f -1 cotton is a little less than, that plant ed -last year; ' Crops -in the Charlotte smites Dfeestion.CheerFuk promotes u u t . Hte K Morphine norlinerl. pABCOTIC. ran (51 ;: w nts and Uhildrftti -J The Kind You Have s Ate vAiwav Bears Bought I " . " . - r ft- . the Signature of V ! JlxSauf jhdseSeed ' . n .m4MA inerfecl Remedy for Constipa te emir Siomach.Diarrhoca Storms .Convulsions .Feverish-' Ress and LOSS OF bLEEK FacSlmib Signature of 1 '.XEW YORK a Hfljf hi' mm 86 or Ove Thirty -Yeara i EXACT COPY OF WRAPPED I1BTSI twc rrisrxm cownny.' new YORK CJTV. 'near headlight overalls AND YOU WEAR THE BEST WEAR CROSSETT SHOES FOR . MEN AND GET THE BEST. NORMOU 10 CENT S At E Sfiainls ' ,!?JilD)inidlsis7- LASTS ONE WEEK i- Ik Bite Drop-Stitch Hose f or ladies . . . . . . :. . .10c. pair lie' Brown Drop-Stitch Hose . for ladies .... ....... ,10c pair Be Black Drop-StitQh Hose- for ladies .. .. . . . . . . 10c pair loe Children's Hose, all sizes and colors . . , . 10c pair .: 10c pair loe Hose Supporters . JSj Children's Aprons , 15c Gause Vests . . . 15c Box of Toilet Soap 15c Ladies and Gloves .... . Sox 15c "Eastman's Powder . . . . Borated; Talcum ; ... 10c bOX 10 each 10c 'each .10c box Men's -White . . . . 10c pair in all colors . . .lPc pair J5e Men's Hose Supporters 10c pair 15c Open and Shut Fans JlOc ;eac'h !5c Children's Hats . . . . 10c each 15c lien's 12 l-2c White JLawns . , 10c yard 12 l-2c Press -Ginghams 10c . yard - .: ' " . i " - .. 12 l-2c Cambric . : . . 10c yard 12 l-2c White-Madras '. . 10c, yard 15c Corset Covers . . . . 10c each 15c Extra Size Huck Towels , .... i ... ' 10c each 15c Extra 'Size : Turkish Towels 15c Back and Side Combs 10c each 15c Ladies' Handkerchiefs , v ' . - . . . '.H '.. '. .10c each 10c each 15c Ladies' Belts .. . 15i Bureau Covers . . . 10c each 15c Collars for Ladies: . 10c each 15c Caps f or Boys .... .-10c each 15c Ties for Boys . . .10c each Oon't EUaiss', Ow UOc SaDe Big Values in Hosiery Ceo-' n ' . ' Three Stores; ; T ;r ; ent for m'call patterns , ' agent for good madcloth 'I ,tJNG FOR MEN A?P;.TOv-' IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVEIGAIf ft Yo may not know of your owk knowledge-that we toye: the largest furniture in. the citythat we.biiy In T car lots and pay cash, saying. :ight and cash discounts, which enable us to seU-much;below what others afford ir, c i AsMffation. We can certainly more .visniRfl we do not owe for the iftn W1C "uerai . terms uu uiu oa; r - . : ' . V. j ' a ntTtr' Qhlnment- (32) folding - cars unioaaea last ssaturuay. "" . ,v Tnrii arte . ir.u.nocao : TunttlTlfir. IrOrCU W;;;r011 edS, Iron and Wood UOts, eii,u-7 - . -"-..iron Beds, Iron and Wood Cots, e,BV"TOBBB''"rrI.PM Kers q4.-- . r,A T?onrh firoods at prices tesiM in Tact, a luu. line oiouuimwj auurr: ,..-! only to Large Cash buyers. : THE mimmGionfURmwRE WlTtf 111 Market SfL Who!esal CO. NO.-1C3 N. .Water St TIIDDlMVITIMir Mrs.' Sarah Vanderford: aged 9G years,: died at Chapel 'Hill on Wednes day night. Mr.- ab. Hunter will build a large prize tobacco warehouse at Apex ana work will be commenced at once . ..... . v . . . .. .... v to the party' to attend a recention to be given by the club, ' which was, ac cepted The date for the reception is to be arranged later. j . . ' The Novelty " White ; Brick' Com pany, of Washington, was also char tered.' The total authorized capital stock is $100,000, of which $500 has been' subscribed. , . - ' --The Lee Veneer Company i of Lex ington, -with ; $10,000 authorized and subscribed capital stock, was charter ed by i the Secretary of State On Wed nesday.;, The Laurinburg Exchange says definite steps have been taken by the Seaboard Air Line authorities to build a? new depot at Laurinburg. There will be separata passenger and freight de pots. " . ' - In a personal -altercation at Gold Hill, Rowan county, Wednesday night Jim Martin; was fearfully cut in the throat by Frank Northcut, of the same places TJie two men who are employes of 'the mine . at Gold , Hill, quarreled over drinks. Railroad building in the mountain section is progressing: The Franklin Press reports that the -first - train on the Tallulah Falls road entered Macon county on the south last Friday. The Press expects the road to be completed to Franklin in a ''few months. . Franklin Press : The i hands at work in the pit at the brick works on Mr." Lee Crawford's place last Thurs day exhumed a human, skeleton which appeared to have been buried in a Tsittine nosture. The bones were very much decayed - and bore evidences o haying been buried many years ago, perhaps . before this section (Macon county) was5 settled by the white race. Mr. j. M. Cross", proprietor of the Charlotte Hbtel, was on Wednesday rilace'd under a bond of two hundred dollars by the recorder on a charge of giving liquor with meals at ms notei. The principal witness in ttfe' case said that, he had been told he. cpuld get liquor with meals and , had secured drinks nn two occasions trom mr Prricc r.ro55a admitted tnat ne Key t liquor, and gave a drink to his special friends occasionally, put aeniea using . f, . . the beverage as a Dait io bwuib p.hnrinttft is a orohibition town. T . . - ...... ; . . ' -Raleieh News and 6bvserser, "May ok. nfQnv farmpra wtin were m xtaieiKu yesterday said that if there does not soon come a heavy rain a consiaeraDie portion of all the crops in.this section nf the State will be ruined.. For nearly five weeks there has been practically no rain, and the United States Depart ment of Agriculture bulletins snow xa srincr tr he - the driest since 1891. Cotton has already been severe ly damaeedl and all other crops are cnfFartncr Th . rnt.tnn- acreage nas isuuvi . " " v - been greatly reduced by the weather, nnd many of the' farmers do not pos sess seed with which to replant their crops. An otherwise , innocuous and ap parently valueless pug dog is causing no end of trouble in Asheville, a dis pute as to his ownership having been taken to the,, courts and his dogship basely incarcerated in jail to.be subse mi pti tl v released on bond. Mrs. Lato- war. of Biltmore Village, and W. E. Lutz, of Asheville, are ; the contesting- parties, the' lady : having possession Mr.' Lutz alleges the lady .picked up hte' valued animal in a streetcar and on vveanesuay aiiwuwu.juou vimiu and delivery .papers served upon, ner and piit'ln custody. of the sheriff. The case was ? set for trial Saturday. The ladv was allowed possession of -the bone of contention upon payment of a"$10 bond. She claimed sole owner- T ship. - Sam Barrihardt, . the 15-yearld enn f -Tnhn H. Barnhardt. of Cold SDr'ines. Cabarrus county, shot and killed himself Thursday afternoon, th-S deed being done with a shot gun. The young "man , was working near the house, and when he came to the dwellr ins he told his mother mat ne warn ed a washer for. his plow. In a. few minutes "the-report "of the gun was heard alid lying in a heap on the floor t; irnim? man : was found dead,, - The shoeof the right foot had been re moved and, with this he had evidently pulled the" trigger, ; holding the . muz zleof the gun inJhis left1 hand; which wn hndlv scorched, -The load from a single-barrel ' gun went into .the head and death was: instantaneous. '..When the young man" went. oO to . work in themorning ne was ayyarjeut, ix best of spirits, and the rash deed came without warning , to the family.-, ' Secretary Parker; of the North CaroUnla' Cotton: Growers', Association, headauarters at Raleigh, has summa nved ' the renorts -from aHN . counties, Rhowinsr the condition .of theMtton crop' to -be worse, than- ever before at this datef, owing. , to the; drought and cold, weather.., The present cool weath e is mighty hard on cottpnwhich con tiniipsf n die. he: states " Much is be- ing,;Teplanted,". "and .the "stand is. only partial, -as a rule, wherfe . . replanting was- hot : done. : Labor -is. unusually I scarce - everywhere. . - The acreage :,of ter tnan are tnose nere. Tne weatner bureau says that light. showers in the States to ; the southward have' relieved thed'roughtr situation, but imqre rain is needed, everywhere except in Florida. Lincolnton special. ; Mav 24. Mr. Ihomas" A. Edison "and party arrived here in. two, big automobiles this ' aft erhoon.' about 2 o'clock, arid are stay ine at the North State. Hotel. The palrty is ' made up ', of Messrs. Thomas A. Edison, Charles Edison, John Mil; ler Frederick Ott and,M. Poppa. The party spent' last night at Cornelius ferry. : coming here to-day -i by easy stages. 