SATURDAY,; I.IAY MGnroun. i , ' toe noiumTaGTA3i j7mynGTOH, n. a, V beiniormng Star: WILMINGTON. ; N. C. Saturday Morning, "May 25. WEATHER, REPORT. U. S. Department of Agriculture :? ;;;a;::Wpataer:Bureati.- y: : I . ;. Wilmington, N. C., May, 25, 190 G. ?" Meteorological data for; the 24 hours ending at 8 A. M. Friday, May 25th: . , . : . . Temperature at 8 A. M,, 72 de-: i grees ; 8 P. M., 71 degrees ; Maximum, 1Q- degrees; t Minimum 67 degrees; m'San, 72 degrees. - v .. vv-.-; , ' Rainfall for tiie day, .00 , rainfall since first of the month to date, 1.69. ,- Stage of water in Cape Fear river, at Fayetteville at 8 A. M.,, Friday,, 2.8 feet. - - 1 , ' " ' Weather Forecast. : For North Carolina Showers Sat urday," except fair in northeast por tion. Sunday, showers; variable winds becoming, northeast and fresh, - -v PORTx ALMANAC May 26th. Sun " Rises ; . . . '. - - - v 4 : 47 A- M Sun Sets . . - - -7:06 P. M. - Day's Length ........ 1 hrs., 11 m. High Water at Sourtport. .9:50 .M. High Waterlat Wilmington . 12 : 20 A. M. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. . Mr. M: K.- Moore, of - Warsaw, ar rived last night. - Mr. J. A. Barker, of Lumherton, was here yesterday. i Dr.. Thqi. C. Johnson, of White ville, arrived last night. Col, A. H. Slocomb, of Fayette-ville,'-was here yesterday.- -i Mr. Jno. W. Thompson, of Raleigh, v spent yesterday in the city. . Miss Kate Boney is the guest of , friends and relatives at Chadbourn. Messrs. J. M. Ragsdale and Geo. T. Burnett e, of Florence, arrived-last night. ' , , ', ... H. G. Smith, Fayetteville, and D. B. Johnson, Tomahawk, were register: ed at The Orton last night. ; i Messrs. A. J., McLedd of Rowland, and W. Y. Everton; of Elizabethtown, were among last night's arrivals." Mrs. D. N. Farnell, of Suffolk, Va., is a guest at the home of Mrs. J- F. Maunder. No. 215-North Fifth street. Miss Mildred Maunder and Mrs. L. Jju Boon; left yesterday morning-to attend commencement at the- State Normal in Greensboro. ; " '. Dr. Frank H. Russeli is in Char lotte attending v the State Board of Medical Examiners, and the sessions of the North Carolina Medical. Society. Southport Herald: "Miss Annie Price, of Wilmington, passed through here Sunday on her way . to Suburb, where shewilP visit friend3 for a while." - " -v - - . f Yesterday's Fayetteville Observer: "Mrs.- C. C Covington, of Wilming ton,, arrived in the city to-day, visit ing her sisters,, Mrs. T. -H. Sutton and Mrs. D H. Ray." : J ' " Miss Fannie Starr Mitchell left yesterday to 1 attend the commence ment at the State Nonrial, in Greens ' bora She will be a guest of her si 3 'ter. Miss Mary Baldwin Mitchell. Mr. W. A. Fowler, the .-popular travelling Tepresentative of the Key stone i Type Foundry, Philadelphia, is here-calling on the' trade;. Mr. Fowler is always a welcome visitor to Wil mington and his visit this: time is no . exception to the general rule. Mr. J. T. Toy; of Scott's Hill, was here yesterday. He brings most -discouraging news of the blight of crops by the drought .in that section.. Po tatoes and beans, he said, are already ruined arid field' cornAfs withering up for the want of moisture. Capt. John C. .McLaughlin, one of Wadesboro's oldest and most honored citizens, died f very, suddenly " Friday morning &t 12 : 30 o'clock. He retired , apparently in his usual health and the - cause of his death is unknown. De ceased was for- 28 "years clerk of the Superior Court of Anson county, was one of the founders p.the Wadesboro Presbyterian church, and was, until his death, one . of its most faithful members. - - ' , .REV. T. J. GATTIS DEAD. fcna amej in onariotte Early Yester- day Mornirvg. Charlotte, N. C.,' May 25. Rev .Thomas . Jefferson Gattis.