7f S - . ' i- " 7 - X v.- 7-n K The.Moniintf Star. -Oldest Dally Neipape In the State. -- . . - T . Largest Circulation of any Wilmington Paper. r' ' (-.-- -?- - Subscription .Terms. " One Year, by Mall, . ' ' Six Months, by MaU Three Months, by ' Mall ,V r. Two Months, by Mall .... 1.00- " l - ,'.'r '. . ; . ' ;-v ''i. ' ..4 . v Mrro6 ; N. I C 1906. " " yol. ixvnio. 12. 'i- i; 4 v:;, - y ' i ............... ,v . .r , . ' . i,. .. ,. '. -'..-.;; ; ' C . ' . - ... .. - 's OUTLINES. President Roosevetl -was , severely "criticized in the ' House- yesterday - by Fitzgerald, of New York, who objected to the President's 'back door, meth ods" of Interfering with legislation-r In the Senate, Daniel, of .Virginia, spoke for more Southern representa tion in NaUonal affairs, and Newlands, of -. Nevada demanded that- the profits of railroads be limited by the railway rate bill Seven v people were injur ed by the wreck of a fast train which ran into an open switch yesterday aJ Juniper Siding near Norfolk on. the Norfolk & Western railroad. The Republican . Congressional Campaign Committee . Was named yesterday by & caucus presided over by - Speaker Cannon who" declared that the cam paign is already on President Roos evelt has .refused to interfere in the Strike of the soft coal miners, saying &at to appoint a commission to inves tigate the ' situation he would have to be' authorized by Congress There are indications of a compromise in the hard coal regions, but the miners are prepared for war; they have pu out pickets and are preventing miners from going; tb Work; some ' disorders are reported, among hem therburning of a mmew train- -Paul Noquet, a French sculp tor hbte, and an en thusiastic; amateur aeronaut, ' met death" fn'Bass Creek, Long Island, where he. landedi Tuesday night after an ascension from New York- Pres ident J. B. Barr, of the Seaboard Air Line, has been succeeded by Albert Wfitter;" of Baltimore. -New xor; ma r Money ; on call strong and higher, highest 18 : per cent, ruling rate 16, closing bid 15, offered at 18; v r i DO V.t A 1 j-wrrt 4-a 1 firm; mixed 36; turpentine firm 68 Jl to 69;' 'rosin" firm strained conlmon'to good 4.50. - We ought to be sorrier for whaj we do than for getting caught. The man who goes West and fails to come to eastern North -Carolina andN grow up with the country makes the mistake of his fife. ' It isv annonnced that the ; PMriromwfHv1e i xsunried; ont .That is a matter for srave" confide . -... ' . i - tion.by the Moros. . , , In the last few Weeks " President Roosevelt has gotten old enough to know better than to write a. secret in a letter to a woman, , . "President Roosevelt declared spe cifically, that he would n't be a candi date for President in 1908 "-says, an exchange. That -was . more ' like . a prophecy than a 1 declaration on the part of the President. . With the city of Chicago owning the street railways and' the people taxed to pay for them and also having to pay the usual fare, it is up to those who. expect tto do the paying and rid ing to say; where they will come in for any benefit, y ; .' The" White House s,eems to think it has the amendment that will make the ' railway rate " bill just what the country is looking for. First thing you know the Senators' will put theWhitr House in the "cornfield law" class." The Senators, Democrats and Re publicans, appear to resent the dispc sition of President Roosevelt to be President and Senator all In one. The President has the knack of embarrass ing his f riends and nettling his oppo- nents. Fayetteville will have seven hand somer buildings than the ones recent ly destroyed by fire We knew a lit-' tie thing like a fire woudn't cause Fayetteville to mark time. ; That's one of your North Carolina cities that will never be caught doing business with a burnt district gaping at you. ; 7 Says the Washington P&t: "When Governor Jeff Davis, of Arkansas comes. to the Senate the chair leg will have to be added, as an attraction, to the pitchfork and the big stick."; With Governor Vardaman also edging in to wards the aggregation at Washington we may as wel acknowledge that thv strenuous era is at hand. Sorosis to Meet. An important ; business meeHtiof k?Jlort31 Carolina Sorosis will be held f. jiock this afternoon in the club mk ' III 'tTm ClrtA Pallnw., 1 . tiaying been so signally V sueofiSHfi,i Mth their llhm ope for a large 1 attendance at th fleeting as ; business of importance is . uausactea. . ;. h ; .. ,; .