'Quite a -number of citizens of the town have met the great inventor and,-he is making, himself agreeable He was in a good humor, meeting all with a pleasant word. The party ex pects to be in this neighborhood for 10 days, but has not yet . decided as to its movements. The prospector whom Mr. Edison has had here looking for cobalt is in the western part of . the State, but is expected, to get here to night. When he arrives the daily ope rations of the party will be. planned The mineral sought . is, said to be about 10 miles . east of Lincolnton. but in vestigatioiLs will be;made airound Pay seur's Mountain, in. Gaston: , Kings Mountain, in Cleveland, and all other places. A committee from the Com mercial Club extended an invitation The commencement exercises at the Southern, Presbyterian College, Red Springs, closed on Wednesday, During the commencement from Mon day till Wednesday large . crowds at tended Congressman G. B. Patterson was the orator of the day Wednesday, his subject being "The Origin and De velopment of the College':" It' was , a historical address, but Was heard i with" unabated interest to the end. In ten' years, the school had grown, he said to be one of the largest in the South, with 26 teachers and about pupils from 11 different States. President C G. Vardell presented certificates an'd degrees as follows : Bachelor of Music tn Miss Georgia Pear sail, of Red Springs, and certificates of graduation in music to Misses Lessie N. Lindsay; of Greensboro, and Mary McNeill ; Mc Eachern, of Red Springs. Miss . Clara Smith received a certificate in the school of stenography and English ; Mis Carolina Mclntyre a certificate iri "Rns-lish and Miss Lila Rivers in stenography. The following received the degree of A. B.: Misses Polly Mc Rae. Cornelia McDonald, Lillian Black, Grace McCullum, Jeanne Elliott, Sarah Shaw, Adelaide Murphy, Dora Dry, and the dee-ree of B. L. to MiSSeS ESSie Bethea. Mary Yates and Ila Blue. Aft er the presentation of these diplomas the president gave each of the young ladies a Bible in a few appropriate and touching words. rfJ- TheliHighesi Perfection off t Old Virginia, Rye. A PRODUCtjOF OUR OWM I GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE f SAVE THE COUPONS FOR VALUABLE PREMIUMS. Distillers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers ; PORTSMOUTH j VA. - - . ..-f--5' I'T.r ..-ft- , - - TESTS PATIENCE. The Most Patient Wilmington Citizen Must Show -Annoyance "at Times. Nothing spoils a good disposition, Nothing taxes a man's patience, Like any itchiness of the skin. Itching Piles almost drive you crazy. All day it makes you miserable, All night it keeps you awake. Itch! Itch! Itch! with no relief. Just the same with Eczema. Can hardly keep from scratching it. , You would do so, but you know it makes it worse. Such miseries are daily decreasing People are learning they can be cur ed. - Learning the merit of Doan's Oint ment Plenty of proof that Doah's Oint- fent will cure Piles, Eczema or any Itchiness of the skin. Read the testimony of a Wilping- ton citizen. H. Cronenberg, Photographer, ; of 119 1-2 Market street' says:; "I used Doan's Ointment and it did its work promptly and permanently. I hada rash all over me, and no one knows how I suffered, It was like being in the infernal region and I could get no relief.. I did not dare scratch be cause that made it worse. - I tried everything but only to be disappointed. Some one told me about Doan's Oint ment and I procured a box at R. R.; Bel lamy's drug store. I wen t home and applied some' of the ointment, and I can say it brought the first relief I. had had for a ling time. I cannot only add that it is a preparation of great mer it." '"" .For sale- by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn .Co., BUttalo, New" York, sole: agents for .the United States., . f Remember -the name