-died at 'his home. 506 East Fif tti street, this morn. ing at 4:45: o'clock. " Mr.- Gattia ha beenUn? declining .healthy for several months . ana his , deatn. was not unex- pectedi' The -funeral services will be conducted to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock frome Tryon-Street Metho- of age and . had "beeria member, of the xvieuiuuisc toaieremie t j.ur eaia Surviving the deceased are a wife and seven -cWldren. - - v ' Don't Forget The .Dance at Lumina to-night" Lastj.t thp ,rtniMl; eiL be conducted r.i- 1PVAa thP Reach at 11. 4S "T. M. car,leaves ;the : Beach at 11.45 "F. M. , JRivermen are especially 17" n Do t make to-day thei3est j day of the J arfi welcome. - ;. jea- All To Rebuilding Sale, Rehder will offer ciany extra " genuine i Bargains. ' 'tmV t - v - .doW Forgets 4 - The Danee l at Lumina "to-night , Last cv leaves' the Beach at 11.45 P. , M -h ' Vf BRILLIAI1T FINALE ttoncluded From First Page. T- the Senior Brigade, . won -the second; ar very pretty scarf pin,: given by Vic tor E ZoeUer Co. They came with in two of selling the samenumber 4bf tickets. : . J " - : V - Children's 'Afternoon. ' Children's Afternoon yesterday was a great success.' The1 tots came from far and near -and. all of them; had the time of their-liye3:7 Mrs.. George "P. Cotchett. Miss Margaret , Gibson - and Miss Wiswell were - in ; charge ' and. everything possible was done to con tribute to f the pleasure; of, the little folks! The prize ;iat the Deiikey corir test, a handsome silver handlea. um brella offered by Capt ;Geo.; W. Hug-: gins, was won by Master; Tom Prltr chard arid in the "Buster1 Brown con test" the prize, V handsome silver cup offered by J. ; T; Burke: tiie; jeweller, was won by little Miss ;Niestlie, daugh4 ter, of Mr. andrs; Wm. Niestlie. :-"'-r,:"-':: Cakes .Fc(rXaptain8. A;. pleasing 'llttre incident " )Uie close of the baiaar lwas the presenta tion of handsome icakes fone each to Capt X J. LoiigMinQf ' tjie Senipr Brigade, and "to Capt:Alonz5 Burriss,1 of the Junior :Brigad(ef j .rs. Martin had previously taken a collection among members of the twos cohimands arid they all . contributed willingly to the compliment for their captains. SUNDAY STAR TO-MORROW. I nteresting Instalment of Lowry H is tory Capt. '. JnoS fi., Maffitt.: The instalment of the Henry Berry Lowrie History to be published Hi the Star to-morrow will deal withsome of the most notable murders and: rob beries perpetrated by the famous out law" band. The reader, from preceding chapters, has a general idea of the character, life and habits " of these bandits who infested the southeastern. section of the State just after, the war. so hat accounts of the.real outrages- by . the 1 rpbber band . will now,, possess unusual interest The murder of James P. Barries, J. Brantly Harriss, the lat ter growing .out of the refusal of the Croata'ns to work on the fortifications below: Wilmington, the plundering of the houses of Mrs.-Alexander Bullard, Mr. John McNair, Mr. Richard Town- send, Mr. Jackson To wnsend, Mr. Hen ry Bullock, Jr., ' Mrs. M artha Ashley and others make up a chapter of the history this Sunday that will be found of real interest. - ' ; -s ' Another story of interest In the Sun day paper will be some reminiscences of the life and deeds of Capt? John Newland Maffitt, - Confederate States Navy, by? Mr. James Sprunt , Capt Maffitt was "native and, to the manor born" and Jin view . of. ihe prospective biography "of tlie celebrated naval corfimander, by his widow,- Mrs.. Emma May tin Maffitt,'' these . reminiscent