-.., ; A house well- advertised: is half sold. wneatiirm, xNo.reuoo umiCv.,ger Qf railway COmpany to take corn finnNo 2, 35 1-2 elevator; oats r. . A Atll A woitor J. M. BARR RESIGNED Succession of South and Western ' Man to Presidency of S. A. L. Regarded Significant ? Meeting . of Directors in New Yesterday Alfred Walter of Bal-'r timore, Now at . Head of Sys I ; tern General Manager. - -' 'lv:y.. .- ig;Kt.v'; Because of the large holdings of the system here, there will bpiuch local interest in the official" announcement that Mr.,- J. M. Barr.Tias resigned jas president of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company , and has been svlo ceeded by Mr. Alfred Walter, ; of Balti- more, interest in tne cnangejs iurtn- er intensified because of the fact that Mr. Walter has been heretofore chiefly interested 4n the South and Western railroad, which hak for its object, to all. intents and purposes, th4' tapping of the coal fields of Virginia' and Ten nessee and byits connection with, the Seaboard at Rutherfordton, the estab lishment of a trunk' line -between- the coal fields and a deept watery terminal at SouthpoTt, N. C. The Official -an nouncement of Mr. Barr's resignation and the succession of Mr. : Walter is contained in the following Associated Press telegram received by the Star last -night;;' . . ;.:'- . , "New York, April 4. At a meeting of the directors of the Seaboard : Air Line Railway held to-day, J. M. Barr resigned as president1 and general man- effect on April 30th. Alfred. Walter, 6f Baltimore, Md., was elected as pres ident to take effect April 30th. Mr. Walter has. been connected at times with th,e Pennsylvania, Baltimore and Ohio, Erie and Lehigh Valley railroad, hvaing been , president of the latter from 1897 to 1902. It was announced that Mr. Barr resignation was be cause of a determination to "engage in work that will " ve'himlniore leisure. Mr. Barr ;will ; continue as 'a director of the company." K ;; ' v: f:'.,; Three or four names have been men tion 4f or the position of generalmanr . succeed -J&j,BttJlxJjh2XAaz. pacity, it having been known that MrM Walter, though having; been formerly with the Lehigh Valley, is in no sense an expert operating official. General Superintendent Hix, one of , the vbest operating officials- in the Eastern States, was first mentioned for the position, and he probably K stands the best chance, -according to current re ports in railroad circles. Mr. Barr and Mr. Walter recently made a tour of the system together and it was announced that they would come to Wilmington, but for some reason, this paTt of the itinerary was cut out for the present at least. 4 In addition to being chairman of the Board of Directors of the South and Western, Mr. Walter Is president of the Clinchfield Corporation," of Vir ginia, a corporation owned by theBlalr and Ryan interests, and believed y to be allied with the general scheme to convert this portfcn of : the Toad into a great coal carrying line. The re cent survey -for an extension' of the Seaboard to Southport and the eleva tion of the South and Western man to the presidency of the entire system is regarded as especially significant for this section, v 5 V - - ; ' No Tidings of Sherman. , There is yet no tiding of J. M. Sher man, the young grocer, wso disappear ed from his place of business at Third and Wright streets, on Friday morn ing, of last week. The police have. been on the look-out for I