pACf put: EST! J - - - - i i - - - mm Mil SPIRITS TURPENTniE.. 5 Dr. Thoman Will o ai . n -r - . . - - I -X - J KXLl O. died at Goldsboro on Sunday night He uceu m udu ueaaui some time.- Dr - was ra native of Samson county surgeon m tne upnferedate had Hill and - tt r.i-n A1wn,va 'RnnirTif:. and whiolt Ytna ham . ,iou 0 rears, has borne the sisnatnrA nf H - "-o : ana Has een maae unaer nis per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. . -rfits. Imitations and Justus-good are but meiits that trifle with and endanger the healtL of te'and CliUdren Experience againstjlbcperiment- C ASTORIA What is iS a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- a nn Sovnthinar SvrUDS. It is Pleasant. Tfc neither Opium, morpnane nor otner Aarcotio "ays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind " it relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the TJLh and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. SSldren's Panacea The Mother's Friend. - - Uuine CASTOR IAacways Bars the Signature of r r Haye Always Bought lie Kind You In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAim COMMNV. TT MUKftAV tTKCT. MM TOM CtW. Comfort and Economy are the chief chai acteris- tics of our product. ... take our word for it. Ask your neighbor. He will tell you. The is right, and within reach of al 1. A Jrial will convince the most bL Join the procession and burn 'our coal. . . . E. WORTH 6 COMPANY, Ja 19-tf. 1UL1 GHAS. BLOMME 129 MARKET IAL SALE ON BLANKETS. Having a broken lot of these special numbera, we will close them out at coat, ls long as they last. 1M All-Wool Scarlet Blankets, was 54.00, now ....... .$3.25 IMWhite Blankets, sold for 43.00. now i...SZ0 U4 White Blankets, sold tor 55.00, now' .$3J5 U-4 White Blankets, sold for $4.00, now 13.00 Ladies' Initial Handkereliiers. all ppre linen, worth $1.50 doz t0Sat ...v......iV.....l.lJ0O Children's All-Linen Handkerchiefs, per doz. .......... 60o Agent for the C. B. and Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets, Every Pair Warranted. ' r - 9 1ET GHAS. BLOMME CO en CO p CD CO MARKET Government County, fltorr. THE Capital .. S300,00e Swrplna 20000 Shareholders', LlabiUty .... 300HM JTotal .SSOOMM) lurchison National Bank, UF VVLuMLNliTON, . . f - " eposits in this Bank are secure by assets equal to its liabilities. SeOrppv i. . . tT, A.t. Cashier. tee AND $800,000 BESIDES. 14,1 -tJiiiri.. J. V. GRAEVGER, Vlce-PreIdet, V. S. Grainger, Anrnt. Cahler. UNIMATir SE LEAF PRCE BOOKS AND MEMORANDUM BOOKS. THE MA.IFSTir. UsLEDAJ..'lEDGER IS ONE OF THE BEST ON THE MARKET, PLIANCES K'NDS 0F -OOSE, LEAF DEVICES AND FIL- ALUEApNrIA TYPEWRITER THAT WIIXJ.AST AND GIVE YOU r"-Y BY - MONEY BUY HE REMINGTON STANDARD. C. W. YATESCOi OFFICE OUTFITTERS. - Embroidery Sale Ml This Week; s- & B. SOLOMON. STATEHENT OF " ' -. W.' ; iWilmi (Cond ngton Savings and Trust Company. Ie"sed from Report to Gorpont)oitcwty LIABILITIES. -uiscounts . i to, .I'", . . -kiuu) on tt.J " ' ' 1 I I I T 1 I I I a I M Til f 54 1 . " J. - . . . .-. . V "'IdUlWWV . v w te res 2.00 Profits, less taxes and ex, ? 5? banks ",? " Deposits -i. .v..:w..i i,oof,iu. i 150,414.89 v&Sr j uV-- n.CDTT.OS ;" Total . .'. ....1,697,747.03 w- Norwood, President. "V- H. WAITrDQ WlAs.Du.Mnf Rockingham ! is tn . hnvo o mammonth cotton mill with R. A Lit tle,: of Little Rock, Ark., U L. Little, Ansonville, N. - C. ; Robert L. Steele, v . d. oje,-ti. u. watsoQi M. H. Fowlk es, Gorge-P. Entwistle, bf Rivlrint-hiTrv and others as incorporators, The cnaner - will be obtained at onne n.ii work pushed as rapidly as possible.- ? John NewROTt p-o oa Tobaccoville, a. white laborer! emploved by the Southern Railway at Winston-Salem-in the" operation of a Liree steam shovel, was instantly killed .Monday afternoon bv the of a bridge, the braces of which Siaol been undermined by the operations. He was buried under eight tons of dirt, his body being horribly crushed. He eaves a wne'ana one child. . - Dunn" PoK loti..