Sketches will be' read witfir great: Inter est , 4 - ' i SUNDAY SERVICES. Market Street - Methodist Church next to corner of Ninth and Market streets: Rev. M. J. Diiryea, pastor. Services tomorrow at 11 A. M., and 8 ?P. M. Sunday School at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 8 P. r St Andrew's Presbyterian church, corner Fourth and. Campbell streets, Rev. Alex. D. McClurer D. pas tor: Sabbath services , at 11 A, M. and at 8 P. M. ; Sabbath School at 4 P. M.; W. C. E. Society at 7:15 P. M.; Prayer meeting and lecture .Wednes day at 8:15 P. M. The public cordially invited- Seats free. . First Baptist Church, Rev. Fred. D. Hale, D. D.,. pastor: Preaching to morrovt 11 A.;M. and 8 P. M. , Sun day School 4:30. P. Mv Prayer meet ing Wednesday 8 P. .M. : B. Y. P. TJ. Friday 8 P M. ; Public cordially invit ed to all services. ' v--- i " .Services First Presbyterian church, corner Third and Orange streets, . Rev. J. Ml Wells,' D. p., pastor,. to-morrow at 11 o'clock A. M., and 8 f. v "M. P. M. ' Sunday school at 5 F. M. Wed pesday evening prayer ' meeting fat 8:15 o'clock. , All are . invited to 'at tend. ,. 'v - .:; ' :.: . : -y -, 'y'' ' Immanuel Presbyterian church, cor ner Front and Queen streets, Sunday services : , Preaching rat " 11 o'clock in the morning' and 8 o'clock in the evening. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. A. M. -. Hall superintendent Mid-week prayer" service at 8 o clock on; Wed nesday night .' Everybody invited to any and an these services. Strangers and those not connected with any churcl1 especially invited, to attend. Delgadc--Preaching -at 3 o'clock OUIiaay afternoon - by the?- Rev U W. ICurtis.. - ? laden Street Methodist Churchcor- 7 ana Biaaen streets. Preach- Jrs x 11 A. M. by Rev. C- E. Valej ; school at 3:30 P. M. Preach- V-p v -M" y the pastor, Rer. A. n - ra-e Methodist . church, corner hne ny 11 a liA oireets: - 'reacn- L fn , ".4; M- oy Rev. A. J. Parker. r 4:3. PvM.: Preachine M. Bradshaw e, jLniuci, xvev. RelicrionH aVmrtv. , , . 0.0,.,. (.aaDDainj aiternoon at T J ' thP -.SimPrlnW? &t 3 0 Clock by the ,r -Superintendent. Ron tv . . Rev. Al D.VMcCim-o. rx ' Mto conduct services at Castle ??Pect8 land the Convict Camp'to-morm noon. - , borrow after. - '-t -" ' -$1.00 Ladies' Hats "for 50c at t?t, Ider's to-day.- . c Vh LOCAL DOTS. .Southport Herald: ''Revv L. - W. Curtis is this week at Phoenix "TTolding a meeting there. Rev. J. S. Crowley of Wilmington is assisting him and is giving the people most excellent and earnest serjnons." , Before Magistrate Geo. H. -Ward! in Justice Furlong'3 court yesterday, by consent of attorneys on both sides th case ; of C. D. Gore , against Julia Austin was continued until next Thurs- day. p. -';v ' Southport Herald: . "The Cape Fear Fisheries Co., have shut down their factory and have ordered their steamers North. The season for catching- menhaden 1& now open on that cost";;; -l;-;;, ' ) Mr. William ,Vandre, - keeper of they National Cemetery here, on ac count of his healtn, has asked for a transfer to some- other station. Mr. Vandre is expecting a transfer to Cold Harbor, Va, ' , 'S; ;y - The wreck of an old vessel recent ly 'discovered in front of Lumina at Wrightsville c Beach will' be blown" up with dynamite' this afternoon to clear the beach front. ' Architect H. E. Bon itz will be in charge. , -As the result of being : injured by a" piece of machinery blowing out attbe plant of the Standard Turpen tine Company a few days' ago, it is stated that Mr. G. T. Cumber is in great danger pf losing one of his eyes. Dr. W. C. Galloway is attending him. . Hanover Lodge 145, 1. O. O. F last night elected the following officers for the ensuing i term Noble .Grand, A. J. Hewlett; Vice Grand, J. W. OrrellJ Recording Secretary, John E. Wood; Financial Secretary, E. S. Hancock; Treasurer, -W. H. Howell. Police court yesterday : Joe Bar nes, colored,, arrested by Officer-Jesse Brown for refusing to move his hack in front of The Orton, fined $5 includ ing costs. Hans Iverson, drunk; costs. Ell Batson, habitual drunken ness; 30 days at the farm to sober up. - . ' .