the missing man and menas -nave . Deen; persis tent in their search; and inquiry all to no avail.' Any information', as , to the whereabouts" of the man will be thank fully received by . Mr. A. H. Benson, at; the store, . or by v the police at the City Hall. Wilmington Presbytery. V ' r Wilmington " Presbytery will con vene In Bxtrgaw Presbyterian church next Tuesday night at 8 P. M. The opening sermon will be preached by Rev. W. P. M. Currie, of Wallace: Wed nesday afternoon and evening will be given to a discussion of Home Mis sions. Thursday night wilL be given to hearing Foreign Mission reports. Preaching every i morning at. 11 o'clock by a visiting minister; f 77:? 7 '.. 7 Mrs. Johrf - A. ; ' Arringdalei ' little Miss Arringdale-ahd Masters Jfohh: .A7 Arringdale, Jr., have arrived ; .from Baltimore and are guests at -The ' Or- ton.':' -7: . ''7;:-777-';;; ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - T John O. StewartReliable 'Jeweler. 7 Concord Chapter, R.; A. M.-Meeting. Academy 7 of Music Mme. Mod- j eska , ' , jsri.c! '. r i -: : -Business i uocais. v" -. 5 .i0. i Wanted--Smart Boy. REALM OF COUNTY POLITICS Chairman of Democratic Executive ;K. Committeet-fThe Legislature.- Haying . removed his .Tesidence id the i adjoining. 5 county of . .Brunswick, George L? Peschatt, Esq,, has tendered his resigiiation as fchalrman of the NeiHanqver County Democratic Ex ecutive Committee He alsb retires of course, ast a: member of the;com mitteel the letter tVM?Pescbjau, f ormally teneringlils-regnitioii tfor the reasona ; stated, was mailed yester- dayd; $tmft$?U1s.ofti iBeaW of the 6jnmitteef-Ifi : transmitting the same, Mr. Peschau gives assurance of his high regard f preach xrfjhis felloif memDers ana expresses nest wisnes for the paftyjin the approaching cam paign. Mr. Peschau is how "engaged in the practice of law at - Southport He hasj-been'tireless and unrewarded worker in the" Democratic' ranks of New, Hanover and that he now finds it necessary to retire from the.. Execu tive Committee will be generally re grettei A ; v ;:- . " -Sl: In View of the rapid development, of the county campaign, it is expected that within a short ' time the county committee will be called together and all plans" laid for the approaching : pri mary. Tne committee as elected at the last county convention, May -18th, is as follows: ; ,, - ' ': First WardW. P. Carpenter, first precinct ;VE. P." Lewis, second preciiictr GV.Hewtettthird precinct, Second Ward HM.Chase. : C Third WardGealC Peschau. ' Pourth1 Ward-W. A."Waison. v Masonborb and Federal; Point W 31 Fergusl"',- ; ' .' A p The lines In the race .for the shiieyafc; y have already , been pretty ' well drawn and reflected from time to time in the public prints. , The greatest interest now attaches to the - race "for the. Legislature. It is pretty welL; un derstood that Col. George L. Morton, Thos. W. Davis and Woodus Kellunt, Esqs.vWlll be candidates and1 friends; of those gentlemen have been actively; at work in their behalf. It is also known- that ..quite : without -his knowl- jijiown.- mat ;quue :wiuiouv-:flis . Jtnow. Hr'rri wiKW Ibnf a " movement ' has been" started among, the business men to induce Mr. Chas. W. Worth, to allow his name to be used as a candidate for Legislative honors. A very strong petition is be ting signed by the business men, . ask- in Mr. Worth to stand for the nomi nation." His friends strongly hope that he may be induced to allow hik name to be used. In the senatorial race this year, the nomination goes, to Brunswick county. It Is understood that Mr. George H. Bellamy will be -the candidate from that county, which will name the nom inee for endorsement by this county. RECEIVES 'NEW COMMISSION Collector Keith's New Term Begins April 1st Movement for New Cus tom House is Renewed. Mr. B. F. Keith, yesterday received his commission for reappointment to the office of colector of customs at the port of Wilmington. It Is signed b: President Theodore Roosevelt, coun tersigned by Hon. L. M. Shaw, Secre tary of theTreasury of the U . S.. I and is altogether a very pretty doc ument Mr. Keith's re-appointment dates from February, but his new tenr of office of foun years, : as evidenced by 'the commission, begins on Apr!' 1st. '7: 7. - ':, , Accompanying the official notice of his appointment, is . a' lettter to, Mr? Keith from the Secretary of the Treas ury which states that by the request of the President, his bond has been rr duced from. $20,000 to the -; nominal sum of $2)00; notwithstanding the re ceipts 'and other monies handled through the office are greater than for years .and are constantly on the in crease. .This is a. compliment, which, coming unsolicited, Is highly . appre elated by Mr. Klth, who ;. attributes the reduction to the business-like man-, ner in which the affairs of the office have beenN administered i 7 7 77 . Mr. Keith has lately received from Congressman Patterson a letter stat ing that he is preparaing a bill for introduction : in the House of Repre sentatives appropriating $250,0,00 for a new : custom ' house at Wilmingtor The success or , the project is,' of course doubtful at; this term but it will be strongly brought to the attention 'of the ; department at ; Washington, ; the officials of which do not' oppose anc will no doubt accede ultimately, to the pressing needs of the port in this re spectj , 7 -r7"-'-;7 -A' 77; .A boy to feed Job Presses is wanted at the , Star ' Office. ; Must ",be ; a resi dent - of vWilmhigton, . and with .some experience, f. ;7v7v "77.- ; v apr5-2t All Housekeeping is light;" when "you Cook: With ; Gas.7 7--77 ;;---. jJJFif th Ward J H iirriss first pre THE CASE CONTINUED bhockl ey Trial Postponed Yester- ntilSextf errntiie Lat- 7 ter Part of Crimirfal4pocKety of Present Tr6i About Exhausted Grand Jury Will -! :miablyk ; Mbrtfnfl-tn In "the Superior Court yesterday the case of M;fW. Shockley, charged With murder "Was continued until the' July term, bond to be renewed in the sum of $7,50,"- which was subsequently given with Capt. : John 1 W. Harper 'as surety.j7The ; continuance was ' bn ac count bl !.tieatsen'cV;.bf ' three material witoesses fori the defence, Mr. .Johxi H.a uraig, -wap is sick at his home m this City; Ji EC Tiner, who is in the hos pital, mdsii third ; witniess who is un- derstooid, to- be in the western part "of the' Stit : The reasons for continu ance Were; tateii to ! the cbwt -by. Lflessrsi5 Bellamy & Bellamy and Her bert JlcClammy,' Esq and there was nd dlspositfon on the, part of the State to? e. the defendant -at a dls adTaatage ; by farcing a.7 triaL The cfeseV; tereiore; ?i goes oyer, until the last of iUyi; 7Mr.. Shockley, who has been oni oai bpnd; appeared in court with' his oiuusel iind expressed' regret that 1 circumstances had so shaped themselves that he could not In ; jus tic to hlmseif . undergo the ordeal of a trial and have it jail over, with. -After reTeWigv his, 'bond in tiie afternoon, Mr Shofckley returned to his place of businessvVL , ,t , ; . v Atthe: Close of , court yesterday af tornooi practically all the.cases on the criminal docket had been disposed of and . Judg Webb announced that the regular! Jury and the talesmen sum mohedj for .to-day need not attend as there are ino niore. cases on the docket requiring a jury 'trial, r 1 Judge "Webb also changed the hour fbr.he.ring the evidence in the Mc- Craw case to 10 o ciock tnis morning. The Shearing was originally uset f OT 4 ; .,. r-1 -, - -i iixv better progress was,made , witli the docket than was expected; that time will be found to. hear the testimony this morning.' This is for the purpose of ; guiding Judge . Webb in the measure of punishment tot be imposed upon the defendant; which is 'largely in the dis cretion of the court. ' The grand jury yesterday sent a committee to . examine the convict camp at Castle Haynes, the Qounty Home and also the convict camp on the