- "She -entire plants and machinery of the : Oregon t Chair Company and the Dunn Safe and Table Comnnnw sold to-day by R. L. Codwln and J. C. 1 ' . 5 berry Bros, and CowelL'of this place ai .UUU. iniS isale Is nf mnsirlAra. blye importance to furniture dealers as tnese plants are now to be operated by successful and -thoroughlyi compe tent and experienced" furniture men, and SUCCeSS is assured. - Thso tilanta are equipped with the latest improved machinery and ' the location on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad could not wen be improved. "These olanta will be started at once and run in connec tion with the ' large - furniture plant now in operation, by Newberry Bros. ana uoweii A- dispatch from Winston-Salem on Monday Saysi The fight of Black burn against Holton assumed & rather interesting phase to-day - when ; a civil judgment was .rendered in Forsyth Superior Court against Mr. Holton as surety for Blackburn for $500, money used by Blackburn in his campaign m the eighth 'district.- Dis trict Attorney Holton left this after noon for Asheville, where court con venes to-morrow. Several prominent men-from Wilkes and other Western counties were on the train headed the same way, having been subpoenaed, They were wondering what it- all means. Mr. Holton was the only one who knew, and he was reticent, ' Ask ed if he was going to send in a bill of indictment' against Congressman Blackburn, he replied, "if I find he has violated the law, I will do my duty, that's all." : - -7 Winston-Salem special to Char lotte Observer, Feb. 19th: The battle royal between ; District Attorney Hol ton, of the western district of North Carolina, and -the indicted revenue of ficers will possibly culminate in Ashe ville this week when a bill of indict ment will be sent against some of the most prominent men of the State. It is stated that the district attorney has been asked to send in a bill against Congressman E. Spencer Blackburn, of the eighth -district, for violations of the same? variety that have doomed Senators Mitchell and Burton- Whether iie will comply -with his orders in a matter of speculation, many believing that Blackburn s antag onizing the Senate's confirmation of Holton's -re-appointment will make an indictment seem like revenge on Hol ton s part, but there are those who be lieve Mr. Holton will carry out Ms or ders in spite-of such criticism. Mr. T. J. Pence writes from Wash ington that President RooseveltTTias held up the nomination of Claude DoclS ery to be marshal of the eastern dis trict which is pending before the Sen ate Judiciary committee, where it was referred after being sent to the Senate- The nomination is not withdrawn, but the President has asked the commit tee not to take action until word comes from the White House. The action, of the executive is believed to be the re sult of ai fight that is being made on Mr. Dockery by his uncle. Col. H C. Dockery, , the -present marshal. Col.' Dockery made numerous charges against his nephew, which in substance WHAT IS BROMONIA? Read the following carefully: If you have consumption of some or the contagious forms of blood poison ing we cannot cure you.-We don't pre- tend to cure you. You need the Indi vidual treatment of some skilled spe cialist; but if you are run down in general health, if yoo have dyspepsia, are subject to fainting spells, a victim to insomnia, billlousness, kidney- or liver trouble, catch cold easily, if your system is in. that condition that you may become an easy prey to the di sease germs of. pneumonia, la grippe and the various epidemic; If you are -ft-.--.-'.. - .