have 3 'Phones 3 Boys.; JAS. M. HALL, Druggist, Corner 5th and Castle streets. feb 4-tf. OOOO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VALENTINES A beautiful line from which to make selec- Hons. Comic Valentine post al cards. Colored Local View Cards. G. W. Yates & Co. feb 4-tf . V ' . EL PROVEDO. "PRINCESS" CIGARS Hlgb Grade Small Cigar Made for Particular The F. ja28-tf People. E. Hashagen Co., AGENT An' Important Meeting. v The Chamber of Commerce will hold an interesting special, meeting to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock to. which all members are urgently invited. The pilotage bill now before the National Congress." will be discussed and an other matter of great interest to the business community will be consid ered. j - . .. . Science Hall at the State Normal I School, at Athens, Ga., was completely destroyed by Are at 5 o'clock yester day, morning. The building was the contribution ot James M. Smith, Geo. Foster Peabodyand the State and was to cost about $30,000.- It was Just about completed and caught from a stove In the second story oeing used todry plastering. - i Want ada. " bring aboat "quick changes" 4n your affairs quick Im provements when things are -"goIne down hUr' with you - - k I 11 . -i-irirr-i"-TT""nrfr In the long run that-it pays you in more ways than one to patronize our up-to-date hardware store Here everything in the way of Hard ware and Tinware can be found at a fair price, for .every purchase carries wlth.it satisfaction. , J. W. Murchison & Co. , , ' HARDWARE, TINWARE AGRICULc ' - TUBAL IMPLEMENTScETC ; feb 4-tf.' : 1 ' Bigger;; better house' than. you, live in; and a ' small rent-saving sounds fanciful? -Watch the Star Business Lo cals, and investigate a few!'4- ' ; Warranty Deeds for sale at the Star Office-" . ' WHAT KIND OF. FINANCIER ARE YOU ? .To sell lot of ground for $50 less than it would bring If $5 were expended in advertising it Is very com mon if not very wise financiering.. ' To set I a shop or store for $2,000 when $10 worth of advertising would have found the man willing to pay $500 more for it that is "near-sighted" financiering. -' To allow a house .or apartment to remain tenantless '. for . three months, when $3.00 worth of advertising would have rented it in three days is not a GOOD way to "manage prop erty," but it is a very usual way! Star Business Locals Will Help You - "Manage Things" CADEIIIY OF MSIJUC! SIX NIGHTS, COMMENCING mom- - DAY", FEB. 5th. The sensation of the Hour , - Miss Kittle Baldwin The original "White ilahatmaTand . "Jtosi6ruclan . Somnomlsf . and her unique : company - 'o entertainers, ' in cluding i Keener Jhe Greatest : ot all Magicians.''-. - " ' , Puii and Excitement Galore. Prices 25c," 50c, 75o and $1.00 feb 2-3f - J V-

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