Scott's Hill road- The work of the jury will be wound up to-day and a ireport will be made to the cottrt The examination of the jail and 'the Court House was by the entire jury and took pace on Tuesday. Court met yesterday morning as us ual at 9 o'clock and, the sheriff re turned the forty-odd talesmen order ed summoned for trial of the Shockley case. - Those not found were N. Cro- nenber,5 Haywood Clark, J. O. Grimes, John B. Armstrong, W. (i. Fergus, Walter Bilbro, Isaac Bear,W. C. Bar tlemas, H. W. Collins, Thomas F. Bradshawj. M. Jones, J. E. Ellis, E. D. Craig, E. J. Scott, Bryant M. Hill. Robert L. Ward. Excused ' b His Honor, Eric Norden,-James I. Metts W. F. Brittain, George L. Peschau, Samuel Northrop,; John O. Brock, John C Boesch, Charles E. Hall, W. D. Mc Millan, Jr C. McD. Davis, Thomas B. WUlard and John W.-' Batson.- Soon after court opened and it Wast seen that the Shockley case could ' not be tried," several othesr jurors! were excused.,:- . ' . o ' In the case." of Wm.; Brown and Frank Brown, charged with an assault and battery, the case having been oi trial when court took a recess Tues day night the Jury found a vferdict of not guilty as to Frank Brown and guil ty as to William Brown7who was let L off upon payment vof costs. .The de fendants were represented - by Wm. J.i Bellamy, - Hon.' John r D. ; Bellamy and A; J.: Marshall, Esqs. r . ;. Case, of James. Jones, charged ' with an assault with a deadly, weapon,, was continued1 until next term. . ; - -7 In thecase of E. T$. Smithy a capias was. ordered to issue inv60ays if costs are hot ; paid. ,7 7 . ' ' The case of Florence Lewis, for non payment of costs, was continued. ;. Louis tWIlliams,7 colored,' charged with seduction, was found mot guilty by instruction of thecourt Messrs. Bellamy &. Bellamy appeared for ,the defendant and Brooke G. Empie, Esq. apepared with' the solcitor . : for ,: the State. ; ? ; i,77;ii77 :777777 s Cases of C; T. Croom, charged ? with embezzlement ; George "" Macks; ;; charg ed with doing , business . without. 11 censed ,and Wm. Grdy, .; similarly charged,iwere continued until next h -; Case; $ of JBubberf e charged with larceny; .Was also continued. . y7 Contmuedon IFourth; Page.S7 DR. RICHARD J, PRICE DEAD Passed - Away Yesterday Afternoon ; in J 7 Asheville, N. C, Whither He Had 7 Gone for His Health. V - 7 A telegram .to the family yesterday evening cotfveyed the distressing hews to many friends- in this city -that Dr. Richard Jones -Price had passed away at 5 -o'clockthe- same afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sherwood No. 167 French Broad avenuerin hevllle, N. C. While not, unexpected, the news nevertheless came !s V sadr"'bibw ,to family' .and friends. Dr. Price. Accompanied ' by his' wife, went to Asheville about ten' days v ago with ;.the hope ; that the cli mate there would be beneficial to. his health and check, if hot estop the rav ages of the terrible malady f that was making such inroads upon his consti- tidn.' Dr. Price rallied for a time, ac cording to information from Asheville. but finally, .calmly resigned to the in evitable; he- passed peacefully . away, his devoted young wife at his -bed side. .. ' ; 7 Dri , Pirce was well known and much beloved in Wilmington, the xtown of. his nativity. He was generous, affa ble and a manly man. He stood high in his profession until forced on ac count of his health - to retire from ac tive life while yet 4pnly a -young man; being 35 years of age at the time of his death. For a while he, was a. sur geon' in the Philippine service; of the United States - Army,' but ; the- change there, was not! beneficial and he re-' turned to the States, spehding the past several years at various sanitariums with ' the hope of regaining his health. Lately he had been at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary E. Priced in this city, and only a few months ago was happily married to the young woman whom he now leaves as-chief