- -- ' --- .y - bothered with constant headache, less of memory, general . impaired vitality, we can help you, and, (f you follow our directions, render you immune against sickness.. -Most skin disease can be cured by the use of "BROMONIA." "BROMONIA" is to the human; sys tem what 'the" scrubbing. brish . and soap are to the dirty washbowl, it aids Nature to' resume normal' action. It increases the " strength," the fighting ability of the phagocytes of the blood; it promotes the ; healthy flow of the salivary and .'. gastric, secretions. If your stomach is in good condition, you are well.. The Chinese are a wise peo ple. They accost each other ; with, "How is your stomach?'.. 7 .. We don't ask you to Invest a cent until you nave tried "BROMONIA" at our expense.. A single bottle often times works wonders. Cut out the Coupon at the bottom of this column. Write name and address plainly. Be careful to - address BROMONIA CO NEW YORK. Free Bromonia Coupon. Name . w .v City . . . . ....... . . . . - - - j State, . t:-'-'r''? - .' My nearest dealer Is at ...i". ......... Mq disease is v.;.,- . .? 7 If you think BROMONIA Is what you .! need ana: oo nn care w svnu wuv.., you wilf find it all firsiass druggists Robert R. Bellamy; Exclusive Whole sale Agent ;foT.;lniingr and vi cinitv. . - Dealers elsewhere desiring agency t arly tOrJnO.:lM. BCOtt ! CiO., vuar- at well L. H. allege that he was "in league with Uq "r-um ausu i- j. ne.f resi dent s action in holding up the jiominar tlou indicates that an JnvestigaUon is being flaader and it may be that a spe cial officer will be sent. to Raleigh to report on the situation as was the case in the Distinct Attorneyship and mar- Concord " sneolal Tbe case of the State against Susie Hannon came up for thial this morning u cioojt oerore Mayor J. B. Cald- ineHtate was reinresented by T. Hartsell,- Esq., and'tlie girl by G, Means - Esn - The Rfato'a urtt. aess showed thai, on coming baq.k the swiuanune jio.the Hannon chouse, Stack, the young man who was killed, was told to leave the house' but- in stead of going, he went to a .wlndoW.J fit. - A 1 . m m "4 itio Bin ioiu mm to leave or sne would kill-him " Bfifnrft elvinsr him-lTno tn leave- she shot through ; t,he. window, nuung mm in tne breast "He jell in the arms of his 'friend, Charley Ritz, dead. The girl is only 13 years of aee. mere child, yet she seemed old in crime.' The mayor bound her over, to court in a $500 bond, in. default of which she was taken to jail. He father was , released. ;- Stack's, remains woro taken to : Greensboro: th& homo nf hia wife; Public sentiment holds the fath er or the girl jnore to blame than the girl, -as he has jaised-her: so that she does -not -. know anv - better it Mma The courts will probably: not find her guuty. -TM5 anytmng, : more - than man slaughters as the Mavor made - the off ence -bailable Stak' who. was kill- edl sms to have histA 'nnlt.A n-oTiAnV. ered career and the Jcnrvwlode-p that Iia was a married man shows that he had no business about -such a . house. - - AGENT 'FOR - ' - 'AGENT FOR 7 CROSSETTS; $3.5a SHOES. 'V 5 McCALLJS. PATTERNS. CURE YOUR;KiDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Life When a vVHl- mington Citizen hows You the Cure. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back ache, 7 urinary disorders, lameness, headaches, languor, why allow them selves to .become : chronic invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to use because it gives to the kidneys the help they need Xo perform their work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, - cure yourself now, before diabetes, dropsy or Bright's disease sets im Read this Wilmington testimony: - B- R. King, the weltknown- police man, residing at- 706 Woostesr street, says: "I had terrible pains In my back which worked around to my side and in my stomach, so bad at times that it laid me up. I used internal medicines and