-. " ?v.. . ,. An order was received in the U. S, Court yesterday in which Judge Purnell directs the sale of the tackle and apparel recently brought in by the Cutter Seminole from ?;the schooner Myrtle Tunnell and' which has been " libelled by the own ers of the steam tug Blanche for a sal vage claim. " In giving an account of the Child ren's Day services at Bladen Street M. E. church last Sunday, the name of Mrs. Jotiri AY Barnes was Tnadvertent ly omitted from the committee In charge- of "the arrangements Mrs. Barnes was a faithful and untiring worker and much of the success pf the exercises was-due to her. Try. for the; Prize rri the Lumina "bowling cpntesU Con-. tost Ptlric Satnvilav V ' ' - To-day Extra " bargains ; for' the Re building sale at Rehder's: ' SVC fiwrtth il.m Kind You Hafa 'Always Bougfr Bignatoro of Fortunate Missourjaos. "When I' was a druggist, at Livo-' nia, Mo.' writes T. J. .Dwyer, now of GraysvilleV Mo., "three of , my cus tomers were premanently cured J of consumption by Dr. King's New Dis covery, and are well knd. strong, to-day. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New piscovery a short time he found it unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the most wonderful medicine in existence." Sur est Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by all drugisffS. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. . . Women's $1.50v Slippers for $1 21 at Rehder's . to-day. ? . Bears tke Signature TtB Kind You Hava Always BcjjjS! The Only Restaurant its market street " Telephone 719 - Wilmington, N. C. QUICK LUNCHES. Meals Furnished Any Part of City. . Bostrding by Day, Week or Month. A GOOD MEAL FOR 25 CENTS. Nice Rooms In Connection & , ; . Accommodation Unexcelled. MRS. GEORG1E ULMER, Proprietress. may4-tf -." . For An Automobile Ride. The Automobile.Tourlna and AmuGcment Co. L. II. Koble. . Fred. E. Herbst. Automobiles, chartered v by day : 7 or;liour. Seating .capacity; for 1 ' m i.1 This Sale Closes June 2nd. .OUR s. Buyei 40-in. Lawn, each yard worth 15c; Building sale,' 9c. - v -i.- Book Fold India Linon 27-in. wide, J 6c. kind; Building sale, 4c. v Wash Organdie, 4G-in. wide, 25c. quality; Building sale, 18 c. For 59c: v 10 yards Linen-Fnisb. 8c, bleach- ing- , Fop 10c.: ' Percales in many beautiful neat . patterns. The 12 c kind. Fot 25c: . v, . .; . ... .: Two pairs of Women's Plain Black and White, or Black and Tan Dropstitch Hose, that' were 19c the pair. ' - Fop 39c: y 12 yards Torschon .. Laces, that were 5c the yard. v ' For 10c: " Embroidery that has often sold for - 25 arid 35c the yard: ) For $2.41: . Women's $3.00 - Mohair Bathing . Suite. ,-" 1 ' Your Car. Fare paid on purchases of $2.00 worth of over.""