Doan's and take no other. , a. Wlnslow's Sootning"syrup nas been usod lor over 60 years : bj . mil inns . of , mothers for their children while teething, .with penect-success. It soothes the cnild, soltens tne gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is tne best remedy for .Uiarrnoea.'r xi will relieve; the poor little fluff erer im mediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world.: Twenty-five cents bottle. Be sure and ask for -'Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.i. PIGEON Endorsed by Physicians and sanitariums : ' ' .... as an Ideal Drink for the Kidneys ' and Bladder. j(eeeeee4eeeeeoiAAe-( j ' ' - l ' ., , . .. ..... ;. C- .... .... . .... V ' . market CHAS. BL0H1ME THE UP-TO-DATE STORE AT ALL TIMES. SPECIAL SALE OP BROKEN t.OTS IN EMBROIDERIES, LAWNS, MUS- , '- ' ' ' ' , .' . , ,.. . " . . . ....... . . LINS, DRESSGOODS AND SILKS AT ALMOST ONE-HALF OF THE ORGINAL PRICE FOR CASH ONLY AT THIS SALE, AS WE DONT; INTEND TO.CAR RY OVER ANY STOCK. Nainsook Edges and Insertions that sold at 25c. yfl., to go at I . .Naninsook Edges and Insertions that s old at 10 and 12 l-2c. to go Naninsook Edges and Insertions that s old at 15 and 20c. to go at Naninsook Edges and Insertions that sold at 35c. to be sold at . . "KT 1 IT. J . J T n n j n 1 n n 4- A C s . 1 n A 1 1 M 4- nauiusuutt.'. rjuges Liiu lusciuuua liisli. buiu evv nit v-u auiu cll . ... Naninsook Edges and Insertions that s old at 50 and'60c. to go at i . Naninsook Edges and Insertions that s old f op - 75c. to go at ...... Nainsook Edges and Insertions, that s old at $1 for . v . . ........ . 36-in. Silkoline, guaranteed fast colors, 12 l-2c. quality, at v. . . 34-in. 34-in. Denim, suitable for Draperies of all kinds at 20c value 36-in. Cannon Cloth, present value 15c . now . ................. 40-in. 'White lawn,M2 1-2. value "to be , s old at ; . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 40-in. White Lawn,15c. value, to .be so Id at , . . . . . . 40-in. White Lawn, 18c value, to be so Id at 27-in. Cotton Voille, in all colors, wor th: 15c, v to close out at . . 27-ln. Cotton Taffeta,, in small neat effeets worth 18c, for 36-in. Colored Madras, full line to selec t from; f at -' . . . .?. . . . ." One lot of colored Silks, 27-in. and 21- in., to go at .............. 27in. Oxford Suitings, guaranteed fast color, to be sold at 500 yards Iona Wash Flannels, guaran teed fast colors, at. ... . . Ladies' All-Linen Handkerchiefs, sligh tlyt soiled, at : apr25,-tf . . - - at . ,7.1-2c 12 l-2c ....22 l-2c . , .32 JL-2e 37 l-2e 55c. ....72 l-2c ' ,10c. : . ...12 1-2 10c. . i-. . . .10c ' . .12 l-2c 15c ...'.. '.10c " ..12 l-2e .12 l-2c. . . . . .21e . .......28c 10c.-' each L A Mountain of Gold. : coul d not bring as much ' fiap'piness i to Mfs.'IiUcialWilke: of Caroline, Wis.; as did one 25c box of ; Bucklen's. Ar nica. Salve, when - it completely cured t a running sore" on her leg, which had tortured her 23 years. Greatest' an- I - - . ..... v ... tiseptic healer , of Piles; Wounds, and Sores. 25c at all drug stores.:, . -Don't Foraet' ' s . The Dance' at Lumina . to-night. Last car leaves . the Beach at 11.45 P. M. Notice is hereby given that we have this day sold our Ice making plant and Ice business to K; W. ln every clime its colors are unfurled, : ,-.y. Its fame has spread from sea to sea; Be notxsurprised if in , the other, world . You hear of Rockv; Mountain Tea. Wallace, .Trustee. In retiring from the Ice business we wish to thank this community- for their generous support, and so licit a continuance of the samerfpr oW3uccessor. V V V Office . Cor'. N utt and ' Walnut Street . . Telephone No." 1265. ' l, i April O 1906,4 ; . " - - , :;V "'. : r. ; j Hardin's Palace Pharmacy. Apr :' 29-tf -' :. V r - i X '"z:- For Builders. Lime, .Shingles, - CementfV. t ; Laths - - Plaster, Tar Pa npr . ; . t 1 naip,- t:: v, Crinolite Roofing Fire Brick-and Clay, Chimney Pipe, ' also; Stove Wood; all cuts We respectfully solicit your patron age - .-;: y:S s Phone 789. Foot of Ann Street.. Maya-tf. , Phone 795 1 -

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