they did not help me. I put on plasters and rubbed with liniment, and none of them helped me at alL Seeing Doan's Kidney tills - recommended I got a box of them at Bellamy's drug store. The next day after commencing to use them I noticed relief. Since using two boxes of them I have not had an ache or a pain in my back. It is with pleasure that I add my-name to those endorsing the claims made for this remedy." . -. .: . For sale by all dealers. Price - 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., T: Buffalo; New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. RD S Sfft-0: V BIG .sftparfmenf Store. Ji...--"-.'.--- ON ME SPOT Aflanlic Ccrrl to O ne of th e Ldrget i n th e State, Silks and Dress Goods. Laces and Trimmings. Buttons of all. Kinds. Towels and Table Wasa Hosiery of all Kinds, Leaders in Millinery. Ladies' Skirt and Shirt Waists. Anything and Everything, Overalls and Jumpers. Gent's Furnishing. Glassware and Tinware Shoes For All Kinds of Feet. Furniture All Kinds. Matting and Carpets Ladies' Muslin Underwear .Embroidery all Kinds BTess Ginghams all Kinds. " .'Piques and Percales 7 ' ; Lawns : and Organdy Domestic Goods at Old Prices 40-inch White Lawns of all Kinds. White Goods of all Kinds Bed Spreads and Quilts. Ask For What You Don't See. Call For What You Want Rugs and Curtains Grips and Trunks. You Are Welcome at-Our Store. We Lead Others Follow. Caps for Men . and Boysl Hats of aH Kinds. 7; Umbrellas For ; Everybody. Boy's. - Pants and Suits. Boys Shirts and Ties. Men's Pants and Suits. Men's Underwear at Zero Prices. 700 Dozen of Men's Felt Hats $2, $3, $4, $6, $9 $12 and $15 Dozen Write Us for Samples. Wholesale Only.g Geo. O. Three Stores Combined. Wholesale Millinery. AGENT FOR HEADLIGHT OVERALLS. AGENT FOR -. HEADLIGHT OVERALLS. IllrlKiP; GUANO DISTRIBUTOR. The Yellow Fever 'Germ. has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ. To free the system from di sease germs, the most effective remedy ia Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaran teed to cure all diseases due to malaria poison and constipation. 25c. at Drug feists. Pinehurst, the Peerless, Easily and Cheaply Beached Via Seaboard Air Line from Wilmington, N. C. The Seaboard Air Line is selling a special round trip ticket, Wilmington to Pinehurst, and return at. $7.20, good to May 31st. By taking train at 3:00 P. M: you can reach Pinehurst same day. . Pinehurst is famous for its mag nificent Hotels, superb Golf course and numerous other - attractions. Handsomely illustrated booklets and general information regarding this de lightful Winter resort can be obtained from C. H. Gattis, T. P. A., Raleigh, or W;- B. Rose, C. T. A., No. 105 Princess street, Wilmington, N. C. A Healing Gospel. The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, Belair, Ga., Bays of Electric Bitters: "It's a God send to mankind. It cured me of lame back, stiff joints, and complete physi cal collapse. I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile. .Two bottles of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have just walked three miles in 50 minutes and feel like walk ing three more. It's made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weak ness and all Stomach, Liver and Kid ney complaints. - Sold under guaran tee at all Druggists." Price 50e. COMPETENT JUDGES. Beswfy Doctors Endorse Heiptclde. Women who make a business of beau tifying other women come pretty ; near Knowing wnat will bring about the best results.- Here are letters from two; con cerning Herplclde: - ' -r'j ' "I --r can recommend Newbro's HerDl- eide'j as it stopped my hair from falling put; ana. as a oressing it nas no super ior. .- 1 - , - . "Complexion 6pecialis:r "29 Morrison St, Portland, Ore." 