- may 26-tf Eyerything You Cjuld Think Of in the way of Pi(pnd Windows and a, great many, things yoiinever thought of y . but of which you stand in heed. - ' notgiveusachance to convince you that money 'spent will result in satisfaction giving. J. WvMurchlson & Co:, may 25-tf THE5 SOUTHERN NATION AL BANK ENJOY THE PIS-' Tl NOTION "OF BEING THE ONLY BANK IN NORTH CAR- OLINA TO START BUSINESS WITH A CASH SURPLUS OF ONE HUNDRED -THOUSAND DOLLARS, PAID IN BY ITS STOCKHOLDERS THIS, WITH TWO HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS CAPITAL,; ENABLES IT TO OFFER AB SOLUTE SECURITY, AND J-IB-ERAL; TREATMENT TO. ITS CUSTOMERS. j . may 25-tf ; , - .'li' . NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT OWNERS! - Owners, . Agents and Captains pf steamboats are requested to take "no tice that by direction of - the Mayor and "resolution 6t the Board of Alder; men, after;' 3iy days, the .provisions of the following . ordinance will , be en forced to, the letter: - . . . Sec. 4. -All steamboats plying on the river, within the corporate limits of the city, . shall be- provided " with spark arresters, or: some other- appli ance ' -for', preventing L-thev escape of sparks 1 ova cinders; "and the eithaust shall .not be discharged info y the smoke-stack. . Ant the owners or cap tain of , any boat ' moving" by steam within the limits, of the city, without having such safety appliances as afore- isaid, shall befined fifty; ($50) dollars for each, and every time, such boat may so move. l 'P' IF wfe&J'-cf-t'W ia N. J. WILLIAMS, . ' . Chief-of-Police. 1 ' J'f, -REBUIIIPIJ Has captured the town A: riot of Genuine Bargains Within Alt -Departments.. Our Store Will Remain opert Until : late Saturday Night but Come During the Morning, if Possible, and avoid the evening rushof eag:r Buyers: . -. - ' ' ' Fo: 71c: Chi Idren's Patent- Sandals,, sizei ..: "5 to 8, were 89c. Fop $1.94: V i Woman's Black and also Tan Ox fords, ; seven . different styles; ' !- have beea $2.50 arid $3.00. For $9.8: -'l . : : ' "Kirschbaum'f Suits for Men; tkat ' sold for $12.50. For' 1:69c: . ' " ' - Childrefa's .Russian Blouse ;Wai . r Suits - that- have ben $1.00.' sizes '3 -to' 8.' ' . ' " v For $1.42: Men's Straight and Roll Brimmed Hats. For 5c.r- All-Lkien 15c. Collars. . . For 35c: . - Men'3 Patent Seam Drawers, that were 50c , J For 41c: . - Men's 50c. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. '.-"' - For 47c: ' .-. Infant's White Lawn Caps ; that We have for sale investments paying from 4 pgpeft o '7 pes, ct. ' , . ' . " : : 1 For full particulars apply to C. -BOLLES & CO., " Telepnone Number 1320. ,may22-tf " IrQ!?3 , Under the same management for the coming , season on June 6th,-190 hauled and painted, Music the entire cueaira 01 iviempnis, Tenn. Hotel T Jt ' ni9slul.roes. no.ji'iies. Artesian Water. No mare delightful resort y For descriptive Booklet,. Rates, I' . J. , ; may20-3m ' .v - ' Best constructed, Best leasts tne longest. We.cart't tell , . .vi Seventeen reasons ,V:V u0" : Forty sizes. J 9 jThrs 'e CI08H June2nd. v. ' sold for 9 and 75c. , ' : be washed.. For 50c: Some cat . . Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Hats, d jFor 92c: .. , " vi oi.uu. ; Bed Spreads that have been nV et uiiti uavc ueen xyc. each For 25c; Two Pillow Caees that ha "19c;1 each. For 36c.; 26-inch Ladies' Umbrellas, Coi& For 47c: insertingthat have been 65c For $3.08: Canvas - Corered, Well . Mad. Trunks, Brass Lock and J3umpers were For 71c: . Women's beautiful embroidered Gowns, have been $1.00. No Goods Sent out on Approval. Terms cash. 415 Southern ' Building. . t Wilmington, N. C. Inl0tol, : the past seven years, will open for G. The Wpi t,o0 thMvnmr- season by Professor Weber's Celebrated and grounds lighted by electricity. No etc." Address. H. HINTON, Manager, r Wrightsville, N. C " - North Star REFRIGERATORS .... and BOXES finished. Best Ice Service,! - . , . you i all here thereyire . v why you should buy : and styles. F may22; Tu,Fri,Sun-tf . J 'may 25-tf mayl5-tf

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