i among his mourners. Dr. Price is also sur vived by his mother, one .brother, Jas. W. Price, Esq., of the. Wilmington bar, and his grand father.. Mr. Richard J. Jones, for whom he was named and to whom he was tenderly devoted. The sorrowing one have the deep synjpathy oi tne enure community in ,neir5 be reavement Mrs. Price and others of the family left last night to meet the remains at Greensboro, N. c, and accompany them. toWilmington,-arriving here at rangements have not? yet beehvde ly announced. AN AFTERNOON WEDDING. Mr. Aubrey M. Hewett and Miss-Bowser are Married. At the rectory of Saint ' James par ish yesterday afternoon at half after five o'clock, a quiet but very pretty wedding ceremony according to the beautiful rites of the Episcopal church, joined in marriage Mr. Aubrey Mitchell Hewett, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hewett, of Richmond, Va., and Miss Olive Bowser, the attractive young daughter of -Mrs. Jennie D; Bow ser, of this city. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few. intimate .friends by the Rev. Richard W. Hogue, rector of the -parish. The bride's attendants, were Mrs7 Joe Tilley and Miss Bessie A. Brady, while the groom was accompanied as best man by his friend, Mr. John T. Slaughter, Jr., formerly of Richmond. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of v the bride's mother ?where a sumptuous wedding supper was given. The dining-room and residence were attractively decor ated with "a profusion of plants and flowers, a color , scheme of green and white "having been parried out with pretty effect 'The hride arid groom left on the northbdund train for. a brid al tour to Washington, - D. C. where they expect to send about two weeks, returning to this city where they'Iiave many friends.. The groom is how en gaged as private secretary to Maj E. W. VanC. fcucas, of the; Carolina Truck ing Development Company, j The many friends of -Mr. and Mrs. Hewett will extend" happy Congratulations to them upon their union for life. 7 s 4 77S; Dr.'Bernheim to Preach. : ' : v ; -The Rev. G, D. Bernheim, D." D of (Charlotte, will preach at St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran; church this ev ening at 8 o'clock.' The; service . will, be held ih the SundayJ school room; and everybody , is cordially invited, to at tend. 7 During his - long" residence in Wilmington Dr7; Bernheim- greatly en deared himself to ;the 'people of Wil mington, and his visit to the city gives them great pleasure. He was formerly pastor of St Matthews, and the mem-; bers are rejoicing to have - him with themvY- : : t Preach to Marine Engineers. ':.:.4:tii Rev. A. D. - McClure, p. lJ., pastor of Saint Andrew's Presbyterian church, will -preach the annual' sermon to the Marine" Engineers' "Association, No. 71, of this city, next Sunday afternoon at the BoysV Brigade Armory. Members of 'the Association Iwill assemble7at their hall at 2:30 o'clock and proceed to the armory in a body. ( The servioe win be most' interestingand all friends lere wflHbe - " .' ;';'.-- . are cordially invited. ; There will ; be special,; music '-features UTE HiHMISON Business Men Pay Tribute of Re spect to Memorxof Depart-; ; ' 7 v r ;edcial''l7fe; SPECIAL MEETING YESTERDAY Suitable Memorial Prepared by Corn- ' rnittee, Spleerffedxbyfinij( !r uai, Expression from Prominent : 7' . - Men UivAttendartce.?:'-i---' In a suitable memorial prepared by a committee appointed for . that pur pose, supplemented by many individual expressions, the business community of . Wilmington v yesterday 1 afternoon paid . deserved and marked- tribute to the memorypfthe late MrTIorace M; jumerson, txamc ..manager.- of the At lantic Coast Line Railroad . Company. The 1 Chamber of Commerce was 'the medium through . which this appro-; priate action was taken,'' a ; special ; meeting' for. that express purpose hay ing been called s by President ; Taylor yesterday afternoon at , -Lo'clock. 