'After using one ibottie at Herolcide'' my hair has stopped falling out and mv scalp Is entirely free from dandruff. :-"(Signed.) Grace Dodgre. ' ' - -jj . - i. TBeauty Doctor, , "196Sixth St., Portland, pre. " Sold by leadhur drutndsts.' Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. HARDIN'S PHARMACY, Special Agent. 1 Frightfully Burned. -Chas. " W. 7 Moore, a machinist, of Ford City, Pa., had his hand frightful ly, burned in an electric furnace. He applied Bucklen's Arnica. Salve witBl the usual result: "a Quick and perfect cure." Greatest ' healer on earth for Burns, -Wounds, Sores, Eczema and Piles.- 25c. at Druggists. , SIMPLEST, STRONGEST and MOST ECONOMICAL. Scatters the Guano instead of put ting it into a small, stream. ' Balanced load makes light running. No cogs and chains. ' Nothing to get out of fix. Large ' Hopper.' Sows any quantity. NO WASTE AROUND STUMPS AND ENDS. Awarded diplomas every where ex hibited. Have your dealer write. N. Jacobi Hardware Co. - . DISTRIBUTING AGENTS FOR. .NORTH CAROLINA, tell-tf - - Wilmington; r- CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. - Tfc5 Kind You Have Always Eciight .Bears the Signature of tfie ' -r-y The Kind You Haw Always soap cons : :-ABCORT " CLUPECQ HaXJSUAKTEl SIZES." CLUETT, PEABODt a CO. MAKERS OF etUfTT KU lKWon niH.. S25.25 to New Orleans and return $23.20 to -Mobile ancTreturn 22.70 to Penaacola and return VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Account the Mardi Gras, tiekets on sale February 21st to 26th, good for return passage to March 3rd. Exten sion of "return limit to March 17th may be obtained by deposit of ticket with special agent at Pensaeola not later than 5:00 P. M. and Mobile and New Orleans not later than 8:00 P. M. March 3rd, and payment of fee ot 50 cents at time of deposit. For further information 'phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, " Passenger Traffic Manager. - ' H. M. EMERSON, General Traffic Manager. :Feby 14-till Feb 26th. There's something doing in Wash ington this month and there will be something doing here for sometime fto come. Our new goods are arriving on every train and steamerand our orders are coming in; via wire, phone and mail. Our experience' and facile Ities enable us to odo business and fig ure contracts and plans, at verj'boU mm prices. . .. v INTERSTATE MACHINERY & SUP PLY COMPANY. Long Distant Phone 439. - 7 P. O.Box 262. Address 204-206 "N. Water street. -feb 17-tf. . - ... ,-. "The best armor is to keep out of Oun Shot." -Why: not keep out of" the range of trouble by having your prescriptions filled here where security from any adulteration or trouble from poor qual ity or drugs is avoiaea. v ADOLPH G. AHRKNS, Druareiat. Phone 644. ;. - ja21-tf miESIWASA Florida- Oranges', -White Plume Celery, - , Fancy Apples - ; . ; Malaga3Srape.sV.j7 J L ' . , .Stuffed Dates, I - Headley's Chocolate, Bishop's Jams,. Orange Marmalade,. Tabasco Catsup, v f." S. W; ' Ja 2i-tf7 99 Seed Potatoes ! -just - arrived A -car-load Red Bliss", White Bliss and Early Rose.. .-- - ;500 TONS GUANO ALL KINDS. - ""A Jarge line of Groceries. : -Call or write for quotations, we can give you close- prices. - - , - , ' . Broplis & Taylor Ja24-tf - A - . - , . Our Spring Goods are in.. We have now a "beautiful line ot organdies, white mercerized shrit-walst goods; silk mull embroderies,etc, etc. La dies' and Gent's Shoes in whites, blacks and tans; high and, low cuts. Gent's two and three piece suits; a smart line of odd pants, newest styles and patterns. . -4 - Call on us for your Spring Supplies. THE HUB, 603 N. 4th St. .. B. F. PENNY & CO. fell-tf - Proprletoia. . FORECLOSURE SALE. -7 7 By vlrtue-of the power of sale con. talned in a certain mortgage deed made by John , R. Turrentlne,-Jr.' and wife, Annie H. Turrentine,- to the Wilming ton .Homestead &- Loan Associaion, on the 29th of August, 1905, and duly registered-in; Book 45,Mgea 164-166 of the Records of the officeof the Register of Deeds of New Hanover county,' the undersigned will Mil tn the. hieheat Lbidder atvPublic Auction for cash, . on MONDAY. THE19TH. OF MARCH, i306, at the. Cou rt House "door of New Han- " .r ".'-"uniy.- in ..Wilmington, at - l'i O CIOCK M.. the follnwtns- AaanHhitif Tat estate In said City, beginning at a point n. the Eastern line of Fifth Street 99 feet South of the Southern line of Wal nut Street, thence East paralled with Walnut, Streets 165 feet; thence South parallel ; with - Fifth, street, : 33 : feet; thence West parallel with Walnut streets, 165 feet to the Eastern line of Fifth street; thence North with said line 33 feet ta the beginning, being part of Lot No. 2, BloclcT08. - ,'.,- - . WILMINUTOJN HUAlJliaXiiAD & LOAN - ASSUUA'llUW,. - ' i1'. By John V. Bellamy, Attorney. "' -fe20-30daya-K CarNowInOf Fine Seed Potatoes EARLY QHIO RED AND WHITE BLISS, BOVEE. All favorite kinds aad we want to move "them to make room for more OUR PRICESS ARE LOW. Send tJs Your Orders The Worth Co., wiCmington, n. c. feb 1-tf. Now is the Time . FOR Georgia Cane Syrup The best Flour on the market Colonial Best Patent. - Silver Coin Half Patent Cuban Blossom Cigar p are sold at au stores. H. L V0LLERS, Wholesale' Grocer. AGENTS FOR SH0 E S. Sehetfale In ffeet.' Octefcer 8. ISOS. 'WORTH BOUWD. Lv. -Wilmington i nr. uviosusro , . .-. At. Wilson . ... ar. Rocky Mount ; A.r. Norfolk . - - Ar. Weldon -. . Ar. Petersburg . Ar. Richmond Ar. Washington -.: Ar. Baltimore . Ar. Philadelphia- .. Ar. New York . . j : No. 48 ' No. 4? . 9 25 a m 50pra 112 15 p mi lie p m 1 55 p m 5 55 pm 4 68 p m 6 65 p m 7 45 n m 11 60 p mJ 4 41 a m 4 25 a n T 3t) a m S 32 d m 10 15 p m 11 ie pro l 47 a m 1 23 am t 07 am 1 64m 9 fin a tn 11 22m ' 2 00 p m - SOUTHBOUND. Lv. New York : : . r. Philadelphia . Ar. Baltimore . Ar. Washington . . Ar. Norfolk Richmond ,. . ,. Petersburg : . . Weldon ...... Rocky Mount Wilson Ar. rinlriflHnrn Ar. Wilmington -V. L Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. -NO. 4 3S a 11 56 a 2 0T n 3 2Vp i i 7 25 p l 05 p S 5 1 p 11 09 p 11 32 p 6 fid a 10 05 a 1 ml m m ra mi m m m m m ml No. t 25 12 01 2 32 2 45 40 05 -9 45 U44 1 ID 2 4)5 3 10 S 00 4- p tii -a ms a m-v-r. a m a m a -am -am' p m pm , - p.m rr UrriVKES Wll.MINCTOjr AND THH !it"lll SOUTHBODNp. " f Dally. Daily. liuiitiKi i, 00 anil, t 4& pm Klorenc-e 3& am 7 40 pm Cliii rlest ii Ar Jack"vllT i am fa 1 Zi nm k f pm fL40 pm z ou am 8 40 am 6 55 pm Dally. 1 via --Wilson - to pm 9 n m 9 60 MI-' .9 05 an. - 11 00 pifc-" NORTHBOtmO. Lv. Ar. Ar. Lv. Ar. Ar. Tampa Jacksonville Savannah . . Charleston . . Florence ... Wilmington - Daily. S 40 p m 7 65 a m 12S5m 4 15 D ml 7 35 p ml ii 6 p m Dally. -9 00 a m- 7 00 pm 1 16 am 15 arm -'. Ii5im 1 40 p m - - BETWEEN WILMINGTON FORD. " AND". BAN - Lv. Wilmington Ar. Fayettesvllle Ar. San ford ..... West East r- L--Bound t BounS Dalir." -XMlly.- ZJ - 9 10 a mAr. 00p n y?.-.. 12 20 p m Ar. 4 66 p m rv i 1 66 p mLv. 3 40 p m Ai-fyt BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND WBW BERN. ' N. Boun South - ?; - -. ,.. Dally ex Sun. Bound. Lv. Wilmington. .12 26 p mAr. 12 SO p m' - Ar-,Ne.wbern U 40 p m Lv. 10 a m -- " Trains Nos. 42 and 41 carrrTuHman . Rleeplng Cars between Wllmfngton and ... Washington connecting -with PennsyU . ; vanla R. R. for all points east. - .:- - W. J. CRAIO. , - - . - Passenger Traffic-Manager. r- -7:. H. M. Emerson. Traffic Manager.