7 It was no perfunctory or merely form al duty that was performed in, this respect There was a large attendance of representative business men ? and they spoke feelingly, and visibly mind ful of the deep loss which, the com munity has sustained in the death of Mr. .Emerson. 7 . 7 '7 ' ' '. " " ' ',y President Taylor called the meeting to order and stated its object ; He re -i ferred personally to the death of Mr. Emerson and asjd for;the?report of . the committeeTappointed' to draft a sui-7 table memorial to : his ' memory. The 7 resolution was read by. Secretary Kyle 7 as follows: ' J "'Whereas, it has pleased an all-wise Providence to call from our midst our' esteemed fellow, member; Horace M. , Emerson, be it resolved that we, the i. members of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, in meeting" assembled; 7 desire to express publicly, both our -gretvf Qrrow. at his loss, and our ap-"; preciation of his higher qualities which 77 made our"1 fellow member an example both as afriend and a citizen. - "Be it resbivedTthat inlth JEinersothecdm a man ; who coming among us as a boy; ; . .' 5 ; has through following -the ; highest r7 -7.- ideals, and by devotion to duty and 77; by the strictest integrity raised him- . . ' r self to one of the highest positions . with the company which he has served ' so long . ami ably, over ; a period of thirty years; and who by his happy and genial manner, warm heart, never failinj courtesy, s and strbhg human sympathy ; had , endeared himself in a remarkable degree, not only 'to his close associates, but to ail who knew him. - . "Resolved that his loss is. hot; only a great one to the company with which he was identified; ; and also to I this Chamber, but to the entire community, and it will also be felt over a great sec tion of the country where his manifold duties and high ; position - had ;made him so well known.,, 7 7-'7 777 'TrTx "Mr. Emersbh"; was. aiwaysreadyftb stand up for what lie ' believed, to. be the right and he possessed manhood and loyalty " to a marked. degreeJ His ability in his7 chosen life-Work ; was such as to obtain; for him reed : , iind consideration wherever matters of 7;77 Importance iwere discussed, or1, decid ed upon. ;His counsel in matters of uuoiucoo- wm wwc iiuu ; umser v au y, ' v; vs; f j ana ne naa an unerring insight into affairs which Always gave- weight to' hisropinionT v;7di TT Rlved thatt as a mark of espectv,' tnese rtesolutions' lie spread upon ' the 7 minutes of this Chamber, - and that a 7; copy pe transmitted to his family as - -an expressioh of synipathy with them-7 in their bereavement of the members"; '-mJGHMacRAE7Chairmanr; ' -' :y:y ,7r jnp?. Arringdale - " ' . ;77'M.;J;CORBETT,V;;r :Mr. :eocge R. vFrencH , moved . the, 7 : -adoption: of , the; resolutions; and Itpwas 77 seconded by Mr. Malloy. Mr, P. Pear- saH made an aniendment. that a copy of the resolutions also be sent - to . the president of - the Atlantic Coast Line , Railroad . Company ; and also to Mr.! ;" ' Henry, Walters chairman, of the Board 7 of birectots ol : the systemMrJ H. K.-: Nash and Mr. . John-A. Arringdale paid 7 7 individual tributes: to the memory of . Mr; Emerson, the; latter .being a tri- - A bute of .the companionability of the man. ' Mr. B. F. Hall snokAf th 0 Bnw bx-A didHraffic ability of Mr Emefj?on anA . ' his amfability as. one of the elements of his business success. His relation to 'his empioybs was touched upon in' a beautiful manneKrThe.tribuy of Mr7 H. W.;Malloy '.as a friend was "brettv andnicelr put r His .happy faculty of : : treating business prppositibns and sOlyviTITi ?;' ing difficult problems . to the . satisf ac-' r; tibntof v;i8poke;of iCre': ' . good ; taste ; and 'Drooeri- annrpr.iHbn ? 7 Col. Walker .Taylor, spoke of Mr. Em-7-erson'spopulart esteem abroad and - , y - stra- r and, : ,7. 4 ; (Continued bn-Fourth : Page;) i V , - . .. . ' . . . -,- - t 7 7:7:7. S;; : ! : : ' . v :-U; r - 7 "f -J . X fit; iz-':