-' ' dec s if - - - THE LVDE STEAMPfCO" 7 : New York. Wilmington. H? C:. andr:". Georgetown. S. C. .Knqs1"-;; 7 FOR SIX LONG WEARY YEARS. Ws have been "pounding and pound ing, pushing and pushing Up-Hill" to be sure, at times, but have the solid satisfaction of having seen Our "Cash-On-Approval-System" pass througl its experimental stages and ente upon the arena of business, a ful pledged. SUCCESS! TO THE GENEROUS PUBLIC ! For this manifestation of tbeir con-1 fideuce ip ns, we make our bow of I Sincere thanks, and, ON THIS GLAD i HOLIDAY OCCASION WE BRING! EVERYBODY A WISH FOR UN i SPEAKABLE PLEASURE, JOYOUS,! HAPPINESS AND PEACEFUL PLEN- i Respectfully, MERCEN A EVANS CO From Ken- York for Wilmlngtea. ' S. S. Oaciila ..Friday, Feb. 16th, '190G-7 S. S. Navahoe ..Friday, Feb. -23, 1006 From ilmiugton for New Verity " ? S. S. Navahae Saturday, Feb. 17, 190C. : S. S. Oiieula Saturday, Feb. 24, 1906.;' l-roni iliiilnefon for Georgelnrrn. -Py-.7 S. . Oneida ..Monday, Feb. 19, "190C-77 S. S. Xavahrse ..Monday, Feb. 26, 1906 v." S. S. Onciha does not carry pasengers. Throuch Hills L ading and Lowest :.?T: l'hroiigli Rales guaranteed to and from points in Ninth and South Carolina. . Por troiglit and passage apply tf M. G. SMALLBONM0S,.Sui'i;.i i-"7 Wilmington. N mm. NR. Gen'l Freight Agt. . i ! iki. :. i:ger, Gen'l Manager, lv (,'LVDB & CO.. Gen'l Agt 12 Slate street, NewYork. . (Tel2-tf - .,' v: Up-to-Date Office Devices. V Loose Leaf Ledgers, Price Books, Memorandum Books, and' sheet holders. Sectional Post Binders and 7 Automatic Lock Binders. "Yaw- mart & Erbie" Filing and Rec- ord Systems. Robt, C. DeRosset, " THE Bookseller and Stationer. ' ... fe-17 tf Lrsve I llllllllglou ti.00 A. M. To The Beach. stltUKBAN SCHKDUIiB In Effect, Jan, 23, 1008. f Dally.) Leave i . Wrightsville r . 6.30 'A. R - Leave - Beach. -. 8.15 A. M. " 10.45 A. M. -a 13.15 P. M. 2.15 P. M. 6.15 , 6.45 P.'M. . .: .9.15 P. M... SHlmilnyH lxlra Cars. - . m 3.45 p. m.- m 5.15 p.m ' 10.45 p. m. Sundiiv cars pverv half liour from 1:00 to 6:00 P. M. , v - " Beginning Tuesday the 3:00 o'clock suburban car will leave the Beach on., us return trip at 5:15 P. M., instead of , at 4:45 P. M., thus giving one-half hour longer to enjoy the ocean breeze ;.oo 10.00 n. so 1 30 3.00 6.00 7.30 4.30 10.00 Al. M. M. M. M. M. M. FREIGHT 5CHKDLTLl$. (Dally except Sunday.) Freigh depot open from 2.30 to 2.30 1' M. nol2-tf 500 Cords Seasoned Oak, Black Jack, and Pine Wood Cut, and Split any size. Eureka Blocks, l coal is the best for grates. We have it. -'Prompt seryice, and : :t satisfaction guaranteed. ?i We Respectfully solicit your or- THORPE 8 APPLEGATE The Cape Fear Paving and Contracting Co. 111 Princess Street. Wilmington, N. C, Granolithic Sidewalks, Cement Side walks, Street Paving, Cement Blocks, Cement Fences, Ornamen tal Cement Work. CONTRACT WORK OF ALL KINuS Telephone No. 337. fe6tol2-20to27-mch6to!2-20to27 "Juno" Fancy Pat. Flour THE "BEST, PUREST AND WHITEST -A trial will CONVINCE the " .-: - most fastidious. Besides - lull' line : GROCERIES ,Wa ooli art erad'ea - of PERTI- i r 1JZERS, vizr -Navassa,- Acme, 7 7 -Armour's, Peruvian, anu uisn 7 : scrap. .. '-A-'- . - . Prices Cheerfuly Given; Write us. ia.30-tf 7-". . 7:7 7,7" --7 V: ' A Select Stock of Drugs and Medicines Always Kept at HARDIN'S PALACE PHARMACY 126 So. Front St. 7 felO-tf DbiiYou Kiww riia nana Pa - Tradine Company. ; carries an up-to-date stock of groceries and sells as : cheap, ana.aeuvcio promptly-as any first-class store In, the cit.. r!a 'nhon. 1013 and .get our prices before making jrour purchases and yott wilr save money. -f - CAPE FEAJl TRADING CO. ; - J. S. TAYLOR,; - , - 601 K Fourth SL T Manager. : fe6-tf - Special Sale. 7 On Saturdays we will offer "La ,, ichailencia" and "Astenans" ten cent cigars for five cents. This "SpeciafV 2,.r,-. j- i... th. nu brand OdIC la fcO iiiuvuuvv ----- - - - .. - ttd applies only to box purchases. .'1 THE GEM-CIGAR CO, IZ. - XWM."STRUTHER3, f-i ' ' I1 - " ; Manager. feb 17-tf--v " - ".'-t - DR.PIERCES (EdDLinDERl - MEDICAL ..! .roR mr , - rCLOOD.HVER.tUNCS. 1 - Mi , t i? h - i ''A 4 4 I ! I C. E. TA YLOrV Cashler: "V

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